Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1902, Image 1

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i:STAULIS1li:i JUNK 10, 1871.
Ssjaliits Aocnted of Directing AgiUtioi
Against French Catholio flchools.
Claim VoTtxect ii Entirely Bpsntansoui
a tbs Prt sf the Psopla.
Jliiditerialist Organs Await That ths Irs
ton Fsaaants Wsrs Dsludsd.
Application Being Mode to Vatican
Asthorlties by Many Sisters for
Ptrmlatla to Settle la
United States.
PARIS. Aug. 15. The semi-official an
nouncement, made after yesterday's cabinet
mealing, tbet the royalists are directing
ths agitation against the closing of re
ligious school In Brltanny bai evoked con
siderable comment.
Catholic leaden and th Catholic prees
deny that ths movement la actl-republicsn.
Count Albert de Mun. who, with Abbe Gay
raud, la llie guldlug spirit of the resist
ance In Flntsterre, declare that the more
meat U entirely spontaneous on thi part
of the people tbemsolves, and that not an
act nor about hae occurred In Drltanny
to Justify the allegation that royaliat
conspiracy exists. Count Albert dfl Mun
aya the "Marseillaise." hae been sung every
where and that it la trident the govern
tnent la embarrassed by the situation and
tas Invented the royaliat acara in order to
create a diversion.
Francola Coppee In an interview ex
pressed a alrallar opinion In, more violent
and picturesque language. The Patrle aaya
Jt la rumored that tho government Intended
to arrest the royalist senator from Finis
terre, M. de Chamalllard. Ministerialist or
gans aasert that the government poaseaaes
Information as to the manner In which he
Breton peasants were deluded Into a belief
that they could successfully reslat the re
public. The situation at St. Meen 'and Folg?et
femaina unchanged. An . Important pil
grimage to Folgent took place today, on
the occasion of the Feast of the Aasump
t'on. 15,0f0 people gathering from the sur
rounding country. Proccsnlens from nearby
tillages arrived during the morning, headed
ly priests bearing croaaea and banners and
Admlrat Ds Curet-vllle, Abbe dayraud,
a-ho la a member of the Chamber of Depu
tes, and Councillor Boub'gon hive ed
(reesed a protest to the premier, M. Combes,
n account of ths allegations of royallsm,
We protest egMnst the attempt to give a
rolltlrnl character to th demonstrations
f an Indignant public conscience. While
applauding the legitimate protend of the
population who are grmeful to the elatera,
we shall contlnuo to strive to prevent acta
Of vlolit)c,e. . , Lons llvs the -liberal -re-public.
i .' ' 4 .
Slaters tVant to Cosne Here. v
Members of religious orders expelled from
prance, especially slaters, are applying to
hs vitlcan authorities for permission to
letile In the United States. .
Several of them have come to Rome per
sonally for the purpose of urging their re
fcuosts. A reply has been sent to them
Minting out that there are no vacancies In
tie United States and, besides, calling at
tention to the difficulty arialog from the
ct that the expelled sisters do sot apeak
;he English language.
Canada was suggested as a better field, as
listers are comparatively scarce there and
)eoauaa French is spoken in a large area
t ths Dominion. The applicants, however,
lid not take kindly to the suggestion and
persisted In their requests to go to the
tfnlted States.
Edward Repllie to the Consrratuln-
tlons of tho City at Ports
' month Over His Recovery.
COWES. Aug. 15. King Edward's reply
o an address from the city of Portsmouth
yesterday was handed to the mayor of
fortsraauta todfty.
Cn behalf of himself and Queen Alexandra
lis majesty thanks the city for Its con
gratulations on his coronation, ths recovery
if bla health and ths conclusion of peace,
ind adds:
We are unfelftnedly thankfil for the
arerrln will, h It hue pit-used AlmlKhty
Rod tc vouchsafe to tia and to our pt-ople
Ind we miHt now, lhat we are happily at
psre with ait the world, that the recent wherein the whole empire
ifirw mi m v ftfiitl um forward. smcS In his
Iwn atatlin, o work with renewed earnoet
ftces lor the inainft-nahr-e und Improvement
if our nobis heritage and the accnmplmh
Sient ot tii entia that become a great
For mvself I shull ever be stimulated In
ry mp; nuns for the. rifHre ot the empire
Y thr !- -ollect'on of a tribute of loyally
Ind B5-ctton which has louched me deeply.
The kitij and the prince of Wales landed
It F.uBt Ccwes today and visited Osborne
During the morning the king marked the
tpot occupied by the comn containing Queen
FlctorU's b.Jy on ths deck of the royal
facht Victoria and Albert. A brass croaa
ta set luto ths deck, boring the words:
Here rested the beloved remains of
fcura V''iu;i(. fi'jtn Fc:;iihrv 1 to Frbru
fry t. Vn. Born May 24, 1S:9. Died J&n
pary 22, Jw'l.
taaadtaaa Advised to ?la Leuttr See
1'hetr Uttkrtt SJnaterea t,
tutted Staters Prodaieta.
HALIFAX. N. S., Aug. 15. Hon. John I.
taxtt, CDai:in n.lnlster ot pulllc works,
lo a speet h before ths Cauadlan Manu
facturer' a.x Uti-m, declared that Can
sdlAna ciuat no lonser see their markets
liaughtered by American manufacturers
Ind the great tiaie of tba continent carried
through Amcrlian chaunels. The remedy
I proposed was lmproveoient of the Cao
tdlaa waterways und a higher tariff.
"V'e a.u! (, be aald. "trac.oort froia vent
lo east tb rough Canadian c:ii!u!s. Tut
tountry utual be united by cteepir tisns
ortatloa and a strong Canadian tarl3.
rhs shortest route to the st-aboard Ii
leatlned to b the great carrying highway,
lot only ot the Canadian wheat fieUs. but
If the nhole American ccotluent. We have
I route froon Georgian bay to Liverpool, 100
Hies shorter than via New York. Tb
Cauadiaa Pucifio railroad ind tba graud
trunk tuuat oik together to carry that
trade via Ctuiadtaa rom.
The c. 'l ister stated that Canada woulj
looa hava a taut Atlantic Hue and that
Halifax lu winter and QjeLeo In summer
Sere Ua tct!i.iula.
rolomblan Onnhnat Thonsrlit to Have
Besi Captared or Foan.
dered ait Seau
KINCSTOV, Jamalra, Aug. 15. The
British steamer Florldan, from Liverpool
July 14 for Weat Indian and Central Amer
ican ports, arrived here todsy from Colon
snd reported conatdersbls Insurgent, activ
ity Id ths neighborhood ot the lathmus
An attack on Panama was fcaM-. the
Columbian government was mSAiu tren
uo ' efforts to largely reinforce the garrl
v -e and at Colon.
4 ''.., recent battle at Agtia
Dult ,,t ofBcers ti ported that
the gov r"0iomi,a dtaimed the
lnsuriintH . '
ut that It was be
lieved at Colon .
'gagement was
. When Florldan Jet. olon no news
had been received concerning the Colom
bian gunboat Boyaca. which left Panama
July 19 for Agua Dulce, and It was feared
that It bad either been captured by the In
surgents or had foundered, with th inn
soldiers which it had oa board.
News has reached here from the.ramn nt
the Colombian revolution a Ir the Agua
uuice oinirici mat alter a havsl engagement
the CoTnmblan government gunboat Boyaca
was captured bv the CnlnmMsn r.vMnt ins
ists. Tbrse hundred government soldiers
and Generals OrtU and Heano and supplies
of munitions of war and provisions were
csptured with Boyaca.
The Colombian revolutionists are also
aald to have secured gasoline launch which
was in the government aervlea.
According to advices received br fmm
tho isthmus Boyaca left Panama July 33
With SCO trOODS Of the I'nlomH.n inr.rn.
ment on beard destined to reinforce ths
command of the government general. Mor
ales Bartl, at Agua Dulce. Boyaca was said
to have been attacked bv the revolutionary
fleet and obliged to retreat, since when
notning has been beard ot the venae! on
the Isthmus.
lotted States Warship Arrives at
Vrneaaela. Port Mark Sooner
Than Bswea Anticipated.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. Tie only Infor
mation from Venezuela received by the au
thorities here today was contained In a ca
blegram from Commander Kodgers of Mari
etta merely announcing bla arrival at Lo
Guayra. He reported yesterday from Port
cf Spain the results of his trip up the Ori
Minister Bowen, In a cablegram to the
Elate department yesterday, was solicitous
for ths presence of an American warship
i uusyra. - ihe arrival jmere oi aaart-
etta probably relieves his anxiety.
WILLEMSTAD, Curacoa, Aug. IB. A cor
respondent of the Associated Press has bad
an Interview with General Crus Monagas,
chief of the Venezuelan revolutionists at
Barcelona, In which General Monagas said
foreigners might be sure no coercion
would be applied to them. According to
General Monogaa the revolutionists have
divided their forces Into two sections, each
taking 1,004 men and upward.. One divi
sion of 8,000 men, commanded- by Genera
Matos and General Domingo Monagas, Is
at Orltuco, awaiting an attack by President
Castro, who Is at San Caatmiro. General
Monagas added that the revolutionists' tel
egraph lines reached to many points, en
abling them to keep themselves .better in
formed than the government, and claimed
that Culdad Bolivar and two-thirds of the
country were still lo the possession ot the
revolutionists. Ths United States gunboat
Marietta has returned to La Guayra from
the Orinoco river.
Opened to Olvo tho Pnblla an Oppor
tunity of Seeing tho Coro
nation mttlasra.
LONDON, Aug. 15. The plan of opening
Westminster abbey, to give the public an
opportunity to view the coronation fittings.
has Involved the authorities immeasurably
and Is proving to be a much mors trouble
some task than had! been Imagined.
Wednesday the admission fee tu tl.25
and yesterday It was reduced to CO cents.
Oreat crowds inspected the building during
these two days, but this morning ths rata
of admission was further reduced to U
cents and throngs past all ' calculations
congregated long before the doors were
opened. , By noon the line extended a mils
to the westward of ths abbey, in closely
packed ranks.
A small army of police was called out to
keep order. The people passed through
the turnstiles at the rate of J. 600 an hour.
Although thouaanda turned away, giving up
hope of entering, the Una was Mill growing
up to the middle of the afternoon.
Peter Archibald Named 1st Adjnat
anent of Railroad Contractor's
( latin Against Newt oandland. '
ST. JOHNS, N. P., Aug. 15. Justice Em
erson of the supremo court today named
Peter Archibald to be third arbitrator In
the adjustment of ths Reld railroad claims
Mr. Archibald waa formerly chief engineer
of the Intercolonial railroad of Canada.
The claim of Mr. Reld, a railroad con
tractor,' against New Foundland is for 3,
0C0.C0O. A dissatch from St. Johns last
night quoted a prominent member of the
colonial government:
"The solvency of the colony dVpends upon
the outcome of this arbitration."
A St. Johns dispatch on August 12 said
public feeltug there favored the appoint
ment of an Englishman rather than a Cana
dian as the third arbiter.
Floods In Kwana; Province, Chlaa, Do
Terrible Damage to In
habitants. LONDON, Aug. 1. Iu a dlapatch from
Hong Kong the correspondent of the Dally
Exprca aaya there have been terrible floods
in Kwang province In which l.ouO persons
were drowned. Several collapsed at
Hong Kong and twenty persona wera
Danger is Kow Over.
BANGKOK, Aug. 15. Great aoilety pre
vails hers because no teltgratns bavs ban
received from Europeans in the north since
ntue days ago, when the 8hacs attacked
Lakon and were repulsed. Tae lelejraph
Hue la open. Offlclal reports are reassurlug.
I atctr Vrenrh Ifmim aft hmM 4m
ney, occupied Fbrao and it Ls reported the
baae were defeated with a loss cf Zoo.
Ihe danger la believed to le over aud tUs
Furopeaat are uauio!kt.
Dispatch from Oali&c&n Tills of Fearful
Loss of Life at AltaU, Iftxics,
Death List 1st These Smaller Ports
la Believed , to Be Very Heavy
and Utollef Is Being; Sent
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 15. A special to the
Globe Democrat from Austin, Tex., says:
A dispatch from Culiacan, Mex., says the
lower .portion of ths city of Altata on ths
Pacific coast. Just west of Culiacan bas
tieen completely destroyed by tidal
wave and no leas than fifty people are
known t" .have drowned. The loss of life
may be 4 ' eral times that number. Ths
propel ty loss Is heavy, it is reported that
several smaller coast towns situated above
Altata were completely washed away by
the small tidal wave and that ths loss of
life lo these smaller ports Is very heavy.
Relief for the sufferers of Altata will bo
cent from Culiacan.
MEXICO, Aug. 15. A telegram received
hers tonight stated that a rumor waa cur
rent in the United States that fifty persona
were drowned In a tidal wave at Altata,
Mex. Nothing la known hers of such a
happening. Altata Is a seaport town.
Asks American People to Snsnend
Judgment In Hla Caao and Likens
Himself to Drey fas.
DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 16. Captain Ober
lln M. Carter appeals to the American
people to suspend Judgment against blm
and. likens himself to Captain Dreyfus of
France In a letter written to his chief
counsel, Judge H. O. Stone, who Is now In
Duluth. Carter asks that his desire be
made through the press to his fellow
countrymen. The letter follows:
I wish to say that all ths evideriro showa
that I have never stolen a single cent from
the government or ever received a cent
paid Cy the governor to Oaynor and
Greene, nor to any other contractor. I am
prepared to show where 1 got every cent
of money 1 ever had or ever spent. Under
such circumstances I ask- the American
people to suspend Judgment against me
until I can have a regular trial and be
given opportunity to prove my entire inno
cence and honesty and clear myself of the
outrageous and ruinous charges filed
raint me. 1 ehall be sble to prove be
yond a doubt that 1 did my duty without
f-ar or favor and that the government
never lost a single cent through any work
done under my charge. I feel thai I have
suffered an unjust and -disgraceful lm
prtxoninent without being guilty of any
wrongdoing whatever. I propose to fight
aa hard to Captain Dreyfua fought and
even witn an overwneinuna- pumio opinion
against me.
This Is ths first statement Carter haa
Issued since bis Incarceration, according
to Attorney Stone. .
Undertaker Denies Body of Charles
J. Allen to Jory at :
. . " s ,- Tevnano. ... : -. -r'-
TAMPA, Fla.. Aug. 15-Ths preliminary
hearing' which was to have been granted
today to Manuel Chavsse, ths Cuban who
yesterday killed Charles J. Allen and dan
gerously ' wounded Mrs. ' Allen, has been
postponed. Mrs. Allen's condition Is crit
ical, but aha Is under the surveillance ot
a detective.
A coroner's Jury, organised to bold an
Inquest on Allen's body, waa refused ad
mittance to - the ' undertaking- establish
ment, the proprietor declaring the sheriff
had ordered bin to prevent an Inquest be
ing held. An autopsy was beld by several
physicians, but no report bas . bsen mads
Cbavess Is confined in Jail . here. In a
statement be says he waa assaulted by
Allen, whom, be claims, bs owed for a
buggy. He states Allen called blm Into
his house and assaulted blm. In ths alter
oation bs ahot Allen and Mrs. Allen, who
attempted to separate them, was also shot.
Hake Their Oet-Away from Utah City
by Train Loads, Majority B-
tnrnlag Homo.
SALT LAKE CITT, Aug. 15. This was
"get away" day for ths delegates to ths
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks' con
vention, which came to a close last night,
and all day members ot ths fraternity bavo
been leaving the city by train loads. Many
of the delegates will extend their pleasure
trip to California and the north Pacific;
others have arranged to . tour Colorado
enroute east, while not a few will remain
In Utah resorts until ths middle of next
week. ,
At tbe Elks' club toiiiglil ag lixfuruiil re
ception waa tandered to the grand officers.
Past Grand Exalter Ruler Charles E.
Pickett and party left this morning In their
special train for Ban Francisco and other
California points. After a trip through
California the party .will go to Yellowstone
National park, after which they will return
to their homes In Iowa.
Man Who Eloped with Hand Shonfeld
Tnrna Up In Seattle,
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 15. Philip D.
Watklna, who Is being looked for by Plnk
erton detectives in every part of the United
States snd whose sensational marriage to
Mies Maud Bhrnfeld. daughter of an Omaha
man, a few weeka ago, preceding that young
woman's complete disappearance, boldly
cauie Into Sealtlo about a week ago and reg
istered at a leading hotel uudrr his own
name. He waa la this city two dnys. Dur
ing that time be went to the National Bank
of Commerce and ' presented , a check for
1100 signed and endorsed by himself and
drawn on a bank of Amesbury, Msts., which
the Seattle bank cashed. A few days after
ward the National Bank of Commerce
learned that ths check was worthless. A
complaint was sworn to charging Watklna
with obtaining money under false pretenses.
All efforts to locate the man have failed.
Reports Indicate Hick SoSerlag la
Entlro Coaatry for Lack
of Stain.
LONDON, Aug. 15. Official and other rs
porti from India declare the famine altu
tloa there is becoming more serious owing
. a K . t . W Mf . 1 . W V . - . .
- - .... v ufetawMb klWIMb 11'
entire country and especially la the Bom
bay presidency. There has ben a great
Uicrease la the number of natives to te
Oive tUL
Prominent Meat front Yarloos Sretlot
of tho f'oontry Take I.nncheoat .
t ft'aaramore Hill.
OTSTER BAT, Ai:g. 15 . Tbe president
today gave orders that bereafter the names
of enlisted men of the stiny who dls In
ths Philippines be cabled lo this country
ones In every two Weeks. When ths vol
unteer army was la the archipelago it
was the custom to cable 'hs casualties,
but on ths withdrawal ! I bat army ths
practice waa discontinued.
Ths subject waa dlncussed while the pres
ident was entertaining a number ot vis
itors at luncheon today. Amnng those who
sst at bis table were: Valor Generals
H. C. Corbin and 8. M B. Young, Henry
Loomla, the author; Jacob A. Rlls of New
Tork; Robert A. Morris, chairman of the
New Tork County Republican club; for
mer Governor David R. Francis of Missouri,
president of the Lou'a'ana Purchase Ex
position company; Henry M. Warren of
Philadelphia, son of Bishop Warren of ths
Methodist church, sod ('oi.cressman Mer
cer of Nebraska. Tbe suMnct of cabling
tbe names of the dead soldiers was
broached by Mr. Rlls., He mads ths point
that under the present system tho rela
tives of enlisted men who ;. la the Philip
pines are kept In ignorance vt this fact for
eight or ten weeks, while the families of
officers who' succumb are informed at once.
The president was greatly interested in ths
matter, and as soon as it was explained to
him ordered General Corbta to Instruct
Oeneral Chaffee at Manila to cable bis full
casualty list twice a month. Whlls it coats
on an average of tl.oO to uaoIm news to this
country of tbe death of an oQcer In the
Philippines, It costs sbor.t fO for each en
listed man. This difference ls due to the
fact that the War dernrtmrnt has code
numbers for all Ita officers, while ths names
of the enlisted men, loR't'ar with their
company, regiment, etc., n.uBt bo sent In
Former Governor FYancts discussed St.
Louis exposition affairs with the president.
Ha informed blm that the dedicatory cere
monies would occur April CO next, this being
the 100th anniversary of the transfer of
ths ceded territory from tbe French gov
ernment to tho United States. President
Roosevelt promised to attend these cere
monies, and further stated that he would
bavs our representatives al road Instructed
to uss tbelr best endeavors to induce for
eign governments to bave exhibits at tba
exposition. He instructed Oenerals Cor
bin and Young, , who sail tomorrow on
Fatherland tor Germany t3 become the
guests of Emperor William during tbe
maneuvers of tbe German army, to do all
they could to further the Interests In
Germany of the exposition. v
The two army officers came today to
pay their respects to tbs president befors
Mr. Hereer discussed ths political situ
ation in tho northwest, and hs Informed
the prealdent that his recepti' (a Omaha
next month would-not be coollned to one
political party, but would bs participated In
by all tbe citizens Irrespective ot political
affiliations. '
Oms KF Firm . Absorbed la tbe
. P.rooeso of Merging Alt .....
tho Companies,.'
NEW TORE, Aug. 15. Nekton Morris
ft Co. of St.' Leuts and Chicago are re
ported to bavo. bougnt for f 5,000,000 the
buslncsa of the-United Dressed Beef com
pany of New Tork, which bas an extensive
plant at Forty-first street and East river.
This ls said to be a move in conjunction
with tbe consolidation of all the dreeaed
beet companies In ths west. Ths plan Is
to bave Nelson Morris ft Cb., Swift ft Com
pany and Armour ft Co. acquire all tbs In
dependent packing establishments In . the
west, and after practically all bavs been
absorbed, It Is said Swift will take over
tbe business of Nelson Morris ft Co., leav
ing In tbe field only Swift ft Company and
Armour ft Co. The plan is then to merge
Swift ft Company and Armour ft Co. Into a
Ingle eoncorn, which will complete tbe
plans for the consolidation of ths packing
house business of the United States. It ls
tho preeent plan to capitalize tbs consol
idated company at $500,000,000.
In connection wltb tbe report that Ar'
mour ft Co., Swift ft Company and Nelson
Morris ft Co. are working In barmony, It
Is said tho three concerns bave Just bor
rowed Jointly $6,000,000 from a prominent
Chicago trust company. Ths entire loan
was taken by this slngls trust company, and
It la understood that It was afterward di
vided and ls now beld by a half doten prom
inent banks In Chicago.
He Is Threatened with Lynching and
After a Desperate Straggle
Hannges to Escape.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Aug. 15. A special
to tbs Journal from Lodl, Wis., says: A
negro brutally assaulted Anna Zimmermen,
daughter of a farmer living about a mils
east of ths village of Dane, last night, and
after leaving her In a senseless condition,
returned after several hours to the scans
of bis crime and confessed to ths woman.
A poaso waa formed and the negro caught,
but after a desperate struggle bs managed
to escape and is now at large. Lynching
ls threatening if bo is captured. Ths girl's
condition ls serious.
Balvanern Mining Company Chnrgoa
New York Broker with Con.
flscatlon of Stock Pnnds.
NEW YORK, Aug. 15. Herbert B. Bratty,
aged 2 years, a broker, waa arraigned In
the Tombs police court tenia y, charged by
W.' T. Wblie, secretary and treasurer of
ths Balvsnera Mining company, with not
accounting for funds and a took of the com
pany amounting to tlT.ttK). Beatty was
put in cuotody of his counsel tor exami
nation on August IS.
Tbs complaint alleged that Beatty bad
at various tlmea disposed of four blocks of
ths company'a stock and bad failed to go
count for tbe proceeda.
Advanced to Nino Dollars for Aalhra.
etto In Indianapolis with tho
Bnpply Nearly Gone.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. 15. The pries
of anthracite coal bas Jumped to 19 In In
Idlanapolls. Tba price waa flxc
i of ttta month at $7.50 a tc
fixed tbs first
on bv the
oo&l exchange and bas been beld ' at that
usv, uui wivsb ui vt. u,ii, iM-i um V
sold all tbelr hard coal and tbe supply is
In ths hands of a few.
It ls estimated that there ars not over
l.OoO teas ot actbrncits in ths city fur sals.
Dasirsi to Kales as Fsw Epsoclss is Fscsi-
lie Dsring Eis Trip.
Plying Trip Throngb Nebraska
September ST nnd Arrive In Osiska
In Time to Review
as riitts,
(From g Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) President Roosevelt's Itinerary tor
his northwest trip ls about completed, al
though there ars gaps bers and there to bs
connected op which may prevent Its official
promulgation for some little time. Enough
Is known, however, to state on authority
that there have been no changes in bis
plans, so far aa Nebraska la concerned, as
published In The Bee of a fortnight ago.
Hs will arrive in Omaha late In ths even
ing September it and during tbs night bis
special train will bs pulled to Kearney on
the Union Pacific. On ths morning of
September 27 he will make g flying trip
through tbe South Platto country, witb
short stops at division points, arriving in
Lincoln between 4 and 5 o'clock. After a
short rest at the, capital be will go to
Omaha In time to review the Ak-Sar-Ben
parade, but be does not deslrs to Bosks a
speech on that occasion, although hs may
be persuaded to deliver a short address.
A gentleman connected wltb tbs Whits
House stated today that It was not tbe
president's Intention to make many
speeches on his northwestern trip. That
while bo was scheduled to make speeches
at various reunions throughout ths coun
try, be would husbsnd his strength as
much as possible, because bs recognised
what an enormous amount ot country ho
contemplated covering witbln ths Urns sst
for the trip.
The president will enter Iowa from South
Dakota on tbe morning ot September 28,
making short stops at Arlon and Denlaon
on his way from 8loux Falle. S. D. to Sioux
City, la. Ho will spend about two hours
at Bioug City,., arriving there late In ths
afternoon of September 28. Later be Mil
go on to Omaha and thence to Kearney
for his daylight run through tbs South
Platte country on September 17, arriving
at Omaha about 8 o'clock. From Omaba
he will go to Topeka, Kas, and after two
days In Kansas and Missouri be will again
enter Iowa, taking ths southern route, bis
first stop being at Ciarlnda. From there
be will go to Vanwert, thence to Osceola
and Des Moines, where he will stop for an
hour or so. ' From Des Moines tbe presi
dent's itinerary calls for stops at Oska
locea and Ottumwa and bs will leave tba
atnup ni bwiiuia oa ine . morning: oi Octo
ber L " ' .
While tbs president's Intention Is to
stop only at Bloux Falls In South . Dakota,
efforts are being made to get' blm to stop
at Yankton, and the South Dakota delega
tion is g unit to. this snd, having Jolnad In
g telegram asking, the president not-to
leave out Yankton. .- -
Several Appelntmente Made la the In
terior ail Poetofltce De- ' '
part me sis,
(From g Stall Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, . D. C, Aug. ' 16.
(Special.) Tbe comptroller of the cur
rency bas authorised tba First National
Bank of Toronto, S. D., to begin business
with g capital ot $25,000. '
Tbe St. Paul National bank of St Paul,
Minn., has been approved as reserve agent
for tbe First National banks at Brltton,
Yankton and ' Toronto, 8. D.
Mlsa Ruth Cooper,' of the Dalles, Oregon,
has been re-Instated aa teacher at Genoa,
Indian school, Nebraska.
Miss. Helen M. Eaton, of Omaba, bas
been appointed stenographer and typewriter
at the land office at Broken Bow, Neb. .
Charles B. Wlneger and George E. Davis
have been appointed clerks in tbe post
office at Watertown, g. D. ,
William Smith bas bsen appointed sub
stitute letter carrier at Kearney. Nab.;
Alfred W. Stubbs at Des Moines, la., and
Oliver F. Chapman substltue clerk at Sioux
City. '
Jesse M. Mullen, of Columbla'City, M.
L. Ely of Adair and Frank E. Loenr ot
Lone Tree, la., bave all been appointed
railway mall clerks.
' Postmasters appointed: Iowa Homer 8.
Olds, Ralston, Carroll county. South Da
kota; John Y. Kennedy, Blackhawk, Mead
county; Nlles Stovern, Crawford, Roberts
county, '
Minister Conger Transmits to State
Department Deeantsl Concern
ing; Indemnity Fonda,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. Minister Con
ger, at Pekin, bas transmitted to the Stats
department the Imperial decree concerning
the raising of funds la ths eeveral prov
inces tor tho payment ' of Indemnity ex
acted by the powers aa g result . ot i tbe
Boxer uprising.
Ths decree directs that there shall be
no extortion and that ths people must not
be irritated. The viceroys are commanded
to do away wltb what will causs frletion
and needlesa severity.' Tbs decree de
clares that it any are "found out In their
old tricks" and "filling their own pockets,"
they will be severely dealt with.
Minister Conger also sends g proclama
tion ot tbe viceroy of Cbl LS. In which ths
peopls ars warned against carrying arma.
Reference ls made to the Boxer troubles
and tbe viceroy ssys old scores must not
be rsked up. "The people ad ths Chris
tians must not retaliate against each
other." concludes the proclamation, "but
forever be at peace wltb each other. Trem
ble and obey."
Expert Architect Is to Be Seat to
China t by the Treaaary
WASHINGTON. Aug. 15. Complying wltb
the request of ths secretary of stats, tbs
Treaaury department will detail an expert
architect to go to Pekln, China, to com
plete ths plana and apeclflcatlons for tbe
new United States legation buildings there
and superintend their construction.
Tbe French architect who performed a
like service for bis government and who
was engaged to plan and construct the
buildings for ths United States baa gone
to Francs and will not return. As bis
piaus u tuv Vituatu fiVutau'iv, lilu-
uter Conger bas aaked that a competeiit
architect be sent from ths United States.
Tbe selection ot a tuaa will be made very
Forereat for Nebraska Fair Saturday and
Temperatoro at Omaha Yeaterdnyi
Hear, Dear. Hear. 'Dear,
fl n. ....... e4 l p. ra TSI
su m..'. ... ) p. m T
T m. m T S p. m TS
ft aw an f)T p. an T.I
at. TO Bp, ra...... Til
to su ta Tl p. ra...... TH
It su n Tl T p. m Tl
1 sn ... TS ft p. we TO
9 p. m...... tts
Street Railway Trafllo Interrdpted
nnd Many Residences
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Aug. 15. A severe
storm prevailed bers this afternoon. The
wind blew at tbe rats of fifty-eight miles
sn hour, nearly an Inch of rain fell la g
quarter of an hour, while the temperature
dropped 20 degrees In as many minutes. A
number of telephones wers burned out by
lightning and shads trees were blown down
In all parta of the city.
Street car traffic was Interrupted la sev
eral places for more than an hour.
Several residences In the suburbs bad
windows blown In and damage dons to
CHARLOTTE, N. " C, Aug. 15. There
bave been a sertee of severe electrical,
wind, ball and rainstorms In this section
of ths stats for three nights past At
Statesvllle a hotel was struck by lightning
and destroyed.
At Concord St Andrews' Lutheran church
waa blown down and Its timbers scat
tered. Ths Odcll cotton mills were dam
aged to the extent of $8,000; the Llpbard
mill was unroofed and the Cannon Manu
facturing' company wag damaged to the
extent of $2,504. Tbe property damage In
the town Is estimated at $25,000. Fetsor
Morris, colored, was drowned la a swollen
Prealdent Hill Saye They Will Go
Into Effect Within a
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 15. Tbe reduction
In grain rates promised Minnesota and tbe
Dakotas by ths Great Northern and North
era Pacific systems will go Into effect.
President James J. Hilt of the Graat North
ern sutd tonight within a week. Mr. Hill
and hla party returned hero from tbelr four
weeks' western trip this evening.
"Ws wilt lower grsln rates In the north
west within g week," Mr. Hill said. "Ws
want tbess . rates to benefit northwestern
??r?? "r "" Ibam Wactlea In titna to
move the immense crop of the northwest
VTbS reduction will cover tbe entire
northwest, and other linos than the coast
Unas will Join In them. Farmers every
where will get benefit"
' Tba railways agreed to reductions both of
merchandise and grata rates which, offhand,
will amount la ths aggregate to a saving to
the producers of $2,2X5,000. This; saving Is
represented ta th total ot the reductions
la grata and msrcbandiBO rates which, havo
been made alnoe the first of the year.
Employee of Chleavgo City Roast to
Ask Permission of Fedcra
. ttoat to Go Oat.
, CHICAGO, Aug. It Aa attempt will bs
made tomorrow to get the permission ot
tbe executive committee ot tbe Chicago
Federation of Labor for strike ot tba
employes of ths Chicago City railway.
This will be done at a Joint meeting of ths
officers of the federation and ths executive
committee of the union, composed of the
Union Tractiou and Chicago Street Railway
companlea. After this tneetlng tbe Chi
cago City men will report to a . general
meeting. - At both gatherings tbe matter
will be thoroughly thrashed over. Should
the federation officials sanction a strike
tbs men opposed to such action will carry
the matter before tbs meeting of the gen
eral federation oa Sunday and make a final
light. " .
Mast Who to Wanted for Doaea Crimes
Caaght at Battle, Wye.
DENVER Aug. 15. A special to the
"News from , Battle, ..Wyo., saya: Frank
Bltszard, against whom cbargea of at
tempt to murder, horse stealing, robbery
and other crimes are made, and who has
been sought by the officers for a year or
more, was arrested hers today and taken
to Rawlins to Jail. Bliitard was hero last
night, and in a saloon a Mexican claimed to
recognise him as the man who killed bis
brother.' Tho Mexicans present sur
rounded Bliitard, when tbe Americans In
the room interfered, and after g brief
flgbt. In which BHnard waa wounded in
the leg, he escaped. His wound proved so
serious, however, that be returned to Battle
for medical attention, when bs was ar
rested. '
United States District Attorney ot
Kansas Makes Haling on
. Their I'aage.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 15. According to
g ruling mads by tbs United States dis
trict attorney of Kansas, trads checks are
Illegal their issuance and circulation are
punishable by a tu ot 1500 or Imprison
ment for five years. By trads check ls
meant the bit of metal which bears tbe
Inscription: "Good for cents In trade."
Tbe aecret will prosecute persons who Is
sue such checks.
Movements of Ocean Vessels, Aag. IB.
At New York Arrived Fuersf Bismarck,
from. Hamburg-. .
At Pont t'enarla Passed Aller, from
New Yolk, fur 4Jlbralir, Qcuoa and
At Cherbourg Arrived Graf WaMcrsee,
from New York, im Plymouth, fur Hatin
burg, and protedfd. fcntted C'olumliia,
from Hamburg and Houthuuiplon, tor New
At Boulogne Si.r Mer Bulled Noordam.
from Hottrtanm. for (New York.
At Oiieenalown Kepurted ttrurla, from
New York, for this port and Uverpool,
twenty-riv iiul-s went ot Fustnet at 1 a. m.
by wlrelefi telegraphy, fched New Eng
land, for iioetou.
At fchlmineski Arrived Ping Buey, from
OUsgow and Liverpool, via r:napore, Hoi.g
Konic. etc.. for Yo&ohsm. lcturla, B. C.,
and Tacoma.
At Huuihaitipton Wallsd Columbia, for
New York. Ai rived oouthwark, from New
At Plymouth Arrived Graf Walderaee,
f-nn, Naa Vl.rlC
"At Havre Arrived LeBretagna, from
New York.
At Liverpool Arrived Celtic, from New
York. r?aUr4 Htiiiovei tun. for Boston.
At aiwvtile bailed ttUlopla, tut New
York, ,
Army tf Philippines Imiifs oa Preaidint
Serving Seoofid Term.
Each Hams in E?psrt of Komissting Com
rcitUs Hiartily Ohsersd,
KinnuoU Capital Wins Oat Over liil
wsnies, Pittsburg aid PsrUsnd.
Every Visitor Register Appreciation
of Coaaell Bluffs Hospitality and
Vote of ConSdenee la tho
Society's rataro.
National Society Officers Elected.
It ALE, Denver.
First Vice President
MACRAE, Council iilufts.
Second Vice Preolrlent
-T-v. S-lltHiiP B- FROST, Evanaton, III.
Third Vice President
KINO, Milwaukee.
Fourth Vice President ,
-ie.hCSfAi,EL,,JO,IN w- POPE, Denver.
Fifth Vice President
METCALrK., Lawrence, Kan.
Sixth Vice President
C,A,PT.AIN H- CROW. Connelle
vllle, Pa.
F. M. BCHUTTE. St. Pa'ul."Minn;" '
Treasurer "
REV. JAME9 .MAILLEY, Nebraska,
Reunion City, 19ul Bt. Paul. Mlna
Nebraska Society Officers Elected.
coln. First Vice President
Second Vice President
8HEIMER. Lincoln. ,
Third Vice President
trice. Secretary
Unco n.
Treasurer LEE H. 6TONER, Lincoln
Place of Meeting
Left to the Kxecutlve Committee.
L!;bU .cut! Sttcp, ;cjj!;r, rtttpt ScsJ- 1
aesa knows, you need to, for It's something
you haven't done to any considerable ex
tent since you reached Council Bluffs last
Tuesday to attend the third annual re
union of the National Society, Army of tba '
You captured the town, bad its people at
your feet and rained the deuce wltb the
plans of Its eligible young men, for the .
time being, so, what more can you waatT '
Besides, -you are to do tho same thing at
St. Psul next year and you aeed to rest . ,
between times. Today It's oft with the
khaki and on with tbe workaday uniform.
You're out ot tba ranks of ths military and
back In tbe ranks of tbe tolling, with only
a memory to cherish. .
But It's probably a right pleasant mem
ory, for It was a successful meeting. Vis
itors snd entertainers conspired to make
It so. . Tbs business was finished yesterday
at noon and for the rest ot tbe day the
vets bad nothing to do but roam the
parks, bold tete-a-tetes tn the hotel cor
ridors or home parlors and get ready to
General Halo Goes Homo.
General Hale, the re-elected, after a drtvc
with Lieutenant Macrae, took a $ o'clock
train for Denver, but some of tbe others
of the Colorado delegation remain, until
Sunday. The Iowa men and tbe Nebraikana '
left on tbs afternoon and evening trains,
some of the latter going first to Omaha.
Generals King of Milwaukee and Frost of
Evanaton Isft for home on an early evening '.
train. Tbe twenty-live Mlnnesotans left
at 1:05 over tbs Illinois Central. Ths
regulars returned oa their ' special to Fort
Crook at I o'clock yesterday morning.
Tbe business session bad been brief. It '
didn't convene until nearly 11 and final ad
journment was taken within aa hour. Tho
only business transacted was tbs election ot
ths officers named above, ths selection ot
St. Paul for 1803. tbe adoption of Captain
Cosgravs's resolution thanking Lieutenant
Macrae and Council Bluffs people In gen
eral for the splendid entertainment at- .
forded and the adoption of a resolution
Instructing ths secretary to mail to all
members printed reports of tbe proceeding .,
of tbs present meeting, togetber witb cop
ies ot tbs rsvlsed constitution snd bylaws.
Election 1 Hoeklr e.
The election of officers was accomplished
in three minutes. The nominating commit- .
tee made the report, and, wltb cheers for
very name, ths secretary was Instructed
to oast tbe ballot ot tbe society tor ths .
ticVet. General Hale protested and waited
long for other names to bs proposed, but
very one was mute.
Next year's reunion was Invited to Mil- '
waukes by General King, to Pittsburg by
Captain Crow of Connelisvllls and to Port- -land.
Ore., and Sioux Falls, but sentiment
was all for St. Psul.
Oa mottoa ot Colonel Pope tbs meeting
reconsidered the report of th committee
oa revision cf constitution and bylaws aud
struck out ths clauss admitting sons ot
member. . This was dono because it was
desired by tbo Philippine islsnd veterans
who ars to be absorbed. Ia future years
tbsre is likely to be another change, ad
mlttlag aona. 4
8t, Paul aaked that the reunion date be '
ebanged from August 13, tbe anniversary of
the fH ot Manila, to aoms time In Septem
ber. TtU would maks necessary a suspen
sion ot a clauae in tbe bylaws and the mat- .-.
tsr was left with ths sxecuttve com rait tee.
Nebraska Society Affairs.
Previously ths Nebraska society met at
tbs Grand and elected officers. Tbs only
other business wss the passing of a reaolu- ,
tton Instructing ths executive committee to
do whatever is best for ths promotion ot
tbe society's intsreats. ,
Tbs Nebraska stats society now has local
camps as follows: Geneva, O company,
first Nebraska, 51 members: Lincoln, D,
132; Omaha, L, 140; Grand Island, detached.
16; Columbus, F, 45; Beatrice, C, 72; Madi
son, II, 60. Additional camps ars form
ing at South Omaha (detAchad), Broken
Bow, M; Nebraska City, detached; Fuller
ton, B; York, A; David City, E; Beunett, I.
It is expected that by next year's meeting
h';br-' ; win he thorouahlv organised, with
all companies in. This year's showing
was not representative, because It bas bsea
Impossible lo get financial matters Into
proper snaps. Tbs per sapltg Us paid