10 TOE OMAIIA DAILT BEE; FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, ltK)3. I SHAIEUP IN ASPHALT WORLD iBuboi Psoplo Chanjo Offioen of the Omaha Grant Company. . MOVE ALLEGED TO BE IN LINE OF ECONOMY iCaJeea-e Hu tor Prestdeat aad OlaTer4l I. Howe of Onakt for g-aaerlatendent ( the Local Work. n At the annual meeting of the offlcera, dl rectors and stockholders of the Orant Par. ting company Wednesday some decided chn gee were made affecting the relatione of that concern with the Barber Asphalt company and la the directory and official board. Under the present arrangement each company will maintain a distinct identity, according to Mr. Nash, but the affairs of each will be under control of one set of of ficers and directors. The ehange waa made, ft la alleged, la the Interest of economy. 'All aalarios of offlcera were discontinued. IX R. Cox, aa employe of the Barber As phalt company at Chicago, waa elected pres ident la olace of Fred A. Nash. W. R, Mc- Leugblin takes the place of A. W. Bewail as View president, W. F. Miller succeeds A. C. rowers as secretary and treasurer and Clifford . I. Howe, formerly secretary- and treasurer of the Rochester Shoe company, becomes superintendent in place of John flrant. The directory will comprise Fred iA. Nash and John Grant. Powers Is out of It entirely and ia now "unattached." Barber Company Owns the Grant. "The Barber Asphalt company owna T6 per cent of the stock In the Orant Paving company." aald Mr. Nash, "but heretofore las entrusted the management of the Orant eoupany to Omaha men, who are the minor ,'lty stockholders. Heretofore both the Bar bar and the Orant company maintained a 'separate organisation here. As a result of 'the change which waa mads yesterday both 'companies will be managed by one set of i officers, though 'the two companlea will maintain separate identttlea. One suite of ' office room probably will serve for both (concerns." L D. R. Cox, the new president will retain i bis headquarters In Chicago, where he la 'employed by the Barber Asphalt company as a general utility man. W. R. , Mc Laughlin, the now vice president, has been ' employed aa auditor in the Barber ' com pany's offices here. John Orant, formerly t superintendent, will "continue to serve ss ! promoter and solicitor of the combined concern, though his salary of $200 per ! month has been lopped 'off and he will work hereafter on commission. Mr. Howe, the I new superintendent, is comparatively new 'at. the asphalt business, having worked at It less than two months, which time be iput In aa a clerk In tha Barber offices. ' CkllcrresiX.t)ce ft. "Vy little boy took tha croup ona Bight." taya F. D. Reynolds of Mansfield. O., "and frew so bad you could hear him breaths all i aver the house. I thought he would die, but a tew aoses vi Ouw miuule Cvuiu Cuiw a- lleved and sent him to aleep, Tbat'a the last ws heard of tha croup." Oas Minute ' Cough Curs la absolutely safe and acts at nee. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, t asthma and bronchitis. SALE OF SANTE1 SIOUX LAND LBaaritars Seekta to Irnre Options em Bold lass Prior to Data of Bale. r Captain J. B. Toung of tha Santas In- LlfcUaa reservation Is In tha olty to appear polar iue united States commissioner la (a case. Tha captain holds tha position lot chief of tha Indian police and Justice of I ana peace ror tns inatan country. I "I can, aes 'little change on the reser j vat Ion," he said, "since the agency was abolished. .The superintendent of achoola jacts aa agent and all business is trana acted aa though he were agent. The In dians are' preparing for tha sale of their (land, which , will begin as soon aa the blank deeds arrive from Washington. One of the provisions of. the regulations is I that no' deed shall be used which does not come from tha department, but the supar llntendent, becoming disgusted with the 'delay, secured a blank form and la hav ing some printed at a local ' office. It will be Interesting to learn whether these deeds are recognised by the department. , "The land which la offered for aale will vary In price from $26 to IS per acre. Tha ' latter price will be exorbitant for I soma of the rough land along the. brakes 'of the Missouri river, but it will prob ably go for that, as the' Indiana do not 'seem to be aa anxious to sell aa othera are to buy. A' couple of bankers In the neighborhood are trying to get control of I large traots of the land and are trying - to i make contracts to purchase before the i deeds arrlvs from Washington, i From what I can learn, they are not meeting with much success." - SHIELDS ' INSTEAD OF STARS tkssi la Badge of Ofllce for the i Oaaaaa Pollea Will Boom ,7 Bo Adopted.' i- The new badges adopted by the Board of fetre and Police commissioners, to be worn Ifcy the Omaha pollea department, are being 'prepared and will be turned over to the offloare. It Is thought, by September IS. Ho pay for these badges the patrolmen will aeposlt $3.25 and the captalna and sergeants 1.75 each, this money to be returned 'to jthe depositor when he leavea the force and tturns his badge over to the city. Should he desire to ksep It, his deposit Is forfeited, IThe patrolmen's badge is of German silver. in the center la the coat-of-arms of Ne braska.- over whleh Is an eagle. Encircling the coat-of-arms is the Inscription, "Omaha iMetropolttaa Police." Underneath la the number, of the officer. The sergeant's badge, has the eagie made of rolled gold and Inetead. of the number ia the word, "Ser geant"i That to be worn by the captain Is ef gold plate. The chief's will be about the pame as the captain's. I Tha badges are to be made in the shape tef shield and will bo about two and a keif Inches long aad two Inches across. HUNTS FOR A STOLEN HORSE Jew Maa Believes Gypsy Baad , . Lifted His Valaablo ." . . gtecd. ' ' a A horse belonging to W. J. Kleef ef Carnar, Pottawattamie county, la., waa atolen from a pasture near Council Bluffs Wednesday night, It Is thought, by a band of gypsies, who were camped near the pas ture. Mr. Kleef was la Omaha 'yesterday morning aad gave a description of the horse aad the campers to the police. It is be lieved they are beaded toward Omaha. Mr. Kleef valued his horse at $115 aad purchased It a week' ago. He tracked tha campers past his house for a distance of half a mile aad aaw where, they had turned around and went back tha way they started. He wrat from here to South Omaha to notify the pollea there. ' What Fallovre tirlef Pjeumonla oftea, but never when Dr. Sing's New Discovery far Consumption Is t, it cures ceios sag gripe. oc, L ROM OMAHA TO PITTSBURG Ws O vra Una Rssslsg . Direct. A continuous track of Its , awn from Omaha to Pittsburg, Pa., will be In opera tion by the Wabash by the first of 1901. Word has Just been received by the local Wabash office directly from President Ram sey, who hsa recently returned from a trip over the eastern end of the line, that the extension Into Pittsburg is being rushed, the construction work will be completed on time, January 1, and the road ba thrown open to transportation. The recent acquisition by the Wsbash of the Wheeling 6 Lake trie, beginning at the Wabash's old Lake Eels termlnous and extending to Jewett, O., takes tha Wabash within sixty-one miles of the Smoky City, and the remainder of tha way Is being built as rapidly as possible. Soma of tbs ties and rails are already laid. Owing to the fact that tha company la building two large and complicated bridges, one over the.phlo, and the Other over the Monongabela rlvera, aa means -of com pleting Its Una Into Pittsburg, President Ramsey considers It quite remarkable to be able to announos that tha entire con struction work will ba finished on time. This he says, la assured, however, a fact over which is la personally elated. Some remarkable architecture and bJ'IA- 1 Ing Is Involved In this pair "of bridges. The one spanning tha Monongabela river will contain tha longest single span in the world, 821 feet. The Ohio river bridge Is being built from the respective? sides of the river, tha completion to bo at the mid dle Junction of the two extensions. "When we have ouf own lino running continuously from Omaha to Pittsburg It will then be Only a question of time until it Is extended to the Atlantlo seaboard," ssys a Wabash man. "This marka the beginning of the fight between the Pennsylvania and the Goulds. The former haa held what it considered a aort of prior claim to that territory and. haa maintained a rather defiant attitude, which finally be came too irritating to tha Qould faction, hence the aggressive action of the latter." hoc u island Retrenchment. In connection with Its general plan of reorganization tha Rock Island la aald to have launched a general retrenchment pol icy. Evidences of economy are becoming apparent in this section of tha country, wnere tha read l reducing Its oneratlns expenses By cutting down or abolishing sec. tlon crews, doing away , with facilities In awltch yards and Increasing tha tonnage of freight train!. At Lincoln a awltch en gine that haa long ben fn use has been taken off and passing trains have to do Ita work. At Falrbury the section crew la to ba let out, K la understood. All these retrenchments are said to be In line with, tha Orders sent out from head quartera to reduce operating expenses wherever possible In order to awell the earning report aoon to ba made. It la still tha general belief among local railroad men that the Rock Island's prima motive la to get hold of tha 'Frisco for a coast extension and tha pre reports stat Inr that the nomnanv has filed new articles of Incorporation, doubling ita capital stock, confirm this belief. - It ia urged by men hero who are watching the developmenta that tha Rock Island muat acquire tha 'Frisco or an other coast extension in order to sustain Ita avowed polloy sf aggreseion upon which It set out wKh such determination. BICKBTTS RE-ENGAGED. At Coartlaad Btath Tata Weals aad All of Heat Week. The Btckett family, now giving afternoon and evening performances at Courtland Beach, having proved auch a big drawing card. Manager Griffiths haa re-engaged them for all of next week. Thla announcement will be appreciated by all who have aeen tha Blcketts tha past week, aa their ahows are of that high order that bear witnessing several times without becoming tiresome in the least. And to those who have missed these dally . performances, the an nouncement will also be gratifying, as they have heard tha Blcketts' acts praised so highly and they will now have an oppor tunity to witness .the most refined and ar tistically aerial performances ever seen at a summer resort. The colored, quartet that has attracted auch large audiences at Courtland the past two weeks close their engagement Saturday night. CONNELL WAITSON THE COURT Will Hot Ad vise' Pollea Board Until Ho Gats Records from 8a prema Coart. A flurry ef Interest waa created In tha city hall yesterday morning by the fact that Mayor Moores, J. J. O'Connor and City At torney Connell were closeted together for some time in the office of the latter, and tha auppositlon waa that O'Connor's right to a position on the Board of Fire and Po lice commissioners was under discussion. This, however, tha parties to the conference denied. The meeting waa entirely accidental," aald Mr. Connell. "O'Connor dropped in to sea about an appeal In a case against the city In which he is Interested. In regard to this Fire and Police board matter, I would Ilka to modify tha statement I made yesterday. I want to say that until I get tha recorda from the supreme court, which I expect In a day or so, I'll not bs prepared to announce my position in regard to the legal right of the present board' to hold office, or to advise its members regarding the course tbey should pursue In the event the governor's appolnteea demand posses slon of the offices. I am, however, certain that points which are not only material, but absolutely controlling, havs been wholly Ignored or overlooked in the Savage mandamus case, in connection with which the court haa Just decided that It Is tha duty of tha governer to appoint tha board." . Ia a Class Alt Alone. No ether pills on earth can equal Dr. King's New Life Pills for stomach, liver and kldneya. No cure, no pay. 2oe. Ever Popalar Maaawa. Lake Manaws continues to lonniM la popularity with the Omahana. Tha delight fully refreshing car ride, tha hntifnl shady grove, elegant music of Covalt' band, electric launch or steamer rides o the lake to Manhattan beach.- the fine bathlns and the music at the kuraaal. hslp to make Maoawa tha moot enjoyable ana popular resort it is. Next week the colored quartet of the Oeoraia Serenaders will give afternoon and evening concerta at tha Kursaal. Taa Art Invited To attend the great annual Grocers' aad Butchers' union Picnic ' .At Missouri Valley Park. Special trains from Union Depot Via "The Northwestern Line," Thursday, Aug. Tth. I a. m. Dancing, Mustc. Gamss, Racss. All kinds of Amusement. Perfect order. "Every store closed on that day." Tickets at all Groceries and Butcher shops Or at Deaou DIED. 8RBRTNQ William W.. ared CI rears. Funeral from 4J7 Hamilton street Friday at I p. m. Old soldier Invited to at lend. Burlington Ue.) papers plea coyy. PUTS BAN ON DEVIL WAGONS Park Board Exclndei Aitomobilei from Parka aad Botdivardi. DONE IN INTEREST OF HORSE DRIVERS President Evans Takes Initiative aad Explains Reasons for Dis criminating Aaolnst tha Motor Vehicles. Automobiles must stay off tha boule vards and keep out . of the parks. The Board of Park Commissioners has so de creed. The new rule 'Went Into effect yester day, and the police department has re ceived Instructions to enforce It. The res son Is that the Omaha horse la not edu cated up to an acceptance of the automo bile as a fixed institution and until auch education has been acquired the chauf feur must keep to thoroughfares dedi cated to common traffic and to the "dirt" roads. "Take the boulevard between Hanscom and Rlvsrvlew parks," aald J. H. Evana, president of the board. "The driveway is very narrow and fills and cute are frequent. 8uppose an automobile should come thun dering along that stretch of read, at a thirty-mile clip and should meet yon or overtake you while you were driving a spirited horse it would be almost certain to result in an accident, as there Is barely room enough to turn out even under the' most favorable circumstances. The same a true In a general way of tha driveways In the parka. Tbey are all narrow and in places precipitous and it Is impracticable to permit them to be used In common by both automoblllst and drlvera of horse power vehicles. It may be that, in course of time, when motor cara become more common and horses in consequence become accustomed to 'them, this .ule can be abrogated. This board has no desire to be' severe with the chauffeurs, I am aura, but It feela that it must take this step for the safety of the majority of the public. "Another reason we had for excluding automobiles from parks and boulevards was that the average chauffeur is too ambi tious to break speed records. He declines to Conform to the speed ordinances of tha olty, but goes tearing along over tha streeta at -a terrific rate, seemingly forget ful that pedestrians or people In more con ventional vehicles have rights which they ought to observe." The rule was passed by a vote of three to two, as follows: Aye Evans, Linlnger, Craig 3. Nays Cornish, Oonden 2. The police department was requested to detail officers to prevent swimming and bathing In the lake at Riverview park, a custom which is said to be very prevalent this summer. The park board haa not a sufficient number of employes at Riverview to enforce the rule against thla abuse of park privileges. A contract was let to Taney 4 Redman to concrete the surface of tha north bridge at Miller park. LAKE OKOBOJ1. On tha Mllwsskte Railway. For a short or a lonar vacation thla Wn. tlful lake offers the most economical yet delightful outing that Is available for Omaha people. Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwaukee railway, altitude .1. most 1,000 feet, sir always cool and In vigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lake with high shores, . picturesquely timbered with hardwood tree Kxnjillan flaking boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but gooa noteis. vnia is a list of advantages noi to do equaiea. run information cheer fully furnished at the Milwaukee Rallwav City Office, 1604 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Oeneral Western Agent Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. At Courtland. The attendance at Courtland beach nn. tlnues to increase each day, the after noon .performances of the Blckntt f.mit having unusual large and appreciative au diences. The balloon ascension yesterday was the first seen for some time th aeronaut performing some remarkably clever acis aunng me ascension. WAUIe the num ber of bathers has been large during the morning ana eariy afternoon hours, the evening bathing seema to have besom mm- popular than it was a week ago. Shows No Trace of Illness. PHILADELPHIA. Julv 81 rh.ri.. u Schwab, presidsnt of the United 8tates Steel corporation, passed thrnno-h m. today on his way from Atlantlo City to Pittsburg. He traveled In his private car and ahowed no trace of his recent lndlspost- 11UU. . OML BCTOBIi . August 2 to 10, Return limit October 30. Ask about Utah and 1502 lite CONFER ON BIQ HORN BASIN eaatar Dietrich aad Colaael Cody Talk Over Proposed Leajlslatloa. fienstor Dietrich left for Lincoln yesterday afternoon after spending a couple of days In Omaha. Yesterday morning ha and Colonel W. F. Cody had a, conference regarding affairs relative to the development of north western Wyoming, where both of them ara heavily Interested In land. "The conference waa not pre-arranged." aald the aenator. "Ws met and. being In terested In the same part of the country to a certain extent, we naturally talked about those matters. There la consider able discussion now about Increasing the slxe of the Yellowstone park, hy taking In pari or me western side of the Big Horn basin. It has also been proposed to place the ssme lend In the forest reserve. Many of the persons who oppose placing tha land in the park favor placing It under the operation of the forest reserve law. If It la placed in the Dark It will ba lmooa. slble for cattlemen to run their stock upon. me isno, wbilo if It be placed In the toreat reserve the cattle can atlll be grased over the land. T know the country well, having hunted over It many' times. Mr. Codr agreed with me In tha contention that there are few If any natural characteristics wnich would warrant placing the land within the limits of the parks, but neither of ns expressed any decided preference for either plan. ' "I have been ao busy with the Irrigation bill which was passed by tbe last con gress that I have had no opportunity to give the reservation extension the thought which It requires. I was especially pleased to have the aenatora and repre sentatives come together upon the provl aion for federal control and management under state Jaws, as I first proposed that plan at the Omaha conference held last year. I expect at the next session of con gress to carry out another Idea auggested by me at that conference, and that Is the employment of federal and state prisoners upon the construction of Irrigation works. I did not want to Incorporate It In tbe present law, ss w wanted that relieved from aa much of the detail aa possible, but as under the terms of that law, the aettler upon the reclaimed land la to re fund to the government the cost of the Irrigation system, it Is to the Interest of the public that that coat be as low aa possible. We can employ the federal pris oners at leas expense than wa can . hire labor, and tbe army of the country can be well employed In guarding them. We could thus do work on Indian reservations where tha government can never be re imbursed for its expenditure, and In the atatea w can undertake Improvements far larger in scope than it we have to employ free labor." i A WELL KNOWN ALBANT MAN Recommends Chamberlala's Colic, ' Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy About eighteen months ago Mr. W. 8. Manning of Albany, N. Y.. widely known In trade circles ss ths representative of the Albany Chemical Co.,. was suffering from a protracted aiiaca, ,ui uiartuuea. "I trlii Chamberlala's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," ha says, "and obtained immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend this medi cine to those similarly afflicted.". ORDER CITY TO PAY JUDGMENT Adolph Metssrer ,flete Maadamae, hat la Blocked, hy Appeal to . Snpretne Coart. Judge Read yeste'rdai granted a writ of rriandamus according to which the olty council la directed" to -pay to Alphonse Metzger $800 out ef the Judgment fund to pay for a atrip, qt land on Twentieth street near Ames avenue,, taken by the city sev eral years ago to widen Twentieth street. The writ will not' be effective at once, however, alnca City Attorney Connell haa taken an appeal to ' the aupreme court. After the land waa taken by tha city a apeclal fund waa created and tbe city council insisted that It should be paid for out of thla fund. There waa no money paid Into this fund, however,, owing to a controversy over special , assessments, whereupon Metiger insisted that tha Judgment which he held by assignment from the Fannie Croft heirs should be paid from tbs Judg ment fund, -a contention which Judge Read sustained. It is likely that by the time the supreme court haa ruled on tha case, aald Mr. -Connell, that there will bs money enough In the special fund to pay It. Notice Sixth Ward Republicans. There will be ths snnual meeting of. tha Sixth Ward Republican club Friday even ing, August' 1, at Peteraon'a hall, X4th and Burdette streets, at S o'clock. Election of officers. E. O. SOLOMON. President. W. B. TEN ETCK. Secretary. our low rates to Colorado. the Black Hills. Tickets i F1RH1U STREET. SEN3V1ILLARD CO J31tta'CAJU.T.OL. AVJG For noxt 10 days wa will aell a selected line of run abouts, buggies and s'jrrtes at FACTORY COST. We do thla to inske way for fsll work and de crease overstock laeld by factories. The vehicles selected will number about 100, and will be new work. shipped to us thla summer. iV FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY Today we offer soms of ths most remarkable bargains la short lengths of our own accumulation, also mill ends and remnants of all elsasea of merchandise at one-tenth of their regular price. $2.00 Imported Dress Goods at 35c a remnant We have bought from the custom dress goods, all nearly a yard long. 4, B and pieces to matoh. double width materials, enough for chlld'a dress, ladles' waists and many other useful arti cles. In cloths, henrlettas, aergea, cashmeres, and silk and wool novelties. In all anadee of red, blue, brown, erems and black, materials that range In pries from $100 to $1.00 a yard, on aale on bargain square at, per remnant Extra Special Silk Remnant Sate. A new lot of Silk Remnanta of -rard, H-yard. K-jrard, H-yard. etc.. In taffetas, gros grains, brocades, In all ahades of the rainbow, go at c. So and 10c for an entire remnant. , Silk Mousseltne-de-Solej' goods' that have been sellla(ln full pieces for BOc and 7Bo a yard. In plain colore, aatln stripes, polka dots, etc, stc., In lengths from S to S yards, many plecea to match, all go at 16o per rard. Some extraordinary special bargains in cot ton good, remn.ntg on sale today for tho first time. Other remnnnu of num roar good. mu,t bo cleaned out today regard less b( cost or value. ' B One big table of all the fine Dimities, iawna. Batistes, etc. We have been closing them out for g i aome time at 15c, go to- 1 f aay at, a yard. '2' Ona big table of Drapery Denim, cretonne. Ticking, etc, ' worth up to 40o a yard, go at 8lc One big' table of Scotch Gingham Remnanta. regular ISo kind, go at a yard 61c . Ona big table of fine soft Long Cloths, Nainsooks and Cambrics, 1 worth up to 15o a yard,. w f ' go at V2V Ona big table of Unbleached Muslins of different grades, worth " 1 up to 7V4o a yard, aoC v . , a . . . . . a . . . . . . . . a. One big table of remnanta of 5c l-lnch wide Percales, worth 15c a yard, go at. . Cutting Prices on Getting ready t remodel Sale all sizes. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Boston Store BUSINESS STIMULATORS BJ3B WJINT ADS SUs K OMAHA Oae of the beet equipped ef the Keetay sywtem of tnstttutee. Ok, PPI pw ao'y Keetey IssUtuts In Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cures a a al I Dmg Users. Booklet tree. Address all letters to TM 8. lata, INSTITUTE Homo Treatment for Tobacco Habit, cost S3 (Isaac . TJaeest Authority ef the Railroads of Nebraska.) Statement of the Assessed Valuation of LANCASTER COUNTY IN 1893 & 1900 Compared With the Census Figures of 1900, and Amount of Taxes Paid by tho Railroads to that County. ftetamed Assesses, Talae ta ses.' Retaraed Assessed Valae tar 1SOO. r Value. Per Unit, TJnita. Value.' Per Vol. $14,471 Aerea Improved Land ; 11,(64,194 1.91 S67,$4f 1.6,S0 4.2 . ISMtO Acrea Unimproved Land 1.630 I.M 122,097 426,tS S.4I - ' City lots, Improved ft Unimproved 5,4(4,161 .... 4,481,965 .... , 19,494 Horses 217,222 11.14 16,402 9,27S 5.S6 - . $2,761 Cattle 1(1.957 4.94 44,257 147495 t.4( 41.171 Hoga 41.(60 1.04 $$,376 11.U0 .96 Agricultural Implements (1,(19 .... I(,5S5 .... ' Railroad and Telegraph 1,254.711 .... 1,216,191 .... All other property , 1,080.194 .... i 1,142,411 .... Total .'...110.821,744 ! ,' $9,270,881 "' ; . - In 1900 the census reports ths value Farm Lands Farm Implements and machinery Live stock (farms).... Live atock (city) Value of products not fed to live stook Percentage ot land values returned per can sua Percentage of Implements and machinery valuea returned per Percentage of live atock valuea returned per eenaua i - - Ona wonld auppoae from criticisms mads hy some parties that the railroads County. Wa give a statement of taxes paid In 1900 by ths different 'railroads In . . .( ra.t And la coajunelloa with these figures ws call attention to tha fact that In that year tha railroads paid 151,170.41 taxes In Douglas County. In Lancaster County thsre are eleven banking institutions with capital and surplus amounting ta 1 700,720 and de posits amounting to (4,116,990, which la an Index of tha general proaperlty. Jtetemasti ot . Valuation of aundry School Districts In Lancaster County, a hewing the amount of taxes paid by tha B. A M. road, la comparlsoa with other property: Number Total Assessed, B. A M. R. R. Per cent R. R. District Valuation. Valuation. Pays total taies. 40 $87,465 $17,145 47 (9 (0,105 18,006 41 t (2.190 15,(20 42 22 66,766 29.715 , '61 49..... 46.600 11,760 TO 61 T5490 (1.495 44 tt 10,146 10,(11 61 (9 (1.(10 11.1(0 (1 70........... 47,780 19,400 , 41 ' 76 , 29,620 15.120 10 184 22.600 - 10.920 47 114 11.040 11.000 (4 Average Tax Per Mile in Seven Contiguous States $163.69. Tax Paid by Railroads Per Mile in Missouri $174.90. Tax Paid by Railroads Per Mile in Lancaster County $232.10. rnr? ii house another lot of Imported hlah class uvr vu4o sag an a 35c Remnanta of Silk hy the yard. In lengtha from I to t yards, in taf fetas, China, groa grains and brocades, many beautiful waist lengths In this lot, go at 15c, S9o and Mo a yard." Laces at 8c yard From our Immense lace aale of tbe past week many remnanta havs ac cumulated; they are In all widths and all klnda of laoe. adapted for muslin underwear trimming, dress trimming, nsckwear, etc, all go at Bo a yard. One big table of Fancy and Plain White Goods, lacs lawna and corded effects, worth 10c up to 245c a yard, go at, Oas big table of Heavy Black and White Twilled Shirtings. g worth IBc a yard. (VfJ '2' m aa . . . . a . a . . . . , . . . , , a , "AH the balance of our Covert Cloth, worth UH a yard, go at 5c One big table of gray, blue and whits standard prints, worth i JJc All tha balance of tha Cambric Lin '1 U Wilt' lie ing Remnanta, worth Bo a yard, go at...... All the balance of our 7Ho and 10c plain and colored lawna, go at a yard Shoes Deep today the entire shoe department. XlJ Zf 14, 11 VS. A a ef farm property as follows In Lancaster County: Acres. Value Farma. 614,419 117.441.020 M .... - ... Burlington A Missouri Rlvsr Railroad v Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railroad Union Pacific Railroad.;.... i Missouri Faclno Railroad.... Fremont, Elkhora A Missouri Valley Railroad PART E. H N. E. N. H 8. W. W. tt 8. W. and W. H N. W. N 4 e e e eeeeee 8. E. N. W. and "N. E. A 8. W. tt.. N. W. tt N. B. tt-. W. tt N. W. tt-... . N. tt 8.. E. tt 8. E. tt 8. W. tt.. N. 4mi eeeeee 8. B. tt 8. W. tt-. E. tt N. E. tt IT THE DISTINCTIVE FEMININE FOOTWEAR Mannish ahoea are all right (or men. Wa eary no men's shoes. Ths proper thing now for a lady's feat la of decidedly feminine appearance. No mors doubls deck extension edges or rope stitch soles for women folks. Tbs new shoes ara very dressy aad do away with that tired feeling as Well ss relieving ths lady of that sxtra load of aols leather. Tha price of Sorosls remalna tha same. $3.80 ALWAYS , 100 styles from the lightest turn sole to the proper street boot. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St., OMAIIA. Karkaeh Blook. Catalogues Sent for ths asking Frank Wilcox. Manager. 3 Bee Want Ads Sell on Their Merit No free gift la necessary to make them worth the price wa ask. Ths Bee has ths circulation "-that'a why. Got a Proscription ? Want It filled quick? If ao- telephone us No. 747 e. boy will call for it at once a REGISTERED PHARMACIST ONLT will All It (we have five (t of them for that purpose) a boy and a bicycle will bring It hack and the price you will be asked will decide the question as to where you should trade AND REMEMBER If you want the PRESCRIPTION BACK don't hesitate to ask for it IT'S YOURS and we are not afraid you will rake it somewhere else next time and make our price LOOK SILLY. $1.00 Bromo Seltser sTo $1.00 Peruna Mo tl.00 Ptnkham's Compound Ho $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure too $1.00 Kilmers swamp Moot s4o These are $1.00 goods mind you and only -one to a customer. $1.00 Temptation Tonlo (all you want).. lo $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .$3 $1.00 Her s Malt Whiskey Wa OPEN ALL. NIQHT. SOIIAEFER'S CUT FEiCE DKUS STORE TeX, T4T. S. W. Cer. letfe aua Cavlea . RKOtXJLR AS A CLOCK , Are tbs Ladles whe PEN-TAN-GOT DISKS. No aaetttalntr. Be worry, as sappnutea, avt aat ural, keaHhy functions, rssalarly aiaintatoea. A peelSo for ptlnfttl partes, sofa, karmlms, eeriala. Writ lor similar or ml 11.00 (or ONE BOX. roST PAID. Bold by Utermaa A MoCeaavii Dras Co., Cer. lath ana Doit Btreots, Omane, Nob. , . SEALSKIN JACKETS Why pay two profltaT-Buy goods of horns MAKERS and put the extra money In the choice of the skins. We have the choice of all the new aklna and are superior to local dealera. New style In. ' " - AIILABAIOH SOU at CO., 504 Karssck Black, Oat aha. Wok. t-T;V Val. Farm Bldgs. $2.T7(,060 281,665 tie.ns.oio . 114.070 'i,77o 1.6(441 10 8-10 per eeat census. 4 6-10 per cent I 1-10 per cent paid no taxes to speak , of Jn, .Laneaater that Countyi ....$!, Ml. 60 9,04.19 1.145.(9 (.990.02 1,169.60 $62,921.25 Bpectfle eases where ths assessment Is tan per eeat ar less of values paid for Landa la Lancaster County, Nebraska, sold during 1901. Range Assessed Valua tion 1901 1200.00 . $84.00 Section or CoBSld- or Lot Township Block eratioa 11 11 12 12 IS II II 11 II 11 II 11 12.000.00 I 11 10 11 f 11 10 11 I 11 T 1.000.00 10.000.00 0.000.00 1100.00 1.800.00 4.SO0.00 . 1,600.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 1.100.00 1.770.04 T20.00 110.00 184 H 141.01 18.00 185.00 110.00 110.00 140.00 tfO.00. V - 4i