Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tliri" OMAHA. PAITA' UHHi TIIUItRnAY, AKOttST 7. 11)112.
Varus Vio'enc scd Btalions. Folios.
.,. at Uolon FsciCo Tarda.
XHrl Secretary Cirne Commeatls
DoaahaC tlajllaaer, hot Think
Hw rommliiloarri Are Dis
playing Frempt Seal.
Vsi'j if"" " ; r' v-ov ' 1
Chief ronabu tad Union Taclfla atrlks
.Ireiiers held a rcsicn In the chief! privet
office In the city bsll yesterday t which the
,trlk, who were headed by Mstrlct 8ec
jetary Greet of th machinist, who bad
been ent far by the chief, were admonished
Jn very decided terms against vklenc In
connection with their fight with the rail
toad company. The men were informed that
4 he city would cot tolerate violence et any
kind and that the railroad wa entitled to
and wou:4 receive adequate protection
against any assault.
The chief baa decided to keep one no-
S iceman at every entrance to the yards aur
oundlng the Union Pacific ahops. At these
ntrancea the company keepa guards and the
trikera Iwp picket, and It is held that
there Is dancer of friction between tbem.
.Tuesday night one of the company's guards,
who happened to ovontep his beat a little,
i"WM attacked and subjected to a serere
ttfcreeh'ng by whom noly iwmi to know.
The strUor deny all reaponelblllty for the
act and say that the man who did the
f heavy work" was a stranger to them. But
the chief Is not going to take chances on
any more strangers.
"This looks like the new fire and police
board, under the direction of Attorney Bald
win cf the Union Pacific, was getting In Its
rork promptly," aald District Secretary
Grac to Chief Donahue, when Informed of
the plan to station city officers at each gate
of the yards.
. "We feel that Chief Donahue has done
what he thought waa for the best interesta
of everybody tlnce this strike began and
there has been very little violence Indeed,
and we have trlid to conduct ourselves prop
erly and peaceably," said Mr. Grace. "We
appreciate, as the chief said, the fact that
tfie presence of bis officers will be as much
for our benefit as for the guard', but we
don't want to feel that their presence there
la any reflection on us. In any event, the
chief la amenable to the new board and
xnuit, of course, act under its Instructions
and authority." ,
Tom JU "Wllsoa Batarne.
Thomas V. Wilson, fourth vice president
of tba International Association of Ma
'ehlnlsta, returned to Omaha, last night
after an absence cf nearly four weeks
from the city. He has been at work among
tho Union Taciflo strikers at the different
points along the system and report ex
cellent rcBults so far as the union men
are concerned. Mr. -Wilson will remain In
Omaha until the end of the fight.
Asked i what he thought of the situation
now, Mr. wJlson, said:
"If It was any nicer ws couldn't stand
It. Ws have made such incessant gains
from the Inception of the strike that the
tit la ours and tim alone la neoessarv
'to bring It to a close. The eompeny has
roads a miserable failure at supplanting
the union men." ,"'
Mr. Wilson aays that when he left Ellis,
Kan., only sU mechanics remained at work
in the shops. He Induced flvo to leave
and secured the promise of others. , At
Armstrong the entire force, eicept five,
are unskilled mechanics, according to his
reports. He points to the fact that alncs
the strike In Omaha not a union man has
mm nt.W In th shnrft and hut two have
left the city and they r not scabbing, but
ars contributing regular financial aid to
IHa ' kirikAPB fitnA FlnaRctallv ha nn
the strikers are prepared for a two-year
fight If necessary
Mr. Wllnon, who was a member of the
lower house of the east Wyoming legists
ture and Its acting speaker when the sea
ston clorcd. Is a candidate for the repub
llcan nomination from the Cheyenne dis
trict this year.
Thro 'Train Anactled.
Three of the Union Faclfle passenger
trains from the west were annulled yes
terday. Striker say the ' reason for an
nulling No. 102, f-e fast mail, due here at
3:25 p. m., was the lack of an engine to
pull It Into the city. nd claim that the
same cause could b assigned tor th
tsii'ira ef the others.
The company continues Its plan of In
troducing nonunion men from abroad. All
that can be hired are brought In from eaet
em cities. Yesterday raorntrg thlrty-cne men
passed through Omaha on theii- way to Den
ver and other western polnta. This !m
portillsa critically numbered forty, but
Bine desertions occurred before the train
reached Omaha.
(riwors have been led to understand
that the company would endeavor to stop
the former from maintaining their line of
iiuket outaiil of il Cwu.pkT's precise.
Front the Inception of the trouble the
plcttuu have ben kept on duty day and
rt.-bt, and to their vigilance la laid much
effective work. This view evidently ta
held by the company, the strikers say,
bene the desire and effort to remove the
At Labor temp'.o yesterday morning It was
r.r.jrted that the company 'would seek
through W! process to enjoin the pickets
from operating:, me ainkurs are aroused
over the report and avow their purpose of
rc??'?g the lie, which they believe they
rta win. 11. I held from the company's
Side that the preside of pickets at the
gr"grd l a constant source of
and irritation and may yet lead to serious
troubia. Tha pcf-Uient claim of the offl
!! the slriki'i have beta defeated
ard Hist there Is therefor no further us
In picket Is not tfchco sniuIy by the
former enepmea.
Strike lt(!.rs are antis-lpatli-.g a stra
tr-lo move by the con.iny In tixe fjrra of
a proiire! to cemprou lse diffirulti?, be-
lievii-.j t;.at iv :i sUp !i4y t tkea as
loon as j-re'.-int B'.trt, ti'"-r Viann-r
Idi-kinson an! S"! vlnti-ndent MrKern are
ail aeaia la their c.n; .-. Tl-fir absence
from the c!'y for a fyiw rtsys fiaa trade tt
lmpoit.iI to r t any ex(rfion as to the
authenticity cf sura g. rpcrt or movement.
"They can titvtr coitptomiee this strike,
tur brlag U ij a s-'tU-.-u'ut ty fecy other
At IU c "J Dy;vf-Ja,, Ua.'Hlia, lUjut-
L ..:; i.ia ot ...... h, e'c.
. J v Ulli a.2 v. 4 Uik
CI :; 4. ilull.g U iha
i .i &iu , e k iw If -wi I
. cj i :-..'. vwi. Try it J
1 I t T (... 1-, H It, I
t -.. . , K 4.
Ft r ' by F'ltmian t Mo
( ... v t It eg (u, . . for.
Irfi ar.1 l)tA:a fi'.-. OiUiti.
Ii J U .!-. C.-tt K'.al.
''jTT'y' Vr 1 1 3 j a. j gfy -J t.J V,-i LJ v.--i L. J
. - - TillllllllTF ' t J f. swub V-v -i . - -J I
Who hare been giving two
IVo catorfofuD -rcsttetlo element cnly, clhsrs
Kever before has any troup of aerial performers srtven such unlvereal satlefao
tlon to an Omaha numnrt. Ro reat ha beea their succtfcs that Manigor Urlf-y
fltbs re-engaged them for this week.
It b a r.::! Frcr.:ur.:ed Success b Every Patehr -
and has been endorsed In tfte highest terras by everybody who has been fortunat
enough to have seen the Blckctts' act. t
Sensational Eallcon Asccnsicns fcy Prof. SaaKcrplij Evsrj Day anl ca
Fre Picfilo Grounds for all. Muslo at Pavilion and muslo at Caf.
ii i a n anr ""? Grounds are suppllod with artesian well
LIX Wf I lib t.,.i fu.ih riitSL wster for drinking purposes.
Lobster an
Pldtho Ths only Gravity Railway In
Switchback - the West
' CrJy Cr,3 Car Fsr3 Frcm Any P2rt
Admission to, Grounds, only 10. ,
J. A. Grimths, Mgr., 218 First
terms," aald President Kennedy of tba
boiler makers, "except those which wo have
already demanded. Piecework must be
abolished, every 'scab' discharged from all
the shops on tha road, the unions reinstated
to -a-man anil the schedules originally asked
granted before we will Rlva in When tho
officials send tor our committees and tell
them that these terms will bo granted, then
and not until then will this strike end. Wa
are prepared for a two-year fight It necea.
aary and that Is mora than the company la
able to enduro." -
New Folic Board Transacts Its
Bnalaosa with tho rattle
Barred Oat.
r - '
An open seseloa of throo minutes, sand
wiched In between two executive sessions
ot an hour's length each, comprised the
work of the Mercer Board of Fire and Po
lice Commissioners Wednesday afternoon.
Two Items of buslnees were transacted In
the open areslon, at least one of which bore
evidence of baring been carefully rehearsed.
It pertained to the demand ot the old hoard
for posee alon of the ofe and records.
"Mr. Chairman." said Wright. "I move
that the secretary be directed to notify
Frank E Moores, Matthew H. Collins, Frank
A. Kennedy, Oeorge A. Mead and Patrick
C. Keafey that this board refuses to recog
nise thklr claim ni car-line to accede to
their dooiand."
Etuii- stwUwed. aa3 put to a vote it's mo
tion carried unanimously. There waa no
discussion, that part of it having been at
tended to in the first executive section..
The second Item was th eharg against
PaTtolman Anton Inda, who Is now under
rse of smallpox in his family. Chief Don-! e explained that Inda is now under
CUaranMae at his home. Bom pleasantries
were rawed as to the leexpwll? ncy of try
ing him until thera wss no further danger
of contagion, and th matter was finally
dltpoeed cf by a motion deferring action in
definitely. The board then, after adjourning Outtl 4
o'clock this afternoon, reconvened behind
closed doors.
It is rumored that Police Captain Her
and Hayes are booked for ' diamlos&l and.
ttaie reprrt was given color by a remark by .
C. C. Wrisht.
"I understand the captains ar to be
dropp'd from th payrclls," remarked aa as
quatntanc. "Well, that would meet with your ap.
Vroval. wouldn't It?" remarkad Wright.
'-- far llr i concarued, yes."
"Well, ln't Haye ut a ta?" aked
Wright. .-v, .
John aal Mtm. Mtklit Are Civea
Fropertr hy Klels )la, Whom
They Uvfrteadrd.
By th teruiS of a will that has just been
fid, with a petition that It b admitted
to probtts. Nl!s (ilneo, who died recently,
ltaves to Jt-ha liarh teu and wife a house
ai.d lot at Tctith and Dorcas streets; to
Emanuel Soreasoa U9, to liens Hansen,
vho Is named as exerulor, tV'0, and to
Cctavia Nidman f 1C0. Mr. and Mis. Mathle
a get their gift because they befrteuded
ibe old man during bis lifetime, though
cot related to him.
Mill JHaiktf Uii v'rel tMxir,
t'letirlu EUters are a marvlous tonle,
and work wonders for a week, run-down
eytteaj. Try them. Only 50c
T. P I of m. l,nuU Is in tha ci'y
v! ittmr i.ia ttr. Mr. Maj'.r Jj. It.
Vinr ,. r, v miHi. Mr. Ul'
. trl. I i it l:o.
Mr .-4 i'-rt M l. Osireton of -.-hny-lt-r,
.".-.j. nr. in the -tt.- Uils fvt 'i'hry
1. 1 tr -.;e-t.'s of V re i ' rtit s arQls,
i..ucr ai.J tu:. J. . J.iuuti i.
ii i
I l r
daily performances all this week
4 Bowling and as fine es any In the
Akiey vt, ; ,
The finest In the United States
Tha laraeat made in tha world.
cf Omaha cr South (baiia
National Bank Bldg., Omaha.
City Cleric Mazes Inn ail ' Bepert of
' Eeoeipti "mot Piebwwraaiits. . V -
Statement t Overlap la Mow Belnf
Prepared wftk That tm Vlovr
Wki tho Meaey
Has bnm.
City Clerk Shrlgley has omplted hi
annual report, which show th condition
of th various funds from May 15. 1901,
to July 11, 1602. Ths amount appropriated
to each fund la given and the revenue from
all sources is given.
Th amount of ths 1901 levy waa J10,4U
and tha balanc ef the 1900 levy ,01T.
From th county roa4 fund there wa re
ceived J927 and from the 18 per eent re
serve, $1,807. Milk, peddler and other 11
censa netted tha city $3,321. Ths Omaha
Gas company paid royalty amounting to
$898. Other ourcrs brought th total rev
enue for th fiscal year up to $157,034. Of
this amount $151,968 was drawn up to July
IS, leaving a balance of '$5.06 cn hand at
th commencement if the 1901 fiscal year,
An Itemized account show wher th money
waa spent. It cost $1,925 to maintain th
clerk' cSca and J3.133 for the treasurer,
while the mayor got along with aa appro
priation of $1,698. Charity eases cost th
city $1,177. Printing and advertising cost
$2,684. The sum of $2,149 was spent In th
tax oommiaelocer' office. Over $11,000 wa
spent for street flectrlo light and $1,725
for th ear of smallpox patients. Whll
It cost $13,472 to maintain the Cr depart
ment, the expenses of th police department
amounted to $17,214. Water coat $10,4$,
Other expenses run the totsl up to $131,
A statement of th overlap I now being
prepared with a view to submitting a bond
proposition to th people.
Funeral of Fred Hollas.
Funeral services ' over the remains of
Fred Mullen, a member of the city fir de
partmoat were held at the residence of
Mr. aud Mrs. II. C. Richiuoad. $1$ Norlh
Tweuty-Brst street yesterday afternoon.
Hev. Dr. Itobert I Wheeler, pastor of thr
Firnt Presbyterian church, conducted,
Three member of ths city firs department
and thrie meoilHir of Ancient Order ot
United WorVinm Wi No. tS -Ud aa
pallbearers. The city offices were closed
duties the afternoon and nearly all of th
city ofllelel and members of the Pre de
rartmest and police department attvcelrd
the services. Interment was at Laurel Hill
cemetery. , ,
A4dltloas to Bchoula,
The two-room brick addition to tha Haw
thorns school is nearly ready for the roof
and with anything like good weather the
new rooms will be ready tor occupancy
soon after ths schools opea In September.
There has been a Utile delay In the work
at th High annex oa account of
th contractor harviug had o!sa dtSculty
In securing a stifnclent number of untun
labor. At th Albright school griding
Is still going cn, aome delay havlbg been
caused by the wtt weather. This building
will hardly be ready until the middle of
December. '
Felltloat (or Cradlu;.
A petition for the grading of N street
from Thirteenth street to Twentieth street
baa been presented to the city council. It
a stated at lb tftue the petition was
banded In that It contained the necessary
number of olfuturf to warrant the coun
cil in going sttead with the letting of con
tracts for the grading. In order to verify
the signature of the property owners
kirnlng the p.ttioo the document has been
referrt-4 to '.t city engineer and tt city
attorney. Ifecui4 the pottUoa be found
u u
Cut out the coupon In Tho Sunday Bee
rnod for a free ride on th Merry-Oo-liound.
3 n nn
1 A hi n
to such large audiences at
uill not ta tolerated.
Tha below clipping la
Monday, July 23:
from Tba Bee,
Tha big drawing card at Courtiaod beach
was the performances of the great Blckelt
family, who began a week's engagement.
They gave one of the most sensational
and artistically seat exhibitions ot acro
batic skill Imaginable,, turning somer
saults, both" single and double, from on
trapeie to another, casting, virtually play
ing ball with each ether In the air and
making leaps twenty-two feet, catching
each other, and Blckett Juggled with his
wife In a way to astonish the auditors.
They also gave a novelty ladder act. In
troducing all kinds of acrobatic feats, In
cluding head stands, band stands, muscular
horleontal,' ate. Every act of tho entiro
performance was received with hearty and
continuous Applause. The Blckett give
apvviai muiaae every miternoon ibis
week at 4:45 o'clock. They also perform
very evening at 8:45 o'clock. As these
acts are both awe-inspiring and thrilling
they must tt ecu. to 'bo appreciated.
correct In all Ms detail th city authorl
tiea doubtless will ask) for bids at once) in
order that work majr., ba commenced aa
soon aa possible.. ' 'c,i ,
Charles K"ohn; IS years ''cf age, was found
dead la bed at his norh,1 Twnty-elghtn
end R street yesterday morning. Kohn
and hie wifa have been keeping th Chi
cago hotel at Twenty-eighth snd R street
for some time. A the deceased bad been
in III health for some time there was no
difficulty la securing a physician's certio
rate and' consequently there will bo no
Investigation by the coroner.' '
Alleged Highway ma Arreatrd.
Tho pollc have in custody John Flnley,
who will be arraigned In a day or two on
the charge of having held up and robbed
William Edwards at -th weet end of tba
tt street viaduct last Friday night. Among
th articles taken from Edward was a
watch. Flnley was arrested whll trying to
dispose ot th timepiece.
Mora Coanplalat Abowt Garbage
Sanitary Inspector Jones Is Investigating
complaints made recently regarding th
dumping of garbage on F afreet between
Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth strceu.
It is assarted by residents In that vicinity
that a number ot loads of refuse from gro
cery store and fruit stands have recently
been dumped oa F street near th tracks
by garbag haulers. Ths sanitary Inspector
has given It out that arreets will follow
unless th prtlc Is- stopped at one. '
' '. Blore Cat Slalaa. -
Material arrived yesterday for th ex
tension of th gat mains In $outh Omaha.
The first mslns to b laid under order
recently issued will bo on K street between
Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets and
on O street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
fifth streets. Permits for these mains
vui secured by the gas company from the
city engineer yesterday. When the mains
ar laid it Is the Intention ot the com
pany U aLuJ U. service to other psrU
of the city, in order to provid many
dwellings recently erected with fuel and
JHagta City Gosaln.
There will be a big sale of wetern horses
at the etotk yaxda Auguat 12.
An Important meeting: of aerie No. lr4
of th i-aglm will bo Friday night.
Some of the holes In the pavement Dn
Twenty-fourth street ar belrtsj titled with
bicken aturs.
Judge D. I. Clark and wife of Cretn,
Neb.. ptnt yemerday In tho rlty, the
(oesta of Mr. and Mrs A. V, Miller.
J. C. OT.rlen will return to his home in
Bart Francipuo today after a fortnight's
vtfit wiiti Mr. and Mrs. id. A- Dtlioit,
Mrs. John MrN'ehnla r'lnmH to her
krrr ot Atkinson. Neb., esierriy after a
'.til tlh Mr. anJ Mrs. My lea ii. Velsli,
7'werity-thltd and N streets.
Tho eiflrit in sheep rerelpts U ateailily
deereaslnK. end It t I'tnllcted tltHt the
o wn of the yimr will show an Incteas as
ootnpared with 1IW1 when KO.US head wei
handled at th yard here. .
Large Crowd Attend . Frattval at
Vlctoa Street Baa Ball
Last evei.iL- occurred th festival ot Et.
Patrick's Catholic church at the Vinton
street ball park. The affair began at 6:30
with sum races and muslo by th band.
Later In th evening a large crowd as
sembled and at Ice cream and cake and
danced to the music ot Abbott's orchestra.
The following were the winners in the rac
ing events, which were under the manage
ment of D. C. Conasll; Free-for-all race,
J. A. Marshall first. P. Cornell second:
broad Jump, J. P. Marshall; race for boys
over tt years, B. Cotnolly; rap for boy
under II years, V. Murphy; rare for girl
UQier 12 years, NelU IxxVs; women'
race, Mrs. power firet, Mr. MuWlhlll
second, Mrs. Duianey third. Mrs. Davis
fourth, Mrs. Clark fifth; putting ths shot,
J. A. Marshall. Articles for prties la
these race wer douattd by various gen
UcGiek. - -
J Li I
Tha Crcntfest end llest Bessfifcl SGRccr Rcscri la West. v'-; .
Visited daily by thpusands of the best familieR, All the high class pastime amusements
Round Trip
from Omaha. ' Good any day.
Round Trip -g
Ticket JLlJKs
from Council
Bluffs. Good any day.
C 3
Ij .
ttaiv 'inniii-al
Concerts at
2:30 & 6:30 p.
each day.
Gtmt.l BATTLES SiCpS'iS 10,000 G0LDIH13
Veterans of land and water of the Philippine Islands war. Make preparations to speod.tbe en
tire day at Lake Manawa and see it all. ' , 1
All the generals of the Philippine army willte present, besides many notables, Including
Filnston.'IIale, McArthnr, Wheaton. King, Smith, Governor Cummins of Iowa and Governor
Savage of Nebraska and their staffs., ' , . . . , ' 1 . .-. -!
Bathe at Manhattan, Hear the 8weet Singers at the Kursaal, CovaJt's Band at Manawa Park.
Balloon Aecensions and Parachute Leaps every evening during the eeason. ,
For Information regarding dates for picnic writs or call. J. A. Griffiths, Manager, 211 First National Bank Building, Omaha.
EocVc Island Tiret to IocreaBO Tariff en
.. J Wk4 sni floor, " ' !
. aaaaaaaajaas r
. f ;
Immrait Wheat Crop I Expected to
I Civ Railroad Big. Boost on
Their Sarploa Karalaa
"-"Fflsco Oasatp.
Jo anticipation of th heavy shipment ot
wheat and flour as a consequence of th
enormous wheat crop this year, freight rate
on these two commodities between. Omaha
and Chicago and Mississippi river points
bavs already started upward. 'The Rock
Island Ir the first Omaha-Ch'cago Una to
announce an advance. The local office ha
received order from Chicago that the rates
will go up 1 cent on the hundredweight,
effective Auguat IS.
Thl correspond with the rate recently
announced by the Kansas City-Chics gj lines
and was anticipated here. Other lines,
while they bad not received Information of
auch a rat yesterday, probably will make
similar announcements within a few days.
A there has never been any flat rate on
wheat and floyr from Omaha, it is not pos
sible, to say now what the exact, charge
under the new schedule will be, though It Is
thought it will stand st about 10 cents, aa
th average rat has been running about 9
cents. The prevailing schedule has been on
the proportional basis, which U the balanoo
of the regular rate on shipments ortglnat
ing weet of Omaha and brought as far as the
Gate City by the Union I'aclflo, Burlington
or other lines west.'
The advance announced by the Rock
Island la to affect no other grain except
wheat. Th 1-eent Increase, it Is calcu
lated, irtll turn into the cotters of the rail
roads enormous surpluses. In view of the
Extraordinary rop of. the present year.
Advances similar to the Omaha-Chicago
rate are looked for on wheat and flour
from this city to Minneapolis and Bt. Paul,
but aa yet none such has been announced.
Talk. of 'FrUca Affair. '
An official of the 'Frisco who wa in the
city yesterday from St. LouU has this to say
regarding the allegd sals of hi road to
th Rock Island and other 'Frisco ruuiora:
"The aale may be made or pending; I
am not able to speak positively, but my
Impression Is ths deal Is not consummated.
However," I believe there Is 'somrthiug
doing.' Things are pretty well stirred up
around beadquarttrs at Et. Louis and It la
difficult to say Juet what th real status Is.
rresldent Yoakum appears to b .serene
enough and make the statement that tho
St. Loiis & San Francisco is still doing
business on the same old bssls. fiiuee the
president himself does not confirm ths re
portof the Itock Island dee.!. I certainly
cannot, nor can I aOord to deny it. for to
tell you the truth, I am not In a position
to speak with authority. .-
-One thing I can aay, and that Is that the I
'Frisco, which Just recently closed a deal
for the Chicago Eastern Illinois real, is
starting right out to connect that road with
tha main Una of the Yoakum road, which
will mean a great deal to ths 'Frisco If It
remain an Independent line, and to the
Rock Island, If the latter gets It. The
connecting link will extend from Thcbf.
111., to the neareM point on the main line
between Bt. Ixtuis and Memphis, thus form
ing a direct connection with t. Louis and a
direct and very short route from Memphis
to Chicago. liy thla apleudld arrangement
our road will be enabled to carry out a
scheme it hue long figured on, that of di
verting th great bulk of business from
the east to Ft. Louis.
Outlet to th Atlaalln.
''But there la still another Interesting
feature to be considered rii,ht here. You
know, ll is reported th 'Frisco has bought
ths Central ot Ceoi!, LLt 1 closely al
O. D. Klplltiger, elgar store, ISth and Faro, am fits., F. M. Karl?y, cigars, JSth and Doug,
las, C. J. Frlce, Millard Hotel drug? store, M crltl Meyer, cigars, 14th and Farnam fits..
Fuller Drug Co., itth and Douglas, Black, tho Hatter, 107 South IRth St., and Sal
duff, 1K20 Farnam St., Omaha. In Bouth Omaha, John OallagAer, 401 Ncrth Itth Bt. In
Council Bluffs, Geo. Fletcher! ICS Broadway, Robt. Anderson, 80 Broadway, J. t. Henry,
607 Main Bt., O. Iwer, 1021 Mala St., F. W . McMenomy, S24 'Broadway, F. It. Morgan,
724 Broadway, S. S. Elliott, Main and Broadway. ' ,. ,
nri nnnnrFA
N lilfllallalif II
ti) OQiOEO i
Tilt lira OF ilik PHILIP
lied, at least lri traffla relation, to th
Southern railway. ' Now, whll It Is a fact
that thl deal has been denied by Frldat
Yoakum. It simply suggest what ha long
been talked ot among the 'Frisco peopl, aa
oiU)et. J Ahp ' Atlantic , seaboard. , . Ot
course,, no one is in a better position than
the president to know whether this deal Is
a act, but the' general opinion seems to be
that th 'Frisco Is persistently peeking eon
nectlan with this or some other southern
extension as an outlet to th Atlantic coast.
Such a combination would te a powerful
factor to the Trlsco Interest.
"But with the Rock Island-'Frisco deal
being so vigorously affirmed and half a
dozen other schemes In th air, It Is diffi
cult for anyone to aay Just what th situa
tion )s. Certainly tber is eom very Im
portant change under way."
. I '
This nam muat appear on vry bo ot
thi genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnln Tab
lets, the remedy that cures a oold In oi
day. 25 cent.
Saya it I a necessary ( Pablio OUlea
a Id Arlcalloral
!.:. .
At the meeting ef the McKlnley club at the
Millard hotel last' night th attendance wa
larger than tor several mooting. Tha prln
ciplal address iwas mad by E. J. Cornish,
after the routine business ot th club was
transacted, ilr. CornUh spoke to th young
men ot th organization, saying In part;
"Bloc Thought a farm down la Bsrpy
county I have bom to understand ths greit
importance tho farmer place In rotation
in crop. . In th political life ot th cation
rotation In office necessary to secure the
best results from the nV.d. You young men
will be called upon 'to succeed th men who
ere now at the head ef affair and for that
reatron. It Is necessary that you discus aud
come to n understsndlng of the affaire of
the nation. We, the older men, will get out
cf your way, and It wa do not get out w will
epcct you to klck 'u out, so that you must
be prepared when you come to your work.
"There 1 no doubt that danger from th
trusts at present confront the counjry.
Kow they ehall be controlled Is not so eer
tain, but It la certain that the people of the
country bav within themselves th power.
Th danjrr t)Hioi not only from the consoli
dations which niy in tim make It Impoaal
b's tor mm V oMiia employment when one
dleeharged, but" fclso from th creation Of
a se4 of eyecphitui who follow after and
applaud power even though It may bind
them end their fallows la chain. So in
the dlsmisslia of the trust question ther Is
rtally a discussion of manhood ot America
and freedom." . ..
Mr. Cornish wa followed by John T.
Brcen. who opened his remarks by saying;
"It Is said that I am a candidal for coo-
7j T") r77
Z i 1 1 1 ' 1 i
L a 4l v
Li j iJ lj Lj lI a.-
of the Buffering and danger in stores for tier, roba the expectant mother
of all plcacant anticipation cf the coming event, and casta ever her a
shadow cf gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousand of wpinen
have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy rob
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to 1 je of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at ti e
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mcther'a Frlentf
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its ute
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents, "morning
sickness," and other c! is- - -
comfort of this period. p HfT 7',P H T -'"O
Sold by all deists at LJUjj ij W J UmL U
...i...t.i. :r .:-
tuttLctttttii- isiuific ittiuj utaLiun ttcc f i.
la Cra.'itJJ EfaUutarCo., Atl4cl,Cv. U Li aii.
Sunday's papers will contain a
coupon good for one ride , on the
Merry-Go-Round at Lake Man
awa. Cut it out and use it.
gress, buk be for I confirm that rumor I
want to wait awhile, tor it may be that mas
having aspirations ta 'that direction may
bav to do buslnes with tha Omaha pollc
force, and I want to ba on th safe aid.
Whoa L was. a small 'boy . I used to get a
certain amount ef pleasure In studying th
flgur of tho man n th front ef th alma
nac, with th line running from different
portion ot his anatomy to crabs, ram and
other 'varmint.' For tho last two weeks I
have again been studying th ' figure of a
man with lino to htm,- but I have not i
far mastered tha signs f the sodlae to b
certain whether it is safe for me to be a
candidate for congress or net.", Th speaker
then delivered a lengthy and Impressive
eulogy upon th Ufa and work of William
McKlnley and closed by deriding th demo
eratio Idea of free trade a a solution to th
trust problem.
Nelson B. Pratt wa called upon for a
speech and excused himself oh account ot
tha lateness of the hour. After a few short
remark by L. D. Holmes and U J. Kaley,
th president was instructed to appoint a
committe ot three to coafer' with th board
of governor of tho Knight of Ak-Sar-Deu
to ascertain whether they desired any co
operation In th entertainment ot President
Roosevelt upon his visit to this city In Sep.
tember. Thl eommltte will b announced
later. . . , ; : .
Although Congressman. .Mercer had ac
cepted an Invitation to attend ths club meet
ing be. wa conspicuous by his absence.
As th result of th wolW ot tbVbtiiUloa
committee a dozen new member were added
to the active list and a number to th hon
orary list ef th club. Th subject of re
ciprocity with Cuba wll be dUteuased at th
September meeting. ... , . ,,. ,
Keep your vital organ In good condition
If you would fcav health through tho trig
larial season. Prickly Ash Bitter cleanses
and strengthens tbs stomach, liver and
bowels aud helps the system to resist dis
ease germs, ,
They Quit DerstH Refosed, at Rata
hy Fareroaa- at Ontafcat
Baa Factory. .
In th cigar bos department et th Omaha
r per Box company's factory a vacancy wss
crested yeeteMiy by weniy-flve employe
who fcsv been working for from 6 cnt to
IS cents per hour, and ten hours per day,
with the weekly total for sum ot ibein
averaging only J3 to IT. They struck be
cause they were refused a raise of M per
cent. Meet of the striken are lads and
they say that they nilt have bn able to
nrgotlat satisfactorily with A. J, Kgrerse,
the managing proprietor, but that he it
absent and ha lft la pharg one "Jake,"
a foreman who knowcth not, they ay, th
meaning of the word compromise and hath
It not In hi heart to make concession.
- r! T'TTS
' -; f
I an ortieal vfhlch all
women approach with
Indescribable) for, for
nothing compare with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. Tha thftupht
u r
i i
r. rZ3
t n r?