Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
J ST t
Xing Will Not Listen, to Any Mention of
Possible Postponement.
Doctors ef Opinion that H Would Not
, . , tv . . . I
EUTT1V Anoiner aisajjjwiusuMuw
Hone but His Immediate Family aid Most
Intimate f riendi See Him.
ftaaea Constaatly with Her Haa
hand and Tekea Peraoaal
Char of Affairs on
CCopyrlght, 1902, by Press Publliihlng Co.)
... 1. tit ..-1.1 Cm-
LONDON, AUg. J.-( "
fclegram Special Telegram.) King Edward l
Is firmly resolved to be crowneo. - i
Brday even If he has to be borne up wesi-
tnlnster Abbey In a litter.
When he hesrd that the duke of Norfolk
bad Issued new Invitations to the abbey
undated the king was extremely annoyen three minutes, averaging about fifty-four
audi sent a menage to the duke directing ,niiea an Bour. That was wonderful con
that all preparations be completed imme- ,ueTDg ths dlfflcultlea. I am very proud
dlately, as the ceremonial certainly would cf mjr own time six hours and twenty-two
take place this time.
The duke of Norfolk has been tn constant
direct communication' with ths queen ana
h officials of the royal yacht, ana 11 ne
thnnrht It desirable to omit the date from
ths Invitation cards it can be realised how
ell founded Is ths public uncertainty. I
The desire to get the coronation over i
with has grown to be a perfect monomania
wlth the royal Invalid. It la reiatea inai
the other dsy his frl. nd. the Marquis oe
Soveral, let fall an expression which
Mmed to Imoly that the coronation date
Is not absolutely certalp, whereupon me testing the best railway service by on
king burst Into1 a rage that caused the doc- hour. An unexpected change In the chan
ters no little alarm. Everyone about the Del steamer schedule caused a loss of flf-
yacht humors him as if he were a chlia ana I
always assumes that the coronation on
srust 9 Is as good as accomplished.
The kin himself is masing an dim en
gagements for the fall on that basis. If
anything should happen now to defer the
crowning again the doctors say that they
could not be' answerable for his life, that
the king Is making good progress, but his
attempts to walk at this stage oi convaies-
i4niihtllv are rlskv. It is noi Be
lieved that In any ease he can walk up the
abbey with his heavy robes. An invaiia i
chair will certainly be requisitioned for that
Kins la Bpertltloo.
Undoubtedly the king's anxiety to be
crowned is largely due to superstition. He
seems to havs been beset with evil omens
before his breakdown.
- The World ' correspondent learns 'that
when the king arrived from Aldershot and
Windsor castle the royal standard could
' hot be got above half mast. It stuck there
and could not be hoisted. Finally ths Union
Jack was hoisted In Its stead, which went
up quite easily because the halyards ex
actly fitted the blocks.
Ths Incident hss been oppressing the
king's mind evsr since, and his doctors ssy
BO treatment can do any lasting good unless
he gets the coronation off his mind. They
proposed that he should be crownea pri
vately, but the lord chancellor, the arch
bishop of Canterbury and the law officers
agreed after consultation that a private
coronation would have no legal effect.
Although there have been many callers
at the royal yacht, the king saw nobody
until within the last three days outside of
the royal family and 8overal. The king of
tha Belgians waa only received by the
aueen. When on last Saturday it was nec
essary for the privy council to assemble
aboard the yacht to sign the coronation
proclamation mo iwu psutin oircieu
were his particular irienas, tns aux or
Devonshire and Lord James, because the
king was so afraid that comparative strang
ers might talk about his appearance and
helpless condition.
Despite everything the doctors say, there
la a rooted belief In court clroles that the
king Is not through with his disease. It Is
current talk In those quarters that per
haps hs will be better able to stand ths
- ceremony next Saturday than six months
Klaer aad Qaeon. Reconciled.
There Is one point on which the World
Correspondent has the most positive in
formation, and that Is as to the complete .
reconciliation between the king and the
queen. It appears that wnen tns surgical
operation was about to be performed
the king bad a moat affecting In-
tervtew with the queen and at his request
be held his band when he was being put
tinder tbe Influence of chloroform. In order
to gratify his expressed wish that her face
might be the last he saw It the operation
proved fatal. When ha waa- recovering
consciousness the queen waa again brought
to his slds aad hs looked gratefully at her.
Sines thsn the queen has taken entlro con
trol of everything concerning him. But
whether other Influences will re-assert
themselves later on remains to be seen.
London Is preparing for the coronation
la a very half-hearted fashion. The faded
decorations ars being put up again, but
although the routo ot tbe procession is not
two miles long, there is practically no de-
tnand for seats. Five out of every six
houses In the fashionable part of the West
End are closed, altuough it la aald that tha I while as for ths projeoted tower. Its new
cwners will return in large numbers. Peers I neas would howl against - the San Marco
and peereses with town mansions are en-
gaging rooms at ths leading hotels for Au
gust and 9. There will be a general ex
odus on the following Sunday. Half pay
officers ars being offered Invitations to the
abbey tn order to fill it up. The whole as
pect of affairs presents a painful contrast
to ths delirious excitement originally pre
dicted for this great ceremonial.
Oaa Deala with Defeat of Tarks
Vleaaa aad Other Is for
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Aug. I (New York World Ca
ctegrain Special . Telegram.) Slenkiewlcs,
the author of "Quo Vadls," has a histor
ical drama on hand entitled "On tbe Pin
nacle ef Fame." It deala with the libera
tion ot Vienna from the Turks In 1683. and
ts a highly sensational piece, lie will try
to have It produced simultaneously in New
York, Vienna, Parle and London.
He Is drsmatiiing for Sarah Bernhardt
his story. "By Fire snd Sword." Ths
great actress Is charmed with Its posslbll
tiles, blenklewlcs promises to tuaas her
role a magnificent ens.
Proad ( His Accomplishment la
Wlaalng Third Placo la
a Race.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. J. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) W. K. Vander
bilt, Jr., Is elated over the remit of the
great circular automobile race In the Bel-
glaa Ardennes. In which be brilliantly won
third place with a Mors machine, with
which he was not familiar. Pournler was
prerented from driving by a sudden Illness.
It wss young Mr. Vanderbllt's first suc
cess in the many race In which he has en
tared in Europe. Describing the race to
the World correspondent. Mr. Vanderbilt
The race certainly was fairer thair is
usual In long events, with Its neutralized
section, which permitted repairs, readjust
ments and rest. The track consisted of
beautifully chosen roads, pausing through
only , three smsll villages. No stop wss
allowed, however, the circuit being too
small about fifty miles. Six times around
was needed to cover the SIS miles.
"Neither the winner, M. Jarrot, nor t
could attain our topmost speed. Personally
I wss frequently held back by being un
able to pass some competitor on account of
the narrowness of tha rn.d. There were
teTerm Ba(I accidents, but It really seemed
miraculous that there was no telescoping.
,.T ,aw tnat jarroti wno wag eoming at a
dare - devil pace, took hair-raising chances
of be4ng ,nouldered Into a ditch. His time
for tn, 31g mttea wai flT(s hour, ana eftT.
minutes. I defeated some of the beet
French chauffeurs."
Mr Vanderbilt called the World corre
iDOndenfs attention to the remarkable au-
tomoblle mountain cllmblnn contests un
Mount Cenls. Aa Italian. Slgnor Lancia,
won climbing nearly fifteen miles In thirty
minutes and ten seconds. Reneaux, a
Frenchman, was second In thirty-one mln-
ntea Bna twenty-one seconds,
Young Bradley-Martin and Count de
piombleres made a trip from London to
parl, Dy automobile In exactly six hours
teen minntes.
Deales that His Trip Has Aaythtagr
to Do with Canal
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing" Co.)
PA PTfl knr t fMw TnrV WnrM Cm.
blegram Special Telegram.) United States
secretary of War Root has accepted an In
rtutlon to spend the week with President
Loubet at Ramboullet castle. He Intends
to leave Tuesday to Join his family at
Carlsbad. Mr. Root was received on his
arrival at Havre by General Pestor, head
Ing a committee of four representing tha
French ministry of war. Tha delcMlfn
met the steamship La Savole far out la ks
roadstead on a special tug.
Ambassador Porter, wh also ws en
board introduced them. After brief .but
cordial speeches had been ' exchanged ths
tug took the party ashore befors the other
passengers landed and a special train wait
Ing at the pier brought them to Paris in
record time. Mr. Root denied (hat his
visit was in connection with the Panama
Attorney General Knox will arrive aoon
and, with Assistant Russell, who has been
hers ssveral weeks, will complete the In
quiry Into the new Panama Canal com
pany's title
The World correspondent's private in
formation, which has been fully confirmed,
Is that no trouble- need be feared either
from ths French government or congress,
Both ths senate and Chamber of Deputies
wilt pass a special bill cheerfully if the
United States government de.lres an addi
tional guaranty regarding the French title.
As for the puDnc feeling, It Is entirely In
faTOr of gTng the United States complete
authority to complete the work,
laereaaed Ralafall la Exrypt
Rolalng tha Aacleat
(Copyright, 190J, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. I. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The Echo de
Paris quotes ths - old ' saw, "Misfortunes
never come singly," and says that after
the fall of the Campanile of Saint Mark
In Venice another specimen of sculptural
architectural art of the ancient times Is
menaced with ruin, the famous Sphinx of
I me ryrmmias.
A note of alarm has been sounded by D.
C. Loogworth, editor of a "newspaper In
Cslro. It appears that the trouble arises
from a chsnge of temperature produced by
I the works or irrigation of these last years.
I now mere ars ,siieen to eighteen days of
I rain in Egypt annually, where formerly a
I modest Inundation of an hour s length ap
I peared like an extraordinary event. But
tha celestial cataracts havs so damaged
the collossus of stone that Its crumbling
away is considered only a question of
years, after centuries of resistance and
Ths most prominent French artists are
I signing a petition asking the Italian gov-
I ernment to forbld the rebuilding In Venice
1 of the Campanile,- arguing that the monu
I ment never was symmetrically nroDor
I tloned, never had any architectural merit
I and was valuable only because of Its aca
I palaces.
eatlea ( Risk Ysssg
(Copyright, 190S, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN. Aug. i. (New York World Ca
blegram Special . Telegram.) With the
kaiser's consent, a party of representatives
of ths most arlstoeratlo and exclusive
Prussian houses will visit America next
fall. Among ths members ot the party are
Count von Tiele Wlnckler, Count Adelbert
von Slergtorpff. Count A. von Pourtales
loum von vernsiom ana usron von
Ruhls. Tbe object of tbe expedition Is
partly to study the social conditions of a
country almost unknown te German aris
tocracy and partly to observs ths methods
ot educating young men ot the best fami
lies In ths United States. Ths psrty will
visit New York, Pittsburg. Chicago, Wash
ington, 8t. Louis, Cincinnati and San Fran
The kaiser asked Count voa Tiels
Wlnckler to report to him direct ths rs
suits of the tour, with such suggestions
he may think valuable.
Elevation to Be Prefect ef the Propaganda
Taken at Indication.
Hit Election Would Be Agreeable to the
Church in America,
, awominannn
Differ in that lespeot from Lsdoohowski,
Whose Leaning Waa Teutonic.
Collrs. of Cardlaala Assign Fire
Reasons Refusal Is Reseated
by All Classes at tha
Preach People.
(Copyright, 1102. by Press Publishing Co.)
ROME, Aug. J. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Cardinal Oottl's
ultimate elevation to the papacy Is con
sidered almost assured by the manifestation
of confidence In him by selecting hint from
among apparently more powerful rivals for
the Influential office of prefect of the propa
ganda in succession to Cardinal Ledo
chowskl. Cardinal Orottl will be persona grata
to the American hierarchy. Cardinal
Ltdochowskl's sympathies were naturally
with the Teutonic and Slav elements In the
Catholic church and he never quite appre
elated to the full the potency of the Ame -can
France Is much disturbed by the
from Rome .that the sacred college of
nala definitely refuses to canonize f
Are. '
The decision, coming after several favor
able opinions had been ' Issued and com
mittees has been appointed to examine Into
the heroine's claims to beatification, la
construed as retaliation for the expulsion
of the religious orders from Frsnce.
The sacred college mentions five reasons
to Justify refusal.
First. That Joan of Are culpably at
tacked Paris on a religious fete day while
the city was celebrating the birth of the
mother of Jesus.
Second. Her capture disproved her claim
of having a heaven-ordered mission.
Third. Her attempted evasion shows
thst martyrdom was suffered unwillingly.
Fourth. That she lacked heroism when
she signed an abjuration of alleged errors.
iLiu. AvwiuiUR iu tier tiwu .uuimiuu, l
Is doubtful whether she died a virgin.
The French people are deeply grieved at
the decision and the last reason makes
even nonbellevers Indignant, as they regard
It a wicked Insinuation.
Prooklya Won an tha Unqaastlonad
Ball of Amarlaast Coloay
' ' ' t Iidaa. -
(Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. 8. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Ths Amer
ican bells Jn London this year beyond
question Is Mrs. Samuel Sloan Chancey'of
Brooklyn, who was ens of ths American
women presented by Mrs. Choate at King
Edward's court on May 1. Shs Is one of
the prettiest women In London, and al
though very like her alster. Lady Newbor
ough, she is much prettier and has much
more sparkle. She certainly has had many
admirers. Whenever shs Is seen at a party
she always is surrounded by the "smart"
men and women.
Mrs. "Jack" Leslie, Lady Randolph
Churchill's sister, has supplanted Mrs.
Arthur Paget as the "bear leader" to the
duke and duchess ot Connought, who, not
having much social talent themselves, are
always dependent on soms clever woman to
arrange things for them. The falling out
between Mrs. Paget and the Connaughts is
much talked of. It seems to have grown
out of Mrs. Psget's Ascot party.
Mrs. Newiiouse goes now to Homberg
with Mrs. Nat Goodwin (Maxlns Elliot),
whose beauty fairly stunned the kaiser,
while he was squally charmsd by her de
licious voice and fascinating manner. Mr.
and Mrs. Goodwin have Just returned from
Parts, where they have been spending a
fsw daya.
Mrs. Beach Grant, tha mother of the
eounteas of Essex, Is resting In the coun
try, but will come back for the coronation.
Her deafness Is greatly Inconveniencing
her, but ahe has hopes of a new invention
which is shortly to be brought out.
Mrs. Paget will give a grand banquet on
coronation Bight. Her gueats will include
Mrs. George Keppel. the duks and duchess
or Devonshire, Ambassador and Mrs.
Choate. tha marquis and marchioness pf
Londonderry, Earl Roberts, Viscount
KJxcnener ana Kan and Countess Cadoxan
1 U . ''
Grpr Vlollalat aad Prlaeees Chlntay
Coatlaae ta Attract At
teattaa. (Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. I. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Rl go has been
ouated from a hotel at Enghein-Les-Bains
because he gave violin lessons to a young
divorced English woman In her own apart
ment after midnight, contrary to the rales
of ths establishment. Ex-Princess Chlinay
was aroused from peaceful slumber by tbe
noise ot the expulsion and created a still
mors violent scene. She tried to brain
her husband with a heavy bronse candle
stick, but only smashed an expenslvs mir
ror instesd.
The couple finished ths night la another
hotel, from which also they were expelled
by noon because Clara, aeelng a rival paas
outside, leaned out of the dining veranda
and hurled loud Insults In English, French
and German-Hungarian. The nalr are
now patching up their quarrel at Geneva.
Maay ot the Best Artists Coaseat
ta Become Mvaibers
of It.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug. I. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The autumn
sslon, which when first projected met with
but sneering discouragement, can be con
sidered aa assured and permanent fact.
Two hundred and fifty-live of the rising
artlata and some who ars celebrated have
become members. Albert Besnard is presi
dent ot tbe section of painting, Eugene Car
rier of the black and white ectloa and
Rodla ef the aectloa ef sculpture.
James K. HaeWett Spending His
' Vaeatloa Booking Coaater
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 2 (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) James K. Hack
ett, who is spending the summer here.
partly for recreation and partly to look
after tha foreign Interests of his new
theatrical syndicate, is enthusiastic over
the progress made in booking attractions In
reposition to the Frohman-Klaw-Erlanger
combination In New York. The scheme wss
undertaken a little more than six months
ago by Harrison Gray Flake, husband and
manager of Minnie Maddern Flake; Maurice
Campbell, husband and maanger of Hen
rietta Croeman, and Mr. Hackett, repre
senting himself and Mary Mannerlng, his
All have had trouble with the so-called
New York theatrical trust and in order to
gain preBtlge the Fiske combination has
offered to make bookings free. Mr.
Hackett claims that they have been suc
cessful and that there Is enough money back
of the combination to mike "the Frohman
trust". beg for mercy in case it makes a
fight. He declares that he is "not looking
tor trouble," but thinks It will -be unavoid
able. He says many stsrs ' intimate that
they will go over to his combine as soon as
It shows Itself flnalclRy solid. It is under
stood here that biiktra of the new com
bination are a wealthy tobacco merchant
of New York and the proprietors of a well
known music hall In that city.
Hal'ne stepped out of a hotel yes
terd , slapped in public a coachman
wh brought to the door Mary Man
n v and had been" rude to her about
ia Alien has taken an option on Ed
.d Rostrand's former country seat at
ghlen-Les-Balns, twenty minutes by rail
orth of Paris, Intending It the next sea
son Is prosperous to secure a luxurious
place In which to spend her vacation every
Mrs. Joha W. Maekar ! Bald
to Have that Dla.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. I. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) There Is no
doubt from what has leaked out that Mrs.
John W. Mackay is the richest widow In
ths world. She has had rather a serious
relapse since the trying strain of ths last
few weeks. Twice there has been a con
aultatlon of doctors. She Is suffering es
pecially from heart trouble and sleepless
ness. The doctors have ordered her to aee
as few people as possible. Possibly she
may go to Manhelm for treatment. Her
mother, Mrs. Hungerford; the latter' sis
ter. Baroness Telfner, and Mrs. Mackay's
daughter, Princess Colonna. have left for
France and Italy, but Clarerce Mackay re
mains for the present, as a great deal ot
bualness must be dona In connection with
the settlement of the large estate.
yonn w. juacnays . body baa beea ' re
moved to i the Church ot -the Assumption
snd placed In an ununT vault, t6 remain
until September. The vault Is beautifully
decorated with flowers, constantly re
newed. The coffin Is covered with a mag
nlBcent pall day and night, great candles
are still kept burning, the masses are con
stantly said and sisters of mercy are al
ways praying for the soul of the dead man.
The body ts no longer in view, the glass
top having been covered over by the outer
Society for Preveatloa of Craeltr to
Aalmals Takes Up Shrews
bary'e Chars.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing. Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 2. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) In the an
nual report ot the Society for the Preven
tion of Cruelty to Animals there Is an echo
of Lord Shrewsbury's attempt to slur ths
victory of the American polo team In the
first gsms of the International series at
Hurllngham by charging Lawrence Water
bury with ualng spurs cruelly. The so
clety wanted to proceed with ths prosecu
tion of Waterbury after Shrewsbury was
shamed Into dropping It; but found only
one of Shrewsbury' witnesses, a woman.
who was prepared to testify. This outcry
about the us of spurs springs from mafic
and rank Ignorance, as all polo players
know that the ponies suffer vastly mora
from tha bit than from being spurred.
Altar toar oi this Coaatry Will
Visit Her Native Laad,
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. . (New York World Ca
blegram Specal Telegram.) Mme. Melba
sailed today on Campania for Nsw Yerk
after an Immensely successful season here
though she wss run very closs In popular
Ity with London opera goers by Suzsnne
Adams, who baa not yet reached the senith
of her fame. The marvelous new tenor.
Caruso, who Is voted as great as Mario, has
also proved a strong competitor with Melba
for vocal primacy. After an American tour
Melba will re-visit tor the first time, her
I native country, Australia, where she began
as a choir girl In St. Patrick's cathedral
at 8ydney, New South Wa(ea.
Conservatives Deellna to Nosnlaat
Hss Connected with Oa
of His Deals.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. I. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The Rt. Hon.
W. J. Plerle, who represented the White
Star and Harland A Wolff Interests in en
gineering the Atlantic Shipping trust with
J. Pterpont Morgan, asked this week for
the conservative nomination for Parliament
for the vacancy for West Belfast. He wss
rejected unanimously by tbe election com
mittee because It was said that hs would
bs a mere pawn ot Morgan.
Ei-Prtnlrr Roassoao Not Inclined
to Talk Ahoat His In
terview. (Copyright. 102, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 2. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Ex-Premier
Waldeck-Rousseau ha returned from hi
cruise In northern waters. Being aaked
for his opinion ot Emperor William, who
entertained him at Kiel and elsewhere, he
said: "He ia an Interesting young man."
But would aay nothing beyond that.
President to Yitit Omaha Borne Time
Daring Month of September.
Nebraska Senator Oalla on President and
it Quest at Luncheon,
Pulpit, Press, Bar and Politics Eepresented
at the Lunoheon Board.
Every Mall Brlaa Letters of Inquiry
Concerning Appointment of a
Saceeseor to Joha
W. Ross.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Aug. I. The pul
pit, the press, the bar and politics were
represented today about the luncheon board
of President Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill.
Senator Millard ot Nebraska, accompanied
by a friend of his own state,, came down
from New York to talk to Mr. Roosevelt
about his western trip and to make some
arrangements for his visit to Nebraska.
The president will be in Nebraska on
dates already tentatively determined, al
though not formally announced. His visit
to Nebraska will be In the closing days of
Senator Millard presented to the presi
dent John L. Webster, who wii one ot the
candldatea for the seat In the senate oc
cupied by Mr. Millard's colleague, Senator
Dietrich, and asked that he be appointed to
some good place. The president promised
to take the matter under consideration.
Among the guests at luncheon were Silas
McBee of New York, editor ot the Church
men, Bishop Dudley of the Episcopal
church, diocese of Kentucky; Charles
Nagel of 8t. Louis, George Harvey, editor
of Harper's Weekly: George W. HInman,
of Chicago, editor of the Inter Ocean, and
Edward Kent ot New York. Assurance Is
given that no particular significance at
taches to the calls of any ot the gentle
men, the dfalre ot the president being to
entertain them socially at. his country
President Roosevelt Is in receipt of scores
of communications by wire and by mall re
garding the vacancy on the board of com
missioners of the District ot Columbia,
caused by tbe death a few days ago ot John
W. Ross.- The appointee to succeed Mr.
Koss Win 19 a uewuviai.
letters ot endorsement of candidates or let
ters bearing upon the selection ot Mr. Ross'
successor, without mentioning particular
names. It is not known when ths presi
dent may make the appointment.
Presldeat Receives Others.
During the day President Roosevelt re-'
celved a call from Commandants Snytnan
and Relts, two prominent Boer officers, who
have ' been prisoners . In Bermuda. They
passed a pleasant hour about ths Sagamore
Hill Orounds. ...
Mr. HInman was the last ot tha preet
dent's luncheon guests to leave. He had a
long talk with the president . about the
political situation In the United States. Hs
told Frestdent Roosevelt that barring un
foraeen contingencies Illinois In 1904 would
send to the republican national convention
a solid delegation to support his candidacy
for president.
Wilbur F. Wakeman of New York, sec
retary of the American Protective Tariff
league, and formerly appraiser of tbe port
of New York, called on the president dur
Ing the afternoon to explain to him the
work of the league toward the election
ot republican representatives. He pre
sented to Mr. Roosevelt a prosperity cir
cular which was being spread broadcast
throughout tbe country. The president ex
pressed Interest and pleasure at the work
being accomplished by the league.
This evening Lieutenant General Nelson
A. Miles, commanding the army, arrived In
Oyster Bay on a visit to Colgate Hoyt and
family for several days.
The assurance from Waablngton that Pres
ident Roosevelt will without fall be In
Omaha ,10 September was received hers with
ths keenest satisfaction. His Inability to
com October 2, the date urged by the Ak-
Bar-Ben, because that Is to be. the date of
the principal electrical parade, may, how
ever, necessitate some change in the car
nival program.
If the president comes the last week la
September, which now Is hinted of as the
probable time the parade dates will prob
ably be moved forward ,a few days. If
he should come after October 2 the parade
would ba repeated.
It is learned from Washington that ths
full Itinerary will .not be given out until
September, about ten days before the time
set for his departure from there, the list
being held open to change for possible eon'
tlngencles. The Ak-Sar-Ben data. October
2, has been given to Springfield, III., where
the president Is to participate In the cele
bration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the organization of the .Illinois state fair.
Tha aucceedlng day he will spend In Chi
cago, while his St. Louis visit will probably
be "before bis Springfield visit, ss tbe ob
jective point ot his western trip Is San
Antonio. Texas.
City of Savannah Stack la River at
Spot Where Golcoada
Capslsed. '
PADUCAH, Kr-, Aug. 2. The steamer City
pf Savannah ran aground in the Ohio river
at Cottonwood Bar near' her thla morn
ing and the opinion Is that It will not be
pulled oft until the river rises, two attempts
to rescue It having failed. Savanuah
was a new boat and was brought from St.
Louis to run In ths Ohio and Tennessee
river trade. It Is feared It will be badly
The spot where It Is grounded Is where
the City of Golconda capBlxed a year ago,
causing considerable loss of life.
Jadae Chetlala Enjoins Baak of Moa
treal tram Paylaa- Margins to
. Commission Firm.
CHICAGO, Aug. s. Another injunction
was lsued today In ths July oat corner In
terests. Judge Chetlala enjoined the Bank
of Montreal from paying to tbe firm of
Pratt A Buckley $1,200 he'.d as margins on
oats bought ot Walte, Th or burn A Co. by
Pratt Buckley,. Tbe injunction slso re
strains President Wsrrea ot ths Board ot
Trads from endorsing th marginal check
tor th same amouau
Forecast for Nebraska Generally Fair.
1 Klnar Certain to Be Crowned.
nottl Likely to Sareeed Leo.
Roosevelt Cornea In September.
Ltahtnlaar Starts BtsT Fire.
9 Await Reaalt of Battle at Panama.
foal Miners Promise a Sorprlne.
Bryan Not Presidential Caaaldate.
8 Kewa from Kebraaka Towns.
Tnaat Ktida la at Traatedy.
4 Soelal Events of the Week.
B Wo "lea of Break la C. P. Strike.
Soath Omaha Kewa.
Tea People Hart la Collision.
Iowa aad Coanell Bloffa Kewa.
T Illinois Ceatral la No Combine.
C'attlnar the Meat Bates.
Coanty Combats Farmers Claims.
8 SportlirW Events of a Day.
9 Weekly Sporting Review.
lO Beaailfylnsr the City.
13 la tho Domain of Wonsaa.
13 Amusements and Maale. ,
14 Editorial.
13 Where Perry Smote the Foo.
Heir to the Mackay Millions.
Trade Marks of Trade.
1 Story, "Thoroaahbreds."
IT Markets aad Financial.
SO Geta Mandamas Aaalnst Police.
Tcmperatare at Omaha Yeaterdayi
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear.
B a. m TS 1 p. m m
a. an T4 a p. m Vu
T a. m TT 3 p. m 3
R a. m T 4 p. n M
9 a, m ..... . bo B p. m ..... . 4
10 a. m HO e p. m tta
11 a. m 84 T p. m tu
la m 86
Union Paclflo Lawyer Vrarlaa; Gov
ernor to Let Oar Davo Name
Pollco Commissioners.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.)
John N. Baldwin of the Unlpn Paclflo law
department and Congressman David H.
Mercer are here together In conference
with Governor Savage on Omaha police
commission appointments.
Governor Savage left for Omaha on the
Burlington at 1:25 this afternoon.
Governor Savage came up from Lincoln
at S o'clock Saturday afternoon and after
a few minutes spent at the office of the
Union National bank in consultation with
Colonel James Martin of South Omaha and
J. W. Thomas, members of his personal
staff, accompanied a party to Lake Manawa,
where last evening a dinner was served at
which the governor waa the guest ot honor,
the party being made up of trlenda in
vmana and ouui.ii Cumii.
"I have nothing to aay on the police
board question," said he at tbe depot. The
trip la in response to an Invitation from
Mr. Martin of South Omaha. I am going
over to Manawa to stay as long as I can
and return to catch a train tor Lincoln.
"If anyone wanta to see me they will
have to come to Iowa and I am not gov
ernor there.
"No. I cannot say what I will do tn the
-folic hoard - matter. . The applicant will
be given consideration before the appoint
ment' is made, but that Is all I know about It
myself at this time."
Jadce Philips of Kansas City Graats
Injunction Aaalnst Retail
Clerk and Tailors.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2. Judge Philips ot
the federal court issued a temporary in
junction today restraining the officers and
members ot the Retail Clerks National Pro
tective association and the Journeyman
Tailors union from enforcing their boycott
.on a Kansas City clothing firm. The, pa
trolling ot the sidewalk in front of ths
premises was stopped by order of the
The cause ot the trouble was the refusal
of the firm to comply with the demands
of the union to close the store at night.
. ni,. ,h. a
had no doubt the early closing was a good
thing. He conceded further that the unions
had a right to persuade people by inter-
view, by letter or publication In the press
from patronizing the firm upon which they
were making war so long a. they did not
-ifhi- ik. .,.,,. ... .
libel, but the members of the union had
no right to stand In front of a man' place
of business and accost people who were
about to enter the store with the view of
deterring them from buying anything there
A. L. Sheets Selected National Seer
tary-Treasarer of Commer
cial Travelers.
OTTAWA BEACH, Mich., Aug. I. Th In
ternational Federation of Commercial Trav
eler' organisation has adjourned after
sessions lasting three days. Sixty-five del
egates representing organisations with a
combined membership of 130,000 were pres
ent. These officers were elected:
President, R. A. Cavanaugb, Chicago;
vice president, L. T. De Beaume, St. Louis;
secretary-treasurer, A. L. Sheets, Omaha.
Executive committee: E. E. Haley, Des
Moines, la.; C. C. Daniel, Columbua, O., Ed
Trlvett. Utica, N. Y. f ' '
Among the resolutions adopted was ons
requesting from railroad companlea an in
terchangeable mileage ticket of 8,000 miles,
denomination similar to the ticket now in
use by the Northern Mileage bureau. Tbe
next meeting will be held at Macklnao Is
land, Mich., July 28, 190S.
Experts Flad tho insist of Shortage
Exactly th Sam He State
la Confession.
BOSTON, Aug. I Henry F. Coe, the
former treasurer of ths Bowker Fertiliser
company and the Dudley Hosiery mills of
Newton, who was arrested last night tor
the alleged embetzlement of $120,000, was
held for the grand Jury today in $10,000,
which was furnished.
Specifically, he was accused today of tbe
larceny of a not for $25,000, payable on
demand from the Bowker company on June
8. Mr. Coe waived examination.
In a atatement Issued by the Bowker
company today the history of tbe affair
la given, together with a confession signed
by Mr. Coe, In which be said that bs had
uaed ths notes of the Bowker company in
carrying on the buslneaa of the Dudley
Hosiery mills at Newton for ten years and
that hs had used $120,000. Experts, it Is
said, have found the amount stated to be
exactly correct,
Lightning- Strikes Flagstaff and Starts
Blase in Several Different 'Places.
Firemen Finally Gain tha Upper Hand
and Loss on Building is Light.
Runaway Horse Adds to the Exoitement
by Dashing Through Crowd.
ila Comes la Torrents and Vio
lent Thnnder Prove Dlaast-
to Shaky
Omaha wa In the grasp of a severe
electrical storm last night, which began
soon after 10 o'clock. Early In the even
ing dark clouds gathered in the west and
by 9:30 peals of thunder were heard at
short Intervale and within half an hour
lightning flashes accompanied the thunder,
which Increased in volume until a heavy
rain began about 10:30.
So intense was the storm that electric
lights in streets and buildings were ex
tinguished, street car were (topped and
fire engines started.
As Is generally the case in Omaha Sat
urday night found the atreeta literally lined
on both sides with people snd vast crowds
were caught, many unprepared, by the
storm. There waa some lively skirmishing
for shelter when the thunder and lightning
had rent the heavens so badly as to open
the rain window. With the water falling
in sheets and the cars standing atlll for
an hour, atorea and corridors were Im
preseed into service as places of refuge.
Strikes Flastpolo oa Mill.
Several reports of buildings being struck
by lightning were made during the storm,
the most serious being that of the Omaha
Milling company at Sixteenth and Charles
streets. Lightning struck the flagpole on
the roof, ran down through the building
and started fires on the roof, the second
floor and the basement, entailing a loss
on the building of about 1500. The stock,
vslued at $10,000, was soaked with water
and most of thia is ruined. The building,
a four-story brick, and machinery are val
ued at $35,000. The loss on the machinery
could not be estimated last night, though
it Is considerably damaged. The company
carried ii.OOO lu.uraacc cn ths st?c! e"1?
$17,600. on the building and machinery.
The fire was first discovered by J. B.
Gamble, who lives in that neighborhood
and who was awakened by the lightning.
He turned In the fire alarm, which wa
followed shortly after by a second.
When the department arrived the flames
were Issuing from the southeast and the
southwest corners of the roof and the fire
was burning in the second story and the
basement.' Smoke' completely- fills- the.
street, making It difficult to get air the
fire. Notwithstanding the heavy downpour
of rain and the dozen streams which were
playing on the fire, as fast as it was sub
dued In one place It broke out mora fiercely
in another. To mora difficult
for the firemen', by the aid of the building
and In the rear 1 a steep embankment,
which, made slippery by tbe rain, rendered
it almost Impossible to get to the building
from these sides. It took over two hours
of hard work to subdue the flames.
The first floor of the building contained
the Immense stock of flour and ths
second and third are filled with machinery.
The smoke and fire on the machinery floors
forced several firemen who entered th
building upon their arrival to leave, and
the fighting bad to be done entirely from
the outside. The basement ot the building
Is used as an engine room. Only small
damage wa done in these.
Horse Add to Excitement.
To add to the excitement occasioned by
the fire, a horse hitched to a buggy and
;Jrtyen bJ ouf m,n' r" wr "
i flow thruf the J"0?" fnt f
! tag building, barely mU.lng several
. PWj- v " w" mP" to stop him
nd both buggy and horse were . soon lost
ln th a"kne" on Kf '.
I The mill is owned by Mrs. . E. Arrtens.
widow of August Arrlens, who died sev
eral month ago. It I 60x42 feet In dimen
sions and was erected fourteen years ago.
Mrs. Arrlens, who lived across the street
from the mill, witnessed th fir from her
porch and as the flames shot up she became
hysterical and for a time It was thought
she would be prostrated.
Lightning struck the barn ef Adam
Rhus at 1432 Leavenworth strset last night
about 11 o'clock, causfng the building to
burn and cremating three hones. Rhu
rushed Into the barn to try to savs some
of th animals, but wss kicked by on of
them and was with difficulty gotten out.
Fir company No.' T mad a run also,
going to Forty-first and Jackson streets.
The wires were burned out o that no par
ticular were obtainable.
Lightning burned out the fir alarm aad
light wire at the police station.
Heart 1 Cat Oat aad Body l,eit
Lying; on Colorado
FLORENCE, Colo., Aug. $. Samuel Raln-
dall, a cattleman of this town, while on
the prairie south of Orsnada, Colo., near
the Kansas line, found the body of a Mex
ican sheep herder, who had been murdered.
His heart had been cut out and trust Into
bis mouth. The man's herd of shsep had
been acattered. The crime la thought to
have been due to trouble between sheep
and cattle owner.
Mr. Raindall, fearing that ha might bo-
come Involved In the trouble, said nothing
of the matter until reaching boms. He
haa notified the authorities of Prowsrs
Oatlaw Is Headed ' for Soatheast
aad Sheriff Is After
SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. I. An Almlra
special to th Spckesman-Review- aays:
"Harry Tracy is believed to be traveling
southeast from this place in th direction
of Rltzvltle. A farmer named Perkins,
living three mile east of Almlra, saw a
man with two horses and two rifles pass
ing his place io a southeasterly direction
this morning. Sheriff De Bolt ot Douglas
county arrived In Almlra shortly before
noon today and on bearing tba story left
for the Perkins ranch, II haa not beea
eea since.