Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TITE OMAHA X)AIIA' lltti SATURDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1002. 0 WINS TWO FROM LEADERS WuMngton Tikot Zotn Oamsi of Double Hitdir from St. Louis. SECCKD GAME LASTS TWELVE INNINGS DeleRnnty' en Krlater Head Tr snendons Hit to Ike Fence an En tb Agoif, ' MnklasT ear Tv to Ob. WASHINGTON. Aug. 15 Washington took both imFi of today's double-header from Bt. Louis. A be on bsll followed by lour tills In th fifth inning, won tha fimt imK. The second game, a twelve Inning content, ended wbn Delehanty and Ketuier hit tremendous drives to th fence. Attendance, I.OuO. Scores: WASHINGTON. I IT. LOUIS. R H O A C. II H 'U I. ran. tt t I oiptirfcoH. It. .. I 1 I I t pnrK. Ik.... limit lwihantjr, 111 I I I I Krt.r, Ik, I MM H71rtrk, rf. 1 II Xmphlll. rf. 0 1 An1.raon. 1. s 1 11 1 Cohiia, lb.) I I M rf I 1 I I Will'-, n . t 1 4 MrTarm'k. IbM 1 I I Xr. a 1 I ti Pa, lb... 1 t t 1 Clark. 4 11 Kahn. 111 Orta, 1 til k Uiicii, .... 1 I B S I ctoonhlM, P . . t 1 A w inn II 11 Teal... t T 14 11 I "Washington .... 8t. Louis ... 0 0 2 I 0, 0 - ...o ft 5 i i o o-d F.rned runs: Wsahinfcton. 4; St. Louis, 1. T-bm hits: Delehanty, Padden. Colon baa: Kelater. Lee. Sacrifice hits: Ryan, I Nina hue. Triple play: Donahue to MiH'ormlck to Anderson. Bases on halls: Oft Orth, 2; off Donahue, I. HI by pitched sail: rlyan. ijeft on base, wssmnston, . fit. Louis, 6. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Johnstone and Carruthers. WAIHINOTON. I . ST. LOUIS. U ft A I H ft A Bran, rf I (InnrhMt. K... 111 Jlnjls, Ik.,.,. I I 14 1 Htlrlrk, cf .S 111 p.lhatr. II 1 I tiH.mphlll, rl.l I I 1 I KOMor. tb.i. till liAnd.raon, lb. If Cnusnlln. lb. 1 I I eli-.. aa..t 1 I T I, rf Sit Mr'onn'k. I I I t-ir. m a its i rMi. ib... i lit Clark. Kaho. I j I Fattao, y Sit 0 Harpw, .... t t Total I IM li I Ru4uoff, p.... I 0 Total 1 f4 II 1 On out when winning; run scored. Washington ,tf M M 1 M M H Ml. Louis ....0 0000090100 01 Earned runs: Washington, 1; fit. Louis, 1. Two-bun hlta; Doyle, Kelster, Burkett, j-aanen. mree-nase nit: iwuenanty Btolen have: Heldrlck. Sacrifice hits Coughlin, McCormlck 2, Kahoe. Double Jilaya: Hemphill to Padden, Padden to Wai sts to Anderson, Heldrlck to MTormlck, liases en balls: (T Fatten. 1: off lllrnpr t. Hit br Ditched ball: Wallace. Struck put: By Patten, 6; by Harper, . Left on rases: wasnington, i: ot. Louis, it. Tims: :6S. Umpires: Carruthsrs and Johnstone. Cleveland Beat Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Au. lS.-The Cleveland team took the last game of the serfes hers today. Butler, on of ths young pitchers to local club ricked ud reeentiv. did verv well untlf he made a wild IVirow In the iRntn. tierore h regained bis nerve ths viol tors wers out of danger. Attendance, CLEVELAND. 1 BALTIMORM. R.H.O.A.g.l H.H.O.1.1 Bar. ef 1 . 1 . 1 MrFarltnd, If 1 1 I Kredler, b.. 1 111 6fihrh, cf .. 4 U!o, lb.... I I I I V'illlama, Ik. 1 I I I Hkkmati. lb. 1 1 Hnwlit lb.., Ill Flick, rf...... I 1 I I Arum, rf I I I I I HrJ if. I I 4 I 1 Ollhart, ...! I I I I Oiy-hnatior, aa 1 1 I 4 1 Kobinann, .. I III Wnna, a I 111 WUtaa, ID.... I I 14 1 Baar4. s.. 1 1 I I kvtlar, I 1 I 1 1 Total.... Cleveland Baltimore I I IT II II Totala. 1 I IT II I 1 lOOOOOtO-e .0 0000010 oi Two-base hits: Hickman, Williams. Three hass hlta: Bradley, uocrwiauer. uouoia pi y a: wmiaros to Gilbert to Wllse, Gil bert to Wlltse, Bradley to Lajole to Hick man. First base on balls: Oft Butler, t; off Bernhard, . Struck out: By Bern hard, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 4; Baltimore, g. Wild pltchi Butler. Time: .1.26. Umpire: Connolly. Cblcaso Still lslagr. BOSTON. Aug. 15.-Chicago lost ita nine, teenth game out of twenty-one In two sea sons here, a grand contest, notable for sensational plays In both outfields, Btatil and Green excelling. Attendance. 6,174. . Bcorei , , . ! aWSTOM. . ., CM1CAOO. Oleaaoa, ... 1 111 sljonm, ef..... 4 I Colllna. lb... 4 111 !ra.le. ...., 1 r"M, It. I 1 M I Marias, if.,,, 14 1 a..., I 111 liRtraus. lb.... I Sill, wi i gurHn. rr . a a a a a LaCnaoe. lb 4 I 14 1 1 Paly, lb I I I I I lab.ll. Ib..... 1 111 r.rrla, lb.... 1114 0 Cntf. I I 1 I Spaxlu, .... till Sullmn. a... Mill altoraoa. I 4 I I 1 TMaia. I ins i Tataia i n I rsrrls out; hit by batted ball Boaton 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Earned runs'; Boaton, 1; Chicago, 1. Two baa hits: Collins, Bulllvan. Three-base hit: Freeman. Home run: Ferris. Double Elny: Ferrta to Lachance. Bases on balls: Sparks, t. Etruck out: By PilUrson, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire: OLaughlln. Detroit Wlaa Beth. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 15.-The homa team made It six atralght from Detroit by winning both of today a games. The cauae of the visitors' defeats today was the same aa on the previous occasions, poor stick work. Attendance, 7,170. Scores: rHILADEI.rHIA. DETROIT. R.H. O.A.B. I R.H O A R. Hartsel. It... I 1 1 I I'ltarlay, It.... 1114 Fulla. I 1 I I Klh.rt.ld. aa. 1114 1 liana, Ik.... I I 14 1 kUaarr, lb I 111 L. Croaa, lb., 1114 ikt'Alllat'r, lb I I I I k ?! 1" i i i i SiH'Alllafr, lb I I I arboia, rf... 1111 anrre4t, tt.,. 1 t I I I iii.liir, ;b.,.l 117 I Hal mas, rf... I 1111 i . dia. a.l 1 I lreck. lb.. 111! w., .... Sloieaeea. lb., lilt Laatuig. ... i 111 1 UcOulra. a... 1 t 1 I rtTtr-rl"i. t I I Wf.., ...,4ft H l W I w Tetala Ill un a litroit .(. 01 1 0001004 fhlladelphta 10000317 11 Earned runs: Detroit, ; Philadelphli, 7. Two-baae hlta: Barrett, Hertsel, L. Cross (3), Murphy, tiacrinc hits: Beybold. Elber. feld, Holmes. Stolen bases: Hartscl, Iiavls ti), Hsrley. Double plsys: M. Croaa to Ivavla Caaev (unaBalated. Left on basest Drtroil 'J; Philadelphia, . First base oa balla: Off Mullin, I; oft Hustlng, 1. Hit by Pitched ball: Holmea. Struck out: By Wuiiln, 1: byllusting, .1. Wild pltchi Mulan. Time: 1:60. Umplro: Sherldln. PBlLArjIlPHlA. PBTROIT. A H Q. A t. I R.H. O A S V I. f... l arl.r. .... 1 Fulia, cf I 1 I I I Klbartall. aa. 1 1 4 T Lana. U....1 I II I Co.,, lb ... I 111 U K.oa. lb.. I til h.rrt, of... t till lorbniA, rf .. C 111 I Hoimaa, rf... I I t I I Hunhj. lb.. I 111 t bn-k, lb I I 11 1 a- Cfmm. aa.. 114 1 I Olraaon. lb.. I 114 r-hr'-k. ....! Ill I MrMiMar, a. 1 4 4 rQlt. k I I I 1 1 Mol'.rlbr, I 4 I I Muilia I Totals I II IT It i . I ToUla I I M II I Ettd for McCarthy in th ninth. Petrolt 0000010101 Philadelphia 10101000 I Earned runs: Detroit, 1; Philadelphia. 1. Two-base hlta: Ult-ason, IvU. Stolen basra: Full (21, plank. Double playa; McCarthy to P.eck, tiberfeld to Beck, L. Croaa to M. Cross to Davis. . !ft on bases: Detroit, I; Philadelphia, I. lirat bae on belis: Off Mrfartny, 4; off Tlaiik. 1. Btrtick aut: By McCarthy. 1; by Plank, I. Wild piwhi Mi artby, Plaiik. Tims; 1.46. I'm. ue: i.tna. talaai ft taa Teaaaa. ' . . . Plaved. Won. Lost T f. rniiaaciprii vi St. Loula ti Chlcxgo t Boaln .' M Cleveland , II Waalilogton ......... 17 Baltimore 14 Detroit 14 tl 40 ft 41 " .M ti it .y-i f.4 44 .tsl 47 II .4h0 46 f.a .4 4 40 M .41? u u ,.a Game today: Cleveland at Wsshtnarton, Chicso at Philadelphia, u Louis at lialtl Bort, Detroit at lvoaion. IN .AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kaaaas City Wlaa fro as TeleAa aa Errai Wklch Bcarea Faar Mea. TOI Er0, Aug. It Kanaas City won to day through aa error by Moany, which, p.rmltted Kanaas City to make four runs snor i iro niu were out. Atleiidanca, tn.J. bcore: t KANSAS CTTT. I J TOLEDO. ' . R H OAR R.H O i l. VMkntaa. rf.. 11 rf.... 1 1 I I 1 Tosol. rf ,4 til I touixa. IB.... I 111 Rxilla, a I III llainu !.... I 11 1 cf.... III kl.inow. .'.. Ill Oraar, 16 ... 1 14 1 J i '.,.. ll. . I 1 I 1 1 '" as..... I I I 4 G..,. - 1 (on..a. lb.. 1 I i j o,.iu. Ik. 1 111 K kmlik, if . 4 1 I J rranu. .... till HI U I 1 I . r a A i ., Tola la 4 f 14 1 I Total I I IT U 1 Kansas City 00401110 -! Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 14 Two-ba hi" : Ora1y. Nance. Sacrifice Rita: Ur.,ly. Tht.l. t-iul.n baMe: Thi.l. 'H McAnilttai, Double piny: Liuins t Turner, iiaujL to buuvk out: Py Olbron. 4; by Corsswell. . Paaea oa balls: t'nsKswell. I; Oibson. i. WI'd pitch: t'ossswell. Hit with ball: Cos is writ. Time: 160. Implre: Tlndull. Mllwsake ' Eullr Beatea. rOL,TTMBU8. O., Aug. IS Wagner was wild today, but so effective with men on bases that Mllwstike wss easily beaten. Attendance, 41H. Score: , MlLWAl'Krsj 1 '. COtl'kIIVI. R H O. A.X.I h H O A . Onnran, lb.. I 111 1 4 ftart, Ib I 114 1 KrhrlAa, f.. hihrk, lb I Hallmaa. rf.. I I llntmaa as. 1 Bonkl. Altrnrk. It...., - lllott, p.... I Hxnilrlrka, Tf I I t I Mrrtrlaa, H. 1 1 lii'Hiiia, lb.. Ill OlMrora. lb.... 4 I 14 : Knoll. It.. 15 llnska V ox. a.'... i. Wasaar. .. i i i i Total 1 4 M 10 ll Totala I I IT 14 I Coljmbns ........... 1 0 I 0 I Milwaukee) 000190IOO-1 ftolen baaei: Knoll, Hlllman, Dungan. Two-baa hlta: Knoll. Wagner. BacriPc hlta: liendrlcka, Wagner. Bchelbeck (2), Runkls. fctruck out: By Wagner, 4; by Elliott 4. Bases On hall: Off Wagner. ; off Elliott, 4. Hit by pitcher: KUlott. 1. I'assed ball: Donohu. Time: 1:4. Cm pir: rtggemier. laalaaapell Beats it. Pa at. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. U.-Rt. Paul was late in arriving; today and went on the field Sreen. ButthufT, however, kept the hitting own, and In the most quickly played game of th aeaaon hera Indianapolis won. Attendance. 608. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. ST. FAl'L. B. H. O A F t R.H O.A.B. Hntirlmr, rf I I 1 I O.ler. Ib I I 4 4 Fox, lb. I tit Shaanoo. c.. I 111! Kolluia. K... Kihm. lb.... O' BrtMi, as. . Coulter, f,. Kohna, th... H.rooti, ... ButiboB, .. Totals . 1 III t!iar, II.... I I 1 I I . I I 11 1 Po'ihrtjr, KM I I I III Hogalaa. Ik.. Mill till Kollr, lb I I 14 I 1 ill! ri.c, i I a lilt I Mima, aa... I I I I . 1 I t I I r.rsnaoa, .. I I I 4 :Chack, U I I I 1 I 11 IT U ll I Total 1 I 14 II 4 Indianapolis 1S00041 fit Paul 0 0 0 l b 0 0-1 Bases on halls: Off Ferguson, 1 Struck out: By Butthoff, 4; by Ferguson, 1. Hit by pitcher: Butthoff, Ferguson. Two-base hit: Kcllutn. Thrne-bese hits: Coulter, Pierce. Sacrifice hits: Fox. Kuhns. Kelly, poubls plays: Plerca ta Hugglns, Oeler to Hugsina to Kelly. Btolen baaea: Heydon, Helium, Hoa-rlevr, Fok, Oeler. A Left on basest Indlsnapolls, 4; Bt. Paul, . Urn plrei Qrlm. Time: 1:26. ' Casuee Poatpoaed. At Loulslvlla LOulsvlrie-Mlnneapolls postponed; wet grounds. itaadlaa; ef the Tcaaas. Pis ved. Won. Lost P.C. Louisville Indianapolis ... Bt. Paul. Kanaas City.... Milwaukee Columbus , Minneapolis ... Toledo li i i H .6S7 M IT ' ' .41 M 44 .177 iO . tt .10 44 M r .4fi0 47. , 17 .4M 40 61 .m M 73 .317 V4 ....104 ....lflt ...) ,...1"4 ....101 ...,10t Games today: Milwaukee at Columbus, fit. Paul at Indianapolis, Mlnneapoiia at Louis villa, Kaasaa City at Toledo. ST. JOE BEATS PES MOINES Miseoarlasis Tsvke the First Oasa af senas rroaa tha Pra klbttlealsts. 8T. JOSEPH, Aug. 18. St. Joseph won today's gam by tlrasly hltUng. Score: RH5! Pes Moines.... 1 000000001 T S Bt. Joseph 0 1100000011 Batteries: Des Moines, Hoffer and Lo bck; 8L Joseph, Parvln anil Roth. Mllwaakea Defeata Denver. MILWAUKEE, Atig. lS.-The Milwaukee team defeated Penver today In a game In which Adklna did not allow a hit. Attend- BIWI, WW, pvWvi .... t Jt.BI TT Milwaukaa ... 601000100 1 penver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries: Milwaukaa, Adkins and Lucia; Eyler and McConnell. Oame Postpaaed. At Peoria Colorado Springs gam post poned; wet grounds. At Kansas City Ths Omaha team failed to arrive and today'a gam was postponed until Sunday, whan a double-header will be, played. ....... , . , . Standi at the Tea ass. Played. Won, Lost-' P.C. Omaha H Kansas Clty 100 Denver , BS 00 18 611 .170 ,ii .M . .S.l a 41 47 (0, 60 Milwaukee .......... 96 Bt. Joseph.. ...101 u i M , 47 17 Colorado Springs... 17 Des Moines 17 Peoria 93 M C7 Oames todav: Omaha at TCarrsa Cltv. Des Moines at 8t Joseph.. Denver at Mil w a, coioraao springs at Peoria. Jaalora Wla n Fast pm YORK Tfeb., Aug. l$.-(flpeetal Tele gram.) Fifteen hundred people at th York couniy xair saw me union stockyarda Juniors ahut out the York O A. R In ana of the prstttest games seen here this year. ii waa a piicner a oattie irom start to nnleh. Qulnn for th Juniors and Meehan for York were puszlers, allowing but three hits each and each striking oat twelv men. i ne score siooa w to o up to the ninth Innlnav wh.n XfMMv,.n ,- U A hitting one man and allowing two hlts and" wiin iwu errors njf me neiaera neiiea ina Juniors four runs. Miller's throwing to bases waa tha feature. Tha Sams teams play hera tomorrow. Boor: ntiti Juniors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 I 4 York 0 OOOOOOOO-Oll Batteries: Juniors, Qulnn and Miller; York. Meehan and Gilbert, Bases on balls: Off Qulnn, 1: off Meehan, 1. Hit by pitched iu: ny lucrnnn, BirucK out: By Qulnn, li: by Meehan, 11. Left on bases: Junior. : York. A Double nliv Vtlilv to Tslbot Tim: 1:40. Umpire t Fountain. BALL GAMES AT FIELD CLUB Careate Paper Ceaspaar aa Has. sees Park Clak Will Flap Tkar. Th two Omaha Field club teams, th firat and th second, have game scheduled or this afternoon with the Carpenter Paper company teem and th Hanacora park aggregation, respectively. Tha Una upa wli be: , O. F. C. lt . C. P. Co. Crawford catcher -.. Hnttrnni. Clarke-Mclntyre... pitcher Levlne Van Camp. ....... .Orat base Smith Knox. ....Srcond base ... Davis third bsae , Owen shortstop.., , Lnplnakl right field Kotysa center fir id Burton Crelshton Malona McShane Hoagland.... Reed O. F. C. Jd. McShane Sprague Iiind Krnnerd .... Durkee Neville Reed.. Spaman Martin ...left field Snlderwlnd Hanacora Parka. firat base.... ....second base.. .third baae.. ahortstop.... right field... field.., left field catcher pitcher ..Oilehriet ,.R- Koran ..11. Foran ... Rogers .Frank I-eary Klich .... Bowes .. Ritchey Base Ball at kaaina. The B. Jetter nln will play th Smith ft Bradley, club of Council iliuBa at Lake Manawa at SO this afternoon. Lineup: Jetters. ... 8. A Bs. McKali-conier.... pitcher.. Moaner Tonaman-Oibson.. catcher Maxfleld Clark., ..first baae Shusart Kurt Cahlll Ackerman E. C lark.., Jackson... Rowley..., ...second base McCarthy uiira Daa., ahortstop.., left field.. field.. ....rtttht field.. substitute .Butler .. Brewic-ka Duncan ....Howarth Miles Qrifflth Miadea, Defeats Falrbary. OHIOWA. Neb.. Aug. 15. (Special )-Mln-den and talrhnry plaved a very Interest ing same ot ball at the-Modern Woodmen of Anirrlca picnic, here Thuraitav. . pair, bury tailing to aore, while MlnJan piled up four runs. Score: Mlnden 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 -2H4Ei Palibury 0 0 0 0 I 6 0 0-0 i I iiAtterles: Mlnden, Gslnes and Moors: Firbury. Bean and Bpencer. Tfcree-I Leacae. At Rockford Bloomlngton, 11; Rock ford. At Rock Island Rock Tslaad-Dtcatur game postponed: wst grounrW At Iavenport Davenport Evans-vlll gaitie patoni1; wet grounus. At Cedar hapKls Clr Rapids-Terr Haute gam positioned; rain. 1 leathern Aaexaelatloaw Memphis. 1: New Orleans, U. C tii1ins-""l.. o'.. s."i pcctpcc J. . iinnia. a:, t. Llui Hock, I: bhrsveport, 4.' Ia Ik Rational Leaa. Oamra today. St. Iouls at Phlladolphla, Pm.wurg at lioeton t l.Kag at ir..ia. CliiN-'nliaU at ,N Twia, FAVORITES WIN AT BRICHIOS Zepbjt Taksi tho $5,000 BciulU Pqtm ia PnttjEao. SHADOW CHIMES BEATEN IK THE PACE Aadakea Bey 'Has Easy Gel as; After It Beeocaea Kaiss Tkat Daa Patek Willi Hat Mast gtart NSW YORK, Aug. 18. Perfect weather and a fast track again favored th Grand Circuit meeting at Brighton Beach today. Tie feature of tbs program waa the John K. Schults 15.000 puree for trotting 4 year -cldi, for which the bay filly Zephyr, by Sombrero, wai tbs favorite, at 100 to 70 for the ..pick. With th ad van tag ef the pole and Oeers in the sulky she won In straight heat. la tbs first beat ah went to the quarter in 0:11, to th half la 1:04 and cam horn as she pleased la t:llVi- The second heat was R repetition of th first. but In the turn th favorlt brok. Maxlne took th lead and held It to ths top turn, looking like a winner, but Zephyr cam again in th stretch and won by bait a length. 1:04 pacs brought out high class Held and hopes were high that Audubon Boy would t able to fore Dan Patch to go a fast mile, but th latter did not start. Audubon Boy waa a hot' favorlt at 60 to 15. With th word Shadow Chimes pushed to ths front, Indians was second and th favorlt close up. They went up ths back stretch lapped. At ths three-quarters pole Audubon Boy moved up and Shadow Chimes brok. Fanny Dlllard then cam fast from th rear, challenging the leader, and In a close and exciting finish shs was only beaten half a length by th favorlt. In th second heat th veteran Connor rushed off with th lead and held it to th three-quarters pole, with Audubon Boy sec ond and Fanny Dlllard third. As they rounded for home th fsvorlts and Dlllard shot by Connor and wers soon Jolnsd by Shadow Chimes, finishing in that order. . Contest la k Trot. Th Ml clsss trotting was on th novelty plan, th winners going to ths bara after th first and second heats. Walnut Hall, a grand looking brown stallion, by Conductor, was a prohibitive favorlt for th first heat. He brok bady after passing ths first turn and did it so wall that h was fully ten lengths In front before h settled. Ha than trotted fair and square to the finish, win ning, with Ivaadorf second. The Judges had a long consultation, but eventually gav Walnut Hall th heat- Ivandort was th cholc for th second heat and he won with lots to spare. In the last heat Debut was a prohibitive cholos, but he failed to tnak good and th rac waa won by th black mar Beman, a f to 1 shot, by three lengths. In ths amateur races for pacers C. K. O Billings drove Hontas Crook and won both beat easily from Frailer, driven by Frank Jones. In th trotting amateur race Little Helen is j"1" and held It to th finish, though Joymnker mads such a lightning rush that ho waa only beaten by a short hftJi .JJ-the second beat Little Helen and Jm5kir7bJid It out from the start to wiiif jrtj tsds from the wire, where JoxQia;"st lojo the air and Mr. BUIlngscame; sfbaruib with Imogene and la a hot fulili Janded a winner by half a length. In a &J-A$ finish imogene won tne mira neat ana me rac a . Rssults: Trotting-, 1: class, the John H. Schults stake lor 1-year-olds, purse Zenhvr. b. m. : bv Sombrero-Lultl ' '' -' ' Campbell (Oeers) 1 1.1 rlaxlne, b. m. (Lyons) Ill lallle Hardin, ch. m. tMoOuIre) I 4 Horace W. Wilson, ch. h. (Shank).. (41 Belle Sligo, b. m. (Slader) S 8 B Directum Hpier, t. n. (Kenney) 4 aa Time: 2:10. 1:12 W. i:12U. Pacing, 2:04 claas, purse 15,000, two heats in mree: Audubon Boy, ch. h., by J. J. Audu-bon-Flaxev. bv Bourbon Wllkea (Hudson) 1 1 Fannie Dlllard, b. m. (Snow) I 1 Connor, blk. g. (McDonald) I 4 Shadow Chimes, b. h. (Oeers) t 1 Indiana, b. g. (Clark) 4 I Time: 2:06, l:064. Pacing (novelty), 2:1( class, puree 11, S00, borae winning fastest heat taking- first money: Walnuf Hall. br. h., by Conductor Maggie Fraaer, by Red Wllkea (Benyon) 1 ro Ivandorf. b. sr.. by AUandorf (Dick. srson) I 1 ro Bmay, blk. m.a by Maronaiae (Snyder) I I 1 Ben Hail. b. tt. (Turner) til Joe Stelner, b. g. (Nuckols) Ill Debut, b. h. (Demarest) 4 4 4 Time: 1:114, 2:18. 2:13tt- Wagon race, trotting, two heats In three, amateurs driving: Hontsa Crook, ch. h.. by Bud Crook (C. K. O. BlUlngs) 1 1 Frailer, ch. g. (F. O. Jones) I 1 Time: 1:164. 1:114. Wagon race, trotting, two heats In three. awateurs driving: Imosene. b. m... by Elyrla (C. K. O. Billings) til Little Helen, b. m. (D. C. W. Flans- t gan) 1 I I Jovmaker, b. g. (F. U. Jones) Ill Time: i:ii. M4H. 1:17. Haadreda at Skeaasxdeak Fair. 'gHENANDOAir. Ia., Aug. IE. (Special Telegram.) The second day of the Bhenan- aoeb rair was attended cy over i.uuo people, the ticket sellers In all detsrtments run ning out ef tlcketa. Caah recelpta for the day from sale of tlcketa at one time reach- log l.-'AJ. Pall gsrea summaries: iloriaiia came: - Irish ...1 0 0 1 I T I 4-11 Randolph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Afternoon gam (twelve Innings) i Malvern 2 01100 00001 0 T Eex 0 0000041000 0- tthenanrtoan won In the basket ball gam rrorn isortnooro, is vo J. Racing was good. 2 24 pace. Durae 1300. seven starters: Yellow Roae ) ..1 1 1 King Blamarck 2 i 2 l.adv Richards 4 1 2 2 4 4 t t t Willie Swstts Tom Elliott Star Oneida , Taffeta Silk ds ds Time: 1:26. I:264. 2:40 trot, purs feuO. five starters: Robert Mack 1 1 Alax 6 4 Hadlols .1 1 tirhrlno W Inula Time: l:SoA. lWi. 1:30. 2 S t da Stake face, twelv entries, three starters, 00 added money: liri lender 1 1 1 The Doctor 1 i ir. noy jane Time: 1SS. 1:M. 1:17. In the Sentinel baby contest fifty-seven entries were made. The premium was a awarded to little Raymond Flnley ot Lo cuat Grove township. In Frldav'a baa ball contests the results were aa ioiiows: Morning sams: Kasex 1 4000000 5 Randolph 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02 Afternoon gams: Iriah 1 0S002I2 o Mnlvern I 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Slienandnah woe over Essex by a score of mi Aiienaance ounng day 4,ou. Heavy Track at Mlaaearl Valley. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. Aui. IS Bn rial 1 elrsrsm.) Th heavv rain mhl-h tutl night made the track very muitily for today'a races. Horn was kicked by Tlboren while at the post In the laat race and waa aent to the atabto on three leas. He will probably be laid up th reat of th aeaaon. Sevrral of the other horse are In bad lorm. i os races r.av oeen continued over eaturaay, win a complete card. Uuiumary First race, one-half-mile dash, purse $75 Little Devil won. fcllm Jim ui4 T-. berine third. Time: t.ii. fculy Van and rfoa exinirr aiso ran. Second race, or, and ona-alxteenth mil purse lluu: False won, Chubb second x.iura.ij tniltl. jime: i. us. a. 11. r ox -" ' nunn aura also ra 11. Third raca, seven-eighths of a mile dash. lur. sou: yumn i won, Lay Chatham second, J. W. Dansy third. Time: 1:42. Vour Hundred and Major McKlnley also Fourth race, three-ouartera nt a mil daah. purse I.I: Tioorn won. h( if On ii scvoud, Uiads B tlUid. lluio; ucaV wood, Betty B and Th Covenanter also ran. Four races will b run tomorrow snd ail are filled. A half-mile daah, with five en tries: a thrve-auarters of a mile ilaah. with six entries; a seven-elchths of a mile daah. with seven entries, and a nve-eientha Of a mile daah, with five entriea, are on the cards. DRAWINGS FOR TENNIS PLAY Final Arranaesnents far Ckaanatea- skip Oanteet at Newport Are Made. NEWPORT. R- I.. Aug. IS. Drawlnas for the match play of the eighty-three piayera who have entered for tne National lawn tennla championship next week at the Caalno were mad today, and waa most satisfactory, as none ot the strong piayera will have hard matches until the second or third round. The tournsment will, there fore. Increase-In Interest as It progresses, with some excellent events In the fourth and fifth rounds, and leaving the two championship double matches as the fea tures of the first two days. The list la one ot ths largest, as well as the strongest for many years. Including not only the three English players, R. F. snd li. L. Doherty and Dr. Plm, but the very beat exponents of the game In Amer ica. The rlehtv-three entriea mad the drawtns somewhat complicated, snd the preliminary round includes nineteen matches, the .first match being In two divi sions. Tha unncr nart of the list are Twla-ht V Davis of Boston and Krelsh Collins of Chicago. In the second quarter Is M. D. Whitman, the forme." champion and a strong: (avotlte for this year. Then comes Wright Paret and Sievens. In the third qusrtT are H. L. Doherty, Clarence Ho bsrt and L. B. Ware. In the lower section are Tr Plm. R V Doherty. W. J. Clothier. Holcomhe Wsrd and L. H. Waldner of Chicago. It looka as li ne semi-nnais win oe Detween L. f . Davis and M. D. Whitman and one of the Dohertiea and VV. J. Clothier. The winner of the tournament will Dlav William A. Lamed for th championship. in entries were drawn this morning by Herman Norman, secretary of the British embassy, who wm selected by Dr. James uwignt, president ot tne national associa tion, because of the great Importance of the affair from an Ensllsh oofnt or view. The tournsment begins on Tuesday. REINHART BEATS DOUGLASS Second Reand In Golf Tbarnaaaeat Attraeta" Maek At tentlen. MANCHESTER. Vt.. Aur. 15. The second rouid In the golf tournament for the first President lhutv cup was presented on Ekawanok links here today. Close matches and low scores were realized, the hardest fight being ths match between Flndlsy 8. Xougisss and Frank C. Relnhart Both men piayea great goir, Keinnart finally winning by 1 up. The W. J. Travl-W. G. Barnwell match also attracted much at tention. It was won bv Travis. 4 un. 1 to f lay. The other matches in 'th play for he Isham cup were close. nummary or morning piay: Second round, match play. President's cup; W. C. Chick beat M. T. Whiting. I tip to plav. and t to play. W. J. Trav! W. J. travie beat W. O, Barn wall, 4 up and 1 to plav. Frank c. Keinnart beat Flndlsy 8. Doug lass, 1 up. c. a. cory neat w. Austin, up, 1 to play. uovemor s cup: Paul Waterman beat A. X. Welllnaton. I up, i to play. james rt. L,yncn peat M. Maliour, 1 up. C. T. Trevell beat O. M. Smith. 4 un. S fa Plcf.rk Bumham beat Dr. Pond by default Consolation oup. G. L. Relkly beat Edward Clark. 1 un. I to play. H. R. Bweeney beat J. H. Brooks. I un. 1 to play, A. U White beat D. B. Martin, 7 up, I to play. FAMOUS .TRIO-PLAY TENNIS Lar Gallery Getkers Abeat Coarts f MeadoW Clab t Wltneas ' ' tkeGasae. ' t ..,.. . NEW YORK. Alia-. IS A lirars srallerv gathered about the court of the Meadow club to witness the, playing of tbs famous trip of Englishmen la ths closing .matches of the mixed doubles in the Long Island Championship tennis tournament The morning - match -brought together Miss Holland and Rf-F. Dougherty against Anna nanus ana ur. josnua pirn. This la for the nlaca on tha ton final bracket, the lower brackst having been won yesterday by Mr, Hoadley and H. L Dougherty. m courts nave kept in perfect condi tion and are fit for the fastest sort of play while the weather la clear and pleasant. . The semi-final match In the mixed doubles resulted In a victory for R. F. Doherty and Miss Holllns. They defeated Dr. Joshua Plm and Miss Sands In two straight sets, th ssore bains 6-3, 0-2. Races at York: Fair. gram.) The third day of the York county fair and race meeting was largely attended toaay ana tne races were nearly as close as yesterday. In ths Z:0 trot Nlnvlnna won. Odreo Girl second and Ida Rex third. Time: 1:14 vt. 2:24. Revenue easily won the half-mile runnlna race, with Dr. Long aecond and David if. tnira. Time: o:bOH, v:ol. Considerable Interest was manifested in the matched green horse trotting race be tween Harry, owned by Tucker, and Brlt tallla, owned by Owens, both local horses. Mr. Tucker s horse won. In the be ball game between the Union Stock Yards Juniors of South Omaha and the Young Amerlcae of York the score was 4 to 0 In favor of tha Juniors. No runs were tnade until th eighth Inning. Saperlers tfc Derllass . gram.) McCook held Superior down to one run today, while Its sluggers chased around tne Diamond nine times, superior s stick work a?aln won MoCook an easy victory. Superior's only run waa made, on a scratch nit. escore: ' ' R TT McCook 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 I 10 superior 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 7 Batteries: McCook. Peltier and Doane: Superior, Art Glade and Geek. Two-bus hit: Converse. Three-base hit: Cone. Home run: Art Glade. Struck out: Hy Beltser, I; by Art. Glade, 1 Umpir: Pit ton. Features of the game were the splendid pitching by Beliser end seven stolen bases bv Hood. In yesterday's caina Jooea pitcnea tne entire game. Leagaeri Take One at Blenenn. ONAWA. Ia.. Aur.. IB. (Soeelsl Tele gram.) Anderson's iesguers defeated th liiencoe tram today on the lilencoe dia mond In on of th prettiest games of ths n by a ecor or I to l. li oth pitchers td but three wers In fine form. King allowed but three hits and Fuliner eight. Fries carried off. the batting honors, gsttlng a single, a double and a home run. McAllleter of Blencoe aot two two-basiters. There were vsry lew errors and everything combined to make it a good game, ttattertea: Omwa, King and i riesa; Blencoe, Fulmer and Sfaea. Umpire: Westfall of blencoe. Onawa playa the Lemars league team here tomorrow. Howell Wine Tennis Sesnl-Flnal. SIOUX CITY, la.. Au. 15 Special Tele- f ram.) The championship seml-hnal In th ournament of ths Trl-btate Tennis asso ciation, composed of piayera from Iowa, Nebraaka and South1 Dakota, was won tooay py liowell or nloux Cltv. who be feated Masee of Omaha. Tomorrow Howell will play tarns worth of Grand Island, laat year a winner of the cup. for the cham pionahlp. The double were won by Tom. Unaon and Lynde of Alrten, la., from Baker and Howell of Sioux City. Score. 0-1, -J. 1-4. At a meetlig today H. H. Drake of 1 ' : u A V , , 7 cirrieu N rnnir I n1 1 1 1 1 . Jarvls of Slous City secretary and treas urer, ' Jeekeya Badly lnjared. LONDON, Aug. It. In a race today at neacar. lor me coatnam Handicap plate, Ixird Harewood's Arxovian. rldd.n bv 1 H. (Skeeta) Martin, fell and Martin a collar oone was ornxen. j. iowtners nlanderton. ridden by Tyrrell, elao fell. Trrell was ronacrca unconacioua. Ckaaaj Pat of Flbt. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Aug. II A dispatch waa received here today from Robert C Gray, manager of the Southern Athletic club, announclna that the date of t'na rv.r. bett-McGovern contest In Louisville had oeen cnangea irom oepiember IA to Bep- IVU1U1I A RiRkt t Interfere. . INDIANAPOLJ8. Aug. 15. -Attorney Oen ivior n(i,iM toaay mat Governor I'uran pas no right to Interfere In boxing contests, but that the local police of ciUes must control them. KnJa Agals at Davenport. DAVENPORT, I., Aug. 11 -Today's races postou4 on sccauut cf PROSPECTS CROW BRIGHTER TraJs Outlook Greatly ImproTid Tbrongh Idjuitmint of Labor Difficulties, ANTHRACITE SUPPLIES NEAR DEPLETION PI SI Iron Predaetloa,' However, Set ters H gerleas Setback an Oaf. pat of Cake le Vnpree. deated. NEW YORK. Aus IS R O Tliin A r weekly rievicw ot Trsde tomorrow will say Prospects have areatlv Improved throurh the adjustment Of numerous labor contro versies, yet th anthracite coal strike situ ation Is unchanged and supplies are Hear ing depletion. Distribution of merchamllso Is subject to some Interruption, owlnr to freight blocksdes. th volume of business being very heavy. BtatlMlcs of pis- iron production Aurust 1, according to the Iron Age, art mora satisfactory than might have been ex pected In view of the great scarcity of fuel. A weekly capacity of 3.16. 4t ton Is 15,599 tons less than the high record of MAY, It is true, but It compares favorably with all earlier dates and shows an increase of 12,618 tons over the output a year ago. These figure by no means suggest a seri ous setback In the Industry, put rather emphasise the abnormal condition of de mand which finds such a heavy yield In adequate Southern furnaces have con tracted so Tar In advance that thev hnve practically withdrawn from the markets and ell dates for deliveries are remote except m-here foreign arrivals are offered. Pressure for steel is undiminished and the urgency of domestic consumers Is shown by additional Imports of large stse. Material Is sought by car builders snd many buildings snd other steel structures are planned. The demand for coke In the Conhells- vllle region exceeds 23.0O0 torts weekly and outside ovens are elo surpassing ail rec ords of activity. Yet shipments are un- itlsfactory, causing rrequent delays. Shoe manufacturers at the east have re ceived practically all the fall orders that will be Placed and business is now re stricted to sample orders In spring lines. Leather has again risen in price and sales were heavy during the last week, not only In sole, but also upper stock and belting earner. nerfnt advances in niues nave been fully maintained and large transac tions occurred, while heavy Texas steers reached a new record price. Foreign dry hides nominally advanced, without actual trading. Desiiits the verv favorable remorts from dry goods jobbers regarding the volume of oueinesa transacted and the bright outlook for fall trade conditions In the primary market and at the mills are now devoid of Incident. Buyers are still governed try th impression that a large cotton crop Is as sured and the resulting lower prices for raw material will bring better terms for goods. Holders thus far have had few concessions and ronseauentlv tradina? la dull except specialties. t-onaioenng tne omciai report or cereal crop conditions the firmness of quotations during ths last week has been somewhat urprming. Failures for tha week numbered ISA In ths United States, agalnat 178 last year. BRASSTREETS REVIEW OF TRADE. Assaranee ( Bonntlfnl Harvests Stlnaalat Bnslaess In General NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Bradstreefs to morrow will say: Weather conditions have heen favorable and the country is nearer to realising the largest harvest In Its history. Fall trad In the northern and western sections has expanded and the west and northwest may Do saio to ne in iuii uueu, wiii. ivcr sall drawing and nearly th nest of out looks, both as regards agricultural yield and prices. The need of larger than usual quantities of money to move 'the crops Is appreciated and confidence In tne work ot handling the crops with a minimum -of friction is widely expressed, though a fur ther seasonable tightening of the situation Is looked for. The physical handling ot the crops by th railroads presents a prob lem which must alao be met and the possi. blllty of a car shortaaa looms ud second only to the necessary financing of' the movement ltseit. - r-t i ,.,, 'the favorable trade fea tores noted, this week are the expansion In the fall demand for dry goods, hardware, groceries, shoes snd millinery at leading markets in th north, west, east and northwest, th more optimistic views expressed as to the large size of the southern cotton crop and Its effect on future business, the strength of iron and steel caused by th curtailment of production in July as a result of short ages In fuel supplies due to the strikes snd car shortages, the firmness In lumber, mills being heavily sold ahead, and tha continuance of the Improved export de mand for cereals, particularly wheat, with the steadlnesa In prices of actual grain, which Is In active request, while specula tion in rather slow. The leas favorable features noted are the restriction of trade in summer aoods. caused by the cool weather: the continu ance of the deadlock at the anthracite coal-J mines, wnn tne growing; nervousness aa to supplies and prices if the strike continues until cool weather, and the unfavorable figures of July export trade, cauaed by the projection of last year's conditions Into the present season. Collections, as a whole, are classed ss seasonable. Pig Iron production Is still restricted by scarcity of cars affectlnr coke supplies and the anthraolte strike. Demand is no lees active, southern pig selling heavily. Foundry Iron Is active for nearby and next year delivery at II advance on Besse mer Iron. Premiums for spot Iron at Chi cago are high and It is very scarce at Pittsburg. There Is plenty of foreign steel offered, out business Is not active at the price demanded. Eastern Iron furnaces are buying- coke for next year at $2.75 at furnace. Plates and structural material are largely sold ahead and western rail mills are refusing orders. Sheets, tin plate and wire are "dreggy." Nothing like the present activity In hardware Is recalled. All markets report activity in this line and Chicago notes largo aales for spring de livery. Tin Is weaker on lower foreign markets and copper is nearly Ho lower and weak on full offerings at concessions. Cotton retain all ths strength noted to ward the close laat week. Some cotton goods are rather easy In tone. Print ciotha, while held at Fall River at c. are offered at 2c at other markets. Ginghams are, however, atrong and some advances are announced. Woolen goods for men's wear, sprir.e, are steady at the advance of 6s loo noted. Wool Is firm and prices favor sel lers. Raw silk Is active and firm. Boots and shoes show more activity at eastern manufacturing centers and ship ments for the week are per cent largor than last week, though 12 per cent smaller than a year ago. Cheap jewelry la slow of sale by manufacturers. Sugar Is firm and a large buaineaa la In prospect Produce Is lever on large receipts. Canned goods are firm despite bountiful crops of fruits and Vegetables. Wheat, Including flour, export for th week ending August 14, aggregate 4,351,6-6 bushels, against 4,244, 3n3 last week and t.ftt,761 last year. Wheat exports since July 1 aggregate 26.980,(hi8 bushels, agalnat 44.071.WI laat aeaaon. Corn exports aggre gate 91423 bushels, against 70.611 laat week and SOo.&ug last year. For the fiscal year corn exports are sol.Sft bushel, against t,227.1A8 last seaaon. Business failures for the week ended Ausruat 14 number 161, aa against 16 last wee ana us in hub week last year. BIDS EXCEED APPROPRIATION Contracts for Pneanaatle Tab Serv ice In Eastern Cltlea Ar Ret Yet Awarded. WASiiiMUTUN, Aug. 15. Bids were opened today by tha acting postmaster gen eral for the rental ot a pneumatic tub service in Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Waahlngton, Chicago and St. Louis, several of th builders or their representatives being present. The bids greatly exceed ths appropriation of $SOO,000 granted by congrsss to bs used for this purpose for th flscsl year 1102. It was announced after tbs opening that no award would be maf at present, as it will bs necessary to tnak soma adjustment among tbs different cities in order to corns within ths appropriation. Following ars tbs bids for St. Louis: Batehellor Pnoomatlo - Tub company. Figprune Cereal A delicious Cereal Coffee made of choice California fir mil prunes and grain absolutely free from artificial matter. BOLD J3Y ALL CROCERS. routes 1 and 2. ir.l.Pol pir annum or $20.l!4 per mile snd $71,011 per annum or 121.267 per mile, respectively. Th St. Louti rneumatlo Tube company, bidding on all routei, submits the following: Eight-Inch, 148,261 per snsum or $15,670 per mile; ten-Inch, $44,291 per snnum or $11,930 per mile; ilght-tnch, $57,120 per snnnm or $11,000 per mil; ten-Inch, $55,S35 per annum or $15,500 per mile; eight-Inch, $63, 625 per annum or $16,500 per mile; ten-loch, $61,600 par snnum or $16,000 per mil; eight Inch. $53,770 per annum or $11,500 per mile; ten-Inch, $54,010 per annum or $16,000 per mil. Wheat 'for St. Leal Espealtlnn. STUROIS, 8. D" Aug. IS. (Special. ) Fred Borsch, who lives en a farm about two miles west cf this city. Is making arrange ments to send sonis wheat raised by him this sesson to ths St Louis exposition as an exhibit of what th Black Hills rsn do. Mr. Borh- now baa a $140 medal which hs received at.tbe. World's fair for th best wheat raised anywhere, snd what h his this fall is even better than that which took ths prli. nepnbltcana to Meet In Startle. STURGI9. 8. D.. Aug. IB. (Special.) As per call of th chairman, ths Meade county republican central committee met in this city Wednesday. .. J. o. Wenlte acted as chairman of th masting and O. W. Jewett secretary. Th time and place of holding the republican county convention was set la this city on Saturday, September 20, at 11 o'clock a.tto. ... NEED NOT SHOW STOCK BOOK Coort Hold In Favor of Secretary tn Colorado Fnel anal Iron Cobb. . pnny Case. DENVER. Aug.. 15. Application wss filed In the United States circuit court today by John W. Gates, James Blair, John J. Mitch ell and Arthur J. Singer against th Colo rado Fuel and iron company and John C Osgood, John . A. Ksbler, Alfred C. Cass, Dennis Sullivan and David C. Beaman for sn Injunction to restrain th defendants from preventing the plaintiffs from casting, counting and having considered ths votes which they allege they ar entitled to east at th annual meeting of stockholders for the election of directors and officers ot th corporation. Th complaint recites that 'of 250,17$ shares of stock outstanding tbs . plaintiffs own and control by proxies 191,600 sharss, giving them a clear majority, but that it Is feared that unless "the court grants them protection they will Ret be allowed to cast their votes, becmae of conspiracy and collu sion on th port ef officers and othsr share holders. Numerous written demands, ths complaint says, hav keen mad upon ths secretary of th company, David O. Beaman, to furnish th books of ths company, In which a list of th stockholders snd ths number ef shares held by them Is kept, but none of these demands has been compiled with. Relying upon that fact, ths plaintiff! allege that the defendants have failed and neglected to keep in ths state ot Colorado snr such book, as required by th statuts, and that th only stock books kept by th defendant corporation, showing th names and addresses snd holdings ot anarenoiaers. are the transfer hook, the stock ledger and th registry book, kept respectively by ths Knickerbocker" Trust sompany and the Atlantio Trust company In New York snd at. th annual meetings lists of ths stock holders wer taken from such books, and thes furnished the basts and data to de termine names and holdings of all stock holders who-should hav th right to vol at the electkm-of officers, .' ' Th complaint allege that th officers of the 'company hav transferred to eighteen persons, mostly employes of ths company, five shares of stock each, wtlh th evident object of packing; ths meeting and fraudu lently controlling the election ot officers. It also alleges that the defendants deny tb right of Arthur J. Singer and William H." Valle to vote, oa ths ground that their hsmes do not appear on ths stock book, and that tho defendants hav obstructed every effort to have the names placed on tbs stock book. ' Subpoenas were Issued commanding th officers of ths company to appear In court and -show cause why an Injunction should not be granted, and a hearing may b held tomorrow . before Judge Halt Arguments wers heard by Judgs Johnson In the dis trict court today la the cass of William N. Valle, who Is seeking an alternative writ of. mandamus rsqulrlng the secretary of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company to exhibit it stock books to him. Judge John son decided, against tbs plaintiff, on th ground that hs had not shown that hs was entitled to see tho books of tb company. FORECAST , OF THE WEATHER Fair Satardar d Saaday. 1 th Press lsn for llesrsaks, With WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Weather for. cast: For Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Kanaas, Colorado and Wromina Fair Ratur. day and Sunday. For Illinois 8howers Saturdayf fair Sun day; fresh, northeast winds. For Iowa and Missouri Showsrs Ratur. dsy, Sunday, fair and warmer. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BTJttEATJ, OMAHA, Aug. 16. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the laat three yeara: ...'. . - ii im. 1200. 1S9. Maximum temperature .. 73 ti M aj Minimum temperature .,. 64 63 65 63 Mean temperature- 70 76 74 7 Precipitation j .oo .21 .oo Record of temrjeratur and nraelniiatim. at Omaha. Nob., for this day and elnc March 1, 1902 1 Normal temperature 74 Deficiency for the day , , 4 Total exoeas since March 1 lsj Normal precipitation , 11 Inch Excess for tho day u Inch Total rainfall since March 1 11.40 Inches Deficiency since March 1 v 1.57 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, ln..7. 7.14 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 102.... 1M Inches Reports frosa flattens at T r. M. Hi .Pi -.TO n OS, ?ff in CONDITION OF THE .. WEATHER.. is Omaha, cloudy ,. Valentine, clear North Platte, clear , Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear Rapid City, j Artly cloudy. Huron, cloudy Wllllston, clear Chicago, cloudy St. Louis, partly cloudy ., St. Paul, clear . .- Davenport, cloudy ........ Kansttf City. cler Havre, partly cloudy Helena, clear blnmarck, clear ......1 Galveston, partly cloudy , :3 T .00 .00 .02 T .11 .01 .04 ,U .04 T .00 .00 ....... .12 tot .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. LAWYER CRITICISES JUDGE Leadlnar Coanael for tailed .states Statement. MONTREAL. Quebec, Aug. 16.Donald McMaater, leading counsel for the United States, today gavs out the following state ment In reference to Judge Carnoa's uda - tnrnt la the Gsynor-Grsene case: In my opinion the Judgment la bad end the reasons In support of It wfre. The Judgment Is In ffeot a Snap Judgment without counsel oeliig heard upon the whole case. The first ground of the Judgment Is that the warrant issued by Judge Lnfontahie for the arrest of the prisoners does not contain the date of the commission of tb crlm. .1 Mr. MrMatter considers this a most ex traordlnary reason, ss hs holds th warrant -to be lo th words of tho form prescribed by th statute.' According to him th flat tn th warrant wS not at all necessary, neither by the form ot the statute nor by the express terms ot th extradition act. But suppose that the date were required lr the warrant of the arrest, which It ce.rt talnly did not, once the prlaoners are . brought before a Judge or Justice the dale In the warrant becomes absolutely imma terial. On the whole 1 am unable to conceive how this Judgment under such circum stances could be rendered. The authorities submitted on behalf ot th United State government do not appear to hav received any consderatlon. Neither doea th Judg ment of Justice Andrews. It Is either Ig nored or lightly brushed aside. Justlc Caron was absolutely bound by Its terms upon eery principle underlying ths admin istration of Ju-itice. Gnests ef tb President. '. OYSTER BAY, L. 1.; Aug. lS.-The nresii dent had as his guests at luncheon today Major Generals H. C. Corbln and 8. M. B. Young, Henry Loom is Nelson, Ihe author! Jicob A. Rlls of New York, Robert A. Morris, chairman of the New York county republican committee; forme; Governor David R. Francis, president of the Ixuisl ana Purchase exposition, and Henry M. Warren of Philadelphia. Generals Corbln and Young are enroute to Germany to wit ness the fall maneuvers of the Army. They called on ths president to pay their re spects before sailing. ABSOLUTE - 1 CURITY. Genuine Little Liver Pills. tfluel Bar Slgnaturo f r 40 Pao-Stsaile Wrapper Balsas, . SE Garter vt 1 a aassasy l tr) tAlua evfso uAlll UiO rex eixzixus. v. "Tittii: n;x Biuoumts. ! i I VKh FSB TSRflB LIVER I piita rsa csxsnrATis.. 'liyr tiuiw tm. ' Int mccgPLUicj lefTVs 1 9wr TettnlttSslkCSst CUR 1 1 OJCH kXAQ ACM Tricks Thara ar tricks In sl trade, but- in brw Who rori to trick la vheapen hi product will lose In th long sun, 1.h only tricks In naakuik GOLD TOP ar ttioa . learned by pus xyrr brewer and the add tQ duality without leaaeiunkj cost , JETTER BREWING CO Bo. Omaha. Nb.,TeI, t, Omaha Om, Tel, Hit LEU M1CHKLL. Wholesale Dealer. 101S Main, Council Bluffs, Tel, DO. Bee Want Ads Sell on Their Merit No free gift Is necessary to tusks tbsm worth th pries w ask. Ths Bo has th circulation that's why, E : emcMftTfii'ti ffNatLtBM rEfKlYHOYnii PILLS ! ' I ar ( HlCnl Kk kNGLlMl i" 1 na aa fc... Uu, m.,.4 r v i msotm. ..... Ma i.ii ; i( it mt Ml la Af r tlmii, lDflI-u...u,.. b.!4 WkCw,aKri,flJ 1 cus. TcuRsrm mil I m blJ lor aauataiai in .4 1 iriv.iiwiw wa .iwi .turn? rWMi 4 ef BB e ess Wosawfau-S xt-t ,1 raialwa. sal a4ea. -a )HltuulONili fla ' sute'ianan. ISUVSMTt,! I J r z-mrxta: V - I If uri'M, L aJ If yea UN lea year am sal awswry as 4 Sal lite sleauHira .um. U you t. Internal, laat laaakeoa, aeotttnul Una, awrveus a.bllu Ink Gray' nerve Foa Pills. These sills ft banarr Bare sal raffm jnealal sal Beam Vlswr, srateat sal aunt I in poena is anker si. soan-ial as umla, su alt arsis sal IcaM k.rnaa.htlr. rnes 41 oe rr kox, I koies far U.o. ir siatl, HljJ mxs nclst at prlu by SkenKait 4k ktcCosuii Prsi Co., Cur. llik ss Dud., Caia&a- FIY f"-!FY ! f IHf OUPORATED I I', wit a. I it , 4iU0.0oO.00 l.a aiakaa I . fcr ear Mn sal aaf arat.a ef uirt ln.tu.i t i lu IhKn. Writ Im II ultk- THE DoUUl-ASS I aLT o., Tw rt--M'T- Bwaws, ia civs HUSH, Ciiii.aau, 1 - ,f-' 1 lo,. : a BSSBBBBSBSBSI ' a I WMra, f f ia.,, t f