Daily- Bee ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1002 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Omaha FOR PACIFIC ' CABLE Frarident and Attorn General Eioz Agree on tha Gosiitiaaa. GOVERNMENT TO FIX RATES CHARGED la Tima of War Daited SUtea b to Hata Absolute ControL EXTEND FROM SAN" FRANCISCO TO CHINA .CoramarciiJ Company Kurt Hot Depeid an . British Line from Manila. CONSTRUCTION MAY SOON COMMENCE -Attorney Geaerel of th Belief tfcat Company "Will Practically Pro ceed Immediately . !lld Mae. OYSTER BAT, N. Y.. Aug. 8. At a con ference between President Roosevelt and Attorney Oeneral Knox today, the con ditions under which the Commercial Cable company mar lay its Pacific cable to the Philippine: were agreed upon. A decide th condition practically give the govern ment control of the cable. During the afternoon the conference be tween the president and Attorney Oeneral Xnox developed Into one of Ihe moet Im portant that baa been beld at Sagamore Hill. ' ' Several month ago th Pad Be Commer cial Cable . company sought parmlaislon from the executive branch of th govern ment to lay a Pacific cable running from Can Francisco Tla Honolulu and Onto to China, (bore to connect with th British, cable to th Philippines. Th proposition of th company was to aaauro all expanse of laying and operating th cable. For th concessions of landings at Ban Francisco, Honolulu and Guam th company proposed to grant tbe United State government apeclal rates, and In certain conditions of war practically absolute control. Th con dition a presented by th company to th president were naturally such as any corporation might make. They had been drawn for th protection of th company' Interests. Mr. Roosevelt referred th whole subject to Attorney General Knox with a request that ha go carefully over ' the proposed conditions, eliminating . such as he might regard a impracticable and adding such ethers as be might believe would subserve the Interest of th government. Th re aulta of his Investigation and bis con clusion Mr. Xnox presented to President Roosevelt todsy. In verbal form, th papers - a. " - v. . i , -W W t.VI tIIWIM4J IH ' ITWM before the president. Approve Amended Coadttieao. President Roosevelt approved of th mended . condition end, so far ' a th xecutlv branch of th government Is con cerned, the company now 1 may proceed with the work of" laying the cable. It la regarded as essential, however,, that th conditions be ratified by act ef congress, a ootna douM !st of the rights, of the cxecuUv brunch uf ihe government alone to grant such privileges as are included In '.ha Pacific Commercial Cable company's proposition. Th conditions a approved by Mr. Roose velt are regarded a particularly favorable to th government, and It Is believed that .with th cordial Indorsement of th presi dent, which he will give tbe proposition In XXt messag next December, congress will ratify the conditions without serious delay. ' Attorney General Knox added several Im portant conditions to those proposed by tbe company. Including these: That the Untied Btatee government at all times shall have priority ot service. That tbe government, through the post master general, as Is customary In such contracts, shall have the right to fix the .rats to be charged by .he company. 1 That tn time of war the government shall have the right absolutely to control th cable. That In order to protect not only the government, but elao Individual private customers of the company, the Pacific Commercial Cable company 's required to lny a distinct line of cable from China to Manila, ao that it will not be necessary to depend upon the British company . which row controls the only cable from Hong Kong to Manila, and. finally, that the United State at any time after the com pletion of the cable, may purchase the line at an appraised valuation to be fixed by Arbitrators selected In the tivual manner by the tw parties to the transaction. V Practically Be Goverameat Llae. . By the who hav studied th subject It 1 believed that a cab! laid under th condition proposed will be, to all Intents acd purposes, a government cable line, with few If any of th disadvantages at . tendant upon government construction and maintenance. Under the United States' treaty with China the Chinese government, having granted to a British company th right to tcalntaln and operate a cable Ho within It domain, will be obliged to grant to th FaclQo Commercial Cable company, an American corporation, . the earn rights. This will enable the company not only to land Its Ban Francisco line In China, but will also enable it to obtain a Chinese terminus for its line to Manila. In ths laying of its cable line the company baa "been accorded the right to uee th United State government aoundlngs. Attorney General Knox Is Inclined to the toplclon that the company will practically "proceed Immediately to construct Its lines. 'Considerable time will be required tor the preliminary arrangements befor th actual laying of the rable begins, but It Is re garded now as certain that an American- owned and operated cable lla to th Orient Is In sight. Attorney General and Mrs. Knox left late this afternoon for Atlautlc City. H. C. WcCullougn, a prominent railway official of Chicago, and his daughter were guests of th president at luncheon. naicicrj cf the KECHCES Several Theme f th Moralagr See- of Colored fesfartscs at Atlaata. ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. I. Th general themes for today' session uf th Negro Young People's Christen and Educational Congress were moral and social reform, missionary questions and temperaace. Many Interesting addreaeea were delivered br clergymen and educators frcm all eec tlon of th United States. Th attend fence upon all ot tbe tes.tooa, and tbe Interest and enthusiasm manifested, wer Tory gratifying to th promoter of th oocfereace. . "The Conversion of th World" wa th general suited considered at th morning tueetiuga. In the afternoon the delegates gathered at the various avangelltal churches of th city for tbe discussion of missionary questions and other subject connected with the social and moral advancement of tbe race. At all these meettuge consid erable attention waa given t the question 'To What Extent Is ths Bsc Addicted t Prink t It Evil and Ita Cat." FIGHT FOR MARCUS ISLAND Amerlraa 'Esyedltloa Will Attempt to Take Peaceable Pesacealoa. HONOLULU. Aug. J. (VI San Fran cisco, Aug. I.) According to th Hono"'4u men who ar Interested In th M' '.v Island guano expedition, against v Japan has sent a war. vessel, as report br th last advice received here from th states, th vessel which left her for the Island carried a complement of Mauser rifles and Its captain bad Instructions front th company to plant th American flag on the Island and keep It Coating until com pelled to haul It down. Captain A. A. Rosehlll, th discoverer of th Island, who left hi claim to It oa a cocoanut tree on Marcu Island In 1889, I Id command of the expedition. Th com pany's claim I based on this title, which Is on record at th 8 late department la Washington. No Intimation that th vessel left her with any arm on board was given out un til th news was received that the Japanese government had laid claim to the land and had dispatched a war vessel there. Colonel Thomas Fitch then mad public th In structions given to Captain Rosehlll, which, while designed to prevent any con flict, were Intended to compel tbe Japanese to allow the American to land, or us force to drive them away. Captain Rosehill's Instruction front th company ar to Inform th Japan on Marcus Island that hi expedition la a peaceful on for th purpose of making scientific investigation of the valu of th guano deposit of the Inland and attempt to make ft peaceful landing. In th event that th Japanese refuse to allow bin) to land Rosehlll Is to ssll away Cut of sight of th island, and under cover of darkoeas land an armed fore and raise th American flag and koep It uj nntll it Is torn down by a superior fore. At th sama time th cap tain waa told to avoid a conflict la every way possible. y la th vent of his enoountsrlsg a Japa ns war Tassel ths commander of ths ex pedition was to present fcla credentials a th discoverer of th island and th agent ot th Maroua Island Guano aompany, and to stat that th objeot of hi expedition was to mak a cientiflo examination of the Island for th company. If th Island wa found to be of valu, th matter of owner ship was to b referred to th United States and Japanes governments. If th officers of tbe war vessel still refuted to allow a landing, Captain Rosehill wa Instructed to start ashore with an unarmed force la a boat flying' th American flag and attempt a landing and carry out th purpose of th xpadltlon unless physically restrained. It Is thought th schooner commanded by Rosehlll. th Julia B. Whalen, has ar rived tbr br this time and - that th Japanese war vessel was) there first Th Whalen ha on board a crew ot nine and t - i . Bishop museum at Honolulu and T. J. Sedgwick of th United State agricultural station, who went to mak an examination ot th guano deposit. According to Fitch, tber are Mauser and ammunition tor all oa board th schooner. , NEGOTIATING W!TH MORGAN Brlttsk Onvernment J t irowwevi lis Position to Malt Aaaacs7 . . meat to' Public. , . LONDON. Aug. I. AS Indicated In the dispatches yesterdsr. th announcement made In Belfast that an agreement had been reached between, th admlraltr and the Morgan shipping combine waa prema tura. Negotiation on details of th agreement ar still proceeding, and It I believed, with every promts of success, la th House of Common this afternoon to premier. A. J. Balfour, said th , government bad been engaged In negotiation connected with the formation ot th shipping com bine. "Unfortunately we are- not yet In a position to mak statement to th public," said Mr. Balfour.. "Th accident to th colonial secretary. Mr. Chamberlain, ha caused com delay, but I am confident that when th bouse meet again w shall b In a position to take It Into our confidence." CABLE WILL NO! BE CUT t'altod flat Decides to Take a Haad la tk Har-li. ) . ' Troahle. . t , " WASHINGTON, Aug. J. The United Cable State and Haytlen Telegraph and companr has appealed to the Stat , atd Navy departments here to prevent tgj- cat ting of Ita cable at Cap HaytUa.- , According to Information received by th cable companr -in New fork, th Haytlen gunboat Crete-a-Pierrot, . which Is under th command ot Admiral Kllllck. who kaa allied himself with th revolutionary gov ernment under Oeneral Flrmtn and who baa been appointed. secretary fcf war ahd It navy under th revolutionary government. Intend to sever ths company's cable be tween Cape Haytlen and New York.. ,' Th companr appealed to the. authorities her to Instruct Commander McCrea of th gunboat Machlas to protect th tab! from violence. Acting Secretary of Stat A dee and Acting Secretary ot th Navy Darling held a- conference over the matter and decided It was proper for this government. In th protection and International Interest In volved, to Issue tbe instructions and, ac cordingly, a cablegram was sent to Com mander McCrea directing; bint to prevent ths cutting cf tke cable. NEELY, WANTS THE MONEY Aaka that (srray fr'oaad ta Hi Poo-Meatoa at Tim of Ar ret Bo Retorood. WASHINGTON, Aug. t C. F. W. Kly. who wa convicted of Cuban poata.1 frauds and afterwards granted amnesty by tbe Cuban legislature, has applied to the at torney general to be reimbursed tor the money found la bl possession at th tlui of hi arrest, amounting to $J,!S1. . This money wa sent to Cuba a an exhibit at th trial of Nsely, and wa re turned by th military government to th Wer department. Secretary Soot wrote g letter to th postmaster general Informing him that th niouey had bees; returned and waa held, to bo dlaposed ot at ths lat ter direction. - The postmaster general has not accepted th mouey and It still remains in th possession ot Secretary Roet. The War de partment la holding It until an adjustment Is made and a balance struck between the Cuban government and the 1st military government regarding financial affair. Aeeldeat to Kins' Car. MADRID. Aug. I Considerable alarm wa felt today during King Alfonso' Jour Bey from Ovledo to Leo. While th train was In a tunnel near Llvare th door ot tb klDg'a car suddenly cpeaed and was broken olt. FIRST BONANZA MEAT FARM Endioata of Amaricaci Lad bj Ktrakan Will Eitobliah it ia Cauda, UY FCRTY THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND , wm lotrodaeo Iteaa a. Other Modera Maefcta- ' v "--11 a Owa it v levator. ST. PAUL, Aug. I. A syndicate of Amer icans, led by T. B. Hoard of Nebraska, a wealthy cattleman; will establish the Bret bonanza wheat farm In Canada between Cralk and Davidson, en the Prince Albert branch of the Canadian Pacific. Forty thousand acres ot land ha been purchased at an outlay of JJOO.OOO and another $100, 000 baa boon act aside by tbe syndlcat for Improvements. - None of th . method which mad th great wheat farm of North Dakota famous have yet been ap plied In Canada and wheat-raising ha been confined entirely to small area and to th work of small farmers. Th syndlcat Includes F. J. Waddell of Aurora, Neb., another wealthy cattleman, and capitalist from Iowa and Illinois. On wbol township la to be converted Into a monster wheat field and th greater por tion of a township adjoining I to become a portion of th syndicate' interests. Mr. Hoard and hi associate will Intro duce ateamplows and - other modera farm machinery. Th syndlcat will own Ita own elevators, two of which ar to be built this fall at Garvin In th center ot th new arm. It will also operate Bin elevators at adja cent paints. NEW RAILROAD COMBINATION Bllaaoart Facta sad Chicago, tll wsskts A Bt. Paal Bator lato Cloo Alllaaoo. CHICAGO. Aug. I. Th Datly New an nounces today that by what la known as a "traffic agreement", a clos alliance ha been entered Into between th Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul railway and tbe Missouri Pacific system, on representing th Rocke feller lntereet and the other th great south western system f th Goulds. ' By th alliance the former company will cure a direct line to Salt Lake City and tbe Missouri Pacific will gain a direct en trance from the Kaaeaa City gateway Into Chicago. This will plaoe the St. Paul system with a terminus more than midway to ths Pad fie coast and giro It entrance Into El Paso, Tex., over the Texas k Pacific tracks, which are owned by th Gould lntereet. thus tapping the great southwest, which la grtdironed by ta uouid line. - ' It means that th St. Paul will rater the field a a competitor for the traffic between Chicago and Kansas City, something It has not heretofore attempted, save on freight. This competition will be made possible by the completion of cutoff lines., It is under stood that tbe "trafflo agreement" la en tered Into rather than a direct consolidation fcr fear of Interruption Similar to that cf tb Northern Securities .ctiTptmr. It Is aald that the alliance baa ootua about at the Instance of the. Rock fellers and Is partly the result of the Gould-Rockefeller com bination at the time of the fight against tbe Pennsylvania. - By the merger the two , systems control 11,181 miles... . . - .. ! Many Important haul will.be gained by both line, among other that . to . New OrleaD for th 8t, Paul, with water con- nectlona. , i - i Vice President A. C. Bird, when seen by an Associated - Press reporter aald: This traffic alliance story I new to me and I think I would know If any such deal were under way. I cannot think of any fact which could reasonably give rise to the atory. ST. LOU13.Aug..S.--At th general office of the Missouri Pacific here, nothing I known of th announced trafDo agreement between th Missouri Paclflo system and the Chicago, Mllwauke St. Paul rail way. " Mr. Russell Harding, third rice president and general manager, aald: We know nothing ot such an arrange ment. It there Is an agreement of this kind, . It emanates from our New York office and I hav not bean advised. BURLINGTON GIVES INCREASE Coadnetere, Brakeass sal Baggage aoa Created More Pay All . Over System. ,. , CHICAGO, Aug. (. Nearly everyone cf the 7.000 conductors, brakemen and train baggagemen ot the entire Chicago, Burling ton ft Qulncy n.llroad system will re ceive a material Increase In wage Septem ber . 1. Under th general readjustment the "1 45 per month brakemen" will be a thing of. the past, as the minimum will b $50. Th monthly wages of passenger brakemen will be advanced from f&0 to 165, collectors and train baggagemen from $55 to $60. Wber th collector and train baggagemen handl express In addition to their other work they will receive $5 more, or $6S Pr month. The freight brakemen and conductor will be advanced from 1 to I cents a mils, and passenger conductors will be brought up to a standard f $126 a monthv Th raise In wage wlllmean about $25,000 addition to the company's pay roll. The Increase will apply to tB entire system, from Chicago to Denver. MERGER HEARING FOSTPONED Case of Petes' fwff Agalast Herthera coarltte Comoaay Adjoaraed lattl sfoaday. NEW TORK, Aug. 8. Th hearing in tbe Northern Pacific merger case befor Spe cial Examiner Mabie wa today adjourned until next Monday at lb request of coun sel for Camilla Weldenfeld. the broker, who waa expected to testify today. Peter 'Power, th plaintiff In th case, was not present, but his counsel, George A. Lamb, stated that he had communicated with Power. Ha assured the oppoalng counsel that his client would be produced within a few days. FUNSTON CONFINED TO ROOM Oeaeral Voders aa Oaeratloa for Flatala. hat Coadltloa la Hot Alarmlac. DKNVER. Aug. . Brigadier Oeneral Frederick Punston, commander of the De partment of th Colorado, I confined to hi horn by lllnes, having undergone an oper ation for fistula.' ' Hi condition 1 not at all alarming and his friends expect that he will recover quickly. The general' present Ulnee does not result from the attack ot appendicitis, for which ao operation waa successfully performed at Kansas City befor h cam t Colorado, IDENTIFY THE DEAD WOMAN Body Fooad la Vsesst lot at Chicago Proves to Be that ot Site Mlaale Mitchell. CHICAGO, Aug. I. The body ot th young woman found last night In a lacant lot at Seventy-fourth and Stat streets has been Identified that of Miss Minnie Mitchell of (04 Fourty-foiirth street, and th police are looking for William Bartholin, a young mechanic who waa with her at the tlm of her dieappearance. The ease I shrouded la mystery, but th police ar firmly of the opinion that the girl wa murdered by Bartholin and that he also murdered bis own mother, Mrs. Anna Bartholin, who mysteriously disap peared three weeks befor the Mitchell girl went away with tbe young man. The body of the girl was beyond Identi fication, but her sister, Llllte Mitchell, to night positively Identified tbe dress, the petticoat of lavender silk and the bat worn by her sister at the time of her disap pearance and there Is no doubt In th minds ot tbe police that the body Is that of Min nie Mitchell. , Miss Mitchell waa last seen by the mem ber of her family on tb tight of July 10, when she left her father'c hous in com pany with Bartholin, th coup) saying that they intended to take a walk. She did not return to th house that tight and noth ing waa heard ot her or of Bartholin until two day later, when the girl' father re ceived a not from Bartholin saying that be and the girl bad eloped and bad started for -California to spend their honeymoon. Mrs. Annie Bartholin, the mother, whom the police firmly bell ere wa killed by bar son, dlssppeared from her home at 4310 Calumet avenue a month ago. Her son Bvde no report of her disappearance to the police, and a man who had boarded with her ior years reported the matter, saying that he was confident that she had met with foul play, tor the reason that she' had said nothing about going away and had disappeared on a washing day ao suddenly a to leave tb cloth in the tub. He thought she was lying dead In her room. Officers were at once sent to th hous and forced th door of ' her apartment, but found no trace of ber. Her sen said that ah bad gone to Milwaukee and. as there waa.no reason at that tlm to think that he had been murdered, th matter was allowed to drop. The day after the visit of the police to the residence of hie mother, Bartholin called for tb Mitchell girl, and they went away together. The letter written by Bar tholtn- to Mr. 'Mitchell was' posted In Chi cago two days after his disappearance. Bartholin la 28 years of age, and haa beea employed as a mechanic In a wagon shop at Auburn park. He has not been aeea by his employer for mora than two weeks, and they have received, no word from him. There Is no known motive tor the mur der, but the wbund in the back of the nlvCuwll iui'i umu am a iiaaieq as io render It out of th question that she could have Inflicted It herself, asd there la no doubt that ah was murdered. Why the son should have tried to mak away with hi mother Is not known, and there Is no evidence that she has been killed beyond the fact that she has dis appeared and cannot be found. She kept roomer la her house, eome ff whom had lived wllhiher for twenty nru Ehe was not in the hablt of learlnghiev bom, and men in he, house are confident that she would not 'have -.done so without saying something to them befor leaving. The police base their belief In her-mnr der on the fact that Bartholin disappeared so quickly after he knew that his mother' disappearance was being Investigated. important; jrc importers Board of Claaeldeatloa" of trotted . atate Oeaeral Appraisers Ilea. -dor lasBortaat berlalrs. NEW TORK. Aug. 8. Th board of ciaslficatloa of the United States general appraisers . todsy rendered a decision of great Importance to all classes , of Import ers. In relation to th Jurisdiction of the board. It is beld that the Jurisdiction and authority of the board, a laid down under the law, 11 absolute and la not shared br th Treasury department. For some tlm past, It Is aald, there has been a growing practice on the part of tbe Treasury department to .withdraw pro test that had coma befor th board, pre sumably to correct error, and then never bring the cases before the board again. Instead of that, the department would sim ply announce a ruling which would cover th case In question. The board of classification now holds In effect that such action really amounts to an attempt on the part ot th department to exercls judicial function concurrently with the board, and that It I aa usurpation of judicial function wholly without war rant in law. Th great Importance of such a de cision will appear from th fact that th Board ot United State General Appraisers Is a permanent body. Its decisions ar subject to review by the government courts, but, th board now hold,' matters 'which come under Its jurisdiction cannot be de cided by tbe Treasury department. This case, like all others ot the board of classi fication, may be taken to tbe federal sfea'ts and ultimately to tbe supreme court of the United States. The decision waa rendered In the matter of two protests filed by J. 8. Johnson A Co. hgalnst the decision cf tbe collector of customs at New Tork as to ' tbe rate and amount of duties chargeable on cer tain merchandise ao Imported on Antllia and entered respectively June 13 and May 15. 190L The opinion relatea that the proteata were transmitted to the board under section 14 of tbe custom administrative act of Jun 10. 1890. Th collector requested th return of the protests and ths related papers to bis office. This the board denlea la a long decision, which concludes as follows: "Our conclusion Is that the application of the collector Is without merit, and 'la unauthorized and must be denied. It Is so ordered. The protests will be docketed for hearing by tbe board, of which the par tie will have due notice." WASHINGTON. Aug. 8. Referring to tbe decision of tbe classification board of the board of general appraiser at New Tork. treasury officials aald today that there never had beea any difference of opinion between the board and the Treasury de partment as to the former' Jurisdiction. Tbe board's decisions on tb' question of classification may be reviewed, oa appeal, by tbe courts, but on the, question of valua tion the board haa absolute jurisdiction. In neither case does an appeal lie to tbe Treasury department. This ruling has beea In force tor several year. Ia cas of cndervaluatloa th Treasury department has ae recourse except to remove members of the board who are responsible for such undervaluation. Btekep Kelly la Hum. ROME. Aug. 8 Rt. Rev. Benjamin Kelly, bishop of bavaanah, arrived her today. MINOR CHANGES IN CABINET falfanr Haa Vada a Mnddl of Farcing tba fossils to Eotira. YOUNG CHAMBERLAIN SITS WITH FATHER Earl Dadloy Gets the Poaltloa of Lord Meateaaat of Irelaad, Meek to the Dlaappolatmeat at Dak of Marlboroagh. . (Copyright, 1908, by Pre Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. 8. (New Tork World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Th earl ot Dudley ha been appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, Charles Thompson Ritchie, chancellor of tbe exchequer, and Aratas Akera-Douglks, horn secretary. Austin Chamberlain, son of the colonial secretary, haa been appointed postmaster general, vie the marqui of Londonderry, resigned. Aa Austin Chamberlain will hav a seat la tb cabinet, th rare spectacle will be fur nished of both father and son holding cabinet rank simultaneously. A new office, that of minister ot education, haa been created, to which the marquis ot London derry haa been appointed. Tbe appointment of Sir William Hood Walrond to be chancellor of tbe duchy of Lancaster, in place of Lord James of Here ford, resigned because of Ul-health, also wa officially announced today. King Edward has approved all these ap pointments, as well as the following: First Commissioner of Works Lord Windsor, In succession to Arata Akera Douglaa. Financial Secretary of th Treaeury William Hayes Fisher, In succession to Austin Chamberlain. Mr. Fisher has been a Junior lord of the treasury alnoe 1895. Parliamentary Secretary of the Treasury Sir Alexander Fuller Acland Hood, Tic Sir William Hood Walrond. Lord Commissioner of th Treasury Henry William Forester, M. P. Under Secretary for India Earl Percy. Under Secretary to the Home Office Thomas Horatio Arthur Ernest Cochrane, M. P. Under Secretary to th War Office The earl of Hardwlcke, who was under secretary for India. Parliamentary Secretary of Education- Sir William Reynall Anaon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade Andrew Bonar Law, M. P. Th earl of Dudley, Sir William Hood Waldron and Lord Windsor will not be la tb , cabinet, but George Wyndham, chief secretary for Ireland, doea become a mem ber. Premier Balfour promised drastic recon struction of tbe cabinet seems to be ending In smoke. Practically ho new blood Is In troduced. 11 appears thai Baiiour ssi reckoneo on the spontaneous retirement of some of the older ministers like Lord Chancellor Salis bury, Lord Chancellor Ashbourne and Lord Geurge Hamilton. When they did not offer to retire he thought to give them a suffi ciently .plain hint by asking each "Do you wish, to remain on?" To his discomfiture they all answered yea. This blocked the reconstruction. Balfour alone. aoece.od-t in geplng Lord James-to go. This muddle is. characteristic of Bal four and has excited great indignation wln the party. The duke of Marlborough ' 1 beaten for the Irish vice royalty by Earl Dudley. This Is considered a great setback for Marlbor ough, who had come to regard the reversion of this office almost aa his right. Dudley enjoyed strong support from the king, who likes blm personally, while he makes little secret ot his opinion .of Marlborough as lacking la fulfillment of his obligation as a contributor to London's social gaietlea. HURLS HARSH EPITHETS Irish Nationalist O'Cosaer Stroagly Deawaaces Sergreaat Sherldaa aad Scores tke Government. LONDON, Aug. 8. On a motion provid ing for the third reading of the appropria tion, bill In tbe House of Commone today T. P. O'Connor, Irish nationalist, mad a brief fighting speech. In which be re aired the grievances of Ireland, especially vigorously denouncing Sergeant Sheridan, whom he described aa ' a perjured villain, who while In the Irish constabulary falsely convicted Innocent persona. Mr. O'Connor strongly denounced the gov ernment for its refusal to extradite Sher idan from his retreat at Lowell, Mass. George Wyncha, chief secretary for Ire land, declined to further discuss the Sher idan case, but promised that It Irish land lords combined and resorted to such prac tice as boycotting and intimidation he would take much pleasure In summoning them before magistrate,. The Houss of Lords adjourned today to October 18. In response to inquiries just prior to the adjournment, as to whether the government wa taking steps looking to the establishment of a British Atlantic steamship service, after th absorption of British lines by the American combina tion. Lord Onslow, under colonial secre tary, said the question of a new Canadian service had nothing to do with ths Amer ican combine. Certain proposals had been submitted to the Canadian government, but the latter had not Informed bla majesty's government of their purport or asked as sistance. TLe question of the establishment of a British service, however, was receiving the earnest attention of ths government. If such a 11ns were established. It would be necessary to com to Parliament for money and then complete details would be given out, It would be unwise at present to com municate tb negotlattona. LANDS BELONG TO THE CHURCH Friar Bare W Rlkt to Make Sale Wltkeat tke Approval of . tke Vatlcaa. ROME. Aug. 8. Th action of th Philip pine friars In eelllng their land to syndl catea of layman la disapproved at tbe Vati can. Th land ar cooaidered to be church property. Inalienable without the conaent of Rome. An Investigation Indicate that th Do minican alon aold their land. When tb salea ar definitely ascertained tb friar will be obliged to how th amount received by them and reimburse the e hurch. Gayaor aad Ortsas la Ceart. QUEBEC, Aug. 8. Meaara. Gaynor and Greene appeared before Judge Caron in th superior court todsy and were again re manded. Judge Caron Informed counsel that on Wednesday next at 10 a. mi, ' be would render Judgments oa the' motions of tbe United States government to dis miss the writs of habeaa corpus. Should the writs be dismissed the cases against the prisoners for extradltloa wlil be heard en their merits. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER t"(recaet for Nebraska Local rain Satur day; Sunday, fair. Tempe-ratare at Omaha Teetordayi Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear. 8 a. m r 1 p. m. NO a. B p. m...... TH TshBs . S p. as sk S su aa...... Tl 4 p. m Mt su tn...... T4 p. ...,.. K4 10 a. m TB a p. ta It a. an TT T p. ra Ml 13 am. TS p. m. . . . . T 9 p.' m TS KEEP. FAMILY FROM INJURY Platooa of Troop at Sheaaadoah Go to Coaatry aad ' Check Violence. SHENANDOAH. Pa.. Aug. $ A platoon of th Governor' troop ot cavalry went to Turkey Rua Hill today on an errand ot mercy and rescued a email family from violence of the neighbors. There has been petty act of violence reported from that territory nearly every day for a week. ' Today Brigadier Oeneral Oobln received a pathetlo letter from the wife of a non union workman who Is employed In the GUberton colliery of the Philadelphia Reading Coal and Iron company. In which she tells of the .treatment accorded ber by striker. Among other things she said rocks hsd been thrown through the windows at night, one of them nearly striking her sleeping child, the house was damaged and while she was outdoors one night a shot was fired at her. She also said crowds gath ered around the house, hooted and jeered at her and .the child and hung crape on the door. Her husband, she concluded, was compelled to stay in the mine In order to earn money to keep them from atarvtng and aa he could not leave hi work she asked th commanding officer of tbe troops here to protect her. Turkey Run Hill haa no police protection and Oeneral Oobln decided to help the woman. He learned that aha was not In th best of health and It was decided that sb bad better be taken from th place to the Pottsvtll hospital. To do this th general ordered a platoon of cavalry to make a demonstration in that section and while there to escort th woman and child to tb railroad station. This was done. The troops rode all over the territory and found that the population, which is made up ot many foreigner, wa not In the best frame of mind. The soldiers were hooted and Jeered and called uncomplimentary names. Only one stone was thrown at the horsemen, and this wa done by someone In a crowd on a high ridge out of reach of the horse men. . Th cavalry stopped their horses and the crowd scattered Inatantly. ABSTAINERS CONCLUDE WORK Cat hello Society la Sesstow a a kats Flalakes aad Ad. ' loans. DUBUQUE. Ia., Aug. . Th Catholle Total Abstinence society adjourned tonight to meet next year In Pittsburg August 5, 8 and 7. All the old officers were .re elected except the president.. Rev. J. A. Bhanley ot Hartford, Conn., was eloctedl to tkt tfflcev A "..csMegrsm was Tecdved from Rome Imparting the apostolic "b)ena tng. " The resolutions urge tbe use of every influence to enforce th laws against th liquor traffic, especially those against the Sunday saloon. They also express sympathy with the striking coal miners of Pennsl venia and ask the president to tender his services to arbitrate the disputed, ques tion. X CRONK SURE OF ELECTION Omaha Mmm Will Be Chases Oread Ex alted Raler of Elkdeaa at Utah Coareatioa. SALT LAKE, Utah. Aug. 8. Every train Into Salt Lake 1 bringing crowd of Elk and visitor to th annual meeting of th grand lodge of Elks, which will begin next Tuesday. The official of the grand lodge will arrive - tomorrow. ' The Saratoga Springs delegation Is expected to arrive Sunday, when th campaign for th 1903 grand lodge sesssloa will begin. George K. Cronk's election a grand exalted ruler 1 looked upon aa a foregone conclusion. Grand Secretary George A. Reynolds of Saginaw for re-election apparently haa no opposition. For the other grand officers brisk contest ar anticipated. OMAHA MAN TOR PRESIDENT Pkylatelle Isss of Amorlest Close Coa . weatloa by Bloottoa of Ofllcers. DENVER, Aug. 8. The Phylatello Sons of America closed their convention here tonight after the election ot the following officers: President, E. H. Wilkinson, Omaha; first vice president, J. J. Oeach, Chicago; second vice president, P. M. Wolsiefer, Chicago; third rice president. F. N. Maaaotb, Chi cago; aecretary, O. Montague Butler, Golden, Colo.; treasurer, William H. Zuehlke. Appletoo, Wis.; International sec retary, E- Doeblln, Pittsburg; attorney, H. ft. Swenson, Minneapolis. The society will toeet In Chicago next year. LEPER COLONY IN GUAM BstablUked by Commaadev Sckrecder to Fvoveat Spread of . tke Disease. WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. The Navy de partment has received a report from Com mander Bahroeder, governor of th Island of Guam, aaylng that th leper colony he proposed te establish would be ready tor oooupaocy July 1, It wa supposed that ths leper had all disappeared from Guam, but Investigation dsveleped that many vlotlm had been se creted by their friend la various part of th Island, aad Commandar Schroeder de termined that thr should be gathered la on place to prevent th spread ef the dlseass. Kescasats efuoea Vesaeea, lag, fet. At Cherbourg Arrived: Coiuuila, from Hum 1ms. At ouuthpto aiea: fcuerst tils Hurcic, fur Sam lark v. Cherbourg. At Brsvfaad faased; i-utanta, from Kw York, tut Liverpuuf. At P will a fcrmriMf i : 3rav, Irom View Vutk, fur feaple attii Uenoa. At Lcucloa Atfived; CajuUnaa, from Buntou. - At Liverpool Arrived: HXiynland, rem Beaton. A; uuecnstuaio Arxiveu: Lucanta, from New xurk, tor Liverpool, and prudeeacil. Baited: Merles, for boalon. At Havre Arrlvsd: Lat Uaecogna, from New York. At biatwBArr(ved: IHoula, from Llver- pttol- Ai Auckland Balled: Souoma, for Ban Francisco. At N Yotk Ballad: Georg:c, for Liver pool. Arrived) Augusts Victoria, frem ilaatburg, etc. I Caaiyauia, frem Live! peel. DAY OF CORONATION Evorrtbisf; fa Baadioota for tta drawling of Kinr Edward. EXPECTANT POPULACE CROWD STREETS Wandar Almlaailj Through tb laml Eluminated Tharoughfaraa. NO BLATANT HORNS AND UTTIC NOISE Diaagreaabla Feature Atonad for j th Brilliait Illumipatiana, THOUSANDS ANXIOUS TO SECURE SEATS Stand Speealatore Do a Tbrlvlas; It laeea Tatll Lato la tka Night, While Msay Bit In to Get Good Poeltloas. LONDON, Aug. 8. The ev ot the corona tion cf King Edward nil waa marked In London by large crowds wbtoh wandered all the evening somew'jat glmleaslr through the emi-illumlnate-i streets. DoTm White hall, where the Cane d Ian arch waa th cen ter of attraction, arotiid Westminster ebbr and along the Strand the sldewaika r blocked with the expectant populace. The people were deterred from anr eigne of rowfiyism by the acute recollection of the recent postponement of th coronation. and those who had seen the unrestrained exhibitions which occurred upon the slight est pretext during the war times could not fall to notice th different temperament shown tonight. With a few exceptions It might well have been aald of the metropolis of tbe empire that It wa living up to th national reputation of taking It pleasure somewhat sadly. Tbe absence of blatant horns and annov- lr.g features was pleasantly atoned tor by tbe lighting up of many building. Ths brilliancy of the illumination held th coun try visitor to th city so spellbound that vehicle traffic became more and more diffi cult aa the night wore on. Until a very late hour the atand speculator did a thriv ing business and around those stands occu pying good location there wer line of people anxious to get seats at the last mo ment. Many of th thousands who walked through the street displayed unmistakable sign of determination of sitting up all night for the purpoa of aeoarlng good seat for tomorrow. Workmea Baay at Abbey. Workmen were till bur nuttlne? the fin. -VI ... .v. ... ..... proaches and every . detail of tela work wa watcnea eagerly by th pectator. In an undramatlc sort of way London has been transformed by th multitudes wiMn to aee any part of th ceremonies Into a city oi great unrest. The Idea ot rest ha been cult given up br the peopl in the street and underlying thi latenaitr ot expectation there, to a. ourtous nervoudtiesi. among the majority lest tn.-y should awake from their oho'rteBe siunibers to' find the .1. event. 1 once morer postponed. ' Among the many incident of the one of the most curious occurred at 8cot- iana vara, where a Scotch msat v. had receive a audden telegraphic invita tion io oe present at Wetmlnster abbey, with the proviso that h appear la court dress, appealed at a late hour to th tiu to help him hire or borrow the clothes necessary for admittance. All sign, point to an orderly celebra tion under doubtful weather conditions ar. with public enthusiasm tempered by heart- ien rener over tee passing of tbe shadow which so recently overcast the empire. Kin Passe Baay Day. King Edward passed a busy day at Buck ingham palace and did not appear to tbe public at all. At a lata hour tonight he wa reported aa feeling quite strong and as looking forward to tomorrow's ceremo nies without the slightest misgiving. Acting upon medical advtca. Lord Sails bury ha obtained the king's permission' te absent himself from th coronation. The ex-premler will ehortly tear for the continent- - One of the moat eurloua Incidents cf tba coronation will be the appearance of the uniform cf the Salvation irnr In War minster abbey. King Edward directed that a representative of the Salvation Army should be Invited to the coronation, and Brarawell Booth haa been annotated t at. tend the ceremony. A difficulty arose about tne unirorm he should wear and the earl marshal, tbe-duke of Norfolk, Intimated that he we not authorized .to recognize the uniform of the Salvation Army. Mr. Booth thereupon wrote to . King Edward, reouestinc Dermlaslon to wear the uniform of ths army. This his majesty readily gave. Mr. Boom win appear in ths uni form of his rank in the Salvation Army. Order of Prooeaaloav, The first section of the procession to the abbey will start from Buckingham palace at 10:30 o'clock and will consist of dress carriage and pairs, containing members of ths royal family, headed by trumpeters, the Royal Horse guards' band, tbe First Life guards and the Royal Horse guard. Then com th carriages, occupied as fol lower First The grand duke ot Mecklenburg 8tre!lti, the grand duchess of Mecklenburg Btrclitx, the duke of Cambridge and Prince Frederic. Second Princes Andrew and George of Greece and Princesses Victoria and Louise of Battenberg. Third Princes Maurice, Leopold and Al exander of Battenberg, Trinces Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg and Princess Bea trice (Princess Henry of Battenberg). Fourth Tbe duchess , of Albany, the duchess of Argyll and tb crown prlnc and crown prince of Reumanla. Fifth Princesses Louis and Augusta Victoria of Schleswlg-Holstein and Prlnc and Prince Christian cf Schleswlg-Holstein. Sixth Th Princesses Victoria Patricia and Margaret of Connaught, the duchess ot Connaught and th grand duke cf Hess. Seventh Tb duke and duches of Sparta and Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia. Eighth Drawn by six black horses, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess Cbarlea of Denmark, Princess Victoria and th duchess of Fife. After th foregoing will com th Prlnc of Wales' procession, which will start from York hous at 10 45. ThJ adranc guard will consist of a detachment of th royal borss guard, followed by two carriage containing official member of th prlnc and princess ef Wale' household, tb first troop of tbe royal horse guards, th car riages of th prlnc and prlnc ot Wales and th second troop of tb royal hors guards. Tb king' procession will leav Buck ingham palace at 11 o'clock, escorted by th royal bora guards, th klag'a barge-