Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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At 30 Minutes After 9 a. 111. Saturday nt
1 r
') A 1
Men, Women and Children will find a gather. lift
of bargains such as has seldom been seen in Omaha
Attention of WOMEN AND CHILDREN WILL Br ARRESTED at the first tquare Inula the door. All the fancy rib-,
bon marked la I lots, at t price.
Ribbon which never old below II mti,
on Eatardsy, e per yard.
Ribbon which sold from 25e to 25c, en
Saturday, 124e per yard.
Ribbon which sold from 16c to 60c, on
Saturday He per yard. ,
Lota ar not largo. '. You'll be disap
pointed If not on hand promptly at (:80
Sale of Vests, Shirts, Stationery, Etc.
Women' low-necked Tests, good yarn,
well made, at 7o and 10c.
Lace trimmed at 12 Vie, and extra fine
yarn rest at 16e.
All ths (5e One lisle white and colors
will be old at 25c.
All the 60c Swiss ribbed l'lcle end.
mercerized yarn VESTS will go at I3o
each. .
And now we talk to men from the men'
Shirt waists for men, were $1.00, Satur
day, 80e.
Shirt waist for men, were $2.00, Satur
day. $1.00.
Men's neglige shirts, special madras.
With or without collar, 69e each.
XiUxutj Ctmaral X&vlvd is Unpleasant
. , Afiit ia EtstMaxit
President la te Therorhly Invest!,
state taa Right of the Hew
rSssna Ceaapaay Dlaaeee
at the Property,
OT6TER BAT, N. Y., aug. S. President
Roosevelt was exceptionally busy for sev
eral hours today, disposing of an accumu
lation of jubllo business. By luncheon
time, however, he bad -cleared away the
mass cf offlclal correspondence and was
ready to receive the attorney general and
Mr. Knox, who arrived from New York
about noon. They will be the guest of the
president and Mrs. , Roosevelt untU tomor
row. It is understood that Attorney General
Knox wtll all shortly for' Europe, where,
in Prance, he will devote some personal at
tention to the Panama canal question.
It Is quite probable now that the proceed
ing looking to a determination of the abil
ity of the new Panama Canal company to
pas a clear title of the property to the
foiled State will be conducted In the
French courts. While the administration' la
nxlou to have the matter passed uB
oon la practicable the question of time
will be secondary to .that of certainty that
the United State will have no trouble with
the stockholder of the old Panama Canal
company If the property and right of the
new company should be acquired by. this
country coder the Spooner act. , V
The president, upon whom the responsi
bility rests, will take no chances upon the
result of extended litigation In which the
Vnltsd Etas might become Involved If the
property of the new Panama Canal com
pany ware purchased before It had been de
termined judicially that the company pos
' ceased the absolute right to convey a clear
title te this country.
Trouble ,1a a Kiatairul.
To a representative of the Associated
Press Mr. Knox confirmed the report that
be had had a personal difficulty with a
party of men In Atlantic- City last Wednes
day night.
"It was en of those disagreeable Inci
dents.' said be, "that sometime occur In
a restaurant or other public, place. Ac
companied by Mr. Knox, my daughter and
two or three friend. Including District At
torney Youngs of Pittsburg, I was dining
In the restaurant of the Garden botel. A
party of men. Done of whom I knew, seated
themselves at an adjoining table. Their
conduct was unseemly and boisterous. They
talked loudly and tbelr comment upon
member of my party and opon me were
Insulting, to put it very mildly.
"Ia the elreumet&nces. accompanied as I
was by ths women, I could not resent their
actions or tbelr words at that time. They
evidently were seeking trouble, so without
sltracttog any more attention than possi
ble. I got my party out of the restaurant.
"Than I returned," continued Mr. Knox,
with a smile, "to see if the men really were
looking for me. I think they were, for
r.r-'T 5"! I erprricfccd ttca when they
tprKg up. One of theia aimed a blow at
toy stomach, but It failed to refcch me. ' I
save no Idea who he was. Whst happened.
to fc'.m I ant not irvired to aay. Those
things occurred very quickly. 1 am quite
aliased, however, that be does not feel
is weil today as I do. You will note that
t era looking first-rate."
"You do not know who were in the party
If your as&alUnts?" the attorney general
eas asked.
"Not positively. I understand that
tharlea T. Schoea of Philadelphia, and one
If the Cramps, also of Ph ladrlphla, were
tn the party, but even of that I am not at
ill positive.
"What actuated them I Ao not know. A
lewspeper of today said that It had some
ihlog to do with niy attitud en the trust
utiloa, but that seeiua entirely unlikely,
as they sat at the table, in ths restaurant,
they made no reference to the action which,
la auonitr geaera.1, I have taken against
tertsia so-called trutte. Their remarks
ere persoual to me and to my family and
ere of such a nature that I could do moth
tig but re .rot them.
"I understand that after I left the res
taurant at the roncluaioa of the difficulty
the waiters suppressed tho crowd with
tome energy."
The atioroey general evidently was not
at ths leant injured by his assailants, and
is he chatied about the trouble, did sot
wb to rttird It very seriously.
Ppeaiaa Day ( Saaaaerteet at West
Polat 0cBiea ay Baalaese
WEST POINT. Neb.. Aug. . 8peclal.)
The state Saeujrerfest of ths staging so
tUtlo of h'ebraaka conimeaced this morn
ing under ths moat favorable auspice.
Tba weather was idal and the prepara
tions for the expected crowds are of a very
elaborate order. The big Beilstedt tent
U la aiac aad numerous other kaadsoaie
At neckwear counter wo will ell all the
women' wash neckwear, this eaion'a
tjrlea, those which sold at 60c, on Satur
day at 9:20 a. m., 2Se each.
Those which aold at 75c, o Saturday at
9:80 a. in., Site each.
That which old at 11.00, on Saturday
at 1:30 a. m., 50c each. ' .
Those which sold at $1.60, on Saturday
at 1:30 a. m., 75c each.
Fine materials, popular brands, pure
white and colored shirts, Saturday, 75c
each. '..''
All of the fine quality underwear, striped
and plain color, mercerised, men' a I see,
were $1.60, on Saturday 60o each. . ,
Men' socks, fancy stripe, p ain color and
like embroidered, worth up to 25e, on Sat
urday 12H pair. .... ' ,
- Will close the naif-dollar men' socks
at I6c.
At the book counter the skylight sprung a
Several hundred book were slightly
damaged; these And other somewhat shop
worn will be aold en Saturday. A great
opportunity to provide for summer reading
pavilions and booths are' erected ' In va
rious part of . the spacious. Riverside park..
Amusement of every kind' are provided
and a general Joyful reunion is assured.' '
Visiting delegations of singers with their
famlllet and trienda arrived today from
Stanton, Madison, Norfolk, Scribner, Tre
mont. Grand Island, Schuyler and other
point In the state and otbesL delegation
will arrive tomorrow. The state organisa
tion convened in executive,, session
afternoon and transacted routine business
and arranged their affair1 preparatory to
ths grand celebration of tomorrow and Sun
day. -
About 1,000 visitor ar now in ths city.
Beads Three Ballets . la Crelshtea
Barber's Head, ' hat Victim "
CREIGHTCN, Neb.. Aug. I. (8peci?I Tel
egram.) Elmer F. Flnstn, a young man en
gaged In the barber business at this plase,
was shot three times In. the head at-4 .
m. today by W. 8. Wauser of Plalnvlew.
Th a. ,.-- - m Ilk W" .
- -(. .. ; m-w . , .III
wounds, although painful, . are not consid
ered fatal, .', ...,'., ,,
Wauser was promptly Arrested and on
being questioned, admitted the shooting and
claims Fin son ruined bis 16ryear-old daugh
ter, refusing to make any reparation.. ' .
Naekolle Ixntttate Cleaes. u
NELSON. Neb., Aug. $. (Special.) The
twenty, eighth . annual,. Nuckolls Caanty
rescuers' institute , closed - her;
There was a three -weeks', summer aohool,
followed -by a two weats" sessions of the
Institute. -Over 100 teachers were-enrolled.
The Instructors were: Profs. E.
B. Sherman of Schuyler. D. K. ' Futhy of
Superior, E. J. Hoenechel of Topeka'and
Cell A. Gorhy of Nelson. It wss one of
the most successful sessions ever held in
the county and all the teachers laud County
Superintendent W. T. Bottenfleld for ' his
able management. ' . -
Itewalem af Dakota ,Coantr Ptoaeere.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Aug. (.(Special.)
On Auguat 28 the Pioneers' and Old Set
tlers' association of Dakota county will hold
lta twenty-first annual reunion In Clinton
park here. Extensive preparatlona have
been made to make this the largest re
union yet held by that arganUation. ...The
program includes muale and - speaking in
the morning, followed .by a grand dinner.
Races, a base ball game and other amuse
ment will feature the .afternoon and . a
concert and dance la the courthouse hall
in the evening will conclude the festiv
ities. .
Cray Sltaatloa la Tboad.
TRENTON. Neb.. Auj. ", j (Special.)
Threshing is in full blast here. .-W'jieat Is
running from twenty to Jwentyfftr bushels
per acre, rye twenty-five te thirty and parley
forty-five to fifty bushrU. ta the acra.jind
all is of good quality. Corn Is earing and
cane heading rapidly. .The second crop;, of
alfalfa is being put up. t4o damage , was
dona to grain la shock by, wet weather.
Corn and cane need rain. The present crop
U one of the best raised here for several
years. .(
Maay Attraettaa at York Fair.
YORK. Neb., Aug. . (Special.) The
Tbik cuunty flr ad race meet will be -ieid
next week at Yprk and promises to t the
most successful meeting in the history of
I the fair. There are many mora axtractens
' at thla fair than ever before presented,
The fatr gorunds have een nprnved ,,nd
' the number of speedy trotter sad gallopere
j i greater than ever before. All the horses
(that have been at tho Seward and , Friend
fair will be at York and the field will be
very large. Bond's famous band of . York
baa been angaged for the entire week..
Freaaaat'e Ovatloa to Chaasploae, J
FRSMONT, Neb., Aug. t (Special.)
The Fremont Are department running (earn
arrived borne this efternoon on J'o. 102.
which was three hours late. They were
met at the station by a big crowd of people
with the Fremont band and escorted up
town. Speechee were ciade by G. G. Mar
tin, president of the department, and others.
Flags were generally dUplayed and ths
business houses profusely decorated. - The
firemen have won. the state championship
two years tn succession. ...
Farmer Adjadnrd laaaae.
ORLEANS, Neb., Aug. l -r-(Spec al')
Jack FrUkey, a bachelor, aged t. resident
of Harlan county for the last twenty year a,
and a well-to-do farmer, was adjudged In
sane yesterday by ths Board of Insanity
acd sent to Lincoln for treatment. Mr.
FrUkey waa a member of Melroee lodge of
Masons at Orleans. .
galena Caaataaawa Oaea Batarday.
FALLS CITY. Neb., Aug. . (Special.)
Everything ia in readiness for the opening
of ths Salem Interstate Chautauqua Satur
day evening. The grounds are la excellent
condition and the assembly this year prom
isee to outdo any of ths previous ones.
Rsv. Llucoln McConnell Is superiuteudeat
and H. E. Boyd secretary. -
lta Charea (er Arhervllle.
ARBOHVILLE. Neb.. Aug. . (Special.)
Members of the Congregational - church
held a meeting her Saturday tor the pur
pose of building a new church. The amount.
j Alii
n.r o
More bargala for women and children
at hosiery and underwear sections.
Children's hosiery, fine ribbed, sold up
to I5e, on Saturday at 1:30 a. m., lOo pair.
A cleanup of fancy colored hose and a
mall lot of lace hosiery, worth 25c and
5c, on Saturday at 9:80 a. m., l(e a pair.
This lot contains all else for women.
Infanta' lace lisle sock, 10o pair.
and for tho library. Standard works,
core of popular titles, nicely bound and
good type; many published to sell at 60c,
on Saturday 10c per yolurae. -
Boys' and girts' books, by the most popu
lar authors, and a line of "The Famous"
library book published to ell for 75c, on
Saturday 36c each.
Table will be covered with these and
we will ask you to please help yourselves.
We will try ,to provide for takicg the
The latest popular novel at Jl lf ; some
lightly soiled t 75b and $1.00. . .
A lot of stationery away below cost, te
make room for holiday goods.
Store openi at t o'clock, close at 9.30
p.' ra.; sales commence at 1:30 a. m.
IS, 000, I asked for and at this meeting
$3,300 was subecrlbed. The building com
mittee appointed -is Daniel Graves, F. N.
Recknor, C. L. Merchant, L. 8. Loonier
and W. T. Rockwell. They expect to have
the building completed by November 1.
Priest Takes Isswe with Areksliket
Irelaad la Caaaeetloa with ; ;
the qaritUa, '
INDJANOLA, Neb., Aug. .-fes.tne Ed
itor of The Bee: . Although a subscriber
to The Bee. I take issue against certain
remarks In today's editorial entitled, "An
Appeal to Conservatism." Thus, when you
apply to American Catholic the collective
name of ect" you commit yourself to
historical and etymological blunder. The
English noun "sect" Is derived from the
latin verb "secsre'-to cut oft; but It an
never have occurred to you that the Cath
olic church In America is a dead branch
of the universal church governed from
Rome. Your mistake would be even then
odious .to every Catholic,- If you would
. .. ifo auiu d vnhiiuuu vuucum mm m
ect, for this same resson that in its con
tinuity It Is Identical with the church of
the apostles; It was lacerated at tlmea, but
not severed, by the apostacy of -some of
It member (who alone constitute the sects
historically and etymologically). ,
Second While It Is true that every Cath
olic owes reverential respect to Archbishop
Ireland, from religious and civic reasons, it
must never b .assumed J hat. this prelate
ia the keeper of the conscience of the
American Catholic public. The friars ques
tion. I a debatable one, both la It eocle
siastical and civil bearings, and hence one
may preserve a different attitude from
Archbishop Ireland in this natter, without
incurring the stigma of being uncathollo
and unpatriotic, , even is a republican.
Especially so, e'nee the holy see made it
plain to Mr. Taft and Secretary Root that
it could not, in Justice to lta own aense of
right, be a party to the precipitate action
suggested by the secretary's Instructions,
and both these gentlemen have apparently
been converted to that view. . For the ad
ministration has accepted the program sub
mitted by Cardinal Rampolla at the opening
of the conference, and future negotiation
for the settlement of all question wtll be
concluded at Manila. Archbishop Ireland'
appeal becomes less, meddlesome, because
this new turn of affair will minimis the
danger of overstepping the rights of the
friars by hasty action and of violating the
nation's honor. Nevertheless, since be I
neither the chosen mouthpiece of the pope
Hor of all Catholic citizens, the majority
wtll resent this guldanc tn political
affaire, becauaa . they suffer already un
justly from the charge that-their politic
re dictated by priests and. bishops. . Re
spectfully, REV., A. J. LUTZ.
Flesh Cooked by Steaaa aad Water
from Thresher Bailer la Aael-
deat Hear Kelsoa.
NELSON. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) A fa
tal accident befell Wlillara Thomas -yeeter-day
while threshing for his sog, Jessie,
east of this place. He was backing up 4he
engine to couple on the separator. When the
bind wheele dropped down Into ditch
and pulled the engine against the self
feeder of the separator.
Thomas was thrown forward against the
boiler and held there for about fifteen
minutes before he could be rescued from
the agonising position. r
In the crush two steam cock were
broken off the boiler and two' stream
of boiling water and steam poured on hi
body from tho breast down to. the knees
until ' he was removed. The flesh was
cooked and when the clothing was ' re
moved large pieces ot fieah dropped from
his legs.
Mr. Thomas was conscious for about six
hours and suffered terrible agony in that
time.' About 1 o'clock this morning be
The deceased leave a wife and several
children, nearly all grown. ,
Are-oe Are Start-bed at Heaaa.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nb.. Aug. I. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Argo were defeated
this afternoon by, the base ball team of
Eprlng&eld, Neb.. In one of the prettiest
game of the season. Saey pitched for the
Argoa and retired at the end of the fifth
Inning and Baker waa substituted. Four
scare were secured before Baker could get
In trim.. The score was I to L Batteries:
Argo, Saey, Baker and Glailer; Springfield,
Oraham and Johnson. The Argos have ar
ranged for a gams next Sunday. What
action the Law and Order league will take
I not known.
Thieve lafeet Seward.
SEWARD. Neb., Aug.- I (Special Tele
gram.) Seward ba had the same expe
rience with thlcvee during fair week that
other towns over the state have reported.
This morning five people reported that thaw
reeldeacee had been entered during .the
night. They were R. 8. Norval. Mayor
Dunham, Dr. J T. Potter. 8. C. Oakes
Lou la Anderson,' and a Mr. KatchelOer re
ported the lose of a black team, whkb be
bad tied on the square. No large amount
of valuables were obtained aad the thieves
all succeeded la getting away.
Iply to totter af Tlnrabm Indicate They
Touched Tender EboU
Reaahlteaae from Over , tho
Brlnar Rsessra lag Reports lata
Repabllraa Stat llead-
LINCOLN, Aug. I. (Special.) Governor
Favage baa forwarded to the Omaha union
ef plumbers, gas and steam fitter the fol
lowing communication In defense of bis ap
polntmrnta for the Omaha fir and police
' Receipt of your communication under
date of Ana-jet I hereby acknowledged.
I regret that 1 em required to take Ibsuo
with you s regards your -construction of
my ertlnn In appointing the Board of Fire
and Police CommleMoner for the city of
Omaha. My sole aim in the performance
of this duty was to eetect a commission
that, when vested with the power Incident
to their offlcei, would have some regard for
the lights of organised society and the
laws of the state. This required me to
exercise thought end,' circumspection, and
that the commission' as selected did not
ircltide all the names of those who were
candidate wss, 1 regret" to say, not en
tirely due to the large supply and limited
number to be chosen. Some of the candi
dates I refused to appoint because I knew
something of them, while others were not
appointed because I did not enjoy their ac
quaintance. There were still, others who
failed of appointment because their candi
dacy savored of corruption the best evi
dence of which was en effort to obtain
the covetPd position with large sums of
money. Fearing that personal aggrandise
ment waa responsible for much of the In
triguing, and concluding, from wHat In
formation I gathered during the contest
for appointment, that one who occupies a
position on the commission. Is at all time
In range of evil Influences, I determined
upon selecting-only men of known char
acter and standing, whose conception of
duty wss. not to multiply the emoluments
of the office, but to maintain the majesty
of the law. Startling reports reached me
of municipal corruption," and this, tosether
with the fact that large, sums of money
were available In exchange for executive
pleasure, led me not alone to conclude that
much of what whs safd was true, bjt that
the commission should be of men known
personally to me to be honest and honor
able. In making the selection I weighed
carefully the merits of every candidate, In
cluding the candidate supported by or-
f anlxed labor. Just as I had agreed to, and
rem the large number I selected the four
who In my Judgment came the nearest to
meeting the exacting requirements, ths
wisdom of which act. the future will de
termine. " .Poor Oalaloa of OrcaalseJ Labor.
As for labor' not being represented In the
?:ruiinei or tne commission, the state
ment is untrue. Every man of the four is
a labortna man. Who works h
the man behind the plow, the counter or
at the deskT Who Is more a laborer?
nniKir n noi anown D,r tne saw, hammer,
L.iimi rnovti or epaae alone. Neither
ia It alone known by carping agitators and
walking delegates who sweat by proxy
and eat up the earnings of their fellow
workmen. Neither Is It alone known by
the red insignia, of socialism and anarchy
rv riv a . . . i "
From m V hovhnori I hi,. . ti
performed more work for hu cents a day
tham labor today renders its employer for
H My credentials, were, not a card, but
calloused and blistered hands. I have the
highest respect for honest labor. 1 nm Its
friend. Hut by this 1 do not mean to rec
ognise that type of labor which stands
upon force rather than npon merit. I have
no sympathy nor estunm for w,iiii h-i.-
fat,and kindred disturbers, who first n
. miMi ui lauur ana -men ry tnelr law
lessness bring lubor Into disrepute. .The
t?.n,Jr..lab? hake on this incubus the
better it will be lor everyone.' r
Speaking again of the commission, per
mit me to assure you that it represents
labor no less than any other of the better
elements of society. Because those nomi
nated by organised labor were not ap
ptlnted It does not follow that labor 1s fiot
represented or that some alleged promise
' recognition on. my .part has been vio
lated. I solved this as I have solved every
other public problenwon it merit and
that my action ahnuld. mee orne opposi
tion Is not at all euiprln. -
I have reason to a n1 .do believe that the
better element of organised labor does not
approve of your action. Just as I havs
reason to and do believe that the communi
cation which . you forwarded me -wae in,
Jplreo, not by your organisation, but by
the editor of The Bee, whose pet minions
and whose licensed privileges have at last
been brought .face to face with law. and
The oitlsen of Omaha have a right to
enjoy the blessings of as honest adminis
tration and enforcement of law, and the
personnel of the commission as now con
stituted is, I believe, a sufficient guarantee
that euch shall be their legacy.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
.. Governor.
Looks Brlarht la Kaox.
Among the callers at the republican state
headquarters today was O. R. Robinson of
Niobrara, Knox county, who ba the dis
tinction of being the youngeat sheriff In
tne etste, being Juct 2 year old. Mr.
Robinson was one of the officers in the First
regiment of volunteer and ha for year
been one of the foremost of the young re
publican of Knox county. .
People up our way have begun tn mani
fest lnterert in politic and I feel safe In
predicting that, to county will give an In
creased majority to the republican candi
dates," aald Mr. Robinson. That Is saying
good deal for Knox county, for until re
cently it waa in the fusion column with
a big difference against us. In 1899 the
county gave the Bryan elector (40 ma
jority. In 1900 the majority for the Bryan
elector waa 23. That show what pros
perous times and republican enlightenment
baa don up there, but still lb doesn't tell
the wbola tory. Until last year the
fuslonist bad complete control of the
county government. Now the republican
bold very eounty office except coroner and
superintendent ot erhools. ,
'J. J. McCarthy seems te b doing snrj
effective work throughout the district and
all Indications point to his success at the
election." continued Mr. Robinson. "Knox
county had a candidate tn the person of
George A. Brooke, but there are no sore
spots because be wae not nominated and
Mr. -Brook himself has said that h will
go Into the fight as earnestly a though
he were the candidate.".
Another visitor la Lincoln today was
D. E. Smith, chairman of the Polk county
republican committee. He conferred with
State Chairman Lindsay this afternoon re
garding plan tor campaign work In his
section of the str.te and gave the assur
ance that Polk county will this year re
deem itself by going back into the select
class of republican counties.
'"It wtll be a hard fight in Polk' county,
but we expect to win," aald Mr. Smith to
the reporter. "The fact that Mr. Mickey
resides in our, county will give na a big
advantage. We feel surs that the fusion
majority will crumble away and that there
will not only be a majority for the bead
of the ticket, but the other state candi
date and some of the other a well. Ia
1896 the fusion majority waa approxt
mately ifO. In 1000 It was Xt0 and last
fall was something over 100. The repub
llcan candidate for county superintendent
lacked only aeven vote of having a ma
Goad Work la Xaekalls.
From Nuckolls county, which was fusion
until the 1900 landslide, come reports of a
nature calculated to gladden the hearts ot
those Interested -in republican success.
Chairman F. E. Bottenfleld of the central
committee ef that county talked over the
local situation with ths managers of the
state campaign today. The conditions there
ar somewhat similar to those prevailing
In Knox eounty. In the period of business
depression the fuajonlsts relied up a major
ity which la ltst waa 250 votes on the bead
of the ticket. In 100 the McKlnley ole-tor
won the district by ten votes aud now tb
only fusion officeholder la the county I the
clerk af the district court, and be ae-
Uses Po-ru-na in
.'I 'M'.'.ttl
.' ;V.j
B . Crowley.
Hon. Joseph B. Crawley, Congrcanman from Illinois, writes from
Roblson, III., the following- Praise far the great catarrhal tonic, Peruna.
Congressman Crowley says:
"After giving Peruna a fair trial I can cheerfully recommend your
remedy to anyone suffering with coughs, colds and la grippe, and all
catarrhal complaints.
"Mrs. Crowley has taken a number of bottles' of Peruna an account
of nervous troubles. It has proven a strong toalo and lasting , cure. I
can cheerfully reconamend it." J. R. CROWLEY.
No other remedy Invented by man baa
ever received o much praise from men
of high station ' a Peruna. Over forty
members of congress have tried it and
recommended It to suffering humanity.
They use It themselves to' guard against
the effects of the Intense strain of publlo
life; to ward of the 111 effects of the
changeable climate of Washington.
They kept In their homes for family
use. They recommended It to their neigh
bor and they do not hesitate In publlo
knowledge that his service wtll be terml-
,.J ..- - ----- - , ,
Mr. Bottenfleld say the committee of hi
county 1 preparing for a vigorous cam
paign. They have extended and reinforced
their organisation and will endeavor not
only to roll up majorities for all of the
candidate, but to have those majorities
bigger than In recent year.
A meeting of the Nebraska Corn Improv
ers' association has been called by President
Lyon for Wednesday, September I, at 7:30
p. m., at the Ltndell hotel, Lincoln. ' The
purpose of the meeting la to formulate and
adopt a acore card for judging corn, and for
the transaction of any other buslnesa that
may require attention.
Rev. Charles F. Aked of Liverpool ad-
dreesed the Epworth league assembly at
Lincoln park tonight, on the u eject. I
Jonathan to John; th Service of America,
the Living Thought ot Old England." The
park I now crowded with camper, the
number on the ground exceeding that of
any corresponding day In recent yeara of
th asaembly. The weather ba been pleas
ant aad thus far the camp I free from sick
Drop frosa Roof While at Work la
Seward aad Hla Reek Is
SEWARD, Neb., Aug. (.(Special Tele
gram.) Michael Anwander, a carpenter,
fell from a roof he waa shingling and
brok hi neck about 4 o'clock thl after
soon. Ha ha been crippled for some time, th
result of various fall, and used a box
to lt on while shingling, and It I sup
posed the box turned over, causing him to
fall. .
He leave a wife, but no children.
Inanafgrrotloa to York Coaaty.
YORK, Nsb., Aug. I. (Special.) Land
buyer from Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois
are pouring Into York county, searching
fer farm. They ar surprised, to see the
forest of corn thousand ef acre ot corn
fields standing from eight to fourteen feet
In height. A number of farmers are thresh
ing. Wheat 1 yielding all the way from
thirty to fifty bushels to th acre. One
farmer near Lushton, thl county, threshed
eixty-Ov bushels of oats to th acre. I
Farmer of this county ar Investing their !
surplus in farms and are paying tb highest
price. It I no uncommon thing for a
farmer to ask $75 an acre for hla farm.
Wyaaer Mis Tendered Plaoa.
WTMORE. Neb., Aug. . (Special.) Dr.
W. H. Johnson of this city hss been honored
with the appointment of aide-de-camp to the
staff of Colonel Ell Torrance, commander-in-chief
ot the Orand Army of the Republic.
He was ordered to report to Noel Blakeman,
chief of the ata9, at Mount Veruon, N.
Y. Dr. Johnson served with the 134th In
diana, Fourth army corps, from September.
1863, to September, 1865. He participated
tn the battle of Missionary Ktdge and was
with General Sherman cn t'e fau.oua taarrh
to th sea.
Concern te Esgtg in Staek Ralalaa;.
- FALLS CITY, Neb., Aug. I. (Special.)
E. E. Mettt, Norman Musselman and M.
J. Ctchatble ot this city bsve purchased a
ranch tn Kansas and will angag extensively
In the cattle business. The concern has
been Incorporated tinder the laws of Ne
braska to be known as the Falls City Land
and Cattle company. Mr. Melts I a banker.
Mr. Bchlable a prosperous farmer and Mr.
Musselman a retired merchant.
Dolaaa at Sliver Creek.
SILVER CHEEK. Neb., Aug. (.(Special.)
J. F. Parker has purchased Silver Creek'
leading hotel, th Roth, of M. A. Roth,
and will take possession soan. The Platte
river bridge at thl place 1 being replanked
on the Merrick county aide and a a new
bridge was put la on th Polk eounty aide
last fall, when this work Is completed ths
bridge will be In the beat condition It has
been In for yeara.
RefreahlaK Rain at Pleree.
PIERCE. Neb., Aug. (.(Special Tele
gram.) The hot weather spell was broken
here this afternoon by a alee "shower of
rain. '
lis Family for Catarrhal and Tier-
uous Affccticm
Mull' 1
;i jC
".'" .
8 f
iV';.'. -3
- ir n iiMvl
print to : declare their appreciation and
endorsement of this greatest ot modern
It is exactly a Congressman Crowley
aays: "Peruna is a' swift and sure rem
edy for coughs, colds and la grippe and
all catarrhal oomplalnt. It- I an ex
cellent remedy .In . all nervous troubles.
It never fall to prove Itself a . powerful
tonic and lasting cure." Thie Is what
Congressman Crowley says and this I
what thousand of other people are say
ing all over the United States.
I 1 J t . H aJa. aw
1612 & HARNEY STS.
Saturday Snaps
in Wotiieti's Dept.
. . -
25 doxen Lisle Glove. Ia lac pattern and plain lisle mode, grey and black,
' worth up to 45e pair Saturday, w sell them at, , y-
per pair ,a5Jr'r.i
- -. i . "''
Pearl Shirt Waist Set, large me- A OCj" r V1
dlum and small else. Saturday at TtOC. OOC UilU'als'DC
25 docen Ladle' Fancy Cotton and Lisle Hose, In atrtpci, dot and 4 f
figure, worth up to 85c pair, Saturday, per pair -C
25 docen Ladle' Oauxe Summer Vest, white, pink, blue and blacK, lace trim
med and ribbon trimmed, worth up to 60c each, Saturday '. ,")"
we will sell them at, each ....
Wash Valla, whit and cream, embroidered, blond nets, full slxa,
per veil .........
Hat Drape, special price tor Saturday, 23c, 25c, 42c, 60o, e?e, 75o each.
1 ...
Land Under Ditch Has, Almost Doubled
Daring Genius Period,
Iaeraae la Nebraska la 803 Per Ceat
In if amber . af Irrla-atore and -1,19
Per Cent tn Acres
Under Dltek.
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. (.(Special.) The
progres in agriculture In the arid state
and territories during th decade ending
with 1899 1 shown In the report just pub
lished by the Division of Agriculture of
the twelfth census. Aa this progress is
attributable largely to irrigation, the atat
Istlca relating thereto are o! general In
terest. V
The number of irrigator in th United
State in 1899. not including irrigator of
rice, was 108.218. an Increase In ten yeara
ot 9. per cent. The area irrigated wa
7,539,545 acres, an Increase of 10T. per
cent. Of thl area I,44,412 acre wer In
crop and 1.695.121 acre In pasture end
unmatured crop. Th cost of Irrigation
system In operation, exclusive vf those
on rice plantations, was 157.770, while
the value of tb Irrigated crop was S8(,
840.49L Th total length of all th mala dltche
In the arid and semi-arid state and terri
tories was 44,149 miles. ,
The average number of Irrigated acres
In farms In arid states and territories was
71; the average value of irrigated land per
acre, (42.63; the average value ot crop
produced on Irrigated land, (14.81; the
average first cost of water, (7.(0; the aver
age annual coat of maintenance, 88 cent.
Of the 5.711.965 acres' la crops, bay and
forage occupied (,(i$,64, or (4.2 per cent;
cereals, 1,!j,70S, or 24-( per cent; vegeta
bles. 168,432, or 2 9 per cent; orchard
fruits, 2S1.289, or 4 4 per cent; other crop
221,881, or 4 per cent. The value of the
bay and forage waa (34,884.966; cereals.
114.1:8,326; vegetables, (9.627,491; orchard
fruits, (8,920.40; ether crops, Including
sub-tropical fruits, grapes. Covers, plants,
sugar beet, etc., (lt.712.24(.
Irrigator la Nebraska.
Is Nebraska the number of Irrigator In
creased from 214 In 1889 to 1.933 In 1899,
or 801. 1 per cent, and the number of acrea
Irrigated, from 11.744 te 148.688, or 1J(4.(
per cent. The ditches la operation In 1899
had a length ot 1.701 miles, cost 11.276,971
aad Irrigated 147.696 acre. There were
111 acrea Irrigated from well. Th irri
gated area ia crop was , 129.724 acrea.
Congressman Romulus Z. IJnney, from
Taylorsvllle. N. C, writes: "My secre
tary bad a bad a case ot catarrh ae I
ever saw aad lines he ha taken one bottle
of Peruna he seems like a different man."
Romulus Z. Llnney.
Congressman 8. M. Fparkman, from
Tampa, Flaf., writes: "I can endorse Pe
runa as a first-rate tonic and effective
cur for catarrh." S. M. Sparkman.
U. 8. Senator W. M. Roach from Larl
jnore, N. D.. writes: ."I have used Peruna
a a tonic. It has greatly helped me in
strength, vigor and appetite." W. N.
Congreesman H. W. Ogden, from Benton,
I., writes: "I can conscientiously rec
ommend your Peruna." H. W. Ogden.
Congressman O. W. Smith, from Mur
physboro, III., writes: "I have takes one
bottle ot Peruna for my catarrh . end I
feel very much benefited." Geo. W. Smith.
Congressman David Meekison, from Na
poleon. O., writes: "I have used several
bottle ot Peruna and feel greatly bene
fited thereby from my catarrh of th
head." David Meekison.
Senator Mallory of Pensacola, Fla.,
writes:' "I have used your excellent rem
edy, Peruna, and have recommended It
both a a tonlo and a afe catarrh rem
edy.", Stephen1 R. Mallory.
Senator M. C. . Butler, ex-governor ot
South Carolina, writes: "I can recommend
Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trou
ble." M. C. Butler. v
Senator W. V. 8ulllvan, from Oxford,
Ml., write: "I take pleasure In rec
ommending your great - national catarrh
cure, Peruna as the best I have ever
tried." W. V. Sullivan. '
Senator J. M. Thurston, ' from ' Omaha,
Neb., writes: "Peruna entirely . relieved
me of s very Irritating bough. "J. M.
Congressman H. O. V.'orthlngton. from
Nevada, writes: "t have taken one bot
tle of Fesuna and, It ha benefited me im
mensely." II. O. Worthlngton.
Congressman Cass Broderlck of Hoi
ton, Kan., say: "I have taken two bot
tle ot Peruna and find It to be an excel
lent remedy for colds and throat. trouble."
Case Broderlck. .
Congressman Willi', Brewer '2;om
Haynesville. Ala., writs': "I havs used
one bottle of Peruna for lassitude and I
take pleasure In reoommendlng it." Wil
li Brewer.
If yon do. not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr.. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he wlil
be glad to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, president of ths
Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, Ohio.
f ' "JaA.' '
1 10
... lc
1 : : t
yMitn Product valued at I9J2.415. Th
rea Irrigated In- pasture and Immature
crops was 18,812 acre. ' . ,
Shortly after lendlca the IrHratinn kin
to the president congress passed 4 resolu
tion auiooriiing th director of thevcensu
to compile statistic relatina ta lrri.Mn
for the crop year of 1902. With the data
now assembled, thl work will be compara
tively Simple, most Of It belne Anmm h
correspondence. To secure this informs-
wu vuiiin win soon d gent out to Irri
gator throughout tha United State. The
co-operation of those Interested In Irriga
tion la earnestly solicited, for upon their
prompt response wi(i depend very largely
the value of these atatiatlca.. tm. i. i-
part a aupplementary work, the result of
wnicn win ne utilised in the work soon to
be undertaken by th Department of the
Interior under the provisions of the irri
gation bill.
Faslon Represeatatlve Candidate.
TRENTON, Neb.. Aug. (.(Special Tele
gram.) The democrats and nnnini.t, t,.i
their Representative conventions at Pall-
saae. Arter being organized and regular
routine of business taken up, W. Z. Tay
lor waa nominated by the populists and J.
Wiggins by tb democrats. A .'deadlock
ensued for soma time and the convention
compromised on W. Shipley. '
The adjourned meeting of the republican
convention will meet 'at Culbertaon, Au
gust 29.
A resolution that was psssed by the joint
summer normal was introduced requeetlng
the representative to do all la his power
to establish a normal la eouthweetera Ne
braska. ...
Bay Drowned la Pool.
TRENTON. Neb.. Aug. (. (SpedU Tele
gram.) Roy, the young son ef F. Fleming,
was drowned In a pool near hla home. The
boy had been with hi father at work and
went to wade. When hi father prepared
to go home he went ta the pool and nw
th boy' clothe and went I to find him
and nearly lost his life, as th recent rain
had washed th place several feet deep.
Help was secured sof the boy found, but
life was extinct. i . '
Treatoa Is to 'Have a Fair.
TRENTON, Neb.. Aug. (.(Special Tele
grsm.) The clllsens of this vlltage organ
ized a harvest horns fair association. The
annual fair and exhibition will be . held
here September II, 19 and 20. The coming
event promise to be oue of the best ever
held, both as to exhibitions and amuss
men la.
Coart-Marttal Trial PestDoaeo1.
ERIK. Pa., Aug. (.The general court
martial to try Asitlatsnt l aymaster Chorles
W. fenroae met today, but soon adj tunird
until tomorrow owing to tne abix-nc of
Major Waller, senior eounnal . for the de
ieuae. who ba not yet arrived,