THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; : SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1902. 1 1 SPECIAL tlOTlCES will fee Mkf aatll 1 aa. for the vealaa- ealttea aad til SO . saw fas snoreta aa4 gaagay eaifloa. Slates, 1 l-2 were, arst lascrtlea, la a ward thereafter. Retble. take far less tfeaa 2e tor the Aral laar. Ilea. These aa'vertlaeasaala saaat he na coaaecatlvely. Advertisers, br rrMllif at aaa kcrri ebrrk, eaa have aaawara aa Irrsaefl ta a naliml letter la ear f Tka Bar. Aaawara aa address will ka deliver aa areaeatatlaa the keek ealr. FOR SALE CIGAI1S. $J0.00 IN GOLD. It pay to buy your clears of us. Ton may wak up pome day and find yourself the possessor of Hfty Dollars In Gold that w give away to our customers each month. Butler & Miller, N. W. COR. 1TH AND FAKNAM 8T8. WASTED SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER When you went one call the Remington Typewriter office, 1B18 Farnam street. . Telephone 1573. A M459-A24 WAKTED-IULB HELP. 13 FOR HALF A DAT S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town ana nave a gooa acquaintance among the farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make 16 easily by four cr live hours' work. Write us and we. will send you our proposition. "Vie Dee Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., OinaliA, Keb. . , . . . . iiOAi WANTED A good' man In every" county to tnke subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wage everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha,. X eb. . , , . . J-ii3 WAVTI'D-Insurance men of experience. Can offer you a' good thing. Call at 9 a. m. 438 Board of Trade bldg. B 6S4 When You Write . to Advertisers . remember It only takes n extra strok or two of the pen to- mention the fact that you. saw the ad In The lies. . EXPERIENCED male stenographer who operate Kc-mlngUm typewriter. F 28, Bee. , i B M400 A24 WANTEDi-Men to learn best paying trade In existence for .poor man; short time; little expense; positions guaranteed; wages Saturdays; special Inducements to applicant from distance. Call or write. Moler Barbor College, l&a Farnam 'St. ; - i. U 608 Al .WANTED A. good barber-at once; no boozer or; student need apply: 810 per week guaranteed. Madson, 2M Main, I re mo nt, . Neb, - B MJW6 2 HOSTLERS, teamsters and canvas men for Campbell Bros.' shows; ship Auguxt 1; free fare. Sweeney's Employment, 8u9 S. 12th St.. Omaha. B 808 Al TIMBER and bridge carpenters, 12.60 per day,, for... South .Dakota;, free fare. awe.'ney.s fempivyment, mi B. wtn nt Oman. .. . B u9 Al WANTED for U. 8. Army; Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35, v iii.cui. uZ 1 ,1. iwsA Cttc cf scd C" r cter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read-and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recrultlug Officers, 16th and Dodge St.. Omaha, and posiolHce building, Lincoln, Nebrsska. B WANTED-'CoatmaJter, . steady work to right, man. Steve Vol, 2ouT.N street, South pmaha. . . B MM6 2 . SOLICITOR FOR NEBRASKA Only suc cessfUI ones dealing with banks and cor poration need answer; specialty; St to 111) a day easily made. Crown Stationery Company, to Wabash Ave.,' Chicago, 111. '"". - B M840 g . . ' ' EMPLOrMENT AQENCT. WANTED Coal miners and machine, run : ners. Wyoming; bridge men, surface gang and extra gang, Wyoming - and Nebraska; coal shoveiers, Colorado division B. & M. ; coal shoveiers and laborers, U. P. R. R. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 310 So. 11th. ' ' 602 . . SALESMEN WANTED, WANTED, talesman to sell grocers' specialties-' t the retail grocery trade in Omaha and vicinity for a Chicago house; experienced man or grocery cierk pre ferred. . Address B It, care Lord 4k Thomas, Chicago-- ' ittH A2 WANTED at once, traveling salesman to soil axhandlea In the state of Nebraska; Is pvr cent commission allowed; must give reto-ence. The Hand-Shaved Handle Co., Campbell, Mo. - - M619 3 ' Wanted rEMALB help, WANTED,' -two young lady studenu to learn halrdreeslng, manicuring and chi ropody and Bcientlflo massage. ' Call or writ Boom 220. Bee Bldg. ' C tS 100 alrla, Ciil Canadian office, 1Mb & Dodge. . I...... ,. ,Ot4W WANTED; lady cook. Eureka Restaurant,' ltw4 Cass SU ' C 7iA WANTED, a gtrl for generaT housework; small family. lira,: iiali mi Sherman Ava. .... : C 21 WANTED, a competent girl for hoasework. Mrs; M. E. Uumuut, 6ii Lafayette Ave. C-234 WANTED Girl to do plain light house wotli. -4W Davenport. - C itxt WANTED Girl for general hoasework. Skli Uuon HL . , C-MW2 A GOOD laundress at ones at Creche, 19th and Haiuey. . : C $12 Ai" ARB YOU a Catholic 'and unemployed? awe me. Hlxenbaugh, buO Ware block. . . . . -. -c 7 WANTED, good girl for housework; refer ences required; - four In family: good wages. Mil Woolworth ave. C M823 2 WANTED at once, a competent girl; good wages, email, family. . Apply st once. 1UM SO. luih. ' C (34 1 WANTED Girl, tor- general housework; four in family; good wages. 2611 E St., South Omaha. C M848 4 FOR .REST HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. j. . , D 101 HOUSES &zrs& The O. Bee Bldg. D 702 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office lwls Farnam, or Tels. luM-ttoi. I D 704 BEK PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice houses. Sul-2 N- Y. Uf Bldg. Tel. lul4. , , D 704 MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D-7u HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. tfil Douglas. i. .. ... v d;u 21'JT SPENCER ST.. 10-room house, with gas, bath, fjrrace and burn: nice loca tion; rent $3o. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan, and Trust Co., Sol Brown block. " D 7o7 kOO BURT ST., rooms, modern $30; 4311 Farnam, 6 rooms, modern and barn, $-j; Sous Muaon, 8 rooms, modern; 15.' N. 20th, 4 rooms, $10. Others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D 6v HOUSES and data. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-JUS I'NEUUAUED. central, all modern, 7-rouui house, 4-room Hal. Tlasrd, iM N. Md. D M&23 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. -716 1811 N. MTH BT.,-7 rooms, bath. gas. barn; rent IM. Wm. K. Holler, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., Brown block. - - ' . r-7U iOOD taodsra $-roont house. 2d04 Blondo. D III POrt BENT HOI SES. FOR RFNT. excellent six-room cottar, 2Id nd California street. In good repair; choice neighborhood; 11, Including water rent. Inquire at 607 N. lth street or &o7 N. T. Ufa Bide. D 199 TWO modern brick, houses, nearly new, each nine rooma and laundry. 8S9 and KAl South 29th Are., farina perk, on street car line; price, 840. Inquire Of J. M. Flch ardii. 1115 S. ,13d St. D-M.W8 MODERN hojse, I rooms. 2723 Jsckson ft. Wheelf-r A Wheeler, Douglas and lnth St. Tel. IKS. ,. D MS6 6- ROOM all modern house, 2207 Sherman Ave., a fine one, 827. 7- room. all modern, looi N. 2Mb Bt., another fine one, 2u. a. ,E. Turklngton, 6"5 Bee. D "14 2123 CHARLK8, four-room cottage; rent $11. Wm. K. .Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Brown block. D 711 When You Write to Advertisers remember u um i aa tra siroks or two of tile pen to mention. Ike fact thai you saw u ad In Tka Be. FURNISHED house for rent; all modern conveniences lius Davenport St. D 797 Al NITVV . ... I. v.uii . 1 1 , ..v., itit-v and neighborhood, enameled Iron bath. gaB, une siota irom car; ion in. zotn. inquire 24,(4 Htwtrtk . -- 1 MK24 S- FOR RENT, large 9-room house, city water, 216.. Bloniio. The Omaha Realty Co.. 1301 Douglas lit. - D J FURNISHED house for rent; all modern conveniences. ltw lavenport St. D-829 2020 BUKT, rooms, modern, flltr; 2423 Er- SKlne, rooms, detached, modern, K2.0; yJ Mason, 8 rooms, modern: luoS N: liutli. 4 rooma, $10. Many others. Ring wall tiros .i uar iter tiiK. i M4 I FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In ths city, lime Capitol Ave. tt DE WET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Hr (1 tl PER WEEK, 422 S. ISth St,, one block suum oi court nouse. is 718 FURNISHED, cool rooms, modern, 2011 name. AO' hOOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam E 8U3 A NICELY furnished front rooms for light nuuseaeepmg. ajiu uougias St. E iSS 31 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1814 Wsbster ki Juo44 JU AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge U. M81( LARGE pleasant south room, private fam- ii. iui ouuiu eiBi screei. v " COOL, pleasant rooms for rent at 1823 ieavenwortn. K M39 t FlHJfHHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. F 71 ROOMS and board. The Albany, 2101 jJuuKiaa. ' M4o A4t NHJE front room, modern, walking dla. wiu, fuwujr io an -cars, aut nort St. F-M472 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. r-7 A26 HKHirari.r aouth room, with board, kd . istn. F-tW2 Al' THH ROSE, 2020 Harney, targe parlors, single or ensulte; also smaller rooms; rates reasonable. F 688 A29 SOUTHEAST front room, with alcove: . modern. 702 B. 29th St. F 810 A4 ' FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, 85 per month; ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street; no. expense for light, heat of Janitor service. R.. c. Peters & c., rental agents. Bee building.. G 116 FOR RENT-STORES AND . OFFICES. FORRENT-Th building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 16 Farnam 8t. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bea building. I-&1 FOR RENT Stora In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. c. Peters ac Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR, RBNT Desk room or large space MllltAhl fne mrKa l.-i . doing business In wholesale district. In quire Hens A. Co, 816 Farnam street. 1 M224 AGENTS WANTED, WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Steady employment) with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $40 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, - Bea building, Omaha. 2u SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Bend for uiiwuuh vuwr jviiuo ana oeil. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ind to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. - Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. -Send $1.60 for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL, COMPANY, 1213 Farnam Street. Omaha, Jeb. J 718 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED $ to -room house, good, loca tion, by first-class tenant. I to 9-room house, furnished, located In the West Farnam street district, by the 1st of September, by best of partlsa. W. FAKNAM SMITH CO., two Farnam St. K-291 WANTED to rent. T or 8-room modern house, within walking distance, not over $JU per month. F 64, Bee. K M24 8 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2o2u. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. , . . i O 720 DINING room furniture. Some odd pieces and kitchen ware for sale. 8016 Douglas. Call mornings. . O 792 FURNITURE of T-room corner flat for sale at once. Mrs. M. Bunce, 1701 Leaven worth, 8d floor. O 8J3 1 FOR BALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. t TOP CARRIAGES. 4 phaetons, other top and open buggies. Plelfter, ZtLt) Leaveu worth. P M&16 A9 REMEMBER, Harry Frost puts tires on aud fixes vehicles. 14th and Leaven worth. P 721 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc 9ul Douglas. Q-722 FOR SALE Phonorrsphs; superior to any other musical Instrument; $6 up. The Wlltman Co., 1621 Farnam. ' Q 723 NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Far nam. Q 724 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man A Mcconnell Jjrug CO., lath and Dodge, Omaha. Q-7i4 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. W 72 VIM puncture-proof tires, $4 96 snd $7.00 per pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chi cago Sts. 4472 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. Q-7ai L. M. E. always hurry.TeL 780. Q-M964 EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; moulded records, &o each, or $6 per doa. ; new wheels, $16 up; Idhitud, $4 up. Omaha . Bicycle Co., loth 'and Chicago Sts. (eMia FOR gas nature see Sam I Burns. C 796 Al FOR AI,E MISCELLASKOlfl. I WILL receive bids for the sale of the Harris A Klaher Packlns houses. Includ ing the machinery or without. 1 will slso receive bid for the machinery sepsrstelv, bids to be In by August t. Address 714 N. 40th St C. G. Fisher. Q M814 2 CLAIR VOI ANT. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass 8L MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, 31S S IS. B W9 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME- SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS, Id floor. R. 2. T M748 Aa" MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. 7. i ids au PERSONAL. HAIRDREB8ING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only. In connection with 'Ihs bathery, 216-ai Bee Bldg. U 731 PRlVAiE hospital before and during con finement; baules adopted. 230 Urant St. Mrs. Gardels. TeL F-11S3. U 732 RUPTURE permanently cured In 90 to 60 oays; send tor circular. O. 8. Wood, M. D., fcU Nsw York .Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb.. U-733 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 846 Bee-Bldg., Omaha. .U-734 GRAMOPHONES and suppllas, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug .. , U-7A. CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with ihe Bathery, rooms 216-220, Bee Bidg. Tel. 1716. U Tie SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25a, In connection with 'the Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. . . U-J37 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenxer block, chronlo diseases a specialty; con sultation free. U 738 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-M856 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St.. 2d floor. ' U-167 Al MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, R. 2. U M2ui A16 HANDSOME baby boy and girLfor adop tlon. 1808 California. U M822 V $30 RUPTURE CURED FOR $30-No knlfev iw iiu urieniion irom DUSliesS. Bend for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUP TURE CURE CO., 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 831 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes au extra strok or two of the pen to mention the fact' that you saw the ad In Th Be. HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real state. Brennan-Lov Co., 309 8. ISth, 4H PER CENT on business property. " per cent on residence property. - . Options to pay whole or part any tfme. W. B. MJSIKDE, 401 B. 16th St. W-740 WANTED, cty loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith t Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-741 FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldsr. Tel. 'l4g W 742 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters A Co.. 17U2 ou, xyce Blag. w 743 LOW RATES. Private money. iAY.NELINVK8ENT COMPANY, ; Main Floor, New York Llf Bldg. W .44 I PER CENT loans. . Qarrln Bros., leof f ......... ., W-fl44 PRIVATE money. F, D. Wead, 1524 Douglas 1 ' . ;-r.w-f4s;. 1100 UP; low rat.'' Prlchard, 171J Farnam: -W-T47-, PRIVATE money. Sherwood,. 837 ft. Y. I 4 . W IMS TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton B:k. w its CONCERNING th state of affairs of state 1 aesire 10 staie mat in tms state and THE STOECKER CIGARS are the most legitimate articles on th '"" W S3 A6 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. " 'MONEY W have It to loan In amounts from $10.00 up on iurnuure, pianos, warehouse re ceipts, uv biock, etc. we also make SALARY T JOAN It without mortgage or-lndoraer to" persons wij uvo a intmiinani position. ' W give you the full amount nf h t'r,r In cash and we do not charge for making papers or filing mortgages. With lis you have th option of keeping the monyfor on month or six, or longer, and you need not pay for It longer than you keep It. We hop by this advertisement to have you give us a inai and we expect to re tain your patronage by fair treatment. The motto of our office Is 'Try to Please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. llf Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. l2DS. (Established 1892.) 906 Bo. 16th St. X-7S5 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. ' Loans to salarfed pvople ' UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. " No mortgage, Indorser or publicity. These losns made quickly snd quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ' Room (03, Third Floor, Paxton Flock. " X-760 LARGEST BU8INESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad mug. X 761 Chattel and Satary Loans PHOENIX CREDIT CO.,' Successor to J. W. Tayloe. TL 745. 632 Paxton Block. X-M752 DO TOTJ NEED MONEYT ALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 808, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-435 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried Deople; business confidential; lowest rates. sit raxion diock. in J. A. Hutton Co. X-754 MONEY loaned on furniture. I've rtok. lewelry, to salaried people. Foley I.oan wo., sue 10 uun ureen, Barksr block. X-7B6 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, tew. try, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8 12. X 757 BUSINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and good trade; falling health Is rea son for selling; new brick oven, Addreis Box BTb, Geneva, Neb. ' Y M227 TO GET In or out of business call on -Williams. Room 411, McCagu building.' Y-758 A BUSINESS MAN ? Can acquire controlling Interest In a profit, able and rapidly Increasina lealtlmate manufacturing business. Capital required -,oci 10 , Tnis is wortn Investigat ing, j. n. jonnaon, . 1. ire. Y-M524 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange four Duainess or property quicx. se J. 11. rfonnson, u n. 1. uie. T M739 TO BUY, sell or exchange a business, cull on .-. 4. canan, H. 8, 1&17 Farnam St. Y-M760 BAKERY fOR SALE. A fine bakery, nicely located, doing a good 'yina uusiness: isr le retail rie retail trad. It will pay you to Inveslfxat this. Address, E U. Bee. X 9 FOR SALE Mest markat doing tl.800 worth of business per month: reason for sailing, old sfe snd wsnt to retire. Address, Bog sue, vuuniju gtiuaa, 1A g aHa-AI Bt SIKEItS CHANCES. . HARDWARE Stock, $3,5" to $4.S. Ad- aress, v. j. ueering. carrou, is. Y-Mi6 A3 GENERAI, merchandise stock for !. Oberlender A Ryan, Coleridge. Neb. Stock about $ Will sell sli er half- half Csah, baiRnc on one year's time. Doing good business In good town a bent farm ing eoun-try In northeastern Nebraska. Reason for selling good. Y 682 A3 MtLMNERY stock for sale, cheap .Ad- Dress Ante coe, nanuoipn, .eo. Y M821 14 A GOOD psylng buslneas to exchsnge for property, either city or country; win besr closest Investigation. Address T M, Re office. . Y M827 7 MAN with $8,000. Interest given fn a Splen did .business proposition. Auoress, F 24, Bee. , ,1','. T-4b-21 When You Write to Advertisers remember it fcflly take an extra strok or tw 01 tne pen to mention tu lact. uiai you saw the ad In Th Bea EQUINE RECORD CO. Proven beat dividend paying Investment of rnn century; write tur ii liituibis. Equine Record Co., 266 Broadway, N. Y. Y-M842 2 FOR SALE The best saloon In South Omsha; everything new and up to dale; selling on accouTU of 111 health; must get but or business; nice location, good trade. Frank Thompson, 634 North 24th treet South Omaha. Y M841 4 GOOD storeroom for sal or rent In good town. Add. F 67,. Bee. - Y M847 8 PIONEER FARM FOR RENT. Located in southwestern Minnesota; 1G0 acres In splendid' state of cultivation; six mile from Omsha railroad; farm storked with high-grade Galloway cattle, which are for sale; owner getting old Is reason for renting; particulars may be had upon Inquiry. SHIMEJR & CHASE, Farms, Ranches, Modern Cottages, fcrt'Be Bldg. Y-M837 2 . . FOtt EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE General merchandise. Invoice tu.uuv, tor tana or rancn; otner stocks; list your property with me. T. M. Cllne, 1238 O St., Lincoln,. Neb. Z M624 A2 $10,000 TO $15,000 stock of genera tnerchan- aise to exenange- for land and one-third cash. Address,- XYZ, Shlckley, Neb. - - 4 M664 2 EXCHANGE. I will exchange my home for several va cant 101s or one. or two acres close In and hear car line and will pay some dif ference. The house Is an 8-room all mod ern dwelling, except furnace; two full south front lots 100x130. set with choice ! varieties of cherries, plums, crabapples, peaches and applet, now two years old, plenty of small fruit currants, goose- raspuernes, eto.;. nice maple shade trees, selected roses, vines and shrubbery. .Address K 68, Bee. ' Z M838 4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY. Promoters of Industries. - REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Business Chances Bought and Sold. -Partners Furnished. Special Atten tion ta th Sale of Furnlshei Houses. Rooming Houses. Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar kers, Dry Goods Stores, Millineries and all clasres' of Business. Capital secured for Patents. Stocks ot Mer- . chandtse, etc. Advance money to buyers on miv tumi. t If you are looking, for small or lar.e In vestments we can help you, or should you wish to increase your business and want capital, let us know. v w give everything promnt attention and guarantee satisfaction. Call or write. MA Xiao BUSlNrcJ8 CO. 436 GOOD BLOCK. PES MOINES. FOR SALS MEAL-ESTATE. A SNAP! Elegant . mofcrn" 9-room brick dwelling. .. KoAintse Iliac. $3,799, worth W,O0a.J'rtnkitoXrlnn, Jl2 N. Y. Life, SEE PAYNE, SOHTWIcic CO.' f of choice "'" . swi . x. iiu uiai Tel. wis. I - RE 761 WILLIAIVJSON fflSFUe 1201 RE 762 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also n uiufv:, iy aiiu IHTin ISI1QS. I TIG O. F. DavU Co., Room 653 Bea Building. - ' ' - ' ' RE 763 A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room vr. in. nun(Wf roont 4t. : : '. .... ,.- , w KE-Mo36 GEORGE G. WALLACE," teal estate, mort- iouwui, luouraucB.,, crown block. i ' RE 764 RANCH and farm lands; for sale by the .Union Paclflo Railroad noinpanv. B. A. vAtmict, ..anu cuinnnnproner, union Fg . clflo Headquarters, Omaha Nab. . ' , Rfi? 765 WHY PAY RENTT OWN TOCR HOME! . ore ine inuuBtriai nome company of .America. Best plan .on earth! Office, 221 Board of Trade Bldg.,' Omaha. R. M. Wilde, manager. ",RE M237 Al8 20 ACRES. tH miles northwest of Irving, ton:-all under cultivation and first-class isnui rnce, oo an acre. II you are look- ins tor a (arm don f fall -to let us shbw you , this, nhe Byron Reed Co. t Sole Agents), 212 8. 14th St,. RJE M420 HOUSES, lots, farms, faflcfies, loans; also uie iiiBurauce. ciemis, paxton block , i HE 766 FOR BALE 80 acres land,- near Florence. $1,600. The O. F. Davis Co.. 606 3e Bldg! ; .. RE 666-A6 FOR SALE House, wMh ,tn and one-half acres tana, near street-car,, si.aoo. Th O F..Davls CO., 6ug Bee Bldg. ; RE 667 A6 RANCH 8.000 acres deeded section school una tease; sou acres unaer plow; gr'.ss to cut. Boo tons.;.by;. . 8 miles government range front; 7 . inexhaustible wells; 6 pumping ouLfitSj 900-baj-rel tankaae; 12 miles fence aud 1 corrals; 70 acres planted timber; house, stable, sheds. Price lij.OuO. T. P. Heston, Bartlett, Neb. - - . -RE 76-A9 TWO SPECIAL BA-RGAINS . IN ALFALFA FARMS ' " 820 acres in Dawson coonty near Overton'. ,, uii uuun union x'acinc. Ad joining farm held at $26 pef- acre, po bet ter. This farm only $15 per acre, , $4 8u0. A big snap." Will b taken annn - 160 acres ic Lincoln county 6 miles "north- . west 01 norm naite. A very fine al falfa farm; 80 acres now In alfalfa. This . farm .properly stocked with hogs will pay more net. Income than any 112,ou0- farta In Iowa. Pric only $4,500. ..... f ; Write u for full particular and' w wilt snd you a copy of , . ' "ALFALFA FACTS." PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Th . Alfalfa Land Men." - OMAHA. .. . BE M799 I , Farm Mortgages."-' FOR BALE, by W, H. Green. 40? N. Y. Lif bldg., a few first mortgages; bearing 7 per cent, on irrigated farms. Rr-MSJ6 8 MEOICAL. DR. PRIES, the asknowledged - leading specialist In diseases of women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his. unsurpassed accommodations v before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what caus. Call or address,' with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. - 76, OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suit 515. N. Y. Uf Bldg. Tel. 1664. ' 778 DR. A. T. HUNT, til McCagu Bldg. Tel. .. t-774 MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 538 pe building. Tel flam 174 A 14 . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y- I-lfe, 768 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. ; . t-7 NEB. Buslnesa A Shorthand College. Boyd s Ttsalsr. -770 TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efflclt. durable. Simplest, easiest to learn, us and care for. BUILT FOR BUSINESS. ' Let us show you. Bent on approval. MONROE A CO., til North lth St, Omaha. 771 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phon 1717, 06 Bo. lth M.'8i U M. E. hauls trunk. Tel. 790. MS55 PATENTS. PATENTS Sue A Co., Be Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice free. ' 881 B19 FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for pric Hat, cut flower and plants. M784 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at horn. Miss Sturdy, 2580 Harney. 833 AS1 MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017. M4i A 21 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght', 1119 Farnam street. 785 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co., Hi North Hth. . 786 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. " . 787 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., II A Jackson. Tel 2S46. - - ' -7S PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1166. ; -779 A CARPENTERS .AND JOINERS. ALL kinds at carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ' 20th and Lake streets. 870 , ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice Cream Soda one price, 6d; one quality, the best. S. W. Cor. 24th and Ames Ave. ' 213 A16 O. R. GILBERT CO., tanner, 1424 So. 13th. . 789 LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired, L L Wks., 1406 Howard . M790 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED.; Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. . When You Write. " to Advertisers remember It only take an xtra strok r two of th pen to mention th fact that you saw th ad In Th Bee. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ETILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l Bk. Bid. NEB. Collection Co.. 80S N. Y. Life Bldg. 348 A19 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, ac; cutis, c lw wavenwortn. Tel. A-1783. -772 EEST laundry. Th Chicago, 'phone 206. . - M-35I LOST. LOST, vest pocket memorandum book con taining rt. xt. passes, xteiurn to Be office and get reward. Lost 828 8 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, 13th ana Harney, ma chinist. 776 CMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th SU - -77 JUNK, MIXED country scrap, 811; stov plate, 28. Alplrn, 802 Farnam. - T78 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phono 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. ' -779 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans '. cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced price; 621 N. 16, Tel. 1778. , 780 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. 781 STOHAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., UllVk Farn. TeU. 1559-86S. ' 783 TINNERS AND CORNICES. E. SAVAGE, 2822 Farnam. 'Phone, 2111. M843 SI GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILD1NO MATE rials, plumbing 'and electrical supplies, hardwars, tc U. S. Indian School, Genoa, Neb., July 23, 1902. Sealed proposals en dorsed "Proposals for Building Materials, etc.," and addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Neb., will b received at the Indian School until two o'clock p. m. of August 13, 1Sw2. for furnishing and delivering at th school.' as required during th fiscal rear sndlng June 80, lt, a quantity of umber, tin roofing, builders' hardware, snlllwork, paints, lima, sand, cement, slats, a boiler and radiation, pip and ntUngs, filp coverings, electrical supplies, plumb ng, etc, etc., a full Hat and specifications being obtainable at th school. Bidders will please stats bDeclrically the Droooaed price of each article to be offered under contract; all articles so offered will b subject to a rigid inspection. Th right is reserved 10 leject any ana an Dias or any Dart of any bid if deemed for the beat In terests of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank, made payable to th order of th commissioner of Indian affairs. lor si least nve per cent 01 ine amount v ii. y j 1 , u , v 1 im , vr ui.ii shall be forfeited to the United States in case a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract in accordance with his bid. otherwise to be returned to th bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not be considered. For further Information apply to W. 11. Wlnslow, Superintendent. v 4-i-d-lS-t-ta LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern Notice Is here by given that the Board of Coinmlaioner of Hock county, Nebraska will, on the 18th day tif August, 1!K3, and tintli noon of that day, receive bids st Bassett, Nebrsska, for the construction of a Bridge crossing the Nlobrs.a river at a point on or near the half-sectlnn line dividing section $, north and south. In township 32. range 14, which bridge shall be of the following gen eral character: of sufficient length to span said river from bank to bank, including lalsnd, and about H0 feet; pile and stringer, under truss, wood bridge; white oak piling, 84 feet, 12 Inches at butt and driven at b-ast 24 feet into th ground; bents 9 feet apart, 4 piles to the bent: bents protected by piling' ice breaks, with railroad iron protec tion, and bents or plies tinder same pro tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string ers of Oregon fir, 4x12 Inches, laid 16 Inches from center to center; 14-foot roadway, two and one-half-inch white oak plank; trusses not less than one Inch in diameter 4 truss rods to each span; railing 8 feet high, substantial, nnrd pine, caps on plies white oak, 12x12; bridge to be feet above low water mark, and to be painted. All material to be first-class of kind named. Plans and epeclflcsttons In county clerk' office. All bids muat be accompanied by plan and specifications, and also bond as re quired by law, and no bid will b considered unless accompanied by bond. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. By order ot ths Board of Commissioner of Rock county. Dsted July 8, 1902. O. A. HILLBURO, County Clerk. July 18d30t M PROPO8AL8 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MASONRY WATER DAM FOR CHEY ENNE. (WTO.) WATERWORKS. Office of the City Clerk. Cheyenne. Wyo., July 21, inu. eieaiea propoaaia win oe reoeivea oy the city clerk of Cheyenne, Wyo., at hi office in said city untli noon of Thursday, August 21, 1902, for the construction of a masonry nam on th Middle Fork of Crow Creek. Flans and specifications for the cronosad work may be seen at the offices of the city clerk or the city engineer, and blank forma of proposal will b -furnished by th city clerk. Each bid must be enclosed In a sealed envelop, and must be accompanied by a certified check for $1,000.00 as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter Into a contract. Bidders must furnish satisfactory evi dence, of their, ability to do th class of work required. Bids will be opened at a special meeting of the city council of said city of Chev- enne. Wyo.. to be held on Thursday. August 11, iwz, at s o ciocx p. m. J. L. MURRAY. Mayor. E. A. ABRY, City Clerk. Jy24EODl3t RAILWAY TIME CAKfJ. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCT. Chicago, Rock Ialaad Jt PaclSe. EAST. "rv' Arrtr Chlcsgo Daylight Um-' lted , a 8:00 am 6:46 am Chicago Daylight.... ....a 7:00 am a 9:35 pra Chicago Express..... ...,bll:l am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pra b 11:60 ass Chicago Fust Express.. .a 6:06 pm a 1 J6 pm . WE8T. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 1:50 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West .a 1:10 pm a f:4$ pm Colo., Texas, CaL A Oklahoma Flyer a 5:10 pm al2:40 pm llllaola CentraL Chicago Express a 7.20 am a 1:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited; a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis A St, Paul Express b T JO am t10:35 pm Chicago Express al0:85 pnj . t akoa I'aeiUc. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:20 pm Fast Mall . ...... .a 8:60 am a 1. 2d pm California Express a 4:25 pm Pacllic Express all:30 pm ' Eaatsrn Express. a 4:86 pm Atlantic Express a :u am Colorado Special 7:10 am Chicago Spncla. 3:40 am Lincoln, Lsatrlc and , Stromsburg Ex... b 4.06 pm bll:60 pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 pm Wabash. St Louis "Cadnon Bali" . Express a 6:56 pm a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local, Council ' Bluff a 9:16 am al0:S0 pm Chicago A Nortnwestera. - "Th Northwestern Lin," Fast ChL-gi. .a 3 40 am a 7:00 am Mall ..a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux-City al:lum a 3:50 pm Daylight St, Pent. a T:3l an. a 10:25 pm Daylight Chicago. ......a 8:00 am all:20 pm Local Chicago al0:5 am a 5:30 pm Local Carroll a i-io pm al0:00 am Fast Chicago a 4 66 pm a 4:06 pm Limited Chicago... ......a 7:4b pm a 9:20 am Fast St. Paul... a 7:55 pm . a 8:50 am Fast Mali.......... a 9:40 pm Local Sioux City b 8:55 pm bl0:00 am HlsaOartiPaelae. - St. Louis Express... ....al0:00 am a 1:25 pm K. C. A St. L. alv:60 pm a 6:16 am Chicago, Mllwaakc Jt St. Paal. Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm cnicago .Limiiea r.x....a e:uu pm a 7:t0 am BURLINGTON STATION IOTH A MASON Darllagtoa A Ml eaa art Hirer. ' Leave. Arrive, Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln ....a 8:40 am bU:6S a a Nebraska Express. .....a 8:u act a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 6:46 was Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestlbulaa Fiver -a 2:10 nm Lincoln Faat Mall b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort croox ana x-iaiis-mouth b 2:20 put bllKK am Bellevnue facinc Jct.a 7: so pm 'a 8:27 am Bellsvus A Paclflo Jet. .a 8:00 am Kaasaa City, at.. Joseph At Coaaell Blaffs. . ' Kansas City Day Ex... .a 9:20 am a 6:08 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:J0 pm all: 15 am Kansas City iHignt Ex.. aiu;v pm a 6:1a am a Daily, b Daily except 8unday. a Bun- day only, o Daiiy except Saturday. . Dally xcept Monday. Chicago. Bnrllagtoa A dalaer. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special , 7;uo am a 4:j pm Chicago vesiiDuiea tx.a :uu pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local ..: a 9:80 am aU:oO pm Chicago Limitea a :u pm a 7:30 am Fast Mail -. a 8:46 pm a 1 WEBSTER DEPOT IOTH at WEBSTER Chleaga, St. Paal, Mlaaaaaolla A Ossaha. ' Leave. Arrtva. Twin City Passenger. . a 4 W am a 9:00 pm Dioux ity faaasngsr... i:w pm au:LH am Emerson Local ..........b 6:40 pm b 8:45 am Freaaaat, Elkhora A Mtxaurl VaUey. LMTfc Arrlra. Black Hills. Dsadwood. Hot Bprtugs .. a 8 .-09 pm a 6.-08 pm Wyoming, Casper, and Douglas ..7 v. 4 140 pm SsOO pm Hastings, 1 ora, uaTi Exeter and Seward.... b IKK) pra b 5:09 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and 1 . . Fremont b 7:86 are blO Jt am Fremont Local oiw aaa Mlssaarl PaoIAa. -Nebraska LocaL Vis Weeping Watar b 4:10 pm a!0:26 am and a Bee Advertising Man . will call ott you to get a Want Ad or a Half Page. siTfAssTnrFsT HOLUHD-AUEMCA LINE Nsw York-kotwrdsu, via. Boulogne, 8. M. Nsw Twla-bcrsw a, a. of IS.uoO uia regitter TwlB-Barsw fl.4.,4. Aua. . Btaawer . rUlSUdill 101 II, Aug. 10,11) A. M, Steamer Aug. 28.10 4.. M Annltf 1A Ttamr Uaam lni Bm Street: J. 8. McNallv. lizl Fsrnsm streat: H. A Jones, I'm Farnam street; Louis . rirsi fnauonai ttaoa, uxuaua. Call tip I i 238 1 NEW BUILDINGSAT ARMY' POSTS Forts Riley and Leavenworth ta llav Sabstaatlal Impravetneats , Darlasr Cess In a Year. . . Plan are out for th erection ef lares buildings at Forts Riley n4 Leavenworth, to b completed for th War department next year If possible. Th artillery bari rack sre particularly needed at. Fort RIl'T, a for several months one battery baa been camping upon the military reservation. This battery wa stationed at Fort Robin on before the arrival of th Twenty-ec- r-nd Infantry In th department and ws transferred to Fort Riley at that time with out adequate room for Its accommodation. Th specifications at Fort Riley call for th erection of one double cavalry bar racks, on artillery barracks, on gun shel,' three Held officers' quarters, two doubt tin officer' auartera. two doable ' non-' commissioned staff officers' quarter and on' bakery. At Fort Leavenworth th buildings to ba erected ar six Infantry barrack, one ar tillery barracks, one artillery guard bonne, shop, etc, on artillery stable, one artll-' lery gun hed and on bakery. A board of officers, constating of Colonel H. B. Turrill, Colonel E. J. MeClernand and Captain W. R. Grove, will meet Saturday' at tho headquarter of the department to' examine Flnley M. Smock, 1st of th Fifth Iowa cavalry, a to his qualifications a superintendent of a military c'.aetery. Tbs examination Into th fitness of Cap tain Pantel E. McCsrty, supervising qusr termsster at Fort Leavenworth, for pro-., motion,' ha been completed and th cap, tain returned to hi station Thursday ven- ta. Considerable Interest 1 being taken at. headquarters In ths result of th rlfl com- petition at Fort Leavenworth. There la. some discussion among th officer a to th uss ot th Mng gaug upon th maga sin rifle, soma of them maintaining . that th soldier should be required to - shoot without the gauge, so that he will be abl to approximately gaug th fore of tho wind when It come to actual engagement. ONE MORE MOVE ON GORDON Jadg Estell Overrate City' Mo tlaa (or New Hearlhgr la Salary Cas. City Attorney Connell, for whom Judg Estelle ha been Waiting for some time. appeared la tho latter' court Friday morn ing and took the court' announcement that his motion for a new hearing In th action brought by former, Folic . Judge; Gordon against Mayor Moore to compel' htm to sign a salary warrant for Oordon for part of 1901. I overruled. Th court gav him until September 15, or forty-six ' day, to get Into th supreme court with hi bill of exceptions, and In th meantime , the peremptory writ . 1 la abeyance, and the mayor to give personal bond for th'; appeal cost. ' ' v Judge Estell said that he expected tho long-drawn-out term of th district court to end next Tuesday. v REPORTS OF PETTY THEFTS of Depredators Daring Thars- 1 day; Night. Mary Mitchell, - colof ed, of 613 South : Fifteenth street, told the pollc that a woman of her acquaintance known aa "Lucy" spent th night at her houe and , yesterday morning had left, wearing on of Mary' bright rod dresses and taking with her a silk waist,', a red hat trimmed with . black and other article of wearing apparel : that Mary - Wants recovered. , Charle ' Campbell complained to th pollc that for th last year he had allowed his wagon to remain standing In th alley near hi , residence,. 716. North Sixteenth. Yesterday morning It had disappeared. The black smith shop at 418 South Nineteenth street, was entered during th night and an. anvil wa stolen. Tha proprietor reported to th , pollc.' ... " f . Right os the Spot . ,' Where rheumatism pains rub Buckles' Arnica Salve, th great healer.- 'Twill work wopjfes. Stops pain or no pay.- I5e. ' Heavy Cattle. Shipment from Pierre. PIERRE, 8, D.. ' Aug. L (Special.) Whlls there have been several light ship ment of cattle at time through July, th first heavy shipment to the eastern mar-' ket wa mad from this city Monday, when two train with twenty-seven cars of cattle and several car of horse and ' heep were cent out. The heaviest part' ot the shipment went to th Chicago mar ket, being beef Stuff, but on of th train went to Sioux City with .feeder- itock. Seasonable Fashions ejltl Child's Wading; Drawtr, t,4alldljtafa. . Child' Wading Drawers, '4193-Ths' lov ' of wading is Inherent lq every child' na ture. To b abla to paddle and play In ' the edge of th sea, the bay, or the river, 1 ' on ot tha greatest Joys th summer ha to offer. These useful drawers are de-' signed to render the fun available without ' danger to th clothing and ar, therefore, -a boom both to parent and th child. - Th originals, from which th drawtng wa made, are of cravenett serge In dark blue, but any waterproof material . equally suitable. Th drawer ar simple In the extreme, but are generously full, as tbey are de signed to draw on over th regulation clothing. The leg portions are seamed together and ar turned under at th lower edges where they .from casing through which elastio is inserted that draws them up to1 the required lz and forms frill. The ubDer edxe is also suDDlled with a casing .and elastic and th drawers can b so drawn on and made to perfectly pro tect th daintier ones and th pretty skirts , TV vl ag IViice.tu To cut these drawers tor a child. of I wids, ot IVs yards 86 or 44 Inches wide will be required. Th pattern 4198 is cut In sixes tor chil dren oi 2, 4 aad 6 year ot age. . For th accommodation ot Th Be read ers, these patterns, which usually retail al from 85 t 66 cent, will be furalsbsd at ' omiaal price, 16 cents, which cover all expense. In order to get a pattsra n. close 16 cents, glv Bomber sad aaa el pattsra wasted aad bust nseaure.