Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Cluing Game with Pittsburg Pctm
Exciting Contest
Batterlei: ft. Edward. Wilkinson and
Boyd; Fullertnn, atlmann snd Bennett.
Struck out: By Wilkinson, II; by Stlm
son, t. '
Laala Takes Seeoad
Series froaa Philadelphia
with Little Effort.
Giai af
fulled a consultation waa held aboard the
tug accompanying him and he wag advised
to quit.
Holbein n bitterly disappointed, but
climbed aboard without ssistance. To
everyone a surprise he wss rresn ana
strong. Hie temperature was normal. n
took nourlahment frequently throughout
the nlaht from a rowboat, ana maimatnea
a steady stroke.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 1-Fout hlti i off SUNDERLAND'S UNEXPECTED STRENGTH placed on a small boat. Th. tide threat-
L Two-baas Mia: Bhleberk, Cllngman,
Coulter. Home run: Klhm. Baaea on
bulla: Off McMackln, 1: oft Williams, 8.
Hit by pitched ball: Woodruff. Struck
out: By Williams, 1. Ioubl play: Dun.
gan to Hallman to Dnngsn.
Runkel to Bhlebeck to Puniran. Left on
baaea: Indlanapolla, I; Milwaukee, T. Time:
1:46. Umpire: Ebrlght. '
Calaaabaa Win la the Klatk.
Third Eamd of City Trarnamnt it Tall
tf Ginger.
Plttabarg Ml a; lit Have Captare the
Cam at Varteaa Tlaiea Ha It
Mat Beea for Critical
BROOKLYN, Aug. 1. The closing game c
the aarlea tvatwaan Ptttahnre and BrooklTO
n t i UHv' .rnunrla fnrlav vii eloaelv I HeTephllV
. - ' I l,A.r
tf I
contested and lasted ten innings, when It I waiiaei. ' as., t
was called oa account of darkness
burg would hare won bad It not been for
costly errors, ".core:
riTTtarao. Brooklyn.
u n t h o s.
till I'atierkar:. II. I I I t
I'Keeler. If.... 1 I I I
t t tiDolan. cf ... 4 I I I I
I Plhln. a... I
I I IP.rrell, a.... I t t 1
4 I'.HtCPW, lb I 1 I t I
I 1 I Irwin. It.... 1
I elriooa. tb.... I t l I
1 4lrneea. p.. 4 4
Hu , p.
Iliail I'Klieoo ...
MrCor'k, lb. t
ruin, lb.. I
Kahoe, a 1
F.voll, p.... 1
Clark. If
Beaumont, el I
Laarh, lb...
w.eaer, it.. 1
BranaTM, lb 1
Plli-hry. tb.. I
Onrer. aa... I
amlih. a a
' Merer, p
Totala ... I II W 1!
Ptttahnre 1 0 A 0 0
Brooklyn 111111(11 0
Earned runs: Pittsburg, t; Brooklyn, 1.
First on errors: Brooklyn, 2. Left on
baaes: Pittsburg, t; Brooklyn,' 1 Two
base hits: Bransfleld. Dahlen, Kltaon.
Stolen bases: Wagner 3. ' Bransfleld,
Bmlth, Dolan. Ftrrell. Bacrtflc hit: Far
tell. First on balls: Off Donovan, 4; oft
Hughes, J; eft Leever, 1. Struck out: By
Donovan, I; .by Hughes, 1: by Leever, K.
Passed ball: Bmlth. Wild pitch: Donovan,
1 Time: 8:30. Umpires: Tannehlll and
Hew York aad it. Loale Break Even.
ST. LOUTS, Aug. 1 8L Louis took the
second game of the Series from Philadelphia
without any hustling owing to Wll
son's presence in the box. t p to the
eighth the game was close, but the locals
made seven nits In that Inning and clinched
matters. Powell was effective for 8t.
Louis. Attendance, 1,600. Score I
Burkett, If... I 4 1 l'Hkrte.1. If... 1 I I
Haisrii-k, cf . l l a r nit i. et i t s s i
I I 4 4 L rmea, all I II
t I I SerboU. rf.. I I I t I
114 4 Mvphr. th.. Still
I 1 I a M. Croaa. I I I I I
111 I Powers, a.... I I S I 'I
till Wlleon. .... I I I I I
-Clatr. I I I I I
Totala ...II tt 17 I 11
I TeUla ... I I M tt 4
Batted for Wilson In the ninth.
Bt. Louis 1 0 0 1 0 t 0 1 -ll
Philadelphia 1010000806
Earned runs: 8t. Louis, 4; Philadelphia,
4. Two-base hits: Powell, L. Cross. Three
bsse hit: Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Wal
lace. Padden. Double play: Wilson to M.
Cross to Davis. - Hit by pitcher: Wilson.
Hit by balls: Br Powell, I. Left an bases:
St. Louis, I, Philadelphia, C Stolen bases:
Fults. Wallace. Time: 1:66. Umpires:
a" I a a 345 1 Carruthera and Johnstone.
Chicago Beat a naitiaaere.
CHICAOO. Aug. 1. The patched tip Bal
timore; team made a great rally In the
ninth, but finished on run behind the lead
the locals obtained earlier In the game.
Errora and the bases on ball by both
pitchers wera responsible for several scot.
At tends noe, 1,140. Bcore:
R.H.O.A. B.I R.H.O.A.B.
till I Ollhart. ta... t I I I 1
1 I 1 I I at!heh. f... Ill
I I 4 I llWIIIiama, tb. I 1 I
1 t I I Mcnrri. i. I 1 1
t 1 IS I I Mallor, lb... 1 I II
ISIS HowalL lb... Ill
III! Amat, rt.... Ill
4 4 Taaaar. .... Ill
111 I.WIitaa, ill
s e
1 l e ll
4 I
1 1
Strang, lb.
Jonea, of 1
Oraaa. tt.... I
Darla, aa.... 1
Martaa, lb... 1
Krw Trtnw lm 1 Xi Vor Tnrk I Cllha. If.. 1
and St. Louis teams played two- games this !
afternoon on the Polo grounds and each I J?'J, 1
the errors of the home players being mainly I Tetale ... 1 11 r? II ll Teuu ... I 11 14 It I
reaponsiois ror tneir aereat. in tne secona I Chicago tlltlttt T
fame omn teams piayea usur-saiy, aa u B.itImora laaai'OOS
".".t ssrs i'rrjFA Left b;;;. chlco .: Lmm,,
during theTlr v sit winning three of th- Two-base hits: Selbach: Howell. Davla (J,
llva Tamea Dllyed Scores' Three-base hit: Wllllsms. Saertfice
uv gamea played, ores. hu,. ClUlah 0pe.m (1) Howe.
' 8T. LOVia. . NEW TORK. atol.n .. M.rtaa Callahan trouble
Mlfholi. lb.. 1 1 11 1 0'Janaa. If I I 4 I I
I moot, ef ... lilt l:M"Ora, aa.. I 4 I I I
Barelar, If... III! I Medina, lb.. I I I I I
Doaerna, rt.. 111! 0 Brodia. ef.... 11111
Parrall, lb... I I 1 I llLauilar. lb... 1 I 1 I 1
Kraaar, aa... 14 14 Rmlth, lb.... 11111
Harlmaa. lb. I 1 11 l'Uunn. rt I I I I I
Hrn. a I 1 t 1 0 Braan'h'n. a. I 1 I 1 4
Currta. I I I I ..OlnnHy. ,1 1 till mt tmv tn mZZ? thmtmm Vm?
Stolen baaea: Mertes, Callahan. Double
play: Piatt to Sullivan to Mertes. Struck
out: By Piatt, I; by Wlltse. 1 Bases on
balls: Off Piatt, I; off Wlltse, 4. Wild
pitch: Piatt: Time: Z.'OS. Umpire: Sheridan.
Bnorer In the ninth gave Columbus three
rune and the same rhvle. Orant end
Werdsn worked a fast double plsy In the
ninth. In the locals' half of ths ninth
Wllmot made a three-bagger, but wai left
at third. Attendance, 700. Bcore:
I I I I I Lraca, ef.... 1 a 1 1 a
lilllr. If..
4 Phyla, lb
ened to carry him to the open sea when
the attempt wss aoanaonea.
Hart, ef
Vini. tb
Mrrarlaa. rt,
O Hasan, lb.
Tarnar, lb...
Knoll, If
Wifnir, aa...
ruiiar. a
Tkooaa, p. . .
4 4 IS. 1
1 II t
1 !'! :
WilmM. rf...
w.raaa. lb. .
Brara. e
Claims, aa...
1 (rant, tb....
I Jadgea at Gransl Clrcalt It aces at Ca-
laaabaa I'neartk a Job ta
Bwladlc Bettors.
Aa the result of yesterday svenlns'a ena-
teste the title of city tennla champion ot L COLUMBUS, p.. Aug. l.-The Judges at
Omaha for the coming year rests between )oo f th. itBk. for tr pcrs and
Tl Va...aa 9I Wt 4fiiaJ..t. J V3M W Iffll I I t . . . . M a a.
...;"4uii i""il Tauia .1 "i ri M 1 aad C. O. Sherwood, these four having won tor 'J', ,5oT
Sii- i J , J tit fiPtW. ties. Today, at I o'clock, ou". ru.HyV"' '
J"- "" VJ ' v thT wUI P,r off ,B th aeml-finala as fol- Stusrt, and the hor, Elderone, being sus-
af Yeaager Playara Earas Hla
Right ta Meet Vetera Cea
Yoaagt la Seaal.Ftaale
this Atteraeea.
1 1 I 1 s
I 1 I I I
t t I I I
114 11
; C. H. Young, R. K. Sunderland, F. J. Hill I by prompt action saved Innocent specala-
Totaia ...
. a-arneo runs: Loiumous, 1 nree-rase . .. v D,.. ...... . . . MnrleH for one vear.
hit: Wllmot. Wild pitch: Thomas. Klrat I .B-.u UUmU. a,au " 1,1 1 tk. a n .... th. r.iM of a eood
bsse on blls: Off Thomas, 1; off Bporsr, 4. I against Sherwood. At ( the winners In I ...a There were six starters, but Oreen-
"'J i,fn, ball: Fhyie. viok. BtrucB I tnela two matches will meet In ths final. line and Elderone were conceded to have
out. uy 1 iinmii, 1: vt oiwirr, a. urn vn i ,.. . . . , I th. ran. Satwa.n tham Oraanllna won
bases: Minneapolis. 4; Columbus, 7. Doulle ierr,.y wa. . D, aurpnses ana 01s- -y " v. - .-mu.: .low time
disv: Phvle to Orant to Warden. Stolen I acpolntmenta. Caldwell had developed a 1 ... ...u .i.i.,t. .. n.htnin. rt
ft01"11 Jh,e' non 'A- "or,.nct savsra cold and could got meet Sherwood. The second best wss a race In Itself and
&rm0t'Kn0k T'm,Sl: UmP,r,! who was coni.ou.ntly allowed a :.,kov.r g- w ag K.derone.who abeau.l
taadlaaj at the Teasas. Into ths aeml-finala. Thla robbed the even- four seconds. The orlglnsl betting had
Flared. Won. Loatr P.C. I D' Of one Of the most Interesting of the been Oreenllne 1100 and the field (30. isidr-
tour eontesta scheduled and takes out of re , z Jlaa. Jihii,
ti . . . . the desired effect on the odds, which Here
! the tournament one of too two or three) who switched to $30 on Oreenllne and BM cn
Vii had been picked aa winners. v the Meld. The third heat went to Oreenllne
'At . .v ., ,. In S.iou Stuart makina- no effort with
Til I ""r uiasppuiuiiueui waa n. Martin s .v.. v,,. . nr
!2 1 and agalnat F. J. HU1. Hill la In a higher the fourth heat ths ludaes ordered Htuart
.too I o'ass than Martin and there was never any out of the aulky and put Valentine, a
local trainer ana unrr, up utmuiu
LouUvllle ....
Indianapolis .,
St. Paul.
Kansas City.
Milwaukee ..
Columbus ....
Minneapolis .
Toledo ........
On men today:
I'.'.'.". M
Louisville at Kansaa City, reason ta expect that the latter could get
one. Elderone took the fourth heat In
Indlanapolla at Milwaukee, Toledo at Bt. the victory. But hla record In the touraa t:0u. outpacing Oreenllne In the stretch
- a ail 4 nlttrTh nligl ab e u I ti n ab A 1111 Tl SI. I . 1 f . . . l i-
All tka Play era ta Oaaei Beattk, hat
Gealas, Wka Has Spralaedl
Manager Rourke and hla coming cham
pions reached home yesterday evening
Detroit Skata Oat Waahlagtea.
DETROIT. Aug. 1. Washington waa shut
tut today In a game that was too one-
Tataia ... i i tf s 4 1 el rlert to M Interesting. Townsena was In-
.00001001 ft 1 1 effective and also very generous with hla
XwlOOOBl 04 I rl,wc"' Aiwiimirei, a.vii. dtoiv
Totala ... 4 I IT 11 t
K.w York
St. Louis ,
r . j. . v . .. a t ... . I DBTROfT.
V. . . v v - i . a. t I .1 R.H.O.A.B
a-t vii viivii. A.rrvw iiirii, I, dv. uuuin, yijj If .. I I I II
a. irav uii uaua; yjii i.urno, i. cirui'n I a;ih.rfal4 aa. a 1 a 1 1
uy Mcuinnlty, t; by currle, 4. Three- caaay. b.... i 1 4 t e
baa hit: McOann. Two-base hits: Smith,
Bmooi, jurodle. Bacrttlce hit: MCQlnnlty.
Stolen bases: Nichols, Barclay, Farreil,
Donovan, Brodle. Wild pitch: Currle.
Umpire: Emails. Time: 1:60.
Jaaee. If I 1 I 1 e
MeOraw. aa.. 1 I 1 I 1
Mnoaan, lb.. I 1 I 1 0
Brodle, ef... I 4 4 4 4
Lauder, lb... 1 4 I 1 4
Imltb, lb. ... 1 I ' I 0
Braaa'k'a, rf. I 1 I S I
Iaaa, rf-Ib.. It'll
Bowarman, a I 1 I I 0
I 0
Metnewe-B, pill
Ntchole. lb.. 1 I 11 0 1
Bmoot, cf ... 4 114 1
barelar, M . 4 I I 4 I
Donovao, rf. 4 1 4 4 4
Parrall, lb... 4 1 I 4 I
Kruser. aa... 4 4 I I I
Hinoaa lb. I 1 I I 1
Ryan, e..... 14 111
Paareon, p... J I I I I
Brathaar ... I I I I 4
Sarrett, ef... I 1 I I 4
olmea. rt... I 1 I I I
Back, lb I 4 I 1 4
Oleeeon, tb.. 1 I I I 4
MoOuIre, a.. I 1 4 1 4
Slayer, p.... 11114
Totala ... It 17 11 1
.'. R.H.O.A.B
Ryae. ef.
Darle. tb
Delah'ty. lb. I t I
Kelater. rl... t 1 t
Cougblln, lb. I 1 I
Lea, ll I s e
KIT. aa 114
Clarke, a t 1 I
Tawaaens, p. I I I
4 114 4
.... 4 1111
..!. .00006 110 0-5 tend, llm: 1M. Umpire: Connolly.
Cleveland Wins ' froaa Boaton.
CLEVELAND, Aug. I.-Clevelsnd won to
day from Boston by finding Young whsn
hits meant runs. Joaa wrenched his knee
Totals ...4 I IT 11 1- Totala ...t 1114 14 1
"Batted for Donovan In ninth.
New York .....
Bt. Louts '.
Earned runs: Bt. Louis, t. First on er
rors: New York, I; Bt. Louis, 1. First on
balls: Oft Mathewson, 1; off Pearson, i.
Struck out: By Mathewson, 2; by Pesrson,
1. Two-base hits: Bresnahan, Dunn, Nich
ols (2), Farreil. Bacrlflce hits: Dunn. i.
Stolen bases: McOann. 2. Passed ball:
Sowerman. Umpire: Eraslle. Time: 1:46.
. Chicago Beats Bostoa.
BOSTON, Aug. 1. Chicago batted Eason
out of the box In ths third Inning. After
that Boston tried a local player named
Ulurran In f he ' hiv. t whft AA .i.i ,.n
1 - . . v.v W " J 1 . . I 1.1D,, w... a
Keeping the vlsltora down to six additional Hickman, lb. I I
hits. Williams was a puisla to boston. I Pik, H l I
Aitenaance, i,ut. ecore:
R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B.
Totals ... S T 14 It I
Detroit 0 0 0 4 1 0 4 I -l
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Earned runs: Detroit, 0. Two-base hlta:
MoOuIre, Beck. Blever. Bacrlflce hit:
Holmes. 8tolen baaes: Eiberfeld. Coughlln.
First base on balls: Off Townsend, 12. Hit
with pitched ball: By Townsend, 1. First
base on errors: Detroit, 2; Washington. 1.
Left on bases: Detroit, 10; Wsshlngton, 0.
Struck .ut: By Elcver. t; by Townsend, 1
Double :lavs: Eiberfeld to Oleason to
lUck, Lt; to Dslshtrt;'. Vili P(t"h" T"wrv-
tlsia. If.,
Jaaaa. Tt...
Ckaaee, lb
Pobbe. at.,
Tinker, as,
Lewa, lb...
Kims, a...
arkaafar. lb. I
Williams, p.. 1
4 I
4 4
4 4
( ii rr. a a
Totals ... 1 11 IT 14 1 KUtndse
I Cooler, It.... 4
I Tenney. lb.. I
I Demont, tb.. t
I Carney, rf... t
1 Orem' ear. lb. 1
I Long, M 4
a Liu, el
4 Moran, e
I Eaaoe, p
I 4
I t
1 I
I t
4 4
t I
in the fifth Inning and retired In favor of
Bernhard. But for errora Boaton would
have been shut out.- The fielding of Lajols
snd Ferris wera features. Attendants,
2,816. Score:
R H.O.A.B I ' R.H.O.A.B.
Bay. ef l I 1 4 Deofberty. If I I I 1 I
a aiani. v a . e v
4 Freeman, ft I I 1 t
I Parent, aa..., 4 4 4 1 4
4lLaCb'ee. lb.. 4 1 14 I
llPerrle, tb.... 1 1 T 4 4
I'orlrar, a 4 114 4
Bernhard, p. 4 I I 1 4
bradley. lb..l
Lalole, tb... I
McCarthy. It. 4 1
CMicha'ar, aa. t 1
Bemls. s t 4
Joaa. p 4 1
t I
4 1
t 4
Yeans, p.
I I 14 14 1
Totals ... 1 11 IT IS 4
Cleveland M M 0 1 1 1 -l
Boston ooioosioei
Two-base hlta: Bradley. McCarthy, nick.
Three-base hit: iajole. sacrtnee hit: urad
ley. Double playa: Lalole to Bradley, Goch
nauer to Lalole to Hickman, Collins to
Ferris to LaCbance. Ferris to LaChance.
Totals ... l I n ii a I rirat baas on balls: Off Young. 1. Hit by
Chicago 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 0-rO pitched ball: Joss. Left on bases i Cleve-
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 land, 6; Boaton, b. Struck out: By Young,
Two-base hits: Lowe, Tinker, Carney. 6: by Joss, 1; by Bernhard, 1. Time: 1:40.
oioien Dase: . nance, uaaea on cans: on 1 umpire: u iaugnun.
Eason, 2; oft Williams. 2. Struck out:
uurran, oy Williams, Z. Time:
Umpire: Browne.
Evea Break at Philadelphia.
taaaUasi of tka Taaasa.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. l.-Clnclnnstl
and Philadelphia broke even on a double
header today. The locals WAIt t Vlas sUinnrtrl
came In the last Inning. Attendance, iiSS. Cleveland
R.H.O.A. B.I R.M.n.A a.
Kent. If 1 I 1 I 4 Tkomaa, ef .. 4 I I I I
wolY-t'a. lb. 4 4 14 4
narry. Tt 4 I I
Jennlnea, lb. 1 1 11 4 I
Jarklltacb. a. 4 1 4 I I
uoein. if 1114 4
Kras. aa 4 1 a 4
(-niltla, lb... I t 1 I 4 I at.
waeeiavj, p, e a a a
Berkley, lb.. I 4 IT 4 4
Crawfara, rl. I I I It
Bermour, af, 1 I 4 4 4
Plata, lb 11110
Corooran, aa. I 1 I I 4
Stamrdt, lb. I 1 I 4 4
Haha. p 4 14 14
Series, e.... 14 114
Plarsd. Won. LoiL P.C.
80 44 .M
tl 46 M .if
RS 44 2 .641
72 42 ' M .IM
M 40 44 .474
M 20 47 .462
Baltimore U J7 44 . 444
Detroit 7 24 . U .420
Oamea today: Washington at Detroit.
Baltimore at Chicago, Philadelphia at St
Loula, Boston at ciaveiana.
Bt. Louis ....
Washington .
moot had mada It appear as It ha ahould be In the fifth heat Elderone went to a break
,. ., ,, . . , . .h. In the first turn and could not be set to
able ta put up a fair sort of a fight and pacln. .g,ln- U() finished behind the flag
poaslbly carry off a let. Instead of thla hs with a bioken hopple, which showed it had
only took three games, and Barer preassd been cut nearly through before the heat
hard o. hi. oppoaenu Hill ...mod to h.v. 't aerouh'TnV.s'd ilt
won tn is fetch befort Martin bd b3frjn to tancaxl In th fourth, u ponded etuart and
ply for It. I Eiflerono ror on year ana nnw nunwn
with Trtfmtin. Valentin waa awarded
I eVat-kA aT .. J,.ln. TC" lat a.nm.. iha SB mfll PI t fit iSA
a , l . g) a, ..L.. taring m-m.- O.a.A.aa r1"' 1Ur ,M,JII 1 " ' " . 'i
aui l aaraj w "vuici aviMVI mm uuuuci - Am Uaan fpntn f ha hnrM I RnBTf OI in PUflO.
from the Rocky mountafna, whara th team land's rlctory OTr Potter. Surderland Is Elderone in tha -pacer who flnUhed second
Sine:.1 lfti: R.'.0 MOd '-''f t!DUK"d M M Der'o'!tt,.nS'h."gm.u:r.0tf
However. Papa, and in fact the entire would hava wondered if ha had been put out He n.,j worlds of speed todsy and should
family, feel that they are ready to do some In the first round of tha tournament. In. hava henten Oreenllne.
more tsli Dsn playing on tne home grounds , . . thi . . landed In tha aeml.nnal The 2:10 trot went to Wsuoun arier riven
snd will start In this afternoon with Del ,lea 01 " "B , 2 aemi-nnai hard haU The Kray B,ding was favorite
Molne. determined to capture tha series if and earned tha right to play Con Young for to 100 to $70. Bad breaks put him out of
possible. . g place la tha final. The aecret of "R. B. the first two heats, but he stayed long
thA ?ltZV..C0 S?-! Jwr,.E2!? wota Uea In hU activity. Aa aome- """"I n "IJ ll vin
who la suftsiing from a sprained ankle I one aaprossed It, ho scores while his op-1 Ke an Chase In straight heats. The fea
sustatned In one of the Colorado Springs I poosnt sleeps. He as all there all the time. I ture of the closing day of the meeting will
games. Frank will be out of the frame ,, . , imnoaalhle to ..t halt .,.1 be the attempt of Dan Patch, 2:083, to
7.. m-A r,.nK.hl. h. tm,n llnarin. ' Ball 10 lmDOIIlDIO tO get g ball pilt 1 ""..,,. .C. hla air. 3rM
' J " " rL " i . . " " . . , . f . ,. . . . . . i I Dni a.viTa, mo '"'U w. ..." '
l nomna win raae nis piece in crnier, in u.ih w huuuv Fuk"ua v wt wntii u n fatchen. summary:
spite of the continual hardship to the men De does not always return It to tha best ad- Trotting, 2:10 class, purse 11,600:
clthe'To'ar'alayrng' b-T t. th. Waubun . fc by Pilot
which will land them the pennint If aua- other fellow to loot th. rally. Potter's auc- fgSlt,) ... I i 1
talned. and there is every indication that 0ess agalnat Pollard on Thursday had mada Charley Mc, bikl g. (Ray- probably will b. th. '. fayorlto against Bund.rl.nd. bould ViZrXirZ
battery for this afternoon's game, which and no made a good ognt for bis reputation. I . 4 1 I
wm be caiiea at a:w. I But hs waa playing rather In 111 luck. He nr Rneilman b. tt. (Erwln) 14 6
va - k.t. .ti.. M v . . i . . i I T,..h V1 h m fMlllerl 6 2 4
lime. a.xas, a.iv, a..v, -
2.14, 1:10.
Ranelai- tSarnea at Boatk Oaaaba.
nnw. . n . Al..w 1 1 1 u v. uia ikvibi win
i net AnnQur rnrmin xnai otsii viuu win I ... ....
play the Butter and Eg team Bundev a nara ariTD ana naa to oorrow a weapoi
morning, August , at jettera grouna. i wnicn bo was aoi acquainiea witn. jvever-
Twenty-elghth and W streets. The game tM. Sundsrland won on hla merits, with
sixteen games out of tha twenty-eight.
Best Tea a is of tha Week.
t 4 1
1 1
6 8 t
3 2 4
4 dr
will be called at 0:46. Lineup:
and Eggs.
...T Sullivan
. Thompson
Armours, Position.
Davis Catcher
Wilkinson Pitcher
Burke First base
Cshill Second base...
Shanahaa Shortstop....
Welmer Third base....
Powers ieftfleld
Harris Centerfleld...
Uttley Rightfleld....,
i russeii ........ Buoaiiiuii
Monshan Substitute
Price Substitute
Hughes Substitute ,
Tha Lee-Olssa-Andreesen Hardware
company a baa ball team win meet the
Jetters at the grounds of tha latter. South
Omaha, or sunaay afternoon, August a.
Aa both of these teems are very strong
there Is no doubt but what thers will be a
good time, una lineup
The finest tennla of the week wai
when Young and Mclntyro met. Young
. Bchess took tha first aet by to I without gnat
. William
... Oolden
difficulty, but allowed Mctntyr. to get n three:
ahead of him In the second and for a Klondike, g.
Pacini. 2:20 class, purse 16.WTJ:
Oreenllne. b. g., by Outline, dani
Oreenback (Baunoersi i
Alderone, b. g. (Btuart-Valen-
tine) J
Tertlmen. b. h. (Hudson) 6
Cherry Lear. br. m. (Starr) 4
to. war. n h. ill a
Allle H., ch. m. (Farls) 6 fls
Time: l:06tt. 2KJ614, 1:10V. I '.
Trotting, 2:14 clsss, purse 11,200, two heats
1 I
8 4
4 a
while It lookd aa It tha score waa going Viw.ikVr '
g.. by Judge Hlnes, dam
. Canaman
.... McCue
Clarke ..
Dorcas .
Drlscoll .
Waller .
Tracy ...
Dunn ...
Rueff ...
asm. called at l:J0.
' 0.,a Betwae. .alora.
The Union Stockyards Juniors defeated
the Lee-Olass-Andreesen Juniors In an ex-
...First base
.Second base ,
...Third base
to bo "Bet-all." There wera aoma ex- nernaldb. blk. m. (French)
i 1 K..t 't. . I I ir.M.M.. rh m. (Kennev).
aet. When ha waa able to play forward. ""T.IlIr' .oiiTiZ?"!
Young's placing waa very deadly, except prinCa BeVma, b. h. (McHcnry).
whan tha net got In the way of nil I Mallborn, b. m. lirur...
amaahae but Mclntvre freauentlr sue. Pegasus, o. m. tn.etcniu,. ...... v
...... v.. Tims: 2:12V4. 2:1m
ceeaea m anviag aim oacs. m me osae n m two heats
Una and Ikaa til. ..Interla wai a .. . l.
'"1 " -..'-.: m three:
even one. many a. mug ana onuiani
resulted. Mclntyre'a lobs war wall
and Young waa eevarap times forced to
turn bla back' to -the' net and run after
tha ball and raturn It over hla bead. With
Cshill these playa, which always take tha fancy of
, Olbaon
t rally chaas. b. g.. by Kselsr. dam by Axteit
Judged (Hudson) J
..a William Tall. b. g, (Wilson)...... J
Oneonta. a. m. (Olney)..
Jim Fenton, tr. g. traiteraon j
The Moneymake?. b. h. (Wallace)
Msud Carllsls, b. m. (Murphy)
Regretful, o. m. (jud
Time: 2:14. 2:ll.
tha spectators, ha waa very successful
Ths driving on both sides waa fast and
accurate, Young aspaelally excelling with piiip MATINEE RACES TODAY
soma of his cross-court strokes, which rINt mwiim-u
are at times almost Impossible balls to TriCty Amatear Drlvlag Clak Will
return. It toox iweiv. games to aecias
Hold AJBOtkor Meeting
Tkla Afteraooa.
ths aet. and tha points aa wall aa tha
citing game by the score of 11 to 7. Meehan I ggmea were all vigorously contested, mak
wss wild and did not pitch hla usual game. ... h .... ,..,
A sr label tka m aai iMnlna Hut va Prl a ttmva m I iuk uw imvai w erv- - - a- -
things their own way. Qulnn allowed but longed than tha, acora of -,. 7- would The Trl-Clty Amateur Driving club holde
four hits. Score: I indicate. 7 matinee today on the old exhibition track
TaW B-ST V I I a tT1 eat an si tlf.frillPIri PI (1 PIDrBKUB SB i. I saia la,
..6 6 1 0 0 0-ii 6 4 Tha summary of tha day'a results is rour- 7t have been provided, all
..4 000IOT46 shown below: half-mile heata. best two in three, and one
exhibition to poie. ine traca .a
.h.n. .. alan are the horses. COQ
.( .i. i'.t,Mit ta halni shown by local
horaemen in ine nrat eveni, a nu
and pace. Blugen, the brown pacing gem
in. and Almont Junior, the bay trotttni
gelding, reepectlve winners of the amateur
racee at the June race meeting, will coma ...inar Tnnv W. a new pacer.
that has shown wonderful speed, and Nellie
Ash, the fast Boutn umini pumi
nh. .it.ri.r.tnili exhibition by Tom
Dennlaon s team will prooaDiy oe one oi
the fastest qusrters ever iroinu aj a jm.
I . MriB n win na mi mini utnui hi-
anee of the kind ever aeen In Omaha.
stnrknrdi g K 1 o o a a TBO summary oi ins aay s rcsuua is
L.-Q.-A. ..
'Andreesen. 2. Two-bsa. hit: Maxzle. Home I .! 'e.a '
run: Bohner. Passed balls: Kaplan. Mil- R. E. Sunderland beat A. Potter. 0-2, 4-1,
ler. Wild pltchea: By Qulnn, 1: by Mee
han, 2. Bases on balls: Off Qulnn. I; oft
Meehan. 4. Hit by pitched ball: Br Mee
han, 4. Struck' out: By Qulnn, 4; by Mee
han, 2; by Depue. 4. Left on bases; Stock
yards. 2; Lee-Olass-Andreesen, 1 Bat
teries: Btockyards, Qulnn and Miller; Lee-Olass-Andreesen,
Meehsn, Dupua and
Kapel. Time: 0:64. umpire: leo.
B T in II halt H Martin, s-0. S-2.
C.' L. Sherwood beat 8. S. Caldwell by de
Praapeets for tka Flaals.
It Is aafe to aay that everyone bow
expects Young and Hill to meet in tha
final, round. Sundsrland can hardly ex-
pact to have any cbaaca against Young,
I ll 14 it a
Cincinnati ...1 0000010000 11
Philadelphia .0 0000001100 0-4
carnea runs: cincinnstl, a; Philadelphia,
1 Two-baas hlta: Krug, Jacklltsch, Pelts.
Three-base hit: Beymour. Sacrifice hits:
Bergen, Krtig. Left on baaes: Cincinnati,
4; Philadelphia, 7. First base on balls: Oft
Hshn, 2: off Duggleby, 2. Hit by pitched
ball: Pelts. Struck out: By Hahn. 2: by
Duggleby. 1 Time: 2:10. Umpire: O Day.
B.H.O.A.C. R.H.O.A.B.
Tbomae, ef.. 1111 I Keller. If.... I I I I I
a e naraiey, lk , l
1 I Crawford, rf. 1
I 4 Sejrmeur, ef.. I
1 I Plata, lb 1
I I Coroorao. aa. I
Paal daggers Paemt Haghey
Wkllp Telcda rails ta
. Hit Fergrvaea.
BT. PAUL, Aug. t-Tha locaU bit Hughey
hard, while Toledo could da nothing with
Ferguson at critical points. ' Attendanoa,.
(U. score:
R.H.O.A.B. I - R H.O.A.B.
WalT't's, lb. I 1
Barry, rt.... I I
Jennlnia, lb. 1 I
Doom, e I 1
Wblta. It.... I I
reaslaaa, If. I I
Krus, aa. .... I I
CM Ma. Ik.... I
4 4 Sietnrdt, lb. 4
a e Haioaer, a... S
4 4 1
S 1 Tbellmas. p. 4
I I Fnillipa ... I
i ii a
nalee. Ik '. .. 1
hannoa, ef.. I
ijemier, n. .
Husflna. lb
Check. If...,
Keller, lb..
Pierce, a...,
Marcan. aa..
rersuaoa, p
111 Meaaey. rl. .. t I 1 I I
lit Puree, tb.... t I I 1 I
I 1 I 4 Tamer, lb... 4 I I I .4
4 4 1 iKI.know, 1,1 I j i I
4 1 4 0llks. ef 4 14 4 4
i I 1 Imllh. lb.... 4 1114
I t 4 Mori. t I I j I I
14 4 Gr.siue, a... Mill
MeCoalc Wlas Slaggtaa; Matck
ITCnnV TC.h Ana. Rnetat I ..4 .llh.K.h Ihuamnit la hletlnv tea halla
fT!nZ6;!5.T?.n Jt!? M"w!?.!?': about to a toaatorly manner, ha would P."" . JilS XSLZ
tl VfClirtnnVUB aSIUBJBJIIlK IlimVUfl, III IVIIIK I . . . . . . . - if ill asM v I W V 1 0B maim - P- all over, the field. Score by In- aurprlaa himself If ba outplayed Hill. The trla mllpi on th, Omaha half-ml e track
nlnga: I contest Between Hill and Young, however, close to 2:16. The entries are aafollowat
K-H-Si. -m h. . b... en. Neither of the two . ?'nl: ""i..-V" ZTZ?' w-""
" r - - i rpaeer). Kenoaii, a on 7 w iiibuci . i ivc,,
la playing aa accurate a game aa they j,Vllle Ash (pacer), Cosford, Almont Junior,
doubtlss. would If th aaaaoo had been Dudley.
better adapted tor regular practice, out Ma' pay ' uCawt. George R, Rose, Black
Hill la a naro man to pais, aaa wa ua Kate. Huston.
U wall onto hla atroka ha can put In Third event, pace: 0wff'JawI5J'
aoma tailing ah.ta. Young', vigors, play K1W.m.S,,''Pt'1' Straightaway,
1 aa vattatt irnnvi tA Omaha tiBthiialaata. vnnrth vtnt. mixed trot and taca; ZlrP,
iayt aag a
McCook ...... .0 4 6 4 0 1 0 0 1120 7
Mlnden 0 t 0 1 t 0 0-14 12 ll
Bsse hits: Oft Oslnes. 26: off Jones. 11.
Home runs: Oalnea. Bell. Cone. Leach (3i.
flatteries: hcl-doi, j ones ana ioans;
Mlnden, Oalnea and Moore. Umpire:
s e e.Huaoer,
I t 1 I I
Totala ... I 11 17 II I1 TsUls ... t I M II t
Bt. Paul. 10081100 6
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: St. Paul, 2.' Two-base hits:
Osier. . Pierce. Three-baae hits: Shannon,
Turner. Bacrlflce hlta: Shannon, Chech.
Pt.ra fttAl.n harm; Kallav. Chech. Farm.
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-4 son. Lumley, Hugglna Flmt baaa on baila:
OR Hughey, 1. BirucK out: sty jnerguson,
Bmlth, Klelnow. Double plays: Shannon
to Hugglns, Msrcan to Hugglna to K el ley.
Left on bases: Bt. Paul, t; Toledo, T. Tims:
1:33. Umpire: Flggemler. .
Kaaaaa City BOata Laalsvllle.
Touts ... I f n 14 I Totala ... I 11 17 11 t
Batted for Thlelman In tha ninth.
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Earned run: PhlladelDhla. Two-baaa
bit: Maloney. Sacrifice hits: White, Kel
ley, Seymour. Stolen baaes: Doom, Doug
laaa, Crawford. Left on baaea: Philadel
phia. 12: Cincinnati, . pouule plays: Barry
to Jennings, Pelts to Corocoran to Beck
ley. First base on balls: Off Fraaer, 2: off
lmeiman. a. nit ny pucnea Dan: nets
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 1 Ksnsas City won
ths nrst gams or me series oy timely Lit
Struck out: By Fraaer. 2: by Thlelman..
Wild pitches: By Frsser. 4: by Thlelman, tin. Louisville all but tied the score In
1. Time: l.0. Umpire: O Day. I th. eighth, and it waa anybody's gams
BtaaaJagt at the Teases.
Played. Won. Lost, P.C.
Pittsburg 81 el 20 .TM
Brooklyn 0 40 40 .661
Chicago W 4 40 .i3J
Boston 60 42 22
Cincinnati Kl W 46
Ft. Louis M tl 47
Philadelphia 7 14 61
New York 84 36 66
Games today: St. Louie at Boston, two
fames; Pittsburg at New York. Chicago at
'htiadelphla, Cincinnati at Brooklyn.
alata Take Trie, af Victorias.
ST. EDWARD. Neb.. Aug. l.-(8peclal
Telegram.) St. Edward won Ita third vic
tory from Fullerton this season on the
until the last Louisville batter went out In
tha ninth. Attendance, l.ouu. Boose;
t.U O.l.l f R H O.A B
Botbfuas. ll. I I M t'Kervla. rf... 4 14 4 1
.... I a s siBenaer. Ik.
Boll la.
U& I Oradjr. lb
4.11 I Maica. a(
Laawa, aa.
Oair. If...
Tteial. Ik.
Gioeoa. - p.
1 1
i SiBenaer.
1 I 1 I I
1 I Oenael. Ik... t I 11 1
I I rieunwr, HI 1 i
I I Oaaaoa, ef.. I 2 1 t I
lb... I 4 I 1
I Oj, tb..
2 I
t 4
Clrmer. aa... t 1 4 I
dpMa. a Sill
riaaartr, p.. I t I I
Totals ... I U 17 1 11 Totals ... 4 11 M II
Kansas City I 2001000
LouUvllle 0 20tt0020 l
Earned runs: Kansss City, 8; Louisville,
f Two-baae bits: Orady, McAndrewa
Thraa-hiaa hit: OSnnon. gacrlO.-a hlta
IT; . . 1)1. V . n. TTVinhL. nlava Clvm.r I.
home grounds today by a acora of 12 to s. I Honnar to Osnael, Uansefto Clymer. First
case on oaus: un: uiDson. i: on rianariy,
"Kins ef 3 Botttael gVaart.
Ea-asa4 tronb tVKerni8i ttoa
Order boas
H. Map ek Caaapaap
2 Hit by Ditched ball: By Olbaon. 1: by
Flaherty. 1. Struck out: By Gibson. 1; by
Flaherty, 2. Time: l:uu. -umpire: waanem
ladlaaapells Oatpiays Mllwaakee.
MILWAUKEE. Aua. 1. The Indian.
spoils teem eutplayed the Milwaukee team
today ana won out in tne mnin oy. ouncn
lng hlta. Attenaance. w. acora;
Hecrieear, ill 4 4 4 IDwiu. lb.. 1 111
Poa. Ik I 111 lA. MtB'a. el I 4 I
W aedruS. lb. 1 a l a l aaianaca, aa. i I i
K'tim, lb.... 1 111 4 4 Hallmaa, rf. 4 1 I
O-Briea. aa.. 4 14 1 llritoaiaaa. aa. I I I
C.ull.r. ef... I I t t 4 Ranala. lb... t I I
Kubaa. It.... 4 . 1 . 4IAIlreck. U.S S I
H.rdoa. a... I I I I e. a I 1 I
wuiiaaaa, s. I 1 t I SIMrMackla. pill
Klliott. p.... a t t t
Totals ... I I IT U I
I TeUla ... I I rl 11
Indlanapolla 0 6011100 1-
Muaaukee a eoswseio-
Earned runs: Indlanapolla, Si Milwaukee,
2 t
obey and hn thla be waa becked by the
slrbury tesm. Umpire O raves then oe
Isred the game forfeited to Superior. tn
The scors ud to thst time had been 0
Files Reply ta tha BUI tar Appelat.
meat at Reeelver ky
, Baltlaaara Clak.
BALTIMORE. Aur. 1 The anawer of
President Pan B. Johnson of the Amerlcsn
league to the bill for the appointment of a
receiver who wss docketed lest Monday bv
the Baltimore pens Han and Athletic com-
rany was filed In court today by Olln
iryan, attorney for Mr. Johnson.
The answer stales thst the lesse of the
grounds wss transferred to Mr. Johnson
on March 20, 1901, to hold In trust for the
benefit of the Americsn League of Clubs
and that when the complaining company
tailed to play the gamea scheduled for
uiy 17 last it mrreuea its irsncniae ana
11 rlsht to the property, under the con
stitution of the aasocletlo.
It further avers that tne players
lumned" to the New York Nationals with
out first obtaining ths consent of the presi
dent or of the essoclatlon. as required
under the constitution, tnereny making
noselble ths defsult of the game, which
occurred on July IT. Mr. Johnson em
phatically denies thst he colluded with
certain managere or tne compiainam cum
pany and alleges that the action of the
baae ball company waa aimed to wreck
the association if possible, and that this
action was aided and abetted by the ma
jority stockholders. He claims that he has
acted faithfully to protect those repre
sented by the trust Imposed upon him and
denies that the grounds constitute any
pert oi tne assets or tne complaining com
pany. The grounds, ho declsres, were
transferred to him for a valid and bona
flde consideration and be announces him
self ss perfectly willing to account to the
parties In whose behalf he Is acting.
Mr. jonneon cnarges. runner, inn me
majority stockholders or the compsny wil
fully and deliberately attempted to wreck
the association In the Intereata of the Na
tional league. He alao denies thst the
complainants havs any atandlng whatever
In a court or equity ana ssys mat tne
ale-nature attached to the bill of com
plaint was not authorised by the company
through Its board of directors. Th. court
Is then aaked to dismiss the bill.
CINCINNATI, Aug. l. Betore leaving
for t'hlcaio tonleht President Ban John-
Son and August Herrmann held a lengthy
conference. Herrmann la at the head of a
local syndicate which has been negotiating
with president Hrusn ror tne sale or me
Cincinnati National league club, and It la
now probable that In the event of Herr
mann a failure to secure the National
League club he will be Interested In the
Amerlcsn League club, which, according
to President Johnson, will invade this city
next season, .....
-. T jporPe Players ta Ckaage.
r. T tt X' tt r i vn & . . Cl...l Th. f
VliEiT E.UA1.1. .u, A. i. 1 1 . , .villi ..
Roaers of ths Philadelphia, National ieague
base ball club today filed action In the
common picas court to compel rxapoieon
Ljijole, Elmer Flick and w. it. nernn&ra,
members of the Cleveland base ball club,
to ault Cleveland and return to Philadel
phia to play ball. The plaintiffs ask for
an injunction to prevent tne piayers te
malnlnr In Clevelsnd and a decree of court
oompelllng them to llva up to tne contract
Philadelphia claims to have with them.
The hearing for a preliminary Injunction
was set for August 4. A similar suit filed
In the court here some time since was dis
missed, the court holding thst tha players
were not residents of Ohio. Colonel Rogers
then decided to bring an action In the
common pleas court.
Plllsbary Divides Honors.
HANOVER. Aur. 1 Tho tenth regular
round of the International chess masters'
tournement was begun this morning in the
following order: Maeon against Poplel,
Levin against Mleses. Conn against ouanu.
OotschaTl against Marshall. Tschla-orin
Jalnst Wolf, Plllsbury against Ounsberg,
anowskl against Atklna, Bardleben agalnat
iNapier ana ewraersKi against rjuecnting.
From the very start play waa cautiously
conducted on all the boards and when an
sojournment was taaen at i acioca inn
sfternoon only two gamea had been fin
ished. These ended in draws, while the
other contests were left In equal positions,
to be resumed at 2 p. m. Levin and Mleses
drew their gsme and Plllsbury and Ouns
berg alao divided honors.
' Fart- Dodge Playara lajared.
FORT DODGE. Is.. Am. 1 fftneclil
Telegram.) Fort Dodge defeated Waseca
too ay ay -a score ot ta i. The victory
wss laraely dus to the work of Mllllknn
who pltchsd for Fort Dodge, allowing enly
rour nits, inira Baseman Msnoney et
Fort Dodge broke hla leg during the cams.
and Dennen, the left fielder. Injured Ills
Knee, jonea ana usrr, two new men, each
made a home run. Batteries: Fort Dodge,
Miiliken snd Whlttomore; Waseca. Hol'and
and Osdlck.
. Entries tor Great Regatta.
NEW YORK. Aur. 1. The entries and
order of events of the thirtieth annual re
gatta or tne National Association of Oara
men on Lake Qulnalmond, Worceater.
Mass., August 8 and 0 next, were made
public today by Secretary R. Fortmeyer.
It's jf
It'a wonderful what a
difference there la In th. tasts cf
different beera and their general
right In flavor, age and weight,
beer you always get the best Just
after effect. In Oold Top bottled
and tha after effects are always
good. Order a trial caas.
Jetter Brewing Co.,
South Omsha. Neb., Phone 8.
Omaha office. Phone lMa.
LKH M li 'HKI.L,
Wholeanle Dealer.
1018 Main. Council Bluffs.
Phone 80.
becomes languid. Irritable and 4l.
spondent, through loss of nerve vigor.
Life seems a mockery. The courage,
force, vigor and action which charse
terixt full-blooded men, are lacking.
have kindled the light of hope In many
a tnaa'4 face. They bring vigor to tb.
weak and ambition to the derpondent.
They permanently check ths weak
ening drains, feed the nerves, enrich
the blood snd make men over gener
ally. 81 00 per box; t boxes 85 00. With a
15 00 order we laaue a written guaran
tee to refund the worn y if iio cure bo
t fleeted, nook free.
For eel by Kuka m Co., Omaha.
DUlcn'B Drug Store. South Omaha.
Davla Drug Co.. Council Bluffs, la.
85.00 A nOHTEI
Beta yet been discovered.
of MEN.
19 yean la Omaha.
cured by tha QUICK.
EST, aaXeat and most
method thst
Moon every sign and symptom dlssppesrs
completely and forever. No "BREAXINQ
OUT" of the dlseaae on tb. skin or face.
A oura that la guaranteed to ba permanent
VARICOCELE without cutting, paln't
no dstentlon from work; permanent ours)
WBAIC MBR from Excesses or Vlrtlma
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Wast,
lng Weakness with Early Decay In Young
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and
strength, with organs Impaired and weak. . -
g Tit I CTL' PUB cured with a new Horn.
Treatment. No pain, no detention fronj ,
business. Kidney and Bladder Troublea.
Cetasaltattea Treatnaeat bp Mall.
CHAHOKa LOW. 11 S. 14tk tt.
Cr. Sssrles & Searlss, Qaaiia, Neb.
yBBav 7
" 'VaeleatIZ?' wL
EB eat ft. autitefe.
V Big A fornnnatntsi
Irritation or vlooritlonl
a a stemDranaa.
Of Bltll
Pal alao.,
lun.-' Palslaaa. and not aaUaBi
ttalOHtailiiVj, gent or potaoaotis.
sTrswgttM, '
S WaB9
Xae seat la plus
Bailkl ssaiaa
. Lyoae Laid U at Hoaae,
LYONS. Nsb Aug l.-(Speclal Tele- Md u r,mgtn. ts ba Been which ot tha Gall. Tw.rley Mall. Wjrmen
z.r. . i.a .ft. . . v. , r rr. rr"i.i,. miu rmtura tha troohr. i x ,-f..x. ; .vhiwitinn
was ytmjwvi m tit. uimn vau I . law ' ... - - - - - I riilll w t r,i vy,.. - '
afternoon, tha Bancroft Reda aaalnst thai An effort la being mada to arrange a to Dole: Lucky Jim (br. g.) and Durada
Lyons Grays. Ths vlnltors cam. off vlo- i,t .raieimt In doubles to follow lm- I (br. m ), Dennlaon. ....
tors by tbs following .core: lo' tournament IB oon Admission to grounds and grandstand la
. . r.h. msdlstdly after tha singles tournament. fr. Bacea will be called at 1 p. m.
ft i I tt ta thought that a lUtle team practice
k"wV""BV TMioV'T" b;; Tn. g' ",0 who wlU 1 rtu CINCINNATI ASKS TO GET IN
U?UtJ!r3ZiyllmRT!ki a"tthl for fba credit af maha
Tarrnal and Harvey. Time: 1:20. la tha lntsrstats tournament on thO llth. Amerleaa Leagae Prealdeat-Reeelves
Umpires Jbaradg.
Beaedteta Agcalaat Baekelors.
Farasal Applleatloa tor
For some time past th. married! clerks
employed at tha Cudahy Packlnc com.
rany, South Omaha, have been praising
hemselves on their ability to play base
bell. The single men becoming dlsgustsd
with this seemingly unnnecessary egotism
cnaiiengsa tne lormer to combat. Score
Bachelors ...........2 2 2 7 0 0 0 0 01
tieneaicts I o o 1 0
Batteries: Bachelors. Moran and Hamll.
ton; tenedlcta, crelgh and Wllklns. Lm
plre: Beach.
Croat Desaand far Datea, SeacvtyeTwa
Havlagr Already Beea
Western Laagae.
CINCINNATI. Aug. l.-John E. Bruce
attorney for the American Base Ban
league, and President Ban Johnson of thst
M,m nma m. numoer ui cuuiviiiimi iivi.
todsy. As a result of thsse conferences it
i . . V. . . th. Int.rlcn I . . .ii. re.
T-.1VTV1M n A..e. tAll details foe tha ".""V'l u-. .lXU" e. . 'er.hia.
A A a ft 1 1 v ' ' - I Ct31 VfU IUI I II all aXlJit-as, v.v.a ws
.-ai .t'leomWt tour f tha aU-A-nsrlcan bowlloff in Cincinnati for nest yar. Th namaa of
Ba T n H Si nn 1 1 I w I t . - A h.Im aaaiA Vt at s Lr ax i ba aaat nua IA aa ab
trio to tha Paclflo coaat, except tha ar
ranging of the achadula. are bow complete
Sam Ka
Bowling congress
duet tha tour, returned today from an ex
tensive trip east. Ha Is pleaaed with tha
the men who sre back of the move to se
cure a franchlss for the lesgue are sup
pressed at thla time, In view of the fact
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Kansas Cltv
game poatponed; Kansaa City team missed
train ronnectlon. t
At Peoria Peorla-Bt. JoaeDh same noat. I f.rm ahnwn hv rentals Balhieh at Haiti
ponea. wet grounos. . . . Voorhsli at New York
rp. secretary ot tha American that the application will not be acted upon
..Vaaaa .h. aill n.r.i.n.11. ... until the fa meeting of the league. The
ingress, who Will personally eon- ,ppii.a,0I1 w, mada seversl weeks ago.
th. men maklns It being said to be prom
Inent financial men of this city who ars In-
Joaeph at Peoria, Kansas City at Milwau
kee, usnver at Colorado Bprings.
Sibley Beat, the Breed ea.
SIBLEY, la.. Aug. L (Special Telegram.)
All tha playera bava been ordered to r.-
port bera October 1 for jk tew days' prac
tice. Tha first gema will ba played In
Chicago October 6. . After a three days'
toaay between winaont (Minn.) aad Sib-1 tna nortnera circuit, mars nas oeen a
L,LU.?cor lnnln!:A ....... . large demand for datea. So far eeventy-
Wlndom'V.V.V.'.V.";.';;i O 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 tw0 Plarn oatsa bavg been arranged. No
Batteries: Sibley, Jarrett and Marshall: gamea will Da oooxeq ansr August la.
Windom. Jsnnes. and Brown.
Daadee Jaalers Wta.
In a game yesterday at Forty-etghlh
and Dodge streets, the Dundee Juniors
defeated tne Avondale ball team. 2 te 1.
Anderaon. who pitched for Dundee, struck
out twelve men aad allowed but two hlta.
Harte caught him, and the battery for
evvonaaie was jonnsou ana ataiquist.
At Little Rock-Nashville. 2; Little Rock.
Helbela Vaahle ta Svrtsa Aeraas Daver
Ckaaael, bat Covere Mara
Tkaa tka Dlstsaee.
DOVER, Aug. l.-Holbeln, who stsrted
t.reated in the sport. Attorney Bruca
statsd that In his opinion there would ba
n Amerlcsn League ciuo in uincinnati
next summer.
President jonnson sain: - ins applies-
waa mart, about three weeks a so. I
cannot make public tha namea behind the
move, but they are among tha leading
businessmen and bsse bsil enthusiasts In
Cincinnati. Ths Cincinnati application will
h. acted unon at tha fall meetlna of tha
American learue. which will be held early
this year, probably early In October. Oood
grounds ran ds secured ana tne men do.
hind It csa secure all tbs backing neces
Will Sheet far Silver Cap.
SIOUX FALLS. B. D . Aur. L (Special)
Marksmen In this city and vicinity ars
taking great Interest In a shooting tourna
nent to commence here next Tuesday and
continue each Tuesday and Friday for a
period of two weeks. A large number of
entries sre being made. There will be four
events of twenty-five birds ssch. The wln-
st o clock laet' night from Cape Orts-Nes. "l h3 ?n.t'7!l.ili?T
9 ranee, to swim across tne English chsn- I .."fL V..t ZZZ, VJ ir-.A n.hh.rT .k.
net to rwiiur nhii.. .r,.r . ni, I club last year by Fred Oebhsrdt, the
I ....... ... .. ...... ti. .' i I lamoua new iorn ciuuman. wno suent
At Shrcveport-Shreveport, 6: Atlants. 8. abandon the stt months In Sioux Falls for the pur-
At New Orleane-New Orleana. 1: Birm- ;T . ?" . n - 1- ll ?.u.n.,.,v."r'.?.l5 Pose of aecurlng a divorce.
In.h.m A i.mii.uii.. ii, w mm auuarq urniij l.nUftTO -
i nere. Holbein waa-in the witer about four.
u.mnni, - rnttt...... i . . -
" - teen nours
At Memphis
game postponsd; rain.
Falrbary Farfrlta ta Saperler.
Tkree-I Leagae.
At Evensville Rock ford. 8: Evensvtlls. I
At Terre Haute Terra Haute, 16; Daven
port. 6.
At Bloomlngton Rock Island, 8; Bloom
Inston. 6.
At Decatur Decatur, i; Cedar Rsplds, t
Although Holbein failed In bla attempt
to croaa th. channel, he covered much more
man tne distance from coaat to coast. .At
l:aO this morning hs hsd covered thirty
mues. sithougn then be was only tight
miles off the French cosst.
It hsd been expected that Holbein would
reacn Varna buoy, six aad a half miles
SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) Tha
base ball game yesterday afternoon ended
In a dispute and Falrbury forfeited the
same. In the first hslf of the sixth In
ning Rsdmond of Fslrbury was struck by a
pitched ball. He went to first bsse, but
Umpire Graves declsred that hs had mada
no effort to avoid the ball and ordered him
oft Dover, en tbs western tlds, but as he to resume batting. Redmond refused to
If You Want the Best
la looking at otDeaa IB different bulldlags, tha graataat pralae tha owner or
r.ntal agant can glva aa office ta to say that It la "aa good aa an offlca la The Pea
Building." It may ba In aoma raspseta, but It can not ba In .vary respect
Tha Bea Bunding g one ot the only two absolutely fireproof office buildings la
Omaha, Tha Bse Bulldiag fa the only building having all ntgbt and all day Sunday
elevator service- Tha Baa Building furnish aa alectrlo light and water without ad
dltlonal coat, Tha Bea Building la kept alean, not aoma of .tha lima, but all ot tba
time. ' u ' V.
Kaap then points Is mind whsa looking for an office, and you will take' ana at
thos. listed pelow, if you are wise.
. x ' ', List of vacant rooms in ,
The Bee Buildiri;
Ground Floor.
Per Month.
BOOM Hi 18x48 feet. Pacea Beventeenth street and has windows along the
alley. Thla la a large, light room, and the rental price Includes heat,
light, water and Janitor aervloe. It has an entrsno. both on Th. Bee
Building Court and Seventeenth street ....Price t&S.Ot
CITB toil Thar, la bo finer office suits in Omaha than this one. It Is locatsd
Just on ths right hand of tha great marble atalrway, and haa unusually
large wlndowa looking upon the front entrance way of the building. It
fronts on Fsrnsm street. One room la 17x1V and ths other 8x19. It has a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel- piece, hardwood floors, and will bs '
frescoed to suit tenant Price 176.00
ROOM 104 This room la Just at tha head of the mala atalrway on the first floor.
It would be a very desirable office for some real estato man or con
tractor. Tba floor apaca la 16x16 feet ......Price 8MM
- - Third Floor. ,
ROOM SOS: This room la 81x8 fast and la yery conveniently located near "the
elevator. A algn on the door can ba readily aeen In stepping off ths ele
vator Price 116.00
ROOM sua: This room la 17x22 feet and will be divided to suit ths tenant.
This room Is particularly adaptad for aoma concern needing large IVuor
spscs snd Is a decidedly handsome office, having an entrance factog the
. court and windows looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very .
Urge burglar-proof vault, hard wood floors and Is one of the choicest offi
ces in th. building Fries 230.01
Fourth Floor.
M.OOM 401: 15x12 feet. Thla room la next to the elevator and faces court. It .
has a large burglar-proof vault aad la well ventilated. Has good light,
and for th. price furnishes flrst-cla 6s accommodations Pries 817.6
Fifth Floor.
St'ITB Bid: This la a very large room, 17xtl feet It' faeea west, but Is very
light and well ventilated. It Is very seldom that soace of thla slse Is of- ,
fered In Th. Bss Building. It eould be used to advantage by aoma firm
employing a large number ot clerks, or requiring large floor space a
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer a agent, who would like to be in a
fireproof building, or It will be divided to auit the tenant. Price liO.Ot
ROOM BB1 : Thla room faces ths court and la 18x14 feet. It hsu a burglar-proof
vault, and as It Is sear tbs telegraph office and on the sams floor with a
number ot grain Arms, it would be a particular good room for a grain
firm desiring first-class accommodation Pries lM.Pt
Sixth Floor.
SUITE SIO: Thla consist, of two rooms, both lSxllV Each of them has a .
Urge burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
- where any buaineas or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
th. two 835.06
R. C. PETERS & CO.. ' Ground Floor,
Rental Agents.
Bee Buildinr