TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1002. NEWS, OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MEKTIOJt. Davla sells drugs. Btockert sells carpets and ruge. Leffert, eyesight specialist, 838 Broadway. Mica Lulu McQulre of Vail, la., la tha guest of Mlsa Oenevleve Murphy. 8peclal offerlnge In framed pictures. C E. Alexander A Co.. 838 Broadway. Tske home a brie, or Metsger" lea cream. Vanilla, 86c: Neopolltan. o. Ellin Chandler la home from hla trip to California, where ha epent two month. The cleric of tha district court Issued forty-six llcenaea to wed during tha month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beno and "or' are home from their Bummer outing at Spirit Lake. Mrs. 8. Longstreet has none to Cll fornla. where sEe will apend the remainder of tha summer. Miss Catherine Mlttnech Is enJ"?1"; , visit from her sister. Mlaa EHaabeth Mitt tiach of El Reno, Okl. ' W. J. McClure left last evening for Solon la , where Mrs. McClure has been visiting relatives for tha last month. A marriage license wa "wy.?"1" to Bandy Rose, aged 22, and leabelle Shoe maker, aged I, both of Omaha, Miss Laura Meyera of rark avenue will i...,. nmnrrnw for a three weeks visit with friends at Lake OkoboJI. Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Couslna or De Moines are guests of Mrs. O. L. Gorman and aon, 1115 Fourth avenue. Abe Lincoln's Woman's Relief corps will meet this afternoon in Grand Army of the Republic hall at the usual hour. During the month of July 184 deeds of conveyance were In the offlce of County Recorder Smith, with a total consideration of 82J7.lti2.0e. Levi, the Infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. John Gruver, i!416 Avenue D, died Wednesday, aged 8 months. The funeral was held yes terday afternoon and burial waa In Fair view cemetery. . Ralph Lloyd, a young lad, waa arrested yesterday charged with being Implicated In the theft of copper wire from the motor company, for which three other boys are already In custody. Mr. Cora Cheaney, a colored woman, w'ho waa aeverely burned about the arms a week ago by the overflowing of a gasoline atove, waa removed to the Woman s Chris tian Association hospital yesterday. Mlsa EfT a Ellis and Misa Fannie Bryant will leave tomorrow for a western trip ex tending from Arlxona to California. They will return by way of the - Yellowstone park. T jty expect to be away two months. Midshipman George J. Meyers of this city, recently graduated from Annapolis, has been transferred to Kentucky, the flag ship of the Asiatic squadron, commanded by Rear Admiral R. D. Kvans and sta tioned at Taku, China. County Auditor Innes Is sending out to all the township clerks throughout the j , make a rua for It before tha train county copies of the extracts from the!'1" 10 m"e rum lor " o'or la train ini nnHa rolat nr to townshlD Kovern- ment. These books are specially prepared, for the use of the township boards. William Keith of Garner township re ported to the police last evening that a horse had been stolen from his premises, supposedly by a stranger driving a dilapi dated team to an old buckboard wagon, who was headed toward Council Bluffs. John Chrlstel, arrested with a quantity of brass a-team fittings in hla possession which the police suspect he stole, waa sen tenced to ten daya on bread and water yesterday by Judge Bcott. The police so imi 1..V filled t3 flr.d en owner for tha brass. Harry Beecroft, ' clerk In a Broadway grocery store, has his head swathed In bandagea as the reault of "playing catch" with a paving brick with a fellow clerk. Beecroft misaed the brick, but the brick did not miss his head, hence a bad scalp wound and the attendant bandagea. Mra. Clara Boone, wife of Frank Boone, a farmer living near Mlnden, was com milted last evening to St. Bernard's hos pital bv the commissioners for the Insane. Mra linnnn who la the mother of three young children, hae been aerlously 111 for some time and labors under the hallucina tion that every one around her waa trying to poison her. The hearing of Fred Pierce, charged with the theft of twenty-two chlckena belong ing to Dan Driscoll, foreman at the gas works, waa continued In police court yes terday until Saturday morning. In default of ball, placed at 1200, Pierce is sojourning behind the bars at the city jail. A charge of breaking and entering has been placed against him. Use any soap aa It Pack'e soap. ' N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone 150. Prohibition Coanty Convention. The prohibitionists of Pottawattamie county will hold a mass convention at Oakland Tueaday, August II, to place In nomination a county ticket and to select delegatea to the atate prohibition conven tion which will be held at Waterloo Wed nesday, August 10. In connection with the county convention the county members of the prohibition party are planning to have an all-day rally and picnic. The ptcnto will be held In a grove near the town of Oakland and will be under the auspices of the Oakland Prohibition alliance, which will give a program during the forenoon. There will be a basket dinner at noon, following which the convention will meet at I p.m. Tha evening will be devoted to a ratifica tion meeting. . A number of distinguished prohibition speakers will be present and make addresses morning and evening. P. P. Fetter and John C. Vhle are chair man and secretary, respectively, of the prohibition county . central committee. Last fall the prohibitionist of Pott wattaml county cast 150 votes for thslr candidate for governor, while the vote oa their county ticket ranged from 156 to 19 votes. . Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 841 Broadway. Keep clean. Use Puck's Mechanic' soap. Elks Th gam aad Bade ta Play. between the Council Bluffs lodges of Eagles and Elks Saturday after noon at Lake Manawa promises to be i great exhibition of ball. The umpire have not yet been selected, but. Coroner Treyaor ba been placed on th Elks' substitute list, so that h may be on hand la case hla services are needed. City .Engineer Etnyre will pitch for the men with the antler and C Blrchfield for thoae with the wings. The game will be called. at I o'clock and thla will be the lineup of the two tea ma: Eaa-lea. Position. Klka Panther Catcher Children BlrehAeld Pitcher Etnyre Scanlan First base Searle Locher ... ......Second base......... Gebhart Brown Third base Griffith Klggina Shortstop Bruington Bedlson Rlghtfleld Wright Askwlth CenterfUld Jacobs Caaay ....Leftflald Ilea Bubetltutee: Eagles, George Scanlan. R. Rodd, Earl Sweat, B. Ruffrorn; Elks, P. Knox. Dr. V. L. Trey nor. Thad Edward. Plumbing and beattag. Btxby a Soa. Puck'a Domestic soap la beet far Uaudry. Real Batata Trans f era. Theee transfer wer filed yesterday la th abstract, title and loan office of J. w. Bqulr. 101 Pearl street: Mary Allan to Anna Clausen, hotel lot, Bubanka' 1st add; lota 1 and I, Hagcs' block, of original plat lot 49; lot 1. block 71: lot I, block 10; lot 8, block ; lot 4. block St. and lot 1, block W. original plat; lot 80. block 1, Riddle' aubdlv; lota t and 10, block 4. Fierce' e subdlr: lot 8. Audi tor's subdlv, neU eU 14-76-44. q. c d. Ague Folaoa et a to J. R. Snyder, lot 10. block U. Bay has' let add. a. o. d. Dartmouth Savings bank to 8. A. Biton. lot 1, rrsurvey of lot 171, original plat. w. d 400 Loot Total three transfer .... I 1.M1 LEWIS CUTLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR (Succaaaor to W. rikAJit, eTKa.Br. C- Eatp Then T, BLUFFS. GOES EAST WITH THE WIDOW Thtmu V. Walton aid Mrs. Thcmpioi Depart on ths Sam Train, YOUNG MAN APPARENTLY NOT OVERJOYED Con pie Net Atteattve Each Other as Darin tha , Hoara at Tsasg Waltoa'a Liberty. Mrs. Elisabeth M. Thompson, the buxom and wealthy widow from Boston and her youthful Banco, Thomas V. Walton, shook tha dut of Council Bluffs from their feet last evening and lTt on tha Wabash sup posedly for 8t. Louis on their way to tha city of baked beans and brown bread. During tha day Mr. Thompson remained la her room at the Grand hotel, having her meals served there, but the young man preferred to eat In tha dining room. After lunch ha made hit way to a book store and purchased a supply of magaslne and other reading matter for hla ."Aunty," aa he familiarly called her. .r . Mrs. Thompson telephoned to Omaha and ordered her trunks sent to tha depot. When the time came to go to the depot the widow, dressed entirely In black and enveloped In a voluminous Raglan with a lace collar, stationed herself at the corner of First avenue and Pearl street while waiting for a motor. Thomas V. Walton, on the other band, want to tha corner of Pearl street and Broadway and there boarded the car, taking a teat In the rear. He made no effort to assist the widow onto tha car and to thoae who did not know differently they acted aa perfect strangers. When the transfer depot waa reached the young man alighted first, being tha more agile of the two, but made no attempt to assist his buxom sweetheart. Instead he made a bee Una for the waiting room and the refreshment counter. They en tered the Pullman car together, Mra. Thompson first and the young man follow ing. As Tommy reached the laat atep ha gave a wistful look back, which clearly Indicated that If ha only dared ha would puiieu vui iuii imti lit, ,ir uui uuadui widow to make the journey by herself. Puck's Domestic soap is beau REORGANIZE CITY COMMITTEE Edward Canning of the Fifth Ward lated as tha New Chairman. Chairman Harry M. Brown has Issued a call for a meeting of the republican city central committee for Saturday jevealng at 8 o'clock In the south court room of tha county court house. At this meeting the committee will ba reorganized by the as lection ot a chairman to sucoeed Mr. Brown, who 1 not a candidate for re-election. Ed ward Canning of the Fifth ward Is slated for the chalrmanshin and It la conceded will be elected .without contest.; A secre tary will also be elected. The committee will also place In nomina tion a candidate for assessor of Kane towu ship, outside of the city of Council . Bluffs. Thle the township convention omitted to do and it now .devolves upon the committee to fill the vacancy In the ticket, which It was empowered to do by a resolution adopted by the convention. J. E. Meyers Is the present republican Incumbent ot the office and present Indications are that he will be renominated without opposition. The members of the cit? central com mittee are J. Corllea, V. B. Bivlrd, George Gould, J. O. Baker. C. B. Haverstock, A. W. Melsner, J. J. Hess, Julius Johnson, Ed ward Canning, T. O. McMillan and Israel Lovett. Davis cell glaaa. Trial of Kidnapers Taeaday. Frank Whltsell. I. 8. Robinson aad A. Anderson, th men. who kidnaped George Nleman and John Fisher, the two new. boy. Tuesday afternoon, will have their preliminary hearing In police court Mon day morning. Charge of kidnaping and highway robbery have been placed agalnat Whltsell and Robinson, whUe only that of kidnaping ha been booked aganst Ander-J oa. Anderson is not accused' of robbing young Nleman of th small amount ot money he had with him, bat the other two are, and thl eonatltnte the eharge of highway robbery. , . ; Nleman succeeded la recovering hla bicy cle. It being found la the. weed. near th bluff where th police first cam upon the gang and rescued the bey and captured Anderson. The three men assert that they had no Intention to kidnap the boy and that they were drunk and did not raltx what they wer doing. Dlaaaelc Visit Old FHeada. W. 8. Dlmmock. former general manager ot the Omaha 4k Council Bluff Railway and Bridge company, arrived ta th city ye tarday on hla wsy from Richmond, Vs., to Tacoma, Wash., where he goes to assume ths general managership of the Puget Sound Electrical railway. Mra. Dlmmock I visit ing friends at Atlantic la., aad Mr. Dim mock will Join her there today and after a short visit will return to Counoll Bluffs to stay with friends for a tew days before proceeding to hi new post.'- Mr. Dlmmock, In company with Superintendent Tarking ton, apent last evening at Lake Manawa, aad waa very favorably impressed with the Improvement carried Out thl ytar at th resort. Davis sella paints. Raaaway Boy Apprehended. George B. Eaeger, a U-ytar-old boy who had run away from his home la Boone, la.. was picked up by the polloa yesterday and Is being held awaiting the arrival of his father, J. B. Saeger, 'a traveling man. Toung Saeger waa Induced to leave bom so hs asserts, by a peddler of phony lew elry who follows In tb wake ot Buffal Bill's show. Th fellow promised the boy 18 a day and hla expense and young Saeger thought he had atruck a veritable gold mine. He 1 a bright. Intelligent looking boy, but evidently unused to the ways of th world. lis protested at being detained ua til his father cam for him and said h preferred earning th 11 a day with th taka Jewelry peddler to going horn. Perklna Gave IVa Bead. CEDAR RAPID8, la., July 81. Special.) 1 It t now discovered that Charles W. Per kin never gave any sort of bond to Gn ral Agent Munger of th Northwestern Lit Insurance company, whoa fund Perklna uaed to tha tun ot from 0,000 to $80,000 la th past tea years. Psrklns ha not been arrested. It seams that th general agent must stand good for Perklna' shortage, to tha Northwestern company. It la also known that Perklna told Muager ef hla am bexlement or shortagea ea June It, yet tha matter waa kept from the publlo until a few daya ago, when the general agent tried to realise on certain securities and to sell real estate that Perklna had turned over to him. The banks have known ot tha shortage for several weeks. It Is also said that Perklna has signed a statement that the amount embenled waa 180,000. Just bow Perkins fooled the Inspectors or auditors who are semi-annually sent to go through his books. Is a puxsle. CHILD VICTIMS OF FATE Oaa Dies fraaa Drinking; Oil aad As ether Probably Fatally lajared hy Pltekferk. IOWA FALLS, la., July . II. (Special.) An accident that may yet terminate fatally la reported from Eagle City aoutheast of thla place. While coming In from the field with a load of bay a pttohfork slipped from the load with tha tines downward, striking the child of Robert Walthall on the top of the bead, the tine penetrating the skull and entering the brain. The attending physicians are of the opinion that If no foreign matter waa carried into tha wound that Ufa may ba saved. : From the aame neighborhood comes tha newa ot the death of tha 8-year-old child of Levi Walthall, caused by drinking ma chine ail. TO ESTABLISH RIGHT-OF-WAY arveyere aa New Omaha-Dee Molaea Electrle Railway Lay Oat Proposed Route. AUDUBON, la., July 11. (Special.) Th surveyor of th new proposed electrle railway from De Moines to Omaha having the work of establishing the right-of-way and the grade from De Moines here, ar rived in the city thla week. J. C. Cummlngs, one ot the officials of the new road, says that In two months' time the surveyor will have completed the route all the way to Omaha and then the grading contract will be let Immediately. About three mile east ot Audubon a seventy foot grade I necessary to cross the Botna river. PIONEER PREFERS DEATH Jamea Glllew of Carroll, Iowa, Chooses alolda ta Peer Health. CARROLL, la., July 81. (Special.) Oounty Coroner Patty was called to Car ronton thla morning on account of the ulctde of Jamea Oilley, which occurred at an early hour today. Mr. Cllley was a pioneer of Carroll county, being a brother of William Gllley ot this city, and was over 70 years ot age. He had been in poor health for a number of year and recently had returned from a trip to California. Hi mind has been at farted for a a ma tirnm, IOWA WOMAN SHOOTS HERSELF Mra. Bella Ahcra Feand Dead Cemetery at Waverly oa First Baahaad'a Grave. la WAVBRLT, la., July 8L Mr. Ball Abern, aged 80. committed auicide thl morning by going out to Arlington cem etery and. taking a- 48-callbar revolver and snooting herself through the heart. She wa found on th grave ot her first husband. She was a widow and said th man ah loved would not marry her. Farsahanda la Great Demand. CEDAR FALLS, Ia.. July 81. (Sneclal.) The harvest field of Black Hawk county present an unusual picture of industry Just at thia time. The harvest-hand problem ha confronted th farmer with much fore. Tb farmer are offering $2 per day and noara ana yet they are unable to get help to gather the fast-ripening crop ot small grain. Oat I Buffering th worst. They are dowa and badly tangled and maay of the neias cannot be saved at all. The straw la th heaviest known la year. Shepherd to Saeeeed Sargeat. IOWA FALLS, Ia., July 8L (8peclal.) The Rock Islaad ha announced the appoint ment ot Jack Shepherd of Cedar Raptda a master mechanlo at thl point, .to succeed P. J. Sargent, who ha resigned on account of hi poor health and will move to Cedar Rapid. Mr. Shepherd wa formerly a resi dent of thl city, being tor a time employed under Mr. Sargent In the Burlington, Cedar Rapid at Northera round bouse. At Moaeaa normal laailtaNe. ONAWA, Ia.. July 81. (Special Telegram.) The Monona eounty Normal Institute I progressing very favorably on it first week. One hundred and alxty-flv name have been enrolled to date aad th enrollment 111 probably be considerably larger next week. J. L. Zwickery of Dea Moines. humorist and cartoonist, will deliver a lect ure to the teacher at the Congregational church Tuesday evening, August 5. Iowa State Mewa Notre. Sheriff Law of Waterloo served alxtaen Olifftnal notices on a woman llvlna nr La Porte. She waa th endorser of a num ber of notea. which aha will have to pay. Thla la tha largeat amount of trouble the officer ever presented to one peraon at on lima1. Iowa Is firs in value of farm nroduets with t3tt.00U.0oQ and Illinois second with 346,000.0uu, but Illinois 1 first In value of farm lands, 82,604.000,000, while the figures for Iowa, which la second, are 81.834.OuO.0O0. The comparison la an encouraging one for tnose wno maintain that lowa lands have not yat reached their full legitimate value. A horrible accident occurred near Clare when a runaway team threw William Klen and hla dauchter on a alckle and terribly mangled them. He and his daughter were driving wnen in team became frightened and ran away. Th father waa ao terribly injured that hla intestines pro truded. Hla daughter'a lege are mashed Into mince meat. Other details of tbe acci dent are aa harrowing. J. H. Owen, who resided at Charles City from 1885 to 188. and waa cashier and president of th late Charles City National bank and a prominent cltisen In church and aoclal rlrclea. Is reported to be In an Insane asylum at Tacoma, wash., violently afflicted with the dread malady. He quit banking and engaged In the life Insurance bualneas at Dea Moines and Cedar Raplda, and waa so engaged up to the development of hla great affliction. He has Just re cently arrived at Tacoma with hla family with the purpose of making that place a home. Nellie Lack, a young woman of about 26 years, residing some ten mllea north of Charlea City, committed suicide by shoot ing herself, with a pistol In the right tem ple. The ball passed through the brain, coming out at the left temple. Death waa Instantaneous. When found ehe was alt ting bolt upright, evidently In the position taken to commit the act. She waa In poor haalth and under medical treatment. It Is believed that despondency over sickness caused temporary deranaement. In which condition she ended her suffering. The body waa removed to the undertaking rooms and Coroner Dennis held an Inquest. Davenport Democrat: In the rlae of Leon M. Allen of this city to tbe position of general paaaenger agent of the Rock Island syatem the boy of Davenport who are setting forth to help themsalva have an other of those examploa that the prosalo raadare of lecture la prone to call an ob ject leeson. The characteristic of Mr. Allen'a work, during the twenty-two years h served tha Rock Ialand In varloua ca pacltiea. has been his Inability to ae that the Interest of the company that paid him waa not hla own Interest. The man who works for hla employer along that line doe not usually need the protective office ot an organisation to secure fair treat ment for him. BIG INCREASE ON RAILROADS Iowa Counoil Pats Tax Valuation Dp four Million Dollar. MOST OF THIS IS ON THE TRUNK LINES Rock Islaad Operating Corporatloa Fllea Hew Article of Incor oratloa fader tha Iowa Law. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, la., July 81. (Special Telegram.) The state executive council at 11 o'clock tonight completed the assess ment of railroad and other property. On railroad property the Increase waa a little over $4,000,000, almost entirely on trunk lines, the Northwestern, Burlington and Milwaukee getting most ot the Increase. There was also an Increase In telegraph. telephone and express companies. Th railroad alone will be obliged to pay $121, 845.68 more taxea than laat year. The atate levy wa fixed at t mills, which will yield approximately $1,896,000 In taxea. Th council took Into consideration the war claims refund In estimating the revenue needed. The exact Increase In railroad val uation was $4,041,608, making the total $61,112,814. The principal systems bear moat of the Increase as follows: Burlington, Cedar Rapids & N..., Chicago, Burlington A Oulncy..., Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul. Northwestern Chicago Great Western W.5.4!S7 I0.862 L1"0.M 250,1.18 3rtU,759 Rock Island . Chicago, St. Paul, Mlnneapolia & O. 25.7) Minneapolis st. iouis zau,i.u .This leaves but $68,7(2 Increase for the minor lines. The Wabash and Iowa Cen tral were not changed. About 700 telophone and telegraph com- panlea were assessed at an actual valua tion ot $6,512,498, the taxable value being one-fourth of thla. This makes an Increase In the taxable valuation of the telephone and telegraph companies of $327,976. There are nearly twice aa many of the companies this year aa last. The express companies were valued at $336,273, an Increase ot $104, 696 over last year. Rock Island Reorganisation. The Rock Island reorganlsers made ar rangement today bo that the railroad may oontlnue to do business as an Iowa corpora tion In the operation of their roads by In corporating a an Iowa company for $135,- 000,000. Tha name of the new company 1 the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railroad company. Headquarter are In De Moines, with branches la New York and Chicago. The articles were filed with the county re corder and later with the secretary of state, and to the state the compsny paid a flllag and recording fee of $125,018.20. The actual filing was done by John I. Dllle, as -a" ststant Iowa attorney for the Rock Island, with headquarters la this city. Mr. Dills refused later to make any statement what ever aa to the plana of tbe company or th purpose of making this reorganization, pre ferring that the other officials make a state ment In the east. It la hinted that the Atchison 1 In the deal, but a to thla noth ing can be learned here. But there are quit a number of other roada that are now virtually controlled by the Rock Island whlsb have not yet become a part of the system. These will be taken over by th New Jersey company ' and ultimately be turned over to tha system as a whole. The belief Ijere is that th Iowa corporation I to be the operating company, as th lawa of Iowa are favorable to thl. The present Rock Island company 1 an Iowa corpora tion, with headquarter In Davenport. Th Rock Ialand people were most interested last winter in securing tb passage ot a bill which would allow consolidations under th Iowa corporation law. Th bill which wa finally got through tb legislature wa not a favorable a they had hoped and the only consolidation they have been abl to effect under It la that of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids ft Northern. Prepare to Meet Injunctions. Th advisory committee of the local trade and labor assembly I making prep aration to meet the injunction of the Iowa Telephone company. Wesley Stafford of Sioux City ha been employed a aa at torney la the case, with local attorney, and It I probable that counter cult for In junction will be brought, though that ha not yet been fully determined. The tele phone striker and their friends aad ad visers are determined to not permit their scheme to be balked by a court Injunction. They are planning to commit overt act and bring the matter Into court at one and seek to gala popular sympathy la this way. There ha been a partial settlement of tb strike in Davenport and some other cities and the organisers ar now working In different part of th state where the Iowa Telephone company ha branches. Odd Fellowa' Officers. The officers of the grand lodge of Iowa Odd Fellows have Just been announced, aa tbe election I by mall ballot. Judg Z. A. Church of Jefferson wa elected grand master, receiving 8,731 vote, without op position. Dr. M. W. Whit ot 8Ioux City waa elected deputy grand maater, and Will V. Tufford of Clinton grand warden. There were two candidatea for grand secretary, R. L. Tllton of Des Moines, and H. N. Smith of Spencer, the former being elected. N. J. Jones of Shelby was elected grand repre sentative. Invited to Illinois State Fair. Governor Cummins today received an ur gent Invitation from Governor Yatee of Illi nois to attend th Illinois state fair at Springfield on th day that President Roose velt 1 to be there. If I to be known as governor' dny and Cummin will probably attend, though he cannot a yet aay. The auditor ot state today Issued a permit for the Standard Accident and Life associa tion ' of Detroit to tnsurs health. Thla Is the third company to enter thia field under tbe new Iowa law. , A requisition waa issued by the governor today for the governor of Minesota that Patrick H. Harrington, who waa arrested at Toledo, Ia., may be taken back to Free born and stand trial for bigamy. Harrington la now in Jail at Toledo. Eaeaatpaacat at Oakalooaa. Th camp of th Fiftieth regiment, Iowa National Guard, at Oakalooaa. commencing Auguat 5, la to be named "Camp John F. Lacey," la honor ef th congressman from that district, who Uvea at Oakalooaa. Thurs day, August 7. has been designated as gov ernor' day at tha ramp. Colonel Harry H. CaughUn of Ottumwa will be In charge of th encampment, and the battalion com mander are Majors Dunlap, Bishop and Lambert. Adjutant General Brers has mads all the necessary arrangement aad se cured contracts for the supplies. The gen eral orders for this, ths last ot th four encampments, ar th same aa with the oth ers. Oa August 14 Oovsrnor Cummin.' will go to Council Bluffs to attand tbe reunion of the Philippine veterans. eheal Caaea fader Ceaslderetlea State Superintendent Barrett was busy to day with appeal caaea. In the forenoon he heard ths case ot Barker and other against ths school township of Van Birn, In Van Buren county, la which aa effort is being made te creat aa Independent school dis trlct for the town of Mount Zlon, which Is near Kecssuqua. The effort le reflated on the ground chiefly that the town has not the necesssry 100 persons. A similar case was hesrd this afternoon from Cslheun county, that ot E. J. Mack against the township of Cedar, ta which an effort Is being made t create a new district at the town of Somer. deleters Day at State Fair. A alrong effort I being mad to secure a very large attendance ef soldier and mem ber of th Grand Army of th Republlo at the state fslr on soldiers" day. Arrange ments were concluded this morning by Past Commander Metxgar for addressea by Sen ator Dolllver and Governor Cummins on that day. Ex-oovernor Packard, superintendent ot the cattledepartment, baa agreed to al low th us cf the new cattle pavilion for the service on soldiers' day, which will oc cur between 11 and 1 o'elork, and be out of th way of th exhibitor In the cattle department. The dedication services for the new pavilion will also be Interesting and a fine program will soon be out for that. The preliminary work for the state fslr Is be ing nearly all closed up now, exhibitor are sending In their entries, apace I being taken and the Improvement on the ground are nearly all done. TRAINS DO DEADLY WORK Kill Man at Carroll, Iowa, MaklaT Foarth Vic tins There Within Oaa Week. CARROLL. Ia., July 81. (Special.) An other unfortunate,' James Mlnnlck of Chi cago, met death in th Carroll yarda laat night about 11 o'clock, one leg being severed from th body Juat above the knee. He was unconscious when found, but later gave his name and address. He died at Wright' hospital this morning at 4 o'clock. Th authorities ordered th body ahlpped to De Motnea. Mlnnlck' death la th fourth fatality from railroad accident In Carroll within a week. Feroclooa Brothers Land la Jail. ATLANTIC. Ia,. July 81. (Special.) Buffalo Bill gave his great wild west show at thia place yesterdsy. Over 1,200 tickets were sold to both afternoon and evening exhibitions. It being nearly double the number sold at his former visit to this city four years ago. At the conclusion of the evening show Lloyd and Jack Hunkle, after becoming intoxicated nndertook to clean out Lorenien'a saloon and defied the of ficers to arrest them. Sheriff Marshall un dertook to restore order and the Hunkle brothers turned their attention toward him. Marshall drew his revolver, but no sooner was It in sight than Jack Hunkle kicked It out of bis hand and sent la spinning across the room. At thl climax ot the scene the bystanders aided in the arrest of the Hunkles. Prepare for District Co art Session. ONAWA, Ia., July 81. (Special Telegram.) Judge Wakefield Issued an order yesterday to the clerk of the district court of Monona county to draw thirty-fife petit Juror for the September term. They are summoned to appear on Thursday, September 4, at 2 p. m. Court will not convene until Tues day, aa Monday Is labor day. Judge Wake field will preside at this term of court Cattle lafeeted with Rabies. IOWA FALLS, la., July 21. (Special.) Assistant State Veterinarian W. L. Ever has discovered several case of rabble In a herd of cattle belonging to William Whltesell, east of this city. Three cows have been ordered killed, and a number of dogs in the same locality have been ordered killed for fear of spreading the disease. INDICTED BY GRAND JURY Offlclala of Villace ef Harlem Charged with Malfeasance ia Office- Are CHICAGO, III., July 81. The grand Jury today returned Indictment agalnat the official of th vlllag of Harlem for mal feasance In office aad gainst eleven book maker for gambling at the Harlem race track. Conspiracy to allow gambling on the race and bribery of th town officer for permission to .the bookmaker allowing betting I charged. Th indictment are against Henry J Hohr, president ot th village board; Fred Meyer, Henry Schults, Nicholas .Armhurst, Jacob Cold, Otto Htntze and Charlea Hll- mer, trustees of the village; and Sam Bum merfleld, Fred Cook, Kid Welter, Charlea Esstg, William Applegate, .Charlea Davia, Stephen L'Hommedleu, Edward Austin, Barney Schrelber, Barney Zacharlaa and Edward Applegate, bookmakers MISSION IS KEPT A SECRET Myaterleas Movement of m Govern. neat Commission aad British Consal at Paaasna. NEW YORK, July 81. A Panama dls- patch say that a government commission, consisting of Senor Torn Corlas, a prom inent member of th conservative party here, the British consul In Panama and Generala Gomel and Moren, has left by steamer. It Is supposed th commission went to Agua Pulee, wher tb govern ment' mala army I now stationed under General Morels, Bertl and Castro. Ths special object of ths commission Is not known. 8oms reports say It is to ar. rang for an exchange of prisoners, and others that It Is authorised to arrange th preliminaries for a treaty of peace, it pos sible. The government fleet left last evening, also for Agua Dulc. Th commission I expected to return about next Thursday. MURDERER ANXIOUS TO DIE Wants Ha New Trial aad Ask that Eaeeatlea Take Plaea Boon a Possible. NORFOLK, Va.. July $1. Convicted by a Jury In the Norfolk county court of mur dering hi wife, William Treadwell will not sanction th application of hi counsel for a new trial. H declares that b purchased th pistol with which h killed hi wife with the In tentlon of killing himself well. He de Ire that no new trial be requested and that sentence upon him be executed a soon a possible. Th man appear to hav no deslr to live whatever. Th case la on ot th strangest vr tried In a Virginia court. After shooting his wife th man turned tbe pistol upon himself and was weens recov erlng from the wound. GETTING READY FOR WORK Offleere of the Hepahllcaa Centres leaat Commlttea Arrive at Hew Yark Headewartere. NEW YORK, July 81. Chairman Babcock of tbe republican congressional committee baa arrived at the New York office of tb committee. Representative Overatreet of Indiana, secretary of the committee, ta ex peeled to Join him today. Representative iherman, th vie chairman, ale will soon com to headquarters, wher be will re main on duty throughout th campaign. Representative Hull of Iowa, who I at tending th republic convention at Des Violas, will be hare next week. He cbalrmaa at tb executlv committee. TT7y not heep this remedy in your home instead V V cf xcaiting until some one cf your family is sick nigh unto death and then sending for it in a great hurry, and perhaps in the night, xchile te patient must suffer until it can be cbtained. BUY IT NOW. . - ,.V..?'T :1V P ":"V-.w.-..." t .- . V -1 '. i ; ..i i. ' r r-. i . ' COM IN G ' NEGRO HANGED BY A MObI Twenty-Five Men Take Prisoner from Arkanaaa Sheriff and Suspend Hlra to a Tree. I CAMDEN. Ark., July 81. Report have I reached hero of the lynching ot Lee New ton, a negro, by a mob of twenty-five men in the Cornie bottoms, Columbia county, about twenty-five mllea from Magnolia, and away from telegraphlo communication. The negro waa found In the room of two young women, daughters of a promi nent family. In the eastern part of the county, about a month ago. Their screams frightened him away. Twice he escaped from custody. He was captured once at Bernlce, La., and came near being lynched there, and was last captured with blood hounds and put In chains. Newton wa in th hands ot officers and was being taken to Magnolia when the mob appeared and took tbe negro away. Later the body was cut down by Sheriff Warren of Columbia county. L0VESWAR JURY IMPANELED Alleged South Dakata Murderer Be come Reticent on Eve of Trial for Life. STURGIS. 8. D.. July 31. (Special Tele gram.) In the Loveawar murder trial the Jury wa completed and sworn at 12:20 p. m. today. Court adjourned until Z p. m. to allow counsel time, to arrange the order of the testimony. The defendant Is beginning to show signs of nervousness, though he keeps his thin lips closely drawn and never speaks to anyone, not even his counsel. It Is thought at this time that the trial will be concluded this week. The taking of tes timony will begin at 2 o'clopk today. Albert Puck, brother of the murdered man. Is Bit ting with the attorneys for the state. PENSIONS FOR WESTERNERS Survivor of the Wars Generouely Remembered by the Gen eral Government. WASHINGTON, July 31. (Special.) Tho following pensions have been granted: Issue of July : Nebraska: Increase, reissue, etc. Zebu- in Cnri. Rlwoori. 112: Hodv Z. Henzer. Win side, $8; John Lindon, Exeter. $14. Widows, minora and dependent relatives Margrey Grant, Preston, ; cornena Moran, Bancroft. 88; Sarah E. Reynolds, Geneva, $8: Mary H. Slsson, Beatrice, $8. Iowa: Originals Columbus L. Green, nirmir,h,m. iti. Increase, reissue, etc. Charles F. Morris, Pomeroy, $8: George . Coleman, jjoon, i; nenry n. merriu, Gladbrook, $8; William H. Barclay. Waverly, 88; Joseph G. Cooper, Burlington, $8; Malchor S. Goll, Montrose, $10; Samuel M. George, Wtota, $8; Joslah Mullen, Mar- ahalltown. is. , , , , , . South Dakota: Originals Edward Stover, Ccntervllle, ; Lewis Spawn. Brant, $8; Nelson W. Wade. Spencer, $12. Increase, reissue, etc. William Kunaelman, Plerra, $24 Wyoming: Widows, minors and depen dent relatives Elizabeth S. Hawa, Chey enne, $8. issue or juiy iu: Nebraska: Increase, reissue, etc. Valen tine B. Raley. Buchanan, $10. Wldowa, minora snd dependent relatives Rosetta J. Garner, Nellgh, 88. Iowa: tiriKinais jrwmui dwm, rn-rnn-ton, $; Charles A. Oodfrey. Des Moines, $6 (war with Spain). Increase, reissue, rtc George W. Armstrong, Des Moines. $8; John Welty, State Center, $12; Jacob Bishop, Richmond, 110; James Holiday. Bloux Cltv, $12; Jamea T. Thrasher. Des Molnea. $24; Samuel Bingham. Newbern, $24; Isaac Burner, Fairfield, $17; Andrew W Taylor. Oakland, $17; William Van Horn. Columbua Junction, $8; Edward B. McConnell, Des Moines, $12 (Mexican war). Widows, minora and dependent relatives Harriet Shannon, Nora Springs, ti; I.u cinda L. Taylor, Maurice, 8: Caroline Sutherland, Center Junction, $17; minor ot Orvli S. Coddlngton, Waterloo, $10. IN THE TENNIS TOURNEY Waldaer Sharea Honors with Little and Hunt, While Ueldea Playa Well. MINNEAPOLIS, July 81 L. If. Waldncr, the Chicago expert, shares victory today at the annual northwestern tennis tourna ment at Deep Haven with R. P. IJlUrf of Orange. N. J., and H. J. Hunt of Alanu'diw Cal. The match between Waldner and George K. Belden arouaed unusual in thuslasm. Summary; Third round, singles: L, H. Waldner of Chicago beat R. Strick land of White Bar, Minn.. 4-4. -2. E. M. Ashcraft of Chicago defeated F. N. Jane. e-4. 4-1. . R. D. Little of Orange beat C. S. Peters of Chicago, s-8. 8-4. - Harry Uelden beat J. Lawrence. 8-2. -!. R. J. Hunt- of Alameda won from S ura C. Burton by default. C Oarnett of Chicago beat W. 8. Gravea Of White Rear. 6-4, -8. Semi-finals, singles: L. II. Waldner beat George K. Belden. R."li. Little defeated E. M. Ashcraft, "r. JHunt defeated Hsrry Blden, 6-1. 6-0. Norman Newhall beat C. Garnett of Chi cago, 6-4. 6-4. Doubles, second round: C Hale and W. C. Burton beat O. Lyman and N. Werner, T-S. 4-1. 6-3. L. H. Waldner and R. P. Little defeated Stern and R. Strickland, 6-2, t-4, 6-2. Third round, doubles: C. Garnett and C. S. Peters, both of Chi cago, beat Hale and Burton, 6-4, 8-7, 6-4. 6-3. Third round, consolation: ....... F. N. Jayne beat W. 8. Grave of hite BRFp. Gillette defeated J. Fleming, 4-L 6-3. . . t i - i- s VK'''; ''it ; Willi DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Diseases and Disorders of Mea Only. 87 Years' Experience. Id Yeare la Omaha. UIDIPnPCI C cured without pain, cut V Anll;Uur.LC ting or tlelng. Many cases cured in LESd THAN 8 DAYS. A recent and most remarkable treatment for the cure of this disease. Treatment at office or at homa and a permanent cure guaran teed. DLUUU UIolAOLO and the blood cleans ed of all Impurities. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. No "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the diaeaae disappear at once. A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent tor life. flUCD 1t Dfin cases cured of nervoua Ultn 0U(UUU debility, loss of vitality and all unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Dis eases, Hydrocele, cured permanently. CHARGES LOW. COKSl LTATIO.N FREI9 Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 768. Office over 215 8. 14th atreet, between Far nam and Douglas Sta., OMAHA. NEB. ss.qo a imm Specialist la .U DISEASES snd DISORDERS of MEN. 13 years la Omaha, SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK-, KttT, aafeet and mos natural method thai baa yet. been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever. No "BRKAKINQ OUT" of the diaeaae on the sk(n or faoa. A oure that is guaranteed to be permaaenl for life. IfSDIOnnCI C cured. - Method new.' WKmuUuLLk without eutttng, palnl ao detention from work; permanent our guaranteed. WEAK ME from Excassea or Victim to Nervoua Debility or Exhaustion, WaaU Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Tounc and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with organs Impaired and weak THICTCRB cured with a new Horn Treatment No pain, no detention fronj buaineee. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Coaaaltatloa t ree. Treatment by htattt CHARGE! LOW. 180 I. 14th , Dr. Searles & Searles, Qmaiia, Neb.1 Round Trip. Aug, I to 14, Inclusive Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo. standard and Tonrlat Sleeper to Denver, leavlaa Omaha li.lo 1 M. Aeeuat I to 14 Incla ilit. Round Trip, Aug. I to 14, inclusive Glenwcod Springs, Salt Lake City City Ticket Office, 1323 FarnamSt., Omaha, Neb. i ar-: : . fc.-. ai naai i n mm la ii-o n. hi mam mmtir D ft "alll iaV ilS Li-il If as I BBtadanuajLaanWuatjl La V I 1 . f I V