1G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1002. Amusements "The r'y' the thing Wherein I'M catch th conscience of the king." fc phakespeare may hav Intended Hamlet to h mad, or merely feigning majorat, but Into bit momenta of solitude bo gave him peechr of soliloquy which embody In preg nant sentences the fruit of not only long experience In the affair of the world but of deep philosophic rumination aa well. Ham let la not alone In acatterlng thes gema of wisdom, bright and radiant In their setting of chaste English, but the king, old Tolo Blue, the grave digger, and other, each from his sphere In life, prevents us with dlamonda of counsel and pearl of thought, ao that- one may seemingly nerer exhaust the store contained within the play which telle of those tragic events at Elslnore. Even after repeateily haying seen the play produced by some of the best and some of the worst actors the American atage has known, and after having read and reread the text of the play aa accepted by the highest authorities on Shakespeare, one finds each time on turning to the well known lines a new light Sashed back, as though the ray had caught another facet of the gem, and thus Illumed a hitherto unseen beauty. Lovers of good English, of deep philosophy and of homely wisdom clearly set forth will never tire of reading "Hamlet." But to get back to the text: Did Shakespeare know anything of what la called In modern police parlance "the third degree?" It Is known that at leaet occe In hie life Singer Will of Stratford came within the purview of the law, and It la not Improbable that during the daya when he strolled the country In company with other player he waa again and may be again In contact with the powers that were 1b these days, and he may even have come within the knowledge of the Elizabethan prototype of the twentieth century "front office." At all events, at the latter end of the sixteenth century be enunciated a propo sition which la at II I potent and effectual In the awakening of conscience. To be sure, there Is a 'possibility that the thief-takers of the world have profited by the experience of four centuries that stretch between the now and the time when the tragedy of "Hamlet" waa first enacted by "his majesty's servants." -Charity for the Bard of Avon naturally Inclines us to this view of the case, for It not only exonerates him of being suspected of a more Intimate ac quaintance with the methods pursued by th authorities of his time In overtaking crim inals and unearthing crime than la seemly or becoming In one so wise and gentle, but It lend an added luster to his brilliant halo by auggeatlng that he had already con ceived 400 years ago a plan which Is scarcely Improved upon though still practiced. For example, the police of Cleveland during the week aolved a murder mystery in almost exactly' the same way that Hamlet verified the story told him by bis father's ghost and fastened on his uncle the guilt of his fratri cidal crime. It appear that an honest burgher of the Ohio metropolis waa done to Heath by an unidentified man while walking along a ahady byway In the outskirts of the tlty, accompanied by hi wife. "Cherches la femme" 1 also a maxim handed down from a paat era which haa been Incorpo rated into the lexicon of up-to-date ponce practice, the receptivity of which la not con fine! to tangible article alone. After the irdloary method of obtaining Information bad been exhausted, the police sought out the woman and arranged the play. On a dark and gloomy evening, accompanied by two-officer the widow went long the route over which she and th mur lered man had gone on th sight of th tragedy. ' At the point In the journey where Si murder 'was committed another officer prang from the .shadow and discharged a , revolver.. .Coosclsac leaped Into life, and la, widow shrieked the nam of her para- hour, who now occupies a cell with a charge if murder against bis name. Here, Indeed, (he play was th thing In which th guilty tonsclenc was entrapped. I What would some of the rest of us do did we not have better control over our nerves, or were our consciences not under th sedative and aoporlflo Influence of some powerful moral anodyne? Isn't It In a cqse at lsaat a blessing that w are all la a measure capable of raising our hands In Pharasalcal self-congratulation and ren dering to Ood thank that we are not like other men and women? Those beams within our eyes are of some service, at least, for If they should be plucked out, it I quite probable that few of ua would -care to bother about the motes that ob scure our neighbor's vtalon, much leas visit t th theater where the mirror Is held up j to nature. Not to make the application I too peraonal, th play I continually point ing out to ua tbe weakness and foibles of human kind, showing us the fruits of srengdotng and the rewards of right, and I aver marktnr tha mth Ijin tr whir)i Wam v, - 1 . way to earthly, happlneas, and' yet how aften doe the plsy entrap the conscience? Hardly a phase of human life but has been exploited with dreadful realism on the modern stage, and while It Is undoubtedly laying too much to charge that no good ha come out of all this tsscblng, there la certainly bo manlfratatlon of any general reform having lta origin In tha presenta tion, of any picture of real life on the atage. Books have aet people to thinking, and thua hav wrought great changea and ' irought about social reforms of much mo. bent In the world's affairs, but somehow th Influence of th stag has as yet had no euch triumph. It msy be that the pictures shown are too evanescent, their settings too. nebulous and their endurance too brief to leave a lasting impress. It msy be that the failure la due to the application it Pope' well known postulat regarding Vice and familiarity therewith. What ver the reason, tb fact la lamentably a p. ' Mrent ' that only In rare Instsnces does th play really entrap tbe conscience of th auditor, and even rarer are the re lorms that may trace their genesis to the Ktor's art. That thla Is so should not be lharged against the actor, for (f bis art Iqe not have lta effect Immediately, li bust In time do good, it only in that for a moment It diverts the mind of some in Into a channel of thought along which tt might not otherw'ee have wandered. k6r ahould th actor despair, becaus he la before him the example of teacher ted preachers for ages, who hav dinned loctrlne and dogma, supported by threats ; W the direst damnation and most condign f temporal and eternal punishment into the ears of a heedless world, which still iplas merrily along "tbe primrose path of lalllance." Verily, then, wh le we may idmtt the play'a the thing. It ia forced upon la that conscience la Indeed a most elusive 3lng. . When O. V. Brooke was playing Vir flBlus ens Bight, during the forum scene. Intong th llctor lined up on either side if tb (tag was a tall, lank fellow who ao thin that actually th weight of lie battlasx he bore upon bis shoulder nad him appear bowlegged, aays the Chl lago Tribune. He had estea nothing all lay, and wa weak and duly. Just aa Mrglnlue plunged th dagger Into tb heart if hi beloved daughter the lean and bud try llctor toppled over and fell to the loor with a sharp thud. The curtain 1m- sediately waa rung dowa. amid great ex- ulvuivui.- Hi- Srooka itslkcd msjsstioa'.ly to his dreslngroom and summoned the ptala of th "supers" to bis presence. "Captain, do you know which one of your lea so disgracefully disturbed th most Un- i preserve scene In the plsy?" demanded Mr, Brooke, In tone thst msde th "super" boss tremble. "Tes, lr; I do. He I John .' "Well, never mind Lta cognomen," Inter rupted the angry tragedian. "Send him to me at once." In a few minutes the lanky looking llctor, fully recovered from his swoon and braced np by a atlmulant which the ancient Romans, wot not of, stood be fore th virile Vlrglnlue. who eald: "Sirrah, what made you swoon a few momenta ago? Waa It from the effects of strong drink V Shaking like a lenf and fearful of losing his remuneration of 25 eent a performance, the llctor suddenly wa smitten with a brilliant thought. "If you pleaae, Mr. Brooke, It waa your splendid acting that overcame me. I hope you won't be angry with me when I tell you that you p.'ayed the part of Vir ginia In such a natural manner I thought It was real. Then, as I fsncled I saw blood flow when you stabbed your daughter, sir, I fainted." "Young man," said Brooke, his massive chest heaving with pardonable pride, "I have had many compliments for my acting, but tbat la the best' and most genuine tribute I ever received. Here, take this and enjoy yourself." Then Brooke handed the etnlllng "super" a $10 bill and towed him out of hi dressing room with the air of a diplomat who "crooks the preg nant hinge of th knee, that thrift may follow fawning." The following ' night Brooke played the part of the unhappy Roman father with greater force than ever. Just as hti dagger descended upon th fair bosom of his lovely dsugbter he wa startled by a terrific crash that made the stag tremble and caused the footlights to flare around. Turning quickly, he wa horrified to behold the forms of twenty-five llctor prone upon the Boor! Comlnsr Event. Today and for th ensuing week summer resort entertainment will be varied and high class, Krug park having a number of special event scheduled to attract the pleasure seeker. At 6:45 this afternoon th aepsatlonal double balloon ascension by tbe noted aeronaut. Prof. J. Waldorf Hall and Howard Hall, which wa post poned from last Sunday on account of the burning of the crown of tbe balloon, will be given. Tbe men will give a double trapeze performance a they soar skyward. When a great elevation haa been reached H. Hall will cut away with hi parachute and leave J. W. Hall, the claimant to the record for high aacenslons, to make an attempt to establish a new mark for him self. "Jack and the Beanstalk," a pretty moving-picture production of the favorite fairy tale, will be one of the interesting features especially calculated to pleas the children. Much I added to It at tractiveness by it being la color. It will be presented every evening Just before the "Passion Play," which continues to enlist a reverend Interest. Aa entirely new program, carefully selected from the most popular compositions of tb well known atandard author, will be rendered by Huster'a cornet band, afternoon and evening. Included will be a selected aolo by Huster on the trombone. Th regular weekly ragtime concert will be given Wednesday and on Friday Huster's band will play a program embracing selection from tb successful light operas. On Sat urday next th different lodges of the Catholic Foresters of the city will hold their annual outing. Th W. R. Bennett and Hayden Bro. team will croas bat on th new Krug park ball field today. Plays, aa Players. Alius Craig I a recent addition to Tha Liberty Belles company. . "Daniel Bully will have a rural drama, called "The Old Mill Stream." Johnston Bennett ssys she I tired of vaudevllis and le open for an engagement in the legitimate. Charles Frohman will have twelve com paniea appearing simultaneously In England and It possessions. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew hav been ap pearing In vaudeville at th opera house In Melbourne, Australia. Hughey Dougherty I featured with th Dumont Minstrels, which began it season in Plttaburs last week. The Market Street theater In Ottuma, la., will be reopened on October 4 by Effle Ellsler In "When Knighthood Was in Flower." Clssle Loftus, who made a splendid hit In London aa Marguerite In "Faust," will play Ophelia In E. H. Sothern's revival of 'Hamlet." Fred Hallen and Molly Fuller have a new vaudeville sketch, entitled "His Wife's Hero," which Is said to turn on an amusing case of mistaken identity. The rail has been issued by Otis Skinner for the rehearsals of "Laaarre," which will begin at ths Grand opera house, Chi cago, the end of this month. Julia Dean has been engaged to play the Ingenue part In "The Altar of Friendship," which Nat C. Goodwin and Maxlne Elliott will produce the coming seaaon. J. C'heever Goodwin, the librettist, who went Into bankruptcy some months ago, was discharged In a New York court last Tuesday. His liabilities amounted to about $6,000. James O'Nell's play for the coming sea son was only finished last week by Harriet Ford and deals with scenes In Russia fifty year ago. A title haa not yet been decided upon. "Damon and Pythias" was scheduled for a revival at the California theater In Frisco the other night, with Frederick ward and Charles Herman in the title rules. Klaw A Erlanger s "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast ' company will leave New York for Chicago the Inst., opening lis season at the Illinois theater Saturday evening, the nh Inst. Nat C. Goodwin celebrated his 45tu birth day last week by giving a banquet to his friends In London. Many congratulatory telegrams were received and replied to by the merry comedian. The play that Herbert Hall Wlnsiow has written for Esra Kendall Is called "The Vinegar Buyer." It le eald to b very bright. Lottie Altar, Marlon AbbotC and Walter Thomas will be In Kendall's sup- AJ drTatlt Ethel Knight Molllaon made something of a hit during the past week, for her little play called 'Swords and Tea ' proved to be entertaining and pleated the Montreal theater-goers very much. The prize fighters, James Jeffries and Robert Fltsslmmons. have received an offer of $1,000 each per week to appear in the vaudeville houses and go through a light sparring art. Nothing definite has been decided upon as yet. Tho trouble between Grace Livingston FJirnlss and Manager Harris over the play Mrs. Jack" haa been settled through the Intervention of Alice Fisher, who expects to star In the piece, and rehearsals started In New York last Monday. Wilton Lackaye had a chance to once more play the part of Bvengall In "Trilby " for the Frawley company revived that piece last week, and It was demonstrated that Mr. Lackaye haa lost none of his old time tunnng In the role. "Mice and Men," the piece which It was thought Maude Adams would use next season, has been turned over to Annie Rus sell, but the latter will not appear In It until the first of the year, whenhe makes her first New York appearance. Ethel Barrymore and her brother Lionel arrived In New York from London last Sa. urday and went immediately to their uncle a. John Drew, on Long Island. Miss liarrymore will play a boy part In "Car rota, a curtain raiser, next seaaon. w'L'f- "27 r'Prtd York that Roe Coghlan has taken up a residence In South Daat ta for the special purpose of obtaining a divorce from her husband. John Sullivan The latter. It Is said, will not oppose the application when made. The Troubadour Four Nat Nixon, Harry Thornton. Eert Eaton and William Fuller have signed with t hsrles H. Tale and ktldn.y . Lille for "The Evil Eye ' to do xtl vftfcU 4 nd, pla)r Principal parts. Ill U.I fmr Evil Eya and Mr. Thornton the part of Uertrand. Charles Frohman last Tuady received a rahirgram from Maude Adams, who la In Bwltxerland. ssying that so would not be able to open her season until late in No vsuiiMu. miu iiuu it everworaeo bar self, and it will be quite a while before ahe la in condition to resume her actlnc. Robert Downing, th actor. In Eaa FYsn clsro, Thursday obtained s dlvisj.- from his wUs, who Is known oa th stag a Eugenia Blslr. The petitioner swore that bis wtts deserted him In November, and the divorce was granted on the testi mony of the actor and hla daughter. The answer to the Question will he made after Klanche Walsh h produced "What Will People Say?' a new play by Rupert Hughes which Wagenhals Kemper havs iuH purchssed. It Is eald thst Mr. Hughe na aiscoverea a new type til society womsn which Clyde Fitch ha overlooked, and Mis Walsh will plsy her 1st In the season, for her tour begin with th Stangs play founded on "Bal&mbo." "There have been a lot of sensational stories in the newspapers concerning Mm. Jsnausrhek condition," ssys the New York in-amatle News. "All of them have been greatly exaggerated. The aged actress hss been paralysed on one side tor severs! months, and, while she le able to get about, she Is still very feeble, but her condition Is not such as to particularly alarm her friend. Mme. Janauschek Is resting In Saratoga at a cottage owned by some friends, who are offering her every com fort. Augustus Thorns, the playwright, author etc., haa designated Thomas W. Ross a the logical aurcessor to William Collier, who has signed with Weber Fields. He haa also selected him to play Robert Rldge way of Yale In "On the Quiet," for a tour of the principal cltlea next season. James Sheegreen and .John B. Reynolds will man age the tour and give the play a pretentious stage equipment, one of the scene of wnicn snows a sioop ysrnt under full sail, the deck and cabin being accurately pic tured. " 'The Only Way' ha been produced mny time, but never had such a atrong cast aa offered by Henry Miller In Man Francisco last week, and the consequence Is that the engagement at the 'Columbia theater wa a record breaker," says the New York Dramatic News. "Mr. Miller played Sydney Carton, Miss Anglln was the Mlml, Gertrude Elllston played Lucie Manette. William Courtlelgh wa the Ernest De Farge. Charlea Oootthold played parnay, Arthur Elliott was Dr. Manette. Charles Walcott appeared as Stryver and In the cast also were Ethel Hornlck, Law rence D'Orsay and Walter Allen." "The third act of 'Qulncy Adama Sawyer' has a kirk and a kiss and a smudge of paint, says the New York Sun In review ing the latest book play which gives us types from New England, set In a framing of farm scenery. And this third act made an unroarlous hit with the attendance at the New York Academy of Music on the occaalon of Its first presentation. Other papers vots it a hit, and ln course of time, likely, Omsha people will have an opportunity to Judge of Its merits as In terpreted by the McUmpty company, which will have the right wet of the Missis sippi river. The play follow the book very closely. "It become almost pitiful to see the large number of applicants trouplng In and put of the leading managers' offices, going In with hopes of an engagement, coming out with their fondest dreams somewhat crushed, say the New York Dramatic News. "The average number who have nocked to Charles Frohman' office Is over 2no a day, while at the Llebler offices and th office of W. A. Brady. Klrke La Shelle and David Belasco the list of ap plicants amounts to Over loo a day. There iioi yum i inn open tor one out Or nfty and what manv of the nlavers win An thi. fail is much of a mystery. The cause of an mw is nam to oetermine. There are lust a manv comDanlea tnim nut and .the engagements, while a little be- nuiu. are not sumcientiy in tne rear to cause so many disengaged people. One actor who had been turned away from ten office In on day was ao disgusted that he has decided to Joint ths ranks of the vaudeville." Musical The most Important event in local mn.i. cal circle I th approaching scries of con certs oy in Biiery Royal Italian band, which will begin Thursday night of thl week. I bespeak for the band a generous patronage and for tb auditorium commit tee a loyal support. The hand ( nHMH to an unprejudiced hearing, and If the men do lo Omaha what they have been doing In other places th people of Omaha will be entertained beyond doubt Mr. Camp hell, a member of the auditorium commit tee, told me, unofficially, the other day that h had recently heard the band and that he wa immensely pleased. It speaks well for Omaha that with two or three good musical organizations playing en gagement at local summer resort, ther is, nevertheless, a demand for atralgbt con cert program, aa is evidenced by the fact that th business men who musical featlval and the auditorium com mittee, deem It a wis venture to back up one more an annual aerie of band con certs. I wish them a brilliant success and I appeal to tha muslo lovers to assist in thl educational enterprise. I hav been reading most complimentary accounts of Homer Moore's opera. In the musical papers, and I am Inclined to tb belief that Homer Moore has done some thing for American music which will out last th lifetime of the man. From a close personal knowledge of Mr. Moore I hav always considered him a man of large abil ity. As musical critic of The Bee he was a dignified, forceful, fearless writer, with an Immense vocabulary and an originality of Ideas. As a singer, h wa a decided artist. A a conductor, he bad a positive and authoritative style. A a manager, he had an executive brain. 'An individual manner, which was often misunderstood, made enemle for him but that ia merely a proof of ability. He sang and played a part of his opera for me before be left here In 1898, and, I wa greatly impressed by what I heard. Not having seen the complete work I am not able to pass any personal opinion upon It as a whole, but let me quot a portion of a letter which I hav Just received from Mr. Joseph Oahm, who has been with Ho mer Moore for the past few weeks. He saya: "You would be surprised at the mu sic. It la really very wonderful and quite original. He wrote tbe libretto and also invented tbe story. He is now at work on his third opera, 'The Pilgrims.' " Mr. Oahm sdds Incidentally tbat be did aot recognize Moor when h first saw htm, a b weighs 168 pounds. I am glad to record thl of a former Omaha musician, and I feel sure that all local musicians. Irrespective of former dis agreements, will unite with me In wishing him good luck and abounding success in his operatlo venture. Here's to ths "Pur itans." The following Item Is clipped from ths New York Evening Post: "Gentlemen," said a German professor, who was ahowlng to hi students ths pa tients in the asylum, "this man suffer from delirium tremens. He is a muslclso. It is well known that blowing a brass Instru ment affects th lung and tha throat In such a way aa to create a great thirst, which has to be allayed by persistent In dulgent la strong drink. Hence, ia course of time, th disease you hav before you." Turning to th patient, tbe professor asked: "What Instrument do you blow?" and tb answer waa: "Th violoncello." I have received copies of th Salt Lake paper In which very flattering account of a young Nebraska alnger appear. Mis Edna Luclll Marshall of Plattsmouth I th recipient of tb honor. 8h sang at th Elks' convention at Salt Lets City, In tb famous Tabernacle, which waa crowded with many thouaand of people. Sh haa a mag nificent messo-soprano voles, and shs I born to sing. Th song of ths occasion was the product of a Plsttsatouth writer's brain, snd Is entitled, "Dear Promised Land." It Is a aong which rank abov th average aarred or semi sacred publication. It will make a good addltloa to th list of desirable church music. THOMAS J. KELLY. IrUknas Defeats A merles a. LONDON. Aug. H At ths CilftonvaU Athletic sports today the 100-yard handicap kzz woa by Murray cf Dafclla. with tws yards handicap. He defeated A. F. Duffy (American), who was at scratch, and West eey (American), who had three yard handi cap. Murray' Urn waa tsa ascends. CAME OF niGII DIPLOMACY How Flajsd by ths United Btatci Ambassa dor at th Court f Et Jamtt, HIS HOUR OF COFFEE AND CIGARS So Fas and Feather at the A inert ess Embassy TroaMes of Yaake Reyreseatatlves Mersraw ssl Ills Kim B retrace. (Copyright, 1903, by Marshall Lord.) LONDON, Aug. 1. Whea some enterpris ing American university start a special course la diplomacy for youths who want to become ambassadors, tb chief Item will hav to b instruction la tb fin art of dining. International law and history and all that sort of thing doubtless would be advantageous enough, too, but you might a well omit anatomy from th study of medi cine as to teach European diplomacy with out dining. His excellency the American ambassador to tbe court of St. Jame would be tb Ideal professor In thl branch of Instruction when tb time come for him to leave Lon don and get bark home. H would testify that hi work at th broad, flat-topped desk In the dingy office of the embassy in Vic toria street waa of comparatively little ac count, tbat his official communication with tha marquis of Salisbury, Lord Lansdown and the other Downing street folk bad been mostly formal after all, and tbat hi occa sional audiences with th king had llttl political algnlficance. But when it came to the hour of coffe and cigar that wa when th real business of tbs nation was done, sometimes In nest, artful speeches. reported In full In the papers, and read by everybody, sometimes in comfortable, un official, Informal talk with the men who govern England, in fact, while th king govern In name. Those are tha private talk in which the prejudices, ambition and friendship of tha nation are weighed and measured In which tt is determined what la th lease that one will accept and tbe most tbat th other will give In which are shaped the international policies that ar afterward the subject of formal, dignified negotiation to a predetermined end. Fancy an Insignificant looking, shy, nerv ous, awkward man representing a great na tion at one of these behlnd-the-scene spreads. He might know all there was to know about International law and such matters, but In thes Intimate confab the personal Impression count for so much tbat it sometime outweighs everything else. That Is where Joseph Hodge Choatc cornea out atrong. You can't lose him. either la a crowd or In a group of states men. He may be Inwardly nervous In fact, I suspect he was pretty uncomfortable when ha first came over here but he wear all th outward and visible sign of easy satisfaction. When he rises, with a be nign smile, to respond to the toaat the chairman has given, everybody settle back comfortable, sharing tb ambassador's con fidence that hi forthcoming speech 1 going to be a rattling good one. The only other man In England who createa quit the same Impression la Lord Roeeberr. Choate's Delicate Insinuations. Opinions differ, of course, sbout Mr. Choate's success In tb formal aide of di plomacy, but ha haa dons something mora than make a peraonal hit with his after diner addresses. I hav heard a doien or so of them in London and I have never missed from on of them a note that at first rather atartled placid John Bull; la on form or another, hi excellency always contrive to say deftly and Insinuatingly what, ir put bluntly, would be something like this: "Brother Bull, you are In most respect a good fellow, but you hav shown a llttl tendency to Ua superior In times past. The occasion for It has gone by, tt It ever ex isted, and you will kindly take notice that Brother Jonathan Isn't playing the role of younger brother." Tbe ambassador haa kept up such a steady pounding on that nota and commercial eventa have given him such strong backing that the effect has become noticeable. Brother Bull has been getting the Idea firmly fixed In his head. The American ambassador Uvea at No. 1 Carlton Houes Terrace, Just back of the Prince of Wales' Marlborough house, In the great mansion bought by L. Z. . Letter for his daughter, wife of tha viceroy of India, where she la thorst lady among three time as many people as there are In the United States. Tbe Curzons rented the place at a big price to John Hay when he represented the American government here, and Mr. Choate, after three or tour week of house hunting, concluded that he couldn't do better than step into his chief shoes, so to speak. The old yeflow Georgian bouses of which No. 1 stands at tbe tipper end are not gorgeous as seen from tbs out side, but they have a statellness and dignity within that make them exactly suited for ambassadorial residences. The German am baasy doe occupy one of them, but the dif ference 1 that Germany pays the rent, and the ambassador' home and hi office are In the same building, whereaa tbe American embassador pays the bouse rent out of his own pocket, devoting the larger part of his salary to tbs purpose. The curve of the terrace makea It impos sible to get a good photograph of the front of the houee, but from St. James' park la the rear you get an Impressive view of this famous row of residences, where Mr. Glad stone once lived, and where Mrs. John W. Mackay nd William Waldorf Astor havs their town house now. Gilbert Parker, who "married money," as they say, and haa mad a lot more out of hla novel, also live 1b thl elect territory. All good American In London swarm from adjacent Pall Mall Into Carlton House Terrace oa each Fourth of July to climb the fin curv ing stslrwsy at No. 1, hear their name called out by tha liveried footman, haka th hand of hla excellency at tha head of tha atalra, bow low to Mr. Choat and then queesa oa through the crowd that fllla th long succesalon of lofty room, back to tb temporary buffet, where portly waiter deal out good thing to eat and drink. Mr. Ckoate's Dinar Offlr. It Is only a short walk around by West minster abbey to No. 121 Victoria atreet, wher th United State government baa It llttl pled-a-terra, and a dingy, grimy, stuffy, dark, depreaslng place It is, too. It Is a wonder that the ambasssdor and ths half doten members of his staff do not suffer perpetually from tha bluea. No other diplomat of ambassadorial rank la London has such mean quarters, and aom of th minister from llttl South American re public ar far better provided for. Th only comforting reflection to Americana who visit th place la that It glvea the II to the British notion that Americans hav a taate for garlah dlaplay. Although th ambassador represents In person th president snd the wbol 70,000,- 000 people of th United State, ther ar bo fuss and feather at the embassy. If you hav any good excuse tor It, or it you are merely a distinguished citizen who has bo other fieus for cslllng than a d sir to shske his excellency's hsnd, all you have to do ia to go In and await your turn la a gloomy anteroom, walled about with reports ef the proceedings cf con gress and other diverting and popular vol- umea of a similar nature. Once ushered Into the inner room where Jamea Russell Lowell and so many Ur laaeua rej)r-j entatlves of th American people hav sat. you conclude from hi manner that hi ex cellency doesn't resent tbe intrusion, that be Is glad to see you and that he would freeze you up and get rid of you In about tea seconds If you proceeded to be a bora who dldnt know when to go. Formerly one of the great drawbacks to tne tun oi being ambasssdor wss the dead broke American who came of such good family snd brought such strong letters of introduction that there was nothing to do except guarantee his hotel bill or provide money to pay his passage to America. Half of ths time at the embassy waa taken up la listening to hard-luck stories, bat Mr, Choate, with hi usual good fortune, haa escaped moat of that, thank to th or ganization of a relief department by th American society In London. Polltlclana' wives who want to be pre sented at court take up a lot of time, too, and In the aummer season folk who want tickets to Parliament, letters to officials and all aorts of personal privileges, keep two embassy secretaries la a rush. Various folk who have called and asked to see Mr, Choate have been found to have the lnten tlon of asking him to writ out for them a little list of cheap boarding houses others. It appeared, cherished the idea that a personal heart-to-heart talk with tbe ambassador could reasonably be expected to reault ia tbe loan of a dollar until tha next American mall arrived. American Kick en tk Income Tax. One of tbe most urgent of these per sonal matters laid before the embassy Is th income tax which American living In London hav to pay to the British gov ernment, although most of them get their Incomea In America. Each new victim usually heads straight for the embassy and want to know what In something or other the British government means by demand Ing a percentage of hla receipts from, ssy, real estate on which he already pay taxes In America. It does seem like an outrage, but there 1 nothing tb embassy can do about It. Unlike every other ambassador In Lon don, Mr. Choate ha no court costume. Th distinguished Americans who go with him to a levee to be presented to the king bave to scurry around for knee breeches snd buckled shoes, but ths official repre sentatlve of Jeffersonlan simplicity goes In ordinary swallow-tall and becomea. mor bldly consplcuoua (n the gorgeous throng. When Mr. and Mrs. Choat entertained the king and queen at dinner early In Jun Plerpont Morgan was alio one of the guest, He rushed over from tbe continent on pur. pose to be present, arriving only a few hours before tbe time. He had been so busy buying up odd and end of steamship line, railroad and old master that h bad forgotten all about knee breeches. He waa badly rattled whea he was reminded of them st the lsst moment. None of hi friend had anything of tb tort that would fit htm, and all the Morgan million couldn't move a London tailor to turn out a pair of court knee breechea in three hour. It begaa to look to Mr. Morgan as If he would have to be taken suddenly 111 for the sake of a good excuse for absenting himself from the dinner, when somebody suggested that a theatrical costume might help him out. Hurried search in tbe shops around Covent Oarden resulted In finding a pair of nether garments that made - a fairly good fit, and la consequence Mr. Morgan was presented to their majesties In breeches that had previously seen serv ice on the stage. It 1 said that Lord Curtoa has had eaough of India and will be returning early la the autuma to take a place la the cab inet If the present government remains in office throughout the year aa It Is almost certain to do. In tbat case Mr. Choate will have to move out, and as It 1 such a difficult matter to get a suitable house, and a he haa had about all there la to get In the way of ambassadorial fun and glory, I think It Is more than probable that he will retire from office. Although he mad a On fortune out of his law practice, be proba bly finds It rather a bore on some accounts to All a position tbat calls for the expendi ture of from two to three times his salary. Ante Room Echoes Omaha la to be the center of activity of several national secret societies this year, at least three having looked to thla city for executive officers. Tbe first .o be chosen waa Henry C. Akin, imperial potentate of the Noblea of tbe Mystic Shrine; the second, George P. Crook, who this week was elected grand exalted ruler of the Elks, and then from San Francisco came news of tbe se lection of Mr. W. A. Dilworth as head of the Pythian Sisterhood. Ther 1 much In thl to make Omaha proud. The orders, without exception, con tain among their member much of the best citizenship of the country. The bead of the society being located here turns the attention of every member to Omaha. They will com her to visit the supreme officers. and In coming may be attracted to the city for other purposes. There was little of the sensational or dramatic in the selection of any of the offi cers, and for this reason the citizen out stde ot tho order affected hav not appre ciated the importance of the selection as tbey will later. Tbe real election of Colonel Akin to tbe office of Imperial potentate took place several years ago, when he was chosen assistant rabban ot the order. After that his promotion followed as a matter of course and he came to his own at Saa Francisco, whea those who had preceded him In the lowest elective office had retired from the chief office. The election of Mr. Cronk, while not on tbe program for years, a wa tbe case with Colonel Akin, waa ao well assured for months before tbs national meeting that no campaign waa necessary. Mr. Crook has been aa Elk for many years and baa for several years been closely Identified with tbe national organization, having served on many of the Important ooounitteea and been tried among the best men la th order. HI nomination came not only from hi own lodgs, but from Kentucky, who favorite ton died Just befor th nomination of Mr. Cronk, and against whom Mr. Cronk had aid he would not run. The impetus given the candidacy oy th lodge of Omaha and Loulsvllls wa such as to destroy opposition if any had been Intended and but one nam was presented In ths grand lodge. The election of Mrs. Dilworth a su prsm chancellor of the Pythlaa sisterhood 1 a compliment to a Nebraska woman, who ha devoted much time and attention to the order. While not a secret eociety. It will hardly be out of place to mention tbe election of Mr. P. A. Ksnnedy as president and Mrs. Hsrmsa Matth as chaplain ot tbs Wom an's auxiliary of th International Typo graphical union, thus bringing four officers of national organisation to Omaha dur ing the week. The society Is social an4 beneficial In Its nsturs, and Omaha waa tbs second city la ths United States to form a local association, ths ons at Atlanta, Ga., being the first organized. The organisation of th uniform team In the Woodmen of tha World 1 progress ing rapidly, and at th nxt meeting of th sovsrc'.sa camp it is sipected that ths men with tbe (word will make a Bo show Ug. , . , Ifnlalif oi f-nl.imr.il., I AMISEMEm. Omaha's Musical Festival 54 GRAND Beginning Aug. 21st, Ending Sept. 17th GIVEN BY ELLERY S ROYAL ITALIAN BAUD AT THE Pavillian 15th and Capitol Avenue, for the Benefit of the Auditorium Fund. The Rojal Italian Band is one of the largest and greatest organizations of its kind in the world. Under the director Bhip of Cavalier Emilio Rivelo, the most noted band leader in the country, and under his direction the band has created a sensation wherever it has appeared. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND OPENING NIGHT Coupon Book Tickets 20 Admissions, $5.00. Transferable and good for any concert. REGULAR ADMISSION, 35 CENTS. SECURE YOUR TICKETS BEFORE NEXT WEDNES DAY NIGHT. . Omaha's Polite Summer Resort. TODAY A Superior Array ot Refined, High-Class Novel Attraction. A GREAT SENSATIONAL DOUBLE Balloon Ascension And trial for world' a high record by Prof. J. W. Hall and H. Hall, th famous aero naut. jack r;:.J beanstalk Something to Please the Children. Hosiers Concert Band Entirely New Program. PASSION PLAY Depicting the Life of Christ A!D OTHER FISH FREE SHOWS. Bowling Alley. Burro Excursions, Shoot ing Courts, Merry-Oo-Round, 8ee-8aws. Swings, Children s flay u rounds ana an the pastimes of a modern resort. . Raarttme Concert Wednesday, Aug. HO. Admission to park. 10c; children free. Try a Cold Glass Krugs' Bottled Beer absolutely pure and healthful an aid to digestion and a ayatem builder a cold glass several times a day will take you through thl hot weather and leave you In a vigorous condition. Bend for a trial case. A 'phone call will bring it. Remember, there 1. only one beer that'. Krug'.. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. 1007 Jackson St. 'Phone 420 Mr. Kelly's Studio Season Opens Sept. 8th Students entered Sept. 5-6 BRASS BAND InatraoMntt, Drami, Uniform. Lyon A Hlr "01 Mi"" lntrtnDent tr now Md by tb grtattt evrfttitav lftnCv vlitju. iuO IljuttTaUioa. mailed fr. li XIvm HttQ1 iliMie ft In A motion- fnr niMur Itnnda. bnrfavluft In XnMru BftntB J act rctdoood la prkon. LYON ft M EALY. 57 A.amt St.. Chicago. Th WtM't Lew-ic ! Mow. aflliM atfva m (. practically filled lta second class of Initi ates, consisting of about sixty members. Quit a number of the class are resident of adjacent cities, and In order to facili tate their coming to Omaha the ceremony of Initiating the else has been set tor Sunday, September 28, the beginning of Omaha'a fall festivities. The ceremony of Initiation will be conducted by ranking knights from Chicago. On Bunday, September 21. a large delega tion of the council member will go to De Molne to participate In Initiatory cere monies there, and enjoy tbe hospitality of the De Molne council. Omaha tent. No. 75, Knight ot the Mac cabees, held their regular review Thursday evening. Much business waa transacted, after which a splendid athletic program waa carried out, the feature of which waa the wrestling contest between Sir Knights Houston and Holden. Among the visitors present were John O. H. Scott of the uni form rank and Supreme Deputy State Com mander Dopklns. A large claaa of candi date were initiated, and at the close of tbe regular meeting refreshments were served. Petition for lajnnetlon Denied. CLEVELAND. O.. Aug 14. The petition of the Philadelphia National league base ball club for an Injunction against Lajnie and Bernhard. the ball player, wa denlrd by Judge btrlmple in common pleas court today. The Philadelphia club sought to en join these two players from playing wHb any other than the Philadelphia club. An Injunction had ben gmnt.d In Pennsyl vania and it waa aojght to have it ex tended to Ohio, but the court denied this on the around that It would Interfere with the internal policy of a sister state. The case settles tne statue of the two player named for the balance of thla sraaon at least, aa no further hearing or appeal can t - V. m A .....II Ua ..!..- ,.t . V. .. w Mill., a -a.M vWWW V tUf VUf wll,tya. CONCERTS, Another Big Show TflflflV and all week. lUUHI FREE Performances J. A. Griffiths, Manager, 218 1st National Bank Bid;. The sreatt varletv nf hlih.rliu nn.n air free performances ever attempted at a summer watering resort In th west. . NOVEL LADDER ACTS M?"1" rlaco and Faust, the world renowned aerlallsts. One of the most amuslnglv en. tertalnlng combinations known. Free twice a day. BALLOON ASCENSION every day during the seaaon. Free. SLACK WIRE STtKsrjsa. 0,.! twitch da"y Um'- J"a """x"". IW.9t.0?CESTRAS teerV; . ..w,, BMU c veiling PEnuULATINfl PFRRH Two free astir pr v euvci lam ui en is. COLORED nilARTCT " new south- Z J x m melodies. " concern every day. gat hit of the season. The blgw CUT This coupon good for line Utrtm on' on i!r - Alls. isth Courtland Beach Merrv -On- Round. JACICSQNIAfi DIO tl lt Saturd CLUB Saturday A "I" riuiiiu Aug. 30 Ml COURTLAHD BEACH Among the speaker will be Governor Patterson of Colorado, Governor 8 tone of Missouri and Hon. W. J. Bryan. BREEZY AND PICTURESQUE J. A. Griffith!, Manager. 218 1st National Bank Bldf. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL VIEW THAT LOVERS OF FINE SCENERY CAN WELIo IMAGINE. HUNDREDS OF BAUTIFUL YACHTS AND SAILING CRAFTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Round Trip Ticket 25c Thl coupob good for ONE RIDE M0NBAY AUG. 18 0NLV on tha LakeManawa Merry. Go. Roued from Omaha good any day. Balloon ascension with parachute jumpt every day. Be sure to buy round trip ticket befor entering th car. On sale at tha usual place. fTraa Admission 166 Attraction Round Trip . Tickets I5C from Co. Bluffs GOVALFS BAND The greatest musical organization ever heard In the west. A band second to none. Composed of the highest claa musician, and soloists under tha directorship of tbe ever popular leader, Mr. A. A. Covalt. Finest bathing In tbe west. Visit the Kursaal. Round trip tickets on Electric Launches 15 cents. Fill your basket and plcnlo at Lak Manawik nORAND'S SfflSHl? Reopen for Adults Tuesday, Sept. 2, 8 p- m- 12 lesson ticket gentlemen S, ladles 18. Two dollars Ivss If you Join the opening alaht. Call for circulars and particulars open day and evening. HOTEL. mw """ ""Qmahn , Leading Ho,,, PfcCIAL ('bllHEIi 1 LUNCHEON. '11.'TY CfciNTS. ! 12:30 to 2 p. m. SUNDAY b. p. m. DINNER. 76c I Steadily Iprreaslna business haa mu..l tated an eriUrrmerit of tha caAfe uuhin. Courtland Beach LAKE Ua formal uvHLtiil- ' " . "