MAKING SPEARING DATES CLiinaan Lindsay Has Froraifa of Help Daring th rail Campaign. KiCKEY SWINGING AROUND THE CIRCLE As-fstanr Geaeral Colby Will Per aoaaliy lavestlg-ate CaaSltfoa at Millar Rifles Refer Aet ' las Report. , (From a 8taft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 11. (Special.) Chalrraaa Lindsay ef ths republican committee baa turned hie attention to the preliminary work of the epeaking part of the campaign and fcronlsee soon to have some of the foremost republican orator of the country engaged for aerrice lo tbla atate. Tbe Intention of the campaign managers 1 to bate the peaking begin about September 1, ao that there will be juat two months for the work before election. Several prominent mem be re of con grrie have assured either tbe Nebraska senators or the atate committee that they will gladly give their aervlcee (or the content. Thla afternoon Mr. Lindsay accepted the proffered aervlces of Frank W. Col Una, formerly of Lincoln, but now ef Washington. Mr. Colllna will likely be kept la the atate during all the month of October. During bin later yeara in Lin coln Mr. Colllna waa county attorney and PA-etdent of the Toung Men'a Republican slub. J. H. Mickey tbla afternoon terminated a puey rlalt of three daya at the atate as sembly of the Epworth league, which la Bow la progreia at Lincoln park. He will attend picnlca and renniona during the remainder of tbe week, making brief peechea at all of them. Hla Itinerary aa outlined now. Includes a visit to Dlller on August 14. He will be at Beatrice on the following day and at Union the next. August 11 On August Is Mr. Mickey will be at Fullerton, at Franklin on August 19 and at Wayne on August Si. On Labor day he will apeak at Nebraska City. Thue far Mr. Mickey haa made no polit ical apeecbea and haa attended but few political rallies. He la constantly moving, however, and lislleves that be can accom plish aa much for hie ticket that way aa by Joining the spellbinders. Later In he campatga be nay do more speaking - and confine blmaelf more closely to po litical Issuea. . At the Epworth league dur tag the last three daya Mr. Mickey baa been the object Of wldeepread attention. He participated actively In several of the meeting, but aa an individual and not aa a candidate. He regrets tbat his being a can didate made It necessary tor him to leave the assembly before it' adjourned. Colby to laveatleate Rifles. Adjutant General Colby Intends to per- Jonaily Investigate the condition and affairs f the Millard Rifles of Omaha before tak ing action on the report of the military board of Inquiry, which recommended that the entire organization be mustered out of (he eervlce. The general la of the opinion that the differences may be settled In a peaceable manner. He believes he may find It accessary to relieve one or more of the Officers and -several of the noncommissioned ameers ana privates, nui iis wiii uesiiat. before discharging the entire company. The member of the organisation appear to be alarmed at tbe prospect of being sum marily relieved from duty. Nearly every day some of them Interview or communi cate with tbe adjutant general regarding , their etatus and practically, all express the opinion that with a little assistance from headquarters the eovnpany can be reorgan ised upon a firmer foundation. . , . General Colby said thla afternoon h would probably examine Into tha case som time- Best week. He wtll go to Council Bluffs with the governor's staff on Wednes day and may arrange to visit tbe company's puarters en that day or the one follow Btate ' Veterinarian " Thomas Is . warning stockgrowars of the danger that exists in Wild grasses. "Owing to the nature of the season." be says, "wild grass Is heavily ergotUed ' thla year. The samples indi cate as much. Borne fields will bs found io seriously affected that tbe bay will be useless unless the growth can be removed. Such grass produces three forms of dis ease, the most common being a dry, gan grenous form, the circulation being Im peded and resulting in the loss of ".oes or a portion of the tall or other members. In this form there Is a distinct demarca tion between the dead and live tissues. Abortion la liable to follow from the poison ing. A fblrd form cot often noticed is aer.vousnecs, causing death. Two kinds of ergot never before noticed la this section have been discovered this year. At &ir'b Ber one man lost twenty bead of cattle, which some thought had blackleg. In my opinion, they were suffering from sores caused by mud. Nearly every pasture this year baa a mud puddle In it- The cattle eland In it, the mud drlea and closes ths pores, causing Irritation, and when the mud racks there come sores, which are very annoying." ' Okargreel with MaaetaaerVter. Ths charge of ' manslaughter waa today preferred, against Ernest Vlsel by the county attorney. He Is "ths confessed mur derer of George Hollloger. The tragedy occurred during a drunken brawl on the 'sidewalk at Eghth and M streets late Sat urday nUht. llolllnger accused Vlsel, v. bo had beon his companion throughout tbs evening, of stealing some of his money. He followed these accusations by an as ssult. Vieel guarded well from tbe blows of bis assailant, and, being more power ful, soon had Ilollinger writhing at his feet. Twice Hollinger arose and each time, waa knocked down again. The third Mow was tbe Its', for it broke the man's berk and a few minutes later life waa extinct. Coegrearman Burkett haw received no tice from the United Etates Civil Service commission that examinations (or the reve nue cutter service will be held simulta neously in Beatrice, Grand Island and Omaha, cn August 25, 2S and 27. Ths ap plicants (or appointment must be between the ass of 13 and 2d, pby&lcblly sound and not less than i feet t lnchfa In ae'sht. Tbe salary attached to the position, which la that o( cadet In the revenue cutter service, la 1500 per year. It is believed Mr swr-sj p CCLU 0 pi 3 dp.-X tbat nine or ta cadets will be appo'nled from among tbe sttoreruI competitors !n this month's examinations. Fprerhes by men prominent ' la national political or official life will be an tnmiva- tioa at the forthcoming state fair. W. J. Bryan haa accepted the Invitation of tbe Btate Board of Agriculture to deliver aa address on some (arm topic and Secretary of Agriculture Wllaon has givea urmnce that ho will attend the fair. If no b'ltlo of mere pressing importance re;ul;ss his presence la Wsshlngtoa or elsewheie dur ing the fair week. Governor Jeunlngs of Florida will be among tbe speakers. Makes Camper Skiver. Tenters at the park this morning crawled out of their thin covers and shivered la the cool air of the morning. They camped i out with no thought of tool weather and i many of them would have been pleased with the comfort of a hard coal fire. "The Book of Revelatlona," waa again the cutiject treated by Rev. Mr. Nicholson at I o'clock, tha hour for bible exposition. It waa a sort of eontlnuatloa of his abls analysis of Saturday. At the Epworth parliament Mra. Annie Hobbs Woodcock spoke oa the theme, "The Junior League." Its popularity among tbs younger members of the church. Its helpfulness snd Its possibilities were inter estingly detailed, following which came a discussion Indulged by many. "The Cigarette," received Ita customary rolling and drubbing at the Woman'a Chris tian Union Institute, the subject being handled by Prof. J. L. McBrlen. He dis cussed tbe subject from a physiological, ethical and religious point of view and euj grated ways in which the Woman's union mleht work for the mitigation of tbe evil. Tha Lincoln Ministerial association this morning determined upon Friday, Auguat 29, aa a apecial day of prayer and thanks giving. The call is not Intended only for the people of Lincoln, but for all the atate as well. It Is recommended that aermona appropriate to the day be preached on tha preceding Sunday. Proceedings have been begun In court for tbe release of Melvln G. Hubbard from the atate penitentiary. Hubbard was convicted In Knox county on tbe charge of assaulting Miss Jennie Porter. A few weeks ago Miss Porter was married to L. E. Craig. On the night of the wedding the bride sati ned Hubbard's parents that it waa her bus band who waa responsible for her condition and not their son. She la Joining In the effort to have him released. The maa has served five months In the penitentiary. ' The devotiona of yesterday closed the Christian encampment at Bethany la mu sic, prayer and eloquence.' By ananlmous vote It was decided that tha encampment would be held at Bethany for the next Ave yearn. Already preparations are under way for the meeting next summer. la addition to Interesting sermons yesterday waa ths observsnce of communion service, of which Edgar Price of Beatrice delivered the ser mon. Chaplain McCleary addressed the worshippers laat evening. Ths South Nebraska Millers' association met to apecial aeaslon at the Undell hotel tonight. Questions of mutual Insurance of mill property, freight rates) and tha quality of wheat were discussed. It was agreed that none of thla year's wheat la yet In condition to bo ground. That grown la the western districts la of a much better quality than tbo eastern. Adjutant General Colby has authorised Comnany a of the Second regiment. T of ths First regiment, the Millard' Rlflea and the South Omaha cavalry troop to partici pate In any military maneuvers la connec tion with ths Eighth Army corps reunion la Council Bluffs thla week, but without ex pense to tha atate. Tha city council tonight repealed ths six for a quarter atreet ear ticket ordinance, thla being part of aa agreement by which the company obllgatea Itself to' extend a ear lino to tha University farm. - ' AT THE SALEM. CHAUTAUQUA Sessloa Haw is Fall Iway aael slreas Ates4 Assembly : " Prwerrauae. SALEM, Neb.. Aug. 1L (8peclal.) The different departments, of 'the : Interstate Chautauqua are organised and running In full blast. i Todav tha Woman's PhrlatUn Tam ...... I Union school of method waa organised by Mrs. k. A. Fulton, young people's normal class by Miss Nettle Bnldow of Lemara, la., ths pastors' congress, woman'a suffrage de partment, Sunday school worker'a congress by Mlas Jennie McMIIlar of Morrill. Kan. At 11 a. m. a lecture Id the Interest, of the Woman'a Christian Temperance union waa delivered la ths big tent by Mra. Eu genia 8t., John of Denver.. . At Z:S4 p. m. DeWItt Miller delivered one of. .hla famous lectures.- The man who preached Sanday and lectured today' la praised from all sides. , 4 It is estimated that there were I. WO peo ple on the grounds Sunday. One hundred and twenty-five tenta have been let up to date to camping partlea. Everything oa the ground la aew and conducted ia a business-like manner. One of the most enjoyable and entertain ing featurea ef tha assembly la a chorus of about 100 voices under direction of Prof. Boatman, Veteraao Gather at Beatrice. BEATRICE!, Neb.. Aug. 1L (apecial Tele gram.) The Southeaatem Nebraska district reunion opens here Wednesday for one week and a number of veterans from dif ferent parts of the state have arrived and taken up quarters on tbe grounds. ' The Seventh United States field battery will arrive here tomorrow from Fort Riley, Kan., the battery camps near Wymore tonight. Bararlars at West Point. WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) Last evening ia tbe abaence of the family the dwelling of B. Manoeteld on Main street waa broken Into and Jewelry and other por table property of tbe value of t-00 carrlod off. Tbe tblevea obtained entrance through a second story window by removing the screen. There is no clus to the burglars. Sul'owi Lye" aad May Die. BEATRICE, Nob., Aug. U. (Special Tele gramsThe 3-year-old daughter of Louis Shlrling, who resides near Kills thla county, drank concentrated lye and may die. The chill is at a sasttariuia here r.ctivlt g treat u.eLt. ri r m ssq Tweniy-a v ysacs ago Is arqaslntlag )wWil sHh tse Strecta of Uis Jaa. h" fcuueued Gofcl Vk awk ' 1. aa eau-rirt&lusfthknLft! tjed ths DMtaod berssbttwa. Jm. too t'satsarsstiU uaeeuoost nsia lads. As (owl uiclK! gs(4 In piMiua, Br tbaa gotd la wasting ouamy. lsas Ibaa solid foM ka cask Is a thsr Is a laysr sf vary Iters' eouncsltlosi astwass aa sushis aos owikMiar r solid fu4d rciiKditg Ut aims el ti hm, aae edJuissrmi!y H its srrmr&. bl-SlMlwussdlilMrbiUnuiiM S noxiuasS u Uw suasaro. ssS aula aseuefc fay sil )ma V ru as a MM, - The a.. WhJi Csm Csasssay, railasvaii. TUT: OMA1TA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, HOW TO-TIND CUT. Fin a bottle or connos glass with yeur wster aad let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates aa ua bealthy condition of the kidneys; If It stains ths linen It Is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It, or pain la the back Is also convincing proef that the kidneys aa bladder are out of order. There la comfort la tbs knowledge so often expressed that Dr. K timer's Swamp Root, tbe great kidney aad bladder rem edy, fulfills every wish la curing rheuma tism, pala la the back, kldaeya, liver, bladder and every part of the arlnary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pals la paaalng It, or bad effecta following use. of liquor, wlno or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant Oectsalty of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get op many times during the sight. The mild and the ex traordinary effect of Swamp-Root ia aooa realised. It stands ths highest for Its wonderful cure of the most distressing rases. If you need a medicine you ahould have the best. Sold by druggists ia fifty cent and one'dollar sises. You may have a aample bottle ef Swamp Root and a book tbat tella more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall. Ad dress Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. T. Whea writing mention that yon read thla generoua offer la the Omaha Morning Bee. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllmera Swamp Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. T., oa every bottle. STOCKBREEDERS A TANGLE Employes Serve Twtaty aBaanoae aa tbe Riverside Raaekt Coaspaay. ASHLAND. Neb.. Aug. It (Special.) The Riverside Ranch company, tha heaviest breeders of Hereford cattle In America, George E. Richer t Co., proprietors, have suspended payment. Last week the employes, numbering soma twenty persons, struck because there waa a month's pay due, and the manager an nounced that there were no funds to pay them. Today over twenty summons were served In suits begun by the employes for wagea due. The affairs of tha company are In a tangle, growing out of conflicting clalma to ownership under numerous chat tel mortgagee. - v The company haa done an Immense busi ness, and Ita embarrassment Is a serious blow1 to the cattle Interests of the state. The cattle, of high value, are turned out la the paature and ownership ' will have to be determined by litigation. SAENGERFEST SESSION CLOSES Five Taoasasd Psspls Atteaa Flaal MeetlasT. Maklagr Festival a lae eessfal Reordl Breaker. . WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special.) The last day of the Nebraska 8aengerfeat waa successfully concluded laat night. Fully 6,000 people were present during the day and 11,000 over all expenses was Betted by the organisation. The festival waa a record-breaker, la all respects, being by far the beat convention of thla body ever held la tha auto. About 1.200 excursionists arrived from Omaha at 11:80. From Norfolk TOO visitors arrived. Colonet Haack, the veteraa Ger man orator, spoke during the afternoon. Tho performance of the Twenty-aecond regiment band, under tho leadership of Prof. Relchard. waa excellent. . Hon. J. J. McCarthy of Poaca took la tho Baengerfeat aad incidentally made ths ac quaintance of tho people. ' York Coaaelt Prweeedlaars. TORK, Neb., An. 11. (Special.) At. a meeting of the city council, billiard hall and pool llcenaea were granted to John W. Meas for one year. Druggist's permit was granted to George Moore for tho balance of tho year, ending May 1, la hla aew location. The express companlee doing buaineaa la tha city united la a petition to the elty coun cil to reduce tha occupation taxea from $15 to $10. It waa rejected by the council and tha city treasurer ordered to collect tho uaual taxes of $15 from each company. . AUeae4 Bararlar Vsaad Over. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 11. 8peclal Tele gram.) Corr Woodley was bound over to tbo district court at Blue Springs this morning for breaking Into a stors at that place, yesterday. He waa lodged la the county jail here today. Skssts Daisy Oppassrat. NEBRASKA C1TT. Neb., Aug. l. (Spe cial.) In a quarrel over a dies game Louts Price, colored, shot Nathaniel Jobnsoa, col orded, la the arm with a revolver. The shooting occurred at 2:28 Sunday after noon. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers aael Waraaer Taesday aael Skewers Wedaetssy la Nebraska. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1L Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Showers and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, showers. For Illinois Fair and warmer Tueaday; lecal ralss Wednesday; wlnda shifting to fresh southeast. For Iowa and Mlaaouri Fair and warmer Tuesday; local rains Wednesday. For North and South Dakota Fair Tues day; warmer in east portions; chowerx Wednesday. liseal Reeorsl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Aug. 11. Omaha record of tem perature a:id precipitation compare. 1 with the corresponding uay of the last three years: 19ul ISM. im 1SS9. Maximum temperature ,.74 l M m Minimum temperature ... &l S7 72 74 Mean temperature 2 76 7 si precipitation uu .04 .13 ' w) Record of temperature and precipitation at Omlu, Neu., for thla uay and since March 1. 12: Normal' lemoerature VS Deiiciency lor the day 13 Tolal excena since March 1 Itxi .Normal precipitation 11 Inch Ita-lK' for the da;'... 11 incn Total rainfall since March inches Iiiticlency since March 1 1 43 litchte Ijenclrncy (or cor. period ll.. .n in. h-s Deficiency for cor. period lsC. 3 4S inches UsarCs tross Slsltoaa at T I", at. i 5? s CONDITION OF THS " ' 3 it WKAIliliR. : : - , ::? ::Bj: : : 5 1 : Omahs, cloudy Valentine, cloudy North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy lt Lake, cloudy Hapld City, .partly cloudy Moron, clear Wiiusion, clear ., Chicago, clear bt. IaiuIs, partlr cloudy........ St. rtul, iift'j Davenport, clear , Kait&aa City, partly cloudy.... Havre, clear Helena, partly cloudy twi'rxia rt-.a, clear Ualveslon. clouiy 70( 731 .00 Til .. .uo 7Z; 74 .iw 7 7 .in 7 T bj b6. At 7. 7s! .) Mj ,U0 U Si .iW 71 7! .tm te' -! .'S3 .to Toj 74' .u es: .vo ' St.; .t m .vo Mi .iw "'Cals trace of precipitation. L. A. wtuir. Local Forecast OiUciaL MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS t'g Tout Bejina Work on Group of Claiini ra Dead wood OnlcL PROSrtCTOnS SWAMP IRON CREEK Ussy taterewteel la Tbla District, Whiles) Premises to Bo lees of Esteaelvo Operatloaa Rest arias;. DKADWOOD. 8. D., Aug. 11. (Special.) Tha Big Four company, which owns a group of clalma oa Dead wood gulch, about three miles above thla city, will begia vrk this week oa tha ground. There arv eiv. clalma la the group aad they are 1 oca tec. near the rich atrike which waa recently made oa tha gulch. Ia fact It la believed that tho ore body oa which the strike was mads continues through the property. The new work will consist of a double com partment abaft, which will go dowa 204 feet oa a four-foot vertical which haa been opened oa the ground. Tha principal own ers of the Big Four group aro resldeots of Hamburg. I a. Frank Tlerney and Tex 8 tell, two well knowa prospectors, have Juat arrived from tho Iron and Beaver creek district and aay that the country there la bow being over run by prospectors aad aome fine ore bodies have bee a opened ap. Thla district Is really a continuation of the Ragged Top district aad the ore Which la being taken out of tha mines there Is similar In al! of Ita characteristics to that taken out of the mines la tha Ragged Top district. There have been a number of good prop erties opened up and aome excellent ore bodies are aow In process of development. One of these properties, the Bob White group, oa Iron creek, owned by Johnson and associates, haa had a great deal of work done upon It and there are aeveral tunnels which have been run In on ore shoota of large dimensions). The ore la es pecially amenable to the cyanide process and will run from f t to $15 a ton gold. Close to the Boh White group Is the Madlll ground, oa which operations have but Just started, an opea cut having been run on the ore shoot that ahowa on tho surface of the ground. The ore ia similar to- that ia ths Johnson ground, but carries higher values, going from $17 to $20 a ton. Mr.. Madlll was In Deadwood a few daya ago and at tho -time made arrangements to ship a lot of supplies to his camp oa Iroa creek. Other Largre Clalaaa la District. Ths Spearflsh and Horseshoe company both own a large number of clalma In this district, which they, aro developing, both companies sinking to tho quartxlto and both having expensive holatlng and air compressor planta on their ground. The Deer Lick company la also doing con siderable work, having atarted In early on the summer to opea up a largo shoot of fair grade eyanidlng ore by a tunnel, which la aow about 100 feet The company haa one of the largest shoots of ore so far struck la the district and Ita management la talking of putting up a cyanide plant to treat the product of Ita mines. Messra. Chapman, Alien, Wheeler. Connors Bros., Evans st Pettlgrew and Schneider ft Nash all own good property, which they have lately begua is oeveiop, snu sva vT . v'um ore bodies exposed aro very large and all of them carry good values. Nearly all of these people are already making arrangements' for tha winter's work and soma of them have aent their supplies to the district, which la the win ter time Is hard to reach- . Tlerney and Btelt left Thursday for the district, taking with theta supplies for S- month's, stay and man to work oa tha property which they have Just located on Iron' creek. They will return at tha expiration of that time and then prepare to stay through tho winter oa their ground. . - Dea4w Baslmess Mea Iaierete4l. Interested la tho locations which they have made aro a number of prominent Deadwood business men who Intend to open ap tho ground thoroughly during tho win ter months and. ahould developments war rant, la tho spring begin the erection of a large treatment plant on the property. Miners and prospectors who have visited the district within the laat two or three weeks declare that next year It will bo one of the busiest In the Hills, and tho scene of extensive mining operations. It Is aa Ideal country la which to prospect, tho most of it being virgin ground, and the velna and ore shoota easy to find. It Is one' of the beat timbered districts la tho Hllla, and there la an abundance of water for all purpoaea to be had, Tho Vnlted State assay office In thla city Saturday shipped to the mint at Phil adelphia "unaeparated" bars of gold bul lion to tho value of $60,000. This ahlpment represents tho amount of gold received at the office from various sources for the first week la August, and aeveral bars which should have arrived hava not been Included ia tho amount. The shipments from tho office have been increasing la value with every month sines Its establish ment la Deadwood. - . Tho Dakota Mining company on Friday deposited tho result of ths semi-monthly cleanup of Its cysnlde mill with tho United States asasy office in this city and It amounts to something over $10,000. . Oa Saturday the Holy Terror depoalted a brick, the result of a week'a run of Ita little mill, which la valued at $6,000. Hlataar llver-l,es4 Ore. GALENA, S. D., Aug. 11. (Special) J. B. Sheehan baa taken a lease on the old Escondldo and El Refugio mines, and ia taking out some very fair silver-lead ore. which he is sacking for shipment. Tha ore la being mined from the old workings, and while It goes very high la lead, carries but tsenty-elght ounces of silver and a few dollars la gold to the ton. Tbe percent age of lead which it carries, about 60, ren ders It very desirable for smelting in most Instances. There is a large body of ore of thla character in both of the mines. Mr. Sbeehaa will begia shipments this week. The . Sunday mine Is now making dally shipments of ore, the old dumps proving to be very rich, while the work which was begun on the vein Is alao proving that there is lots of good ore In tbe mine. A sample of the ore body taken last Thurs day abows tbat It will average about $40 a ton. Bart Harris, who has a lease on the property, has recently Increased his force of miners and the mlna Is now pro ducing a great deal of ore datly. in addi tion to that which Is bring shipped from ths old dumps. Ths divide betweea Elk creek and Bare Butte creek is receiving a great deal of attention at the present time, and some very Due prospects are being developed. The Croahon Broa, and associates of this city, who own the Ohio group of claims, hava receatly begun extenalve work on their property. Taaaeltaa; Hawley Grsasi, Adjoining tha Ohio group Is tbs Hawley ground, which Is being opened up by a tunnel, which follows along the course of the vein. The ore, la this group Is similar to that la ths Ohio, aad wiii carry tbs sam valuea. The McQlffln ground, la ths same neighborhood, has a fine abowlng of ore oa the aurfaco. It being possible to trace the vein almost the entire lengtn el tiis prop erty. Tbe owners last week atarted a tunnel oa tho Bars Butts slds of tho property. AUGUST 12, 1002. which, when It encounters the vela will cut It at a depth of about SCO feet. The Ruby Gold Mining company, whose ground, the Tortland. Is situated on Ruby Gulch, a few miles from Galena, has au thorised Ita manager and general auperla tendent to erect a plant for the treatment of the rich surface ore which Is found be low the vein proper, and work upon It will bo bevtin within a few daya. KEYSTONE, S. D. Aug. It (Special.) The Tycoon Mining company la preparing to patent tbe Ranger group of clalma, and has a large force of mea engaged doing the ne cessary work. Development work oa the Golden, Slipper eontlnuea and the vein continues to pro duce some very rich ore. Tho company haa recently purchased the Interest held by former Superintendent SaRord In the mine and will appoint a superintendent of its own to take charge of operatlona. The hoist which baa been building at tha Aetna mine will be la running order thla week, and the work of sinking tho shaft resumed. It Is now 'down almost 100 feet, and the vela at that depth la about five feet la width, and carries high values. A great deal of prospecting work la going on la the Friday Oulch district, and some good ore taken out of tha various workings oa different mines. Friday Gulch haa produced aomo very rich placer gold. Work! a as at Caster City. CrSTER CITT. 8. D.,Aug. 11. (Special.) i-The new abaft on the Clarabelle haa now reached a depth of 1E0 feet, and at this depth the vein Is something over flvo feet in width, enclosed by well defined walla. The vein la composed of heavily mineralised material. In the center of which appeara to be a core of Quarts from alx to tea Inches wide. The Clarabelle was at one time looked on aa a bonaxa, but the rich vein waa lost In the old workings and the new abaft haa been atarted with the expectations of again striking It, snd at the present time ths outlook for doing so Is very bright. Borne very rich tellurlde ore has been taken from the Aspen mine this week, sit uated about eight miles northwest from Custer City. The ore was struck tn a small (Insure on the Aspen No. I, which eula tho formation at right angles and Is about IH feet wide. . The specimens spoken of sre very rich, some of them, selected, of course, asssying aa high aa $7,000 a ton. It la a very rich ore body, what there Is of It, snd should It only hold Its valuea would prove to bo the richest thing that has ret been opened up In Custer county. The Grants Mining company Is work lax a large force of mea oa Ita St- Elmo mine. ana Dopes to nave It la shape before many weeka ao that It will bo Justified In starting up (he mill. Llaenaa lajareel ay rail. STCRGIS. 8. D., Aug. 11. (Special Tele gram.) William Hansen, a Harrlaon Tele phone company lineman, met with a aerloua accident thla morning, resulting In concus sion of the brain and other Injuries. While on the top of a pole It broke and Hanson plunged to the ground, striking on his head. Tha pain waa excrutlatlng and necessitated four men to hold the injured maa la bed. Tlaae la Aarala ExteadesV NEW TORK, Aug. It By agreement be tween counsel on both sldee of the case the time for filing the proposed amend ment to the anawer In, the Injunction ault of Hodre and ethers against ths United States Steel corporation and the promised affidavit by Henry C. Frick of Pittsburg ted r srrcnsd "ntii iiizt yviaav Ckeyesst Victim at Kearaoyltea. . KEARNET, Neb., Aug. It (Special Tele gram.) Cheyenne and Kearney once more contested here today, but it waa the same old story, Kearney won, 7 to X. Batteries: Kearney, Salens and Burman; Cheyenne, Tann and Brierly. ABSOLUTE 1 ' CUillTY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bar Signature vf Cos Pae-St axils Wrapper ssry asssTI aad aa 1 totakaas res f casassx. aft h tsOTalsyeJB r4 sVssaasasskssai TtillUZUlZZZi. fSITSSnSUYM. rci csstTipATisa. rei uixosv si: 3. rcimcQSiPttx: CARTERS Sr rMSSJ . Jims r : ti . . 1 tiiMiisiiiytniim. sfZSsj 1 Bisssgy VatwtaMsyfaeweV CURS SICK H CA BACKS MR. GEO. COTT OF THE MARTIN . COTT-HAT COMPANY OF" OMAHA. NEB.. WRITES. Mannet Chemical Co: Dear Sirs By applying Magnet Pile Killer for two tiays 1 cured an aggravated case of bleeding ptlea. One dollar ia cheap for such a wonderful compound. 1 cheer fully recommend It to my friends of tho traveling fraternity, who may be Buffering from rectal diseases. Gratefully yours, GUGKGtS COTT. Magnet Chemical Co: Gentlemen I uow take the opportunity of sending you rav thanks. Abfut six weeks ago I was taken with a very severe attack of plies. They fell to ths extent of nearly two inches, but following out the Instructions of your Magnet Vile K Her I am entirely well and am willing to answer all innjirls to tha same. Miny trunks 'o you. FRANK ilAI.U ia.vkl City, Neb. MaKnet Chemical Co.: Hfiw And enclosed money order for tl (', for which tcnii one boa Magnet Pile Killer. This one ia lor a (riend. I have been cured with it and feel c.oiuident that it will cure him. Yours truly, A. c'Oon. tsprlngdale. Ark. 1100 at your druggist. Guaranteed; or sent postpaid by SCHOOLS. SCHOOL OBLLS REDUCED ftpt InfrkTrcaUtes. ftnd rtmtm on ftt?rKnl fog tuiml for htuitHl iiufu ter of etmliW In th il ttv-risj bund 1 el cr4HHt uf tti liii lil sHstitdtnir. i cUd In all ( Ui r'rtr Callow, Wunf Lad' B atr1inaT tyhootc,: Vllll'Kr t Hrfaittir ; tV-Ikm. Law, MKii-iit iwntiwtrf , Fbii-nicvrf, busm, Mis.l. Art. litnis ?irrtwtM)ndrnc frma iw-rwon fas lh tu M-nd mnf svhMl, or wlii baT AiMfn. l fxiucattx Ctal ! ( siojr cii'tol trM. Amrlcft.ft E.ducatiorLt.1 Company, til ft MemrlMra (., I ....., 1U AmericGii KtjUH lit. Av. ilUati. TW LsMigbs,ssJ Conservatory f Mwsstud rg-t Art Is tli W Fifty swuTa-U lasaairssosoe-si 1 eat Uora iraUmlba ..- MsMiy - A si. Iaita. PpesT.! r-lesi) to I ok 1 sMi is! li ji ' f li an 114 a-ea uav k il W' a tt r ev 1 a.-1 .t B 1 1. Ctivum tWltwllM Mi 4. MAI llUisrl, sUiwisM. SE WW ' 1 THE SALESWOMAN Compelled to Bo on Her Feet tho Larger Part of tho Day Finds n Tonic In Pe-ru-na. Miss Certain, cl St Paal, Gives Ktr ;JQ. ri-Berleirte. JF : r JT t V--- MISS NELaUC CURTAIN, tit Pearl atreet. St. Paul. Ulna., bead sales woman la a department store writes: "1 hava charge of department lo a dry goods store, and after standing the larger part et the day, I would Re home with at dull ache, generally through my entire t ody. I used Pe nt na and feel so mucli better tbat I walk to and from the store now. I know Peruoa to he the best mcdU cine on tbe market for the diseases peculiar to women" -Miss Nellie Curtain. Nothing la ao weakening to tbo human system aa tha constant loss of mucus. Catarrhal Inflammation of the mucoua mem brane producea aa excessive formation of II m m saiiiv M,t "jr- OSWEGO Ptu-ast and Best for Puddings, Custards, Blaac Mange, etc or aalw by all flret-olasa grocer. .. "IT IS IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS' USE v SCHOOLS. !' fK. h I'V": :' ' s'" s m aZm ' m ' s 1 JLJ Onvsns3sntsesf1ateasa enlnmsnt Amv efflcer detailed. I7rsA Wstlopal Aiaderolss or lot I-Ibb. COL. SaNOFORO SELLERS, M Western iiitary Catalogue and Omaha COL. ALBERT M. JACKSON, A. B MUSS . S. I. US-g, AHARDIN COUEGE iUJuI.w',a "r- Tbe College a University trained faculty. Herman- American Conservatory, mennad by specialists. W. H. Bar mm If You W la looking at offices in different buildings, the greatest praise the ' owner a rental agent can give an office is to say that It la "aa good as aa office la Ths Pea Building." Jt may bs la soma respects, bat It can not be la every respeet. Tha Bee Bunding is one of tho only two absolutely fireproof office buildings la Omaha. Thr Bee Building is the only building having all Bight and ail day Sunday elevator service. The Bee Building furnish as electrlo light aad ' water wltbdot ad dition! eoau The Bee Building la kept a lean, aot aome wt Uo time, bet ail of tha time. 1 . . Keep these point la mind when looking (or an eSe, ar-4 you will lake' See ef those listed below, If you are wise. ..-., Listcf vacant rooms in ,. The-Bee Ground ROOM Hi lxa fset, races Seventeenth siiey. nun im a mrjt, na 111 room, ana ins rsntsi price iaciuaee beat, light, water ana. Janitor service. It has an entrance both on lbs ties building Court and seventeenth at rest .Price K&M First Floor. Sl'ITE 101 1 There la no finer office suite In Omaha than this one. It Is located Just on tho right nand of Ine great marble ntairway, and has unusually lsrgs windows looking upoi) ths front entrance way or the building. It fronts on r'urtum street. On room Is Villi and ths other axis. ,jt uas a burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be frescoed to auit tenant l'nca 17101 BOOB 104 Thia room la Juat at ths hetul of tbe main stairway oA the first Poor. It wouid be a very desirable office for sums rsai estate man or con tractor, lbs floor is Jtixla feet , , Price I3.a Third ROOM 80S: This room Is 31 18 feet and la very couvenleotly located near the elavstor. A slo on tha door can be readily seen in stepping off ilie sis- t frits flSM ROOM Ua: This room is feet and will be divided to auit tbe tenaar. This room is particularly adapted for aoma concern needing iargs awor apace and is a decidedly handsome, having an entrance facing the court and windows loosing out upon Seventeenth streo. It has a very large bui glar-proof vault, hard wood floors od is one of ths choicest orn ca In ths building fries laOOt v 1F(irrriFi nnr. sa w as e a .OOM 401: 15xlJ feet. This room Is next has a large burglar-proof vault and and for tlis Dries furnishes nraL-cLifca umm m uufiur-iiruui vtuii saa and for tits pries furuiebos llrl-ci4a Fifth SUITE 814: This Is a very Urge room, ngni ana weu veniuaiea. 11 la very icreu in in, pee ounuing. 11 couia employing a large number of clerks, or requiring Urso floor apace a wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, wbo would llko to be la a rirtproof builolng, or It will be divided to suit lbs tenant Price $60. Of ROOM at; -This room faces ths court and is lxl feet. It baa a burglar-proof vault, and aa it is near the telegraph office and on tbe same floor with a number of grain firma. it would bs a pellicular good room for a grata &ra isairing flrat-ciaas accommodation price tDt-Oi Sixth ft'lTB eiO: This consists of two rooms, isrse burgisr-proof vsuit, hava been where any business or proeaauinai the two R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Aeati, 3 TJZ '"J W mucus. Whether tha timsnne mamhrsna Ka located In the bead or oelvie orsana. tha discharge of mucus Is aura to occur. This discharge of mucus constitutes a weakening drain; the aystem cannot long withstand the lose of mucua. hence It la that women afflicted with catarrhal affeo tlona of the pelvic organa feel tired and languid, with weak back and throbbing brain. A course of Peruna Is euro to re store health by cutting off the weakening drain of the dally loss of mucus. Aa Admirable Teal. Congressman Mark H. Dunnell. Nat ional Hotel. Washington. D. C, writes: "Tour Peruna being used by myself and many of my friends and acquaintances not only as a cure for catarrh but also aa an admirable tonlo for physical recupera tion. I gladly recommend It to all persons requiring such remedies." Mark H. Dun Bell. - If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from ths use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman', President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbua. O. i 11 tl I t in OUest an Larrest W jnill J 1M( rv ssbsal ia ...... - uaaie west. Jipsr for Vntvenrirtts, bubi.. Lsiinsran. Ms. Academy YEAR references on application. At., Supt UPPER ALTON, ILL. UlTtNWSITo, Kima AND CONSERVATORY F03 LADIES awV A t t sat -a v m mm asr, Cssnrl PisaUt (May). Resldeat Professors Gasras, Clohtl, Kasmnael, rarrsst, ILobarta, Thsasss, Haraaay. ror estalosns, sddraas ' JOHSI XV. H1UJOS, Prss 18 College Place, WKXICO, MO, ant (he Best ... - c Floor. Rental I ' ' t.. Unl k street and haa windows along the Floor. a vva e to tbe elevator and faces court. It ia Well ventilated, lias good light, lu-uinmadiiiiuni Wi,- (it si is well venutaisi sccouimoda lions Floor. l.xU feeL It faces west, but Is very eeldum tbat aosce of thla sixs Is of. f. oe usea to auvantsxs by soma firm Floor. both 18'xllV4. Each of then haa a newly decorated and are looms man may bs comfortable. Price (or Ground Flour Bee Buildinr