Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1902, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Csptars of Barcelona Adds Strength to
Campaign of Revolutionists.
CeTir&I Itores aid Private Residences in
City HaT Been Pillaged.
EuUment of Ifiniitet Eowan That Cable
Had Beta Oat Proves Untrue.
Stevolatlealsts Very Carefal la Sack
la Barcelona to Teach No Prop
erty that Might Caase
VTaens Traable.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. Just before the
department elosed a dispatch vn received
from Commander Nickel of the Topeka at
Porto Cabello, atatlng that tha revolu
tionist wer la control and that there wa
Bo danger of aa attempt to retake the town
ty the government force. Commander
Nlfkels acknowledged the receipt of In
struction! directing him to land a force In
caie of necessity, but atated that the necea
aity for auch S atep had not arisen.
In official clrclea the control of Porto
Cabello by the revolutionise la considered
a algnat victory for that party, ae lt la a
place of considerable atrateglc Importance.
It I a town of about 10,000 people, altuated
on a spacloue, deep and safe harbor by
means of which If necessary troops and
supplies may be landed or dispatched to
other place In the country. Porto Cabello
ta but a abort sail from Lagulra, which la
not- far from the Venesuelan capital. A
erlsle In affaire at Porto Cabello, where the
Insurgenta hare been gathering strength,
liaa exlated foV some time and today'a nawe
from Commander Nlckela confirms the pre
diction that a battle would soon be fought
Topeka la looking after the lnteresta of
Americana la that section Of the country
and Commander Nickels waa given full au
thority to land a force It necessary and
also to prevent bombardment without due
notice. Thla action waa authorized at tho
auggeetlon of Minister Bowen and closely
followed a notice from tha Germane that
they Intended taking similar atepa for the
protection of German lnteresta. Com
mander AUnatcb la tha flrat of".
cial Information that has reached Washing
ton that the revolutionists bare secured
control of Porto Cabello.
The place called Acgustura, mentioned In
Commander Rodger' dispatch from Port of
Bpain aa In tha hands of the revolutionists,
la about 250 miles up the Orinoco river, and
the more modern name for It la Sludad
Bolivar- General Mates, who la practically
at the head of the revolution againat Cas
tro, took this town some time ago and left
one of hie lieutenanta In charge. Accord
ing to information now in possession of the
racial here Castre Is being hemmed (a
from three sides at Caracas. General
Mates advance! from Bolivar to the north
west to a place called Orltuco, about sixty
miles aouth of Caraca. Ten daya ago Cas
tro waa reported aa having left the capital
with a force to meet the revolutionary
general, but subsequently he changed hie
mind and returned. More recent advtcea
indioated that a battle waa Imminent on
the plain Immediately south of Caracaa.
Early thla week the revolutionists took
Barcelona, to the eastward of Caracaa, and
now, according to this last dispatch from
Commander Nlckela. they have obtained
control of Porto Cabello to the westward.
The fact that the government had seised
three of the steamer of the Orinoco com
pany at San Felix I not a cause of con
cern here, aa It la understood that these
hips fly the Venetuelan flag and the right
to Impress ship for government1 use la well
Battled. No further step have been taken
toward sending additional shl?s to Vene
zuela and no fresh Instructions have been
sent to the commandera of the American
warshlpa there, aa the reports received
from them are considered aatlafactory.
SKaatlea Grows Crltioal.
Under date of Wednesday, August IS
Minister Bowea, at Caracaa. reports tq the
Elate department that the situation there
ta very critical.
Minister Bowen, In the dispatch, the con
tents of which the State department made
publie today, cay he -la advised by the
United States consul at Barcelona that the
revolutionists are sacking that town and
earchlng private houses. They are de
manding money from foreign residents iq
exchange for a guaranty of aafety of live
and propertv."
At the time of filing his dispatch he had
heard nothing from Cincinnati or Marietta.
He says the sacking or Barcelona continues
and that much valuable property is being
At the Navy department a cablegram haa
been received from Commander MoLean
reporting the arrival of Cincinnati at Bar
cetona. Marietta Is at Port of Bpain. Trin
idad, and U subject to the ordera of Com
mander McLean.
The dispatch from Commander McLean
waa tint since that of Minister Bowen.
The fact that the Navy department re
ceived the above dispatch, direct from Com
mander McLean at Uarcclona shows that
Minuter Bown'e datch of yesterday
from Caracas saying that the" Barcelona
cable had been cut waa incorrect. The pre
eumptlon at the Navy department la that
the revolutionists who are In control at
Barcelona refused to allow message to go
through to Caracas, where Castro has his
headquarters, and that this accounted for
the report from the Veoeiuelan capital that
the Barcelona cable had been severed.
The Navy department officials cannot
conceive that Commander McLean would
have failed to report so Important a fact
If the eablea had been tampered with. They
are Inclined to think, after studying Com
mander McLean' report, that the revolu
tionist In sacking the loan aetred what
they could lay their hernia on, but were
very careful not to disturb the Interest of
American or other whose government
might make trouble for them.
The Navy department 1 In receipt of "the
fuliowlng dispatch from Commander Rodgers
of Marltta, dated Port of Spain. August 12:
There are three American oltUens at
Angustora, IJf, and property
Safe when ship .n.t. C ity controlled bv
revolutionary ml : e, y chief, foreign sub
jects alarmed over - iuatiii. 1 lire Amrr
loan steam rs. ,-,,,,iiiv, forcibly
detained at tun i , fr ukertiment use.
Renew ajree ,n t Rebels.
NEW YORK. Aug. jt. Cabling from
Port of Epaln, TrtnMad, th Herald corre
spondent says: The fall Barcelona into
the hands of the Venezuelan revolutionists
(Csiitlnuel ea feVcoad Page.)
Captain Rewmss Hie Boa gaffer
Great Hardships ea
the Trie.
(Copyright. 1902. by Trees Publlehlng Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 14. (New York World
Cablegram, Special Telegram.) The World
correspondent at Falmouth telegraphs that
Captain Newman with hie aon Edward ar
rived there tonight, having crosaed the At
lantic In a thlv-elght foot launch. They
bad aome ter xperlencee on the voy
age, having -ed a eucceseton of
heavy galea, ,. '', hlch the kerosene
tanka were ama. ' he launch waa
flooded with keros I' which the
voyagers lived In cons. 1 -f an ex
plosion. Newman suffer from
bleeding piles caused by Ion,, and
watching In the galea. The boa., ever,
rode the gale well, and the engine forked
Every Sunday, sometimes In galea, the
couple held divine services. The food held
out well, Hia sufferings told severely on
Newman, who looka like an old man. but
the boy.lhough 111 for a time on the voyage,
now seems none the worse.
Trip 1 ta Be Had Not Later Tfcaa
Febraary and Possibly
la November.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 14. According to the
Dally Post of this city King Edward haa
promised the chief secretary for Ireland,
George Wyndham. to visit Dublin. Cork and
Belfast in February at the latest, possibly
In November.
LONDON.-Aug. 14. The king and queen
arrived at Portsmouth at 4:30 p. tn. and
went on board Victoria and Albert, whtch
sailed at once for Cowea. The warships in
Portsmouth harbor dressed ship and fired
the royal salute when the king went on
board the yacht. The king and queen ar
rived at Cowea at t p. m.
Official Aaaoaaeesneat Declares Ed
ward Will Not laderie a,
Second Operation.
LONDON. Aug. 14. The Brltloh Medical
Journal make the announcement that it la
authorized to say there la no truth what
ever in the recent rumors that King Ed
ward will undergo a aecond operation. The
British Medical Journal declares that the
klng'a recovery la complete and that his
general health la better than for a long
time past.
Attorney for Inlted States Says
Claims of Government Given
Little Coaalderatloa.
MONTREAL, Aug. 14. Donald McMaater,
K. C, lawyer for the United Btatea govern
ment in the Oaynor-Oreene caaa and the
man who engineered the kidnaping party
from Quebee, severely denounce the judg
ment of Judge Caron, and aaya that It la
evident the clalma of the I' I ted Staves,
government were given little. If any. con
(deration. ..
' .)
Drama la Rembay.
BOMBAY. India, Aug. 14. The agricul
tural position in the whole of the Bombay
presidency is extremely critical. The rain
fall baa been so deficient that young crops
are withering and unleaa there should be
abundant rain aoon the autumn harvests
will fall over a wide area. The cotton crop
la much impaired. Everything hinges on
the progress of the monsoon tn the next
ten daya. but forecasts of the weather a-e
Iaveatla-atlon Reveals Defalcation.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 14. An investigation
of the department of one of the principal
officials of the atate treasury named Toug
berg, who waa killed In an accident In June,
reveala a aerloua defalcation Three checks
respectively for 1,000, 6,000 and 9,000 crowna
(1810, 11,350 and $2,430) were raised by
Tougberg to 30,000, 60,000 and 90,000 crowna
and were cashed by him at the Stat bank.
It Is auppoced be had lost heavily in bourse
New Gold Reef Discovered.
JOHANNESBURG, Aug. 14. Considerable
excitement ha been created here by the
discovery of a new gold reef, which 1 aatd
to traverse a large extent of territory.
Local geologists think the atrike l a con
tinuation of the Wltwatera' rand. ' main
series, but the discoverers declare that they
have found new gold fields that will be the
equal In slie of the Wltwatera rand. ,
Delayed by the Rasslans.
PEKIN. ' Aug. 14. The restoration of
Pekin-Shan Hai-Kwan railway being de
layed by the Ruaslana, who refuse to re
linquish the New Chwang-Sban Hai-Kwan
aectlon unleaa they are allowed to retain
tha machine shops and round house at
8han Hal Kwan. The Russian also object
to foreign officials participating lu th
management of the line. ' , - --
Kxylorer to. He t lira.
CHRISTIANIA. Norway, Aug. 14. The
Antarctic explorer Borch are vlnck, who Is
here, will return to America in a fortnight.
He ia arranging for the sailing of two ships
in 1903 on an expedition to the South pole
for the National Geographical aoclety at
Washington. Thla expedition will utllUe
the reindeer, it la aald, for the first time in
Antarctic exploration. . .
Cabaa . Rrpablia Reeosalaed.
BUENOS AYRE3, Argentina Republic,
Aug. 14. Th government of Paraguay ha
formally recognlxed the republic of Cuba
and haa accepted the United States consul
at Asuncion, the capital, aa tha representa
tive of Cuba in Paraguay.
He Papal Consistory Probable.
ROME, Aug. 14. The correspondent of
the Associated Press haa been Informed
that no papal consistory la probable before
Wsnsa Vraacblae Hill Passes.
SYDNEY, N. S. W.. Aug. 14. Th woman
franchise bill baa passed both houses of th
New South Walee legislature.
Former Senator Is I ndersteod tm Be
Condaetlas Legal Km4 at a
Isaar Caashlaatlea.
BAN TRANCISro. Aug. 14. Former
United Ctatea 8eoator John M. Thurston of
Nebraska will sail from this city for Hono
lulu today on private business tor sotae of
his clients. ',t
Th Examiner says: "It Is understood
he baa charge of the legal end of syndicat
ing moat of the large augar plantations in
the IsunOa."
Charles. Fair and Wife of Rag Franoieoo
Meet Death in Frano.
Car la Very Fleavy and Very Swift
aad Had Beea tha Kspeelal
Pride af Its Inforta
aate Owner.
EVEREUX. France, Aug. 14. Mr. and
Mra. Charles Fair, Americana, who were re
lated to Mra. W. K. Vanderbllt, jr. (Mlsa
Virginia Fair), were returning to Parle
from Trouvllle today, whea their automo
bile swerved and crashed Into a tree fifteen
miles from here.
Both were killed. The chauffeur became
insane aa a consequence of the shock.
Mr. and Mra. Fair had been ataylng at
Trouvllle during racing week. They had a
very fast forty-five horse power automobile,
which attracted considerable attention, and
with which they were highly pleased. Mr.
Fair had been from Trouvllle Parle and
back again in one day on the machine.
The bodies of Mr. and Mr. Fair were
taken to the Chateau Bulsson du Mai.
Gala to Parts ta Dlaa.
The accident occurred at 1:30 o'clock
almoet in front of Chateau Bulsson Du Mai.
The Fairs intended to dine and apend the
night in Paris and return to Trouvllle for
lunch tomorrow.
The wife of the gate keeper of the cha
teau waa the only witness of tha dlsaater.
She aaya aha noticed a big red automo
bile, coming along the road at a tremen
dous pace. Suddenly aomethlng happened
and the heavy machine slid sideways from
the right to the left aide of the road, for
about atxty yards. It- then dashed tip an
embankment, - turned a complete somer
sault and crashed Into a big elm tree in
front of the gate of th chateau. The auto
mobile waa completely wrecked, the front
axle waa broken and other parts of the
machine were smashed. Including th eteer
lng gear. When the auton-oblle turned
over, the wife of the gate keeper aay ah
saw Mr. and Mra. Fair high In the air
and fall with a heavy thud to the ground.
The chaffeur who waa aittlng behind the
Falra waa precipitated Into a ditch. He
ataggered to his feet calling for help, th
gate keeper'a wife rushed to him and aa
elated In extricating Mr. and Mra. Fair
who were burled beneath the wrecked ma
chine and . In the last throea of death.
Both had sustained ghastly Injuries and
were almost unrecognizable. Mr. Falr'a
head had been crushed In, while hia wtte'a
skull waa split. Tha chaffeur. waa terribly
affected and aeemed bereft .of hia senses.
He threw himself Into a ditch on the op
posite side of th road and rolled about
crying. "My poor masters."
M. Boraon, owner of the chateau BuUaon
Du Mai, waa aummoned and after advialng
the local' authorltlea of the accident be
ordered the bodies of. Mr. and Mra. Fair
to be carried to the gate keeper'a lodge
Here they now He on mattretae, and
flowers have been atrewn over thent. In
Lthe room are three . wax taper burning
H""r . '. - i , -
, Oolua- klaty.Foav Miles aa Bear,
The accident waa evidently due to the
burattng of a tire. At the time It occurred
th automobile, which waa capable of run
ning aeventy-four miles an hour, waa gor
ing at the rate of atxty-two miles an hour.
Tho local police authorltlea hold In their
posaasslon and have sealed up' a valise
belonging to the Fairs, which - contain
jewelry, two letter of credit, a French
banknote worth 1200 and aome gold colna.
PARIS, Aug. 14. Tha fatal accident , to
Mr. and Mra. Fair occurred at the village
of Sant Agullln. Mr. Fair himself waa
driving hia automobile at a high rate of
apeed when one of the pneumatla tires
bursted. The machine swerved,' collided
with a tree with a terrible crash and waa
overturned. Mr. and Mra. Fair were killed
outright and their chaffeur waa badly in
jured. The Falra have been living lately In
Parte at the Hotel Rita, and kept their
apartments there while they were ataylng
at Trouvllle. Thla morning Mr. Fair aent
a dispatch-om Trouvllle to the. manage
ment of the Hotel Rita aaytng he and bla
wife would arrive there thla evening.
Mra. William K. Vanderbllt. jr., who waa
Mr. Falr'a alater, returned from Trouvllle
Bunday and sailed for New York yesterday
on the North German Lloyd ateamahlp
Kroa Print WUhelm.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 14. Mr. and
Mra. Charles Fair left San Francisco In the
latter part of May laat for a trip to Eu
rope. Charlea Fair waa the aon of the laU
Senator Fair and waa one of the heirs
to the Immense estate of tha late Senator
Fair. It la peculiar that the aon of the
late John W. Mackay, one of Senator Falr'a
partners, waa also killed near Paris a few
years ago by being thrown from hi horse.
Braaa-fct Awtos ta Pacta Coast.
Charlea Fair haa been enthusiastic about
automobtlea ever alnce the machines came
Into uae abroad.
He waa one of the first to bring automo
btlea to thla coast and ha owned three or
four of them. He had what waa perhaps
the largest and swiftest automobile In Cali
fornia. It waa a huge French racing ma
chine and capable, it la aald. of going at a
speed of seventy m'les'aa hour. He im
ported It from Franoe and with it Imported
a chaffeur.
The machine la well known on the atreeta
of San Francisco and tn all the neighboring
counties. Many a time have townspeople
and farmera in San Mateo, Maria and Ala
meda counties rushed out of tbelr houses
only to see the huge machine la the distance
and leaving a trail of dust and amoke be
Fair waa interested la yachting and owned
the ateam yacht Lucero.
Charlea Fair and hi wife left San Fran
cisco for Europe on May 30 to atay two or
tcree months.
Charlea Fair was the third of the four
children of the late Mr. and Mra. James
O. Fair. Teresa, who ia now the wife of
Herman Oelrlchs, Is the eldest of the heirs.
Then came James, who died about ten years
ago. Charles waa the third, and the young
est was Virginia, who la now the wife of
W. K. Vanderbllt.
In tha spring of 1S94 Charlea married
Maude Nelson. Th ceremoay took place
In Oakland and it waa almoat a secret one.
Charlea Fair waa cue of three heirs to an
Immense estate, estimated ta value at be
tween t2S.000.004 and 130,000.000. The other
two are hia own sisters. .
' Oelrlcaa Predicted Basalt.
When Informed of the trade and af his
brother-la-law and hia wife tbla afternoon,
Herman Oelrlchs aald:
'I am terribly shocked, but not iunriuii
I aald only a few days aao that If rnarlav
persisted ia carrying on bla expert men ts
along tnis no the result would be fatal
sooner or later.' I have warned him re-
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Hanks Maat Pay aa front aad Loss
Aeeoaats Sad lartlvlded
Prodts. '
WASHINGTON, Ang. 14 Commissioner
Yerkes of the Internal Revenue bureau has
directed that Immediate atepa be taken for
the collection of tha tax on profit and loae
accounta or undivided profit account of
banks, trust companies or privet bank
under the war revenue act of June, 189S.
The amount to be collected will approxi
mate, it Is aald, 1300.000.
Under an opinion of the department of
juatlco the tax had only been collected On
the capital and surplus of banks, but the
commlstioner ruled January S that th un
divided profit, or profit and losa accounta
of banka, are part of th surplus, and
thereby subject to tax. After thla ruling waa
made, by request of representatives of the
banka, the commissioner agreed, on Jan
uary 3? last, to withhold; collection pend
ing a decision by the Unfted Statea circuit
court in a ault to be brought to teat the
question. j
The ault waa brought ' la the southern
district of New York by the Leather Manu
facturers' National bank of New York, and
waa decided a few week ago adversely to
the bank, th court sustaining th posi
tion taken by the commt'sMoner.
Mr. Jamea Forgan, president of tha First
National bank of Chicago, waa the chair
man of the committee representing the
banka that called upon the commissioner
last January, protesting against the collec
tion of this tax. On January 27 last the
commissioner wrote bin) that while ha
would require the banka. truet companies
and other interested to make return at
once to the department, showing their un
divided profit or profit and loss account, ha
would withhold collection until a decision
was aecured In the United State circuit
court, but said dlatinctly in thl letter that
If the court held that, under the law, undi
vided profits are a proper subject for taxa
tion, then payment of the tax would be en
forced, notwithstanding an appeat migbt'b
taken by the banka to thq aupreme court.
Thla tax waa repealed by the laat con
gresc, the repeal to take effect July 1, 1903,
ao that at present there ia no Internal
revenue tax on capital, surplus or undi
vided proflta of banka. the tax to be col
lected will be for tho year ended July 1,
Transfers Made aa Resvlt of Reeent
Promotion of Colonel
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Several Import
ant change have, been ordered "In the ad
jutant general- department as a reault of
Carter tn tha ... A . Vt , ,
- ...o w. . i igauici geoeran
Lieutenant Colonel Oeoryb Andrews, who Is
now ranxiDg officer on duty at the War de
partment, haa been aire Ik tied to' dutr aa ail.
jutant general of the Department of Cali
fornia. He-takes the pla of Colonel 3. B.
Baboock. vhn haa taa ,t.l-
for duty a adjutant gederaf on the ataff
of Lieutenant General Mile.' Colonel An
drews' transfer to San Francisco waa made
at bis own request aad will take street Oc
tober is. ". - r t - -
To provide for the vacancy, thua created
In the fores at the War department. Major
Charlea J. Crane, who ia now at Manila, haa
been ordered to thla citv at enca and Ueu.
tenant Colonel William Innes of tha artillery
corps, stationed at Fort McHenrv Mil.. wtw
waa recently. detailed to the adjutant gen
eral' department, also haa been ordered to
duty In the adjutant general's office in thla
Lieutenant Colonel James T. Kn
beea ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for"
duty with the general service school to, be
opened there September L .
Captain Smoke Relieved front Daty
at Nebraska University and
Detailed ta Yale. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. tSnecial Tete.
gram.) John N. Cares has been appointed
postmaster at Whlttler, Lincoln' county.
Neb., vice M. Weedman realgned.
The comptroller of the currencv has an.
proved the First National bank of Omaha.
and Hanover National bank of New York
aa reserve agents for the First National
bank of Valentine, Neb.
The Doatofflce at Snrlns- Vslt.w Turn.,
county, S. D., ha been discontinued, the
mall going to Hurley.
Roy R. Scott haa been annolntail ,i.rv
In the postofflc at Marahalltown, Edwin
H. Burtanek. a aubstltute letter carrier at
Iowa City, Ia., Charlea H. Walker a sub
stitute carrier at Rock Island and P. M.
Jones and John F. Kealey, aubatltute clerks
at Hastings, Neb.
Captain Samuel A. Smoke of the TTnlt.rf
Statea army haa been relieved from duty
at the university of Nebraska, Lincoln, and
at hia own requeat detailed as nrofessor
of military tclence and tactics at Yale
Colored Lla-htwela-ht Bbat Dead la
Caster City by "Kid"
' CUSTER CITY. 8. D.. Aur. 14 Rnrl.1
Telegram.) Roy Streeter, the well known
colored light weight pugilist, was shot and
Instantly killed thl afternoon on th atreeta
of this city by another pugilist, John Gor
man, better known aa "Kid Hogaa."
The men had had trouble bafora mnA
when they met In Custer todav nnnaii
their quarrel. Gorman produced a double
barreled shotgun, emptied the contents
of both Ita barrels into StreeWs body.
Gorman waa arrested and ia now In cus
tody. Streeter on Wedneadav tnornln !
caped from the Lawrence county jail at
Dead wood, where ha had been innfln4
for a mlnpr breach of the peace, and was
on nis way to umana at the time ha met
bla death.
Twa Bays Meet rteatb While Bathlac
la Creek Blear Raald
RAPID CITY, 8. D., Aug. 14 (Special
Telegram.) Ralph and Walter McCain, the
aona of a prominent rancher and cattle
grower at Rapid Valley, while In bathing In
Rapid creek, below thla city, got beyond
their depth and ware drowned.
The accident occurred aeveral miles below
th illj iui Viii th dSCtSrS TSfilS tsd
been sent for reached the scene th boy
were dead, although efforta bad been made
to revive them after they had been taken
from the water by their oomnaBioaJk
siiltoi L X. Edwards Bayg Hie 8uipioions
lare Eaei ProTea.
' Mast la Greatly Worried Over
- tha Chlcata Crlaaa la Which
His rrleads Assess aa
"My conscience is clear, but my heart la
almost broken." aald Milton L. R. Ed
wards, sitting In a Pullman car whtch waa
taking him from Denver to Chicago, where
he la to divulge all he knowa about th
murder of Mra. Annie B. Bartholin and
Mlaa Minnie Mitchell, who are auppoeed to
have been killed by William Bartholin, son
or aira. Bartholin. -
Mr. Edwarda I tha man who wrote from
Omaha to "Bob" Mitchell of Chicago.
brother of the murdered girl, aaylng h
believed Will Bartholin waa guilty of the
double tragedy and urging Mitchell to keep
a lookout for the supposed criminal. Thl
letter waa written before the bodlea of the
two victims were found by aome Chicago
newspaper men. Edwarda, who had been
a roomer at the Bartholin home, came to
Omaha and aecured employment In Ar
mour's packing house at South Omaha, but
bla atay waa of brief duration. He left the
city for Denver about the time the excite
ment of the tragedy reached Ita climax.
In Denver he told Chief of Police Arm
strong of hia acquaintance with the parties
to thla affair and what hia feelings were
toward young Bartholin. This information
waa dispatched to Chief O'Nell of Chicago
and Edwarda held himself ready to grant
the requeat of tha Chicago authorltlea to
return and further divulge what he knew
or believed concerning the murder. Chief
O'Nell aent for him Wednesday night, when
he left Denver and passed through Omaha
at a little after t o'clock yesterday after
noon on the Burlington train for Chicago.
"These people were my friends and that
la why my heart la crushed," aald Ed
wards, hia eyea filling with tears as he re
luctantly yielded to queatlona of the re
porters. Did Write to "Bob" Mitchell.
"Yea, I did write that letter to Bob
Mitchell, aaylng I thought Will Bartholin
had killed Bob'a alater, Mfhnle, who waa
Bartholln'a aweetheart, and hia own
mother. Bob Mitchell and I have been
frlenda a long time and when I read of thla
terrible affair In the Omaha papera I re
aolved, after aome deliberation, that I was
In duty bound, both to my dear friend and
to the atate, to make a statement. I had
no definite knowledge, but 1 had atrong
auspicious, and these suspicions have been
Edwarda afterward modified thla state
ment regarding the proof of the auspicious,
which indicated that he had expressed
himself stronger than h Intended. He
aid that what h meant by aaylng the eue
piclons wer pi oven waa that they had
been confirmed in hia own mind. He de
clined to aay whether or not he had any
actual proof.. He added thla remark:
"1 think no one who haa watched the
affair or knowa anything about It dcubte
for a minute that -WJU Bartholin U' the
murderer." '
' "But I must not talk about thl matter,"
Edwarda impulsively remarked, "for I hav
diligently and religiously evaded the re
porters ever alnce thla thing came up, and
It would be wrong for me to give out what
I have to aay to the authorltlea. You
must excuse me, gentlemen." So averse to
being Interviewed waa he that when the
reporters finally located him on the train
he at first deuled his Identity.
' Apparently Edwarda I a man of pro
found feeling, a tender heart and sympa
thies aa cordial and responsive aa a
woman'a. ' The very thought that hia
frlenda were the unfortunate principals In
such a dreadful tragedy aeemed to almost
overwhelm htm. He la m young man, hand
aome of face and figure, affable in manner,
well dressed and inviting in general ap
pearance. Hia countenance ia open and
frank, auch aa would inspire confidence
even In a atranger. Hia conversation la
refined and intelligent.
Motive Is laliBswa.
"What motive could Will Bartholin hav
had for killing hia mother and sweetheart T
was asked Edwarda. -
"I am sure I cannot tell you, rlr." waa
the reply.
"Did . Mra. Bartholin poasesa any great
amount of means T"
"That I cannot tell, either. You see, I
only roomed at Mra. Bartholin's bouse, and
before I . went there to room they were
strangers to me. Yet I formed very good
friendships among them all, and they were
alwaya very pleasant with me. I had often
beard the mother and her aon quarreling,
but never saw any evidence of violence.
I do not even know what they quarreled
about. That waa none of my businesa and
I did not concern myself with It."
Asked if Miss Mitchell and young Bar
tholin were engaged, Edwarda aatd:
"That ia aomethlng of which I know noth
ing. They aeemed very fond of each other,
I understand, but of their love affairs I
have no knowledge whateve. I have heard
it aald they were aweethearta from child
hood. I do not know."
Bartholin, aald Edwarda, la about 27 yeara
of aga and ia a machinist by trade.
Mr. Edwarda expressed the most cordial
respect for the manner of treatment ac
corded him by Chief Armstrong of Den
ver, but he aald he baa had a lively tlms
trying to "keep shy" of newspaper men for
the last week or so. "I have really lost ten
pounds In weight, and while It 1 du to
some extent to worrying for my friends
who are In distress, I attrlbuts It largely
to the strenuous pace I have traveled In
jumping from place to place to evade the
reporters, for I did not want to talk until
I could talk to officials. This Is too serious
a matter to be generally discussed."
Edwarda' home I In Ashland, O., but he
had lived for ten years or more In Chicago.
He haa become much impressed with
Omaha and Denver and thlnke he will here
after make hia home tn the latter city. He
went back to Chicago at th requeat and
expense af th Chicago offlclals and was
Tells af Bartaella Harder Casa as
Palloa Waald Hav
CHICAGO, Aug. 14. Becoming desperate
tonight while being subjected to a vigorous
examination by Inspector Hunt. Oscsr
Thompson, who Is detained pending Inves
tigation of the Bartholln-Mllchell murdrra.
confessed to everything that the police hav
been trying to make him tell. When he
had finished Thompson laughed derisively
aad said:
"Inspector, that story Is a lis. Yon
wanted me to tell you all these thing. I
Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Showers Friday
and Baturdny.
Tern ye rat a re at Omaha Yeeterdayi
Hoar, Drsr. Hoar. Dea.
B s. M Ts 1 y. m...... Tit
a, aa...... Ta a . aa Tit
T a. nt...... Tl II s. at TH
R s, a....,, Tl 4 p. as TT
a a. aa...... TS B . as TM
10 a. as TS Hp. aa T9
It a. as TS T s. an TN
IS as......... T4 ) a. as...... TT
p. an T5
Veteraa Paster af Pltlsbara; Presby
tery Cats Arteries la Both .
Arms aad Leg-
PITTSBURG. Aug. 14. (Special.) Rev.
Milton M. 8weeney, D. D., pastor of ths
church of Bellevue, a Pittsburg suburb,
committed aulctde early thla morning by
cutting the arteries In each wrlat and one
In bla knee. He waa discovered at 5 o'clock
this morning by Mra. Sweeney, who missed
him from her side. Hs had gone Into an
adjoining room and used a pen knife on
his wrists and a rasor on hia knee. Life
was not extinct when Mra. Sweeney found
him, but he died a few mlnutea later.
Rev. Sweeney waa over 60 years of age
and waa one of tha most widely known
minister In western Pennsylvania. He
kad been a member of the Pittsburg Pres
bytery for the paat forty yeara and had
enjoyed aome of th best charges. He wsa
very popular with members of the Bellevue
church. He had been alck for some time
and to thla la attributed his rash act. Dr.
Sweeney was the father of the wife of
Rev. Robert Yost of Omaha.
Body Exhanaed aad Examination
Show Trace of Polsaalaa
Instead at Fever.
CHICAGO. Aug. 14. An Investigation be
gun today Into the circumstances connected
with the death of Jamea M. Murphy, which
occurred In Maywood In April may lead to
one more murder mystery. The body waa
exhumed In tne afternoon at Oak Ridge cem
etery under direction of' Deputy Coroner
Julius Feldatine and Dra. Springer and
Lelntnger of the coroner'a office. A super
ficial examination proved to the medleal
men that Murphy had not died of scarlet
fever la the death certificate had indicated,
and a thorough chemical and microscopical
analyst will b made.
An affidavit made to the atate'a attorney
by Mra. Ellxa J. Clevenger, alster to Mur
phy, In which she swore she believed he
had teen poisoned, led to the exhumation.
Mrs. Clevenger stated that Murphy had al
wava been In good health until suddenly
taken ill April 10. He grew rapidly worse
and died in th Maywood village hospital
three daya later.
Body . Foaad la Boxcar Believed ta
- Ba that of Job a Laavf orA
, f Alllastee.
'' ' ' c " ' ' -
' The unidentified dead ' man whdae body
was found in a boxcar at Fourteenth and
Locust etrceta la believed to be John Lang
ford of "Alliance, Neb. Mr. Langford left
bla home In Alliance August , alnce which
time hia family haa heard . nothing from
him. He waa 65 yeara of age, about 5 feet
11 Inches In height, had brown hair and
mustache, tinged with gray. Hia eye were
blue and under the right eye waa a alight
gear. Thla description answers to th de
scription of th dead man, with-the excep
tion of the acar under the eye, whtch
Coroner Bralley aald he failed to notice,
but aa the face of th dead xoan waa black
ened and badly decomposed he may have
overlooked It. The balanoe of the descrip
tion tallied with that of the body found.
The body of the dead man waa found in
a boxcar Auguat S and by Ita aide waa a
small bottle partially filled with atrychnlne.
It I burled at Forest Lawn cemetery.
Meeting; of Rorthweatera aad Traas
oatlaeatal Lines Held la
U Paal.
ST. PAUL. Aug. 14. Th meeting of the
northwestern and transcontinental lines at
the Great Northern building ta discuss the
proposed reduction in grain ratea today re
sulted In a partial agreement, which may be
fully concluded within a few daa.
Wlthta a week It la expected the line In
terested will announoe th exact reductions.
Some of tha reductlona in ratea will amount
to 1H and t cents per 100 pounds. It would
make the through rate to Chicago 19Vi centa
Instead of 2m cents.
It Is a simple calculation that by a reduc
tion of halt a cent a bushel on a crop of
1&0.000.000 bushels of wheat In the three
atatea a total of (750,000 would be saved,
while the total on all gralna la expected to
be $1,260,000.
The proposed reduction will ao Into effect
prior to the movement of the present crop.
Mra. Maade Lortllard Taller Granted
Decree of Separation la Soath
Dakota State Ceart.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Aug. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Mra. Maud Lorlllard Taller
of New York City, youngest child of th
lat Pierre Lorlllard, the millionaire to
bacca merchant, waa today In tha atat cir
cuit court of Salem, 8. D., granted a di
vorce by Judge Jones from T. Suffern Taller,
who haa for yeara been prominently Iden
tified with the coaching intereata of New
The ground upon which the divorce waa
granted ia that the defendant, T. Suffern
Taller, abaodoned the plaintiff with Intent
to desert her and that auch desertion haa
existed for mor than on year. The de
fendant entered an appearance and made
a formal answer.
No provision la made la the decree for
alimony or custody of their children.
Reaabllcnae Renominate Jay,
ST. LOUI8, Aug. 14. The republlcane of
the Eleventh congressional district met In
convention here today and unanimously re
nominated Congressman Charles t Joy.
Movement of Ocean Vessels, An. 14.
At New York-Balled: Augusts Victoria,
for Hamburg; I.a Touraine. for Havre;
Grosser Kurfurat, for Bremen.
At Qiieenstown Railed: Oceanic, for New
York; Jthynlsnd. for Philadelphia. Arrived:
Celtic from New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Astoria, from New
At Sclliy Passed I La Bretagne, from
New York, for Havre.
At Liverpool Sailed: New England, for
BuaIOi, vli i: r t . Arrived: Weetei
land, from Philadelphia.
At Rotterdam nailed: Noordam, for New
York via lioulocn-Htur-Mar.
At 1J sard Passed: Orat W alder see, from
New York, fur Hamburg. -
IIroM of ths Fhilippine War llarob Eefers
Clearing Throng.
People Give Katien'i Warriors Heart kni
Continuous Oration.
Citil War Veterans Walk Prendlj Behind
Their Glorious Sons.
Coaaell Blaffs Wltaesses Great Mili
tary Spectacle af the National
Society af th Army af the
Memorable Thuredayt Rarely haa Coun
cil Bluffs known such a day. Never haa
Lake Manawa known auch a night.
The clouded aun Revealed all tha pomp,
the' aplendor and the pride of soldier at
ease and on the march. The moon veiled
herself that artificial Ughtjnlght mak th
more awing and thrilling their action in
mimic battle. The aoenea of the day were
picturesque; those of the night weird and
tearful. -
And both were witnessed by thousands.
Tbousanda who filled tha atreeta, thousanda
who filled the cars, thousand who filled
th park grounds aa wheat atrawa on fertile
acrea. Thoueand who cheered, and
cheered, and cheered again. Thousand
who will be hoarse , today, but glad, and
who in future months will love to tell
of all that they aaw and heard and thought
In thoee gala hours. So many tbousanda. In
fact, that the field on which the mlmlo bat
tle took place was ao crowded that the spec
tacle waa unavoidably marred to some ex
tent and the movement of th troopa Im
peded. In the morning Philippine veterans, four
companiea of ' regulars, a handful apared
from the proud host of '(1, two governora
and several organizations who hav never
eeen war but who are willing to, marched
the streets of th town for an hour, with
1,000 in th line and 20,000 apectatora on
the walk. In th afternoon th National
Society, Army of the Philippine, held an
Important meeting at which It revised It
constitution and bylawa and mad great
plana for the future. At night all these
thousanda and many other thousanda rushed
to Manawa, there to aee aoldtera In notion,
fla-htin a battle, preserving a brldg,
storming a block-hou, charging, storm
ing and finally exulting In a splendid vic
tory. Omabans Oat la Force.
To aee this brilliant apectacle Omahana
went in auch numbera that car paaslng
over the bridge were packed from 5 o'clock
In the evening until 9 o'clock. For par
ticulars aa to what time they passed over
that bridge going the other way, ask them.
When the reat of the world fell asleep at
midnight, the first Installment of th r
turning host waa just getting In. At day
break the rails are not yet Pooled from th
incessant friction of the wheels.
But today all will be at peac again. Tha
Philippine veteran will conclude their
three daya' reunion with a brief business
session at which officer will be elected
and a place for next year's meeting chosen.
The Iowa city will right Itself, wave
ita famed guest k reluctant farewell and
enter In Ita book of memorable events
those which have Just transpired.
Soldlera of the Philippines! . Th boys of
'981 The heroes of th war for peace and
progress. From 11:10 to 12:30 yesterday
they marched the atreeta of Council Bluffs
while 20,000 people paid them homage.
With them, revered and honored, marched
a little band of the heroes of that other
war which ia ao fast becoming only a
chapter of history. With them, also rode
governor of two great atatea, and "hiked"
four companiea of regular, four preeent
companies from th Iowa military, the
Thuraton and Millard rifles of Omaha, the
Council Bluffa High School eadeta and
eountlesa email boy who simply couldn't
resist th temptation to "tag" tha heroto
Khaki or Dlaa Everrwkera,
In the procession wer 1,000 men. A
tual count at various point along th rout
doe not vary thla number a dosen either
way. The police and dignitaries of atate
and city ahowed th route, but of those who
followed the greater proportion war in
khaki or in blue. It waa a distinctly mili
tary pageant. The tact that the boy ot
'SI are carrying canea now ard walk with
ahouldera atooped and gray heada bowed
made them no lesa soldiers. As they paaad
ths Grand hotel they were greeted with .
cheer as lusty as thoee that ealuted any
aquad in the long line. They stepped with
martial, precision, too. Indeed, it would
have been atrange for anyone to step oth
erwise, for the old fife and drum wer
prompting them. Farther front the Fifty
first Iowa band waa playing aa It used to
play and men were cheering as they used
to cheer, women weeping aa they used to
The crowda were everywhere. A clouded
un with no Immediate prospect ot rain had
been taken aa a general assurance to the
people, and tha people were out in force.
Not a foot of the way but was hemmed tn
by spectators three deep. About the hotel
comer near the reviewing stand, across la
Baylies park, the congestion waa euch that
navigation waa possible only by th
"edging" method and the police were work
ing with arms outspread every minute of
the parade hour. In the crowd, aa In th
line, were many from Omaha and not a few
from De Moines and smaller Iowa towns.
Saeeeas la Every Respect.
Each officer aa he passsd received a sa
lute of cordial cheers; each recognised
aquad a broadside of salvos. There waa no
marring Incident, no painful omission, no
demoralizing blunder, no confusion and no
complaints. Nothing but good nature, good
cheer and good feeling. In short, the pa
rado feature of the third annual reunion of
the National Society Army of the Philip
pines waa fully the success Ita promoters
had desired it ehould be and fully the suc
cess that Lieutenant Macrae and bla aide
had atriven to make it.
The parade formed on Flret avenue, with
the head of the eolumn resting on Pearl
street and extending aouth on Sixth street.
Captain L. B. Cousins acted aa marshal of
the day. Heading tha procession, whloh
moved at 11:10 o'clock, waa a platoon of
police, in charge of Captain Maltby. Im
mediately behind the police rode Captain
Cousins, Mayor Morgan, former Mayor
Rohrer, Sumner Knox, secretary of the
Iowa aoclety. Army of the Philippines, act
ing as orderly to Captain Coualna, and Lieu-
(Continued oo Fourth Page.)