Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA DATLY BEEt SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1002. KO ADVANCE IN GRAIN RATES Omsfct Lioet Do Pot Intend t Ttllow Kami Oitj'i Lead, BUMPER CROP WILL NOT BUMP PRICES Kaaaae Cltr Raidi Amoinrc ITIahrr j Tariff ta Chlrair aad Missis sippi River Folate Ba;ln i alas Thla Month. Notwithstanding the announcement from Kansas Cltr that grain rates from that point to Mississippi river points and Chicago Will be advanced In view of the bumper crops tbla year, Omaha freight official say tha normal rates out of thla city will un dergo no changes, this, too, In spite of the enormous harvests of Nebraska and tribu tary sections. The advances nt Kansas City will become effective August 15. Wheat rates will go up to 13 on wheat and 11 cents on other grain to Chicago, 7 cents en wheat and ( on other grain to the Mis sissippi river and 15 cents on wheat and 14 on other grain to the Oulf ports. The present rates are 7 cents on both wheat and corn to Chicago, 6 cents to the Mississippi fend 12 cents to the Gulf. Rata for Masle Festival.' ' The Omaha terminal lines have an nounced, as a result of their meeting Thursday, a one and one-third fare for the round trip to and from Omaha during the musical carnival of August and September, this rate to apply on all roads within a radius of seventy-five miles. Tickets are to be sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays and limited for the return to the following day. While this action is conclusive so far s the Omaha lines are concerned, its con firmation rests with the Western Passenger association, before which all such matters Anally go. The local men have recom mended favorable action, which no doubt KWlll he taken by the association. onaethlatr New la tha Ballooa Llae I at Kraft Park. A rare and startling balloon ascension Is on the Sunday program at Krug park. Profs. J. W. Hall and H. Hall both ascend km a single hot-air bag 94 feet high tha largest balloon ever sent up in this city ,and tbs first ascension of the kind ever made here. Dance Toala-ht. Jolly Eight club's lively ball this even ing, Washington hall, 18th and Harney streets. Fins orchestra. A grand good time for you. Oents, 25c. Welcome. Warden's big bargains on page 7. CAUGHT HIM ON SHELL GAME JJToaa Weathers Bnaeoed Again by a , Boajaa Mains la Search ; ' of Assistance. "Our Frank Shell is at home, yours Is a jfraud," read telegram in picturesque lack of punctuation received by City Comptrol ler Weaiusis. II U from. Cccrje "P. B'nwers. master of Floyd lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Alton, la., and was in reply to an Inquiry sent out Thursday as to the standing of one Frank Shell, who, claiming to be a Mason ,Jn distress, had applied to Mr. Westberg for 'aid. Tha moment ha read It he knew he Iliad been taken in on a Shell game. . The bogus 8hell presented himself at the comptroller's offloe Thursday and told how he had been employed as a bollermaker at Rawlins, Wyo., but had been thrown out of work as a result of tha strike being settled, bow his wife had been. killed three weeks ago In a railroad accident and how he was left with two little boys on his hands. He added that lis was a member of Floyd lodge. No. 6S7, Alton, la., and of Medina ahrine, fit. Bernard commaodry. No. 85, Chicago. The story coat Mr. Westberg 12 and a promise of $10 more. "The statement about his being a non union man was where the stroke of genius came In," aald the comptroller, "as it seemed to me that no man who was telling a lie would make himself out a 'scab' wheu he could Just as well be In good standing In his union." A WELL KNOWN ALBANY MAN r eommctada CbamTberlaln'e Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy. j About eighteen months ago lit. W. 8. planning of Albany, N. T., widely ftnown In (trade circles as the representative of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a (protracted attack of diarrhoea. "X tried Icbamberlaln's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained immediate (relief. I cheerfully recommend this medl 'clna to those similarly afflicted." Bee bargain sales on page 7. ,LAW PRACTICE IN PORTO RICO Amerlcaa aad Spanish Systems Both Prevail ia Island for Time. B. 3. Horton Is visiting his brother, R. 8. Horton In this city. Mr. Horton is now located lnPorto Rico, where he Is prac ticing law before the federal courts. "Ws have two systems of law In opera tion In Porto Rico at this time," said be. "The federal courts, the Judges appointed by the president of the United Statea, have original Jurisdiction In cases Involving 1,000 or more. In these courts the com mon law practice prevails and many of ths Statutes of tha United Ststes are applica ble. The legislature of the Island has re cently enacted a number of new laws and modified to a certain extent the laws and precedents established during the days of Spanish dominion, but we have the experi ence of all causes involving less than $1,000 tried by courts where Spanish law and precedent is supreme. Few American lawyers practice before the local courts, and the work of changing the present con dition will be slow. "Porto Rico la constantly Improving un der tha dominion of tha United States. The ordinary cltlien Is well enough satisfied, but many of tha prominent families who held office under Spain are not very well satisfied with having their graft broken." ' KEEP YOUR STOMACH WELL Everything depends on ths stomach. llorvford's Acid Phosphate OUHKrJ habit ual stomach weakness, im proves appetite, digestion and nutrition, and removes tha of headaches and 'wakefulness. It is a splendid TO.MO for all weak condi tions, quickly Improving pen- eral health, lnnut on having' Horsford 1. .Acid Phosphocto uahri1! uai aa ,,,, ssssias hUi KELLET, STIOKR CO. aerial Valncw la Women's aad Chll drea's Hosiery and I'nderwear. Store open until :0 Saturday evening. Woman's fsst blsck drop stitched and plain lisle thread hose, double heel and toe; for Saturday special, 15c, two for 25c. Woman's blsck lisle thread snd cotton hose, drop stitched snd lace patterns, spliced heel snd toe; special, 25a. Woman's light weight, fast black hosiery, maco soles, spliced heel and toe; for Satur day special, 35c, three for $1.00. Excellent Value A line of fancy colored hoajery, lisle thread snd cotton, fancy stripes snd dslnty pstterns, blue, red, grsy and green; for Saturday, 85c; three for $1.00. We have now a full line bf white lisle hose, drop stitched, lace and boot patterns, also white and black embroidered, polka dot and stripes, cool and comfortable; special, 60c. Children's Hosiery Lisle thread and cot ton, double knee, heel and toe, also maco soles and lace patterns, heavy and light weights, sizes 5 to 9; 'special. 25c. Woman's vest, richelieu ribbed, low neck, sleeveless, also short sleeves, crochet edge and finished with tape; for Saturday, 10c. Woman's lisle thread vest, low neck, sleevelees, richelieu ribbed, crochet edge and allk tape, s regular 36c quality; for Saturday, 26c. We have a line of women's lisle thread vests, very light weight, silk tspe, crochet edge, low neck, sleeveless, chesp at 60c; for Saturday special. 83o, three for $1.00. Women's union suits, with umbrella drawers, trimmed with wide lace; also Munslng union suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length; special, 60c. KELLEY. STIGER AS CO.. Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets. 0XNARD ON RECIPROCITY Head of American Beet lagsr Com. pan? Bays Ho Is Opposed to the Poller. Henry T. Oxnard was tha anient f nn. eral Manderson yesterday while passing mrougn me city. 'I have nothlnr to aar in tha r.nhn specially at this time, but you may say for me that I am unalterably opposed to this Idea of reolnrocltr. it slmnlv mean. free trade under another name. There are some strong Institutions la this coun try which have' under a. avar protection grown to such proportions that they cannot only manufacture all of the goods In their lines that the country needs, but in order to obtain the most satisfac tory results for their owners mnar Into foreign msrkets. They are willing to sacrmce tne smaller and newer concerns to gain a market. The beneficiaries of the protective system for years have been will ing to have the system annulled tnr benefit and admit to this country free every thing which they do not manufacture in order to gain a market abroad. The beet sugar industrv in tha went h. never been In better ahana than it i. t- day. There are manv farmers whn ir v. ginning for the first time to see the bene- nis wnicn may accrue to them, while oth ers have long ago derived benefit from the location or tne factories. There is no truth In the rumor that h American Sugar Refining company has se cured stock In the American Baet fluvar company. So far ss I know none of the boock in tne latter company la held by holders of the other stock. Really, how ever, I have nothing to say except to emphasize my objection to reciprocity," LAKE OK.OBOJ1, On tho Mllv.nltee Railway. For a short or a lotg vacation this beau tiful lake offers ths most economical yet delightful outing that is available for Omaha people. Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via tho Milwaukee railway, altitude al most 2,000 feet, sir always cool and in vigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lake with high shores, picturesquely timbered with hardwood trees. Excellent . fishing, boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but good hotels- This is a list of advantages not to be equaled. Full information cheer fully furnished at the Milwaukee Railway City Office, 1604 Farnam 'Street. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Homesoekera' Eioanloai. On Tuesday, August B, the next Home- seekers' excursion will leave Omaha via Missouri Paclfto to certain points in south west Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, stc. Limit of ticket, 21 days. Rate, one fare plus $2 for the round trip. For in formation, land pamphlets, etc., call on any agent of the company, or T. F. OODFABY, P. A T. A., S. E. Corner Hto and Douglas fits., Omaha, Neb. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 233. Yon Ar. invited To sttend the great annual Grocers' and Butchers' union Plcnlo At Missouri Valley Park. Special trains from Union Depot Via "The Northwestern Line," Thursday, Aug. Tth, ( a. m. Dancing, Mualo, Games, Races. All kinds of Amusement. Perfect order. "Every store closed on that day." Tickets at all Groceries snd Butcher shops. Or at Deiot. Look for big sales on page 7. CHICAGO BLANKETS 0MAHANS Windy City Men Corral All Offices at Coavoatloa of Railway Mall Clerlfs. The delegates to tha ronrontlnn nf . Assoctstion of the Railway Mali Clerks of the Sixth division have returned from Chi cago, where the convention was hid. Omaha failed to land any of the officers of tne division, the "Chicago push" being lined up against them at every point. O. H. Worley, Omaha's candidate for delegate, was made first alternate to the national convention at Buffalo, but he was the only umana man to get on the list. Ths Omaha branch of tha aaa with a number of visitors from the Lincoln branch. Will hold a Clonic Eaturriav at Courtiand beach, at which ths usual games ana races will be held. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths were re- Dorteri at ft,,, riffle i - i -. auring the twnty-four Lours ending Fri- MJ IIUUIIi Births-Hans Kaufman. Twenty-ninth f,"? ,Vup?nSn streets boy; W. B. Benson, 13m North Twentieth strvet. girl; R. Ifuh ler, 1) North Seventeenth street, boy; Benjamin Mclnnernev, (tut South Thirty etxth etreet. girl; Theodore Miller. 17H North Thlrtanth .r i. . V.v on- Wu2 South Thlrtleih street, girl; Kd- glrl 1",rltr. 1144 ooutn Thirtieth street, IJeatha-Mra. Cteus Sustofson, OaKland, Neb., aged 43 years; Jo-ph tlee. 3144 Mason street. uti 3fi vwara- f , u . , ?i t"d ohl "'. sd month; 1 . "! eenm ana Ohio atrvets. aged 4 months; William W. Seburg. lljf South Nineteenth street, aged 64 years- Sd is day's; oamul R. K kid's, t'lore.e! street, sped M yeara; Hamilton V. W rr Uaime, l.Xt Jscksua street, sgd U ttajs. jgSSSX Jfon5)0 r mm PRICE-SLASHING OF MEN'S SUMMER OUTING SUITS 17.50 For. the choice of any fancy colored Rog ers, Feet & Co's. suit In the house. Suits that sold at 122.60, $25.00 snd $27.50 at $4 and $5 Double Breasted Serge Coats, $1.98 Men's skeleton double breasted serge coats, accumulated odds QQ and ends, worth $5, each. 3,000 pairs of men's $3.50 and $4 fancy worsted and flannel pants, all of this season's newest designs, In a won derful array of patterns, only one pair to a customer 421 'I O LZZ st, pair kPltlJU $1.00 Men's Light and Dark 3 Striped iWicc Coats, in H On sale today, eadj.. -wG SDPl ' nip and ,E1TU August I to 14, 23, 24, 30 snd 31. Return limit October 31. fifil1lril!4li!!i 1502 MfilM CHAUFFEURS UP-IN PROTEST Will Petltloa Park Board to Modify Its Rales Governing the Chug-Choc Carts. The Automobile club ot Omaha, X. Rlsley, president. Is preparing to petition the Board ot Park Commissioners to rescind Its order under which motor vehicles are excluded from the. boulevards. . The matter will be taken up at the next meeting of the club and a committee will be appointed to con fer with the board. "I think the rule Is unjust," said Presi dent Rlsley. "The club dors not care so much for being excluded from the parks, but we believe that we ought to be per mitted to use the boulevards, since they are about the only thoroughfares of the city that are suitable for automobillng. It Is absurd to say that horses sre afraid of automobiles; they are not, elnce they are accustomed to trolley . cars. . The only horses that are afraid of automobiles are horses from the country, and If we are going to make our laws to accommodate them we'll have to exclude street cars from the streets and build sheds over the steam car tracks. "We have tried hard to avoid accidents of whatever kind, and thus far we have eucceeded. I don't , think the park board wants to discourage automobillng In Omaha, but this will be the effect of this iule if it is allnwd to stand." City Comptroller Westberg has an ordi nance prescribing a set ot rules for chauf feurs and placing the maximum apeed at twelve miles sn hour, which he will re port to the city council next Tuesday even ing. This ordinance has received the en dorsement of the Autumoblls club of Omaha. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the friends and neigh bors for the kindness and sympathy shown us In our lets bereavement. MR. AND MR3. SAM CROWLET. Bargain sales oil page 7. Cv ill $15 Wool Crashes On tsle k J $5 $12.50 Homespuns $10 Serge & Flannel Right In ths midst of the hot weather season we offer you tho choice of our stock of Alen's Summer VeUlalllag at Less Than Half Price Every garment thoroughly tailored, made of the finest single and double breasted serges, flannels, 'vool crashes utlng coats and pants, high grade all worsteds, cheviots, homespuns, Scotch tweeds In three piece suits; while the slses are greatly broken, we can yet fit all sixes of men. There Is not one suit lu the lot worth less than $10.00 and as high as $15.00 Tour unrestricted choice tor Satur day, only- a Suit. $17.50 1,000 men's odd vests, strictly all wool materials, 34 to 42 sizes 45c each 29c Boys' Washable Sailor Suits. ages I to 10 years worth 75c, now ,, 29c Boy's Washable Knee Pants, worth 25c now. IUC Ask about our low rates to California, Utah and tha Black Bills. Ticket Off Ics i FARHAU STREET. Boys Day at Drexels As ws are overstocked on boys' and youth's canvas shoes, ws have selected several lines to close out Boys' can vas shoes, sixes ti to SV, go at fOe; youth's eanvaa shoes, sties 12 to 1. go sow for S5e; little gents' canvas shoes sixes 10 to 12 H. for SOc. Ws are still selling best youth's and boys' shoes oa earth for $1.50 Rock: oak soles In every pair. Droxcl Shoo Co., Oaaaha'a Ca-ta-dat Shee Uaoae, riHiM ITBIIT. laaiaM. A Stupendous SALE OF PANTS Saturday Morning at of Men's Canvas Shoes 100 pair of men's canvas shoes go on sale Saturday morning. The values are ex traordinary. We took all the maker had. They are worth $2 a pair, as long$1 CC as they last, pair. laVy V , ; FOR ALL CLASSES OF PEOPLE. The merchant and tha mechanlo fsror It Ths rich and the poor enjoy It The aotlre snd the Infirm are benefited br It. Met. beer Is, tn short, a' perfect brew. Purs, wholesome, strengthening. Highly recom mended ss a tonic and a stimulant The beer ot quality the best Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. lt, Oataaa. Or Jacob Neumarer, Agt, cars Neumajrer Hotel. Council Bluffs. lows. WEIGH CAREFULLY Tou can't always judge s shoe by what It weighs. Just sow you don't want s heavy ahoe, anyway. You do want shoes that will stand the wear, that will guard your ' feet from hard knocks and that will yet be com fortable and attractive la ap pearance. Men who wear our "Onlmod" $3.50 or $2.50 shoes say they srs all s good shoe ought to be. 203 South 15th St. Takes 15 Minutes More Time now to give an order and I or t days more time to get the goods that's all the difference there la when you are shut off! It don't scare us a bit any more. The Omaha Combine bad Mr. Halllday come out here and tell ua his new scheme but we still have all the goods we need. They employed a detective YES THEY DID to see If he could SPOT our source of supply but as we haven't seen him lately Suess he got ashamed ot his job. Ob. it i a brilliant scheme shut a store off keep him from buying when he has the Srlce to pay! Carter s Little Liver Pills lOc 25c Laxative Broino Quinine 120 ibe Mennen's Talcum Powder lie 2 so E.kay s Food 15c 2.So Luxacola 2c 26o tromo Seltxer 2uj 2Sc Cascaretts 20c 26o Tetlow's Bwanxdown 15c 2&c Weslmall's Coldoida u0 OPEN ALL, NIGHT. SCIlAEFEil'S CUT PRICE DRU STORE Tat T4T. I. W. Car. IStst aad Chlaaa. VOMEMs tor ; aWriHisj r.i, l Tuf. Penrmojal, not infi fsl'ure; longest, inuat 1 f sn .oouiaiB viMuiMw tawa rciievaa ia m imw amy; t.uu tw Nam jot Buy Tho Sunday Boo m Bright and' early, we begin the most marrelous sale ever chron icled in the history of "The Nebraska." We will Place on Special Sale 623 Pairs of Men's Pants at $2.50. Not a pair worth less than $5.00 and some as much as $6.00 They are the accumulation of our regular stock and those left over from expensive suits. Among them are some of the choicest worsteds and cassimeres. They are the greatest values ever of-, fered. We want to sell them all in one day. Therefore, will of fer these wonderful high grade pants (XL J "V this remarkable low price Great Reductions 0n Ladies' Oxfords Saturday, we will sell wo men's . oxfords that are worth f2.50, for $1.50, made on all new lasts. They are exceptional values. Saturday Kffc all day ..1JJ On account of the backward season, we place on sale Saturday Every Shirt Waist in house $1.00, $1,50 and $2,00 values Remember, every Straw Hat in the store now- .. 107 SOUTH I5TH. Lilliputian August Trade Makers. ' BOYS' FLANNEL AND HOMESPUN SUIT8 THAT ARE EXCEI-L231IT VALUES AT DOUBLE CLEARING SALE PRICE. $3. 95. THERE ARB BAILORS AND NOR FOLK S. DOUBLE AND SINOLE BREASTED SUITS AT ONE SPECIAL PP.ICB. $$.95. AMONG OTHER SPECIALS NOW RUNNIINO STRAW HATS AND WASH SUITS, S3V4 PER CENT OFF. BOYS' $1.25, $1.00 AND 90o BLOUSES NOWONB SPECIAL, PRICE, 75o. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES, 20 PER CENT OFF. MISSES' SHtRT WAIST SUITS. $7.60 VALUES AT $160. 15o HOSE, 10c LIMIT I PAIRS. BLACK AND COL ORED 260 LACE HOSB AT 15o. H IT'S - U." jLimmmjamj NEW LOCATION, EXCELSIOR SPRINGS (HO.) WATERS We are sole wholesale distributors for these famous waters and a carload ship, ment Is now on the way. Excelsior Springs, Mo., bids fair to become ths greatest health resort in ths world. Its healthful waters are attracting people from far and near and none are dsappolnted. But you need sot Incur the expense and loss of time Incident to a trip. We have the famous waters, bottled, and you can get all the benefits at home. " BULI'HO-S ALINE A laxative water for dyspepsia and alt stomach troubles. It never falls. REGENT Best known remedy for sll kinder troubles and Brlght'a disease. The only Iron-manganese water bottled In the U. S. Highly commended by physicians. Bold in dozen or case lots by all first-class druggists or ws will deliver to you direct. CACKLE V BROS. Ws sell fine California wines and Kentucky and Maryland whiskies. Opposite Postofflce. Telephone Hit. . II OMAHA EELEY I INSTITUTE Postal Card Will Get It SAMPLX COPT OF THB Twentieth Century Farmer The Best Agricultural Weekly. Ad dress, Omaha, Neb. REOCXAR AS A CLOCK ' Are th. L.4IM vhs mm FKK-TAN-GOT DISKS. Ne Bacrulnty. a worry, so supprmloB. but Bat aral. kMltkjr runctlona, rasuLrlr sulnuiaae A frPMlSe for painful pft4da, feaf. Iurnil.aa. aartaf.. Writ, for circular or aa.4 H o for UNB BOX. roT. FAID. Bold M Bbansaa a m oan.ii Drua Ca.. tar. lSta BS4 lAMl. lUMUi Ooiaka, N.B, H AJJ S w 1 B Any Straw Hat in the House for 45c DO YOU, REALIZE WHAT THAT MEANS? IF SO, COME SATURDAY. SOME ARE WORTH $1.75, SOME ?1.50, SOME $1.00. 1 the en :. 1 the W tli! b 11, S2.50 HATTER mifflt 1515 DOUGLAS STREET. One of the best equipped of ths Keeley system of tnstttatea, fife sly Keeley Institute In Nebraska. Cures Drnnksnnesa. Cures Drug Users. Booklet free. Addrasa all letters to TM (. lStfc Home Treatment for Tobacco Habit, coat S3 J. P. These suffering from weak nesses which sap ths pleasures of life should take a dollar bot- tie of Juven PUls. One bottle will tell a story of marvelous results and create profound wonder. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vitalising force than has ever been offered, bent by mail In plain package only on receipt of this adv. and IL - 1$ This is 16 worth of medicine for one dollar. Made by its originators C. L Hood Co.. pro frletors Hood's barsaparilla. Lowell. Mass. JT .CNICMISTfS't INtllSH