Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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E. J. Oonuia Outline rieinly Hie fnillon Ooipnional Campaign.
Wrwaatsee te twprt t
r4t tk Attltwee (
Hmr ! Dellal T
rlare niaaaelC.
rrtwrson'e lull ni eorafortafcly filled Ut
night at th regular meetln at tba Sixth
Ward Republican elua.
Tba principal buainee was tha adoption
f new constitution and bylaws. " Br Invi
tation K. J. Com I oh made a abort address,
esying: . ' . , . ' i
"A few' ikU am In the Eighth ward
lt. Gorley ld that my personality would
fx Jest In tba campaign between Mr. Rose
water end Mr. Mercer. I believe that my
personality 1 somewhat needed. I ee Tba
Bee y It will not auppert V.r. Mercar If
nominated for n atxtb farm, and I noticed
la an Interview with Mr. Mercer tbat he de
clined to atata tbat ba would eupport tba
nominee If b vera defeated. I will up
port tba nominee, whoever ha may be, aa
a matter of principle."
Tha epeobor then referred to paet eara-palg-na,
in each of which ba bad aupported
regular republican nomineea, while Mr. Mer
or and bla frienda bad not dona ao.
"When defeated by Mr. Mercer In 1I9."
ba eontlnnad, "I cava' him tba aama loyal
support I will give tba nominee thia year.
Ton need my personality In the campaign,
and tha peraonality of every man who ba
llavea thai the auocese of tha republican
party ta to bla ultimata advantage. I do
not believe in aecreta and o I will atata
exactly where I am. In thia ward I am
for Mr. Pratt. Mr. Mercar control tba eon
(reaslonal committee; for ten yeara ba baa
bad an opportunity to appoint postmasters
and to do favora for bla constituents, but in
every eaee I know of ba baa exacted from
tha beneficiary a promlae of pergonal po
litical aurport. Tbla glvea blm a machine
and forcea weaker candidate into , an al
llsooe. In tha warda where I am strong I
will not put on a single delegate who will
favor Mr. Mercer aa a aecond choice. I ex.
sect like treatment from Mr. Pratt and Mr.
Breen. livery man and corporation wants,
Brit, a tool; aecond, a Candida who can
not ba made another man'a toot. I believe
tbat aviving been tried for fifteen yeara I
bear tha reputation of being a man who can
not be made any man' tool."
Relaoa C. Pratt' Poaltloau
Mr. Pratt followed Mr.' Cornlah, eaylng,
Ip part:
"What Mr. Corn lib baa aald ba baa aald
by no authority fram me. I have aupported
all republican candidate alace J have been
in the city. I aald a week ago that I knew
nothing of the commlttee'a' plana. I have
ta a certain extent found out that wa are
going to have tba prlmarlea for county and
congressional delegate at the ame time,
two aeta of delegatea to be selected at that
,77, it; ersstr 5ct; ;n?
part in tha (election of congressional dele
gatea. I bava been greatly encouraged by
my recent trip through the county and be
lieve I will bava several country precinct."
Before the meeting adjourned President
Shriver appointed an executive committee aa
fotlowa: W. O. Ure, EL. O. Solomon, A. O.
Charlton, A. H. Willi, F. C. Craig, E. O.
Wooloott and B. R. Ball.
Central Labor I'bIob Aeta tk
letter Seat to tba '
Flams-era raloa.
Reeolved. That we notify Central Labor
union, through our delegates, that thi
body take decided Issue with Governor
Ravage for hi Insulting letter sent to the
Plumber' union; also that we condemn hi
action In ignoring organised labor in .the
appointment of the Fire and Police board
and demand the resignation of J. W.
Thome. in favor of Uarry McVea.
Thi resolution, adopted at a recent meet
ing of tha Union Paclflo atrtkera, waa In
dorsed by the Central Labor union at It
meeting lact nlgbt In Labor Temple In
strong and emphatic term Following a
general condemnatoln of tba governor and
those associated with blm In naming tha
xtaw Fire and Police board and a hearty
approval of the atrlker' attitude, a mo
tion waa passed, authorixlng President Me
Vea of Central Labor anion to appoint a
committee to draft a latter designed to
answer tbat of Governor Savage'e "a it
should ba answered" and convey to tba
governor the feeling of organized labor
men toward him.
It Savage, Mercer and other who ware
responsible for the appointment of tha new
board have aver been In doubt aa to tha
attitude of organised labor men toward
them they might have bad all euch mis
givings forever removed by attending Cen
tral Labor unlon'a meeting last night. They
were denounced in tha moat vehement lan
guage. "Thia actloa la not tha action of Governor
Savage," aald C. W. Adair. "It 1 the action
of his bosses, the men who bava controlled
him and dominated bla aettona aver alace
ha went- Into office. For that reeaon I am
In favor of ignoring this nasty, insulting
fling. If not worthy our notice. Savage
Is but the tool, tba hirllng, the puppet
of corrupt Influence, such aa dominate
poll'lce in many other atatea besides
Nebraska. In' thia state these influences
consist chiefly in the railroad and In thi
particular case especially. This msn,
Savage, merely carried cut bis Instruc
tions. Don't bold blm responsible; that la,
don't do him tha honor of attributing tha
origin of this Insult to htm. Ignore this
dog of the capitalist."
President Edward Kennedy of the local
and district boiler makers' organizations
also advocated ignoring the ETgs letter,
"I would not only Ignore hi letter, but
I would not ask for the withdrawal of any
member of that board. I don't think
organised labor want a representative on
that board now. He would be Ilka ChrUt
between the two thieve on th cross, and
when It came to hi having a voice in any
thing he would look like SO cent. What
w ought to do j not to nunlfh Savast:
he doesn't amount to anything; he I out
Tired, Tired
Tired. That one word tells
ths whols story. No rest.
No comfort. No particular
disease. Just all tired out.
Fcrtun3tely, physicians know ,
about Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
They prescribe it for ex
haustion, anemia, depression,
general debility.
No matter what ana yon nor what
rneitcln you taVe, you cannot eel veil
if your bowcla are consupatei. Cor
rect ti.ii at once by taking Avcr'a Fills,
just one j j r.ij ht. Tl ce are a
I teat ni U U- Larsaparim.
U. J.CaMUtUWUecil.fcue,
of yellttre; he's dead, ee4 aa far a axtlltii
la concerned, and ba knowa It. That la why
be could afford to do what he did. Wa
want to punish thorn who were ar-tunllr
responsible for what Bsvsir did. Tow all
know who It waa. That la be secret Tba
Union Paclfte and the Xiitrllngtaof railroads
end their polUI.-Hl Implement are tha onea.
Now; of cewrea, the railroad are got penly
I politic, but there It a eertaia man whe
worked band In band with them 'In thia
dirty piece of business wha la la Jelltica,
and he will be np fnr re-election pretty
soon. ' That la the man to remember Ha
la tba one you want ta pueishi Savage 1
dc-aA; ism ore htm and kill off all tba other
railroad henchmen at tbe jr 911a hle fall."
Pronounced applause foiiowel Mr. Ken
nedy's remarks, tba other avowed anti
Mercer men being tbe loddeet iv their ac
clamations. . , . 1 1 j 1 1
j Joseph Scheldt, another olM maker aid
a Union Pacific striker, bad thiaj to say;
'"This crcwd of pol!tlcl hs been- mag
lag good use of us; now I-tut -pay them
hark at tba ballot bra. : lake feavaga br
defeating hi folltioal oonnlvar. 1 Have tba
courage to go on record and ba men. Don't
let thia intolerable Inault pas nnnotlced.
but reeent It aa you would resent any other
Insult and let these candidate for office
know that tha working man haa a character
tbat eannot ba trodden Into tba duet In
stead of asking that on man go off that
board and make room for an organised labor
representative, I aay, fore two men off.
And If tha power that named tha board ra
fueea ta comply with oar demand cut hit
political bead off at tha polls thia fall."
O. P. Ehrura referred to tha Savag letter
aa "the moat intolerable tirade agalnat or
ganised labor ever perpetrated by a man of
Savage'a position that W accidental gov
ernor." But he. too, thought it waa un
worthy of formal notice, a It waa generally
understood that Savage did not write tha
letter, or, at least, not of bla own volition.
The motion to bava a committee from
Cent, a 1 Labor union answer tha Savage let
ter waa passed almost unanimously, and
Joseph Scheldt, William Grteb and J. A.
Bapst, secretary of tha union, were named
to perform thia unique function, v
President Samuel Gompers waa given a
slap" by Central Labor union. A letter
wa read from Mr, Cora per denouncing th
action of tbe Trade council of Milwaukee
In aollcttlng tha co-operation of tha Omaha
organization In the formation of an Inde
pendent political party, In which Mr. Comp
ere aald that auch a move waa designed to
promote tha selfish Interests of a certain
aeet and would. If carried out, disrupt and
deatroy union labor. Ha Intimated alao tbat
it was movement by the nemlea and net
frienda of union labor. Tha Tradea council
of Milwaukee la compoaad -of a membership
SS per cent ot which are socialists. Central
Ibor union voted to "throw tha Gompera
letter In tha ijast basket," and It waa
A letter waa read from tha local Machin
ists' union No. 81 informing Central Labor
union that they had boycotted tha Emerson
Laundry company for doing scab work. Tha
grievance I that th laundry la doing tha
washing and Ironing for tha nonunion men
at work for the Union Pacific. i
Th old brewery firemen light Vae revived,
and a motion waa passed demand lag the
withdrawal of. the delegatea from tha former
eiravnuHMuii uhh uwr smsuva wua use
prevloua decision to expel tha Bremen from
their union, aa waa aald ta have been tha
ruling of tba American Federation wflltbor.
The delegatea from tba Brewery Workers'
union walked out of tha ball aa soon aa
this motion waa passed. Tha Brewery Work
ers' latest contention waa that they could
not comply with tha ruling without referring
the matter to their national officers.-
Oflleer ( Clabi Re-Elected Tws
Members Iadarsed ' fas-'
Tha Second Ward Republican club bald
a lively meeting last night,', tha hall at
1133 South Sixteenth atrest being crowded
and standing room at , a premium tba
greater part of tha evening. . Tba old
offlcera were ra-elected: Jobn F. Dehm,
president; William AlUtadt, treasurer;
Henry Knodell, secretary. Tha chair an
nounced that In the laat two yeara tha
elub bad experienced a gain ot ISO metn.
ber, and predicted that through ta efforts
the Second ward weuld ba awung lato th
republican column tbla fall.
Tba candlcacy ot A. C. Troup tor tha
district judgeship, and of Corliaa F. Hopper
for membership in the Board of Education
waa endorsed by unanimous vote.
Among tha candldatea who apoka were W.
A. DeBord, candidate for county attorney.
H apoka of tba record made by tha re
publican party, and of the honor and valor
of tha American aoldler at home and
Attorney A. C. Troup referred ta bla long
realdenca In tba city. "I have lived in tha
city for almost twenty-Ova year," aald he.
"and in that time bava aeldom aaked tha
people to favor ma with their aupport la
an election. I have not aougbt office, be
cause I humbly preferred to practice law,
tba profession I love."
It looked at ona time aa It there would
be aoma opposition to tha endorsement of
Hopper on account at bla being unmarried.
One apeaker aald tbat no man ahould ba
elected to a place on tha Board of Educa
tion who had no cbldren in school, aa only
then could ho take the right kind of Inter
est In tba achoola, but Judge Altitadt ealled
attention to the fact that aa Mr. Hopper waa
only 87 yeara aid. there waa plenty ot time
for tbla defect to be remedied. When tha
vote waa called oa tha endorsement there
waa no dlsaen'ting voice,
At the conclusion of buslae, by courtesy
of Vaclav Buresh, a smoker and refresh
Parteanoata la Fllllaar V with Visit
ers Wltaeas Graael
LONDON, Aug. 15. Portsmouth la now
filled up with visitor who hav assembled
to witnesa tha naval review tomorrow.
Tonight the fleet waa illuminated for a
little while by wy f rehearsal, and
firework aent up from South Sea common
added to th picturesqueeeea af tbe acene.
Several royal personage Joined th royal
party off Cowe tl evening.
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain and Mr.
Chamberlain, Earl Cohere, commander-in-chief
of the force, and General Lord
Kttcbener reached Southampton today and
boarded the steamer Niagara, upon which
the Eoer Oenerals Dewet. Delarey and
Botha will be welcomed t upon tbelr ar
rival from South Africa tomorrow and en
tertained during the review.
Tbe lords at the admiralty arrived at
Portsmouth tbla evening and boarded the
admiralty yacht Enchantress, which will
participate In tha naval procession ta be
reviewed by King Edward.
By sanctloa of hi majesty, Portsmouth
will observe tomorrow es a coronation holi
day. Tonight th mayor of Portsmouth
gave a garden party ta Victoria park, at
wblch there were 1,000 auesta, including
a number of British and luretgn naval
offlcera and tha Japanese minuter ta Great
ZmIlaau, uuh XaAaau. -
The naval aultc were especially enter
tained. Aa lavesture was held thi afttrnooa oa
board th rural yacht at Cowes, waea fitly
gentlemen received coronation honors from
hit majesty's Ljid. Subequeuily tbe party
t -
loolr'ftt you out of too rape'
v of the 111 uatrkte Kt each
weeg. ; ,Fe6pl ifou know;
and feel' more than a passing Inter-
est la bava, besn doing ; thing and
tha artist and the atgtavar ' bava !
eaugbt them, so: that tHls, grest. Bo-
dsy Art Supplement Is able: to. gtva
jou a lasting memorial of them. ;
What mora could you ask of a nets- ;
paper T It la a great feature of the
Illustrated Be tbat It pay particu
lar attention to . tba dolnga ot ihe
borne . folks, and each week Had
aotnethlng worthy of chronicling.
GEORGE P. CRCNK la another Omaha
ma whots fiamo will belt tha
mouth of thousand hereafter; Mr.
Crock waa' thia week unanimously
elected to "be head of the great
Benevolent, Protective Order of Elka,
an organisation, who membership
la aa axtenatva aa the country,- and
whoea influence la unbounded. Hla
brother Elka have exhibited their
confidence In bl ability and worth
by calling blm without question to
th highest position la their gift It
la an honor rarely boo towed. A
splendid picture ot Mr. Cronk adorns
tho front page of tha forthcoming
number of The Illustrated Bee, ac
companied by a brief aketch ot hla
feitivalof gong-at West Point
last week, and a Bee staff photogra
pher waa la attendance. Ha aecurad
a number of Una pictures of well
known Oerman cltliens and aoma
splendid group of atngsra and tha
like, which have been mada Into
cuta for illustrating tha next number.
These picture tell a atory without
worda, a atory of real enjoyment at
a festival of aong and goodfellow
ahlp held In tba opan air.
want for a pieolo to Missouri
Valley, and aoma thouaanda of
Omaha citlsana went along. In tba
throng wag a Baa etaff artist with hla
"picture box." and the photograph
he took ahow a lot Of Omaha people
doing thing that Indicate truly that
care wag left at home for ona day at
least. No merrier crowd ever went
forth for a day's outing, and nona
ever had a better time, if tha camera
tell th truth. A full page ot these
picture win be found in tha next
Issue of Tha Illustrated Bee.
tit! , undar which Frank G.
' Carpenter' weekly letter will be
found. It tell of the building of the
great Westlnghouaa shop at Traf
ford Park, near Manchester, and how
an American contractor did in flv
montha what tha English builder re
fused to undertake t complete in-'
aide of two years. It Is an excellent
example of th contrasts between
American and English methods, and
la ona ot many thlnga which are
waking our English cousins up to tha
tact that they must haaten or ba
everlastingly left. It is illustrated
from photographs mada at Trafford
Park and la Manchester.
yOML1 COLONELS command many
of tha . crack. re;lmenU of
European armies. These command
are not merely nominal, but carry
with them. In time of peace at least,
all tha responsibility that attache
to th military position. And tha
requirements are met. A special ar
ticle on tba topic telling how the
titled damea of tha Oerman and other
court don their regimental and
take tba head of the regiment at
review or during tha practice man
euver, how they look after tha regi
ment la barracks and otberwia dis
charge tha dutlsa of a commanding
offioer. Tha Illustrations are mada
from photographs of aoma of tha beat
known women In Europe.
NO RECENT NUMBER has contained
aa many plot urea of Individuals
aa will ba found la tha Sunday Issue.
All ot the are of general Interest
and will be found ao by tha readera.
Tba customary chatty comment, per
sonal goeelp, abort atorlee and In
teresting apeclal artlclea which have
made tbla paper a reputation are
there, and have been arranged with
that car which I always beitowed
oa it preparation. If you are not
already a aubacrlber you should
leave your order today with your
was conveyed to Portsmouth on board tba
royal yacht Osborne.
riaasea Start la th Pika at tlaeta.
aatl Waera Typograahleal t'alaa
Caaveatlaa ta Helaar Helal.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 1J. Shortly after
Boon today Plke'a opera house, oa Fourth
street between Vine and Walnut atreeta,
waa discovered oa fir. At tba time the
delagatea of the convention of the Inter
national Typographical union war leaving
the auditorium, but all escaped without
any trouble. No Uvea were loet and the
only ona Injured waa Fireman Beckmaa,
from falling glass.
4 mm are etaj tu . m wu imuwim ui
Ooorgs Joffee's grocery, where a boy was
smoking elgarette while unpacking goads.
The fir spread rapidly, but It was con
trolled in ies than aa hour.
The loaa aggregated T!,000, distributed
among Hie ay tenant.
Eaueholdsn Will Be Eqnlred to Clean Up
TMr Premi.
Camalalats Agalnat Alt ha Fall ta
Y ramoty with CJeewlngj I a Order
Will Be filed la Pa-
Ilea COart.
', Property owner and resident generally
will ba compelled to comply with tba or
der of the Inspector ot the Board of
Health. Tba wa decided yesterday, when
there seemed to be aome opposition to
compliance with cleaning up ordera Issued
by Inspector Jonea. " . '
What thia department of the city ' in
tend to do ta to enforce all tha rule aa
hearty aa possible and Insist tbat rgula
tlona regarding tha aanitary condition of
tbe city he carried out. Tho wb6 ara
now operating or uelng cesspool will be
compelled to connect with a aewer, pro-
Tiding there 'la a aewer In tba neighbor
hood. It this tan not be done tba authori
ties propose going ahead and having cer
tain cesspoole. In localities whera com
plaint have been rnade, Oiled. In tbla
event either new "cesspools must ba dug
of else conncl" with sewer made. Th
running of sink 'water Into gutter must
be stopped at once. At least that waa tba
order Issued by tha mayor to tba sanitary
inspector yesterday. -
Inspector Jones now haa a dozen or mora
complaint made but wblch he propose
filing with JiiBtfe King Just aa aoon a tba
time limit on bla notice expiree. A large
bunch of notice to clean alley and back
tarda will be given to policemen to aerva
next week. A there la now a good road
to tba river, those who bava garbage ta
dispose of can communicate with garbage
hauler by telephoning police headquar
ter. Daffy Has Troablee.
M. J. Duffy will bave to anawer In po
llen court for having obtained f 5 under
falsa pretense. It la asserted In a com
plaint on file that Duffy pasied a check
alleged to be worthies on one Charles
Kirxlr, with tbe intention to defraud. At
tha time of passing the check it la reported
tbat Duffy asserted that he waa a prac
ticing attorney in tba city of Bouth Omaha
and that he waa worth tha money. Aa
tha check waa turned down tha complaint
Waa filed.
Paveasent Repairs.
Tha Grant Paving company commenced
rapalra to Twenty-fourth street yesterday
afternoon. A lot of material waa brought
down and a few men commenced to tear
up portion of th pavement preparatory
to tba relaying or tho wornout pavement
with concrete and aiphalt Acting under
orders from tha mayor and council City
Engineer Beal la giving hla personal di
rection to thia work and will aaa to it
that tha repair ara mada under tha terms
of tha .contract and the specification.
-' Waat Better Service.
' Boutn umana people ara complaining
about tha street car aervlca again. Lately,
and especially lnc tba -travel between
Omaha, Council Bluff and Bouth Omaha
haa Increased, there haa been a demand for
a later car aervice. Soma of th. city offi
cial assert that a movement ahould ba
atarted toward the placing of owl cars oa
tha South Omaha; lias,, these cara to run
every hour" after ,1 a. m. II la claimed
that thia la dan in ether cltiea, and aa there
hag been a demaniv for . ome iloje, foran.
improvement In thia aervlca a request will
doubtless aoon ' be made for better trans
portation f sell 1 tie between tha two Omaha.
, - Mayor Si 111 Vadeelaed.
Mayor Koutiky ia still undecided what ta
do with August Miller. , Ha aald to a
bunch ot newspaper men yesterday that he
till bad tba matter, under consideration.
Further conversation developed ' tba In
formation that between now and Monday
the mayor would dispense with tha aervlcea
ot Miller. In case this 1 don City En
gineer Beal will bava charge ot all atreet
work and tha salary now paid to Miller will
ba aaved to tba city.
Magi City Goaslp.
W. O. Sloane, Twenty-fifth and I atreeta,
la reported seriously ill.
H. B. Flebarty intenda going west today
on a two week vacation.
There will be a special meeting of Feder
ation council No. fill tonight.
George B. Sherwood Is home from a
vacation apent with relatives In Iowa.
Jay Williams, one ot the prominent young
men of Bouth Omaha, is on the sick list.
Miss Mable Tate, 1013 North Twenty,
aeventh street. Is reported dangerously ill.
Mis Daisy Evan la here from Fremont,
tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Jonea.
A daughter haa been bom to Mr. and
Mr. Patrick Corrlgan, Thirty-eighth and
Q atreeta.
All member of tha drill team of Ne
braska lodge No. til. Ancient Order of
United Workmen, are requested to meet at
Jcehn Flynn'a atore at o'clock tonight.
Offlcera of tha Omaha Water company
assert that there I an abundance ot water
supplied to all those who are connected
with tha city mains. What ta needed,
property owners aay, la an extension of tha
city mains.
First Ceasla af Csar Met at Station
by Froaalneat Raeslaaa af
Wlaer City.
CHICAGO, Aug. 15. Grand Duk Borla of
Russia, first cousin ot th csar, and hla
party arrived here tonight from tha west
They were met at the railway atatlen by
Conaul Baron A, A. Bchllppenbaeh and other
prominent Russian residents of this city.
who escorted the royal visitor to tha Audi
torium hotel, where he will remain during
his sojourn In Chicago. During tha even
ing the duke waa given a luncheon at tha
Chicago club. Tomorrow morning tha duke
will make a trip of inspection of the stock
yards aad will afterward be entertained at
luncheon by the Russian consul.
Monday evening the party will leave for
New York, where they will remain alghtaee
ing for a few days, after which the duke
will visit President Roosevelt at Oyster
Bay. After that the duke will devote tww
weeka to society at Newport before Bailing
for Europe.
Kasaae af Tarka aad Balararlaaa
Killed la Saagalne Battla
Sear Vskaa.
VIENNA, Aug. IS. Local newapapera pub
lish report of a sanguinary fight between
two battalions of Turkish Infantry under
the command of Nedlm Pasha and a band of
Bulgarian Macedonia revolutionists com
manded by aa ex-Bulgariaa army officer,
named Stojanoff. Tha engagement occurred
aear Uskub, European Turkey. The revolu
tionist were cut to pleceo and tba Turka
had many men killed or wounded.
Msaty la l'Be!ivercd Latter.
LONDON. Aug. 15. Th annual report of
tba postmaster general ahow that the large
total of $J.ST5.00O wa found la letter nude-
ered letter totaled no lea than 10.000,000,
while th delivered missive amounted to
t.tM.COO.000, an average ot li t for each
pereon In tbe Vol ted Kingdom. Tba post
master general also report that fresh eg
perlmcB'ji with motor cara skewed that they
cannot ba telled upon ta carry heavy load
of malt matter with th ama regularity aa
wagons drawn by horses.
Wsshlaglss I .a 4 Wha Makes a Fa
thetle Ddg tgalie Profitable.
"Do you ea that boy riding along i
bicycle about two Blsea too large for him?'
asked an F atreet real eatate man ct i
Washington rest reporter. "Ha a face
like a cherub look aa It ha never atayed
out later than g o'clock at night 'Well,
that boy la developing into the moat active
grafter In Washington.. H haa a dodge
that doe great credit to hla Ingenuity and
I haven't th slightest doubt that ha make
It pay.
I ran across him first about three
month ago.' On evening aa I waa walking
home to dinner he came up to me with a
most appealing look on bla face.
Mister.' he said In a voice aa purring
and aoft -a that ot the lover in a aocletr
r.1.. M. .... I- . . ' .
w i wora mai a little
dot can dor I want to help my mother.'
"It wa all ao genuine that I became In
erected Immediately. I told tha lad that
I knew of nothing, but that If ba would call
upon ma i would see what t rnuid do.
gav him a quarter to help hla mother and
ne went on with a most polite Thank you.
But he never came around to aaa about get
ting tbat job.
VAbout two weeka later I met him again.
Ha had evidently forgotten me, for be ap
proached me with tha aama respectful,
pleading manner.
" 'Mliter, do you know of any work that
a little boy can do. I want to help my
inviner r
' 'Ton asked ma about that onea before,
my boy.' I aald. "Why didn't tou mm.
arouna to aea about getting tha iohr
ne gava a audden start and alunk
m- I y. . . . "
wnuuut snuiuer wora.
Aoout a wee it ago I waa welkin inn.
Ht.taW w a & m. .
fvn eireei wun a irtend when thia
aama boy cam up and addressed my com
panion with, the stereotyped inquiry. I did
uoi hits io wan long for reulta. My
friend told tha youngster that h knew of
notning, dui aa reached Into hla pocket and
donated a dime. Th boy left with his
Thank you,' and then I told my friend that
neuevea tne Boy waa a rea-ular r.r..
Ha scouted the Idea until I told him of m
experience, and then ha agreed with me.
laughing at tba way in which ha had been
That boy la bright and would erohahiw
make a useful cltlien when ha growa up If
It war not for th fact that ha aeea how
aay It 1 to get aomethlng for nothing. I
would not ba surprised if he turned out to
oe a connaenca man when ba growa up."
Warat Bra ad af Fewer Pa n
Americans la Hfexloo.
Vera Crui, Mexico. I the seat f a win
ot yellow fever which. It appear. Amerl
Icana can bava twice. A clearly diagnosed
case In which a resident railroad man waa
taken alck, pasaed through 'the stj r
tha dlaeaae, recovered, resumed hla work,
and two month later want through th
aama experience, la reported. AfUr thia
aouoi tusaie . with the terror of
tropical America tha American thlnka he la
Immune for all time; but ha haa multiplied
by two tha fears of all thoae who haven't
had a bat tie with tha fever. Ona of th
Irritating and vcxationa features of tha epi
demic disease of tropical countries is that
precaution da not keep cna from catching
them. By tha customary car and tha use
of common aense a Teeldent of temperate
cllmatea can preeerve hia health year In
and t year out and never cutter a day'a 111
neaai hut In tbe hot countries you ara pur
aued by yallow fever, bubonic plague, chol
era, berl-berl and ao on T and you never
know 'when ona or tha other la lurking
within communloabl distance. Most of
tbeaa you can hava but onea, and when you
have ona of them you generally hava noth
ing else afterward it finishes you. Ther
appeara to ba no degeneration of bacilli
in tha torrid gone. Smallpox growa milder,
diphtheria weakena In tta ravage, acarlet
fever becomes partially Innoxfou; even
consumption 1 losing it hold. But chol
era and yellow fever ara aa deadly aa
aver. The virility of the germs has But
tered no deterioration. Nothing more ma
lignant than they can ba turned agalnat
them, and now that yellow fever haa taken
to doing ancorea at Vera Crux tha problem
of tha Panama canal la ona that will ba
full of apprehension for th Americana who
must b present in charge of the opera
tlona. Haw Ha Caagat Oa. .
Harper'a Weekly: When David Graham
Phillips, author ot "Her Serena Highness,"
waa a very young man he applied tor work
on a Cincinnati paper.
"What ean you dor aald tha editor.
"I can try anything," aald tha young
man. -..
Thinking to rid himself of further Im
portunities for aa assignment, tha editor
aaldi ......
"Wall, write an article on bread."
Tt wig a trying moment for tha ambltloua
youngster, but ba never flinched. All that
night he apent In collecting material, and
tha next day reported t th eomewbat aur
prised editor with a bright and naway ar
ticle on "Tba Bakerlea of Cincinnati." Ha
waa immediately engaged. '
atoriea have
been written of
niaglc mirrors in
which the future
waa revealed. If
such a thins; were
11 W x I . f
will -wv.w
poeoible many a bright - faced bride
would shrink trorn the revelation of her
self, stripped of all her loveliness. If
there is one thins; which would malie a
woman shrink from marriage it la to aee
the rapid physical deterioration which
cornea to ao many wives. The cause ta
generally due to womanly diseases.
Loet health and lost comelineaa are
restored by the use of Dr. litre.' Fa
vorite Preactiption. It curee irregular
ity and dries weakening drain a. It
beal inflammation and ulceration, and
currs female wealuieaa.
Ilia wtib the (rcateat sleaatjre that 1 telt
you ehtl Dr. Plrrrc s fMtiie rreaeriptioo. and
'Ooklea Miical Discovery ' have doaa for me,
wriwrs Mr, fcmua L. Bank, of ln North 7th
Street. HarrUbarr. re. 'TUrf have ooa ate a
work! W food. lhi female weakness tor si
yeara; mtusM would BmI aul:y I Old sot
Vmw wrt tm ao, bat I foaMl trlU at Uet,
Unlike t ' Dr. Piero fur kl kt4 adnre. I hare
this wrdicuse euU la my house a4 will alwaya
ar !. .
If yon are led to the purchase of
"Favorite Prescription " because of iu
' rc bi ark able cures ot other women, do
not accept a substitute which haa none
M mem uive iu wm.
tret. Dr. Fierce' Common Sense
Medical Adviser, paper covers, f aent
free on receipt of at on 5-cent atampa
to pay expense of mailing only. Or
for cloth-bound volume aeud Jl atampa,
Ailxea Dr. . V. Ficica, fioilio, N. V.
Practising Physician and Lecturer,
Sister of Oronyatckhar, Head of the Order of Forresters
of tho World,
Endorses Lydla E. Plrikham's Vcsetabto . Com
pound After Following Its Record For Years.
From tlm t tlma vm hav been publishing; In the rcwapapeva of thi
country our BUtementa and claims of th uperioritr of Lydlas E. Pink
ham a egretable Compound aa a remedy for all th lUa peculiar to wo
men, but it acldom happens that tho proprietor of a valuable medicine la abla
to produce auch unquestionable expert testimony aa we are permitted to
'publish in this article. .
. ' ' It la ton necessary for ua to devote much apace by way of Introduction of
Dr. Vlroqua, as both she and her family are of international fame. He
brother OronyatrJAar, waa aecond In rank of the Oood Tempi are of th world
when John B. Finch was chief. Now at the head of the Independent Order
of Forresters of the world, having headquarters at Toronto, Can. Prinoeae Vlr
oqua, the subject of our portrait, has been a practising physician and lecturer
in the United 6tatea for the past twenty-five yeara her standing- in her
profession and eloquence aa a apeaker la well known, especially throughout
ihe West. She write a letter to lira. Pinkhasa of Interest to all women.
"Dkab Mrs. Pinkram : Health is the greatest boon bestowed oa
humanity and therefore anything that can restore lost health Is a bles
filng. I consider Lydla E. Plnkham'g Vegetable) Compound ag a
blessing to State and Nation. It cures her mothers and daughters and
'makes them well and strong.
For flfWn woara T baym rofd thrt fffi(?t of votlf Veev.fcahlo Com.
found in curing special diseases of women. " , .. ,
. "I know of nothing superior for ovarian trouble, barrtjnness, and it has
prevented hundreds of dangerous operations where physicians claimed
it was the only chance to get well. Ulceration and inflammation of the
womb haa been cured in two or three weeks through its use, and as I
find it purely an herbal remedy, I unhesitatingly give it my highest '
endorsement Fraternally yours, Dk. P. Vikoqua, Lansing, Mich." ,
A i A ' t a. . ... . '
Alter a inorougn consideration oi
l .. ilia UA - . .
- x - - j - - I - u v .. m vun M -.. , V. lifl .
would not allow auch a statement to be made over her signature unless it waa ,
absolutely true, and that her faith in the remedy muat be great or ehe would
not allow her portrait to be published in connection with her reoommendatioa. '
If you are 111 do not hesitate to get a bottle of Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mr. Pinkham
at Irnn, Mass. for special advice ; it Is entirely free.
REWARD. W have deposited with the National City Bank el Lynn, I WOO.
.-u win ip, uhh w hi wnwn
not genuine, or was Dubllnhed V.ore obl&lnlD tin vrlur1, iil . I
If You Want the Best
la looking at offlcea in different build Inge, tke g-reateat pralae th owner a
rental agent can give aa office is to say tkst it is "aa good aa aa office ta Tha Pee
Building." it may be in aoma respects, but It can not be ia every respect.
Tha Bee Bunding is oaa of the oaly two absolutely fireproof offloe buildings ta
Omaha. The Bee Building 1 tne only building having all night and all day Sunday
elevator aervlv. Tbe Bee Building furalaaee aleetrlo light and water without ad
ditional cost. Th Bee Building U kept a lean, not aoma ut tba time, but ail at the
Keep these points la mind when looking
isose iisisa neiaw, u you are wise.
List of vacant rooms in
Tie Bee BeiMie
Ground Floor.
p Keritai
aOOM Hi VtxKi feet Facea Seventeenth atreet and haa windows along the
alley. This Is a large, 11 he room, and tba rental price Includes heat,
llKht, l.r ana Janitor aervice. It has aa aoiranoe both oa Tbe bee
ijuiuilng Court end Seventeenth atreet ......Prlce f(&.0t
LITE ion There la no finer office suit la Omaha than this ona It Is located
Just on tbe right nana of tne great marble stairway, and has unusually
Urie wlnuows looking upon the tront entrance way ot tbe building. It
fronts on f'arnaiu uet. Una room Is 17x11 and the other sxl. u ha a
burgiar-prout vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood tloora, and will bo
frescoed to ault tenant Price 171.01
ROOM loai This room is Just at th bead of the main stairway on tbe nrst floor.
It would be a very desirable office for aome real estate man or con
tractor. Ihe iloor space la 16x14 feet .....,.....IVu taar
Third Floor.
ROOM SOS: Thia room la Kx feet and Is very conveniently located near tbe
elevator. A sign on Ui door can be readily seau la stepping off Uie ele
vator , i ,l . tut
kpOM kits; This room U 17x32 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
This room Is particularly adapted for aome concern needing large sWor
space and le a decidedly handsome office, having an entrance tat ins the
court and windows looxlng out upon Seventeenth etr.e. It has a vet v
Urge burglar-pioof vault, bard wood floors and Is one f the choicest offl.
cc in the building , Price VMM
Fourth Floor.
16x13 feet. Thia room le next to the elevator and facea court 1
aOOM 401i
has a
and for
uuiiiu-vim'i vauit auu ia wen ventilated, lias good Urh:
price furulabea hrst-class accommodation "....Price
atlJITHl Rll Th las la. am ratv latrsret vnnna 1
- - " - - u.w mmw mm a wwua, m
light and well ventilated. It la very
vry larg room, l
I.ted in Th Bee Uuilding. It could be baud to advantage by some Arm
employing -a large number of cier k, or requiring large floor soace i
wholcaal Jewlr. or ananufactur.r a agent, who would Ilk to be ln
nreproof building, or It will be divided to suit the tenant. .. V,i7.. . ,
ROOM 6Hl! Thia room face th court and
at 6x1: Thia room face th court and la IxU feet. It has a buralar-m
vault, and as It I jiear the teiecraph office and on tbe same floor wit
number of sreln Arms, It would be a pellicular good room fur a mr
firm daairlng first-class accommodation jrrl
BtlTfS tOi Thi eonslsu of two rooms,
large burglar-proof vault, bave bn
whara any business or professional
llif wv .a....... .......... ,......,, ............
Rental Afents.
such a testimonial aa thia we are per
, i , . . . . X
voow una inu lai imh ustimoBial ialiav
ra Tj . -inaii4a jneoieiae t.o.. Lriin. etitaa.
for an utile, and yoa will take ana ef
.xtf toU
ivll faai tt a a.
w a was, aBi;TB WJavl. DU U Vift
ecldom that apace of this sis m ,J.
la Hilt feet. It haa a
a a
rive P0.M
both lt. Each of them haa a
newly decorated and are rooms
maa owr be comfortable. Price for
13. 01
Ground Floor,
lit Bd!n