f i f- SPECIAL; NOTICES Aflvertleemeate.. to theee tetania rlll Islirii til ,12 aa. tha vealna- ranttoa aad aatll B SO p. aa, Cos BHimUic ad edltlea. Batea. 1 i-3 a ward Srst laaertlasx, Ie a ward thereafter. KatBlasr take far less tnaa tffao far la atvat lurr. Ilea. Tbese advertlseaaaate aaaat kva Advertlaers, by res Bant law a) bered eaeek, linn aaawara 4 ta.a aamkered letter la rara af The Bar. Aaevters aa addreaead ri! be delivered aa preaeataUeai IM aaaak aalr, - FOR SALE CIGARS. $?O.0O.IN GOLD. It pays to buy your clfrars of us. Tou may wake) up some day and Audi yourself tne possessor of fifty Dollars In Gold that w girt aaay to our customers each month. Butler & Miller, : . N. W. COR.' I5TH AND FARNAM STS. ' i M : WASTED SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHKR-When you want on call the-Remington Typewriter office, 1619 r amain street., 'ielcpnucre 1571. . i '' A M459 AM WA NTFO, position - In rumbar office aa stenographer and Wiling- clerk; at present employed.- Al-references, -Address J. H., 312 N. ifttb,, - . - A 186 14 STENOQ HAPH ER. thorouahlv experi enced, rupliL. accurate, responsible, wishes ciiange oi position, AUUreas U iirt, r . -.- . aWMJuO U W A.TKI MALH HELP. 16 FOR . HALF A DA 8 WORK. If lou live lit the country or in a small town an J hava a guod acyuainiance among -the larmers and stock raivers In . to, DvigiiutSrliuoU you can make to easily by tour cr nva, hours', work. v rite us and wm will aiiid you our propoaiiion. . 'Hie Be l-uullenuig Co., Bolicliora lept . Omahu. itao. . -i - LS M-ii WANTED A good man In every county . to tak subscriptions or . The Twentlutb Century 'tkrt(ik,.. Out agents make good wages vrjn, lieiurancea inquired. AuiiTHaa, Twttiitieth ceuiuiy. farmer, - Omaha, N.u. . .. , . . B u W hen . You -Write ' tO';Advertisers 'v';-, iememur n .iuy utaca au j.ia alrolM or two ot Uie pan to mention ttiu lact thai you saw tna ad in xne Horn. - KXPERIENCliD mala stenographer who uiini . I'.umii.giuu-. lypowim-i-. t z. Baa. ... B M40 A24 WANTED Men - to learn barber trade. Only two moiuhs required by vur method. Wages oaturilay. 'loots presented. Oood pUy wneii competent, call or write. . Muier Burber college, 1302 lJouglas bt. ' -. '. ti WjI 8 WANTEP-Cahdy maker at Hayden Brog. Apply av once.- B t;fr WANTED, buokkeepe and salesman In a lumber yard; ataui age, experience, na tionality and -reierence. Auuress O 21, Be omce. B 172 10 WANTED, boy wllh horB to deliver The J"""1"; west alun. : Call at circula- tiuu Utpt., Bee i'ub. ' o., I v. in, B-173 P MAN to cut grass. Wit N. 24th St, B-17S f WANTED Carper.ier, $2.60 a day. James tiuleaiger, cou tractor, iutun, Neo. ' ' ' B M181 12' TRAVELING ' SALESMAN, also - adver tiaers; we are bualueaa;. no anitile-Hil-Ing concern, .alary or no go. Triumph, Dajiaa. Te. j - . . B Mloa It WANTED-, for U. 8, Array; Abie-bodied un marrivu Miva . bet weau axea, of .io. and Ha, citucun, ot Uu.ted istataa, o( good char acter una temperata uaiilts,. who can. apeax, -raad aud wrild JiikUhOi For lator l.iatioir apply tit-Kocrulliug .JtHc.ru, into, sua .loo st.,. Omaha,- and poatgttice building, Jjucaln, Npirka. . , , B WANTED A . cook,' steady job. Address or Call. ' at Midway feataurant, North . Platte,. Nebv - -.- f. '. B M19 10 WANTED Soliiiltor on flrst-claaa proposi tion; salary and commission: splendid eoeitlng for right man. Call for Mr. lioover, M Paxton block, 10 to 11 a. m, today. ....-; v -.B W1W lu N WANTED A . good ; practical carpenter, with horse and waon -good pay' and steady work. Addreas O du, Bee Office. . ,.i. -w i- UM1W I TAIUORS--Wsjited, a good coat and pants maker,. at once. Carl Harr, Council Bluffs, la. .' - B M201 11 WiSTEB-FKMALU , HICLP. v ANTED",' two ' young - lady students to learu' batrdrenslng, tuaiiicurlng and chi ropody efM -mlrnt'fio maasaga. Call or write Boom ICtu, Bee Bldg. - .O i9 . 100 Ulrls. Call Canadian office, 16th Dodge. O bat WANTED. 5;idjr cook. Eureka Restaurant, l&H Caaa bt. , C U0 WANTED, a oompetent girl for housework. Mr. M. JB1. Duiucut. ItoA Lafayeita Ave. ' ' C m 'r ' " " 4 - ' ' i - . WANTKD Olrl for ..general housework 2sll Mason bL C ilsyC ARB YOU a Cathollo and uoemployedT see ua. mxeuuaugo, au ware block. ' . - . - C 487 WANTED, girl for general housework. 13 lutn Bt. O 174 1 ' KMi'LOVMJiAT AGU.NCY. V? A NT ED Coal miners and machine run nertf, yomiiig; l.ruiga men, surlaco gang and extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska; mumicii, .Colorado dlvialon B. & M .; n.ul anuveiers and iator.ra, U. P. H. K. Vestcirn H. It. Labor Agency, ALU So. 11th. " eui FOR BEST-HOISEI, tuit RENT, excellent sla-rooth cottage. Ki and Califuruia sireeia. In good repair; clioice neiKhborhooO; including water rent,- Iiujulie at erf N. lnOx street or Sol N. If. Uie Bldg. . .. Dm IJ'.'I CHARLES.' four-ro6n4 cottage; rent !L m. K .potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 4 Brown block. . 1 114 i ..".When You Write ". to Advertisers ' nmiiitxr ii uuj .at.e ai eiira strtke or two ef Uie tyu to uj-ullua taa i-uii that you saw ilia ail lu lue Ba FOR Rf iS ?T, Urge -room houtw. city aster. &. 2auj Blondo. lue Omaha Really Co..-13ul Duuglaa St.' D aw VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. V. ' ; D-T01 HniNF5-'1- "u P-U"t-1 f c,ty- The 67 UUUJtJ Dayia Co., M Bee Uldg. ' D iui TO MOV hi rl-rht p-t Omaha Van Storage Co.; otlice l.iVi i aruaiu, or Tela. lo-!w. l IV UAUOARJ. Va 4k Storag Co. Tel. UK D-7ji ISK.B PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for choice houses. Uui-1 N. Y. Ute bldg. Tel. l'lt - . . ' D ivt L'Kh.yL'Al.11),, central, all modern, 7-rooui hituse, 4-rouui flaL i lirJ., 2,i N. I'd. ... D M!C3 JiuT Sl'ENCFK ST, ltvroom houae, with gas, bath, furra-e and b.rn: bli'e loca tion: relit ijJ. VV m. K. Poller, receiver, ('ui.ha lu and Trust Co., tut Brown bij a. , D -7 W't'EHN home. rooms, Jackson HL W kwlT at Wiiovift, Douglas and l. 'h n. Teh lad. - D-Mi, HOCiiEd. etc F, V. Wead. liCi DougUs. D ;u 18H N. ?TH ST.. 1 roonia. bath. sas. barn: lnt -o. Win. K Poit-r, reiv.r, Omlia i aa4 Ituai (.., 'i Btuwa bluvk. D-.U FOR REST HOI Ef. OOOD modera 6-rootn bouse. 2504 Blondo. ' . D 711 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker "block, D 70 able for fttst-clas boarding house'; part ui r"-in can m paia in ooaiuing. The (J. F. LavlB Co., 608 Be Bit!. 1 M1&4 11 ELKC1ANT 8-ronm house, all modern Im provements, uv N. Z3d Bt, D U9 BARN FOR RENT-Inqulra' MO S 17th Buret. Omaha, Neb. X MW4 14 HOUSKS, stores, Bemli, Paxton block. . X 710 8Vfc ACRES, with house, near Hanscom par, ror rent. Apply F. D. Wesrt, 1524 Douglas. t 177 16 IZARU ST., rooms, all mod. ex. fur., porcelain bath, sink and closet; new, walklnR distance; only (16.00. !"' Marcy Bt., ( rooms, mod. ex. fur., t1ff. 2769 Burt St.. 0 rooms, mod. ex. fur, tti.W. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor K X. U Bldg. ' D 1K lt FOR ' HE.TFt R JE18HED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, Anest location In ths city. li Capitol Ave. E M836 DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. -714 11 PER WEEK, 423 8. 18th St., one block south of oourt houae. , . E 714 ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam , B-so8 AS " AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodgs . E M8K . Two Airy - rooms for light housekeeping W14 Weuiter. . k 16o VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-16 Farnam St. - ' ' E 191 87 ROOMS, - first-class location.' tt4 Farnftm. - : t-Mln la till ! . I . i i i m rtHMJHKD ROOM g:.AHD BOAHD. Merriam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. v . F-ii; ROOMS and board. The Albany, 2101 Dojgia. F Mwg A4 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-667 Ajg THE ROSE, VXD Harney, large parlors, single or enaulte; also smaller room; rates reasonable. F AM UNIQUE southeast room, neatly furnished, pleasant location, bog . Silh. - ;. F M160 10.' . HOTELS. . - LANQE HOTEL, upstairs, ink i. Jackson. 4 -.Jfc8b7 BARKER, U 4t Jones; Artlerl. -4 European. lv til FOR' RBST-ISFIRNHUED ROOMS. Dfc.SK room space, $6 per month; ground lioor room In The Bee building, ucing farnam street; no expense tor light, beat or janitor' service. K. C. Peters at Co.. genial agsnu. Bee building. O Jig FOR RENT-STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by 'lhe Bee at Hi, Farnam St it haa lour stories and a basement which waa toi many used aa The Bee press room, 'this ui be rented very reasonably, if interested appiy at once w v.. t,.n.uw water, secreia-ry, room lUO. Bee building. I lot FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply ti. c, peters -as Co.. ground door. Bee Blug. lWt FOR RDNT Desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broker or party doing business In wholesale district. In quire Hene at Co., Dig Farnam street. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing " agents In every .county to solicit subscriptions to THifi 'iWaiNTlETH CKNTUhf FARMER, bteauy employment, with assured good In come. -Agents In the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers . mako easily M to luu per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. Ji SOMETHING NEW ! I . Just out Send for i sample. Combination Door Knob and Bell No cutting or ruining the door. - Put on any door in a moment. : No batteries to wony about. No springs to wind. Noth lnd to get out of order.. Own your awn bell.. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed,- Fend II 0 lor sample. Agents wanted. WtdTEKN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1213 farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.. J 714 WANTED TO RENT. - WANTED, Room and Board with a nice family by husband and wife near Fafnara Street car line. References exchanged. Address U 24 Bea. - - K 147 10 A OENTLEMAN wants to rent one or two ,- furnished rooms In a private house; , everything must be first-class. Address QUI, Bee. K-M18br WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy eeoona-hAnd sorghum mill; give capacity. Lock Box ga, Haat tnga. Neb. HMlbl 10 FOR SALB-rVRNITrRB. CHICAGO Furniture Ce., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2u0. New and secondhand, bought, told, exchanged. .. .. O ii FOR SALE, at a gacrtflne, the furniture" of a six-room cottage, complete; furniture good aa new; must sell at once. Cottage 'is modern; rent reasonable, frtc Chicago -O lj- FOR SALE MORgKS, WAOONM, BlTC. I TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetona, other top and ooen buaalea. Ptuifter. 1 x.-.,- worth. ' ' P-M- A REMEMBER, Harry Frott put tirea en and nxes vehicles. 14 til gd Leavenworth. ' -'---P-VJ1 FOR SALE HISCKLLAAEOtS. WHITE sawdust; season checktd oak tim bers, the); hog tonus, eto, . Douglas. 4iU FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any Hitler iuudiwsi ins ii univiii , se up. l he VVUtman Co., 16l Faruau. Q lzi NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1111 Far. bam.- . - y ',a IS) STYLEd trusses; catalogue free. Sher- 2. U.t ..1 ,i, At 1 Urn. I id... , - Lodge, Ouiana. Q 724 INDIAN' goods and relics. lilt Farnam. Hii VIM puncture-proof tires, HK and $7.00 per pall, l.tusha Bicycle Co., loth and Chi cago Sta. W 7i 2D11AND safe cheap. Dtrtght, Ult Farnam. - . s- L. M. BS. always hurry.TsL 780. Q-M&4 EDISON phonogrsphs, 810, .0 and V; moulded racoros. Sue each, or li per dos. ; new wheels, J o up; tdliand, $6 up. OmaJia Bicycle Co., lvih and Chicago but. Vt-m: PIANO for sale or trade, O 14, Bee. g iiai st FOR BALE Thoroughbred Golden Bea bright liantama. Apply Ho. isuth tit., 8o. Omaha Q M l.'H 11 'CLAIRVOYANTS. MR.1. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1814 Case St. S T MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist 1.5 S li. ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! Mrs. Dr. Euwards, the greatest clairvoyant, trance medium and pviiuUt of the age, fuarntea to her visiu.rs eumplote sails acllon, revealing their most profound s-creta and slvlng an entire Itfe reading. If there la anything you wish to know, any uVsire of your heart ur.gratlned. con sult this gifted woman, whoee w.r has uiysiin-d the most ssritlial. letters sn- saered; astrolwgu al charts written. Pur lots, fl bo. Ian bt., hear Dodge ls bt. ' un t THF, OMAHA DAILY t SATURDAY, ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 16th. R. 7. T IM A 13 MME. SMITH, hsths. 118 N. IB, M flr, R i lit & OLADTS RUSSELL, 720 S. 13h St, T-M146 It OltACa? O. BRYAN of Ky. T20 S. I3th St. T Mill II PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies adopted. 23(4 Grsnt St. Mrs, Gardels. Tel. F-lma. U 7M RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to - days: send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D.. 621 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . , . U-7J3 VIAVA, woman's way to health. -Home treatment- Booklet free. 144 Bee Bl'lg., Omaha. , U 74 TEL. 7M for L. M. E. messengers. . f U-MK GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesle . and retail. Collins Plana Co., 1422 Doug las. U-736 ELITE PARLORS. 416 S. 16th St., d floor. U-167 All SHAMPOOING and hsIrrtresBlng, 2Rs, In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. . U-727 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with 1 he Bathery, rooms 616-230, Bee Bldg. TeL 1716. U 736 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room , Frenxer block chronlo diseases a specialty: con sultation free. .. U 738 MMB. SMITH, baths, 116 N. 15, 2d floor, R. 1 U M206 Al 30-RUPTURE CURED FOR ISO No knife, no pain, no detention from- hualifss. Bend for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUP TURE CURE CO., 83J N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. . , U Ml When You Write to Advertisers remember l( only takes au extra stroke or 'wo of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad lu The Bee. BjO reduction In price new and second hand bicycles; new ones, !6 and up; old ones, S snd up. Call and see them. .Louis Fleacher, 1S23 Capitol ave. TJ-678 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only. In connection with Ths Bathery. S-tM Bea Bldg . U 731 . MEN often make mistakes) but Women never do; therefore. If your wife or sweetheart suggests that you smoke STEOCKER CIGARS abide by the suggestion she can't be wrong. V-MM6 16 , HON BY TO LOAN REAL BIS TAT B. . MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co.; 6uV B. lath. w ja-' 4H PER CENT on business property, s per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. ME1K.LE, 4ol B. lath Bt. W-746 WANTED, ctty loans and warrants.- W. Farnam Smltn 4k Co... UM Farnam Bt. W 741 FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. ItHS. W 74 WANTED, city and fann loans; also bonds """,""lBi "v.v reters tt CO., 17u2 Farnam St., Bea Bldg. W 716 . LOW RATES. Private money. - FATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, New York Lite Bldg. . W 744 6 PER CENT loan.- Garvin Bros., 1604 aTannam ..." . - W-746 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Dougtaa . '.- WJ4 100 VT; low rate. -PrlchtrJ, 171J Fsmam. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. TVLV . W-746. . 4ft TO t P. C, money. Bemls, 'Taxton' Bit - -W-748.. MONET TO LOAN CHATTEH, J! MONEY We have It to loan in amount trom 110.06 up on furniture, pianos warehouse re ceipts, live stock, etc. We also make SALARY LOANS , without mortgage or Indoraer to persona who have a permanent Doaltion. We give you the full amount of the' loan in caan ana we ao not charge for making papers or filing mortgages. With us you have the option of keeping the money for one month or six, or longer, and you need not pay for It longer than you keep It. We hope by this advertisement to have rou give us a trial and we expect to re sin your, patronage by fair treatment. The motto of pur office Is "Try to Please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. U Board of Trade Bldg. Tel.-x2S. tjiaonnea in.) mm Bo. isth St. X 766 LARGE8T BUSINESS. IN LOANS "TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- eiers, wumiuiua uuuscs, eic.,- wimout se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In i.rlri cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade bldg. , . x-ia Chattel and Salary Loans PHOENIX CREDIT CO.," , sucuassr io a. w. layioe. TeL 746. 631 paxton Block. , X-M75J DO YOU NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 6o3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X US MONEY loaned on plain note, to salaried people; Business connaer.uai; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. lluuon Co. X-764 MONEY loaned on furniture, live dock, jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Ioan Co., sue, to Duff Green, 8 Barker block.. ' X 766 -4. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, aorses. cowr, sic . t . need, 9 8 18, X-757 Bl'8INES6 CH1HCEI. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion snd good trade: falling health Is rea son for selling; new brick oven. Address Box 1.4, Osneva, Neb. Y Hii7 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. McCague building. Y-756 Can acquire controlling interest In a profit- -1.1 r,A r i . I . ', i tr 1 ... . . . u .. i l ' nianufi.cturliig bnalness. Capital required fci.buV to 1A.XJ. This is worth investigat ing. J. II. Johnson. N. Y. Life. T MM4 WHEN you want to buy, sell or sxchangs ruur uuaiuew or (iioiieriy quiCK, se J, . jonnson, w i. i. uta. Y Mil BAKERY FOR SALE. A fine bakery, nicely located, doing a good psylug business; lar retail trade. It will pay you to Investigate this. Address. E 61, Bee. ' YeV MILLINERY stock for sale, cheap. Ad dress A Lie Coe, Kandolpb, Neb Y-M821 14 When You Write, to Advertisers ' remember It cuiy takes an extra stroie or two of the pen to mention the lact thai you saw rbe ad la la Baa FOR BALE Saloon; first-class location; good traiie; a aood res. no n for sriling. Address D. ti. Sherlock. v West Broad way, CouocU Bluffs, la. Y M17U lu FOR SALE A live furniture and under taking bualnesa In a live 2,iM Nebrataa town, ltassiina fur selling, other busi ness. Nothing but cash proposition con sidered. Address. G 4. Bee. Y-SJO 6 A RACKET store for sale In good town and good lo-aiiun Address C. M Huid as Co., Ashland, NcLrxaa. Y Mlt lT BISINRSS MfANCK. COUNCIL BLUFFS CITY FLOURING MILLS W offer above propery for sale at,i bar gain it Uken within thirty dayg. The mill Is well rn.utppe'd with modern ma chinery In -od runnlna- oier: mamifno tures the beet flour sold In this market; reasohbl terms sid lmmeilite poeKea slon given. If rot sold In dsts pro- pvsmia win vm rroeivea lor ua rental. N. P. DODGG & CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS. T Ml 4 1 1 FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. $12.6 general merchandise, hardware, harnexs and furniture, 7,fcij steam flouring mill, l,ono: . either for land or ranch; flouring mill for merohan diue; livery for land. T. M. Cllne. I23t O St., Lincoln, Neb. K am li) FOR BALE REAL E8TATB. FOR BALE. 81 acres fruit, and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherries, plums, eight acres In tim ber, two miles- (rem car line. , Address lu S. f Irst, Council Bluffs, la, RE 856 A SNAP! . Elegant modern 6-roora brick nvuuuv i itivn, so,iss, worm t,vjv. ;rankiln J. Qnffen, 71 N. Y. L,ife. RE M827 Aa SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice oa. gains. . wi xm. x, xiie inag. - Tel. lull RE iBl ' WILLIAMSON nf.8 HE 7B2 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also .iv viuimiy niiu iarm isnoi. i ne U. f . Davis Co., ROum so Bee Building. ' . Khr-763 A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room house. U. si. Naiiinger. Phone 46). HE U&36 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real eatate.'mort- iuiwi iiisuiauce. orown Dlock. ' i RE 7b4 RANCH and farnt lands for sals by the Union Paclfio Railroad company. B. A, jui-Aiienivr, ianu commisBioner, union Pa- ciilo MeaUuuarters, Omaha, Neb KB-766 WHY PAY RENTf OWN YOUR HOME! oea ina iiuuairiai - riume company of America. Best plan on earth 1 onice. 221 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. B, M. Wilde, manager. ' RE M2S7 A18 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also uie insurance. xemis, raxton block. " i BaV-366 BEE page three Dally Bee August, 6 for (rrifa nrtr .1 av maa Dlua V.il... a...L ' w. -jaw. vuass,s. s v u s SB, I lT 7 . . QUJ I H Dakota. Write, me for low-prh;ed lands. U 26 Be R. E. 164 10 !4 When You Write . . to Advertisers " ' remember it only ukes an "ektra stroke ot two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad la The Bee. MI CATTLE RANCH Of t gectlons of. fine, w Fisiiis lajiu, near mohi ISKe, Douglas county, Wanhlngton; will sell one-naif cash and one-halt on time; Must be sold In a body; here Is an opportunity for a man who wants a good ranch with plenty of water and hay. Call or write Jo 34 First Nat l. ban, bldg., Omaha, Neb. George. J. Crane. . KE M16 10 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANT. Promoters' of Industries. REAL ESTATE AND iXJANS. ' ' Business Chances Bought and Sold. Partners" Furnished, fcpeclal Atten- " - tlon tu the Bale of FurniBbei Houses. Rooming Huuacs, Hotels, Cigar and -- News Blauda, -Groceries, Meat Mar- - .v 'keta. Dry Goads Stores, . Millineries - - and all clasres- of- Busuieas. Capital v - secured for Patents, etooka of ider- - chandlae, eto.',t ; . Advance money to 'buyers .on easy terms. If Vnii tM9m Iniilln. tnm L ... 1 1 1 .. . - - . - - o v, .in, i .w iai,i in vestments we can help yoiu-or should you rwish to Increase your bealness and want capital, let us knowr We give every thing-prtlmpt attention and gusrantee aatiefactiptf.-'all or write. , MARKS-KUSINEHS'CO.i 2-'' " T ' -eag oood block, de mqines.' ', t' (--MEDICAL. DR,. PRIES, ' the . acknowledged leading . specialist In eiseases of women In Omaha, .would tall - the attention - of 'suffering ' - ladles to his 'unsNrpassed- accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter , what cause. . Call or address,-with stamp, .Dr. Prlea, Arlington Block, 1618 Dodge, Omaha. - MARRIED women may receive just the Information they are -wishing for free by sending stamp to the Preston Co., Maeoc City, Iowa. - " ". " -Mill LOST Pocket book; liberal Veward to the two -young Jadies who took- same from telephone, at Boston store1 If returned to . 2Jh Douelaa St.- Gsrtrude rmih ' '." ''.-".. , -" Loat 176 A 8 LOST, on first train from Hissourt Valley y.mu, . , .wamuim buc ipin. i it. found . return to 2707 LeavenworOi. Reward, io. '.V oav i&B e LOST Gold locket, amajr,"- diamond set: .suitable reward. Return to Be office. , ' '-'lost M1K2 18 OITEOFATUr. GID. E. 4t ALICE JOHNSON, ostebpaths Butte 616, N. Y. Life BMgv'TeL HM, 773 DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCAgUe Bldgv TeL tiai. . ... . 7774 MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 636. Bee building. Tel. 26-'. 174 Xl4" MANl'FACTLRING. P. MELCHIOB, 13th and' Harney, ma , ehlnlsL ' ;- i .-, 774 OMAHA Safaaad Iron vka makes a Spe cially of ttre escapes, shatters, doors snd . safes. O. Audreen, Prop., lui S, luih Su - -7-4 TINNERS 'AD ioRNICICS. ' . '! . ..1 U : E. SAVAGE, tta Farnam,' "Phone,- till " i ' MS 81' ' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN, SaNT'S tohooL 717 N. Y. l ife. ' 1 766 BOYI.E8 college,' court reporter principal. N. Y. Ufe. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's TheMer. 770 LAt'NDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tr, collars, 6c; cuffs, 4c 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1VW. lit PEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phpne 206. i . ' M 361 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. . P. H. Philbln, lcui Farusin, , '1'hone 7S4. . . . a,j AVTOMOBILKS. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlghta 1118 Farnam street. ' 7o6 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 611 Nona tth. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co Be Bldg. Tel. 2M5. 7s7 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS.. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 6V Jackson. Tel. S. -7m PLIMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2819 Farnam. Tel. 1144. I hi A6 I AUGUST . 5), 1002. Frit PRESKINU. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, H24 Bo. lh. a. . STAMMERING AND STl'TTKRING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4.10 Ramge BMc. 7M CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds ef rsrnentei work and renalr. Ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, "ni aim i.RR aireeis. i v ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1610 Howard. 1.16 Mt'SICAL. MRS. F. II. WRIGHT, piano, 815 Ramge Bldg. 137 Bt - 1 L. J STORAGE. OM. Van 8 tor. Co., 1511 yj Farn. Tels. 155J-SO. 7h8 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER, price ; la fast, efficient, durable, essleat to learn, use and care for; sent on approval. Mon roe 4 Co., 611 No. 16th Bt, Omaha. M128 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 61 N. 16. Tel. 1778. . 780 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2b80 Harney. 831 A31 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN st PRICE, 63 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. . - in . NEB, Collection Co., 606 N. Y. Life Bldg. 348 A18 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXF. "Phone 1717. 606 Bo. th . M782 .. L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 78a MS56 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1201 Douglas. Tsl JINK. MIXED country scrap, $11: atova plate, 61 .fiiuirn, cwa r a mam. YiB ANNOUNCEMENT!. WATER8 PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 6160. 611 South Thirteenth street. ; 1 77 MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 117. - MtiC A 21 FARMS FOR RENT. 22 ACRES near Fort Omaha) crop and - - "l uwnrr leaving city. tr. L) Wead. li24 Douglas. M!8 11 1CB CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice Cream Soda, one price. 60: ons quality, the best. 8. W. Cor. 24th end . Ames Ave. gig Al PATENTS. PATENTS Sues 4k Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice free. , '. ' ' - S19 FLORIST. I HENDERSON, 1S19 Farnam. TeL 1263. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. ' M74 POIND. A RING: write : to Hotel Riley. Plat's mouth. Neb. ... Found M1SJ7 8 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changea may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending August , 1M2, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postofflce as follows: Parcels post mails close ons hour earlier than closing time shown below, 1 Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary tnalia for Europe and Central America via Colon close one hour later at foreign station). . Traasatlaatle Malls. SATURDAY At a. rt. for EUROPB, per . a. s. Etrurla, via Queenstown; at 1 . m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Aller (mall - must be directed "per s. a. Aller"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, - per s. a. Potsdam (mall muet be directed 'per a. a. Potsdam"); at 1:80 a. m. for ' SOCTLAND direct, per s. a. Furnesslg . (mall must be directed "per s. s. Fur nessla"); at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM dl- - rect, per s. a. Frlesland (mall must be directed , "per a. a. Frlesland"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamet takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. Ths same clas of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic maila named abo, addi tional supplementary malls ate opened on the pleis of the American, English, French snd German ateamers and remain . open until within ten minutes of tha hour oi sailing of steamer. Malls tag Seata and Ceatral Asaerica, - West ladles. Eta. SATURDAY At 6 a. ni. (supplementary 8 80 a. m ) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Philadel phia (mall for Bavanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. a. Philadel phia''): at 8.&U a. m. (supplementary W W a. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, BAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, par a. a. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per a. a. Alene"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m. for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per a. s. Adiron dack; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 SO a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, BT. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and BK1HSH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Fontabelle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must bs directed "per s. s. Fontabehe"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Uorro Castle, via Ha vana; at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per s. s. Silvia; at 10:80 a. in. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA- . GL'AV, per s. s. Rossettl; at 12 80 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curllyba. via Matan xas (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per a. s. Curllyba"). Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North bytiney, and thence by sieamtr, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wedneaday and ftaturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, aud thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:40 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, ars dispatched dally, except Thursday, final connecting cloaca, for dis patch via Port Tampa, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6 W a. m i for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays snd Saturdays st 6.80 p. m. Malis for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stesnier, close at this office daily except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica. Bellas, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steair.jr. close at this office dally exeept Sunday at "i :jo p. m., Bunaaya si 1 p. m. (con necting cloaes here Mondaya for Bt-ilse, Puerto Curies and (lu. teuiala, and Tues days for Costa Kica). lUnltered mall - closes at 6 p. m. previous oay, Traasaaelae Malls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and first class matter fur the Philippine lalanoa. . ; - u . .. I.'-. ......... . 1 ii.ii.. .. X - ' " '. r . m.i. .... . iua. uwi v usiiy Ml 6 M p. m. up to August 4, Inclusive for r1 1 . 1 . u I li 1 r a 1 ..1,1 1 Msiis fur t'l.lna and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily at 6 3U p. in. up to August t. lutiiislve, for dispatch per a s. Kln Shlu Maru. (KetilBl.red mall must be U.ilt for Chrna"od Japan. Til Tacoraa, close here daily at 6.3u p. m. up to Au POSTOFFICB NOTICE. gust ., lnclustv. for dispatch per a. a. (ilencsle.. Malls for AtiMrslla (except West Au stralia, whh h. Is forwarded via Europe). New ealnhd, FIJI, Ksmoi and Hawaii, via San Francisco, cle here daily at 6:30 pn - after July J8. and up to Au gust Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. tampsnln, due at New York August 3, for dispstch pr s. s. Sierra. Mulls for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, clo.e here dallv at 6:i p. m up to A::gjst li. inclusive, for dlspstcti per lT. S. trsnsporl. Malls for Hawaii, Jmmn, Chn), an flr,t. class matter for the i'hli'.r.pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to August "11, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. American Maru. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver snd Victoria. B. C, close here ilslly at 6 30 p. m. up to August 12. Inclusive, for dlspstch per m. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must be specially ad dressed. . Merchandise for U. 8. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canadx), Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dal.y at 6:30 p. m.. up to August 1R. InclJ.lve, for dispatch per a. s. Mariposa. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Ban Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver am! Vic tors, B. C., close here dally st 6:30 n. m. after August 9 and up to August 1. Incluslyet for dispatch, per a. a. Mio- Malia for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, closs here dally st 6:30 p. m. up to August 18. Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. a. Alameda. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port pf sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of thc.r uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mart closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., August, 1. lftoj LEGAL O I IC E. ... NOTICE; To Whom It May Concern-Notice Is here by given that the Board of Commissioners of Hock county, Nebraska, will, on the 18th day of August, Hj2, and until noon of that day, receive blda at Basaett, Nebraska, for the construction of a bridge crossing the Nlobra.a river at a point On or near the half-section line dividing section 20, north and south, In township 32, range , which bridge shall -be of tha followl na- a-en- ersl characters , . Of sufticlent length - to span said river from bank to bank. Including island, and about 600 feet; pile and stringer, under truss, wood bridge) -white oak piling, 84 feet. 12 Inches at butt and driven af h.aat 24 feet Into the ground; benta 36 feet apart, a pnea to toe penir oeme protected oy piling ice breaks, with railroad Iron protec tion, and -bents or Dllea undr same nrn. tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string ers of Oregon Mr, 4x12 Inches, laid 16 Inches irom center to center; 14-foot roadway, two and one-half-lnch white oak plank; trusses not less thsn one Inch In diameter, 4 truss rods to each span; railing 8 feet high, substantial, nard pine, caps on piles white oak, 12x12; bridge to be 6 feet above low water mark, and to be tainted. All material t6 be first-class of kind named. Plana and specifications In countv clerk's office. All bids must be accomnanled bv ntuna and specifications ' and also bond as r. quired by law, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by bond.. nignt reserved to reject any or all blda. By order of the Board of Commissioners Of Rock county. Dated July 8, 1902. u. a. uiLLUUHU, county Clerk. July 18d30t M PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRTICTION OTP MASONRY WATER DAM FOR ClfFV. ENNE, (WTO.) WATERWORKS. Office of the City Clerk, Cheyenne. Wyo., July 21, iwia DBmeu urui'oaaie win oe received by the city clerk of Cheyenne, Wyo., at his office In, said city until noon of Thursday, August 21, 1902, for the construction of a masonry dam on the Middle Fork ot Crow Creek. ' . .. - Plana and speciricauons tor the prupumu work may be seen at the offices of the city clerk or the city engineer, and blank forms of proposals will be furnished by the city clerk. . Each bid must be enclosed In a sealed envelope,- and must be accompanied by a certified check for It.OOO.OO as a guarantee that the auccessf ul bidder will enter Into a contract. Bidders must furnish satisfactory evi dence of their ability to do the class of work required. . Bids will be opened at a special meeting ut tno city oouncii oi saini city 01 vney epne, Wyo:to be held on Thursday, August 21, 1S02, af. 8 o'clock at, g o clock p. m. H. A. ABRT, CltjV Clerk. - Jyf4EOD18t j. iv. MURKAT, Mayor. G.O VEHEMENT NOTICES. PROPOSAL8 FOR BUILDING MATE rials, plumbing and electrical supplies, hardware, etc. U. 8. Indian School, Genoa; Neb., -July S3, 180) Sealed proposals en dorsed "Proposals for. Building Materials, etc.," and addrrssed to the undersigned, at Genoa, Neb., will be received at the Indian School until two o'clock p. m. of August 13, 1802. for furnishing and delivering at the school, as required during the fiscal ?ear ending June 30, 1903, .a quantity ot umber, tin rooting, builders' hardware, mlllwork, palnta, lime, aand, cement, slate, a boiler and radiation, pipe and fittings, fitpe coverings, electrical supplies, plumb ng, etc., etc., a full list and specifications being obtainable at the School. Bidders will please state specifically the proposed price of each article to be offered under contract: all articles so offered will be subject to a ngld Inspection. The right Is reserved to teiect any and all bids or any fart of any bid If deemed for the best in crests of the service. Each bid must be accompsnled by a certified check or draft unon some United States deoositorv or solvent national bank, made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs. lor at least nve per cent 01 cue amount of the proposal: which, oheck or draft shall be forfeited to the United States In case a bidder receiving an award shall- fail to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In sccordance with his bid, otherwise to be 1 returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not be considered. . For further information apply to W. 1L Wlnalow, superintendent. , CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., July 23, 18o2. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received at this office, and at office of quartermaster at Fort Reno, Okla.. Until 10 a. m., central time, August 12, 1902, for furnishing 225,000 pounds osts at Fort Reno, Okla. Proposals for delivery at other points will be anter- talned. U. H. reserves right to reject or aocept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here, or to quartermaster at post named. Envelopes , containing proposals Should be marked "Proposals for Oats." addressed to undersigned or to Quartermas ter Fort Rsno, Okla. JNO. W. PULLMAN, C. y. M. u jy-ai--i-A- aiL. V A I Tiesfe. LA.tx. UNION STATION 10TH AND, MARCY. Chicago, Reck Island A Pact So. - . k" Arrive. Chicago Daylight Lira- - ; lted .'. a l-.oa am a 6 46 am Chicago Daylight a i.m am a ;.- pa Chicago Express. .. v.,..bil:is am a 6:u5 pm Lea Alolnes Local.... ...a 6:20 pm bll bo am Chicago Fust Expreea . a 6. 06 pm a 1:3a pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited ..a 6:60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo ana West a 1:39 pm a 1:43 pm Colo., Texas, CaL 4 Oklahoma Flyer. ......a 6:20 pm a 12:40 pm litlaela Ceatral. ' Chicago Express a 1 JO am 6:10 pa ClUcajri, Miuut spoils 4k bu Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a iasl ana Minneapolis at fat. Paul press b 7 JO am bl0:S5 pm Chicago Expresa , miO JA pre lalea ruilo., ava Arrive. Overland Limited a .4v am a 1.40 pm Fast Mail ......a 8:W am a t.ii pia Caiifornla t upraas...... 4.2o put Paciilo Express ....ail .ao pm ksslsrn EiprasL. a 4:36 pm Atianilo fcxpreaa a J.au aia Colorado bcla.l., 7 JO am Chicago byncia, 8:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and ' ' Kuronuiburg g:x.........b 4:06 pm bl2:60 pm Oraod isltuid Local b 6.30 pm b 8.3s pis Wabaast. St. Louis "Cauncn Ball" Express 6:66 pm a 8:30 am St. Loumi Local, Council Bluffs a 8 16 am alO JO pm Mlssaarl.PaolSe. St. Louis Expreas a 15 06 am a I 25 pa K, C, 6 IU U Ex. ......alv.su pm a 6:16 am Ckieaaa, Mllvraab.ee A SL PaaL Chicago at Omaha Ex. .8) 7:40 am b 8:40 pm micago id j lea r.x a s:uu pm a l.w aui Cbteago at Northve estera. The Northwestern Una" Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 8 u am a 7:oo am Mail a 6:uu pm a I JO am Lx,cai rwui i n aui 1 1 ul pm liayiight bt. riu a T.3i. an, alo 26 pia Layiiaht Chicago...... .a 6 o am all ai pin Lvual Chlcaae alO 5a au 1 1:11 in. Local Carroll ...........a I w pm auy.vO am 11 R AILWAY TIME CARD. Fast Chicago... Limited Chicago rest St. Paul... a 4 u pm a 4:f pm .........a 7:4a pm aroant a M pm a I M am Fast Mall Local 01011 x City ... pm ..bl.tepm biu.uo am VIRLINGTON STXllVN 10TH 4k MASON . -Leavai. Arrlva Wymore, Beatrice snd Lincoln a 1 40 am btl:B)ara; Nebraska Express..... .a l i a;n. a 7:6 did im"i e.s ua a s;ta aas Black Hills and Puaet Hound Express ...... all :10 pm a 1:10 pnt Colorado VestlbulM v . Flyer a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:10 pm a 1:17 am Fort crook and Piatte- mouth bl:lpm bllTOsm Peilevnue A Psclflc Jet. a I Jn) pm a 8:27 am Bellevue 4s Paoiflo Jet. .a 8:00 aaa Kaaaaa City, St Joeepfc a Ceaaell ' BlasTo. Kansas City Dsy Eg. ...a 6 JO am m :8 pm : bt. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:13 am Kansas City Night Ex.iwJm pm a 6:16 am' taicaac, Barllngtea aa alar. 1 ' Chicago Special .a 7: CO am a 46 pm Chicago Veetiuuled Ex.a4:oupm aftWam, Chicago Local ,.a 1:80 am all is) pm t iiiciio i.inuted a s.uo pm a 7 W am ; Fast Mail .sliti put a Dally, b Daily except .Sunday. Sun- ' day only, d Dany except Saturday. Daily except Monday , WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH sV WEBSTER Chlcaa St. Fawl. BHnneapolu' A Osnaha. Leava.' ' Arrlva Twin City Passenger.'... so am a 8K pm : Sioux City Passenger... l- pm BUivOsm Emerson Local b f:Ht pm b 8:43 am. Fresaoat. . . , Elkkorsi 4k . Mlasaarl Valley. ' ' Slack Hills, Dead wood. '"' Hot Springs :0) pm l.-OO pr Wyoming, Casper and Douglaa d 1:00 pm' 1,-00 pm Hastings, York. DavM , City, Superior, Geneva, . ' Exoter and Seward.... b 1:00 prn , b 69 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont ,....b T:St) ang blO:J6 ant Fremont Local .0.7:30 am . .. Misaoarl Pacific. Nebraska Local, , VIA 1 ' Weeping Water b 4.10 pm al0:Z6 am TEA W SHIPS.' ' KOuariD-AtiEmcA LiriE New York-liotterdam, via. (toulogna, 8. M. ' new k win-pcrew a s. or jo.uuo ton register , ' Twln-8orew Potsdam ' Aug. , . . ., 10A M Aug. 16,10 A. M, Steamer Twin-Screw Hleamer . r Ryndatn . Twin-8crew Dnllnnlosi" Steamer t tlUUSI UOul Attf. 3. M.V. M Apoly. to Harrv Mnnrea lull tTaenan. " street; J. B. McNally. 1333 Farnam street; 11. a. j ones, i: r amnm street; XvOuis Neese, First NaUonat Bank;.. .Omaha, Call up 3S and a Bee Advertising Mori will call on you ; ' to get a Want Ad or. a Half Page." V 1 t4'44 4e44e4 4e44 e44 SUSPECTS ARE, ONUY' . TRAMPS. FIva Mss Arrested; en Saapieloa at , Belagr-Tralw HefcfcsfsrAte - : ' Released.' '"'''. -''''; '-' . ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. Tha five' men. arrested here last night .on suspicion ot ' being the Burlington train robbers Irove' to bo ordinary tramps. - ' ' .' Nothing about them Indicated-that they are bad med, and Chief ef Pollee O'Connor' aeouts the Idea that they had anything to do with the robbery. , , . i ; . ; He Says )they woifli' ao( travel together If they were, and W believes the robbers have gone back to Ch'oago. i .,- - - Fire at Port- Aa Prlaea. '' . PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl, Aug.: . A' great fire at midnight hire, burned down alxty houses, causing damage estimated at' $200,000. The people remained calm during . tha progress of tha fir.--" r: ' '" " ' Seasonable ; Fashi ons.: ' 4118 Fancy WaisV 12 1 0 bust. , - Woman's Fancy Waist, 4196 Fancy walate with bolero fronts are both eminently smart , and practical. They are attractive, becom ing, fashionable and withal suited to fcoth ', Indoor , and street wear. U'lthput la the, least suggesting wrap they are sufficiently removed from the plain waist to rsodsr .' them much to be desired for the gowns de signed for the promenade. This charming, example IS shown lq biscuit-colored. voile, with trimming, chemisette snd anderslesvea of deep cream guipure over aoft white silk, and is worn with a tie and belt of panna la deeper tone than that at the walsu a. . . , ' The lining Is carefully, shaped and snugly fitted. On tt are arranged tba chemisette., the back and the front of the waist Vse back is tucked at the center and Is without, fullness. Tha fronts are cdt to. form a' bolero and' are tucked for part Ot their length but fall tree as they approach tba lower edge. The neck is finished wUh a big square collar and at tha throat 1 a, stock cut with a point at the froat after tha lateat style. ' Tb aleeves are tucked to fit snugly above tba elbows, but form soft frill at the lower edge which fall over tha pud of lace. Tha undersleevea are ar ranged over the foundation lining aad are. gathered into cuff at their lower edge. The lining close at tha center fronL tb waist at the left aide beneath th bolero. . . To cut this waist In 4h medium sis yard of material 21 inches wide, !ft yard 17 inches wld or I yards 44 inches wide will be required, with IM yard of all over laoa. Tba pattern 4198 la cut in site for a tt. 11, J, 88 and 40-lncb bust measure. . For the accommodation of Tha Be read r, these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a aomlaal price, 10 cents, which -covers ' all expense. Ia order ta est a .pattsra aa eloae 10 ceata. give number aad aaae at pattern wasted aad boat aiaasare. li