n i I) I,' I i! i i 0 Tun omaiia Daily Bm I'UftMSifKD rTVERT MORNINO. TERMS OF IfltflCRirriON. I!jr Pe (w'thimt .intlay), (m V ear.. 14 on li;r.l'e rri HimiUy, one Tear., V Jllnetraied H. lmi Year 30 fcuniUy Itee, On Year I hXurrlny He, on Vfr 1M Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear.. 1.00 . DEUVKRKD DT CARRIER. fW.ITf Ilea (without Sunday), per ropy... iliy lie fwlthii.it Bunilay), per week. ..12c .ally Hm (Including Hunday), per week..l7o fcun.ny te, per copy o i.venlng Bee (without Sunday!, per week. luo ,ventnar Ufa (lnciudlna Huniiavl. Dr week ISo Complaint of Irregularities In delivery Should be addressed to City Circulation ascpannieni. , . r office. Omaha The Flee ftiilMlna1 tV.inh OmahaCity liall Building, Twen- ifmm arifi m fctreetn. Council HlulT 10 I'eiirl Street. Chlo-r-lw Unity lMiildlng. New York Temple Court, Washington 6.4 Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communlratinna relating ta news and a1! forlai matter ahnuld be addressed: Omaha ae, Editorial department. BUSINESS LETTERS. - ' Business let tent and r-mltttnce .hnuM c autlrwMied;.. Th He Publishing Com party, Omaha. . . RriiitTAjfCES. Remit by 'aft, fifrwn or postal order, payable- to . hi Be fubllehln. ComiMnr. Only 1-nent stamp arretted In payment of mull 'accounts, lemons! checks, except on vHinna. or eastern exrhnir,,, not accepted. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. -c LWjra B. TiacMick, secretary ef The. B-ea 'ruoimmnj company, Delns; duly aworn, s.ya that th actxiui number of full and Cim'ele roufea . Tha. Uirnlm. Evening- n4 (Minda ilee printed during iuouu m j jit. muz, wu aa rouows: l. -........ ji,iV3o IT 31M110 'l8...'.........S,SO . ne.sTe ta ssu.ots aAA(t a .....aojm v t SOtM 4 r.W.5eO tt 2.ra H. ........ ...fn&iO Tt.... X9.4S9 aa.nao ao.BAO J0..rt lW.IO n.......n....x,sao 8..,.......',..BU,IV44 ' .... ,.IT..'i(y .... -...Ml20 (.,.. i...aum ' T...........S-S. CIO (.........;.'.2P,4f0 t........;,U,D40 10. . V. . . . ... .. . t, BSO ii..;....' ,siV S1,64 -,eis H.,.,...,,...i,ej U.........,.2t,AOO , 1.. aW Total lM uuaoij nii'rVupie.'copiI!; U,Xi Net dally aurare S,332 . ' ' OEO. R TZSCHUCIt befor m. Uli 3h,t day of July, A,' D. 14 IBeai.) M. B. HUNOATB . ' Notary Publlj. After coronaUonJubllationi KLnS nonrj- wnTnuVlel satlefled t4t ha Ktsrs a crcrrn. Gorernor Savage Is eomethlng of a letter writer,' but bla letter are not In It with tb r-piy evoked from the offlcCra Of tfte JocaiplamtKra union. The Real Estate exchang watU It fiUttlnctly undoratootl that tt ta In poll tic and that It la out of politic. Now la the reappearance of nAn.. w w a UOI i,mM K. Boyd at a reception to the xo.uuviauc uomiDee ror gorernor a fore runner of hi reentry Into the political Seld? Straw aometlmea point the wind. Wyoming: democrat have put up-a complete atate ticket, all nomination being made by acclamation. . ' Competi tion la'vanaliy alow -for nomination that have no yalu except for adrertl. rT (T nnnAaaH . Colonel Bryan, ha taken to flrlna; Qu.-tlon at Prealdent Booaerelt Mr. Bryan used to amnaa lit - : "'"l vj wrjf to open letter addressed to President Cleveland and felt much aggrieved be cause r. Cleveland paid no attention 19 aim. - ' The profiTfcm of th wrnnt. monies U to be made as short a po ilble by cutting out all unnecessary rerblage and long-winded speeches. And then tie spectators and participants will floubtless be wishing it had been cut a V -i - .till Councll Bluffa baa the bulge on Omaha . iu euienaining the distinguished guests who w!U attend the reunion of the to ciety of the Army ot the Philippine there wit week. But Omaha m things np' whed President Boosevslt maaes us a visit , . . Republican would feel better If Sen ator Stewart ef Nevada would refrain from Indulging hie forecasting pro penal ties. When he waa sidetracked on the free silver line, the Nevada statesman cored a record at making predictions that failed tq pan out The; fee for admission to practice In the federal court,, which was formerly tf, 'has bevn reduced to $L 8omn peo ple might be unkind enough to intimate that that ratio about represents the re Suction ia tha'Quallty'of the applicants vr admibsiun to practice. ' ' 1 1 --j. 111 a We are pleased to note that Douglas touuty hits been accorded a place oa the ticket put in nomination by the prohibl ttoiiists of Nebraska, thereby giving fur ther proof that this county la recognised is part of the state everything to the KDtrary notwithstanding. WLIteluW Ileid does not half appre Mate how truly sorry all those popo uratlc iH.pguus are that he did not re jeniaia to take part In the postponed roronatlun ftivltle. They had not ised op half the ammunition they had Itored up fur his benefit. . ' ' - l The sintonjfnt that the Union racifle fcss placed an ord,r for steel mils with Serruao niiuufttcturers because the .n.-rican mills are so far behind with Uitlr work that they cstiot fill orders ihort of a year or more, indicates that ihe prevailing proxperlty In this country k her to stay for a little while at a'ttst. Errsn Is having a hard time msklog seople bl!re he Is not a candidate for I third time pn-sl.tentlal nomination In l! i, r s.i:e ineipllcable reason, the irnary tlt!, 4 cannot on.erstend why le should be tourlug the country with iwlitioal ,peech-!aQaklflg nnlesa to keep .ituBtif la thA- frout line when the touijuata are handed out COSrKRRt.fO WITH Tflt FAMUtn. Tlte policy of Mr. J. J. Hill of confer ring with the farmers may have good results. Ills recent meeting, with farm era of the slate of Washington promises this. At tbls conference Mr. Hill ss tired the farmers present representing conn ties which are expected this sea son to yield 20,000,000 bushels of whest that be would act In accordance with the Joint Interests of the rsllrosd com pany and Its patrons and he urged that they would serve their own Interests more effectually by co-operating with the railroads. "We will try to act In such a way," said Mr. Hill, "that you will realise that we are doing some thing fair and In good faith.'' If that promise Is fulfilled no doubt the farm ers to whom It was made will find it te their "advantage to-co-operate with the companies.' ' It Is well known that Mr. Hill is en deavoring to promote trade between the Pacific coast and the Orient- He believes there is a great commerce to be built np between our western states and the far east HI aim' I to. encourage this trade and la order to do this he 1 disposed to make favorable transporta tion rates on grain and flour to the Pacific coast "You want a new mar ket" be said to the farmers. Too want to make more people use your tuff. I cannot-find In public acts one .'Intelli gent thing that yon have done to get new market. I don't know any place where you have not been left to shift for yourselves as farmers." His Idea was that less waa to be gained from legislation than from a t'? yAav standing between the producer Uid th j transportation companies. Ferhsps this I a good . Idea s to the section in which Mr. Hill a a railroad manager U u.'jv particularly Interested, but it could not be made of general application. While tt is truo that legislative regulation of rates,, which Mr:K Hill disapproves, lias never been very successful, yet the public will not wholly surrender its right to some regulation ard the people cannot be persuaded' that all effort In this direction must be hopeless. If Mr. Hill and those associated with htm in railroad' management shall do anything to benefit the farmer of the northwest they may be "lure of com mendation. It Is' manifestly in the in terest of the transportation companies to do what they can to promote the de velopment of the section from which they get business, so that it 1 no ex traordinary sagacity, but simply good business Judgment, that has led him to adopt the .'pulley he Is pursuing. It will not be questioned that Mr. Hill has given the farmers of Washington eome sound practical advice and now If ho shall glvs them fair rates on their prod uct he will have a good claim to their confidence. CHITCD ST ATMS MAT OBJECT. Reports from Washington atate that much interest 1 being taken In official circle in the proposed Cuban loan and the question whether such a loan would be la violation of the Piatt amendment 1 receiving consideration. There ia talk that this government will nave to stop the issue of the loan, or require a ma terial reduction of the amount. If It shall be found that Cuba's revenue are not sufficient to pay the running expenses of the government, meet Interest on the proposed loan and make the sinking fund provision which the. Piatt amend meat require in case of -every Cuban loan. ' Statements already are to the effect that the revenues are not sufficient to pay the running expenses of ths Cuban government and it Is not believed that they can be materially Increased. The Increase In custom duties will probably make no material addition to the re ceipt from this source, since enhanced price will reduce importations. Tb country can hardly bear any increase in internal taxation, certainly not such an Increase a will be necessary to meet the interest and provide a sinking fund for the proposed loan. What if the tT&ited Etate government should object to the loanl . It 1 apprehended that tht would be resented by the Cuban government, which might result In a serious misunderstanding , between the two countries, . There 1 perhaps no great danger of this, because if this gov ernment think the loan too large the Cuban congress can doubtless be per suaded, to reduce the amount The mat ter, however, show how the relations between the two governments rosy prove prolific of difficulties. ' STLIL TRUST C0MPXT1T0R. A Canadian competitor to the United States Steel corporation is projected. The Dominion Steel company and the Nova' Scotia Steel company are the Canadian factor In the combination, but the most Important factor la an English steel and Iron corporation which has extensive works established In all the principal English mining areas. It is said that not only will the new combination strike vigorously for the control of the steel market of the world, but for the production of manu factured steel products chesper than ever before. . - ; A Montreal dispatch states that the formation of this combination has been under consideration for some little time, the, English corporation being Induced to combine with those of Canada by the fact that steel In the comparatively un developed state can 1x5 Imported more cheaply from Caua.l than It can Ih) obtained in England. "For some time It has been fwlt," says the dispatch, "that some such far reaching combina tion ss this would be the most effective way of re-establlahiDg the industrial equilibrium which has been considerably disturbed by the formation of the Amer ican Steel corporation, which at one time threatened to absorb the Canadian steel Industry." If this project shall be carried out, cf which there appears to be no doubt, it may materially affect the future of the United States Steel corporation, one thing to be reasonably expected being a reduction In the price cf iron and steeL ....... The iron and steel industry of Canada Tiir, orAlTA daily rxr.r.: satuhday, has ben making good progress In the last few resrs and there Is no. mason why it should not continue to advsnce, ss the country has vsst deposits of Iron ore and an abundant supply of coat A vn!dcraMe amount of American cap ital Is Invested In the Canadian Industry, BROJ TCHISJf lit THS POL ICK. The new police board has been In the saddle Just three days. On the first day Its members proclaimed to the law abiding citizens of Omaha that their Intentions were pacific, that they had no disposition to disturb or derange the police or fire departments as then or ganlsed. On the third day they sum marily deposed the two police captain and appointed in their place two men who had previously been retired from the service for good and sufficient reasons. Before assuming their duties each member of the police board ws re quired to subscribe to a solemn oath that "In making appointments or considering promotion or removals he will not be guided or actuated by political motives or Influences, but will consider only the interest of the city and the success and effectiveness of said , department" It was not expected that a political desperado like William 3. Broatch wonld have any regard for an official oath, but the other three members, or at least two of them, are presumed to appreciate the responsibilities they have assumed. It ia amaslng therefore that they should hnve allowed Broatch to load them into a flagrant violation t the law govern ing the police, both a& rpg .ttJ-j the d?gradatt' 'i '. f fleers before charge htT be. prfe:Ted and proved and wUhor r(? h Lzarlng. and especially In tft p.-f Kixcent of men whose con dt"i while A the police force waa repre bfieible or disreputable. Had the majority of the board taken the trouble to acquaint themselves with the record and career of Captain Haxe, they certainly wonld not have stultified themselves by appointing nlm to any position. It 1 a matter of notoriety that Haxe hid scandalized the service on various occasions by . conduct that should forever bar him from the police force.' The citation of one case should Btrfflce: Bertha Relchenbech, a girl under age, waa taken from a disorderly bouse about September 1, 1803, at the Instance of her 'relative and brought before the police court Judge Bcrka. then aa now police Judge, directed that she be ent to the Mllford home, the state reformatory for girl. Under this order transportation was secured for the girl from Omaha to Mllford by the police matron, Mr. Cuming. Instead of exe cuting this order, . Captain Has took tne girt to nis own no me as a servant but at the end ot two week the girl' relatives fonnd her in another disorderly house, whence she was again arrested and taken to. Mllford. From that In stitution she wrote to her sister request ing her to secure from Haze the pay due her for' her work at his house, eaylng Incidentally that' he had neen well Mid for getting her back to the burnt dis trict A dozen instances of similar mis behavior could be cited. Tb question the respectable member of the board should ask themselves Is whether they should not at. once reconsider their ac tion or at least suspend the commission of Captain Haze until th?y have made a thorough Inquiry into hi fitness for the place. There are two classes In the commu nity who have congratulated themselves upon the recent change of police board the one chu include th political Jan izaries who train with Mercer and his railroad allies, the other class la the re spectable and highly moral citizen who had been led to believe that rice and lawlessness have been rampant in Omaha and would be checked and re pressed ,by a new regime. The first class undoubtedly has some reason for Jubilation, although the Baldwin-Mercer offensive and defensive alliance is sure to provoke a disastrous reaction. The second class will oon discover that it ha been duped. The first Installment of reform in tb appointment of the re doubtable Haze to a police captaincy and the promised reinstatement of Can Can .Slgwart should open their eyes and convince them that vice ha received no shock by the reform. , If the Mercer reform police board, will take the trouble of calling at this office we will take pleasure in exhibiting to them an affidavit drawn in the hand writing of Ignatius J. Dunn, now deputy county attorney, charging their newly appointed captain of police, Henry P. Uase, with subornation ot perjury and criminal vlclousness while a member ot the police force under the Broatch-Van- dervoort police commlaslon. After unselfishly waving aside the proffered nomination for governor of Ne braska on the ground that others in the ranks were more deserving of the honor. It would certainly be the pink of im propriety for Bryan to stand in the door blocking the way to all his friends who are eager to sacrifice themselves In the 1004 competition for presidential prefer ment Chsnip Clark of Missouri says that Congressman Shallenberger of Nebraska ia a very nanasome man." it that en dorsement doea not commend him to bis constituents of the Fifth district for a re-election, his campaign managers might circulate his photograph with the Intimation that it is pretty enough to frame and hang In any parlor. Aaa B Will Jala taa Miaala. Washington Post. ' Tb chap who sits on th track thee day and defies th cowcatcher of progress is going to mtsa a great deal la th way of commercial growth. Carta Cfcaa af (k-leae. Baltimore American. If it la trus, as reported, that th cause of yellow fever ksa beep found, t&ea en more germ will sooa b put oat cf commis sion. Sciatic 1 bunting dowa the foea te human Ul wUh tusrcilssa ssrslaleacr ao4 thers srs hopes that this century will e many of tha heretofore dreaded scourges of burasDlty rendered practically hirmless nigh Praia Well Teaeryet. P. LoUls Gloha-Pemocrat. Archbhehop Ireland pronounces the Amer icas coTernment to ba tb most reasonable sad fair-minded In tb world. This Is hljh prtua, boldly ipokea sod well deserved. . Bis; Ipraaltlea at (loaa. Bsn Francisco Chronlcl. It Is KTatlfylnc to American pride to learn ot the vast amount of American cap ital bow belog Invested In Great Britain, bat U-would b better business to Invest It In the west snd build np our own coun try. Prets Wltfcavt slower. Louisville; Courier-Journal. General Bradley T. Johnson says th south is likely to go republican tbls tall. There Is stilt a chance for somebody to get into the papers by proclaiming that th democrats will sweep New England ta November. " Welters States la Lift. New Tork Tribune. Senator Stewart is predicting that the republicans will carry Nevada tbls fall. After the reversal two years ago in Utah, Washington, Wyoming and South Dakota It does sot seem unreasonable to expect one more western silver state to slip back this year to Its long established and natural political moorings. . He Caaast Say No." Kansas. City Star. -, Mr." Bryan says he was only Dartlallv quoted In th recent Interview In which be said hs would not take the democrats nom ination for president again. H says If th nomination U thrust upon him b "cannot honorably say -no.'" Mr. Bryan la taking mor elttforats tici to be explicit than the emergency requires. OK Maxima aa Deck. Chicago Chronicle. Ws note with gratification that that grand old patriot Maximo Gomes haa ac cepted the chairmanship of a commission to nx snd pay the amount due th late Cuban army of liberation. Th record of Maximo warrants th assuraac that the liberators wlU be liberally dealt with, especially as Maximo modestly admits that he waa about nine-tenths of the army himself, the rest oeing maaa up of generals, colonels snd majors, with a sprinMing of captains. There was one private, but he died cf in digestion following the arrival of General nnartws commissary stores at Blboncy. naxunv win undoubtedly take a sad pleas ure la seeing that the largess ot a ra to tal nation is transmitted to ths widow ot wis gastronomlo patriot if he left a widow. Otherwise Maximo may be relied upon te Uke charge of it himself. re af ska Hssgry Dalian Hartford Courant If tb report as received la correct about the rwnoval cf th cotton duck niti. frm Nw Hartford, it ia a most discour aging and discreditable sign cf ths times snd cf th grd of th hungry dollar. The statement is mad that the company has been doing slrly well, but that th ui irtiBneciicut, which forbid employ ing cni:arn oetow 14 years of g inter fere with the. hiring of young and cheap amp. aaa inexerre it Is seemed advisable by th non-resident trust. management to go south, where there are no such laws and where the children can be secured for practically noth-'ug and kept In the mill instead or buiu sent to school. Who eares wnai iv of th chtldrea them selves r Thus juv-jjUI and the central and vital Industry of on of our fin old Con necticut town's is to' b extinguished b csus ignorant -children in ths south are allowed to go to th devil instead of belnc ,wvun 10 go 10 acnooi and leara soma- wng, .. . Pat Callta- Kertl Black. Springfield (Mass.) Kannhiin Th statement has been credit to th president cf on cf the anthraclf coal roads that tb coal mining corporations in no case have realised any advance on the price of coal ever the circular prices in force at the wuj u striae negan. It Is the dealers, h mmjm, wuo nave put up prlcea on tha con. eumers. One ot the largest of the New nlr AmIm. . . r uw cvutes rorwara to say that the actual price paid for coal to the mining vwyvnuuwa is some 3 above the circular um.. .a iirte wuen me StrlK bemn -it 1. true." h says, "that theoompaa!s have not advanced th circular announcement, but it la also true that for whatever coal haa been allowed .t eome forward the dealers hav oa compeiiod to pay prices aa stated above." Nobody, either operator or dealer ess be making anything out cf th situation, for th supply cf coal on hand at tha out. break of the strike could not cava been very' larsa, js sins otherwise would never nave Dea undertaken at that tlms. It Is profiting no one snd causing heavy loss all around. . .. WORKME.1 WHO - SEVER STRIKE. lUllaaa af Teller Wka Dlllccatl , Stick ta Tfcclr Jofca. Nw Tork World. In thes daya of unparalleled nroanerlt and strikes u Is a soothing reflection that th majority of American workers sever bars gone on strlk aad probably aavar will. A survey cf th national workshop, so to speak, dliolosas th fact that. Including men,, women and minors, nearly 11,000,000 Prons ar dally at work in it less the number of thoe temporarily on strike. Of this grand total 15.000.000 only, eonslderahl less than one-half, ar employed in tha In dustrie that ar aubject to strikes and lockouts. Her then is the gratifying fact that 17.. 000,000 workers in thes t'nlted States 'al ways keep working, included in this great standing army of industrious people who never quit their Jobs sr th farmers snd their help, about 1,000.000 strong. Th nao- P' at work on American farms, comprising neariy cn-talf ot the adult labor of th country, hav never gone on strike; th Idea baa never vea been mooted among them. Besides our farmers there sr over 1.000.- 000 workers, actors, authors, artists, clergy men, lawyers and doctors, none of whom ever strlk. Then there sr about 400,000 teachers in tb country, two-thirds of them women, who work year In and year out In strlkelea continuity. Next com our do mestic and personal and public servants, about 1,000,000 of tbem. Including our sol diers and sailors; they also belong to th naoatrlklcg majority. It is strictly to tb workers ia tnanafat- turlng and mechanical Industries and la trad and transportation, aggregating a grand total of 15,000,000 persons, that strikes and lockouts ar confined. But from this total many further deductions must b mad, becaus It includes th COO.vOO clerks and bookkeepers, tha 60.000 commercial travelers, th 200,000 real estate and com mission agents, th 8W.0O0 wholesale and re- tall merchaala. th 15,000 stenographers and th 35,000 bankers and broksrs. all of whom ar out aide th strlk son. Returns covering g long period ot years shea that the total number of persona who g on strlk or ar lucked out average S 14,000 an nually, la short, nearly twe-thlrds of all th working people of th country ar steady, continuous workers, wh "saw wood and any nothing," and of th other en. third nly a small fractioa stopa working at any oa lima. august f, 1002. i W wrweA w .Jim mirs LuiiaDy President HIM ef the Creat ; Northern railway Is an Interesting personality aad b rarely speaks without uttering some- bins worth saying, in a remark mad In th fours ot his address to th farmers of th "Rig Bend" country, who hsd Invited , irauaponaiioa companies or th northwest to a conference at IMven- P , X ' 00 M0Ddy ,a,t' Mr- 11,11 r .r.cu cumir wuica is cnaracieristio of him. "I am getting tob aa old man," ne said, and If I am to sccomplish sll I oav et out to do things must mov with celerity. Th remark lost nothing In fore becaus ef Its Ingenuousness, for It was Ingenuous and. aa th context shows, spoken absolutely without self-conscious- Iiess. Th fact that tinder President Hill s ; Inspirations conferences ilk the en at' Davenport have become matters of com- m"a wranc northwest speaks volume. How very different is th sttl- tud of Mr. Hill la this respect from that expressed In the saying of another railway president of a recent generation i "Ths puuuu do oamneat jus iwoioiq ODject Of th Conference Was . vuiam a rat or 10 cents a bushel en wheat to tb Pacific coast and te make an aMrnaiiT arrangement For shlpprna east via Minneapolis In the event ef a combine- tlon cf buyers being formed to depress prices ea th western coast While nothing wss decided oa thes points, th farmers " aaaurea mas in earners Considered them a their allies, both would be benefited by an increaa cf th productiveness ot the regn, the 01 versification of products and sosnoctloas ,lth new market. On th subject of legislation to regulate rates and !. 7 wrs connected with, th business trn,sPorttJo. kowsver. President HiU BJTORMOrS TRACTIOJf RECEIPT. tr4 Railway Cexapaa'le la' Asacrleaa Cities. New Tork Commercial. Phlldelphlans . may be slow, but they don't wslk when it becomes necessary to go from ens part ct their, town to another. The receipts of the traction companies show this. Reports Just submitted for the fiscal year 1902. ended on June 10 dlsclo that th aggregate receipts front alt the tar lines, in th city cow comprehended chiefly in the Union Traction company were close to $14,000,000. 'These yearly receipts hav been three times doubled in the last ten yean. In 1891, whan there were all aorta snd condi tions ot street cars, with the old-fashioned horse cars still largely la evidence, th to tal receipt of all the Philadelphia lines were, only $J,67,000 but there was a good profit in th business; in mg, after th chang te electricity had bee largely ac- ..MKll.t,.J . 1. - vm,,.u,Ul lum i rows earnings ware I7.698.0C8 and, owing to the heavy expense incident to new equipment and pavements, there waa a deficit of over 11,000.000; in 1898, with gross earnings ef $10,971,4r7, the surplus or profit wss only 24,i30: the 1901 receipts cf $14,000,000 show a surplus of $1,080,000, which will permit the pay ment ct dividends oa the Union Traction etock. In most ef the larger cltle the adoption ct modern systems of street traffic has been tremendously erpenslve-so much so as to abut oat profits for several years following ths beginning of the change. But whan once the Improved plant hav been established permanently and the profit-making corner baa been turned, the earalng possibilities seeni te be almost limitless. It would not be surprising If ta 1912 the traction profita in Philadelphia should equal the gross earnings of th syeteos la 1901. Iq New York th period or enormous profits nsy be longer d la yed, because the perfection cf the sye tm has bean attended with a much hesvler expense comparatively. ' All of which glvea emphasla to two facts that American municipalities have given away altogether too many street railway franchises, or sold them at figures toe low, snd that the financial resources of a coun try must be eolosaal when $36,000,000, $50, 000,000 er $100,000,000 may be tied up here and there awaiting confidently the vast profits that are sure to come some day. It la typical of ' thes times that they build for th future, even more than for th present - POLITICAL, DRIFT. . The Ames of Minneapolis are fewer In number. So are the big mtt. A. H. Wright mayor cf Merrill. Wis.', te the youngest chief executive ot any city in the northwest He waa horn December 26, 1870, and was elected to the position hs now holds in May last Dick Crokar issues another Utter declar ing h haa retired from politics for good. Meanwhile his relative aad former polloe chief, ths robust Devery. is working Dick's megaphone for all it ia worth. , . 'Ths people's candidate for circuit clerk" of Wayne county, West Virginia, offers a purse of 11,400 for the ofSes, la th form of prises te those wh guess nearest th number cf votes cast for htm. General Curtis Guild, Jr., republican nom ine for lieutenant governor of Massachu setts, was on th staff cf General Pits hugh Lee, a inspector general of the Sev enth army corps, C. B. V., during th Span ish war. David Turpte, formerly United States secator from Indians, Is passing his declin ing years la- his comfortable Indianapolis home. Mr. Turpi declines to be inter viewed, saying h ha absolutely retired from public life. , A startling innovation in campaign pledges ha been mad in Chicago. On of tha candidates for sheriff offers to Uke th Job tor the aaiary and turn the feea Into the county treasury. Hia sanity will probably be Inquired into. Ther are from northern constituencies 48 democrats In the h-9 ot represents tlvea, of which number 12 ar from- New York, t from Massachusetts, 2 from New Jersey snd 4 from Pennsylvania, a total of 11. There are 106 democrats aad popu list from the south. Th $30,000 la bill which figured in th bribery cases attending th election . ot Senator Clark by In Montana legislature still remain a part of th archives of that state. Tb man to whom it was glvea as a bribe naver claimed It; th briber or briber hav cot asked that it be returned an there la no channel by which th state canj appropriate it as a part of th publlo funds. Th Wisconsin legislature, which is to re elect Senator Bpooner or -choos his Suc cessor, has the sam members as the Ne braska legislature. It ts mad up of $3 senator and 100 member of assembly lit on Joist ballot. Minnesota haa 183 member la Its legislature, lows 150 and Illinois 204. In tb last Wisconsin legis lature ther were 21 deoiocrata and 113 republican member. In tha tours cf a recent debate ia th House cf Commons Mr. Wyndham, chief secretary tor Ireland, referred to T. W. Russell a cm ot th "political desperadoea those unworthy and desperate persons whose program of proscription and fear haa paralysed every osr.v of ' Irish national life."- Mr. Russell responded by saying that Mr. Wyndham "long ago mortgaged bis soul to the landlords, who ar now for- cleeiug their Uce.u rhllsdelphl Record inokft. most vlnro.t ..it ... te set broken bones by statnte." he said "as to sdjust rates. Ton ran leptslat until the bans dtxirs rot off. Th best thing to do Is ta set . o,', k... fc .w. officials. W will try to act In such a wsy mat you will realti that we are doing something fair snd In aoed faith." Thers Is an echo In thes words of th root to nr the ant ana .tin .. . Americss truat: "Tb business Hh ductlon. refining snd selling of oil In th t'nlted fitateal holnnr t of President Hill ma nh.nt .i snother proverb ot monopolism: "Business la atronser than h. i.. Tn . . .v. utterance of President HH1 Is perfectly true. Under free play ot competition th regulation of rates by legislation would b unnecessary; under existing conditions It is abortive. What he falls to consider. -and what h ts precluded by his position from admitting, is -this that th business which ha aa strenuous! in.i.ta k. f-. ' of statutory rettrsint Is Included by economlstn la th ruhrln f "n.tnr.1 monODOllea" And tha tnnnnnollatle eh.r. acterlstlts of th overland transportation companies are being emphasised by their tendency toward combination and "m.rrm" on the basis of "community of Interest." Th rul of sa enlightened despot has been described ss the best possible form cf gov- ernment, but absolutism and enlightenment hare never been seen harmnnlnual enm. btned in one Individual since th world began. Th people are not going to anr- render th Irresponsible and nnquestloned control . ever: subllo utilities even to th moat bentrsar-i of deabota . Caesars anm times have Ro'ti toad snd forgotten their debt to ths people. ' . ' OTHER L.AKDS TH1V OCRS. Thanlntgtar of public communication in Japan has 'just published an interesting itstement" regarding the' mercantile marine of that country., in January, 1898, It com prised (27 steam vessels aggregating S30, 000 tons, and 174 sailing craft messurlng 24,000 tons. ' On September 18, 1901, there were S24 steamer' of 65T.18I tons measure ment and no less than 1,191 sailing vessels aggregating 215.787 tons an Increase in less than four years of46 per cent for steam ves sels and the huge Increase of 2,200 per cent for sailing vessels. ', These latter, however, do not average, ever 100 tone burden apiece, chiefly coaster' and ' ao forth. So, In this short period the Japanese merchant service baa been Increased by (00 steam vessels and 2,000 sailing craft. In 1898 Japan had but one steam merchantman of over 6,000 tons burden; today It- owns twenty-one of that class. -There is a movement on foot over there to form an anti-foreign Japanese ship combine "a la Morgan," to merge, if possible, all the Japanese ship ping companies under one direction and control, which would.be confined to Japan ese strictly. Without the concurrence of Baroa Shlbusewa. however, this scheme may fall te come to anything. On May 15 a deliberative meeting waa held to this end In ths city cf Osaks. At this distance it ivoaa aa it jsuco a consolidation would hardly be practicable Unless having strong commercial connections In other countries. But Japan's achievement in putting its flag on the seas furnishes a striking object les son for ths whole maritime world. ee The economic policy of Russia, which its autocratic- government enablea it to carry out without encountering any troublesome opposition frorQ. public opinion, .is directed to keeping foreign competition out of Its owh markets and promoting competition la foreign markets wherever it sees advantage in it. As the official organ ot its great finance minister haa declared, Russia aa a nation may ( be behind Great Britain la wealth and America in productiveness, but It is "by .far the greatest economic unit on the face of the globe." Ita government ia the greatest and most potent of all trusts, using its political power to matntan Its own Industrial Interest,, No wonder It desires to have other governments join with it In restraining dangerous combinationa of private capital. Several European eounlriea have em ployed all- aorta- of devlcea to win the friendship cf Abyssinia. Russia, the ally of France, has been especially active. She haa aent all kind ot delegations and pres ents to Menellk, as has England. The kingdom is Great Britain's sors spot in northeast . Africa. Had ther ben an alliance between France and Menellk's kingdom when ths Fachoda incident oc curred there might have been a different termination ., , to , it. The French people have not forgotten,- that, affair and the ad- vanturoes la,-,the-Afrlcsn contingent of tb. French amy -sr. still looking in that dlrsction-A a outlet for their aurplus nrgyv, That.lt t.would be policy for Eng land ta try Ao maVa a good impression oa th Abyssinian general ia highly, prob able. England, however, can scarcely hops to counteract the Impressions already mad oa hoi, Th .French ar peat mas ter in tha art of, hospitality and rivalry would he useless. There remains the fact. moreover,,, that whan Abyssinia was more barbarous and less fitted to cope with civ ilised armies, than now England overran the empire and killed th king. That sort of thing doe not eaooursge confidence and the Abyssinlana may yet prove a formld- abi obstacle to English axpaaslon in Af rica. ,, .. .. . ' . Prince Vetchersiy, editor ot the Orash- danln, who ha Just been aent out by th r v, LAST DAY. ' Only on mors day of our 25 per cent and 60 per cent discount sal ta our Juvnll pepartment There are asv.rsl very fin bargains left 'at HALF FitlCS. .. '. . , $1.00, $5.00 and $8.00 Sailor Suits, Saturday, only Children's $1.00 snd $1.60 Knee Pants, ages 10 to 18 years, Saturday Boys' 13 60 and $4 00 Two-Piece Cult. 14, 16 and 18. years, Saturday .............. $5.00 to $7.60 Two-Plec Jakte and Pant Salts, T to 16 years, Saturday Boys' $7.60 to $1.O0 Long Pant Suite. 14 to IS years, Saturday , Wash emu aa. Pants, - Saturday , Straw Hats, one-half prtc and less, No Clothing Fits Liko Ours. ; Excludve Clothiers and Furnish:; csar to report personally ea the recent agrarian cot breaks la Russia, wa tb oely Russian Jnjrna1st; who, despite official warnings, dared to tell itha tmtn about th .famine .and fever making- have I ths province. H onr demonstrated how futile th passport regulations of Russia were. He eroesed te Rumania and obtained on ef the permits required when Uklcg livestock over the border. Armed with this, he went te one of the less frequented Russian frontier posts snd boldly pre sented tbs document to th sub-emcr In charge as his warrant to pass. Ths offi cial could read no Rumanian and little Russian, but aaw a big. official-looking pa per with an impoelng coat cf arms snd seal and straightway stuck ths Russian vise on it. At the end ef three months Metchersky returned to Moscow snd showed th governor that hs bad entered Russia and traveled there oa the authori'y of a document which described him for the purposes cf Identification, as a "black IwT'y" rWB' WUh "V rt'' tor eae ' v Ths OOCOS. or Keelln tf.LV. - v, long te th. British empire, are 'the prlvH. them and govern their t.rtmnt. ,lo autocrat. They ar a ring of eoral atoll, lying too mn !""!,. v-t.fc v T ao not a parson. . Neither have the a .,t,i ... i horse, cows, postofflc nor bank. But p- ' witrh ,tMhe ,nhbtt enough without these generally eonaMer. sary concomitants of eivtii..(. .vi IVl ,nourt Ur eolt cf filthy metallic lucre in th. shape of coins -ofl'r,UaU,.,00k,n Utt, cUteards good .for" five, two or one rime. . .... IU.0!.0 !T. tk TheM '! by,' turn DronrtATftt t. ia . - uie IBianOI, (JLDd ftjll Ana, pawntly regarded aa legal tender. e A commission which inet... . . fluentlai and well known noblemen, and at least one blshon. haa h, . Britain, and has made a report taking tha Tew th.t It 1. impracticable te suppras. the lessened by conflnlnr it aa . .. to the grounds of turf organizations. A chLion .'gU UiaB n,, ,oc1 PUo" -Z .0.b,Unc. - reached. not nkl... ?l th ,orm " John B not likely for many a da tA .r..a- v.. - t . wea uauuVU ag lap ,h'?J!be,.vPrtT"e,r' of r,ak!n -r on hi ' CHEERY CHAPF. Detroit Free Pre.., . ... er.VT.h""JOU youracTtlonr- . ..ume t fver gased at." barbarians, my boy." replied Willie's Pa, "are people who fight with T bo wa .J spear, instead t repeating tiStir Bd do vou rail iW.it gusfter Texas Ollcrat Ingrowing gusher. Washington Star: "I wouldn aisei... f"i!rU-' W. fWmly," t'&TlnaS .remianVmS-hat Sue ST S tog k ,th, ,nn JUM finished i patol: 3S"' neBr bem.' said the painter "Why. that's all." rejoined th boyV "it need punctuating." , " " wtr"'n ,Pres: - BoNotalwhy do tney call that nt.n. . -Knn v. OhIo State Journal: "t reckon yew won't r.Mtvt'w. l u? very lr ln th' rnornJn"" said Lncle Joshua, as he lighted th new "rnmer boarder to his room. . . , No, replied tue man from th citr "r tnk I would prefer to sleep li." ' 1 ""!' "fl"1 l:nt'Ie Joshua; -then ws won t hev breakfast till 4 a. m." Philadelphia Press: "He has such a funny way of abbreviating words. Her nl'ulo'l' '!.ndutr'-' 1 "PPO- ha mesne hiVt'' yu' doesn't Ilk to writ resdy.'" " " m"r out al" Chicago Tribune: Unexpectedly th sport- ing reporter had been called upon to writ up a wedding. "The bride.' 1i r. i . in a dense fog, but moved down th aisle at a leisurely canter and looked every Inch a winner." 7 THE) OTHER ONB. . Harry T. Peck In th Bookman. Sweet little maid with winsome ayes That laugh all day through tha tangled nalr, Oazlng with baby looks ao wis 1 Over the arm of the oaken chair. Dearer than you la none to me. Dearer than you there can be none; Bine In your laughing face I aaa Eyes that tell of another one . Here where th firelight softly glows, Sheltered and safe and anus and warm. What to you la th wind that blow. Driving the sleet nf the winter storm? Round your head the ruddy light ' Glints on the gold from your tresses spun. But deep Is the drifting snow tonight . Over th head of the other one. Hold m close as you sagely stand, Vatching the dying embers shine; Then shall I fee! another hand That nestled once In this hand of mlni Poor little hand, ao cold and ohill. Shut from the ll-ht cf stars and sun. Clasping th withered roses still That hid th face of the eleeyfr.g one. Lush, tittle maid, while laugh you may. Borrow comes to us all. I know; Better- perhaps for her to stay Under the drifting robe ot snow. Sing while you may your baby songs, Ulnar till vour b.hv iim ere But, oh, the ache of th heart that longs Night and day for th other one! . $2, $2.50, S3 50c and 75c , .$1.75 a 32.00 25 por ct. off 25 per ct. off 25 per ct. - e w f f6 alrl "yrtVlcUn-Confoun you, I tLit1 dvertiaaa a gusher," and noW L?Dde VT" J', .? ?rop of 'oil comlns 7 MX -Jf ft I