THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1002. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES Aertlaaat fer the eolwasao will be lakea II 13 a. far tke veala- edltloei aa4 aalll 0 a. a, far noralas m4 liiiif edltloa. Rates. 1 l-3 a war4 first lasertlea, la a wwi thereafter. Kotblas takes far lea thaa Sfte far tka Brat laaer tlaa. Tkeaa advertteeaaeat aaaat k raa eoasecatlvely. Advertisers, by reajaastlaa; m ere check, eaa kave aaswera aa el r eased ta a Banker latter la eara f Tka Baa. Aaawara aa aa'e'reesesl will ke 4ellTer4 aa BraaaatakUaai f IM ekeeat aalr. FOR BALE CIGARS. $?0.00 IN GOLD. It pays to buy your cigars of us. You may wake up some day and find yourself the possessor of Fifty Dollars In Gold that we gtv away to our customer each month. Butler & Miller, N. W. COR. 1ITH AND FARNAM BT3. ht WANTED SITUATIONS. A 8TENOQRAPHEB When you want one Call the Remington Typewriter office, 1619 isrnam street Telephone li73. A-M469-A34 !! ' ' ' ' Ji WAITED MALE HELP. . 15 Vnn HHP A HAT'S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the fHrmera ami stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make 36 easily by four cr Ave hours' work. Write ua nd we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitor' Dept., Omaha. Neb. B-M2Li WANTED A good man In svery county to take eubscTlptlone for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. Reterences required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. , B 613 WANTED Insurance men of experience. Can offer you a good thing.' Call at 9 a. in. 43 Board of Trad Bldg. B 696 When You Write to Advertisers -remember it, wuly takv an extra strolM or two of the pen to mention tha tact that you saw th a4 In Th Be. EXPERIENCED mala stenographer who operate Remington typewriter. F i, Be. . . , B-M46-A24 WANTED Men to learn best paying trade In existence for poor man; short time; little exoense: oositions guaranteed; wages Saturdays; special Inducements to applicants from distance. Call or write. Moler Barber College, ltU3 Farnam St. B k Al WANTED A gdod barber at once; no booger or student need apply; 10 per week guaranteed. Madson, x2tt Main, Fre mont, Neb. B MW6 i HOSTLERS, teamsters and canvas men for Campbell Bros.' shows; ship August 1; free fare. Sweeney a Employment, 8. 12th St, Omaha. B-408 Al TIMBER and bridge carpenters, 12.60 per day, for South Dakota; free fare. Sweeney' Employment, Hut) S. Uth St., Omaha, . , B u Al WANTED A veterinary surgeon. Buch heif, Grand Island. Neb. German pre Itrred. ' BMa01 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. rVANTED Coal miner and machine run ners, W yoming; bridge man, surface gang and extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska; coal shoveiers, Colorado division B. ft M. ; coal shovelers and laborers, U. P. H. R. Western R. U. Labor Agency, 810 So. 11th. .... W3 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, salesman to sell grocer pe claltlea to the retail grocery trade In Omaha, and vicinity for a Chicago house; experienced man or grocery oierk pre ferred. Address 8 16, car Lord 4 Thomas, Chicago, s --Ws A3 WANTED at onoa, traveling aalesman to Bell axhsndles in the state of Mebraaka; lb per cent commission allowed; mum give reterence. Th land-tthved Handle Co., Campbell. Mo, . - ils!9 WANTED FEMALE HELP. vVANTED, two . young lady students to learn hairdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or writ Room 230, Bee Blug. C 9S UN Girl. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. tVANTED, lady cook. Eureka Restaurant 1604 Cass Bt C 700 WANTED, a girl for general housework; mall family. Mr. Hall 2216 Bherman Av. C-216 tVANTED. competent girl for housework, Mrs. M. E. Dumonl, 3ei Latayslte Ave. C 234 rVANTED Girl to do plain Ughthous , work. t)S vavenpori. iiw WANTED Girl for 3913 Maaon Bt. general housework C-M802 A GOOD laundress at one at Creche, 19th and Harney. c az- rYANTED At once, experienced book keeper for tempurary position. Address, 03, Bee. . . ' v, ii ARE YOU a Catholic and unemployed? Be me. hlixenbaugn, ouo war diock. C-il97 WANTED, good girl for housework; refer ence required; four .In. family; good . wages. 311 W oolwurth av. C Mbi WANTED, an elderly lady, educated and rt rtned. to assist In care of Invalid lady and her home; will be treated aa one of the family; best of reference, required. Addras JJox . umana, I,,.eo-cM815 v FOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagon. TaL.UM. D 701 LIOI 1CCC V. prt of city. Tne -. UUUOCO Davl Co., 608 Be Bldg. ..iv . -a 1J (UB tO MOVE Tight gef Omaha Van Storage Co.; office lill4 farnam, or j.isv iu-w. EE PAYNE, BO 8T WICK 4 CO. for cholo bouse. oi-x . x. un xuug. '.; . - : . . D 104 MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D Too HOUSES, tc. F. D. W'ead, 1634 Douglaa. D07 SPENCER ST., 10-room houe. with aa. bath, furnace and barn; nit loca tion: rent 130. Wm. K. ' Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 3u3 Drown block. ' D-iot k?J0"BURT JT.', tooms, modern 830; 4318 Farnam, 8 rooms, modern ana Darn, -o SuuS Mason, 8 rooms, modern; 1568 N. 3oih 4 rooms, 110. Others. Rlngwalt Bros. Barker Blk. D-ora ROUSES and flat. Rlngwalt. Barker block. i (MO FOR RENT. Urg -roem houae. clt water. 15, 29"2 Blundo 7-roora house, 16J3 W.l.l, , , UIUIIUU. , 1 ..VUWV, .1M N. X2d. )5. Th Omaha. Realty Co., lJul Douglaa Bt r , D7m L'NEQUALED, central, all modern. 7-roora w. . . . . , ' ... ,1 . . .m. v yj 1 .1 D-Msa HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block D-710 1813 N. JTH ST.. T rooms, bath. gas. bsrn rent Uju. Wm. K. Putter, receiver. Omaha laa and Trust Co.. 3u3 Brown block. D ill GOOD modern l-room house. 3404 Blondo. D 713 FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage. 31d ana California streets. In gooa r!ir choice neighborhood; ISL Including water rent. Inquire at twl N. 19th street or 607 FOR RMT-HOCIEI. MnDKRN house. room. I7M ,Tckoti Ft Wheeler 4k Wheeler, Douglaa and lMh St Tel. 184. D-M868 UtOOM all modern house, ROT Sherman Ave., a fine one. 427. 7-roora, all modern, 1001 N. HMh St., another nne one, iju. u. hi. lurxington, s b. D 714 3123 CHARLES, four-room cottage: rent til. Wm. K .Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 9 Brawn block. When You Write to Advertisers remember it omy takes am extra atroke at two of the pen to mention tka laet that you saw me aa m ice B TWO modern brick house, nearly new, each nine rooms and laundry, fc nd JM1 Bouth 29th Ave., facing park, on street ... nne, iuir laiiuu. di , m, ards. llli B. lid Bt. D-MSW ' ' i . I FOR RENT. I 12-room, stone, modern residence, Utt Cass ures, mining, speculation, etc Many pro fit. , J.iO. fees tha glit of clalrvoyancy and neoro- B-room modern brick residence, 3007 Pacific mancy. lew Indeed are so gifted. On St.. J visit to a genuine nrlestess of occultism S-room modern residence, Itft B. tlst St, I (30. I s-room modem resldenca ana barn, lfo Blnney Bt.. 1.1a. (-room modern residence, IIS B. tvth Ave., l-room modern brick residence, 361 N. ttth Bt., -'. . BKB.iN NAN-LOVE CO., SOt S. Itth St. D 467 81 Fl'RNISHED house for rent: all modern convenience, lit Davenport St . . D-797 Al NEW (-room modern cottage, nice lawn and neighborhood, enameled Iron bath. gaa; one block from car; jM. 1U N. 26th. inquire ciewara. u MiUb FOR REXT-FIR3ISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In-th city. I9uu capliol Ave. o-atwift DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. Jlr 1 10 11 PER WEEK, 42J S. 18th St, on. block I aouth of court hou w . . . L. . . - it. ma I E 718 FURNISHED, cool room, modern, 2011 Harney. E 777 A KOOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam. NICELT furnished front rooms for light UVUoCltvDyuil. AtOAV JVUUIM 17 1, E 486 31 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1814 Wbter. E M944 Ai- AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodg. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer horn. Tel. 86, F 717 ROOMS and board. Th Albany, 2101 DouKlaa. F-M4o Al'4. NICE front room, modern, walking dls tanoe, handy to all cars. 1819 Burt St. F M47X UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F 667 A2S DESIRABLE south room, with board. 2o2 . wtn. r Ki Al THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, large parlor. single or ensuite; aiso smaller rooms; rates reasonable. irmt am SOUTHEAST front room, With alcove 1 modern, vuu a. zvui dc. r FOR RENT UNFURNUHBD ROOMS. DESK room space. 85 rer month: around Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. R. C. Peter at Co., rental agent. Bee building. U 116 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Th building formerly occu pied oy ine nee at Dib f arnam Bt. It has four stories and a basement which was lormeriy usea as Tha Bee press room. i uis win ue rented vary reasonably, if imereaiea apply at once 10 J. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Be building. FOR RENT Store In ftrst-clas location: i reasonable. Apply K. c feter 4k wo., grouna noor. Be Blag. l MS FOR EBN'T-Desk room or large apao suiiKDis ior mercnanais oroker or party quire tiene Co., 816 farnam street. I MiJ4 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE . .. A . . I . 1 . 1 . , Bi"uj riiiinuynnBi, v iin ensured gooa in- come. Agents in the country with hors vol,. t..nj uqiiiiu, l,.IIVM."ri make easily 60 to tlOO per month. Ad ores, century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. xi ce puiiuing, usuuis. f an SOMETHING NEW I I Jut out. Send for sample, combination Door Knob and Bell. No cutting; or ruining the door. Put on any door ln a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth- ina to get out oi order, own ydvir own bell. No landlord to trouble. Prlc and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send 11.60 for sample. Agent wanted. WESTERN ELECTHICAL COMPANY, 1313 Farnam Direct, umana, ieo. J 71 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 8 to -room house, good loca tion, oy nrsi-ciass tenant. to 8-room house, furnished, located ia th West Farnam street district, by th. 1st of Rentember. bv best of parties. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1330 Farnam Bt II 31 WANTED to rent. T or 8-room modern house, within walking distance, not over 330 per month, r- M, Bee. K MK24 f WANTED TO BUT. WANTED 1.000 old feather beds: highest cash prices paid. Addreaa. A. B. Mack, general delivery, Omaha. Mall order at tended to. M4H Al FOR SALE FURNITURE CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL 20. Mew ana conanana, nougnt, oia, exenangea. . u i3U DINING room furniture. Some odd piece and kitchen war. (or aaie. zuu Dougis. 11 mi... r 1 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. 1 TOP CARRIAGES. 4 ohaetons. other ton and open buggies, picifler, t&x Leaven- worm. 1- MS10 JLt REMEMBER. Harry Frost put tire on ana nxes venicie. ittn ana ieavanwortn. P 711 FOR SALE, a few wall broken saddle and work horse. Apply today te Jo Kcque- val, Buffalo Bill's Wild Wast, 30th and Paul. . fuJi i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. white sawdust: season checked oak tim ber, cheap; hog feuce, etc. 8U1 Douglaa. U 788 FOR BALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical inktrumeni; an up. in. Wlttman Co., 1&!1 Famam. Q 723 NEW and secondhand typewriters. Ill Far nam. v inn 8TTI.E8 trusses: eatalocua fr. Sher man 4 McConnell Drug Co., llth and Dodge, Omaha. Q 734 INDIAN good and relic. 1111 Farnam. U 736 VIM puncture-proof tlr, 34.96 and 17.00 per pair, omana Bicyci .o., win ana 111- cago Bta. Q-736 3D HAND safe ch i p. Derlght, Hit Pa mo in. W l3S Vi'i R aaa fixtures aa Sam'l Burn. . . . C 730 A6 L- M. E. always hurry.Tsl. 780. G-MSM EDISON phonograph. 110, 3?0 and 130; moulded records, sue each, or IS per doa ! I new wheels, 115 up; Idsand, 86 up. Omaha Bicycle C, lets ana cuuage ta POM BALE MISCELLANEOUS. ' I WILL receive bids for the sal ef the Httr at fisher perking, nouses, inciua- ln tha machinery or without. I will also receive bids for the machinery aeparately, bids to he in ty August . Address no in. etrth at C. G. Fisher. y M814 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ. Clairvoyant 1014 Cass Ft HUE. OTLMEU, Omaha's celebrated palmist, has returned to the city alter an extended journey throughout tha country and Is now at the present ad drees, IIS 8. 16th St., Oranlte block. ATTENTION!. ATTENTION! MRS. DR. EDWARDS OF CHICAGO. the greatest clairvoyant, trance medium I ,nd pamUn of tne e guarantee satlsfac- tton or no charg f6r reading. If there I anything you want to know, any desire of 1 your heart ungratinea, consult tins guiea woman, whose power haa mystified th most skeptical. All affairs of life, love, marrlAee. hiielneas. lawautta. burled treas will repay you for many disappointments. Don't miss this opportunity. Your Ufa will be mad brighter, happier and a path marked out mat win ieaa you te success. 1U BOUTH 17TH ST.. NEAR DODGE BT. Letter answered. All business strictly confidential. , B783iU' ELECTRICAL TREATS EMT, t . MME. SMITH, baths, 11N. IS, Id floor. H.I, T" WTAU A C A-Htiw mm MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 16th. R. 7. 1 las JLXM PERSONAL. HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and chirop ody, ror tadiee only, in connection win 1 he Batnery, UH-iM Be Bldg. uai PR1VA1E hosbltal before and during 6on- nnemeni; oaoies aaopiea. , mus uram ot. Mrs. uardeis. Tel. t -Libi. viu RUPTURE permanently curd In 80 to 60 . . . . . . . . . n j aays; sena lor circular, yj, a. woo a, u. u., Ml XM.w Xork Lit Bldg., omana, Neb. U-733 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment Booklet tree. 846 Bee ttklg.. omana. . u Jit GRAMOPHONES anA supplies, whofesal and retail. Collin tf&no Co., l&i- Doug las, u . CHIROPODY a specialty, tn connection wltn 1 ha Bathery, room !U-, Bee Bidg. 'let tils. . u 73 BHAMPOOINO and halrdrs1rur. 25c. In connection with mo Bathe ry, UA-Xiu Be Duuaing. Tel. iyis. u 737 . DR R M JirK4rN ronm A PVotiTer I u":- P' JACKSON, room 4, Frenxer block, chronic diseaaea a soeclalty: con sultatlon free. U 738 TEL. 780 for L. M. E, messengers. U-MK4 I ELITE PARLORS, 16 8. 16th St., 3d floor. Vibl A13 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, td floor, R. 1 U M30 AW"' When You Write , to Advertisers remember it oiiiy take au extra atrok or two of th pen to mention th fact that you aaw iu aa in X a Be. HANDSOME baby boy and girl for adop- ...... llliW n.HfnMla T .UfiM- -f MONEY TO LOAN RELAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha, regj I estate. Brennan-Lov Co.,' 308 B. 18th. I W 739 I H PER CENT on business property.- 6 per cent on residence property. Option to pay whole or part any ttm. . -. :, Wr-744.- WANTED, dty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4 Co. 1320 Farnam fit . w m FARM sod city loan, low rata. W, H. nomas, rirsi i au Bank Biog. .Tel. 1IH8. ... W 743 - WANTED, city and farm loan.; aiso bond and warrants. R. C. Peter Co., 1703 Famam St, Bee Bldg. . W 743 LOW RATES. Private money. Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. ' W-744 16 PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 745 1 PRIVATE money. L. Wead. 1524 Doug a 1 . i , , . . , tl0 UP; low rate. Prtchard, 713 Frnam. W-T47 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, SS7 N. Y, L, ... W 748 4H TO I P. C. money. Berat. Paxton B.k. W 749 , CONCERNING th tat of affair of atate 1 ceeire to .tat mat in this state and very otner stat ' . THE STOECKER CIGARS are tha most legitimate article on th market W-t3 A6 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY We have it to loan In amount from tlO.OO up on furniture, pianos, warehouse re ceipis, uva siock, etc. we aiso mm SALARY LOANS without mortgage or indorser to persons who hay a permanent nosttlon. W give you th full amount of tha loan in cask and we ao not charge ror making paper or filing mortgage. With us you have th option of keeping th money for on month or six, or longer, and you need not bay for it lonrer than vou keen It. W hop by thl advertisement to have you give o a trial and wa expect to re tain your, patronage by fair treatment. The motto of our erace is "Try to Please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. .lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. X2S6. tEatabiisnea uui sue bo. isth Bt. '. X 755 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. Loans to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, Indorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room Sua- Third Floor. Paxton Block. - - ' .' X 750 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding bouse, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices in rin clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. . 1 X 16I Chattel and Salary Loana PHOENIX CREDIT CO.,' Successor to J. W. Tavloe. Tel. T46. 633 Paxton Block: X M7i3 LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel security; terms to suit; no publicity, goods, remain ln-your possession. American Lean C., 3d 4not, raxioa diooa. a, it MONEY loaned en plain note 4o salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. tit raxton block, ine J. a. Mutton Co. - - X-r764 MONEY loaned on furniture, live rtock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley lx4h CO., sue to nun ureen, 8 Barker block. , X 766 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norsea, cowa, etc 1;. w. need, 319 a. u. X 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for aals. good loca- lion ana gooa traae: tailing neaitn ia rea son for celling; new brick oven Addresa Box 616. Geneva, Neb. Y M337 TO GET In or out of buslnssa csll en Wil liam Room 411. McCaau building. . - Y-768 FOR SALE, eontectlooery-reataurant, doing good buslnk In live town; will invoice about 64u0; investigate; failing health compels a sal. A dares P. O. box 2a6, BUSINESS CHANCES. A BUSINESS MAN Can aclvilr controlling Interest In a profit- able and ran rtlv Increasing legitimate manufacturing business, Capital required 2X to 65,ono. This Is worth Investlgat Ing. J. II. Johnson, N. T. Uf. X M!3 WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange your business or property quick, sue i. H. Johnson,' M3 rt. x. uts, x u,w TO BUT, soli or exchange a business, call on C. J. Canan, R. S, lolT rimim Bt. When You Write to Advertisers remember It oaiy take, hn extra stroke or two of the pen to me you saw tb gd In Th. 1 mention tu tact na Tne a BAKERY FOR SALE. A fin bakery, nicely located, doing a coed paying business; larip reiau traae. it will pay you to Investigate this. Address, S 61, Bee. . . , , X w MAN with 13.000. Interest given In a splen did business proposition. Address, b 24, Bee. V 463 II FOR SALE Meat msrket doing tl.SOO worth or business ner month: reason ror selling. old age and want to retire. Address, Box aua. council Blurts, la. x mb aj i HARDWARE Stock. I3.S00 to 14,500. Ad dress, W, J, peering, carroii. la. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale. Oberlender & Ryan, Coleridge, Neb. Stock about tv.ocio. win sell an or nair- nan rash, balance on one year's time. Doing good buslnesa in good town in best farm ing country in nortnensiern roenrasHa. Reason for selling good. Y 682 A3 MILLINERY tock for. gal, cheap. Ad dress Aliie coe, Kanaoipn, rco. X MtCl 14- FOR 8 ALE, wood, coal, ice and feed busi ness; gooa town, gooa ousiness, out poor health. A. B. Lake, bnenanooan, la. A GOOD baying business to exchange for property, either city or country; win Dear cloeeat Investigation. Address T 66, Be office. . x m&zj ? FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE General merchandise. Invoice ill.ow, for land or rancn; other stocks; list your property with tne. T. M. CHne, 1238 O Bt., Lincoln, Neb. Z M624 A3 810.000 TO 115.000 stock of general merchan- ais to exenange tor iana ana one-mira cash. Address, AX., BhtcKiay, iseo. , - 4 Mt64 a" FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW DAYS OF phofkhty nkar high bthikil PROPERTY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. tl. W0 Practically new house: good east ironi lot: iso. si n. zota tn., 1 diock south of Crelghton College, on car line. H,8u0 6-room bous and, fine lot on paved atreei. 3,000 For small house and fine lot, aouth' west corner 3bth and Chicago Hts. 1676 each for two Ana buUdlng lots on t2d Bt., a blocks norm 01 iiign scnooi. Paving and all special taxes paid in full on all th above. GEOflGE 4 COMPANY, 1801 Farnam St xv cj vjv ax SNAP! Elegant modern S-room brick dwelling. Kountse Place, 13.799. worth 66,000. lrranklln J. Griffon, 713 N. Y. Life. .. rtj jata AiS BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for cholc V I KT Li's tii j t.i - . . RE 761 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1201 Farnam street . :. 1 itit 762 HOU8E8 arid lots In all part of city; , alap acre pr2PertK. ana Srm 'aids. Th O. . vvm 1,0., iwgui dm xiee BUiiaing. A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-roora - RE M5J6 GEORGE O. Wallace, real estate, mort-1 l o a a t ran 1, 1 Itiinrinaa Wrnwn .lr,.lr . . itB, IM RANCH and farm lands for .al. by the Union Paclno.' Railroad company. B. j MeAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa- cioo -.wsaaquarters, umana. Men. ' . . ! . KB 786 WHY PAY, RENTT OWN YOUR HOME! See th Industrial Home Company of I America, Best plan on earth! Otllce, 221 Board ot Trade Bias., i umana. k. m. Wilde, manager, RE M237 A18 840 ACRES. miles northwest of Irvlnr- ton; ail unaer cuiuvauon ana nret-ciuss land. Price. S6& an acre, if you are look ing r a farm don t fall to let us show vou this. 'The, Byron Reed Co. (Sola Afcems), 312 B, 14U1 Bt,. . ' . RE 61430 HOUSES,, lot, farms, ranch, loans; also fire lnsuranc. Bmu, paxton block. . - - RE 766 WANT to sell quick a 6-room-cottage at 3117 Gractl aa, sewer, water, lot 36-ft 1 1 VI 14. USII II fAW. , Y. Lit. 'Phon 1294. front: barn; 6i,zoo. W; it. Gates, en is. KfcJ MtiO 1 FOR SALE SO acre land, near Florence, ii.wAv i i na J. f . vavia co., vxs Bee Bldg, xm as FOR SALE Hou, with on and one-halt acres land, near street car, i,aoO. The O. F. Davl CO., 608 Be Bldg. RE 667 A6 I RANCH 8.000 acres deeded; section school land lease; 600 acre under plow; grass to cut 600 tons hay; 6 miles government range front; 7 Inexhaustible wells: 6 pumping outfits: 900-barrel tankage; 13 EilE. fenci and i coVral" 70 ac". tinted tTmberf ho'us tbe.hed. "rtlSw? T. P. keston,' Bartle'tt, eb RE 796 A6 TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALFALFA FARMS. 320 acres In Dawson county near Overton, Neb..- on main Una Union Pacific Ad. Joining farm held at 126 per acre, no bet ter, urns farm oniy id per acre, H.auu, A big snaD. Will be taken soon. 168 acres in Lincoln county 4 miles north- west of North Platte. A very fine al- falfa -farm: 80 acre now ln alfalfa. This farm properly stocked with bogs will pay mors net Income than any 113,000 farm In lowa. mce only M,ftu. I Writ u for full particular and w. will aend you a copy of "ALFALFA FACTS." PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. "Th Alfalfa Land , Men." OMAHA. ' ' - " RE M799 6 Farm Mortgages. FOR BALE, by W. H. Green, 405 N. Y. Life bidg., a few nrst mortgages, bearing 1 per cent, on irrigated farms. j ..Kr.-. r.s -!., .: .- RE M816 I tUi.' !!a. ' MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the asknowledged leading specialist ln diseases of women in Omaha, would, call the . attention . of suffering ladiee-to his unsurpassed accommodation before and during eonfmeraent and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block. 1513 Dodge, umana. 767 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E 4 ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha. : Suit 61b, N.--..X. Lit JJUlgt. Tel. 16M. v. v, ' ' " . ' ;. ' . . . 1 771 DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. X3&Z, - . 774 MRS GRACE DEEGAN. 638 Be building. Tel. DM. it A14 SHORTUAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S achooi. 717 N. T , Life. 768 BOTLE8 college, court fportr principal. in. 1. Lire. it NEB. Business 4 Shorthand College. Boyd a 7 heater. 770 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN 4 PRICE. 23 U. B. N l Bk. Bid. 777 NEB. Collection Co.. r N. Y. Life Bldg. 48 Air TINNERS AND CORNICES, E. SAVAGE, tU3 Farnam. Phone, till. Mi36 U TIFEWRITERI, $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efficient, durable. Simplest, easiest to learn, use ami car for. BUILT FOR BUT1NESS. Let us show you. Sent on approval. MONROB A CO., til North 16th St, Omaha. T71 LAtSDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, to; collars, 2c: cuds, 4c 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-iitu. -m EEST laundry. Tha Chicago, 'phone 206. LOtT. LOST, bay mar with halter, accompanied by coiu Return to imh farnam at ror reward. ' Lost all LOST, pair of nose glasses, gold mounted. Deiween l.4tn and farnam ana post grace. Reward. Return to 1704 Farnam. Lost 813 II MANUFACTURINGS P. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma chinist 776 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make, a ue- ciaity oi nre escapee, snu iters, aoor ana safes. 0. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. 10th St 77 JUNK. MIXED country scrap, 111; stov plate, 88. Aipirn, wi r arnam. us ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phono 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. 77 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean, and vaults, removes gkrbag and deaa animal, at reuueed prices. Ctt n. 10. Tel. Hi. JKO PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business conildtnliai. uui uougia. .81 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. Phone 1717. 101 80. 16th Mis3 U M. E. hauls trunk. Tel. 780. MSB6 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., I6UV1 Farn. TelS. 1668-861. tt4 PATENTS. PATENTS Sue. 4 Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no te unies. auocessiui; aavio ire. tin Bin FLORIST. IL. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel 1263. Bena ior price list, cut nowers ana plants. A1IS4 MESSENGERS. QUICK nMnger servic. T.I. 1017, - I ifc A. A2I AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght's, il Farnam street. BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co., HI North, Hth. NICKEL PLATING. ' OMAHA Plating Co., Be. Bldg. Tel. 2686. 787 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co.. II 4 Jackson, Tel. 3346. M PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON. 3810 Farnam. Tel. 1166. 77 A CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds t carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to, J. T. OChlttr, miu lull juw .11,01,, eiv ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ic. Cream Soda, on prlc., 6c: 4n Ua"1 th be,t- B Cor- JfiM?4 313 A16 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., Unners, 1434 So. 13th. iv I-.AWN MOWERS. I Sharpened, repaired. L L Wks., 1406 Howard STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 ftamf Bldg. 791 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra atrok or two ot tb pn to mention th fact that you saw tn aa in in ue. 1EQAL NOTICE. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern Notice I here by given that the Board of Commissioner of Hock county. Nebraska will, on th 18th day of August, 19u2, and until noon of that day, receive bids at Bassett, Nebraska, ror tne construction 01 a oriug crossing th Nlubra. a river at a point on or near the half-section line dividing aectlon 80, north and south, in townshlD 32. ranca 13. whloh bridge shall be of th following gen. rai cnaracter: Of sufficient length to span said river from bank to bank, including Island, and about 600 feet; pile and stringer, under truss, wood bridge: whit oak oiling. 34 feet, 12 Inches at butt and driven at least 34 feet into tn grouna; cent s feet Prt, piling ice breaks, with railroad iron protec tion, ana Dents or pnes unaer same pro. tected by two-inch whit oak plank: string ers of Oregon nr, 4x13 Inches, laid II Inches from center to center; 14-100. roadway, two and one-half-inch White oak plank YU.S. n"l .le!" '" r" '".c". r;"Hto Indian Rock 1 . boat for mall high, substantia., card pins, caps on piles one man reiurnea sua us w m ucu white oak, 13x11;; bridge to b 6 feet above I mental condition that he could tell no .de low water mark, and to be painted. All ..... mal,r j, tn h nl.r km nr klnri named I Plans and specifications In county clerk. office. All bids must b accompanied by plan ind apecincationa. and aiso bona aa re quired by law, and ho bid will be considered unless accompanied py oonu. blahl urval tn rvl.rl an V A, all tilrta By order of the Board of Commissioners of Rock county. Dated July 1 19uL u. A, hillblku. couutr 'Terk. July lidSut M GOVERNMENT NOTICES. vnnmitilJI FOR HI'II.DINCI Taf ATE rials, plumbing and electrical supplies, hardware. ic.-O. 8. Indian School. Genoa. Nab.. Juiv xi. uuB. oeaiea urouoseia ta. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. dnrsed "Proposals for Building Materials. etc., and addressed ta the undersigned at ilaannas Vak aulll bv. I a a V. 1 1 1 ' v., vein irtnifru uiv iiKiinn i School until two o'clock p. m. of August I mi .Li luiinpiiiiiii aim uniivriui. H me scnooi. aa reauirea aurins ine nscsi year ending June to, 19t'8. a quantity of lumber, tin rooting, builders' hardware, mlllwork, paints, lime, sand, cement, slate, a boiler and radiation, pipe and fitting. filp coverings, electrical supplies, plumb ng, etc., etc., a full list and specifications being obtainable at the achooi. idddere will please state bpeclflcally the proposed price or eacn article to t ottered under contract: all articles so offered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. The right la reserved to tetect any and all bids or any part of any bid it demed for the best In terests of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon aome l mted states aepository or ornVrnWecnom for at least five rer rent ot the smount of th proposal, which check or draft shall be forfeited to th United States In rase a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to b returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not b considered. ror further information apply to W. H. Wlnslow, Superintendent j-ii-a-is-i-m RAILWAY TIMS UkO, UNION STATION IOTH AND MARCY. Chlcaajo, Rack Island! Jk Paelne. Lea vs. Arrlva 1 ' ' v rifiT Chicago Daylight Llm- ea a s:oo am a 6 46 am Chicago Daylight a 1.-Kkam a I 36 pm Chicago Express ,,..bll:ls am a 6:06 pm Des Moines Local a 6:30 pm bUOam Chicago rust Express.. .a 6:0 pm a 1:36 pm WKBT. Rocky Mountain Lim ited .................... ..A 1:60 am a 4:66 am .Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:80 em a 1:48 am I Colo.. . Texas. Cai. V . mi..!. Chicago Express Chlcsgx Minneapolis a 1:10 am a 6:10 pm a 1:60 pm a I KM am Bt x"aui umiitu,.., Minneapolla U St Paul Ex ores b VM am bl0: pm vAl so MiM&tmm ........ Katen Paolae. " OvsNand Limited...,.... 1:40 am a T:0 pm Fast Mall a 1:60 am a 3:36 pm lamoroia Aiprai..,,,,.. i. pm f aClUO CKirw. 1,UW PW Eastern Exprest. a 4:36 pm Atlantic Express a 7:30 am Colorado Bpecial.. Chicago Soecla.... 7:10 am t'40 am Llncofn, Beatric and Btromsburg Ex b 4:06 pm bll fO pm Orand island Local to 6:30 pm b 8.36 pm Wakask. Leav. Jkrriv. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Bxpre ... : pm 8:30 am ,LiJvuii.i(wiiiw . Bluff. l:lt am Chloaco 3k Mortkwastorm. id iMortnwestern uni- . Fast Chicago a 3 40 am a T:00 am Mall a 8:00 pm a I 30 am Local bioux city.. ...... a :iym s:o pm uarusai bu riu ..a . an. awivixo pm Daylight Chicago a 1:00 am aU:20 pm Local Chicago. ..ui: am a s:v pm "a ' H pm aW pm lilltot.m 1 1!2 tm locai carron Fast Chics go... ... Limited Chicago Fast St. Paul a 1:66 pm a 6:60 am Fast Mall....... : Pm ! Local uioux vuy o :n pm, dw:i tin Mlssoarl tPaclBc St Louis Express a 10:00 am (:2S pm K, C. A 6t L. Ex alo:oC pm a 1:16 am Ckieaato, buwsms .t. rati Chleasra Llmltad .a 8:00 pm a 8:06 am BTJRLINOTON STATION IOTH 3b MASON Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrlo. aad . -Ldncoin a s:w am nuwiia NftKrDRliit EtnraM a s:4u a 7:4a rim Denver limited a 4:26 pm a 6:46 urn .-, . 1. 11,11. . T. . " ' . ouunu .jLyiee .H4w yiu a e.AW iiii Colorado Vestlbulea Flyer i:iu pm Lincoln Fast Malt. ..b 1:10 pm a 1:17 am Fort Crook and Platiav mouth 9 6:w pm du:o gra Rellevnue 4 Pacific Jct.a7:60 bin a 8:37 am Baiievu 4 Pactno Jet.. a 1:00 am KaaMi City. St. JSMSk 3b Caaaai. I BlaS. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 1.30 am 6:6 pm Bt Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm ail:16 am Kansas City Night E.x.mi J pm 8.16 am a Dally, b Dally xoopt Sunday, o Sun- I day only. Daily .xoapt Saturday. Dally exeept Monday. Cklcasc Bnrltagtesi 3b tatjsey, Leav. JLrriv. Chicago Special 7:00 am a 4 pm unicaao veatiouiaa jux.a :vu pm a i.w am Chloago Local a M am iUj pm Chicago limitea a :w pm a r.mi am Fast Mall 3:4 pm WEBSTER DEPOT UTH 3b WEBSTER Frasaoat. Elkkarat BUI Valley. Leav. Arrlv.' Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs l.-OJ pm a 1.-00 pm Wyoming. Casper an. Douglaa d 1:00 pm 1.-04 pm Hastings, lorx, uira Exeter and Seward b 1:00 pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and ' Framant v i:w am nivn in I rreroont Local 0 T40 am Cblcaao, St. Paal, Mlaaaapolls 4 Oataka. Twin City Passenrer.... 6:30 am 1:09 vm Bloux city r-assnger...a 1 pm iu: am GnMniOB locai : psn s: am Mlsaaart paelfla. . Nebraska ' LoeaL Via Weeping water .......D t:io pm aio: am 4) 4) Dee Advertising Man will call on you to get n Want Ad or . o llalf Page. 4 STEAMSHIPS. ' HOLUHD-&HEBICA LIME New York-Uotterdam, via. Boulogaa, S. H. r- New Twln-Borwa s. of i,uuuoasrsfits Tain-Screw fl.L.J.a Bteamsr - 111 un iit;i . . . , . IU1BIIUUUI AUf. 1. Twln-Serw potssaa.- u'idi.M Btamr Twla-8cr Fyndam I buum Aug. 1. 10 A U . 1 .. . . T T -.... V, a... 1d,l Vavnaw. street; J B. McNally, 1328 Farnam street; H. a, Jones,, luus , arnaia sireei latius Jonea Nese, Flrt NaUonal baok, Omaha. Two a Mast Drowse.. FARMINOTON. Me.. July Jl New Call up 238 reached here today that three person, wer I washabl.'fabrlc ar better and prettier un drowned ln Kennebago stream, near Moo- I used, a they give a softer and ml-tran lookmeguntlc lak same tlm last night A party of two men and two women went Only Kaasas City Tragedy. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July II. Fred Falkenburg, a teamster,, shot and killed his wife aa aha la aaleen at their horns I - " ' West Arsenica, a suburb, soms tlm dur ing the night, and then shot himself. He cannot recover. Jealousy was the cause. rbeasleal. Werlu teasollaate. BALTIMORE. July' It Tbe ChemUal Kalloa company of Philadelphia ba. bought I ,n. Baltimore Chrome work, tb. consider .... . ... .lniiatM i , AT MONMOUTH PARR SCHOOL Mfr .Ami . 31 i Effort U TiiTcbAM More Ultima for BlU Start. DabaW. COMMITTEE IS AGAINST THE PROPOSITION Ckalrmaa Stabbeadorf Raya tkat tka Graaaa I Nat Ha til tka Price Askeal ky Treaeat Holder I Toa High. Tb DroDosltlon to curchsae the th th. pre.- bous. promises t. crest conslderabls friction at th. next meeting of the Board of Education. Th board own. flv. lot. at tb. present ait. and wbsn It wm ds termlned to build sn eight-room bous. on that sit. on of th. member pro posed adding to th ground tb. Bv lot. adjoining. The present tract Is 126 by 260 feet and th. proposed addition Is tb. .am. tlse, with an alley of twenty feet running between. Should tbe purchase b. mad. tha alley would be closed and tb. school ground given frontage of 260 feet. Last Saturday a committee, of wblcb Fred Btubbendorf, is .chairman, visited th. ground and' . decided thst the present ground I larg . enough for tb. school. Th. report of th. chairman, which has th. support ot a majority of th. members, ba. been prepared. It recommends that bo purchase b. made, but that th. house b faced east, th front line to b. 115 feet west ot th at lln. of th. lot. Th wni.n alshtv bv elshtr feet, and tb. committee k.ii. that thla would leav. .ufflclent playground for th. chlldr.n. - Price Is Toa High. Tha principal reason for th. report .a var.A tn (he nurrhsss Is th. Price asked fof tle aaj0jning prop.rty, th. owner w.nt- I -n . nfl .EAA - 1H, W HMMD. ing jS.ouu, or vovv m ". " wb6 Is . member of th commute., took up th. negotiation with th. owner, and U1I6 was tb best prlc. h. could ecur. I . .w L -m Mr. Homan Is In favor of th purcbas of I . - .iH.n.l mnnit en it It la understood 1 . - I that at th. next meeting 01 m I will Introduce a minority report providing I ... .v. ...v.... 1. .nit. nf th resort ot '"r .u. T.r. Johnson, another member of tbe committo. I Is In favor of purchasing th lot 11 tney CM htt .ecured tor 1300 a lot, whll. Robert I oi.fc 1. ,nnn. ne as much as 13.000 1 ,a . . tor mem, ouv win go o u'budi VT Dtxhh.Milnrr nnt onlv oblsct to tb. 1 . . . .v. , . v... P"e' DUl 1B0 lo ln" -"" - I blay ground for th. school children aout 1 t!n immedutly upon a .trt car lln. 1 . . . . .1 .... "is wouia upon Ames 1 that In audition to paying in pnoe vi I found th board would bay. to flgur. upon the grading necessary to put th. land tn I shape befor. they can 'estimate tb. cost to I ... . .A .hi. tit .ka ttut rnet nro- th board, and this will mak. tha coat pro- hibltlv.. ' Deflrlt Is Certala "Th board Is facing a certain deficit. he said, "and w must not nscsssarily in creass it. ii the land wr aeoeasary Z wonldt not stand on th. matter. of a hun dred dollars mora or less, but w do not need it. We can buy land much nearer th. center of town for less money, but that U asid from tb. question, as wa do not need tb. property. A minority report will not I prevail, a a majority of th members ef I . . ... . ... r . . i to board win susisia to. committ. in members of which have carefully inquired " Into th. conditions." Pay s Tribste to . Sehlay. BALTIMORE! July' SL In a letter ac cepting, the appointment of tb. vioe pres idency of th. Schley Triumphal Arch as sociation, recently, organised. In. this city to erect an enduring monument to th admiral. Cardinal Olbhons aays: "Admiral Schley's victory shed glory en I our .tat. and I cheerfully Accept the posi tion assignee to me, earnestly Hoping mat th. patriotic enterprls. will meet with a hearty response from. th. cltlsen. ot Mary land." .. .. Seasonable Fashions. all 09 T Ptaea Ktakaei 1ee. 32.36 sad 40 bast. Womas's two-plec bishop ley. 4131; to b. mad with r without th fitted lining Nothing marks tb. date of a costume a. surely as the sleeves. It tfcey b correct and up-to-date the entire gown will take on aa air ef amartnees other wis unknown. Th. stylish model illustrated is admirable in every way and Is well adapted to re modelling as well a. to tb. making of new waist. The fact that It 1. cut Is two piece make It possible to uee th pattern for cutting ever aleevee. of the smaller bishop type with only th. addition of such extra material a I usually to be found among the left-over piece. When extra length is needed K can d. carefully placed en and tb fact entirely hidden from view by a Judicious use of ' trimming. Lace applied ever the material, embroidery used ia the same way and" 'band e( all- sorts ar in vogue. By trimming the elesves above the cuff the necessary, seams caa be concealed ortillA n hahlfinahlA fo la aTi - talned. . ' . Th. sleeve ta cut ln two piece, th full I upper which drop over the cuff and tb. narrow under portion. When made of silk, wool and th. like or qf any material that arlll nit rawuitra. frrwiiiant latindarine it b pvM fluj nnlr4f 1 that serves to bold the puff ta place but parent effect that I exceedingly attractive. I the lining t carefully shaped and will be i found ajj . excellent foundation for " fancy sleeves ot any sort. .. . To cut these lvee ia tb medium else l yard, ef material II Inehea wide, 14 yards IT, It or 44 inch wld will b. r. quired. . Th. pattern 4183 is cut la thre. elses, small, corresponding to 33-lnch; medium, at I ,raarvMdlne to 88-inch, and lares, eerre- I ' - - - I tpoBdlng te iO-lnok bust measure. For the aenomraodetlota ot Tb Ba ral r. these patterns, which usually retail at frpm U to 60 cents, will be furnished at a omlnal price. 10 cents, which covers all S3 pens. in orosr lo awi a jiaera vms- - I .lo. 10 cents, giv. number aad BAax el I . . a .4 Imat asaaaara. - ri. i. U. Bldg. . D 19. Alexanaria, xseo. 1 aius l' i --- -- - - i