THE OMAIIA DAILY 11EE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 1002. SOCIETY GETS BACK TO TOWN Kldiammtr fif Man Eturne4 from Tholf Outing Trip MORE LIFE AROUND LOCAL CENTERS Coawtry Clab aad FleM Clak Porches Home Hear More Stories f tha Traveler. Only midsummer, and tha early depart ures ara beginning ta coma back to town Main, and eerily ona knows them by their sign. Tha college boya, with thalr little flat hati and thumbs bung loosely In tha pockets of their ample trousers, who woujd renew their acqualntanca in the horns city before going back to school; ths summer girl, who goes sbroad at midday, blissfully unmindful of the aun upon her unprotected head and face, with shirtwaist leeves rolled loosly aboTS ber elbow or pushed high upon arms that could scarcely ba mora tanned or sunburned, and ths matron, whose face had not gotten beyond the blistering atags. They hav been com ing back on by ons and In families this week, alt bearing the mark of out-of-door life and with different degrees of enthusi asm oyer their outings, and have been warmly welcomed at tha Field and Country clubs, where the tales of their adventures and all of the gossip about those who hay not yet returned have been told to Inter ested auditors. ' It wsa Buffalo BllPa Wild West that brought tha faahlonablea out In force last week and induced a seal not often dis played these warm summer days. "Every body" went to the parade In the morning and It waa noticeable that they were not particular about viewing it from windows, either, while both tha matlnea and even ing performances claimed their presence In flattering numbers. Nor wsre they confined wholly to reserved sections, but scattered about through the audience in couples and In groups, where they enjoyed red pop corn balls and munched peanuts very much after tbe manner of their neighbors. And It is related that ona particularly festive party, under the chaperonsge of a most decorue matron, even went the round of the tent in aearch of red lemonade and, falling to And It there, visited every drug store and small store enrout home, walk ing all of the way, bent upon securing the real red article. Wedding; and Enemt1i. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberfelder of 8ldney, Neb., announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Blanche, to Mr. Arthur Cohn cf Colllnsvllle. 111. Miss Oberfelder visited with relatives In Omaha during the past winter. The marriage of Mlsa Grace Luclla Elch berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ms Elch berg of Chicago, and Mr. Louis Samuel Relchenberg of Omaha will occur at 6:30 o'clock on Tuesday evening, August 6th, at the Hotel Metropole, Chicago. . After a three-weeks' tour of the west Mr. and Mrs. Relchenberg will return to Omaha, where - - - . V v vl iAm uejr VUI MVtMW w . . September 15. The engagement has been announced in Chicago ot Miss Clara R. Morris, dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morris, of Klrkland, 111., and Mr. Edward Swobe, formerly of Omaha, Mr. Bwobe Is the eldest son of Captain and Mrs. Thomas Bwobe and of one ct the pioneer tamillea that have always moved In tha best social circles in Omaha. For several years past, however, he has been in buslnees in Chicago with bright prospects. . ' " " At one of the prettiest garden parties ot tha summer, the engagement was announced last week In Savannah, Oa., ot Mlsa Virginia 5lere Walker of that city and Mr. Hamil ton Taylor of Atlanta, Ga. Miss Walker Is the dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster P. Walker, formerly of Omaha, and haa many frelnds here, also in New York, where she attained enviable success last ysar aa an Illustrator. The marriage will occur early ta November. Social Chit-chat. Miss Marlon Connell Is expected home from OkoboJI today. Dr. and Mrs. Charles 8mlth will spend August at Highlands, East park, Colorado. , Dr. Frederick Rustln will rsturn Thurs day, August 7, after a five weeks' sojourn at Bye Beach, N. H. Mr. D. Buchanan and Master Willi Rich ard sailed from New York Saturday on Astoria to visit relatives in Scotland. Through ths generosity of Mr. Btdwell, irises have been supplied for tb 'women 'at tha Country club, to ba played for on Wedneeday afternoons of this month. Mrs. B. A. Emerson, accompanied by her daughters, tha Misses Emerson, and Miss Emma Balche, expect to leave next week for a trip through tha Yellowstone. Mr. H. H. Fish went to Belt Lake City on Saturday evening and after spending a week or two there will Join Mrs. Fish, who bss been visiting In Wisconsin. Captain and Mrs. William Wright hava tsken tbe home ot Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Barton at 8223 Howard street, until recently occu' pled by Mr. William Tupper Wyman. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bolby will leave the early part of the week for a trip through Yellowstone National park. They will be accompanied by tha Misses Baldwin of Keo kuk, la. Mr. Henry M. Waring has received word to ths effect that his son, Mr. Ray, has successfully passsd the examination for ad m la son to West Point military academy and has been sworn in a cadet. Mr. Thomas R. Kimball left last week for BU Louis, being summoned to a meeting ot the World's fair architectural commission, which la held In on of the new buildings a the sxposition grounds. The next kenslngton of the household economics depsrtment ot th Woman's club will b held at tha bom of Mrs. THOUSANDS IN OJVlAfiA, - SOUTH and COUNCIL BLUFFS Eat Perfo and Keep Cool. It Is made from nine cereals, vegetables, nuts and fruits. Ready to eat. 09 per cent of nutriment. Very wholesome. 16 recipes with each package, Your grocer Tboniaa Smith, Forty-eighth and Burdette streets, on Wednesdsy, August I. Thanks to th energy and enterprise of some of tha women at the Country club, ths settles, provided ta the original plans for the tneln hall, are ta be placed before the cloee of tr- summer. They are to be of the same material used In th interior finish and will be something over six feet high and seven feet long. They will be placed at either slda et the fireplace and will add materatly to the furnishing at ths room. Movements s 'Whereakaats. Mr. Paul Kubna has returned from th west Mrs. E. R. Perfect bas gone to St. Paul, Minn. Dr. and Mrs. Neville are at home from an eastern trip. Miss Agnes Flelgner hss returned from a visit to Denver. Mr. Charles Greene hsa returned from a trip to Chicago. Mr. Joseph Cudahy spent a part of last week In Chicago. Miss Fannie Pratt bas returned from a trip to New York. Fred H. McConnell left Saturday morning for San Francisco. Mrs. W. J. Morris has returned from Fond du Lac, Wis. Mrs. H. B. Sarsoa will leav this even ing for Prior Lake. Mr. Harry E. Moores Is back from a trip to the Black Hills. Mr. H. D. Neely Is spending Sunday at Madison Lake, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Louts Wolf have returned from their wedding trip. Miss Margaret Kress and Mrs. B. K. Mackey are In Chicago. Miss Balcomb expects to go to Macklnae about tbe middle of August, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodrich are back from a fishing trip to Lake Ida, Minn. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Mack hav returned from an outing at Ida Lak, Mian, Mis Mercer and Miss Jeanne Brown are in Neeoah, Wis., vlsltlnf friend. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster bava returned from a pleasure trip to Lake OkoboJI. Mrs. Phillip Potter and family bare Joined th Omaha colony at OkoboJI. Mr. Fred Dale has returned from a fort night's outing at Madison Lake, Mlna. Mr. Harry Cartan left on Thursday to Join Mrs. Cartan at Swampacott. Mass. Mr. Jsy Glenn has returned from a four weeks' stay with the Iowa state Militia. Mr. Carl Herring Is back from a months' visit with friends near Menominee, Wla. Mrs. Thomas Swobe Is located for the summer at 8herldan Inn, Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ored Steel have taken the house, at 2225 North Nineteenth street. Mr. and Mrs James H. Morton have re turned from a trip through tha Great Lakes. Mr. Glenn Wharton Is the guest of Mr. Tom Davla at Pike's Point, Lake OkoboJI. Mrs. Adelaide M. Zanrief is back from a month's , visit In Minnesota and Wiscon sin. Mr. snd Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay are expected home from New York th latter part of the weea. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Black win i n Wednesday tor a two-weeks' visit in New York. Misses Joe Lyman and Bertha ru u.. this evening for a three-weeks' outinar in Colorado. ' Mr. Frank L. Campbell of 101 South Thirty-fourth street haa rone to l-ak OkoboJI. V , Dr. J. M. Borglum has gon to New York to Visit his sons. Messrs. nut An anil Snlnn Borglum. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mcintosh hav been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Wood of Lincoln. The Misses Moores, daughters of Msyor Frank E. Moores, are summsrlng at Harbor Point. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes Morton hava re turned from a two weeks' trip through th Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles TT rt . re turned from a trip to California and other western points. Miss Mildred House bss tuna in niin to spend the remainder ot the summer there visiting friends. Major General and Mrs. John R. Brooks ara guests at th Whltttngton cottag at Bar Harbor, M. Mrs. T. A. Thompson and tanaMf mi.. Arllne, hav returned from a visit with menas in unicago. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton will leave this week for a two-weeks' trip through Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mre. C. V. Brock left Thursday evening for Canada, where they will visit Montreal and Halifax. Dr. and Mrs. Wellington Smith Glbbs and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Ledwich has returned from their eastern trip. Miss Nathallte Merrlam returned on Wednesday from Waco, Tex, where she has been for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith will leav this evening for a three weeks' stay in New York and Philadelphia. Mrs. F. Galls ton and children have gone to Denver and Colorado City to spend the remainder ot the summer. ' Mrs. E. L. Lomax and Miss Lomax left on Wednesday for Charlevlox, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. H. A. Haskell, accomnanled hr utaa Jennie RedQeld, la spending a fortnight at rerry, is., visiting mends. Mr. Albert Wstklns. Jr.. hsa sufficient! recovered from a recent attack of aclatle rheumatism to be out again. The Misses Crounse are expected home from Lake Placid, where they have been tb guests of Miss Kllpatrlck. Mrs. J. E. House left the early part of the week for Denver, where she will spent several weeks visiting friends., Mr. and Mrs. Morris McKay are spend- OMAHA sells PER-FO, IDC. leg August at Denver, Colorado Springs and other of the mountain resorts. Miss Green abd Mlsa Hasel Connell re turned from OkoboJI last week. Mrs. P. J. Tebbens and children ar so journing In Denver and the mountains. Mrs. 8. O. Strickland Is at Whits Besr Lake, Minn., expecting to spend th month ot August there. Mrs. Grant McFarlaad and Mr. George Bpangler will leav Tueeday for OkoboJI to spend tha month of August. Miss Jeanne Wakefield returned from St. Joseph on Mondsy, having spent th last six weeks visiting friends there. Miss Spiesberger and Miss Rothschilds and ber guest. Miss Emma Wolf ot Chi cago, have returned from Iowa. Mias Lena Ellsworth Is spending her va cation la Chicago and Indiana, expecting to return about the first of September. Mr. Fred Talmage was called to Chicago ca Monday by tb serious Illness ot Mrs. Talmage, who haa been visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edholra left on Fri day for the Itasca lake region of Minn esota, for a three-weeks' pleasure trip. Mr. Frank J. Haskell returned Thursday from an eastern trip, which Included the lakes, Buffslo, Erie and other eastern point. Mrs. H. B. Coryell has returned from Colorado, where she left Mr. Coryell rap- idly recovering his health on a ranch near Lyons. Miss Mary Ballantyns Is back from a trip to Denver and will leav this week for Iowa, where she will spend several weeks with friends. Mr. Horace Hntchlson, accompanied by his tsmlly, has gone to Colorado tor a three-weeks' visit to th various health resorts. Mr. John W. Robblns bas returned from a trip to his home, whither he was sum moned on account ot tha illness of his mother. - Mrs. Charles Keller, who bas been spend ing tb summer at Charlottesville, Vs., has postponed ber return home until th mid dle of August. Dr. LeRoy C rummer will leave tomorrow for further post graduate work In th con tinental hospitals, expecting to be gone about six months. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Knapp, who have been spending the summer In East Park and other Colorado points ot Interest, ar ex pected home soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell returned th middle of the week from a trip to the At lantlo coast, which Included most of ths places of Interest. Mr. Carl Relter bas returned from Cali fornia and left Friday evening for Chicago, to be present at the Rtchenberg-Elchberg wedding on Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Lawrie and daughters, Ethel and Amy, returned Friday from Bprague's lodge, Morralne Park, Colo., after a five weeks' sojourn there. Mr. E. A. Cudahy returned from Mackinac last week, where he accompanied Mrs. Cudahy and children. They will remain there until September. Mr. W. J. Broatch, who expected to leave th last ot th week for the esst, has postponed her trip and will not start until tha middle ot tb month. Mrs R C. Patterson and daughter. Miss Mildred, hav gone to Mactawa, on tha north shore of Lake Michigan, to apend tha remainder ot the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Relchenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Max Relchenberg are in Chi cago, where they will attend th Relchen-berg-Elchberg wadding on Tuesday evening. Miss Orcutt and Miss Jeanne Oreutt hav gon to Colorado Springs, where they will Join their sister, Mrs. A. J. Beaton, who has been spending) the past few weeks there. Mrs. Rose Strawn left for th east on Thursday evening, expecting to visit Nsw York and Atlantic City until September, when she will return to Omaha to spend the wltner. Messrs. Robert Burns, Wslter Roberts, Sbiverlck and Frank Wilhelm are back from an outing at Pikes Point, OkoboJI.' wbera they hav been camping for th past two weeks. Miss Eunlo snd Mllltcent Stebbtns hive gone for a tour of the Pacific coast,, to take In th Yosemlts and Paget Bound and will make a short stay with their brother, Joel, Woman's Work in Club and Charity A meeting of librarians, trustees and aU others of tha west and middle west Inter ested In library work, will be held at tha State Historical library building In Madison, Wis., August 28, 2 and SO. "Public Docu ments," "Th Relation of tbe Publisher to th Public," "Th Bookseller and tha Li brarian," "Tb Book Review; It Worth and Worthlessneas," "Th Relation ot th City Government to Boards ot Library Trustees," "The Local Untrained Applicants versus Trained Service," "Prinelpla ct Book Selec tion by Book Committees," "Th Establish ment ot Branches, Station and the Exten sion of Library Privileges to Rural Comunl ties," ars some of the topics to be discussed. "Library Architecture" will b th ubject of th morning session of August 30, and an exhibit of library plans by prominent archi tects will be made. Further Information will be gladly furnished by Miss L. E. Stearns, secretary, Madison, Wis. "In th matter of suffrage for women or co-education for boy and girls." ssys tha Boston Christian Register, "nothing but ex periment freely mad and Judged upon by the results can give us th verdict by which the people will abide. Governor Long made a wise remark at th Unitarian teatlval la Beaton when he said: 'I sometimes tell our women suffrage friends that. If thsy would not go to th legislature for ten years. It they would drop the subject entirely and let It 11 fallow and ten year from now start It aa a nsw thing, It would strike every body ss so simply plain and right that any person, whsthsr man or woman, who bore a part of the burden of th government, should hav a voice In It. they would carry tbelr esse without sn argument.' As a be liever in this movement, h said that, taken out of the Held of controversy. It would Justify Itself to th minds ot the people. Whether so or not, that which th people believe In they wtll enforce, and that which they do not believe In cannot b forced upon them." The Young Women's Christian associa tion board of directors haa Issued a little eamphlet this week calling public attention to some of ths facta concerning the associa tion and lta work, la hope of stlmulstlng publlo Interest In their plsn tor securing a new building. Tha women of Valley and vicinity afford an admirable Illustration of what may b accomplished through unity ot effort re gardless of th narrowing Unas of club or sect. For many year tha cblst women's organisation of that place wa tha Womens' Christian Temperance union, which aside from the usual temperance work, devoted lta efforta to study and sslf-lmprovsment. Th meeting were held one a month. Re alizing that there were many women In the community who were more Interested la the more genaral work ot th Womens' slub rsthsr thsa that ot the Womens' Carls tlaa Temperance union, and desiring that all women might eom la touch with each who Is connected with Lick observatory. Mount Hamilton, California. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brsndela and chil dren, accompanied by Mrs. Herrasn Cohn and two sons, hsvs gone to Elkhsrt Lake, Wis., where they will spend the remainder ot the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Btuht have returned after spndlng ten weeks visiting the prin cipal cttles on tbe Pacific cosst. In Brattle they witnessed the laying ot the keel of th battleship Nebrasks. Mrs. Willis Todd, accompanied by her little daughter and her mother, Mrs. Vsn Dusen, left on Wednesday evening for Baldwlnsvllle, N. T., where they will spend tb rest of the summer. Mr. E. M. Andreesen will lesve for New York on Mondsy, to sail from there for Germany oa August 7. Mr. Andreesen will spend Bom time In Germany, Including a visit to hi old horn at Essen.' Mrs. J. J. Mahoney, Miss Msboney and Miss Msy Mshoney of 1306 South Thirty first street leave today to spend two or three weeks at Denver, Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rseee. accompanied by their daughter, Miss Henrietta Reese, have gone t Los Angeles, where they wtll visit friends and later will make the trip up th coast to tb various places of In terest. Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Jenks and f ta lly felt for Prior Lake, Minn., on Friday and will spend the month of August there. Dr. Jenks will occupy the pulpit of Dr. Paxton in the House ot Hope, St. Paul, while there. Mf. and Mrs. W. A. Redlck and Mr. John Redlck were recalled from Lake Mlnne tonka the early part ot the week by the Serious Illness of Mrs. Wood. She bss been suffering from pneumonia, but Is much better now. Mrs. D. H. Goodrich and Miss Gertrude Goodrich, who hsve been spending the Isst few weeks at Colorado Springs, have re turned to Omaha and will be for the pres ent with Mrs. H. N. Wood at 1034 South Twenty-ninth street. Mrs. W. A. Kelley Is In Seattle, Wash., being called there on a telegram announc ing the serious Illness of her brother, Pat rick Foley, for years a resident of this city, being employed on the Union Paclflo and Missouri Paciflo railroads. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sanborn hav gon for a six weeks' trip through the esst. They will take tha lake trip going and will spend several weeks along the St. Law rence, from where they will visit Mr. San born's former home In Maine. Dr. Bridges returned the early part of the week from the east, having apent th greater part of bis time visiting his former horn in Nsw York. He waa also th guest for a few day at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Thomsa Kllpatrlck at Lake Placid. Mrs. C. C. Rosewater, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Adams, arrived In Omaha on Wednesday, spending a few days here enroute from Jamestown, N. Y., where Mrs. Rosewater has been visiting, to New Mex ico, where they were called by tb illness of their brother. Mrs, and Mrs. Isaac Carpenter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Packard, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Erlon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borshelm, Mr. and Mrs. Lv Mitvubii, Mi. W. G. T. Bsker aud latti Baker, Mr. J. H. Adams and Miss Adams, Miss Clara Bpetman, Messrs. Bugarman, C E. Morgan, J. H. Boutelle. Paul Mlndell, Frank Baker, E. A. Blebert, F. L. Willis and Rev. C. C. Clssell are among the Omaha people at Lake Geneva, Wla. Pleasures Past. Mr. P. H. Updike gave a bowling party at the Field club on Tueaday evening. Mr. A. N. Benn was host at a dinner for eight at the Country club last evening. Mrs. Gulou wss hostess at a small lunch eon party at the Country club on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Voss entertained a party of four at dinner at th Country club last evening. Mlsa Ellen McSbane was among those en tertaining at dinner at tb Country club last evening, having five guests. Mrs. B. B. Wood chaperoned a party ot young people at th evening performance of Buffalo Bill's Wild West on Thursday evening. Mr. Henry D. Estabrook of Chicago, Miss other through organised effort, the matter waa talked over and on March ( of th'.a year the Valley Womans' club waa or ganised with fourteen members. A mem bership fee ot 10 cents was charged tho Joining during the first three months and those coming In later were charged 25 cents. As both organizations drew tbelr members from soma distance In the country and as the majority of th women were, in terested In both the club and the union, It waa decided to hold both meetings on the same day. Tbe union meets once a month for busi ness, occupying the first hour of the after noon, and the club twice a month, the sec ond and fourth Thursdays, from until 5 o'clock. The first hour Is devoted to busi ness and the second to sociability, which usually takes the form ot a Kensington, all the members bringing their work ex cepting the reader, who rs chosen at the meeting previous. As a womans' club application wa made to the 8tate Traveling Library commission for books, which upon their arrival In May, aroussd general enthusiasm, the members ot the Valley Commercial lIud offering to bouse tbe collection In Its rooms, which are , open three afternoons each week, that the public may have access to the collec tion. . 8tlll the women were not satisfied and they determined to subscribe to thn State Traveling Library association that they might have books all ot the time, and accordingly the necessary $40 was raised and the club Is now In correspondence with the secretary regarding their selection of books. In addition to this achievement they ar working for a permanent free town library, and on Monday evening last a meeting was called ot the town council and representa tive) citizens to discuss the project and de cide bow much assistance the town could give It aside from the I mill levy allowed by law. The plan proposed by the womea wss well received, but It was believed best to allow them, to continue In charge of the work, receiving Its funds and donations. It will be Impossible to make a levy for Its support this year, however. ' But at tbe regular council meeting to be held Monday evening that body Is to consider what financial help It can gtv out of th funds already on fcsnd. At Its Isst meeting tbe union decided to apply for aid In the support ot a collection from the Purity Circulating library, founded by Rev. A. J. Wheeler of Cralge Clara, N. Y. It Is a free traveling library offered to any union that will circulate and car for lta book and pay a yearly fe la proportion to It ability. This collection. It Is thought, will prove a valuable addi tion (a the book of th Nebraska Travel ing Library commission. It Is ths ambition f th women, and they bid fair to realise It, to secure to the town of Valley, within th coming fir years, a free library of at least 1,000 volumes. Their unselfish work and Its value has received recognition throughout the community and the men are willing to cci-operate with the la thslr McKeen and Judge Herbert J. Davis were Mr. and Mra. E. M. Falrchllds' guests at dinner at the Country club on Friday even ing. Mr. and Mr. Prltchett entertained at luncheon at the Country club oa Wednes day, Mr. and Mra. Waddell, Mrs. Everett, Mrs. Coutant, Mis Msrgaret Wood and Miss Marguerite Prltchett being their guests. Ths tennis tournament tor the Omaha championship attracted unusual Interest among th patron ot th Feld club last week and called out unususl crowds, which filled the porch, nearly every even ing and lending th place unusual lite for tb middle of th week. In honor of Mr. Henry D. Estabrook ot Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brogan entertained at an elaborate dinner on Wedneeday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Ouiou, Mr. and Mrs. Cowglll, Mr. and Mra. E. M. Fairfield, Judge Davla of Chi cago, Dr. Bridges and Mr. Luther Drake be ing their other gueats. A very sociable tlm wss spent at Lak Manawa Friday by a party consisting of nine people. Invited by A. Hosps to dinner and boatridlng. Among those who were participants were: Bandmaster Covalt, Mrs. Covalt. Director Charles Hlgglns, Mrs. Hlgglns. Miss Lillian Tlmms, Mr. and Mrs. Hosps and daughters. Miss Irene and Gertrude. Thursday evening Mrs. Allwins and daughters entertained In honor of Mrs. Martin Oberst of North Platts, Neb., and Miss Elsie Miller of Toledo, O. Th house wss beautifully decors led with cut flow ers, La Franc roses and ferns predom inating. During tha evening a fine mu sical program waa rendered by Miss Edith Allwlne aa a violinist. At a 1st hour refreshments were served. Miss Myrtle Crane of Chicago, who arrived tha early part of the week to be th guest of her aunt, Mra. E. H. Bprague, was the guest of honor at one of the largest and smartest dinner of tbe week at the Coun try club last evening. Misses Marguerlts Prltchett, Ada Kirkendall. Brady, Gore, Lottie Smith of Beatrice, Mi-re, Margaret Wood. Messrs. Prltchett. Fred Hamilton. Fred Nash, Louis Nash, Keogh, Philip Reed, Colpetter and Sam Burn were Mr. Sprague's other guests. The members of Metropolltsn club, to gether with their families and friends, held their annual plcnlo at Krug's park on Wednesday, about 150 In all being In at tendance. Tha party waa taken In special cars to tha park, every merry-making and amusement device of that resort bslng em ployed for tbelr enjoyment. At 7 o'clock the entire party was seated at a banquet, th tablea being spread out under the trees of the annex grove, where strings ot In candescent lights and gay-colored lantern contributed an additional blight feature. Bowling and a apeclal musical program oc-. eupiea the evening, the party returning to the city at a late hour. Ost-of-Tows Gwests. Mr. Lewis Reed returned to Chicago on Monday. Miss Smith of Beatrice Is tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Cola. Mr. Henry D. Estabrook of Chicago spent a part ot last week In Omaha. Mrs. E. H. Bprague Is entertaining Miss Myrtle frsns nf Phlrsgo aa ber riieat Mrs. Henry Carse of Rock Island, 111., Is visiting Mrs. William Sage of Clifton Hill. Mr. Ralph Modjeska ot Chicago was the guest last week ot Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase. Miss Wlllard of Louisville, Ky., Is visit ing Mrs. Porter snd Mrs. Sarson of 618 Low avenue. Mr. Charles Alschuler of Aurora, 111., is to be th guest of Mr. Sol Degen for a few day. Mr. A. U. Mayfleld of St Joseph waa the guest on Mondsy of his brother. Mr. E. O. Mayfleld. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson, formerly of Omaha, spent last week visiting among former friends. Mrs. Sterling, who has been the guest for the past week of Mrs. Bidwell, baa gone to Huron, S. D. Miss Ellia Sinter of Oskaloosa, la.. Is th guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Haney ot 4113 Lafayett avenue. Mrs. M. Alexsnder of Geneva, Neb., Is spending a few days In the city with Mrs. efforts. It 1 th intention of the club to Join the Nebraska Federation ot Womens' clubs aa soon as possible, but up to the present tlm all ot Its funds hav been ab sorbed In the library work. The cooking classes that hav been held1 three time a week at Tenth Street City mission this summer, closed their work on Friday with something more than tbelr ususl demonstration. Ice cream and cake were prepared by th girls and served dur ing tb social hour. Tbs work which bss been supported by the member of the household economics department, under the supervision ot Mrs. Harriet McMurphy, has been most successful and will be resumed In the fall. ' Mlsa Magee will spend a pert ot next week In th country below Council Bluffs recuperating after her season's work In the mission., She will take. with her two little onea from tbe mission neighborhood who have been 111. The following outline has been Issued this week by the program committee of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs, fof tb annual meeting of the Federation, to be held at Columbus, October 8, 8 and 10. The committee I composed of Mmes. J. M. Pile ot Wayne, chairman, Nellie Vest of Plain view and Phar Sorderberg of Button. Tuesday: 10 a. m.. meeting of executive board; 11 to II. presentation of credentials. Tuesdsy afternoon: 1 to 8. meeting ot board ot directors; 8 p. nv, meeting ot Fed eration, Mrs. Draper Smith, chairman; In ocatlon; music; official welcome: fraternal welcome; response; annual address of president; 8 to :. social; 3:30 to t, report of officers and commluee, four minutes each; club reports, two minutes each. Tueaday evening: 8 p. m., "Household Feonoinlcs," Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, chairman: music; ten minutes' report of chairman; five minutes' report of biennial delegates; thirty minutes, "Pure Food Laws of Nebraska," Governor Esra P. Savage; address, national president; music. Wednesday morning: f to 10. business meeting: 10 to 13, educational session, Mrs. E. L. Hlnman, chairman; music; ten min utes' report of chslrman; five minutes' re port of biennial delegates; address. Wednesday afternoon: 1:30 to 8, "Civics," Mrs. W. O. L. Taylor, chairman; music; ten minutes' report of chairman; five min utes' report of biennial delegate; sympo rlum; thirty minutes' address, Mrs. Co tide Hamlin. St. Paul, Minn.; music; 3 to, 3:30, social; 8.30 to 6, art conference, Mrs. F. Hall, chairman; music; ten minutes' report of chairman ; five minutes' report of bien nial delegate; fifteen minutes, notes from the field; fifteen minutes, value of exhibi tions and lectures; ceramics. 4:20 tn s; "How to Judge China (illustrated)": "Haw to Hals tha Standard of China Painting." Wednesday evening: 8 o'clock. Industrial session, Mrs. Etta R. Holmes, chairman; music: ten minutea' report of chairman; five minutes' report of biennial delegate; fifteen minutes, "Manual Training In In dustrial School;" "A Juvenile Court; Law for Nebraska," Chancellor Andrewa. Thursday morning: 3 o'clock, business mooting. Mrs. Draper Smith, chairman; re- 8' on or nominating committee; election; ft sen minutes' paper on "Forestry:" fif teen minutea' paper, "Women' Properly Rights;" five minutes, Nebraska women at ire biennial. Thursday afternoon: 1:30 to 8. business session. Mrs. Hmlth, chairman: result of election; unfinished business; dlsousslon of proposes taws; resolutions committee; t to 4, social. Mr. B. C. Hlckox at 108 North Twenty fourth street. Mis Cora Rankin of Shenandoah. Ia., la the guest ot Miss Msble Karr. 2318 North Twenty-second street. Miss Harriet A. Beaumont ot Chicago Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mr. R. S. Wilcox In Kounti Tlace. Mr. Roy Smith of Chattanooga, Tenn., was ths guest for a part ot last week of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, Jr. Mis Janet Chamber bas returned to her home In Davenport, la., having been th guest for tb psst week of Mrs.. James Chamber. 1 Mr. N. Wetsel of Harrlsburg, Pa., and Mrs. Edna Wetsel ot Hill City. Kan., for merly ot Omaha, ar guests of Mr. R. O. Schaeffer. Judge and Mrs. Bcnjsmln S. Baker spent a part of last week In Omaha waiting for a party of friends with whom they will make the Yellowstone trip. Upon their return Judge and Mrs. Baker will remain longer, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Levi of Nebraska City ar guest thla week of Mrs. Levi' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehfeld. Mis Lena Rehfeld, who has been their guest tn Nebraska City tor several weeks, re turned with them. Mr. Ed Swob of Chicago spent Wednes day In Omaha while enroute to Bherldan, Wyo., where hewlll Join hi father, Cap tain Thomas Swobe, now stationed at Fort McKcnzle, and together they will go for a hunting trtp up In th Big Horn coun try. Osnahaas' Dotwsjs et OkoboJI. To fully appreciate owning property at OkoboJI one must psy taxes In a city a while. Tb average total tax this year per cottage and lot Is 1.86. One ot the prettiest cottages on the lake Is the "Aksarben Den," occupied by a Jolly crowd of Omaha people, among whom ar Mr. H. Vance Lane. Mr. Carrie M. Day and children, and the Misses Henrietta Barklet and Marion Connell. The latter leaves tor borne Saturday morning. Mrs. George P. Cronk left the den Thursday to Join her husband In Omaha, and will go with him to the Elks' convention at .Balk Lake. J. D. Fisher and wife left for home Thurs day. Charles Pearsol comes Sunday to spend the month of August with his family, who occupy Judge Macomber's cottage on Gllly's Beach. Th Omaha Beach young peo ple were delightfully entertained on Wednesdsy evening at "Glen Echo," the beautiful summer borne ot Colonel C. H. Clark of Cedar Rapids. Two fin sail races have .been witnessed this week by enthuslastlo sportsmen, over twenty boat having been entered. In the high wind on Thursday the "Anthracite," owned and sailed by .Ray Layton of Leon, la., had Its mast broke, precipitating Den ton Slaughter Into the lake, from which he was rescued after considerable excitement. Betting is still three .to on on "Anthracite." Mra. R. H. Davis Introduces a very competent hair dresser, who Is tn charge of that department. She Is very artistic and ean give you the Maeell wave the very latest Ideas shown and a full, complete line of hair goods. In cluding pompsdore rolls, switches, wigs and waves. We also make hair switches out ot your combing ana nair cnains. can and consult our lady In charge. 1511 Douglas street. TUNING UP FOR SANGERFEST Nebraska gingers Prepare to Attend at West Point from Friday to Sunday. Tb seventh sangerfest of th Nebraska Sangerbundes will take place at Riverside park, West Point, on Frtday, Saturday and Sunday next. All the leading towns of northeastern Nebraska will be represented by singing societies and the leading fea ture of th band contingent will be the Twenty-second United State Infantry band from Fort Crook. Prominent vocal and in strumental soloists from abroad, all of whom- hav a national reputation and aome of whom can boast of European celebrity, hav been secured by the committee on ar rangement and will furnish addition to each day's program. Dr. Julius Lingenfelder will deliver tha address on Friday evening. Oovernor Savage la' announced to speak on Saturday afternoon and Hon. Edward Rosewater on Saturday evening. Reduced rates have been given on all railroads. Sunday, Au gust 10, will be the grand plcnlo day and excursions will be run from Norfolk, Fre mont and Omaha. Tb Omaha train will leave Omaha Sunday morning and return Sunday evening, the round-trip rat being 11.50. PRINCESS WORKS AS LABORER Loses Her Money an1 Force to Work for ievsnty-Flve Centa a. Week. (Copyright, 1902, by Press' Publishing Co.) VIENNA, Aug. J.-Nsw York World Ca blegram 8peclal ' Telegram.) Princes Helena Sulukldee Is working at Odessa, Russia, as a common builders' laborer for 75 cents weekly wages. Bh lost her money add was deserted by her relatives, who In clude several wealthy aristocrats. Her rank was discovered owing to her suelng a fellow workman who stols 35 she had ac cumulated for . a holiday. ' 1 Sold on Merit ' This Is not the only stors la this city where shoes for women ar sold at 13.50. It is ths only store where you ean buy a shoe worth 85.00 for 83.50 every dsy la ths year. Placing a price ticket on a shos in a window does not determine Its value you hav loarned that from experience. Sorosis Ars $3.50 Always More model chape in Sorosis than any other two lines of fine shoes for women. 100 different patterns of this psrfected American shoo now being shown only by us In Omaha. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 9. 16th St.. OMAIIA. Karback Block. Catalogue sent free for the asking Frank WUcos. Uanaa-tr. I gaocosssssss PIANOLA "Such rich and rapturous strain as make the very soul of silence aehe With longing for tbe melody. flpafford. An Investment of a few dollar each month toward a Plsnola secures your favorite musto, classic, dance, popular, opera or rag time. Anyone present can piay it Just a You Liko It Think of th unlimited pleasure and Instruction for the entire family. Plsnolas can be bought on easy monthly payments. Price, 8250. Used Plsnolas. 3190 to 1225. Other Piano Playsrs, new, 8300. Other Piano Players, used, U0 to (175. We Supply Dealers. Sclimoller & Mueller Sole Distributors for Nebraska. 1313 Far nam Street, Omaha. PIANOLA PARLOR, third floor. Elevator. Mr. Kelly Will be found In bis studio, Davidg Block, on TUESDAYS) 9:30 a.m. to 5 FRIDAYS j p THURSDAYS .V0 ARTISTIC SINGING A White Shirt- s always the thing especially when you can buy a fine plal or pleated bosom Shirt for 31.00. White Negli gees are the Shirts for this hot weather snd we're the people to buy them lrom because we've got the goods, and the prices are Just right. I? Cher Make Shirts. 24 Cents Buys th best Butter mad in this coun try. Ask your grocer and so that you hav na other than tb Idlewild Brand If you wish rich cretin, milk, buttermilk or cottag cheese. Let us know by pbon and our man will stop at your door. Best ot fresh coun try eggs. Hebraska-lowa Creamery Co., Tenth ana Howar Its. Phon ma. You Can't Afford to Walk at the price we are selling bicycles, this month. New wheels $15 $20 $25 Vim Puncture Proof Tires .. per pair, EDISON PHONOGRAPHS We carry a complete stock of recards and machines. Send for Catatofue. Business Stimulators BEE WANT ADS mm C t JEWELER J 'HaSellsWatclissj wf Bfnet rings-n ty'. - J $3.50 to 310.00. Ladles' R v" S set ring 300 tyles, L ra $2.00 to 8166.00. M n if I COf6iiU1t(60Jt Jj 1. C9 t