Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    nr. omaiia" daily juzr.i vt.'d i; r.s r at, augitst c, tro?.
"Th. I" attire cf tr" is a Kw Book lj th
Lat Kr. Eo.;k.
"Destraetlna of St. rierre" a rea
der Ara tfc Rcea
F.rapHov. tertlnleae
"The Future of War." U a new book by
IPloch. ThS is n abridgement of ths Brst
translation Into Enslleh cf the author'a
work which originally appeared In Ruaela
in an edition or six volumes. This Is
trsnslAtlnn of the Isst volume, la which
ennrtuatons are snmmarlied. The death
Of Mr. moch, which occurred this year. It
a misfortune to the whole world. It la
Interring ta note along with thia book
that tha author was present at The Haras
during tha conference. Mr. Bloch contend
tn all soberness that war great war la
the usual acceptance of the word baa al
ready by tha natural and normal develop
ment of tha Science of .warfare, become
Physical Impossibility." Tubllihed by
Clnn Co. .
"Not on tba Chart." by Charles U Marsh,
ts an Interesting romance of tha pacific.
IBS Australian liner Sydney left Ban Fran
cisco on the sB Cf October, 18S6. for Aus
tralia. Among tha passenger were Mies
Morton, returning to her boms In Australia
mfter a year' visit In fha atatea, Erla Ar
nold, with la penchant for natural science,
nd Arthur Btcne, mining engineer. Two
day after leaving the Hawaiian Islands tha
Steamer encountered a terrific gala and on
ths JOtli of October wrecked and these
three were th only atirvtvora. Tbey found
themsnlves on an unknown and uninhabited
Island la th Facifie ocean far from tha reg
ular Una of vrls. it ta a sort of a
Robinson Cruso story. Tha selemHfle fi'M
ct Eric Arnold works wonders In the pro
curing of necessaries of Ufa. There seemed
to b no end to th resources of the Island.
It is an Interesting book from start to
finish, Th new dlscoverlee each day, tba
cheerfulness with which they meet thHr
situation are such that it never lack In
Interest. There la a pretty love Uls con
certed Tilth U and Eric' disappointment
in thia, together with his melancholy apells,
nervous make-up and Imagination finally
drive him Insane, but he 1 happily restored
and after a period of three year they are)
discovered by a passing steamer that bad
nigh ted their home-made Sag flying at
halfmast Published by Frederick A.
Stokes A Co.
, "Tha Mat of the Good Bhlp York." by
Russell, I a novel filled with th savor of
th sea acl the ventursome spirit of tba
old hardy merchant service. George
Hardy while on bla way to London to ship
as chief mato of th Tork, meet Julia
Armstrong, en old love of bis. Ehe Is
leaving home and has no knowledge of tbe
world whatever. Hardy asoleta her and
aurr.eeria in aeiirtrar ntAitlnn fni Haf m
assistant nurse on board a vessel which an
old friend of bis commands. Th vessel I
vnciM ana Harny accidentally recovers 1
It. ,Hle captain' goes Insane and kills him
self, almost taking th life of nearly
everybody ou tba York. After many thrill
ing incidents Hardy and Julia find them
selves as the sola occupants of the ship,
the only other Ufa being an unusually In
telligent Newfoundland dog. . The experi
ence as these two take thia vessel back to
Its owner are thrilling.' The lov acenea
are good and Hardy and Julia (as husband
, end .wife), are baodaomaly. rewarded for
''their. labor. Published by U C Page A Co.
"The Blue Diamond" is a new novel br
Roswell W. Keene. Previous to tha
French resolution of X752-I a celebrated
blue diamond, said to be the largest, most
brilliant and beautiful blue diamond In ex
istence, was one of tha crown jewels of
Franco, ' but during the turmoil cf that
period It was lost, together with the Eancy,
another larger diamond subsequently re
covered; the blue diamond, however, wa
never again heard of In the trade, or by
the public. The "Hope Diamond." a large
blue atone weighing about forty-four and a
half carats, once owned by a. Mr. Hope, Is
the only diamond of that color at all to be
compared In size and beauty to the lost
crown Jwrl since it disappeared, but the
Slope diamond is far lpfrrlor to It in aire,
brilliancy and value. All large jewel
bave a history more or less Interesting,
and in the story entitled "The Blue I)la
lnon4" th author has attempted to tell
the ttatory of the French crown jewel
after the revolution. If there should bo
tno who eVifct the truth cf lfc.1 aarra
tive, they, by consulting the authentic his
tory cf tha times mentioned or referred to
in it, will find many farts extabllshej to
corroborate the story and prove, at any
rate, that it Is not wholly a fiction. Th
' stcry Ceils Uli suiua liiaiuiical occur
rences of the times and places in which
the events related are laid. The mala ob
ject kept In view Is evldeully the portrayal
of true manhood and true womanhood. In
the hero and tbs heroiue. and it has been
tba intention te admit nothing to which
th most fastidious could fairly take ex
ception. Published by Abbsy Press.
"Destruction of St. Pierre" by J. II.
ViilU uj t. i. i ay lor $ a popular ac
count of the recent eruptions in Mart
inique aad Et. Vlucnt. It is an especially
Interesting book at this time, beranse of
,tbe many disturbances. The last twenty
seven rr.e are given to the "Cnuses of
'Voluaulc Actlyn," and are full of Inter
esting Information. Tfc author bsa drawn
vividly th variuus eruptions, traklttg ex
'eectlonal pea pictures of t !"-., great up
hfciveis that dcatroy and make Islands. Jt
Is interesting and concise history of the
eruptions n-.d earthquakes throughout the
world. Published by H. F. Fenno & Co.
Tt U known blosi-iher. Legija
f;rh?-n. hss rvv-n v. a ve.y god took la
' George Fiiot " It prs-scuts facts of bar
life nith uif.ciout fullness to meet all
l"s:ttmate den.aais. Tba h atory ot bar
art S written in an interesting and caiy
style. Ehe was so iuJustrlous and hard
worker atl her afiitilrers will take a deep
Interest In ths manner la which Leslie
Etrjjhea presents tueae short histories of
ber noela snd the ground work uyoa wtlch
tba noted author :red many of her
stoile. Publielior by the Macmlllea com.
Frederick A. Btokts conpny bsvs pub
liabvd "iiy Jaftai!- Wlf," by Holland.
Misjr aJu.lrera of "Mouime" will be glad
to learn that this earlier novel by Clive
Holland, by wlilih ha made his reputation,
bas been reprinted. "My Japanese Wtfa'
was Issued several years ago and hid a r
feuerkabia succcae. over 60,003 copU being
si,U; but it bs been out of print for soma
lloi. H bs been cilitd "a prose poem
tltitured with tha slow cf tb Orient" and
?j r? U Js g
t'i. Ccrc;;l Co Tee
--i t' absolutely
,JLL liV
"a beautiful frsjr Bent of th Bntisnal." Triers
have been so rr.sry calls ftr tais "Japsneas
Idyl" thst Mr. Holland's American pu
llohers hsv prepared thia sew elltlon.
"Tbe Gordlan Knot," by Arthur T. Tlersrvn
has bsfn received frcm Funk Wsgnalls.
Dr. Plerson la well known a an authority
upon mission and Is a convincing writer
tjpoa Christian evidence. Ills present book
is the outrotn of boceet doubt seklng
trj answer ta great queetlcas, aad Is
addressed ta candid Inqulrera after truth.
The endeavor ta tvH to belittle difficulties
on lb cae band, aor deal la unfair eva
sions on the other, but to ask and answer
such question a these: Is tber a God?
Is tbs anlvers th work of t personal
creator Whence cam the order and per
fection of th universe, instinct in animals,
Intelligence and conscience In man? How
can we account for th blbl and Jesus
Christ and Is tber a life beyond?
Tba August number ef th North Amer
ican Review 1 full of notable article.
Senator a H. Piatt, author of th "Piatt
Resolution," make an earnest appeal for
th recognition of "Cuba's claim upon th
t'Dlted State" for eoonomie condition
which will enable It to enjoy th independ
ence which w hav conferred upon It.
Sydney Brocks contributes to extremely
Interesting study of th character and ca
reer of the marquis of Salisbury. Rt. Hon.
1 II. Courtney, M. P., and Hon. Alfred
Lyttelton, M. P., writ of "Tb Outlook la
South Africa." Gertrude Atberton describes
ber "Hunt for Hamilton's Mother," when
ehe wa gathering material for her story
of the life of tbe great American states
man as related la "Th Conqueror." James
Raymond Ferry expound "The' Constitu
tion of Carnegla," an Imaginary country
founded for the purpose of putting int
practice the principle propounded by An
drew Carnegie, that the man wbo dlea rich
die disgraced. Prof. L. 8. Rows, chair
man of tb commission to revtsa tba law
of Porto Rico, points cut th aerlous prob
lem involved in th "Extension of Amer
ican Influence In the. West Indies." P. T.
McGraih endeavors to forecast "Tha Fu
ture of Wireless Teiepraphy," and Charles
Morawtta describes "Tb Publije Debt of
Turkey" la th twelfth article In tb serie
on "National Debt of the World."
"Hall Cain and Manxiand," by Joseph, I aa Interesting contribution t
the August number of Tb American Illus
trated Methodist Magaslne. The article 1
richly illustrated. Th Methodist general
conferences ars epochal events In the his
tory of tb church. In a contribution on
"Dallas and tha General Conference,"
Charles F. Wlmberly writes of the general
conference of th Methodist - Episcopal
church. South, recently held t Dallas,
Texas. Protrait of ths newly elected bish
ops and other official are given. ."Tha Ghost
of Injun Joe," by Frank F. Pohlman. la a
weird story of more than ordinary Interest.
Th sixth Installment of 'The Twentieth
Century Life of John Wesley" deals with
an Interesting period In Wesley's career.
Tb Installment closes with his embarka
tion with Oovemor Aglethorp for tb col
ony of Georgia,
. Will Carleton' magazine, "Everywhere."
for August, csrtalnly. doe liv tip to Its
VU8 in the wlda scope ot It lubjact-mat-
ir. atesiaea tn epartmeitts of Home,
Church. Health and Success subjects that
includa the whole realm of human Inter
estwhich ar filled-with choice material,
tber ar many Illustrated articles oa ub
pect of general , and timely Interest. ' Mr.
Carletoa write a long poena. "Th Ooldeu
Devil" being a tudjr ia vers of tbe au
tomobile Jugtercaut-r-Mrs. . Margaret E.
gangster bas some new poems, and Colonel
Alexander 8. Bacon- begins , a series of
strong article oa "Imperialism. . In Re
publics." '.'',:
Tbe above books are on sal at th Ms
gath Stationery Co., 130$ Farnaox St.
Tvrenty-Seeend I a fan try klaaletame
Will Net Go wltt Elks te
tmt Lake. .
Thre was a lively race to Fort Crook
yesterday. It was between Fred Sonnen
schela and an Associate, and tbe Elk'
committee, each struggling over an en
gagement of the Twenty-Second Infantry
band, claitiied by both. Colonel Mtller. after
bearing the statement ot both Sides, .de
cided that the band will play at th
Saengerfest at West Point next Saturday
and Punday and tha West Point .committee
wer shouting "Halleluja" laat night. They
bad other reasons to feey Joyful, for they
bad t&'exraphlo information from Avoca,
la., that 100 women and mm, with a
ban's of twesty pieces I11 jo; a the ex
cursion from Omaha ca Sunday next, whloh
is now an assured success. An extra ex
cursion t .West Point fcst also been ar
ranged for the citizens on the Bcrlbner
branch and ninety tickets noil yesterday. A
dcoolt of 7i nu put cp yesterday by
the West Point committee to assure tbe
West Point excursion ot Sunday ndxt. Th
Elks have secured Bond Concert band for
tha Salt Lake excursion.
Charles J. Klcs-1, brother of Henry F.
Kl-rl. !;0 fin-jth Llxteeritlt street. iied at
i.20 p. in. virrday. '1 tie funeral will b
trtr.c-jncca Utr.
There Tfill be a tneetine Of the I.IcKinlev
Republican club at the lSii:!ard hotfl at
i o clock WedncHili.y -vciSng. The o'.iTer
ent cuiuiidals for coniEreas laltl be present
six cpoaH.. Mcyulihciuio are invited.
The funeral of Mrs. ' McQulre. who died
at bt. Jobet'h's hoe:ltul auncluy eventn(,
was olmni2r1 at Rt. Patrick' Caihl!c
ciiurch ycaLc-Uay atti'nctii. The remains
have been 'nt to l avenport. fur in-
tfi-ijunt. llr. Mcfiuire was a resident of
Oiimlia for many years.
Chtlrtnn plavltig in a strasntack at tbe
rear of iovi Mainl aiteet cr!iieially set
the straw on firs yt-.-'-rJiy vir.iiid at
o'clock, and about hitlf of tiift itk was
di'ntroyM t.t the l:re o p. Oiirnt could
reach b ground. A n- sctv barn vi as en
dangereil tv tb blur-. I he etrsw was
tne proiiiy of l:!um ;i fj Jor-g.-r-..
ri ai.a was valuta by ti.ti at rX-
Ffbtle Durns, alias Tommy White, was
arrtntcd iat yvairrciay aftrrnuon by l'e
I'ciiwi Hutfeit anil Puuhue on a rt--acr'.i.ii.a
and ihotufrai-n sent out by (he
Cblrago pout last r i-bruary. burns Wss
a'. m.i tlnie wntited tbere lor Jumping his
boni!. unil.r which be vol hrui wl)1
' i' trial for rufchcry, burglary and aa wuli liiit-nt t kl.l. i la undcraio-xl
hi-r ttiat tlio matter haa bn-n im
but r.irna will be hld until ChIcgo tr
bd communicated with.
Blarrlaga Liccaaec.
Marriage license wrr iBSued yester
day to:
Name snd Residence. Age.
NeH P. Ijiraen. Oiuaha! il
C'brlstina Petersen. Omaha it
C'narlea F. Wtlie. Omaha a
Anna O. Ages, Vailey , a
Victor F. H Beck, Omaha tt
Lucy Blevt-rlhig. (imilit.., 2
Frank E piack. Aurmrn, Nb s
Iouue M. Klein, Autiurn, Neb..,....,..,, is
!rnieutco iiitneo, Omaba ja
t iiomena Houaccl, Oinatia lii
Kred Mukel. Om .ha tl
Flotenv iebnu-r, Oir.aha Ji
made cf choice California f.i
tree from eruLciil matter.
IT jot loiVVy 7kn Ke Actio ia Esgari
to ScniJay 0jainf ,
Tespyrs awel Aatl-Baleon Oriml-
etlosis Held Jlt Meetlac to
CtstUtr la.4ar Qwaliar
-Male Cltr 6esly.
Speculation was rlf yesterday to
what action Mayor Koutsky would take la
connection with th report ot tbe license
committee In regard to the opening of sa
loon on Sunday. ,
When Interrogated yesterday afternoon
by a Bee reporter Mayor Koutsky deliv
ered himself of a few remark about those
who hav been pretending to be hi friend
nd then went on to say that be had not
made op hi tnlnd yet wbat he would do.
H declared that after a consultation with
th city attorney and other be anight give
aa opinion later la tbe week.
Among the liquor dealer th Idea pre
vail that th adoption of the report of the
license committee by tbe council settles
the matter and tbat all th mayor bas te
do Is to settle back In his chair and aay
nothing. One city official said last wventng
that he did not see how ths mayor could
hope to win out by golns erslnst tbe eolld
vote of the council. "If h doe." catd
this member, "he will have a hard time
getting through any improvements or ap
pointments that h desires, aa th council
aa It stands now will overrule any veto
th mayor may hand down."
But this la not all the grief that I com
ing to tboae wbo anticipate the Sunday
opening of saloons. There Is t be joint
meeting of tbe Taxpayer' league and th
Antl-Baloos league on Thursday Bight,
when tbe question of mandamuses aad
other point of law will be brought up.
An attorney bas been secured and It I un
derstood tbat the two leagues propose to
orc Mayor Koutsky to etick te bis Sun
day cloalng order whether he want to or
Miller Oversteps Aathorltjr.
Yesterday Mayor Koutskr and the mem
ber of the council were apprised of tb
fact that Aucust Millar, atrnat fnnno.
had enme two week ago ordered from a
locai Dunning material firm a carload of
vitrified brick. The Brm had to aend te
Dei Moines for tbe brick and the ear wag
unloaded without delay In order to save
demurrage. Now the building material
concern ha tbe brick, oa hand and the
council declines to pay for the same, as
serting that Miller had no authority to
order the brick.
The carload eost fits and the freight
added make tbe total 1170. A demand ha
been made on th city for the money, but
the eouncllmen assert that aa Miller or
dered the material without havlpg- been
given Instructions be alone caa be held
liable. According to the rule of the coun
cil a treet foreman ha no right to order
material of any kind without first securing
the approvat of tbe street and alley com
mittee and th sanction of tb mayor.
When Miller ordered tbe carload . of
c- -i Ul ne wanted It to re
pair the asphalt pavement os Twenty
fourth street. At tb time the order wa
given tbe city wa advertising for bid for
the repairing of the street with eonerote
and asphalt. A the street foreman Is aot
under bond It Is expected that suit will
b Commenced against bla psrsonally for
th value of the brick, aa there I ao de
mand here at thl time for paving brick.
. Habeas Corpse BastalaeA, -
Judge Estell yesterday; granted; to Mag
Rosenthal a writ of habeas corpus. In tb
matter of the fine which wa Imposed upon
blm a few day ago la the police court.
Tbe prosecution arose under tbe solicitors'
ordinance and the objection raised wa
that tb license fee asked wa excessive.
In the ruling Judge Estelle stated that the
fee waa not exceaslre, ae It waa a revenue
raising act under which the city was act
big when th ordinance was pasaed and that
the only flaw la the ordinance wa the
fact Xhat It provided for the employer of
tb solicitor taking out a license and aot
tbe solicitor himself. It was stated yes
terday tbat at the nsxt meeting of the
council tbat body will be asked to amend
tha ordinance la tbia one respect, and that
when that la dons all parties participating
in tie business of eolIciUag will be ex
pected to provide themselves with a li
cense before doing business. Prosecutions
will be vigorously maintained aa aooa a
th change 1 made,
-Altering; Cosaell Chamber.
Order have been issued for alteration
to be made la th council chamber and tbe
police court room. Tbe railings at tbe west
end is to be moved flftsen feet est Inrder
to make room for more utxc'Ufi q3
seats will be provided. The rosrstcn ,1a4 'to
be changed aomewhat and new fyi'tt'rbg and
a carpet provided. Both the poTee J''a
and the member of tbe.councll tht (tiat
th proposed changes will be beoenulal 'to
th city. ,
, Taxes Canerllee:. ' '
In accordance with the usual custom th
city treasurer haa been directed by a vocs
of tbe council to cancel th taxes on tbe
property on Twenty-sixth atreet occupied
by the South Omaha Kospltil association.
Tbre seers to ts ts ttvi.iroul with the
owner of tbo property that the aasociatlon
Is to bave a reduction on the re it each
year In case the taxes against ths prop
erty are cancelled. This is a very small
matter to ths city and still oos ot con
siderable lmportancs to those who manage
the hospttal. The women of the association
dealre to return thanks to the couuctl for
having ordered the taxes cancelled this
Fred Mallaa'a Faarral.
The funeral of Fred Mullaa will be held
this afternoon from the res'.uence ot Mr.
and Mrs. H, C. P.lctaond. 516 North Tweo-ty-Gnt
street. .As tbe deceased waa a
mr.u.tcr cf iLi cuy tit department Mayor
Koutsky baa directed tbat ths city otlices
be closed at Boon today and remain closed
during the entire afternuoa. The aervlces
will ta conducted by Ancient Order ot
Veiled Workmen lodice No. (S. Interment
will b at Laursl Hill cemetery.
Repair Contract Delayed.
Contrary to expectations 'no action was
taken by the council Mouday night oa tbe
ret ails to the s.pbail pavement on Twenty-fourth
strset. On this subject th mem
ber of th council ar non-committal.
Out mtmber Intimated tbat the reason no
contract was let was for the raoa that
August Miller, strset foreman, bad ordered
a carload of brick to nil the hoi- with,
w tills another saaerted that slur ths com
bination between tha Camber and Crant
Asphalt companies bad bea uiads new bids
would be aaaed tor with a view to securing
better rates If poaalhls. It was dsciared
yesterday that tbs matter would be tettltd
at the meeting of ths city father to be
bald next Monday Bight.
Msgle City Gosaln.
Mtrtln Jetter la frepetng to build a J3.0D0
re.iuence on Itcws' lt.iL
tMto Usurer ia silil confined to Ms home
l u a aeveis attack ol luaioatiou.
A cis-5-Mmc 't l Trera' leagu bas
tiTrn u;:tl f.r 'llioiki.ay evanln at lU
llful of Hl.rt.Ulig.
re.l Xrewa. fjrefr.An for th Jetter
Piw.l!- 4..n.i iov. la tM.lidmg Ml !
ueiii ; riiiit4,-ui an! b uet.
alia. f. A. 1'iii. n who utuieirwent a art-
Out Ur'.UU.'ll at tL JoatlUS a
fw 1ts ago, w-s t'eelared cot ft danaer
Th women rt te Fleet M-thcdtet ehtire-n
will give a tea 1 bnradav rurtint at ths
h"m or Mrs. Shugert, 1"3 Hoi th Twenty,
th.rd street
Miss Pell pl'.a snd M's Je"l A.
Rotieaon have 'in to 'Colorado for sn
online. Thv will remain In tb west for
several weeks.
7ack Onflrtlnrtrm em over frwn b'S
grading ramp In lews, jrterily end will
arnd a fw flavs here locking after bis
ptoierty Interests
Tssy Deetarw at Carsaa.ea Kept
l'ala Mew Oat mt En.
At a meeting ot the Omaha Musician'
union Tuesday morning a resolution calling
upon th friend ot organised labor to op
pose David H. Mercsr wa adopted.
Tb trouble between Mr. Mercer and the
nnlon grow out of hi alleged action la
tb employment' of th Twenty-second
regiment band for th recent excursion ta
Deadwood. . George, Abbott, manager of
en of the MuBlcal union bands, said:
"When th men wbo arranged tbe Dead
wood excursion decided tbat they wanted
th band from Fort Crook they called upon
Colonel Miller ot th -Twenty-second regi
ment, and were told that It would be Im
possible tor tbe band to accompany tbeta
09 the trip. They then came to m and
asked me If I could form a band for th
occasion. I told, them I eould and wa
Instructed to get my men together to leav
at a moment' notice. . At tbe same time
I wa told tbat it the Tort Crook band
could be secured f would not be wanted.
Relying on the decision of the colonel a
final. I went ahead, only to End the morn
ing the excursion was to start that Mercer
had called on General Bates and had the
decision of the colonel aet aside.
"Tbe band at Fort Crook Is a govern
ment organisation. ' It men are paid by
the cltlsena and the musicians of Omaha
pay their proportion. It doea not seem
fair to ua to have this band come in and
take from o eur or-ly mean Cf support.
W would have had a week's employment
tor twenty men If Mr. Mercer had let us
aloha, but ha seems to have little regard
for tbe worklngmaa and tha worklngmau
will take the opportunity to return to him
in kind. He threw us out of a Job and
we will see If we can get blm out ot the
Job be hold." !
At the meeting of the nntoa yesterday
It was decided to bring the resolution
before the Central Labor union for th
combined action of all of tbe unions of
th city. If tbat anion endorses th posi
tion ot the Musical union a similar resolu
tion will be sent to tbe Trade and Labor
asaembly of South Omaha.
Woodmen at World Frepara Manual
af Arm and Select
At tbe meeting ot the ritual eoinmlttoe
of the Woodmen of the World, which bas
Just com to an end.' an organisation upon
military line waa formed. It wa decided
to bar from publio use tbe axe which have
become familiar to tbe public and to sub
stitute sword. The military rvr.-i-.i;
wss perfected, by the election of F. A. Falk
ecburg of Denver a general. In temporary
command cf tba Department of tbe West,
which Includes tba territory in tb western
Jurisdiction of the. order. John T. Tate.
major general In command of the Depart
ment of tba East, which. Include tb ter
ritory la the sovereign -Jurisdiction, and W.
C. Fltrgerald; major general In command ot
the Department of thai -North, which In
clude tbe Canadian Jurisdiction.
-The- degrea teams of -the-variou camp
will be organlwd-as 'corhpanle,' th state
organisation or districts may form regi
ments and brigades will b formed within
the consul Jurisdictions. ' A manual ot arms
ha been prepared and 'a uniform approved.
Thia uniform follows the regulation of th
United plates army, but tbe color la black
snd all decoration of the sam hue. The
guards of Alpha and Beymour camps bar
been enrolled and tb new uniform will be
teen In a abort time.
The head camp of tbe Paclfis Jurisdiction
of tba order is now . In cseslon at Cripple
Creek, Colo., and Dr. Cloyd and C. C
Farmer are fraternal delegate from tb
sovereign Jurisdiction. Mrs. Manchester
represent th Woodman' circle.
Dtatinsratsheel Musical Organisation
trans Pra-ae SelngT Enter
tained la Omiks,'
Omaha Bohemian are Just now enter
taining another distinguished musical or.
ganlzetton, the Bohemian Vocal quartet
from Prague. It Is composed of Anton
Mlkclas, Rud Ceroy, Jan Novak aad Anton
Svojekl. These gentlemen have traveled
extensively throuah Europe, giving concerts,
and have tecelred touch attention from the
public and tbe press. They come to Amer
ica on July 13 for a six weeks' visit and
will sail again for Europ on August 24.
Since arriving they have sung in New York,
Chicago and Mr.wu.ukee. Last Friday they
appeared at a &ital at tbe Chicago Uni
versity auditorium and bad a magnificent
On Sunday right the quartet will sing at
Ech:!T:!sn Tur&cr ball. Aa auwt is being
made to arrange for a concert at tbe oyd
theater for an evening next weak. On
leaving Omaha the quartet will travel east,
visiting a few cities. It baa engagements
to sing in Hamburg on September I and
Berlin on Eeptembar 10.
ReMranrnds C'baxnberlaln'a Colie,
thelera aat Iiarrhee Remedy.
About rtghteaa months ago Mr. W. S.
Manning of Albany, N. Y.. widely known In
tradn circles as the representative of ths
Albany Chemical Co., was tuSering from a
pro;ractel attack of diarrhoea. "I tried
Ctamberiala't Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Heaied?," be ssys, "and obtained tmmediat
rs'lef. I cheerfully recommend this medi
cine to thus slmllarlT atUlcted."
St. Jeter's Chare Festival.
Tbe annual lawn festival and concert of
8L Peter' Catholic church came oft very
auo-ene fully Ut night 011 tha church lawn
at Tweiitv-elehlh and Iavenwrrth streets.
Father Aheain and the members of the
r-riM had taken cnirteraMe pains lo ar
r;iK tiis grounds for the ovcanton. A
ban. -.eland and aeat wer ermatrucied and
stands and stables rrisda. tieyen eiecrlu
llghta Illumined tbe grounds, aided bv Cbl
r.r.e lanterns. During the evaning Fran, k a
band f 1'iieen pieces rendered a program
et twelve numbers.
fhauncey Abbott. 6chuyler. ts at tbe
Oeneral C. F. 8 teal, Fatrbury, la at ths
J. M. Cox, Hampton. Neb. Is at tha
J. F. Jenal, Hartlngton, Neb., Is a guest
at tbs Milliard.
Dr. Mary bre ker.rldgs leaves today for
Dtnw, to b away tra reiualadcr of the
month. ,
Alender Marsden left Saturday evening
for bt. Luu 1 on a visit to his atater, na.
C jtir iney.
Mrs. W. 8., Heller and son bave re
turned from a three weeks' ouili.g at
Uue&cgcn, Mich.
Jutias Keyaor was 1i Blair yeaterday to
aiiouin court, and will so to Hurt cuuMy
tun. 'Mow. alter wbicii Lia tuoUtiai tabors
I in u.a.ncl are te cun.
Ceuicilmta G Eooord Agalstt Got
raor'i Tollon Eoard.
Ordinance Fre-vlelasr far Befnndlwar
Manor raid for Capital Aveaaa
Kerket telle raseea Street
gtarne Or-lerwC
Tbe city council baa gone on record a
against the governor'a Fir and Folic
Board. At last night 'a meeting a resolu
tion wa adopted directing the city attor
ney to proceed against It legally. Tbe res
olution paaaed by a vote of ( to' 1, Lobeck
voting negatively. Mount and Burkley being
absent Lobeck explained hi vote by aay-
ing that be understood th sew board wa
appointed pursuant to aa opinion of. the
supreme court, which 'he considered the
highest possible authority ea tbe Interpre
tation of tb state law.
Tb resolution follow:
Paver Ioeal Betf-Oeverament.
That the citv attorney be and he t
berebr directed to take such legal pro
ceedings ea my be twc(iarr to preserve
to the city of Omaha the right of local
self-government and to the mayor and
council tne risni or eppoinrmern 01 int
mrniben erf tbe Foard of Fire and Polle
Commiealonera es determined by the Judg
ments of the supreme court heretofore
rwndered In favor of the mayor and coun
cil and the members of tbe Hoard of Fire
and Hollos Comml.Hioners appointed by the
mayor and council. -
An ordinance excluding automobiles from
park and boulevards, which had been re
commended by the Board ot Park Commis
sioners, wil rsferred to the Judiciary com.
mil tee.
Ta Befaael Market Rentmla.
The fleet tn toward "gigging back"
aa tha Capitol avenue market bouse propo
sition caraa in the form of a resolution
from Hoy to tbe effect that the Board
of Publio Works be directed to take th
necessary step to procure th refunding of
money ta purchaser of stall upon Capitol
avenue within the space designated for
market purpose.? Zimman mad a speech
In favor of It, saying that tbe city had la
effect accepted tb money under fals pre
tenses, since It had not given value re
ceived. It finally passed by a vote of J to
S.. Troetler and Hascall voting negatively.
Tbe proposttloa of sending th city en
gineer, the city comptroller and three
eouncllmen to a meeting of the League of
American Municipalities to be - held at
Grand Rapids, Mich., August 27. 21 and 29,
wa discussed at some length and wag
finally laid over for on week. . '
New Beale-vara. Adileel.
A resolution was received from the Board
of Park Commlslsoners recommending that
Thirtieth street, from Fort atreet north to
the city limits, ba added to tbe city's sys
tem ot driveway and boulevard. The res
olution wss accepted and approved.
Tbe city attorney was directed ta make a
contract with the Western - Anchor Fenc
company for th erection of street signposts
with two porcelain signs attached to each.
v. r. .w w. ,... 11, uiu uq mil cat:
when no posts are required. Th work of
placing th sign and posts Is to be done tra
der direction of the city engineer. The num.
ber of signs to be erected wa not desig
nated. .a.
Leaves af Abseae.
City Engineer Ross water wa granted a
two weeks leav of absence, which he will
spend In tbe Great Lakes country. Council
man Karr was granted n leave of absence
for three week. fl - . ;
William F. Wapptsn. St A.' T. Baleomb
and Cbarlea Thomas were appointed by the
mayor aa a beard of appraiser to assess
the damages Incidental ta the opening of th
south thirteen feet of Hickory atreet frt 1
Third atreet to a point 131 feet east ot
Third etrset Tbe appointments were con
firmed. Tha city comptroller reported th follow
ing cash In tbe band ot the city treasurer
August 1:
Csslt In Drawer t t.4F "f
Checks for droslt H,toi.84
balances In bank.
Commercial National....! 21.7JS.2S'
Firat National 21.5-6.9t
Merchants' National J1.H4.42
Nebraska National...... l.iv7.49
Omaha National 2o.bi4.84
Union National
United Crates National.. J:..i"7f)
Kouatae lroa., N. Y Ion, 6i9.',fc 27S,787.2S
Commercial National S14.84W
Firat National 17,6.3 ?S
Merchants- National lft.l,J-t krS
Omaha National. , 22,11 SO
Union National 11,75 1
United States National.... I1.7.IS
Kountae broe.. N. Y i J-f?7.17 41
Merchants' National W, 178 43
German Savings, cer 244.St IS.272.41
Total of funds en hand toH.2irt.73
Captain Chittenden beeki lata
Traable vrlin River at
Dakota City.
Senator Millard, who wa appealed t by
tba cltliens of Dakota City, Neb., to get
th 'War department at Washington te do
something te atop tbe encroachment of tbe
rlvar at tbat plaee, l.s bttn alrissl by
tba department that Captain Cbittendan
tbs engineer' corps, bss been to Dakota
City to Investigate. With tbe aid of th
citizens tbs captain mad a thorough In
vestigation and bas forwarded bis report to
Washington. The senator will be advised
ct tbe text of the report of Captain Chit
tenden In a few days. During tbe recsut
high waters tbs river mads grsat Inroads
let Dakota City and tbs water wa wit til a
a few blocks ot tbe school house at tbat
place. Tb cltliens made an appeal to
Bonator Millard for Immediate action by
tbe department
Elevator at Avoca.
AVOCA. Ia., Aug. 8 (Special.) Tbe sec
retary ot tbe Des Moines Elevator com
pany ot Des Moines, whose elevator here
was dsstroyed by lightning early Sunday,
waa In tbs city today looking over tb
situation. Tb animated loss Is about
13,000. Tbe elevator will ba rebuilt at
ouce. The elevator contained about (00
buabels of corn and a carload ef wheat
Everything waa fully Insured.
Coatly Fir at Marslag las.
MORNINO BUN, la.. Aug. . (Special.)
Fire at midnight consumed tbe large dry
goods stors cf J. H. Holiday, with a loss of
:5,000. insurance. 1 19,600. Tbs building
was owned by W. H. Graham of Washington,
la. H. E. Curran's law offlce upstair wa
also destroyed with $1,000 loss.
Exaloslan faases Blase.
HABTIN'GS, Neb.. Aug. I. (Special Tele
gram.) Tbe explosion of, gasoline stovs
this evening called out the CrC'departruent
to the corner of Lexington avenue aad
Eleventh street Tbs blase wss extinguished
before much damage waa dune.
begra i-4!tre Meet.
TOPEKA,' Kan, Aur. t. About fifty
e-HiTa ar in eut-r.' at the Western
Nro 1'reAa a"' latiuii, wMcfi la In con
vention bre. Iti'Dii aiui on
'l ynolilrra'' "r-ower of tha 1 ! 1 and
10 t uiaenefcia " cunauiulcd todays
a. V. 'a. eaa. . .
rrFo it Wholoome, CrUp
lleep Cool!
09 per cent nutriment. Made of
nine different grains, nuts, vege
tables and fruits. 16 RECITES
As0C.: .. Per-fo, 15c.
Unios Paoifio Fslloc Want Iscntjts of
0j Doll&t Day. '
Nossale gkep Fareea la Omaha
Meet .to Disease PreposlUea
( raylag Tseir Ows
Tbe latest development In th Union Pa
cific strike movement I a plaa for tb or
ganisation of th company' guard Into a
union for the purpose ot demand'ng more
pay. There ar 164 of these guard in
Omaha and they ar getting $3 a day and
their board. Th proposition la to ask tor
13 a day, together with th commissary per
qtilsltec. ' "
It Is reported that one of the striXers
who haa been among tha moat actlr work
era from the beginning of tbe present diffi
culties. Is taking some band In tb agita
tion for thia nnlon. A meeting of tb
guard ha been held and It t said they
will preeent their case to tbe company
soon. Whether the union Is to extend ta
other places bestdet Omaha la not known.
A meeting ot the nonunion force ot shop
men In Omaha waa held Monday after-
eocn. Tbe Issue was tbe boarding proposi
tion. The company 1 preparing a restau
rant at which It wllL It I said, require It
present shopment to board at their own.
Instead of tb company' expense. Tbe
nonunion men are said to b getting "their
bead together" aeon this nrnnnatHna
Eight ' Imported man pasaed through
Omaba yesterday ta Denver to work ta
the Union Faclflo shop. A party of thirty
one left Chicago, having been gathered from
different cities, T)ut aix Jumped from tbe
train In eastern Iowa, twelve left at Coun
cil' Bluffe aad tW quit tbe "gang" In
Omaha, while the remaining eight started
for Denver. ......
, .. Defections In Local Shape.
. Els mora of tha nonunion fore are al4
to have left the Omaba bepa. A letter
from. ,JV"tc. President Wilson -of tb ma
chinists, who ts now In Kansai City, state
that , be succeeded In getting the sntlrf
force' of fifteen to leav tb Ell!, Kan.;
hop. Three 'were all union men who
bad remained , at work. - Kins of tbem
went out some week ago," bnt wer Int
duoed by the business men ot tbe city ta
return to work.
Word has been received from North
Platte that the track there are still
blocked with freight esrs and tbat Super
intendent ot Transportation Buckingham U
there endeavoring to clear up tbe situa
tion. Another letter was received by Dis
trict (Secretary Grace from Kan Franclaco,
aaylsg tbat Bin "professional scabs" bad
left the Risdon iron work and wera
headed for the 'Vnlon Pacific. . Descrip
tions ct tbe men bave been sent-and tba
striker will be on the lookout for them.
Striker say tbsy ar constantly receiv
ing financial help from labor union man
In different parts of tbe country, fc-starday
mc.rnlng a voluntary contribution from
mechanic In the Northern Faclflo shops
at Bralnerd, Minn., cam to Mr. Grace
and a party ot painters In Ogde-n, Utah,
sent a email check. .
' Santa Va Better Makers.
Tha' press reports from the Santa 7a
tbat tbe boiler makers had won a partial
victory la tbelr. strike, is commented on
by President Kennedy a a material vic
tory, lie aaya the boiler makers oa the
western divisions were getting t'Vi cents
an hour and demanded 40. ( They have
been granted 39 aa a compromise and to
offset their concession of 1 cent, it la
understood that tbey have secured the
reinstatement by tb company of two
men whom tbe company bad oa tbe black
list ' ' '
District Secretary Grace last night re
ceived reports from Cheyenne that eleven
more of the aonunlon men had Jumped tbelr
contracta with the Company and Joined the
strikers. In addition to this the report
ststed tbat tbe foreman at Cheyenne bad
discharged seven ef the nonunion force.
Reports from, Rswllns state that the
piecework system waa Introduced there yes
terday. ' ,
N Car for Weak Lanes.
Dr. Klag's New Discovery for Consump
tion cures ail couas. colds, grip and luug
troubles or no pay. tic, 31.00.
standard Oil Dividend.
NEW TORK, Aug, 4 -The Standard OH
ecinpany bas di.n:, a 1lvljnd cf (6,
payable Septcmcar ia. The laat dividend
was iit a shars. declared cn Hay 4.
INSTRUMENTS flacad on record Tues
day. Aujuet t, lir-U:
Warranty Deeds.
Frank B. Burneas to Cathne A. Css
ai.iy, lot Id, block 4, blatnsw a sub-
Oiv f ISO
J. K. Jennings snd wlfs to tennls
Galney t al. lut 17, block lal.
rioutti Omaha l.ROO
Wtiilnm liai! and wife to Robert Hull,
lot 7, block lot, Hou'h Omar. a 3.S00
E. S. t'lur and wits to Lewis Saun
ders, lot 17. block 3, C. E. Wayne s
add. to Valley J
Jeanl McPt.vraun to J. V. Mcllugh,
rij fed lt a, and all lot 4. black
In, Buuth umsha i.VC
Slt Claim Deeds.
E. 3. eullivin to 3. Q. Brennan. lot .
1. blrx-a i, TKren.-e 1
J. 1. Kedtclt and wife to W. A. Bed
irk et at, part lot 2, block
Omaha t
Lou lea A. James to lune James, lot
14. block 15, Ambler flsce, lot li.
block . 6 hrtver flsce I
lone James to Louisa A. Jainea. lots 10
and 11. block 14, Ambler Hure 190
J. D. Idclrugh snd wife to Kdward
Hater, c-iS teet of w75 foet lot tuJ
i fvet of w; feet of sifl feet lut
. blotk 6-uth Omaha l.iuO
E-melu e A. 1 later and tiust.e. i:3 to J.
l. klcltaitb. lot i and as lot 4,
block 1, iutcail s suLiUlv l.VK)
Total amount cf tiar.irri '. t!l,&i
Ofir? Round Trip, tei
OilO I to 14, Inclusive
Cclsrcii Spring,
Denver, FucUd.
taadarel and Toarlet Sleepers
ta Heaver, leaving Omaha
1 ISO a, St., Annas t
1 ta 14 Ineln
, alva.
OQRfea Trip, Ai&
OgcJm. 14, isckislva
p I ..... Qrrpn1
Swell Lc!a2 Oiiy
fill Tf-l.-a frs
uuy ir.TaC. UlliSS,
1323 ..FerhsaSt..-
Omaha, Neb.
ON AUGUST 1. isr,2
"' (ha house of
Wyckoff, Scamans & Benedict
waa founded, and assumed tha
letK of converting tho world to
tha uto of writing machine .
Sla of PemIn!ort'
T1IX.N U '
years of aieady end un
tj broil9R prosrass hav
- carried - tha nam -La4
fama of the
a.Vavabait'j & j
I ypevrifer
IS Is to-day recognized in every
country ort earth a the siandard
writing Machine.
Bi;ti!3Tes nptwsrrti coMrAMi) 1
Postal Card Will Get It
BAlirLB COPT Ot Tilffi
Twentieth Century Fanner
(Tne Pest Afrteiltural Weekly. AO
dreae. Omaba. hmo.
' la
) '
K ' Zl' i'IR(i i!llKlij
Largest assort nifc nt In ctty. Extra parts
of ail kinHa. Aleo a full ilns of tabis ten
raw vata 1.U tu liU.uO.