THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL July M&rkiti Cloe with 111 Hop of Manipulators' Oornir Loit, PRICES BREAK AND SETTLE LOWER Tbeat Tasnbles Six Cents and He-aoandlna- 4aeke la Frit la Other Lines, Where Bearish Ktm la PlentlfaL V CIITCAOO, Julr 81. -Julr corners were an u (Ted out today, yuletly and with little excitement, save that Influenced by the Injunction against a corner In July stand ard oats, the manipulated deals died In the arms of their projectors. Juiy wheat cut the most spectacular figure ty mumping almost 6c. The July cum corner tlittl Into history with the closing price 24c lower than the high price exacted when the bates clique was In control. July oats, 11 1 though controlled absolutely by the Pait 'n Fraztar crowd, closed unevenifully, doubt lessly held down by the fear of dread feasibilities at the hands of the court when he lnjunrtlon ease cornea to be settled. With manipulation largely out of the way and the Inflation In priots rapidly -seeping; out, other options In grains felt the very bearish effect of big shipments to markat, lower cables, fine weather and heavy sales and consistently declined all around. At the close July whest was 6c lower, Sep tember wheat V&le down, July corn ia lower, September corn e lower, July oaia 1c up and September oata &He lower. Provisions closed 2Vc up to 120 down. Interest centered In oata because of the Injunction proceedings against James A. Patten, linrtlett frailer Co. and Car rtngton. Patten St Co. Trade hung fire for a time at the start because the caso waa In court. A little covering was done enny, which started prices up somewhat. When the court Interpreted the Injunction for the parties Interested and stated that only one house was Interested, a house short CAOCQ.iMiu bushels of July, and with the exception of deals with this house all busi ness could go on as usual on 'change, prices sagged. Patten sold freely In the f it to anyone who wanted the etuff at 6e, o over yesterday. About lOO.OtO bushels were covered early. Then sat her heavy liquidation set In all around. The general feeling among speculators waa that had there not been an Injunction In effect pro tecting one Arm prices probably would hare been boosted and the July corner wouia have srone out with a boom. For tbe first time today It whs learned that tho bull Interest controls 1.S62.000 buoiieis bought be low 40c. Of this long line It Is estimated over 1,280.000 bushels was disposed of y the bulls In the open pit. Most of the trading was In new, round lots changing hands at 64c. one of 466.000 bushels and an other of 200,000 bushels. Fair deliveries were made as the price In oats declined. but a large number of contracts defaulted Details of these will not be known for some time. July, after opening lc up at 64c,jold at 66c, dipped to 63c and closed lc up at 64c. September sold from '.ti'nc down to Slhkc and closed Vri'Hc lower at llAc. Receluta were liberal at 248 cars. A break of 6c In July wheat was the fea ture of the leading pit today. Trade was dull at times and prices were Inc.ined to be erratic. Covering and the effect of big exports yesterday startea prices nigner. Deliveries of 600.000 bushels In July, how ever, with heavy selling In all deferred options brought a break. July opened Vc down to Tfcc ud at T&'&iOe, hung Are lor some time and then plunged In a puntcky fashion to &)Ac. Few traders wanted the July article, although there was a fair cash demand. . September opened 'Ac up at 70N1 70140. broke to 6!He and clorcd weak, piffle down, at 6iH43tc. Excellent crop news, big receipts and fine weather Influenced a marked Increase In the Sep. tember-December spread. December sel'lng lo below September. The feeling in real as elsewhere was that with mrln!'nn out of the way Inflation must come out of prices In all optlona. July closed CSc down at 69Hc Local receipts were (49 cars, seven of contract grade, and Minneapolis and Duluth reported 152 cars, making a total for the three points of 601 cara, Against 863 last week and 424 a year ago. Primary receipts were 1,148,000 bushels, compared with 893.000 last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 236,000 bushels. The seaboard reported 27 loads taken for export. There was heavy selling In corn, very little support arrived and prlcea broke. From 90c, the price of July corn on July I, when controlled by the bull crowd, the price had declined until today It closed at 66c. There waa a fair strength to all op tions early on the small receipts, only 83 cars. Belling In September, however, was heavy, Induced by bearish reports of ex cellent crops and good weather. In spite of only 66 cars estimated, for tomorrow, September sold from 66c down to 64o and July from 6c to 66c. There wes a Jittle 1 rally to September aa early cables Im proved, but the close was weak, 4c down, at 66Hc. Provisions were only fairly active and ruled generally lower on weakness In lard. Early prices were Arm on a strong hog situation and aupport. Ribs had the best support and September optlona of this pro i duct closed 2'-(iC up at 310.35. September pork closed 12Hc down at 316.77H and Bp- ember lard BVt'Hc lower at tlO.k2VxQ10.8S. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, too cars; corn, 66 cars; oata, 160 cars; hogs, 12.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgb. Low. Close. Yes y. closing at 74c; December, 74H'35 3-lc, closing at 74o. COKN Receipts. 6.400 bu.: exports, 1,670 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, Sc In elevator and ftc. f. o. I)., afloat. Option market had a sharp opening bulge on small western receipts and higher cables, but later de veloped weakness under liquidation, firm crop news and the wheat break. A final rally on covering left closing prices only He net lower; May, 45 '6464c, closing st 4-.14c; September, nSVuhlc, closing at uNc: December. 4S1'&4XV. closing at 4Hc OATH Receipts, IH.oiiO bu.; exports. t.M) bu. Spot, firmer; No. 2, 4Ve; No. 8, fflvtc; No. 2 white. 6!c; No. I white, c; track. mixed western, 64',jc; track, white west ern, 64ii,;yc; track, white state. 64(hic. Option market waa steady at first, then weakened with corn. HAY Firm; shipping. flMrTOc; good to choice, fl.on4il.06. HOPS Firm; stste, prime to choice, lDnl crop. litVifcHc; 1900. luc; olds, 6Ti9c: state, common to choice, 1W)I crop, 22tj'fic; lstoo, 1 til.Nc; olds, 7iic: Pacific cosst, 1901 crop, 21 llH')c; r.", 17'nlHc; olds. 24ii2.V. iir.rt i n c rv rirm, iiiu, PROVISIONS Heef, dull; family, 31600 T.S0: mess. 313.60: beef hums. 122 004T23.flO: packet, fl4.60tf 16.U0; city extra India mess. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel lies, til TMT12.S0; pickled shoulders. t7a7 9.75; pickled hams, ti2 0OQ12..V1. L.arst quiet; western steamed. 111. 60: July closed at til. 10, nominal; refined, stady: South America, 111 75: compound, tS.12Wfi6.60: con tinent, til. 20. Pork, aulet: family. 320.06: snort clear, iis.umti.oo; mess, ls.b04fl.W). HIDES Firm: Oalveston. 30 to to lbs.. lie; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c: Texas dry. 24 to 3ii lbs., 14c. WOOI.J Quiet: domestic fleece. 26ffJ0c. TALLOW Steady: city 112 per tkg.). 6T4c: country (pkgs. free), 6N& :67c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4H ec; Japanese, 4V(UoC. 11 UTTER Receipts, 6.92 pkgs.; steady; state dairy. 172c: state creamery. 17(3 2043 ' Imitation creamery, 16ol6c; factory. wy in;. CHEE8E Receipts. 6.120 tikrs.: steady for large and weak for small; fancy large, colored and white, Wc; fancy small, new state full cream, colored and white. M4C EOQS Receipts. 10.9X6 nkrs.: . steady: state ana Pennsylvania, zdwomic; western, csnilled. lS19V(!c: uncandled. JiiUS17Hc. MOLA8SE8 Steady: New Orleans. 13(3 ic. inULTRY-Allve: Easier: chickens. 16c: turkeys, 11c; fowls, JJHc Dressed: Weak; chickens, 15c; fowls, WHC! turkeys, 14(315o. METALS The local markets today were generally weak, though as a rule prices were nrmiy maintained. Tin loeany was quiet, but Arm, with prlcea ranging from 123.35 to 12X 60. in London the market was without material change, spot closing at 127 IOsj and futures at :23 17s d. Copper In London was Arm. with prices 7s 6d higher, under light offerings, spot closing at 63 2s 8(1 end futures at 63 6s 2d. The local copper r.iorket waa held flrrnly, prices advancing slightly on few transactions. Standard, spot to September, was quoted at lll.3fWill.60; Lake. 111.8712.(0; electro lytic, 111. IMi 11.90; casting, tll.66ll.75. Lrad In the domestic market was unchanged. spot closing at I4.12H. The London market was dull, with prices Is 3d lower, tho c!os lng quotations being 11 Is 3d. Spelter prices In London were lower, .showing a net loss for the day of 2s 6d. spot closing at 18 IRs. Locally spelter was quiet at !5.37Vx. The EnRllsh Iron markets were quiet. Olaszow closing at 66s 3d and Mid dlesbnrough a trifle higher at 61s lid. The local Iron market was steady, but quiet No. 1 foundry, t21.OWi23.00; No. 1 northern foundry, I21.0tig23.00; No. 1 soft foundry, 128. cash. No. I mixed. 675Sc; Ko. I white. C34 6: No. , (tHc RTF, No. I, 44H(4fio. HAY Choice timothy, $10.0011.00; choice prairie, fi.75''((7.0'). BUTTER Creamery, 19V4c; fancy dairy. EOOS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14-Ao do., loss off, cases re turned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 22.o0 74.0) Corn, bu 'W S2.(0 Oats, bu 66,000 49.OH0 Liverpool Orals and Pr Tlsloa. LIVERPOOL Julr XI WHEAT Spot: Quiet: No. 1 northern, spring, 6s Jd; No. 1 California, 6s 4d. Futures: (Julet; July, nominal: Sentember. fis: December. 6s llV4d. CORN Spot: Steady: American mixea. 6s. Futures: Quiet; September, 6s la; October. 6s IHd. provisions Reef, strong; extra jnaia mess. lu,s sd. I'ork. firm: crime mess west ern. R2s d. Hams, short cut. 14 to is ins.. quiet. 69a 6d. Bacon, Arm; Cumberland cut 26 to SO lbs., quiet. 66s; short ribs. It tn S4 lbs., milet. P9s d : lona clear middles. light. 21 to 34 lbs., quiet. D9s; long clear middles, heavy, 15 to 40 lbs., quiet, 58s 6d; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 6Sa 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs.,, 62s 1. Shoulders, square cut. 11 to IS lbs., quiet, 47s. Lard, quiet; prime western, In tierces, stesdy. 6fie: American reflned. In nails, stesdv. 64s 9d. chkebk Fteaay; American nnesi wnu, steady, 48s 6d; American finest colored. steady, 49s 60. TALLOW Prime city, steady, zns; traiian, in Ixndon, dull, ms. FLOUR St. Louis fancy Winter, 8s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacinc coastj. 6. B1TTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, quiet, (a 8Hd. l.V premium. Foreign exchange, KM, sixty days; 14 Vi demsnd. HOSTON. Julv II. Clearings, iru.t".; balances, ll.4ts.93S. BALTIMORE, July . Clearings, ts.ios,. 170; balances, .t95.9li Money, 4H Pr cent. PHILADELPHIA, July l. Clearings, $H9.ora; balances, t4.4.4;. Of f ' 1 1 ' 1 .1 ,..! a, SATIS balances. ins.4fi; money, Arm, fc$r per cent; Now York exchange, par. CINCINNATI. July II. Clearings, xa.wi, 660; money, 4ffj6 per cent; New York ex change, 6910c discount. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July II. MONEY On call. 2Vn3 per cent; last prime mercantile 2 paper, 4wu loan. steady at per cent; per cent. STERLING KXCHANQE Btea.iy at 14 R7' for demand and $4.NT4.6tt tor slxtv days: posted rates, $4.864j'4.88H; cola merclal bills, 4.S4'&'4.6V SILVER liar. Uc: Mexican dollars, 41Wc. bONDS Government, steady: state, inac tive; railroad. Irregu ar. The closing Quotations on bonds are as rouows: ng....l07U t. N. nnl. 10! S 1T Vn. Cmtrsl 4s i2W um to is Ino ia ,lVi K. tn. L 4 14 OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARKET Imall Inpnlj of CUl tnd Very LitU Chai'ga NoUi in Pnoet, HOGS OPEN STR?NGERr BUT CLOSE WEAK . - Receipts of Ikets ratlae Liberal sit Market Was err DII wltk tke Geaeral Teadeaey of Prices Dowawurd. iOUTH OMAHA. Julr 11. Receipts were: tavtle Hoas. ijheep, Official Monday I.Smo I.OnO 9-716 omclal J uesday z.svi 7,7-1 s.o's OfflclaJ Wednesday , 2.03H 4 ' 8.M7 OiHclal Thursday l.wiO 4.390 6. 7(.4 Aua firm. firm, V. S. nt. is, lo eoupon do U, rr do coupon 40 new 4s, reg do coupon do old 4, rg. do coupon .... do l, reg do coupon .... Atchison gen. 4s do dj. 4 Bal. Ohio 4s. do l. do couv. 4s... Canada. Bo. Is... Contra I of Oa. is. do Is Inc Four dava this week.. 10.207 Bams days last week.... 9.M4 Sams week before 13.221 Same three weeks ago... .! Same four weeks ago.... 8.2fi0 .1" M , K. at T. 4s., .14,I do M .inn's, N. T. Contrsl Is. .10WI do (a. ISa.... .lv4 .N. J. C. ten. I. .IdiU No. PaclBo 4s.... .104 I ao la . mvN. W. oon. ia .inah nnsoins sn. mm. 1 St Li 4k I ,..1M Ht- l ...!" L .10S14 a ..... 2 B- A. m A .loo4 ..101 ..loaw ..104 ..1014 .. l M e. SS....UT 8. F. 4s W. Is.., P. 4s. Toledo Grala and Seed. - TOLEDO. July 81. WHEAT Active, weak: cash. 70Hc: July. 704,c; September, JO.V. v Deremher. 71 'Ac: Ma v. 74iC. i'odM 1 1, , 1 1 .l.ailu' . fiartmher. FlW. P ' December, 42e. oath uuii: oia juiv. wean, wc: oepiem- ber. ihc: new July, strong, 06c; new Sep tember, 3214 c. SEED Clover, October, 15.16. Mlnaeapolls, Wheat Floor and Bras, AimnrjAruijlo. dull !. u iiuni o u , 77Uo: SeDtember. 674c. On track: No. 1 harfl. 79c: .no. l nortnern, Yc; ino. i northern 79Ue. FLOUR First patents, X3 SJT3 9f; eeema patents, 13. 6011 3 76; flrst clears, t3.00i3.10; second clears, M40. BRAN In bulk. 113. Ctiea. Jc Ohls 4'. . .loss So. Paclfto 4s. Chtrato A A. IWa... U So. Railway ts 1;., n. at u. n. 4s. . . . M niai racine is. C, M A 8 P. g. 4a.. 114 ,T.. St. L. A W. 4s C. A N. W. c. Ta....l Union PaclAe 4a..... C, R. I. A P. 4a....U0V do conv. 4a C C C 4V St L a. 4s.l01 Wabsah Is Chlraso Tar. 4a M do Is Colorado Bo. 4a 'a 4o deb. B Panrar A R. O. 4s.. 101 Wast Shnrs 4s Erla prior Han 4a.... ti 'Wheel. aV L. B. 4 ao saneral 4a HltiSU. 1 antral 4s... P. W. D. C. la...lllVi'Coa Tobacco 4s... Hocking Vsl. 4Vta...lot4 Boston Hack Qtjetatleas. BOSTON, Julf 81-Call loans. 80 cent; time loans, 46 per cent. ( closing of stocks and bonds: AKhlaon 4s 10IH Altouet 4 Vi sa ltlVs lit 14M ...1"S ...UH ... 74H ...114 ... ItV, ... I7K 19.179 2,o: 2n,l!7 21.K21 36.909 31.000 173.214 2&.OK1 19.406 2i9,319 1&J.4XS 161.496 96.h-.g 69,t)7 222, uq! 32.9H 24.7a? 19.490 ld.207 17.914 26, 1 99 116,5t3 92.36.1 76,12t 4S.2.'6 43.MH 26.637 21.410 7.372 7,926 Same days lat year.... 6,473 Total this month 59,617 Total July. 191 M2 lotal July, 19. Hi 67.8 Total July, 1M9 61.141 Total July, lies' 48,707 Total July, 1897 59.863 Total July, 1896 40,626 Total July, 1X96 40.384 Total July. 1894 63.721 KECE1P1S FOR THE YEAR TO DA'l E, The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons witn last year: 190J. 101. Inc. Deo. Cattle ... 89u.l3 420. SIS 85.183 Hogs 1.464. idO 49.B67 Sheep 636,411 603,611 68,100 in following table thows mo average price 3f hogs sold on tht. Bourn Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: 1 Steer 70 8 00 T cows 1000 8 IS Is feeders.. 934 4 26 HOOK There was not a heavy run of hogs here today and aa the local demand was In fairly good shape the market opened active and strong to a nickel higher opened active and strong to a nickel higher than yesterday. At those prices hogs changed hands quite rspldly, but later on packers weakened and wsnted to buy what was left at steady prices with yesterday. Fellers, of course, held for the morning bids and as a result the clofe was very slow and It was rather late before the pena were cleared. The bulk of the good quality hoes sold largely from 17 .60 to 17 W. and from that up to 17.70. The commoner grades sold from 17.50 down. Representative sales: No. At. Ph. Pr. No. At. Sh. Tr. 65 11 40 7 40 74 fit 40 7 SO 76 I W t Ill ... 7 60 lf. ! too T 41H 0 t W 7 Sl4 0... lo 40 7 46 4 :?1 7 6!'i 41 llh ao 7 4S 74 21" 140 7 63V 1 1"4 ... 7 46 40 ?M 1:') 7 6-'i 11 4 0 7 47'4, 41 266 120 7 6f 41 Ill 40 7 47t 6 133 SO 7 70 220 K 7 47V 41 1 ... 7 6V IT 241 120 7 47lfc 40... 145 140 7 62Vi 67 10 ... 7 60 47 143 SO 7 6b 63 147 40 7 60 70 120 ) 7 66 64 241 40 7 60 41 143 34 7 6J 64 210 110 7 60 (4 sr.4 14(1 7 6-. 47 237 ... 7 60 IT, 141 30 7 56 76 221 30 7 50 64 163 40 7 65 76 127 40 7 60 46 M ... 7 66 77 130 ... 7 60 45 24 ISO 7 U l 140 ISO 7 60 72 t?4 ... 7 43 61 221 110 7 60 43 171 SO 1 6!i M 247 W0 7 60 II 271 ... 7 I!' 61 Ill ... t 60 17 27 140 7 f 61 ir,4 0 7 60 61 17 30 7 40 66 160 170 7 50 44 ...21 30 1 46 64 1.1 to 7 60 40 1l .10 76 t ' 110 7 60 61 14 30 7 65 M 141 ... 7 SO 11 194 ... 7 70 Date. 1908. 1901.190O.189.1898.lS97.189t. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Julv 31. WHEAT Mar ket firmer; No. 1 northern, 78H(&79c; No. 8 northern, TJSiBc; September, 69Vic RYKflfeadv: No. 1. 59c. BARLEY Lull; No. 2. oS66c; sample, CORN September, 8474jC l OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple and Fssey Prod ace. EOOS Candled stock, 16c. LiVE POULTRY Hens, 9c; roosters, ac cording to age, 46c; turkeys, 6'ijlOc; ducks and geese, ac; spring chickens, per lb., i:wfii4c. BUTTER Packing stock, ISc; choice dairy, in tubs, 17c; separator. 8021o. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. 10c: her. ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c; perch, 6o; buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunAsn, 6c; biuettns, So; whlteflsh, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, luc; .lobsters. boiled, per lb zvc: lobsters, green, per lb.. 26c; bullheads. 10c. ... CORN 60c. OATS-65C. BRaN Per ton, 816. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No, 1 upland, is; wo. l medium. I7.&0; jmo. l coarse, 17. Rye straw, 16.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per don.. 769Cc. V - NEW Ciibtm-naiamasoo, soo. -. POTATOES New, per bu., 264 35a. GREEN ONIONS Per dos.. according to sli of bunchts, 16320c. . J TURNIPS Ptr bu., sec BEETS Per basket. 400. GREEN CORN Par dog., Bo. , CUCUMBERS Per dog., 2c. LETTUCE Per dosen Duncnes, zoo. PARSLEY Per dos., 30C(i3oc. RADISHES Per do., 20o. WAX BEANB Home tiruwn, per market basket, ao(j&c; string beans, per market Dasket, aviuooc. CABBAGE cauxornia or noma grown, Wheat , July Sept. Deo. I May Corn : July ', Sept, ' Dec. May Oats July S July a Sept. b Sept. b Deo. May Pork , Sept s Oct. Jan. , Lard ' Sept. Oct. . Jan. . Ribs ' Sept. ' Oct. ' .Jan. 75 7 7 70Q 704 67-Mi TOVa 72W 724 88 68 6 tS 66i illi 414 M 49 60 64 66 284 284 32H4 82-S WAftX 814 81 81ft 1 90 16 924 16 96 16 96 IS 66 16 82V4 10 90 10 9?H 10 46 10 47H 8 75 824 10 86 10 87H 10 10 10 124 8 08 I 8 12V4 toW H 75H 9H'69H9H 70V4 6S6SN t!)- 11, ES 644 42 T14I T2V4 66 F9V4 U bi'l 3$i3 434 28 "4 814?f 304, 81 V 1T7H 16 8 IS 62V4 10 96 10 874 I 60 10 47V4 10 06 8 OS 46 64 8814 814 80V 81! i rrvi 1 86 16 77 10 88 10 40 8 75 10 88 10 10 8 12V4I a Old. b New. No. 8. i Cash quotations were aa follows: ! FLOUR Firm, easy; winter patents, 83 65 I4M.76; winter patents. 83.203.60; cleara. 83 00 ; C.40; springs, 14.80; patents, 83.603.85; Straights, 3.Ou(Ui8.S0. v WHEAT No. 8 spring, tWMc; JJo, 8 , spring. 67S-7JC; No. 1 red. 71714o. CORN No. 8 yellow. 60S4C. ' OaTS-No. 8. 294137c; No. 8 whits. 8649c, RYE No. 8, 6S'a4o. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 63fHo. i SEED No. 1 flax, 81.60; No. 1 northwest- 'mm 1166: clover, contract grade. 18.15(08.40. I PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., tl6.7t J16.80. Lard, per 100 lba., 10.7610.8O. Short I ribs sides (loose), 110.26610 86. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 89 12SH 9.86. ' Short Clear I j . i t an or.. . i 1 a?u. ... WHISHT On the basis of - high wines. ' 11.81. The following are tbs receipts and ship ments: ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bble 19.000 18 .000 Wheat, bu Z24.0OO 179 00 'Corn, bu 154. 0u) 68.0 'Oats, bu 838.000 122,009 Rye, bu , 1.000 . barley, bu.. S.OuO On the Produce exchsnge today tha but ter market waa steady: creameries, Kft WVc; dalrtsa, Uha'UHa. Cheese, steady, 104 U& Kgga, easy; irean. u-a. MBW YOBR OK Jl KB At. MARKET. new, l!c. ... r u.NIOiMB iNew t.aiiiornia, v sacas, per lb.. II4C . . . . TOMATOr. fer maraer. oasget, li. NAVY BKANS-Per bu., 12.16. FIUIT8. PEACHES California St. Johns. 90c; Ar. kansas E.bertas, per 4-basket crate. 81; per 6-basket crate, ii.oti; eastern vrawioras, yuc. PLUMS 4. a.i-ornia. per 4-Dasxet crates, fancy, 1115(61.25. PRUNES per dox, fi.iswi.zs. PEAKS calllornia, per pox, f2.. APPLES Bummer varieties, per DDI.. 88.7b(&'J.OO. CANTALOUPE Texas, per crate, 88; per basket, 7bc. GRAPES Southern Catalbas, per 80-lb. crate, 11.60. . PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 88 count. IS 50. BANANAS Per bunch, according to Slse, 12 265.76. URANUbo- vaiencias, M.Kiia4i.w; tatai turn neon sweets. 84.00AC4.26. LEMONS Fancy. 85: choice. 84.60: Hes- llnas. M.Ktf5.00. TT. CIDER New ?ork. 83.75. HIDES 10. 1 green, ec; no. I green 6U,c: No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 8 salted. 64.U Ka. 1 veat can. s 10 t 10s., sc; it. s von calf, 18 to 16 lba., 6c: dry hides. 8(312c; sheep pelts, 7&e; horse niaee, - .. r-. r, ,,. ... V. . 1 I .1 . . 1 1 fi .1 jun-rsr iu.. w. eijaiiau. wu. NUTS Walnuts. No. I soft shell, per lb., tiari nnmi. ner id . iic: ino. z soil W fH I shell. 10c: No. 8 hard shell. 9c; Braxlls, per IV no I ib.. 14c: Alberts, per ID., lzc; aimonas. soil 8 07H shell, 16c; hard shell. 16c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c: small, luu; coooanuts. per aos., boc OLD METAL.B A. B. Aipern quotes ins following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton. lio.oo; iron, stove piaie. pitr 'on. fi.av, rnnner. ner lb.. 8Ac: brass. heKvr. per lb.. 8W; brass, light, per lb., to; lead, per lb.. c; Bine, per iu,,, i, ruwwr. v iu.. ft. Loals Ore la and Provisions LOUIS. July SlWHEAT Lower 47 ft 28V 8214 811 18 90 1 M 10 si 10 874 f 70 Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. July 81. CORN Firmer; No. 3, 68c. OATS irregular, easier new ino. i wnue, 84(634V4c. WHISKY On the basis of 8181 for fin ished goods. Dnlntk Grala Market.' TJtTT.TITTI. Julv SI. WHEAT Cash. No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 2 northern, 73V4c; July, 72Vc; September, 694c; December, 67fto. oaib aeptemoer, 01c. . NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Onenlnar Tarmoll Spoils Hopes of Speculative Advances. NEW YORK, July 81. There was such a turmoil In the opening stock market today aa to upset the speculative sentiment and disappoint tne hopes 01 a renewal 01 a which had been indulged as a result of yesterday's development of fresh railroad deals. Probably the feverish upward dash of St. Louis & San Francisco, Evansvllle St lerre Hume. New I org Ar Bra Re ana 1 few other stocks would have been suffi cient In themselves to have disturbed senti ment. . ; But when there was added the down ward plunge of over 8 points In Colorado Fuel and a sharp decline In People's Gas the upward course of prices with which the market opened quickly gave place to realising. St. Paul's opening rise of over point was lost witnin a tew minutes 01 trading. St. Louis & San Francisco sagged back to below last night during the course of the forenoon. A few scattered advances at different times during the day proved Ineffectual to rouse the market to activity. Chicago or Alton and Chicago Te Tninai Trantfer advanced In company 01. mys terious hints of coming Important develop ments. The rise in Reading seemed to oa based upon the assumption that the riot ing in the mine regions and the calling out of the troops foreshadowed the break up of the strike. The drop In Colorado Fuel was attributed to the fact that the company'a books close today for the stock holders meeting, so mat new ptircnases would not carry voting power for the meeting. People's Gas decline was due to the refusal of a judicial injunction of the enforcement of 76-cent gas ordinance. The aulck subsidence of the excitement which broke out in the market yesterday when the St. Louts & San Francisco and Chicago & Eastern Illinois were reported to have consolidated, was primarily aue to the uncertainty over the actual fact. All persons Interested were exceedingly reti cent and doubts were aroused as to the real consummation of tne project. Fur thermore, supposing the protect to be schleved, there will be disappointments In volved. It la a matter of public notoriety that Illinois Central has recently made an offer designed to aecure control of Chicago A Eastern Illinois. The advance In St. Louis A Ban Fran cisco for the past week has been on the assumption that It was "the Important eytem pointed at as destined for Inclusion in the new Rock Island v company. The fact that the new project points to strengthened competition and Is thus cal culated to arouse antagonisms makes it similar to many or the recent financial protects talked of and marks their depart ure from the much discussed community of Interest policy wnicn was to parcel out harmoniously the whole railroad territory amongst thp various financial powers. The money market was calm today, but sterling exchange held steady at the level of the recent gold exports. The govern ment deficit, which reached over 112.000,000 at one time this month, fell to below 18.000. nnA tnav nnit Ih 11 It t r ,mrv In Nw Vnrlr v . j - - - receivea a payment or over ai.uw.wv oy tne Central Pacinc Railroad company on ac count of a note due the government. The market closed quite active and weak, prices running off sharply Just at the laat. Bonds were very irregular ana inclined to be easier In the morning. The St. Louis Southwestern seconds were In large de mand. Total sales, par value. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Oaa la T K O. C Atrhlaon do pfd Bnatoa A Albany.. hoaton A lie Unaton EleTated .. N. Y., N. H. A K. Vltrhburf ptd Union Pacific Amer. Sugar 60 Bfd Amartran T. A T...1I4 Dominion 1. at B.. Oen. EIctrto Malta. Electrlo .... do pfd N. B a. A C 4X ihiim iru 11 111 V. 8. Steel zu do pfd 8au WeatlAKh. Common. .104 Adrsnture II II A ma I ga ma tad .... . 4l'4 Dlnsham . II Vi Calumat A Heola. .MP Ontennlal .241 Coppar Kane .... -1 Dominion Coal ... .11 Franklin .134 Iala Rojrale .14nVMohak lm!oid Dominion .... .lllloarsola .llSParrot Qulncr 44 Ihanta Fa Consar. 131 Tamarack aoHITrlmonoula THlTrlnltr Unltad Btatae .... Utah Victoria Winona ... WoWarlas 1 per ifflclal ... It ... MS ... 1V ...HI ... ltk ... ...111 ... 11 ... ISSt, ... 45 ... II ... ... ...110 ... 14 ....131 M U 1 July 1.... July 8.... July 8.... July 4.... Juiy 6.... juiy I.... July 7.... July .... July .... July 10... July 11... July 12... July II... July 14... vuiy li July It juiy July July July juiy July July July July July " London Stock Market. LONDON, July 814 p. m.-Closlnr: consols lor manwj . ... -ia nonois st wasters do account , ASaconda Atchlaon do pfd , Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Paollc... rtieaapeakl A Ohio. Chlcaso O. W C, M. A St. P.... Danrar A R. O.... do pfd Erla , do lat ptd do Id pfd , Illlnola Central.. 17.., 18... 19... 80... 21.., 22... 28... 24... 26.. 28... July 27... July 88... July 29. July 80. July 31. 744 I 64, I Kl a T STS,i 1 W"l I Mt 7 791 TT7 7 724 7 72 7 734 8 8S 8 SS 6 74 8 78 8 7lj 8 88 6 86 8 92 86 6 86 5 77 6 64 6 W 8 68 4 111 6 Oil 8 78 8 T8 8 811 8 181 I I 611 8 IS 7 ffrfcl 6 62 69 7 62 7 41-41 7 82T4, I 411 7 631 7 61 a 7 63: 7 664 7 47 7 61Vl 6 81 6 68 i 71 b 70 6 74 6 69 6 1 8 47 8 66 8 0S 6 1 k U e 1 8 131 8 13 I 041 8 02! 6 13 s us a 8 02! 4 94 4 87 4 89 4 M 6 07 I 8 IS 6 16 6 06 8 02 6 06 6 18 8 78 8 8C 8 U 8 81 8 Si 8 0 8 96 4 04 4 09 4 06 I 4 01 4 16 4 28 4 19 4 21 4 84 4 861 4 31 4 27 4 32 4 83 4 82 6 08 6 09 I 32 I 21 8 6i 8 28 1 76, 8 28' 8 81 8 761 8 n 8 73 8 82 8 77 8 77 8 82 a 8 82 8 89 8 86 8 81 8 791 8.82 8 89 8 87 8 r 8 67 8 Tit 8 74 8 32 3 SS 8 26 a 8 18 8 14 8 15 8 17 8 20 8 25 8 82! 8 So a 00 8 27 8 26) 8 86! 8 87 8 431 3 29 3 26 3 44 3 84 2 98 3 fc aa s 3 87 2 98 304 2 M 2 17 .M 397 3 00 8 06 3 07 2 97 3 98 s 3 II 3 97 2 OS 2 83 3 9 3 68 a 3 85 3 76 2 71 3 77 8 60 2 77 M do pfd . t Ontario A Wasters. . 144 Pannarlraala .1044 Raadlnf .11314 do lat pfd .140 ao m pr . 16 Southern Railway. . aati ao pis .131 Southern Pmcllo . 4t. .union Paeiac 14 do Bid II United Statae stee l.so44 10(, do pfd Ml 14 Va 3S4 1 I44 ... ! 1 o 3 Pmcllo 70-4 01 ac 11014 4T I IWabaata .17044, do pfd Loulavllle A Naeh...,147Vk Spanish 4s , Mlaeourl, K. 4t T.... tl Rand Mines......... do pfd US, DeBeers (def.)...n.. New fork Central.... 141 I BAR BILVER-Steady at 34 7-ltd ounce. MONEY 2VWS3 per cent. Tho rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 v-iwa-ti per cent; for three months' bins, z per cent. . it . N o4 1 HTk Per New York lllalnc Qnotatloas. NEW YORK, Julr 8L Tho following are tne Closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Coa , 10 Alloa H Breeos M Brukawlck Con........ Contttock Tunnel .... I Con.l Cal. A Va 1J0 Desdwood Terra ...M104 Horn Silver 1 Iron Silver w SO Leadvllls Coa I Little Chief On talis Ophlr . rnoentx Potoei Savaf .. 11 lot Ill I IT 1 Indicates Sunday. Indicates Holiday. The official number of cara of atock brought In today by each road was: Cattla.H0KS.8hD.Hses. c, M. am bu v, nr.. 1 1 Mo. P. Ry 1 1 U. P. system 19 11 C. A N. W. Ry 8 F K. A M. V. R. R. I 31 a, 8C P., M. A O. Ry 3 4 U. M. it. Mjr 90 13 C., B. 6V Q. Ry 1 K. C. at Bt. J S C, R. I. V P., oast.. I C Wabash 1 Illinois Central ...... Total receipts ..... 88 69 Tho disposition of tha Day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hois. Sheen. Omaha Packing; Co. .. 80 640 Swift and Company .... 872 857 103 Cudahy Packing Co. .. 72 1,891 1,157 Armour A Co 871 1,068 871 Swift ft Co., K. C 139 Swift ft Co.. country.. 48 Hammond, K. C 798 3 8 IS 1 'l !! 24 "2 Sierra Nevada Small Hopes Btaadars For el a" Flaaaclal, R. Booker ft Ieraa.. Vsnsant ft Co J. L. Carey Lobman ft Co Hill ft Huntalnger Livingstone ft Schaller. Hamilton ft Rothschild. L. F. Hubs Wolff ft Murnan Other buyers .. 34 74 118 22 19 80 69 83 118 111 108 LONDON. July 81 The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changea: Total reserve, decreased S.M4.VW. uituiAuuii. 1 1 il. c..u -i,vw, 1 iiiuci iwa wan iiia.n ii was yesieruBy, bullion, decreased 364,834; other securities, I and the bulk of the cattle waa rather luck- increased (.i.sw.wm; otner aeposns, in- mg in quality. As a result of the small Totals CATTLBJ Ths 1.713 supply of 4.244 cattle 3.324 was 8c. Itnntattons t tho Day on. Tarlons CoassmoAlties. NEW YORK. July 8L FLOUR Receipts, 16.80 bbls.; exports,. 18,131 bble. Mar ket unaettled and weaker; winter ritents, 3 7f.-o-4.0O: winter straights, 83.60 Tf." Minnesota natents. S3 8fn4.10: wlnlor extraa, i3.1uci si; winter low grades. 12. W fc16; Minnesota bakers. U 15i3 16. Rye .flour, quiet; fair to good, 83. 26443. 40; choice Ito fancy, 13 t3 6. ' CORNMEAli-Steady; yellow western. 1112: city, H u; iiranoywine, 4.1 g i tu. RTS1 Easv: No. 8 western. f. o. b. t float; state, 2aJc. e. I. f.. New York car its. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 64c, e. t f., Buffalo. Wli EAT Receipts, 111.626 bu. : exports. 81.949 bu. Spot, easy; No. 3 red, 7Sc tn elevator; No. 3 red. T7Vtc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Imluth. 80sc f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 83c. f. o. b.. aflo-t. Except for a short time at the start liquidation and heaviness prevailed In wheat today, with demand light and scattered, crop news favorable, receipts Ware and sentiment bearlab. The close was weak at Vtrto net decline; May, 74 l77 8-leo, olootueT at Tea; July, TfcHflTvSc, LltMslujl at 7kv, tiepuatber. 71. ,6 7-lic, ST. No. 1 red. cash, elevator, tUc; track ffttfiVtc: July. 60c: September. 4Vtc; lecm her. 7.c: No. 2 hard. 65 J 67c. 614c; July, 68c; September, 48c; Lecember, I7U.C. " OATS Irregular 7 No, 2 cash, 80c. bid; track, 32nMc; July, 60c, bid; September, ZtTo; wo, 1 wcue. oia. 00c. v , . 4 . , . rye Lower at wc. - ' FLOUR Quiet: new red winter patents, 83 2u66.tO; extra fancy and straight, t2.90r 3.16; clear, FEED-Timothy, nonunai. CORN MEAL Steady. 83.18. BRAN Steady; sacked, eaat track, 80H 83c. HAY Timothy, tl0.00l6.00; prairie, C9oo. nnioai ei'aajr, IRON COTTON TIES Steady, 81.08. BAOOINO Steady. Iiabc. HEMP TWINE Steady. 9c. vm VIHli Nrt Pork lower: iobbtna-. 816 87H: new, 117 .374. Lard, dull but higher at 310.66. Dry salt meats (boxed), stesdy; extra shorts, 81187H; clear ribs, 111; short clear. 111.26. Bacon (boxedV steady; extra shorts, tu. 76; clear ribs, ill.BTtt; short clear, 11 2. i:ha. M E1AI8 Lead, steady at 88 97H4J4 00; spelter, steady at 86.06. rul'LiKi-einwr; cnicaens, 10c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geese, 4W. BUTTER Stesdy; creamery, lf21c; dairy, lituikc. eogs steady at iiw. loss on Receipts. Shipments. 6.0110 7.0i0 S03.(0 122.0(10 t.Oni) 21.000 46.000 46,000 The following are tne nosing prices on the New xork biock exenange: .. 11 St. Paul pfd lll4 ..101 So. Pacific Wi'i ..1UI4 ,80. Hallway st .. M4 do pld 1(7 1 ..1S4S4 Texas c Paclno 41 si iiuieao, bi. u a ft. zi4 T4 14 13 Atchison do fd Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Cauadlan Paclne . Cauda 80 Chee. A Ohio Chicadro A Alton.. do pid Cntcaao. Ud. ft U. ao aia Cbloalo A E. III. ...II1 Chlcaso A O. W I1S do lat Pfd sa do Id pfd 414 Chlraso A N. W....342 0 . R. I. A F.......1HH Chicago Ter. 4k Tr.. 31 do fd 44 C. C. C. A St. L...10 Colorado So 124 do lat pld Ti do Id Pfd.. Del. A Hud IIVl do pfd.. 4lw Uoloa Pacific A L. E. I Del. L. A W... 171 lAmer. . Denver A R. 0 4iuJ lo pfd do pfd 3Anac. H old. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu..,. Oats, bu Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 31. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, Zlc; extra nearby prime, z.c. EUOS Mrtn. good qemana: iresn west. em. aojoc, loss on; ireen souin western, 184i 19c. loss off: fresh southern. 16'kWo. CH KESE Steady; New York prime small. 10-tfl0(c; New I or a lair to gooa, rijv-c. Kansas City Orala sal Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 31. WHEAT Re ceipts. 211 cars: BeDtember. 62&U.c: Ie- cember. sioHc; cash. No. 3 hard. 7y ooc: ro. ij viiwici no., uuwv, mo. x ran sodienri ino. a. u'auic. CORN September, ImTio; KiciiuliW, 14 c; Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Great Kor. pfd... Hacking Valley , do pfd Illlnola Central . Iowa Central .... do td Lake Erie W.. do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Hot. St. Ry Max. ( antral Nat. Rr. of Max. Minn. A Bt. L... Mo. Paclac , I.. K. A T do pfd N. . Central ... N. V. Central ., Norfolk A W... do pfd Ontario A Wt... Pesnarlvanla ... Reading do lat ptd do 3d pfd St. L. A S. V.. do lat pfd do U pld St. U S. W.... do pfd St. Paul Offered. do pfd Wabaah . do pfd. Wheeling ao sa piaj Wle. Central ...... do pfd Adama Ex..'.. American Ex tailed States Ex. Wella-Farie Ex... AnuU. Copper .... Amm. Cor A F... do s(d aau !Aater. Lin. Oil... ..i."lVaLao Aiuer. . at tt . . . Mining Co. l-U Uruoklre K. T .... tu(4!Col. Puel A I... .... U Cone. Oaa ....131 Cout. Tobeoco pld .... 34 n. Electrlo ..... .... 41 Hocklns Coal .... Paper .... 47 00 .... 14 'Laclede Oes .... mi 1 Nat. blacult ..,.116 1 National Leal ... ....144 'No. American .... 1J3 Pacific Coast ....14k', Pad 00 Mall ...... .... SdS People's (iaa .... IK Preaaed S. Car.... ....llt.l do pfd .'..lias- Psllmas P. Car. II .. 41 ..IU ..143 .. 44 .. 14 .. IJ'k ..U3 .. 47 .. II .. TJ .. 31 .. as .. t .. 34 .. 44 ..1M kepuolie Steel do pld Susar Tans. Coal A I.. Colon Bag & p.. ao ire U. S. Leather .. so pfd U. g. Rubber ... do pfd V. 8. Steel do pld Weetem t'nloa . . Amer. Locomotlrs... 11 .. 33 ..101 .. M .. , .. 44 .. " .. 31 .. 11 .. 10 ..IUU ..KM ..111 ..II .. 44 .. M .. 31 .. Hi .. 41 .. 44 ..IT ..104 ... 41 .. 31 ..121 ,..111 ...1U ... 17 ... 1 ... ... a ... 47 ... 11 ...114 ... 74 ,.. 18 ...1V1 ,.. 47 ... 34 ...saw ... 11 ... 74 ...111 ... 4s ... 14 . . au ... IS ... 15 . .. is ... U 3 31 creased 3,063,000; publlo deposits, decreased 820,000; notes reserve, decreased awtu.oou; government securities, unchanged. Tha nrooortion 01 tne nana 01 cngiana a re serve to liability is 47.93 per cent Last week It was 61.60 per cent. The rata of discount is unchanged at 8 per cent. Money was In active request tooay ana aiscounts were steady. The Stock exchange settle ment was comfortably arranged. Tho fail ure of Herbert Knemeyer was announced. A holiday atmosphere prevailed and busi ness was meaner, uperators were cau tious. Ollt-edired securities were easier and consols were sold to provide funds for Lombard street. Home rails were tairiy cheerful on rood traffic reports and Amer icans were firmer and above parity on New York suDnort. Norfolk at western was the feature and Erie was strong. The close was steady. The sum or a: 40,000 gold waa withdrawn from the Bank of England today. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Avres. 129 90: Madrid. 37.10! Rome. 1.07. PARIS, July si. 1 ne weekly statement 01 the Bank of France shows the following changea: Notes In circulation. Increased 210.176.000f: treasury accounts current. In creased 9.62.ooor ; gold in nana, increased z.400.000f: bills discounted. Increased 186.- 476.ooof: silver in nana, increases xzs.ooor. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 46c for the ac count. Spanish Is closed at 80.86. Prices suffered a setback on the bourse at tha opening today, although contangoea were not dimcuii ana money was pientitui, Operators, however, were afraid that the settlement wouia not do easy ana there fore they realised. Later there was a gen eral Improvement, which was maintained to the close. Foreigners were quiet, with Turks in demand during tne last nour, Metropolitans and Russian securities wero Arm, but Thomson-Houston shares were heavy. Rio tlntos were easier at the start. but rained towara tne ciose owing to the hardening In the price of copper. Kaffirs weakened on realisations, but closed with a better tone. The private rate of dis count was 15-18 per cent. BERLIN, juiy 91. oenument on tne bourse today was essler. Efforts which have been made to Induce outside pits to 1oln the syndicate, 11 waa stated, nad been unsuccessful. Canadian Pacifies wero harder on New York advices. Exchange on London. 20m 48H pfgs. for checks. Dis count rates: Short bills (for settlement), 2 per cent; three months bills, per cent. Condition of tho Treasury. WASHINGTON. July 31. Today's stato- ment of the treasury balance in the gen eral -fund, exclusive of the 3160,000.000 gold reserve in the division of redemption. J shows: Available cash balance, UuS,66J,. 112; gold, 197,661. 4x. SHEF.P-Recelpts were liberal today, that the supply for the week to date considerably In excess of the same daya last week and also of last year. The table aoove will show the exact figures. 4 Packers were slow again today about taking hold and as a general thing their bids were a little lower than they were yesterday. Hellers were holding for steady prices, so that trading was very slow. A few bunches sold fairly early, but aside from those little was done up to a late hour. Lnmha In particular were very dull. As compared with the high time last week sheep are safelv 2i4f40r- lower and lamba are right around 600 lower. feeders have also eased off a little In sympathy with the decline In fat stuff, but syll owing to light receipts, the break has 1101 Dcen quite so severe. Quotations for clipped stock: Good to choice vearllnaa. !4 4ft- fair in e-nnri 83.90tfl4.20; good to choice wethers, S3.8fl5-4.10; iair to gooa wethers, S3.60i3.80; good to choice ewes, 83.60(93.76; fair to good ewes, 33.2&a&0; good to choice spring lambs, 86 26 tj.&O; fair to good spring lambs, 35.004(6.25; feeder wethers. 12.753.10: fender voerllnva 13.01 -ri3. 85; feeder lambs, 83.0OjJ3.90; feeder ewea, 4i.Ka.). Representative sales: lean mlddlln fair. B6-8?d; good middling. 49-32-1; middling, 4 1S-ld; low mlddPng, 4M-&d; good ordinary, 4 1-!t-'d; ordinary, lll-.t.'d. i'he sales of the day were 5,0i bslrs. of which nOO were for speculation and export and Inrluded 4W American. Re ceipts, none. futures openeii quit-t sn-i strsrly and closed barrlv sieady. American middling g. o. c: August, 4 JlHiX"! 4 :-d, sellers; August and September. 4 :4-04d, Sel lers; September and 4 u tolx-r, 4 2'l-64il, s I lers; October snd November. 4IB-mrr(l 17-GM, buyers; November nnd I ceemtT, 4 l.l-aei 4 14-04.1. buyers; December anil Jnnu.iry, 4 12-64-i. sellers; Janunry and lenruary, 4 11 -64 14 12-fitd. b'lvrrs, F-hritsry anil March. 4 ll-HlrM l2-Vnl. buvrrs; March nnJ April, 4 Il-Mi4 L'-tViil, buvrrs. NEW tllll.EA.VS. Juiy 31 C.ITTON- Fltures, quiet and steady; Aucvist, 8 26 8.2'c; Hentemlier 7.7: '(77.7 lc; iict.bvi. 7 h2 7.Mo: November. 9.4'J 7.44c : Leeembcr. 7.4 Ij7.43c; January, t.ti i'.iS ; February, 7 JSJr' I 1.44c; Miirth. 7 4.T11 i.4w-. tpt. esy; ?aieai 125 bales; otdti:Hi , IJ-',S'; gut tl t r.llnnrTel 7 11-lfic". low middling. 6 3-lSe; m 1 ,!l-ig. -o; good middling, 8 15-lhct nil li 1. 11; flriJ 9o-lHo; receipts, 2.11b; sloe 1, 6,6Jk bubs. ' Vloil Market. BOSTON. Julv 81. WOOL Ohio and Pennsylvania XX nnd fihuvo :;VCf2ic; XXX, iitfAc; No. 1 and No. 2. 4;p to 2i'e; fine, unwashed. 2p21c; unniorchnntabl.-, 72 ii2."c; Mlt hlpsti X nnd above, 22 a 21c; No. 1 and No. 2, 2'ri?e; fine, unwashed. I'6i9c; Kentucky, Indiana, etc., , hi 00 1 2.'i(2Sc: blood. 2Ui22c; bra d. Wil'Sc: Texai, 13 months, l:K2i'c; 6 and 8 months, 16 l7c; fall. , 13014c; Cnllfornln, northern choice, 30321p northern average. If(l7c; middle, county, 14'15c; southern, IC12o; fnl , tdjU-; Oregon, staple, 16'H7c; a!tern. choice 16c; eastern, average, llrl.i; v'sllv. No t. lK(ffl9c; territory, Idaho, fine. U7jl4c; Idaho fine, medium, l&iibic; Wyoming, fine, IL'W 14c U'l'nmlnff flnA in mttillum 11ile 1'tsh. fine. 13al4c; Utah, fine, medium, lfl j 17c: Dakota, fine. 13W14c: Dakota, fine. medium, 16(&16c; Montana, fine, choice, lfMj 17c; fine, average, 14tjl5c; fine, medium holes, ngnso: Colorado, New Mexico, etc.. ne, looaiic; nne, medium. )ZBl4o: coarse. 13014c. ST. LOUIS. July 81.-WOOL-fltrons: me dium and combing, 13Q18c; light fine, 121 16c; heavy fine, 1018c; tub washed, 164) 260. No 3 bucks 84 South Dakota ewes... 82 South Dakota ewes... 84 South Dakota lambs.. 2 bucks , 73 Wyoming ewes , 20 western ewes..... , 68 western ewes , 81 Idaho ewes ., il western ewes... 767 western wethers.... 98 feeder lambs Av. 170 67 83 67 160 66 96 100 118 108 86 103 68 receipts and poor quality a fair test of the market was hardly made, but still it could not be said that there was much of any change. There wero only a few loads of com fid cattle in the yards today, and none that were anywhere near choice. Tho market was not particularly active, but about steady nrlces were paid for anvthlna- at all desirable. The short fed rattle were very hard to dispose of, and If anything they did not sell aulte as well aa thev did yesterday. The cow market started out In good shape this morning and the better gradea anlrf fullv ate.rlv 7 t In th. nowever, trading pecame very alow and tne ieeung was weak, borne sales. In fact, looked a little lower, but that was mostly In the case of the commoner kinds. There were a few comfeds included In the re ceipts and they sold fully steady. mere was no quotaoie cnange in the prices paid for bulla, veal calves and atags. Receipts of stockers and feeders eon. tinued very light and the market on tho better grades waa fully steady. There has been a prety good demand all the week for the cattle of good weight and quality, so that anything answering to that de scription has met with ready sale. The common and lightweight stuff, though, has sum unevenly wnn tne aemana very limited. There wero a few western ranee beef steers on sate this morning, but none that were really good. The market, though, could be quoted just about ateady. Range cows also brought steady prices, if they were good, but were a little lower If nf poor quality. The better anradea of feed ers were fully steady ancT others a little dull- Representative sales: UK. Kr STEERS. Ne. Av- Pr. Mo 1 BU IN 14 1 710 4 14 Ti 1 1141 4 II 1 II 1071 I IS COWS. I 00 I II I 36 I II Av. lr. ..147 III ..111! I 10 ..1100 IM Coffee Market. 1.... 1.... 1.... I.-... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... I.. 1.. I.. 11.. II.. 1.... 1.... 1..,. I..:, do pfd . K. C. Southern., do pfd 11 34 10 Dank riearlasja. OMAHA. July II. Bank clearings, 8959,. 813.23; corresponding day Mst year, 6323. 138 ud: increase. Jiito.a.t.W. NEW YORK. July II. Clearings. 1250,- 960.937: balances. Ii.166.01o. CHICAGO. July U. Clearings, 134.196.116: balanoca, tM.144.31i. New I'ork sxchanfe, NEW YORK. July 81.-COFFEE Spot. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 6c. Mild, steady; Cordova, k'ffUMi: Futures opened steady, with nrlces unchanged to 8 points higher. Cable news cut little figure as an Influence and receipts, while heavy, were not more than predicted. Shorts, both local and foreien. .were the chief supporters of the market during the day. In the absence of I sellers the market held firm and gradually worked upward on light trade, closing net Rcnio nolnta higher, with the undertone firm. Total sales amounted to 'only 31,760 bags, Including: August, 6.46(o5.60c; Beptem- Ker. fi.4tij.ooc: ueioDer, s. avion.. wc; Novem ber 6.!6'(i6.60e: December, SKCrfa.SOc; Jan uary, t.30w.35c; March, 5.iti'6.4oc; May, 8.50c. Evaporate Apples ssi DrleA Frnlta. urw YORK. Julv 81. EVAPORATED APPLES There la very little business for Immediate delivery, owing lo scanty offer ings, but futures are attracting fair at tention around recent figures; common to good are quoted at 84fl0c; prime, 10lo4c; choice. ll(&llc; fancy, HHSn. CALIFORNIA Uttitu K nui i o rTunee continue in good demand, wltn futures armor, nartlcularlv for desirable sixes: Spot prunes are still quoted at from 84,0 to 6c for all gradea. Spot apricots are steadv. wnn sume ouying 01 lutureei re ported. Apricots, In baga, 10611c. and in boxes. 8V(iloyjC. Peaches are without spe cial feature, but steady at recent flgurea: peeled peaches are quoted at 12j&16o and unpeeled at 9y 10c. Dry Oo As Market. NEW YORK. July 81. DRY GOODS There has been no Improvement In the general demand for cotton goods today and tne tone la dull ana easy, uowar iuiu. tiona made for Pepperell. Utlca and other . wide gheetlnf and lor rod flulatad. I. . 1.. 1.. 4.. 1.. I.. II. . I.. I.. no t 00 ti .1030 I II II . 410 I 36 f 1011 I II I 130 I 10 1 1040 I 10 10 360 I 10 1 1100 I 45 1 1010 I 74 1 POO 111 I ,11 I li U !W I 71 I 314 I 00 1 144 I 10 I Ml I II 1 HEIFERS. Ill 4 03 BULLS. . .'...MM I 10 1 ........ .13M I 1 ......... 160 I 11 1 lma 1 11 CALVES. 14 I 3ft 1 134 III STOCK COW8 AND HEIFERS. 800 1 TI 1 1030 30 370 1 11 1 , 170 I 30 130 I II 1 141 I 30 134 I 10 II 174 I 30 , 340 I IB BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. , 411 I 00 I 731 11 171 I 10 4 Ill 4 II SOI I 40 I.. 1011 4 II Ml I II ' IT IM 4 M NEBRASKA. .. Ill ..1066 .. 141 ..1031 ..1240 .. 171 ..1144 ..1020 .. 140 ..1121 ..1070 ..1041 ,..170 ...1140 ..114 .14150 ..1010 ..1430 I U I 36 I 40 I 40 I 60 I 10 I 11 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 30 4 II 4 60 4 10 600 I H I 60 I M 13 cows 810 3 cows 940 11 40W3 9f4 1 cows lino 28 cows 1'.8 1 cow 940 28 COW3.....1KO 1 cow. 1 cow.., 4 cows. 69 cows. It cows. I cows. 23 feeders.. 1091 31 feeders.. Z 1 feeders.. 910 C. 1040 8x0 975 913 876 8 10 3 60 3 40 3 00 8 86 3 85 3 66 4 00 3 00 3 46 8 80 3 40 3 75 4 80 4 00 4 00 11 feeders.. 1044 3 feeders. 1 feeder.., I feeder.. 1 feeders., 13 steers... 6 heifers.. 30 heifers.. 69 heifers.. 81 cows...., 13 cows.... 3 rows.... 1 feeder. 1 feeler. It rows 986 7 cows ta 1 tow ll'O 1 cow 8b0 Swan 100 steers.. .Ilii2 9 steers.. ..1126 13 steers. Abbott Neb. 6K0 800 990 7)8 1167 641 630 744 919 865 976 860 820 1 steer... 1 bull.... 1 cow.... .1050 .1000 13 feeders. .Hoi L . 996 36 feeders. 8 feeders. . 3S . 8o W. It feeders. .1199 3 feeders. .110 3 90 1 90 3 10 3 90 L. 4 4 45 4 70 3 60 C. Wade Neb. 4 60 8 cows.... WYOMING. 4 60 lbull..., 4 85 L. Stratton Colo. 4 70 I steers.... 4I 8 75 1 feeder... lua) C. Co. Wyo. 66 feeders.. ST 6 feeders.. 97 . 857 .1500 Pr. 3 28 3 76 3 00 8 75 3 60 8 31 3 60 3 60 3 60 8 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattlo Strong-, Hosts Weak. Sheen nasi Lambs Dnll and Lower. CHICAGO, July 81. CATTLE Receipts, 4,000 head. Including 400 westerns; active and strong; (rood to prime steers, 88.0CKir8.86; poor to medium, 14.469.76; cows. 31.o04j5.75; heifers, J2.6ois6.60; canners, 11.6052.50; bulls, I2.60fi6.50; calves, t2.6O4j8.60; Texas fed steers, 33.25tj5.75; western steers, 85.00i98.60. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 18,000; left over, 7,000; dull and weak; mixed butchers, t6.75(jf7.90j rough heavy, 37.2tv&7.80; light, 86.907.20; bulk of sales, 87.35'7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,000 head; dun and lower: good to choloe weth era, I3.2MT4.26; fair to choice mixed, 82.60(9 fc.W6.00; western" iambsT feVo. Kansas City Live Btoelc Market KANSAS CITY, July 81. CATTLTS Re ceipts, 5,700 natives. 1,800 Texans. 820 na tlve -calves and 170 Texans; corn-fed cattle ana western greasers, steady; quarantine, slow and weak; stockers and feeders. strong; choice export' and dressed beet steers, 37.864T6,10; fair to good, 15-2537.26; stockers and feeders, 2.0O!g6.o0; western fed steers 84.400.76; Texas and Indian steers, 32.50(25; Texas cows, 32.26133.60; native cows, 31.40ig6.00j native heifers, 32.80 m,io; canners, iloObo; bulls, t2.2wg4.10; calves, 63.60ij6.25. - HOGS Receipts, 4.100 head. Market steady to be higher; closed weak; top, t7.77Mt; bulk of sales, t7. 40(37.70: heavy. 87.857.77; mixed packers, t7.86a7.80: light. 17. 267.oo; Yorkers, 87.4&7.66; pigs, 36.90 I. ID. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,500 head. Market weak to 10c lower; native lamba, 33.40ft4.00; western lambs, 1130416.00; native wethers, 83.8084.75; western weth ers, 3.3.'.(iiH.lft; red ewes, 83.46(3)4.40,' Texas clipped yearlings. 83.75B'4.66: Texas cllDDed sheep, 83.004JO.6; stockers and feeders, 82.80 a?.t3i, at. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 81.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.200 head, Including S.80O head Texans: market dull and steady; native shipping and export steers, 16.0(8.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, 14.4,7.40; steers under l.oiio ids., H.e.B; stockers and feeders. ,(a-4.o: cows ana neirers.'(i6.ab; can ners, tl.75'0'2.85; bulla, t2.654.0O; calves, 16.50 3.75; Texas snd Indian steers, 83.90(.60; cows and heifers, 32.&Otfr3.60. HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head! market steady; pigs ana ugnts, ;.3t(ffi.Bs; packers. tl.DD'Ol.ou: uutcners,'ijn.w. SUE head NEW YORK. July 81. SUOAR-Raw. . ..., ... (.iiu'iim voiui.m,ni, rv fc, 34c: molasses sugar, 2Sc. Refined, steady. NEW ORLEANS, July 81. SUGAR Mar ket strong: open kettle, 14S1 M9c; cpen kettle centrifugal, S93HC; centrifugal al low, 3Vc4c; seconds, lV2o. Molasaca, dull; centrifugal, 615c. CHaetanatl Spirits. r-T-Wr-T-NTX? A TT Tnl at TTTV. I . I m at.m. . v. ....... ua w. ,i a,..., ui.uiivi. finished goods dull on basis of LSL GNORE NATIONAL QUESTIONS IloJilaraa Democrats Doslgce Taklngr taa4 an Issnes Affeetln'sj tho People. DETROIT. Mich., July 81. When the democratto state convention was called to order today the committee on resolutions recommended a platform Ignoring national Issues, except for a declaration In favor of the election of United States senators directly by the people. Following the adoption of the resolu tions for governor wero made. At the end of the first ballot, with Durand In the lead with 454 V4 rotes, the convention, took a recess until afternoon. R. L. Brown Idaho. 88 steers.. ..1244 8 40 1 cow 4 60 8 00 8 00 3 OP 3 90 8 90 3 00 3 20 3 25 3 46 3 25 3 75 4 00 4 40 4 45 3 60 3 30 8 00 3 78 8 60 EP AND LAMBS Reoelnta. 1000 market steady; native muttons, 83.60 lamos, m.uuqd.yd; cuus and Ducks, 82.60(34.00; stockers, I2.004j3.00; Texans, 83.06 Wo. 4.00; 3Z.&OQ 4.3.76 Hew York Live Stoek Market. NEW YORK; July 81. BEEVES Re ceipts, 660 head; dressed beef, steady. Cablea v last received quoted American steers st 15c. dressed weight: refrige rator beef, 12c. CALVES Receipts. 586 bead: weak. Ma lower; veals, !6.0(ij7.87'4 per lb.: a few at 88. hogs Receipts, nead: western. 87.70. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 neaa; uuu, tower; ibhidi, siow; average of salea somewhat below yesterday: -sheep. 82.26(94.46 per 100 lbs. ; a few selected for ex ports, 84.biKa4.75; culls. 12; lambs, 4.37ffli 6.65; dressed muttons, 6flc per lb.; dressed n,k, m.n.,,1 ibI.b t T. 111 IK St. Joseph Live Stock Market. et Tr-tawTT T . . i .. r k nm .y rr. as. Ol. ..WHil tfuijr Ol. -A 4 A 1 I0 celpts. 1.492 head; steady to loo higher: na tlves. I4.5eu1.35; covsi and heifers, il.504M.l6; veais, 12. lixao.uu; and stags stockers and feedeis. t2.2fi5.25. HOGS Recelots, 4,518 head; ateady: light and light mixed, 7.40(H;7.60; medium and heavy, 17.554,7.82'A; pigs, 84.364fl7.16; bulk, I7.45ffr7.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; aemana strong. lonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., July 81. fSpecta! Tele gram,) CATTLIS Receipts, 100 head steady; beeves, 85.60477.60; cows, bulls and mixed, . t2.6tKM6.25; stockers and feeders, 12.7641-4. 60: yearlings and calves. 32 143-1.00. HOGS Receipts, l.&oO head; strong, sell ing at 47.304ry.UO; OUlk, 7.3b4T7.u. took la fight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Ave principal markets lor juiy ti South Omaha. Chicago Kansas City.. St. Louis St, Joseph Totals Cattle. . 1,800 . . 4.000 . 7.600 . 4,2 -0 . 1,492 Hoars. Sheen. .18.993 4.390 6,704 16.000 11.000 4.100 ?,6"0 4.000 3.000 4.518 88,003 31.304 OH nnd Rosls 830 800 81 10 tl 66 OIL CITY. Pa.. July 81 OIL Credit bal ances, 31.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 104.158 bbls.; average, 80 680 bbls.; runs, 113 (M hbla. : average. 60.087 bbls. SAVANNAH. On., July 81. OIL Tur. pentine. 434c. Rosin, firm: A. B, C, tV 31 is- R. II SO: F. 11.25: O. 81.30: 11. I.' 12.10; K, 82 60; N, 13 85; WO. 83.46; WW, 33 60 CHARLESTON. July 81. OIL Turpen tine and rosin, unchanged. WILMINGTON. July 81. OIL Turpen tine. firm. 33c: crude, firm. 11.40. 2 50 and t- en Hnatn steadv. Tar. firm. 11.60. TOLEDO. July 31. OIL North Lima, 89c Smith Lima and Indiana. 64c. NEW YORK. J'lly 31 OII Cottonseed dull. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. 4ta46l4c. LIVERPOOL. July 31. OIL Linseed J2s Sd. Cottonseed, Hull refined, epot, iadHv 95,e 4 W1 MiNImiN, July 31. OIL Turpentine spirits, 32 7d. Cotton Market. T. irtl'IS. July 31 COTTON Dull: mid dling. 8c; sales, 660 bales; receipts. H4 bales: shipments. 640 bales; stock, 15.fca6 GALVESTON. July 31. COTTON Easy, 'Liverpool, July 8i cotton-spoi limited demand, prices 1-824 lower; Amer agar Market. BI4T Railroad Laad Deal Closed. CHEYENNE. Wyo., July 81. (Special.) Within the last few days tha Union Pa- clflo has closed a deal with E. 0. Barton of Chicago, whereby It transfers . to him 80,000 acres of land tn Arapahoe county. ZTZiz, 24 1 Thorn" and Lcjan c?" - ties, Kansas. A large portion of this land Is farming and will be broken up Into small tracts, to which tho new ownsr will move a large number of families. An other deal baa been closed with William Adams of Laramie county, Wyoming, for tho sale to btm of 8,800 acres. Mr. Adams has been leasing this land and hag now decided to become absolute ownsr. AHea-ed ThlevM Cansrht In Mitchell. MITCHELL, S. D., July 81. (Special Telegram.) John Rhodes and Henry Cox wero arrest sd here last night on advices from 8herlff Kerr of Beadlo county, who arrived bare this morning, to take tM prisoners to Huron. Tha men cams be. j on bicycles. They are wanted at Wolsey for the alleged stealing of a borsa and huggy, a bicycle and obtaining money under false pretenses. Ready for South Dakota Pills. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July SL (Special.) Preparations ars now practically com plete for tho annual convention of the South Dakota Pharmaceutical association. to be held In Flandreau August 6, 8 and ?. Accommodations for a large number of delegates havs been secured. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS . plaoed on record Thurs day, juiy si: Warranty Daveda. . M. Wilson and wife to Wilson Steam Boiler company, lots 2 and 8, block 16 (except ei feet lot 16), Kountae At R-'s add 8 8.000 Manetta Hamming to W. H. Christ mas, subiot s or lot s, capital aaa.. 10 N. L. Guckert and wife to R C Howe, lot I. block 6. summit Place.. 4.609 Atlantic Realty association to Mollis J. Butler, 101 x, diock s, emis para duu A. P. Wood and wife to Pauline C. Hoctor, lots 1 ana x, diock m, ctoutn Omaha 1.8011 South Omaha Land company to Igna tius Wolniewies, sft lot a, diock s. South Omaha S3S 4lt Claim Deoda. E. J. Sullivan to Clara B. Thomas, lots 9, 10 and u, diock it, lorenoe.. 1 Deeds. Sheriff to New London National bank, lots 4 ana s, diock , unooin PlltCA Sheriff to Anna Corrigan, lot 8, bluuX 8, Logan Place - Total amount of transfers...... 888 880 .ti3,m JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cfiwgill Iron Vcrla aXNEBJU. RBPAIRINS A trWCXLT IKON AND 3tAM FOSJKTJ BIReV UH, IB OA svs4l 13MXI Jsttuse Issosta saafca. "en. . aask sa. tahnekle. Aeat. i. - Orrngm. Hmf f-HAHE CO. Maaafaiaura and Jake ess at Stssni and Water Supplies Of All Xlttim. 84184 aad mm VOVmUkM 8ns ELECTRI AL SUrFUES. A ostcrn Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Oaa Uthe 8811 WMi Jl. BflectrU Wlrtsg BelU as O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. AWNINGS AND TENTS. O.'naba Tent and Awning Co., Onsaka, Hah. Manufacturer of Tents and Canvas Gcoii. 9t4 for Catalogue NuAeiVar M -7" 10 r if