Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Attorn Assert Bannais it of ft Perfectly
Legitimate Character.
Bids for Conatrnetloa Work at
the Fenltentlary "Jew
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 1. (Special.) A. O.
Wolfenbarger of thla city, coming In the
capacity of a friendly attorney, haa filed
In the supreras court an elaborate br'.ef
defending tba Nebraska Home company
against tbe prosecution Instituted by the
attorney general to prevent It from doing
business In thti etate. The contention of
the attorney general la that the company
la conducting a fraudulent Investment
business. It waa the first case of the
kind Instituted In this state.
The friendly attorney begins his brief
ty referring to the attorney general a ar
gument aa a . procession of dreams. He
adds: "The Nebraska Home company Is
only one of these corporate forms around
which -clutter thousands of earnest men
and women, intelligent enough to Know
what they are doing, knowing well the
contrails they are making, scanning the
number of their contract before they sign
and adopt It as their own; no chance, but
choice: no fraud, but well-defined aim;
no robbery, but a storing up of funds
acalnat the day of need; no favoritism.
but that advantage which comes al ke to
11 who unite with those who work for an
and thereby profit from the common her
Bask Eifefti o Rallnac.
The attorneys for the t'nlon Stockyards
National bank. In a ease with the Board
this city by the election of the follow
vice president. J. C. Penrod; secretary,
L. C. refers: treasurer. W. R. McLauahlln.
Th'cmp has been named Camp George I Western Market! Show Small Decrease in
L. Oeddes, In honor of the late Sergeant
Oed.iea of this city, who was the first to
die at sea in the Spanish or Philippine
wars. s
Comparison with Other Tear.
Great Lakes Becoming Peanlar Ontlet
for Freleht from tke West to At- "
lantfe Coast Comaaerrlal
seats la Other 9eettone.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. (Special.) The
commercial movement of the great staple
commodities produced In the interior of
the country are necessarily subject to
something of a lull during the midsummer
transition from one crop year to another.
There la, nevertheless. In J the data col
lected by the treasury bureau' of statistics,
on Internal commerce up to the end of
June, an opportunity ' for half-year com
parlsons of commercial movements, such
as those of live stock, grain, provisions
and produce. The five western live stock
The Weeleyan male quartet will be on the mets of Chicago, Kansaa City, Omaha,
grounds six daya. Among the speakme may st- LoUi, and St. Joseph, taken as an In
be mentioned George E. Little, a, well known oex 0f tBa trade generally, report total re
crayon artist; Frank R. Roberson, with hie" I celpts of meat-producing stock. Including
ctereoptlcan; Homer C. Stints, recently from cattle, hogs and aheep, between January
the Philippine. I i and June 30 Inclusive, of 14.766,855 head
Railroads grant an open rate of one fare I This ' waa 700,281 head less than for the
fcr the round trip and to return up to Au- I corresponding period of 1901, and 247,692
gust 24. 1 bead lest than for 1900.
I T.Vina ka PKlAftvn mar1rt Aa tvnlral. the
WILD STREAM THREATENING monthly average weight of cattle has begun
to recover from the lower level of 940
Flood Branch of Little Blae Cats Deen pouni, per head In April. In May the
Coarse at Hebron, Enaan- average weight roae to 957 pounda and In
erlaa; Property. June to 964 pounds per head. The average
weigm oi nogi is liaewiao moTcnm, ui
the numerical aunnlv is still nearly 1.000.
HEBRON, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) The 000 .hort.of he recelnta tor the first half
stream tnrown on ny tne Mttie iue river a 1 0f jejj
tmwr mr, V. . fnrm.H a h-an,.fl ft I
gin. at a distance of about thirty rods north Ie..e I. C..ptlo.
nf rnmmliilonfri of Thurston county, have . ,, mill hum rniinwinv a inuthvntitriT A rouah gauge of the Increase in the
Third Beaslen af Organisation to Be
Held at Ideal' Groaada
Near Fallertoa.
FULLERTON, Neb.. August. 1. (Special.)
The Central Nebraska assembly will hold
Ita third aeslon August 12 to 22 at Fuller
ton. It has proven Itself worthy of highest
patronage In the past and will without
doubt this yesr surpass previous year.
The grounds are about half a mile north
west of town. The grove contains about
forty acrei of well ahaded ground wtth the
Cedar river flowing along the north and a
high grass-covered bluff to the south. A
more picturesque spot to spend a delightful
vacation cannot be found near home.
Tbe program this year is a strong one.
shipments la June of this year were 2.272.
727 tons, compared with l.f.09.940 tona In
una, 101, and 1.42S.050 tona In June, 1900.
Total shlpmenta of eoal and coke for eorre-
pondlng half-year periods were aa fol
lows: Eighteen million six hundred and
ve thousand two hundred and thirty tone
In 1902. 16.893,636 tone In 1901, and 16,147.222
tone In 1900. Cheaapeake Y Ohio railway
carried 6,744.209 tons for eleven
months, ending with May, 1902,
compared with 5.014.118 tons In 1901.
In the same period the Southern railway rt, c n lartman Will Treat WO
handled 1,139.499 ton. of coal originating Ur - " " y
on Its line. At Chlcsgo anthracite receipts men iTee 0T LliiTgC UUrltlg lilC
oy ran ana isxe lor six mraini wir
71C tons, compared with 815,277 tons last
year. Coke shipments from the Councils-
vllle region averaged 1L241 care weekly
for the first twenty-six week, of this year
and 10,600 cars last year. Texaa petroleum
shipments by water an- rail during
June amounted to 1,612,991 barrela of
forty-.two gallons each. Pipe Una terrl-1
protested against the recent holding of
the supreme court regarding the absolute
necessity of having bills of exceptions
properly certified to before they can be
brought up for review. In thla particular
case the court held that "A pretended
bill of eacoptlone -containing the evidence
before the Board of County Comlsslener
at the hearing waa filed -with the petition
In error, but this bill of exceptions does
not purport to contain all the evidence
offered or given at the hearing of aucb
proceeding nor doea It appear to be
elgned. settled and allowed by the pre
aiding officer of the Board of County Com
missioners. The hill could not and should
not have been considered by the learned
trial Judge In determining whether or not
tbe evidence Introduced at the hearing
was sufficient to .upport Ita findings."
The failure of the person drawing up
the record to have it properly certified
was the basis of the decision, and now
tbe attorney, for the bank seek a re.
consideration. They contend the omission
waa not suggested by any authorlted at
torney in the case and therefore should
h.v Kan nassed UDon by the court.
The Pacific Express company, through,
Its attorney, makes a vigorous repirvio
the argument and petition of Thomas K.
Sudborough, wno is smug foi ums fr
false Imprisonment. This case arose from
tbe arrest of Sudborough on the charge
of embexxlement of the eompany'a funda.
. He was acquitted and aoon afterward
began the suit for damagea. In tbe lower
court a Judgment waa given
fendant company. It la contended that
the findings and Judgment of the lower
county court were conclusive evidence of
probable cause and that for this reason,
as well as for others preaented. the Judg
ment -of-the trial court should be affirmed.
Adlenrn to Take ,m Hhaw
TV. act. Tinard of Public Lends and
Buildings today postponed the opening of
bid. for additional construction work -at
the penitentiary until next Tuesday morn
ing. At the Invitation of Buffalo Bill, who
was the governor', gueet at dinner tonight,
.11 ata official, .uapended their duttee
and went to the Wild West performance
thla afternoon. Thla necessitates. w
Journment of the board.
Articles of Incorporation of these Instl
tutlons have been recorded In the secre-
tary of state's office:
Tho Crosby-Koplet.-Casey company,
Rnnth Omaha: capital Block. $50,000; In
corporators. W. E. Crosby. J. H. Kopleta.
p. S. Casey and H. Horacek, to deal In
building material.
The Union Dental college, Omaha; cap
ital stock. 12.500: lncorporatora. Sellnt W
Worater, J. Worster. Don Julian Oongaloes.
C. C. Gonsaloea and E. B. Pearaona.
The front wall of the Winger building at
1109 O street crashed to the sidewalk late
yesterday afternoon, but nobody waa hurt
Caotaln John Westover of the Unlveralty
foot ball team, who was employed In the
work of reconstruction, bad a narro
eacape from being burled beneath the
bricks and tlmbera. Tbe block was being
. rebuilt The damage Is estimated at $1,000.
Diet Crowds at Shaw. V
The railroad, handled an Immense num
txr of passengers from various point.
along their line, to the Buffalo Bill .how.
In Lincoln today. Nine hundred came In
over the Burlington. Big delegation, from
Seward, Columbus and towna alopf the
main line are here. The Missouri Pacific
brought In over 200, the Elkhorn aometbtng
like 250 and 'the Union Pacific and Rock
Island 400 more.
Mayor Wlnnett may tssue an anti-weed
proclamation In the near future. Weeds
In various part, of tbe city are becoming
obnoxloua and he thlnka a general weed
cutting would Improve the appearance of
the streets Immediately preceding the Ep
worth assembly and the atate fair,
The will of the late O. M. Lambertaon
waa due to be taken up for probate in
county eourt thla afternoon. Tbe attor-
neya gathered lata and action waa de
layed. Mr. Lambertaon left an eitate
aallinated at 150,000, which he willed to
Mrs. Lambertaon.
course and finds Its way to the mill. Here consuming demand for meata 1. round in me
It almost completely inundatea the office trunk line shipments of provisions from
bulldlna a small wooden atructure altuated Chicago and Chicago points. These amp
about eiaht feet east of the mill, and la now ment. go primarily eastward from the cen-
- - ' ' . ......
threatening ruin to the entire plant. "w of production in tbe interior ana .eo-
The current In this stream Is verv awlft ondarlly aouthward. For the firat. twenty
and has attained a depth of more than .even ' thla year 652,217 tone of pro-
feet. Tha banka ara oulte molat from ore- visions entered into tnie movement, com-
ou. overflows. Great cloda of earth crura- Prea wlln "'i lon J'"- ln "lu
ble, cave In and wash away. A large" force 01 " Pr cenl OTer " 7er
f men was employed yesterday trying to t0 wage of 8.054 tons per week more
am the stream so a. to prevent further lD" ln '" M r '"
ttnirtlnn hut thHr ffnrt wore futlla. maraoia reporting atocaa oi cut meai. u.u.
The hundreds of sandbag, depc.lted In the ,n round number.. 245.000.000 pound, of cut
stream seemed only to Intensify It. force.
Heavy Rata and Hall Aeeompaaylaa;
Electrical Dlatarbanees aad
Mach Daaaasjre Resalta.
t .
PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) An inch and a half of rain fell
here last night during the most severe
electrical storm which baa visited this
section for years. It wss accompanied
by hetvy hall, rhtch bad'y battered gar-
dena and broke wlndowgjas. all over the
city. ,
The electrical dl.turbance lasted over
four hours.
Prof. Marphr Badly Baraed and Ills
Ballaoa Coasamad tat AceU
deat at Beotla. '
SCOTIA, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Prof. Samuel Murphy, an Omaha coasting trade and 1.148 In the foreign
aeronaut, wa. badly burned here last even
Ing aa he wa. ready to aaoend, hla balloon
etching fire. In reaculng an assistant the
professor's handa were aertously burned.
Hla assistant waa slightly burned. Tho
fine balloon wa. entirely con.umed. More
f apreeedeated Cros Belaar Harvested
la Soalhera Nebraska, Where
Prosperity Prevails-
WILSONVILLB. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special
-The country along the Orleans and St
Francis branch of the Burlington In south
westers Nebraska has the greatest wheat
crop harvested la Its history, and the great
eat acreage. Wheat la threshing from
twenty to fifty buahela per acre. Wheat ea
pert a aay It la the heat wheat in Nebraska.
forty new tnreaning macninea were
ahlpped In thla wheat belt and tbe freight
and wheat traffic Is so heavy that trains are
maay hours lata. Thla la the most preaper
oue year alneo thla country waa aettled
Corn la luxuriant and earing heavily.
Waco Baaker Eaters Grata Baalacaa.
WACO, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) L R.
Blckley, former banker of thla city, who
left here laat month to take charge
the bank at Bell wood, has realgned and
will engage In the grain business at Bene
diet, thla county, where he takse charge of
aa elevator. '
Phlltpplae Vetaraaa Orsjaalsa.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
A local camp of the Society of the Army
of las Philippines haa been organized In
meata In stock at the end of June, 1902
against 211,000,000 pounds for the corre
.ponding date In 1901. Thla la a decrease
of 21.2 per cent. At Chicago the atocka
were over 15,000,000 pounds below the level
of a year ago. At the four other packing
centera reporting there waa a reduction of
61,000,000 pounds or 29.1 per cent from the
basis of supply available at the end of June.
On' the Great Lakes.
Dome.tlc freight receipt, at 155 port, re
porting In June were 7,442,982 ton., com
pared with 7.062.541 ton. In June, 1901.
Shipment, from 224 port, in June thla year
amounted to 7.747,871 tons, agaln.t 7,201,208
tone In June, 1901. For the firat six months
of 1901 and 1901 tne freignt receipta at
lake porta aggregated 11,886.672 ton. and
18,135,978 tone respectively. Iron ore ship
ments to the end of June this year totaled
(.127,271 ton., compared with 4,457,278 ton.
last year. s
Atlaatle aad Galf Porta.
Shipping operatlone at New Tork tor the
first six monthe of this year give the total
number of vessel, arriving aa 6,915, of
which 3.770 vessel. . were engaged in the
trade. At Philadelphia there were 2,441
arrivals, of which 1,828 were engaged In
the coasting trade and (18 In foreign trade.
At Baltimore the total arrivals for five
months only, were 1,015 vessels, of which
934 were credited to tbe coasting trade
than a thousand people witnessed tbe ac- and 81 t0 foreign trade. New Orleana re
ciaent. .,. -i9 ..u,. ....
I were engaged In coastwise trade and 458
OSCEOLA. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) The In foreign trade.
time of the county court waa taken up yea- Tbe three porta of New Tork. Phlladel
terday In the trial of the case of the State pbla and Baltimore together sent out 816.250
of Nebraska against W llllam Rosenberry. tone of coal by water to coastwlae deatlna
who waa charged with assault and tattery. tlon during the month of May, and for the
From tbe appearance of bis wife It wsa ap- five months enilng with May 6.252.135 tona
parently a plain case, for Mrs. Rosenberry aa reported by the leading eoal carrlera and
baa a black eye, waa battered up about the shippers at the principal pointe of trana
lace ana sue saia that her body waa .con-H shipment. Coal receipta at Boston during
slderably bruised where Rosenberry had the first six months ending with June
struck her. Thle Is not the first time that totaled 2.2P6.004 tons, compared with 2,811,.
Rosenberry haa been before tbe courta for 703 tons In 1901. Ordinarily these receipt.
toe same aina or an onenee. me court I are about equally divided between anthra
bound the man over to the next term ot the j cite and bituminous, but thus far thla year
aiatrict court, ana required mm to give a there haa been a loaa of 40 per cent In
ju oona to aeep tne peace. anthracite tonnage, while bituminous re
celpt. Increased 10 per cent over those of
the first six months of 190L
Crop Sltaatloa Favorable.
Made Healthy and Robust by Dr. Hartinan's Free
Summer Months.
Miss Ida B. Wood, Los Angeles, Cel.,
Vice President of the Young Women'.
Union, writes as follows:
I am thankful to you for placing on
the market such a valuable medicine aa
Pxriina. I rnnaldar It of esDeclal value
tory reported 7,761.781 barrela ot receipts fof tfce 0l(Terent anmente of women. Ita
tor the aame month. Six months' phos- nowers have saved me much
phate shipment., mostly from southern . . . , nrfrt health, t
port., totaled 627.987 ton., of which 393,168 aT,M my frenas to use Peruna instead
tone were roreign, anoa.( ion. tor - of doctor., prMcriptlons, which I have
mestlc destinations. The corresponding L,.n..i. ..a ...nnin p..
total for the laat half year wa. 415.(82 ruQk ,nexR,nv, Ma ,ure."-MI.. Ida
tone. IB. Wood.
' "Peraaa haa made ma a well aad
Threahlas of Boaatlfal la Fall Bway I atroagr woman, and I have all the
faith In the world In It. When 1 flrst
Near Faraam, hat Grasshoppera
Threatea Corn.
FARNAM. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) The
erop of email grain, la thla locality la
harvested and the threshing machines are
busy. The wheat, rye, oat. and barlpy
are of excellent quality and the yield enor
mous. Bo far aa heard from tbe yield of
winter wheat la from thirty-five to forty
bushels per, acre, rye thirty to thirty-five
and aome phenomenal figures for oata.
Some farmers are atacklng their grain,
but the large majority will .threah from
the ahock. The grain la very 'ripe and
the threshing would be easy but for the
frequent showers that Interrupt and delay
the work.
betas taklaai It I waa troabled with
headache aad hackarhe aad dlaay
spells. The doctors did not seem to
help me, bat three hottlee ot Peraaa
eared me completely. I have not felt
badly tor over a year and am pleased
that It was broocht to my notice. I
have recommeaded It to a aaraber of
my frleads.M Miss Hattle Ketchnm.
That American women are growing more
alender and frail Is too apparent to any
observer for argument. . Blendernes. and
fragility are the word, that best describe
the typical girl to today. From an aeetbe'.lo
standpoint, perhane, all thl. I. an Im
provement on the more sturdy and buxom
woman ot two generatlona ago; but from
the doctor'e standpoint I. a rapid degen
eration. These delicate creaturee are asy
Prlcee for the grains are satisfactory 1 to get all k, bard to keep well and very
and. for tbe first time in three years here, difficult to cure when sick.
the farmer la being paid for hla Invest- Dr. Hartman haa given tht. subject ea-
ment. The crop far exceeda In acreage and I peclal study and thought, and haa done
quality the crop of 1891. I much toward remedying the matter. He
Corn la In fine condition and the acreage manes an annual distribution of book, de
I. large. Just now It la menaced by tbe
hopper.," which are very much In evi
dence. Following the Instruction, of Prof.
Bruner of the University ot Nebraska, sys
tematic and aclentlflo effort la being made
to exterminate the pest. If the hoppers
can be subdued the corn crop probably
will be the largest thie locality ever pro
duced, and, when gathered, will leave the
producer. In fairly good circumstances.
The wild bay la plentiful. New bay 1.
being .old on the market at (2.60 per ton
delivered. The paature. are In better con
dition than ever before at tbla aeaaon, and
the etock farmers point with pride to their
fat cattle.
With a reasonable amount of rain the
oil here la capable ot producing; prodigi
ously large crops.
Shopman Injured at . Flattemoath.
PLATTSMOTJTH, Neb.,v Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) James Ray, employed In the bolt
room of tne tiurangtoo mavliiue iiil u.t
with a painful accident today, which will write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
lay him up for many a day. He was looa- statement of your caae, and ht will be
enlng a bolt with a wrench, when tbe latter pleased to give you hla valuable advice
slipped and flew back, striking him on tbe I gratia.
voted to the subject of the care and ure
of women.
He eondnets a prodltrtons corre
spondence, which covers all parts of
the I'nlted States, arlvlaa; advice, pre
scriptions, etc., ete. All thla he doea
wlthont charge. Every letter re
ceives prompt and careful attteatlon,
ana is regarded as strictly confiden
tial. Dr. Hartman haa made exten
sive preparations to trent these vro,
men tor diseases pecallar to their sea
dnrlna; the aassnmer months. Every
letter will he answered, giving; tha
doctor's Invnlnnble advice after
fortr-nre years' experience In the
trentment of women.
The doctor ha. now ready for the pub
lic a book for women only. Thl. book
ebow. how few women are really tree from
catarrh; how many have catarrh In some
form or location. This book will be aent
free to any woman addressing Tbe Peruna
Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio.
If you do not derive prompt and aatls
ctory results frsss the of p
head, Inflicting a deep gash.
aton dressed the wound.
Dr. Llvlng-
Addres. Dr. Hartman, President of the
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Farmer Injare la Baaaway.
M'COOL JUNCTION; Neb,, Aug- 1. (Spe-
claL) 'While Thomaa .Rear Aon. a pioneer
farmer of Tork county, waa catting a Held
of alfalfa thla morning'.' hla team of mule.
ran away and he narrowly escaped being
killed He waa taken from tbe field and
carried to town, where he received med
ical attendance and la reported to be much
Case Coanty Mortgage Record.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) Cass county'a mortgage record for
July ehow. mortgage, filed on farms
amounting to (24,025; released, (27,279; city
mortgagee filed (4,868, releaaed (2,887.
Strikes at Their Hoot.
' Many dangeroua dl.eaaee begin In Im
pure blood. Electrlo Bitter, purifies the
blood and cures or no pay. Only 60a.
Fair aad Coatlaaed Warm Satarday
FULLERTON, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) ... w .
The ctods In Nance count t are much better
than for several yeare past. Many farm- 1 D" nr" l'n "ootna of the cotton year la
are are threshlna winter wheat, aata and aoutbern territory show receipt, ot 10.031,
barley, and are greatly plea.ed with the 471 bale, of wh,CB f.85.01 bale, arrived at
yteldi and quality. Wheat la yielding from aboard pulnte, 1,048,425 bale, entered into
thirty to forty-five bushel, per acre, barley overland .hipment. and 1.602,000 belee were
from forty to fifty, while oate are turn In ien Dr eoumern mine, xne cotton manu
out from thirty-five to fifty. The heavy rains facturlng Industry of the cotton statea haa
accompanied by atrong winds durlna July tnersrore reaenca a point where it takes ap
damaged the oat croo very materially. The proximately 15 per cent of the American
proapect for corn waa never better in lo- cotton yieia. me yearly consumption or
callttea where the water did not stand and ln ntlr United Statee up to 1877-78 had
drown it out. Potatoea are fine and the reached the dimensions of the south
stock Interest Is doing' first class. ,rn consumption during the laat ten months.
Iron thipments in southern territory In the
Gae Cooaty Record. Mast alx months reported a gain ot 19 per
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) Jtnt over those of the same length ot time
Following is the mortgage report for Oage 19L producing districts shipped
county for the month of July: Number tons of pig and pips Iron, compared
of farm mortgagee filed, 16; amount, (22.- with 830,047 tons for the corresponding
804. Number of farm mortgages released, period of last year, yellow pine ahipments
amount, (38.277. Number of city and from southwestern territory show that 744,
town mortgages filed, 14; amount, 15,424. 1 034,967 feet were marketed In the first six
Number ot city and town mortgagee re- months of 1900, 932,421,041 feet In six
leased, 22; amount, (17,436.
York May Be Dlvlslea Polat.
YORK. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) There
is a rumor that the Kansaa City ft Omaha
division will be removed from Sutton to
York. York baa never had any epeclal
railroad facilities and Its citizens would
welcome the change. The Burlington Is
laying side-tracks here and Increasing their
Otoe Coanty Mortgage Record.
NEBRASKA CITY. Aug. 1. (Special.)
The monthly mortgage record was issued
today tpr the mcnth of July. It shows on
farms six mortgages for (10.579.60 filed and
seven released, valued at (10,160. On elty
fourteen were- filed, representing (9.071.05.
and nine were released, valued at (4,702.10.
Haad Crnahed In Thresher.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Aug. 1 (Special.)
While engaged In feeding a threshing ma
chine near Cook yesterday William Pick
erel, a young man, suffered a painful ac
cident. Hla hand waa caught In the cyl
inder and terribly crushed and lacerated.
It la believed the member i?aa be aaved.
Tareabla la Sarpy Coanty.
PAPILLION. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.)
Farmers are threshing from tbe chock. Oats
are going forty to forty-five bushels to the
acre and wheat twenty-live to thirty bush-e'e.
Teachers' lastltate at Falls City.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. Aug. L (Special)
The County Teachers' Institute will be held
here, beginning August ( and continuing
one week-
months of 1901, or a gain of 25 per cent, and
1,108.744,276 feet In the flrst half of 1902, be
ing an advance of 40 per cent over the out
put of 1900.
Commerce on the Paclae Coast.
Redwood, pine and fir arrivals' at Cali
fornia coast points for the1sst six months
amounted to 414,926,854 feet, compared
with 211.530,987 feet during the first half
ot 1901. Cargo lumber shipments from the
state of Washington tor six mouths, as
reported by leading mills, were (4,(11.336
feet foreign snd 197.644.0S2 feet to domes
tic points. Orango and lemon ahipments
from California have decreased 2. 4 per
cent from November 1 to . July 1
of this fruit year, compared wtth
tha corresponding period of last year,
the average weekly ebipment declining
from (40 cars to 470 care. For June the
first month of tha deciduous fruit teaaon
In California, 1,16 car a were sent In 1901
snd 680 cars In June, 1902, being a reduc
tlon of 41.6 per cent. Flour ahipments
from Columbia river points tor the Oscal
year ending June SO amounted x 123,848
barrels, of which 637.793 barrels, or 77.4
per cent, went to foreign destinations, and
186,055 barrela to domestic ports. Tacotna
sent 518,40 barrels abroad and Seattle 347,
867 barrela In approximately the aame
Coal, Coke, Petreleam and Phoaphnte.
June coal traffic in the seat shows a con
traction of anthracite sblpmsata and an
expansion ot bituminous and coke ship
ments. Pennsylvania railroad ahipments
east of Pittsburg and Erie amounted te
30,464 tona ot anthracite thla June, com
pared with 365.838 tona la June. 1101. and
342.414 tona la June, 1900. Bituminous
I (or Rebraaka.
WASHINGTON. Aug. L Forecaat:
For Nebraska and Kansaa Fair and con
tinued warm Saturday. Sunday fair.
For Illinois Fair Saturday, with warmer
In extreme northeast portion. Sunday fair,
except showere In extreme north portion;
wlnde ehlfttng to fresh south.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer
Saturday. Sunday fair aad continued warm.
For North and South Dakota Fair and
cooler Saturday. Sunday fair.
LfOcal Record.
OMAHA. Au. 1. omclal record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
1902. 1901. 1900. 189
Maximum temperature ..96 99 90 90 1
Minimum temperature ... 67 72 70 et
Mean temperature I He BO Ml
Precipitation .00 .00 .00 .00 1
Record o temperature and precipitation
at Omaba lor true aay ana eince aiarcn I.
Normal temperature 76
Deoarture lor tne aay v
Total exceaa aince March 1.. 137
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Deficiency for the day XI Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 18. M incnes
rioflclonrv since March 1 .77 Inch
Denciency lor cor. penoa, im, s. is incnes
Deficiency for cor. period, 1W0... 2.46 Inches
Ueperts (rem SlaUeae at T a. M.
nil pll0iv8toH mli j I
1 1 i'l'ijp '1 1 1 1 j I
Spidil Excunlon Imit Omahi Tuitday, lug. 6. '' I
1 Writ) lor folder-FREE. J I
: :: b
The Noted Oregroa Outlaw Wants to Be
Real Bad aad Starts for
Wyoming. v
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clesr
North Flatte, clear ....
Cheyenne, clear
Bait Lake City, clear ..
Hspid City, clear
Huron, clear
YVUUaton. clear
Chicago, clear
Bt. IajuIs, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, partly cloudy .
Blamarck, clear
Gaiveaton. clear
L. A. WEI-8H.
Local Forecaat Olllclal.
Seminary (or Jnly.
The weather bureau haa laaued the fol
lowing meteorological aummary for the
month of July. The mean temperature
for the month waa 7i degrece, the hlgheat
being 86 degrees on the lbih and the lowest
M on the loth; the greatest daily range
waa 2i dcareea on the 14th. .The mean tem
perature for July for the laat thirty-two
years waa 7 degrees. The maximum
velocity of wind during the month came
from the nnrlheaat. 44 miles an hour, on
the 12th. The total precipitation was 7. 28
Inches, an axcess for the month of -2 tw
Inches. There were 18 clear daya, 11 partly
cloudy ana i ciouay oays ounng ine month.
IhunHei storms occurred on tne 1st. 2d, 4th,
6th. eth. 7th. 8th, th. 12th, 17th. Uth. 19th.
ittin, jftin, sum ana xsu
SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 1. Harry Tracy.
tbe fugitive desperado, la now In eastern
Washington, un wounded. In good health,
armed with four guns and 200 rounds ot
ammunition, provisioned for five daya anl
9tl .uo I equipped with two horses. Tracy crossed
94 .00 I tBa Columbia river at 6 o'clock yesterday
toward the Idaho line. Tracy declared that
he wants to hold up a bank or rob an ex
press car. He says that he baa promised to
give the sum of $5,000 within one yeer to
the parties who helped him eacape from the
Oregon penitentiary. He Is making bis way
to the "Hole In the Wall" country in Wy
oming. When there, ha declares, he will be
a thief among thlevea and thinks he will be
8ii .00
Meet Deslrea of Vatican.
ROME, Aug. 1. Tbe Osservatore Romano,
the Vatican organ, reproduces an Interview
with Rt. Rev. Thomas O'Gorman, blahop ot
Sioux Falls, S. D., concerning tbe Taft
negotiations, aaya that thoae negotiation,
were happily ended and adds:
"The gift ot the pope to the president Is
proof that all wae concluded according to
deslrea of the Vatican."
Thousand .lilcs
a Day c
"Tho Colorado Special"
O I Dinner In Chicago Today iO
1 Braakfaet In Omaha Next Morning I
i I Dlnnor In Denver Sam Evening l
'"' DINVIR Via r
v : Tlokete jr
I324 Far nam SK