Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1902, Image 1

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    The. Omaha Daily Bee.
JLttoraoy Baldwin and Other lik Crevsrner
to Bond Troopt to North FlitU.
.Oitiieni of Town Damonitrato that inch
, Aotioi is Hot Necessary,
people Oonrinoa Him Striken Art Oitiien
' of North Platte.
Say Mllltln Is Keeesaary In Order
ta Protect Property of Road at
This Polat, bat Cltlsens
ay Not.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. 17 (Spe.
clal Telegram.) Owing to a small demon
stration which strikers made at the train
Friday evening when a gang of Imported
labor paeaed through the city on their way
to Cheyenne, railroad authorities were in
strumental in having Governor Savage In
the city today.
This morning the governor met Messrs.
Dickinson, Baxter, Buckingham and Attor
ney Baldwin la the private car ot Mr. Dick
inson, and held a consultation of over an
hour. The railroad officials tried to Im
press upon ths governor the necessity of
calling out the state militia at this point,
claiming that their property was not being
protected, and the right ot running their
business was being interfered with.
In ths afternoon the governor met a
.committee of strikers, and several promi
nent business men In the Commercial club
rooms, and listened to their side of the
At this meeting It was clearly demon
strated that there was not any necessity
of calling out the militia, Ths governor
tated that he didn't see the necessity ot
mllltla, and would not call it out unless
the mayor or ahsrlS requested It, and then
be would heed their request and act
When the governor arrived In town and
his mission became known it waa a sur
prise to the cltlsens In general. The situa
tion her was not considered serious by
the citiiens, as a great majority ot the
strikers are .good eltisens and property
owners. The acts of a few are condemned,
not only by citiiens, but by the strikers
tnemseivee. Last night, owing to the re
mark made by on ot the officials to "Us
your clubs on the strikers," he waa hung
in effigy by some hoodlums of ths town.
iFrom a reliable source,' it is known that
1th strikers had nothing to do with the
'matter, and severely condemn th act.
Th striking' employes of th Union Pa
iclfla railroad held a plcnlo at picket sta
tion No. 1,'at the corner of Seventh and
Davenport streets, Sunday. There are
bout '100 ' pickets on guard, serving In
squads of twenty men each. Preparations
were made Baturday for a plcnlo dinner
at th station and by noon the lieutenants
in charge had brought together a large
dumber of their men. Secretary Qrace and
other officer of the organisation were
Invited and at 12: to the feast waa spread.
The bill of far was varied and extensive,
and about 100 men partook of the feast.
After the dinner tho men stood around
and talked over the situation.
The guard line of the company is not
far from ths station of the strikers' picket
and during th dinner the guards were
apparently interested spectators, but there
was no attention paid to them by the
Strikers. Secretary Orace professed to be
perfectly satisfied with th existing con
yfaar Old Soldiers Ar Gathering; at
Franklin t Talk Over
War Days.
FRANKLIN, Neb., Aug. IT. (Special
Telegram.) The committee who have been
la charge arranging and preparing ths
grounds for the Interstate Orand Army of
th Republlo reunion, which is to be held
her this week, have done their work
well. Everything Is la readlnees to open
the camping and In fact a good many are
Already on th ground. They are using
th fair ground and th Rose grove for
their camp, which Is leas than a half mils
from them. The tents ar pitched out on
the open In fair ground, while the speak
ers stand and midway Is In the grove.
No better plaoe could be had to hold a
meeting of thla kind. The fair grounds
tiar th race track and base ball grounds,
while th grov which Joins ths fair
ground has amp space and la always cool.
X Bice ereek runs through the grove. Some
Coed speakers will be In attendance and
tve talka dally. Sports of all kinds, such
as baa ball, basket ball and other gamea
Will he played dally. A good program will
be given each day, . A company of alxty
young women have been practicing and
re to give dally drills. Every Indication
la the reunion will be a auccess and a
DU Jacekwa (track While la Field
at Work aad Death 1
FREMONT. Neb., Aug. IT. (Special.)
Ole Jacobaon. a farmer residing about eight
mllea northweat of thla city In the Danish
settlement was killed by stroks of light
slug about I o'clock yasterday afternoon.
He was doing soms work with a team about
a mile from his houis when ths storm
came up. He was standing alongslds of ths
horses when there came a terrlflo flash of
lightning. An Instant later the frightened
fcorae were seen running towsrd ths bouse.
His body waa found where he was seen
standing by the team, and from all Indica
tions death was Instantaneous. Hs waa
about 45 years of age, and a succeaaful
Jennlns la Kadoraed.
DAVENPORT, Neb., Aug. IT. (Special.)
At the republican caucus held here last
bight, Hon. W. H. Jennings was endorsed
for state senator, and allowed to select the
delegates to the senatorial convention.
Which eoavenea at Hebrea on August 11.
Report at ta Uaak ot gpaln.
MADRID, Aug. IT. Ths report ot the
Sank ot Spain for ths week ended yester
day, shows the follow lag. . Uoid In hand.
Increase 129,000 peeetaa; atlver la hand,
Increaae 165,000 pesetas; aotea la circula
tion, decrease s.ltT.OOe peseta. Quid was
p.uot4 yesterday at MM.
Uaron Vok Walatershaaaea Foraeea
Political Coafederatloa of Inlted
tate f Central Earope.
BERLIN, Aug. IT. Baron August Bar
torlus von Walstershausen, professor of
political economy at Strauaburg university,
snd one of the leading German authorities
on American subjects, wt contribute a
striking article to a for ""g number
of the Zeltschrlft fur. So... 'iit cbaft
on the Ualted States of Cen. '"' , .
Ths writer will argue that W ' ft
European states will aooner or lau.
compelled to erect a common tariff barr
against the alms of the United States to
economic ascendancy or against thoee of
Great Britain with greatly moderated tar
iffs snd perhaps fres trsds between them
selves. Baron von Walsteraiiausen believes that
eventually a complete political union between
Germany, Austria, 8wttierland, Belgium and
Holland is probable, and that this union
will give these countries an Impregnable
economio position. The baron will argue
also that great "states Ilk the United States
and Russia possess recuperative powers su
perior to those of the Isolated and small
countries of western Europe.
In support of this statement he Instances
the fact that the United States Issued loans
at T per cent at the close of the civil war
and refunded these loans at S per cent In
Two Brltlah Barks Go Down la Btorm
aad Captala aad Crew Ar
CAPETOWN. Aug. IT. The statement ca
bled yesterday that the British bark Hlgb
landa. New York, for Eait London, had
been wrecked off this coast Is erroneous.
It has now teen learned that ons of the
vessels lost In the storm was ths British
bark, Hlghflelds, Captain Dunham, from
Cardiff, June 16, for Capetown, while th
other was the British bark, Brltus, Captain
Dallachle, from London, June I, to Table
The chief officer of Hlghflelds say
that bark sank almost instantly, and that
twenty-three of its crew wer drowned.
Captain Dunham, himself and ten men
clung to the bridge which floated, but the
captain and the others wer washed off.
The chief officer and two other men wer
rescued, after having been six hours In the
The British transport City of Lincoln
went ashore, and th German stesmer
Kaiser, from Hamburg, July 15, for east
Africa, waa damaged in to storm.
tmi i aiAwr- mtiiiAT nsAM n r
ii. l. muvu nunnwi uniuuuu
American Troop Will Attack Place
Where Mnrder ot Soldiers
Was Plotted.
MANILA, Aug. IT. Tb Moro situation In
Mindanao is considered critical. It Is be
lieved that American troop will soon move
against Baoolod, where the murder of two
men from ths Twenty-seventh regiment waa
plotted recently. A small party ot Moroa
surprised an outpost of th Twenty-seventh
at Camp Vlckera August T, and aucoseded
In killing two and wounding on American.
They , cam from Bacolod. Bitter opposi
tion exists against the Americans at Baco
lod, and Captain John J. Pershing of the
Fifteenth cavalry, commanding ths Amer
ican force at Lake Lanao, has recom
mended th reduction of the Bacolod fort
ress. General Chaffee, who recently left Ma
nila on a tour of final Inspection, reached
the island of Mindanao on Friday. In a
conference with the local commander, Gen
eral Chaffee argued that unless the Ameri
can forces moved decisively against the
hostiles they would lose the support of the
friendly Moro.
Persian Rnler Arrives at Seaport and
Will Proceed to London
LONDON, Aug. IT. Muisafar Ed-Din,
shah of Persia, arrived at Dover at nspn to
day on board th ateamer Empress, from
Calais. At th shah's request Empress made
the trip over at slow speed. The steamer
was escorted by th British cruisers Gala
tea and Immortallte, and was greeted by
salutes from th batteries at Dover and an
Imposing military display. -
The shah is said to bar exhibited great
nervouaness on embarking en Empress at
Calais for his first sea trip. But he bore
the Journey well and when Prince Arthur of
Connaught boarded Empress and greeted
him the shah smiled and conversed with
The shah and Prlnc Arthur walked to
gether through the cheering crowds at Dovsr
to ths Lord Warden hotel, where Munafar-Ed-DIn
will apend th bight, coming to
London tomorrow. . ,
Elaborate Ovation to Be Tendered
Governor on Arrival at Manila
MANILA, Aug. IT. Governor Tart Is ex
pected to reach here next Wednesday. He
left Singapore, Straits Settlements, last Fri
day on board ths United States gunboat
General Alava.
The plans for the reception to be given
Governor Taft are most elaborate. The
hipping in the harbor will be decorated
when he arrives and a procession ot small
craft Is to accompany General Alava up the
bay. A series of arches ar at present be
ing erected along the line of Governor Taft'a
march from the office ot th captain of the
port, where he will dlaetnbark from a
launch, to Valacanan palace, where a recep
tion will be given him. There will be a
banquet th evening of the governor' ar
Father McKlnnon Propose Schooling
Native Divine In Catholle gent.
, inarle la America.
MANILA, Aug. IT. Father McKlnnon,
who first came to the Philippines as a cap
tain ot ths First California, aad who Is
bow pastor of th Catholle church la Er
mite, Manila, suggests that when the Phil
ippine hierarchy la reorganised that 400
of the younger native priests be sent to
the Veiled State for a year's training in
Catholle seminaries. Fatbsr McKlnnon be
lieves such a training would impart to
them ths spirit of American priesthood
and a beneficial knowledge of Americans
and their languaga. Hs proposes to ask
American bishops to alet this project financially.
Member of Department of Agriculture.
Take Trip Over Great Northern.
President of Railroad Bay He I Hot
Aetnated by Philanthropic Mo
tives, but Bnslnesa Demands
Improved Rnadwaya.
'""rom a Staff Correspondent.)
ilNGTON, Aug. IT. (Special.) A
spec, train left Chicago the other day on
board of which were Measrs. Dodge, Abbott
and Richardson, agents of the public road
inquiry division of the department of agri
culture. These gentlemen are out for the
purpose of demonstrating that good wagon
roads csn be built in any section of the
country out of material of almost any sort.
Through the courtesy of President J. J.
Hill of the Greet Northern railroad, the
special train wss furnished. Mr. Hill Is
the first railroad man tn the northwest to
Interest himself In this matter. It la said
thst he watched, with gTeat Interest, like
demonstrations of roadmaklng tn ths south
ern states, and that be sought the first op
portunity to give the people of the section
in which he is most Interested an ocular
demonstration of scientific roadmaklng.
Mr. Hill has been known to carry Immi
grants In the past from St Paul to Seattle
at lees than half the actual cost of hand
ling. He did that for the purpose of build
ing up the country through which his rail
road runs. Now thst he hss people to popu
late his territory, Mr. Hill wants them to
have roads over which they can haul their
farm products to his stations at any and all
times. He doesn't profess to be actuated
by philanthropy In placing a special train
at the service of the government road
builders. It Is purely business with him.
If the farmers of Minnesota, Dakota, Mon
tana and Washington can, haul two tons
with the same team which can now only
draw one the Oreat Northern railroad will
benefit to a portion of the extent that the
owner of the grain is benefited.
The federal experiments in roadmaklng
have had wonderful effects upon the plan
tations of the south. Two or three years
ago a team of mules seldom hauled more
than two bales of cotton to market dver
the roads which preceded those now in use.
Today the aame mules draw from eight to
ten bale, and they waste less energy than
they formerly expended with a quarter of
the present load. .
It is not the intention of the federal gov
ernment to go Into road building as a gen
eral proposition. Thst Is purely a state
function. But the federal demonstrations
In the south and southwest have stimulated
the desire for roadways instead ot ruts, aul
reports from every section In which the
federal road train ha appeared Indicate
that the first lessons have had widespread
results in awakening the people to tb de
sirability of bettering their highways.
Grla-n-a Mar Fall Short.
Judge Griggs of Georgia, chairman ot the
democratic congressional committee, may
not be able to win enough seata from re
publicans to ensurs democratic control ot
the house of representative of thf Fifty
eighth congress, but he has demonstrated
that he ia Just the kind of man to conduct a
political campaign. He la In th prime ot
lit and la yet too young to have all the
prejudice of th southern man who had "a
career" before the war. He doea not be
lieve In conducting the fight upon the issues
of 1850-60, but is digging out material of
current inoment. Personally there Is no
more popular man In congress. Vigorous
and able, he Is an Ideal gentleman of the
newer southern school. He thinks that the
democratic party should "let the dead past
bury its dead" and fight npon the issues ot
today. The fundamental differences between
the democratic and republican party la the
doctrine of protection and Its relation to the
tariff schedule. Mr. Griggs has stirred up
a great deal of bother for some manufactur
ers whom he accuses of selling products to
foreigners at a lower price than the same
artloles are sold for in this country. Mr.
Griggs hss produced a great deal of litera
ture designed to prove that this is the case.
Perhaps If It falls to result-In securing the
election of a majority of the house pledged
to revise the tariff from top to bottom. It
may result In sending a few thousand more
Americans to Europ to purchase American
goods to be brought back here, because of
th lower European price.
But whether he succeeds or falls in his
effort to secure control ot th next house
for his party, he hss already secured the
friendship of his opponents because of the
clean campaign which he insists shall be
Gay 8asoa Promised.
People who ought to know say next win
ter will be the gayest season In a aoclety
way th national capital has even known.
The social pace In Washington la aet by
the president and bis cabinet. By Novem
ber nearly half a million dollars will have
been spent oo th White Hous. There
hav been residents who used th conserva
tory to grow cucumbers In and one president
kept his saddles In th east wing, but Pres
ident Roosevelt baa no such Ideas aa thess.
There are to be drawing rooms and veranda
and banquet rooms and rooms red, green and
blue where social functlona can be given
which will be In keeping with the dignity ot
the executive mansion. The president haa
left no room for speculation about the com
ing White Hous season. Mr. Roosevelt
loves work, but he loves play equally as
ell, and be has enough money to Indulge
bis tastes. Mr. Roosevelt is still young
and Miss Roosevelt Is going through an ex
perience thla summer which must give her
that repose and confidence which is required
from a hostess who must meet ths best so
ciety ot the world.
Work is being pushed on the Whit House
with msrvelous rapidity and It Is promised
In Its completion before congress convenes
In December. The old White House, In Its
arrangement, was a moat awkward home tn
which to entertain. The architect who has
charge of modernising th hous haa con
stantly borne In mind that It should bs
sdapted for atate banqueta and dinners,
large and small, and ao constructed that the
big formal receptions which have been a part
ot every administration could be given with
the greatest eass and dignity.
Conflagrations Ragr la Vicinity of
Florence aad Threaten Town
with Destrnetloa.
FLORENCE, Wis., Aug. IT Forest fires
that have been raging In this vicinity now
threaten the town and thla afternoon
the fire department was called out to pro
tect tne lumber yard aad aaw mill of D
8. Fuller.
Crops ' in ths vicinity ar seriouaW
threatened and word haa been received
from Commonwealth, a . mining village
aouth of here, that th cltlsens hav
banded together lo protect their homes,
Kelther Sid Wavers la Aathraelt
Strike, but Mitchell I Csal.
dent of Victory.
INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. IT. President John
Mitchell ot the United Mine Workers ot
America arrived hers today on hi way to
Spring Valley, 111., to visit his family.
While In the west Mr. Mitchell will go to
Chicago to confer with leaders of th
miners ot Illinois. He expects to start
back for Wllkesbarr Wednesday.
George W. Purcell of Terre Haute, mem
ber of th national executive board from
the Indiana district, who has been tn the
West Virginia strike field since the first
part of June, wss la the city also, and a
conference waa held between President
Mitchell, Secretary Wilson and Mr. Purcell.
President Mitchell declared that hli visit
to the national 'headquarters wss -merely
to look after routine office matters which
hav accumulated daring his absence in
the esst, and that it had no bearing on the
"The situation In tb strike field remsins
the same," said Mr. Mitchell. "There has
been no change, and I do not anticipate
aay until the trouble Is finally adjusted.
The men are JuBt aa determined as ever to
win, and will stick It out as long ss neces
sary, so that it all depends on the action
of the operators when the strike will termi
nate. "The financial end of the atrike is being
kept up in a very satisfactory manner, and
we have been able to relieve every case
of distress. There is no doubt that w will
be able to con tin Je to do this.
"It Is true that some of the miners hav
left the field. When th strike first broke
out quite a number ot the non-English-speaking
young men returned to their na
tive countries, and other miners have gone
to the bituminous field and secured em
ployment. There has been very little emi
gration of miner of late, however. I ex
pect that, all told, about 18,000 men have
left the anthracite field since the strike be
gan. Except for these, the number ot
strikers is as large as ever.
"There have been aome abipments of soft
coal into the eastern market, but I cannot
say how many tone have been sent there.
There have been no shipments of anthra
cite coal since the strlks began, and tb
supply of that artlot is now practically
Mr. Mitchell Insists the men must and
will win the strike. He left for ' Spring
Valley and Chicago tonight
WILKESBARRE. Pa., Aug. 17. Grand
Master Fltzpatrlck ot the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen haa about completed his
tour of th anthracite strike region. He
addressed local brotherhoods . In many
placea and It la sUd pointed out to the
members their dutv in case aav ot tb
coal carrying railroad should attempt to
ship coal from mines where nonunion men
were employed. Just what instructions
were given were not made public.
James Nelllgan, . an executive officer of
the Brotherhood of Railway Telegraphers,
was. In conference with officials at the
'miners' strike headquarters todajr. Hs said
his visit to headquarter had; nothing to
do with th miner' strike, j
It la amid n attempt win ' be mad to
start the Maltby colliery by the Lehigh
Valley Coal company tomorrow. - About
twenty electric light have been strung
within th enclosure and fully fifty coal
and Iron policemen were taken to the mlnea
this evening. The electrl lights will en
able the guards to be stationed at many
points and have a clear view ot all the
surroundings. One of the under superin
tendents of the company, when questioned
tonight, said hs was unable to say whether
or not an attempt would be made to start
work at the colliery. At atrike headquar
ters some of the officers are considerably
everclsed over the matter.
Rev. J. J. tCurran ot this city, who haa
figured prominently In ttu strike, said tn
his address at his church tonight that if
J. Plerpont Morgan did not do something
to bring the strike to a close It would last
for a 'long time.
Railway Maaraate Will Erect Mam
moth Stoel and Iron PInnt la
GREAT FALLS, Mont., Aug. IT. Presi
dent J. J., Hill of the Great Northern Rail
way company, who vlsltedv this city last
Wednesday, will erect a monster steel and
Iron plant, for which plana have been
drawn, according to those In close touch
with tb railway magnate.
Wednesday night, it has developed, Mr.
Hilt purchased a half interest In the Con
rad Iron mines of Chateau county for 125,
000. The mines He In the 8weetgras hills
and constltue a veritable mountain of the
mineral. There Is enough Iron or In sight
to keep an ordinary plant supplied for a
hundred years, according to Mr. Hill's ex
perts, who have examined the property. W.
G. Conrad, owner of the mines, hsa con
firmed the report of the ssle to Hill.
One factor which has been lacking In the
reduction ot the ore to metal has been man
ganese, which mineral Is necessary as a
flux In the smelting of the ore. To over
come this difficulty Mr. Hill, together with
United States Senator Parts Gibson, has
purchased tb recently discovered deposits
of manganese In Jefferson county, on the
line of the Great Northern.
Mr. Hill and his party Inspected the man
ganese deposits Friday and Hill expressed
himself In high terms regarding the show
ing made. Before leaving Great Fall Mr.
Hill made the remark that he would es
tablish an industry In Oreat Falls that
would employ more men than a number of
the railroads.
All along the line ot the Great Northern
system Mr. Hill has been acquiring Iron
deposits, paying for one group near th
Spokane A Northern line $50,000. This deal
waa made through J. D. Farrell, president
of the Pacific company.
Effort Will Bo Made to Settle Dlffleal.
tie Between Employe aad Chi
cap; Street Railway.
CHICAGO, Aug. IT. On mors effort will
be made tomorrow to reach an amicable
adjustment of the manifold differences ex
isting between the street car employe
and th various street railway lines of ths
The executive committee of the Chicago
Federation of Labor, will undertake the
task of bringing about a settlement of
the trouble. A meeting hss been arranged
tor tomorrow between the committee and
the officials of th street car lines, and it
Is bellavvd that an agreement favorable
to both parties will be reached.
The Federation at a meeting today
adopted resolutions declaring that In caae
the trouble cannot be aettled by arbitration
and it shall be necessary to call a strike,
the Federation will give the strikers the
moral support of th central bod.
Farmer Mayer of Gouioil Bluffs Geta Into
Politios Ouos Mere.
Says Party Will Coateat Itself with
These tor Preaoat, hat Later Will
Take Haad la Presiden
tial Campaign.
NEW YORK, Aug. lT.-(Special Tele,
gram.) W. R. Vaughan la at the Astor
house. Mr. Vaughan Is entitled to the dis
tinction ot having organised the first new
political party of the twentieth century. It
Is called "Vavghan'a Justice party," and
first ssw light of day at Washington.
"Our party of Justice Is already an aggres
sive force," said Mr. Vaughan. "It prom
ises liberty for all Americans. Liberty Is
unknown In this country. The new party
opposes all trusts and monopolies.
"I am In New York for the purpose of
arranging tor the holding of a convention
here of our party of Justice at an early
"We shall take a most active part In the
romlng congressional campaign. We are
sending to every man who received a con
gressional nomination, whether democrat,
republican, populist or what, a letter ask
ing him to define bis position on the vital
principle enunciated in our platform. If he
refuses to declare himself, or tries to evade
the matter, we will mark him as our enemy
snd will proceed forthwith to go after his
scalp. And we will come pretty near getting
It, too, make no mistake about that.
"I am no stranger to the political arena.
I was elected mayor ot Council Bluffs, la.,
three times a a democrat, and that town
has been, and Is yet, one of the republican
strongholds of the west. I afterwards served
five terms as police magistrate In the same
city. This fall we are going after congres
sional scalps. In 1904 we shall go after
bigger game, perhaps th presidency." .
Wedded Mlsa Clara Freeman of
Omaha, but Happiness Lasted
Only Five Months.
JERSEY CITY. N. J., Aug. IT. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Francis Child, who heard
testimony In the divorce proceedings brought
by Dr. Charles James Laffln against his wife,
has reported' to the court of chancery that
Mrs. Laffln's desertion, which formed ground
upon which th action was based, "Waa and
Is wilful, continued and obstinate."
Mrs. Laffln did not defend the suit. She
is a resiaent ot omana. Dr. Lanln is con
nected with a private hospital In New
York. He Is an Australian by birth.
Mrs. Laffin waa formerly Miss Clara Au
gusta Freeman. She became connected with
the City Missionary society of New York,
where Dr. Laffln met her. Ha had engaged
in missionary work in the Congo region
In Africa. Mutually attracted, the 'couple
wer married In Nova Scotia by tb bride's
brother six year ago.- v - '
According to- tn Sworn testimony cf Dr.
Laffin, their , happiness lasted only five
months. Then the wife disappeared. A
few daya later he was arrested and saw
his wife In court with her clergyman
brother. They had him sent to Bellevue as
Insane. He was discharged from there, and
haa not seen his wife alnce. He testified
that she was dissatisfied becsuse they did
not display enough style. It Is understood
that a decree of absolute divorce will be
granted. The address or occupation of Mrs.
Laffln In Omaha ia unknown hero.
Mann-led Remains of Mnn Fosad Hear
St. Panl and Murder Theory
ST. PAUL. Minn., Aug. IT. What the
police believe to be a murder waa discov
ered todsy, when a man with a bloody hand
kerchief flagged a Milwaukee train near
the flsh hatchery, and Informed the train
men that a man had been killed there.
The man who stopped the train disappeared
at once, and no trace of him haa been
The train crew made an investigation, and
found the remains of a man scattered along
the track for more than a mile. The cloth
ing found was such as Is worn by men In
prosperous circumstance, but neither
money nor Jewels was found. There waa
nothing by which the dead man could be
People In th vicinity wher th remains
wer found state they heard men engaged
In a row last night, and the theory of the
police is thst the unidentified man was
murdered and robbed and his remsins placed
on the track, where they would be mangled
by passing trains.
Creditor of EIla Company Will Ask
for Beeelver of Aaolllary In
Hawkay Stat.
CHICAGO, Aug. 17. Wlllfam Warfleld
Wilson, acting attorney for tb creditors
ot th Elgin Creamery company, which
failed ' yesterday, ' left tonight for ' Des
Moines, la., where he will appear before
the United States courta and ask for an
ancillary receiver for th creamery oper
ated by the concern In that stats.
Jcseph L. McNabb, another attorney haa
gone to Madison, Wis., to perform the
same mission ia that stats. The American
Trust and Savings bank has already been
appointed receiver at ths home office of the
company and an effort will be mads to
have the trust company mad receiver at
all points.
"Ths Elgin Creamery company has failed
becauss Its business waa expanded far
beyond the scope ot Its capital," said At
torney Wilson.
"It hope to be able to conduct th af
fairs of the company so thst all clalma will
be satisfied la full."
Employe la Lafayette, lad., Strike
Boycott on Company.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Aug. IT. Th Amal
gamated Order of Street Railway employee
today ordered a atrike on the Lafayette
Street Railway and th Central Labor union
declared a boycott against the company.
Union men oa the line quit work. Efforts
made last week to avoid the atrike failed.
The company refused to reinatat sev
eral men who were discharged and to
have any further conference with com
mittee or the union. Cars are running
as usual, but carry few paaaengers. The
union men started a line ot hacks. No
violence has been resorted to by the
Forecast for Nebraska Showers and Cooler
Monday; Tuesday Fair.
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Drs.
5 n. m. . . . . . tlM 1 p. m 77
an. m Ml a p. m T.H
T a. m... ... TO 8 p. m...... NO
a n. m...... 71 4 p. m Mil
f a. m 73 R p. srt M4
10 a. m 73 p. m '
11 a. m TB T p. m Ml
13 a Ttt 8 p. m f
O p. m TN
Trnln Bearing; Sla Handred Pleaanr
Seeker Crashes Into Freight,
Killing- Two.
CHICAGO, Aug. IT. Ons man was killed
outright and another waa probably fatally
Injured In a railroad wreck at Hammond,
Ind., early today. A Chicago A Erie freight
train standing on the tracks ot the Chicago
A Western Indiana railroad was crrshed into
by a special train on the Chicago, Indian
apolis A Louisville railroad bearing 600 ex
cursionists from Cincinnati. The excursion
train was runnng at a speed of forty miles
an hour when It smashed into the caboose
ot the freight train.
George W. Farrts, 21 years of age, of Cave
City, Ky., and j employed by the La t robe
Steel company at Melrose, III., was In
stantly killed. HI brother, Daniel E. Far
rls, aged 28 years, a telegraph operator em
ployed by the Grand Trunk railroad at
Millett, Mich., was probably fatally In
jured. 1 &
None of toe passengers on the excursion
train was seriously Injured.
' The Fartls brothers were riding in tb
caboose of'the freight train.
Several of the excursionists who were
painfully cut and bruised had their wounds
dressed at the Hammond hospital, but the
hospital attendants did not take their
name. The locomotive and the baggage
car of the excursion train were badly
wrecked, but the passenger coaches were
not so much damaged, and as soon as tho
tracks could be cleared the excursion-train
proceeded toward Cincinnati with all Its
Belli Mitchell and Catherine Hogsn
Become Life Members of Sister
of Providence.
RICHMOND, Ind., Aug. IT. (Special Tel
egram.) The annual retreat of 800 sisters
of Providence of the United States at the
mother home, St. Mary's of the Woods,
closed todsy at the end of ten days spent
In silent prsyer by the sisters.
On the anniversary of the feast of as
sumption, novices are received Into the
order and a class of twelve young women
mad their first vows and took the habit.
The Impressive ceremonies were held In
the marble chapel and were conducted
by Bishop O'Donough of Indianapolis, as
sisted by a number of priests. The young
women first appeared attired In white
as brides of the church and kneeling at
the altar, mads their first vow after which
they rsjtlrcd to th vestibule and reappeared-
at - the altar In the black habit
of the order. They will make renewals
of their vows several times before they
are finally accepted aa life members of
the religious body. Among the young
women, received Into the order were: Nel
lie. Mitchell and Katberlne Hogan of
Omaha, Neb.
lateada to Hand Police Commission,
er His Resignation a an
Officer Today.
Police Captain D. W. Her, who was re
duced to the ranks by the governor's new
board of fire and police commissioners, will
today hand In his resignation to tho board.
In the resignation Captain Her expresses
his thanks to Chief of Police Donahue for
many favors and tor the treatment he had
received while a member of the police de
partment When Captain Her waa reduced to the
ranks he applied for and was granted a ten
daya' leave of absence, and since the ap
pointment of the new board be has not worn
a uniform or done police duty. His leave
of absence has expired.
Captain Her has been a member of the
department tor over eleven years, and haa
worked hi way to the captaincy from a
patrolman. He was appointed captain three
yeara ago. He had the respect of the men
who worked under him, and waa an effi
cient officer.
Child Mlstka for Paper Is Shot
Dead by Mlanesota Militia
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. IT. A trsgedy
stopped th target practice of Company F,
First regiment, Minnesota national guard,
at Columbia rldg today. John Klsko, 3
years old, who lived near the ridge, waa
playing In dangerous proximity to ths line
of fire, and after having been put off the
rang several times stole to a point about
fifteen yarda to the right of th target.
Captain P. A. Walton was testing a re
peating rifle when he aaw what appeared
to be a sheet ot paper flopping from a
bush near the target. He, fired at it, and
at the next Instant the boy sprang up and
sank back, dying, only fifty yards from
Captain Walton. The militia officer put
himself at the disposal of tb police, but
was not arrested.
President Roosevelt aad Family Leave
Oyster Bay Monday aad Retara
to Wnshlna-ton.
OYSTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. IT. Prealdent
Roosevelt and family attended Christ Epis
copal church today. Dr. P. M. Rlxey, sur
geon general of th United States navy,
and Mr. Rlxey spsnt tb day at Sagamor
Hill. They will return to Washington to
morrow. Dr. Rlxey said that he had heard from
Mrs. McKlnley in ths last few days and
that ber health was very satisfactory.
Movement of Ocean Vessels, A a a;. IT.
At New York Arrived Columbia, from
Glasgow and Movlile; Cymric, from Liver
pool snd Queenstown; Bt. Louis, from
Southampton and Cherbourg.
At Liverpool Arrived Ktrurla, from Nsw
York, via OJueenstowa.
At Hamburg Arrived Oraf Walderaee,
frum New York, vW Plymouth and Cher
bourg. At Movlile Arrived Parisian, from Mont
real and Quebec, for Liverpool, and pro
ceeded. At Naples Sailed Vancouver. frnrn
Genoa, for Hoaton.
At Queenatown Balled Lucanla, from
Liverpool, for New York.
At Philadelphia Arrived I.lvonlan, from
Glasgow, via ttt. Johns and Halifax.
At Hlogo Arrived Ping 6uev, via Glas
gow and Quasustewa, fur ecattlf.
GaneraU Batha, Dewet aid Delarey Be-
ceivsd on the Koyal Yacht.
Than Warmly Received by Zing on Board
, ( Victoria and Alberta.
Praieg Their Fortitude, Kindneu and
Bravery During Time of War.
Secretary's Solicitation to Witness
Review gives Cold Rhonlrier hy
Booth African Visitor, but
Kins' Readily Accepted.
LONDON, Aug. IT! Th Boer generals.
Botha, Dewet and Delarey, who reached hers
yesterday from South Africa, left London
at 9:30 this morning for Cowes, Isle ol
Wight, to see King Edward on board the
royal yacht Victoria and Alberta.
The hour of the ccnersls denartura from
London was kept secret, contequently ths
streets were deserted when the three n.
erals, accompanied by their aecretarlet,
started for Cowes. They were stylishly at
tired In frock coata and silk hat.
Upon arrival at Southampton th Boet
generals were welcomed on the commander-in-chief's
yacht. Wildfire, by General Rob
erts and Lord Kitchener. They Immediately
visited King Edward on Victoria and Al
berta and were taken for a trlD around tha
fleet on Wildfire. They returned to London
tnla evening, accompanied by Earl Roberta
and General Lord Kitchener, who took leave
of the Boers at Waterloo station.
In an Interview with a representative ot
the Associated Press, General Botha's sec
retary described the visit to his malestv.
Hs said that when the Boers boarded th
royal yacht King Edward came forward and,
after they had been introduced, shook hands
with each of them. The Boers were highly
pleased with their reception.
After a brief and Informal talk of a non
political character with King Edward, they
were Introduced to Queen Alexandra and
Princess Victoria.
Kdvrard Lands Genernls.
The reception by hi majesty lasted A
quarter of an hour. The king spoke of th
gallant and brave manner "In which th
generals had fought through the long and
arduous campaign," and of th "considera
tion and kindness" with which tha generala
had treated British wounded. His majesty
expressed his warm wishes for their futures.
It was at the klng'a suggestion that th
Boers took the trip around th fleet on
board Wildfire.
During the voyag from South Africa,
General Dcwet did not mix much with hla
fellow passengers. He was engaged most ot
the time In writing bis book on th South
African war. In common with hla colleagusa,
snapshot photographs were constantly be
ing taken of him and he was worried with
requests for his autograph until he had to
protest against the nuisance.
Oeneral Botha on the other hand waa
extremely genial, and entered Into all the
sports on shipboard. He was constantly
in the smoking room, where he played
General Delarey, besides playing
draughts took keen pleasure In discussions
with British army officers on board the
steamer. It Is sail that Oeneral Botha
is greatly annoyed that his home at Vry
hcid haa been annexed to Natal. The
premier of Natal Is said to have offered
General Botha a place In the Natal i
Istry, which the general has declined.
Disturb Chaniberlnln's Finns.
The refusal of the Boer general to wit
ness the maneuvers ot the fleet at Spit
head or see King Edward yesterday caused
great exultation In the Continental press
and undoubtedly upset the plans of Colonial
Secretary Chamberlain.
Mr. Chamberlain had appeared extremely
anxious that the generals should see no
newspaper reports before their visit to
King Edward, and he accordingly causod
Instructions to be Issued that no reporters
be allowed on board Wildfire or Ni
geria, while very unusual Instructions wer
placed on all reporters.
The general Impression Is that General
Botha and hla companions declined the
Invitation to witness the review and se
King Edward because It came direct from
Mr. Chamberlain, but on receiving the
king's personal invitation tor Sunday they
readily accepted.
BERLIN, Aug. IT. The Boer generals,
Dewet, Delarey and Botha ar expected
to reach here next Tuesday, for th fu
neral of General Lucas Meyer.
Enormous crowds viewed ths embalmed
body of Lucas Meyer today, Ths remains
will be taken to South Africa. Among
the many wreathe sent for th funeral
of th general wer one from former Pres
ident Kruger, and from Joseph Chamber
lain, th British colonial secreary. Th
wreath aent by Mr. Chamberlain was com
posed of splendid orchids. .
Supposed to Contain Body of C. g.
Morris, bnt a Cak ot Ic
Aloao la Found.
GUTHRIE, Okla., Aug. IT. A grave near
Orlando, a town a short dlstanc from
Guthrie. In which C. B. Morris, th
on, Kan., man who was reported last week
to nave Deen killed, was opened today in
ths presence of 600 persons and found to
be empty. Friends of Morris who believed
that he had been murdered had requested
the authorities to exhume the body. Tele
grama of inquiry have been received from
Morris' wifs and from Insurance orders In
Madison of which hs was a member.
Morris appeared here a week ago In com
pany with a man who gave hia name as
Cox and who represented himself to be a
loan agent. On Monday Cox reported that
Morris had been killed in a runaway
dent. The man purchased a lot In a coun
try cemetery near Orlando and bought a
coffin, which he buried with the assistant
of a colored man.
The coffin today contained a cak of Ice
weighing about two pounds. Evldeatly it
hsd been filled with ice when It wss burled.
Tbe police have no clue to the wberssbout
of either man.
CHANDLER, Okla.. Aug. IT. A man
giving bis nauis aa John Cox was arrested
here today for making a gunplsy. H
has been held for Invest Igstion at tb re
quest of th Guthrie authorities.
Iadlaa Kill Sob-Cnirf.
ANADARKO, Okl., Aug. lT.-In a fight
among Kiowa In. linns nenr here Frank
hasin, a sub-chief, has been killed by a
favltun led by his mother-in-law.