Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
? THE OMAHA DAILY HEKi WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1D0! i . ? i. Hi it' i: a! ' is U." ,1 9 r If? SPECIAL NOTICES will be likra natll IS aa. for tfc venlasj edition 4 III 6VSO . an, for naeralnsj aai li4ir'(IHIa. Stales, t !- wmi nret Insertion, la a word tboroartar. Nothings takes for Icaa lhaa Sn for tho flrat Inser. tloa. TkfM ad vertlseasaata aaaat bo raa eoaeeenttvelr. Advertisers, by roannotlasT of Too Bo. Aiiwtn ao aa treason will be dollveroa oa presentsuloai the cheek aalr. WANTED POSITION. $?0.00 IN GOLD. It pays to buy your cigars of us. You Inay wak up tome day and find yourself tho possessor of Fifty Dollars In Gold that we give away to our customers each ' month. . .Butler & Miller, N. -W. COR. 16TII AND FARN'AM BT8. A 6SS A STENOGRAPHER When you want ona rail the Remington Typewriter office, 1619 arnara, street . Telephone !;. A-M459 A24 WANTED MALE HELP. $3 FOR- HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you, live la the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers And stoCk raiser In tho neighborhood you can matte to eaully by tour or live hours work. Write us I and wo will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., umana, xseo. a auia WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for Tho Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wakea everywhere. References required. Address Twentieth Century farmer, Omaha, Neb. tt u WANTED. Insurance 'men of experience: can offer you a good thing. Call at 9 a. m. ui uoara oi i raae ciag. o When You Write . to Advertisers remember It unly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that new 6-room modern house, strictly flrst you saw tho ad In Tho Bee. . I ciagR neighborhood, nlco lawn, $20. Inquire 1 1 . 1 .At-t,Kit.ivLii.iJ maie stenograpner who operates Ramington typewriter, f is. Bee B M460 A24 ARE YOU a Cathollo and -unemployed! I bea me. Hlxenbauah. 6O0 Wara block. B M473 WANTED, men to learn best paying trado In existence for poor man; snort time; little expense; positions guaranteed; wages Saturdays: special Inducements to I aoouoanta from distance, uau or write. Molar Barber College, 1623 Farnam, Bt. . . B 669 Al SOLICITOR for Nebraska, only successful oneo dealing with banks and corporations jieed answer: specialty: $6 to $10 a, day easily made, crown Stationery Co., 60 Wabaah.aa Chicago, ill. B M671 30 WANTED First-class cutter for harness department; best - of wages. Address Buckatatr Bros. Mfg.. Co., Lincoln, Neb. - - - B Mb6i 31 WANTED. -10 teams and wagons for grad ing at South Omaha brewery; wages $3.60 per gay. u ut au WANTED, men wjio are weak or diseased ,to write fur free booklet, edited by the leading and jnoat successful epeclulist 4n the U. B. Address J. Newton Hathaway, !.. 63 Commercial blk., Bloux City, la. . ... a Mttti w .'' .' i WANTED, ' everywhere, hustlers to tack signs., dutribuuj circulars, aamples. etc: no canvassing; good pay. Sun-Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B M695 30 -EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WANTED, coal 'miners and machine run ners, Wyoming,;) frwaawtnen, surface gang ana exiru guns, v yoming aim iNCDrauaa; coal shovelers, Colorado division U. & M. ; coal shovelers and laborers, U. P. R. R. Western R. It Labor Agency, 310 Bo. 11th. HOME work. $60 monthly ' copying letters; ulars. Hlck'a Supply Co., 6o64 Halsted St., inicHgo, pos r : ' " SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED Salesman to sell grocers' spe cialties to the retail grocery trade In Omaha and vicinity for a Chicago houae. .Experienced man. or grocery cierk pre ferred. Address, S 14, , cars Lord A Thomas, umcago. ixj a-z" j . 1 1 " SALESMAN for latest advertising novelty; - phenomenal success wherever shown; territory or commission, fioom mk, Mid land Aioieu uoiiana. Ciinn so BEST quick selling side line; small coat pocket sample; one hours work paya your dally expenses. Si, 201 Clark St., chl- ..cago. MOM 30" WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn nairaressing. manicuring and oni- ropody and scientific masaago. Call or wrlto Room 320. Bee Bldg. C 3S0 . . 1 109 Qlrlo. Call Canadian office, 16th 4k Dodgs. - tj asA WANTED Lady. cook. Eureka Restau rant 1604 Cass St C MID WANTED a clrl for general housework. small family. Mrs. Aiall, 3216 Sherman avs. ' , c iia WANTED, a competent girl for housework. Mrs. M. E. Dumont. DbU Lafayette AVe. " . C 234 GIRL for general housework; references required. Mrs. Ji. w. enrlver, 20U9 Bpin- cer t. c a 39 WANTED Young Hdy to assist trained nurse In ' the . cre- of invalid lady. 7uS South SSth St C M6.6 80 WANTED, girl 12 or 16 years old to assist .. In. housework ana take care ot baby. Airs. xt. a. lampoeu, win ana u sis., South Omaha. C 6dl 30 WANTED, a lady agent for a well known rail today. Manufacturer, parlor 1, 2vi Farnam st. C B7 FOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel: 1196. A-3t linilCPC n all parts of city. The O. VWJlviF. Davis Co., 6u6 Bee Bldg. . .. . . 4f-AH TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; omce lauft r arnam. or tsis. iij-iw. .-.' AA .54 gEB PAYNE. BOSTWICK At CO for choloe houses. OJl-J si. t. Liu liidg. Tel. loie. D-I56 MAGOARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. 14H6. D-347 HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas. D 286 2107 BPENCER BT.. 10-room house with. t gas, bath, furnace and barn; nice loca tion; rem jia wm. K. potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Brown block. U 4V11 020 BURT ST., $ rooms, modern. $30; 431$ Mrmm, s rooms, modern and barn, ua; 30u6 Maaon. 8 rooms, modern: 1668 N. totb. 4 rooms, $10. Others. Rlngwalt Broa., - Barker At IX. D Dit9 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. FOR RENT, large S-room bouse, city wafer, $'.6 00; 2!1 Blondo. 7-room house, 1622 N. tl; $16.00. The Omaha Really Co . l.l LKugia st. . u-01 1 V . J ij.., v 11.1 an iiwuM 11, 1- . room house, 4-room flat Ttsard, 2J0 N. 33d. D M&28 HOUSES, stores. BemU, Paxton block. D sal 1S11 N. 26TH BT.. 7 rooma. bath. gas. barn: rent $20. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 3o3 Brown block. D WO OOOD modern l-room bouse. 3b04 Blondo. FOR ReST-HOllGI. HZS CHARLES, four-room cottage; rent I1L Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Truet Co., 301 Brown block. D-sai MODERN house, 8 rooma, ITS8 Jackson at, Wheeler 4c Wheeler, Douglas and lo'h t ' Tel. m. D M86S -ROOM, all modern houae, 1207 Sherman sve . a fine one. 127.0a 7-room, all modern, I'll N. Wtb at., another fine ona, l:o.00. - O. . Turkington. 6 Use. D-M604 24 N. 42D BT., 7 rme., all modern. $30. 1012 Seward at., 7-rma., modern, except fur nare: barn. IL'. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. r. Ufa Dldg. lei. ibi. u ae u FURNITURE for sale, house for rent. Call mornings. 201 Douglas Bt. D 346 FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage, 2d ana California streets. In good repair Choice neighborhood; $22, Including water rent, inquire at ew Si. ism street or wi N. Y. Ufa Bldg. D u When You Write to Advertisers " , nmimhtr It nmv takes an extra stroke Of two of the pen to mention toe xact wai - -- . - you saw me aa in no eoo. 1 w u moaern or nuuncB, ucnu nw. each nine rooms ana laundry; sm ana 41 South 29th Ave., facing park: on street car line; price, $40.Inqulre of J. M. Rich ards, lUS Bo. $2d etreet D-M3S8 . FOR RENT, 10-room modern house, largs I lawn, atahle room, ona horse and buggy In good condition. J. I. Purcuplle, Tj6 Capitol avenue. D 647 FOR RENT, elegant brick, modern resi dence. 26th ave.. near Bt. Mary s ave., cheap. ilrennan-Lovs Co., 309 8. 13th at. u aiw JV FOR RENT, 10-room brick, modern resl- aence, only a iew diochb irom poaioinco; Just the thing for a first-class boarding house. $46 a month. Brennan-Love Co., SOB 8. 13th St. D M444 30 FOR RENT. 12-room, stone, modern residence, 2423 Cass St.. taO. S-room modern brick residence, 3007 Paclflo Bt., $36. S-room modern residence, 112$ Bo. 31st Bt., 130. 9-room modem residence and barn, 190$ Blnney t)t., jb. S-room modern residence, 113 So. 29th Ave., 120. S-room modern brick residence, 361 N. 39th. Bt., $30. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., '30$ So. 13th St. U VOi k 2484 Beward. D 00s r FOB RENT FLRSISHEP ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 1909 Capitol Ave. E MS3a LARGE front room, also small front room. . together or separately. wu vougiaa. ju sue DEWET European hotel, 13tb and Farnam. 1 a to $1 PER WEEK, 423 8. ISth at., one block south 01 court nouse. jv oji FURNISHED, cool rooms, modern, 2011 Aiaruey. Jfi 777 A" ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam. ju eu AS MODERN rooma, furnished or unfurnished; walking distance. 3001 Burt. ta zua NICELY furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. 3310 Douglas Bt. Or ISO i- NICE room, modern, large lawn, close In; quiet noma lor any geuueuut" wng u- sires such. 23, Bee. or FURNISHED rooms for rent 1814 Webster. NIOB rnnm modern. larre lawn, close In: quiet home for any gentleman wno ae- sireo sucn. 3. ee. xjmvi 01- FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer homo. Tel. 86. ROOMS end. board, Tho Albany. $101 Douglas. ; F M466 A 24 NICE front-room, modern, walking dis tance, handy to all cars. 1819 Hurt St. ' F-M471 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-667 A26 DESIRABLE south room, with board. $03 N. 18th. eB Ai- LARGE, well furnished rooms, slngls or ensuite; poara 11 aesirea. iiuw Doage. THE ROSE, 3020 Harney, large parlors, single or ensuite; aiso smauer rooms; ratea reasonable. t bw Aug FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room sdscs. $6 oer month: ground floor room in ine uee Duuaing, lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, it. u. reters st Co., rental agents, boo ouuaing. u-m FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single and ensuite, lor ugnt nouseaeeping. witn nell bldg., 16th and Harney sts. See Janitor. G M676 81 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The bulldlnr formerly occu pled by Ana Bee gt 9l rarnatn Bt. it has four stories. And a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room, This will be rented very reasonably. If I ju pg-R CENT on hualneaa nromrt -'""l!"?! " 5?atoi. .,K.?- t f.7 cent Eon t&SSSpSng"' ' water, secretary, room 100, Bea .building. A AOl FOR RENT Store In first-Class location; rent reasonable. Appiy n. j-eierp Co., ground floor, Bea Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT Desk room or large spaoe suitable or merchandise broaer or party duinr business in wnoieaaia district. An. . oulra liana Jk. Co.. 916 Farnam St a saise . . I ' f AGENTS WANTED. 1 WANTEP-Canyasslng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE! TW ENTIETH CUNI UUI r AitMriiv Steady emuloyment with assured good In- coiu. Agents in ths country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers ru.k. easily iw to tluo oer month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana.'. sis SOMETHING NEW I I Just out Send for sample. comDination Door n.noo ana su. No cutting or ruining the door. . put on any door In a moment No batteries to worrv about. No aurlnaa to wind. Noth lug to get out of order. Own your own ball. No landlord to trouble. Prloe and hll abauluialv guaranteed. Send $1.60 for sample. Agents wanted. WACSTEKN KLfc-Cl 1UL.AL, tunrAAl, aju rarnain Sueat, Omaha. Neb. J-276 MEDICO LOGY agents tor lows field. Hli eubaugn 4k Co.. boo ware block. J- -M471 AGENTS wanted In every city In Nebraska for a new idea in accident insurance, i-s to to current rates, liberal commission and exclusive territory to the right man. Progressive Mutual Accident association, 934 New jora jue Diag., umana. J-646 29 HARVEST for agents, greatest sellers on earth, two necessary ana userui articles, Just patented; one local and state agent wanted at once, tin toaay. luanuiao- turer. Parlor 1. No. 22u9 Farnam St. J-684 AGEN-TB wanted to make $10 a day Selling C yclone notary nana cana; greatest ant ler known; big profits; write today for agents terms; sample postpaid, 200. r.n- Urprtse Mfg. Co., 164 Lake at., Chicago. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, $ to 9-room house, good loca tion, by first-class tenaat. $ to 9-room house, furnished, located In the West Farnam street district, oy tne 1st of September, by best of parties. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., A32V Farnam Bt . ik. Al WANTED TO BUY. WANTED. 1.000 old feather beds highest cash prices paid. Addreas A. B. Mack, general delivery, umana. Alan orders at tended to. M4l Al FOR SALE FURNITURE. OUCAGO Furniture Co.. 1419 Dodge. TeL 3uua New and aeoondhaaa, hougnt snia, SAcnangca, FOR ALE-HOUSES, WAGOXI, ETC. I TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaeton", .!.r top ana open ouggies. Aieiner, trxvn worth. I' Mk26 A FOR BALE, delivery horse. 1318 Fsrnam. p m .a i REMEMBER Harry Froet puta tires on and nxes venicies, mn ana Aeavenworm. i-MW FOR BALE, driving horse, harneaa and buggy. Price reesnnable. Call evenings or address Win. F. Lehner, 1410 N. St, South Omaha, Neb. P-6o$ to FOR SALE MI9CELLANEOIS. WHITE aawduat; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; nog lence, etc 9ol Douglas. W dot FOR 8ALE Phonographs: superior to any otner musical instrument; . as up. . ins Wlltman Co., ltttl r arnam. j 2S . NEW and secondhand typewriters, 1118 Far- cam. u ttM 100 BTTLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man et xucvonneu Drug v.o., loin ana Dodgs, umana. u id INDIAN goods and relics. .111$ Farnam. . y Jo VIM puftcruro-proof tires, $4.96 and $7.00 pef pair, umana uicycio to., iin ana i m- cago eta. w M6i 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, U4 8. 13th. IDHAND safe cheap. Perisl; U19 Farnam, FOR gas fixtures see 8a m l Burns. 14 17) AS L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 790. Q MS54 EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; moulded records. 60c esch. or 16 oer des. : new wheels, 15 up, 2d hand $6 up. Omaha uicycie co., 10m ana cnicago sis. W msa FOR BALE. 600 cattle, consisting of year lings, z-year-oios, cows ana cows ana calves: all healthy and In fine condition. For prices and full description sddreas ins N. 40m St., umana. y 460 so FOR BALE Three litters Bcotch Colllo pups. H. Brown, 1806 8 Bt, South Omaha. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St 8809 MME. GTLMER, Omaha's celebrated paimlst, has returned to the city after an extended journey throughout the country, and Is now at the present ad dress, 316 so. 16th St., uranlte block. 0 433 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MM EL SMITH, baths, 11$ N 16, 2d floor. B, 1 A M74H A6' MME. AMES, vapor baths, 134 N. ISth, R. 7. 1 lb A13 VERY desirable largo south room, with boara. sou ix. utb su t .msis si PERSONAL. HE SIGHED, sbs sighed, and then they signea siae oy siaa aown Dy in 4 river side. Ho had forgotten his STOECKER CIGARS. Tho only kind sns would let blin smoke. HAIRDRESBING. manicuring and chirop ody, lor laaies only, in connection wun The Bainery, uh-zm boo uiog. u sis PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- nnement; Da Dies aaoptea. tan urant BU Mrs. Uardeia. Tel. F-U63. U 313 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 69 oays; sena tor circular, u. b. woou, oi. u., V New Vork Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. u i VIAVA, woman's way to health. - Homo treatment. Booklet iree. vt uee uiag.. wmana. u u GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retau. coiuna iutno t-o. itux ioug las. . . , . , : U 31. CHIROPODY a specialty, In . connection with Tho Bathery, rooms 216-220, Bee iildg. Tel. 1716. . - - U-3m SHAMPOOING and halrdresslnc. 26c. In . conneouon with Tho ttatnery, Bea ouuaing. Tei. ink. u ii DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4, Frenser block, chronlo diseases a specialty; con sultation free. U 411 TEL. 780 for L. M. . messengers. U-MSE6 ELITE PARLORS. (16 So. 16th St., 2d floor. ... .. U HI AU MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16. 3d floor. R . u ftiuo A1 " TWO handsome baby boys for adoption. 1808 California st ' u s 11 When You Write to Advertisers- remember It only takea an axtra stroke or two of tho pen to mention tho fast that you saw too aa in A no amo. MONEY TO LOAN REAL . ESTATE. MONEY to lean on Improved Omaha real estate. oreunan-AjOva tu., vj u. AJtn. W 43 Options to pay -whols or part any time. -W. B. MEIKLU, 401 B. ISth St W 321 WANTED City loans and warrants, w. Farnam smith 4k Co., 1XU Farnam 8t . . W 94 FARM and elty loans, low rates. W. H 'ARM and elty loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tsl. 1646. W U4 WANTED City and farm loane: also bonds ana warrants. At c. cetera 4k Co., I7v3 Farnam Bt, Bee Bldg. W-827 I xx)W RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT C(5MPANT, aiaia c lour now sora aiio oiag. W-M323 I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w wu. t PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. YV SJA' $100 UP; low rate. Prlchard, 1713 Farnam. W AAJU PRIVATE money. Bherwood, $37 Jj 6H TO I P. C money. Bemlg, Paxton Blk. w aa PRIVATE money to loan on farm lands ana city property. Address m s. Bee. w-am 30 WANTED, a loan or xg.oou on inside prop erty, earning xi.oou per annum: will pay s per cent intereat. Address r bi, nee. W M674 $1 CONCERNING the state of affaire of state A desire to state mat in tftia state and every otner atato THE STOECKER CIGARS are the most legitimate articles on the maraet. w etui Aft MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS! , SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAT. Loans to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, lndoraer or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 3w4, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X 476 LARGEST lU'SINKSS IN LOANS TO sadakikd rturuu, merchanta, toam eters, boarding bouses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms; 40 offices In Drln- rlpal olUae. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade uidaT. , eui Chattel and Salary Loans. , PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 146. 62$ Paxton Block. X-MJO LOANS, housshold furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel seeurtty; terms to eult; no publicity; goods remain 111 your possession. American Loan Co., $d B wr, A'axton Dioca. b,s MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conndentiai; lowest rates. OAs rax to a blocs. AM 4. wa. AAUtten to. . X-6et MOF.T TO LOAN CHATTELS. "MONEY Wa have it to loan In amounts from $10.0$ up on furniture, planus, warehouse re ceipts, uve stock, etc. we aiao mane HALAKI lA)An M without mortgage or lndorser to persons who have a permanent Dosltion. I We give you the full amount of the loan in caan ana wo ao not cnarge lor mailing papers or filing mortages. With ua you have the option of keeping the money for one month or elx, or longer, and you need not pay for It longer than you keep It. Wa hope by thla advertisement to have you give ua a trial and we expect to re tain vour natronase bv fair treatment. 'me motto of our onice ta -iry to Please,' OMAHA MUHTUAGH LUAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. .'93. established 112.) . 306 8. 16th Bt. . XJ16 MONET loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to saiariea people, r oiey uu Co., sue ta Dull ureea. Barker Block. X-01 MONET loaned on planoa, furnltuie, Jew elry, boraas, cows, etc. u. r. neea, 3i s. it A eus Bl'SIKESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and 100a trade: tailing neaitn is rea son for selling; new brick oven. Address Box $76. Geneva, Neb. Y M227 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, Mccaguo Building. Y-34J A BTT8INEB8 MAN CAN acquire controlling Intereat in a profit able and rapidly increasing legitimate manufacturing business. Capital required $2,6uv to xo.uoo. This la worm investigat ing. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. T M524 WHEN you want to buy, sell ttr exchange your business or property quick, see J. a, aee J, T-M340 H. Johnson. S4I N. Y Dire. TO BUY, sell or exchange a bualnsss, call on J. j. uanan, n. a, ion uraim 01. Y M341 When You Write to Advertisers remember It takea an axtra stroke Of 1 two of the pen to mention tho fact that 1 BAKERY FOR SALE. A fine bakcrv. nicely located, doing a good gRP'lnvX,: MAN with $3,000. Interest given In a splen did business proposition. Address i. care nee. x A STOCK of harness for sale In oneof the best towns in eastern Nebraska, ror particulars address, F 34, Bee. ' Y-660-29 FOR BALE, meat market doing $1,800 worth or business Der month: reason tor selling, old age and want to retire. Address Box 208, Council Bluffs, la. ' Y M622 A3 IS. POO GENERAL dry goods stock, nice. clean, up-to-date, saieapie gooas, an re cently bought no fixtures; owner will exchange for about one-fourth cash, will take real estate for balance, prefers un improved land; would assume a mortgage on good property; stock will have to be removed from present location; owner will give good deal. Address to Brown & Co., 401 New York Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo., describing fully what you have to exchange. i-mmo r HARDWARE stock, $3,600 to .$4,500. Ad- r1aaaa r I llaaelniT ralPA I a uicpa in of '8r , i vu, Y-M636 A3 ORVhrat, mdse.. stock for sale. Ober- iCIltlt. 1 DC till, VfUltTl tMfT3f AW.a SS IUV I about $7,000; will sell all or half; half cash, balance on one year's time: doing good business In good town In best farm ing country in nortneaaiern ixenrasKa. Reason for selling good. Y S2 A6 FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE General merchandise. Invoice $12,000, for land or .ranch; other stocks; list your property wlthvme. , T. M. Cline, iiM u St., uncpin, iep. ... z, uui as A GOOD lot .In Eolith, 'Ornaha, clear, for team 01 work noraes. jpi zaceo ntn. road avenue. T 46, Bee.. 2-633 29 $10,000 TO $16,000' stock- of iren'ra merchan- A ipu sv CAiiwusju, aua siiu sua VIIQ-MIIIW I VMUt Ta,lAUl V Oer a.A.4U. U A 4 V,SV13 . pcu. 2-M664 2 FOR, BALE REAL ESTATE. S SPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW DAYS OF PROFiEKTY MSAK HIGH SCHOOL. $1,600 Practically new., house; good east front lot, no. S14 jN. Zjtn St., 3 blocks south of Crelghton College, on car Una. Jl,8o0 6-room house and fine lot on paved street. $2,000 For small house and fine lot, south west corner um ana wnicago bis. $675 each for two fine building lots on 22d St., s blocks norm ot Align scnooi, Paving and all special' taxes tmld In full on all the above. GEORGE COMPANY, 1901 Farnam St , RE 609 31 I A SNAP) Elegant modern 9-room brick dwelling, tv ounuse Place, $3,799, worth 712 M. X KE-M627 A28 IF TOU want ono of tho nicest t-rooraM Homes in iiacscom A'laoo a will giva you a Der gain, uwner leu cityi - must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 937 14. Y. A Bldg. KE Ml3 1 , . . SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for oholco Dargaina, eui et. 1. uie, ciog. xei. 1010. i . urn mi UI! ! lAMQnN CHARLES E., 1203 V.,f IWUIJ 6 W s w jraroam street. RE 34$ HOUSES and lots in all parte of city; also acre property ana tarm tanas, ine u. F. Davis Co.. Room 662, Be building. . . RE 341 I a . . . . AVM0NTSLX S?,Tl.ent )rf!Lla ' -roon house. G. M. Natllnger. Phone 463. RE M636 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE-348 " RANCH and tarm lands for sale by the union Pacino nauroaa company. 11. A. i McAJleater, land commissioner. Union Pa- cino iieaaquariars, umana, ntn, - RE-344 WHY PAY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME I See the industrial noma company of , America. Best plan on earthl Office 221 1 . , T' Jt v.l ..... W . 11 . r I Wilde, manager. RE M237 A18 340 ACRES, 14 miles northwest ot Irving-I too. an under cultivation ana nrst-ciaes ' land. Prl e. $( an acre, if you are look ing for a farm don t fall to let ua show you this. The Byron Reed Co. (Sole Agents), 213 B. 14th at ;. RE M420 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nro Insurance. emis, A'e&ion block. RE-34$ WANT to sell quick a 6-room cottage at 3117 orace St.; gas, sewer, wster, lot -rt. front; Darn, si.aoo. w. Al. uates, 17 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1294. RE M60 1 FOR BALE, 30 acres land, near Florence, li.euo. 'ine u. r. Davis 1.0., oce nee mag, RE 666 A6 FOR SALE house with one and one-half anrea land, near street car. 11.860. The O. F. Davis Co.. 60S Bee Bldg'. R10-6i7 A6 LOST. GOLD cuff button with red set Return to Bee omce. Aost 7i6 LOBT, gentleman's opal ecarfpln. Return to Arcade hotel. Liberal reward. Lost-660 29 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, ' tho acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladea to hie unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what csuse. Call r address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 161$ Dodge, Omaha. 349 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT 8 school. 717 N. T. Llfs. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. n. x. uii. oo NEB. Buslaess 4k Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. eta TV Pt WRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efflotent, durable. Simplest, eaalest to learn, uaa and car tor. BUILT FOR BUSINESS. J Let us show you. Sent on approval. MONROE 4k CO., , U North lth St., Omaha, 1M LACNDRT. OMAHA Steam Lundry: shirts, o: collars, 3c; cuffs, 40. 1760 Lavenwortn. ii. a-im. BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phons Y ani OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suit 6 16, Si. X. iag. hi. am. 364 DR. A. T. KUNT, 61$ McCaguo Bldg, TeU 3352. MRS. GRACE DEEOAN, 13$ Bes building, Tel. 29i. . li4 A14 . MANt'FACTVRIlUG. F. MELCHIOR, Utb and llaraey, ma- cninisu som nilAHA Oaf and Iron Wks. mako a soo- clalty 01 nro escapes, snuners, aoors ana sates. . Anareen, xrup., avs d. auhi 01. 1436 LAW AMD COLLECTIONS. TILLMAN 4k PRICE. 33 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. NBa Couection Co., 306 N. T. Life Bldg. 1 Air JINK. ALPIRN fl ANNOLNCEMRNTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tela- phone &l0. ui soma inirteema stxeeu MJ GARBAOB. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., Cleans cesspools and vaults,. ramoves garoago ana aeaa animals at reauura onumm. eu. 11- i Tot 1779. -37$ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offlce, reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneas oonUdanUaL 1301 Douglas. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phono 1717. 606 8. 16th. MMM M jr. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. -MS56 I ' " STORAGE. OIL Van Blor wo., Aaug wu. Asia. w-vm. rfaa PATENTS. PATENTS Sues Co., Boo Bldg., Omatoa ao lea unless successiui; aavico iree. 681 Bept 19 FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 161$ Farnam. Tel. 1363. Send tor pries list, cut nowers ana pi ants. nie MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017, M406 Aug21 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Delight's, 1119 Farnam street ' BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tlo Co., 811 North 16th. JO HICKEL PLATING. OMaHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. Tel. 2636. 4 w ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. I GRAND Electric Co., 1$ Jackson. Tsl. 3846. 363 PLUMBIN. D. W. DUDGEON, 3910 Famam. Tel. 1986. 77 A6 CARPENTERS AND JOINtlM. v . ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attenaea to. J. a. ucmitreo, 'Jin K artA I oU. tCl ICE CREAM SODA- SARATOGA Ice cream soda, one price, 6c; one quality, the best 8. w. cor. 24th Ames ave. 21 A16 FUR DRESSING. 1 O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 18th. Ml LAWN MOWERS. Bharpened, repaired. L L Wks., 1406 Howard. -KJIl STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. ' 372 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two 01 tne pen to mention tne foot tnat you saw the ad In The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE rials, plumbing and electrical supplies, hardware, etc. y. B. Indian School, Genoa, Neb., July 23, 1902. Sealed proposals en dorsed "proposals for Building Materials, etc.," and addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Neb., will Do received at the Indian School until two o'clock pC m. Of Auguat 1. 1.4 ... .n.l.n. a ., .4 .1 1 ir. r I .. - the school, aa reaulred durlna the fiscal y" ending June 80, 1903, a quantity of " " ' """f""- builders' nilllwork, paints, Urns, sand, cemeut, slate a boiler and radiation, pipe ana nttings. tiye iuvci .,1., c,i ,,t, 1, a, v I iiuiiiu ng, etc., etc., a full list and specifications being obtainable at- the school. Atidders will please state apecltlcally the proposed price of each article to be offered under contract; all articles so offered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to teject any and all bids or any fsrt of any bid It deemed for the best ln e rests of the service. Each bid muat be accomoanled by a certified check or draft UDOn some United Btatea depository or solvent national bank, made payable to the order of the commissioner or Indian anairs, for at least five par cent of ths amount of the proposal, which check or draft shall be forfeited to the United Btatea in case a bidder recetvlna an award shall fall 1 to execute promptly a satisfactory contract in accordance wun nia uia, omerwiee to ds returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash in lieu or oertmed check will not be considered. For further information apply to W. AA. vwnsiow, superintendent. j-M-a-ia-i-m OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER. Observatory Offlce Building, Des Moines. Iowa, July J, 19 3. Beaied pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 3 p. m., August zo, 11, ior construe lng, plumbing, electric wiring, steam heat. Ing and gaa piping at Fort Dea Molnos. I Iowa, I Aeid officers' quarters. $ double s's officers' ftuarters, S double sets aea-com- GOVERNMENT ROTICtB. missioned officers' quarters, 1 double cav alry barracks, t cavalry stables, 1 guard house. 1 administration building. 1 hospital. hospital ateward'a quarters, 1 hay shed. granary, 1 magaslne, I oil house, lntnr tlon furnished on srnlh sllon here, or at Iepot Quartermasters Offices In Cnliago, in., Bt. Ijouis. Mo.. Omaha. Neb., and rt. Paul, Minn. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all propoeala, or parts nereor. of. Envelopes containing, proposals I Id be endorsed, "Proposals for .- shou addressed R. B. Turner. U. M. July Z6 a 39 30 A 23 CM FORT RILEY, KANSAS. JULY 2S, 19oi Sealed proposals, in trlullcate. will bo re ceived at this ofllce until 11 o'clock a. m., August 25, I!i2, and then opened, for the construction of the following building, In cluding plumbing, heating and electric wiring, wnero same is specincd, and for ovens and bead-maklng machinery In Slaco In bakery. Construction of one ouble Cavalry Barracks, one Artillery Han-ncks, one Gun Shea, one Artillery Stable, ona Cavalry Stable, three Field Officers' Quarter, two Double Line Officers' Uiiarters, two Double N. J. ptan uuarters and one Bakery at Fort Riley, Kansas. run instructions, to Didders ana Diang forms of proposal will be furnished upon application to thla office. Plans and specifi cations may be seen here, aisojn omces Of Depot uuartermasters at 1 nicago, 111.. Bt. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. United Btatea reaerves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Public Building," and addressed, "CAP- tain q; O. Cf RESB, Constructing Quarter- J-.S-a-4-l-A-Z3-.4- m LEGAL NOTICE. NOTirR To Whom It May Concern Notloe Is here- v given that the Board of Commissioners f Un.W .Mini, will " n , h. I 18th day of August, 1902. and until noon of that day, receive bids at Bassett. Nebraska, ior me construction 01 a orrage crossing ----- - - . the Nlobra.a river at a point on or near seals has been agreed upon, the half-section line dividing section 30, Tn9 Dew obstacle to an amicable adjust north and south, In township 83, range 19. , . , Ai. .mnt.. which bridge shall bo of the following gen- nttit Is one nonunion workman employed; oral character: Of sufficient J-ngth to span said river from bank to bank, Including Island, and I hnut am f.ef nil. .nrt .trtneer under truss, wood bridge: white oak piling, 34 feet. 12 Inches at butt aAd driven at least 24 feet Into the ground; bents 36 feet apart, piling Ice breaks, with railroad Iron proteo- tlon. and bents or riles under same pro-1 tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string- ers of Oregon fir. 4x12 Inches, laid 16 Inches from center to center; 14-tooi roadway, 1 two and one-hau-incn white oak plank; 1 trusses not less than one Inch In diameter, I iruss rous 10 eacn ipin ramus leei . , . , ir-r-nCn nesnnusisl r high, subsuntial, nard pine, cap on Piles SALOON KEEPER RESPONSIBLE wniif wk, uu.i vniiHV iu tie o iwi aoove low water mark, and to be painted. All material to oe nrat-ciass 01 Kina named. Plans .and specifications In county clerk's office. All bids must be accompanied bv Diana and specifications and also bond as re quired by law, and ho bid will be considered unless acoompantea cy bond. Klgnt reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Commissioners Of nock county. Dated July s, 1903. Q. A. HILLBURG. County Clerk. July l&d30t M RAILWAY TIMR CARD. UNION STATION 10TB' AND MARCY. Chicago, Rook Island 4k Paclflc. Leave, Arrive. EAST. Chicago Daylight 14m- itea a s:w am a e:4B am Chicago Daylight a 7.00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bll :lo am a 6:06 pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll:60am Chicago Fust Express., a 4:o6 pm a 1:26 pm WEST Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 6:60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, A'uepio ana 1 Vest a 1:30 pm a 6:43 pm VOlO., V.BJ. OA Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm al3:40 pm iiob raeinc. uveriana iinuiea ..a :w ani a T:wj pm Fast Mall .....a 3:60 am a 3:26 Dm California Express a 4:26 pm Paclflo Express ...,all:30 Dm Eastern Express. a 4:25 pm fth"".? ... 1:w voiurauu Dyeuii i.uitua Chicago Soecia; :4o am Dincom, twirict mna Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:36 pm "Wabash. . Leave. Arrive.' Bt. ixuis - tjaonon Ban Express 8t Louis Local. Council a 1:66 pm a 1:30 am Bluffs a 9:16 am al0:30 pro Chicago 4k northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3 40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 3:00 pm a 3:30 am Local Sioux City aS:luam tlMpm ijayugnt ol. raui ai:o an. a!0:2fi nm Daylight Chicago .a s:uu am uiu pm .al0:66 am a 6:30 Dm AXcai unicago... Local Carroll .... Faat -Chicago..,. Limited Chloago. . 3:&a pm alO:00 am .a 4:66 pm a 4:06 pm .a 7:4c Dm a 9:20 am Faat Bt. Paul ....a 7:65 pm a 8:60 ami Fast Mali. a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City b 1:66 pm b 10:00 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express ..a 7: am a 6:10 pm Chicago. Minneapolis 4k St Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis 4V St Paul Express b T:20 am b!0:SS pm cmca-go ALxproas aivM pm Mlsaonrl .PnclSe. Bt Louis Express s 10:00 am a 1:35 pm I K. C. 4k Bt Is. Ex alo;60 pm a 6:16 am Chicago, MiifrawHoo St. Fnnl. Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicago 4k Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b $;40 pm ftwatXlNGTOa STATION IOTH MASON Rarllagrton ek Hleaonrl River. .Leave. Arrive. Wymote. Beatrice and unooin a s:e am du:gs aa febraaka Express a 8:4 am a 7:46 pm enver Limited ....a 4:26 pm a 6:46 jm lack Alius ana rugei Sound Express all:10 pm a 2:10 pm Colorado Vestlbulea Flyer a $10 pro a 9:17 am Lincoln Faat Mall b 3:10 pm Fort Crook and Platta- Br.vnue PacYfic Jet!; 1M pm a 7l im Bellevue A Paclflo Jot.. a t.-OO am .W W ku. W.t . Kansas City, St. Joseph 4b Connell Bias. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 8:20 am a 6ro$ pm - u!f-JS'fjiV w,J"?.5.:iS Sm M:ff M- Kansas City Mght Ex..aiu:o pm a 6:lt am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, e Bun- day onli. d Daily except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. Chicago, Barllnsjton 4k 6nlney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:0 am a 4: pm 1 hlcago vestiouiea jx a .w pin a cou am vnicago tzmi ..a s:v am au:uu vm Chicago Dimiiea .... Fast Mall . 7 Ml in. ... t.w K" l.wv .in a 3:49 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH 4k WEBSTER Fremont, Elkhern Mia Valley. Leave. Arrive. 1 , l nil). IS..4muI Hot 6wl7x. .. ".T.rr.a IX pm alMpm Wyoming, waaper ane . Douglas d 140 pa S M pm Hastings, Tork, DavU t;lty, uuperior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward.... b t.'OS pm h 1:00 pa Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont 7:30 am bWS am Fremont Local ,....o 7:30 am Chicago, St. Pal. Minneapolis ok Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. ..a $ 80 am a 9:0 pm Bloux City passenger., .a i:w pm iu: em Emerson Local b 1:49 pm b 6:45 am Miasoart Facile, Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO: am Call up 238 4 4) 4)' 4) e e) T and a e) Bee Advertisina Man ) w win can on you to get a Want Ad or a Halt Page. teee)4w FORCED TO FIGHT FOR FOOD' Pitiable Coadltloa of Iho Last Rta.l . V 1st Unsnrs, TUCSON, Arli., July 29. Driven to des. peratton by hunger and thirst, a band of thirty Tsquls, nearly halt of them ,. . ,K. women, swooped down upon the Carmel ranch near Hermoslllo Saturday and a fierce and bloody fight followed. - The women fought with the ferocity of wild animals, and when a patrol of Mexi can troops galloped down to the rescuo two of tho women and 11 vs ot tho men lay dead. , The Taquls were completely over whelmed. They were weak from hunger and when attacked by superior numbers they were compelled to surrender. Fifteen prisoners were marched to Hermoslllo, where they will be sentenced by General Torres. There are two Yaqul chiefs among the captives. These Indians are supposed to bo the last remnant ot those who took to the warpath oome time ago. ONE MAN BLOCKS THE WORK Ragr Factory Refoses Discharge) Koanaloa Workssaa suisl tho Men Xll Star Oat. PHILADELPHIA, July '9. The strike ol rug weavers, which, after having been In progress ten weeks, was believed to havo h.ntl ...1n4 a.lAPa, I. .till At, MflA. nr h. mm. rtar.A h i. Mnfiiri n. .m.. ,.,,. lnJttv ,vM,.v ,wa by William T. Smith ft Co. The firm de- cllnd to discharge him at the request of ... ... (ii a the union officials and the strikers refused to return to their looms at that milk All other plants were ready to resume operations today, 1 but when It became known that Smith sr Co. would not lesumo its. nih.e enmnanlea announced their in. ,,, i,.-i .u.i. r.Mnri.a elnsiul tentloa of keeping theil ' factories closed ior ids present, smui o.vw iuou i- fected. f Nebraska Decision Is Upheld by tho 1's.lted States Court of Ap peals at Bt. Lowle. ST. LOUIS, July 29. According to a de cision ot the United States circuit court of appeals, which affirmed the Judgment for plaintiffs of the circuit court ot Nebraska, a saloon keeper may he held responsible for the death ot a patron, In his place la the event that death occurs from an acci dent resulting from the inebriated condi tion ot the patron. The suit waa filed by ths widow and daughter of Charles Walker against John Moser and others, who were engaged In tho saloon business at Ashland, Neb. Plain tiffs charge that Charles Walker, on Feb ruary 7, 1900, drank intoxicants to excess at Moser's esloon, and In consequence waa thrown from a bnggy and killed. A ver dict giving the plaintiff damages waa ap pealed. . JAta dULUicn mum vcnin P'$sldosit Commotes the Extreme 1 penalty to Fifteen Years In ' I , ' I the Penitentiary I BAN FRANCISCO. July 29. Orders re- celved at army headquarters in this city an l ,. - , . . I nounee that President Roosevelt Das saved ii soldier from .hanging. Guy Stevenson,-Troop M, Ninth cavalry, was found guilty 01 criminal assault ana sexefenced to death, but the president has ommuted the . sentence to fifteen years' J imprisonment - ' Stevenson is now at Alcatrat island, but will go to the United Btatee penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kaa. Seasonable Fashions. '4190 Fire Cored Welkins; Skirt, tl 10 -waist i . Woman's Five-Gored Walking Skirt With' Habitback 419 Perforated for Dip In Front Walking skirts with habit, backs are In the height ot atyle and gain In favor week I ' wees, inis siyiisn moaei is snown in Panama crash In a soft gray simply stitched with silk, but Is appropriate for all skirt- " materials. The shaping ot the J gores is peculiarly good, as It allows of a I perfect fit without the use of hip darts. I The skirt Is cut. ta Ave gores that are snug about the hips an'd flare freely about n tB C4M f original the . . ,,,..,. ,h. ,,. , . I seam, so doing away with all the annoy. often attendant upon a plaoket at the back,' but when preferred the opening can be made at the center back seam and closed wvisioiy, or py means or puttons ana out- 1 tonnoies extenaea ior tne entire tengtn 01 1 .1.1-. .. l. . . I A" MVler nugv vu u auiaoeo I ... v-t. M t.v. ... I 4 " i w.i. ui uu chucj us J low ac- ug or Dmaing. To cut this skirt in ths medium else KH yards of material 27 Inches wide, 6 yards $1 Inches wide, 44 yards 44 Inches wide or I yards 61 Inches wide will be required. The pattern 4190 is cut In slies for a 31, . . 2 m 0-hch waut measure. For the acrommodatloa of The Bee read era, these panares, which usually retail at from 36 to 60 cents. Will be furnished at a nominal prloe, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern en close 10 cents, give number and nana of pattern wanted and bust measura. STEAMSHIPS. Sumratr Tours on Lako HIch!iB B TIAes'sHIP' Til AN ITO U Sar sasiss s swig ssslsiUslrsiskss thr s Haas ' ub we fur rr-.kf.rl, rtrl.,li, KarA-r. tsftaos. B TU, H.l k.T, Uukl-M Ulu4. too. ' IKini far Basratt, UsSala sad ail Iwtn Pelaia. ttAVIS CHICAGO AS FOLtOWSI Tnss.Sawa. Ttsn-ltsMaji. at.Ap.nt. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE DOCKS, tush aad N. Walat Sts.. Chlcsa HOLUHD.AI..ERICA LIKE Hsw York-botterdau, via. Uouloina, S. M. Bow A oia-Cjueon a s. or AB.uou was register ntn9 I f4..ilM diaiBIIUaill Aug. 3. 10 A. M. Potsdam Au,iedA. Ryndam au.i,iua.m Harry Moorea, 1601 Farnam McNally. 1223 Farnam street t Twla8erew Bteanier Twia-Screw Kioawer Apply to strset; J. 8. H. S. 'Jones. IjuA Farnam atreat: LauIA sSsase. Fixst.Jj'aUoaat A3k. Oinana,