Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DA1L.T JW.Ta SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1002. I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bain la Bprinff Vhat InclU Ball IfmJpn Utori to Bhtr Oer&l Up. OTHER GRAINS FOLLOW IN EARLY ASCENT itle.ala'atleaf Te Prior Brlasxe He eesslea, bat Cles See Wkttt Aad Oata Advaaeetl aad Cars tBtktRi. x CHICAGO, Aug. IB. Manipulation on th weather started Rood bulge In grains to day and as a result September shorts were squeezed once mors. Contract wheat wai alack and there waa aome congestion In corn and oata. Other condition, however, were against an upturn. After the manipu lator had pushed price up well liquidation from the same hand brought recensions. In the end September wheat closed lc up, Beptember corn unchanged and (September oata lc higher. Provision cloaed 6c lower to fro higher. Wheat spurted partly on the fear of short and ralna in the spring harvest. Congestion In contract stock waa marked, with one house practically In control. The opening waa somewhat wild, with every body wanting stuff and offerings very light. That manipulation was practically the en tire cause for the upturn seemed reason able from the fact that the receipts primary, local, northwest and southwest were much heavier, that Argentine ship ments were Increased, tbat Hungarian and 'Roumanian crops were large and that ex porter offered freely, with few taker. Although Beptember waa the manipulated month, December profited today. After prices had been pushed up well, the holders (unloaded In Beptember and unspraddled their spreads by taking on December, Still December held to Its discount of over 3c September started SHo up at 70'44'7rc and sold to 71c. There waa a, dip to 7Nc, but Beptember closed Arm, 10 up, at 707fcc. J,ocal receipt were 118 cara, one of con tract grade, and Minneapolis and Dululb, reported 12 cars, making a total for the three point of 444 car, against 298 last week nd 422 a year ago. Primary receipt were 1,1X8,000 bu., against 969.OU0 last year. Seaboard clearance In wheat and flour . equaled 2S3,ono bu. Argentine shipment equated 240,000 bu., against 48,000 last week. Corn was helped by the strength In wheat. Trade waa not especially active, ' yet there was a good volume. The general rommlsslon house demand wii very good, Small receipts, 33 cara, and rain helped the bulls somewhat. Local shorts and the southwest covered briskly for a time, espe cially In December. The longs, however, fed the market and prices slumped off. Cables lower. There was no con spicuous Belling. The cash demand was fair, but the crop prospect were still ex cellent. Beptember sold between SlHo and 62o and closed steady, unchanged, at 61c. Bains and manipulation by bulls In Sep tember options lifted oats prices with some early shower reports. There waa a good I demand for December by commission houses, with short leading. Stuff was hard to buy and the demand waa brisk. , There waa some late offering on the bulge , feut price held well. September spurted i from Slc to 83c and cloaed strong, l4c up, at B2c. Grading waa retarded- by the rains. Of 272 cara received today only 22 ' were of contract grade. ' Provision were Irregular and dull. Hogs were dull on liberal receipt. There was aome strength in distant options, but the nearby futures were liquidated again. Some support came, and especially In pork. September pork closed 6c up at lis, Septem ber lard 6c off at $10.26 and September rib down at 29.60. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. : Sno cars; corn, 12 car; oauT220 car; hogs, 1S.X) head. I Tn leading future ranged a follow: Article. Open. High. Low. Close.j Tes y. ; "Wheat I I I Sept. 70M 71V 70! TO7! IWi Dec. 7V.i4 Sttjjffi ' 7H 7SW4 ! (ft ; May WS'70fc 70 69 69'6 .Corn ' , Sept. 61;f?C 62 61 H 61 Bit ; Dec. 4lra 4?. 41 1 41,l May 39 29 88 39H;S9S Oata 1 I Sept., n 27HO- - 87 nv, ' bBept. 31324 S3 81 81 ! a Dec. SSH 2914 2 SOH'WX'S'7 1 May 80 80 2930 . 80!29fi- i Pork i ' Sept 16 86 1 02 15 SO 1 00 16 95 ' Oct. 16 00 IS 16 15 86 16 16 16 06 1 Jan. 14 20 14 80 14 20 14 80 14 20 Ird- 1 Sept. 10 27 10 80 10 10 10 25 10 80 1 Oct. 86 I 85 22 82 85 Jan. 8 82 26 1 17 22 8 80 .Ribs I . Sept. 165 t0 160 tot) 9 2 Oct. t 15 16 t 00 15 I 15 Jan. 7 40 7 47 7 40 7 46 7 40 a Old. b New. No. I. , Cash quotation! were as follows; FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 83.60ff3 SO; Straights. 83.lifltS.45; clears, 8i.8033.Zo; spring 'Specials, 14.2""(H.30; patents, $3-o0ia3.ii; .Straights. t3.0wtf3.26. i WHEAT No. I spring, nQVSc; No. 8, 68 87c; No. 2 red, 70(fc71o. CORN No. 2, 6Sc ; No. 2 yellow, 60c, OATS No. 2. 2M.;f59c; No. 8 white, 42c; Ho. 8 white, S3Vu43c. ' RYE No. 2. 51fi2c. BARLEY-Fair to cholo malUng. 60S2c. SEliD No. 1 flax, 81.S9; No. 1 northwest ern. 8145; prime timothy, $6.10. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15 80 f '15.86. Lard, per 100 lba., I10.1210.16. hort ribs sides Ooose), 89 5o.fi9.60. Dry ealted shoulder (boxed), $8.7St8.fc; abort Clear sides (boxed), $10.6fl0 .62. WHIgKT-On the basis of high wine. H81. Th following art the receipt and ship ment: Receipt. Shipment. ,.. 15.000 25.000 23.0nO 44,0 , 76.000 . 153.000 .22.000 124.0(10 27.0UO 62.0110 U.lMt 1,M , Flour, bbl. iWheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oat, bu.... Rye, bu 'Barley, bu. . On the Produce exchange today th but ter market was steady: creameries. 15t;I 3Dc; dairies, Itii3vi8c. Cheese, steady at llXjllc, Eggs, steady; fresh, 17c HEW YORK . GENERAL MARKET. 4,atateaa t the Day Ceaasnoeltlea. at Varioa NEW YORK. Aug. 15.-FLOUR Receipt, 18,tmw bbls. ; experts, . s,ai buis. ; uiuntit Steadier with wheat, but quiet; win ter patents, 81 .r.'o3 ; winter straights, $3.40 tl3.6j; Minnesota patents, $; winter extras, 84.0i.ta3.2a; Minnesota baker, t3.1fij 8 SO; winter low grail, $2,f3 tiu. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $3.Xui.40; choice to fancy, $3-53.70. COKNMEALr- wulet; yellow western. $12S; City, Jl .26; Brandvwtne, 8S.4r-1jJ.55. RTIv jult; No. 2 western, 0c. f. o. b., afloat; stHte. bit-Alc, c. I. f.. New York cariots; No, 8 track, S-KO'Ue. liAKLKV Sleu; feeillug, 64c. C. I. f.. B'-'ftulo. WHEAT Receipts, 185,000. bu.; spot, eteady; No. 8 red, 76, elevator and 77o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, lo f o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, SoSnc f. o. b. afloat. Another sharp upturn in 'September wheat. Impelled by poor grad ing at ( hire wo and showers Oiroush the y.nrrhwest snected the entire market to day, promoting general activity and trenrth in ell optlona. bhorts led the buy lug. while foreign houses sold. Near the Icluse It eaad off slightly through dlssp I pointing export business and waa finally it o net hlsher: iay, 7&c. ciuaed 'at loo; teptotuber. 74' 574 U-lic, closed at ,7'ic; iMt-nabtr, 72t ri --c, cloaed at 75c. I CORN tieoelpta, l.uoo bu. J exports, 6.612 bu.; nt easy; No. 8, 63o elevator and fcc afloat. Option market at first sold up with wUeat on covering due to small Ar gentine shipments and light western re ceipts, but later met enouh unloading to produce reactions; the cloee was c net lilxher on beptember, but unchanged otherwise; May. 4i-Me, closed at 44c; KcptemUsr. i.', u;c. closed at 67o; Le Oember, 4titn o, closed at 6c. OA'l Ji Rcli)t. lll.uuO bu. ; exports, 100 bu.; spot unaettlrd; No. 8, new, 8"ic; No. 8, nominal; No. 8 white, new, fc.uJc; No. 8 white, nominal; track, mixed western, nominal; trait, while western and track white, state, nominal. Option market was strong on September during the forenoon, but later sold off with corn. MAV-FIrm; shipping, o70c; good to ch.-i.-e. $1 -.,) 1.10. hlCE t'irio; dontestla, fair to extra, 49 tc; Japanese, 4uo. HOI S-Urm; atate, prime to choice, 1901 crop, iciie; 10, IV; olds. 4pv; state, coiuuion to chnlue, 11-1 crop, i;ij; 14 crop, l. jiH-; olds. 7-aloc; Ksi-lflo coast, lix'l crop u i.-jc; l.-tuO crop. 17aic; olds, liSlOc. 1-1 A I lir-K-Flrm; acid, 24;ic. liliKs Firm; linlvraton, M to 26 lb., ltc; Csiif-trulu. 21 to 26 lb.. lc; Texa dry. 24 to J lbs., 13c Vi OOI uulet; domestic fleece. 2!fr30e lAUAJVV-i.y; caty M per pfc., 6V; country tukxa.) free!. tHvas,.... 1'ROVISIONS lleef. steady; family, $'5 f0 uu; mens, ijw riiaii: Deer Dami, I.J o- J w, -a-i-i, iiittjjum; cty extra Inula ll-e. u-"i -t.w. (tit IcteHtu, qalet; , jKk:ed, brines. $11 25, Ci yrt; pukld shoul- oi, w,ta-.sw; pukud hu.. (Ubi-iUoo. tl-rd. tuay: western B'.eincJ., iu.m: Abut (uused at tOba, nuniiuali re.'lnsd. easy; Pntith America, til 60: compound, WIW; continent. 810 SO. Pork, quiet; family 2 ooi; 50; short clear, $18.VBa.00; mens, Il7.7fjlx . HI TTTEK Receipts, 8.R1S tkg-s. ; barely steady; stste dairy, lV20c; atate cream ery, ist2hc; Imitation creamery, 169 17W; factory, !41c. CHEKSE Receipts, t.84 pxc-! tef1y to firm; fa icy, large colored and white. Sc; fancy, small new state full cream, colored and white. i7",c. KGUH Hecelpts, S.'? rk. i quiet; etate and Pennsylvania, 2'"rf2ic; western can dled ,17'j ;; western uncandied, 1M317'. MOLAhdtS Steady; New Orleans, yd) 41c. POULTRY Alive, steady; chickens. 18 C14c; turkey, 11c; fowls, jac; dressed, eauler; chickens. 14c; fowls. lo. MKTAIjS There was a halt today In the steady downward trend of copper prices, no change being recorded and the market havlna; a steadier tone, although there v-es not much demand and no sale were officially reported. Standard pot closed at tU.Oifn 11.30; lake, 8U.6offi1.70; electrolytic, $11. 40'ii 11.60; casting. $11.4W1L60. For the month of July the production of copper In the United State amounted to 26.748 tons, compared with 21.9H5 tons for the same period a year ago. The production so far this year amounts to JW.197 tons, against 154,378 tons last year. The primary reason for the market' recent depression I at tributed to this Increased production and the heavy supplies already on hand. Lon don reported an advance of Is 3d,' apot closing at 51 12 Sd and future at 61 17 6d. Tin raided 2 10 on spot and 1 12s on future In the London market today, private cable attributing the further ro coery to bull manipulation and covering. Spot closed at 127 15s and future at 14 12s Sd; the local response waa hardly so full a expected, prices gaining but 20 points, making spot $28.4028.80; at the close the market ruled firm and some business wsa reported on the foregoing basis. Lead price were unchanged and steady : New York quoted $4.12 and London 11 2 Sd. Bpelter continued firm at $5.46 here and 18 12s Sd at London. English Iron mar kets were higher Glasgow advancing 2d to 6s 6d and Mlddlesborough gaining 2d to 61 10d; local market were firm, quiet and unchanged; warrant nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, $23.KH(r25.00; No. 8 foun dry, northern, $22.Outi'J3.0O; No. 1 foundry outhern, $22.0028.00; No. 1 foundry; outh rn, soft, $2.0023.00. OMAHA WHOLE! ALB MARKETS. Comdltlon of Trad anal ataH at Staple m Fsaey Prodaeaj. EGGS-Candted tock, t7o. LIVE POI 'I.TH7ll.n. 01ZMI.. . - accnrnlnar tn n t . . . . . . . . ' j , w " lUlHfTf. s'csoo: ?b cuynHc,"eM' prll chcltn. Pr BuillSKl-Packlng tock, 1218c: cholo daJ.riVlT?.tult 13'0 lc; separator x&21o. FRESH CAUGHT FISH-Trout, 10c; ber- k..vIi- T m t""t c per cn, c; bHT.al0' Jreed. 7c: unflsh. 6c; bfuefln. 8c: wn lensn, ioc; catnsh, 13o; black bass, 18c; f'i 1) - ' l6c' h,M,do. Uo; cod- r.1-" iK ' r'Vi'i"" iwi looaiera, DOliea, ullhed:Tdc.,"U",rr', D- CORN 58c. OATS 64c. BRAN Per ton, 81S. I IV IV. Jt W A , . . Hay Dealers' association: Choice. No. 1 upland, $7; No. 1 medium. M .50;' No 1 coarse. $. Rye atraw, $5.50. Theie price re or ny pt good color and quality. De. . V cijtt, TABLES. ?1i:E,:'ERY-KJoo. C TPNew. per bu.. 6ea " ; ' - -. . . . . i ci uui accoraina: to slue of bunches, 16f(f20c. 1 uknips Per bu., 80c. BEETS Per basket, 40o. GREEN .CORN Per dor. Be. CUCUMBERS-Per bu., 25o. LtTTUCK-Per do, bunch, JOo, RADISHES Per do., 10c. WAX Kh-.AKia u . . . . . 1 aivwn, pwr maraet jjjt 25"J ini maraei pas- CABBAGE California or horn grown new. 1e. ""."a ONTO VR Maw km. . . , bu., 65c. .u TOMATOES-Per market basket, 600. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.16. FRUITS. 75&80c; Arkansas Elbert as, per four-basket Zii y six-oasKei , crate, 1.60. PLUMS California. per four-basket S. it. "-a jueBn, in peacn ooxes, j: K.eley Japan, per four-basket crate, PRUNES Per box, $1. PEARR rall'itrnla Wnv aM tr. "II . Favorltei ii'M. " ' jjPPES-Summer Tarletle. per bbl., CRAB APPIjES Per bbL, 22.60. ' PANT Tlt ;PH- T.... . per basket, 60c. . w A t KKMH.IXJIVH Crated. 1&S20C Crite; $1760. " Per . . TROPICAL FRUITS. . BANANAS Per huni-h . I2.25(i,2.75. " ORANGES Valencia, 84.766.C0; Mediter ranean sweets. $4.0iKj4.26. i . - LEMONS-Callfornia Llmonelra,' $4.0ft 4.26; Measlnaa. $4.50Co.00. vwu- MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER New York, $3.76. HinF.S Nn. 1 mrmar. CU . V. a tc; No. 1 aalted. 8c'; No.' 2 salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lb., 8c; No. 1 ychi can it to ib in., c; dry hides, 8tlzc: heep pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.602.60. j r . j n ii rrr jo., po; aneuea, so. NIITH-Walmita Nn 1 .K.ll n. 12c; hard shell, per lb., Uc; No. 8 oft shell. 10c! N(l 9 harit mKaII a.. T..ll. Hi IK ti... e 1 V. ,w ' . . J) i. it ' ""T v ' "i aimonas, soft on, uiuu sneu, ioc; pecan large, ger Jb., 12c; small, 10c; coooanuU, per doa.. OLD MKT A T A A Ct llun, av. following price: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; Conner, ner Ih Ku.e hr,., Kww il 8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead', per lb!! 8c; sine, per lb, 2c; rubber, per lb,. c ' St. Louis Grata aad Provlalataa. ST. LOTTTft ln 111 WttfiT UI.W.., ii-yuri , ISO. 2 red. cann. nvslnf IUXi m1. 68c; September. S4c; December, 656c; 1 1 a i (i , arrive 64fef6c; September, 474jc; December, 86c. v-nio-nijinfri no. s coin, xic; track, 27(aa.c; September. 26Tc; December, 2tic; No. 2 white, 364(090. it YK Firm at 48c. $3 10M3.a); extrs fancy and straight, $2.80 iei, .ou-w .. to. bkisu- rimomy, steady, $3.76t05. CORNMEAL Steady at $3.06. BRAN Easy; sacked, east track, 60tf?(Ce. HAY Easv: tlmolhv ty hikffll fai- nriru $S.6tU.00. ' whisky steady, si.n. IKON ( (t'l'luN TIfc, 41.04. BAGGING Sc. HEMP Twine, 9c. pnnviRinKia ir,rv hi.k... i,u.. ' " . ...... .1..1.1 , jiiuMlllff, 1)111, $16; new. $18 40. Lard, lower, $10. Dry salt ineai tixiaeii;. wwar; extra snorts and f-li-ar rlhs. a10: short clear 1A fj, ia (boxed), lower; extra shorta' and clear r lba. fio.tri; ihort clear, $11.60. METALS Iad, firm at H.00. Spelter, strong at $5.26. POULTRY Firm; chickens, c; springs, 12c; turkey. 12(al3c; duck. 7c; geese, 4e BUTTER Steady; creamery, 176:ic; dairy, itm i-vc. EGGS titeady; 16c, Ins off. Flour, bbl e.w 7,ono Wheat, bu Sly .'," 104 OnO Corn, bu S.'.o-O 6s!() Oats, bu U,0u0 24,uu Liverpeol Grata sua at Provlslaaa. LIVERPOOL, Aug. IS WHEAT-flpot, quiet; No. 1 northern spring. 6a 2d; No. 1 California, Sd. Futures, stesrty; Sep lember, 6s lld: December, 6a 10d. CORN Spot, quiet; A merles q mixed. 6s Ud; futures, quiet; September, is lld; October, 4s 8d; January, 8a USd. PKOVIHIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, loJs d. Pork, firm; prime mess, western, strong. &0s CdS Hams, short cut, 14 to IS lbs., quiet, 67 Sd. Bacon, Cumber land cut, 2s to 80 lbs., stead. 6Ss Sd; short ribs It to 24 lbs., quiet, bus (d; long clear middles light, 28 to 84 lbs., quiet, tm; lot, clear middles, haavy, 6 to 40 lbs, quiet, oosSd; short clear backs, It to 20 lbs., quiet. 6Sa; clear bellies, 14 to It lbs . steady, ts. hhoulders, square eut, 11 to 11 lbs., quiet, 47s id. Lard, quiet; prime west ern. In tierces, dull 61 Id; American re fined In palls, dull, 52s. CHEESE Mteady. American finest white, steady, 47s Sd; American finest, colored, quiet, 4s d. TALLOW Prime city, steady, 28; Aus tralian. In I-ondon, dull, 8a. FLOUR Bu Louis fancy winter. Arm. ts HOPS At London (Paclflo coast), firm. tS-li'H. Bl'TTER Nominal.' PEAS Canadian, quiet, 6 8d. Recolpta of wheat during the last three days were 2o2,tiu centals. Including lt,0u) Amertcan. Receipts of American corn during th last threa days, none. Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 15 WHEAT Firm; N. ! """been. Tike: No. 8 northern. 7tiu;c; September. SsTjC KI K-Hrmtr; No. 1. 51 c. HAhLtY Steady) No. 70S 74c; ampl. 4S,'i'. , CoRN-September, 61c Mlaaeapalla. Wheat Klear aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. U.-WHEAT-Bettuitr, 7ai(icc; L-ecsmbcr, c; oa track. No. 1 hard, 7BHo; No. 1 northern, 7V. FI-OUR First patent, tSSfxfflSO; s-cond patents, $3 i1 70; first clears, $S.0iJ3.10; second clears, $2 40. BRAN In bulk, lower. 111 50. Kaasa City Grata aad Pre vlstaas. KANBAH CITY, Aug. 15 WHEAT Sep tember, 63c; December, S3c; cash. No. 2 hsrd. c; No. 8, Sl'B3j; No, 2 red, 64c; No. i, l-fe. CORN September, SlHtlVc; Dcembor. BSti33c; rash. No. 8 mixed, 494j60c; No. 2 white. 66c; No. 8. 64c. OATS No. 8 white, 82iff86c. RYE No. 2. 4'iHfie. HAY-'holc timothy, 88.60iffl0.00; cholc pralno, 800. BUTTER Creamery, le; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGGS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14c, loss off, cases returned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1M,H"0 8W.a) Corn, bu 22.4"0 2K.(0 Oats, bu 24,000 43,000 Taleda Grain aad Seed. TOLEDO. Aug. 15. WHKAT Dull, strong; cash, 72c; September, 72c; De cember, Jldc: May, 78c. CORN Dull, steady: cash, 80c; Septem ber. 62c; December, 4ie; May, 88c. OATS Dull, strong; September, iWc; De cember, 2P74jC. SEED Clover, active, very strong; Octo ber, 83.76; January, $6.60; No. 2 rye, 61o. Philadelphia Pradac Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16. BUTTER Firm, good demand: extra western cream ery, 21c; extra nearby prints, 22c. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, 21c, los off; fresh western. 21c; fresh southwestern, 18c; fresh southern, 16c. CHEESE Firm. Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH. Aug. 18. WHEAT Cash. No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 8 northern, 70c; No. 1 northern. 72c; Beptember, 68c; Decem ber, 6Sc. OAT8 Beptember, 81o; December, 88c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Aug. 16. CORN-Steady; No. 8, 6Sc. OATS Firm but lowj new No. 8 white, ttffJMHc. blUed through. WHlSKY-$1.81 for finished good. Claelaaatt Spirit. CINCINNATI, Aug. 15. WHISKY DI tlller' finished good active on basis of $L8L 8EW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Shara Advaaee la Moaey, bat Selllagr Pressare la Reeeat Steele Leader. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. Th solicitude felt over the possible stringency of money was exemplified by the effect upon th stock market of a flurry In the call money rate to 6 per cent. The fact that Stock exchange loans made on Friday carry over until the following Monday makes the customary de mand for money somewhat more urgent than on other day. The special cause . to explain today' harp advance was the maturity of sub scription for th new Oregon Short Line collateral bond, secured by deposit of Northern Securities stock. The payment called for about $15,000,000 and necessitated considerable shifting of losns to require ment. The rate dropped back to near 4 per cent near the close,- after the demand had been satisfied. There have been a number of other syn dicate operations during the week which may upset calculations aa to the bank statement tomorrow. Among these were the payment of subscriptions to the United States Shipbuilding company, the payment of dividends by the United States Steel Underwriting syndicate and-the dividend on United States Steel preferred, payable today. So far as the Indicated cash change promise tomorrow' bank state ment will not be unfavorable. The movement of currency with the In ''"r m tn Ke In favor of New York till, the receipt on balance during the week amounting to $1,600,000, against the loss to the subtreasury of $633,ono. New York exchange at Chicago fell to par today, compared with 10c premium yesterday and 20c premium on Wednesday. This Is an index of the growth of the pressure from the Interior upon New Tork for fund. Rate for time money also are advanced today to a uniform 6 per cent for all periods. In response to the higher money market there were additional large offerings in the exchange market of loan bills, aa well as of grain bills, for September, Octo ber and November delivery. The exchange market was In consequence weak. An Incidental influential opinion on the weakness of stocks waa the report of rain "Pr,nK wheat harvesting region, which affected the grain markets a well. A 'was to be expected the selling pre " wa most acute upon those stock which have advanced most conspicuously of late. Missouri Pacific fell a full 2 points below last night and the other Gould stock and the- Grangers and Pacific generally were affected in sympathy, eouthern Pa clflo resisted the decline, but yielded its opening gain, recovering again to about the best In the closing rally upon enormous dealings. St. Louis Southwestern preferred also moved up 2 points over last night just at the close. Pennsylvania, Louisville and Rock Island had periods of strength. The newest favorite in the rumors of deals were the Toledo, St. Louis & West ern stocks, which were bought In a demon strative way by the western speculative party, closing at the top. The market generally closed firm. -ine bond market was generally easier. Total sales, par value. $2.315.000. United States registered 2s advanced , the old 4s, registered, and 6s, registered, and 6s. coupon, per cent on the last call? -i ne loiiowmg are tne Closing prlos en th Nw York Stork exchange: Atchlsoa 2,:8o. Pxelno .. a H 102 VSa. Railway , ... n ... 40 ... 7H ,.. f"S .. ... 44', ... im ... iiH ... 414 ... H ,.. ta ... :H ... 014 ...144 ...IIS ...1.10 ...lo ... H6H ... ,.. il ... 4 ... M ... 474 ... ,..1''J ... 47 ...M ...I234, ...12l4j ...llt ... to ... 1'4 ... T4ii ... in ... 471. ... ts . ,1J.- ... 31 ... 4ts ...luo, ... 44 ... it ...14 ..It ... 7V ,..1W ... K.,, ... 16 ... ! ... IS .. H ... la ... U .. 4'"a. ... suv. ... is ::: ii ... M ... 4H 'iMKiawfa m uaia.,iw as pra as sts '- Texas Jc Paclflo... Canadian Paclto . Canada Southara . Chaa. A Ohio Chics A Alton.. 4a pt4 Chlcaao. I. A h... do pfd ......... Chicago at B. I..., Chicago A Ut. W. so 1st pfd...... 4a M ptd Cnloaio A NT. W.. C, R. I. A P Chlcaco T. A T... so (d C. C. C. A St. L... Colo. Southern ... do la pfd do M ptd Dal. at Hudaon. ... Del., U W iMnrar A R. Q... do ptd Brio do lat pfd do td pfd Ot. Nor. Md Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinola Central ... lows Catltrnl do pfd L. E. W 1MiT., Bt. L. A W... 0 do pfd . HVCuloa Paeino .... 41 do pfd 74'Wabiat 1 I do pfd W. A U B lit do id pfd St V Wis, Central MW do Bfd to (American Kipreaa. ..HI Adams Express ... V. a. Gipreea ..1M4 fWeils-Fnrso Ex... .. - ..106V, .. .. TIIVi .. tlVk ..M5 .. 46H .. 3- .. .. 4k abui. copper .... Anier. C. A P do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.... do pfd Amer. S. R.... do pfd Ana. Mia. Co Urx. kap. Tr Colo. P. A I Con. Oas Con. Tob. pfd General Electria .. Hooting coal Iot'n'l Paper do pfd tAclede Oas National luerult . National Lead ... No. American .... U m 1U1 H W i" 4 1 K-I'a do pfd Louis. A Naah. Manhattan L .. Met. St. Rr... Max. Central .. Max. National Mma. at. L. lao. PaciSe .... M.. K. T.... do Bfd r-armc Cnaat .IMS Paclflo Mall ...Ha People' baa Preaaed Heel Car. do pfd Pullman Pal. Car. Republic Steel ... do pfd ... ... Hi ...lilt ... n Sugar N. J. Central m N. Y. Central l4 Nor. A Waat To da pfd to Ontario A Waa 13 Tens. C. A I.... U. B. P. Co... do pfd I. Leather do pfd O. . Nubber do pfd reouarieaoia .. keaaun do lat Sfd... do 14 pfd... II. U 4 1 P.. U. I. Steel 11 do pfd Weeleru Union ... do la pfd.. tr n Am. Locomotive . do 4 ptd.... t. l. a. V so pfd K. C. Southern... da pfd Did Paul is Ex-dlvldend. Last sale. Beateat ateasi. taaetatteae. BOSTON. Aug. 15 Call loana, tm per cent: time loan, 4Wr4jo per cent. Onicial closing ot stocks ana bonds: Mx. Central 4s II lAllouea , N. E. U. A C tt 'Amalaamaled ..... Atrblsoa t:. illi.gliam do pfd ( aiumet A Heels Boatoa St Albaar....l.2t Cealcunlal Duetoa A Maine lit Conner ftanze .... ... V4 ... ei, ... It ...tea ... It ... 4Vt ... 14s, ... lf'x ... 11-4 ... ' ... uv, ... n ... 1 N. Y. M. H. A H...IU I.oe.lnloa Coal .. rllctburg pfd. .14 Pranklln .i-ifH l.i. orals . Mubaak .Ut Old Uomluloa ... .lzu Oe:eola .leeV, Parrot . 7iV Qulnt-V I'nloo reel fie . Mex. Central . Sugar . do ptd Amer. T. A T. Pa I. a ... Maaa. Elect na do pid N. E. U. C. I'd lied Prult . t ailed rapper V. S. Steel.... da ptd ...Ue . 4ua Bema Pa Copper 1 . 7v Tamarark 17 la Trlfnountata 4 .111 Trinity . MUt'nlt.d states ki . aovicioria eu- Winona Wealing. Common.. ..lite Wolverine ft H Adveuiur n Daijr Wa rtrelgs Fiaaaclal. LONDON. Aug. . The amount of bul lion taken Into the hank of England on balance today was M,uu0. The pressure for money wa relaxed today, although the supply wss not plentiful. liicoutiit wore firm, anected by the growing demand e mnner bv New York and talk of gold export to that center. Trading on the block exchange waa fairly active and the tone was cheerful, prices being supports! by continental buying of Kaffirs on reports of further discoveries of gold over large areas and that th native labor supply Is Improving. The Itnpresalon that an ex treme tuunctary stringency at New Tork will t avoided also aided to sustain th market The dealinra wer largely profes sional, t omnia nsroeneo and home rails were Arm. Americana opened steady at price above purity end hardened, espe cially Vninn I'sclflo, Southern Pacific nd Louisville A Nsahvllle but they cloned be low the beet. Ursnd Trunk wss Irregulnr. HE RUN, Aug. H. Riislne wa quiet on the bourse today, owing to other bourses being closed on account of the celebration of the feast of the assumption. Later prices grew firmer. Canadian Pacific wa lifted to New York' parltv. The discount rate for short bills wss ivfe per oent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent. WEEKLT CLEARIItU HOI SB TABLB. Aggregate of Bealaess Traasate4 ey tke Associated Baaka. NEW TORK, Aug. 15The following table, complied bv Mradstreet, shows th bsnk clearings at the principal cltle for the week ended August 14, with the percent age o( Increase and decresee ss compared wiioiae corresponding week last year CITIES. Clearings. j Ine. Doc New York $l,2SS.$!2,m 28.9 Chicago In2.448.20 12.0 Boston 117.6"32 Philadelphia 88.4W.ei4 11.$ 8t. Louis 43.737,47 11.9 Pittsburg 4. 2S,fj,(i92 15.6 San Frsnclsco 2S.0f,541 2.3 baltlmore 22.0o5,475 22.0 Kansas City 2o,2fl..757 10.8 Cincinnati 19,3,2fx1 21.8 Cleveland 14.411, 6L'9 B.l Minneapolis - 2.6i3,141 19.J Telrolt 12. SW,0.'."! i 23.7 New Orleans , . 9.MO,'7 23.7 Indlanapoll 9.445.T44 12.0 Louisville 7,710,633 6.4 Milwaukee $.tfl,17 14.4 OMAHA .78,ir! (.4 Providence t.839,2nn 2.8 Buffalo ,xx,129 2.3 St. Paul I.433.fl"f $0.8 St. Joseph 4.473,8"."l 13.1 Ilenver 4.M2.635 1.0 Richmond $,6S4.flil 23.0 Savannah 2,2f5.231 13.1 Bait Lake City $.804,814 17.0 Albany ,in6,1S6 11.1 Ixi Angele 4.838.24S o 9 Memphis 2.06.622 8.1 Fort Worth $.3V8,745 21.4 Seattle 6.637.1W 100.1 Washington $.089,450 43.4 Hartford 2.M.624 g.l Peoria 8.3?9 1S i 1.4 Toledo $.479,075 26.6 Portland, Ore 2.6X6.1M 18.8 Rochester .' l.SM.sxs 10.8 Atlanta 1,920,378 1.7 De Moines 2.149.0W 87.8 New Haven 1.279.173 Worcester 1,645, 64 12.5 Nashville 1.743,612 11.8 Springfield, Maa .1.412.600 $.0 Norfolk 1.2H4.052 14.2 Grand Rapid ' 1,706,713 S6.9 Scranton i 812.7i8 18.$ Portland, M l,s.R97 17.2 Sioux City l,3C4,5n 87.4 Augusta 676.353 $6.1 Syracuse 1,075,354 4.6 ...... Dayton, 0 1.4H2.404 25.6 Tacoma 1,46,471 49.4 Spokane 1,62.072 60.0 Topeka 1,073.766 8.7 Pavenport 816,645 15.0 Wilmington, Del 1,637.320 69.8 EvansvTlle R5,68 16.1 Birmingham 818.312 4.4 Fall River .' 86,9S8 1.9 Macon , 446.000 2.0 Little Rock 725,005 46.3 Helena B12.426 26.1 Knoxvllle 657.618 7. Lowell i 479,247 $.1 Akron 678,700 4.9 Wichita . 475,045 4.4 Springfield, 111 643.168 4.0 Islington 46.416 New Bedford 438,331 24.4 Chattanooga 478,857 Youngstown 446,306 $.7 Kalamasoo 663.108 21.8 Fargo IW7.073 16.7 Blnghamton . 818,000 l.g r.ockfori . tiBsn 10.9 Canton 419.0W 82.1 Jacksonville, Fla " v $13,615 $.T Springfield, O ' 878.559 8.8 Chester j . 848,173 81.8 Qulncy r 2!8,64Q Bloomlngton 273,000 S.O Sioux Falls 230,432 26.3 ...... Jacksonville, 111 , 217,R2 10.4 Fremont , 152.154 1.7 Houston 11.104.892 69.5 Galveston . 4.872,0)10 ? 19.4 Columbus, O C. . $,142,000 86.8 Wheeling 656.610 11.7 Wllkesbarre , 495.611 23.1 Decatur ... j .277,271 Utlca y... ,r. 1230.514 ' Total, V. S. $2,0n6.1O1.13O 19.7'. ..... Outside New Tor.,. - 716.638,972 .0) CANADA. Montreal $ 18.784,760 17.61 Toronto 16.246.2X7 46.6 Winnipeg J 2,226.223 29.81 Halifax 1.702.742 .ll Vancouver, B. C 938.292 60.7 Hamilton i 730.5H4 5.5 St. John, N. B. ....... 786.498 H.8 Victoria. B. C ' -2,540 82.8 Quebec 1,248.527 15.4 Ottawa 1,742.6"71 Totals, Canada... $ 41.966,643 19.1 Not Included m totals because containing other Items than clearlnga. Not Included In total because of ne comparison for last year. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. MONEY On call. Arm, 46 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent; prime mercantile peper, 4(qo per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, $4.87875 for demand and $4 84.875 for sixty day bills; posted rate, $4.8S4.aStt; commercial bill, t4.84W4.85tt. SILVER Bar, 62Hc; Mexican dollar, 41Vc. BONDS Government, trong; state. In active; railroad, easier. The closing quotation on bond are ai follow: U. 8. ref. ta, reg. do eoupoa ...... do It, re do coupon do Dew 4s, reg., do coupon do old 4a, rag.. do coupon do Is, re do eoupoa ...... Attn. sen. 4a...... do adj. 4a B. A O. 4s do IWa do conv. 4t Canada So. la C. of O. im do let Inc C. O. 4i C. A. SV,a C. B. A Q. n. 4a. , . .10TH ...1071 ..ll L. A K. nnl. 4t.. Mex. Central 4s.. do It lac M. A Bt. U 4m.. M K. A I. 4.. do U 10.11a 44S, .10W lOtii 104 N. T. Central It... 101H do general !4a....l0T 1 t. C. sen. ta 1M .l(M!No. Paclflo 4s. 104 .. .111444 do te T4,t ... taVReadln sen. 4a ' ...104 'Bt. L 4 1. If. . e..117 ... 4Bt. L. A 8. P. 4a.... MS, ...llHt.St. L. B. W. Is 100 ...lus'il do ta tH ...110V, . A. & A. P. 4a ... t i Ho. Pacific 4a Ms, ...10BV,;8o. Rullwar 4a 4S ... iltil 4t 4a 121V C. M Bt P g. 4a.. .111 IT.. St. L. ee ' m mrmc Jt.,.irj I.I. 1.1 C. A N. W. cos. 7a. la4i il'naa Pacific 4a C, R. 1. at P. 4a do cone. 4l.... ccc. St. L. g. 4a..lui iWabath It Chlcano Ter. 4a ttwVfe I do la Colorado Ho. 4a Il do deb. 4a , 1. 4t M. O. 4a !U2!vVeat Shore 4a.... Erie prior Ilea 4a.... w. s L E. 4a.. do gen. 4a aa, Wia Central 4a.. P. W. a D. C. la 114 Cons. Tobaooo 4a Hocking Valley 4' .144 .ll5t .11U . 77S .1:5',, . W . f-'i . 44'A Row York Mtalac anotatloaa, NEW TORK. Aug. the closing prices on Adams Cos e Alice lireeca to bruuawlrk Con S Comatoca Tunnal 4 Con. Cel. A Va 11 Ueedwood Terra luu Hers Silver Ill Iron surer ee LaadTUle Cos a 15. The following are mining stocks: Little Chief 11 Ontario St Ophlr lit rtoenix Poloei 11 Huvage g Blerra Nevada 10 Hoia.ll Hupea 4 biaadard ..44 Bask Cleartag. OMAHA, Aug. 15 Bank clearings, $1,(102,. 6r6.36; corresponding day last year, tl.COS, 132.31: decrease, oJ.o06.W. CHICAGO. Au. la Clearings, $21.669 661; balances, tl6".87; posted exchange, $4 84 for sixty days and $.', for demand; New York exchange at par. ST. LOl'IB. Aug. 16. Clearings, $7,432,897; balances, $1.227.6J6; money, steady, 64f.1t per cent; New York exchange, 2ic discount. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Clearings, $230,. 41s.3o0: balances, $3,357,717. BotiToN. Aug li Clearing. $22,020,894; balances, II. HM. TjZ. . miLADKLPHIA, Aug. 15. Clerings $16,2o7,OM; balance. $2,lus,28(; money, 4u5 per cent. BALTIMORK. Aug. 15. Clearing. $4,250,. 131; balance. $444,073; money 4'rt percent. CINCINNATI. Aug. 15 Clearings. $3,4S3, 850; money, 3-, per cent; New York ex change, 15o discount. Ceaditloa ef tke Treasary. WASHINGTON. Aug. U Today1 state, ment of the treasury balances In the gen. eral fund, exclusive ot th $150,ou0,uu0 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Avail Lie cash balance, $Ju4,9s9,an7; gold, $104,941,000. Wtl Market. BOSTON. Aug. 15. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will ssy 1n tomorrow report on the wool trade of the l.'nlled States: Wool I less active, but higher. This ap parent tr""ni"'r'en',y due to the action of dealers, who are in'some cases sold months ahead and have marked up their wools. Kleetes notably havs advanced. Ohio washed delaine has advanced to 31 "4c and oners of 81c have been retuavd. 1'ressure fur B superfine pullo) and manufacturers, being not able to purchase good lots at less than 4"c clean, are corueiitlng- themselves with Khurasan and Irian wevl. There I much hone for domestic fine wool In th worm s shortage In the supplies of merino. Utieenslsnd Is suffering from the wildest drouth In history. Australian, 64s In the market. has sdvsnced to 75s. scoured Stocks of American wool Inst January were sn.nmUKio pounds short of those of the pre vlous yesr. Th good price paid for lambs has encouraged slaughtering In the United States. RerHpt of wool In Boston since January 1 11'2. have been 2J.4,'il,lW pounds, against ltW. 102,511 pounds for the same period In 1(1. The Boston shipments to dale are 170,457.210 pound, against ship ment of 157,344. 42 pounds for the same period In l'.'l. Stork on hand in Boston January 1. lfo2, was 77,12!,143 pounns, the total stork today I 113,32.4"3 pounds. The stock on hand August 7, 1901, wa 85,250,641 pound. ST. LOtTIS, Aug. 16.-WOOI-8teadv; medium grade and combing, 13nlM4c; light fine, WU lHc; heavy fine, 1013ck tub washed, 16-y 26c. Cottea Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 15. -COTTON Futures opened quiet; August, 8.45; September, 7H9c; October, 7.87c; November, 7.79c; December, 7.77c; January, 7.80c; March, 7.79c; April, 7.8c. Future closed quiet; August, 8.41c: Sep tember. 7.94c; October, 7.82c; November snd December, 7.74c; January and February, 7.76c; March, 7.74c; April and May, 7.15c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, c; middling gulf. 94c; sales, 2i8 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 164 n. m. COTTON Spot, quiet; American middling, 4 27-32d. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15 COTTON Dull, but steady; middling, 8 15-16c; Bales, 126 bales; receipt. 62 bales; shipment, 62 bale; stock, 13,613 bales. GALVESTON. Aug. 16. COTTON Mar ket quiet st 8 7-16c. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 15. COTTON Spot, quiet; prices favor buyer; American mid dling, 4 27-32d. The sales of the day were ,000 bales, of which 6tK) were for specula tion and export, and Included 5.100 Ameri can. Receipt were I.OOO bales, no Ameri can. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, August, 4 89-64d, buyers; August-September, 4 85-64d, sellers; September-October, 4 25-64(fr4 2-64d, seller; October-November, 4 20-64(fi4 21-64d, sellers: November-December. 4 18-64d, sell ers; December-January, 4 16-64ft4 17-64d, sell ers; January-February, 4 16-64d, buyers; February-March, 4 16-64d, value; March April, 4 16-tHd, sellers. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 16. COTTON Futures quiet; August, 817i8..18c: Septem ber, 7.78'ff1.79c; October, 7.XU1.61c: Novem ber, 7.6A(j7.65c; December, 7.547.55c; Janu ary, 7.677.58c; February, 7.6Sf(i7.60c; March, 7.68f7.60c; market quiet; sales, 450 bales; ordinary, 6T,c; good ordinsry, 7Sc; low middling. 73c; middling, 8 5-16c; good mid dling, 8 9-1 6c; middling fair, 815-16c; re ceipts, 135 bales; stock. 36,813 bales. CooTe Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 15. COFFEE Rio pot. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6Kc. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 8U4c. Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower. Cables Indicated unimportant foreign mar ket change and a bearish ruling of pri mary receipts, with a clearance of 21,000 bag for the United State. Following the call, which owed Its steadiness to covering, bears directed their efforta toward nearby positions and these, as in yesterday' mar kets, were relatively weakest all day. The bull clique failed to give active support to the list, outsldo order for the long side were absent and the room noting the easier tendency of values put out fresh short lines. Europe figured as a seller, smaller short covered. The market was flnnilv barely steady on near month and steady on inr, wun price otfliu points net lower. Sale amounted to 46,000 bags, including: August, 4.95(&5c; September, 4.96.'5'5.05c: Oc tober, 6c; November, 4.05c; December, t.06if 6.10c: March. 6.25c: Miv. K30ri?5 35- Inn. 6.4uc; July, 6.45c Oil aad Rosln. OTTj CITY. Aug. 15. OIL Credit balance. $1.22: Certificates, no bid: shinmenta 85 377 bbls.; average, 98 702 bbls.; runs, 92,403 bbl.; ex, v i ri , j o, UUIS, TOLEDO. O. Au. IK. OTT North T.Ima 89c; South TJma and Indiana, 84o. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. OIL Cottonseed, ouin. i urpentine. quiet. nff41G. . LIVERPOOL, Aug. 16. OIL Cottonseed, I mill renned. snot. dull. 2&s 6.1. Turnentlns spirits, steady, 34s 6d. 1AIN1JUN, Aug. 15. OIL Unseed, 29 6d. Turpentine spirits, 83a 24d. SAVANNAH, Ga., Aug. 15.-OIL Tur pentine, quiet at 444e. Rosln, firm; quote: A, B C, $1.06; D, $1.10; E, $1.16; F. $1.20; O. $1.25: H. $1.60: I. $1.90: K. 12.60: M. til: N. $3.45; WO, $3.55; WW, $3.70. Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 16 DRY GOODS The general demand for cotton arnnria showed seme Improvement In the dry goods market at first hands today, but there has been no change In tone nor In price for either staple or fancy lines. Local jobber are doing a good business In a general way. Linens are very firm, with a quiet busi ness. Burlaps are against buyers. Foreign markets strong. MANCHESTER. Aug. 15. DRY OOOoH Qulet and hard. to sell unless at 'conces sion. Yarn dull, but steady. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt. NEW YORK. Aug. 15. EVAPORATED APPLES The market wa nominal at old quotations for pot, with futures showing some weanneea. vommon to gooa, tva'ioc; prime, loi&.10c; choice, llllc; fancy, llV4'?tl2e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes In fair demand, with prices ranging from 37,c to 7c for all gTades. Apricots in pood demand; boxes, 7ti9!e: bags, 6Aifj7Hc. Peaches, quiet; peeled, 1216c; unpeeled, i ffilOVsC 8ngsr Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 15. SUGAR Raw, bout steady: fair refining, 2 15-16c; cen trifugal, 96 test, 8c. Molasses sugar, 2 U-16c. Refined, steady. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 15. SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2ft3 3-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 8tH4jc; centrifugal, yellow, 2Vs r&4 6-16c; seconds. l(g3e. MOLASSES Dull ; centrifugal, 6315c. Visible Sawply of Cottoa. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 15. Secretary Hester' statement of the world's visible supply of cotton show a total of 1,611,839, of which 9U3.839 1 American cotton. Kaasa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 15. CATTLE Re ceipt, 2,060 head natives, 750 head Texans, 60 head Texas calves, 210 head native calves; good corn fed and graBsers, steady to lower; cow, steady to 25c lower; quaran tine, dull and weak; Blocker and feeder, steady; choice export and dreased beef steers, $7.66(f(8.20; fair to good, $5.MT7.65; stockers and feeders, S2.0ufj6.5; western fed steers, $2.9v5.75; Texas and Indian atoer. $2.50rT4.0O: Texas cow, t2.0urfiS.0O; na tive cows, $1,604)6.00; native heifer's, $2.0i 4.50; canners, l.Unj2.i5; bulls, t2.50iy3.tsj; calves. $3.0u4iv.50. HOGS Receipts, $,900 head; market steady to 6c lowfT; top, 86 97V4; bulk of sales, $6.7f'6.90; heavy, $t.92Vfc.fji 974; mixed packers, $o.7Ktj6.85; liRht, $6.&0!o.85; yorkers. tC.8Mifi.85: pigs, $.0ft4j6.4O. SHEEP AND LAMB" Receipt. 4.300 head; market strong; native lambs, t3Hm( 6.75: western lambs, $3.1(KfiS.lo; native wethers, $3 6o4l4.5u: western wether. t3.0Ufti 4.00; fed ewes. $3.1iyn4.00; Texa clipped yearlings, $3.4'yi4.06; Texas clipped sheep, $3.0u&3.5o; stockers and feeders, t2.40g3.0v. Kerr York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug;. 15. BEEVES Re ceipts. 2.9H1 hesd; steers, liifulac higher; bulls and cows, steady to 10c hUher; steers, $5.75a7.10; oxen. $6.60: bulls, $3.0ii3.75; extra fat bulls. $4.90. Cables steHdy for live cattle; refrigerator beef. 12tfjl2'tc per lb.; shlotncnts. 749 head rattle, 30 head sheep and 2 nuarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 121 head; market Strong; veals. $5.0u(jS.26; mtxel. $5.50; but termilks, 4 st; city dressed veals. SViWUo per lb. ; extra. 13c. HOGS Receipts, 761 head: market lower: tate and Pennsylvania, $7.2Wi7.30. SHEEP A'1J I.A M Bo Receipts, 6.946 head: sheep. 2VH40o lower: iambs. 15i2,tc off; aheep. $?.0mj3.B0; tops, $4; culls, $1.75; lambs, $4.6C4t.75; one car, $7; culls, $3.50fi too. Bloaa City Live Stack Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 15. 8peclal Telv tram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2o0 head; dime higher beeve, $6.0"l'7.00; cows, buils and mixed. $2.0ixiH.40; feeders. $3.2564.40; yearllnxs and calves, $3.(n4 3u. HOGS Receipts, 2.8K) head; weak to 60 lower, selling at $6.451i6 70; bulk, $6.46(.66. SHEEP AND LAM US Strong demand for feeder. THIS REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday, August 16: Warraaty Deeds. Michael Jacobbergfcr and wife to Dora Tort, autilot 1, In lot 8, In 6-15-13 $ 1,400 N. O. Nielsen to J. J. Nielsen, lot 6, block 5. Deer Park 1.600 JoTin Victoria to Kate Vlctorln, tin- oivu, or w zo luet lot 1, block 4, Brown Park 1 Harvey Jones to C. E. Gibson, lot 14, block 18, Omaha View 1 M'lllle J. Butler and husband to P. C. Hern, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Bemls Park 8,200 tu. 1.. ria-vey and etlie to M. C Crc.t mak. lot 4 and 6, block i, Omaha View 10 M 11 McCluakv.and wife to J. A. Barbrey, lot 6 and 4, block 4, Pat terson's lat add 1.000 J. A. Barbrey to O. B. Graff, same... l.wio Total amount of transfer $ 1,112 muni live siocs market Verr Light lan tf Cattle and Kt Chut; in rrioM Paid. HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL LOWER Meat Weight Sheea ntl4 Akeat Steady, bat Heavy aad Cesnasea StanT Slew aad Weak La aa as Were Active aad Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 15. . Rwlpi were; Cattle. Hoss. Bheep. viiii-iai monaay b.71l t.PiQ OIHclal Tuesday $.913 10.14 Official Wednesday 4.745 .'9 Offlclal Thursday 8.051 $.97 Oiilcial Friday 1,248 4.964 Five day this week.. 18.744 86.8s Same days last week. ..18.1x0 82 f0 Same week before ll.tMo 26.846 Same three weeks ago.. 10.178 13,540 Same four weeks ago. .14. 214 81.2-'0 Same days last year. ...18.001 M,7il RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATS The following table show th receipt ot cattle, hog and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparison with iai jtaari 1902. 1901. Inc. D0, Cattl 458,233 431.919 26.814 Hog 1.664.413 87.939 bheep 667.871 418,114 49,761 The following table inowi tn average price of hog told on the South Omaha mamet the last several day, wun com. parlsons with former years; Date. I 19021. 1 1901. 1900.1898.188. 11897. 11894 August 1. AUKUst 2. August 8. August 4. August 6. T 414 I 6 I 16 4 1 8 79) in 1 45 147 184 I 67 $86 t 51 t 1 43 $ 01 t 46 2 92 I 75 t 42 IU 171 8 61 8 $0 IU 191 $ 64 2 74 I 48 t 3 t 83 u 7t 5 18 f 2t. 1 14 iii ir I 161 7 S9HI Ttikl 7 30WI I 10 4 43 I 61; I 841 ll 71 I 77 4 $8 4 $71 81 AUKJSt e. AUBiiat 7 6 HtH I 04 7 27Vi) 6 86) B 14 August 8. 1 174 7 16 5 6f 741 15 I 04 annua 4 82. I 47 August 101 74 4 281 4 29 7 04 4 99 I 27 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 15 t 74 I 78, 4 $6. I 48 8V'i Ti 4 96 4 97, I 741 5 74 4 43 6 78; 4 87 4 44 I 76 Indicate Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The - following list show the number 01 car 01 reeo.ers shipped to to country ycaieruay ana tneir destination: f?ara. Ed Hale. Bradshaw. "Neb. B. A M 1 ringers uros.. liasard. Neb. B. M 1 Ell Jones. Wavne. Neb. M. A 0 1 narry i-icKenng, Lexington, Neb. U. P. 1 Morris Smith. Siromsbura. Neb. U. P... 1 John Hayes, Burlington Jet., Mo. Wab.. 1 Btitt A Co., Coin, la. Wab 1 u. l-. oraves, Qulmby, la. I. C... A. R. Hubbard, Quimby, la. I. C. ,-.. V. . u. iu . . I t T . T ... 4 ... S ... I Wright A W.. Qulmbv. Ia. I. C. J. J. Kennedy, Logan,, Ia. I. C... . 1 . 1 A. J. Clark. Oulmbv. fa. I. C. noDDica uiine. Eagle urove,. la. 1. c 1 Benedict A S., Dunlap, la. I. C 1 F. Pfllnger, Dunlap, ia. I. C t D. E. Jones, Anita, Ia R. I 1 F. B. Jacobson. Ollmore Cltv la H n . 1 j. m. jennon, weaton, la. K. 1 3 B. R. Purdy, Oakland, Ia. R. 1 1 H. Nulle. Manning, la. Mil.. t John Anderson, Honey Creek, Ia. N. W. 1 William Well. Carroll. Ia. N. W. ....... I J. F Kelllng, Renwlck. Ia. N. W 2 J. H. Tauck A Co., Renwlck. Ia. N. W.. t a. u. Meyers, Kenwick. la. N. W I B. Wray A Son, Creston, Ia. Q 1 wngnt. Hillsdale, la. Q W. Q. Astrop. Malvern. Ia. Q I M. -.. Bnaw, Alton, la. aa 1 T. Klrkland. Afton, la. 5 1 E. C. Brakney, Anderson, Ia. Q 8 La. m. Disney, Monmouth, Ia. Q I J. R. Teane. Monmouth. Ia. Q , t cam a Huston, Ruahvine, ill. Q 1 0. x. 1 1 . , . Avon, 111.- ...... ......... 3 1. S. Yoeman, Avon, 111. Q 4 Frank Jones. Kelthsburg, 111. Q J SHEEP. Aug Shroer. Havelock. Neb. R. I. d. d.l. 1 John Bellamy, Knoxvllle, Ia. R. I. (d. d).10 j. u. wiaoe, is.eoaauqua, ia. it. 1. id. a.). 1 H. Boomgardner, Rock Rapid, Ia. M. & O. d. d.) $ J. M. Strahn, Malvern, Ia. Wab. (d. d ). 2 R. W. Golden, Mapleton, Ia. N. W. (d. d.) 2 Scovllle & Sharp, Conrad, Ia. N. W. (d.d) 8 Dowry A K., Manchester Mich. N. W. (d. d.) I The official number of cara of stock brought in today by each road waa: - - Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C. M. A Bt. P. Ry .. 7 Mo. Pacific Ry t 1 .. Union Pacific System 4 I 1$ CAN. W. Ry .. t F., E. A M. V. R. R IS 28 14 C, StT.'.-M. A O. Ry 1 16 B. A M. R. R. R. 11 $ Ck B." A Q. Ry ...... C", R. L A P., east 16 .. C. R. I. A P., west...... , 1 Illinois Central a Total recelDta ......A..... 47 27 The disposition of the day' receipt wa aa follow, each buyer purchasing th n uni on- ui ii:u.u inuicateu Buyer. Omnh& Paeblne lV Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 69 1.131 ft6 $28 1,256 1.320 45 1.299 h9 268 2,235 832 68 68 81 18 ' 08 101 .... 1,468 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing- Co Armour A Co Omaha P. Co., K. C... Swift, from K. C Armour A Co., K. C R. Becker A Degan Vanaant A Co J L. Carey Hill A Huntxlnger Hamilton A Rothschild. Wolff A Murnan.. Other buyer Totals L273 6.921 7,895 CATTLE There wa a very light run of came tiers luuay, ana in reality there was not enough ofTered to make a good teat of the market. For the week receipt have been liberal, a good gain having been made both over last week and alio over th same week of last year. There were Just a few corn fed steer on sale this morning, and the market could be quoted steady. One shipment was good enough to sell at 87.80, but they were out of the same feed lot as the $7.86 cattl of yesterday and the 38.16 cattl of Tuesday. The shipment today, though, wa not a heavy or aa good. Taking quality Into consideration the market today wa fully steady. The cow market did not show enough change from yesterday to be worthy of mention. There were only a few offered and anything fcood sbld fully steady. Aa compared with a week ago th best kinds are about a quarter higher, while th com moner grade are about steady. Bulls, veal calve and stag wer lust about steady with yesterday. The few western beef steer that Were offered brought Just about steady prices. As compared with the close of last week the good kinds are fully steady. The medium and common kinds, though, have been selling rather unevenly and with the exception of the Texas cattle are. If any. thing, a little lower. Texaa cattle, how ever, have been selling to better advantage for the last few days. Range cows sold at good, steady prices today, and It waa an eaay matter to dispose of the better grades. The common kinds, though, were more or less neglected. There wa very little change tn the atocker and feeder trade today. There was such a good de mand from the country yesterday that speculators seemed to want a few mora cattle and did not bear th market a they usually do at thia time of th week. Representative sales: ' BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No A. rr. It 1: 1 M I leal ( is STEERS AND HEIFERS. 84 M IN N M 18 cows. 8 171 IN 1 4 HI lat II 8 lit I 1 HEIFERS. 1 4M 144 I . m IN . at 8 44 .114 8 tt . 484 8 44 BULLS, 1 107 I It 1 ..MOW 8 1 1 irt t II 1 lit I at CALVES. 1 no is 4 its m STOCKERS AND FEEDIKS. 1 lev I 1 IU 4 44 COLORADO. 21 feeder.. 1080 4 so 1 feeder... 1080 4 00 NEBRASKA. 42 cow 893 3 06 1 feeder. . 880 ,11 . f0 . 9H0 .10--0 .11") 4 20 t 40 $ 40 t 80 t 76 $ 75 I 66 1 cow to) $ 60 8 cowi..,.. 7i 2 60 8 cows 8) 2 35 cows..... 948 t 00 1 feeder... 7 ) t 76 10 cows 75 t 26 13 rows..'... KfiS 2 66 1 bull 910 $ 10 $ bulls l"'-" $ 16 t heifers... r) 2 80 1 heifer.... t t 66 C cows M IU 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 cow.... 1 steer... 1 steer... 17 feeder 428 9 calve... 17 1 ralf iVO 16 feeder.. 71 t feeder.. $16 4 00 t ro t 24 t 20 t 1 50 t $0 t 00 t 90 t to 4 aw s 4 25 1 COW liaa) 1 COW 6.0 K. W. Rankin Neb. 11 cow 834 $ 00 83 steer.... 9t 1 row la $66 1 steer TM 48 cw. Tex. '.3 $ 10 48 sis. Tex. 1074 H-nry Ossenkop Neb. 5 heifers... 'i 2 76 19 cows 923 I teeners., sea a 25 1 Cur 103 Icalf $ $50 t feeder.. 918 HOGS Today's gsneral market was a big nickel lower than yesterday. Parker started in by trying to tske off nearly a dime, but they fulled to get he hos, and finally had to raise their bile. The big bulk of th salts today went from to 44 to 870. After buyer and sellers finally got together trading wa fairly active nd the bulk of the offerings waa disponed of In good season. Th arrival of abmit eleven cars a little after 11 o'clock, which wer not counted In the early estimate, made the close rather alow and weak. Today decline carries the market tt the lowest point reached since th early part ot April, Representative Bale: No. at. Bk. Ft. s. rr. 4 I IT 4 4 17 sir I M 4 t ....l4 ....Mt ....KT li... N... 41... TO... II... I?9 M 141 tl l;t IM M... Tl... II... 4t... II... 4... Tl... 17... ... 71... M... ta... 4 st 4 4fl 4 I1U, 4 4 tt 4 14 4 tl 4 st I 44 4 tl 4 t 4 tt IN .. 4 4 44 I M 4 t 4 44 4 tt 4 tt I 44 I t7Wj 4 I7 I 17 4 lis 4 17 I Tf I IT 4 47 4 t7 4 47 4 47 4 17 4 41 4 17 I 17 4 17 ...S4 ....14 ....IV4 ....144 .... ....! ....14 ....t4 ....irr ....IM ....144 ....IM ....Ml ....IU ....Ml ....111 ....III ....III ....Ml ....M ....Ml ....114 ....141 ....111 ....mi ....HI ....Ml ....WO ....ill ....IM ....117 114 4 17 I 17 4 47 , I 74 4 Tt 4 Tl 4 Tt 4 r ! 4 w 4 T 4 71 4 Tt 4 Tt 4 T 4 74 4 T 4 T 4 Tt 4 T " . , 4 TO 4 71 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 Tt I Tl 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 T 4 T7 4 TT 41 M II 14 U I4 to 1 17 IM H 10 ti in ti 1 !1 .'l .r4 41.. 41.. T4.. 41.. 17.. II.. 14.. T.. 44.. 11.. 44.. .. M... 44.. Tl.. Tt.. 44... tl.. 1.. tf.. 17.. .. ....11 ....111 ....Ml ...,1ft .141 .11.1 .141 .141 IN tl., n til 74 Ml 7.. tt. . 74.. 44.. 41.. I.. U.. It.. Ill I4T let .....IM Ml 110 11 I4 ,....311 IM Ml IM II.. II.. 7 4I SHEEP Than waa a mod mat af ahu t S7 here tOdav for KrlHav wtiloh aeiakaa h aupply tor the week far In excess ot last week or ot the same week of last year. The demand on the part of local packers, however, waa In good ahana so that nrlcea didn't show any malarial chang from yee- The handy welaht sheen and vaai-Unea continued to sell to th beat advantage, and could be quoted Just about steady with t. The heavyweight, however. were a little slow and th tendency ot price waa downward. For th week the decline on such klnda amount probably to lo20e. There waa a nice trine- ef lamha here. today from Idaho and they sold at the top price of the week $6.71. The top previous tO thl time WSS 86.60. whlrb waa naM , Monday. From this sal It I evident that good iamb are in active demand at atrong prices. Feeders also hM full af..4 .-a fact could be quoted stronger. The de. mand 1 fully equal to the supply and sell ert have no trouble In disposing of any thing good at very satisfactory price. Quotation for clipped stock: Good ta choice yearling. $3 75?4.10; fair to good, $3.60rjA75; good to choice wether, $8 400 $.76; fair to good wether, $3.15434.46; cholcaa awaa tt .f?e ta. -1 . A A $2.9003.20: good to cholc spring lambs, IS 50 ve.aei lair to gooa spring la mi), a.3af.v0; leader wethers; .7fv3.SS; feeder yeanlngs, 13 0O&3 40; feeder lambs, tl.606H.10: feeder ewes, $l.25&.26. Representative sale: No. - at. Pr. 214 Idaho feeder ewe. 83 $3 25 80 Wyoming ewe MA 1 60 S 76 140 I 40 75 ST5 4 00 t 25 I ts 1 60 1 00 t 60 a 76 8 80 I 80 t 90 4 00 40 4 00 4 I 60 I 75 75 i 75 . t 86 I 26 185 817 Wyoming ewe 101 4 Idaho feeder wether 89 1,260 Idaho feeder wether 87 8 Wyoming yearling ' 64 510 Wyoming veerllne-a SO 226 cull lamb '. 50 20 Wyoming lamb M 431 Wyoming lamb 65 cun ewos 94 t buck 100 14 Idaho ewe ill 8 Idaho ewe 88 166 Idaho sheep 114 r Idaho yearling 96 13 Idaho yearling 91 of Idaho yearling., 91 4 Idaho yearling 90 117 cull lamb , 53 126 cull lamb M 116 Idaho lamb 61 4 Idaho lamb 70 t Idaho lamb 70 ia.k. l.k. e 218 Idaho sheep and yearling... 90 101 Idaho ewe and yearling... 93 ' 448 Idaho sheep and yearling... 41 CHICAGO HVB STOCK . MARKET. Cattle Steady, Has Active aa thee . Steady 4 Lower. firm Ann . as rarwr.T vt. 1.600 head. Including 1.400 head Texan, tot head western; ateady; good to prim steers, nominal, t8.0wii9.0o: poor to medium, t4.Mii.50; stockers and feeder, $2.6ixa.60: COWS, tl WVrt!r.W. tteffore II Myi.drtV anare tl.60(82.60; bulls, $2.5tf ft.oo! calves, t3.604P7.S; Texas rea steer, tl.fjot36.oo; western ataera. frt. v m. , ... huus-Keceipt. zi.oog Bead; estimated to- - mnrrnw HDrn hMrf. I , ..-- e kjia u A . opened 10c lower, closed active; mixed anil butcher, t-4ortf6.96: good to choice heavy, tt. 8(j?'7.1t); rough heavy, $6.266.40; light. $6.2M7.80j bulk of sales, $6.4006.75. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 12.000 head: sheep, steady to lower; lamb, teady; good to cholc wether. $8.60(4.26; fair, to choice mixed, t2.6org3.75; western sheep, t2.6ora4.2S; native lamb. U.601.7t; western lambs, $6.40. Official yesterday: 13 a.lnl. DV.I.M..., Cattle 10,093 4.40 Hog 21312 4.24 Sheep Il,2a4 I.U4 t. Loal Live taek Market. BT. LOUIS. Aug. 15. CATTT.K R.nelnta 1.500 head. Including 1,000 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steer, t7.0Ofr8.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.7567.60; steer under 1.000 lb., $3.00&4.00: atocaer ana ieeaers, sa.sut.Mi; cows and V. I ..- e. or, Jt nn. a. wvea u. , , , " ..wuvw, . 1 . , . , , e-.vt"u..ev, uu.,, $2.6063.75; calves. t6.OO97.OO; Texaa and In dian steers, 13. 004; 6.80; cows and hslfer. 12.604.25. ... HOGS Receipts, j.250 hesd: market 10a lower: pig and light. t8.2f.ii4.T6: Deckers. $4.65 4 80; butcher. $6.757. to. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,000 head; market (teady; native mutton, tl 65 ti4 26; lambs. t4.006.75; cull and buck, 12.O0&4.O0; stockers, tl.60tl.$5; Texans. $$ til. 80. St. Josepk Live Steak Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 15. CATTLB R s ceipts, 831 head; steady; natives, $4.608.86; cow and heifer. tl.60fffl0; veal, t3.XViJ 4.60; bull and tas, ti.6O86.00; atocker and reeaer, HOGS Receipts, 4,529 head; steady to to Inw.,' llvh4 anil ntl, li lluai bl medium and heavy, t6.6&i4.97; pigs, U.7ta t.76; bulk, t6.70.fi4.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,191 head; yearling and wether lntr&o higher; lamb ateady to 100 higher; ewe ateady to loc lower. Stoek La Slakt. Th following table show th receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at th Ave principal market for August 15: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. omana , l.zts 4 .864 7.11 Chicago . ' X Ktfl W l.tfl 12.00 1.300 1000 !. Kansas City l.tKIO 1.909 .: 1,600 2.260 831 4.62 Bt. Louis...., St. Joseph... Totals. .10.881 88,443 tS.77t oath Dakota HeatliBartera, PIERRE, S. D., Aug. IE. (Special.) Department Commander Blaochard off tb state O. A. R. ha selected th "IU mar" as headquarters at the national n- campmtot at Washington, October to IL. Two large parlor have beta secured for tb use of th O. A. R.' anil W. R. C. This hotel Is la tb Immediate vlolnlty of tb national baadquarter and wlthlu two and bait block at th Whit Hout. Werk aa Row Well at Pleree. PIKRRB, U. D. Aug. 15. (Spsclal.) On a test ef th new wall la this city to day tb stream waa reduced te four tncbea, and at this It threw water seventy feet high, going far ever tb top ef tb derrick. The work of putting In in Inner casing bas'commsaeed aad wba that Is eotnpltd It has been decided to send th drill deep er, a th bard rock formation has not bee reached. SIOUX FALLS. 8. P.. Aug. 15.( Special.) The next regular meeting of tb State Board of Charities and Corrections will be bald at Redfleld, commencing Monday, Sept. 1. Another meeting will be held at Tankton on Sept. 4 and t, at which tlrp contracts for shoes, clothing and coal for tb chaiitabl institution ot th stats will be awarded. Baptists Will Dedicate Cktrek. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Aug. II. (Special.) Th new First Baptist church at Wag ner wiii l uauU..Ud ss:t Susis? P proprlat exercise. Thoe who will par ticipate ar Rev. M. 1. Slglsr, Rev. Joha Schroeder, Ray. Ben). Jam and Kv. A. R. Button. Th flrtt named will deliver th dedlcatloa prayer.