Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Tbj Are Eat to Eh art in Welcoming
President Rootevelt.
Draoiacri Repebllraa t'oesrreseloael
Committee for IMaylns; late the
Haili of DstM H. Jteroer
and Delaying; Actloa.
. The SUtb Ward Republican dab at Its
meeting Uit night pat on foot move
ment to Increase the scope of the parade
which will b glren for President Rooae
elt on September 17. The reception will
probably be tinder the supervision of tbe
Knights of Ak-Par-Ben and any movement
aupplemental to the usual electrical pa
geant will hare to be 'with their consent
and for that reason a committee consisting
t H. If. Ostrom, John N. Weetberg and
Miles Houck was appointed to take the
matter up with the board of governors.
A committee consisting of W. C. Pratt.
Yf. O. Cre and E. C. Wolcott was appointed
to draft constitution and by-lsw for the
club, those last adopted having been lost.
W. 3. Hunter, railed upon for a speech,
took occasion' to announce that he would
not permit himself to be considered as
candidate for nomination for county com
missioner, saying that since he consented
to the use of bis name H. E. Ostrom had
announced bis candidacy, afterward with
drawing, but that Mr. Ontrdra't withdrawal
would not change' his decision not to be a
A. C. Troop, L. D. Holmes' and Nelson
C. Pratt' addressed the meeting. Mr. .Pratt
aid: ;. ,
"You all know I am a candidate for con
green.. I. announced eight months ago toy
candidacy and sjuc that time I have been
trying to find out when and under what
conditions the nomination would be made.
I know no more about Jt now than I did
eight months ago. t want to denounce the
action of the republican committee of the
Second' congressional district in further
ing the Interests of t)vld H. Mercer and
not upholding the interest 'of the party in
tbo district, and I ask. you. to use your' in
fluence upon the committee to '.bare . that
committee give all of the candidates a fair
bow." i
The following opinions will be officially
112M. Chics go, Burlington tt Qulncy
Railroad compHnjr against Martelle. Error
from tiiHJar, Reversed. Barnes, C, divi
sion No. 1 ''')
1. The questloft ; of the right to tile
mended pleadings, during the trial. Is one
which -is confined it the discretion of the
trial ctourt, and unless the record clearly
shows- an abuse of ritacretlon the rulings
thereon will be sustained.
1 The third subdtvlelon of section M of
the Code provides that the petition shall
contain "A denmnd of the relief to which
the party supposes hlmnelf entitled. If the
recovery or mon'y- be demanded the
amount thereof shall be stated." Will a
petition to recover damages for a personal
injury, which contains no demand for any
relief whatever, sustain a verdict and judg
ment therefor? Quaere.
1. A passenger, who has been carried paat
tils place.. of destination by a train which
iiu nut wivy lui uu iw ntiBiit, ni'iu waiv.,
without notice to or knowledge of those tn
charge of the train,, simply to avoid being
, carried to tf nwtt station. Jumps from the
teps of the car to the around while the
train Is In rapid motion and is Injured
thereby, cannot maintain an action against
the railroad company to recover damages
therefor. Landauer Against Chicago, Bur
lington Si Quinry Railroad company, St
Neb., MS., approved and followed. (Sulll-
van, C. 3.. and Oldliam, C. dissenting.)
Omaha & Republican Valley Railroad com
pany Collette,-ft! Neb., 143; Union
jpaclflo Railroad company against Porter,
IS Neb., 226, and Railroad company against
Hyatt, ?i Neb., 161, distinguished an4 .ap
proved. ' .
11427. Chicago. St. 'Paul, "Minneapolis
Omaha Railroad company agalnat Lager
brans. Error from Burt. Affirmed. Al
bert, C, division No. I.
1. In an action for damages for personal
Injuries, resulting from the alleged nea-ll-gonce
of the defendant, in order to negative
contributory .nee; ligence It Is not necessary
to set ovit In the petition the speclfla steps
taksn by the Injured party to avoid the
Injury, ihe ' general blleaatlon ' that such
Injuries were received without fault or
negligence on his part is sufficient.
2. Where the railroad track Is the usual
and only practical route bv which a pee
enger may go from the station to his train
the railroad company will not be heard to
say that a passenger, by taking such route,
becomes guilty of negligence.
5. Evidence essmlned and held sufficient
to warrant the submission of the questions
of negligence and contributory negligence
to the jury.
4. An assignment of error based on the
reception or exclusion of evidence, to be
considered, must rolnf out the evidence
the reception or rejection of which. Is com.
p'talned of; a mere reference to the subject
matter Is Insufficient;
6. In an action by an administrator .to
reoover daman.- puUlng to a wife on
account of the death, of her husband, al
leged to have beeaCRueed by the negilcenc
of the defen.I.n.t, the fact that such wife
has subsequently remarried Is immaterial,
and should not be submitted t the Jury
ior considered by them in fixing the
mount of the recovery.
. 1 Whether to submit special findings to
the Jury Is largely within ths discretion of
the trial court, esd, in the absence of an
buse of such oincretlon. the refusal to
Submit such flnfllnKs will not be reviewed.
Ui4. Courier Printing company against Error from Lancaster. Reversed.
Albert, C, division No. g.
X. The defendant In an action before a
Justice of the peace made a special ap
pearance, which was eustslned; another
Summons Issues and was served on the de
fendant; judgment was sub.equently rend
ered against the defendant; the justice
Included the proceedings on the special ap-
The man on the stage who doe th
UU.1l of eacaphig f rota firmly tied ropes,
submits to the txmds with gmile. He
knows be can get out of the ropes that
rc bums knotted. Put the same man in
tue woo, and lut Indian captors bind
iiim to tree for torture and be would
atrtif vie to the last acaitist the bonds.
VVea the stomach is diseased there
re bonds iH-tng wovn every hour about
the organs dt-jx-ndent on the stomach
heart., lucga, liver, kidneys, etc. The
lolly of Suaukitul is to passively submit
to tat fastening' t4 theae bonds with, no
effuit to escape until the pain they cause
ai onset feur,
i Dr. Kercc't Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
Organs of digestion and nutrition. it
cute Lita,v-t of heart, liver, lungs, kid
neys and other oryaus, when tceae dis-
eaM-a, as is oflea the case, have their
Orijjia la the diseased ctoinach.
fur a Ion; lime t was euftVriag ad was
karii y sue to rri ttfout writes Mr. AttAtmw J.
Jraw.iu . f Tunnn, Tutker Co , W. u
14. is iKnurtcU with ktdncv trouble aud
m-f -I'oiC atcua was out oi order; had no
rrvtite. A tuend tl' miae told aie to try Dr.
it GoMcu Hd;,at liacowry. 1 ei4 oo
auo iae html Umi. iioted ru y nUtc. I wxit
uuitU-a of t .o.v" n Mriml IiM-ovcry .i
tut of Ihe 'ricoAsi t' ku4 feel lias
It. Pierre' Pleasant Pellett cleanse;
C tioed syetciu fiom ImpurlUea,
pearanco In Ms oWket entries In rase;
the d-fenilunt ordered a trpcript. in
crler perfect an sppenl. en1 the .luetic
Inrliidd therein the jirnceellnn on 1h
Spet lai eppeerance and Inciorier the seme
In the fee rherged and receive fnr the
trsnedpf. IfeH. that the esactlon of fees,
for ttat part of the tranecrfpt pertaining
to the peclsl eppearence. did not rner
the uitl"e Mnhle for the statutory penalty
for .klng llieaal fes.
1 The words "flurefr approved bv me
thin 24th day of July, UPfl," followed by th
official elanature, of the Juetlce of the
peace, endorsed on an appeal bond Is not
a certificate and the eaaetlon of a fee
h...fn, . m .,,K K V k. fnallA im 111...
(.The' words ''filing petition, btll oi
paitlculars. or other papers neceary In
a cee." In section 11. chapter xavlll. Com
piled Ptetute. Includes an sppesl bond.
4. The penalty provided In said section
follows not only the taking of areater fees
than those specified for services rendered,
but ateo the taking of fees for services
other than thoee specified In section 11,
chapter itxvlll. Compiled P1stuts.
l&llg. Cuyler against IJlly. Appeal from
Custer. Affirmed. Holoomb, J. .
1. Objections to confirmation of sale of
reel estate made under a decree In fore
closure proceedlnrs examined and held that
the order confirming the sale Is without
13S4S. Merrill against Plate. Error from
day. Affirmed. 'Holoomb, 3.
1. The provisions of the act of the legis
lature of 1WW. being chapter xxxv thereof
(chapter ixxill. Compiled Statute". 19ni,
creatine a food commlewlon, maklne ths
?ovemor the food commissioner, providing
or the appointment of a deputy food com
missioner and defining the duties of the
officers so provided for. does not contravene
the provisions of section M, article , of
the constitution, wherein tt Is declared!
"No other executive state office shall be
continued or created and the duties now
devolving upon officers not provided for
by thl constitution shall be performed by
the officers herein created."
1. Nor does said act conflict with section
11 article vlll, of the constitution, declaring
"that no bill shall contain more than one
5. Where a part of an act has been de
clared Invalid and the remainder Is com
plete and perfect fn all I's parts, and Is
capable of execution. It will be upheld and
enforced unlees It is apparent that the
Invalid part was an Inducement to the
adoption of the remainder.
4. Held, that the part of the ant under
consideration relating to an attempted ap
propriation for the salary of the deputy
food commissioner, " which has been de
clared Invnlid, was not an inducing element
to the paooaae of the remainder of the act.
12CTA. Randolph agalnat State. Error from
Merrick. Affirmed. Holcomb, J.
1. It Is not a good ground cf challenge
for reuse, undnr the provisions of seotlon
6, Code of Civil Procedure, that Juror
who has been summoned on the rs-ul ;r
panel which ha been quashed on a
lenee to the array, has attain been sum
moned under a special venire at the Same
term of court or would the challenge be
good had the Juror sat In a cause tried at
the same term of court before the chal
lenge to the array was sustained.
1. Aliened Irregularities In the Issuance
of special venire, after the quashing of
ths regular panel of Jurors, which have In
nowise been called to tbe attention of the
trial court, nor is mentioned In the motion
for a new trial, cannot be considered In the
appellate court on review by proceedings
In error.
9. Alleaed vrror In the admission of cer
tain vlder.c examined and found not well
4. The signing of fictitious name of
person, to an Instrument which la the sub
ject of forgery, with an Intention to de
fraud, la a false and fraudulent making of
such instrument and constitutes the offense
of forgery.
17742. State against - City of Alllst.ce.
Error from Box Butte. . Judgment. Hol
comb, J.
1. Whether city council which hes by
order granted license to an applicant to
sell Intoxicating liquors, no formal license
having been Issued, can an adjourned meet
ing som two weeks later reconsider their
action granting such license and reject trie
application, without notice to applicant t
1. It it within the absolute discretion of I
the licensing authorities to refuse a license I
ro oil iml(tn K r f . t an vwniniwlt I
or municipality cf the state.
I. Where the traffic Is I censed and rea-u-
lated In pursuance of the law regulating
the sale of Intoxicating liquors and ordin
ances of the municipalities of the tate,
those authorised to grant a license to such
sa apply therefor In passing on an applica
tion act In a quasi judicial capacity and
from the action taken thereon an appeal
lies to tht district court by anr party in
terested In such application.
4. tiucn licensing authorities in passing
on applications for Ucenae can exercise
only a legal discretion and bars not a
right to exercise arbitrary and capricious
discretionary power regarding such applica
tion. 5 .
i. Held, In the case at bar. that the re
lators are entitled to a writ of mandamus
to correct an abuse of arbitrary axercia
of authority.
1159. Hoover oV Pons aaalnst Havnea.
Error from Lancaster. Reversed and re
mandsd. Barnes. C. division No. S,
1. In a suit for damaaes the alvlnsr of an
Instruction which In substance Informs ths
Jury that If from the evidence . they find
lor tne ptatntirr tney win nx his Carnages
at such sum, within the amount claimed,
which la 12.600, as they think he has sus
tained by reason of the facts alleged in
his petition, and which thus eliminates the
consideration of the evidence in flxlnr the
mount of recovery. Is reversible error.
I. Evidence examined and held that ths
verdict returned by the Jury Is excessive
and the amount thereof It not sustained by
In the supreme court of the state of Ne
braska the following opinion will be offi
cially reported:
l"48. mate against Hunk of Oaralalla,
Error from Keith. Judgment. Dir. C.
Jjivlelon No. 1.
1171)0. Baree asralnst Haaiam. Rmrfmm
Podo-e. Former Judxment adhered to.
Pound, C. Division No. 2.
1. Under sections 43 and 439. Coda of
Civil Procedure, the trial court after ver
dict may order the case reserved for argu
ment or consideration of some point of law
and on consideration thereof render such
Judo-ment aa oight to be had In view of Its
decision upon said point.
. i nis power exists oniy wun reference
to speclflo points of law artstnt upon the
pleadings or the evidence. A case cannot
be reserved gfter verdict upon the general
question whether, under the evidence, the
plaintiff Is entitled to recover. - -
S. If the trial court Is of onlnlon that In
view of plaintiff s evidence, if erred tn sub
mitting tne case to tne Jury and should
have directed a verdict for the defendant
the proper course la to grant a new trial.
4. wnere a case is reserved after ver
dict for further consideration ths point or
points of law upon which It is reserved
mum be stated specifically In th record.
ltiHS. P-srrlson National Bank agalnat
Austin. Appeal from Chase. Afllrmed.
Klrkpatrlck, C. tHvinlon No. 1.
L here one Has pluced his scent for th
Investment of sme money In notes and
mortxvK In such a situation that persons
of ordinary prudence, and acquainted wltn
business usages, would be Justified In re
garding such agent as having full au-
tnonry wnn rererenr to the extension,
collection, eta., of such notes and mort-
gaates. payment to such agent will be
oecmeq payment or tne principal.
t. That a party to whom moner due an
other Is paid Is not In possession of th
svidences of the lndnbteaneas Is not con
clusive of the question of authority or lack
of it to malt the collection; such authority
may u mierrea jrom in laci mat similar
acts, through a series of transactions re
lating to a Ilk business, have bsea uni
formly ratified by th creditor.
s. i.vldr' examined and found to bus.
tain the findings and Judgment of the trial
1 !;. Cook aralnst Gere County. Add.1
Brum tMtfio. AMirmea. oeugwit-K, J.
1. Th ,i.,t io rt-,utrMt hv .iMIiIbIam 9
section 62. article ii. chanter xiv. CoinDilei
statutes of lsinl. is lurladictlonal and eoiiali-
sation ana levy made without such notice
WLJL o Rhea acalnat Kivtntucn. Error
irora riatie. Keveraea. Klrkpatrlck, . C,
Division No. 1.
1. An officer can only chsrre such fees
for the performance of ottlclai services as
are aulhorlaed by statute, and any chara
In excens of the fere provided by statute
are itirgai ana 'inautnorisea
1. u nder ine provietons of section 5, chap
ter xxvill Complied btatutrs, a sheriff la
authorised to rharge comintsaion only upon
moneys actually received and dlnbursed by
him, and where the decree la saderted prior
to sale, and the money la paid directly by
the eiei-ullon debtor to the creditor a com
mieeton charged by the sheriff on such
money la llul and unauthorised.
t. The fact that a litigant against whom
the sheriff has charpird and collected fees
not authorised by law has a ruined y by
niouon io rciax costs aoes not aepnv Mm
cf his rlnht to proceed against if: sheriff
and his bondemen under section S4. chapter
innii. oinpura Biaiuies, lor tn recovery
Mi in penalty intrtin provldea.
4. A rauae or action in favor of a co
partnerehlp agalnat a sheriff and hie bomia-
nien to recover th penalty provided by
aectlon 14, chapter xxvill. Complied Stat
utes, does not abate by th dissolution of
th co-partneralup, but aurvtve to the tn-
oivinuai meuiurr or sucit co-partnership.
1 IP V. Dale Brown against Council
tuuns uivuigs tai,K. Krror troia Douglas
Rrvml. Amea. C. division Ki 1.
. 1. Although In ordinary cages an agister's
remedy i sxcmsiveiy mat which Is pro
vided dj siaiuta, iner la no reason why
this method nay not be departed from with
the prefertnee and concent of th parties
interested, aud In th cos at bar It la held
that th quiatlun whether n b. consent was
given waa on of fact which should hav
bi.u left to th gelernUnauea ef ths Jury
5,000 pr
Pairs M
3tZ Misses', Boys', Youth's & Child's Shoes
In lace and button, plain leather tips and patent f"V fiQc TV fv
leather tips, in vici kid, dongola, calfskin and box PN J) l 7 J)
calf leathers, in light, medium and heavy Boles.... QJl KJ?
Afraid tht Pemocrttio Oosjpeniraal Htmi
n&tien Will Etoape Sim.
CoaTentloa Called for Best Week Be
cause Sklelae Fears Other Caael
Jates Mar Take Hie Dele
aratea, Already 8eleca.
Chalrmaa Fred H. CosrroTe hat called tbe
democratic congreetlonaj conTsntlon of thla
LriCl IO CUUfCU. U .MV jr. ,
Saturday, August 18. . .Tbe delsgatet to
tbe convention from Doug lag county were
telected at tbe county convention bold on
June 11, when It was generally understood
tbat the congressional ' convention would
not be called until along toward tbe first of
October, after the republicans bad made
tbetr nomination.
Tbe tuddea eall for an early contention
under tbe circumstances, la not only a sur
prise, but aomstbing of a shock io the dem
ocrats of tbe district. It, waa generally con
ceded at tbe Jacksonlan and Douglas County
Democracy clubt last nlgbt that the call bat
tome hidden slgnlBcaace that the change
which brings the democratic nomination on
before' tbe republicans nave named their
man waa brought about In the interest of
tome particular candidate. Although the '
friends of Oeorge W. Shields protested to
have been surprised by tbe early call, there
t good reason for believing that be it tbe
particular candidate who induced it.
Candidates Galore Now.
When tbe delegatea to tbe congressional
convention were selected June 11 Shields
wat the only avowed candidate in tbe field
for the nomination and bit frlenda were
permitted to dictate the Damns of tbe dele
gation. Shields, together with almoat every
other democrat in the county, then con
sidered that bit nomination wat a foregone
conclusion, and there waa no disposition
n their part to ruth the matter. But
tbtngt have changed since June ti. Others
have appeared voluntarily and otherwise as
possibilities for tbe democratic congres
sional nomination. For tbe patt week or
two Dr. T. H. Eaaor of South Omaha bat
been making an active canvass for the nom
ination, having sollotted tupport from the
delegattt. Lytle Abbott't name hag been
whispered among the delegatea for sound
ing purposes. C. 3. Smyth had been talked
about so much in connection with tbe nomi
nation that tt baa become necessary for him
to tell hit frlendo that he would not Uke it
W. S. Poppleton, Jamas E. Boyd and James
H. Mcintosh have been mentioned. Last of
all a great many democrats, and among
them many supposed supporters1 of Shields,
have been talking about the running quali
fications of Ed P. Smith and it hat come to
be considered that Smith might beat Shields
out after all, tn case he concluded to let
hit friends go ahead. Everything hat worked
to give Shields a very severe nervousness
Just such a feeling aa would prompt him to
call for culok action before the delegation
that waa put up In hit Interest could be un
dermined. Llal f the Delegates.
The dslegatea to the democratic congres
sional convention are aa follows:
Om&ha Mrst ward. John Zellert, Walter
Brandes, Edward J. Dee. John Drexrl.
Liavtd Rowden; Heoond ward, William H.
Htrdrain, Adam fctloup, H. J. Altchtson,
Albert Fserian, John Murphy; Third ward,
A. L Knabe. W. H. Uonsoulus, Edward
Kothery, William Moran, Patrick Desmond;
Fourth ward, L Wnver, Oeorgs Iary,
Prank Murphy. 8. F. Burnese, E. C. Page;
Fifth ward. O. J. Bauman. A. A. Artt-r.
Hubert Williams, Thomas Boyd, F. II Cos
grove; Sixth ward, F. E. Bmhh W. H.
I France, A. J. Webb, O. W. Tierney,
Harry Lawrle; Seventh ward. E. P. Berry
man. E. K. Howell, J. J. O'Connor, Henry
Kohlf, W. O. OUbert; Eighth ward. Charles
Wlthnell, Iee Van Camp. A. C. Ellick,
P. M. Tobln, T. F. MoArdle: Ninth wrd.
S. C. Martin C. C. Wright. Frank T. Ran
som, K. 8. West, J. If. Grossmsn; at large,
Frank Murphy, Clark 8. Lowell, U J
I'lattl. C. 8. Montgomery, C. J. Smyth.
Charles Ogden.
South Omaha First ward, Frank Bur
nma. James Bulla; Second ward, J. .
C'ushlng. P. McDonnouah: Third ' ward,
Steven Carroll. J. P. Cramnr; Fourth ward,
John Marburg, p. Mrljiln; Fifth ward.
J. J. Hlne. John J. Jarkman; Sixth ward,
L. R. Berlin, Kdward Halptn.
From the Country LUhorn, Joseph Mc
Ardie; Dundee, Frank E. Murtn; Clontarf
J. C. Brennao; Valley. J E. Burke; East
Omaha. C. E. Tounger; Banaon, Jamea A.
toward; Douglas, O. J. plckard; Chlcasn,
Fred Bulla; McAMla. F. C. McArdle; MJI
tard. Hans Slrh; Florence, K. Craig; Km.
nington, John F. Kelly; Union, Sieve War
ner; Waterloo, A. H. Campbell.
Mtttaattaa C'treasastaaree.
Chicago News: "I should think," tald
the lady to tht big, husky specimen of
humanity who kad . come for the clothee,
"that you would be tshamsd to let your
wife take la washing."
"I rsckoa 'lis kladec. hard -on the old
woman," replied the man who waa too
heavy for light work and too light for
The Men's Shoes, the Women's Slices, the Girls and
en's Shoes,
Goodyear Welt Patent Leather Shoes "
English AVelt Calfskin Shoes- ' '"
Good McKay Sewed Vici Kid Shoesr- . -.
Splendid Box Calf McKay Sewed Shoes-
Women's Genuine, Dongola Kid Oxford Ties . ,V '
.Prince Albert Low Shoes, Langtry Button Oxfords
Women's Lace Shoes, Women's Button Shoes
Women's Strap Sandals, Women's Spring Heel Shoes
heavy work, "an' I wouldn't let her do tt
but for one thing.? v- .
"And what It that T" asked the lady : '
, "I've got ter have tomethin' ter eat an'
wear," . answered the victim of clrcum
stances. c . .
arvlvers of the "Wars Geaeroosly
Remembered by the Geaeral
WASHINGTON, Aug. . (Special.) The
following pensions have been granted:
Nebraska: Increase, Reissue, Etc. Bllag
O. Smith, O'NsiU. 110; Norman Coon,
Weeping Water, 12.
Iowa: Originals Lucius H. Phinney,
Fort Madison, B; iSherman E. Jackson,
East Peru, t3 (v ar with Spain), -Increase,
Reissue, Etc. Amos Taylor, Coon Rapids,
... . a Ulll.. rUAA .17 fWrv.
U. Ferris, Clarlnda, $17: wflllam Steele,
Dickens, i0; Flckilng P. Wood, Iowa Fall.
12; John W. Dickens, Clayton. $10.
Widows, Minors' and Dependent Relatives
Percllla' Snow,.. Uneville, 12. .
South Dakota: . Increase. Reissues, Etc.
V.inirl g. Moulton, Crow Iake, 112: Simon
PUblelrt. Aberdeen,-' $3; Charles Barrett,
Sioux Falls, IZi.,..,- . .
Nebraska: Inrreaae. Reissue, Etc. Rufus
M. Pierce, Crab Orchard, $10. Widows,
Minors and Dependent Relatives Margaret
P. Redfleld, Cknabft. $8. ... . .
Iowa: Origitials Brnjamln " N. Black
atone. Sao City, $; Edwin B. Fish, Clin
ton. $8;.,Ouy; AFeely,. Waterloo,, $6 (war
with Spain) ;r Oeorge Muxlow, Rnnda.ll'a. $4,
Increase, Kelsaue.i Btc-Hartwell M. Fits
aerald, ' Corydqn, $14; William T. . Beddow,
Soldiers' home, Marahalltown,' $10: James
F..Mctirew, Moulton, $17; Francis M. Craw
ford, Washington, . $12; William Trimble,
Soldiers' home, MarsJialltown, $10; Charles
Dillon, Marshalltown, $12. Widows, Minors
and Dependent Relatives Mary , E.- Smith,
Truer, $8; Barbara Oison, 81ater, $8.
South Dakota: Increase, Reissue, Etc.
Ira Plngry, Mitchell, $10.
Nebraska: Originals Perry O. . Metcalf,
Walworth, $6 (war with Spain). Increase,
Reissue, Etc. John Kraft, Brock. $10.
Iowa: Increase.-Reissue, Etc John Ho
gancamp, Marsnallto'wn, $8; Jamea H.
Kelly, Schaller. $14: Esek B. Chandler.
Clinton, $30. Widows. Minors and De
pendent Relatives Clarissa Vinton, Wayne,
$12; Agnes Olmstead, Iowa Falls, $12; Ann
E. Ceprley, Ollmore City, u; .iisa j.
Turner, Atlantic, $8.
Nebraska: Original Scott Townsend,
Crawford, $& Increase, Reissue, Etc. Wil
liam Barnett, Albion, $10; Henry Douer,
Soldiers' and Bailors' Home, Qrand Island,
$10; John T. Hogue, Grand Island, $12; Am
brose Hadley. Alliance, $12; Daniel Peyton,
Beaver City, $12. Widows, Minors and De
pendent Relatives Rosa- C. Brenbarger,
Blair, $8; Mattle V. Flak, Marquette, $12..
Iowa: Original John F. Miller, Jefferson,
$; William B. Williams, Marahalltown. $;
Thomas B. Dunlap, Delaware, $8; Pleasant
B. Hoffman, Woodbine, $8; Oeorge W. Roth,
Boone, $6. Increase, Reissue, Etc. Joslah
Piatt. Fayette. $U; John H. Colllnsworth,
Andrew,. $1$;. John H. Crane, Maquoketa,
$12; James C. McKell, Dee Moines, $11.26;
Samuel C. tavell. Belle Plain. $14; Marcus
J. Matteson, Missouri Valley, $1$; Augustus
Bltlner, Nora Springs, $12. Widows, Minors
and Dependent. Relatives Louisa Price,
North Branch, $8; Catherine Brannan.
Watklns, $8; Frances A. Beach, Fort
Dodge, $17; minora of Inman IL Bowers,
Huxhes, $20; Annls M. Weaver, Council
Bluffs, $4.
South Dakota: Increase, Reissue, Etc.
Harry J. Hall, Conde. $8.
Wyoming: Original Albert Flood, Raw
11ns. $.
Nebraska: Original John V. Anderson,
Wilsocvllle, $S; James H. Watts, Grand
Island, $12; James Uoreland, DUler. $S. Ia
crease Reissue, Etc. Larkln 8. Flint, Fre
mont, '$iJ. Widows, Mlnura and pendent
Relatives Charlotte Cox, Omaha, $8;
Duella J. Hoover, Battle Creek, $12 (war
with Spain).
Iowa: Increase, Reissue, Etc. James M.
Ferris. Fredericsa, $10; Edward A. Wright,
Parkersburg, $8; Daniel T. Wilson, Usoomb,
$10; Israel Brees, Red Oak, $10. Widows,
Minors and Dependent Relatives Amanda
Shaffer, Newton, $8; Hattla E. , Billings,
Waterloo, $8.
South Dakota: Increase, Reissue, Etc.
Berend Buns, Lennox, $12. Widows, Minors
and dependent Relatives Frances E. Os
born. Ilermosa. $3.
" PlesMaro ta Flowers.
We havt lovely little flower garden thla
year by the north side dt our bouse, a kind
of trapetold In shape. Three aides being
fenced with three-foot poultry netting, the
fourth by the bouse, It Is a small edeo of
blossoms at present, July 13. Japanese
glories and varlgated bopt trail on tht net
ting and native woodbine climbs on the
house; the painted a fawn color,
with white trimmings. We 'do love pretty
vines and we have soma beauties of our
own this year. '
One lister wrote last winter "that any
woman able to use a big spoon could have
vines," and I quits agree with her. In our
case every member of the family has an In
terest and helped make our garden; we put
It in a suitable, convenient place and
fenced it, to be ture of no Intruders both
ering. We all agree that our garden bat
given ut pleasure enough already to pay
for all our trouble.
We havj some beautiful double-flowered
balsams or touch-me-nots, all colors; nas
turtiums, Dianlbua pinks, snapdragons.
geraniums, gladiolus, are all blooming to
profusely, and such beautiful colors. Tnsn
we have some of the loveliest poppies from
seed tent by our friend. Mollis Thedford of
Tyler, Teg'.. Other varieties have noUdoae
so well for us. but we have enough for our
ability. We like to have our flowers appear
to be well cared for. So oue fiowsrt ars
mostly tboee dear lovely old standard torts.
At present we art willing for our friends to
bars the exquisitely dslnty plants. Ws
think every home should have a fsw flow
ers. They are some cars, but It la such a
BloaseAt care. .. . MLJUS i.UM,a.
l v VS. I til I
e V, - La L -3 - U
. - , .
Bright' Agricultural Prospect Stimulates
, : Being ia ths Eoiiueu World,
. . . i . .. . , .
Dealers Aatlclpete 'Heavy Fall Com
. saeree suasl Coafldestoe la Itreag
Iras sat Heel iltaa
1lee Fropltleas.
NEW YORK. Aug; t S. Dun . . Co.'e
Weekly Review of Trade, tomorrow will
say: Bright prospects in agricultural sec
tions far outweigh the adverse Influence of
labor disputes, which, are . still retarding
iriuv anu unuuiftuiuif, ui,u.iw ., ...
future la unshaken, dealers everywhere
preparing for a heavy fall trade, while
contracts,; for distant deliveries run fur
ther Into next year than Is usual at this
date. Activity has been noteworthy In
lumber regions and fish packing made new
records. Hallway earnings are fully sus
tained, the latest returns showing aver
age advance of 8 per cent over the corre
sponding time last year and 21.8 per cent
over 19a. , J . . .
; Aside fl-om the ' fuel scarcity and tome
congrstlmns of traffic,'' the' Iron -and steel
situation continues, propitious. Coke ovens
In the Connelisvllle region maintain a
weekly output .of .about 2D0,Xi0 tons and
find ready buyers at full prices. Much
more could be used to advantage. Condi
tions are Indicated by the numoer of or
ders going out of the country which do
mestic producers. cannot undertake. Thus
far the imports have had little Influence
on domestic prices, except aa to billets,
which are freely offered below the
home market level. New contracts
for nlar Iron were ' placed ' this week
covering deliveries In the second quarter
or itMi ana structural material is oesirea
for bridges and butldlnee that will not ba
received until even, more remote elates.
Maohtnery and hardware trade Is fully sus
tained, but there is Idleness at tin-plate
mllla and glasa factories. Minor metalt are
Footwear ractorlet are well engaged on
fall orders and spring samples and the
tone of the market Is firmer, although
actual advancea have been few.
Hides continue their upward movement.
many grades gaining another good frac
tion. Both domestic and foreign hides
share the better feeling .the former being
at about the top record.
Dry goods buyers are coming Into thla
market to a considerable extent, yet with
out placing ordors of any site. Cotton
goods exporters ars practically out of the
market, prices In China being below the
point where profit Is possible. A few lines
of cottons are fractionally lower and fur
ther declines are possible. Private advices
do not .endorse the official statement of a
lower condition on cotton plantations.
Further lines of worsteds have been opened
with an advance, In keeping with last
week's quotations, and an Indication of
stability is tne lack of speculative pur
chases, Raw wool la fully sustained at re
cent aavances, tne average ot lov grades
showing a gain of nearly a cent as com
pared with the level on May 1. ' '
Splendid growing and harvesting condi
tions have prevailed In most sections of
the country, especially where the larger
and more important crope are raised. It
is now almost certain that the agricultural
returns will be far above the average aa
to quantity, while the low stocks at the
opening of the season are calculated to
sustain prices and there Is little Drospsct
of a return to the low quotations of preced
ing years of bumper production.
Foreign cor-unerce at this port la still
less favorable than In the same week last
yea'. t le declining W.TTi.CJO, While Im
ports, Increased slightly.
Failures for the week numbered 194 In
the United Slates, aaalnst 17$ last year,
and fourteen in Canada, against thirty-one
a year ago.
BrIUlaa Crop' Prospects Stlsaalatee
Baalaeaa sal Qalet Disappears.
NEW TORK, Aug. . Bradetreefe to
morrow' will say: Midsummer qiAet hat
gone from distributive trade and, stimu
lated by really brilliant crop proapecta and
good prices for farm products, fall business
has bo-aun to expand. Buyers are arriving
In larfcs numbers at all markets, and nsxt
we-k promises to awe demand further In
creased. Manufacturing- Induatry, which
has been more than usually active, which
summer, continues well employed. ail.
Urea ars few and liabilities small. Prices
are steady. July railway earnings show
7 per cent gain over last year. Bank clear
ings continue to show gains over last year.
Advices from the boot, and shoe trade
are Irregular. Bueineee at the west Is ac
tive and at Philadelphia the Jobbing trade
Is brink and manufacturers are busy on
orders. At Boston shipments, thougn
larger tban last week, are still far below
those of last year, the decrease being fully
ii per cent. Leather and hides are very
active, however, and skins of all kinds are
taken aa fast as received. Tanners ars re
ported more active than for some time
iast. Belting , butts have advanced and
iigher prices for leather products eeem
The weight of Imported Iron Is pressing
on dnuteatlc sentiment, thouah no per
ceptible effect Is yet seen on price for pig
Iron, which Is still In active request for
neat year's delivery. No. 1 foundry Is $1
higher at Chicago for l!ia delivery. Coke Is
scarce la car famine la fesred at that
point and tbe same complaint comer from
I'lltsliurg. Merl rails, piatea, bars snd
sheets are active at the west, but the edge
of tne demand f 'r plates and sheets ap
pears to have been tuken on at Pittsburg.
Western rail mills are all acid up for the
firat half of l.. Structural material la
active at Chicago and at Pittsburg, where
sales have been very large this w-rk. bhlp
bulMllng Interest hav taken eO.uuu tons ot
piatea at pittaburg. Hardware, a pre
Ui ted, has had no dull season this year
end business la as active a ver. Weetrrn
machinery manufacturers are 'reported
crowded with orders.
Wheat. Including flour, exports for the
week ending Aug't 7, segregate 4,244.3h3
buahela. lnet 4 ,Mi,fc34 buhela last weark
and I MlM in this week last year. Wheat
exports ainre July 1 aggregate t2,is.Mi
bushels, against tti.t&l.ZSl buanel laat St-a-
Boys' Shoes, all go on solo
J K. Mm -
Here Are Shoes
Qtn r 1 - (-
3,000 pairs women's fine shoes
and "oxfords and 2,000 pairs men's swell
8hOfS,:ftt. , .. ....
and a
Good Floor
Tiie society functions at
Hot' Springs, South Dakota,
" are attracting much attention
''and"aHording enjoyment.
- , , Dancing each evening.'
Open air.
- cur rates.
; Through sleeper dally
between Omaha and Hot
Springs S. D.
i Round trip pas
senger fare $14.50.
L-j-n '2. ' 'I AskAntnrNtrthwsstsrtLInt,
'"" inmeyeesii
ton." Corn exports aggregate 70,611 bushels,
against 28.406 bushels last week and ft.714
bushels last year. For the fiscal year corn
export are 558,421 bushels, against 8,718,361
bushels last season.
v. ', . . Poiated raragrapai. , .
Chicago Nws: Wise 'men make proverbs
tor fools to laugh at. '" ,
It's all up with the drummer when be
loses bit grip. ,
Some artists couldn't draw a salary with
out tbe aid of tracing paper.
Life it short and art la long. Most m:n
resemble life rather than art.
The pleasure1 of giving It often spoiled
by the wrench it costs us to let go.
Tou would never know bow 'important
tome' men are tf they didn't infornr you.
Many ' m young ' man travels first class
owing to .the fact that bit' father pays,
the freight.
JJvery married woman thinks that every
spinster the meet enviet her, but the It
usually entitled to another think.
When it comet to making payment! tome
men never get beyond compliment.
A girl never thlnkt ber photograph looks
Uke her unless 4t doesn't look like her.
Jl," Sll !' 'I III ' I I,
v. t; , Obeyed Orders.
Chicago Tribune: '''"What wat tbe cause
of that- awful 'racket And disturbance In
you office jVtt before you cams?" asked
on of the tenants on tbe third floor.
"Tou knowMhat young cowboy that came
yesUTday tarbegln the study of law with
me TV said the other.
"Tee." -a
"Well, I thought he might at well begin
at the bottom, land I told blm that when
he came down thla morning the Brat thing
for him to do would be to clean out the
offloe.: Ba found half a dozen fellows there
waiting fen- m. but e did it all right."
A(TeTf pi Kyo for Baslaeaa.
emart Bet: ''Why weepest thou, woman!"
"My lord will be burled this day."
"My wife waa burled yeiterday. Tomor
row I must gst me another."
Whereupon tbe widow shook the ashes
from ber shining hair, dried her eyet and,
looking Into, the face of the ; widower,
VI will be at home tomorrow, all dey,"
the tald.
of Health
:No temperance drink hat
won encb universal popularity
as a thirst quencher and blood
purifier aa
. ,- i . '
Rose's ':,
j , LittiQ Julco
' The product of the choicest
West Indian Lime Fruit It ii
' Dollclouo
; VVholoGomo r
- Rofrooh!nj
.'Ask your grocer- or dru?
glat for it aud insist on having
on the Alain Floor
85.00 A oon?
Jsai"f !al
of MEM.
13 years la Omaha.
: srpinus
cured by the QUICK-
EdT, safset and moot
natural method ikit
yet been discovered.
Soon every sign and symptom df"arperi
completely and forever. No "BREAKINtj
OUT" of the disease on th akin or face.
A cure that la guaranteed to be peraaaaeal
for lif. . .
YJL&ICOCELE wut "ZZ? -sr,
no detention from work; permanent euro
WEAK MBit from Excesses or Tllma
to Nervous Debility or Kxhauatloa. Wast
Ing Weakneea with Early LV-. la Toung
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vlyor as4
strength, with organs impaired and weak.
tTRICTUltS cur4 with a new Horat
Treatment. No pain. "0 detention fra
Coasaltatloa I- re. Treat aaeat by M&tL,
OBxROBI LOW. lift, , lh tt.
Dr. Saarles Searlcx, Cz-Ksiv
"(JMdren Like It
And Ask For It."
Whea a medicine la so pore, to palatable,
o speedily yet pamieesly effective, that
" e i taxe ana will aac for
It, Is not that good proof that It la a gee1 '
medicine t Such a medloln 1 '
mm ej 'era. M aa. . '
It to the only tonlo laxative, and the
; only one that build np the syttra while
acting aa an all-around blood-partner auds
tonlo. It speedily clears the mated tongue,
checks cold and simple fever, and pro
toot sleep. The beet Children's reraedr
In the world. Mothers are tta greatest
friends, they use It and recommend it,
Laukol I net eelf lee nod ccieM mt taaWI
. Fi4iu, WiM Ike ol Kamnnl. karau.. It
. tin, two laedKUM,. lufeee nce, lauK ea lei.ina.
AU iiuf pill, n4 to mu, er tr .t4. el Itm
LAXAiCOlA CO . iMU Sir. N. V " '
For sals by Sherman A M-Connell Erog Co.
Omaha, Neb.
blood poison
Is the worst ouseaa on vartti, ti trie
easle.t to cur VViitN iuii KNOW
WHAT TO DO. Many Have Uncles apii
on th skin, sore In tb niouU ulcer,
falling hair, bon pains, taiarrhr OonT
know It I hIXX)I TuiaN. bend to IfC
hHOWN. fc Arch Ut., i'hlUmuhla, pa.
for BHOWNS UUXJlS CUKK. ti.u0 per
bottle; lasts on month. Sold 'only f
fthermsn V MoConaall Lrug Cu iih aud
1 odga Eta . Omaha. '
PfflWn, PnenUe Cure Meslna fewdsv
CI U Mil I UijuiiwigS i.rne Si..r.. Ith k1
A- ifiii 1 l'a Bie I,,, .lut.aiaiat
U I u ...fe, ( 1 l"I..llil..l '!. I rout
liflieliuee w .li.iufel
eel .vi.m. Imi b, . . -e
t i .... .t-e.
1 ll"""!"!. mm. n B 1 I Se)e1 hw IvrMeefev
V - li. a a. . . f seal i aiaia r.,.
w a ti mien es aa
Postal Card Will Get It
Twentieth Ccntufy Farmer
The Best Agrieultural Weekly. AaV 1
,,,,,,.. n,. .