Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
UiE OMAHA DAILY BEEi SATtTllUAY, AtJOTJST 2, 10027 NEW POSITION IN TOE SHOPS Union Tacifio Implajs Oharlei Hmpla Qtaer&l Boiler Insptctor. HAS NO CONNECTION WITH STRIKE w Man Will Hpt (bars of All Inspection and Be Amenable Directly ".nperlatendent. MeKeen. Tbe t'nlon raclflo hat created a sew of fice In connection' with Ita mot! power department, that of general boiler Inspec tor and haa employed Charlei Hemple of Havelock to All the place. Mr. Hemple. who eomee from the Burlington ahopa at Havelock, will have aupervlsion of tha Inspection of bollera over tha entire y tem and will ba reaponalble dlreotly to Superintendent of Motive Power MeKeen. He alao will have charge of tha Initallatlon , of bollera In the new ahopa. ; Superintendent McKeen announcea that j tha creation of thla position or the em j ployment of Mr. Hemple baa no relation whatever to the present atrlke, that tha I movement waa under .war before tha atrlke came about and would have been carried out had there been no trouble with the ahopmen. . . i ''. Aa haa already been published Mr. Hem ple haa been In consultation with Super intendent MeKeen during the pending trlka and an effort waa made by the atrikera to connect the matter with the disarranged affairs at tha ahopa. Their theory waa that Hemple waa to ba hired aa foreman at the Omaha boiler ahopa to upersede the present Incumbent. Clair, but thla theory haa been exploded by tha action of the company and Ita empbatio denial that tha atrlke had anything at all to do with the Innovation. Tha arrest of Fred Angell, chief guard at tha Union Paclflo ahopa,. haa created considerable Intereat among atrlke elrclee. Mr. Angell waa locked up on tha charge of being a suspicious character by Officer MrMU. who raarrea that be waa display ing a policemana alar. Tha arrest oc curred at Eleventh and Farnam streets and eeverel atrikera appeared aa com plaining wltnessea. Mara New Mea. Tha Union Pacific brought Into tha city yesterday thirty-four more nonunion man for ita ahopa ' from the east - and mid dle west. Ten of the recruits failed to land on the Inside of tha yards, however, leaving Just two doxen to take tha plaeea of atrikera. ' . Fifteen of .the men were employed In Detroit. Ave In Philadelphia and the re mainder In Milwaukee and Chicago. Thar were mobilised In Chicago and brought to Omaha' on the Northwestern line. .The original, contingent numbered thirty-eight, , but four of the men were discharged at : Clinton, la., by tha company'a agent hav ing them In charge, who discovered that the quartet Intended to jump tha contracta aa aoon aa they reached Omaha. 1 Naples count for little with many of tha ' man who are drifting Into tha city and i shops iurwuBu tuoM chssscl: ef !5r' i tlon. It la doubtful If more than a third of i the men give their real names. Tha reaaon )tor this la explained Incidentally. In thla statement, made by one of the Insurgents iwho "blew" In with yesterday morning's 'batch: "I don't tlnk der'll be able to keep any of die bunch what dla blew In, 'causa desa guys ain't looking fur no labor, so der t$'t. I know dat all right, all right I'm one of 'em, me. Am I put on a hunt fur , eometlng fur dene phurlangeae to doT Well, ;I gueaa nit. 't I "I'll stake you to dla , fac, ma frleni We'ae out for a time and a trip west and we t'ot dla waa de best war to gtt bote. ; Soma of our gang'U rubber aroun dem dere ahopa fur a few days and den dey'U glva Tiat outfit the merry ha-ha and move on furder west. Dat'a da game dla push la workinV Saya All Will Desert. One of tha new arrivals whose vernacular waa on a aomewllat higher level than the gentleman quoted, aald ha hired aa a ma chinist, but aa a matter of faot waa a brass ' mo'.der. Ha waa among tha deserters and admitted that he, too, waa out to work the Union Pacific for a trip west. He corro borated the prediction of tha former man that tha "whole push" would desert. Ha gave his name aa James Carroll, but with Shakespeare ha tersely Inquires, . "What's In a name?" The machinists, boiler , makers and tbelr helpers were receiving their regular benefits at Labor temple yesterday. THREE STRIKERS DISCHARGED JadsT Berka, Dismisses Possett, Bcolea and 5obles and Flaea Hlche llea FIt Dollars. The argumenta . of the attorneys I In tha . ease of M. J. O'Kane. tha nonunion Union Pacific employe, against Richelieu, Scolea, Noblea and Possett, the Union Paclflo atrik era, charging them with assault, occupied tha attention of Police Judge Berka most of the morning.' As a result of the trial Judge Berka discharged Possett, Scolea and aell ber health for and abe would tell diamonds in the world Yould not bur it. What use for diamond rings to l . ! . 1 1 I--, rmpmiwc iae suruuaen fingers, or earring to light 'up tbe cheeks hollowed by i disease f Health la the first requisite io womanly happiness. General ,'ui-neaiiu in women baa tta on frin in local womanly disease. Cure the diaeaaea of the delicate womanly organism and the gen eral health U perfoctlr restored. Tbe remarkable benefits ex. Mrienccd from tbe uae of Dr. lierca'e Favorite Preacriptioo re due to this medicine' per fect cures of womanly diaeaaea. It eatabliabee regularity, dries weakening drains, beala inAam matioo and ulceration and cure female weakneaa. It efibrd. m great p!eatre to be able la sty a htw word ia regard to the ami ol Dr. Fierce'. Favorite fnaenptio sad his 'Ouldea airdicai Unrr, writes Mrs. Flora 4ra, of iMiliaa, Jackson Co., Mo, "I was tcKpitd to try these aaediciaes after seeing the eBect apua my auxnar. At aa early stag of married life I waa greatly hwtbarea with painful teri oda, also a troableaome draia which Tendered aa very weak and uaAt for work of any kind. I became so lata there was nothing left at but skta and boa. My husband tweame alarmed and But a botU of ' Fa vorite Prtscriilma.' After he aaw th wonderful eflVcta of that oaa n got n two mure, and after I used those up ther was aa bhm paia, aad 1 be gaa to gain ia Aeaa very isptdiy. Favorite Prescription " make weak women strong, sick women well. Acccept no aabstiute for tha mklirinc which works won- Ask a J XSSwhat abe would nE-EnGAGEHEUT OF j Hls?0 b toIoratcd "V This great troupe of artistic acrobatu recently performed before an audience of over 60,000 persons at the Bristol County Fair at Taunton, Maes. They have been giving two perform ances each day the past week at Courtland Beach and every person who has been so fortunate to see them, has pronounced it the finest, neatest, most artistic open air performance ever seen. Nothing too great can be said in praise of this greatest" of great shows. TODAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK fflRftW AT 0) Ira The greatest list of BALLOON ASCENSIONS and Parachute Jump ONLY ONE FARE BATHIIiQ Th fttiHt hathin-r In the west. The only bathing aulta. for young AflTCCI AM VflCI I 1111 I bUinit Iff hhfa For Information regarding dates for picnics Nobles and Cned Richelieu $5 and costs. Tha Una was paid. In delivering his de cision Judge Berka took occaalon to com pliment tha strikers en tha orderly manner In which they wera conducting the strike and aald that he did not believe there waa a1 conspiracy on foot to' assault O'Kane. Ha fined Richelieu because It waa shown that ha had followed O'Kane, with an Iron bar, In a threatening manner. TWENTY-SECOND IN THE LEAD Mea frvaa Fort Crook Make Beat Scores at Learea worth Rifle Raogre. ' Tk- m flrlnv of tha nmllF In. fantry competition of tha Department of tha Missouri wsa held at tha Fort Leaven worth rifle range Friday. The competition waa at rectangular targeta, forty ahota being fired by each competitor tha high est possible acora being 200. From tha mea holding tha Highest acora In the cnmnetltlon. which closes Tuesday. ten will be selected to represent the de partment at tha army competition to ba held at Fort Sheridan thla month. Today tha contest will ba at skirmtsn nnng. Ia tha contest yesterday tha men from the Twenty-eeeond regiment had rather R.ti nf It tha hla-h man. Beraeant Archie Deuberry being a member of Com pany B. Tha second place weni to ne Vnrlnur battalion, the third to the Twenty-aecond, which secured four mea ao tar qualified for piacea on tne team with three to the englneere and two to the Sixth regiment, with one tied, be tween tha Sixth ana Twenty-secona. ser geant Way, distinguished marksman, did not shoot. In the following- table, giving rana, toma init score, the men represent com- Denies In alphabetical order. Following la the acora: SIXTH INFANTRY. Sergeant Hallman.lW Sergeant Duggen.. Private PunwHdle 94 Sergeant Celkers..l61 Sergent Chambers Sergeant Kgan 81 hprir.. n Burner., to on mt-ii Private Pendleton Sergeant Poubiin..ll9 Bergeant Moore.... iuu corpora,! niu,....i TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. . K. td I ' . . r- nwtl I 17 Corporal Foster.. ..1 Corporal ZavodskylOg & rgeani jrf,K..-.avi'jrriami.o ENOINEB BATTALION. , eergeanr. lmwiw.-1" I r 1 . , Corporal Garvey...l478ergent Kennedy.Ul ADseni. AVERAGE FOR REGIMENTS. Twenty-aecond J'- ixtn r fcnglneera SUBWAY FOR ELECTRIC WIRES Comaaay Ceta Per- ' salt to Of Itreote to Balld Ita CoadoMa. At- the meeting of tha Board of Publto Works Friday afternoon permission waa granted to the New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electrlo Light company te use auch portion of Jones street, from Fourth to Ninth street, of .Ninth street from Jones street to Capitol avenue and Of Seventh atreat from Jones to Paclflo street as may be necessary for tbe construction of under ground conduits, In which the company la to place wires for the transmission of elec tricity. Permission waa also granted to open auch streets aa may be necessary In thla district for the running of laterals from the main subways for street aro lights. Tbe work covered by thla permit la pre liminary to tha project of placing all elec trlo wtrcs, except power wires, ia the business district under ground, an ordi nance providing for which waa passed by tha city council lest spring. Tha exca vating will begin Monday or Tuesday of next week, when the company will put 129 men to work. President F. A. Naah of the company says It will require three months for a force of this slsa to finish the work, and that It will Involve an outlay Of 1200,000. THE 70tUD FAUOUS Vo cater to tho re spectable clement only, others will not bo rn free attractions ever shown at ElfSIIV I1AUJ)IUSIC AT CvCIll Ufl ITMUSIC AT FROM AHY PART OF 0L1AHA OR SWITGHBACX R0.7LI..Q rravlty railway In Four of the fin eat and old. peopla esclusiveljr. I'lATCn from a depth of 1,000 feet supplies the entire if n mmm grouuda with the finest kind cf drinking atcr. write or call. J. A. Griffith, Manager. 218 SIXTH WARD REPUBLICANS Liraly Election of Offlcari Hald by th . . . ' Olub Lut light t ... W. G. SHRIVER IS CHOSEN PRESIDENT Henry Ostroaa Announces Withdrawal front Raoe lea Coaaty Commie, loaer a4 la Defeated lor Head of Clab. It was certainly the largest meeting of tha Sixth Ward Republican elub ever held that mat last night. Tha occaalon for the gathering was the election of officers, and a lively contest waa brought off. Preliminary to tha regular work-of tha meeting Henry Oatrom made formal declara tion of his withdrawal from tha face for county commissioner. He aald that he waa fully satisfied with the two terma accorded him and that In the face of what con sidered good chances of renomination La withdrew because of personal reaaona. Ht then aald that aa hla name bad been men tioned aa a candidate for president, et the club he pledged himself if elected to know no factions. W, O. Bhrlver, mentioned aa another candidate, declined to make any re marks. ' Without nominations a ballot waa taken for president. Tha chairman loat eontrol of the meeting. A dosen motions aimed at tha chair fell against the wall 'and wera never beard again. A motion to require voters to announce their name and addreee waa car ried, but never enforced and tha meeting dissolved Itself Into a voting mob, men from tha Fifth, Eighth and Ninth wards being gcod resldenta of tha Sixth ward tor the occaalon. John Butler from tha Ninth and Duncan Flndlaysoa from tha Fifth wera ac tive work are at tha polls. Tha tellers were John Wastbere. R. B. Carter. Burt Bush and I Ed Taylor. Nearly half an hour was re quired to cast the ballot for prealdent. There were Ml votes cast, the result being IB? votes for W. O. Bhrlver and 86 votes far Henry Oatrom, and thla with less than 100 names en tbe rolls of the club. Mr. Sbrtver assumed tho chair and a mo tion was made to elect Robert Houghton vice president by acclamation. Thia was defeated and on a formal ballot, the (con test being between Theodore Johnson and Robert Houghton, tha total ballot cast be ing 196, 117 for Houghton aad 71 for John son. ' - W. B. Ten Eyck waa elected secretary, George Parker aaalatant secretary sad Carr Axtord treasurer by acc'amition, attar which tbe club adjourned. FIRST WARD REPUBLICANS Clab Elects O Bat-are aad Listens to a Kaaabcr of Short Addresses. Members of tha First Ward Republican club held a very Interesting and success ful meeting In Lincoln hall, Sixth and Pierce atreets, Friday night, where they wera addressed by Judge J. H. Blair, U D. Holmes. E. J. Cornish, Dr. M. J. Ford and L 8. Haacall. The flrat order of bual aeas after tha club waa called to order waa the election of officers for the ensuing year. F. W. Bandbauer was re-elected to tha presidency by a unanimous vote. The other officers elected were: Vice President, Sam W. Scott; secretary, F. W. Coleman; treasurer, George Cathro. Tha following committees were appointed: Constitution aad By-laws C. C. Sunblad, R. C. Jordan and H. Cathro. Executive R. Buraell, B. C. Mlaor and F. W. Koettcr. . FtnanceP. M. Back, Joha Flala and J. M. Rollo. Judge Blair touched en the Philippine policy, aad quoted several extracts from the democratic platform of 1900. Comlag to the eubjec ef trusts, Us read a copy DICKETT FAf.llLY tolerated TELL THE CHILDREN To cut out' th Merry-Oo-Round coupon In The eundar Bee for a free ride. Good on Tuesday next only. a summer reBort CAFE Al I I1AV PAVILION MLL UHl SOUTH OMAHA. BOATIiiQ bowllnar al- Row boata ranted hv tha Am.v First National Bank Building, Omaha, of a latter ha had written In May, 1893, to W. J. Bryan, who waa then a representa tive la congress... The substance of the letter waa that all trust manufactured goods should be placed upon tha free 11 -t in order that tha competition might kill the truatj.- molt . - .- "Bryan waa pleaaed with tbe idea." aald tha speaker, ."end a week or ao later I received a reply from him, saying that the committee of ways and means, of which he waa a member, bad taken kindly to tha auggestlon, and that a movement waa 'on foot to chrystallise it Into a bill. Later I received a copy of the bill, but It never became a law. It waa pigeonholed by the committee for political reasons. Sine then every democratla platform haa contained that Idea aa a 'means of combatting trusts, but ho attempt haa been made by demo cratic members of congress to make good tha promises held forth In the platforms. They almply go on advocating thla remedy which waa advanced originally by a re publican. They' never Invent anything. They are alwaya on the negative aide, and are either springing something that the republicans have discarded or else some thing that they know won't carry." L. D. Holmes told of aoma of the great problems that tha republican party haf settle-; In tha past, and aald that It always aettled them right. "It Is tha party of prosperity," aald he, "and haa dpna more for tha laboring man than any ether po litical organisation." E. J. Cornish made an enthuslastlo talk,' In which ha picked out aaveral flaws in a recent addreaa of W. J. Bryan. "Ha aaya there are only two partlea, tha party of aristocracy and the party of democracy," aaid tha speaker,, "yet If he were to ba elected to the prealdeucy where would he expect to get hla majorities from surely not from tha northern states. No, ha would expect them from tho south, where two thirds (t the voters are disfranchised, and where It ia possible for a man to be elected to congress without getting a single vote from a laboring man. Thla la hla party of democracy I - 'We don't hear as much from democrats aa we did about tha government's Philip pine policy and other issues growing out of the late war. The reaaon la that auch issues have ceaaed to make good demo- caatlo thunder. They see that tha repub- licana have given to the Filipinos even more right than tha democrats have given to tbe negroea of the aouth." Dr. M. J. Ford made a strong union labor talk. In which he advised every laborer to Join a union labor organisation and live up to Ita principles "The man who goes to work In the face of a atrlke Is a traitor In the eyea of God and man," aald he. - MINERS NO GOOD FOR NAVY Reeraltinar Offlrera Disappointed In Pennsylvania aad Will Cone "West Aara I a. The Navy department haa discovered that' tha atrlklng mlnera of Pennsylvania do not desire to enter that aervlce and has ordered tbe recruiting station at Bethle hem. Pa., closed and the officers In charge to report at Baltimore. Lieutenant Ryan of tha Navy department haa opened re cruiting atatlona la many of tha towns In the mining country of Pennsylvania with tbe idea of recruiting members of tha striking miners. Ia each cass tha recruit ing atatlon waa a failure. The miners pre ferred to remain at home and all did ao, la the belief that they would aoon be returned te work. It was developed by tbe surgeons whs examined those few of tbe atrlklng miners who did apply for enlistment that the mlnera wera not the physically perfect men they were supposed to ba. Most of those who applied were underslsed. weak-cheated, round-shouldered and physically unable lo pasa tha examination. It is thought this is the result of going to work at too early an age, and hard labor In unsanitary sur roundings. Tbe recruiting party will open aa office la Baltimore-August 4. From there It will go to Newark, N. J., New Haven, Hart PBCTURESQ Ju JjuUULru Tlie Most Beautiful Body of Water in This Part of the West FINEST SHADY GROVES FOR LARGE OR SMALL PICNICS. ALL KINDS OF HIGH CLASS AMUSEMENTS AND PASTIMES. ROUND TRIP TICKET from Omaha. Good any flay. Buy round trip tickets In Omaha of O. D. Klrllnger, cigar store. 13th and Farnam atraot: F. M. Karl: Doualas atraets: C. J. Frtca, drug store, 18th and Douglas etreets; Morlti Meyer, cigars. Hth and Farnam and rru theUrr, of 'John Wf.A No Mth K BroadwaVi J. I. Hsnry. 407 Main atreet;! vay; 8. B. kiuok, Mam ana jaroaawajr. warn ?rv1ATIE3EE CONCERTS DAILY Women Children' Concerts Electric Launches to Datho at riAIHIATTAH. ,E alloc ti Ascensions nnd Parachute Leaps every evening during the Season. For Information regarding dates for plcnlca wrlta or call. 3. A. Griffiths. Manager, J IS Flrat National Bank Building. Omaha. ford. Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City and Cincinnati, and will and Ita work in Detroit on November 15. . - . (DEAS ON PARK MANAGEMENT Ceaaea Hopes to Gala ' Tevr mt Contention ia Boston. L.' N. Gonden, park commissioner, ac companied by hla wife and daughter and W. R. Adama. superintendent of parks, have gone to Boaton, where they will attend the aixth annual meeting of tha American Park and Outdoor Art association, to be In seaalon from August 6 to 7 inclusive. They Will be gone ten daya or two weeks. Mr. Oonden expects to brush np thoroughly on landscape architecture and kindred arta and to give Omaha parka the benefit of some of his new Ideaa. Ha will try also to find aome good authority In aupport of bla opinion that tha border shrubbery around Hanacom park should be removed. Circulars sent out by promoters of tba meeting announce that no palna will ba apared to furnish entertainment for visitors. There will be any number of cheap excur sions to historic polnta near the Hub, and "tea will be served by number of promi nent Boston women." Charlea W. Eliot, president of Harvard university, will deliver an addresa on "Popular Utilization of Public Reserva tions," Arthur F. Whltln of Whltlnsvllle. Mass., on "Designs for Artistic Billboards," Bryan Lathrop of Chicago on "Parka and Landscapes" and W. A. Baldwin of Hyan nls, Mass., on "Tha Bchool Garden aa a Pbaae of Industrial Work." Other papera will be: "Borne Neglected Millions," "Boa ton Band Gardens," "How Wa Reach 18,000 School Children in New York," "Nature 8tudy tor Children," "Public Beauty and Good City Government," "Relation of Parka to City Plan," "What is Municipal Art?" "State Forest Reservations," "School Gar den Movement," "Water an Effective Fac tor of Municipal Art." SUES HIS FORMER PARTNERS Frank C. Basapaoa Aaks Aeeoaat- lac from Berlin and Haley of loath Omaha. Frank C. Sampson haa filed In district court a petition for judgment against Richard Berlin and Thomas Haley of tha South Omaha firm of Berlin Haley. He also asks that hty be compelled to make a full accounting of tba money he paid them aa profits on the operation of the good ablp Henrietta and its barge Luella, which rode tha tumultuous waves of the deep blue Missouri bera for sev eral ' seasons to accommodate pleasure seekers who bad1 danced everywhere but over the water and wished to try It there. Plaintiff relate that tha firm paid $5,000 In addition to hla 12.000 in the purcbass of tha boat and barge from E. W. Durant and tbe Rapid Transit company of Still water, Minn., July 6, 1900, and that they wera to have a two-thirds Interest for their Investment, but that when he was In Rock Island they had tha bill of aale made out to them and recently aold tha boat to Myron Sherman for 88,000 without giving him a third and without dividing the 87,000 profits that tba boat made while in tbe excursion business, and which be bad turned over to defendant for safe keeping. Incidentally It may be added tht Ig natius Jehovah Dunn, "deputy county at torney In and for Douglas county," 1 Bampson'a attorney, M.rr.l. Meeaaea. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to: Name and Residence. Age. Andrew Poprock.1, Omaha 64 Victoria Zobawa, Omaha W Peter C. Nielsen. Omaha Anna Hansen, Omaha 24 James Wright. Omaha 47 Alma Peterson, Omaha 31 Carl Anderson, South Omaha 28 Beaele (strong. Omaha 21 Thomaa Kearns, Omaha ...81 iUr 3. PblUlv. Omaha .i4 1 1 Bo Suro to Purchase Round Trip Tickets Before Entering the Gars, In" CoubcH " Bluft, buy' them of baVietcher.-lO Broadway; Robert AndawjJ. Lowon, 1021 Main street; P. W. McMane, .'4 Broadway; F. II. Morgan, 7i2 Broa4- CONCERT each and every day at 2:30 and 6:80 p. m. and from Manhattan Beach Every Ten Minutes HEAR THE Sveet Singers AT THE KURSAAL, RETAIL TRADE ANIMATED Bagia8s at Host Point Aotiva aid Big rail Salts Antioipatai .' ; MANUFACTURING PLANTS WELL OCCUPIED Iron and Steel Indnalry Prosperous avad Consumptive Demand In creases Faster Tha a Pro dad a a; Capacity. NEW TORK, Aug. 1 R. G. Dun ft Co.'e Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will aay: . Aside from heavy ralna In Texas the week crop news is encouraging. Manu facturing plants are well occupied as a rule, iron and steel leading, followed by textiles and footwear. Fuel scarcity la still causing delay, although coke ovens are surpaaelng all previous figures of out put and bituminous mines are vigorously operated. At most polnta retail trade Is active and preparations continue for heavy fall sales, while heavy spring goods are opened with good prospects. Keporta available for July show a gain of 2.8 per cent over 1901 and 30.8 per cent over 1900. With bustnes In alg'at for at least a year the leading depurwnente of the iron and steel Industry may properly be con sidered prosperous. Notwithstanding the rapid increase in producing capacity con sumptive demand has grown still faster and the recent official report of a new high record of pig iron production at 8,808, 674 tons for the iirst half of 1902 is accom panied by the statement that unsold stocks at the end of that period were only 29,861 tons, compared with 872.640 tons a year pre viously. The first month of the second half ef 1W2 has brought no diminution in Inquiries,- but some decrease in output owing to scarcity of fuel. Imports are very large In order to keep the ateel mills provided with material and offerings of foreign billets have checked the upward tendency of prices. In engines and heavy hardware there ia a heavy ahortage, orders for delivery In 1902 being out of the question. Steel rails and struc tural contracts have been booked far ahead. In textile manufacturing the feature was the opening of men'a wear worsted fabrics for next spring, with a general advance of 1 to 10 per cent. Cotton goods tend in favor of the purchasers, owing to the pros pects of a large cotton crop and the light export movement. Hhoe shops are active em spring samples and buyers are numeroua In the Boston market. A striking advance In leather this weuk has followed the upward movement of hides, stimulated by heavy purchaaes, a single sale of 100.000 sides of hemlock sole being reported. Hides have made further sensational advances, Colorado steers reaching new high record prices. Grain prices declined sharply as the month of speculative manipulation drew to a close and legitimate trading resumed a more normal holding. Cotton held fairly steady, more because of the large short interest than the floods In Texas. Thus far it la probable that ralna have done more good than harm Demands for consumption continue liberal. Meats have alao shown a tendency to seek slightly lower quotations, but light receipts and higher quality do not promise any extensive relief in tha Immediate future. . BRADSTREET'S REVIEW OK TRADE. Affairs ta Boalneaa World Are tin lee. cent Peadlan; Developments. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Trade Is quiet, while attention Is con centrated on crop and Industrial develop ments. Generally lower prices for farm products point to the former being largely favorable. Though weather conditions of late have been more favorable, effects of earlier backward weather have not bten ef faced or repaired. Aa for the fall and win ter outlook, however, the beat la predicted. In Industrial affairs the out Inn k ! talnly satisfactory. The Iron and steel altuatton la atlll largely a strong one, but isolated examples of weakness are In sight. The railway situation is one of th bt-st in years, and the outlook as to ton nage ia a flattering one, marred only by the prospect of car shortages later on re dating or curtailing industrial operations Figprune Cereal A grain and fruit Coffee nourishing and invigorating. SOLD BY aVLX. CROCRSA. VISIT UANIIATTAIl DEACI1 - AND THE KURSAAL PEN ALL THE TIME. THE CELEDfiATED COLORED QUARTET OF THE GEORGIA SEREriADERS Jr,yrj.vnrT.eng?,eh ROUND TRIP TICKETS from Council Bluffs. Good any ajr. Karly. clajara. J:th am atreets; ruiirr South Omaha buy IMiirJlHi COVALT'S BAUD nfltlAVfl PARK. Fiscal year -earnings returns are- excep tionally good, and it la probable that taken as a whole the railway earnlnga for the half year will exceed 1901, despite reduced anthracite coal carriers earnings. Cotton has weakened quite ateMlly on good arrowing crop conditions, rain and flood damage reporta from Texas helped to steady prices on soma daya. Dry goods trade reports are quiet. Some improvement la -noted at eastern markets, but the fall jobbing trade provea to be later than usual In arriving. Soma weak ness In sheetings and other cottons Is noted In wholesale circles. Spring style In woolens opened this week are, pre dicted, shown as advances on last aeason. Wool, though quiet, is steady and higher grades are held several cents per pound higher than last year. New business In shoes at Boston la confined largely to sample lota. Shipments, after a temporary spurt, are again shrinking. Leather la In better demand. Eastern shoe manufacturers being reported taking freely in the west, but tanners complain of high cost of hides, while shoe manufac turers note high cost of leather and low cost of their finished product. New business in pig iron for 1903 Is still of good volume, but not ao active - aa earlier. Current deliveries are still delayed or insufficient, though helped out by freer Importations of foreign iron. The produc tion of the fiscal year ending June 80 was in excess of 17,000,000 tons, the output In the first half of 1902 exceeding all records. If the reduction In stocks and the increased Imports are considered a consumption of 600,000 tons in excess- of this Is shown to have occurred and the estimated out-turn of 18,000,000 tons for the calendar year Is seen to be practically needed. Fully one-half of the steel rail output for 1908 Is already booked, and structural mills are also heavily sold ahead. Tin plate mills are, however, not busy, sheets are quiet and wire la dull. Hardware la active, especially for building. The 1901 record of building will be surpaased this year. Lumber la stronger and Tilgher at tha west and la recovering from aummer dull ness at the east. Receipts and shipments are far ahead of laat year at all points. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending July 81, aggregate 4,888,834 bushels, against 8,930,969 last week and 6,408,391 in this week laat year. Wheat ex ports since July 1 aggregate 18,138,840 bushels, against 28,511,038 fast aeason. Corn exporta ' aggregate 28,406 bushels, against 79.611 last week and 668.804 last year. For the fiscal year corn exports are 487,810, against 7,727,847 lsst season. Business failures for the week ending July 31 number 188, as against 178 last week, 180 In this week last year. 171 In 1900, 158 in 1899 and 189 In 1898. , 8S. -n. ur.vt. The name must appear on every bos of th genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnlna Tab let, th remedy that cure a cold la oa day. . : tenta. Foot Inter Wheel, William Brown' right foot wa crushed and aome of th bones probably broken yesterday evening on Pierce street between Twelfth and Thirteenth by the wheel of one of the Oliver Maggard Van company' big wagon. The team became stalled with Its heavy load and Brown, who waa on the wagon, jumped off to assist at tha wheel. The van moved forward suddenly and caught his foot. The Injured man lives on South Thirteenth street, but was taken to the home of hla employer at 1712 Webster street, after his foot had been dressed at the police station. Gasoline Exploded. When Mr. ' Augusta Klein struck a match In her !:ltchen last evening about 7:46 o'clock to light the lamp ahe was very much surprised at the blinding flash and uproar which ensued. Enough gasoline had evaporated from the open tank of the gasoline stove to explode. Mrs. Klein escaped without a blister, but the pantry door and clothing and curtalna hanging on that aide of the kitchen suffered to the extent of about. 140. Loss fully Insured. The house la located at 818 North Thirty second atreet. , Children Co Astray. Three little sons of O. R. Gilbert, aged 4. and 8 years, ran away from home, a U XS'lhlid ffot lo,t mnd w ken ear of at 2411 California street and a large Fr,.y.horB "nt astray yeeterday evening: but they were all found by the police ani restored to parent and owner. Bryaa Goes te New York. .' IW HAVEN, Conn.. Aug. 1. William J. Bryan left New Haven today for New York by train. 1