Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Thrse Omaha Lsuifts Ears a Real Expert
snce f Heir Own.
Fair Banditti Captre ay Tliel Pro
peeea Captive and nivea Rid
that They Werei Hot
Looking- Far.
A trio of local society favorites who
have been summering at one of the popu
lar north-shore, Lake Michigan resorts
started out In search of adventura en
day last week. It wa at that hour of
tba day when those who are not down at
the beach are lounging about the hotel
verandas, leaving the upper part' of town
safely cleared of all whoso oplnlopt night
count with a aummer girl.'
Just what to do waa tba question., Nu
merous plana were discussed, but none
seemed to . Include the deilred elements
of audacity, adventure and safety until a
two-wheel vegetable cart, drawn by
most harmless looking home and driven
by a mora barmleaa looking driver, ap
peared around the corner.
"Just the thing," aatd the leader. "Let's
bold him up and make blm give ua ride
and not pay for It." (It la well under
stood In C that all who would ride
must pay tha 10-cent fee unleas a driver
happens to be sufficiently, hospitable to a
give a "hike.") The girls wera agreed
and filed out Into tha atreet aa the cart
approached. "Dive ua a hike!" called the
leador. "Three for a quarter," responded
the driver, slowing up. Such resistance
was unexpected and promised eplce to tha
"Where are you going?" demanded tha
other girl, and tha driver waved his hand
In the direction of that indefinite locality
known aa the "country."
It seemed safe enough and the girls
climbed In over the high wheela and took
up their position standing among tha vege
tables In tha very sloping bottom of the
cart, holding to each other, tha leader
clutching tba drtver'a ahouldor for sup
port as tha vehicle started on. It waa
immensely Jolly for a few blocks, a the
I old horse Jolted along and above the
ounclng and banging of tha sprlngless
box tha blrls discussed over each other's
shoulders plans for breaking to their
driver tba news of his captivity. But for
some reaaon none of them just liked the
actual telling to him of their bandit
"Well, let's pay blm for It and then'
we won't have to tell him," said on.
"No, sir, wa started out for an adventure
and that would apoll It all," said - the
leader. "Wa won't pay him a cent."
"Well, for goodness sake, girls, do de
cide upon something quick, for this bounc
ing old cart has fairly driven these high
heels through the middle of my foot and
I can't stand It much longer," said tha
third. ' . '
"I Just knew you would back out and
spoil it all," said the leader. "Stand on
your toes and then you won't,"
and In her disgust she was about to ad
dress tha driver when tha trto simultane
ously discovered that that Individual had
turned hla back on bis original destina
tion and waa rounding a oorner la front
of ona of tha large hotels.
"Mercy! Where are you going?" cried
one. ' .
"And tha veranda Is full, too," groaned
tha other, ' N
"Tou wretch, you said you ware going
to tha country," muttered tha leader,
clutching hla shoulder la a grip that bad
'not held a golf stick for nothing.
"That's when I thought you'se was goln"
to pay ma fur tha hike," replied tba man
as ha touched up the horso and set tha old
I cart to bouncing and rattling la a manner
that for a few moments wholly engaged
the attention of the girls also that of the
several seorea of guest on the bote!
'veranda. By tha time tha hotel and the
Immediate danger of being bounced out
lot the cart were passed tha situation
which had seemed so promising at tha out
set seemed quite reversed and as tha driv
ing party approached another of tha large
hotels even the leader had been reduced
to tears and tha most bumble pleading.
Tha driver was not so easily melted, bow
aver, and It was not, until be had driven
recklessly past every hotel In town 'that
be finally aaslstsd bis captives to alight
at tba kitchen door of ona of tha largest.
It waa a tear-stained, disheveled trto,
Indeed, that made Its way up tha back
streets and by side entrances to their own
apartments, but they had at leaat had the
satisfaction of having a real experience.
, The interstate tennis tournament at the
Flold club promisee to take first place la
tha interest of the fashionables this week,
and tha feminine halt have announced that
aside from tbls they ara making a en
gagement. Of course, this does not In
clude Thursday evening, for everybody In
tends attendiug tha opening of tha Musical
festival, and it is understood that soolety
expects Ur be present almost In a body.
There has been an unusual number at
interesting wedding announcements of lata,
unusual for this aeaaoa of tba year, but of
oui all that of His Wakeley and Mr. Craln
was perhaps tha most pleasant and Inter-
f Tlies Inimitable, Proofl
y of a shoe is the wearing thereof. j
if ' s
fit when others seem to fit and where
others fall to fit.
It Is the 'shapes they ara made la
combined with the eleganca of work
manship' that causes this perfected,
American shoe to be la great demand
not only from Atlantic to Pacific, but
all over tha world wherever sold la
tha United States the pries la the
C3.G0 Ahvayo
Women with tender feet find Im
mediate relief by our tnade-omeas-ure
system of fitting.
Tba price of Borosls shoes tor
women never changes IS. I0 always.
Our Monogram' ahoes ara f 1.(0 al
ways. II
203 S. 15th St., OMAHA.
Karkack Bloek.
Frank Wilcox. MaB-r.
Bend for catalogue wa carry so
men's shoes.
v .. J
f A
ating, and with tba wedding to follow this
week there has been a whole round of
glven-ln-hoanr affairs; In fact, there have
ot been afternoons and evenings enough
to go round since Mr. Craln arrived the
last of the week.
Only eight women entered tha Wednes
day sfternoon game played at the Country
club for the Bldwell prise, and It was
nearly 7 o'clock before tha flnlrh waa
reached. Mrs. Arthur Remington made the
low score, 109; Mrs. J. H. Butler, 118; Mrs.
Bpraaue, 11T; Mr. Dan Wheeler, IBS; Mrts
Mercer, lit; Miss Ellen McShane, 120; Mm.
L A. Coles, 127, and Miss Dewey, 121.
There was tha usual number of small
dinners and Informal luncheons at the
Country club last week, all so Informal, In
fact, that somebody's else Invitation alone
distinguished them from any of the other
dinners that were served to other members
of society that happened to dins there.
Movemeats aa Wktrfabaata.
Mrs. Heth Is at Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Mr. Fred Nash has returned from Charle
voix. Mr. Charles Oeorge bas gone to Dome
Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Taylor ara at Lake
Mrs. Harry Weller is visiting ber sister
in Iowa.
Miss Oracle Lowe la visiting relatives at
Barnard, Mo.
Mrs. Elijah Stoddard U visiting friends
In Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stewart have gone to
Lake Mlnnetonka.
Dr. Owens Is back from an outing at
Lake Washington.
Mrs. B. M. Moraman bas returned from
Watklns Glenn, N. Y.
Judge and Mrs. McHugh have returned
from a trip to Europe.
Rev. Mr. Da Witt Long and Miss Long
are visiting la Colorado. .
Mia Fannla Ward has gone for a visit
with friends la Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gates sailed for
home oa last Thursday.
Miss Clara Hervey is visiting ber uncle,
D. A. Campbell, In Denver.
Dr. J. M. Borglum is back from a visit
with bla sons In New Tork. 1
J. Watts Judsoa of Chicago Is visiting
bis nephew, F. W. Judson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hayes spent last
week at Yellowstone park.
Miss Lenora Hedendahl bas returned from
a visit with friends la Illinois. '
Mr. N. P. Dodga Is la Boston,- expecting
to spend several weeks there.
Misses Nannie and Bell Kenney bava gone
to Chicago for a two weeks' stay.
Mrs. R. D. Stearns returned home Fri
day evening from Kansas City.
Mr. R, S. Wilcox, accompanied by Mr. Ed
Wilcox, bas gone to New Tork.
Mr. W.- H. McCord Joined Mrs. McCord
at Bwampscott, Mass., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Selby have spent tba
last two weeks In Tellowstons park.
Jir. Etocitc Htii ! "','s tha week
at the Cudahy cottage at Mackinac.
Mr. P. A. Froeblch and wlfa have returned
from a visit to Chicago and tba lakes.
Mrs. O. W. Wattles and Miss Thomas are
back from a visit to Hot Springs, 8. D.
Mrs. H. IL Fish and son have returned
from a three weeks' outing in Wisconsin.
' Miss Bertha Montgomery left Saturday
for an extended visit la Grafton, W. Va.
Mrs. J. E. Horn and bar daughter, Helen,
have returned from a visit to St. Edwards,
Miss Jessie Ooets and Master Harry
Ooets left yesterday for a visit In Cincin
nati. . ,.. .... , .
Mr, Charles 8. Young returned on Tues
day from a month's trip to tha Paclflo
Mrs. C. W. Hull is expected home about
the first of tba month from a visit la New
. Miss Barnhart left last evening to spend
a week la Kansas City and southern Mis
souri. Miss Lydla Moore expects to leave tbls
week for the east, to be absent for several
Mrs. "B. B. Wood and Miss Wood ara ex
pected home from Okobojl the first of the
Mlsa Pearl MacCoy bas returned from St.
Loula, where aha baa been vialtlng the past
month, i
Judge and Mrs. Ogdea are expected borne
from Catalina Island about the first ot Sep
tember. .
Miss A. Wbltmarab axpaota to go to St.
Joseph-, tomorrow for a mouth's visit with
Mr. Wilfred L. McBweeney has returned
from a tea days' trip through tha south
and east.
Mr. and Mrs. 0eorge Thummel and chil
dren ara enjoying a ten days' outing at
Bylvaa Lake. . .
Mlsa Blanche Rosewater bas returned
from a visit of several weeks with friends
la tha east v 1
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English expect to
make tha Yellowstone trip about the 1Mb.
ot this month.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I Whitney and little
daughter have . gone . to Prior lake for a
week's outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Copley and daugh
ter left last evening tor a trip through Yel
lowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hamilton pf 12
Looust street bava gone tor a three weeks'
trip to Colorado. ,
Mrs. Blerbower accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Oreea to Rye Beach the early
part of tha week.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton returned
oa Saturday from a tea days' trip through
Yellowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates, Miss
Yates, Mlsa Johnson, and Mr. Ritchardson
ara at Dome Lake.
Mlsa Bacba Is tha guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clspp at their home oa North
Thirty-second street.
Mrs. Clement Chase and children are lo
cated for the rest of the summer at High
lands, Kates Park, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry SVymaa bava re
turned from a visit of several weeks with
friends la Princeton, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gurley and their
gueet. Miss Buckeye of Washington. D. C,
spirit last week In Denver.
Mrs. M. A.' Collins and ber little son are
visiting the Mount-Collins ranch In the
western part ot tha state.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Muna and Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Palmatler ara spending a few
daya at Lake Mlnnetonka.
Misses Katharine and Isabel Mllroy have
returned from a fortnight's visit at the
Powell ranch near Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cock roll bava gone
to Hot Springs, 8. D , where It la hoped
Mr. Cockrell's health will Improve.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klrechbaum spent
a part of last week la NbraA CUy, lui
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levi.
Mr. ssd Mr-. !! f. ri ara la PfclU.
delpbU attending the funeral at Mr. Ely's
brother. While la the east they expect to
visit Newport and Saratoga.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Straight and family
are spending tha summer at Lake Okobojl.
They entertained at their summer home
lut weak Mr. and Mrs. George v. tioobler,
and thla week will entertain Mr. and Mrs.
J. IL Zlpfel.
Mrs. James P. Redman Is visiting friends
In Chicago.
Mrs. Ada Martin bas returned from a
two months' visit In Chicago.
Mrs. R. A. Wllber ot 107 St. Marys av
enue Is visiting In Buffalo, N. Y.
Mra. John Francis and Miss Francis re
turned on Thursday from Yellowstone park.
MUses Anna and Roberta Stringfellow
have returned from a visit of several weeks
with friends In St. Joseph.
Mr. Nathan E. Adams will spend tha re
mainder of tha summer In Minneapolis sod
at tha lakes ot that vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McShane, Miss Maria
McSbana and Mr. Frank Furay attended the
Elks' convention In Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Herman Xountse and Miss Cotton re
turned yesterday morning from Charlevoix,
where they have spent the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mra. 8. J. lograham left Omaha
on Thursday evening for Minneapolis, where
they expect to make their home la future.
. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, Jr., re
turned on Tuesday from a two weeks' out
ing on Mr. Clarke's ranch near Dwlght,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green left last week
for Rye Beach, where they will spend a
fortnight before going to the White moun
tains. Mr. R. A. Leuhart left on Thuraday for
Johnstown, Pa., where he Joined bla wife
and daughter, who bava been summering la
the asst.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robblns have given up
their residence on South Tenth street and
have taken apartments at tha Murray for
tha winter.
Mrs. John Butler and Miss Margaret of
1809 California street left oa Wednesday
evening for a three weeks' visit with friends
in Chlcsgo.
Mrs. Frank Judsoa and ber guest. Miss
Yaughan of Minneapolis, returned oa
Thursday from a ten days' visit at Hot
Springs, 8. D.
Mrs. Wilson Lowe and Mias Lydla Moore
expect to leave tha middle ot the week for
Cohasset, Mass., where they will spend a
fortnight visiting friends.
Mias Minnie Montgomery left last week
for Minneapolis, where she will Join Miss
LUlle Miller, and together tbey will spend
a fsw weeks at the lakes.
Mrs. J. M. Cornish, accompanied by ber
daughter, Mrs. Hertsch, bas returned front
a visit to ber soa's ranch, "Meadow," la tha
Western part of the state.
Mrs. Estella Rodger has returned from
a couple of months'. sojourn la Denver and
vicinity, where she has been spending the
summer with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bldwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Joslyn, jMr. Yost and Mr. Georg Bldwell
have returned from Waupaoa, where tbey
spent several days with Mrs. Offutt. -
Miss Borglum and Miss Harriet Borglum
left on Saturday for a visit in California.
Mlsa Harriet will remain there and enter
Leland Stanford Jr., unlveaslty In tha fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3. Kelly visited
Miss McMenemy at Blair last week, and
will leaya oa Thursday next for Chicago
and eastern points. Tbey will ltu7 Zi
tember S.
Mr. G. ' Carlton Whartoa bas returned
from Lake Okobojl, where be has been the
guest of Mr. Tom Davis for tha last three
weeks and bas gone to Mount Pleaaant, la.,
to visit friend.
Dr. and Mra. Thomas Ward and Miss
Edith Ward, who have been abroad for
several months, returned boms on-Tuesday
morning, having visited England, Germany,
Italy and Austria.
Mr. H. D. Neeiy loft Friday evening for
Madlsoa Lake, Minn., on a fishing trip. Ha
will return on Monday morning, accom
panied by bla son, Donald, who baa spent
the summer at tha lake.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thompson and son
left on Wednesday lor Duluth, from where
they will make the trip through the lakes.
They expect to spend soma time visiting la
the east before returning home.
Mas May Rothschild, accompanied by Miss
Wolf, who bas been visiting her for several
weeks, went to Nebraska City the aarly
part of tha week, where they were the
guests for several days ot Mr. and Mra,
Eugene Levi. '
Mrs. Myron Learned and Mr. Will Pop
pletoa returned from the east the early
pert of the week and on Monday Mr. and
Mrs. Learned will leave for Three Lakes,
Wis., where they will remain until the
first of September. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Utt, accompanied by
their soa and daughter, ara enjoying tha
trip through tha lakes, having started from
Dulutb early la tha week. They will visit
Mackinac, Charlevoix, Buffalo and several
other eastern places while absent. ..
Mr. Frank Hamilton left on Sunday even-,
ing for aa -eastern trip, which Is to occupy
several weeks. Ha expect to visit New
York sod .Boston, and also spend soma time
at Bwampscott, where Mrs. Hamilton and
the Misses Hamilton are summering.
Oat -of Town Gwaats.
Mr. Bremmer of Dea Moines bas been vis
iting Captain and Mrs. McKall.
Mrs. Alexander of Kansas City Is Mrs.
Klrkendall's guest this week.
Miss Wadley of Dubuque. Ia.. la the
guest this week of Miss Bess Her. . .. .
Mr. W. E. Elabaugh of Akron, O., bas
beea tha guest of bis brother. Judge 81a
baugb. Dr. and Mrs. Manker of Rod Oak, la.,
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Temple
ton. Miss Irvine of Sioux City, who bas beea
Miss Mount's guest, bas returned to her
home. -
Mrs. Charles Fisher Is entertaining ber
cetber tht week, Mrs. Hunter of Des
Mrs. T. A. Hedtndahl bas as ber guest
her sister, Mrs. E. I Ives,' of Blooming
ton, 111.
Miss Sadia Mannhelmer of Chicago la
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller and Miss
Julia Long. ,
Mrs. A. P. Metcalf of Lincoln Is the
guest of Mrs. Joseph Metcalf of 1210 South
Eleventh atreet.
Miss Grace Sharp ot Kansas City, formerly
of Omaha, la spending tha month visiting
Omaha friends.
, Miss Anderson of Tayloraville, 111., ar
rived last week to be the guest of Mrs.
Luther Kountaav
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Peak Of Lincoln spent
a part of last week the guest of Miss Mary
Peak of this city.
Mrs. Charles Alscbuler ot Aurora, 111.,
who has been Mrs. Sol Degen's guest, has
returned to ber home.
Miss Watklns of Lincoln waa the, guest
laat week of Miss Herberts Jaynes at ber
home ' la Kountse Place.
Mr. Charles Edward Craln of Springfield,
O., arrived oa the laat of the week and a
a gueat at the Omaha club.
Miss Bertha L Reinert and Mrs. Margaret
Killlngsworth of Denver ara tha guests of
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Osgood.
Mia Glass of Napoleon, O., Is ths tpjeat
this week of Mrs. Gaorg R. Manchester
at bar boms oa Park avenue.
Misses Alice and Hasel Maarld of Lin
coln are vialtlng Miss Blanche Howlaad at
bar boms, 161S South Thirty-second street.
Miss Carrie Hecninc and her soother, Mrs.
Hennlng of Galena. 111., who ara taking a
three months' trip to Hot Springs, B. D.,
and Yellowstone park fur ber mother's
health stopped over la Omaha during the
last. week and wera guests at tha bom of
Mr. nd Mrs. Charles II. rieette.
Miss Helen Wilson, who bas been visit.
Ing Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorire Eddy, bas re
turned to ber bom la New York. '
Miss Ruth Grsy of Toledo, la.. Is tb
guest of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr.
Charles D. Thompson, 2124 ouglaa street.
Mrs. Samuel E. Wherrltt of Chicago Is
visiting at the bora of Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Standlsh, 1227 South Thirty-first street.
Mr. D. J. Lindsay of Chicago spent the
early part of last week visiting at the
home of bis brother, Mr. 8. W. Lindsay,
oa Bouth Thirty-first atreet.
Mrs. Martin OberftHder and children,
who have beea the guests of Mr. Bea
Newmaa for several months, returned oa
Saturday to their home la Chicago.
Judge and Mrs. Bea 8. Baker spent last
week visiting among Omaha friends, while
In the city anrouta from a trip through tha
Yellowstone to their boms in New Mexico.
Mrs. Robert Gutahall, nee Mias Marguer
ite Ponder, formerly of this city, but now
of Denver, Is visiting with ber stater, Mrs.
Howard Benawa, and cousin, Mrs. W. C
Bouk ' '
Mrs. O. Goldman, Mr. M.""s. Miller and
Miss Heleq Joseph, enrout from Denver to
Des Moines, will visit Mrs. H. Miller and
Mrs. 8. Livingston, this week. Tbey are
expected Wednesday.
Miss Jeaa Mortoa of Chicago! was the
guest the early part of last week of Judge
and Mrs. Lake and 1 now visiting friends
In Nebraska City. Eh Is expected to re
turn to Omaha soon; when she will visit
at the borne ot Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith
on Park avenue.
octal Chit-Cftat.
Xr. and Mrs. Nash returned from tb
east on Monday.
Mrs. F. A. Brogaa was called to Kansas
City laat week by the serious illness ot
her sister.
Mis Florence Lewis ha returned from
a visit of several weeks with friends la
Princeton, 111.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountse expect to leave
this week for West Hampton, L. I.; to Join
Mrs. Kountse there.
Mrs. Dallas Bacha Is expected la Omaha
early In September to be tha guest of Mr.
and Mr. Charles Clapp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McShane and Miss
Mary McShane will sail on Thursday from
Southampton for New York.
Mr. F. A. Green, who wa brought bom
seriously 111 from Manitou, Is recovering at
her home, at 29S9 Poppletoa avenue.
Mr. . Ralph Connell cam up this week
from bla ranch In New Mexloo and will
spend several weeks visiting bis parents.
Mrs. 8. 8. Curtis and the Misses Curtis
have given up their cottage at Lake For
rest and will, go this week to Weeque
tobslng, Mich.
Miss Lynn Curtis, who ha been summer
ing at Forrest lake, expect to leave soon
for Europe to Join Mr. Avery, who Is trav
eling oa tb eontlnent.
Mr. Charles H. Pickens, who bas spent
the . summer abroad In company with Mr.
W. 8. Wright, was registered at tb Wal
dorf-Astoria last week.
A : message . ha . been received by Judge, announcing the safe arrival In San
Francisco of Lieutenant Will Doan and
Miss Doan from Manila. ,
Mrs. Offirtt and children will give up their
cottage at Wauploa on Wednesday and after
a week's visit at Prior Lake will return
to their boms In Omaha.
Mis Frances Burleigh ot New York and
Miss Ida Bolsbaw ot Lincoln bav been the
guests of Mrs. A. O. Peterson, . 2626 Parker
street, during tb last week.
Tb MUses Crouns are expected bom
tbls week from a visit ot several weeks la
tb east. Whll In New York they were
guests at the aummer bom of Mr. and Mrs.
Kllpatrlck. '
After a most enjoyable visit with Bishop
and Mrs. Worthlngton 1 at their borne In
Ptttsfleld, Mass., Bishop and Mrs. Williams
have gone to Owen Sound, where they now
are., They expect to go to Mackinao about
the last of next week.
Pleaawra Fast.
Mrs. Brady rave a very enjogabl ken
slngton on Friday afternoon.
On Thursdy evening Mis Barnhart en
tertained for Miss Margaret Btrawn of Al
bion, 111., gueat of Mias Wlnapear.
Mrs... A. L. Reed' entertained Informally
On , Tuesday afternoon for Mias 8mlth of
Beatrice, Mrs. Isaao Cole's guest.
Mias Wakeley was guest of honor at a
small luncheon party at the Omaha club on
Tuesday, Mr. Joseph Baldrlg being host.
Mrs.' Sargent waa hostess at Wednesday
afternoon's meeting of the Summer Whist
club, recently organised by a few of th
women. ,
. The Misses' Loftus entertained at dinner
Friday In honor of Mis Margaret O'Coa
nell, who leaves the city In a few days to
make ber bom In Minneapolis.
Mr. Craln and Miss Wakeley were Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Love' guest at a dinner
en Thursday evening and on Saturday even
ing Mias Mount entertained In their honor.
In honor of Mias Bessie Feller and Mr.
David H. Harding, Mias Nellie Rosenberg
gave a most delightful luncheon last Sun
day and a most enjoyable evening was
Th member ot th household economic
department of th Woman's club will bold
their kenaington at the bom of Mrs. H.
8. Jayno In Kounte Place oa Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson, Mr. and
Mr. Burt, Mr. and Mr. Ferris, Mr. and
Mrs. Baxter, Mias Wakeley, Mr. Craln. Mr.
Al Dickinson and Mr. Cbilds made up a
dinner party at Manawa on Wedneaday.
Mias Ethel and Grace Coutant entertained
delightfully at a "ragtime" luncheon for a
few friends Thursday. Pine pod, crooust
and dancing wera engaged in, after 'which
watermelon wa served oa th croquet
Mias Emily Wakeley entertained a party
of about thirty frlenda at an Informal porch
party on Tuesday evening, th occasion
being th Introduction ot Mr. Charlta Ed
ward Craln, whoa marriage to Mis Wake
ley I to occur oa Tuesday,
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Bouk celebrated their
wedding anniversary at their residence, 1024
Bouth Nineteenth street, Saturday evening.
A large number of their friends were pres
ent and a most delightful evening was spent
by thoa present. Light refreshments were
The Hesperian Male quartet wa enter
tained at o'clock dinner Friday by Mrs.
J. W. Harpon. Covers Were laid tor ten.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Roe, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Roblnaoa, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Harpon and th quartet, includ
ing Revs. William Bennett, Charles Flake,
Carl D. Thompson and W. R. Gaylord.
At their hospitable borne in Los Angele,
Cal.. oa th evening of Thursday, August
7, Mr." and Mrs. M. G. McKoon gave a
musicals la honor of their niece. Miss Hen
rietta Rees of Otuaha. The halls and rooms
ot ths house were profusely decorated with
roses, pinks, jeru and painia, ejid th eveut
wa a moat eujoyab.e uue. Au tutistlu
"I"! aramm was rendered, each par
ticipant in It being either at tha preaent
time ar formerly a resident of Omaha. Miss
Reea played several numbers oa the piano,
besides accompanying moat ot tha alngera.
Others participating in the program war:
Mra. 8- Havver ot Omaha aad Misses Ann la
Virginia MetcaU, Calhrya Cwrtalou aua
Mary Bhank and Mr. Edward Shank, all
formerly of Omaha, but now of Ixs Aa
geles. Miss Ella McKoon Of Penfleld, Pa.,
also a niece of Mr. McKoon. assisted In
receiving the guests. Mrs, Hawver. Mrs.
Edward Haney and Dr.' William Haaey, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Ree were other Omaha
people present.
Wedlas Easraajaaeeata.
General and Mrs. Bruno Tsschuck an
nounce th engagement of their daughter,
Marl Antoinette, to Mr. Carl II. Oerber.
The wedding will occur In vb fall.
The marriage of Mis Hattl Morris,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Morris, snd
Mr. David Prentke of Cleveland bas beea
announced to occur on Tuesday, August 26.
Mlsa Antoinette Sherwood, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs.- E. H. Sherwood, formerly of
Omaha, but now of New Rochelle, was mar
ried oa Friday to Dr. Jonathan Godfrey
Wells of Now Tork City. Dr. and Mrs.
Wells will make their bom la New York.
Mr. J. F. Huteaou and Miss Mabl Flor
on wer quietly married on Thuraday even
ing at tb bom of th bride s father, Rev.
J. L. Fieraon, la Kountt place. Rev. D.
K. Tyadall officiated. Only the Immediate
relatlvea and nearer friends of th couple
wer present. -
Cards have been received In Omaha, an
nouncing th marriage of Miss Helen Cleav
land of Denver and Mr. Frank Coleman,
also of that city, which la to occur on
August 87. Miss Cleavland will b pleas
antly remembered by tb many .friends she
won In Omaha recently whll th 'guest of
Mlsa Ellsaboth Allen.. ;
Announcements bav been received In
Omaha of th marriag of Miss Katherlns
McMackln, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Wil
liam J. Harsha of Denver, and Mr. Law
rence E. Milllgan, which occurred on Tues
day, August 12, in Denver. Mr. and Mr.
Milllgan will ba at bom after September
IS In Colorado Springe.
At a muslcale given last week at the
home of General O. O. Howard, in Burling
ton, Vt., the engagement was announced of
Miss Bessie Howard and Mr. Joseph Ban
croft of Wilmington, Del. Mr. Banorott la
tha son of Mr. Samuel Bancroft, and ia a
partner In the firm of Joeeph Bancroft A
Sons. Miss Howard Is th youngest daugh
ter of General Howard, and Is a most ac
complished young woman. She has many
friends In Omaha, where a part of ber girl
hood" was spent.
The announcement th early part of th
week ot the engagement of Miss Emily
Wakeley, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Wak
ley, and Mr. Charles Edward Craia ot
Springfield, 0., to be followed almost Im
mediately by th wedding, cam a a most
pleasant surprise to Mias Wakeley's host
of friends In Omaha. Mr. Craln is tb son
ot MY. Charles R. Craln, president ot tb
P. P. Mast Implement company of Spring
field, and a member of one of the most
highly respected families of Springfield.
Miss Wakeley has lived In Omaha sines
ber early childhood, and has figured proml-v
nently la its most exclusive social circles,
of which she Is one of the moat popular
member. The wedding Is to occur at 4
'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the Wake
ley home, at 607 North Nineteenth street,
and will be attended only by the immedi
ate mend and family, ratner Williams of
St, Barnabas' Episcopal church will offi
ciate. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea R, Craln of
Springfield and Mr. Luclan Wakeley of St.
Louts ars expected on Tuesday morning to
be present. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Craln will
leave Immediately after tb ceremony tor
th east.
Carrespaaideat Writes Abwt Oaiaka
and Other People at
August 14. To tb Editor of Th Bps: To
tell the truth there is mighty little new
up here this year of Interest to ths readers
of Th Bee, I make th round of th
lake each week where I know the Omaha
people are, and a lailer set yon never saw.
Tha Pike Pointers spend nesrly all their
time on the water, sailing, rowing and
comparing sunburned arms. Their only
dissipation is church on Sunday, which is
neia la the grove by visiting clergymen.
Mrs. J. B. Baura aad family leave for
nome Sunday.
William Wallace, Jamea Wallace, Howard
Clark and H. L. Kretder are expected on
th Sunday excursion to spend a few days
with their respective families on Omaha
As near as I can find out there ars J.8S2
people who spend the summers her at
Okobojl In cottagea, saying nothing of tb
large numoer who com and go at th dif
ferent hotels. There ar 466 cottacesr
Fifty-tw famille from Des Moines have
summer homes here, there being more
from that city than any other one place,
and fortyvseven Omaha families make thla
their summer residence.
There Is a tie la th first-class races
between Lukpadutch and Amphrlte. Jose
phine won la tb second class and Dragon
fly, owned by Mra. J. E. Baum and'aalled
by Fred Patterson and Master Baum, got
the third-class cup.
This bas been such a peaceful summer
so few aocldents ot any kind and ao
piagu pestilence or famine.
Jack Dumont, Georg Hamiltoa, Jos
Barton, Jr., and Joy Sutphen are camping
sera on vmana Deacn. A. O.
Mrs. Davie baa decided to remain In
business and Is now la New York City snd
other eastern markets purchasing new
stock, which I arriving daily. Call and
see th pretty things. DAVIES.
1511 Douglas street.
Sales .Which Indicate Chaaar
eatlsaeat City
Omaha property Is coming to the front
again as a desirable Inveatment. For a long.
time men with money bav been looking
after Nebraska lands, until ths price on
our property. Improved or unimproved, bas
taken a great ahoot upward, and mea who
want anything savoring of a snap have
turned to the city for- purchases. During
the week Payne, Bostwtck A Co. cloaed up
a couple of rash deals. Involving more than
ISO, 000. which show this tendency.
W. W. Smith of Illinois, who is Investing
trust funds, after spending a week In Omaha
looking over the real 1 estate situation,
bought the - Louis Mendelssohn block oa
Cuming street, 1W7-11. (6x132 feet, with
a two-story brick building oa it, for $11,000.
Mr. Smith also bought the property oa
Tenth street between Harney and Howard,
13x1 li, on which is a four-atory brick build
ing occupied by th Klrkendall A Co., shoe
factory. For tbla the consideration paid
waa more than fl,000.
Real estate mea eonatder these piece of
property very cheap at the price, but look
on th sal as as indicating a return of ta
vestors t Omaha.
Thr Will Cpca T&!r jUsial keaaiaa
j. SCIIr' rty has
Th Douglas County Vetera asoclatloa
will bold Its ninth annual reunion at Elk
City, August It to ti Inclusive. Arrange
meats bav been toad tor tie transport-
Jin nirf L. tt JL
TD) "j O) ItT"
Because It is a clean, wholesome and sc lentlfle food; on that la not tnada from
one cereal only, as many so-called breakfast foods are, but contains the nutri
FRUITS. These are not simply used In order to make Ter-Fo different from
other foods, but because no one food ma terial can sustain the human body and
nourish tt TCe need a variety of foods to keep up the normal condition, and
alone In Ter-Fo la this variety found. X be waste matter, such as bran, hulls,
etc., are all rejected and. therefore, Ter-Fo contains 09 PER CENT OF NUTRI
MENT. Then It is thoroughly cooked, be ing subjected to 0 hoars of Intense
heat. SECOND Because Fer-Fo can b used so many different ways. Some'
QUETTES. SOUPS, ETC. The recipes for these are furnished with each pack-
All Grocers Sell
PerJFo, -
Th Nebraska-Iowa Creamery Co., manufactures every pound of butter tbey sell
and guarantee it In purity and quality, equal to any butter sold in th V. B. Ouly
ti cents per pound.. . ".
endorsed by th great
est musician Pader
wlskl, Rosenthal,
Bauer, De Pachman,
Moszkowskt, Hoffman.
Calve, Beinbrlch and
The playing of tha
Pianola cannot be dis
tinguished from the
feat of some of the
celebrated performers.
Western , Distributors.
UIJ Farnam, Omaha.
Visitor welcome
Pianola parlor . third
floor, elevator.
"He Sell Watcata.'
Copley la the WATCH
EXPERT ot tb B. A
VI. Ry. If they can
trust Copley to supply
ALL. their Watch
don't you think you
can rely on blm for
506 Korbach Block,
tlon of all old soldiers between VTaahlng
toa etatlpa and Camp William Osbora.
It is expected tnai a company ot reg
ular soldiers from Fort Crook will be pres
ent at th encampment, Th' will be
accommodations for veterans, soldiers of
th Spanish war and others who may desire
to b present.
Th officer of th association at this
time ar: E.. w. Johnson, president, and
M. J. Feenan, secretary.
Former Caacreassaaat Levy Say that
Eaomeu Crop Jlow I'ader Cal
tlvatloai Dispel I'neertalaty,
LONDON, Aug. 16. A lengthy Interview
with former Congressman Jefferson Levy
of New York Is publlsbsd today. In It
Mr. Levy dwell upon prosperity In the
United Btatea, which he conalders Is as
sured for years by the enormous crops
now under cultivation.
He aays the uncertainty expressed by
some financial writers regarding tha
permanence of general prosperity, the
financial situation and ths Increasing valus
ot securities is entirely uncalled for. and
tk&t European financiers pay too murh at.
iaution to the Nw Yrk weekly returns.
which do not fairly repreaent bank re
serves. Tbe shipping combine, headed by J. Pier
puat Morgan, he considered will prove
beneficial alike to the commerce of Oreat
Britain and the United Btatea, "so fear
of sn adverse effect upon British trad
aad Interests are unnecessary."
( fvs)
.215S.jri.ta St'oV?"
- A. HO OS'S ureal tux tsMV.omatam
la replete with fine Art Goods. Art
Materials, China I 'sinters Materials,
Oil Painting and Water Color Outfits
Pyrosraphy Bet and Burnt Wood
R&re Irnnortsad Water Color PuJnti
Inita, Etchings, Enyravlnprs, Carbon.
Er.jAivrar,ha t)la tlnntt,n. 1 Ilk.
graphs; In fact every line of picture
known to the art world.
The mot complete line of Moulding
for picture framing, beautiful Floren
tine frames oval and circle frames,
in wood, gold and metal. Trie largest
picture frame shop in tha west,
l'rlces tha lowest.
A. .GSPi:
(513-1515 Donglas St.
. An Elegant Shirt
For $1 a beautiful ti (or IQo a good
pair ot socks for 15c a rooj
For tl a baautiful tie for Qo a rood
Va n. A ao ZA rf. 1 .
1 you an Idea of how we sell good
V goods. We'll take a whole lot of
pleasure In shbwlng you our line. '
I-bey Mali Sb.trta.-
leadquarters for
Edison .
$10.00 to 573.00
With the largest and most eornplet
stock of records west of Chicago.
W sell for cash or 15.00 down and
fl. 60 per week. , ,
Ba.ll Baarlaar Wheeler Wllea-a
Bowing machine at popular prtoes
and easy term. .
Meeoad-Iiaud Sewlaar Mabla
1.00 to ais.oo.
Wa rent machine at 75o per week.
Wa ae'l needle and repair and soil
parts for any machine manufactured.
Iitcyele cheap in order to olus out
our large stock.
Nebraska Cyclo Co
Corpr 10th aa Maraey,
ttt Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.,
811 N. 21th St. South Omaha, Neb.
Taas Hat. ,
MANAGER. , ' '