Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Viols Gsre. Family Tumble on Big E
oeipti in Bearish Market.
- . K .Mn.. rindn market hmk tfl
I a bushel under stop-loss selling, general
liquidation, promising crop news and better
receipts. The close was unettieu at i'a'
lc net decline. May, 4i4c, closed at
4-c: Jnlv. ftVuic. closed at Y4c: Septem
ber. 'Vi'CSc, closed at 61c; December,
4r(H!''-, closed at 4,4C.
I UA'1 8 Receipts, , tin. ; exports, 116
I hti. Bpot. weaker; No. 2, 6!c; No. 8, 2c;
Nn 2 white (fin: No. 3 white. 64c: track
REACTION SETS IN. TOWARD END OF DAY mixed -vn, (rack white western.
market was Weak and lower on Dig re-
Jmr !, After Dropping FIt Cents,
Get Snpport and Qalt Advanced
.Provision. Are Weak
ad SatTer Losses..
CHICAOO. July 29-Bears were In full
control of all grain market most of the
day. The tumbling was not connnca uniy
to breaks In Julv. where there had been
rallying ' slightly with
celpts, afterward
other markets. . .
HAY Stendy: shipping, 6570c; gooa to
choice. Dn'ntl.oo. .
HOPS Firm; state, prime to cnoice, iwu
Crop, 131(1 -O'', JW'. I'HJ, I MU, nniv,
common to choice, 191 crop, 24j2c; I), 17
4ilKc; olds, 7i Mw: Pacific ensst, 1901 crop, 21
ti24c; I9"0, 1i18c; olds, 2Va2hr.
I .K AT If KK Steady ; acid. 24).kc,
second clear. 12.45.
BRAN In bulk. H4.0IVffl4.2S.
Liverpool Grata and Provisions.
patents, $3 70010; first clears, $30VfJ'3.15; I were In good demand and finished very
nrni. nrnirs reaciea, cui tr-i-rivr-i r. ,. -tlally
and closed steadier. Industrial and
tractions were weak and Rio tlntos werfj
neglected. The nrlvate rate of discount
wae 2 6-18. Three per cent rentes, Vit 27c
f"r the account; exchange on London, Sot
lc for checks; Spanish 4s, 80.85.
nr.KL.iN, July 29. Trading on me oourse
today was quiet. Interest centered In the
Hochumer shares, which relapsed 8 polnta
No. 1 northern, spring, quiet, Ss ld; No. 1
California, dull, 6s 4d; futures, quiet;
Julv, nominal; September, 6s d; Decem-
U-w' Km 1 1
CORN-Spot, ateady; American mixed, 5s when a dividend' of 7 per cent waa an-
lld; future, steady; September, 6s 2d; nounced. Canadian Pacifies were easier
October, Rs ld. on New York advlcea. Turks and Spanish
PROVISIONS Reef, strong; extra India 4s were depressed on sales for the Paris
mess. 107s 6d. Pork, nrm; prune mess wesi- i account.
ern. S2s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 18 lbs.,
quiet, s. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut,
26 to 30 lbs., quiet, frs; short ribs. It
to 24 lbs., quiet, 69s 6d; long clear middles,
light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 60s; long clear
middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet, 68s Sd;
short clear backs, IS to 20 Ins., steady.
S-s: clear bellies. 14 to IS lbs., steady.
PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. $1600 S2s fd. Shoulders, square cut, 11 to 13 lbs., mkt dM ,',,,, m,lr
4J16.50; mess. $13.5o; beef hams. 22.uuS:3.; steady, 47a 6d. Lrd. quiet; prime west- WMknMf MrW ,n tms aa ,
packet, ih.wkoio.i"'; city extra nam mwi, irn. in tierces, penou, iimcnrm '"land even some attempts were
$22.001 24. 00. Cut meata, quiet; ptcaiea oci- i pans, mi.
Effort to Indace Speenlatlon for Rlaa
Fatlle aad Weakness Follows.
NEW YORK. July .-Tody's stock
cn positive
s yesterday
even aome attempts were made to
Beef Cattle of Otod Quality Bold Bsadily at
Itsady frioea.
Actlvo Demand tor Better Grades of
Sheep aad Yearling, bat Lambs
Were a Mttle Dall aad
Weak .Feeders Steady.
. l. ...! Th. mhnl. rln ChMt. I,.. Iu'lahu. ll.l.,l .I,nnl,l,ri MTSft rlfflKqlUm' Amriin flllMt whlt. ... ' " r,r-Luii.iiuii .r ...
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
corn, oats ana rye, in mi mimum, ru. t.ta; pick ed nam, iz.uaiz.ciu. iru, rny. steaay, we on; American iinesi tuimru, tone of the market decided! rink
lower under the smothering weight of big western steamed. $10 95; July closed. $10 .92. steady: 49s 8d. J.," ? 7-. "iVJ Tl? attemrVt to revl"
receipts and prospects of Immence coarja nominal; refined, easier; South America. TALLOW I"r!me city, steady, 28s; Au- Breculatlon turned to a few low-orlced
grain crops. In July, where sensational $n ;B; compound. $8.12'Vf58.50; ronUnent, trallan. In Tendon, dull. 83s. stacks annnrenfw on thJ !nnaltlon that
Srops were expected, the bears were some- iU0. Pnrk. easier; family $20..5; short FIX)fjR-St. Louie fancy winter, firm, " '"pX'P-P' ?rf" ''heaV.tocSuld nroCe
what disappointed. In the other months. ciear. $19 Cn 21.00; mess, $18 50519.50. $a d. Jnnra?rJ?ttl . A?- ir.i n,lhllr,P(h
however, iVre pr'ces were considered on HIDKS-Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs., M0PS-At London (Paclflo coast). Arm, Tl ,h K' h 13 ?,o Thmov.ment
a fair commercial basis, the crops were 1RC; California. 21 to 26 Iba.. 19c; Texas dry. h...iJtiVilw .A .?f torn.
udden and disastrous to the bulls and 24 to 30 lbs , 14c. Rt'TTER Nominal. fhin. Iv.e i t, , n-Jrn i ,V
quite astonishing. Toward the close a re- wwiL-Bteady; domestic fleece , 26 30c. PEAS-Canadlan. quiet, (a HJ. 5'n gt VffiJ" ThdinJitth? ill
ariinn mm I in in mnsif ac I h 1 1 1 1 11 u rniirviaui -1 a . i j i lv firm rn v iz tift iihh. i. Dial:. m a..a Jk. ia 4ua i
1 rltV
t, which had lopt S cents. In I countrv (nku. ffree), 6"
wnrni iubi tuny
? Briltemher C0nl,rJf !t'S- ly1??- . . .ua days, 325,000 centals. Including 187,000 Amer- lnN
l.?er 8X and niCE-FlrVn ; domestic, fair to extra. 4H9 loan Recetpt, cf American corn during
ber 2c ana gc. Japanese, 465c. . th i.t threa none. 1
its closed 2c HOTTER Receipt. 22T9 pkgs.; dull and th8 'et threo flaya, none. coa
In July oata
the end July
uc. Julv corn 4c. Bentem
R.nimlwr nsta a:c. Julv oat
higher and provisions closed 6c to 3Sc down, weak; state dairy. 17(i.r20c; creamery, 17ig
corn ruiea consistently oeniinii ... i 2wc; creamery, imitation, lowi'isc; iac
Anilnn. l' m-eskness set In almost I itAHn
at the start of business. Heavy receipt CHEKSK Receipts, 9.2S2 pkgs.; large firm, and cable communications to Bradstreef at least $2,ooo.0u0 more will go out on
and fine weather were the Incentives. Aug- Kmaii w; fancy, large, colored and white, show the following changes In available Thursday. The movement continue to
mentlng these was an almost total absence 9.c. fanryi pmall, colored 10c; white, t'c. supplies a compared with laet account: pussle observers more or les. Large obll-
or support. Apparently mo umr-nrn . KOG9 Ri
thetlc effect In allied stocks.
News of disorders in the mining region
seemed to be construed a evidence that the
I miners' strike was In course of dlsln-
Chances la Available Snppllea. mftA of furth.e .n..m.nt. f nM for
NEW YORK. July 29 Special telegraphic I export, but It was generally believed that
Receipts. 14,822 pkgs.; steady;
. , imost no sunnnrt and market was also easy and aim. wun spot
In September gave almost no iiippnn nn i10,-h i : anrtil BO. Conner at New York
ih. tfiiMMin whs mm mis in rrrsi waa iu . r . . . . . .
Wheat. I nlted states and Canada, nil tinna rnr.i...r. vnnn . k.
.. . f t , - .. . . . . . . i r ..... in.ii,i. nu n...... .. w -
state and Pennsylvania. 2ofi2'c; western. Vn i ISS" ln7'T.J: i mm T, ! turlng constantly. It I also clear enough
candled, lReWVic; western, uncandled, 16V4 fr na ,n. Canada, decreased 1.800,000 bu., tnat tn9 restricted volume of our exports
vlIHr.'' hLVP'rteS e'."1. Canada. ...t cf i?J!? ' " ot exchange
lt I ii .am h mmt nan v t rvnw i iripi iipi. et.vii ixt.:. i . - - iuiiih i u r i r in 1 1 in nrn.
I'OUI.TRY Allve Irregular; turkeys. 1!
ffiisc- fowls 13Ur. nressed. easv: chickens
feti lftr; fowls. 13Hc; turkeys, 14S-15c. . . ln8 '" I mnnr t n t I n crea sea re- -f.?' "0 U.T04.000. compared with
METALS The market today wa quiet.
In Iindon weakness In tin was noted, prices
113. ""0 .noo.a,o. ana or oata, 161.1U0, com
ti'wi I 3.234.000.
"' I U... .k... I- .Y. - Ai .V.
. 'ii i v ii r i .1 .a .no .aula uiavirmiij . I . tu.
Two day this week..
Same days lust week..
Same week before
Same three weeks ago... 6.244
ame four week aco.... 4.142
Sam day last year 4.234
The following table show the receipt
of cattle, hogi and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, with comparison
with last years
lftM. 1901. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 416.031 890,129 64 92
Hog 1.496.691 1.434.217 61.374
Sheep 620.881 688.328 67,445
The following tabl show the avenge
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parison with former year:
Vork onll cllnue have, as they announced
deserted the July deal, for on fair offering
cf this month there was a rapid decline
and a net loss of 4c from last nlnht's close,
with the closing sale at D7c. Trade was
not heavy, but offerings were so liberal In
addition to the reports of exceptionally
large coarse grain cropa that the corn
ma rue i an arounn hjus, un t& hi.fl " r- v ... - . ... .i .i ... ii' i hub tt v. c ...una ul n
Kbles were Indifferent, the cash demand f " .Vll"?0":"!? private elevators, 138.0
fell off snd general news of other nature ""'"a' 2" d end closing with L P"t t Louisville. 125.000 bu. at Roches
favored the Sears. The big short Interest M snd future, at 126 .s 6d The local b t Mllwaukee private eleva
a rnuii k me intii o i ill ihii ih.hl tiiti mnrs -n M. . , -
ported thU wek are thn.e of 206.000 bu. T'
bu. at Newport News and 60,000 bu. at
lheV' hreskV Se'ntember opened Va'c with SaVow Vhanrea in the list.' Standard
rtTwn i?. f t X airf ketTt on a con- "Pt to Augusf cfosed at $11.3tvffU.IB lake
S d"ec.e l',SCt .T?aV k VMjd T's
lai cars to oe receivea neru " . ' :,
lowereo in .10. nnni r in iik m.o& ii. on inn iu-
mates or on v
tomorrow checked the decline and Sep
tember closed weak tc down at 66c. Re
ceipts were 334 cars, 94 of contract grade.
Wheat showed much weakness early on
the corn slump and lower cables. Receipt
were . .. 1 .....a.. I tr, .T7U. F.nellfth Iron Was Steadv. With I her 98U.e- no .Tuiv tAe- new KanlemKer
or sup- il" . &a iriHi. I ' " 1 ' '
. V. . V T 1 1 1 r" d ' ' TT IIIKIiri ..V. a.,., .......... , n : ( -
strong; October,
Chattanooga. money rates nere ana tnose abroaa tnai
The leading decrease is that or 323,000 ox --. i
In Manitoba, negotiated. Money Is now declining bom
in iieriin ana in fans ana is rising nrrn.
Toledo Grain and Seed. I without availing to check the calling home
or credits, wnicn necessitates tne goia snip-
,a,LTh?renmenV"nbdb"br Ola-Bow id Wher at 56sd and Middles-
port that threatened a. bad break In th borouKn unchanged at BRs. Iron ruled
feadlng cereal. Prediction iwrel tor a rec- w.rrilnt. No. , foundry, northern,
crd breaking crop northwest. Lor"" the 23. 2 foundry. $20.0022.50; No. 1 outh-
sentiment was very bearish and the local . to r)rti."3 00.
Hires at R2 12s 6d. Iad prices were steady cash, 71ic; July. 71c; September, TlXc;
and uncnangea in nrn-n maraeia, nere ai ntoemBer, 72'4c; My, tsili'nwio,
$4 12'i,and abroad at 11 Is 6d. Spelter ruled CORN Actle, weak; July, 80c; Septem
about steady at nome ana in uonoon, cios- i ber, 64c; Iiecember, 43c.
Ing there at 129 and In New York at OATS Active, tlrm; July, 38c; Septem r.ngnsn iron was sieaoy, wun i per,
Glasgow 4d higher at 56s Sd and Middles- I 22Hc.
SEED Clover,
TOLEDO. July 29. WHEAT-Pull, weak; ments.
The removal of the feverish tone of Hock
crowd sold almost to a man. The south
west, which received a heavy load today,
sold freely. Stop-loss orders were met In
abundance on the decline, but as soon as
d SEED Clover, dull.
RYE No. 2, 68c.
Phlla teii.tild Prodnce Mnrarl
Steadv: extra western creamery. 2bc:
these were exhausted the tone Improved. .Hlna rrde and Onofatlona on extra nearby creamery. 22c.
The pressure lifted and excellent buying by Condition of Trade and unotatlona on EGG8-8teady, fresh western. 20Hc loss
Influential houses aided the pit In a fair I Staple and Fancy Frodnec. I off; fresh southwestern, 18c; southern, K'tp
leaction. lmitt seaDoara sales ot ii loans i ..,,.,, I ibc, loss on:.
ii.m.nln (ha rallv .Tiilv which nf lain I KGOS Candled StOCk. 160. I I'liL-vC tr.l.. Vm.. Va-i. f,.ll
has been very narrow and easily affected. I Livfc pouliky wens. c. rooster, ac- prlme( nxgoc; fair to good, Vi
nung ratner narrow, opening fiil4c oown ""'" " y; , iu'. r." . n-wu, I 6c.
Island has much to do with the undertone
of weakness of stock. The delay In the
formal announcement of the details of the
plan gives rise to some apprehension of
changes. The criticism of the plan turns
on the feature which propose to convert
etock Into foreclosure bonds.
late In the day the bears were encour
aged by the failure of various attempt to
put up prices to mske a determined attack
under which the market yielded snarpiy.
July ..... T 4H $9 I 1 11
July 1.... T U III IN
July ... 5 M 6 74 6 01 1 78
July ....
July I.... T 64V4 I Tjfi 0f $ TS
July .... 6 791 181 t 83
July 7.... T 764, U I 81
Juar I.... T ITA I 8t I 88
July 7 S04 6 81 6 111
July 10... T 83"i I 86 I 13 t 90
July 11... t 6 92 6 04 I 96
July 11... 7 77Vi 196 102 4 041
July It... 6 86 I 13 4 09
July 14... 7 72S 6 08 4 06
July 16... 7 76 6 77 $99
July 18... 7 72H 6 64 I 02
July 17... 7 72 6 66 4 94 4 01
July 18... 7 73 6 68 4 87 4 16
July 19... 7 86. 6 62 4 99 4 28
July 20... 6 69 4 98 4 19
July 21... 7 62H 6 07 4 21
July 22... 7 41H 6 88 4 S4
July 23... 7 92 6 71 I IE
July 24... 7 41S 6 7016 15 4 86
July 26... 7 63 6 74 6 061 4 81
July 26... 7 62 6 69 6 02 4 27
July 27... 6 69 6 06 i 4 32
July 28... 7 63 6 13 4 83
July 29... 7 65i S 47 4 32
13c; choice
Milwaukee Grain irfarket.
2 I
at "iZimWtc, and after dipping to 72c closed snd geese, 6(&jc; spring chickens, per lb.,
only a trifle easy, a lower, at 73Vc. Sep- l "J, , ,
tember opened Hfic to down at ULTTER Packing stock.
7W.o to 70iC, r
lli, ll.lVTI
neae waa liberal. Fine "weather was ft ring. 6c; pickerel. 8c; pike. 9c; perch. 8c; northern 77Hf77c; Sepmber, 7o70Hc.
v ..v. .. r 1 i.... I huffalo. dressed 7c: sunflan. 6c: bluetlna. 8c: RYE Dull: No. 1. 56(iifi0c.
6.12 cars 28' of contract grade- whlteflsh, 10c; catfish. 13c; black bass, 18c; I BARLEY Dull; No. S, 68c; ample, 80
Minneapolis and Duluth reported 266 cars, n .-J- Alc "aimo"- 1DC; ,naaorv; 'ic; r-r.uMa. v,..
making a total for the three points of 7S8 Pd,flh. 12c,: ra . napper. 10c; lobsters, CQRN-September, 66c.
cars, against 712 last week and 7n6 a year
ago. Beanoaro clearances in wheat and
flour equaled 121,000 bu. Prlm.rv receipts
were 1,419,000 bu., against 1,123,000 bu. last
July oata afforded the spectacular side of
the blackboard story of the trading today.
On a little selling, stimulated by the very
heavy receipts, July broke early to 63c, or
a loss of 6c from yesterday's close. When
the decline In the other grain pits was
checked bid for several "fives" of new
July put the price up quickly to a strong
close, 2c higher, at 80c. The trade wa still
at sea as to the possibilities of the manip
ulation In this option. At the outset It
was expected that the 686 cars of new ar
rival today, with 172 car of contract
fTade, and other contract stuff, total 800,
000 bu. for deliveries, would break prices.
Everything pointed to a deluge of oats this
week. With only two day more to th
July deal It wa all guesswork whether the
short had settled or would have enough
contracts settled to avoid a bad squeeze
When the price reacted and advanced it
boiled, per lb., 27c; lobster, green, per lb..
znc; ounneaaa. ivc.
CORN 60c.
RKAN-Per ton. $16.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers association: Choice hay, No.
1 upland, $8; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1
coarse, $7. Rye straw, $5.60. These price
are for hay of good color and quality. De
ir.ana ra:r. K?ee:p:s ::gr.i.
PHILA.DEI..PHIA, July 29. BUTTHR I The scramble amongst the room shorts lo
cover at tne Close ana tne resulting en&rp
rallies revealed the professional character
of thin attack. The market closed active
and extremely Irregular. A feature of the
day was the persistent absorption of Mis
souri Pacific at all levels. Colorado Fuel
was notably weak.
The activity In the bond market wa
confined to some of the convertible lssuea.
Total sale, par value, $3,108,000. United
States bonds were unchanged on the last
The following are the closing price on
the New York stock exchange:
Atchison ! St. Pol pfd...
do pfd lui'ifcFo. raeine ....
Tnu at Paclflo
Dal. ft Ohio
do Did
Canadian Paclflo..
Canada 80..
Peoria Market.
TlrnTA 111 Jnl 98 CTmUVam anllCliea. St Ohio.
Irw... s I Chicago AltOD
.w.--., ..... v. - ... I i... tA
( A Tfl Fjiiv anil lrrmilaf Ma 1 whit I
oiu, vii;, new, owuiu.
WHISKY-On the baai of $1.31 for fln-
lsr.ea good.
Dnlnth Grain Market.
caao. Ind.
do pfd
Chicago 4k B. Ill
Chicago O. W
do lat prd
do 2d prd
Chiron K. W
C. B. I. a P
DULUTH. Julv 29 WHEAT Cash! Vn
, 1 I 1 . . V n . . . ,n . & . . ' u . T.. A. f .11.
CAlUFLOWiiK Home grown, per do-. northern and July. 744c: SeDtember. 70Ue: o pfd.............. U
An win . . . .... . - - - . - - ' . r r f a.
jjecemoer, onc.
OATS September. Jlc
NEW CELERY Kalamaaoo, 80c.
POTATOES New. per bu.. 254T35c.
GREEN ONIONS Per doc. according to
lxe ol Duncnei, ltxaauc,
TURNIPS Per bu., 30c,
BEETS Per basket, 40o.
OKEEN CORN Per do., tc ,
CUCUMBERS Per do., 25c.
LETTUCE Per dozen bunches. 20c.
PARSLEY Per do., 80H35c.
RADISHES Per dog.. 20c.
WAX BEANS Home srown, per market
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Julv 29. MONEY On call
2H&3 per cent; last loan, 24 per cent; prime
nicri-umiifj paper, wiro per cent.
$4.87 for demand and at $4. ,&-!. 86V4 for
C. C. C. A Bt. L...1M'
Colorado Bo l4
do lit pfd 77V
do 2d ptd 41 W
Del. as Hudson 17H
Del. L. 4k W ITS
do ptd .r.... n
Erie 171.
do lat pfd....
do Id ptd
l"Vso Hallway 184
h do r'i arsa
Ta racino ....
til Toledo, at. L. aV W. II
61 do prd ai
40H I Union racllla 101
i do prd 3tt
L... 14 Wabaah I0S4
7Vi! do prd 46 s4
.lis iwneenn u. a..... ii
sow I do id prd 17
. M Wis. Central rm
do prd 4fft
Adama Ex inn
Amarican ux xx
Vnlted Btaua Kl....ll
Wella-Famo Bi Ill
Amal. Cop par M'4 Car aV P Ilsa
do ptd C 11(4
aroar. iin. uu Zl
do ptd 1
Amor. 8. j X 44U.
do prd rr
Anae. Mlnlnx Co 10c
1- Brooklyn K. T M'.(
ii Colo, ruol I 4
(ji Cona. Gas 111
waa thought the final squeexe was at hand. I basket, 31 35c; string bean, per market
orpiemoer was sola rreely on fine weather I basket aotijsoc.
sixty days: poeted rates. t4.S64ll.88U: com-I Oiaat Nor. Ird..-.wl0 iCont. Tobacco ptd.. .11114
DicruiBl Ullia. .oi'(U4.psI94. I nocKini vUB7 ..... i i ... .. ...ii v m
S1LVEK Bar, Wc; Mexican dollar. 41Vte. P'a r"'". to"'
nd dropped from 32c to 8140 and closed
Tc aown at 4BC,
Provisions were very weak on selling
out of sympathy with grain weakness.
Early the market was atrong on a strong
1-og market. There was some fair support
to lard, but other products were not
wanted and prices declined sharply. Sep-
- mi oa (TinLi I . 001 . a " .
x an wr, inn n. tiuBcu tuu aown
f A nfa A Cl C ( H -.n .. ap V-ma avvvistrn
new. lic. follow
ONIONS New California, In sack, per V. B. raf. as. rag
10 ic.
TOMATOES Per market basket, $L
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.15.
TlTArVItra raltfnrnln flt Jnhna mV? Af.
at '. kansas Eibertas, per 4-baaket crate. $1; per
stern .rawiorcis, sue.
per 4-baaket crate.
BONDS Government, steady; state, in- "" Central ,,.l lir. f9t ....
:tlve; railroad. Irregular. ,rw " US il?i.L
Ti-.:oslng "uo,"t"" on bona Lak. tn.,i'i:::::Sy!.i.'ii'
i.Oa. An M , Ntlon1 1A .
or mrmnur larn nn m ap at im ami.
Umber rib. 36c off at ta" r u 1 A Sii rma
Estimated recelnia n-h.. . I 1 LL1? all'ornla.
cars; corn. ,26 ckr.; oau. car.7 hogsl 'SSper'box. $1
PEARS California, per oox. $2 25.
APPLES Summer varieties, per bbl.,
The leading; future ranged a follow:
Articles 1 r.r.,n i iTiTr-. , CANTALOUPE Texas, per crate, $2; per central 1 01 1 oa. te
, , ......, , iU,o. iHjr, hasket, 76C "u
WA' KKMMJiiB r-er ui, 5i.(iria.(iu.
GRAPES Southern Catalbaa, per 20-lb.
a July
a Sept.
b Sept,
Jan. .
7S 4TV1
59 CM
60 j
82 32
17 01 17 15
17 02 17 05
16 90 16 90
10 77 10 77
10 40 I 10 40
177 177
10 40 10 47
10 07 10 10
8 20 I 8 20
65 V
' 81'
16 70
18 80
15 67
10 2
10 17
10 10
9 9
SSU3? CW. $1.60,
, 28!
16 80
18 80
15 87
10 87
10 17
10 15
9 95
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count,
UA V1V1U PaK Klina-tVt rArrl n or a
72 gUe
I ORANUKS Valencia, M.ib.OO; Medl.
terranean sweeta. $4.O0a4.25.
LEMONS Fancy, $0; choice, $4.50; Me-
tlnas. I4.504.o 00.
..107 L. N. nnf. 4s 101
I.IOT14 Ilex. Central 4a tt
..IftMt do la Ine 1214
..H1 Minn, at fll. L. 4s...ino
m. , a. at t. 4a ion
do la u
..10 IN. T. Central Is 101
.. 10141 do sen. 4a lntu
..104 N. J. C. ten. (a 13CV4
..103'No. Paclflo 4a 104
..104 I do la 7514
.. M N. aV W. eon. 4a.. ..101
. .lina naming sen. 4a VI
.. W Bt L A I M e. (a . .11714
..11 u. b, r. a... snw
..10;St. L. aV 8. W. la... V
..10"4 do la 174,
.. 84V, 8. A. & A. P. 4a.... MW
Chea. A Ohio 4He...108 80. Paclflo 4a f.1
Chicago & A. !'-... US So. Railway 6a 121
a. at . n. a... ut'inu m rarinc ia...llt
C, M. & 8. P. g. 4a.. 114 ,T.. Bt. L. & W. 4a.. 3
i. a n. w. e. 7a. ...13a ivnion racino it lt
C , R. I. ft p. 4a. do codt. 4a 108
i; tj r bi l . aa.iui naoaan ta ua
Chicago Ter. 4a S do 2a m
Colorado Bo. 4a MV do deb. B 74
Denver R. O. 4S..11H iW'eat Bhora 4a HJil
Krla prior lien 4a... v Wheel. A L. B. 4a.. Hv!
do general 4a ' Vi la, r.nlnl a.
P. W ft I. C. la. ..Ill Cans. Tobaeea a. nu
Hocking Val. 4a...lo!4
do coupon
do la, re
do coupon
do new 4a, reg..
do coupon
do old 4a, reg...
do coupon
do 6a. reg
do coupon
Atchison gen. 4a..
do adj. 4a
Bal. A Ohio 4a...
do 114a
do conv. 4a
Canada. So. 2a
do ptd....
L. : N
Manhattan L...
Met. Bt. Ry.....
Max. Central ...
Mex. National ,
Minn A St, h.
Mo. Pacific ....
M . K. A T....
do ptd ,
N. J. ce
.. 1H
.. If
.. II
.. i
N. V. Central 1(3
Norlolk A
do prd
Ontario A W.
Prnnaylfanla .
do lat prd...
do Id prd
St. L. A B F.
do lat ptd...
do Id ptd ...
St. L. 8. W...
do prd
BU Paul
. t4
. M'4
. M'4
. 71
. T7
. 17
.. 7S
National lad
No. American
Paclflo Coast
Paclfle Mall
People's Oa
Preaaad 8. Car ....
do prd
Pullman P. Car....
Republic Steal ....
do ptd
Tenn. Coal A I....
Lnlon Bag A P....
do ptd
U. 8. Leather ....
do ptd
V. S. Rubber
do ptd
U. 8. Bteel
do ptd
Weetern Union ...
Amer. Locomotlrs.
do ptd
K. C. Southern....
do ptd
. It
. 47
. 70
. 4T
. S7
.. 48
. 10
. "
. 14
,. 16
.. If
. II
,. II
,. M
.. 14
. 48
Bank Clearlngra.
CIDER New York, $3.75.
HIDES No. 1 green. 6c; No. S green,
6c; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 1 salted, 6c;
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: dry hides. 8iQ12c: sheet)
17 (V'U. pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.602.50.
lim POFCORN Per lb., oc; shelled. 6c.
is iVu. NUTS Walnuts. No. I eoft shell, pi
Boston . Stock. Quotations.
ouoiyiN. juiy ks.-call loans. 45 per
07 $07 8 17
16 87
10 72
10 06
10 85
10 05
per lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb, llc; No. 3 soft
hell. 10c; No. 1 hard shell. 9u; Uraxlls. per
cent; time loans, 4Cf5 per cent. Official
on... n a ..... 1. . I I
Atchison 4s 102 Allouei
Gae la 18 Amalgamated".'.'.'."
Max. Central 4s 81 Bingham ....
N. E. O. A C Calumet A Heel."
Atchlaon il Ontennlal
"". Conner R.n J
OMAHA. July 29. Bank clearing today,
$944,121.03: corresponding day last year.
$936.5SO.ih: increase. 7,t40.zs.
Cincinnati, juiy z. clearings xz.iro,
100; money, 3g per cent; New York ex
change, par.
ST. LOUIS. July 29. Clearings. $8,065,102
balances, $725,474; New York exchange, pax
monev. steadv at vas per cent..
CHICAOO. Julv 29. Clearings. $24,093,518
V. .. I ........ . 1 Ml o.'o. asl(n Aw..t.nn..A I i oi
. 1 UtnailtCO, A,uoA,oifr, v......H
Z7 for sixty days ana 4.Vi ior aemana; New
York exchange, par.
sneil. luc: itu. a iioiru bijou, tv, iiiaiiia, icr uo pin 11,1 'S Conner R,n,.
lb.. 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonda. soft Boaton A Albany Ml nomlnlon roll ""
shell, lie; hard shell. 15c; pecans, large, per Roto" "::: rrankiin .t"..."
t.1??:.""!11.1!. co,SMtn.,7?- S..clh'.,' nrd..-l.-.iM :!'
kji.ij mn.iAi.o-a. x. viiprin quotes mo i ii i7Ti ona
jllowlng prices: Jron. country mixed, per li"' "rll? Old 1
a Old. b New. No. 1.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Easier; winter patents, $3.6oV(t
76: winter straights, $J.803.60; clears, $3.00
453.40; springs, $4.30; patent, $3.50(23.85:
tralghts, $3.wa3 80.
WliEAT No. spring, 73o; No. $. 6Sti
Ml L . XT .v aA Jt )(. . r-nt i w
ton. $10.00; Iron, stove plate, per on. $7 60; "'
copper, per lb., 8c; brans, heavy, per lb., I 4o '....
8c; brass, light, per :b.. 6c; lead, per lb., American T. A T
6c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 4c I Dominion l. a a
29 dominion
St. Loals Grain and Provlatona.
BT. LOUIS. July 29. WHEAT Lower
No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 65c; track, 6f
MUc; July. 6c; aeptemtjer, oo'atsuvic;
CORN No. 2, 67c; No. I yellow 67ii December. 6SHC; No. Z hard, 6e.
H. yeuow, oi .iir CORN-Lower; No. 2 caah. ic; track,
OATr No. J, 28(30c; No. 2 white 60c- 6lc; July, wc; BeptemDer, 4e; Decern.
No. 8 white, 321M7C. ber. 87c.
RYE No. t. 4j7o OATS Iyiwer. nominal; track. 50c. old;
BARLEY Fair to choice malting 33.367c 85-&39C, new; July. 88c; September, 27o;
EibLnv, a imx.; in o. i northwest I ' v.w. ww.
rn. $1.63. Prime tlmmhv ta at. ci I RYE d3Hc.
contract grade. S8.3Mi.4U. ' FLOUR Easy; new red winter patents.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, ner bhl ti A no $3.2(H3.3o; extra fancy and straight, $2. to
451686. Lard, per lvO Ihs., $10.6Wl0 70 Short I i3. 15; clear. $2.7542.8o; old locjjloc blghei
rlba side (Jooao). $10.0610.15. Dry salted I EKED Timothy, nominal.
nuuiurri idoicqi, aKi.aV.26. Short clear I nmnjir.Aii-ovrau,
Idea (boxedl, $11.12jll.2.S. I HRAN Dull and weak;
whiskx un tne bail of high wines, track, (
Oen. Blectrie ..
Maaa. Klectrlo .
do pld
N. E. O. A C...
t'nlted Fruit ...
V. . Bteel
. 41
,. 17
i. 4
. 47
. 14
. 10
. S
. 10
. 16
. 44
. 1'4
. 41
. II
Santa Fa Copper. ..1 11-11
lamaracs lftfl
Trtmnuntaln M
TnrMr 120i
United States 11
ian 11
NEW YORK. July 29. Clearing. $324.-
860.790; balances. lll,4io,iii.
PHILADELPHIA. July 29. Clearings.
$18.509.o7; balances, $2,637,790; money, 4j-i
per oent.
BALTIMORE. July 29. Clearings. $4,247.
687; balances, $573,595; money, 4 per cent.
BOSTON. July . Clearing. ku.t.sim
balances, $1,693,304.
Wool Market.
do pld Winona 4
Weatlngh. Common. .104 IWoWerlna M
Adveuturs 11)
London It ache atarkat.
LONDON. July 29 4 p. m. Closing:
Conaola tor money... l6HNorfolk A Werners..
do aooount e i-ia no pin
Anaconda 6lOnlarton A Waatera.
Atchlaou J4 PrnnrlaDla
dr. prd 106 Heading ,
Baltimore A Ohio.. ..Ill do lat ptd
Canadian Pacific 140 do 2d prd
Cheaapeaka A Ohio... 4 VSouthem Railway...
Backed, east
The following are th receipt and ship-
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oct, bu
Rye, bu
Barley, bu
Receipt. Shipments.
.... 14.01) I4.uu0
.... 278.0UO Do.uw)
.... K4.0U0 ' 98.0U0
.... 721.0UO
.... 15.UOJ
.... 18.000
HAY Timothy, firm. $10.00(316.60: prairie.
dul ana easy. 7. (:('
WHISKY-Pteady. $1.31.
IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.06.
. HAOG1NO Steady. ti(i.6c.
HEMP TWINE Steady. c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing, old, O. W.
C , M. A St. P..
Dennar A R. O.
do ptd
do lat pld
do Id prd ,
Illinois Central...
.. 46
.. M
.. 15
.. 71
.. 64
do prd
Southern Paclfle.
Union Paclfle...
do ptd
BOSTON July 29. WOOLIn tha Boston
market wool continue to Improve In value
and In the wool-growing districts price
also have been advanced. Trading here
haa been fair and many house look for
higher prices. No wool 1 being sent here
on consignment at present. Fine fleeces are
exceedingly nrm ana in unio ana otner nne
wool districts value are up to tne uosion
level. In Montana the new clip I selling
very rapidly, buyer expecting to see th
trade soon out of the grower' control.
Following are the quotation: Ohio and
Pennsylvania XX ana above, iwc
XXX, 24&25c; No. 1 and No. 2, 28c to 27c
nne. unwaanea, zuqi-zic; unmercneniauie,
41 23c: Mlchla-an X and above. 22a 23c: No.
17 and Nn. 2. H(nV&c: tint, unwashed. I.9l9c
40 Kentucky. Indiana, etc.. blood. 2223c
I blood Zl9i22c: oraid, iswiac; iexaa, u
months. l'u2oc; C and 8 months, lol7c
. 71
"'? I fall 137M4c: California, northern choice.
United T Statea steel ' ao2 2o&21c; northern average, 1(&17c; middle
a m " BUe1-' J countv 14fll5c: southern: 1012c: fal. Mj12c:
uregon, staple, lomic; caiicrn, ciioittj mvji
... 47 15c: eastern, average. 12nll; valley. No.
On the Produce exchange today the but.
ter market waa easy; creameries. I.fll9c;
c. nines, ifl ic. cneese. steady, lutlilo.
ggs, easy; fresh, 17d'18c.
do old
tiul.vllle A Naah...luO. Sninlah 4. . aitL. I IvwlOi.. t.nHtArv idithn rln 12frrl4c Idaho
- . K. A T H P.and Mines 11 nne. medium. 16fil6c: Wyoming, fine. 12
dO Pld tl iIMUmTI 2il... U'un .(- r,. . muOnn . llsiac-
NYorkntrsl.... 1611 I t't-'n fln- ISrffile! tTt.h fine medium 16(3
, Tr" V.' . I 17c: Dakota, fine. 134fi4c: Dakota, fin?.
Wacon. weak: boxed, extra shorts, tll.87: .emmt m th. onen market for .w- hill, medium, lrxjiec; Montana, nne. cnoice. ltxty
rwor rih in &ir hnrt clear Hi 20 r . . . .w. ;.k." 17c: fine, average. I4l5c; nne. medium
;ri-.,'.".'j i I . V."- f".""1' '""' ,hl 17l6e.,. New M.tcn etc
' I lib no: new. $17.20. Lard, lower at $10.35,
' i Dry salt meats, weak; boxed, extra shorts.
$11; clear ribs, $U.12; short clear, $11.37.
bill. 2 per cent.
ttaotatloaa of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. July 29. FLOUR Receipt,
22.8t3 bbls.; exports, 17,024 bbls.; market was
weak and generally lower to sell; winter
patenta. tl i.Ky-4.0o; winter atralghts. (J.iit
1.76: Minnesota patents, 1J KJj4 10; winter
extras, $31u(i4i3.3; winter low grades, $2 90
METALS I .end. firm. $39i4.00. Spcl
ter. Arm at $5.(6.
POULTRY Easier; chicken, ioc; springs.
12c: turkey. 12c; ducks, ic; geese. 4c
lU.TTKR lwer; creamery, lhtfilc;
dairy. 17'tilKc.
KOtlS Steady : 14.c. loss off.
Uecelt.ta Rhlnmenta I Alice
. V. V. 1 1.1 . . 1 . luA 1 BrtftsK
, :.i , Brunawlck Con
Corn, bu 13.(0 17,ono
Oats, bu 92.0UO Si.UoO
New York Mlnlnif taotatloa.
fine. 10 Uc; fine, medium, Ultc; coarse,
1347 14c.
ST. LOUIS. July z. wchji -Birong out
NEW YORK, July 29. The following are unchanged; medium grades and combing,
i closing price on mining tocks: Il8-(il8c; light fine, 12A16c; heavy fine, it.
Adams Con..
Kansas City Grain and Provision.
tember. 43(fi4)3c; December. 64c; cash,
Comal ork Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Vs.
Deadwood Terra
Horn Stiver ....
Iron Surer
Leedvtlle Coa...
.... 6
.... 6
.... N
.... I
Little Chief
Phoenix ,
F terra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
.. 10
.. I
.. 16
.. a
4; 13c; tub washed, Ibitlbc
New York Live Stock Market.
celpts, none; dressed beer, steady;
1U' XI 1 1 1 n . i. , u hj If .p. (1 li
our, quiet; sales, bbls.; fair to good. I No 2 hnrd. 6d'u67c: No. i. 61uo3c; No. 2 1
KoreWa Klnanelal.
$3 26111 40; choice to fancy. $3.5ii3.6o.
CORN MEAL Easy; yellow western. $1.32:
city,; Wrandywlne. $3 4.s3.b(.
RYE Quiet; No. I western. oc. f. o. b.,
float; state, 63ut4c, c. I. f. New York car
BARLEY Steady; feeding. 61c, c 1. f.,
WHEAT Receipts. 206.225 bu. Spot,
easier; No. 2 red, 76c, elevator; No. 2 red,
77il877e, f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern
Duluth. 81c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard
Manitoba, 64V.C, f. o. b., afloat. There was
a smash in wheat values today, occasioned
by continued heavy receipts, bearish crop
pews, lower cablrs and liquidation. Alter
about a rent break news of a large export
trad prompted covering and reactions
i from low point, the close being ac net
; lower, but steady. May. 77y 77 5-lHc, closed
red, 6tVti67c; No. 3, tign-'e.
t riple, .ii'ii.-1 hi " ,- v. ' . . t ' ...
rlreased. native sides. 9-filiWc per lb. Cable
quote American steers at 14W15c, dressed
weignt; refrigerator o i, unc per io. , x
norts today. 20 head sheep.
CALVtS Receipts. 99 hesd; quoted about
steady; veais soia ai o.uui(.w per iw loa.
huttermllk calvea at 89.
HOUS Receipts. 14, sou neaa; steady
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
1,6.00 8.0W 9.7.8
10.83S 18.415
17,044 lS.SM
11.441 13.818
11,170 7.842
14.613 14.020
14.676 18.163
Date. 1902. 1901. 1900.1899.1898.1897.1896.
2 til t 121 2 96
2 61 2 18 2 Mi
1 all S rs
1 ssf - I
2 641 2 28 2 97
2 76 8 281 2 it
1 81 2 32 2 04
2 78 3 85 2 98
I 2 28 2 87
2 70 2 94
2 78 2 11
2 82 8 14 2 9T
2 77 8 1 5 2 00
2 77 2 17 8 06
2 82 2 20 2 07
2 25 2 97
2 82 2 9$
2 89 2 221
8 86 3 35 2 97
8 81 3 38 2 97
2 79 3 27 2 B8
3 821 8 25-1 2 f8
( 2 361 2 92
2 891 2 89
2 87 2 87
8 77 i 431 2 85
8 671 2 2' 2 76
8 72 3 S6 2 71
Indicate Sunday. Indicate Holiday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
C, M. A Bt. P. Ry 1 7
Wabash 4
Missouri Paclflo Ry 111..
Union Pacific system .. 41 16 13 2
C. A N. W. Ry 8
F., E. A M. V. R. R..... 80 31 4 2
C, St. P., M. A O. Ry.. 8 18
B. M, R. Ry 24 8 17
C, B. & C. Ky
K. C. A St. J 4
C. R. I. A P.. east 1 18
C. R. I. A P.. west 1
Illinois central x ..
Total receipt 106 115 SS (
The dlsDoslt'on of the day's receipt wa
a follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buvera. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 94 1,720 8.043
Swift and Company 420 1,544 2,000
Cudahv Packing Co 375 2.109 1.001
Armour & Co 618 1,920 1,902
Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C 98
Armour A Co., K. C 81 .... ....
H Becker A Detran 19 -;
Vansant A Co 33
Carey tt Benton 173
Lobman Co 202
W. I. Stephen 182
Hill A Son 44
Llvlnratone & Schaller... 85
Hamilton & Rothschild... 187
L. F. Muss at
Hammond P. Co
Wolf dt Murnan 1
Other buyer 150
12 cow 768
19 cw-hfa. 893
27 cws-hfs.. Mfd
1 cow 1240
8 feeder..
1 heifer.... b;o
4 feeders.. 947
6 steers. ...120
1 steer 1IW
1 cow 9
6 cows b'4
7 cows MO
1 cow Il2i
4 cows llf2
6 cows Ks)
34 cows 1024
11 steers ...1007
6 heifers... 476
2 calves... ro
1 bull 1470
12 cow 923
26 feeders.. 108
2 feeder.. 103
1 feeder... .'JO
1 feeder... lnio
1 feeder... 1200
2 40
2 25
8 16
2 80
4 00
2 75
4 on
4 6
4 86
2 55
3 55
2 85
2 N
2 35
8 35
3 85
steers.... 81
1 bull 1S0
1 heifer.... 710
2 cow 8.:4)
1 cow 840
2 cow 1130
1 cow 1'ttO
6 steers. ...1148
20 cws-hfa. 9"6
1 bull 1150
1 bull 14W
1 teer 1.M0
2 steers.. ..1013
23 strs. Tex. 1112
1 steer 1(W)
4 40
2 HO
2 00
2 90
2 26
4 25
2 00
4 65
2 25
2 00
4 35
2 5
4 50
2 50
8 06
4 cows....,
1 cow....,
1 cow
6 cows....
14 cow....,
6 16
6 15
4 00
6 15
6 15
X cow 820
4 cos
11 cow..
1 cow...
2 cows..
2 steer
19 steers... J141
136 feeder. 1024
11 feeder.. 1061
I cow sy
17 feeder.. 694
1? feeders.. 4f4
12 cow..
1 cow...
936 4 00 1 bull...,
4 66
4 06
O. Curtl Wyo.
4 26 28 steers.
8 10 2 cows..
B. Denman Neb.
2 50
4 On
2 30
2 30
2 15
t on
2 75
2 36
2 70
2 75
.1610 2 (0
. 990
4 60
2 75
1 heifer.... 710 S 10
9 cow....
4 00
2 90
E. Ingram Neb.
2 90 1 bull 1790
2 66 1 calf 280
4 25 I cow 947
John Maycock Wyo.
977 s li 1 cow lino
.. POO
t 00
4 00
1 26
2 28
2 00
12 cow 992 2 76 I cow 91
1 COW 890 4 60
C. A. Pugly Wyo.
71 ateer.... 902 4 60
71 steers.... 992 4 0 17 steer.... 993 4 60
C. Hanev Neb.
19 feeder.. 1148 4 60
George Haner Neb.
19 feeders.. 1120 4 80
Mitchell Cattle Co. Wyo.
26 cows..
7 cows...
4 oows...
1 feeder.
83 cow...
6 cow...
10 cows 857 t 06
7 cows.
10 cows.
1 bull 1150
24 cow.
6 cows.
12 steers..
81 feeders,
.. 1,698
Totals 2.790 7.874 2,754
CATTLE Ther was another light run of
cattle here today, so that the market was
fairly active and fully ateady with yester
day on desirable grades. Buyers all took
hold in good snaps, so it, wa not long
before practically everything wa dis
posed of.
There were only a few cornfed steers on
ala thla morning and In fact there wa
scarcely enough to make a fair test of the
market, ine tew loaas or gooa stun mat
wa offered sold freely at steady prices,
but there waa nothing good enough to
bring over $7.60. When It came to the
ahortfed cattle the market was very dull,.
the same a It ha been right along, and
price were, If anything, a little lower than
they were yesterday. At any rate seller
had a hard time to dispose of those kinds
at what looked to be steady prices.
The cow market was In fairly good shape
and a compared with yesterday there was
not mucn cnange in tne prices paia. xne
better grade fn particular sold at good
steady prices without difficulty, no matter
whether they were grass cows or had been
fed corn. The common kinds, though,
changed handa rather slowly, the same a
usual, and were no more than steady.
Bulls, veal calves and stage. If at all
good, commanded fully steady prices.
There was a good active demand for
stockers and feeders of good quality this
morning and the market could safely be
quoted strong. The same a haa been the
case for some time past, the heavy feeders
of good weight, flesh and quality were In
the best demand. Prime yearlings also
sold well, but common stuff of all weight
wa rather neglected ana oniy about
There were a good many western rang
cattle Included In the receipts this morn
ing, but tne general maran was tuny
steady. The beef steers changed hands
rapidly at fully steady prices and so also
did the better grades of butcher stock,
while cholqe feeders were stronger. Rep
resentative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
1 llo I 76
1 1280 7 M
IK 7 10
60 1171 T 60
At. Pr.
.. IM 4 76
..HO I 00
..1161 I 86
..1104 60
..1111 8 66
M0 I 00 1
120 I II 1......
110 I 60 II
180 I 40 1
70 I 46 1
1116 176 t
eoo I 76 I
1180 t Tl I
1010 I T6 1
1000 t 76 1 -
..v.... 4 1 80 II
71 I M 11
ion I si l
6T 9 00 1
104 I 60 1
10(4 I 06 1
1ST I 06 1
Ill I OS I
Til I 76 1
Ill 10 1
MO 4 00
1110 I 46 -4
100 t 60 t
Ill I Tl 1
1166 It
11 6
115 l M
Til I 76 1 101 I J
I to M 10 40 4 IS
" . II t 60 1 1"1 4 40
II. ..... lit 4 00 11 101 4 TO
1 feeder... 1000 3 26 16 cows 976 8 00
... 710 I Of
...110 I 06
... MO I 10
...1110 I 26
...rfo i is
... 140 I 10
... M I 10
...100 60
...1010 I 60
... 174 I 16
... 16 I 16
...1004 I 44
...100 I T6
...1000 I 7S
...1100 I 71
...1110 4 00
...12(4 4 60
...110 I It
...100 4 76
...1160 144
..mi i oo
..1166 I 00
..1130 I 06
..140 III
LONDON. Julv 29. Monev was In brisk
I'OHN Kentember. 424l'42t4.c: December. I Aemvknd fnriav. occasioned bv the settle- I state. IN Der 1M lbs
SI.ih34T4c: cash. No. 2 mixed. 5tVa jHkc: No. I ment and the end of the month, besides SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12,018
2 white. 61ii3c: No. 8. tS3c. I requirements for the holidays. August 2, 4 I head; sheep, slow; common and medium
OATS No. 2 white, Boc. I and . ana cans on rresn ixsuea. Home pn- i graoes, weaai mm, now, I'uinc rowrr on
uvl.' Kir. a Afm I val. mnnev wun withdrawn from the mur. I next orrade to strictly choice: sheep Bold
HAY Choi.-e timothy, $10.00 11.00; choir ket and discounts were harder. The Stock at $2.5iKj34.60 per 100 lba.. one little bunch at
t ralrle 7'"(7 25. exchange was lifeless and the tone wa $4 66; lamb, $4 764743-76; 1 car. rather extra,
BL'TTEKCTeamery 19c; fancy dairy, cheerful. The securities market Is no $6.87; dressed mutton, 6(88c per lb.;
,t., longer affected by gossip concerning the dressed lamb, 94?19c per lb.
EGGS rirm; fresh Missouri and Kansas sing a i neann. ine m nan iri
stock, I4c per do., loss off, cases returned.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu k)
Corn, bu 3n.4). 140
Oata, bu 45,uU 27,iw0
Cotton Market.
caused Americana to open depressed, affect
ing some oilier uri'iriuinin. t uiixi.e cr vnov T,,l a rYYrTY1 KTB-nt i
dull on money sales. Home rails mostly N EVjr T ORK, Jul y --"P T NU
tended downward. Kio tlntos naraened. i i "' r 7 .
Minneapolis, Wheat Klvar and Bran.
at 77e; Julv. 78c closed at 7c; Sep-I MINNEAPOLIS. July 29 WHEAT July,
tamber. 76'0'76 s-loC. closed at 76c: Decern- I 6SrW: September. 6c. On track: No. 1
ber. 76B-ic. cloaca at 7tvC I hard, hoc; no.
CORN Rocelpt. 4,2uO bu.; exports. 4.024 I northern, 73c.
bu. a vol. aaaler. No. 2. 66c, elevator, and
Americans moved erratically rather below
parity and rloaed weaker. Trading In
Kaffirs wa of a hesitating character. Gold
premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 130;
Madrid. 34.60' Lisbon. 27 50; Rome. 1 11.
PARIS, July 29. Trading on the bourse
today was inactive and ther wa an un
favorable tendency. The heaviness was
due chiefly to fears of higher contangoes.
hoc; No. 1 northern. 7ac; No. 2
FLOUR-Flrst patents, $19064.00; aecond KaArs war wetik on reaUs.tlona. LoBeerj J.5c; February, t.awc; March. 7.68c
Remember. 7.79c: October. 7.65c: Novamber.
December and January, 7.64c; February,
7 66c; March. 7 62c.
Spot, quiJt and steady; middling up
lands. 2c; middling gulf. 9c. Sales. 8.2
ba lea.
Futures closed steady; July. 160c; August,
llhc; September, 7.82c; October. 769c; No
vember, low; uecemrer, i.otc; January,
1 feeder... 1120 2 50
1 feeder.. .1000 2 60
21 feeder.. WO 4 10
2 feeders.. 826 4 10
6'. feeder.. 926 4 20
2 feeder.. 926 2 60
18 feeder.. W 4 30
1 feeder... 920 8 50
6 feeder.. 810 4 20
1 feeder... 920 8 60
It feeder.. 875 4 00
1 feeder... 1020 8 26
2 feeder. . 76 4 40
2 feeder.. 96 4 00
1 feeder... Ml 1 M
60 feeder. .838 4 10
1 feeder... 730 4 26
14 feeder.. 646 4 25
1 feeder... 870 2 40
1 feeder.
2 feeder
I heifer.
1 steer...
1 steer...
1 calf....
1 calf...
1 bull..
11 cows 1042 2 75
19 cow 1089 4 10
39 cows 998 3 80
24 cows 1021 1 90
23 cows 954 1 90
1 cow 910 2 75
1 bull 1270 2 65
1 bull 1210 2 55
1 bull 1200 2 55
1 bull...
1 cow...
1 cow...
1 cow..
..1000 2 75
.. 820 1 00
..1090 2 75
.10)10 2 50
950 4 00
9X6 4 00
620 2 90
.. 8b0 2 76
.. 720 2 60
..120 6 26
.. 1 00
..1090 2 00
26 feeder.. 948 2 76
11 feeders.. ( 2 90
2 feeder.. 860 1 26
7 feeder.. 60 4 GO
1 cow..
11 cow..
28 cow..
1 rows..
19 cow..
1 cow...
I cow..
. 630 2 00
. 87 2 46
. 974 2 86
.676 2 26
.797 9 ()
. 7S0 2 26
.1046 00
cow 1"M 2 80
1 cow 970 1 6
10 cows 1010 1 06
1 cow 1OS0 1 00
1 cow 910 1 60
4 cows 1030 2 00
1 steer 1070 2 50
1 stag 8H0 1 00
1 stag ) 2 00
2 cows 805 2 00
1 cow 970 8 00
1 cow 1000 1 00
1 cow 730 1 00
1 cow 960 1 00
1 cows 1K3 2 75
2 cows W 16a
2 cows KS.3 $ 60
1 cow loan 2 90
6 cow 1074 1 40
1 heifers... 6S0 1 jO
4 heifers... 572 2 60
2 heifers... f"3 2 00
1 calf 170 4 75
T steers.... 8) 4 60
2 steers.... 850 4 60
1 cow
2 cows...
12 heifers.
2 calve.,
1 bull
1 bull
6 cows. ; .
8 cerws...
2 cows...
1 feeder...
7 feeders.
2 heifers..
1 heifer.
1 bull...
1 cow...
4 cows.
820 3 80
938 8 86
C. A. Neumsn Neb.
917 2 00 1 bull 1350
990 2 60 16 feeders.. 921
Reed A Co. Neb.
7S4 2 85 61 feeders.. 973
2 85
C. Meyer Neb.
1 30 41 feeders. . 67
2 85 1 feeder... 700
2 35
8 35 28 feeders.
2 76
M. Yates Neb.
4 25 1 cows....
4 10 1 cow
& Co.-Neb.
27 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 cow 860
2 cows 9?5
1 heifer.... 770
7 feeders.. 761
A. Currle -Neb.
1 40 1 cow
4 35 8 cows. . . ,
2 65 8 cow....
John Patterson Neb.
930 4 00 2 heifer.
,654 8 75 18 cows. . .
E. W. Monson Neb
2 85
I 20
4 28
2 60
. 918
. 948
. 931
A. Larue
. m 2 80
983 2 75
.. f-28
. 250
. 930
. 920
2 40
2 90
4 50
3 00
3 26
.11 W
. 891
,. 476
. 802
.. 66
.. 670
. 800
2 00
2 00
2 95
2 90
2 35
15 cows,
14 cows..
1 cows.,
2 cows..
1 cow
. 846
. 877
. 791
4 15
2 60
2 Fo
3 55
2 00
4 16
2 75
4 25
2 65
2 90
2 85
2 25
2 90
2 90
2 20
2 35
choice export and dressed beef rteers, fl.1t
toS 2&: fair to good. 4 Nif7.7o; stockers snd
.... 1 - -. . . . .. t.A 1 - r . 11 at
I eeoere, e-. ... ( i"', wrsinu .-,. ., '
478.30; Texas and Indian steers. V "2. :
feeders, $2.7i.'i)v .Ml; western fed strs, $4 90
', .. i t ,X. 1 n I I . - a S.1 .t,ifl
jrawe ., n, . - i i . ' v.-"-, -"
6 76; native heifers, $2.7"tiJ 80; canners, $1.50
ti2 4"; bulls, $..5(r3.80: calves. 12 6tr(ia 2.
Hi h is iieceipis.
.': mivra, vj.."(ji .
5.2' head; market
opened steady, closed lower; top, $7 87;
bulk of sales. 7.6Mj7. 75- heavy, $7 707 87;
ilxed packers. $7.o.ti7.70j light. tl.Mt'.So;
vorkers. $7..'v.ti i 65: Plts. $7.0'
Wlltl.r,-r' A . LI liAMtin-ni'i'niHa,
il i . -a
Receipt. 1,960
head: market active and steady; native
lambs, 84.4Mi? 25: western lambs, $3 20m 00;
native wethers, $I..Vli5.15; western wethers.
$3.,Vi4.76; fed ewes. $3 tio4 ; Texa clipped
vearllngs. $.3,754)4.65; Texas clipped sheep,
t3.40&3.(5; stockers and feeders, $2.8003.20.
St. I.onls Lira Stork Market.
ST. 11UI3, Julv 29. CATTLE Receipts,
R.OnO head. Including l.ono Texans; market
strong for natives, steady for Texans; na
tive shlpr.,nt "nd etxport steers. $5.0(4)8. 26;
dressed beef and butchers' steers. $4. Km
6.76; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.004.00; stock
in and feelers, $2.8:fi6.00; cow and heif
ers, $2.2Sff6.eo; canners, $l.7fcfi2.8S; bulls,
$2.8Vd4.25; calves, $4.ocvu4) .60; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.00tf,6.80; cows and heifers,
$2 4"f)i4.00.
Hi MIS Receipts, 2,000 head: market
steady to higher; pig and light, 27.25)9
7.60; packers, $7.50B'7.80; butchers, $?.i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
head; market dull and lower; native mut
tons, fj.f-'n4.25: lambs. $4.008.60; culls and
bucks. $2.6044-14.00; stockers, $1.00475.75; Tex
ans, $3.00&4.10.
St. Joseph LI vo Stork Market.
ceipts, 2.0i6 head; steady to 10c lower; na
tives, $4.50iT.2S; cows and heifers, 11.60
8.25: veals. $2 7oi.00; bulls and stag, $2.50
1) 25; stockers and feeders, $2.00fy5.28.
HOGS Receipt, 6.060 head; steady to 80
lower; light and light mixed, $7.40J7.70;
medium and heavy, $7.80jJ7.57; pig. $4.25
t)7.1o; bulk, $JV .6Hac7.80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.185
head; sheep, 1025o lower; lamb, 4C$f60o
Slo-s City Llv Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, ISj July 29.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head;
stockers steady and killer higher; beeves,
$5. 604)7.26; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.50Si6.00;
locker and feeders, $2.7634.60; yearlings
and calves, $2.5"fT4.0O,
HOGS Receipts. 1.000 head: 6c lower, sell
ing at $7.30(87.70; bu'k. $7.3507.4O.
1 I
Stock tn "Igrht.
The following- table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal
markets for July 29:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2.593 7.73 8.69
Chicago S.onO 17.000
Kansas City 15.000 6.200
St. Louis 6,0ii0 8.000
Bt. Joseph 2.006 6.060
..27.698 88,043 28,754
Hfinfl Tnitav'a hna market was aenetally
steady. The hoga of good quality, regard
less of weight, sold, if anything, a little
stronger, while the common packing hogs
were a little weaker. The quality of the
offerings as a whole, however, was con
siderably better than for some time past,
and that fact makes the market on paper
look a little stronger as compared with
yeaterday than It really waa. There was
very little change in the market from
start to finish. Trading was not parttf-u-lariy
active at any time, but still practic
ally everything wa disposed of In good
season. Commission men are calling the
attention of shippers to the fact that qual
ity Is what packers consider and not
The buik of the better grades ot nogs
sold from $7 65 to $7.80, and from that up to
$7.70. The packing grades went largely
from $7.60 to $7.55. Representative sales:
At. Bh. Pr.
18 80 7 41
0 211
104 '
1 46
7 45
1 46
7 47
7 47Ss
7 47
7 60
7 60
1 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 10
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
T 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 60
7 62
7 624
7 6J'
7 62
7 62
7 62
7 62V,
7 6J'
7 62 '4
7 62
7 62 '4
7 62V
7 624
7 624
7 62 4
7 624
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 0
T 66 '
T 66
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 61
Mo. At. Bh.
8 10 40
U 241 140
71 248 40
74 141 ...
M 146 (0
M 141 ...
61 171 40
Tl 161 10
44 161 10
17 234 60
46 162 ...
17 141 ...
.. 13 ...
74 121 M
II 257 120
61 246 120
51 161 10
2 134 40
M ..11 120
61 10 M
II 1.S6 40
40 134 80
44 121 10
76 26 110
44 ISO M
77 117 40
. 60 IM 40
II 21 140
44 134 ...
68 10 10
67 Ill 40
70 134 120
II 148 10
70 230 80
70 274 140
72 23 ...
60 lot ...
II 11 100
Tl 134 M
(0 26 40
., 240 10
.. 168 100
4 261 120
67 261 ...
IT Jf.1 SO
12 170 10
(1 ...IM 40
TO 274 10
17 2l 10
II 260 ...
1 281 IM
0 28 10
60 INS ...
41 824 10
40 104 120
46 264 M
7 66
7 66
7 64
T 66
7 66
1 66
1 66
t M
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 66
7 II
7 66
7 66
T 67
7 67
7 67
7 67
7 67
7 1714
7 67
7 6T
7 67V,
7 67
7 60
7 M
7 40
7 40
7 40
7 40
7 0
7 40
7 0 .
7 60
7 40
7 40
7 40
7 0
T 40
7 40
7 40
7 M
7 !
7 41
7 46
7 46
7 46
7 46
7 70
7 TO
7 70
7 TO
7 70
SHEEP-There mi .nrni,.. ....... .... .
?i 8neS ana lBmb hr today, but
still the offerings were not at all txo4slve.
Buyers took hold of the sheep In good
shape and the market could be quo tad
"c,.1.? "hd steady on tha better grades, but
Ut.V.du" on ,ne common kinds. As high
as $4 20 waa paid for wethers, and ."mi
arrive at $4a25 tW mlxea wer ohl to
. Tohe .'Am7l rnar,ltt. however, wa rather
dull with the feeling a little weak. Buyer
did not cem to be particularly anxious for
supplies, so that the few bunches offered
changed handa rather slowly.
There were comparatively few feeder
offered and there was an active demand for
sheep at fully steady price. Feedr Inmba
though, wre a little neglected. '
guotationa for clipped stock: Good to
choice yearllnas. 84.b4 50: flr vnnH
$4.0ij34.2o; good to choice wethers, $4.00iS4.25;
fair to good wethers, $3.754.00; good to
viiui.-ti raw, o.ovti.j.ou; lair to good ewes
$3.26)3.60: good to choice spring lambs, $5 7
fotl.00; fair to good spring lambs, $5.506 76;
feeder wethers, $3.0i)(o3.2S; feeder yearlings
$3.1lK(j3.6o: feeder lambs. $3.0iicjfS.90; feeder
ewes, $1.25j2.26. Representative sales: .
Av. Pr.
124 $2 00
88 2 00
61 2 60
62 2 60
83 2 60
106 2 85
80 8 90
83 2 90
88 2 90
100 2 90
95 1 90
68 1 90
64 1 90
Ill 4 20
97 4 25
150 1 00
....j 97 136
133 4 CO
1"1 4 20
58 6 00
S5.00 A ftlOftTU
Specialist i
of MEN.
13 years la Omaha.
cured by th QUICK.
EST, aafeat and most
natural method thai
baa yet been disco e red.
Sdyn every sign and symptom disappear
ompletely and forever. No "BREAKING
OUT" of the disease on the skin or face.
A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent
for life.
UininfiriEl t cured. Method near.
AnlUWUtLt. wtthout cutting, paint,
tto detention from work; permanent our
WKAI4. kir,H 1 rum Zauwus or Victim
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wart.
Ing Weakness with Early Decay la Toung
and Middle Aired, lack of vim, vigor and
strength, with organ Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE! cured with a new Home
Treatment. No pain, no detention front
business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
40nnltatton Pre. Treataaent by Matt.
CTHAJtOKS LOW. 11 t. 14th St.
Dr. Searies & Sesrles, Omaha, Neb.
Diseases and Disorders of Men Only.
27 Year' Experience. 10 Year In
VaDIOnfCI C cured without pain, cut
lAnlUUUtLl. ting or tleing. Many cases
cured In LKSS THAN 8 DAYS. A recent
and most remai liable treatment for ths
cure of this disease. Treatment at office
or at home and a permanent cur guaran
ed of all Impurities.
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Potions. No "BREAKING
OUT" on the ekin .or face and all external
signs of the disease dlnappear at once. A
cure that is guaranteed to b. permanent
tor life.
nVCD 0ft nOfl cases cured of nervous
UlUil i3UUUU debility, loss of vitality
and all unnatural weaknesses of men.
Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Dis
eases. Hydrocele, cured permanently.
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 768.
Office over 215 8. 14th street, between Far
nam and Douglas Sis., OMAHA, NEB.
sreat monthly regu
Ifl fZll lauirsaironseaLBeal,
If Jl A M aafeatiooQialnErsot.
T.r. PannTroral : not a alusle f altars 1 kinseet. mini
euailute case rellSTed la a fear dayai at
SUermaa A MeCeanell .irug Co., O mail a. Meu
82 bucks
22 bucks
22 cull lambs
273 ewes and wethers..
213 ewes and wether.
454 western wethers...
1 ewe
313 Idaho wether
831 Idaho wether
weatern weihers...
western wethers...
Idaho sheep
Idaho sheep
western sheep
Idaho wethers
671 Wyoming ewe
e ewes
116 western wether...
26 western lambs
Cattla and Sheep Steady, Hog; Higher
nd Lambs Lower.
CHICAGO, July 29. CATTLE Receipts,
1,000, Including fn) Texans and 6i0 western
ers; steaVy; good to prime steers, $7.feOf$
8.06: poor to medium. $4 6077.60; Blockers
and feeders, 12 boyS 25; cows, $1 6oji5 60;
heifers, $2.60076.26; canners. $1. 50S2 50; bulls
$2 25ri5.25; calves, $2.5njj-7 .35: Texas-fed
steers $3,254)6.75: graxsers, i 004(5.76.
HOOS Receipts, 17.1W); estimated tomor
row. 23,0m); left over. 3.5"0; steady to 5c
hlaher. close lower. Mixed and butchers.
$7.2")8.06: good to choice, heavy, $7K(
8.12; rough, heavy, $7.lVa7.66; light, 7.00(
7.xi: bulk of sales, $7.4rr7 80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000.
Sheep, steady; lamba, weak to lower; good
to choice wethers, $4 00&4.&0; fair to choice,
mixed. $2 Mj4.Cii; western sheep, .2.64. SO;
native lambs, 3 50(Ui.oO.
Official yesterday: Receipts. Shin.
Cattle 1 792 $.089
Hogs 4 2dM 4 4 HI
Bheep - 22.215 1,213
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
-.i.iia l ' l head natives. 2.8uO head Tex
ana calves, l.iiti head natives. 850 head
Texans: best corn fed steers steady, com
mon Steany IO lower; uarantiue uuii
lower; stocksrs and feeders, active, steady
Darls & Cowgii! Iron Werks.
flBK-RAX K-TAIRma s7J01ArTi
IIIL I6M and ISO Jmmm ..
Oat--. Sab. Tat. SS8L
B. Sabrtskt. Aa-nt. J. 2). Ckrwnts
ataaaf aotnrers and Jobbers 4 '
Steam and Water Supplies
Of AU Kinds.
1014 aad lt)l DrOaVAS ST.
U ostcrn Elccfrlcnl
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
AaetrU Wlrlag Mis aad Cxm IAtta4
O. W. JOHNSTON. Utl. 16M . 4.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
Osaaaa, BJ.k.
Manufactur.r of
Tents and Canvas Goods.
ad for Catalogue Nuxr M