Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Fment Ltrj Will Frodnoe One Hundred
Thousand Lew Tbso LtsU
pesaecrat and Pepnllat CommIHki
(onlig to Omaha Neat Wttk
te Br Ire t Rooms for
f"rom a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN. Julr 81. (Special.) At the
rate fixed upon by the Board of Equaliza
tion the following la the amount of tax
charged up against each count? In the
Adams ...
Antelope .
tanner ...
Blaine ....
Boone ....
Box Butte
Brown ...
Buffalo ...
Butler ....
Cedar ....
Cherry ...
Colfax ....
Cuming ..
Custer ...
Dakota ...
Dawes ....
Dawson ..
t 19 1T7 Johnson $13,854 ,
. ii,bm2 nearney v.t
l.M Keith .
817 Keya Paha .... J.oo4
. . 1.3 Kimball 2.8 .9
. .45i2 Knox Vi.m
. 6,S-'4 Lancaster
. 5.073 Lincoln U,tWt
. 2O.M0 Logau W2
. 18. 7M Loup 7
. 17,484 Maulson 1S.349
. 24. 47 Mcr-herson .... 813
. 20,11 Merrick 1S,4
. i.Vii Mance 8,411
. Nemaha U.hH
. Il.ti.i7 Nuckolls 14.679
18. H Otoe W.m
. 12.6"7 Tawnee 1.73
. 17,(KU Perkins 2.3.12
. UM Phelps 8.57
. S.9M Pierce 11.794
4.222 Platte 18.6X1
12,648 Polk ,93
&.128 Bed Willow.
11.2,9 Hlchardson .
23.871 Kock
114, 23 Saline
ndy 2.4"S Sariiy
18. 168 Saunders ....
,l!i'i Hcotts Bluff.
3.77S Seward
12,2"6 Sheridan ....
31,719 Sherman
Garfield ..' 1,142 Sioux l.fc7
Oosper 4.'3 Stanton 10,3ol
Orant 1,874 Thayer 16,48
Greeley 8.22.1 Thomas 823
Jian 16.579 Thurston 3.028
Hamilton K.(4 Valley
jiarlan .7.S9 Washington
Jlayes 1.4SS Wayne
Jiltchcock 1 6.312 Webster ....
Holt 18,(T71 Wheeler ....
Hooker tra York
jiowara 8,300
Jefferson 18.8W Total ....$1,131,124
The lery will produce, on the basis of this
year's assessment, $101,2(7 less than face
of the 1901 lery.
Wyoming ike IMaee for Reservoirs.
State Engineer Dobson and Assistant
Forbes returned today from a trip of In
spection through the riatte valley of east
ern Wyoming and western Nebraska. They
made the trip with rtew to ascertaining
the elevation of the land in the various
sections along the river, preparatory to the
formulation of plans for irrigation works.
"I am confident that if the government
builds reservoirs for irrigation in this state
it -would be better to have them In Wyoming
than in Nebraska." said Mr. Dobson. "This
of course is on account of the elevation of
the land. The conditions in the Platte
valley between Guernsey and the state line
are more favorable to the storage of water
than In Nebraska."
Mr. Dobson has been notified that Elwood
Mead, chief of Irrigation Investigations for
the United States Department of Agricult
ure, will be in Lincoln on August 7 to con
alder .Irrigation matters. It Is understood
here that the Investigation Mr. Mead pro
poses to make will ba preparatory to the
work of the government under the new ir
rigation law. Mr. Mead wrote as follows:
I expect to reach Lincoln on the 7th of
Auguat and would like to have a confer
ence with you and such of your Irrigation
board as can be got together to talk over
our work in connection with interstate and
riparian rights. 1 also wish on this trip
to take up any other matters connected
with our Investigations which may be of
general Interest. You can say that I come
to Lincoln for a conference with you and
that I Intend to go on to the western part
of the state to look after our Investiga
tions after the conference is over.
If Right to Transact Baslaess.
Deputy Insurance Auditor Eabcock to
day addressed a letter to Oeorge H. Work
of Hastings, Informing him that the In
ternational Agency company, which has an
office in the Rialto building in Chicago, Is
not authorized to do an Insurance busi
ness in this state and that insurers In
the company can have no resources
through the courts for losses sustained.
The matter came to Mr. Babcock's at
tention through a letter from Mr. Worth,
who said he bad been solicited on an In
surance proposition by the Chicago com
pany. Mr. Worth wrote that the secretary
of the company bad admitted that the
state had never given It a license to do
business, but he insisted that any citizen
of this state bad a legal right to buy
groceries, insurance or anything else from
Mr. Babcock in replying to the commu
nication from Mr. Worth asserted that
the supreme court had held that the
judiciary of this state will not take juris
diction of any case which. Is instituted to
recover from as unauthorized company.
The opening of bids for finishing the
construction of the administration build
ing at the penitentiary and for repairing
the west cellhouse has been postponed by
the Board of Public Lands and Buildings
until 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The
1 time allowed for filing the proposals ex
pired yesterday.
A protest has been filed with the Board
of Irrigation against the allowance of the
claim of William Franks for right to use
water from the North Platte river tor ir
rigation purposes along the route of the
Merchants' canal. The filing Is by the
promoters of the Farmers' canal, who as
sert that they Intend to complete their
ditch as set forth in the original specifica
8tephen C. Hoover, one of the proprie
tors of the Llndell hotel, was served with
a warrant, sworn out by a member of the
Antl-8aloon league, charging him with
violation of , the excise board rules b
selling liquor In his establishment after
the prescribed closing hours. His case
was continued thirty days. This Is an
other step In a long-pending litigation.
Chairmen Halt and Webber of the dem
ocratic and populist state committees will
go to Omaha next week to select loca
tions for their campaign headquarters. It
was expected that rooms would be engaged
this week, but the resignation of Chair
nan Nelson of the populist committee
made a postponement necessary.
A charter as Issued today In the Corn
Exchange bank of Spencer, Boyd county.
The Institution has a capital stock of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is
; the only medicine you need.
We have been saying this for
60 years.- If you want ad-
. ditional proof, ask your own
family physician. Wc will
abide by his decision if you
will. That's fair, isn't it?
" Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral never fails
. to cure me of a cold. 1 have recom
i mended it to many friends suffering
from throat and lung troubles, and they
all ssy it does the work quickly and
iDorouiuiy." unarles rrevost, Plans-
burg, M
4. C AYEI CO, lewsll. Mast,
$1,(00. Its incorporator are: Edward
Renard, O. H. Reoard, John Fottrsm and
Robert Lynn.
Home Statistics aad Observations oa
Arable Lao aad Its
LEXINGTON, Neb., July 29. To the
Editor of The Bee: I have no Intention of
entering Into the merits of the controversy
regarding the taxation of corporations, still
less of undertaking anything in the way
of a defense of the corporations, but I de
sire to take exceptions to a statement In
your editorial, "Does Distribution Dis
tribute." In The Bee of July 28.
In that article occurs the following par
agraph, "Dawson county Is In tho semi
arid region, sparsely settled, and devoted
chiefly to cattle raising."
Dawson county has an arable area of 980
square miles, or 627,200 acres. The Platte
valley extends diagonally through the
county, ranging from eight to eighteen
miles In width and contains, with Wood
River and some smaller valleys, approxi
mately 4.r,0,OO0 acres. The balance is pasture
land. It Is possible that we are entitled
to be located in the semi -arid belt, but with
198,000 acres of our valley lands under Ir
rigation I defy a comparison of results
with a like territory In the humid regions.
The assessor's returns for the present year
show 66,000 acres of wheat, mostly winter.
Threshing Is well under way and the re
sults obtained range from forty to fifty
seven bushels per acre. Putting the aver
age at thirty bushels per acre, which Is
very conservative, the yield will be 2,030,000
bushels, which la a half million bushels less
than elevator men estimate. Besides this
there are 46,000 acres of rye, $7,000 acres
of corn, 80,000 acres of alflalfa, .which pro
duces three and sometimes four crops per
season, and 15,000 acres of other crops. All
these crops are In first class condition, with
absolutely no loss by reason of heavy rains,
and It Is very conservative to estimate the
total value of $5,000,000. The value of farm
property In the county la $8,6000,000. The
value of horses and mules Is $416,260. The
value of cattle, bogs and sheep is ,$780,280.
These values are obtained by multiplying
the assessed values by ten, which I believe
I can prove to you, constitutes a conserva
tive and fair estimate.
The land Is assessed at from 75 cents to
$1 per acre for pasture land, and from $1.60
to $2 for farm land. Within the last year
there has been considerable farm land sold
In this county, and the average cash prices
paid on bona . fide sales has been close to
$25 per acre. The minimum price has been
$15 per acre, and the maximum $40 per acre,
while In several Instances offers have been
made and refused of $60 per acre. It Is a
notorious fact that irrigated lands and al
falfa lands have for the past five years
yielded an Income equivalent to a value of
from $60 to $100 per acre.
There are only 551 acres of unappropri
ated government land in the county and
these ccnslst entirely of small tracts along
the river, which are almost valueless by
reason of their size and shape and the
growth of brush and briar, by which they
are principally covered.
The census of 1900 gives us a population
of 12,214, being 12.6 per square mile. This
population has been Increased since that
time by fully 10 per cent and 90 per cent
of that total inhabit the valleys named.
making the population of those valleys
17.8 per square mile, which, as the whole
state of Nebraska has a population of only
18.5 per square mile, I submit that this
county cannot be called "sparsely popu
lated," especially as the state Includes the
cities of Omaha,' Lincoln and other large
places. In the county there are 109 school
houses, of the value of more than $100,000
and with an attendance , of 4,685 pupils,
taught by 137 teachers'. There are four
national banks and four state banks In
the county, with deposits aggregating more
than $1,000,000.
I do not suppose for an Instant that The
Bee Intended to disparage Dawson county,
but we aspire and are entitled, as I think
the foregoing will show, to a higher rank
than that of a "cow county," and, regard
lees of Intentions, the paragraph quoted
would convey the Impression to one who is
not familiar with the conditions that this
was a cattle country and nothing more.
In all my statements and estimates I be
lieve that I am well within the facts.
Necessarily, most of the figures I have
taken from the assessors' returns, and It
is a notorious fact that most of the county!
assessors are very lax In making returns
of those things, which they regard as be
ing a little outside of their regular duties.
I hope, in justice to our county and to
correct any false impressions that may
have been formed by reason of your former
statement, that you will consent to pub-
lit a this letter. Very respectfully yours.
Note by the Editor: There waa certainly
no Intention or disposition on the part of
The Bee to disparage Dawson county and
its rescources. The fact that nearly one
third of Its cultivated area Is' under Irri
gation fully justifies Its classification 1 In
the semi-arid region. The estimate of
actual value to assessed valuation made
by the writer Is doubtless from the point
of view of the real estate dealer, but the
official returns place the assessment of
Dawson county, property from 12ty to 15
per cent on personal property and at one
sixth on lands and town lots.
Birds of a. Feather.
LINCOLN, July 80. To the Editor of
The Bee: Frank Ransom and Dave Mer
cer were down In Lincoln together. They
were at the Elks' headquarters on the
night of the fight between Jeffertes and
Fltzslmmons. If Dave cannot be elected
it looks aa if Ourley and Dave are ready
to sell out the party by having Ransom
nominated on the democratic ticket, and,
if possible, elected.
It Is about time that the Omaha people
should consider the proposition of nomi
nating a republican. W. J. B., another
wolf in sheep's skin, Is In the deal, evi
dently, and wants a plaoe on the Are and
police board. Me, too. Ourley, wants a
job as United States district attorney, of
course. Tour friend, R. A. H.
Beaatlfal Harvest at Lcslaartoa.
LEXINGTON, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Oats are very heavy and will yield
from sixty to eighty bushels per acre,
The prospects for the best corn crop ever
grown here are assuring. Fall 'wheat Is
yielding from thirty to flfty-flve bushels
per acre. No spring wheat threshing has
been done yet. Two heavy crops of alfalfa
have been cut. with Cae prospects for two
more heavy crops. There Is a large num
ber of land salee being made, land rang
lng In price from $20 to $50 per acre.
laereaae Elevators Capacity.
THAYER, Neb., July 81. (Special.) F
P. Van Wickle, owner of eeveral ' ele
vators In York county, is building large
additions to each elevator.. Mr. Van
Wickle says that the crop In York county
will be the largest in the history of the
county and that he, as well as other ele
vator owners, are obliged to Increase
their elevator capacity so aa to be able
to handle the large crop.
Jamestown Coal Mlalaa; a Flaalo,
TREMONT, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Further developments at Jamestown
would lidicate that coal mining will not
be a pi 1 table venture at that point, owing
to the poor quality of the vein and its
limited width. It is largely mixed with
slate and slacks rapidly when expoaed. If
of a dill t rent auelltjr, U would undoubtedly
pay to mine. Experts who hare examined
the locality are confident that coal ex
lata there, but at considerable depth, and
of a better quality than that found.
Rala aad Hall at West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb.. July 81. (Special.)
After a day of the most Intense heat,
during which the thermometer exceeded
the 100 mark, a violent hall and rainstorm
occurred In this section. The damage from
hall Is only slight. It being mostly apparent
In the fields of standing grain. All uncut
oats are down and much wheat. Corn Is
all right, the hail stopping just short of
the danger point. Harvest is about two-
thirds over, the great bulk of the small
grain crop of the county being practically
Two Injured Rear Silver Creek.
SILVER CREEK, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Joseph Tallon, a prominent young farmer
living seven miles west of this village, was
thrown from his wagon last night and se
verely Injured. The wheels passed over his
foot, breaking the bones, and he suffered
other contusions on the body.
John Wauke, residing near here, received
a fall yesterday while harvesting, which
tore one or two of his ribs loose and bruised
him up considerably. He Is resting as well
as could be expected.
Repabllcane Choose Warner.
BLOOM FIELD, Neb.. July 81. (Special
Telegram.) At the ' republican senatorial
convention for the Eighth senatorial dis
trict, composed of Knox, Cedar, Dixon,
Thurston and Dakota counties, held here
today Hon. William P. Warner of Dakota
City was nominated on the first ballot.
Mr. Warner Is a member of the state com
mittee and a strong man.
Beatrice Kmployes to Have Oatlng.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
The Dempster Mill Manufacturing company's
employes to the number of 400 will hold
their annual picnic on the Chautauqua
grounds Saturday. A dinner will be served
at noon, and the afternoon will be devoted
to field sports and outdoor amusements.
Bright Crop Situation at Boelos.
BOELUS, Neb.. July 81. (Special.) The
new flour mill here will be in running order
by September '15. Farmers that have
threshed their wheat report a yield of
thirty-five to forty-five bushels per acre.
Oats cutting is about done, with prospects
of the largest corn crop ever raised.
Teachers' Institute Well Attended.
WEST POINT. Neb., July 81. (Special.)
The Cuming County Teachers' jnstltute
la now In session, with able Instructors
and a phenomenal attendance of teacbors.
Great Interest Is being manifested In the
special branches taught at this term.
Over 100 teachers are in attendance.
to Beatrice Poor.
July .81. (Special.)
The Salvation army, assisted by the ladles
of the Red Cross, gave an outing to the
poor children of the city on the Chautauqua
grounds yesterday. Dinner was served and
the day was made as enjoyable as possible
for the little folks in attendance.
Mickey Walts Creto.
CUttTS. Neu., July 31. (opecial. J . ft.
Mickey was in Crete yesterday morning.
While in town he met nearly all the lead
ing republican politicians and all unite In
saying that he made a very favorable Im
pression here. He left for Friend on train
No. 6. '
Prepare for Old Settlers' Reunion.
BOELUS. Neb., July 8L (Special.) A
meeting was called last evening by the
business men of Boelus to arrange a pro
gram for the old settlers reunion nere
August 22 and 23. A large amount of money
has been appropriated for this event.
Beatrice Holdaps Fined.
BEATRICE, Nefb., July 81. (Special.)
Elmer Cain and Charles Pennington wore
fined $100 each today for attempting to hold
up Mrs. John Marlow, a prominent resident
of this city, last night.
Record Heat at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 81. (Special
Telegram.) Today has been the hottest of
the season. Zimmerman's government ther
mometer' registered 100 In the shade.
Will Superintend Baptist Missions.
HURON, S. D.. July 81. (Special.)
Thomas H. Hagen of this city has ac
cepted the position of superintendent of
Baptist Sunday school missions for North
and South Dakota and will enter upon his
duties September 1. He has been a resident
of Huron -for a number of years and has
been active In Sunday school work.
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
Another sten has been made in Omaha
toward the establishment of the home club
system for business women In the recent
Incorporation of a number of professional
nurses Into an organization to be known aa
the Nurses' club. For a number of years
there has been a want felt by the trained
nurses of the city, graduates of hospitals
or schools outside of Omaha, of headquart-
ers where they with other nurses like
themselves, not Identified with some of the
local hospitals, might come In touch with
each other, and where others desiring their
nrofessional services might find or com-
munlcate with them. . For some time a
sort of bureau was maintained by the
various downtown drug stores, where the
women themselves all lived at one of the
downtown family hotels. This did not al-
together suffice. There was the want of
that home atmosphere and quiet so es-
sentlal to real rest after the long vigil In
the sick room and It was finally decided to
furnish apartments and employ a house-
keeper. This plan worked admirably for
about a year, so successstuliy in isct, inai
the women concluded to organize a club
throuEh which the privileges they were
enjoying might be extended to others of
their profession, like themselves, from out
of the city. Accordingly on June 5 they
were Incorporated, their object, as stated,
being to furnish nurses to those desiring
them and maintain a club house for their
members and keep their profession up to
ths standard of graduates of the best schools
and hospitals In the country.
A big airy ten-room house at Ills Cass
street baa been leased for two years and Bible for her to work out among the wo
fitted up. Its furnishing, while by no men of the world. Mrs. Gatea is the daugh-
means elaborate, la most comfortable and
there is a homelike, cozy altogetherness
about the place that la wholly restful and
Inviting. The membership Is not limited
and the club's affairs are managed by a
board of trustees, thirteen in number. As
yet only breakfast and lunch are served
at the club, these being prepared on the
co-operative plan as the other household
details are managed. The women are en
thusiastic over their plan and confident of
its success.
The result of the recent' election of of
ficers by the Northeastern Federation of
Colored Women's clubs proved something
of a surprise in Its placing Miss Rebe-ca J.
Dunbar of Providence, R, I., at the bead of
tbat organization. Miss Dunbar secured
the presidency by just one vote over Mrs.
Dora Miller, whose re-election as president
was confidently expected. Miss Mary E.
Jackson of Providence re-elected (ea
Court Asked to Help Hen Who Sold Oats
They Did Ket Own.
lajaactloa Issaed Which tor the Tim
Protects Complainants Against
Any Attested Coraer la Oats
a Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. July 81. Judge Chytraus to
day modified the Injunction Issued yester
day restraining the Chicago Board of Trade
and the Board of Trade operators, James A.
Patten, Carrlngton, Patten Co., and
Bartlett, Frazler A Co. from conducting a
corner In July standard oats, by restrain
ing the defendants from asking the presi
dent of the Board of Trade to endose
down margins deposited by the complain
ants, Walte, Thornburn Co., to secure
65,000 bushels of short sales.
The court held session, however, before
the opening of the Board of Trade, in or
der that a decision might be reached be
fore business was begun. So Important,
however, did the court consider the prece
dent of the case, that a motion for a dis
solution of the temporary Injunction was
not considered and the case will come up
for further adjudication next week.
The effect of the action of the court Is
for the time to protect the complainants
against any alleged corner and Is con
strued as working against the bult clique
of operators on the board.
Argument was brought to bear by at
torneys tor the board and for the defend
ant operators that Inasmuch as both the
complainants and the defendants were
members of a tribunal that adjudicated
any controversies between Its members, the
Injunction should be dissolved on the
ground of want of jurisdiction. It was
argued that the complainants were pre
mature in asking for an Injunction against
a corner when no such corner was In effret
and when the Board of Trade rules spe
clflcally prohibited corners.
Rot Worth Price Asked.
The defendant members of the board of
trade in answer to the Injunction denied
the affirmation that July standard oats
were worth not In excess of 35 cents a
bushel and said they were worth more
than that price. They also denied any
conference among themselves or Joseph
Bldwcll, grain inspector, to corner July
oats or to forestall the market in that
commodity or to raise the price of July
oats. They denied that they had given a
fictitious value to the article and that
they had made any purchases for July de
livery since July 1.
It was set forth that the elevator ac
commodation and railway facilities of Chi
cago were such that would allow of deliv
ery of fifteen times the amount of oats
bought of Walte, Thornburg ft Co. by the
defendanta, and that frequently the de
fendants had bought ten times aa much as
their total purchases In this delivery.
Purchases of Ball Cllsjae.
Following are the purchases made In
July luIsiu vale ujr uie buii clique as
set forth In their affidavit: Bartlett,
Frazler ft Co., 800,000 bushels; Carrlngton,
Patten ft Co., 100,000 bushels; James A.
Patten, 860,000 bushels.'
Attorney J. H. Monroe, for the de
fendants. In addressing the court, made
sharp allusions to the complainants hav
ing been of a speculative turn of mind
and sold something they did not have and
which .they did not have the means of ob
taining for delivery. - He, said It looked
as if the complainants were trying to make
money by buying property at a less price
than that for which it had been aold.
Judge Chytraus, before , modifying the
order, told the attorneys' he' did not con
sider the Injunction restrained the de
fendants from bidding, buying or selling or
refusing to buy or sell July oats In the
pit or from any of their accustomed busi
ness operations, aside from those in con
nection with the complainants.
There was practically no effect from the
injunction In the business in the oats pit
today. The assurance by Judge Chytraus
that ordinary business could- be done by
the defendants and other members of the
Beard of Trade acted as a check against
any violent fluctuations. A notice was
posted on change interpreting the, .court
action as a dismissal of the Injunction
against the Board of Trade and stating
that all business could proceed aa usual,
save In the matter of closing out deals
with Thoburn. Walte ft Co. This matter
was considered In obeysnce.
July standard cats opened 1 cent higher
era! secretary and Mrs. Hannah Smith of
Boston retained as chairman of the ex-
ecutlvs board. After the report of Miss
Carter, chairman of the Northfleld (Mass.)
Retreat committee, for the establishment
of a rest cottage or retreat at that place
for members of the organization, a com-
mlttee was appointed to devise ways and
means for the Immediate establishment of
such an Institution. An address by Mrs.
Booker T. Washington was one cf the feat-
ures of the closing session. Another in-
tereatlng feature of the meeting was one
where an open parliament was conducted
on "The Relation of the School to the
Horns. The discussion was lead by the
most able speakers of the convention and
generally participated In by the delegates,
Mrs. May Wright Sewell, president of
the International Council of Women, has,
at the last moment, been obliged to give
up her trip to Copenhagen and delegated
Mrs. Busa Young Gates of Frovo, Utah, of
the National Council of Women, to act fori
ner in her official capacity as chairman or
the executive session of ths International
Council, to be held In Copenhagen this
month. Mrs. Gatea also represented Mrs.
Ida Husted Harper, press chairman, at the
same session. Mrs. Gatea is well known In
Omaha, where she has visited at different
times and to the women of Omaha she pays
the compliment that It was their courtesy.
kindness and delicacy la their reception
and presentation of her at the council held
here during the Transmlsslsslppl Exposl-
tton that encouraged her and made It pos-
ter of Brigham Young, which fact, she said,
bad almost made her a curiosity previous
to her appearance In Omaha In 1898.
There will be a meeting of the 'Women's
Christian association held In the parlors
of the Young Men's Christian association
at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning for the
transaction of special business. Owing to
the decision of the association to make ths
Old Ladles' home, which it is now conduct
ing, a home for men as well ss for women.
It will be necessary to amend the constitu
tion of the organisation and thla, with other
special business, will rail for the attend
ance of all members that are la the city.
The date fer the annual convention of
the Nebraska Women's Christian Temper-
ance union has beea set for September It
to 26 inclusive, the meeting to be held at
Beatrice. During tho summer and early
fall te principal efforts ef tae state or-
i and Mental
;rt?LyM " yjl U Jhr Vltfor eat the New
at 84 cents and sold at 65 cents. James
Patten sent brokers into the pit to sell
indiscriminately and about 100,000 bushels
were covered early by shorts. This tended
to weaken the price and "July dipped to
68 cents.' September oats opened a shade
up at 324 cents, but sold to 3131
cents before noon In sympathy with July.
Speculators on the board were all in
clined to comment unfavorably upon the
appeal to the courts. The big bulls said
if such a precedent were established there
would be nothing but short selling. If
prices went down deliveries would ba
made, but if the prices went against lha
sellers there would be nothing to prevent
them defaulting on their contracts.
Apparently intimidated by the possi
bilities of having to answer to the court
it fictitious prices were pumped Into July
oats, all speculators allowed , the mauipu
lated options In ail grades to die with a
flash In the pan. July oats were old
freely by the bulls and many of the shorts
covered, bringing a closing price lc up
at 64c. The famous July corn deal euded
In a slump of 3c and closed at 56c. July
wheat was delivered freely and prices
slumped sharply, losing at one time 6c.
The close was 6a down at 694c Other
deliveries were weaker, but not mark-
edly so.
ganlzatlon will be directed to the schools
of methods at the various assemblies that
are held. These schools are also called
Institutes and conferences and vary ac-
cording to the demands of the different
places. At ths Salem Chautauqua. August
9 to 17, Mrs. Annette Nesbitt of Pawnee
City will have charge; at Republican City,
July 26 to August 9. Mrs. Lake will super-
intend. Mrs. Dora V. Wheelock, president
of the State union, will be in charge of the
Institute te be' held st the Nebraska Ep-
worth assembly at Lincoln Park August
g to 14. Tne program promises to ds oi
unusual interest, Dean Fordyce, Mrs.
Harriet Montgomery of York, Mrs. Florence
Lake of Republican City, Prof. J. L.
O'Brien. Mra. M. M. Claflln of Ord, Mrs. C.
V. Blewett of Fremont and Rev. U. O.
Brown of Superior being among the speak
ers. Mr. and Mrs. Beverldge, so widely
known in connection with temperance
work, will sing and Mrs. Bess Q. Morrison
will give readings. A general Invitation
has been extended to all members to join
tbe Woman's Christian Temperance union
camp. The final meeting of the program
committee, for the atate convention, will
be held at the Lincoln Park meeting, when
all details will be completed.
Mrs. Mary Morton Kebew, president of
the Women's Educational and Industrial
union, also secretary of the Massachusetts
Civic league, is to be In charge of the
Woman's auxiliary of the American Park
and Outdoor Art association at Its annual
convention to be held at Boston la August.
"Will It. benefit 100 colored women to
have the right to belong to the white Fed
eration pf Clubs'" asks Octave Tbanet In
the Woman's Home Companion. "If they
admitted 1,000, how would that help
the colored race? They will not be ad
mltted in the south, where the vast ma
jority of negroes live. The proposition to
admit them will not increase the slowly
growing kindliness of disposition toward
them by southern whites; In fact. It will
do Its little best to smother such a feeling.
Certainly -the question will not tend to
Increase the harmony of the Federation
lfself. There may be great and lasting
benefits which will accrue to the negro
race, but they are problematic, if not hazy;
and why sensible and klnd-bearted women
should risk losing so much to win so little
can only be explained te our full satlafac-
Hon by the historic gentleman who bit 'off
bis nose in a sincere and earnest, but mis-
guided, effort to s;lt his face."
Gnstave Bchalta Ends Earthly Trou
bles by Taklagr Strychnine
at Aloys.
WEST POINT. Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Coroner Sammons . and Sheriff Kloke
were called to Aloya, a small village ten
miles west of this city, to hold an Inquest
over the body of Gustave Scbults, a black
smith of the village, who had committed
suicide by means of strychnin poison, an
undissolved portion of which wss found in
a glass at his bedside. The deceased was
a very Intemperate man, was uumarrlcd,
aged 62, , and came to Aloys from Pilger.
The Jury returned a verdict of deilh by
Cass County Institute ta Session.
WEEPING WATER, Neb., July 81. (Spe
cial.) The Cass County Teachers' Institute
la being held here and 'will continue two
weeks. This week's work Is mainly for new
teachers, and next week a full attendance
from over the county Is expected. At pres
ent but about ninety are registered. Su
perintendent W. C. Smith has prepared
strong program. The Instructors are:
Henry Houck, deputy state superintendent
of Pennslyvanta; dean, Charles Fordyce of
Lincoln; and Superintendent E. L. Rouse of
the Plattsmouth schools. Eventng lectures
will be given with the usual entertain
ments. Salt with Dosens of Defendants.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Three suits have been filed la district
court. The first la of special Interest, as it
has 105 defendants. The case is entitled
Franklin V. Hewitt against Almon R.
Hewitt and others, and the petition asks
for the division of a farm in Cass county
and two lota in Amber's addition to Omaha.
Arborvllle Postmaster Resigns.
ARBORVILLE, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
A. W. Shafer, postmaster of this place,
has resigned and sent In his resignation
to the department to take effect on Oc
tober 1. Already there is an application
for the postofflce at this place.
Beatrice Caaainst Plant Sold.
BEATRICE, Neb.. July 81. (Special.)
The Dempster Mill Manufacturing company
has purchased the Lang Canning company's
property adjoining the Dempster plant on
South Sixth Street,' the consideration being
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