Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie OMAHA Daily Bee.
pally Bee (without Sunday), On Year.H W
Ially Be and Bunds, Or. Kur f
Illustrated Bee, On tear J
Sunday lie. Ona Yesn
Saturriay Bee, Ona Yrar 1-M
Iwentleth Century Karmer. Ona Tear.. 100
pally Bee (without Sunday), pr copy.... Jo
Ially Bea (without Sunday), .er week... .life
Ially Be (Including Sunday), per week..liO
Sunday Bee, per copy M",
jtventng Bee (without Sunday), par week.Wc
Svening Bea (Including bunday). per
week "
Complaints of Irregularltlee In delivery
should be addreaaed to City Circulation
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha-City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth
and M Btreeta.
Council Bluffs 10 Petri Street
Chicago 180 Unity Building.
Jew York Temple Court.
Washington Wl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to nwa and
editorial matter ahoutd be addreaed:
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Bua!neaa lettera and remlttancea should
be addreeeed: The Bee Publishing Com
pany, Omaha.
Remit by draft, expreea or postal order,
Ciyable to The Bea Publishing Company,
nly 2-cent stampa accepted In payment of
snail account. Peraonaf checks, except on
Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not accepted.
Rate of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa.t
Oeorge B. Tischuck, secretary of The Bea
Tubllshlng Company, being duly sworn,
aye that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The .Dally, Morning,
Evening' and Sunday 'Bea printed during
the month of July, lsoz, was a follow
l. 80,530
S 80.B4O
4 S.SitO
S 20,520
I T 2,510
! I.j 80,400
10 89,550
,..20,5 tO
,. .20,500
,..80,6 AO
,.. 80,580
11 80,510 17..
(11 39,620 . 28..
U 80.615 23..
14 80,000 80..
15 80,500 ai..
1 80,500
Total .
Xss unsold and returned copies..
Net total sales .... 004.824
IVet dally average 20,252
Subscribed In my preseneo and sworn to
Wore ma thla list day of July, A. D. 1902.
(Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE.
Notary Public
This Is the kind of -weather that
Snakes the corn grow In Nebraska.
Ak-Sar-Ben has been held up by train
robbers, but the crown jewels are still
It would never do to let the Tracy In
cident die out without digging him up
Striking wage workers should thor
oughly understand that they have noth
ing to gain by resorting to violence.
Cornering oats by mandamus and
breaking corners by Injunction seem to
be the new order for Board of Trade
Nebraska is raising the corn that will
feed the Hogs and cattle that will keep
the meat packers' trust busy for a good
While to come.
Now we know what caused that
earthquake. It must have been the
concussion created when Bandit Tracy
landed on the soil of Nebraska.
Of course the platform adopted by
the Iowa republican state convention
does not suit the democrats. But it
was not Intended to suit the democrats.
City tax rate last year, 84 mills this
year, 80 mills. County tax rate last
year, 17.2 mills this year, 15 mills.
State tax rate for Douglas county last
year, 7 mills this year, 4.5 mills. The
returns of the campaign for tax reform
are beginning to come In.
The Devery style of political cam
paigning has not reached Omaha yet
Out here It might run up against the
prohibitions of the corrupt practices act
that forbids candidates to curry politi
cal support by the dispensation of free
refreshments, of either lltjuld or solid
variety. i
The populist state committee is al
ready swapping managerial horses, al
though the campaign in Nebraska Is still
In its Infancy. It Is asking a great deal
of a populist to stake his reputation for
political finesse on the dismal prospect
of fusion success in tbls state next No
vember. Colonel William J. Bryan Is still en
joying himself sailing around in Ship
builder Nixon's yacht If Bryan Is not
.'careful he will bo converted by Mr.
Nixon to the support of Senator Hanna's
ship subsidy bill before he resumes his
land legs. There is no more ardent ad
vocate of the ship subsidy than Nixon.
Omaha is listed as one of the placet
tin which the big new bankers' corpora
tion Is to do business. If this . means
another strong banking institution for
Omaha, well and good. Experience has
shown, however, that there Is no room
In Omaha for small banks that have
to struggle to keep themselves above
Having swelled net earnings by tax
evasion, the railroads are now capitalis
ing the taxes they have) saved and float
ing them as stocks and bonds on the
market When the attempt is made,
then, to Impose on them a fair share of
the tax burden they will complain of
confiscation of their property and ap
peal to the courts for protection.
Every time Omaha's park system is
dscussed by the Real Estate exchange
or any other body the monumental folly
is emphasized which was commlttel by
"fcvestlng In outlying tracts hundreds of
thousands of dollars that could and
should have provided useful, centrally
located pleasure and recreation grounds.
Cities, like individuals, have to learn
by experience, and experience comes
It may be a taking proposition for a
demagogue to Advocate the overtaxing of
railroad companies and thereby working a
hardship against them that would not ac
crue to other lines of property within the
state, but It would be an advertisement
that would pass through the whole United
States, proclaiming that the people of Ne
braska did not Intend to be as fair with
capital aa other state of the union.
The ral'roads up to the present time
have not earned an undue amount on the
Investment made. For a series of years
there was no profit derived as an Invest
ment' on the whole for Nebraska railroads,
and while during 1900 two of the rail
roads paid a fair dividend on the capital,
the lavestment for many of 'the railroads
In the state failed to render any return
whatever to tbelr owner. 'Will It pay to
attempt freak taxation T Tax Bureau
Bulletin No. 11.
' In the spring of 1896 the carriers of
The Bee made a careful Inventory of the
vacant store buildings and dwellings
within the city limits of Omaha, with
the following result: , .
Vacant stores and warehouses....' 161
Vacant dwelling houses 1,667
Several hundred of these buildings re
mained vacant for years, but under a
freak of taxation the owners of each of
these properties were compelled to pay
taxes on them as If they were rented
and earning Interest on the investment.
Hundreds of home-owning wage1 work
ers in Omaha lost their homes by fore
closure and tax sales, but no lawyer ap
peared In court on their behalf to plead
exemption from taxation because of the
terrible depression and distress.
In 1872 the Union Pacific bridge,
erected at a -cost of 11,200,000, jvas
bonded for $2,600,000, with 8 per cent
gold interest, payable semi-annually,
guaranteed by the Union Pacific Rail
road company. By exorbitant exactions
levied as bridge toll, the earnings of the
bridge were made to exceed $500,000 a
year, but by a freak of taxation Its earn
lng power was not taken into account
by the assessors. By 1885 all but $386,
000 of the bridge bonds, representing at
least $1,250,000 of water, on, which the
commerce of Omaha, Nebraska and the
whole country was paying exorbitant
tolls, had been redeemed and the bridge
was reconstructed ' and a new lot of
bonds, amounting to $1,250,000,. payable
in 1915, were Issued. The bridge is re
puted to be earning a thousand dollars a
day at this time, but by a freak of taxa
tion the one-half of this gold mine Is as
sessed for taxation at $1,568 in Ne
braska, and, according to Auditor Wee
ton, was dumped into the railroad pool
and distributed without Increasing the
aggregate assessment one penny. A
freak of taxation is it?
The bureaucrats point to Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Michigan, where rail
roads are taxed on their earnings, to
show that a few Jlmcrow branch rail
roads In Nebraska that are not earning
dividends at this time are enormously
overtaxed. The bureau fog distributors
seem to forget that by a freak of taxa
tion the railroads In Minnesota, Michi
gan and Wisconsin, are taxed' on their
gross earnings. In other words, if a
railroad in those states takes in a mil
lion dollars for freight and passenger
charges and pays out two millions for
operating expenses, it is still taxed at 3
per cent on the gross receipts, just the
same, as were the owners of the drouth
stricken lands, vacant town lots and
vacant buildings in Nebraska, regardless
of their ability to earn Income for the
owner. Several years ago one of the rail
roads in Nebraska condemned right-of-way
and graded several miles of a stub
line, which Is not yet in operation, yet
by a freak of taxation the dead piece of
railroad has not been returned for taxa
tion, although the dead land adjacent
has paid taxes all the same. A few
more Instances of freak taxation could
be cited, but this will suffice for one
The latest advices regarding the out
break of violence at Shenandoah state
that It was less serious than St first re
ported, but the facts show It to have
been grave and as an indication of the
feeling among the foreign element of
the strikers, which is numerous, It must
be regarded as warranting apprehension
of more trouble in other localities. It
shows that in spite of the earnest ef
forts which have 'been made by the of
flclals of the organization of mine work
ers to keep under control the passions
of the strikers, with some of them re
sentment has, become so strong that no
great provocation is needed to incite
them to violence. There is reason to
fear that the rioters at Shenandoah are
not the only strikers who have this
feeling and whose passions are being
worked up to a point that will easily
impel them to lawlessness. The policy
of the coal operators Is well-calculated
to stimulate hostility and cause the
most bitter resentment on the part of
the men, The coal combine has shown
Itself to be utterly indifferent silks to
the interests of the public and to the
miners. Having turned a deaf ear to
all appeals for a settlement the com
bine has plainly indicated Its purpose to
starve the miners into submission and
destroy their organization. That Is the
object clearly If not admittedly in view,
While lawlessness and violence are to
be condemned under all circumstances.
the affair at Shenandoah Is not surprls
lng. Some such trouble has been ap
prehended since it became established
that the contest was to be fought to the
bitter end and it is highly creditable
to the officials of the mine workers' or
ganization that peace and order were
so long maintained. President Mitchell
now says that efforts In this direction
will be redoubled and It is evident that
this Is necessary. The miners are not
suffering for the mere necessaries of
life, but they realize that they are los
ing wages which would supply wsnts
that cannot be met and with a gloomy
outlook for the immediate future it Is
easy to understand that extraordinary
efforts will be required to keep tbeui
from becoming restless snd trouble
some. Meanwhile nothing, is to be ex
pected from the operators. One of the
coal road ' presidents wss recently
quoted ss ssylng that the mines will
lie Idle until the old workers come back
on the old terms of employment, no
matter how long It takes to bring about
the submission. It Is a brutal policy,
but there appears to be no power or
authority to Interfere with it.
Those who have been expecting that
the Iowa republicans would this year
make a radical departure from their po
sition in the past regarding the policy
of protection will be disappointed with
the declaration of the platform on this
subject unanimously adopted by the con
vention Wednesday. This reaffirms de
votion to the policy of protecting home
Industries, which Jt says has been vindi
cated by the rapid development of our
national resources and by the Industrial
and financial independence secured. The
Iowa republicans believe, as do many
other republicans, that tariff changes
should be made as they shall be found
advisable by reason of the progress of
our industries and tbelr changing rela
tions to the world's commerce, but not
at the sacrifice of the protective prin
ciple. There is n6thlng In this declara
tion from which those who are making
war on protection can derive any en
couragement The advocates of a tariff
"for revenue only" will get no comfort
out of It, The republican farmers of
Iowa, than whom there are none more
intelligent know the benefit that pro
tection has been to the agricultural in
terest of the country and are not willing
that it shall be abandoned.
In other respects the platform declara
tions are such as republicans generally
can approve. National regulation of
the great corporations Is urged and
the ' position of President Roosevelt
In this regard Is cordially In
dorsed. Reciprocity is favored as nec
essary I to 1 the realization of .our high
est commercial possibilities. The Philip
pine policy is approved and a tribute is
paid to the army. Confidence Is ex
pressed in the national administration
and the election of President Roosevelt
in 1004 is regarded as "a foreshadowed
event demanded by the popular will and
one that will maintain and promote the
national prosperity and conserve every
national Interest"
Iowa occupies a commanding position
In national affairs and Is in the front
rank of republican states. Her people
are intelligent progressive and prosper
ous.' It is needless to say that the re
publican ticket will be elected by an
overwhelming majority.
The New York Times characterizes
as the meanest part of the recent antl
imperialist uiaulfStO tho JLttiCt UpOS
Secretary of War Root It points out
that the manlfestants are careful to
distinguish 'and dissociate the secretary
from the president whose agent and or
gan he officially snd legally is, and says
that "in fact if sny specific purpose
could be ascribed to the manifesto, it
might be said to be directed to the pur
pose of forcing Mr. Root out of the cab
If that was the purpose in attacking
the secretary of war it is entirely safe
to say that not only will it fall, but the
probable effect of the attack will be to
give Secretary Root a stronger claim to
the confidence and respect of the coun
try, since it may result In disclosing
facts even more creditable to the
course of the secretary of war 'n re
gard to affairs In the Philippines than
those now known. However personally
worthy the antl-lmperlallsts who signed
the manifesto, they will not be able to
convince any considerable number of
the American people that Mr. Root has
not conscientiously and judiciously per
formed his duty in connection with Phil
ippine affairs. All that he has done was
necessarily with the knowledge and ap
proval of President McKinley and
President Roosevelt so that they must
share in any condemnation of the sec
retary of war.
Mr. Root is an able, faithful and con
scientious official. He has bad a great
task as secretary of war and in its per
formance be has enjoyed the implicit
confidence of two presidents. The antl
lmperiallst attack upon him will be
harmless and ought to make him
stronger In the popular respect
What is supposed to be a peculiar
hardship inflicted by the primary elec
tion law has been disclosed In Minne
sota, where the attorney general has
ruled that a Judge on the bench elected
as a democrat but noK seeking nomina
tion as a republican, cannot vote for
himself or for other candidates for
places on the republican ticket at the
impending primaries. The reason Is
that having changed his party affiliation
within the year, the Judge is still re
corded as a democrat and barred from
participation in the selection of repub
lican candidates. We have the same
provision of law in Nebraska, at least
in cities requiring registration, and no
one can see any special hardship In It
Every voter has the undisputed right
to cross or recross party lines as often
as be chooses, but the demand for at
least a year's probation before admis
sion to the party organization is not un
reasonable. Quite the contrary, it is the
only safeguard for the integrity of the
political party, otherwise wholesale con
versions from the opposition might die
tate its policy and nominees with a view
to defeat rather than success. The
Minnesota Judge ougbtto feel thankful
that the republicans are willing to con
sider him for renomlnation when the
democratic label is yet scarcely effaced.
The railroad tax bureau has gone to
a great deal of trouble and brain work
to establish the fact that the railroads
pay 23 per cent of the taxes in the
western half of Nebraska. Inasmuch as
the railroads own more than 50 per
cent of property values in the western
half of Nebraska they are getting off
very easy with 23 per cent. But what
about the eastern half, and especially
Donglas county, where the railroads pay
less than 3 per cent of the entire tax.
while they own fully 15 per cent of all
of the property? What about the city
of Omaha, where they pay less than
one-half of 1 per cent of the taxes, while
they own more than 16 per cent of the
property? ,
Papers published In the Twin Cities
ere predicting that the Transmlsslsslppl
congress, soon to meet in 8t. Tsui, will
have an attendance of 1,500 delegates.
We make bold to predict that not 500
r1nIe-tP. frnm nntalde of Minnesota will
tie In attendance. The Transmlsslsslppl
congress, while It may once have ex
erted some Influence and maintained a
fair standing, has woefully fallen down
In recent years until it is a decrepit in
stitution, .scarcely able to muster a cor
poral's guard of live members. If it
can't regenerate itself the best thing
it can do Is to disband.
v -
How the action of the Iowa repub
licans reussertlng their platform dec
laration on the tariff of last year con
stitutes a rebuke of the administration,
as our popocratlc friends try to make
out passes comprehension. The Iowa
platform of last year was written by
Director of the Mint Roberts, then and
now "a member of the - administration
family, and nothing was discovered in
it at that time discordant with the
policy of President McKinley, which
has been consistently adopted and fol
lowed by President Roosevelt
The. bond of sympathy between our
Dave and the popocratlc organ grinders
has been growing more intense ever
since O. M. Hitchcock asked County
Clerk Haverly to appoint Tom Black
burn as a member of the board to can
vass the election returns of Douglas
county. There was at that time com
munity of interest between our Dave
and the democratic candidate for United
States senator to keep the number of
republican members of the legislature
down as low as possible.
Presumably our Jovial and Jocular
sheriff, Just returned from a Tactile
coast outing, to6k In the big prize fight
out there to learn how to handle such
things, should our conscientious county
attorney ever wake up to the fact that
lawless prize fights are being pulled
off periodically within' the confines of
this county.
Representatives of the Real Estate ex
change and county board are to be con
gratulated on their effective appeal for
a reduction of the state levy on Doug
las county. Their success proves con
clusively that in raising the aggregate
assessment they have not Increased the
aggregate amount of state taxes. -
Wanted A Few Democratic Ellalbles.
Atlanta Constitution.
Democratic lnellglbles need no adver
tises: to be recognized. Now Is the time
to trot out soma of those who are ellg-
Playing with Plntoeratlo Fira.
Detroit ' Free Press. ''
Mr. Bryan spent Sunday on board the
Lewis Nixon yacht Hitherto yachting has
generally been considered rather a pluto
cratic occupation,: ' ,
Silver Lining to Popallst dead.
Kansas City Journal
A big crop year Is not looked on as an
unmixed evil by the populists. It produces
a freight car famine and enables them to
argue tor government ownership of rail
A Humane War.
Philadelphia Ledger. '
To the honor of the American army, It
should be said, as the truth requires U
to be said, that, as a whole, It baa made
war, even in the Philippines, as mercifully
and humanely aa war can be made. In-
dlvtduals have been guilty of misdeeds, and
they have been punished or will be.
How to Start a Row.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The Roumanian minister of public
structlon . has forbidden the girls in
public schools to wear corsets and In ease
of refusal has directed the forcible removal
of the corsets. Is it a wonder that there
are resulting disturbances In Roumanla,
compared with which the French riots are
Insipidly tame?
Wonld Be aa Improvement.
Indianapolis Journal.
A free trade paper says there Is danger
that the manufacturers of cotton in the
south will Imbibe the protection Ideas of
northern manufacturers. It would be
much better to have such Ideaa than to
employ thousanda of children In cotton
factories twelve hours a day, as Is now
the practice.
Anti-Imperialist Misrepresentation.
Indianapolis Journal.
The statement of the antl-lmperlallsts is
full of misrepresentations. They declare
that the population of one Philippine prov
ince has been reduced by war from 800,000
to 200.000, while the official report from
which they take the figures, written by Gov
ernor Taft, Says "the mortality, caused no
Innrpr hv w.r. hut bv disease, such as ma
larla and dysentery, reduced to a little over
200,000 the 100.000 Inhabitants which In
former years the province had." It Is un
fortunate that the gentlemen who write
such letters cannot respect the truth.
elllnsc Abroad at Cost.
Philadelphia Press.
Is It a crime to sell a certain percentage
of a mill's products abroad at coat? Let
ua see. A mill running st full time, for
Instance, might be able to produce a larger
quantity of goods than 1t could find a mar
ket for In the United States. Suppose It
sells the surplus abroad at cost. That
keeps the mill running at full time, gives
employment to a larger number of Jaen with
full pay and consumes a greater quantity
of raw material. If there Is any reaaon to
complain. In a case of that kind. It
not yet been stated in sny convincing man
Mast Women Came to the Reaeaat.
Minneapolis Tribune.
The demand tor harvest laborers la the
northwest grows apace, with the rapid
ripening of the crops. The demand for
laborera in. the cities and in all Industries
Is such that It Is to be feared that the
farmers are going to have a hard time In
securing enough help.. It would be a pity
to aee any of the bumper crop lost through
lack of harvesters. The railroads are
doing all In their power. Perhaps the ro
bust farmers' girls will have to turn In and
lend a helping hand. Many ot them can
drive a reaper or a harvester as well as the
boys snd some could even do a good Job
In pitching and stacking. The Idea of
women working la the harvest Held la not
popular In this country, but American
women can rise to tbls emergency or al
most any other If ths occasion demands It
Schelarly Dlernealoa ef Thla Sabjeet
by Oar Ambassador to Germany.
Andrew T. White In N. T. Independent.
More thaa twenty years airo I called at
tention to a remark made by a German
historian of the United 'States, Neumann.
It seemed to me profoundly just, and the
more I have reflected upon it the more It
has seemed to present a fact hot sufficiently
recognised either by our own countrymen
o' "y the world at large. Arriving, in his
history, at the presidents whose adminis
trations occupy the middle years of the
nineteenth century, Neumann wrote In sub
stance on this wise: '
"It Is said that presidents of this period
are far Inferior to those during the earlier
days ef the republic. Inferior ' some of
them may be; but In what age of country
will you find so long an array of rulers.
every one of them a man of Integrity, every
one ef them a man of high capacity, as In
the case of the long series of presidents
of the United States, every one of these.
even by the avowal of his enemies, a
patriot and a man of high character sad
Had Dr. Neumann lived longer and writ
ten the history of the later presidents,
from the middle of the last century to the
present hour, he would have been still
more Impressed by the truth of his gen
eralization. We can now look back and
apply It to the whole Una, including Wash
ington and Roosevelt. To every one of
these Neumann's remark can be Justly
applied, and of nearly all, tf not all, far
more than this can be said in tbetr praise.
To thla rule there Is no exception. Of the
twenty-five presidents of the United States
thus far, each and every one haa been a
man of high' character, good capacity and
patriotism fully proved.
As one who has known the present prest-
dent for close upon twenty years and has
seen him under circumstances which have
tried him and shown what manner of man
he la, I testify that he Is well worthy of his
place In this great succession.
From his boyhood he has led a life stern-
uoua and manly. All his earlier career was
devoted to establishing a better system
of pjibltc service in the city, the state and
the nation. - To htm. more than to anv
other man now living. Is due the greatest
reform our country has known eince the
abolition of slavery. But I may add that,
tho he has been a reformer, he has not
been that worst plague of every onward
movement, a "fool reformer." In our late
war he set an example of practical patriot
ism to young men which was widely fol
lowed and whloh will always be remem-
As to his Integrity, no one of either party
whose opinion Is worthy of the slightest
respect has ever challenged It As to bis
courage, whether in military or civil af
fairs, bis bitterest enemies allow It. I
myself saw him brave successfully a hostile
and howling mob of 10,000 persons at a
national convention; others saw him be
fore the fort at Santiago, and all of us
agree that he was, in . each case, as in
accessible to fear as a statue of bronze.
In these respects he Is excelled by no one
of his : predecessors. As to his . capacity,
men of every political belief must agree
mat it ta ot a very high order. It Is, In
deed, different from that which we are
accustomed to recognise In presidential
careers. Perhaps no character so original
has ever been known In the presidency, save
that of Abraham Lincoln. In variety of
gifts he Is probably equaled by but one
of bis' predecessors, John Qulncy Adams.
Personal bravery In the day of battle he has
shown' like that of Washington at Brad
dock's field, Jackson at New Orleans, the
first Harrison In the Indian wars, Taylor
and Grant In the Mexican war, Hayes, Gar
field and the second Harrison during the
civil war. He has Inherited from his pre
decessors a devotion to the great material
Interes'.s of our country; but he adds to
that another quality. In which he Is only
equaled among his predecessors by Thomas
Jefferson namely, marked historical and
literary ability and ab Intense feeling for
the proper standing of our country before
the world as regards all that relates to
scientific and literary' activity. He has
never asked the question. "What do we
care for abroad?" Like Thomas Jefferson,
as he wrote his Ideas Into the Declaration
of Independence, his present successor in
the presidency has "a decent respect for
the opinion of mankind." President Roose
velt. Indeed, believes In developing our
manufactures and commerce, and his en
ergy and quickness of thought will be
steadily devoted to that end.
But he will do more flan that. He not
only pursued his studies In Germany, but
he has since. In the Intervals of his most
strenuous life, found time to continue them.
While he Is glad to see our ships bearing
rich freights to all parts of the earth and
bringing back the best fruits of foreign
production, there are other fruits which
sre, to him, far more desirable, other car
goes far more precious. It Is certain that.
in. his heart, ha . would be made proud of
sending out to the world tidings of Justice
I done and effective aid rendered to the lit
I tie Republic of Cuba than myriads of ship
loada of sugar. It la certain that he would
rather export to the Philippine Islands men
who shall prove to the world their ability
to solve our great problems there by bring
lng In the gradual development of better
laws and better civilisation than to send
out to them a fleet full of "Yankee notions."
It. Is certain that he would rather exhibit
to the world an example of energy and
skill In building the great canal from the
Atlantic to the Paclflo than to aee our com
mercial profits Increased by millions. It Is
certain that he would feel more proud to
aee our country send out to the world new
discoveries In science, new masterpieces In
literature, new Inspirations In philosophy
than any material product possible. At the
approaching 8t Louis exposition. In all re
spects so Interesting, In some respects
unique, he will 'indeed rejoice In the ma
terial proaperlty of our country; for .It
will be there revealed as at no previous
display; but still more will he be Inter
ested in the contributions to It which show
progresa In art, science snd technical skill,
whether of our own or other nations; and
especially will he welcome the results ot
German love and truth and love ot beauty
as displayed In its scientific, artistic snd
technical contributions.
With these feelings, he naturally desires
the best of relatione between the United
States and all other parts of the world, and
especially between the United States and
Germany. He haa more than once uttered
this Idea in public; and those who know
him best from his expressions In private
that German Ideals, German devotion to
truth and duty are especially recognised
and honored by htm. Within the past year
be said to an old friend who was leaving
him In order to return .to Europe:
I have had a love and admiration for
Germany from my boyhood, and when I
say this I mean It. You know me well
enough to be aure that when I aay a thing
I mean It.
All who know him know that he says what
he means and meana what ha says. I may
add that, as he iade the remark above
quoted, a German book by a German pro
fessor waa lying open on his table Just be
low hia hand. Thoee who know lm best
know that, with the possible exception of
James A. Garfield, no president has ever
ao fully understood what Germany has
given and Is giving to civilization; but alasl
to Garfleld was never granted that hlch
be has so longed for and planned for the
opportunlty to visit Germany and to stud)
that which Germany offers.
In his attitude-toward foreign govern
ments we may be sure that he will be firm
and strong, but never truculent. He haa
never listened to the "barbaric, yawp" of
demagogs thua far, and he will not begin
to do ao now. Passionate as Is his love
for his country and his country's Bag,
thorough aa Is bis historical knowledge of
Ita past, lofy aa are his aspirations tor Its
future, we may be sure that, like all real
statesmen or true soldiers, be holds In
contempt all brag and spread-eagleism.
In view of all this, we, all, bo matter of
what party or creed, have a right to con
gratulate ourselves, at a time like thla,
upon the history of the president of the
United States, upon the character of those
who have held It, and not least, upon both
the history and the character of, Its pres
ent Incumbent.
Chicago Record-Herald: Bandit Tracy
is beginning to have Imitators, snd no
doubt feels much flattered.
St. Paul Globe: Mr. Tracy, rises to re
mark that the reports of his capture have
been greatly exaggerated.
Washington Post: Mr. Harry Tracy has
Incidentally ruined the reputation of a
large bunch of northwestern sheriffs.
Seattle Post Intelligencer! The real way
to catch Traoy would be to set Major Fend
after him to secure a booking for a lecture
! Philadelphia Press: The outlaw Traoy Is
not the long-sought democratlo Issue, but
he is just aa hard to get hold of ss tf he
Baltimore Herald: Mr. Tracy still con
tinues to elude the officers without contrib
uting to the maintenance of a half dosen
Canadian lawyers.
Boston Herald: Outlaw Tracy's move
ments are all ao well timed It seems prob
able that his watch must be of the perfeot
lever escapement pattern.
Nashville American: Mr. Harry Tracy
Is making a strong race In the west la
spite of active opposition, but the chances
are that he will Anally be counted out
New Tork Mall and Express: The sew
type of western outlaw seems to be capable
of Innumerable subdivisions of himself.
There Is a Tracy behind every bush In
Cleveland Plata Dealer: Outlaw Tracy
is cutting down his advertising expenses.
and pretty soon he will begin to realise
how soon the man who doesn't advertise Is
Washington Star: Owing to his ambition
to be considered a worse man than Tracy.
a Callfornlaa haa made trouble for the po
lice. There la no telling when and how
professional Jealousy will assert Itself.
The condition of women of all classes la
Rutela has been made a special study this
summer by Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, president
of the National Woman's Republican asso
ciation. Mrs. Foster has been traveling
extensively through Russia.
The wife of Wu Ting Fang will be
greatly missed In Washington. Many ori
ental women have resided there who are
pleasantly . remembered, but none of her
sisters from the east aucceeded In making
an impression on society such as Mrs.
Wu haa made.
Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark Is at
Montpelier. Vt., with Mrs. Clark snd his
family. The admiral will visit Bradford,
his native town; Morrlsvllle, where he will
be the guest of T. C. Cheney, and Stafford,
where he will be entertained by Senator
Morrill's daughter.
Dr. Hermann, said to be the Inventor ct
the post card, has Just died at Vienna, aged
63. He first suggested the use of the post
card In 1869, and hta suggestion wss adopted
by Austria and Hungary, and thence spread
to other countries. Two millions and a
half of post carda are forwarded in Eu
rope alone.
Rev. John Lancaster Spalding, senior
suffragan bishop of the Roman Catholic
srchleplscopal see of Chicago, who Is talked
of as a successor to the late Archbishop
Feehan, haa been for twenty-five years
bishop of Peoria. He was born In Le
banon, Ky.. In 1840 and was a nephew of
Archbishop Spalding of Baltimore.
Sir Hiram Maxim, who ta slowly recov
ering from an attack ot bronchitis and
has gone to the south of France for a
course ot special treatment at one of the
baths, cables the St. Louis fair managers
that he expects to get his flying machine
to soaring In time for the world's fair.
When his health Is restored It Is probable
that he will come to St Louis.
Dean Smith of the Tale Medical school
once cited a hypothetical case to a class
snd asked one student how much ot a
certain medicine . should be administered
to the sufferer. "A teaspoonful," said the
young man, but after reflecting for a min
ute he said he would like to change his
answer. "My young friend," said the dean
dryly, "your patient has been dead for
forty seconds."
There are several Englishmen In the
army and navy of the sultan of Turkey.
Among them are Lieutenant General Blunt
Pacha, who aerved throughout the Crimea
In the Fourteenth- Foot; General Atkinson
Pacha, Frost Pacha and Vinnlcombe Pacha,
who have drifted from Armstrong's or
from Woolwich to' the srsenal on the Bos.
porus; Captain Harty Bey, who waa an
assistant . engineer In the royal and la
now a post captain In the Ottoman navy,
and Vice Admiral Woods Pacha, who waa
second master of a gunboat In the Medi
terranean, and then became teacher of
English at the Turkish Naval academy.
This time it's Shir tsNegligee .
Shirts, soft bosoms with at
tached and detached cuffs "
some with two collars and ;
cuffs, all of our SI lines and
all of our broken lines of our
SI. 50 lines at one price
75 Cents
One Day Only, Friday, Aug, I. See Windows on 15th St
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
R. Hi Wilcox, Manafior.
Ord Journal t General Barry left aa arm
on a southern battlefield because he loved
his country, and has never ceased to
love It and did his duty to the best of .
ability. He will go to congress this yearT
too. Stick a pla here.
Stanton Register: John S. Robinson wilt
show J. J. McCarthy the way to run la
this district, but will be far enough ahead
so there will bo ao danger of Mc. over
taking the present occupant ot the seat in
congress representing the Third district
Sterling Record:- A. J. Weaver ot Falls
City and W. H. Kelllger of Auburn are
mentioned as fusion candidates for con
gress from this district They are both
good men and should either be elected we
wui know we are represented in congress. j.
... . ' ... Mi
Holdrege Progress; Adams county S f
candidate on ths fusion state ticket Dr. J.
N. Ijyman Is one of tho most substantial
cltlsena of Nebraska. His record as' treas
urer to his home county and aa a member
of the state senate Is without flaw or re
proach. Ths people ot Nebraska Will da
well to elect blm to the state treasursblp.
Hebron Register: W. H. Thompson, ths
fusion candidate for governor, la truly a
friend of ths common people. ' His record
Is clear In every respect and should he be
elected to tho office of governor he will
see that the present tax laws ef the state
are enforced. His honesty and Integrity
Is not questioned eves by his most radical
political opponents.
Aurora Bunt There haa bees no com
plaint among the fusion forces over the re
form ticket nor concerning any one candi
date on the ticket Not only that, but
many republicans express the ticket as tbelr
choice and will work snd vote to that end.
It would not be surprising to us to see the
entire tloket come out In November with
the largest majority ever given a fusion
ticket In this state. '
Holdrege Progress: The nominee en the
fusion ticket for auditor, Charles Q. De
France, is one of the best men in the state.
He Is an expert aocountant a gentleman
of fine literary attainments, an able writer,
a student of economics, a thorough popu
list of many years stsndlag and an. honest
man. No one in the state Is better
qualified to hold the office ot state auditor
than Mr. De France.
Plattsmouth Journal! Frank D. Eager,
editor of the Nebraska Independent, Is
being groomed for congress on the fusion
ticket Mr. Eager Is an able man and will
make a good race. If he can be Induced
by his friends to make ths flgbt The
Independent Is the official organ of the
state for the populist party, and Mr. Eager
haa a large following, not only in the First
district, but throughout the state.
Waboo New Era: That the renomlna
tion of Congressman Stark . pleases the
New Era need pot be stated. His honor
able and able career In congress entitled
him to renomlnation because no new man
could serve the district as efficiently aa
his experience and conceded ability will
enable him to do. That he will be
triumphantly elected no one with, sense .
and knowledge of political conditions in
the district disputes.
Ord Journal: If the republican papers
of Nebraska will keep on telling that the
populists are sore snd kicking because
lies. W. H. Th!2y"?n nominated for
governor at Grand Island, they will cer
tainly elect him, aa populists aa a whole
know It Is not true. While the delegates
there did want a populist for governor,
there was at all times a steady under cur
rent for the "Little Giant," and when he
was nominated the populists, with very few
exceptions, were satisfied. Mr. Thompson
has-always been the friend of the people
and an anti-monopolist from the ground
up. His chances of , election are good
and getting better each da,y.
Philadelphia Bulletin: Mufklna Suppos
ing a fellow was going to choose a wife,
oolonel, how would you advise him to set
about It?
The Colonel I should advise him to seleot
a little one.
Mufklns What fort
The Colonel Because, when It Is a ques
tion of a choice of evils, It is beat to choose
the least.
Philadelphia Times: He Here's a story
of a aurgeon who amputated his own
thumb. Wonderful, Isn't It?
She O! I don't know.
He What! Just think of his nerve and
the awful pain he must have suffered.
She But no doubt he put himself under
the Influence of ether first.
Chicago News: "I should think," eald
the lady to the big husky specimen of hu
manity who had come for the clothes,
"that you would be ashamed to let your
wife take In waahlng."
"I reckon 'tis kinder hard on the old
woman," replied the man who waa too
heavy for light work and too light for
heavy work, "an' I wouldn't let ner do It
but fer one thing."
'And what la thatT" asked the lady.
"I've got to have somethln' ter eat an'
wear." answered the victim of circum
Boston Transcript
Bttrt-Jolnted, wrinkled, old and wan,
One faJr perhaps; ah me, who knowsl
Gliding graceful as a awan,
Breaking hearts. Ah, me, who knowsl i
Her husband died long years ago;
Doee she etlll mourn? Ah, me, who
Three children headstones-tn a row
Has time stilled grief? Ah, me, who
In summer, she roamo er the hills,
Light heart or htavy? Ah, who knowsl
She gathers herbs to cure all Ilia; .
Can auxht cure heartache? Ah, who
Do scent of flowers and aong of birds
Bring comfort to her? Ah, who knowsl
Silent and chary of her words
It depths are stirred. Ah, who knowsl