Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Vty Ljs La
y iruLs
GMIRWJA.QTS and on GHEG and 'FRD3, 'Saturday
Men's clothing at astonishing reductions on best makes to close. Attend the grand ribbon sale. Get your groceries and, provisions in the great sales now going an
, at Hay den Bros', and save your money. v
GIioo Gab
Saturday will be big day
out all Oxford and Slipper regardless of cot.
Alo thousand pair of men'. Shoe, worth up to
13.00 a pair Saturday
Women' Oxford! and Strap Slipper
Mlsse' Fatnt Leather Strap Slipper ..
Misses' Patent Leather Colonial Slipper
Women' Patent Calf Colonial Slipper .
XVnv CIimi nrth
Women' Serge Slipper
Men' Batln Calf Lace, McKay Sewed .....'....,..............$1.00
Child' Shoe and Slipper, worth up to $1.00 ;.. 49c
Child' Soft Sol Shoe, worth lOe 15o
., Attend tela greet
help to watt on you. '
'Saturday in tho Dnrcain Oopm
Grand clearing sale Saturday. Wwk good, wortl 16c to Joe, 'will' go t 2H&
Men' linen crash costs and est, 25c. Underwear and hosiery at ft trifle of their
cost. . Everything must go in order to mail room for fall goods, now arriving. Bo
sure and attend thi sale.
. Jo Dealer. reddlera r Maanf act aver total To fa This Room.
'Air our imported and domestic, that sold
from lc to 6o batiste, ti
' ue. organdies, etc..
Mercerised Wash Goods, 811k Striped Wask
v ooods, including all th finest
; makes all go at.
roR sc.
A (grand line on on large bargain counter.
'Picked from the slowest seller from ur
Immense stock, and was sold at
these prices aa long as they f
. last only , .lj w
All th slowest seller and poorest color
from our. entire stock placed - "5'
on one large counter at 82 v
i ISo and lDc Percales, M Inches wide Co.
!. 19o Duck Be. .'.'.'
: 15d Madras tc.'
' .... , -
. 6V4C Extra Heavy Vnbleaehed tt.
- 26c Table Cloth (red) UVie.
Be and to Print 2H.
Ladles' 18c UnderwearlCc.'
2fc an ounce perfume (bring bottle)..
Sticky fly paper, per sheet
Sefdlits, powder, fresh,
per box....'.,
Lillian Bell Uu Written Anotiir Interest
. . ing Story.
Two Valaakla aad Isefal Baslbetki
Of Praetlval GardealacTextbeoko
. ta Geoft-rapar "w Novel
by HarchsBOat.
Lillian Bell, who won many friend by
xter "The Lov Affair of an Old Maid," naa
written another Interesting story entitled,
"Abroad with th Jimmies." This book,
which wss almost literally written by re
quest, is th witty account of a Journey
through Europe, filled with many amusing
Incidents and experiencea. W are afforded
vivid and interesting glimpse of person
age of importance and . not, among them
being Interesting interviews with Kordau
and Tolstoi. Th attractive figure In th
book those who make the book Interesting
ar Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmle, Bee and the
narrator. Th book ts full of amusing aad
lively Incidents. Published by L. C. Pag
"The Errand Boy of Andrew Jackson,"
ts another ef W. O. Stoddard's "historical''
for boys, an Intensely martial story, full
- ot action, life and Incident, and deeds of
courage. The kind to eallst every whole
some boy's attention and hoW tt to nl.
The tale ts ot th war of 1813 and describes
the events of tbe brilliant campaign which
closed the war th only land campaign of
1811-14 In which the Americans wer en
tirely successful. Dan Martin; a Tennes
see lad, full of patriotism,-leaves his father,
a veteran, and joins General Jackson. The
boy Is accompanied by Black 6am, and in
the party is the Indian Ki-o-wek. Many
re the adventures before D&n reaches New
Orleans. In Nashville he makes Oeneral
1 Jackson's acquaintance. The author In
troduces the young reader to many of th
notable soldier of 1814. John Lantt. the
famous pirate or buccaneer of the time,
Cgurea ta th story. Finally Pan take
part In th battle of New Orteana. la
wounded, but recovers. It Is an excellent
tory, containing good leeeona la patr et
Urn. Published - by Lothrop Publishing
We sre In receipt of two valuable and
useful handbooks of practical 'gardenlcg
from John Lbne, publisher. They ar un
.der the general editorship of Harry Rob
erts. Volume VII, "Tbe Book of Vege
tables," is by George Wythers, head gard
t ener to tbe duke ot Northumberland, a well
koowa authority on vegetable culture. Th
vegetable dealt with ar those most com-
Ifet ssaortmrnt In rlty. titl parts
f all hiivi. A -.i full line ot table lu
l el .1.00 o .v.OJ.
. . S f I
Regardless of Cost
. 79e
. 0c
. R7c
. 25c
An ... . 1 AA
....'.' .,...........
SHOB 6 ALU SATTJRDAT.. Plenty, of extra
Closing out 'all Hammock at lee than
cost, ; s-''' - -
Closing out all Croquet Set at a great
bargain. u , , .
n?lSHIJ(; goods.'
$1.00 Ladles' Nlgbt' Dresses 49c.
7So Ladles' Corsets 39c "J
. $1.00 Ladles' Union Suits 25c. ',
' 60c Boys Walt-l9c;." "'
lie Ladle' Muslin Underwear 26c.
Ladles' and Children' lOo Hose 6c.
Ladlea' and Children' 19s Hose 10c
25c, 85c and 60c Necktie only 6c.
Boy' Bathing Pants only 6c
Boys' KOc Knee Pant 19c
Roy' 75o Knee Psnts 29c.
Boy' 60o Wash Suit 25e.
Boys' $1.60 Wsh Suit 60c 1
Boys' $2.00 Long Pant 5e.
Boy' All Wool Suit, worth $2.60 05a.
Ken' $2.60 Pant 86o.
Men' $8.00 Panta $1.26. v .
Men' Crash Coats or Vest, good sold
everywhere at $L78, only 26c.
Our 76c Fowtard. on this sale only 19c
Lyon' 26a tooth powder, per bottle..
25c Florida water
$1.00 Rob kidney cur ................
fl.00 Smith' tonic
$1.00 Peptone bitter
23o N. N. shampoo, per box..,.
monly grown In English gardens. Th
editor furnUhe chapter en th history
aad Cookery or vegetables.' Volume VIII,
"Th Book of Orchids," Is by W. H. White,
orchid ' grower to Sir ' Trvor Lawrence,
president of th Royal Horticultural so
ciety. To orchid grower, Mr. Whit needs
to introduction for he ha long been rec
ognised as ft m uter of hi house, ventila
tion, watering and all general car. Th
most of th book 1 devoted by tho orchard
W ar In receipt of two text book In
geography, from the Amerioan Book Co.,
entitled, "Roddy's Elementary Geography,"
Roddy' Complete Geography." Th
"Elementary Geography" offer suffi
cient pedagogical material to ault th needs
cf those grade In which th subject Is
first taught and not too much. Its sim
plicity aad brevity cannot fall to prove at
tractive. Th facta ot th observation
gained by th child In his every day out-of-door
life ar used, correlated, and systo
niattsed; and In tbte way h 1 not led to
gals geographical knowledge, both from th
text book and from nature. "Discussion of
erosion, stream feature., ctJast features,
land form, soil etc., Sr presented In sim
ple and clear language! The "Complet
Geography" accord full recognition to th
Important of th Conttnercial and business
Ida of th Subject, though thl practical
and uafeul Information" ' I 'united with
enough of th new and '"scientific side to
enlighten th whole study. ' The ' map
show th principal railroad and canal, as
well aa th head of navigation OS all Im
portant river. The descriptions' of the
politics!, industrial, and aortal feature of
th various countries bar been mad Very
full. "'..
"Th Day of the' Ben of Man." a tale of
Syria, I by Rosamond D. Rhone. This Is
a story of th lite of Christ, it is different
from earthing we have ever Been. Th
book. In which some of the naked historical
facta have been clad In Imaginative garb, I
written as It might hsve been written at
the time by one who did not posses the
yessisnle key. "That It might be fulfilled
which was spoken by the prophet," He pays
ao attention to creeds, dogmas nor th
churches which hav built upon His nsme,
but tells Christ' Ufa In a purely narrative
styls. Th book I divided tat five part.
Part I includes the first years of HI Ufa.
Part II begins with the journey to Jerusa
lem, where He proclaimed they had made
God's temple a.. den of robber. Part III
begins with His second year of preaching.
Part IV, his farewell to Galilee and Part V
the last supper and arrest. Although th
bock contain th resurrection It Is to be
regretted we find no account ot the aseen
slon. Published by O. P. Putnam's Bon.
"Carita, th Carllot," la a new and In
teresting novel by Arthur W. Marckmont.
Ia this aew romance Mr. Marchinont haa
provided even more incident than (a his
recent successful novel "In th Name of a
Womaa." In thl he departs from bis cus
tom of using aa Imaginary kingdom aa a
background; for "tiarlla, th Carl!t," ha
to do with (Spain and with tbe exciting
period la the history of that country that
just preceded the Bp.nian-American war
Ferdinand Carbonnell. aoa ef Lord Ulleforle,
la an attache at th Madrid embassy. The
minute he enters the city his life ts changed
fruut on of quletotss to on ot continual
aoiivliy. Bartia capturea his heart as soon
as he aea her. Her lov I equally aa
strutg for buo. but her devotion to the
Carltal movement prevat her from ac
cepting his brier of devotion. On tbe other
band, his eoduavor to check every move of
th Carllsta ax mad all the harder be
cause of his lov for Sarlta. Things mere
whenever be Is around and the acenea are
tz -t ijL.ilinz- ?Tin the story one
would tltlnk EpalB Internal struggle ar
Dlac!; Gl.ina Silks
en Said
M-lneh black China, worth 75c, for S9c.
2-tnch black China, worth $1.00, for 49c.
S-lnch black China, worth $1.50, for n.
Saturday will clear up balance of foulard
worth 75c and S5c; all go at 25c.
Fin white wash silk for 25e.
60 piece of plain silk, worth KOc, 60c
and 75c, all colors, on sale Saturday, 25c.
Grand Hillincry Sale
The most' popular felt outing hat aro
shown In greatest variety at Hayden Bros.
These aro absolutely the most chlo and
stylish hat aver shown by us. Call and
try them on. They are most becoming an4
w are selling them at most astonishingly
low prices.
AH trimmed hats we aro now closing out
at about one-fourth their value, or about
26o on the dollar of former price. They
must be disposed of, no matter what th
loss. They Include the very finest Im
ported pattern hat a well a our own
special design.
To reduce stock we sell children', boys"
and men' straws, worth 35c, at 15o.
The better grades at 25c and S3c.
Duck cap at 25c. ,
Men' felts In panamas, pashas, derbys,
all "colors and shaojea, at from 75c to $3.00.
Boys' hats at from 40c to $1.25.
Tarn o' Bhantera at 25c and 60c, worth
76c and $1.00.
Full line of VALISES and TRUNKS.
Ladies' 00c v
Stockings at 121c
Ladles' 60o stocking In plain and fancy
colors, fin lislo thread, drop stitch" and
plain, all Imported and worth 60c, on sale
at 12 He.
1 lot of ladle' fin lisle thread atock
inga In plain and fancy colors, full regu
lar made, and worth up to $1.00, on sal at
en's 6Qc and 70
Sccks'at 25c
The entire line of on of the largest
importing houses In this country of all th
iZi SCCi lu uu ;; iuroau, in Jiimia ana
fancy colore, worth up to $1.00 per pair,
on sal at 26c.
more thrilling than It foreign war. Pub
lished by Frederick A, Stoke company. ....
Mia Lafavette McLaws. author tt ih.
successful novel of last year entitled
" AMMU 1. JUUUg, M IQ. au
thor ot new book entitled "Jeiebel." Th
promts In her first book haa been more
than realized in "Jesebel." work of
singular power and Insight. It I a biblical
tale of th dav when Omrl and Ahafc war.
king of Iarael and Elijah was a prophet
oi jenovan. A hah, the Israelite, take to
wife Jesebel. th worshlner of Baal. Wk
Ahab come to tho throne and Jeiebel set
up th worship of Baal, th prophet and
believers of Israel ar Incensed agalnat th
queen, and Jesebel' begin flerc persecu
tion of her enemies. This contest 1 the
chief motive ot the story. Ita complica
tions Involve not only Elijah, but Ruth,
daughter of Naboth, most beautiful of th
Israelite maidens. Ruth Is favorite ot
Jesebel's, but th queen's fury 1 aroused
against her by the report that Ahab 1 be
ing persuaded to take Ruth alio a hi
wife. Ruth I betrothed to Jonadab, but
I beloved by Prince Amon and love him
In return. Thl I th real romanc of the
narrativ. In thl story Mies McLaw ha
endeavored to throw new light upon th
character of Jerebel, and, while ah doe
not depart from th biblical account, she
surely present thl trong-willed, beauti
ful queen In a somewhat novel and striking
manner. We get glimpse of Jeiebel th
woman aa well a Jezebel the queen, and
It I a ft woman with warm passion and
Jealous Instinct that Jezebel Is most and
best portrayed. The author brings about
ft very happy ending. Published by Loth
rop Publishing company.
The second Tolume of th Jewish Ency
clopedia haa been Issued by Funk 4V Wag
oalla Co. Th encyclopedia will cover
twelve large volumes of nearly 8,000 double
column pages. Generally encyclopedias ar
written and published merely to sum up
th statu of th branch of aciene to which
they are devoted. The Jewish encyclopedia,
like tbe people whose life story It 1 des
tined to tell. Is unique in that four-6ft hs
ot Its material had to be created, collected
and digested for this special purpose.
Among tbe articles contained In the sec
ond volume are those on the Day of Atone
ment, th legend of Aqulla, the rise of
Jewish apologists, the prohibition of beard
cutting, apostates and censorship of th
Tslmud. beginning with the apocrypha and
closing with a sketch of Benjamin Benash,
a capitalist ot tbe eighteenth century.
"In Bird-Lore" (The Macmillan Co.) for
August, Fannie Hardy Eckstorm write ot
"Th Bsd Repute of Whisky John," "an
ariicl all camper in the Main wood wUl
endorse; Frank M. Chapman contribute th
fifth lllustrstsd psper on "How to Nam
th Birds;" there r poem by Edith M.
Thomas and Ernest Crosby, and photo
grapha from nature; book reviews, report
from Audubcn societies, and notes and news
of Interest to bird-lover.
Funk A Wagnalla hav just lssuad the
Concise Standard dictionary abrlged from
tt.etr Stacdard dictionary by James C.
Fernald. It contains 28,000 words and
phrases selected with special reference to
the seed of the average man. The defini
tions, unlike those of moat abridged dic
tionaries, ar truly definitive; occasionally
for the aake of condensation by aynooym
hss been reaorted to. In such esses words
bsvs bee defined by synonyms that are
definitely treated In their respective places.
In ths Introductory Standard the defini
tions really delimit the meaning of tbe
words. Ths Illustrations, over 500 In num
ber, aid this process by showing essential
and characteristic forms of the objects and
ideas defined. Thus the contrasted terms
adogee ol exogen ar explained by fu
J.L.;Liu"-;ll ;
en's $2 and $2.00
at 00 Gents
All th Gold brand shirtwaist. In Bilk
madras. In whit and colors, In all sins,
on sale at 60c.
Men' $1.60 Griffon brand ah'rtB at 60c
100 dosen men'a white and colored madra
shirts, th Griffon brand,' all the newest
stylo, on ' sale at 60c.
Hen's $2 Underwear
at CO;
All the' men's linen mesh and fin mer
cerised shirt and drawer that sold up to
$2.00, on sale, to close outs at 50c.
en's 50c Suspenders
at 20c
100 doten men' fin auspeaders, with
leather ends, heavy vets, regular 60o
quality, at 25c.
Saturday is
Ribbotl Day
It comos natural to u to make as ex
tra effort on ribbon on Saturday. We
never go backward in this effort, but al
ways forward. This mean bigger bargains
every Saturday. W are clearing up our
summer stock of ribbon,- and Saturday,
25c and S5o ribbon go at 10c
15c and 20c ribbon go at 7V4o.
Green Veilings
Ar all the rage. W have th largest
and beat assorted lino in tho city, at 25c
to 60c a yard. $6c to 76c for . made up
veils, Hi and 1 yard In length.
fcr Pins Pens
Lace Sale Ocnday.
n R
t I it i
ture which are more Illuminating than ft
pag of text. i i '
Th Macmilllan Publishing comjany Are
publishing a aerie of volunrts called Th
"American Bportman' Library," under th
general editorship ot Casper Whitney, ed
itor of Tho Outlook. We are In receipt of
tho second volume in these series, which I
"Uplsnd Gam Bird, by Edwin Sandys and
T. S. Van Dyke. All the bird dearest to tb
sportmsn's heart th grouse, prairie ehlo
ken, quail, turkey, woodcock, and th
plover are Included In this book. Mr.
Sandy I a sportsman who ha seen and
shot and studies these birds all over Amer
ica. Hla view from beginning to end I
that of th portsmn-ttaturallt. ' H tell
all there I to know about th habit.,
habitat and distribution, and give, his
reader, th benefit of hi wide, practical
experience. The book 1 the moat Import
ant of It kind which ha yet been pub
lished, and ha been written with ft view
ot Interesting .not only th aportman. but
th general out-of-door lover. There are
alao a couple of chapter on the bird
peculiar to the PaciOo coast, by T. B. Van
Dyke, than whom there is non better
posted. . ,. .
Th abov book ar on sal at tb Me
geath Stationery Co., 1S0S Farnam street
Msrjr Fonts Aaderaon Deale Some
Allegations ' Hade' by
Lydla Anderson.
Mary Fout Anderson hat . filed her an
swer to th petition of Lydla J. Anderson,
who sought to hav herself established a
th only legitimate widow of Robert W.
Anderson, a penaioned veteran who died
laat March. Lydla made tb allegation
that shs received ce notice ot the dlvorc
ult Instituted against her. by Robert in
November, 18s)J, In Anderson county, Kan
sas, until February 2, 1901, or nearly seven
years after tbe dec re was granted, and
that therefor hi marriage to Mary In
1895 could not hav been legal. She al
leged alao that Mary' ia trying to get
pension a Robert' widow, which would
prevent Lydla from securing such benefit.
Th anawer denies that Lydla had no
notice of th suit and no knowledge of it
and relate that in 1898 Robert met Lydla
at Denton, Neb., and there Introduced hi
llttl daughter by hla second wife, explain
ing her Identity to Lydla. who left h m
without speaking. Ens denies also that
she ever sought to get pension, aa no
woman marrying civil war veteran after
WjO i ertttled to one. She alleges, how
ever, that her husband on December 22,
1899, received word from the penalon
bureau that Lydla waa trying to get half
of his pension, but wss denied It, as the
pension department recognised Mary aa the
Tell This to Yowr Wire.
Electric Bitters cur female complaints,
surely and safely; dlepell headaches, back
aches, nervousness or no pay. 60c.
Tho fro oe r Terns.
Christian Register: Martha, ths colored
washer woman, was complslnlng of her hus
band's health to on of her patron.
"He v'y po ly, ma'am; ve'y po'ly. He's
got dat exclamatory rheumatism."
"You mean inflammatory, Martha. Ex
clamatory Is from exclaim, which mesas to
cry out."
"Yea. tulas," answered Martbs,' with con
viction, "dafe what it ts. lie hollers sll'
ds time." '
Loo out for maWla. It ts seasonable
now. ' X few doae ot Prickly Ash Bitter Is
r pivaU0
Read Our Grocery
10 lbs. best granulated sugar
Good whole Japan rice, per lb
Rolled white oats
Granulated cornmeal, per sack
Whole wheat flour, per lb
Oval cans mackerel and tomato sauce
1-lb. csn blood red salmon
Mustard or oil aardlne
Portland lobster, per can
Bottle mustard
I bottle assorted pickles .
Pur tomato catsup, per bottle lOo (
Campbell' salad dressing, per bottle. 12Ho 1
1 packages smoking tobacco
Read Our Heat and
Cheese Sale
S-lb. palls pure leaf lard 36
Cooked compressed beef, per lb 10c
Cooked mlbced ham 10c
Fresh bologna sausage 6c
Veal loaf, per can M 7tto
Corned beef hash, per can 12Vio
Chipped dried beef, per lb 17Hc
New Wisconsin cream cheese 12 He
Our very best brick cheese 16o
Sap sago or switsel cheese, each 7Ho
1 dozen fancy Juicy lemona for 10g
Teas and Coffees
Special Mocha and Java coffee, worth
40c, esle price
Ankola Java coffee, 25c, al price....
Sun-dried Japan tea
Imperial blend for Ice tea
Special tea liftings.
Optical Dcpt
Skillfully fitted glasses In up-to-date
tyle at most moderate price. W carry
full line of optical good.
. Repairing, lenses exchanged.
Oculists' prescription filled at half th
usual cost.
Sheet Husic
, Saturday w will place on sal a nlc
lot : of lata ; popular onga, marches,
waltzea, two-steps, coon song at Only
ISc per copy; regular price, 26c
If orcr'i PolltiosI Maiagii Faili to Btoonoila
Organised Labor tea.
Represeatatlv ( t'nlea Labor De
clares Mercer's Arrogant Saab
Will Hot Be Forgottea
at tbe Pell.
Th Mercer machine 1 finding in organ
ized labor one ot th most difficult obstacle.
It haa yet encountered. It stick right la
th middle ot th track and refuse to budge
van for th terrlflo jolt of ft double
header. Sine Governor Savage cam np
from Lincoln Tuesday and gave th com
mission to the four men who constitute th
Mercer fir and polio board Congress man
Mercer and hi chief engineer, Tom Black
burn, hav been trying by various method
to remove this obstruction from th wy
which lead, back to Washington. ,
Tom Blackburn paid visit yesterdsy
afternoon to Labor Tempi, th first visit
he haa paid there sine Mr. Mercer' board
took It seat. He probably will not forget
hla reoeptlon very soon. Mr. Blackburn,
according to tho word of A. J. Glenn, W.
Richelieu and other organised labor men,
haa tried In vain for th laat three day to
Indue soma ot them to enter hi office for
ft consultation over th police board mat
ter, and tb ame effort haa been mad by
Mercer, the men say, with th am re
sults. Finally Blackburn, In his anxiety to
"clear" hi. chief of th responsibility ot
naming th new board, despaired of th men
calling at hi offtc or Mercer' headquar
ters and went to Labor Tempi.
H. Stevenson, business agent pf th
bricklayers, was th first man Blackburn
met. Thsy held ft very warm session on the
pavement In front ot Labor Temple, which
waa witnessed by ft reporter for The Bee
and other who wer la that neighborhood.
Th burden of Black but a' pie was that
Mercer waa not responsible for naming th
new board and he did not want organised
labor men to hold hi chief to account for It.
taetloa Mereer Word.
"If Dav Mercer waa not responsible for
that board, why did he not keep hi word
to meet our commltte and go with It to
Lincoln to confer with th governor and see,
aa be specifically promised to do, that
organised labor got a repressntatlve on th
board?" was asked by Stevenaon.
But it we too swift for Mercer's be
wildered political manager, and he had to
let It pass and try to .wing onto th nsit
one, hoping that it would come a little
"Now," agreeing to take th laboring men
Into hi confidence just ft llttl, Blackburn
aid, "IU tell you, Mi. Stevenson, that
board waa not named by Mr. Mercer at
all and It was not named or decided on In th
city of Omaha, but It waa selected and
slatsd right over ther at Manawa laat
"You'll hav to show me," said Steven
son. But Blackburn did not show him, nor lid
be explain Just bow It waa that he (Black
burn) knew anything about where and how
and by whom the board waa named.
"I thought." rejoined Stevenaon, "th
board was to be nsmed by Governor Sav
age; I didn't kaow It waa to be 'slated' at
all and I don't see why tb governor of
Nebraska should take tb pslns of going
clear over Into another Stat to Same th
Although th day wss exceptionally cool,
beads of perspiration wer standing out on
Um florid brow ot th prpla&sd poUtlcla
r- "?
ml ll"lri rri'i
1 C
a : ! JSr I
if u-
Liko Cut, 95c
On tabl ladles' Whit WalnU, worth
$1.50 and $2.00, on sale at 29c
' 20 dosen ladle' blaok Mercerised Sateen
Underskirt, worth $1.50, for ISc ,
10 dosen ladles Wash Underskirt, worts
$1.50, Bale price 45c. ; .
' Tour thole of any Whlti Plqu or linen
who ha taken, th contract to put Dav
Mercer back In th house of representa
tive. Say Dave is "(sneered."-
"Til tell Tou,t Mr. Blackburn, yon and
Dav Mercer have queered yourselves with
th men of organized labor, of whom tw.
are over 1,000 In Omaha, and you might a.
wen tax your medicine. Nothing you can
.ay would reconcile me and you couldn't
possibly explain away Mercer', part In thl.
board appointment. We know h was re
sponsible for it and that ettle it. You
might aa well save your wind."
But Blackburn waa persevering and after
taking another heavy "think" h said:
"I thought the delegation ot organised
labor men that called on u wanted. John
Llddell tor their representative on th
Stevenson, told him. h couldn't . bow
such ft thought as thl. could find ft place
In their mind when aa matter of tact
th nam of the man whom organised
labor had chosen for th plac wa. mad
known to Mercer and th whol clique,
th governor Included, aad that Mercer
and Savage had both taken du cognizance
of th fact and promised to recognize him.
Blackburn Jben sought to pacify Steven
son by saying that William Bell cf th
Painter' union wa for Mercer and that he
wa an organised labor man.
"But Bell 1. democrat," aald Mr.
Stevenson. "Ther r 6,000 other men of
thl class who ar not for him; you can
put that down. No, ir, Mr. Blackburn,
you aad Mr. Mercer ar whipped and you
might ft. well acknowledge it I voted and
worked for Mercer in prevlau. campaigns,
but I'll never do either again."
And Blackburn wended hi way back to
tb camp of th aorrowful to report hi
dismal failur at bringing th prodigal
Keep your vital organ. In good conditio
If you would hav health through tb ma
larial ason. Prickly Ash Bitter cleanses
and strengthen th stomach, liver and
bowel and help th ytm te resist dis
ease germ.
Abrahvaaa Sllanaaer . ef lew Sead
Ckeels far fSOO Oataaa
Th board of director, of th. Wis if,
mortal hospital have received ft check for
$500, ft gift from Abraham Slimmer of
Waverly, I a. Mr. Slimmer 1. widely
known for his charitable work In various
cities of th country and hi gift to thl
hospital wa entirely unsolicited." The
Wise hospital ts a charitable Institution
and tbe donation at thl Urn will b of
great benefit to tb board la carrying out
It work.
SQ. "V. enr.
.Th nam mint appear on every bo oi
th genuine Laxative Brotao-Qulale Tab.
let, th remedy that cure a 14 la ca
day. ti tent. -
Christ la a Endeavor Seeletr.
RICHMOND, Ind , Aug. $. Ths opening
session of th Fiiei.iie'. linen Uo.ikI
Christian Kndsttrce society convention ws
held bere today, with a large attendance.
Tastes like Coffee E.tter than Coffee. The score
the pafict LlcaJLicg and roasting of fruit and traia.
Opening Gab
Largest variety, aewest lra,
aet aalaa, lowest arleea la Oataaa.
Baaatla stylo ! Isltk aa at
Like Cut, C9.B0
Extension 6 Feet Like Cut, $3.85,
L )L
80.00 S5.90 85.80
Over 300
v Women's Guit
that sold for $11-60, $15.00, $1$ 60 and $20.00. will be
placed on sale Baturlay at IS-f.
This sal give you an opportunity to buy ft high
grade fcult at halt eot of material. On sal for on ay
only. Any suit bought during thl al will b taken
back and money cheerfully, refunded If not satisfactory.
Com arly.
Ycur Ghsico cf SCO Suits
f.. tR ftO
for Goturdoy
Skirt on our counter., worth up to $6.00, at
$1.00 and $1.50.
Children' Dresses, worth $1.00, $1.60 and
$2.00, at 16c, tU, 39o and 9c.
100 Silk Waist, worth $6.00, for $2.00.
Be our Iidles' Suit displayed In our 18th
Street window. '
$5.9$ for rout choice of over 100 Suits.
Come early. --' - - .- - '
FoortMi Z.iler ttattrs, Halpri and Hftfidr
tnan Quit Union Pacific.
Hea Hefase to Work with the Kss.
alow Me ar to Coatlaa
fader the Old Sy.
" teas ef Pay.
Another break occurred In th shop force
of th Union Pacific which awetla th rank
cf the striker. Fourteen 'helper aad handy
man ot th boiler maker In tbe shops In
Omaha .truck shortly after noon yesterday,
because th company refused to recognize a
cal of wsges submitted by them and dis
charge the nonunion men with whom they
have been working. All thos who (truck
wer. old man, having been employed ia tho
shops in many case, tor years' and non waa
nonunion man. or reoeot recruit brought
in among th. imported men, - They will re
turn to work, whan ths company agree to
recognlz their demands for higher pay and
discharge th nonunion men.
The .cal submitted and demanded repre
sents an average of ltt cent. Increase aad U
ft follows: For tankmen, 29 cent: first
man on riveting machine, 29 cents; fluemen
and boldr-on, 25 cents; rivet boy (not ap
prentices), 17H cents; helpers, 22 cent;
beater oa fiatig fir,' 27 cents; Hang fir
helpers, 2ft cents; stay bolt nipper., 22V
cents. .... .
Thl. mov haa been under consideration
for some time. Th helper and handymen
remained at work when tb journeymen
truck because they wer not asked to
vlolat any obligation of tb union and
piecework was not exacted of them, bene
ther was no grounds for complaint on their
part Th journeymen Approved their ac
tion in staying with their work. Th de
parture of thee men from the shops seri
ously deplete th force and impose a
handicap, sine all ar experienced men la
their lln.
! I' pen Compear.
Tb Union Pacific Imported Into Omaha
yesterday twenty-seven nonunion men from
th seat, va of whom dropped out upon
their arrival. Tb remainder went through
to Denver. Two of th "quitters" wer
Al and Clarence Fitigerall, brother, who
cam from Cleveland, O.
"W hav been employed a roustabout
la hotel and restaurants." said on of th
mn, "and w hired to the company'
gent. ft. boiler maker, our Intention be
ing to get to th Pacific coast. When w
reached Omaha it leaked out that we wer
not mechanic and W wer not allowed
to proceed farther with the crew."
Striker, hav postponed th pared which
they had planned for Saturday. No definite
fiat ha been fixed.
The Peril ef Oar Ties
I lung disease. Dr. King' New Dfv
e or try tor Consumption, Coughs and Colda
cur luag trouble or no pay. 60c, $1.
Heaee ef toaaaaene Adearns.
LONDON, Aug. I. Tb Houa of Com
mons adjourned today to October 14.
la ia