TITE "OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902. 10 DEEP CUT IN COAST RATES Union Pacifio About t Dtclare Lower Figure! from Chicago, FIRST SHOT IN A LIVELY SKIRMISH Thirty-Three Dollars with op-Over Privllen-es la the Price Talked Of Kow for the tall- - fornla Trip. A new passenger rate from Chicago to California Is under consideration and very probably will be adopted by tbe Union Pacific which Is more than likely to create lively skirmish among western lines. The rate Is $33 from Chicago to California points. Upon the adjournment of the recent Transcontinental association meeting at Colorado Springs the Union Pacific pas senger officials turned their attention to an aggressive policy In tbe line of pas senger transportation and the same atti tude Is displayed by other transcontinental lines. It became known In official circles about that time that a low rate contest was among the early possibilities, and It Is said that each road there and then de termined to be the first to lead In this particular. This aggression was stimulated when tbe threatened collapse of the Immigration bu reau was thwarted and .the affairs of the Western Passenger association materially strengthened by the entrance of the North ern Pacific and the Great Northern and, as wis Intimated at the time, strenuous recs for business was at onre Indicated It Is officially stated that as far as the Union Pacific la concerned little doubt sur rounds the formal announcement of this rata by that road and that within a very few days. The proposition Is to make the schedule a continuation, tn a measure, of the rates of last March and April, keeping them In effect until November 1. The rates will Involve stop-overs tn California towns and corresponding reductions will be arranged east of Chicago. Women Stenographers. The Issuance of an order by President L. F. Lore of the Baltimore 4 Ohio pro hibiting the employment of any more women stenographers by that company re rives interest in the question locally, where it was agitated a year or two ago. The Union Paclflo is the only headquar ters In Omaha where female stenographers are employed and but a limited number arc at -work there. The Burlington head quarters employs but one woman In the building and she Is the "hello girl," so that It will not need to give the matter any attention. "Wc have a few women stenogrsphers and they are all right as stenographers," said a Union Paclflo official, "but when It comes to a question of hiring male or fe male stenographers the former are by far preferable for several reasons. Often It Is necessary for a man to be at hla office In the evening. In which event he can readily have his man stenographer come down, or Be may DO late and irregular iu uia iiuuia. When the man can be asked to fill any pos sible breach. Always the man is better, naturally, for emergencies than the woman, and this should be the case. Then the man can bs used when necessary for a clerk, and there Is no denying the fact be grasps the technicalities and routine of the railroad business better than tbe members of the fair sex. But there has never been any order of that kind Issued from this office. and since the agitation some time ago acalnst hiring women I know that two women at least have been employed as ste nographers, and they are good workers too" Heavy Wheat Harvest. The Burlington reports a very heavy wheat harvest along Its routs. On the northern division, where the grain Is all out, some in the stack and some threshed, the yield ts placed at from twenty-five to thirty-eight bushels per acre; on the south ern division It ranges from fifteen to thirty Ave, on the western division from thirty five to forty and the Wyoming not less than twenty bushels to tbe acre, while the Cheyenne line reports a' yield from thirty five to forty-five, the heaviest of any. Oats re reported generally good, but on the southern division they were so badly beaten down by the heavy rains as to be unfit for anything but fodder. Scrip Bnreaa Opened. Tha Transmlsslaslppt Exchangs Scrip bureau, under the management of W. K. Cundiff, has been formally established In the Paclflo express building. It Is the pur pose of this concern to sell tickets, by the Issuance of scrip, cheaper than has ever been dons before here. The standard rate will be m cents a mile except on branch lines In Colorado. Railway Notes and Personals, W. J. Robinson, station superintendent of tne tfurungton, nas returned irom a trip to Ban r ranciaco. General Manager Bldwell of the Ere. mont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley, has gens lo Lnictso on an omciai trip. senger agent for the Grand 'Trunk line, Is mingling among local railroad men. Frontier days at Cheyenne, August 27 and 28, are being arranged for by the rail roads, which will make special rates. A carnival of western sports. In which the native cowboy and red man will be the A Our 50c Oxford Sale Proved a great success yesterday Many women with small feet -took advantage of our 60c price on $2.60 and 14.00 Oxfords We've added a lot ot misses suppers and Oxfords at sams price for tomorrow We don't want you to think that these are the newest styles for they're not they are odds and ends from our stocks for a year back small sizes only that were not sold they're just ai good shoes as this year's, but the style Isn't the same. DroxeLShoo Co., On.ah.'. Ip.t-d.l. Sho. Ha.se, centrsi figures, I being ptanned upon an elaborate urate. Oeorge B. Rogers, district passensr ssent fnr the Northern Pacific ! Moines, la transacting business in omana. I E. Sessions general agent of the Mnnnn route lit Mlnne spoils, la a rnller at the Rock Inland and other local offices. W. P. Wheeler of Chlcsgo, northwetrn passenger saent or tne tnign vany ruen, is In the city looking after the Interests of Ms line. JUDGE BAKER VISITS OMAHA Accompanied by Hla, Wife He Is oa Ills War to Rest at Yellow too Park. Judge Benjamin S. Baker of the supreme court of New Mexico, who wss formerly on the district bench here, ts in Omsha for a few days accompanied by his wife, lo cated at the Her Orand. "I Just closed up my term of court last Saturday, taking adjournment until Sep tember," said the judge, "and am on my way to the Yellowstone park for a recrea tion outing. Some friends from Iowa are to Join us here and we will probably start Friday or Saturday. I expect to return to Omaha after we have finished the Yellow stone park expedition and visit my friends a few days mors then. As to New Mexico, there Is little to say except that we have enjoyed Cne weather and look forward to the enactment of our statehood bill by con gress when It reconvenes tn December." The judge presents a picture of the pink of health carefully shaded under a broad brimmed panama. COVRTLAND CROWDED. To Bee the Five Bicketts and Enjoy Refreshing; Bath. Courtland beach is having good sized attendances every afternoon and evening this week and the beach Is apparently more popular than ever. The Increase In the cumber of women bathers Is very con spicuous, these warm afternoons and evenings. Ths performances of tbe Blckett family, given every afternoon and even lng, are very highly spoken of by every one who has visited the beach this week The three young women do some marvelous work and their high dives thrill the audi ence. Blckett .and his wife are' always received with applause at every turn. The entire performance Is one ot ths neatest and most artistic ever seen. - After tho trapeze and other aerial features the five Bicketts give a novelty ladder act which Is also very . artistic and pleasing. The colored quartet continues to receive storms of applause and ths daily balloon ascension and parachute jumps are as sensational as ever. Earn Murphy, the aeronaut, promises something entirely new In the near future In connection with bis ascension. The railway mall clerks, with headquarters In Council Bluffs, Lin- oln and Omaha, hold their annual picnic Saturday at Courtland. Sam'l Burns Is selling 12 crystal ice tea tumblers, fl.OO. Presentation cut glass. Edholm. jeweler. OFFICER INDA IS SUSPENDED Accused of Concealing; m Case of Smallpox at Rls Hons for Weeks. Officer Inda has been suspended from the police force pending a hearing on a charge ot concealing a case of smallpox at his home, 331S South Twenty-seventh street. The patient was Louis, Inds's S-year-oId son, who, according to the neighbors, has been 111 with ths disease for ths last four weeks, but Is now convalescent. Sanitary Officer Wooldrldgs Investigated the cats Tuesday and learned that the boy Ddoubtadly bad smallpox. He was play ing out In the yard when ths officer called, bnt tbe evidences of the disease wars still upon him. During this time ths father has been attending to his duties as a polloo officer, making frequent trips between the house and the station and sleeping nights on a cot at the station dormitory. Health Commissioner Ralph had tbe bedding and other furnishings ot ths dormitory thor oughly fumigated. LAKE. 0KO80JL On tho Milwaukee Hallway. For a short or a long vacation this beau tiful lake offers the most economical yet delightful outing that Is available for Omaha people. Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the. Milwaukee railway, altitude al most 2,000 feet, air always cool and In vigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lake with high shores, picturesquely timbered with hardwood trees. Excellent fishing. boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but good hotel. This is a list ot advantages not to be equaled. Full information cheer fully furnished at the Milwaukee Railway City Office, 1504 Farnam street F, A. NASH, General Western Agent. Publish your legal notices In Ths Wsekly Bee. Telephone 2S8. First water diamonds. Edholm, Jeweler. GROCERS TOJUDE IN RACES One of the Features of tha Joint Pie- lo to Bo Held Ifezt Month. 'Arrangements sre about complete fnr the annual plcnlo ot tbe Omaha Grocers' asso ciation, with which has united for ths oc caalon ths Retail Butchers' association of the city. The plcnlo will be held at Mia souri Valley, Is., August T, and on that day practically every grocery stors and butcher shop In the cKy will be closed. One of tbs features of ths meeting will be a horse race In which the leading grocers of ths city will pose as jockeys. Among ths entries already received for this race ars George F. Munroe, Robert Smith and Mr. Porter ot Courtney's. WAITING FOR TERRA COTTA Work oa New Presbyterian Seminars' Delayed by Failure to Be. ears Material'. Work on the new building of the Pres byterlan Theological seminary has been delayed by reason of ths failure ot ths contractor to secure terra cotta tn ths time that he expected. Ths result of the delay may mean the postponement ot tbe opening of the fall term of the seminary from tbe middle ot September until Octo ber 1. Aside from this delay work Is progress lng to the satisfaction of ths committee and the buildings will fully meet all ex pectatlons. Popular clamor Is going the rounds for the famous Extra Dry Champagne, Cook'l Imperial. Try It! You will like it. Latest seal rings. Edholm, jeweler. Mortality Statistics. Ths following births and deaths were reported at the office of the Board ot Health during the twenty-four hours end ing weanrsoay noon: Births William Rhodes. IRIS Isard street, boy; W. L. Jones, tail Bouth Twenty elfhth street, boy. Deaths Edward Marhacek, SOOg South Tweiuy-elshth avenue. seed 1 year Maurice Ie, 17 South Twelfth stt et aged i months; J. P. Mulvehille. U13 South Kishth stret. aged 4 years: Mrs. H. Mc Kroy, 4J Bouth Klshteenth street, sgd U years: Anna t Uorraan. 1417 .North Tn tleih street, aged ' years; May E. Mat ties, ti nouia TwsiUeLn, sgsd i years. RING ALSAR-BEN'S WELCOME Jovial Monarch Will Eecaivo" Strangers at Hit Nsit Bsceptisn SPECIAL NIGHTS FOR OUTSIDE KNIGHTS Jobbers Notified of Desire of Ralcr of Qnlvera to Meet Their Cus tomers at the Kingly Palace. Each jobber of the city has received from the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Ssr-Ben a notice to tbe effect that they will be permitted to Invite any num ber of their customers outside of Omaba to attend the meetings ot the knights and to be admitted to membcsblp In the society, snd that blank applications for membership will be supplied to them upon demand. Accompanying this notice is a statement that the railroads centering here will grant a rate ot one fare for the round trip upon Mondays tn August from all stations within a certain distance of Omaha, the rates to be In force over the different roads as fol lows; August 4, on the Burlington snd Rock Island roam; August 11, on the Elk horn, tbe Omaha and the Northwestern roads; August 18, on the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific lines; August 25, on the Milwaukee, the Illinois Central and Wabash lines. These dates will give several towns two or more opportunities to send delega tions to the city. The towns which will be granted the rats next Monday are: Burlington Route. Gretna, Neb. Greenwood, Neb, Havelock, Neb. Denton, Neb. Crete, Neb. Ithaca, Neb. Malnio, Neb. Rescue, Neb. South Bend, Neb. Cedar Creek Neb, Lancaster, Neb. Bennett, Neb. Saltlllo, Neb. Hickman, Neb. Malcolm, Neb. Emerald, Neb. Mllford, Neb. Fort Crook, Neb. Louisville, Neb. Culkim, Neb. Cheneys, Neb. Lancaster, Neb. Roca, Neb. Woodlawn, Neb. Germantown,. Neb, Pleasantdale, Neb. Bellevue, Neb. La Platta, Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb. Glenwood, la, Malvern, la. Emerson, la, Red Oak, la, Vllllsca. Ia. Randolph, la, Sidney. Ia. Oreapolls, Neb. MacedonlaJ Ia, Paclflo Junction, Ia. Stennett, fa. Hillsdale. Ia. Coburg. Ia. Hastings, Ia. Hawthorne, Ia. Stanton, Ia, Clark, la. Anderson. Ia. Henderson, Ia. Carson, I a, Elliott, Ia, Inland Park, Is, Chalco, Neb. Ashland, Neb. Waverly, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Berks, Neb. Memphis. Neb, Wahoo, Neb. Prague, Neb. Nimburg, Neb. Hentons, Is, Bartlett, Ia. McPaul, Ia. Perclval, Ia. Neb. City Junct, la. Hamburg, Ia. Watson, Mo, Phelps, Mo. Lnngdon, Mo, Eiberon, Neb. Dunbar, Neb. Turlington, Neb. Mlnersvllle, Neb. Barney Neb. Peru, Neb. Rlverton, Neb. Farragut, Ia. Rock Island Route Stuart, Ia. Menlo, I a. Casey, Ia, Adair, Ia. 1 Anita, Ia. Wlota, Ia. . Atlantic, Ia. Marne, Ia. wamut, la. Avoca, Ia, Shelby, Ia, Mlnden, la, I Neola, Ia. ' Underwood, la, Weston, Ia, Corley, Ia. Harlan, Ia. Hancock, Ia, Oakland, la. Lorah, I a. x Brayton, Is- Extra, Ia. ' Hamlin, Ia, Audubon, Ia, Lewis, Ia, Grlswold, Ia. Albrlghtt Neb.. i uaies. xsv'o. ' . ,u Richfield, Neb." , . Meadow, Neb. -South Bend, Neb. Murdock, Neb. Alvo, Neb. Prairie Home, Neb. Havelock, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Rokeby, Neb, Martell, Neb. Carson, Ia. For Monday night an especial program will be prepared. Matthew Gerlng of Plattsmouth, the town where the Burling ton, route first entered the stats ot Ne braska, will deliver the principal address. On tbs other dstes ths program will be pre pared with reference to ths territory from which ths visitors come. It Is expected that Red Oak, Ia., will have one of the larg est crowds, as after the editors' night early In the season the editors of the Red Oak papers went home so well pleased that they promised to organise a party as soon as the reduced rates could be made effective, Word to the same effect comes from other parts of the two states and It ts believed that the visitors' nights will be ths most marked success of the present year. SHERIFF POWER GETS HOME Pleasant Trip to Coast Enjoyed to tho Utmost by tha Officer. Sheriff John Power has returned from his two weeks' stay. In California, wiiere he saw everything from the Golden Gats and the Sutro batha to the sunset of Robert Fttzslmmons, the mutilation of James Jet fries' face and tbe somber Interior of the state penitentiary. Hs rambled about the ahipyards, too, having secured special courtesy through his former partner in ths cooperage business, who now has a contract for that line of work for the new ships that ars being built In tbs yarda there. Tbe sheriff declares that ths prize fight waa no fake and adds that no one ot ths thousands who sat at ths ringside seemed to consider It so or to regret the $20, $15, $10 or $5 that had been Invested In a aeat. There wasn't a hiss, he says, and only exclamations at the wonderful showing Fltzslmmons made. Sheriff Power brought back with him Leo F. Jordan, aged 22. who was married to Florence Smith, aged 18, In the county jail at noon today by Father Bronsglest. Don't Lose a Meal . ' Through dyspepsia and Indigestion. Take Electrlo Bitters. They cure stomach troubles or no pay. Only (Oc NOT LIKE ANOTHER HELEN Miss Nellie Bowles Denies Belnsr tha Caaso of tho 'War at v Rusers Park, Miss Nellis Bowles denies that ahs was tbe Helen over whom the Trojana from South Omaba and the Greeks from Omaha fought at Ruser's park last Sunday. She further and specifically denies personally taking any part in tbe sangulnar conflict in which penknives, beer bottles and brass knuckles supplanted nature's weapons. In stead of being active In the melee she says she was far away at the other end of the dancing platform. She also denies em phatically that shs was with ths Ford boys st ths picnic. As to tbe origin ot tbe row she professes entire Ignorance,' venturing the tentative opinion that the rough and tumble affair bad Its genesis merely In ths desire of the young men who took part to see sometbln' doln'. HE ROBBED HIS ROOMMATES Preston Bryaat Confesses Crime mad Is Allowed to Escape Se vers Penalty. Preston Bryant admitted atsaltng $40 be longing to William Glass snd was ellowed to plead guilty to petit larceny. Judge Berks lined blm $30 and costs. Bryant, Glass, Perry Vandersee and Henry Duncan, all colored, apent the night In the same room and were visited by a burglar. Glass lost $40, Bryant a pair of old shoes snd tbe other two nothing. AH went to tbe police station together to mass a report. Tbs officers suspee'ed Bryant, and after spend lng a night in jail be admitted hla guilt and tbe money was recovered. Baby spoons. Edholm, opp. . O JH51 c if a) r The Clearing Sale Greater Than Ever. COST OR VALUE NOT CONSIDERED. The summer goods must go, not after the summer is over but RIGHT NOW, when you want the goods. Below are a few remarkable bargains. CLOSING OUT WAISTS All of our waists, Including wash waists ot every description, white and colored, go at a traction of their real valns. Silk Waists All our novelties In silk wslsts, pon gee stlks, alloVer lace waists, China silk waists with Valenciennes lace In sertions, crepe de chene waists in creams, black and evening shades. buttoned back or front. 2.50 worth up to $10, on sale on main floor . White lawn waists, dotted swlss waists, all of them elaborately trim med with Insertion, embroidery snd lace, colored percale waists, lawn wslsts. llcht and dark grounds, all of them this season's styles, worth up to $1.50, on sale at 45c Silks Almost Rstln foulards, full 24 inches wide, all ot designs and colors, former price $1 on sale at, per yard Wash Shirt waist or tub suits, In chambrays, embroidery, sold early In the season tor $5.00 on sale on second floor, at, each $1.50 Parasols, 59c This lot Includes pongee silk parasols foulard silk parasols, in creme, etc., on sals on main floor, at LADIES' NECKWEAR Ws place on sals a aampls Una ot ladles' ins neckwear They ars made of silk, lace and abeer wash able materials. .Every new style of ' this season la Included In this lot. They range In value up to $1.00, m sale In three assortments 15c, 25c, 50c. OUR $2.50 WATCH Is lust the thing to use' while you are taking your va-catlerv- Leave your good one at home. Bo many peo ple re doing this nowadays. Have your eyes fitted before you go. Our optician is an expert. Look for the n ma S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, r 1118 Douglas St. HP SALT LAKE 08TV and Elm August I to 14, Return limit October 31. 1502 mm DRUGS BY MAIL "V " T " if vnii nArl inv Mineral Waters, Patent Medicines or If tou have a preicniiimn owf it drursist cannot compound Bt-ND IT TO US. , 2oc Kgg and Olivtar eramp , ...a, 1VC $1.00 Pe-rti'-na, we sell 64c 10c King Fly Killer, we sell........ 60 S&o Thompson Cherry Phosphate, we sell , 25c Hire's Root Beer, we sell 10c WE GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK FOK. n tn rn nam s Baraurin. w 60c Gem Catarrh Cure, we sell EOo Hays' Hair Health, we sell &KJ Mull's Grape Tonic, we sell 60c Byrup of Figs, we sell .MnM Tad, 1 1 miM WS Sell ... 2Sc 29c Ic Sue Mixed Bird Seed, Pound Package 4c if vou want a Hair Brush, see our SSc assortment. $1.00 Plnkham's Compound, we sell 69o . j i . IVTTT T A D TJa li you want iooub in i luu .oio will t fflad to furnish quotations. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th and Dodge St.., Oiaaha. PROSTRATED BY THE HEAT W. H. Townsend Overcome While at - Work P.cklne; Goods In His store. tV. H. Townsend of Townsend Brothers, sporting goods dealers, became overheated yesterday while at work In his . stors at lit South Fifteenth street and was tsksn to bis horns at 2703 Woolworth avenue In s serious condition. Dr. Hancbett waa called nd after much difficulty restored him to consclousnsss. It U believed that be is now out ot danger. Mr. Townsend was en gaged In packing tbs goods In tbs store pre paratory to removing to ths Paatoa block wbsn hs was stricken. wu ussisr.uw'' as w White Lawn Waists Whits lawn waists, trimmed with Va lenciennes yokes, wslsts tucked and hemstitched, buttoned back or front, short or long sleeves, worth up to $2.60 on sals at 95c 1,000 colored waists In percales, mad ras and chambrays, good fitting waists, many ot them trimmed, all this season's styles, that were sold up to 75c early In the season go on sale at 18c Given Away silk, complete line 25c 00 and $1.25 Suits percales, trimmed wlthlaw nd rj fciZ JL tJw ..... ....... ana 59c 20c LACES, 3c A New York importer's surplus stock and sample pieces of One laces, over 10,000 yards, on aale at So a yard. This is an extraordinary lace bar gain and every woman should take, advantage of It. All kinds and styles ot laces and lnsertlngs are In the lot. Including French vals., Nor mandy vale., English vals,, net top Orientals, cbantllly laces, point de esprit ' and scores of other sljrlaa. In various widths snd .patterns, 20c values, all at lr - VotVi per yard iiv a 4 Ask about our low rates to Colorado, Cal- t llornia and ths Black Hills, Tickets 1 FARNAM STREET. Walking is Easy in ths famous "Onlmod" Shoe. It's an jssy shoe all 'round easy ts get Into, easy to stsy in, sasy to get out of, and easy to get your money's worth In tbs wear. It you haven't seen It ye(, come and see It now. Price $3.50 and $2.50 Made In our factory guaranteed satisfactory. 203 South ISth St. Postal Card Will Get It SAMPLE COPT OF THS Twentieth Century Farmer Tha Best .agricultural Week 'jr. JlA dross, Omaaa, Neb. Regent Civ Thursday Special, oo. $1.50 Wrappers for 69c Thursday we will place on special sale just 47 dosen fine lawn wrappers. They represent the balance left of all our fine wrappers. The only reason for us naming such a low price for such exeremely high grade wrappers is that we are determined to sell them in one day. They are the large, full, roomy sort, made of extra good quality lawns, in pretty patterns they have a nine inch flounce, with skirt full four yards wide. You may depend on if that they, are generously cut. When we sold these wrappers for ?1.50 they were considered wonderful values. COME THURSDAY $1.50 WRAPPERS FO.. . (laaued Under Authority of '" ' -HMM-J.il lMr.i..-Mi.p..M...!i.....ui-.)L.iii ll u i-.,..1B, .,...,.u,,,u Statement Showing the Total Value and the Railroad and Telegraph Value as Assessed in Counties Located West of the Second Guide Meridian and Per Cent Taxes Paid by Railroads in That Section of the State. County Rock . Brown Blaine Custer Dawson . , Phelps Harlan Qosper Furnas Red Willow .... Hitchcock ....... Frontier Hayes Lincoln Hooker Grant Cherry Keith Perkins Chase Dundy Sheridan Deuel Cheyenne ....... ..................... ... lillllilM!...,!,.,...!. Dawes Box Butte -Sioux Seotts Bluff .... A-irooau ......... Total Ths foregoing statement eevtrs by far ths largest half of the atate In acreage and s given as an example showing the great proportion of taxes which ars paid by the railroads In thoss counties which need material assistance In carrying on their county organisations. It shows how the distribution of values when distributed along tbe various lines ot road assists In supporting these new sections of country which need assistance. In many of the achool districts through which ths railroads run In ths western portion of the state the railroads pay from 75 to 95 per cent of ths school tsx that Taxes Paid by the Railroads amount Taxes Paid by the Railroads ia Western half ot the State, 23.8 per oent. Taxes Paid In Hooker County. 77 per cent. K OMAHA . at equipped of tho KeoJer syststn of tnstthrtss, t2s rrrri CV only Xeeter Instltots tn Nebraska. Cures Drnakesneas. Cares I C. -& I Drug Users. Booklet tree. Address all letters to 724 a UUa, , INSTITUTE Homo Treatment for Tobaoco Habit, coet S3 There's Many a Good Saying founded on a lest "Jest" taste Mets Bros.' Beer, then you will appreciate ths goodness of our saying; It Is tha best mads. Alctz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. US, Osaana. Or Jacob Meumayer. Agt.. care Neumeysf He.:!. Council Bluffs, lows. Deputy Stats Veterinarian . Food Inspector. II. L. RAU1CC10TTI, D. V. S. C1TT VETERINARIAN. Offloe and Inflrtnary. 2ttiand Mason sTt. Omaha, Neb, Telephone 630. WHEN YOU BUY A . You are not paying for CHROMOS. SCHEME, t B.EE D8AJL8, ITCs, tjetl for FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. EQUAL to LMK)K Til) ClQjiaj, JT. ft. UCB MiRCAjrrWJl CiaAR Cp MaSlnJTJnl Msdat 69c the Railroads of Nebraska J Assessed Total Value. 1900. .$ 676.527 650,450 198,846 ,. 2.342.283 . 1,678,339 . 1,307,118 . 1,301,955 ,. 641,233 . 1,840,050 Railroad and Telegraph Value. . $ 85,217 105.368 68.251 294,091 609,863 153.386 809,618 69,672 261,939 210.060 196.338 107.814 38.278 744.161 95.645 7.793 415.343 416.318 146.459 , 66,179 188.995 266.166 268.266 499,621 216.890 147,824 168.120 80,240 863.212 $6,669,594 Per Ceit. Taxes Pali! by Railroads, 14 8-10 . 16 2-10 29 2-10 12 6-10 80 11 8-10 23 8-10 10 9-10 13 7-10 17 2-10 22 8 87 2-10 77 24 7-10 63 6-10 23 6-10 t 8-10 29 8-10 20 42 88 SO r, 16 4-10 40 17 8-10 68 6-10 1,219.246 890.787 1.174.369 488,984 2,004.774 124.060 895,820 1,809.181 795,393 623,698 638,438 644.923 1,328.380 636.162 1,391.698 1,059.447 841.800 418.602 451.994 623.415 $28,096,372 23 8-10 Is collected, and without the railroad tax being paid in many of the counties, a great many of the school districts would havs to abandon their schools. In other' bulletins which ws will pub lish we will give examples In various coun ties, Including those among the western tier of counties, where the schools could not be maintained without the railroad tax assisting. In Chase, Hayes and Frontier counties. In the foregoing statement, the limited mile sge of railroads within thoss counties is the reason tor tbs small percentage ot taxes paid by tbs railroads there. to 18.4 per cent for the whole State Most Everybody Knows but we want to eliminate the word MOST In this case and have BVERTBODT know, that, for sunburn, chaps, freckles, rough skin, tan or blackheads our Egyptian Lotus Cream is sn absolute specific. Ws will make affidavit that ws havs sold over too bottles of this preparation In our stora tn a single day which shows thst SOME BODY knows about It; do youT Costs lOo bottle or t bottles for 26e. 10a King Fly Killers . To 26o Laxacola , Brio 6c Mull's Grape Tonlo fOo 13.60 Marvel Whirling Bpray By rings... 22. 2f All 26o dog remedies 0o All too dog remedies euo Ask or write for book about dogs free, J1.00 Peruna bUs 11.00 Her s Malt Whiskey &, li.00 Plnkham's Compound 67o OPEN ALL, NIQHT. SGIIAEFEITS CUT PRICE DRU STORK Tel. f oT. S. W. Cor. lStk. ana Ck HEAD THE DAILY BEE