Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL friost ia ill Drains - Itrariftben, Daspi fair Wckthir and Btaruh Cablet. BEST BUSINESS EXPERIENCED IN CORN WkMl Displays Firm Toae, Vat Oats ' UfM lata Dallaese Tfceagh Close la Aaaaeed Provleloa . alaes Deseead rMICAOO. Aug. I. In suite of the bear lsh Influence of lower cables, line weather and generally good receipts, exrept in corn, sil mini look a brace today. Business was small and Interest after the marked train during July was waning. Hut a healthy reaction from tha went steady decline set in ana prices in generm raiueu well. September wheat closed 4iHc up, September corn lc higher and Septemtfi-r oats Ho advanced; provisions closed bUpVr lower. Mnalneaa was hent In com. There were something of a falllnsoff In receipts, qulle In contrast with the other pits, and as a Teen It there was a good premium ror caan atuft over the near futures. There was a Jlttle covering by shorts, but offerings were Jlght all day and restricted trading. There rwas nothing conspicuous to business and In tha main the crowd seemed to be resting after the troublous times of last month. Oood weather and promises of a bumper crop, with corn selling In Kentucky at 26c, 3iad no effect on prices, September opened AWio up at 6W4feHo, advanced sharply ion commission house buying to 66Vc and closed strong, la up, at &&Hc Receipts were M cars. Wheat was Inclined toward weakness only momentarily at tha opening on weak cables, large receipts and good weather. Fair cov ering and local buying. Influenced largely 4y tha strength of coarse grains, started a good upturn from tha long-continued wlumps and prices made good net gains. Trade waa not particularly active, nor was It large, for offerings were not free at any Alms. Crop advices were generally favor able, ' The export demand was slow and bids ware generally out of line, but 68 loads were reported worked at the sea board. September started Hfl'Vio lower to a shade up at 69i4i69Ha, advanced to 70e and closed firm, SWSjc up, at 70c Local receipts were 296 cars, 7 of contract grade, Minneapolis and Duluth reported 116 cars. making a total for the three points of fill, against 407 last week and 441 a, year ago. i'rlmary receipts were 1,076,000 bu., compared to 976,000 last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equlled 466, ouO tu. Argentine shipments were 32,000 bu. against 126,000 last year. Oats lapsed Into dullness after tha ex citement of yesterday's finale. The cash demand for oata Improved very much and of the 1,260,000 bu. left yesterday In the bull Itaders' hands over 76.000 bu. were con tracted for shipment today. This gave strength to the futures, shorts covered on the early low prices, and these influence, working against fine weather, pushed up prices in spite of dullness. September ad vanced from flHo to a Arm close, fto up, at S2l4e. Receipts were 160 cars. Provisions were unsettled. There was weakness early on a weak hog situation, and later liquidation further depressed the market. Some support by packers turned early sellers to buyers and part of the loss was regained. September pork closed weak, 7Vic down, at 116.70; September lard &j?7Vo lower at 810.77V4 and September ribs 7ho lower at $10.27. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 26 cars; corn, 65 cars; oats, 110 ears; hogs. 8,00 head. . Tha leading; futures ranged as follows r Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloa. Tea'jr. Wheat SepU l)ec. May May Oats Sept. lb Sept. b Dec 1 May Fork Sept. Oct. 1 Jan. Lard Sept. Oct. ' Jan. .9l 70 69K1W. 7041 61 "WW H6 14 69tTH VI .1V4 71 56 7 Vfcl 07l-lVil '21" e 41 ( 26 804k 28 H! H 811 1SR2H 16 621 i , - IT7 16 88 16 77 10 15 10 40 76 10S5 10 10 11314 804, . 80i 81 'A 16 60 16 65 15 66 16 70 16 70 16 72 16 75 16 T7V4 10 7t lorw 10 70 10 26 60 10 6TV4 10 77 10 17 72 10 27 10 07 17 10 t2 10 a I 60 a 7 mine Sept Oct Jan. 10 27 10 02 10 27H 10 07V. 1 17H 10 82 10 02 07V a Old. New. Na. J. ' ' Cash quotations were as follows 1 -' FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $3 6 J3.7&; winter patents, $3.204$$.60; clears, 63.00 63.40; springs, $4.30; patents, S3.60jM.85; straights, $3.fn3.SU ' WHEAT No. S eprlng, 7172o; No. sfcring, 6W3c; No. S red, 70Vi&7i.c CORN No. 2, 67c; No. S yellow, B8431c. OATS No, 2, 81i?40c: No. S white, 62c; No. S white. 890r52c. RYE No. . 56&e.' BARLEY Fair to choice malting, Cffiq. em. $1.65; prime timothy.' $6.38: clover, con- tract grade, $.354i8.40. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $16.60 6718.66. Ijard, per 100 lbs., $10.610.67. Short libs sides Ooose), $10.204710.30. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $9.129.26. Short clear sides (boxed), $U.2Soll v. WHISKY-On tha basis of high wines, 11-61. ' . The following are the receipts and ship ments: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 11,000 ,000 Wheat bu 294,000 t,0u0 Corn, bu 127,000 - 162.000 Oats, bu .' 862,000 - 117,000 Rye. bu. 110,000 Barley,' bu 4,000 . ...... On the Produce exchange today tha but ter market was steady; creameries, uo lc; dairies, 1628o. Cheese, steady. lu 10. Eggs, easy; fresh. 170. , NEW YORK . . GBI6ERJLL MARKET. laetatleas ( be Day ea Tarleaa CesssBodltlee. NJORK' Xu'- 1-FLOUR-Recelpts, 16,745 bbls.; exports, U4B6 bills.; market was quiet, but a trifle ateadler; winter ri tents, $8.764.0o; winter straights, $3,600 76; Minnesota patents, $3.864.10; winter extras, $3.UKuo3.36; winter low grades, $2 w t3.16; Minnesota bakers, $3 13.35. Rye our, dull; fair to good, 83.263.40: choice to fancy, $3 6t3'3.. .,CJ?RJ;ME.Air-s,,wuj3r: Y"ow western, $1.82; city, $1.80; Urandywlne. $3.46tf3.60. RYE Steady; No. $ western. 66c f. o, b., afloat; state, 623o, c i. f.. New York carlots. BARLEY Quiet; feeding. Mo, c L f., Buffalo. WHfilAT-ReoelpU, H2.87S bu.; exports, 1S.8S4 bu. Spot, Arm; No. S red. 76c, ell vator; Ni l red, 77SC t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 81o, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, &3c t. o. b., afloat. Re turning confidence in speculative circles led to more aggressive bull action today and advanced prices sharply, helped by un settled weather In the northwest, covering ana strengm in corn. The close was Arm at Ve net advance. May, 76W76 11-ltic. closed at 76'c; September. 74 6-lo74 13-16C closed at 74o; Lecember, 74 6-164;74c; closed at 74c. CORN-Rerelpta 10.600 bu.; exports, 4.46$ bu.; No. t oo, elevator, and bc, f. o. b.. afloat. Option market waa generally ftrm and higher all day, especially on near positions, becsuse of small receipts and covering. The market closed at UfrVc net advance Msy. 46S(46o. closed at 4c; September. WilVc, closed at 61c: December. 4H(irt8c. closed at 48c. OATH Receipts, 4,8no bu.; exports, 106 bu. Spot, flrmer; No. I. 66c; No. f 64c: No. S whits, 67(pc; No. 8 white, 69c; track mixed western, 4i5c; track whlre west ern, 65iCSc; track white state, 6ftdii6c. i)o tlon market was very easy at first, but re covered later with other grains. choeYiro(,:,OfchlPP,n'- '70C: d t0 HOPS rlrm; state, prime to choice 1901 crop, 1923c: 13u0. 'lS:; old. ill eommon to choice. 1901 crop. Efc-'Gc; 19uo. 17 'V "P ,rtri P"l"o c.sst, lsul crop 21 tt:4c; 1S10. 17tilic; olds. Uu2;.r. V' l.EATHKR Firm; acid. 2bS6c PROVISIONS-Beef. steady; family, $16.00 ei4 W; men. $1J6I); beef bams. $.? Outfit .; r.V';i?:.4 6"?'.50o: cUy I,n India mess $J2.0w?l Oo. Cut meats, steady; pickled bell lies. $1160012 50; pickled shoulders, $8 7M, S 75: pickled hams. $12 t 12.60. Lard, steady western steamed, 111. o.ji 11.(6; August closed at $10.7, nominal; refined, quiet; South America. $11.75; compound. $8.12i&8 50- con tinent, $11.16. Pork, quiet; family. $20 05; sh..rt clear. $ll.6uul.0O; 'mess, $18 Wij 18 60. HIPKti-Flrro; OalvestotL 80 to 2a lbs- Iftn r'.ilfnmt. ! tc 1 1 I... rr . 24 to SO lbs., 14c. WOOL Quiet; domestic fleece, IfctfMOe TAI.lXW-tesdy; city ($a pr pkg.). 6c; eoimlry (rkgs. free). sSi&ec. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 40 6c; Jsranese, 4(o6c. . BUTT EH- Receipts. 6.737 pkgs.; steady . state dairy, l?:-0c; creamery, state, i:i ( Jx'vc; creamery. Imitation, lfculsc; factory. 16fiHc. CH EESE Receipts, 4.16S pkgs.: large Steady, email weak; fancy, large, colored and white, o; fancy, small, new, state, EGOS Receipts, 7.0TM pkgi; stesdy; state snn I'ennsylvanla, 1iic; western can dled, lkil'.ic; western uncsndled, Hd'"''ir. MuIASSKS Steady ; New Orleans, i.1tjlo roi LTHV-Active, steady; chickens, Ific turkeys, 11c; fowls, l(c; d re seed, weak MKTAI-The loca market for clipper today presented a quiet and featureless sp- pearancv, out wiin tne tone aoout siesny in the absence of pressure to sell. Stand ard, pot to September, closed at $11. IM ll Ai; lake, $ll.o 12.00: electrolytic, $ll.SO( 11. m; casting, ii.iu 11, is. An easier nmrKei was reported nhrnnd, London declining 3s 9d snd closing with spot at 52 IK Od end futures at 63 Ss M. omestlc exports of copper during July amounted to 10,717 tons, this being a decrease of 1,641 tons as com pared with the movement during the pre vious month. For the seven months ex ports nave aggreated 106.368 tons, agnlnst 64.HS8 tons for the same period last year. Tin ruled quiet here, spot closing at $2.3o tiZH.w. ine bnguan price was raiseq s on a better demand, closing at 127 15s for spot and 125 17s 6d for futures. Lead was Is 3d lower In the foreign market, spot closing at 11. The local market ruled quiet and steady, with spot at 84.12. In spelter there was a fair Interest reported, but no change In the local price of $6.37. London waa unchanged at 18 15s. Iron was steady at New York; warrants nomi nal; No. 1 northern foundry, $i3.00i&J5.(i0; No. S northern foundry $22.O0i(r28.o0; No. 1 southern foundry, $22.0tft23 00; No. 2 south ern soft foundry, $22. 00423. 00. Glasgow and Mlddlesborough were a trifle lower, the former at 66s 2d and the latter at 61s. OMAMA WHOLKHALH MARKETS. Coadltloas of Trade aaa Uaetatloas oa Staple aad Faaey Prodace. EOG8 Candled stock, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. So; roosters, ac cording to age, 4&6c; turkeys, 8&10c; ducks and geese, 64j6c; spring chickens, per lb., UWTldC. BUTTER Packing stock. 12n3e: choice dairy, in tubs, 17c; separator, 2(Kf21c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 10c: her ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c: suntlsh, 6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; cod fish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 25c; bullheads, 10c. UUKN-WC. , r OAT8-660. BRAN Per ton, $18. ' HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. 1 upland, $8; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1 coarse, $7. Rye straw. $5.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VUUfeTABLES. - CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dos.. 76fcnc. MEW t'ELGRI-KIlamllOO, jne. POTATOES New, per bu., 2636c OREEN ONIONS Per dos.. accordlnr to size of bunches, lfifSfZOc. TUKMrH Per DU., 800. BEETS Per basket 40c GREEN CORN Per dos., Sc. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 26c '. LETTUCE Per dos. bunches, 20c PARSLEY Per dos., 30a36c RADISHES Per dos., )c. . WAX BKANS Home srown. ner market basket, 8(a35c; string beans, per market basket, SWh 35c CAlifc)AUi-caiirornia or noma grown. newiuc. . ONIONS New cauiornis, in sacks, ner Ib..lo ... . tomatoes Per market basket St . NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.15. JVHUllb PEACHES California St Johns, toe: Ar. kansas Elbertas, per 4-basket crate. $i: ner 6-basket crate, $1.60; eastern Crawfords, 90c. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates. fancy, $1.161.26. PRUNES-Per DOX, 41.16JP1.Z5. ( PEARS California, per box, $2.26. APPLES Summer varltles. ner bhl.. t2.lWZ.Q0. CANTALOUPE Texas, per crate, $2; per basket, 76c. WATERMELONS Per 100, $17,00125.00. GRAPES Southern Catawbas. ner 20-ib. crate, $1.60. Trlt IrJvAL rKUlTB, PINEAPPLES Florida. 30 to 86 count $3.60. S2.252.76. ORANGES Valenctas, $4.785.00; Medi terranean sweets, $4.O04.25. LEMONS Fancy, $6; choice, $4.60; Mes fnas, $4,604(6.00. MISCKLLANEOUS. CIDER New York, $3.76. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c: No. I green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 1 veal 1 4 IK Iks sfu-t tildaa t3ni . .1. - i;ail V.V alV lue,, , vas J UIMCB, OIWIAU . pelts, 76c- horse hides. $1.502.60, rurtvinn rer id., oc;. sneuea, sc. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, nee IK. 12c; hard shell, per lb.. llc; No. 1 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9o; Braxlls, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12o; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large. er id uo; smaii, iucKcocoanuta, per aos., Oc. k OLD METALS A. B. Alnern quotes tha following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton. $7T60: 8c; brass, light per lb., tc; lead, per lb., 6c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c St Lea la Grata a ad ProTlelaae. AT. LOUIS. Aug. 1. WHEAT Higher: No. I red cash, elevator. 6Tc; track, 66 Vuvtv,. DcyiFiuucii gunwiG, Lccuimr, 68c: May, 71c; No. S hard, CT'SPTOc CORN Higher; No. S cash, 69e; track, 60c; September, 494944c; December, 87c OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, new, 83c; September, 26Tc; No. 2 white, old, 59c. HIE Dull at B3C. FLOUR Quiet: new red winter natents. $3,204(3.30: extra fancy and straight S2.0a 8,16; clear, $2.76iS2.86. feed Timothy, nominal. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.1(. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 76c HAY Firm: timothy. $10.00(0116.00: nraJrla S7.fliW9.00. ' WMiBKi meaay, xi.ffi. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 69c HEMP TWINE Steady, c. PROVISIONS Pork: Lower: tobblnr old. $16 80; new, $17.20. Lard, lower, at $10.60. J-ry sail meats, ami; Doxea, extra snorts, $11.87; clear ribs, $11; short clear, $11.26. Bacon, dull: boxed, extra shorts. $11.75: clear ribs, $11.87; short clear,. $12.12. METALS Lead: Firm at $3.74.00l Spelter: Firm at $6.06. POULTRY Stead v: chickens, loo; snrinra 12c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geese, 4c. 11 TTT' V Li D... i, ' , . dairy, 17D'18c. euub steaar at mhc. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bu 6.000 lam Wheat bu 172.000 101.000 corn, tu 8,ooo 29,boo Oats, bu (1,000 46,000 Lrveraeel Oralar sil ProTlslaaa. LIVERPOOL Aug. 1. WHEAT Spot No. 1 northern, spring, quiet at 6ald; No. 1 Callfirnla, dull at 6a 4d. Futures, quiet; September, 6alld; December, 6s 10d. CORN Spot steady; American mixed, 6s, Futures, steady; September, tsld; Ootober, 6s d: January, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India mess, 107s 64. Pork, firm; prime mess west ern. 82s (d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 69s 6d. Bacon, Arm; Cumberland cut 26 to 30 lbs., dull. 6s: short I riha. 14 to 24 lbs., quiet, 69s 6d; long clear middles. ugnt, to M ins., quiet, 6s; long clear middles, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs., quiet, 6Ss6d; short clear' backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 63a 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 62s d. Shoulders square cut, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 47s. Lard, quiet; prime western. In tierces, steady, 66s; American refined. In palls, steady, 64s 6d. CHEESE Stesdy ; American finest whits, steady, 44s; American finest colored, steady, 49s. T ALLOW Prime city, steady, z&s; Aus tralian. In London, dull, 83s. FLOUR-St Louis fancy winter. Arm. 8s 9d. HOPS At, London (Pacific coast), firm, BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, quiet, ss Sd. " The following are the atocks of wheat and corn in store and on quays (railway and canal depots not Included): Wheat 8,130.000 centals; corn, 614,000 centals. Following are the stocks of breadstuff's and provisions In Liverpool: Flour, tU.tioO sacks; bacon, ll.OoO boxes; hams, 8.3oO boxes; snoulders, 1,800 boxes; butter, 6.9oO cwt.; cheese, 44,900 boxes; lard, 6.2oO tierces prime western steam and 1,240 tons other kinds. Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 3d3,o00 rentsls. Including 240.0oO Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the last three days, none. , Kaasaa City Urala ama Prevlsleas. KANSAS CITT. Aug. l.-WHEAT-Sep-tember 3e; December, 64c; cash. No. 2 hard. 6hjtic; No. 8, 62yc: No. S red. 67c; No. 8. Uc. ' CORN September, 44c; December, 4M $4c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 6t67c; No. i white, 61tiUc; No. S, toutilc. RYE-No. 2. 46c. HAY Choice timothy, $iao011.00; choice prairie, $4 7tXri7.GO. BUTTER Creamery, 19c; dairy, fancy, lc. - KOGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14c dos., loss off, cases re turnee Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 1S7.i0 141.60) Corn, bu 3.V2UO 21.0OI Oats, bu 46.000 42,001 Mlaneaaells, Wheat Flear aad Bra a. MINNEAPOU3, Aug. L W H EAT Sep- tember, f7fl7Se; December, iV; on track. No. 1 herd, 7B7c; Ho. north-rn, 7474c; No 2 northern, 7Sc. FIOURF1rM PS tents, $3S8e$!R; sec nd pstents, $.l.fiVfl3 76; first clesrs, $3.00ii3.1o; second clesrs. V! . BRAN In bulk, $1$. Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO, O., Aug. 1 WHEAT-DulI. but strong; cssh, 71c; September, 71c; De cember, 7z'c; Mhv, 72c. CORN Dull. Arm; cash, 63c; September, Wic; Kecemner, Kc. OATS Dull, firm; cssh, 2c; September, 2c; newSeptember, 3l'c; new December, 81c. BEED Clover, more active, steady; Oc tober, $6.15; iso. I alsike, $6.sift6.70. Rl'E-No. 2. 66c MllwaaVee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 1. WHEAT Market Steady; No. 1 northern, 7h7!c; No. 2 northern, 7c(jbc: neptember, 7c. HYE Firm ; No. 3. new. H6c; old .'59c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 6fVg66c; sample, CORN Firmer; September, 65c, Peorli Market. PEORIA, Aug. t-CORN-Flrmer; No. S, KtC. OATS Active, steady; No. S white, 44c, tracks WHISKY $1.31 for finished goods. - Dalatk Orala Market. DULUTH, Aug. 1. WHEAT Cash, No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 2 northern, 75c; No. 1 nortnern, 3?ic;.BepiemDer, esc; December, 67c. OATS September, 81c HEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Becomes Almost Inanimate aad Price Movement la Slnaglsh. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. The distinguishing feature of today's stock market wss the marnsq subsidence of activity, which has been in progress all this week, but which reached a condition almost of torpor today. The movement of prices was also ex tremely SlUKtrlsh. with tha eicenllnn nf a icw prominent stocKs. Ttie large specula' tive interests which have most largely n.ade the recent activity of the market were quiescent. It Is probable that tha retention rivn tn the formal announcement of the Rock Island plan of conversion of Its cables and reorganization on the method of control had something to do with these pauses In the speculation. The recent brilliant ad vance In Rock Island has been an Import ant Influence on the whole market. The details of the plan, which do not a-o be yond a redistribution of capital without alteration of the property Itself, or If Its relations with properties controlled by other Interests, arouse the question as to what have given the stock Its Increased valuation In the market since the plan was In course of formation. Rock Island fell to a level 8 below last Yilght during the morning. Another disturbing Influence was the re newed break In Colorado Fuel, which went below 90. The public recriminations be tween the contending parties to the con trol give warning of a conflict which may Involve speculative followers on the one side or the other to an uncomfortable ex tent. 1 The fear of an unfsvnpahlA ihnvin. k the banks In tomorrow'a statement was another restraining Influence upon specu lation. After Rock Island snd Colorada Fuel meted down and made some recovery here waa an Improvement In th r.n,,, l market and a few stocks became iirAn. and helped the general market St. Paul, New York Central, the local tractions. Western Union and American Bmeltln were amongst these. Rut the effort imnn the general market was very slight at any Cabled renorts showed easier mnnev wtn. dlttons abroad with the passing of the month end requirements and foreign ex change was easier here. This gave rise to hopes that the gold export movement would be checked next week and helped the hard ening tendency of the stock market. The forecast of the bank statement indicates a decline In cash reserves of over $2,000,000, the loss by gold exports and subtreasiirv operations Of 84.800.00O havlna- hmn nartlv offset by receipts from the Interior on bal ance, me marKet closed dull and heavy. There was a realizing movement in Cen tral of Georgia Income bonds, with sub sequent recovery. The market generally waa dr.'.! and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,.90.000. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. JDi following are the closing prices on the New. York Stock exchange: Atehliea SIS So fd loi Baltlaors A Ohio.. .10 fit Pinl pfd in so. Paclflo t go. Rail war ao pfo..... sr do ltd... S4 Canadian ' Pacific Canads 8...... Chw. k Ohio...-. Chicago A Altos. 1M mil Paolflo 41 H 44 Toledo. K. L. W do Dfd Union PaelBo ..... do sfd , Wabaih , 107 so pra. 7 Chicago, Ind. A h... T4 .. Wt .. o .. 4 .. W .. 14 .. 17 .. i ..100 ..U4 ..118 ..114 .. .. U .. (1 .. 4S .. n ..104 .. ao lra M Chteaco A B. Ill 81 hrhMlIng "".";.'. Chlea(o A O. W 111. do id pfd .....i do 1st pfd 8 Wla. Central do td sfd 48 do pfd Chicago A N. W....M1 C. R. I. A P 1M Chicago Tar. A Tr.. U Adams Ex American Ex I'nltad States Ex.. so sia iu Walls-Pargo Ex.... Amal. Copper ..... Amor. Car A P.... C. C. C. A 8t L....106 Colorado So il ao in pia. ... ...... 77 do Id pfd..... 47V do pfd Amor. Us. Oil Del. A Hudson 178 1I. U W rr Donror A R. 0 43W do pfd Amor. 8. A R do pfd do Bid s Anae. Mining Co... Brooklyn R. T Krlo U do 1st pfd-. (a Colo. Fuel A Inw... si so so. Dia...., .... KH.Con. Oa 123 Oreat Nor. pfd .. ..,.u 7i i ooacoo pia. ..Ill Hocking Valley .. J,U.. Eloctrl iu ao pia .. ..Tiinuciini i..oi ....... 17 ..144 Inter. Paper .. 47Vt do pfd t3!4 .. MV Laeloda Oas s .. 44 I Nat. Biscuit 47 ..1I lN.tlon.1 Load II ..143 Ko. American 124 ..13Vk Pacific Coaat 7 ,.14lK Paclflo Mall it .. M PaopIVs Oas 10J .. II Praaoad g. Car 47 ..lltTtl do pfd ,, ..lit Pullman P. Car 140 .. SO Ropubllo Stool 18 ' T4 ..144 sugar Ill Illinois Contra! lows Central .... do pfd Lak Kris A W.. do bfd U A N Manhattaa L Slot. St. Rj Max. Central .... Nat. fcr. of Mas. inn. A BC la... Mo. Paclflo M., K. A T do Dfd N. J. Central ... N. T. Contral ... Norfolk A W.... ..144U . 44 Tana. Coal A Iron... ax union Bag p 1414 . o P'd .. T U. t. Leather ...I?., u do pfd .... SSVi O. g. Hubbar H dO Dfd IM do sfd ... M ... S4 ...14V4 ... 47S ... V ... 71 ... tohk ... M ... n ... t ... 47S Ontario A W.... PanniTlranla Eoadlng do 1st pfd do id Dfd u. a stool do pfd Western Union .... Amor. LocomotlT. . do pfd K. C. Southern i4 s St. L A S. F.... do lot pfd 47 1 t M so Id pfd St. L. Bouthw.... do pfd St. Paul 1UV ao pfd Kx-dlvldend. Kx-rlghtai Rew York Mosey Market. NKW YORK Aug. l.-MONEY-On call, steady, at 2w3 per cent; last loan,! per cent P lnerCttnUla PPer, 48 per SSWP E?CHANQB - Easier, at H.87 for demand and at $4.6 for sixty commerclZ active; railroad. Irregular ' foTlowsC::"ln 1U0UUol, OI oonds are as U. a. rat. sa. reg....lOT L. 4 N. , fuP Max. Contrai 4s.... MU. I? . " WS do Is Inc..."... iiu do coupon I" -Minn. A L U u 1W do new 4s. rag lit ,14 K- i? t i7 iT.iT do coupon 124 do tm do old 4a. rag lotN. Y. caini"u".'."lOA " 4 !n. J.'c. ganV te iivi do coupon 104 ;No. Paclflo 4 104 Atchison gan. 4s 1041 do la . liat do adj. 4a 44 M. A W.' con. 4s""'ioiw Bal. A Ohio 4s 101 !R4lng en. 4. iji do conv. 4a Ids', gt. u AS 9 4a i? Canada 80. Is. .. .110V, St. 1. g. W 1. " It Central of Oa. 4a....lo3 do t. .. 1,2 do la inc aa-, S. A. A A !! Chaa. A Oblo 44a... .1077, go. Paclflo 4a'. v. Chicago A A. av,a... S 80. Railway to. . .'.."Ims C, M. A S. P. g. 4a.. 114 ,T.. St. L. A W 1. ivat C. A N W. o. 7.....4S1lnlon Plflo U..!?:',"!, R- t 4a....H.v,l do con. 4s .. lu.2 0 V 4. 10H, W.baah Is... . m Chicago Ter. 4a UVi 'a, tm .. !,! Colorado So. 4a do deb. b": .'. vi Danvor A R. O. 4a.. 102 Wart ahoro 4s. """mj kna prior Ilea 4a.... M4 Wheal. A L. B 4a is do ganaral 4a tat Wla. Caatral 4a'. .. ' Six P. W. A I. C. U...1U Cons. Tobacco 4a af Uotklng Valley 4..1o"I 'oo 4.... fci, Ex-interest. Offered. Haw Vark Mlaiagj Uaotatloas. NEW YORK, Aug. I.The following are the closing prices on mining stocks; Adasu Con M ,Llitia Chlat ,. Alice ... M ... 40 ... 4 ... 4 ...110 ,...100 ...12s Ontario a braaca Brunawlck Coo.. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va. Daadwood Terrs Horn Silver .... Iron Slliar Lcadilllo Cos... l"V' 11 Hhjenlx Potoal 4 . 14 , 1 1 14 Siivaaa tiiarra Nevada 8mall Hopas . buuidard Foreiga Financial. LONDON, Aug. t Gold premium at Beunos Ayres, 129.80; at Madrid. $7. Gold to the amount of 30.000waa withdrawn from the Bank of England today. Money was caxler and the demsnd slackened. Funds were plentiful, although more than 4.0Ou.0OO In Interest and dividend payments was released. lMscounts were easier. Com parative stupor dominated all sections of the stork market and little Improvement la likely before the coronation. Many mem bers of lbs sxchange are taking a holiday meanwhile. Consols opened dull, with the advent of the settlement. Americans were a fraction lower to correspond with rew York equivalents, but becsme somewhat firmer and were quiet at the close. Rio tintos renected firmness In the i'aris mar ket. Kaffirs were a shsde firmer. PARIS. Aug. 1. Three per cent rentes. inof $7c for the account. Exchange on ixmdon, Zof lfo for checks. Hpanisn 4s, Sfl.HO. BERLIN. Aug. 1 The rate of discount for short bills for settlement Is t per cent and for three months bills 1 per cent. WEEKIf ClJCARIltO HOISK TABLB the Associated! Baaks. - NEW YORK, Aug. 1. The following laoie, compiii-q tv tiraosireei, snows me bsnk clearings at the principal cities for ine weea enaed July 11, wnn mi percemt sge of Increase and decrease ss romparcd witn the corresponding week last year: I CITIES. Clearings. I Ino.l Doc- New York Chicago Boston , Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg Baltimore San Frsnclsco Cincinnati Kansas City Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Uetrolt Louisville Indianapolis Providence OMAHA Milwaukee Buffalo ..,.. St. Paul St. Joseph Denver Richmond Savannah Salt Lake City Albany Los Angeles Memphis Fort Worth Seattle , Washington Hartford , Peoria Toledo Portland, Ore Rochester Atlanta .'. , Des Moines New Haven Worcester Nashville , Springfield, Mass..... Norfolk Orand Rapids ........ Scran ton , Portland, Me Sioux City Augusta , Syracuse Dayton, O ,.. Tacoma $l,491.oM.47 82.5 147.321.7oi 7.l 11K,70.12 XX. 116.972 68.S 42,018.043 8.8. 46.1S),014 80.8 $o,S97,347 ,.3 .4..'n 18.844.06O 14. 18,lf.5(S 14,704,28 1.7 11.202.097 20.8 20.no2,R52 62.0 9.611.79.1 8.774,112 11.0 10.161.145 It 6, 877,700 " 6.044,0nO 8.4 $.883,413 8.0 6. 155,282 B.701.8S2 88.2 8.910.2X9 3.8"6.3K0 2.4 8.221,693 2.217,751 16.2 2.946.548 1S.4 8.790.213 66.4 1.875,797 2.674.01K7 23.5 8,230.902 42.7 8.262,274 52.4 2,430,856 6.2 2,186.377 6.9 3.177,556 26.4 1.872.069 8.5 2.427.427 80.4 1,604,005 17.5 1,640,010 83.1 1,604,141 24.2 1,887,579 1.5 1,390.002 4.0 I 1.399,899 1 l,2"3.1o6 1,657.637 33.9 1.365.602 11.5 . 1,237.687 9.3 1,141.708 22.2 638.421 9.8 1,934,961 , 1.418.143 45.8 1,243.280 16.8 1,818.374 49.9 1.171,272 18.8 673.877 , 1.100,899 12.2 1,060,746 36.7 959,165 35.8 775.702 8.6 541.000 4.4 . 809,254 68.8 610,966 637,655 16.9 885,414 660.000 24.7 470,668 651.893 60.0 476,633 20.2 401,720 6.8 442,278 24.6 , 609,881 35.3 505.112 85.3 852.615 42.6 - 823,300 4.7 331,427 19.0 882.070 8.8 807,847 837,700 80.1 893.839 (.3 298,441 222,063 226.539 49.6 1A6 l 4 a Awa-svu Mil 120,141 1,877,000 8,830,900 69.5 603,786 84.6 658,716 845,601 218,718 I . 1,735,732 $2,232.5T8.56s 26.6 714,483,101 18.9 1.3 (.2 ' 4.9 "i'.i "i'.i 'ii 31.1 22.2 "i'.i 9.4 8.4 Spokane Topeka Davenport Wilmington, Del c;vansviiie Birmingham Fall River Macon Little Rock Helena 22.1 'rt'.i Knoxvllle Lowell Akron Wichita Springfield, III s.o Jasxington New Bedford Chattanooga Youngstown Kalamaxoo Fargo Blnghamton Rockf ord Canton Jacksonville, Fla..... Springfield, O Chester Qulncy Hioomington Sioux Falls Z ,i U .? r. y 1 T" Fremont 12 9 13.0 241.4 Galveston T 'Columbus, O "wneeung Wllkesbarra 11.4 Beaumont ........... Decatur. III... Utlca Totals. TT. 8.. Outside New York... CANADA. Montreal .V..1$ 20.6MI.7o41 85.4 '33.1 73.6 ib-.T 'JOrOntO ........ aa. a al. 13 ,453 ,009 3.660,290 -160,943 ' 106V59 737,176 Winnipeg Hanrax , VancouveT B. C... Hamilton ............ 17.4 St. John, Victoria. N. B B. C 797.6221 'ii.'i B4,OK9 . 8.1 Quebec 1.277.277 4.01 Ottawa .. 1,657,568 Totals $ 44.398,81 81.4 Not Included in totals because eontalnlna other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because af na comparison xor last year. Bestea Sleek, ttpatatleaa. BOSTON. Aug. 1. Call loans. SU.HH ner cent; time loans, 4&6 per cent. Official closing ot stocks and bonds: Atchlaon 4s.... .101 Adventure Oaa 1 Allouat 41 Amalgamated .... 44 United 41 Bingham 101 Calumet A Hacla. 11 .Centennial Max. Central 4i N. B. O. A C 4 Atchison do pfd Boston A All ... 1 ... 44 ...ue 10 ... it .... 44 ... 10 ... 41 .. IT ...Ut ... 8 ...lie .... .... It ... to .... 30 ... 4 Boston A Mo... Boston Elevated 14 'Copper Range ... .....144 Dominion Coal .. H...134 Franklin 143 laJo Hoysl 107 Mohawk V Old Dominion ... ..1..1I1 Oaooola N. Y.. N. H. Fltchbarg pfd... Union Pacina Max. Central Amor. Sugar do pfd 11 Parrot American T. A T ..144 Qulncy Santa Fa Copper. Tamaexck Trlmoontala ..... Trinity United States ... Utah Victoria Wlaona Wolvartn Dominion I. A .. Oon. Electric ..... ... 44 ,..ll ,.. 44 ... rr .. 4 ..lit Mas. Electrls .... do pfd N. . O. A C United STult V. B. Steal do pfd Waotloga. ' Common.. 104 Ls4a gteek market. IaONDON."Au. 1.- 4 p. m. Closing-: Norfolk A Western... M Coneol for monay.... do aeeoant NSa ao pis Anaconda 4 1'iitno wasters... 14 4 si Atchlaon M Pannaylvsnla Rending do 1st pfd do M pfd Southern Railway. . do pfd do pfd 14 Baltimore A Ohio.. ..Ill Canadian Pacific 1U Cheaapaak A Ohio.. Chicago a. w C. M. A St. P... . n .10 . 46' . K- . . Alt Southern Paclflo. TO Union Paclflo.... 110 do sfd A...,. 6 Danvor A R. O... do pfd Brta United Slates Steal. do pfd ' Wabash do pfd panlsa 4 . 40 41 , it 47 :S5t do lat pfd do td pfd Illinois Control..., Loulavlllo A Nash Mlaaourt, K. A T. .147 ttU.Hand Mines do pfd 4l.DeBers (dot.) Naw York Central. 147 ' BAR SILVER 8 lead y at 24 7-144 .per ounce. MONEY 2 per cent. Ths rate of dis count in the open market for short bills is 262 9-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 8-16I& 2"St par cent. Baak C'learlaga. OMAHA. Aug. 1. Bank clearings today. $!67.S6S.66: corresnondlng day last year. $1.003. 9S688; decrease, $36,127.72. CINCINNATI, Aug. i. clearings, 3,1S2,- 900; money, 3&t per cent. New York ex change, 10c discount. UiilUAUO, Aug. 1. Clearings, fZl ,987,894 balances, $2,702,674; posted exchange, $486 tor sixty days and $4.sVh for demand: New York exchange, 10c premium. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1. Clearings, $6,613,046; balances, $699,943; money. Arm, at 66 per cent; New York exchange at par. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Clearings, 8246,168, 712; balances, $9,667,140. BOSTON, Aug L Clearings, $18.604,t78; balances, $1,422,032. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. l.Clearinra. $22,091,563; fealanoes, $3,606,038; money, 44 yvr cent. BALTIMORE. A us. 1. Clearlnsa. 1146. 881; balances, $374,921; money, 4 per cent. Oil aad Roala. OIL CITT. Pa.. Aug. L-OII-Credlt bal ances, $1.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, U5,44 bbls.; average, 81.807 bbls.; runs, 110, 976 bbls. ; averages, 111,120 bbls. TOLEDO, O., Aug. 1. OIL North Lima, 89c; South I J ma and Indiana, 84c. NEW YORK. Aug. .1. OIL Cottonseed. quiet. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady, 4b4i4c. LONDON. Aug. 1 OIL Linseed. 9a Id- Turpentine spirits, 32s 9d. CHARLESTON. S. C. Aug. 1. OIL Turpentine and roaln unchanged. SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. 1. Ol L-Turpen-tlne, firm, 43c. Rostn. firm; A, B, C, $1.10; D. $1 16; E. $1 30- F, $1.25; (J. $1.80; H, $16); I. $1.95: KTl 1146: M. 12 36: N. 13.30: WU. $3.4tl; WW. $3.56. Cafe Market. aJTTTJir Xi r a.. a noeerip a Rio. firm; No. 7 Invoice, 6c. Mild, steady; Cordova. Sqrllc. Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged to I points higher, the partial advance being due to firmer cables than looked for. active European demand and coverlna. Soon after the call the .wbols list lurced strong ea rigorous support from bull Interests, active cover ing by thoroughly frightened shorts and heavy general buying, which rapidly ad vanced prices from 6 to S5 points. The strength wss most pronounced in Septem ber, In which there Is known to exist sn enormous short Interest, this option at one time during the afternoon ruling 30 points above last night., The sensations! advance today Is the latest development In the bull movement which has controlled the market for seversl weeks past, September within a month having advsnced over 1 cent per pound. The market closed Arm, with prices net 6 to 25 points higher. Total sales amounted to 1O4.250 hsiis. Including: August, 6. 61 ',15.75c; September, 6 EWWit 5 vj tlctober, 6.3Vufi 50c; November, 5.35via.45c; December, 6 i'ai.iac; Jsnimrv. 5 4."--y5 50c; February, .60c; March, 6.4oitf5.60c; May. .60Bd.60o. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 1 The Commercial Bulle tin will say In tomorrow's report on the wool trade of the United Slates: The mar ket Is less active In Boston, but prices continue very strong. In Montana the firm of J. Koslnnd A Co. of Boston has raised the highest price paid another notch tv paying 17c at Great Falls. Wool grower's are receiving 15 per cent better prices for their wool than Isst year. Stocks of for eign wool are largely out of dealers' hands and domestic wools, especially mediums, are stronger In consequence. Oood do mestlo three-eighth blood combings have advanced to 23c In the grease. B luper pulled wools have sold, scoured, as high as 40c. The advance of 10 per cent on new lightweight worsted cloths confirms the legitimacy of the advanced raw material. Australian, cables note that the drouth will cut the coming Australian clip down 20 per cent. - The receipts of wool In Boston since January 1. 1902, have been 182,190,697 lbs., against '143.993.442 for the same period In 1901. The Boston shipments to date Are 157.684.279 lbs., against shipments of 145.918,574 for the same period In 1901. The stock on band In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77.840, 463 lbs. The total stock todsy Is toi.846.8Kl lbs. The stock on hand August 3, 19U1, was 74,597,400 lbs. BOSTON, Aug. 1. WOOL Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 2752Sc; XXX. 24j25c; No. 1 and No. 2, 26c to 27c; fine, unwashed, 20igi21c; unmerchantable, 22 fe23c; Michigan X and above, 22'd23c; No. 1 snd No. 2, 2(f26c; fine, unwashed, l19e; Kentucky, Indiana, etc., blood, 22r23c; blood. 21fi22c; braid, 18l!c; Texas, 12 months, 15g20c; 6 and 8 months, 16 17c; fall, 1314c; California, northern choice, 201 21c; northern average, lttfgl7c; middle, county, 1415c; southern, 10312c; fall, K12c; Oregon, staple, 16t?17c; eastern, choice 14 15c; eastern, average, 12fil3; vslley. No. 1, lS(gl9c; territory, Idaho, fine, 1314c; Idaho fine, medium, 15 16c; Wyoming, fine, ii'd 14c; Wyoming, flne to medium 15lfic; Utah, fine, 1314c; Utah, fine, medium, 16 17c; Dakota, fine. 13iifl4c: Dakota, fine. medium, 154il6c; Montana, fine, choice, 16& 17c; fine, average, 14gl5c; fine, medium choice, l7iJ18c; Colorado, New Mexico, etc., fine, 10611c; fine, medium, 12l4c; coarse, 13f14c- ST. LOUI8. Aug. l.-WOOL-FIrm; me- aium grades ana combing, 1353 isc; light fine, 12ijl6c; heavy fine, 913c; tub washed, Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. COTTON-Futures opened quiet and firm; August, 8.16c; Bep- lemoer, i.k; t-iciooer, 7.voc; November ana jjecemoer, 7.00c; January ana February, f 9m. Kfav-.FI f CI- C n n . n , I , . m I 1 1 1 n . . - - , .uwa'., I.V.V. V ' . . U 1 V V , UIUUIIII uplands, 8 5-1 6c; middling gulf, 9S-16c; sales, 858 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 1.-4 p. m.-COTTON Spot, business small and prices l-16d tower; American miUQiing, 4(l. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1. COTTON Lower; middling, 813-16c; no sales; receipts, 459 Dsies; snipmenis, 44 bales; stock, 15, bales. GALVESTON, Aug. l.-COTTON-Market easy at c. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1. COTTON Spot Dusineaa srnau, prices l-lod lower; Ameri can middling fair. 6 8-32d; good middling, 4 27-32d; middling, 4d; low middling, 4 21-32d; good ordinary. 4 17-32d: ordinary. 4 9-S2d. The sales of the day were 6.000 oaies, or wmcn ooo were for speculation ana export, ana inciuaea i,n American. Recelpta were 1,200 bales, all American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet. AiucriCttT, ... .; , 1 1 1 ;. , . o. c , AuauSt, 1 26 Sid, buyers; August-September, 4 31-64(4 32-64d, buyers; September-October, 4 Bl-64d, buyers; October-November. 4 16-64d. sellers: Novem ber-December. 4 12-64d, sellers; December- January, (lima, Duyers; January-February. 410-64d, sellers; February-March, t ivo4a, sellers; juarcn-Apm, iimmo, value Following are the weekly cotton statis tics: Total sales of all kinds, 28.000 bales; total sales of American, 25,000 bales English spinners' takings, 62,000; total ex ports, 20.000: imports of all kinds. 12.000: Imports of American, 4,000; stock of all kinds, 676,000; stock of American, 476,000; quantity afloat of all kinds. 26.000: Quantity afloat of American. 14,000; total sales on speculation, 600; total sales to exporters, 2.800 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 1. COTTON Quiet; sales, 250 bales; ordinary, 7c; pood ordinary, 7c; low middling, Sc; middling, 8 9-16c: good middling. 1 13-16c: middling fair, 9 3-loc; receipts, 670 bales r stock, 64,902 Dates. tAtesaeat of 'National' Debt. WASHINGTON. Aug. L-The monthly statement of the national debt shows that at the close of business July 81, 12)02, the debt, less cash In the treasury, amounted to $973,910,367, which la an Increase as com pared with July 1 of $4,463,126. This in crease Is accounted for by the reduction in ine amount oi casn on nana, 'ine debt Is recapitulated as follows: Interest-bear ing debt, $!m.070,J40; debt on which Interest nas ceaaea oince maturity, i,ai4,sio; debt peari n a no interest. u,dj.81: total, ii.- 827.8M.M6. This amount, however, does not inciuae mi,v&6,ui in certincates ana treasury noten outstanding, which are off set by an equal amount of cash on hand held for their redemption. The cash In the treasury Is classified as follows: Gold reserve fund. $160,000,000: trust funds. 1841.. 966.089; general fund, $826,818,509, Including $u.iaf.vyi in national oanit depositories; . 1 ? ,7u h&U Aaralna.. ..kl.l. . L. demand liabilities outstanding amounting to u4,ov,w, leaving a caaa balance oa nana ox -w,i(,ia. ETasorate4 Apples aad Drlesl Fralts. NEW YORK. Aug. L EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and without new develop ments, common to good are quoted at 8 10c; prime, 10410c; choice, lliilic; fancy, Utfl2c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Spot prunes are tairiy active ana s toe its are re ported moderate. There la a fair export business doing and prices are firmly held from. 3e to 6c for all gradea. Apricots are fairly active, but supplies from the new crop have caused an easier feeling. Apricots In boxes are quoted at 8yo and In bags at 8&8c. Peachea are In light aemana ana steady at recent ngurea. Sagas Market. venr -rnwtr in '4 own a v vs . .J ' M - ue - V a W , steady: fair refining, 2c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3c Molasses sugar, Zc Keflnod. steady. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 1. SUGAR Mar ket strong; open kettle, 23 2-16c; open kettle ceniriiugai, s04o; centrifugal yel low. 8i84o. Ceadltlea of the Treasary. WASHINGTON. Aug. L Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150,000.000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 2u3,U74,d99; gold, $98,006,006. Visible Bely of Cottoa. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 1. Secretsnr Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows ths total visible to be 1.766.255 bales, of which l,Ctel,2i$ Is Ameri can cotton. Dry Goods Market. MANCHESTER. Aug. 1. DRY GOODS Quiet, with very little business doing. Yarns quiet and unchanged. Claclaaatl Spirits. riwriNKATl. Aug. 1. Whisky distillers' finished goods quiet on basis of $1.81. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4.786 head; steers, steady; bulla and cows, unchanged; common to good steers, $4 007.15; oxen and stags, $4. i5.u6.25; bulls, $3.Oo0t.oO; cows, $2,804)4.25; extra fat, $4.76; rabies quoted live cattle lower at 14ijl4,c per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef, at llc per lb.; shipments, 810 cattle and 2,760 quarters of beef. CALVE Receipts, 46 head; steady; veals, $6. 007.87; little calves and culls, $4.Oo0 4.60; buttermilks nominal. Mm;h Receipts, i,Z4 neaa; reeling wenx. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.821 head; sheep, 25c lower; lambs, about steady: sl.eep. $2.25434.25; culls. $2; lambs. $4.7646.40; one car extra, $6.75; culls, $4. 60. t. Joseph Lira Stock Market. . ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 492 head; steady; natives. $4-6oi8 5; cows and heifers, $1.00-36 00; veals. $2. 75. J 6.00; bulls and stags. $2.76.25; stockeis and feeders, $2.255.25. HOUS Receipts. 4.369 head: steady to fc lower; light and light mixed, $7.2f37.6o: medium and heavy. piss. $4.25(3 7.15; bulk. $7.47.70. BHEE AND LAMBS Receipts. 481 hsadi steady. ,. , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hardlj Ensugh Oattlg oa Salt with Winch to Toat friott. HOGS SOLD. A BIG DIME LOWER Oaly Few Feeder Sheep aad La sabs Arrived, bat for Week Fat Sta Has Broke la Baa Shape, Lambs Safferlag the Worst. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 1. RtCelDt were- Cattle. Hogs. Bheep, Official Montlsy .... OfTlclal Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Official Thursday... Official Friday 3.0 2.060 7.7-8 9.76 8669 8.M7 4, 704 1.162 2.6S1 2.026 1,800 958 4.656 '4.390 6,!66 Five days this week. 11.065 2S.R45 Same days last week. ...10.178 33,540 Same week before 14,294 81, 2W Same three weeks ago. .11,?! 82.775 Same four weeks ago.... 7.260 35.999 Same days last vesr 10.865 39.004 34,128 27.S70 22.751 18.362 17.944 83,662 RKl,EU aS FOR THE YEAR TO DATR The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for , " . "r lo aal And comparisons with lap V rnr, 1902. 1901. Ino. V.B,tIe 421.176 897.368 23,807 1,611,808 1,461,831 60.272 Deo. "'"P 628.574 607,014 80,440 tpnowing tabl; shows tha average E, S. ? f!H8 old on ln Boutn Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years; Date. 1902. 11901. 190Q.1899.1898.1897.ll89t. July 1.... J 64 1 63 $ $91 I 83 6 741 I 8 71 8 781 3 (1 I 181 July 6 82 8 6118 1$ July July 4.... July .... July 6..., July 7.... 6 Oil 3 78 I 64 78 i 081 8 781 I 66 sa ;$l S IS I 83 T 76 i U I II Jusy 8.... Juiy 9.... July 10... July 11... July 13... July 13... July 14... July 16... July 16... July 17... July 18... July 19... July 20... Juiy 21... I I 83 J l 7 8o 6 831 ISI 7 83 7 79 7T7 ( 86 i u 4 K2 0 V4 I 85 I 02 86 IH5M 77 64 ? 72, 7 72 7 73 7 66 6 66 6 62 6 i 7 62 July 22... July 23... 7 41 S 68 7 32 I 711 July 24... July 26... July 26... July 27... July 28... July 29... July 80... Juiy 31... August 1. 7 41 s 701 7 53 6 74 1 63 7 6314 5 6 691 t 47 7 65 7 47 6 66 7 61 6 61 I 41 I66 Indicates Sunday. Indicates Holiday. . the official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: P.tlla IlxaT-i Bk... IT'.1. n X M. Ba. V-i . . ., ... m oi. r. ........ .. O; A St. L Missouri Pacific 4 Union Paclflo System 8 C. & N. W 1 F., E. & M. V S. C. A P B. & M ia C, B. & Q .. K. C. eV St. J a C, R. I. A p., east Illinois Central... Total receipts 84 'a" iaH i 3 66 3 Z8 I 17 13 74i 8 2fii 1 as I I 8l 82 I 0 I 8 781 3 86 3 96 3 90( I 88 I 87 i 96 8 70 I 3 94 I 041 3 731 I 18 6 13 4 09 3 82 3 14 3 9T 8064063778 15 800 3998778 17 306 (02 8 82 3 80 3 07 494401 3 35 3 97 4 87 4 16 8 82 2W 499 428 88332 4964 19 386386291 6 07 4 21 3 81 3 88 3 97 4 34 8 ?9i 3 27 2 68 I 15 8 82 3 23 2 3 6 16 4 86 3 36 1 92 505 4 81 3 89 18 602 4 271 87 187 6 06 4 32 8 77 3 43 1 85 6 13 4 33 3 67 8 29 2 76 4 32 2 Ti 3 36 -2 7l 6 (A 1 74 3 44 2 77 609482 3 60 2 77 6 164 19 8 79 in 10 1 4 a 1 8 21 4 1 H 4)4 go 10 f 44 87 7 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: ""Vera- Cattle. Hogs. Sheen Omaha Packing Co...;. 1.428 1.62 2.096 1 71 65 owiit ano company Cudahy Packing Co Armoiie A Cn Om. Pkg. Co., from k. C. Swift, from K. C R. Becker at Degan Lobman & Co.... Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone St Schaller.. Hamilton A Rothschild.. U F. Husa , H. L. Dennis A Co 168 177 171 62 48 5 30 1E9 87 48 1 11 1 43 414 wolt & M Other buyers.. LS93 1.272 Totals 991 6.91 i.iLuv-ineni were so lew cattle on sale today that there were not enough of any one kind to make a test of the true condition of the market. For the week, however, supplies are a little heavier than they were either lust week or the same days of last year. About all that could be said of the market today is that prac tically everything sold at nominally steady prices. The quality of the offerings waa rather on the common order and no quot able change in prices was noticeable. The supply of corn fed steers has been very light all the week, and In fact there has not been enough good stuff on sale to test the market. It Is safe to quote the market s'rong, however, on anything de sirable. The part fat cattle have been rather neglected, but the pretty good rattle have sold a little higher. The cow market has been In pretty rood shape till the week, and good stuff Is right around 25c higher. The general market Is anyway 1526c higher unless in the case of something very inferior. This Is true of both grass and cornfed cattle. On some days trading was noi particularly brisk, and especially was that true of the last end of the Thursday market, but still for the week the situation was very eatls factory. Bulls have not sold any too well this week, snd except In the case of something good the market Is a little lower. The demand for feeder bulls haa been limited Veal calves and stags have sold none too well. Stockers and feeders have bean srronar all A 1 t T T7 -m . . . the week, and If anything are a little higher. Tidy cattle In particular are stronger and yearlings of good quality are selling considerably higher than they were a week ago. The same is. also true of snort twos. Western range cattle hare made up the bulk of the recelpta this week, and todiy some South Dakota cattle aold at $6 50 Steers of good quality are probably 15c nigner ior ine weea, ana in some cases 25c higher. Cows are also fully l5g25o higher for the week, and stockers and feed- era are strong, representative sales; UCLJ BtC.it5, No i... 4... n... l... t... ... 1... i... i... i... l... 4... i... ... 1... 1... ... I... 1... I... 1.... 1..., $.... Av. Tr. No. Av. r. .lfrU I U il... ...lost $ 1 .list 144 ii... $04 II... ...104 ...1144 4 M ....lent 4 40 COWS. 1 74 1 16 1 14 i 00 9 04 i 24 i 14 I iS i 40 i 40 i 60 t 64 i 60 i 64 40 1. ,...1044 .... 4M ... 47 ... 471 ...1044 ... 72 ... 444 ...10110 ,...1040 ... 4M ...looo ... M4 ...10(1 ...101 ... ano ...1100 $ 74 3 14 i 16 1 M I 04 8 0 i 04 I 14 I 14 i 16 I 40 8 44 4 00 4 14 4 IS 4 16 74 ,. H0 lio 400 M0 V4 n0 44 1000 M iOO 1J4 1016 n 1044 i... 4... 7... 4... 4... 4... 8... 1... Ii... 1... I... $.... 1..., 1.... I 40 I. HEIFERS. 446 140 1 oo i (10 4 410 417 8 16 4 14 BULLS. 1410 1 16 1 .114 .lit 1 SO 8 16 164 (00 1 CALVES. 110 4 00 1 19 ID STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1.... I.... I.... i... $.... 1.... 1.... &0 1 06 4 (70 1 IS W l 9 43 ( 66 4X0 I !6 4 494 I 6 t4 t 14 4 40 ( M 141 1 76 STOCKERS ANT FEEDERS, 144 1 is 1. 1 , 11 Ml 4 4 4 00 4 46 110 160 i 60 11 ( 16 I NEBRASKA. 1 steer 1200 1 steer 1160 3 80 4 cows 967 3 HO 1 cow 7 NO 1 IS 3 60 2 10 t 75 1 20 8 10 1 00 3 10 3 65 1 75 2 80 4 50 8 10 3 64 4 60 20 feeders.. 796 4 30 3 cows 716 3 25 1 cow 930 4 25 1 cow 870 2 00 1 cow 1010 3 SO 1 cow looO 3 K0 2 cows 890 2 -2 co wa..... looo 3 25 1 cow 790 2 90 2 cows 910 Erdman 8. IJ. 6 60 7 steers.. ..1072 3 feeders.. 795 9 feeders.. 977 14 bulls 1191 2 bulls 1410 12 cows lo2 IK cows 7W 15 cows. 11 cows. , 912 . 965 A. 56 steers. 11 cows... 1172 John Heegler H. L. ...870 3 60 10 steers.. ..1196 ...1060 4 50 2 stags 1370 ... 76 Soil I feeder.. .1060 ... 923 8 70 C. M. Morton Colo. 1 cow... 2 cows.., 3 cows... 6 cows.. 3 cows.. 778 3 15 6 feeders.. 896 8M) t 00 1 feeders.. 796 sol 2 90 A. D. Brown Colo. 4 00 3 00 11 cows.. 8 cows 9J0 J 90 8 feeders.. 878 1 cow 2 90 3 feeders.. 760 3 cows 833 2 35 1 cow 950 4 00 3 00 2 35 HOGS There was lust a fair run of hogs here today, but as other marketa were all quoted lower prices took a drop amount ing to a good dime as compared with yes terday's general market. Trading mas none too active at the decline, but Instead of Improving as the morning advanced tha msrket seemed to weaken and a good many hogs on the close sold 10&16e lower. It wss a slow, draggy-market from start to finish, but as supplies were limited the bulk of the offerings waa disposed of in fairly good season- The bcttsr grades ot bogs sold largely from $7.4$ to $7 80. and as high as $7.66 was paid. The commoner grades sold largely from down to $7.40, with the light stuff still lower, "ellcrs complslned consldersbly this morning of the wav the rough packing hogs were sell ing, snd In a good many cases they hsd a hard time to get satisfactory bids on that olass of stuff. Representative sales: No. Av. Sk. rr xi 11 ... T 4 to ... 7 tr 64 II 44 T M 14 171 ... T II IU 44 7 II 47 Ill ... 7 12 Ss 14 ...Ill II I 14 II tit 40 T 44 4 10 40 7 16 41 Ill 1 t JS 7 170 0 7 14 71 Hi 14 T ii 47 tr a tu 71 14 40 t 16 II !M 40 f M 44 Ill IN T 14 71 ...Ill I IN No. Av. Sh. rr. 1 Ill IN 7 40 47 ill SO t 40 44 1,1 4 7 40 It tl SO 7 40 41 M4 44 7 44 6. .......HI 10 7 40 16 Ill 14 7 40 1 167 0 f 42 4 Ml 44 7 41 1 v ... 7 42 44 Ml 4 7 4! 4 Ml 4 7 42V, 14 40 7 41', it 9"4 t 42 44 Ml IS 7 41 i 14 10 t 41 It lit I 7 41 St.. ......HI 44 7 41 41 1?i 4 7 41 47 l 40 f 41 44 14 4 f 42 41 14 1 7 41 6 M4 44 7 a 41 14 ... 7 44 46 Mi 1 20 1 46 41 Ill 14 7 44 71 Hi 10 7 44 44 4 114 7 44 44 MO ... 7 44 46 14 4 7 46 Tt 144 114 7 M 47 M4 94 f 44 41 HI ... 7 44 47 til 44 T 44 11 1 84 7 44 44 140 ... 7 46 It Ml 90 7 44 41 171 IN 7 44 44 M4 It 7 44 40 14 ... 7 44 47 M 44 7 44 41 14 M 7 44 40 M4 ... 7 44 61 to 7 40 40 M 44 7 40 41 16 7 44 41 171 ... 7 64 44 147 ... 7 44 44 11 14 7 40 40 Ill ... T 40 41 Ml 10 7 60 44 ill IM 7 44 4 14 ... 7 44 71 IS II M4 t M T at T K 7 14 1 11 T 11 T 40 7 40 7 4 7 44 7 44 7 40 7 40 7 4 7 40 7 40 7 44 7 44 I 44 T aa .146 .III .141 .114 .111 .14 .1.11 .i?4 .170 .171 .ill .KH .M0 4 11 44 16 17 117.... 11 10 41 4 17 , 10 II to 1..... (A 44 0 40 40 114 17 K4 .....J 141 ill in i 144 14 11 11T 10 7 40 71 lit 10 7 44 M4 It 7 40 f "4 110 7 44 44 Ml 140 7 4 11 7 40 74 140 ... 7 40 !f Ill (0 7 40 H 12 7 44 2" '4 S 7 40 1 "0 140 7 40 11 141 SO 7 44 "0 14 7 44 4 Ml ... 7 4 44 14 SO 7 40 f "I 11 7 40 47 161 in 1 40 SHEEP-There were only a few cars of feeders here today, so that a fair test ot the market for fat stuff was not made. Ine feeders sold at about steady prices "compared with yesterday. FOr tile Wee lr unr,lla havA lia.n 11 1 ta, liberal, a big gain having been made over weea, dui aa compared witn last year there Is not so much Increase. The tend ency of prices has been downward at this point, ss well as at others, snd quite a severe break haa taken place. Lambs have suffered the most and msy safely be quoted 60(ff75c lower thsn thev were a week ago, but sheep are 4otr60c lower. The market since Wednesday has been very dull and packers apparently did not care whether they got much of anything or not. Owing to the drop In fat stuff feeders have also eased off. but are probably not more than 15ffl25c lower than they were at the close of last week. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice yearlings, $4,0044 85; fslr to good, $3.904.20; good to choice wethers, $3.84.10; fair to good wethers, $3&;3.ftO; good to choice ewes, $3.50Hp3.75; fair to good ewes, 3.2i.i8'S-60: good to choice spring lambs, $5 25 trti.bO; fair to good spring lambs, $5.005.2o; feeder wethers, $2.75(8.10; feeder yearlings. $2.0O3.33: feeder lambs, $3.0033.80; feeder e-iea, tt-am'i.a. representative sales: A v. Pr. 1157 feeder lambs and ewes. 58 83 $1 70 97 68 73 $7 $2 70 3 76 3 30 3 76 3 76 4 00 3 00 I 65 es western ewes 253 feeder wethers 105 western wethers 400 western wethers , 285 buck lambs... , 65 cull ewes 73 feedesearltngs CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET. Utle ad Lambs Steady aad and Sheep Lower. Rosa CHICAGO. . AllS. 1 C A TTT .XT. Paa.lnta 1.000 head, including 600 Texans: s-ood in prime steers nominal, $8.008.0S; poor to medium. $4.705.70: $2 506.25; cows, $l.tAH3.26; heifers, 3.50 6.60; canners. $1.60g2.60; bulls, $2.605.y; calves, $2.5066.60: Texas fed steers tivm 6.00. ... HOGS Recelnts. 16 AAA bearf- tomorrow. 8.000: left over none- m,r..i 6610c lower, dull; mixed' and butchers, $7.05g7.85; good to choice heavy. $7.70"n7.!lO; rough heavy $7.2007.66; light. $6.80j7.4; bulk of sales, 87.85ie7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 6,000 head; -sheep dull, lower: lambs atesriv: good to choice wethers. (3.50i4 26- rale - choice mixed, $2.60(53 60; western she?p. $2.5O4.00: native Iambi, J3.506.00; western lambs, $5.75, top. uinciai yesterday: Deeelnta ni,lnm.n,a came 4,2 $.725 nogs , 14.739 2,W1 994 eneep .12.324 Kaasaa City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITT. Aur. 1 f-iTTl.rt.. celpts, 1,300 natives, 600 Texans snd U Texas calves; no good cornfed cattle: grassers and medium stock 625c lower; stockers and feeders slow and weak: native cows steady to 10c lower; choice export and un-nneu ueei steers, (.sono.s; fair to good, $4.75(&7.75; stockers snd feeders. $2.65435-40; western fed steers, $4.65f6.26; Texas and Indian steers. J2.564f4.10: Texas cows 7vai 8.10; native cows, $1.60ff6.60; native heifers, $2.35S4.60; canners, $1.304j2.36; bulls, $2.00 4.00; calves, $ HOU8-Receipts, 2,050 head; market tc lower to 6c higher: genersllv atearfv inn $7.75; bulk of sales, $7.45&7.65; heavy, $7.7(V(J 7.75; mixed packers, $7.4O7.60; light, $7.00 1. do; yorxers, $7,4547.60; pigs. $6.754r7.00. SHEEP AND LAMHH ReceiiM. i 4v. head: market steady; native Inmha n 6imj 6.00; western lambs, $3.20$j6.O0; native weth era, $3.80434.75; western wethers, $3.35tj4.25; fed ewes, $3.45(fj'4.40; Texas clipped yearlings, $3.15414.46; Texas clipped sheep, $X30tfa.l: ' stockers and feeders, $2.7003.00, St: Loala Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aur. 1. CATTt.RTeejil-ii 2.600 .head. Including 2,300 Texans; market dull and stesdy; nstlve shinning and ex. port steers, $6.004J7.60: dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.256.60; steers under Ins., $4.00416.26: stockers and feeders. $2.70; cows sna neirers. u.zws'j.UO; canners, $1.75412.86; bulls. $2,2543.66; calvea, $5.504 6.75. HOGS Receipts. 2,000 head; market lower; pigs and lights. $7.264J7.45; packers, $7.40Q7.$; butchers. $7,604,711. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800hesd; market slow; native muttons, $3.50g4 00; lambs, $4.00436.60; culls and bucks. $2 5048 $.75; stockers, $2.254j3.00. Sloax City Live Stoek Market. V SIOUX CITY Is.. Aug. l.-(Speclsl Tela. gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100; market steady; beeves, $6.6O4i7.60; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2.61x66.00; stockers snd feeders, 82 75 e-1-60; yearlings and calves, $2.60&4.CO. HOGS-Recelpts, 1.500; 6c lower; selling $7.264y7.66; bulk, $7.30j7.S5. " Stock la Sight. The following tsble shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheen at tha five nrindnai markets for August 1: Cattle. Hoe. Sheep. South Omaha 858 1.162 Chicago , 1.000 1.900 2,600 492 .....6,760 6.000 1.401 601 481 1,843 Kansas city.. St. Louis Bt. Joseph...., Totals , To Develop 82.886 the aad Cherry. PIERRE). 8. D., Aug. l.v-(Speclal.) Profs. Kerr and Hanson of ths Stats Ag rlcultural college left this elty for a trip oi several aays- duration on ths range country, looking up native shrubs and fruits, which will be experimented oa at the college and their capacity for Improve, ment In quantity tested. The special mis sion of tbelr present trip Is to gather plants of ths aaad cherry, which fruit a showa Itself to bs subject to great lmprovemsnt by cars and cultivation. Yield ot Small Orala. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) Weekly reports aa to crop condi tions In this part ot ths stats Indicate that wheat will run from eighteen to thirty bushels, per acra oata from forty to fifty-five bushels and barley from thirty to Bfty-flve. One farmer near Fulton has threshed his barley and It measured flfty- ssven bushels per acre. Glaadera Kpldeaala Near Yaaktea. YANKTON, 8. D., Aug. L (Special.) A considerable number of cases of glanders hsvs been reported In ths vicinity of Yank ton recently. Three horses were killed at the Stats asylum because of their Infection with ths disease and thrs other horses be longing to farmers have been disposed ot In the sams way. easy i:o::ey!i inCOQPORATfD iou.gog.oo 114 .oaltaa lieo kr mu ssr ss safe a- l iwrf sveatBieul. Kntlralj saw alaa FRIS. Writ for It uU. TH1 iKC'dLAsa tALT CO.. Taxi CMuaLa. Meow Ui Call W CHltlsAO.