T- X SPECIAL -HOTICES Avrtlasaaf..a thrsa rolaasa II ba 'shea til IS sm. far tfc Tl Wltlaa aatll se p. am. fjr ioniit( fiiiltf filtlM, . , 1 1-1" av'Ward ftrat laavrtf a. 1 a f d thereafter. . NetBIc takes ItrlfH iki ler'the flret laser- Ilea. Tim advertisements buI tea eecatlvly. S-re ekaek, rt kara mwfrt , a. a a saber 4tte la aara al Tha Be. intn aa ilirM will fca deliver a praaaatallva at M kaaat nla. yoK SALE CIGAR. $50:00 IN .GOLD. ' It "jy to bny your cigars of us. Ton fnar wsk. up -oroi day and find yourself tua foeae.nor of Fifty Dollars In Oold that w giv away to our customer each month, r Sutler & Miller. K. .W COR. 16TH AND FAUN AM FTS. ; , - - WANTED SITUATIONS. HTENOORAPHETt Whm you want ona cull- the 'Kmintton Typewriter office; 1619 Farnam atreet Telephone 1671. w. ,. t... .... j A-M4C A34 WANTED, position- In lumber office at atenographer and Militia; clerk; at present employeo. ,A1 references. Address J. II., Si N, ' . - A 1 14 BTrrXOGnArUER. thorourhly expert- cliapg of. Ddhitlotv .Address G Jq, B-, " -WANTED MALE HELP. VANTED-Canvaaaer, - Man familiar with brnik . ariB newspaper work preferred. Hunt' t haittnr. : Apply Koom, 17 flea tali ding.- ' ' 1J , -.li.WR JUI f A PAT S WORK. If you Ilva'tn ' tlra counfr (rr hr t smaH town " arid have a good acquaintance among tha farmers and atock rattier, in tha neighborhood you can -make 16 easily by Tour cr five hours' work. Write us and wa will dend you our prbponltlon: lb He Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept.'. Omaha, Nell. H ' . WAnVKD-X Add man In-"every-county ta'tnka Stibacnpilona. for -Tha TwetrtleUi Cnt"" Krr. iMr agents make good everywhere, Kelcrences required. Adrtreas, TweWleth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb. .1 H 113 . TKAVKLINO . SALESMAN, also adver tisers; we Ore buxlnev.) n. aample-aell-line anirn salary or no go. Triumph, JL'Hllaf l ex. - ft . - a i a MLsi 14 vVAriTrED 6RI Vers for -,. WAGON.WORK. He.ll. Crnillns and Construction Co., camp near v Ween a-, packing bouse. Council auiia , r-.f. H WANTED, men . to- learn .barber "trade! .thoraughly, practical . training.. by free work ana expart instructions; two years' apprenticeship avel;. ws present tools, t Saturday wagea and guarantee post n( Special livtticements to -applicants from. 41st ancet '.Write' today. Molef Barber College, 1623 Farnam fit. B M373 lb WANTED,, a .first-class mattress maker: wages, $3 V per day; must be steady and aober ' Address, giving reference, Chap toart Mattress Co., Box 112, Wutte, Mont. . , , ' ' .'; iSt-M47M '-1 - - ' - - - ' KIBVATOR conductor,, experienced with electiio passenger elevator, at once; must be horOtiKbly reliable and steady; prefer tnarrled man; 'bring references and apply at lsu Farnam Bt.-. V. B. NaUonaJ Buna Bldg. Chaa. E. Wllllamaon. B 496 14 AJE!OT"1B'.'r W rvar'-(ndtor-onTca werk Vho Is wirrihfr.to Work for 1 15 per month. Address W Owa.hahilwMtirig, O 48,"Bee.' " 1 - n:':' : WANTED, an sfll!tant-bokkeeper. Nona but thbsw-Who'bdV had experience need apply, tliva references from former em ployers and tate what salary you expect. .Address q 4 Bee. . B M.&u 17 - WANTED, oy7tj deliver The Marnlng Bee in Walnut Mill dieMet. Call a btisinens wfrtes.omiiha'' Ilea. ,.r-,tc 'B MKW 16 WANTED lor U'. S. Armyr Abl-bodled tin. . married men between agea of 21 and 3&, rilisoas of United States,- of good char- ctervand "temirate habits, who can . speaa, read and- write 'Kngltsh. For lnfor . f.iatlon- apply to' Recruiting -Offlcers. lath and Dadg art, Omaha, and poa lattice butlillng. Urtoplir, 'Nebraska. WANTED, a young man who has experi ence In offlce -work. with knowledge of shorfhitrtti and' typewriting. Answer In - owa bndwrlt4aK, Addrasa O 51, Bee. .. '! t.-- . ' . t- ,- , B M603 16 to Advertisers ramember It only takes an extra strolw" or two of the po to menilca the fact that yau u iba -ad Ha The Baa ALESSIK WAHtED. WANTED--two trawling salesmen to sell our Una of farmers'' rrpalr. toels-4n No--braekn-.tbrougk ,ibe bajrdwara and imple ment dealer. , Aluat -be aaleamen;- thor oughly reliable; bonds required; machine lum preferred. Also two- men for South lakOta. O. R. Harper Manufacturing Co., frlarahnlltdwrt, la. M5na 14 mASTED-FEMAtB HELP. WANTED,' two oung lady students to iern hatrdrass'tig, manicuring and- chi ropody and aciHiitlnc maasags. Call or writs Roam !M, Bee Bldg. ' C (iSS ' 100 Girls. Call Canadian office. 16th & Dodge. WANTED, lady.-coak. .Eureka Restsurant. ltr:.Caaa.. hUy . - C 7u0 WANIF.D, a, competent girl for housework. - JfcU-s. sil. -Si, iiuaiL-ul, 3oi Lafayette Ave. . AJ.1 'YOU" a ' Catholic and .Unemployed? W". njiii.v;.- ,A Ware Liuck. C '7 WANTED, saleuladifs that hava had some mp-'rierice in slme deimrtmetit. Inquire Juuir Shoe. Dept., J. L. . Bramli;! a - &iis, i.oMva Btor. Omaha. ' C iii 13 WANTED, .girl" tt general housework. ii.il Bo, iS-l 0 ' . C 4M 17 HANT'D Good eook; IS per week. Mrs. Jl, J. I opi'iwlon, i d bherman ave. ' ' . ' 0-M44 14 OlRIi for general housework kt once; good wagea. iiS N, 24th, South, Omaha. ' ' C 170 14 AN EN" ntOHTIC woman not under 25 to fill pinnaiMMkt position -.that will pay at least La per wlu.-A.ddrra Bee. G 47. . . - - - C 43 U WANTED, girl fir gcueraJ housework; eiuul.Mitv iw4 iixrca tt. - - -..' . . . . c e . WANTED, ameatlc. 2tW3 Ierca: small family. x .-.. , C lsira4 .U, KMl'LOfittXT AQLNCV. WANTED Coal miners and machlna run ners, W yoming; Wiig men, surface gang an.i eJlra jujuh and Nebraska; c-ol liovelrra, Ctiiuralo dlviaion H. ex M ; c-l titu-lets anj latiorera. U. P. It. R. V HUiii H. R. Labor Agency, SiO Bo, 11th. v . .... II' 1 - fOil StUr-l!UltK5.. ITUH itr N T, eKctUent six-room cottage, 2!d and CaUtwrtiitft atrvtM,. ltv-good roair; cli-'los lielKbborhuHi, iX Including water rcut. In.juMd at wt K. Ui.0 street or M N. T. Liia lUJg. . . . . VU 1:2") OIARLJ-.''. (wiNroora --cot tsgs; i rent 4.1. is ui. i C, . gutter. roiver, Onkat. Loan and Trust Co., XS I ruwu bl'K-k. - UflJ nn srs11 ,J e The o. Bee Bid. When You Write" - to Advertisers . : remain bsr It utuy xmivt au axtra slroka or t af tha pca'Ui n.ui:oa Ui. taut loal (w saw tka aa La laa FOR REIT HOI F. VANS and baggage wagoha. TeL 1193. d 701 TO MOVE rljM rt Omaha Van Storas Co.j office liui'4 1 arnara, or Tela. l.v.. I 703 MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. Una. l 7 8KE PAINE. BOSTWICK A CO. for choice houses. 6ul-l N. T. Life Bhlgi Tal. ' D 7o4 tNf.QUAl.KD, central, all modern, 7-room house, 4-room fiat Tlxard, IM N. li1. J MH2I M"iern hoie, I rooma. f2J Jarkaort Ft. Wheelr A Wheeler, Douglas and lMh ft. Tel. 1x6. DM&S HOC8E8, ate. F. D. Wead. IBM Douglas. D 7uS GOOIJ modern I-room bouse. 2fW4 Blondo. . . D 712 1812 N. WTII ST., 7 rooma. bath, gas. barn; rent $30. Wm.- K. Potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co., . Brown block. . I 711 HOU8K8 and flat Rlngwalt, Barker block. D ) BARN FOR RENT Inquire 810 H. 27th street, Omaha, Neb. - . I 184 18 HOUSES, stores., Bern la, Faxton block. . . '. .. - Dr-710 SIX-ROOM brick, modern. lil Kyner. 111 :-. , .i-iu6 15 MODERN 7-room flat, t. L B Orahnm, agent. 24th and Farnam. L 466 FOR RBKT, -mom modern cottmre. fins location. 1 North 3d. Apply Ir. Ford, 400 McCagua bldg. , ; D 475 14 ( J015 IZARD 8T I rm. mod., eir. -fur., J1S.0O. I1oo rms. city, water, large lot PATNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, First Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. I-496 17 . ELEOANT ft-rnom, houae all modern Im provements. . 410 North 23d street. . D4M17 10-ROOM house, nearly new, water, gas, ewer, fine lawn, near motor and school; rent 125. Inquire Win. L Klerstead, City Hall. . . ... :v' . D 491 1911 CALIFORNIA. rooms, modern-, 132.50. lfn)5 Blnney, roorns inixlern, fi5.00. lf03-5 Blnney, Double house, 18 rooma, mod ern. i.Hi (K). - . ,, . -1S14 N. 26;h, 5 room's, city water,' r.S.OOs,' lhl3 Charles, 6 rooma. city water, sewer. 111 WALLACE, 311 Brown -Blook. , , LV-501 FOR RENT A . ten-room house In West FarnAm district; all modern; reasonable rent. Potter. Forgan A Haskell, 420 New j or ,ue uiag. Teiepoons 470. . - . D M51J 17 Fon nE.tT-riRjiisijED rtooM. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 19o Capitol Ave. . B MS35 DEWET European hotel, &th and Famam. II PER VEKK, 422" 8. IStk SU., one block outh of court house.. , .: E7U AETNA HOUSE, European, 3th and Dodge . - . K SUM VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-15 .Fara.m St. ' , .. - - ; '. ... P-M 87 NICE front parlor. J 2001 Burt. v . E 207 t NICE eool furnished, or Unfurnished I NICELT furnished -rooms. 22ld Hamev . . . , ' E 45 17 ROOMS for Hurht hotisekeeplng; modern! references. 6Z5 S. 21sti sve. E Moll 17 FIRXISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, THS ROSS. .l Hsr" ' e. nu-lnn' single or nsuite;..aio""inaner 'rooms: rates reasonable.. . J'thS A28 Merrlam, comfortable summer (joma. Tel H, ... .' -.. F-iii ROOMS and, board... The Albany, 2101 Dojgla. A ' ,.FM4Sa A24 t'TOPIA, 1721 Davenport U ...V-&7 A2I CENTER HOTEL, .210 N. 17th, half block fr-om P. p.; transient, lUa.pa' day; home ' cooking. .. . - , F M439 69 ROOMS and board.; 52S & gist ave. i ifl M6I0 17 MOT, ELL. LANOE HOTEL, pstalrs.. 13th & Jackson. i '. ' , - U B7 BARKER, U Jkines; Amcri. A .European. ' ' : i"f'i t. lso 87 FOR REST ISl'lBMIHEb" ROOMS. DESK room apace, 15 per month'; ground floor room In The Bee building, facing -arnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor, service, rf. C. Peter &. Co., rental genU. Bea building. , - O US UNFURNISHED rOoimV 20 8. 24th, t " 1' ; ... O-M40 FOR RENT STORKS' AD OFFICES. FOR RENT Desk room.or large space suitable for merohanuiaa broker or party doing bualuttks Ju. wlwlesale district, la ulre Hene Co, arpan. street. : '-.-I . .- 154224 FOR RENT-rThe buUding , formerly occu pled by The Bee t ! Farnam St It has tour stories .and 'a .baaement which . was formerly used as The Be press room. This will be rented very reasonably, i ' Interested apply at. once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, roym 100, B.e building. . .i t -4 Mi FOR RENT Store ltr firsf-elass location: rent reasonable. Apply C. Peters 4k Cut,-ground floor. Bee Bldg. I 2ti AOEJtTS "vVAKTEO'. WANTED Canvassing agenu' In 1 every county to solicit attbacrlptlons to TH13 TWENTIETH CtNTURT FARMEK Sisady employ mut. wtth-assured' good in come. Agents In the country wlui horse and buggy especially desired. 'Canvassera tnako easily lt to fiuo per month. Ad tlrms, Oniury Farmer Sulioltora Bureau, Bee building, Omaha, t ' : .-, iu SOMETHING NEW ! Just out Send for - sample. Combination Door Knob and Bell Nq cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batterios to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth Ind to get aut of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble, price and Ball- absolutely guaranteed. Bend Si W for sample. Agents wanted. WfcdTEKN LLEOTiUCAL COWPANV, 1U tarnum btrcet, Ouiaha, Nab.' - J il WANTED, hustling agents to write con tracts where rent buys a. home; liberal aaiary. American Home Investment com pany. Ds Moines. Is, . . J-471 14 WASTED TO BEST. ' WANTED, to- rent, a barn oentrally lo cated. Apply People's foiore. K iiti 17 FURNISHED 'house wanted T or I rooma. modern, poaaeaalon dept. 15 to (Jet L. batntfactory references. No fcmall chll drn. .Address, giving full particulars tl 60, Bee. K M!aJ7 14 FOR SALE FIRK1TIRB. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 110 Dodge. Tel. ..u. New aud sevouuuauil, buuvia, aoid, exchanged. ,' O ijU FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOKS, ETC. REMEMBER, Harry Frott 'puts tires on aud fixes vehicle, lua at 4 Lsavenworta. CLOHlNti out buggies cheap. Johnson A Boberls, John Lcre Bid., luth end Leav, ' ' 1' inM t3 ' FOR SALE MlSltLLAS tot. - WHITE sswdust; sesson checks d oak tim bers, cheap; hug tsute, mo. Sal iuugts. I Si .U FOR SALE Phonographs; superior ta sny -other uitislcal limirbairm, t o'X. 1 be . Wuuuau Co., lt-1 c'axi,aiu. . ' NEW and sacondliand tjps writers. 1111 Far nam. - . - , t ii. loo STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man A McCoiiucll Lfu CO., ieth and - Lvilga, Ouiatia, , - . S4 TIIJJ OMAHA I)AIL, Jir.rr THURSDAY. rOR SALE MISC F.LLAF.Ol S. INDIAN foods and relics. Ull Fsranm. 4 VIM punrture-proof tires, tt.W and 17 00 per pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and hi cago Sts. U 1DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1111 Farnnm. VI 72 L. M. B. alwaya hurry. TeL 7m. Q MS54 EDIHON r-honographa, ro, n and .10j motilHed reonrla, boo each, or $5 per do new wheels, S 1 6 up; Sdhand. SS up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sta. VJ MZ9 PIANO for sal or trade. O 14. Bee. Q-MU7 84 FOR SALE Rmlth Premier typewriter: nearly new cheap. G 46, Bee. Q M4S7 1 FOR PIALTC, two houses, to ba moved Im mediately. Inquire A. Murphy, 420 S. 14th street. , Q 490 1J NOTICE I have fmir hundred thousand good secondhand brick that I will put In the wall for $7 and $7.50 per thousand. Ap- rly to Wm. Foran, at new Bemle BHg., 1th and Jones Sts. Q o2 U CLAIRVOYANTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass 8L 8 T2 MME. GILMER, genuine palmist. 315 S. li. H ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. 7. T log All MME. SMITH, baths, lit N. 15, 2d floor, R t T 132 86 GLADYS RUSSELL, 213 N. 15th, 8d floor. T M43S B9 GRACE O'BRTAN of Ky., 720 Ho. 13th. . T M4R2 P12 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital before and during' con finement; babies adopted. 230 Grant Bt. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-lllii. ' U 72 RUPTURE permanently eured In M to M days: send for circular. O. S. WooL M. D., fcU New York Life Bldg., Omaha? Neb. U-733 VIAVA, woman s way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. S4 Bee- Bblg.. Omaha. U 734 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers. i ' "' ' .- U MSGS GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholessle and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug lua, U-735 ELITE PARLORS, SIS 8. 16th St., 2d floor. I U-167 Al SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25c, In u ii,; -, 11 jsamery, ee building. Tel. 1714. U 7.7 CiMSXOD,T . specialty. In connection U,n AtV Bathery. rooma Ls-2ao. .Be Bkig. lei. l71o. u 731 DH ? M- ,ACKSON. room 4. Frenser Tr uiaeaaes a specialty: con sultation free. U 73 MME. SMITH, baths, 111 N. 15, 2d floor, R. f. U M2u5 A1S $30-tRUPTURE CURED FOR $30 No knife. no pain, uo detention from busirss. Bend for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUP TURE CURE CO., 33 N. 1". Life Bldg.. Omaha. U Ml HAIRDRES8ING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only, in connection with The Bathery. 215-220 Bee Bldg - U 731 VULCAN puncture-proof tires, 14.86 per pair; Columbia tires, !L2 each. Louis Fleecher. U M43tt IS FRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and durina- confinement. Dr. and Mrs, Gerlsch, 404 N. 16th St., Omaha. U-449 PARIS WOOLEN CO. New location, 1415 Douglas. :Phone L-2I2L . . U 464 810 SOME cigars are good and other cigars re better, but the STOECKER CIGARS - Are always BEST. U-77 ' PRIVATE home for ladle before and dur ing confinement Babies 'adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2W0 Burdette St. U474 SepUl An honorable gentleman, 46, wishes to cor . fr " wim a may; oojeci, matrimony. Address Q 62, Bee office. y M.14 14 When You Write . to Advertisers remember It only takes au extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The fiea. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennaa-Love Co., tut S. 13th. W 73 4H PER CENT on business property. b per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any tlmal W. B. MELKLfc, 401 k 16th Jt W 710 WANTED, cty loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith A Co., 120 -Farnam bt W 71. FARM and city loans ' low rates. W H. Thomas. First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1643. W 741 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peter A Co.. 17u2 Famam Bt, Bee Bldg. ' W 74s LOW RATES. Private money. A,""""lvola''nr COMPANY Main Floor. New York LUe Bldg W-744 I PER CENT loans. Oanrln Bros.. 1604 w lie PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas W 76 $100 UP; low rate. Pilchard. 1711 Farnam. W-747 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, S37 N. T. I H TO F. C. money. Bemts. Paxton B:t ' W 7 MONEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. . MONEY WHEN you find it necessary to borrow. y--- - ", mi wnii n we wm oy fair treatment attempt to retain your patronage. We loau irom 110 up, on fur niture, planoa, live stock, iota We also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or Indorser. Ws do not deduct interest In sdvance, we charge nothing for making or Cling papers and our service Is quick and confidential. We alwaya try to please our patrons OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO lis Board of Trade Bldg. Tel 233 (Established 1392) 3v So. 10th 8t X-Mili LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ater. boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offlcea In prin cipal cltiea. Tolraan, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. x-761 Cha'trl and Salary Loans PHOENIX CRtlUT CO.," 8acccssor to J. W. Tayloe. TeL 745. 64 paxton Block. X-M7JJ DO YOtT NEED MONEY SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room su3. Third Floor, Pax ton Block Ot-toS MONEY loaned on plain note to sslsrlad paople; buBlneas eontluentUl; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co MONET loaned on furniture, live rtock, jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Imah Co., sue. to Dull Green, i Barker blot k X-7t4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. olry, horses, cowr, etc C. F. Reed. 8 U. X-757 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. It PhUblu, Xlu Faruaut, 'i bone 74. BISINEKS tKIANCF.S. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and rood-trade; falling henlth Is rea son f-r selling: r.ew brick oven. Ad1r Box Ji5, Geneva, Neb. T M127 TO GET In or out of business rail on Wil liams, Room ill, McCague building. BAKERY FOR SALE. A fine bakery, nicely located, doing a good paying Otmineas; large retail trade. It will pay you to Investigate this. Address, E LI 1. v . i j WHEN yotf want to buy, sell or exchange f our business or property quick, .- J, L Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y M75S MILLINFRT etock for sale, cheap. Ad drees Aide Co. Randolph, Neb. Y MCI 14 IF TOU WANT CASH for your buslnesa, city property or farm send full particu lars with best price and I will tell you bow to get It, provided It Is located In the United State. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson Da Puy, Ies Moines, la., sixth floor Iowa Loan end Trust building. T M345 E FOR SALE, the Porter house, furniture and outbuildings. This, hotel Is doing a nice business, but bn account of poor health owner wants to quit. It will pay you to Investigate thla. Address Fred Porter. Dodge, Neb. Y MSrtJ 27 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, Promoters of Industrie. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Business Chances Bought and Sold, partners Furnished. Special Atten- tlon to the Bale of Fumi-hi Heuees. Rooming Houses. Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar kets. Dry Goods Btores. Millineries and all clasrea of Business. Capital secured for Patents. Stock of Msr chandlse, etc. Advance money to buyers on easy term. If you are looking for small or lare In vestments we can help you, or should you wish to lncrense your business and want eanital, let ue'eknow. ' We give everything prompt attention and guarantee satisfaction. Call or write MARKS BUSINESS CO. 1- 438 GOOD BLOCK.. DES MOINES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BNAP 15,300 will buy nice piece of rental .property In Omaha, first-class condition; pays 14 per cent on above price; no trade considered. Address G 29, Bee. RE M329 IS FOR BALE. acre fruit and garden land, , eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherries, plums, eight acres In tim ber, two miles from car line. Address lul & First CouncU Bluffs. Ia. RE 969 A SNAPI Elegant modern S-room brick """"4- nuuuiw rnc, SJ.ini, Worth W.0UO. Franklin J. Orlffen, 712 N. T. Life. ' - RE MS27 A2 SEE PATNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for choice vaSiJia- WJM, 11. X. XllO 1Q. 'I el. lul. RE 7fil - WILLIAMSON Farnatreft RE 763 HOUSES and lota In all part of city: also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 662, Be Building. RE 761 A MONTHLY payment bargain tn i-rooin house. Q. M. Nattlnger. phone 463. RE M53 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE 764 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa- .in. ti j . . . . . . . vmu imuiiurHrii--uniaaa, xseo. JL RE 765 WHT PAY RENTT ' OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial': Home Company of America. Best plan on earth 1 Office. 221 " . C ,ihi. it n. Wilde, manager. . RE M237 AU HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton block. '.- RE 768 1,040 ACRES good South Dakota land, all fenced, stocked with 117 . head of cattle and 15 heed of horses; 40 ton old hay; fine house and barn;- also household fur niture and arm Itiiple tents; plenty of , water, for, stock; 'SW take the whole thlngi -term j,;.easy,Sw Wrlpht ft Laa bury. 506 Ro 16th -. . RE M46S 14 Last Barrier of the Kind . We will offer thls waek 22 acres Just west of the STATE MUTE INSTITUTE, and a quarter of a mile' north of Krugs park, for the low price of 1200 per acre. Will sell you one acre or more. This Is the biggest barg-alrt that anyone has of fered In acre for the last five or six years.'. We eold 1 seres of this beautlfuj tract of land last week, BLIXT A LOVGREN, 436-7 Paxton Slock. v RE 497 14 . MID-SUMMER BARGAINS. REAL fcSTATE. This ls the quiet season In real estate, but here are some bargains that ought to tempt any purse. A good time to buy a cheap home: WALLACE, 811 J. J. Brown" Block. $2,500 Beautiful, hew, modern, 7-r. house, Dundee. . , , 1,700 Modern 1-r; house, good repslr. west. $1.600 Large lot, good house, fruit, near th and Grant 11,600 2639 Seward, 8-r., modern, rents $16. $1,2H0 8-r. house, I lot, Monmouth Park. $1,100-3318 Parker. 6-r., city water. i)0-ii6 Miami, 4-r.. full lot. $m 3oo8 N. aid, 40x100. t room. Other barrains everywhere. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. . Jll!r-aU0 14 When. You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of th pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In The Bee. XiUS'l'. LOST, ladle' black purse containing money and check, either on Georgia Ave., 2d St or Leavenworth 8u Reward for return V Bee. I Lost 192 14 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the asknowledged leading apecialiat in diseases of Women tn Omaha, would . call Uie attention of Buffering ladle to hi unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for IrreguiarlUes, uo matter what cause. Cell or address, with stamp. Dr. Prlsa, Arlington Block. Lm DodKe Omaha. ;u LADIES' Chichester" English Pennyroyal Pills are the beat; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. 'Relief fur Ladles" in letter by return mail. Ask your drus-Riat Chlcheater Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Bult 616. N. Y. Life Bldg. rfeL lbt4. -77$ DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. TeL ZJ)Z. 774 MRS. GRACE DEEQAN. 628 Bee building. Tel. . -14 A 14 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma chinist 7.6 CM AHA bafe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cially of fire escapes, shatters, doors and sate. U. Aaureen. Prop., )u2 8. luth St. 774 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A..C. VAN 8ANT-8 echool. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter prlncloaL N. Y. Life. i NEB. Business A Shorthand Collage. Boyd 1 neater 770 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; ahlrta, Sc; collars, 2c; cults, 4c 1760 Leavenworth. TeL A-17S3. 772 EEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 20S. M sol PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business cviiUdsuUall Lwi Douglas. - ... AUGUST 14. 1002. AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AT7TOMOB1LE8. DerigM'S 111 Farnam street. --7 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., U North 1'th. . 7x4 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2". 77 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. Cl ND Electrto Co., If St Jackson. Tel. 24, 7 vt S i .ill, JUNK. MIXED country scrap. Ills atove plate, St, Alpirn. htri Farnam. 77S STAMMERING AND 8TVTTBS1INO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4S0 Ramga BM. -7t FCR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO Unnsrs, 1UI Bo. lh, . 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY.- Tele phone 2190. 611 South. Thirteenth street ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice Cresm Soda, on price, 5c; one quality, the best 8, W. Cor, 24th and Ames Ave. 211 All MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017; M4" Atl TINNERS AND CORNICES. E. SAVAOE, 2821 Farnam. 'Phone. 2111. M843 81 MUSICAL. MRS. F. H. WRIGHT, piano, 1811 Webster Bt i378-4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and , dead animal, at reduced piicea. 621 N. 10. Tel, 1779. T ' 790 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611ft Farn. Tel. 1569-lTCS. 7H ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. 1 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. 370 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2580 Harney. 832 AS1 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. $06 Bo. lth -M.'U L. M. E. haul trunk. Tel. 780. M366 , LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. S. N'l Bk. Bid. - 777 NEB. Collection Co., SOS N. Y. Life Bldg, A19 TYPEWRITERS. I.AVBEBT TTPKWBITirn nri. t'm- 1. faat, . efficient, durable, easleat to learn usa ana care lor; seni on approval. Jlton roe as to.t au jso. ieth Bt, Omaha. -MIS PATENTS. PATENTS Sue 4k Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no fee unles succeasful; wdvlca frov, - i. .''-i.81t- FLORIST. I HENDERSON. 1611 Farnam. TeL 1261. Bend for price list, cut dower and plants, -M784 BICYCLES. CLOSING out new and second-hand bi cycles, lea than cost Louis Fieacher. M437 Mi POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by air Interested, aa changes may occur at any Urns.) Foreign mails for the week ending August 16, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postofflce a follows: Parcels poet mall close one hour earlier than cloalng time shown below. Parcel post mails for Germany close at I d. m. Mon day, Wednesday and per s. a. Hobeniollern on Friday. "'.-. i ..-. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that' supplement ary malls for Europe- and Central America via Colon olose one hour later at foreign stations '. r i r ' Traaaatlaatla Malls, . . THURSDAY At 6:10 ... n. . for , EUROPE, per a. Augusta Victoria, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mail for France, Switzerland, Italy, Bpain, Portugal, Tur key, Egypt, Greece, Brltiah India and Lorenso Marque roust be directed "per a. . Auguata Victoria"); at J a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, BPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH .INDIA and LOR ENZO MARyUEZ per a. a La Touraine, via Havre (mall for other parte of Eu rope muat be directed "per s. s. La Touts alne"). Saturday At ijo a. m. for nether lands direct, per a. s. Ryndsm imall must be directed "per . s. Ryndara"); st 8:30 a m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Campania, via Queens town; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per a. s. Anchor La (mall must-, be directed "per s. s. Anchorta"); at 10 a.'m. for BELGIUM direct, per . . Vaderland (mail muBt be directed "per . . Vader land "). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. Thl eteamef lane ii mien in.iici, vuinmvi uil papers and aamples for Germany only. 'lhs same clasi of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not ba sent by .thl ship uiuvoa Rifciiniif uurvivu uy ll. . After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails named a bo, a dill - iiuubi ,uiiiriiiiuii j siiaiia ara ot lieu on the pieia of the American, Ettxiixit, French and German steamers and remain ' open until wHhtn ten minute of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mall for Soatfc aad Ceatrat America, Weat ladles, E. THURSDAY At I a. m. for CTTBA. YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Vlgllancla (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. e. Vlgilancia."); at 12 In. (Supplementary 12 30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, (JL'ANTAN AMO and SANTIAGO, per a. . Ortxaba; at 13 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, pr s. s. Dominic, via Para and kianaos; at 6.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Ad miral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At 10:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. a. Capri via Pernambuco and cantos (mall for Northern Brasll mut be di rected "per s. s. Capri"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. a. benaca, via Tampico (mail must be directed "per s. s. Benaca"); at 12:3o p. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Lauenburg. SATURDAY At 7 a. ra. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at I a. m. fur BERMUDA, per a. s. Pretoria; at S a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Ponce, vl Ban Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplemen'arv 1:10 a. m.) for CURACO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulia (mall for Bavanllla and Cartagena muat be directed "per a. a. Zufla' ); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary lo 30 a. ro ) for FORTUNE Is'LANU Ja MAICA. S A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GKEYTOWN. per a. . Alho (mall for Costa Rica muat be directed "per a. s. At boa"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. . Mexico, via Havana; at 1 p. in. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PAR A UUAY, per a. . Soldier Prince, al-W roSTOFFICB NOTICE. a. m. for Yucstsn, vl Progreso, per., a. l'HIJ. i ' Malls for Newfonndland, by rail to North t-'rilney, and ihenc by steamer, close St thla orHre 1lly st I So p. m. (connectlns close here everr Montlay. Uedneaday and Kiitor.lnr). stslia for Mlquelon, by rail to RoKton, and tbem-e l.v steamer, clone at this oitloe dally at 4:30 p. m. Milla for Cuba, by rail to Flnrlila. and thence rr steamers, are ilfmiiitf.ti-t taiiv . . r Thursday, final connecting closes, for dia- m.-n vta ion lamps, on Mnndava, k edtiffsdai-s end Patunlavs at .-) n, or dlialch via Miami, on Mnml.v. mil Pntunlnya at 6..VI p. m. Malls for fct City, hverlanfl. Utileas spectallr addreeaed for dlnpatrh by steamer, close at this otllce dliy except Putulsy at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:) p. m. Mslls for Ctista Rica, Kellse, Puerto tortes and Guatemala, by rail to I.--W Tn-Boa, a nq inenoa ny stesmer, close t this Ofllca dally evept Sundny at p. m.( Sundays at H p. m. (con necting clones here Mondays for .Bellxe, Pnerlir Corte and Guatemala, snd Tima. days for Costa Rica). Keslstered mall closes at p. m. previous day. TrSsspaclSe Mall. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San rranclsco, close here dally at 4:S0 p. m. up ;,Av.gut li, inclusive, for dispatch I'er j. n.- irannperu Malls, for Hawaii. Jm.in r-Viin. , "'ass matter for tha Philippine Inlands, via Ban Francisco, close here dully at l .tO p. m. up to AuguNt ll. Inclusive, for rtldpatoh per s. s. American Maru. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and lctoria. B C cloae here daily at 1 10 p. tn. up to August 12, Inclusive, for dispatch 'pcY a. s. Empress of Japan (re glittered, mail must be specially ad- uieseeu. , ill ercna muse lor U. n. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded Tin iBnaiiHf. Malls for Tehltl end Marquess Inlands, via, San Francisco,"' close her daily a S 3 p. m.'Up tO AOguat 15. Inclusive. fn H snatnti mw -a a. i s i w.-r-wii .r-g . snnnpunn. MftllS for 'AlLHirsili t 4t leenl Waar ti strslla, which goes via Europe and New Zealand, which goc via San Francisco), and HI Islands, via Vsncouvar and Vltv toria, , B. C, close here dally at 6.90 p. Si. a.f,T usu"l- and up to Auo-ust 1A InolllalvA tl tuhal.k - k I - - - - . , .v. u .v. ,1 rci m . S. Al lO wera. - Malls for Hawaii, via 'San FTanclsco. close nere uany it v .-wt p. m. up ro August 18. Inclusive, fo dispatch per . s. Alameda. Malls for China snd Japan, via Seattle close here dally St 6:80 p. m. up to August SO, Wiclualve. for dispatch per s. s Phlnano Mara, -' (Registered mall muat be oirecieo via unit Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China and first- via San Francisco, close here dslly at :0 p. m. up to Aua-ust 21, Inclusive, for Malls for Australia (except West Atl- umu&i n iiiir jrviirea. ruaiiH, wmcn is i omar iej via hiurope). New Zealand. Fill. Rnmn mil 1 1 n --a it via Ban Francisco, clone here daily at 6:S0 p. m. after August ! and up to Augut 430, Inclusive, or on arrival of . . Etmrla. due . at New York August jv, ioi uiniaii-ii per s. a. eonoma. Transparlfla mat! ar forwarded to port m .. u ,r i,i, in, Kiiniiuin mi clos ing I arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall cldae at S p. m. pre vious day. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. . . To Wbont It Kit ('oni,rn-fInliiui la t..- by given that the Board of Commissioners of Rock county. Nebraska will, on the 18th day of August. 1902. and until noon at that day, receive bid at Bassett, Nebraska, for the construction of a bridge crossing the Nlnbra.a river at a point on or near the-- half -section ..line dividing section 10, north and south. In township 12, range 19, which brldm r shall be of tha following ran. eral character: Of sufficient length to span aald river from bank to bank, including Island, and bout 6t feet; . pile and stringer, under truss, -wood , bridge; white oak-piling, M feet, 12 Inches at butt and driven at least 24 feet Into the ground; bent 86 feet apart 4 y"?e, ,to the bent; bente protected by piling Ice breaks, with railroad Iron protec tion, and bents or piles under same pro tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string e r iir.,nn fir 4x11 Inches, laid 1 Inches from center to ' center; 14-foo: roadway, two and one-half-inch white oak plank; trusses not less than one Inch in diameter, 4 truss rods to each span; railing 1 feet high, substantia;, nard pine, caps on pile white oak.12xl2; bridge tq be 6 feet above low , water mark, and to be painted. AU material to' be first-class of kind named. Plana and peclfloatlona In county clerk' office. " All bids must ir accem; n'ed by plan knd specifications, and also bond -as re-, quired by law. and bo bid will be coildered unless accompanied by. bond. Right reserved lo' reject any or all bids." fey order of the' Board of Commissioner of Rock county. Dated July I, 1902. Q, A. lilLLBURG, County Clerk. ' July ISdJOt U RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Trr the District Court In and for Douglas County Nebraska, William G. Madden, Plaintiff, agntnnt Nebraska Fire Insurance Company - et ' al, Defendants. To all creditors of the Nebraska Fire In surance company,, you and each of you are hereby notified that In pursuance of an order of the district court of Douglas county, made January 17, 1902, a dividend of two (2) per' cent on all allowed claims against the Nebraska Firs Insurance com pany has bten. declared; that said dividend la payable at my office, room 10t3 New York Life building, Omaha. Neb.; that the time for tp&ymept of said dividend has been. extended td October 6, 192, and pay ment thereof must be, demanded at my of Rce, and unless such demand be made bv October 6, 1902, you and each of you will be forever; barred -from any right to par ticipate In -the, funds appropriated for said divldmdi-- . ... ' i All such claim must be presented at the ofllce , of the .receiver, room luu3 New York -Life building In the city of Omaha, or transmitted to him by mall at the above address. . u; Datd tjil 7th. day of August, 1908. v A. U. WYMAN, i Receiver of the Nebraska Fire Insurance company. i , .i , A7-14-21-23 M PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MASONRY WATER DAM FOR CHEY ENNE. (WTO.) -WATERWORKS. Office of the City Clark,. Cheyenne. Wyo., July 21, 19t&-Healed proposals will be received by the city clerk of Cheyenne, Wyo., at his office In said city until noon of Thursday, August 11, 1902. for the construction of a masonry dam ou the Middle Fork, of Crow Creek. plan .and specifications for the proposed work may be seen at the offlcea of the city clerk or thq city engineer, and blank forms of proposal will b furnished by the city clerk. , .j. Each bid must be enclosed In a ' sealed envelope, and,(T)ust be accompanied by a certified check for ll.oOO.OO a guarantee that, tha, successful bidder will enter Into a contract. Bidders must furnfuh satisfactory evi dence -of their ability to do th class of Work required. ' Bids will be opened at a special meeting of the city council of said city of Chey enne. Wyo.; to be held on Thursday, August 21, 1902, at B o'clock p. m. . r J. L. MURRAY. Mayor. E: A. ABRT, City Clerk. Jy21EOD13t : GOVERNMENT-.. NOTICES. -. ' i - . ; PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Stores, odiue of Purchasing Commissary, U. W, Army, Army Building, Omaha, Neb., August 11, 1902. ttealed Proposals, In trip licate, for ' furnishing bacon, Issue, dry salt cure, In crates and In -ib. net cans and haras, dry salt cure, m tierces, will be-received st thtsi oftice, at the office of the Purchasing Cbmm.ssary, U. 8. Army, KannasiCny, Mo., and at the office of tho Purchasing t'omtnlBRary, U. S. Army, Chi cago, lib,, until 11 o'clock a. m. Friday, Au gut 22. 2'2, at filch time and placaa they will be publicly oM-ned. Arttclea of do mestic production or manufacture will be preferred to tboee -of furcigu origin, cost and quality bebixiauuaL kj.(-liii-ailiin as to quantum", dale snd places of delivery, blank proposals -and further Information furnished on application to either oftice. Envelope containing proposals nhould be endorsed -""Proposals - for Subsistence Bforea, to be Oined Friday, Auguat 22. I9u2," and addreaaad to Wm. R. Grove. Cap tain, CoinmlsiMryi.Purchaaing Commissary, Omaha, Keb. tit DA lT-12-13-14-15-16 and a Bet3 Advertising Man will call on you to get a Want Ad or , a Half Page. Call up -l S lAILWAT 11MS UKlli UNION STATION lplR AND SfAPIt T, Chicago, Rack laland A raelflo. Chlengo Daylight Lim- ' . . ' Ited a I 00 am Chicago Dayllsht a 1:00 am Uhlcaso Kxpresa.,..v.hli-is am t.n Moines Local ...,. $ 20 pm Chicago aat Expre . a I Mb pm W r a r. Roclr Mountain Llov , Ited a 1. 50 am a -x it a I M pn a I ox pm bll W am 125 pa 4 51 an. Lincoln, Colo. Vurlns enver. pueblo ant West Colo., Tsxss. CaL Oklahoma Flysr... Illlaols Caatral. .a I SO pm 1:41 pur ... I: pm all 40 pm Chicago Exprea Chlcss-t, Mlnneapoll Bt Paul Limited....:. .a f JO am a 6:i pnt .a 1M pm I.-CS ass Minneanolla V St Pall Kxpi-eaa ,1) 1M In b10: pm) Chicago Express alO:S6 pn laloa Paclfle. ,(. .,' ' " . ' . ,' Leava. ' Arrive, ' Overland Limited. a to em 'a 7 0 pm Fast Mall ,. I M iiti a 1.35 pn Csllforola Express..,... 4 pm Parlllc Expreaa...., all. 30 pm Eastern r.xpres.... Atlantio Express.... Colorado rlpeclal... Chicago Spcicia...,. Lincoln, I.aatrlce a 4:16 nn k 7:S0aB ; 1:40 a-g, bll W pwf, b 1:35 pm '7:10 am snd Btromsburg x..... Grand Island Local., .b 4HW pm .b 5:30 pm ' Wabaak. i ' Bt Louis -"Cannon Ball" -i i. Express - a MM pm- k 1:10 sol Bt. Loui Locr.L Council . , Bluff -.. a :ll am , alO:SO pnf liiiiasniraeiae. St Louis Express. .... alO OO sm K. C. ABU L Ex.....aiv:60 pm Chleaao, Mllwaake At' St. Paal. aal. .- . j kl:40pp a 7;6o au Chicago A Omaha Fa..b t:40 ant ' Chicago Ltraiteil JEx....a 6:00 pm Chleasa A Nartkwaatarav . "The Northwestern Lin,- ,1 Fast Chicago. ......,.,.'.,a 1 40 am at 00 anf Mall :oo pm a I AO an juocai . nvus . viix........a a:iu am 8 M) nnm AayilBII Dl. BUI.1 i .OH lO, Daylight Chloago..,....a I:u0 am Local Chicago ,.',.:;. m am , .... . ... l. . a. li. .. I . - aiO.25 pnt U:'A) pm a 1:30 pna al0:U ami a 4:06 pn. a 120 ami a 8 60 anj a 1:40 pnt bl0;00 am ' liocal Carroll .. , ..a 1 f-i rm Faat Chicago. ,4:6a ptu Limited Chicago. a 7:t pmv Fast St. Paut....M,.i...a -7 pm Fast Mali...., Local Bloux City b S:p5 pm BURLINGTON STATION-IOTR MASOV Barllngrton Wlmurl RKer 'J UI 'LaaVi Arrive, ? Wymore, Beatrice and . i Lincoln .v 4 Iftfl k)t bfi:PJ se . Nebraska Express, .....a 8:l 'r-, a 7 6 pm Denver Limited ..a. 4-23 pm S:tt am Black. Hill and Puget tound . ExDress all JO nm ' a 'l:la tin Colorado ,- VestlbUlea ,' . lyer a 1:16 pm) Lincoln Fast Atil..-..b 1:10 pin a 1:17 an. Fort- Crook and Fiatl- '' mouth i bt :20 pm bllMS ansf Bellevnue 4k Pact&c Jet a 7:M) pm a I J7 an Bellevue- PaoiUo Jot-a l.-uO m . Kansas City, St. Joaepk A Coaaell BlaHe.. t Kansas City Day Ek.Vi.a 1:20 im 'a 't-m nrA i ' Bt Louis Flyer ,.,.a 6:10 pro aU:lg ant Kansas City JNlght Kx.jwj pm a 6:16 am Ckleakc Barllaistoav A alay. Chicago- Boectai '..".... ...a'7:0 an a 4;i pnt Chicago Veatibuled Ex a 4:"0 pm a 7:3u am Chicago Local ..a 1:80 am all pnt cnicago Limited a :u pm a 7:S0 ant sasi Mail .................. ., a 1:4 SGa a Daily.- b Dally except Sunday, a Rim. day onlf. d Dsuiy except Saturday. Dally except Monoay. .. .. . : ' WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH 4k WEBSTER, Cklcaaa ' St- Paal, ' MlaaeapolU . Osaaka. " ,' ' -.'r . 1 r . Leava Arrlra. Twin City Fasseager.,.. 6:30 am a 9:00 pnt Bloux City Paeuger...a 2:00 pm all:20 ant Kmeraon Local ..b 6:u pm b 8:46 ana , )l iVkora k . MlaMart v,ii,. ': ' . . 1 . Black Hills. DeUwood,'' Hot Springs ..a 1:00 pm a IM pq, Wyoming,- Caanar and Hastings,' York, David-, A , .v ., iny, superior, ueneva, , Exeter and Seward.... b 1:00 on b S:0l DtB 1 Norfolk, Lincoln- .and 1 Fremont b 7:80 am . blO -J6 ana Fremont Local . ,-v.. 0,730 am ,. ,. . , Mlaaoarl Pacta), i i' . Nebraska- Local,1 Vler' ' V '" weoping water .......o too pm -aiD:a ans ! -5- r; ..1 r - n steamships; !:0LLi;D.rLTnic5 u;:e New York-Rotterdam, via. Boulogne, 8. M. new 1 win-ocrew s. s. of ta.uuu tons regl.tir Twin-Screw Dimrfim Steamer , 1 f ) -1 IJ U flul Aug. 16, 10 A. U. Steamer v .Rotterdam' J Aug. 2S. 10 A, U , Twln-Sorew. UAa.Jaa Am. 80. Steamer ' ' lluUi Udiil -: .' 10 A. M' Apply to : Harry "Moorea. '1601 Farnam ' street; J. 8. MrNally. 1323 .Farnam street 1 H. 8. Jonea. liKie'Far . First National , Famam street; Louia Bank.' Omaha- Say Wresg Mea Were Lynched. , CUMBERLAND',' Md., Aug. 18 James) Lancaster, the hegro In Jail at Parsons,' W. Va,, In connection 'with the murder of' Chief of Police Wllmoth at WomeUdorf, W. Va., now .says' that Clement and Car, roll, th twoi negroes lynched, were th wrong men, and that the murderer wa' James Black. Th twovmen lynched wore In a house- at' tha time;- away from- tha scene of the Crime. Lancaster 'was belnff placed under arrest 'by WHmotb when tha latter wa shot Trom ambush, 1 1 IT Stebklagrs Held ta Grand Jary. CHICAGO, Aug.. It Walter. I. iBtebbtlin. who on Saturday stabbed tq death Walt! A. Scott, president of ttte Jlllnol Wliw company. In the, latter1, office In th Monadnock iiuydlng, wa held, to th grand jury today .by the prouer . j ur. . Seasohablel Fashion" '1 ffi1,1 4231 Mine' "Slot Seam' IS to tf JMIi. Mlsse' "Slot Bea.ra ejrjrt ,4201. "8I0 earns" mark the latest development of tuck and plait and ere among the fe4 ture noted In th model, ot Jh best d and . may be. looked for la the sjilts and the skirts of the comlug season. .This stylish skirt show them to advantage and. I both graceful and hecoralng a well a mart. Th original .1 of filc'llsa. but all suiting and skirt material r. appro prtate. - -i . - The skirt is cut ta cVen gores Sad th "let eams".. ar ao arranged a to-conceal all joining. At their upper portion they ar tltched ' flat , with silk,' but ; fal" fre at flouno depth where thetg fullnas provide flar and freedom.' : Tb fttllaeag ' at tha back U laid Id laverted plalu tha are pressed Bat To cut thl skirt Is th medium lx (1 year) TH yardA of material 27 Inches wid. I yard 44 laches wld or 6 yard 6 inched wide will be required.' - Th pattern 4201 I cut la alxe for oil, see) ot 12, 14 and 16 year ef eg. ... , Fop th accommodation ef Tha B real trs, these pattens, wbtch usually retail al from 26 to 50 cent, win be f urate bed at si nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expanse. . Ia order to get a- patten a rlos 10 cents, give uamber Snd ;fte ef pat Urn ls and. bust Bisur , : I " '-t."V 'l"-..' "Vs '