Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Oovirnor Gummmi Jet Satiifled with le
orgulution of Book Island.
Zowa Chief IzeontiT DonbU the Legality
of Change ia that lute.
Jlr. Gumming Bayi He Will Thoroughly
jj ' Investigate Inorease is Stock.
tt This Haa Been Doi Governor 8r
Ha Will Take Actio to Feree
a Compliance of the
EES MOINE8, la., Aug. 1. Governor
Cummlna announced today tbat he la In
veetlgatlng the recent organization of the
Chieaco. Rock Island Pacific Railway
company with a view ot ascertaining
whether the organltatlon is in all respects
la harmony with the lawe ot the atata of
Iowa. He haa not yet conferred with the
attorney general, but will do ao ae soon as
the attorney general returns to the city.
Governor Cummlna atated today tbat the
first question he Is Inquiring Into la aa
to whether tha Inflation ot capital atock.
which la contemplated by tba reorganize
tlon, la consistent with the Iowa law. In
tha second place, he dealrea to know Just
how far It la lawful for a New Jersey cor
pot Mon to own and control the property
of a railway owned and operated In Iowa.
He baa not reached a conclusion on either
fcf these Questions and declares that ha
means to aive tbem a thorough Investiga
tion before ha decldea what bla duty toward
the new company may be under tha
premises. "It may be," he atated, "that
tha Iowa lawa contemplate aa much latitude
us thta company bas used, but I doubt It
frery much." .
Oat of Harmons with Lawa.
Governor Cummins in apeaklng of the
(natter said:
It ia my opinion that this reorganisation
im Aiit nf hirmnnv with rha lows, laws. I
may be mistaken, but It I have read the
press dispatches aright there has been
such an Inflation ot capital stock here as is
rot contemplated by me laws 01 mis maie.
It Is true that there la no limit placed
unnn lha catiltaltzatlon of such a com
pany, but there la a limit upon the In
debtedness of such corporations, and there
must be something shown to the credit of
the stockholders of such a company which
will represent the difference in incroaeu
It Is my understanding that under the
Rock Island plana ot readjustment each
holder of 1W shares of common stock la to
receive a 10,0x band secured by a ol
lateral trust mortgage upon the present
Bock Island stock. In - addition to this
they receive In the Rock Inland company
' tit New Jersey seventy shares In a pre-
ferred stock, and 100 shares In common
toefc. the preferred atock twlng preferred
to the xont ot 4 per cent from the earn
ing of each year for a period of seven
yearn, when ft becomes . preferred for t
, per Aieut for an additional period ot neven
years, alter which it la preferred, 1 te
lleve, to the extent ot per cen per
annum. 7 his la aa I. read the plana In
the newopapera.
Now, the capitalisation of the old Rock
Island company was but $75,000,000, while
the new company, located In Iowa, declares
a capital of $12o,0u0,0U0. There must be
something, to my mind, to show more than
la Indicated In the above plan, that the
Increased , capitalisation ia not excessive
Inflation, or the stock which has been Is
sued Is not watered. Under the Hubbard
bill, which I vetoed laat winter. It would
hav-e been possible for thla new company
to organise without any difficulty, as all
limitations to the Indebtedness of such tor
poratlons were practically removed by that
act In Its original form. Under the present
law there are limitations In thla reward.
I am not prepared to atat that the
Iowa law has any penalttea which could be
Inflicted for violation of such statutes, but
I am not willing to alt by and allow a
nrnnnaltlon of auch enormous slse to amal
gamate without Inquiring Into the methods
which it employs and their conformity to
ha atata lawa. I am convinced that Mich
a centralisation ot capital and power la
nirrmn to aav the least, and cannot
be encouraged without threatening business
Interests. Such & centralisation of capital
meana that there may follow an explosion,
which, when it comes, is likely not only to
affect one, but many Interests. There Is
reason, therefore, why I have felt it my
fluty to inquire into this present case in
Judge John I. Dllle, assistant attorney
lor Iowa and one of the dlractora ot ths
new Iowa company, expressed surprise on
learning ot tha plana of tba governor, but
declined to discuss thla phase ot tba affair.
The belief here la that tha governor will
go Into court aa soon as possible to teat
tha two legal questions invoivea.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Regarding the dis
patch from Dee Moines that Governor
Cummlna may take action agalnat the
Rock Island company an official of that
road aald today:
I do not believe there la any point at
which our Incorporation In trie atata of
Iowa can be attacked. The Incorporation
rapers were drawn up with due regard for
he lawa ot that ststa and we believe that
tbey will hold in law.
Important Treasfer ( North Dakata
Flax Companies to Hew York
' Paper Corporation.
FARGO. N. D., Aug. . 1. An Important
transfer ot business Interests la thla city
and at other polnta throughout tha atata haa
been made by tha absorption at tha North
Dakota Flax company and tha Hickman
French Flax Fiber company by the By
product Paper company, a New York cor
poratlon. Articles of Incorporation have
been filed with tha secretary of atata of
forth Dakota. The capital of the new con
corn la $2,000,000. B. F. French af New
York la president and W. R. Ransom of New
York Is treaaurer. Mr. Ransom waa form
erly treaaurer of tha 8U Lawrence Powc
bom pen y of Niagara Falls. The company
Will manufacture paper pulp from flax, aad
upholsterers' pulp, tha pulp being made a
Ha Niagara plant, Tha fiber la to be made
at plants at Fargo and three other plan la
la tha atata.
Weald-Be Mnrderess Attempts Bet
els e, hat Is Prevented aad
Pieced Inner Arrest.
SALINAS. Cel.. Aug. 1. Warren Johnson
and Joseph Bordges, prominent young men
ot Salinas, were shot and fatally wounded
here at aa early hour thla morning by a
Tha womaa then attempted to commit
eulclde, but waa prevented aad placed un
der arrest.
Johnson received two bullets In tha ab
domen and Bordges waa ahot la the back,
the ball piercing tha right lung. The
snooting m believed to save followed a
guarraL -
For All Captain Strong's Fealta She
Admits Pk Lotci Him
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. X. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Mar Yobe,
who registered tbla morning at the Hotel
Savoy aa Lady Francto Hope, wai quite
willing to talk of- ber plana to tba World
"I know tbat.
''fj Strong Is near
't -t come to meet
here," abe aaid, "buv
him my purpose la to v yj clothea In
Paria, and I must also s a to re-
deem certain jewelry Captain .
there. His relativea gave ma thv
redeem thla Jewelry and I shall do a. "
'I withdrew the charges against Ca ,ln
Strang for two reasons: First, because I
can't help loving ths man still, although he
betrayed my confidence ao shamefully; sec
ond, because my heart aches In sympathy
for bis mother."
'Is a reconciliation between you and Cap
tain Strong possible?"
"Certainly. A woman loving a man aa I
love Captain Strong can't change so quickly
she will forgive anything fault or crime
if her beloved one will only furnish tha pre
text. I have Just received a letter from
Captain Strong In which he bega me to re
ceive him thla evening. He saya be ia des
perate and blnta that he might commit sui
cide it tha Interview he begs la not granted,
"But I can't receive him today. I am too
tired to go through such a atrenous scene
as I can easily foresee will take place be
tween us. but I shall ssk him to dine with
me to morrow, and If ha makes a clean
breast of all hia wrongdoing I aball forgive
and forget, and I'll marry him aa aoon as
Lord Francis Hops get his divorce.
American Financier to Be Located In
the Heart of the Fashion
able District.
(Copyright 1002, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 1. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) J. Plr
pont Morgan baa just purchnsed . from
Georglna, the countess of Dudley, her
handsome house at B3 Orosvenor street.
The houee stands' at the corner of Davie
street and Is most conveniently situated
Ladv Dudley nossossea much taste, and
she had ber bouse very beautifully deco
rated and finished at a coat ot nearly $200,
000. Losses she -incurred In the fall ot
Kaffir atock compelled ber not only to eell
ber tamoua diamonds, aa recently told In
the World, but alao to abandon the Idea
of keeping ber new house. It is said that
Mr. Morgan was very generous in nego
tlating tha purchase of the house, and that
the money he paid la in the nature ot a
Grosvenor street la In the heart of
fashionable Mayfalr. while Mr. Morgan's
present house at 11 Prince's Gate, la
merely on the fringe of tha amart district.
His new house will enable him to display
to perfection his great atore of exquisite
art . treasures, the decorative possibilities
of whioh are lost at Prtnea'a Gate, where
they aVe heaped together In rderJesa pro
fuelon, because there ia not sufficient room
so show them off properly;. ; V .
Soma Idea ot the extent of Mr. Morgan's
purchases on bla present visit here may be
gained from tha fact, authentically known
among collectors here, that Dealer Duveen
alone haa made nearly $350,000 from his
dealings with tha American financier.
Grocers Company Give n Bnnqnet to
Colonial Secretary and
Lord Kitchener.
LONDON, Aug. 1. Colonial Secretary
Chamberlain made a stirring speech of em
pire tonight when he and Lord Kitchener
were guests at a banquet given by the Gro
cers company.
After paying trlbutea to Lord Mtlner,
Brltlab high commissioner In South Africa,
and to Lord Kitchener, Secretary Chamber
lain dilated upon the new conception ot Im
perial destiny In which, thanka to the South
African war, he said tdeaa of kinship and
mutual obligation had been aubstltuted for
mere pride ot possession or huckstering cal
culation about profit and loss. Tha apeaker
said he foresaw In tha reorganisation ot the
newly acquired South African territories
something that would make the mighty em
pire more than a mere geographical expres
sion.' "We hope," said he, "to make tt a
living entity In which each part shall con
tribute to the success .and security of tha
Referring to the conference of colonial
premiers, the, colonial secretary said tha
and actuating all parties to thla conference
could only be reached through Imperial de
fense of Imperial trade. He did not suppose
this could all be attained at once, but
thought tba conference led to a considers
bla advance, and If thla were ao he would be
content for the present.
Mr. Chamberlain then paid a glowing
tribute to the colonlea, although ha said ha
thought opinion on Imperial subjects was
now broader at home than In the colonlea
Meanest ot Cnhan Officials to Plneo
Them In Cnhan Archives
Tnrned Down.
HAVANA. Aug. 1. At a meeting of tha
cabinet held today, Carloa Zaldo, secre
tary, of atata and Justice, ' Informed the
members of the request ha haa made upon
United Etatea Minister Squleres. that all
tha papers In the Cuban postal frauds case
should be remitted to the keeper of Cuban
archives. Senor Zaldo said the office ot
the aecretary of war at Washington had
decided to reply that aa the papers In ques
tlon belong to the United States It will
be Impossible to grant tbla request, but It
coplea ot the papers were wanted they
I would be placed at tba disposal of a per
son Mr. Squleres might name to copy them
Garcia Montea, secretary of finance, pre
aented tha financial statement for the
month of July. This shows that during
the month the customs receipts of the
Island amounted to $1,108,141; postal re
celDta. $30,116: money orders. $51,000; In
ternal revenue, $72,765; sundries, $1T,375
repay menu. $170,431; total. $1.5:32.135. Tbe
balance from tbe month of June amounted
to $715,731. Paymenta for July amounted
to $1,203,250 and tha balance la ll.061.15i
Tbe average monthly expenditure during
tha last year Cuba waa under American
control amounted to $1,634,404.
Sixteen Bodies Recovered.
MELBOURNE. Victoria. Aug. 1. 8o fa
alxteea bodies have been recovered from
the Mount Kimble colliery at Wollongong,
where aa explosion occurred yesterday
Tha work ot rescus la much hampered by
afterdamp la the mine.
8oientifio Expliiation of Earthquake Rhooki
tt Loe Ahmet,
Temperature Become a Most Oppres
sive, aa Meek Heat Apparently
Coming; from the Earth
aa from the Son.
, LOS ALAMOS. Cel., Aug. 1. Although
no more aevera earthquake shocks have
been experienced here since 7:30 last
night, the people are still psnlc-strlcken.
Many of those who have not already fled
from their homes are preparing to leave
In case the seismic disturbances continue.
Tbe damage already done la variously es
timated at from $10,000 to $30,000. It
would have been much greater had not
most of tha building been built ot wood.
The few brick structures here were not
of the most substantial kind, and have been
so badly damaged that they are not likely
to be rebuilt.
Several narrow escapes from death are
reported. Arthur Foxan, a young man,
was asleep In a room at tbe rear ot Wick
enden'e store when the terrifying shock
came last night. Tbe fall ot the big safe
blocked his exit through tha door. He
turned to the window, but could not for
a moment raise It. That delay saved his
life, for an Instant afterward the top ot
the rear wall crashed down past the win
dow, freeing Its fastening and giving him
Dr. H. C. Bagby of Santa Maria waa
sleeping In the home of Mrs. D. P. Whit
ney when the earthquakea and the crash
of bricks from the Wlckenden wall aroused
him. His eyes saw an unusual light, and
with quick wit, he decided that Mrs
Whitney had been reading by a lamp and
that tha lamp had been overturned. With
out a thought tor his own aafety be rushed
to the staire and found Mrs. Whitney
vainly fighting the flames and seemingly
surrounded by tbem. Drawing ber from
her place of danger, he beat out tba fire
with the bed clothea and thua saved a
life and a large portion of the business
section. .
In the destruction of the adobe borne ot
Gasper Arena, a boy lay aleeptng Just
whera a exeat V-shaDed section Of the
heavy wall waa twisted out and cast aside,
but he escaped unhurt. All tha family
of Dr. Graham waa away when their house
crumbled. They had gone north to bury one
of their children, and so probably as-
caped death.
Hstm In tho Hills.
Parties from Lompoo and outlying dts-
trlcta have reached Loe Alamoa with I
atorv of havoc In the bills. A great land
elide, carrying down hundreds ot tons of
... ... V- Mrtrter rUTich.
The road from Lompoc waa burled for
fifty feet. As far aa tbe eye can reach
from thla grade to that there are apllta
on the mountainside. Indicating where huge
.boulders were sent thundering down the
John R. Drum, a mountain farmer, re
ports a road-destroying landslide In Drum
canyon. The face of tha hill waa charged
with no'see. which Prutn describes as tha
moat terrifying sounds ie ever heard. The
oil wells around tha town of Loe Alamoa
aeem not to have suffered. The Caregan
wells, owned by Los Angeles capltaltate,
are located five mllee from here and fear
for them filled the mlnda'of all aa the
seismic disturbances Increaaed. Tbe casing
of the wella, ten In number, are almost
000 feet Into the earth, yet not a well
waa Injured.
Since the beginning of the earthquake
shocks the temperature baa been most op
pressive, aa much heat apparently coming
from the earth aa from the aun, which for
the most part ot the time haa been shining
Miss Mamie Leslie, in charge of the tele
phone office, haa remained at ber post,
though her family haa aought a place of
greater aafety. She Is the daughter of a
prominent attorney.
Canned by Snbterranena Gases.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. John H. Con
way, who was one of the first men to dis
cover the mineral posslsllltlea of the Los
Alamoa district, believes that tbe dlsturb
ancea are -In no way due to volcanic ac
tivity, but occasioned by local condltlona.
His theory, based upon a life study ot tne
geology of tbe country, is that the quakea
are occasioned by tba action oi tne aun
terranean gases and oils, In which tha
re r l on is known to abound. It has been
known for years that gas waa being gener
ated beneath the earth's surface in tbe
vlclnltq of Loe Alamoa.
Prof. SUlman of Yale in 1868 put tor-
ward that theory and added that be had
nowhere aeen such evidences of tbe pros
ence of hydrocarbons. This waa substantl
ated lately by F. McMillan, a San Fran
cisco mining engineer.
For many years tbere has been a email
active volcano on tha Loa Alamoa fide of
the mountain, which Ilea between that place
and Santa Barbara. Smoke and steam con
stantly issue from varloua fissures along
tha aummlt of a plateau or shelf near tba
northern slope ot the mountain Viewed
from the distance ot tha old ataga road,
these manifestations appear like email
campfirea. They have never developed any
alarming tendenclea and have attracted very
little direct Investigation.
SANTA BARBARA, Cel., Aug. j During
the forenoon today four, severe ahocka of
earthquake were felt in Loa Alamoa val
ley and several buildings not already de
stroyed were cracked badly. One Immense
structure belonging to Juan Careaga
abort distance from Los Alamos, was
turned partly on its foundation. Every
body who could left Loa Alamoa today,
many departing on a apeclal train aent
from San Luis Obispo. Lata advlcea atated
tbat the earth eontlnuea to tremble at in
Tbe wagbn road over what ta known as
the Loa Alamoa grade, extending over tbe
mountain into the valley, is in bad condl
tlon. Bouldera and dirt were thrown from
higher elevatlona by tone. Persons ar
riving at Loa Alamoa from Lompoc thla
evening report, having great difficulty in
making tbelr way over dangerous places.
Prof. Larktn ot Mount Lowe observatory
arrived at Loa Alamoa tbla evening. Over
the telephone he atated the disturbances
are of a nature known aa oscillatory
earthquakes and are of a common na
turn. He says that It la quite prebabl
they are due to the audden dlsplacemen
of Immense bodies of gaaea. seven or eight
miles beneath tha surface of the earth
While the country about Loa Alamos
gives evidence of once having been th
scene of vast volcanic action he observes
nothing to Indicate that another calamlt
of that nature ia likely to occur.
Damaae nt Lompoe.
LOMPOC, Cal , Aug. I. The most severs
earthquake shock experienced here since
Sunday night occurred shortly after
o'clock last sight, whea two lesser shocks
. iConUaued oa Secocd Page.)
Genernl Did Not Kxpeet President to
Take Action in His Cnao
So Soon.'
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. Standing o
the bridge of Thomaa eagerly waiting with
the shlp'a captain fof a glimpse of bla na
tive shore. General Jaeob H. Smith, tried
by court-martial for having ordered tbe
Island of Samar transformed Into a howling
wilderness, waa doomed thla morning to
Irst learn that tbe president had retired
him from active duty.
The pilot boat which met Thomas just
outside tha beads at 2 o'clock this morn
ing brought to General Smith the first news
of the presldent'a action, tn the falling
light of a binnacle lamp the veteran read
the message that apprised htm of hla fate.
An hour later the dawn came and with It
the sight of land, but (. coeval Smith had
retired to bla cabin, where,, with hla wife
and chief aide, Lieutenant J. H. Shields
of the Twelfth infantry, ho discussed the
outcome of the long ordeal through which
be had passed.
Six hours later, whea Thomas reached
the quarantine station 14 the harbor. Major
Duval of the transport ervice boarded tba
ship with his secretary and met both Gen
eral Smith and Llcatenent Shields at the
door of the men's cabin: A sealed docu
ment from the War department waa handed
to General Smith. It contained official no
tification of President Roosevelt's action,
and on reading it General Smith retired,
Overcome with emotion.
General Smith waa not seen until the
United Statea custom house tender Hart
ley was ready to tska the general and
his party ashore. He then denied him
self to alt Interviewers, who were met by
Lieutenant Shields. Together with bis wife
and aide Genera Smith proceeded to the
Occidental hotel, repairing thence to army
beadquartera in the Phelan building, where
he remained during the morning.
"General Smith haa absolutely nothing
to aay tor publication,"' aald Lieutenant
Shields to a representative of the Asso
elated Press. "He la not at liberty to
talk, and furthermore, has nothing to say.
He haa been hopeful that the president
would not take action aanlnst blm and of
course feels keenly tha force, of the blow
he haa received. The genc-al admitted to
tha courtmartlal trying hl.n that be had
Issued orders which In effect expreesed
his desire that the enemy,' If obdurate
and unconquerable, be not spared In fact,
that the country be laid waste and no
prisoners be taken. The literal construe
tlon of these orders and their exact In
terpretatlon made up tbe bulwark of evi
dence of tbe oourtmartlal. There la no
doubt but tbat General Smith did not mean
all he aald. He certainly did not expect
the actton which the president haa taken."
General Smith, who is wearing civilian
attire, appeared exceedingly " jiorvous and
worn. Hla 62 years are plainly read In hla
mvwy atlAn an4 tta Intlmata friends fear
he la breaking down under tha-severe strain
to which he haa been subjected in recent
months. It is not yet known when Gen
eral Smith will proceed east: Hla sealed
orders require blm to report to the adju
tant general at Washington, and it la
likely he will lose no time la starting for
the national capital. .
Repeated efforts ttiadn ring the day
to Indue Gnertl &rr.z-. Mnrrma ia
campaign in the Philippines and hia court
martial failed entirely... He even declined to
take up the subject with intimate friends.
Tha transport Thomaa brings portions of
the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Infantry
regiments and Tenth cavalry. '
Summary of tho Condition of the
National Banks of Iowa
on Jnly 16.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) The comptroller ot tha currency
haa approved tbe Northwestern National
bank of Minneapolis as a reserve agent for
the First National bank of White. S. D.
The abstract ot condition of the national
banka of Iowa, exclusive of Dea Moines, a
tba close of business on July It, aa re
ported to tbe comptroller of tbe currency,
shows an average reserve held at 16. '.'1
per cent, against 26.05 per cent on April 30.
Loans and discounts Increased from $66,-
874,750 to $67,097,354; gold coin decreased
from $2,017,166 to $1,989,318; total specie
increased from $3,486,911 to $3,526,660; law
ful money reserve . from $5,313,785 to $5,
844,041; individual deposlta decreased from
$65,745,322 to $65,255,780.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Daniel
Maboney, LeBlanc, Knox county, vice G. A.
LeBlanc, resigned; B. F. McDonald, Win
nebago, Thurston county, vice C. J. O'Con
nor, resigned. Iowa, O. A. Everaon, Finch
ford, Blackhawk county.
Saperlatendent of Minneapolis Police
Tenders Resignation and Get
ehell Takes His Plneo.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1. Colonel Fred
W. Amea today tendered hia resignation
aa auperlntendent of police to Acting
Mayor Powers. The latter named Captain
Henry Getchell as acting chief, thua going
counter to the wishes ot Mayor Amea, who
had selected Captain Charles R. Hill for
th place.
Captain John Fltchette, asked by Powers
to resign, replied tbat he had tendered
his resignation night before last to Mayor
Ames at West Baden, effective Septem
ber 1.
WEST BADEN, Ind.. Aug. 1. A. A.
Ames, mayor of Minneapolis, who bas been
here for several days, said today tbat he
had forwarded his resignation as mayor
to Minneapolis. He said he resigned In
order to save the city tne expense ot a
apeclal election. His 'resignation takea
effect September (.
Colorado Woman Takes Steps to
Prevent Slnngrhter of Her
Angera Goats.
DENVER, Aug. I. District Attorney
Mullen of Grand Junction was informed
by telegraph today that Mrs. N. B. Ir
vlng, owner of a herd of Angora goats, a
portion of which waa recently destroyed
by a doien men, who overpowered tho
berdera, has placed a guard of armed men
at her camp on Plnon Mesa to resist an
other raid which sbe haa been informed
the cattlemen Intend to make for tha pur
pose ot exterminating the goats. Mrs,
Irving haa appealed to the Humane society
on tbe ground that the action of her ene
mies is cruelty to animals, and it Is ststed
that among her guards ara several depu
ties of the Humane aoclety.
It la ea)d tbat Mri Irvlng's Angora goat
ranch la backed by a Chicago merchant
who intends to establish mohair factory
at Grand Junction.
Flan for Eomoval of Friari Without Creat
ing Ibj Disturbances.
If Friars Do This When Tlmo Comes
to Rename Negotlntlons Vatican
Feela that eneatloa Will
Hnvo Been Settled.
ROME, Aug. 1. According to statements
obtained from reliable aourcea It la tbe in
tention of tho Vatican tbat the frlara ot
the Augustisn, Dominican, Franciscan and
Reccolletto orders now In Manila, who now
number 460 men, should leave there In email
numbers at different times ao tbat when tbe
moment comes to resume aegotlatlQue be
tween Governor Taft and tbe s post olio del
egation all tbe friars will bava left the
archipelago In euch a way that tbe friar
question will bava resolved Itself without
tbe necessity of further negotiation.
Tbe foregoing plan la Interpreted aa a
late, but significant recognition by the Vat
ican that Secretary Root's flrat propositions
made to the Vatican through Governor Taft
were tbe most liberal that could bo devtsed
for the settlement of tbe question.
Tbe great Influence of tbe religious orders
In Rome must be reckoned with, however,
should they think it to their interests to re
sist these measures. From present indica
tions thla would not seem ao, for tha gen
eral of the Augustlnlana will aoon leave for
tbe United States to choose American Au
gustlnlana to replace the Spanish members
ot tbe order now In Manila.
Deal Whereby He Takes Chavare of
Hammond Packing; Interests
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. J. P. Lyman, presi
dent ot the G. H. Hammond company, thla
afternoon made the following authentic
statement to the Associated Press:
J. Ogden Armour haa purchased a aub
stantlal Interest In the O. H. Hammond
rnmnanv and the Hammond Packing com
pany, and the tranafer of stock Is taking
place today. F. E. Vogel, vice president,
retires to devote his attention to other
large Interests and Arthur Meeker has been
oWttul tn fill tha vacancy. The manage
ment and oollcy ot the companies will
continue unchanged.
The O. H. Hammond company nas unanr
construction a large plant at the Chicago
Union etockyards rapidly nearlng comple
tion, with a capacity lor x,ouu came ana
4.(Xt hope dally. As soon as this is com
pleted its entire buetneea will be trans
ferred to the yards from Hammond, Ind.,
and that plant will be abandoned, except
possibly for storage purposes.
Newly Organised Company Places
Orders for Lara-eat Sldo .
Waeelera Ever Bnllt.
DETROIT, Aug. 1. At a conference thla
afternoon between President Alexander Mc
Vlttta of tbe Detroit Shipbuilding com
pany "the local branch of the America
Shipbuilding, rcmpanyend General Man
ager W. C. ' McMUUn ot tha Detroit A
Cleveland Navigation company a final
agreement waa reached for tha building of
two new aide-wheel passenger steamers to
outrank In else and carrying' capacity any
alde-wheelera in the world.
.The estimated cost of the boats la $850,
000 each. Tbe boata are to have four decks
and tbelr carrying capacity of 4,000 each,
with a sleeping capacity from 1,100 to 1,200,
with 300 staterooms.
The new boata ara to be approximately
25 per cent larger than the Detroit ft Buf
falo line eteamers, Eastern Btatea and
Western States, which are 176 feet long.
One of the Shareholders Begins Con
teat Agnlnst Reergaalta
tlon of tho Company.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. William C. Bullet,
ocs ot the shareholdera of the Asphalt Com
pany ot America, today began what la ex
pected to bo a stubborn fight against the
reorganisation of tbe company.
In a letter aent today to John M. Mack
and Henry Tattmal, receivers of the com
bined National company and the Asphalt
Company of America, Mr. Bullet makes vari
ous charges, among vhlch la one accusing
tha directors of tho concern of making a
fraudulent report. He declares that in their
statement for 1899 they showed a surplus of
$30,169. when, aa a matter of fact. Instead
of any auch aurplua there waa a deficit of
$95,145. He clalma also that the appoint
ment of the men appointed to work out the
reorganization of the company waa brought
about by tba men who caused the- original
collapse of the company.
Cnnadlan Minister of Mnrlne Comei
to United Statea to
Mnlca Tonr.
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Sir Israel Tarte, Can
adlan minister of marine, arrived In Chi
cago today on the yacht Lord Stanley, b,i
official yacht. Accompanying him waa Lord
Jamea Hanley, auperlntendent of dredging
and Louis Cost, engineer of tba Canadian
department of works.
The party will pass tomorrow Inspecting
Chicago harbor and will leave tomorrow for
Milwaukee, whence they will go to Georgian
bay, completing the longest tour aver made
by a Canadian marine official on the Great
Accepts n Call to Pnlplt of a. Chnrch
In Worcester Man.
WORCESTER, Mass., Aug. 1. (Special
Telegram.) Tbe Union Methodist church
ot this city haa just voted to call to Its
pulpit Rev. Dr. . Frank Crane of Chicago.
Dr. Crane la a very popular divine, a na
tlve of 8pr!ngfle!d, III. Ha was educated
at Boston university and he then becam
paator of the First Methodist church of
Omaha. Then ha became pastor of Trinity
Methodist church of Chicago, and later
of the Hyde Park Methodist church
the same city. A year ago ha accepted a
call to tha church which holda ita aervtces
In McVlcker'a theater, Chicago.
Movements of Oeesn Vessels Asg.
At Southampton Sailed Augusta Vic
torts, for New York.
At Movtlle Sailed Anchorla. for New
At Bremen Arrived Bremen, from New
At Brow Head Passed Merlon, from
Boston, for Ouernatown and Liverpool
I'mbria, from New York, for Queeruttown
and I.lverDool.
At Cherboura Arrived Fuerat Blmarck
from New York. Balled Auaruste Victoria
from Hamburg and Southampton, for Nt
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Continued
W arm Saturday. Sunday Fair.
Temperatare at Omaha 1'esterdayt
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear.
B n. m , r 1 p. m ft4
a. m ...... AT I p. an MA
T a. m TO S p. M Nil
I n. m ...... 73 4 p. en ..... . Pa
0 su m tn B p. m. MA
10 au ra Tf) p. m 4
11 a. an T p. m M4
IS m , 83 n p. m MO
B p. an TO
Defendnnt Xdnkea Flask that Confes
sion fVns From red by
Hypnntie Influence.
STUROIS. S. D., Aug. I.(8peclal Tele
gram.) The testimony In tbe Loveswar
murder trial waa concluded at o'clock
today. Judge Rica granted a short recess
to rest the Jury and the arguments were
commenced. Attorney Wesley A. 8tuart, of
counsel for the state, opened the argu
ment before the Jury on behalf ot the
state. Mr. Stuart's address waa a most
powerful arraignment of the defendant.
He drew a graphic picture of George Puck
coming west and taking up bla residence
in a lonely cabin home, who oroanered
from the beginning, waa beloved bv all
who knew him and who when lust rloened
into full manhood was murdered while
aleeplng in bla bed. Albert Puck, who was
present all through tha trial, as well aa
the audience, were deeply affected during
the argument. I
James McNenny and McMahon made ahort
addresses on behalf of the defendant.
To the aurnrlae nf alt tha d.r.n.nt ..
upon the atand In his own defense, but
before leaving It made several damaelns
admissions, though be denied the ennfea-
slon. The most novel theorv of a defense
ever Interposed In a criminal trial waa put
forward by Loveswar'a attorneys. The de-
fendant went on tha witness stand and
atated that Dr. McSloy, tbe coroner, took
him into the sheriff's office, that the doctor
placed his kneea aaalnst those of the da.
fendaht and kept looking him ao Intently
In the eves that ha aaM anvthin ant I
everything the doctor wanted him to. The
theory argued by defendant's attorneys
waa that the doctor by hypnotto power
and tbe power of suggestion made him
confess , to a false state of facta.
State'a Attorney McCluna closed for tba
prosecution after auoDer In an ahta and
thorough address and Judra Rica ha. i..t
finished instructing tha Jury, who retired
to deliberate at :07 p. m.
veaawooa reopie All Turn Ont to
Give Omnhnna n Part
Ins Cheer.
DEADWOOD. S. D., Aug. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) The forenoon of the fourth day of
ueaawooa s big fair and carnival was snent
In bidding an affectionate adieu to tbe
Knlgbta of Ak-Sar-Ben, their wlvea and
guests, and tha delegates from the Omaha
Commercial club. The Omaha people owned
the city last night and It still wears a crim
son tinge aa a result of their freedom and
the good time that waa shown them. Be
fore tha party left they were given an in-
iurma. recepuun at tne uuriington depot and
vatf enure population or me city passed be-
fore them and shook them by tha hand,
They made hit with the people and Dead-
" umaua are cioeer together today
man mey nave ever oeen before aa a re-
sun oi meir visit, mey naa a good time bars of the crew generally were ao tn
and all of them got on the cars safely. This eensed at what thev retarded aa ill treat.
evening they will stay at Hot Springe. Be-
fore the train left Rev. Trefx, on behalf ot
tne visitors . addressed the citizens of Dead -
wood rrora tba rear platform of a Pullman
sleeper, and tha sentiments which be ut-
tered were cheered to the echo.
hot Bf kings, B. D.. Aug. 1. (Special
Telegram.) Nearly the entire population ot
Deadwood waa at tha depot today to wish
the Omaha Ak-Sar-Benltes good-bye and
Godspeed on their safe return home. The
train pulled out at Z:15 and arrived at 7:15
at Hot Bprlngs, where the entire party took
dinner at Hotel Evans. They will leave here
at midnight and take breakfast at Alliance,
then making stops at all atatlons between
there and Grand Island, arriving at Omaha
at 11:45.
ureal western Annonnees n Slash
After Chicago Meeting;
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. (Sneclal Telerram
Notice hss been given by the Great
Western that, effective Auauat i. the rata
on .packing house products between Mis-
aourl river points and Chicago will be re-
duced from I3K centa to 18V cents, and
the rate on dressed meats from 23V4 to
20 cents.
This action was taken today after a
meeting of tbe western lines called for ot the men on board Mayflower Lleu
the purpose of discussing the Question I tenant Commander Gleavea, In command
of ratea on these products. The feeling
engendered Is exceedingly bitter and com-
petlng lines have all reserved statements
regarding their action. The ratea of the
Great Western will, of course, be met.
but the question la, will they be made
still lower?
Tha rarlncaiV nfAi apa aaM t h. tk. I
result ot ths concerted effort of several
of tha big packing concerns, and It is
asserted that tbe Orcat Western received
some confederation for Inaugurating tha
reduction. Presumably thla consideration
la a large amount of business to conio
from the packing bouae Interests, but
bow much Is only conjectural. It la said
by eome that tha packing house trafflo
ever the Great Western will be so large
aa to be discouraging to the other roads.
Should this prove to be the fact," no one
can tell where tbe matter will end, aa
trafflo offlclala of the other lines wlllnot
be likely to "permit trsfflc to escape them
without strenuous effort to save It.
Last Wish ot Chleaaro Womaa Who
Commits flalelde In
DENVER. Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.)
Mra. Julia C. Howell, who came here
from ChUago about two weeks aso. killed
herself by taking laudanum. The suicide
was not discovered until today, when her adopted declared allegiance to the time
landlady bad Mra. Howell's room ODened. honored principles of the democratic party
Mrs. Howell waa a widow and said to be
a daughter of J. S. Howell, a Chicago ar- past; declarea strongly agalnat the ao
tlst. She wore mourning and her gowns I called railroad merger; pledgee Itself to a
were of the moat expensive material and
make. Aa extremely elegant gown sbe
picked out to be burled In, leaving money
with instructions tor ber burial In Pros- the taxation or corporations. Most or tbe
pect Hill cemetery, Omaha, where shs day waa spent In a discussion of the vart
had picked out a lot. A ot." gave sick- ous platform declarations and It was net
ness aa tba causa for the suicide. The
coroner baa aent tbe body eaaU
Enpiftmeit Zeior Vapd tt Iru
Dnloe, Colombia.
Isvohtionarr Foroos Under General Herrera
If est Government Troops,
j Aooorlingto EeporU Seoelrtd at Futm
Government Loss is Light
Loyalists at Panama, Am Dola All
In Their 'Power to Assist Men
Who Aro Flathtln tor
PANAMA, Colombia, Aug. 1. The peace
commissioners who left here July 29 on
the British steamer Cana to visit the revo-
lutlonary General Herrera. near Ague
Iilce. returned to Panama at noon today
Tnc'r Informed the representative of tha
Aoclated Press thst they were unable
t0 f,,,nn tnMr lBf,on. because ot a ea-
Tere engagement between the revolutionary
ana government torces ni oeen oa siace
,h" mh- '"'hn the revolutionary forcea at
tacked Agaa Dulce.
At 6 o'clock tbe best battalion ot the
revolutionary forces attacked the govern
ment entrenchment with fierce courage.
The elaughter of the revolutionists Is aald
t0 hT ben excessive and barbaroue.
Th,t am" efternoon a white flag waa
"'"d ' tbelr camp and they asked for an
rmlstlca during which they could bury
thelr Tnl wt" "ranted. The loesee
' tn rebel "P to Wednesday, July 80.
"ere reported at over zoo, while tne gov
ernment forcea bad eight men killed and
eleven wounaea.
deneral Moreno, one of the peace com
missioners who returned today, saya the
entrenchmenta at Agua Dulce ara master
pieces of military art.
At the expiration of the time ot armistice
the engagement recommenced with the
aame fierceness.
N,n government battalions which bad
not ,aken pm ,n the flsnt WBre "t"! etng
held in reserve laat night. General Salasar,
governor of Panama, haa received a letter
from Governor General Moarlea Bertl aay.
lng be la very enthusiastic aa to the out
come and bopea be will win a battle that
decide the matter. General Salasar, In
turn, la doing everything to help General
Bertl. At . m. today he dispatched fur
ther supplies of provisions and ammunition
for Bertl'a army at Agua Dulce.
Crew of 'President's' Boat Allege 111
treatment and Hnlf Threatens
'. to Desert. . '' '
OY8TER BAT, Aug. 1. The feeling ot
nnmt atnnna tha rraw nf Mavflnwap.
which h.d i.a t
been brought to the attention of the preai-
AenU Several daya ago he received an
inkling ot the troublee. but auppoeed that
the cases ot dissatisfaction were aporadle
Ma laolated.
He had no Idea until today tbat the mem-
ment that quite halt ot the 141 men were
ready to seize the opportunity to leave the
1 shlD without warning.
It Is understood that Mr. Roosevelt will
make a personal Investigation ot tbe mat.
ter. with a view, it possible, of remedvlna
the trouble.
Arrangements practically bava been
completed for Mayflower'a target prao-
tlce In Gardenera' Bay next Wednesday for
the prize of $23 tn gold offered by the
prealdent. The president and Mra. Roose-
I velt will be wltnessea of the event. They
I will leave here on Tuesday on Sylph and
probably will board Mayflower tbat night.
The practice will be conducted under
I the usual naval regulations. A target
twenty feet wide and elxteen feet high
will be placed on a fiat. Mayflower at
distance of 1,500 yarda will ateam past
an hour. Tbe armament of Mayflower
consists of twelve rapid-fire guns, two
gunners being assigned to each. Competi
tion for tbe prise will be among these
twenty-four. Each gunner will have two
I opportunities to demonstrate his skill In
I Prlods of two minutes each. The gunners
ay fiie aa many shots as they care to In
those periods, the firing being timed by a t.
I ,pm eecona waicn. a careiui record or
Try ,no1 nrea wm KeDt- nnner
tnKln ln Den record win receive tba
I prixe from tho president personally.
Concerning tha atorlee of llltreatment
of the vessel, said tbla afternoon that the
cross exaggeration of the real eltuatloa
had appeared In aoma newspapers. He ad-
I mttted that there bad been some deser-
ons, particularly from the englneer'a de.
partment, but there were no more than
I might be expected in tbe circumstances.
of North
rentloa and Select
tnto Ticket.
FARGO. N. D., Aug. L The ticket ss-
lected by the North Dakota democrats tn
atata convention today waa aa follows:
Congressmen L. A. Eulan ot Edgeley,
L. A. Lovell of Fargo.
Governor J. E. Fargo.
Lieutenant Governor M. C, Maglnnla of
Secretary of State John Quarum of Aber-
Auditor J. F. Morrisoa ot Bottineau.
Treasurer Jamea Desmond of Grafton.
Attorney General M. J. Barrett of
Superintendent of Instruction V. Stev
enson of Grand Forka.
Commissioner of Insurance 8. A. Wtlson
of Batgate.
Judge John M. Cochran of Grand Forks.
tbe republican nominee tor judge ot tne
supreme court, waa indorsed. Tha platform
aa act forth tn platforms adopted In tha
resubmission of tbe prohibition law; favora
I tbe initiative and referendum; defends tha
I appeal of tbe fellow servant law and favora
I until a late hour tonight that the ticket
' waa completed.