Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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. Great Clearance Sale ot
All Wash Fabrics.
' Prices Take a Final Tumble.
In order to make a rapid and decisive clearance, every piece
. ha been ruthlessly cut. The bargain story is told in the fol
'lowing items:
Remnanta of 15c percale1 and gingham, 19c
palmetto batiste and lawn, alto 25e tissue.
, now 6c yard.
Remnants of every kind, all good lengths,
moat of them aold aa high aa 30c, now
t l-8c yard.
Remnanta of fine baatlstes. Scotch and
Irlih dlmttles, colored piquet, fancy
ahlrt walat and aultlng Oxford, mostly
dress pattern length, all at 10c yard.
Remnanta of fine embroidered tissue and
other high vtasa wash good a that aold
up to 40o and 45c yard, now 16c yard.
Remnants of mulls, crepe, St. Call awlsa
and silk roouasellne de sole, many ct
these aold at 11.00 yard, now 25c yard.
All our S5c lace-striped tissues for either
dresses or waists, now 15c yard.
All our COo linen shirt waist gingham, now
25c yard. .
All our 65o novelty mulls, all In linen col
ored grounds, now 35c yard.
All our 85c plain silk batiste, 48 Inches
wide, now 48a yard.
Shirt Waist Suits
At less than manufacturer's cost. The style and quality of the
suits, ' their freshness, daintiness and sseasonableness, would
make them interesting at our regular prices. Materials White
lawn, India linen, white linens, etc.
Shirt Waists.
The same low prices prevail on our entire stock of Shirt
Waists all made of this season's most' desirable materialss in
lawns, India linen, white linens, Madras, Oxfords, etc.
Kelley Stiger & Co.,
Corner Farnam and 15th Streets.
Judge of Illinois Tribunal Grants Injunc
tion to fnTtnt Oati Deal
Flrat Timet la History of Board of
Trade that Dealers Who Aro
Short Have Resorted
to the Coarta.
CHICAGO, July 80. The ban of tha courts
Das been placed on the corner In July oats.
On tha application of Walto. Thorburn It
Co., ono of the firms heavily short In the
July option, a temporary restraining order
was granted by. Judge Chytraua In the su
perior court,' prohibiting James A. Patten
and associates from continuing a corner la
new July oats and from bidding up the
price of tha cereal or 'calling for further
This Is the first time In the history of
, the Chicago Board of Trade that dealers
who are ahort have resorted to the courts
to assist them In a dilemma like the pres
ent and the Injunction came aa a decided
surprise, although drastic measure had
been threatened to prevent heavy loss. The
Injunction runs against Carrlngton, Patten
A Co., Pattse Broa. A Bartlett, Frailer ft
Co. Default on 8,000.000 bushels of short
sew July oata, lawsuits and action by the
Board of Trade are aeemlngly the Inevitable
results of the granting of the restraining
order. Cornered and unable to aecure new
July oats wherewith to meet their con
tracts, the dealers who aro short, appear to
have practically thrown up their hands.
"We have nothing left to do but to de
fault," said one of the. unfortunates to
day. "Thoae In control of the corner will
not sell, but tell us to go Into' the pit aud
buy. It we should do that the prices would
go up Into tha clouds. A dollar a bushel
could easily be exacted, as the receipts
of standard new oata will not fill our con
. tracts."
Statement of Caso.
Walta dV Thorburn, tho firm that re
created tha lujunotion, laaued tha follow
ing statement tonight In explanation of the
course they have taken:
For a year 01 two there has been a reg
ular enldemlc of manipulation and at
tempted corners In the market on the Chl
cun Hoard of Trade, which have Inflicted
Immense Injury on the legitimate grain In
terests of this city and In the country trlb
. utary to Chicago, Theae attempts to
aqueeae the trade have now become so ex
treme and unscrupulous that It has become
high time for some one to make a fight and
find out where -Ihe trade atands and
whether It Is to be for all time possible for
froupa of millionaires to turn upside town
he grain business of the country end In
flict heavy losses on the trade. We hava
decided to make a test and find out where
the trade stand a.
Frank P. Frailer of Bartlett, Frasler 41
Co. waa Inclined to treat lightly tha un
precedented court action. He aald:
There is an erroneous opinion current
that Mr. Patten and myself, who each has
a fair Una of July, have been bidding thi
market up with the intention of squeezing
the shorts. This Is not the case at all. The
shone In every Instance of high prlcea
hava themsel-'ea to blame for putting the
Jirlce up. We are simply waiting for the
I ell very of oata we have contracted for
and we expect their delivery. Recourse to
the cojrts to abrogate a bona fide contract
Of this kind Is unheard of. It Is Impossible
to forecast the effect of the Injunction.
Three million bushels la aald to be tha
shortage In July oats. The greateat part
of thla amount waa aold. It la said, to those
In control of tha market at between 33 and
85 cants, so that there la mora than 20
Hair -Vain?
Why not? A little vanity
is a good thing. Perhaps
you can't be hair-vain, yotir
hair is so thin, so short, so
gray. Then use Ayer's Hair
Vigor. It stops falling of
the hair, makes the hair
grow, and always restores
color to gray hair.
"I have used Ayer't Hair Vigor for
.over 40 years. 1 am now la my 6 1st
.year and have an abundance of soft
brown hair, which I attribute to the use
of your preparation." Mrs. Mary A.
Keith, Belleville, 111.
ll.M A3 ersui. J. C tra CO., LraaU. Mass.
Aa everyone knows, white will be worn very
lata thla fall, and ahlrt walatlnga of the
heavier aorta, all through the winter.
We have all kinds, and from a point of
desirability they'll be aa desirable next
season as now. It will certainly . pay
you to share In the stirring price econo
mies now offered.
All our SOc whit shirt walstlngs and fancy
lawns, dow 10c yard.
All our Sfic white Oxfords, madras and
lawns, now ll4e yard.
All our SOc white suitings and shirt walst
lngs, now 15c yard.
All our 40c white suitings and shirt walst
lngs. now 20c yard.
45c and 50c white suitings and ahlrt walat
InKd, now 25c yard.
In connection with this sale we
have re-marked all the remnanta cf
table linen, and amongst them can
be found all sixes, from the cheapest
to the best, at a great saving In price.
cents a bushel profit In the deal for those
on the long aide.
Instead of, the market collapsing aa a
result of the adoption of a 45-cent marginal
price yesterday by the Board of Trade dl
rectors, July oata advanced -8 cents today
and cloaed at 68 cents. Indications were
that the parties In control of the market
had become Indignant at the move of their
opponents and Intended making tha bears
settle all obligations in the pit.
Ststek-Rosera. '
HASTINGS, Neb., July 80. (Special.)
Miss Georgia Rogers of this city and J. I
Slstek of Ravenna were married at 8 o'clock
last night. Rev. Van Dyke Wight officiating.
The ceremony was performed at the homo
of the brlde'a mother, Mrs. Anna Rogers
The bride and groom have gone to Ravenna
to live. .
t- a ww iitii ;r '
PLATT8MOUTH, Neb., July 80. (Spe
clal.) George H. Park of Plattamouth and
Miss Addle E. Wiley of Murray were mar
ried at the home of C. M. Park, Rev. H.
B. Burgess performing the ceremony.
S. TPr. Craves
- Thla name nvist appear on every box of
the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tab
leta, the remedy that cures a eold In one
day. 26 centa.
Fair and Warmer Thureday aad Frl
day Fair la Promlao for
WASHINGTON. July 30. Forecast:
For Nebraska Fair and warmer Thurs
day; Friday fair.
Fcr Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday.
For North and South Dakota. Kansss
and Montana Fair Thursday and Friday,
For Missouri and Illinois Fair Thursday
and Friday; light, var'able winds.
Loral Record.
OMAHA. July 80. Official record of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
. 13. 1901. 190O.
Maximum temperature.... HZ (9 vr
Minimum temperature.... 72 67 Ct 62
Mean temperature 82 78 ,0
Precipitation T .17 .0) .00
Record or temperature and precipitation
at Omaha tor thla aay ana since March 1,
Normal temperature 7
Kxceas for the day
Total exctss since March 1 187
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Deficiency tor the day u inch
Total rainfall since Marcn 1....17.M inches
Deficiency since Marcn 1 1.27 inchra
Deficiency for cor. period 1901..., I. HI Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 11)00.... 3.31 Inches
Metivrta from atatluua at T a, at.
: a : n
: : B
Omaha, raining
86 .
, W
! .0)
B4 T
8-Si .01
&2I .00
n .00
04 1 .00
M, Mi
aienlire, clear
North PUtte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake City, clear
Rapid City, part cloudy...
Huron, clear
Will stun, clear
Chicago, clear i
6t. Louis, part cloudy
St. haul, cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansaa City. cUar
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Klsmarck, clear
Qalvtslun, clear
T Indicates trace of precipitation,
Aagaat Averages.
The following data for the month of
August, covering a period of thltty-one
years, have been compiled from the weather
bureau records at Omaha:
Temperature Mean or normal tempera
ture, 74 degrees; the warmest month was
that of lsttl, with an average of a) dgres;
the coldest month was that of VflX with
sn average of 70 degreea; tbe highest tem
perature was 105 degrees, on August 10,
IkU; th lowest temperature waa 44 de
grees, on August 80, lkfef.
Precipitation Average for the month,
8 29 Inches; sverage number of days with
.01 of an Inch or more, eight; the greatest
monthly precipitation wai 7 77 Inches, In
17S; the least monthlv precipitation was
.3 of an Inch, In UBi; thi greatest amount
of precipitation recorded In any tw.ity
four consecutive hours was 3 si lnchea, on
August 11 and 13. lxM.
Clouds and Weather Average number of
clear days, U; partly cloudy oays, 11, cloudy
days, L
Wind Tbe prevailing winds have been
from the south; th-5 h'sheet velocity of
tha wind waa M miles, from the nrrtheast,
August li, UBi. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forte at official.
E. W, Velion Cannot Direct Campaign and
Attend to Official Duties.
J. R. Ferris of Lincoln Cheeea Secre
tary of Eseeallve Catnaaltte aad
Klnser Thomas of Omaha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 80. (Special Telegram.)
At a meeting of tha populist executive
committee this afternoon Klon W. Nelson
of this city tendered his resignation as
chairman of tho atate committee and B.
R. B. Webber of Valparaiso was chosen
as his successor. Mr. Nelson - explained
that he waa compelled to take thla ac
tion In Justice to his work aa deputy clerk
of the supreme court, he having found
that while holding the latter position he
could not devote sufficient time and at
tention to the work of tha campaign. The
committee, was loth to accept the resigna
tion, but did so after learning that Mr.
Nelson's decision wss final. Mr. Webber
was secretary of tho state committee la
For secretary the executive committee
elected J. R. Farrls of this city. Elmer
Thomaa of Omaha waa elected treasurer.
W. H. Thompson and several of the fu
sion candidates attended the meeting.
larreaae la Poatal Business.
According to the quarterly report of Post
master Sixer there has been an enormous in
crease In the business of all departments
of tbe poetofflce In comparison with the cor
responding period of last year. His report.
showing totals, follows:
rw.n., 1901. 190i.
Postal I 86,840 W 8 41.296 74
Box rents
Increase, 84,487.69, or U per cent.
No. of pieces registered.. 4,018
3.K8 -v
1'ecreaee. 4.
Money order:
Fees 469.71
Increase. 173.7:
Amount of orders 469,027.66
No. ordera recorded 8,469
Increase, lutt, or per cent.
Special delivery:
No. deliveries made 1,969
increase, zui, or li per cent.
Keeping the machinery of the municipal
government moving for the last year cost
the rcund sum of f528.U2.24. Last year the
expenditure waa 1793,004.13, a difference of
These were the grand totala compiled ty
T. A. Carroll, government statistician, wno
has Just completed his labor and Bled the
tabulated reaulta with Beman C. Fox. tne
city treasurer.
Summer Session of tho Stato Associa
tion aa Interesting!
TECTJMSEH. Neb., July 30. (Special.)
Tha summer session of the Nebraska Hor
viuuUu.l society her. tortav.
The principal features were an address
by Hon. Silas Wilson, an officer of tho
Iowa Horticultural aoclety, on tne suoject
of "Birds," one by B. F. Stephens or crate
on "Organization for Marketing of Fruit."
and one by Prof. R. A. Emerson of Lincoln
on "Ridge against Hill Culture of Sweot
Potatoes." '
This afternoon the visitors were taken
for a rldo over the city and to nearby
Damage Cropa aad Blow Down Wlrea
at TeUamah, Leaving- Tons
la Darkness.
TKKAMAH, Neb., July 30. (Special Tel
egram.) A severe rain and windstorm
struck here at 5 o'clock p. m., the most de
structive here for many years to trees.
Corn Is badly Injured, the electric light
and telephone wires are badly broken with
fallen treea and the city Is In darkness
tonight. One and a half lnchea of rain fell
In twenty minutes. -
Fremont Conncll Stands Divided
FREMONT, Neb.. July SO. (Special.)
Ex-Councilman Brettenfeld'a ordinance for
bidding the aale of firecrackers, toy pis
tils, etc., which baa been pending before
the city council for several months and
been the cause of many heated argu
ments, waa laid on the table last night by
tho vote of Mayor Wilson, tbe council
standing four for and four against. The
advocates of a "quiet Fourth" do not pro
pose to let the matter drop and an or
dlnance lesa drastic In Its provisions w"
probably be Introduced later. The coul
cil transacted a large amount of routine
business and allowed the monthly bills.
Fillmore Medics Convene.
GENEVA, Neb., July 30. (Special.)
Tha Fillmore County Medical society met
In the parlor of the Jameaon hotel yes
terday. Dr. B. B. Moiee apoke on the
aubject of "Cancer" and Dr. B. B. Davis
of Omaha lectured on "Surgical Lea Ions
of the Abdomen." Two applicants were
admitted to the association. Dr. J. Blxby
of Geneva and Dr. C. F. Morsman of
Strang. Tha annual election of officers
resulted In Dr. C. Snowdon of Davenport
for president; Dr. L. C. Canine, Geneva,
vice president; Dr. Flora Barnett, Geneva,
aecretary and treaaurer. Adjournment waa
taken until October 26, 1902.
Ran Down ky Two Haaaeara.
TECUMSEH, Neb., July SO. (Special.)
Section Foreman Peter Davey of tbe Bur
lington waa eeverely Injured by being run
over by two handcars yesterday morning.
He had atarted with his gang weat of the
city, the men using two handcara. Mr.
Davey was seated on the front ot'the first
car which was thrown up by an obstruc
tion on tbe track, unseating the victim and
both cars passed over hta body. Hla flesh
was lacerated on hla back and sides, a acalp
wound waa Inflicted and ona of tbe bones
of hla left lower limb waa broken.
A Hear 4 Horeethlef Under Bonds.
AINSWORTH, Neb., July 30. (Special
Telegram.) J. T. Rea, a young man living
at Long Pine, waa arraigned before County
Judge Potter this afternoon, charged with
stealing horses from Senator F. M. Currla
of Custer county. He waa placed under
81.000 bonds to await the preliminary ex
amination which waa aet for Auguet 18.
The accused Is a son of Dick Rea. a former
ranchman of aoutheaatern Brown county.
Senator Currla believes be has sufficient
proof agalust the accused man to secure
conviction. ' ,
Rain aad Hall at Baaerort.
BANCROFT, Neb.. July 30. (Special Tel
egram.) A aevera thunder and hailstorm
visited this section of tho country this
afternoon, doing considerable damage to
crops. The hall waa tho largeat that has
fallen In recent yeara, the Eplacopal church
had all the window on the wast broken.
, May Attend Workmen Plenle.
SEWARD. Neb.. July 30.-(Special.) The
Workmen piealo held In Seward park yet
terday under tha auspices of the Lincoln
and Seward lodgea proved a great aueceaa.
The Burlington road brought up ten coach
loads of excursionists from Lincoln la the
Of Long Standing, Said to Be
Incurable, Completely
In Four Months by
Alderman Stubig Gratefully
Telia How This Wonderful
Medicine Cured Him of
i .....
Bright's Disease.
144 Roscoe boulevard, Chicago. Gentle,
men: About two years ago I had one foot
In the grave, as the saying gois, snd lite
looked pretty black to me; the doctors
cauea it tirmni
disease. I would
give all I had to
be cured, but
nothing seemed
to da me much
good until a
.neighbor recom
mended that I
try Warner" a
Safe Cure. It was
with but little
hope that I tried
' It. but within two
weeks my gen
eral health was
. Improved and In
four momhe I
was completely cured. T hardly dared to
believe that such good fortune was tnlne,
but I have not lost a meal nor had an
ache or pain alnce. Words seem but r"r
to express my gratitude. Yours truly, H.
M. STl'BIO (Alderman. I7th Ward). 1
WARNER'S SAFE CURE la purely vege
table and contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs; It 1oes not constipate; It Is now
mi. nn In tn M.tlll. atxpa and .Hi Sold tY
all drugglsta, or direct, at 60 CENTS AND A BOTTLH ... .
Refuse substitutes. There Is none Jut
aa good'' as Warner'a Safe Cure. It ia pre
scribed by all doctora and used in the leaa-
tng hospitals.
bowels gently and aid a speedy cure.
The manufaeturera so firmly be'love that
WARNER'S SAFE CURE will absolutely
and permanently cure any diseased condi
tion of tne moneys, liver, oiaoaer or niuou
that they will send postpild without
any cost to you, a large trial bottle, If you
III write Warner Bate tjure company,
Rochester. N. Y.. and mention having
seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Dally
Bee. The genuineness or tnis orror is
fully guaranteed. Write the medical de
partment for advice, medical booklet,
diagnosis and analyala, which will be tent
you free of charge.
morning and returned In the evening. Tbe
day was an Ideal one and everybody en
joyed themselves.
Taxldermle Display aad Lecture by
Hon. F. C. Frlta la Feataro
of Wednesday's Program.
TECUMSEH, Neb., July 30. (Special
Telegram.) The feature of the Tecumseh
Chautauqua today waa the taxldermlc dis
play made by Hon. F. O. Frits of Brown-
vllle and his lecture on, natural history-
Mr. Frlti exhibited several, hundred speci
mens, among them being a vulture which
he shot from the. wreck, of the battleship
Maine a few days went, down In
Havana harbor. .!.;. .
Rev. O. M. Gates of 8t,e!)a,,was to give
his experiences .In a trip , through Yellow
stone park, but be waa unable to .011 his
appointment. Vi . ?:'.. v
Singing, recitations and a' few remarks
by Superintendent .Whltmar occupied the
balance of time. , ' '
Tonight, after a band concert and choir
alngtng, Hon. -Thomas Darnell of Lincoln
delivered his famoua temperance lecture,
"The Curse of the Individual and of the
Hon. W. H. Thompson of Orand Island,
fusion candidate for governor, will be on
the grounds tomorrow.
To Posh Republican, Campaign.
HA8TINGS, Neb.. July 30. (Special.)
The Fifth district republican congressional
committee met In Hastings yesterday and
devoted an entire half day discussing the
plana for conducting lta campaign. Judgi
Norris, the republican nominee for congress,
waa present and addreased the meeting.
Ho also offered several good suggestions In
regard to tbe plan of the campaign and
they were adopted. Every county In tha
dlatrtct waa repreaented with the exception
of Hall. Much Interest was manifested
and all reports were most encouraging,
Plattamouth Man Mlsslag;.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 30. (Spe
cial.) Henry Peters, who came here from
Arlington May 1, and haa alnco run the
saloon In Fitzgerald block, has been miss
Ing since Monday morning. Hie wife
stated that when she awoke Monday morn
Ing he was gone, and ahe haa no Idea where
he Is. A representative of the Stqrs Brew
ing comrany came from Omaha and placed
William Hlcka, the bartender, la charge
of the buslneas.
Boy Injured Wblle Asleep.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., July 80. (Spe
clal.) While toaslng about In hla sleep last
night Claude, tha 14-year-old son of David
Allen thrust his leg through a window,
axverlng the artery of the right leg Just
above the ankle. Phyelclana were hur
riedly aummoned and managed to stop the
flow of blood. The boy Is very weak to
day, but It la believed that ha will sur
Swindler Operates la Falrburr.
FAIRBURT, Neb., July 80. (Special.) A
awtndler poalng as a saleman of Church &
Dwlght, New York aoda manufacturers.
opsrated here July 22. He worked through
out Kansas and unleaa soon apprehended,
probably will victimise many retail grocers
of Nebraska. His plan la to Induce mer
chants to Indorse bogus drafts whlce he
drawa on the New York firm.
Geaoral Superintendent -of Chicago
Barllugton A talaer Cites
Vp Esaetlaar Dutlea. -
CHICAGO. July 30. Mr. J. D. Besler, for
seventeen yeara general superintendent of
the Chicago, Burlington ft Qulncy rail
road, baa given up the exacting dutlea of
that . post tor a position on the staff of
the a ce prealdent. In hla new' position
Mr. Besler will have charge of tbe con
atruetlon work, which Js in progress over
a large portion of tha Burlington system
In connection with double-tracking and
grade revision.
Following tbe time-honored custom of
the Burlington, Mr. F. C. Rice, superln
tendont of the Illinois lines at Galesburg
haa been promoted to the general auper
Intendency and Mr. H. D. Judson. super
intendent of the Chicago division, haa been
promoted to be auperlntendent of tha Illi
nois lines. Mr. W. B. Throop has been
appointed superintendent of tha Chicago
division with headquarters at Aurora, and
Mr. R. M. Klmber haa been appointed su
perlnendent of the Galesburg division
with headquarters at Galesburg. The
chaogta take effect August L
ririt Day Out Wound Up Ij a Ball and
Reception at Het Spring.
Knlahte of Ak-ar-Ben Give a Warns
Welcomes Wherever They Ga oa
Janrney ta tho Blarst
HOT SPRINGS, S. D., July 80. (Special
Telegram.) The business men of this beau
tiful summer resort, together with the
guests of tha Evans, extended a cordial
reception to the Ak-Sar-Ben excursionists
of Omaha and South Omaha. The hotel
was decorated with green, red and yellow,
the Ak-Sar-Ren colors. In honor of tbe
occasion. An address of welcome waa de
livered by Colonel A. J. Kellar in behalf
of the city, which waa happily responded
to by Rev. Edward F. Trefx for the visitors.
The famous Twenty-second regimental band
of Fort Crook rendered an elaborate con
cert program and Frank Dunlop enter
tained the company with select readings.
The evening of pleasure wound up with a
ball tendered by the Evans hotel.
At Hay Springs the excursionists were
met by the leading business men with their
wives at tbe depot, where was exhibited
an elaborate display of the natural prod
ucts of Sheridan county.
At Chadron the excursionists were met
by the citizens with carriages and auto
mobiles and taken through the beautiful
little city of tbe foothills. After a short
stop at Buffalo Gap the excursionists pulled
out for Hot Springs, where the Omaha pil
grims arrived on time and after enjoying
the famous plunge baths of that resort
and a dinner at tbe Evana proceeded to tbe
festivities of the evening.
OORDON, Neb., July 30. (Special Tele
gram.) The Ak-Sar-Ben special with l.r3
hungry people on board arrived on time at
Long Pine and took breakfast with Rome
Miller at Alnsworth. The women of the
town presented each pilgrim with a beauti
ful bouquet.
Stops were msde at Johnstown, Valentine
and Gordon. The citizens of each town
turned out enmasse to greet the Omahansr
A more Jubilant party never left Omaha,
not a thing occurring to mar the pleasure
of the crowd.
The party will arrive. at Hot Springs to
night on- schedule time.
Jnat Half aa Many Hog-a Slaughtered
aa ia Corresponding; Week
Last Tear.
CINCINNATI. July 80. (Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: The
marketing of hogs has- been reduced to
small proportions. The total western pack
ing Is 255.000, compared with 305,000 the
preceding week and 610,000 last year.
Since March 1 tha total la 7,995,000, against
9,875,000 a year ago.
compare aa follows:
Prominent places
K96.000 1.015.001
Kansaa City
St. Joseph
St. Louis
770,000 1,575,0)0
Sioux City
St. Paul
Cedar Rapids
Detective Who Goes In Pursuit Also
Held Vp aad Revolver aad
Handcuffs Taken.
OGDEN, Utah, July 30. Three tramps
held up and robbed a passenger from the
Rio Grande Western train who had stepped
cut on the platform of the union station
here last night
A detective who went in pursuit of tho
robbere waa In turn held up and relieved
of his revolver, handcuffs and other para
phernalia." ' A potse headed by aeveral po
licemen took up the pursuit of the robbers,
They came up with them and In an exchange
of shots which followed Policeman Parr waa
severely wounded.
The robbers then fled toward the hills
rorth of the city. Bloodhounds from the
state penitentiary were put on the trail thla
Nebraaka Strrri Bring Blar Money la
Kaaaas City Stock
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 30. (SpeclaT
Telegram.) Another record for high priced
cattle waa made at the Kanaas City stock
yards this afternoon ehortly before X o'clock
Samuel Klmmel of Nebraaka received 3&.C0
per 100 pounds for twenty-nine steers, av
eraglng 1.448 pounds. Tbe price received
waa the highest ever paid on the Kansas
City market. The string consisted of Short
hern and Polled Angus 3-year-olds. The
cattle bad been fed since November on
full feed of shelled corn, oil meal and al
Stat of Washington Attorney Begins
m Suit Vnder tho Aati
Alien Law.
SPOKANE, Waah., July 30. County At
torney M. H. Jesup of Ferry county, acting
for the atate, haa started ault at Republic,
Wash., to confiscate all the property In this
atate of the Kettle Valley Hues, which run
from Grand, B. C, to Republic, on the
ground that a majority of stock Is held by
There are about forty miles of road In
Washington and, with equlpmenta, It Is
valued at $750,000.
New Explosive that Places Forelga
War Shlpa at tho Mercy of
American Mea-of-War.
WASHINGTON. July 30. A new Urns
fuae, , for use on armor-piercing shells
loaded with a recently discovered secret
explosive of great power, baa been Invented
by Navy department ordnance experts, and
will revolutionise foreign war ship build
ing. Teats of tbe explosive and fuaa hava
been made, and so long as the United States
government holds the secret foreign battle
ships either must double their steel walla
or be ae wooden frlgatea against tha new
General Croxler, chief of ordnance, la
quoted aa having said that a teat of the
new exploaive has been conducted with
eminent success at the Sandy Hook proving
grounda, that tha shell carried lta contents
through tho thickest armor, and that tbe
fuse jived long enough to hava exploded
on the Interior of a ahlp of war.
f he greatest penetration secured was that
of a shell fired from a twelve-inch gun. It
pierced a fourteen-lneh Krupp armor be
fore detonation. Tbe heaviest shield now
la use la said to be only twelve Inches.
"I Had the Headache Ctntin
ually Could Not Do My
Work Pe runa Cured."
Mrs. Esther M. Mllner, DeGralt,
Ohio, wrltea:
"I was n terrible sufferer from
female weakness and had the
headache continually. I waa
not able to do mjr housework for
my husband and myself. I wrote
you and described my condition
as near as possible. You recoai
mended Peruna. I took four bot
tics and was completely cured.
1 think Peruna a wouderful
medicine and have reco in as end
ed it to my friends with best re
sults." Mrs. E. M. Milner.
Mlsa Mamie Groth, Plattevllle, Wis.,
writes. "Accept a grateful girl's'
thanks for the wonderful help I have
received through the use of Peruna. Al
though I looked well and strong I have for
several yeara suffered with frequent back
ache and would for several daya have split
ting headaches. I did not wish to fill my
system with poisonous drugs, and ao when
aeveral of my frienda advised me to take
Peruna, I asked my physician what he
thought of it. He recommended it and ao
I took It and am entirely without pain of
any kind now." Miss Mamie Groth.
Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, baa had over fifty
sieet fir
Bring 50 Diamond "0" soap wrappers to the Dia
mond "C" Tremium Store, 304 South 16th street, and
exchange them for a certificate which entitles you to
a share of stock in the Auditorium Company. It also
gives you a chance to win a prize in the voting con
test capital prize in which is $5,000 in gold.
Certificates are IN ADDITION to the premiums
regularly given with . .
Premium Store
for the Laundry (live finest Finish to all delicate Fabric.
For sale by all flrst-olasa grocer.
A well equipped school for girls. Graduates of Vassar college. RadcllfT college,
the Women'a college ot Baltimore, the University of Nebraska, and the University
of Chicago, Included In the corps of Instructors for 1HO2-03. Music, art and the
modern languages taught by women of extended residence in European capitals
under the Instruction of the best masters. Gives good, general education and pr-.
Eares for any college open to womjn. Principal's certlllc-jte adrolta to college,
pec-tal attention to the development of Individuality and also the development of
a sense of social responsibility. Thoroughness Insisted upon aa essential to charac
ter building. Out-door sports and a laige. new sunny gymnasium equipped with
Swedish apparatus. Physical training daily under the direction of a profeaslonat
Instructor. Hanpy home life. Terms moderate. Bend for catalogue. Address Ults
Macrae, Principal, Omaha.
Western Military
Catalogue and Omaha
Oat MAJOB W. . a.
VentiYorth Military Academy
MatloDsl AcaUeiuIca or for Life.
Search for Kegro Who la tha Alleged
Mnrderer of Virginia
White Man.
WASHINGTON, July 0. A dispatch
from Dranesvllle, Va., atatea that Detective
John Branch arrived there from Suffolk,
Va., this morning with aeveral bloodhounds.
The hotel there waa filled with men
awaiting Branch's coming. As soon as he
arrived tbe horses ere eaddled and tele
phone messages were aent to nearby placea
Inviting mounted men to participate la tbe
chase tor Charles Craven, the alleged mur
derer of William H. Wilson.
It waa after ( o'clock when tha poaee left
the hotel and went In the direction of the
place where the colored man was last seen.
6bould tha dogs get on the man's trstl, De.
tectlva Branch thlnka he will capture him
before aundown.
Shaw Back at Washington.
WASHINGTON, July X0. Secretary
Shaw returned here today from his trip
to Oyster Bay and Atlantic City.
yeara experience
In the treatment
of female ca
tarrhal diseases.
He advises women free of charge.
If you are suffering from any female
derangement write him a description of
your symptoms and he will give you the
benefit of his experience In the treatment
of women'a diseases.
If you do not derive prompt and eatle
factory reaulta from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable advise
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanltarlem, Columbus, O.
304 So. 16th St.
reference on application.
Oldest and larreit
military scaa
Mlddla Wast.
Arm omnrr anj.uaa. t r
MNOF0HD SELLERS, at.., Supt.. Leilngtoa. Me.
Klnk!t Hall.
UtulU wasatk
Ave., laltara.
he Leaflet aceesl
of If -flMd iMtl Art Id th Wvt Fifty -mlfiaot
isauruoiora. TeMbur. trtla.bai devpt. Mmmf rr A
taesaew IHpeMiftl titmm la tftlttateXl pti l
Umax i.i! ( lttmlte4
msL Kali Urm t.ayla HPtiphr B j'jrj. l'MJoi.
la rrshsv.
foil J. UAT'ikl Vtll, Dlrvehta
0th Tr. Th. Collas a I'ulr.raltr tratuag lac.
slty. Graiaa-Amrl(a roaaervalory, akaaaea hjr
watlellau. Wn. H. lurbar, o.r.rt PtmtM
Klant ProIaMore Gu.rn., Ktualet. Kumiul, Vur.
rt. Hobana, 1 h.m, . H nrnad r Kur catalogue ad
eras JOHN W MILLION, Praalaant.
Ka. it ColLs f lacs. Mexico. Ma
Giv- nam a a . LnBaMsttfe. f hou, ana kJf
let. ntheX.e) W kehMly wo. Tie UeVM.Tt'h.l TfUaaj
Umm, ik a nrn afeaW. -... ow fo44 effoxta,
eursa taMl kejsM, oW pfkKd !- hf ti
Imperial Hair Regenerator
Tka tiaaaaas Male Caiarlnf fo, Otty at WaacaaS
Itato. MUaaa la. an and a-iet.y. f,aiais
e yea aalf tela,, haa, n4 a, aiania.
Imperial Chemical Co.. 138 W. 21d St.. N. X.
Cold by Sherman at IdcConnull prug Co.
Omaha, Mel