THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, JUIY 29 1002. n i i J. : ' SPECIAL NOTICES Aaertla-saanta fas the salaasaa will ka taken aatll 12 aau far Ike vealaa; edition ill aatll n-.KO p am. (a moralav l Saaday admen. States. 1 l-a a, ward drat lmr(l, la a ward thereafter: Notklaa; takes far less tbaa tfle far tba drat lneer ttan. Tkeee advertisements aul ka San eonseentlvely. Advertisers, br res.nnstinn' dressed ta naamaered letter la ear f Tba Baa. Anewere addraaaad will ba delivered aa resntsUst at tad Beak aajlr. WAITED POSITION. WANTED, a poaltlon ai bookkeeper by a young man of good habit", business col lege graduate and good recommendation. Address 8. II. Ellison, Box 3, at. Edward, Neb. A M423 29? A STENOGRAPHER When you want one call tha Remington Typewriter offlqe, 1619 Farnam street. Telephone 1573. . A-M4T.9 A24 WASTED-MAL1S HELP. $5 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live Id tba country or Id a amall town and. have a good acquaintance among the farmers, and stock raisers In tha neighborhood you can make 6 easily by tour or five hours worn. Write ua and wa will send you our proposition, Ths Be Publishing Co., Solicitors iiepu, Omaha, Neb. . B M213 WANTED, a good man' In every county to take subscriptions (or The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. References required. Address Twentieth, Century JiiraT, Omaha. Neb. B 613 . ' - WANTED, Insurance men or experience; , can offer you a good thing. (Call at 9 a. m. 42 Board of Trade Bldg. ' . B 2W When You Write 'to "Advertisers remember It uniy takes- an extra stroke or two ot the pen to mention the fact that you aaw Oka ad In, .The Bee. 5 WANTED LABORERS. FOR atearfi shovel work. Night or day gang. One and one-half muea eaat of ! Broadway motor. Council Bluffs. Hall 1 Grading A contract company. : B M420 29 EXPERIENCED male stenographer who operates Remington typewriter. F 2s, Bee. B M460 A24 ARB YOU a' Cathollo and unemployed? ee me. Hlxenbaugh, 500 Ware block. ' ' ' B-M473 WANTED, men to learn' best paying trade In existence for poor man; short time; little expense; ' positions guaranteed; wages. Saturdays; special Inducement to applicants from distance, call or write. Moler Barber College, ltSi Farnam St. -, B-we Al SOLICITOR for Nebraska, only auccessful ones dealing with banks and corporations need answer: sieclaitv:- fi to tiu a day easily made. Crown. Stationery Co., w) wabash. ave., onicago, in. b m71 3U WANTED, a good barber at once; ' no rjoozor or stuaeni- neea apply. Maosen, 226 Main St., Freroont, Neb. B Motio 23 HQ8Tt,ER9, tuamatera and canvaa men for Campbell . Bros. shows; ship August ,1; fre fare. Sweeney's Employment. 300 B. 12th. st.,' Omaha. B M66K 29 . .TIMBER and bridge carpenters, $2.60 per day, for South Dakota;" free fare. Sweeney's Employment, 3011 S. 12th St., omana. ' b-msiu m WANTED Flrst-clasa cutter for harness departmentr" best of wages. Address BucKatarc Brog,' Mrg.- Co., Lincoln, Neb, - B M663 31 WANTED A veterinary surgeon. ' Buch helt, Orand Inland, Neb. Oerman pro terrea. - b MbW w WANTED for U. S. Army; Able-bodied un- . mHrriau men cetween ages oi zi ana va. acter and temperate hablta. who - can speak, read and write English. For infor matton BDDly to-Recruiting Officers. 16th and Dodge St., Omaha, and poatofflce Duuaiug, uncoin, fteDraaxa. a EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WANTED, coal miners and machine run nera, Wyoming; bridg men, surface gang ana extra gang, Wyoming arm Nebraska; coal Bltovelera, Colorado ulviBlon B. & M-; coal shovelers and laborera, U. P. R. R. western t. it. xaDor Agency, aiu ho. litn salesmen Wanted. WANTED Saleaman to aell grocers' ap claltlea to the retail -grocery trade. Omaha and vicinity for a Chicago houav. Experienced man or grocery clerk pre ferred. .Address, .8 16, care Lord ' A Thomas,' Chicago. , . i-68S A-2 OLD established house wants Omaha rep resentative; position worth from 15 up; "huiHt have a few hundred dollars tbr carrying on the business. F 60, Bee. , M666 39 IALESMAN for lateat advertising novelty; phenomenal aucceaa wherever shown; territory or commission. Room 148, Mid. land Hotel. Holland. M677 30 WANTED FklMALii HIS LP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdreaslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scleiitiflo maeaago. Call or write Room 3Ju. Bee Bldg. C too 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th A Dodge. c 21 WANTED Lady cook. Eureka Restau rant. 14 Caaa SL C ilsJU WANTED, a girl for general housework, small family.. Mrs. liall, 221a Sherman ave. C 216 WANTED, S competent girl for housework. Mrs. M. E. Dumont, 3643 Lafayette Ave. C 234 GIRL for general housework;-references required. Mrs. H. V. Shrlver, 2u9 Bpn cer Bt. C ilti (10 PER 1,000 copying letters to ba aent to us; paper free; two stamps with ap plication. Illinois Industrial Union, k. Chicago,- C M67 WANTED Young lady to assist trained nurse In the cars of Invalid lady. 7o8 South 33th tit C M673 30 FOR REST HQCSES. VAN 8 and baggage wagons, -I el. 1135. D 2i3 IlUUaWy. Davla Co., 60S Bee Bldg. D 3S3 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office 15lln Farnam, or Tela. liMS-vj. D &4 EB PATNE. BOSTWICK at CQy for caoica houses. Ml-S N. X. Life Bldg. TeL 1016. ' - D-36 MAGOARD Van A Storage Co. Tel. 14:4. D 2iJ HOUSES, etc, F. D. Wcad, 1524 DougUs. D-2ji3 I1U7 SPENCER 6T., 10-room house with, fas, bath, furnace and nurn; nice loca Ion; rent . Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Brown block. u ai 1020 BURT ST., S rooma, modern 330;' 431S carnal j, a rooma, modern and barn, 4 rooma, 31i. Others. Kingwalt Bros.) Barker but- UbH HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker bin. k. D JW fOR RENT, large S-room nouae, city water, !5 0u; r.'3 Biondo. 7-room houae, lut N. t:d; ti&.vO. The Omaha Raalty Co . !il Douglas st. D-6V7 UNEQUALLED, central, all modern. T- room huuwt, 4-room Oat. Tlsard, N, k3d. . , D M3 UuUSt-S. stores. - Bemls, Psxton block. 1.14 VT Ill OT vaamb V. , U . . - K... lOk ... Mf... u . , . rv in., tm u, w.u, rrnt M. Wm. K. Potter, receiver. Omaha loaa sad Irual Co.. V3 Brows block D wo FOR RF.IT-HOVIEJ. 2123 CHARLES, four-room cottage; rent 111. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Umaba Loan and Truat Co.. 303 Brown block. D S31 - MODERN house, I rooms, 3733 Jackson at. Wheeler A Wheeler, Douglas and 15th at Tel. 1X6. D MHM GOOD modern S-room house, rat Bion4o. 1 MIW S-ROOM, all modern house, jl207 Sherman eve, a fine one, 377.00. 7-room, all modern, 1()1 N. Jth at., another fine ons, $jo.00. U. E. Turklngton. 60S Bee. D M604 W4 N. 42D FT., 7 rms., all modern. $3". 4012 Seward at.. 7-rma., modern, except fur nace: ham. I?0 PAINK INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. X. Uf bldg. TeL 17SU U MOW 31 FURNITURE for sale, house for rent. Call mornings. 1& Douglas Bt. O 34f FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage, l!d and California streets, in good repair Choice neighborhood: 122. Including water rent. Inquire at VT N. ISth street or W7 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. -i-im When You Write " to Advertisers remember it uniy lakes an extra stroke or two of tba pen to mention the tact that you aaw the ad In The Bea, , 4 i nu modern oriCR iiuuhrh, liearijr new. . each nine rooms and laundry: 35.1t and 41 South 20th Ave., facing park; on atreet . car line; price, lUo.lnouTre of J. M. Rich ards, liio do. Ga street. u tax FOR RENT, 10-room modern house, large lawn, stable room, one horse and buggy In good conditions J. I. Purcuplle, 18 Capitol avenue. i R" FOR RENT, elegant brick, modem real- denoe, iBtn ave., near hi.. Mary s ave., cheap. Brennan-Lovo Co., sua s. win st. O'J FOR RENT, 10-room brick, modern resi dence, on v a rew diocks irom posiomce: just the thing for a first-class boarding house. 146 a month. Brennan-Love Co., So 8. 13th St. D M444 30 FOR RENT. 12-room. atone, modern residence, 2423 Caaa St., $50. S-room modern brick residence, 3007 Pacific St., (35. S-room modern residence, 1128 So. Slat St., 130. 9-room modern residence and barn, 1909 Blnney Bt., Jt. S-room modern residence, 113 So. 29th Ave., 120. S-room modern brick residence, 861 N. 39th St., 30. BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. 309 So. 13th St. D 467 31 NEW ft-room modern house, strictly first- class helghiforhood, nice lawn, ia. inquire 2434 Seward. io w FOR RENT FVRNISHED toOOMB. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city.. iw oapitoi Ave. LARGE front room, also small front room. together or separately. 3uls uougias. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. 11 PER WEEK, 423 B. 18th at., one block soutn oi court nouse. im FURNISHED, Harney. cool rooms, modern, 2011 E-777 A6 ROOMS, flrat-class locaUon. 8224 Farnam. MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished; walking diatance. wui uurt. n. NICELY furnished front rccma for light housekeeping.. 2310 Douglas Bt. NICE, room, modern, large lawn, close Inj quiet home ror any gentleman wno ne- sires such. F Z. Bee. u f ta- FURNISHED rooma for rent. 1814 Webster. Jfi M6I4 A3' I FVRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. St. ROOMS nd board. The Albany. 2101 Douglas. : -Mt Ail NICE front room, modern, walking dls- . i j . lm n T3... lazice, nanuy iu an vais. iwim jomh F M472 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Bt. F-667 A2 DESIRABLE aouth room, with board. 20a N. 18th. F 663 Al LARGE, well furnished rooms, single or ensulte; board II desired, l.w uooge. F M667 30 FOIt RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room sosce. 35 ber month; ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam atreet; no expenae for light, heat ' or janitor service. . u. raters oe 1.0., rental agenta, cee ouiuiing. u us FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms, single and ensulte, lor ngnt nouseaeeping. w un ite II bldg., 15th and Harney sts. See Janitor. u-mhii si FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu- Eled by ine Bea at 916 arnam Bt. 11 aa four stories, and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee preaa room. Tbla will be rented very rtaaonably. If Intereatea apply at once toJ. o. nose water, secretary, room 100, 'Bee building. i FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. c meters at Co.. ground noor, a mag. 1- FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable lor mercnanuiae oroaer or party doing business In wholesale district. In quire tiene k v-o-. Sis arnam et. 1 M224 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit aubacripuons to lilts TWENTIETH CENTUni FARMS H. Kteadv etnulovment with assured good in come. Agenta In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily oV to Sluo per month. Ad drese, century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, omana. ua SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Bend for sample, comoinaiion jjoor mod auu neii. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about. No strings to wind. Noth- tnur tn net out of order. Own your own hTl. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send 31.64 . 1 1 . . . - 1 ULTITUXI Xor eaiilUie. AKVIIl. W.111.U1 ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1212 Farnam Street, Omaha. Neb. J a.! linniPOLOaT ent. for lows field. Hlx enbaugh Co., 500 w are blocs. J-mn AGENTS wanted In every city tn Nebraska for a new idea in accident insurance, i-j to H current rates, liberal commission and exclusive territory to ine ngnt man. Progressive Mutual Accident association. 344 New tor Lite Diag., umana. J-64S 29 HARVEST for agents, greatest sellers on earth, two neoessary ana useiui articles, just patented; one, local and state agent wanted ai once, van ioay. M.nuiw turer. Parlor 1. No. IttuS Farnam bt. J So 38 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, S to S-room house, good loca tion, by first-clase tenant. I to S-room house, furnished, located In the West Farnam street district, by the 1st of September, by best of parties. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1330 rcira St WANTED TO BtF. nsrril.L', .w-f 111 .tm.Mur u ,i,d.i cash prlcia paid. Address A. B. Mack, 1 . , 1 e v . . a 11 a - - , general aeiivvrjj, viuiu., 1a.11 uiu-ii tended to. 1MV4 Al- FOR SALSfi FVRN1TFRB. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL Svu. New and secondhand, bought, soil. exchanged. FOR SALE HORSES, WAOOKS, ETC. L-TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetons, other top and orwa buggies, rreiner, iiuo laven- wortn. f aiu A FOR SALE, delivery horse. 1318 Farnam. P-M; 30 FOR SALIC HORSE, WAOONS, ETC. REMEMBER Harry Froat puta tlre on and fixes vehicles, 14th ana Leavenwortn. FOR BALK, driving 'horse, harness and Duggy. i rx-e ressunaoie. uan evenings or addrese Wm. F. Lthner, 2410 N. HL, South Omaha, Neb. P-Sn3 3tr FOR SALB MI9CiLLAlOl9. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tire- bers, cheap; nog lenee, etc. 901 Douglas. FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any otner muaicai instrument; ss up. in Wlttman Co., 16Z1 Farnam. Q 2v NEW and secondhand typewriters. 11H Far- nam. w uu 1C 8TTLE8 trusses; catalogue free, finer- Dodge, Omaha. i3ul INDIAN goods and relics. 1111 Farnam. VIM puncture-proof lirea, $4.96 and 17.00 per pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., Kin and Chi cago SIS. J Mill 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarta, 114 B. 13th. IDHAND aafe cheap. Derlgii, 1119 Farnnm. FOR gas fixtures sea Sam l Burns. Q 720 A5 tk M. E3. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q 1854N EDISON phonographs, 310, 120 and 330; IIIVUIUTU I rrija.71 UB, VW CM! lis 'l U LC T UU. ( rtemv am.-h aa 1 at 11 & am 9A Vim tA UL nr. i m a K a Blcyclff Co., ldth and Chicago cu. , . Q M222 - FOR SALE, E00 cattle, constating of year lings, z-year-oine, cowa and cows ana calves: all healthy and In fine condition. For prlcea and full description address 111 N. 40th St.,. Omaha. Q 450 SO FOR SALE Three litters Scotch Collie pupa. H. Brown, 1806 8 St, South Omaha. tj M4SI CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Casa 6k mm MME. OYLMER, Omaha's celebrated paimiat, naa returnea to the city after an extended Journey throughout the country, and Is now at the present ad dress, 816 Bo. 15th St., Oranlte block. a 133 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, US N lo, 2d floor. R. S. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, R, 7. A 10S Alt VERY desirable large south room, with board. 208 N. 18th at. T 8l PERSONAL. HE SIGHED, she sighed, and then they signed side Dy aide down oy ine river aide. Ho had forgotten his STOECKER CIGARS. The only kind she would let him smoke. HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chiroD ouy, tor laoiea oniy, in connection witn xuc Dainery, ut-sv ee oiag. u au PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- linement; bauies adopted, zaw urant BU Mrs. Uardeia. Tel. F-USi U 313 RUPTURE permanently cured In 80 to 60 oays; send lor circular, u. a. woou, Ai. u., 621 New Xork Life Bldg., Omana, Neu. - U 314 VIAVA, wornari's way to health. . Home ireaimenu cuukw( iree. m co oiug,9 Omaha. - U 315 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, ooiuna nano to., tiysc uouf laa. U-3la CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection witn i ne xiatnery, rooms iio-iju, c woi TeL 171S. U 3ia SHAMPOOING and halrdreaalnj,'. 20C. to connection with J he Batnery, uwm, nee building. Tel. 1ltt. . u-ri DR. B.- M. JACKSON, room 4, Frenrer block, enrorao diseases apecuuty; con aultatlon free. . ... U 411 TEL. 780 for Ik M. E. meaaengen. U M85S ELITE PARLORS, 615 Bo. 16th St., M floor. U UST AU MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, Id floor. R t U MJO All' TWO handsome baby boys for adoption. 1S0B oalilornia Hi. ... . u w ai When You Write . to Advertisers ' remember ft only takes an extra stroke or two ' of the pen to mention the fact that you saw ine aa in ine ne. I WANT every man and woman in tha world intereatea in Deing cured or opium or whiskey addiction, either at home or at a sanatorium, to -write for my book. tree. ur. u. si. woouey, Atlanta, ua. U M672 29 MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to lean on Improved Omaha real a late, ureuuan-iove CO... staj u. uuu W 443 4V PER CENT on business property. S ye. (..m vii i.Digcw;. Ljr. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MKlKii, 4ul B. lath St. . W-423 WANTED City loans and warranU. W. Farnam umitn 4k Co., ixm Farnam St. 1 W 14 Ihomas, t irat isau Bank Bldg. xei. 164& w ana waxrauis. jri, c etera a. to,. ius xr n DM. M ..-I A 1 1 1 'II u v., svw WIU,, , W .1. i LOW RATES. Private money. Main Floor NlvT York Ufa Bldg. w M328 6 PER CENT loans. Qarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam. w a PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1534 Douglas. . w tu tdOO UP; low rats. Prichsrd, 1713 Farnam n-Mtvi PRIVATE money. Bherwood. 937 N. T.U 1H TO t P. C. money. " Bemls, Psxton Blk, w PRIVATE money to loan on farm lands W-T-2U3 30 WANTED, a loan of W.pOO on inside prop erly, earning 91, guv per annumj will pay s per cent interest. Address r 01. nee. W M674 31 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. iewvirx, iw lu.n.u yvuw. utrjr jlvs :o, sua to Duff Green, t Barker Block. v 1. . 1 4.IVI LOANS, household furniture, pianos and an .inni ul 1 ii.i LP 1 Huuruv . in ill a lu suit; no publicity; goods remain 111 your posaeasion. American lan t-o., aa n.xr. Paxton block. A. c.s MONEY Ws have It to loan In amounts from 110.00 up on Iiirnlture, pianos, warehouse re- ceipia. uve stoca. etc. we aisa e SALARY LOANS without mortgage or lndorser to persons wno nave a Derinauen. uoaiuon. We give you tha full amount of the loan n caan and we do not ciiarge for making tapers or nung mortages. witn us yoi ave the option of keeoinx the money fu one month or elx, or longer, and you need no. iv' 11 luugvr uiao run aeep iu We hope by this advertisement to Lava you give us a trial and we expect to re tain your patronage oy rair treatment. ine motto 01 our cmce is try to Please, OMAHA MUKlGAdK LOAN CO.. - 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. t'Stt. iLstablUTTed Us..) M B. 14th Bt. X814 LARGEST lil'SINKSS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without a curlty; eaalest terms: 40 offices in urtn- "frm c oal cJUea. ToIuulh. 440 Board of ds X-Sui MSINKT TO LOAN "HATTEfS. SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. Loanr to salaried people UPON THEIK PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, lndorser or publicity. These loans made qui' kly and quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 3u3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-47S Chattel and Palary Loans, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor to J. W. Tayloe. TeL 746. 633 Psxton Rlork. X MtiSO MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, jew- -v one MONET loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connoentiai; lowest rates, 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X CI Bl'SINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and good trade; inning neann is rea son for selling; naw brick oven. Addreas Box 376, Geneva, Neb. Y TO OET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, Mccaguo Building. v x 141 A BUSINE8S MAN CAN acquire controlling Intereat In a proflt- dji anil rapiutx iiijicbiiik if HikiuifiiQ manufacturing business. Capital require! $2,500 to ti.OM. This Is worth Investigat ing. 3. 11. Johnaon..N. Y. Life. p : Y-M524 WHEN you want to buy. sell wr exchange your oumneas or property quick, see j. H. Johnaon. 84Z N. Y life. Y-M340 TO BUY, Mil' 6r fxchartfre a burtns, call on u. w. v.anan, tv. a, ion fnrnun 01. Y MS41 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you aaw tha ad in Tha Bea. ' RAkTFRY FOR" UI F. A fine bakery, nicely located, doing a good . ...I W...-I 1 1 1 .,.-1. It pnyillS) UUBIIIW, mm Ba in." will pay you to Investigate this. Address E 61, Bee. Y-4199 MAN with $3,000. Intereat given in a splen- dla business proposition. Address f zt, cars Bee. . Y 463 81 A STOCK of harness for sale In one of the best towns in eastern lNeDraska. ror particulars address, F M, Bee. Y 560 29 FOR SALE, meat market doing $1,800 worth of business per montn; reason tor seiung, old age and want to retire.. Address Box 203. Council Bluffs, la. i Mb.. Ail $3,900 GENERAL dry gooda stock, nice. clean, up-to-date, saleable goods, an re cently bought, no- fixtures; owner will exchange for about one-fourth cash, will take real estate for balance, prefers un improved land; would assume a mortgage on good property) stock will have to be removed from present location; owner will give good deal. Address to rsrown & Co., 401 New York Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo., describing fully what yeu have to. exchange.- ' i-mmow HARDWARE atock, $3,600 to $4,600. Ad dress W. J. Deerlng, Carroll, is. Y-M65S A3 - EQUINE RECORD CO. Proven best dividend-paying Investment of zotn century, write tor particulars. EQUINE RECORD CO., 25 Broadway, . jc. I juiiie a FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE General merchandise, invoice 31.200. for land or ranch; other stocks list your property with me. T. M. Cllne, 1233 O St., Lincoln, IS 60. Z, MQJ4 AS CORNSHELLER, nearly new; slso a good mill, cost $3ou; no use -for It; what have you to exchanger' -ir , Bee. & mkjo a A GOOD lot In -South Omaha, clear, for team' or work horsesv'Lot races ksu- wAA-l ........... ' m . t -. I-n 'T qn ul avenue, a v, . m A NEW four-room hstise, In South Omaha, $760. Want good family horse and aurry for Dart navment.-i This Is a cash price. good barn, chicken house, etc. ; place cost i,3uo. ' 44, ima. lira a 110.000 TO lit. 000 stock of general merchan diss 10 exenange ior lanu anu one-miru cash. Address axz,, Bmckiey, inbd. ' - Z-M664 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, Promoters of Industries. - REAL. ESTATE AND LOANS. Business-Chances Bought and Sold. Partners Furnished. Special Atten tion to the Sale of Fumlshei Houses. Rooming Houses, Hotels, Cigar snd News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar kets, Dry Goods Stores, Millineries snd sll clasces of Business. Capital secured for Patents. Stocks of Mer chandise, etc Advance money to buyers on easy terms. Y . . 1 1 . 1 . n I .. A 1 ., . .t jruu ai. iuu.111. iui .ui.ii ui iai .ii- vestments ws can help you, or should you wtan to increase your business ana want canital. let us know. We give everything prompt attention ana guarantee satisraction. - ian or write. MAKKH BUBiJNE-aa t.u. 43S GOOD BLOCK. DEB MOINES. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW DAYS OF PROPERTY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. $1,600 Practically- new house; good east iront lot, ISO. 4U4 fs. 20m bi., s diocks south of Crelghton College, on car line. $1,800 6-room house and fins lot on paved street. ' $2,000 For smalt house and fine lot, south west corner xom ana inicago bis. $675 each for two tine building lots on 22d Ht.. 8 blocks north of High school. Paving and all special taxes paid tn full nn an tne aDove. GEORGE A QOMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. A SNAP! Elegant modern 9-room brick dwelling, ivounise riace, sj.itw, worm $6,000. Franklin J. Grlffen, 713 N. Y. Life. IF YOU want one Of tha nicest S-room homes in Hanscom i-iace 1 wui give you a bargain, owner leu city, aiusi seu. 1 1 1 ...... .1 brr M v 1 n ,i I ... BUS. W WWW, Ml ... . M. .r-. , Kiv M153 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for oilolcs bargains, foi n. x. lit uiug. xei. juia. UIT T lArUHN CHARLES E.. 1203 TV lllMllliilwvii farnam street. KE-34S HOUSES snd tots In alt parts of city; also sere properly ana iarm lanus. -ins u. s, Davis Co... Room 6a3,.Bs building. ... . . HE 345 A MONTHLY payment bargain In S-room nouae. u. xu. 4aiuugcr. i iiune " . . , KE-M536 GEO RGB G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, thrown oioca. , RE 348 RANCH and farm lands for ssls by tne Union Pactflo Railroad Company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa- cino tleaoquarters, umana, rueo. RE $44 WHY PAY RENT? OWN TOUR HOME! See the Industrial Home Company o America. Best Dlan on earth! Omca t' Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. R. M. W ilde, manager. itit-3i ais 240 ACRES. 1A miles northwest of. Irving, ton, all under cultivation and first-class land. Price. Sw sn acre. If you are look Ins for a farm don t tan to let us sno you this. The Byron Rsed Co. (Sole Agemsj, za a. 111a si. ai HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Cre Insurance. Bemis, raxton bioca. Riv-444 FOR SALE. SO acres land, near Florence, $1,600. The O. F. Davie Co., 608 Bee Bldg. . no. to as FOR SALE, house with ons and one-half acres land, near street car, (1 3M. The O, F. Davis Co., 6u8 Bea Bldg. Kl-57 AI GARBAGE. ar. i i-aiONOFOLT GAIISAGS CO.. cti cesaoools and vaults, removes garbage and oead animals st reduced prices. l n. is lei. in. 4,1 PAWNBROKERS. EAQL1 Iioan Offloe. reliable, accommodat log; all buaineaa coaAdsatlal. lAilDouglaa TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter! 1 Fast, efficient, durable. Simplest, saalest to lesrn, uae ana car tor. BUILT FOR business. Let ua show you. Bent on approvsL MONROE A CO., Sll North 19th St., Omaha. . 24o LOST. OOLD cuff button with red set. Return to Bee ofllcs. Lost 7.4 LOST, gentleman's opal acarfpln. Return to Arcade hotel. Liberal reward. Lost 860 29 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the scknowledged leading specialist in diseases 01 women in umana, would call the attention of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or addreas, with Stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1413 Dodge, Omaha. 349 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal puis are ine Dest; saie; rename. Mage no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.; Philadelphia, Pa. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c: collars. 3c; cutis, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth, lei. A-iiH. BEST laundry. Tha Chicago, 'phone 206. auu OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. BUltS 614, N. X. Lite Bldg. leu ISM. 354 DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCagus Bldg. Tel. 33M. SOS MRS. GRACE DEEGAN. 63$ Bee building. lei. a 1. jvi. MANUFACTURING. F. MELCHIOR, 13th and Hsrney, ma- cmniat. ouos OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. msks a. spe cialty of tire escapes, snutiers, doors ana safes. G. Andreen. Prop., 103 8. 10th SI MS6 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN A PRICE. 23 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. NEB. Collection Co., 306 N. Y. Life Bldg. JUNK. ALPIRN buys sll kinds of scrap Iron snd metais. sis uougias on xsl zi. aw ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTINO COMPANT. Tele phone 3190. 611 bouta Tbirteenttt street. . -M367 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 60S 8, 16th. -HWI L. M. E. hsuls trunks. Tel. 790. M856 STORAGJDi OM. Van Stor Co.. l&llVs Farn. Tels. 1669-86$. PATENTS. PATENTS Sues A Co., Bes Bldg., Omaha; no xes unless succeaaiui, aavice iree. 881 Bept 19 FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, IBIS Farnam. Tel. 12&S, Bend for price list, cut Dowers ana plants. . -Mats MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017. M tUOAU gJl AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght's, lll Farnam street. 4& BALE TIBS. OMAHA Hay Bals Tie Co., 811 North 14th. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bss Bids. TsL 2635. tin ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 A Jackson. Tel. 3841 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON. 3919 Farnam. Tel. 1981 7lT AS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. 11 1 'i A. C. VAN 8ANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. xu. x. uii, - sot NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. M& BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASH and aluminum casting, nickel Dial ing ana nnisning. (specialty wg. vo., i is. slain bt., council Blurts. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALT. klnda of camenter work and re d air ing promptly attenaea 10. w. . ucnutree. zutn ana lmk streets. ( ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ico cream sods, ons price, 6c; one quality, the best B. W. cor. 24th Ames sv. . zia Ail FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 B. 13th. LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. I. L Wks., 1406 Howard. -MJII STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rsmgs Bldg. t 373 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE rials, plumbing and electrical suppllee, h -.4 u, a ts. fT a lnll.ii a.hniil llAnA. Neb., July 23, 190C. Healed proposals en dorsed "Proposals for Building Materials, etc.," snd addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Neb., will be received at the Indian School until two o'clock p. m. ot August 13, la. for furnishing ana delivering ai tha school, aa reautred during the ftsca year ending June 30, 1. a quantity of lumber, tin roonng, tmnuers narawaxe tnlllwork, paints, lime, sand, cement, slate, S boiler and radiation, pipe and fittings, pipe coverings, electrical supplies, plumb J- - c.- -t- m ...II ll-t n: sr,laf.ftirtni being obtainable at the school. Bidders will please state kpeclflcally the proposed i.rica of each article to be offered under contract: all articles so offered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to I elect any ana an 010s or an) nart of anv bid If deemed for the best In tereala of the service. Each bid must be acconiDanlad by a certified check or draft upon some United Stales depository or GOVERNMENT NOT1CS5. solvent national bank, made payable tn the order of the commissioner of Indian affair. for at leaat five per rent ot the amount of the proposal, which cherk or draft shall be forfeited to the United Plates lit case a bidder receiving an award shall fall lo execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to be returned to the Milder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not be considered. For further Information ppiy to W. 11. inslow, Superintendent. j-23-d-lS-t-m OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Observatory OnVe Building, pes sininea, lowa, July z, mi. Heeled pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 3 n. m.. August 26. 1W2. for construct ing, plumbing, electric wiring, steam heat ing and gaa piping at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, 1 field officers quarters, 3 double sets officers' quarters, S double sets non-com- mlssloned officers' quartern, 1 double -cav alry barracks', 8 cavalry stables, 1 guard house, 1 administration building, t hospital. nospitai steward a quarters, 1 nay shea, granary, 1 magaslne, 1 oil house. Inform ation furnished on application here, or at Depot Quartermaster s Offices In Chicago, 11., St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, Neb., and Ht. aul, Minn. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should bs endorsed, "Proposals for ," addressed R. B. Turner, 0,. M. JUly Z 28 38 30 A22 23M FORT RILEY, KANSAS. JULY l 1902 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., August. 25, 1902, and then opened, for the construction of the following buildings. In cluding plumbing, heating and electrlo wiring, where same is specified, and for ovens and bread-making machinery In lace in DBery, t onstruction 01 one ouble Cavalry Barracks, one Artillery Barracks, - one Gun Shed, one Artillery Stable, one Cavalry Stable, three Field Officera' Quarters, two Double Line Officers' Quarters, two uoume r. u. Minn uuarters ana one uaitery at ton l-tuey, Kansas. Full Instructions to bidders and blank forms of proposal will be furnished upon application to this office. Plana and specifi cations may .be seen here, also In oRtcea ot Depot Quartermasters at t nioago, 111.. St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. United States reserves the right to sccept or reject sny or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed Proposal-; for Publlo Buildings," and addressed, "CAP TAIN O. O. CRESS, Constructing Quarter master." J-28-d-4-t-A-2li-24-m LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. To Whom It Mav Concern Notice la here by given that the Board of Commissioners of Rock county, Nebraska, will, on the 18th day of August, 1902, and until noon of that day, receive bids st Bassett, Nebraska, for the construction of a bridge crossing the Nlobra.a river at a point on or near tha half-section line dividing section 30, north and south. In township 32, range 19, which bridge shall be of the following gen eral character: Of sufficient length to snan said river from bank to bank, including Island, and about 600 feet; pile and stringer, under truss, wood bridge; white oak piling, 24 feet, 13 Inches st butt snd driven at least 24 feet Into tha ground; bents 86 feet apart. 1 pwes 10 ine Dent: Dents protected Dy piling Ice breaks, with railroad Iron protec tion, and bents or piles under same pro tected by two-inch white oak blank: string- err of Oregon fir, 4x12 Inches, laid 16 Inches irora center to center; 11-100; roadway, two and one-half-inch white oak plank; trusses not less than one Inch in diameter. truss rods to esch span: railing 8 feet high, substantial, hard pine, caps on piles white oak, 12x12; bridge to be 6 feet above low water mark, ana to be painted. All material to be -first-class of kind named. Plans and specifications In county clerk's office. Au bids must bs accompanied by plans and specifications, and also bond as re quired by law, and no bid will bs considered unless accompanied ry bona. Kignt reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of ths Board of Commissioners of Rock county. Dated July 8, 1W02. u. A. hillbukg, county Clerk, v July 18d30t M PROPOSALB FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MASONRY WATER DAM FOR CHEY ENNE, (WTO.) WATERWORKS. Office of tne uuy uierk, uneyenne. wyo., July Zl, 1902. Sealed proposals will be received by the city -clerk of Cheyenne, Wyo., at his office In said city Until noon of Thursday. August 21. 1902, for the construction of a masonry oam .on tne Middle. Fork of crow ureesr.-- -" - Plans and specifications for the nronoaed work may be seen at the offices of the city clerk or the city engineer, and blank forma of proposala will be furnished by the city clerk. Each bid must be enclosed In a sealed envelope, and must be accompanied by a certinna cnecg tor si.uxi.uu aa a guarantee that tne auccesstui bidder win enter Into contract. Bidders muat furnish satisfactory evi dence of their ability to do ths class of work required. Bids will be opened st a special meeting of the city council of said cltv of Chev- enne, Wyo., to be held on Thursday, August zi, iwa, ai s o ciock p. m. J. L. MURRAY, Mayor. E. A. ABRY, City Clerk. Jy24EOD13t I AIL WAY TIME CAHD. UNION STATION-10TII AND MARCY. Chicago, Rock Island A Paclfle. r'hloaa'A Tlavlfcrht Urn. tea av o:iv am a s:w in rhiM a n v iib hi . 1 m -m m q-k m Chicago Express., bllas am a 6:06 pm lj m . Aiuiiie avvavi m w.-v pro wu;w am Chicago Fast Express.. .a :os pm a :a pm ric.01, D r l. r ' Vf n unfair, l.lm. ajilicuin, wuiu, curiuia , w 1 I West S 1:80 cm a S:aa nm Polo.. Texas, Cat A waianuma giyar a s:v pm sia:w pm isles Paclfle. . Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mail asiboam a lJiS pm iaiuoru.a ii.aH,,. . yia Pn.'itlc Exnresa all:3i) Lm aatarn Kanrasa a S-aS nn. AUanUo Express. a 7:30 am 1,U1UIUV RlllV-li,M , .AV 11,1 . Chicago Spnuia. $:40 aca Lincoln, oeautos . ana Wakaak. ,. 1 Aa arafa Aaaarf-u 4sawa v ass Sal A TSJ. fif I Aiilg "rsnriAM TRa.1V Cxpresa --:00 pm Bt. iwouia iafOcai. council Blurt f i sm aiu:so pm sae.Ams.K.aaw BT k A .fws, .m 6.1 .rn Ku DUUUiswui SB. a,. . ( assa s v w . vv ia vasi . W 6 in Grand Island Local b SUM pm b S.A pm Ckteaga A Norlk west era. "The Northwestern Line," Fast Chi llCAgO. .a S 40 am a 7 a $ 3 alO au a 6 alO a 4 :00 am Alan .a S:oo pm ..a i iv am, . f:3U so, .a 1:00 am ,.alo:fi6 am ..a t aa pin :34) am Local Bioux city... :a0 pm :2a Dm ayllght bU Paul., ayllght Chicago.., ocal Chicago , M pm :30 pal :00 am iz i rt IT 1-,CC,1 ciuiuii . . Fast Chicago a 4:68 pm :06 pm Limited Chicago a i:4a pm ..' a 1.66 pm Fast tit. raui :60 am aai wan...... "b 3:56 pm a 3 blu :40 pm Local bioux t-ity .w am Illlamla TaiBteal. rotloA ITvnreaa i...' ..tldlin l l!lA Dn Lnicaan, muueapoua a 8)1. raui umiuu av iav iu av swa am Iinneapous c at. raui . i inru. ....h TJ0 am blO : S8 nm cmvago cxpreaa ,... S10:S prs MlsaaarliPaeMo. fit T viiH Fxnresa.... .810:00 am a t'25 pm c. at Bt- u s-x aiv:ou pm a s:is am Ckleaao. sHlwaakea A St. rati. Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm a IK am Coicsste A Omaha Ex..b 1:40 am b 1:40 pm . 9 BVRLISOTON STATION lOTH A MASQN BarUagtaa A Mlaaaarl River. Leave. Arrive. A'vmnn Beatrice ana lAucoin a a w am bum am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4 J6 pm 'a 1:46 vm tl.,.l Ullla and Ptiuat abound Express SlllO pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vcstlbulsa Flyer a 3:10 pro Lincoln Fast Wall b 1:10 pm a 1.17 am Fort Crook and Flatts-. w., mouth b 3:20 pm bllKX am Bellevnue A Pacific Jct.s 7:60 pm a 8:21 am Bellevus A Pawns Jot--a am Kaaisi Cllr. SU Jasopk A Ceaaell BlaSTa. Kansas City Day Ex... A I N am a 4S pm SL Louis Flyer a 6:1J iw all:16am Kansas City Night Eg..ui.ev pm a 4 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun gay soli. S Laiiy sxuept katurday. S Daily except Monday. Ckleagr. BarUagtaa A Qalaey. Leave. Arrive Chicago Special 7.j0 am 4:-j pm f hl.-nao Vastibuled Ex a 4:00 Dm S 1 am Chicago Local ., ,4l:Nim aU:0S pm ( lucago liiuiied ...... .a S.vt pm a 7.30 am Fast uau t a IA pm AILWAV TIME CARH C entlnaed. WEBSTER DEPOT 1ST II A WEBSTER ZVIkhora Mlaeawrl Valley. Leave. Arrive. Blsck Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a $:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d $:00 nm s l.-OS Dm Hastings, York, HavM City, superii-r, uenevs. Exeter snd Seward 0 lX) Dtn bltttn Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b T:30 am bl0:33 am Fremont Local '.....c 7:30 am Cklcaao, St. Paal, Mlaaaapalla dm Onaaka. Twin City rssenger....a t W am a 9:08 pm moux -ity aasenger...a pm sii:LHsm Emerson Local b 1:40 pm b 8:43 am ' Mlssoarl Parlgo. Nebraska Local, Via weeping water 4:10 pro 810: sra 1 1 a STEAMSHIP. Summir Tours on Lako Mlchlgtn. tnb.v.:&Vh.i. manitou nsiin see servlrs selqlTelr. wiahsa thras taliisea h wik for S'l-aakTert, ('harlevala. HarlMP Srlaga, May View, P.lMker, slaflkleaa l.laaS, eno aeo4lDs, BaSaUand all Kaatere ralate. LEAVtS CHICAGO AS rOLLOWSI Thars. SS)iae) aS.Sa.m. MANITOU STCAMSHIr CO., OFFICE a DOCKS, Rush snS N. Water tts Chlesga HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via. Hmilof na, M. New Taln-Bcrew a s. of ib.uuu tons register JHr9 Statendam Aug. t, 10 A. M. Aug. 9, 10 A. M Twln-Sorew Steamer Potsdam Twm-Hcrew Ryndam Btesmer rtlllUdlil Aug. 19, 10 A.M innl. .A U.r.w Mfrm IOAI 17- w. street; J. 8. McNally. 1323 Farnam atreet; II. O. Jones, i:oz farnam street; Louis Neese. First National Bank, Omaha. van up and a Bee Advertising Man will call on you to get a Want Ad or a Half Page. Dlreotora Fall to Attend. BALTIMORE. July 28. Ths board of di rectors of the Wood berry-Mount Vernon Duck company waa -to have had a meet ing today to consider the question as to whether the business of tha last six months would justify the payment of the Interest on the coupon bonds due In July, but a majority or tne directors railed to appesr ana an adjournment was taken until . Wednesday In New York, on which day the United States Cotton Duck corpora tion board will also meet In. New York. ! At the January meeting it was decided not to pay the Interest for the preceding six months on the ground that as a result of a ' bad season the earnings did not justify fisyment of the coupon. It ia said that thf : merest now due has been earned during the laat six months, but there Is no oppo sition to its being paid at this time. Christian Cnltoro Assembly Meets. ' ( LA PORTE." Ind.. July 28. Ths Chrtstlsn Culture assembly, a national organisation of Baptists, will hold its annual conven- , tlon this year at Pine I.ske, near La Porte, beginning tonight. The opening session win consist or readings Dy juihs Anna m. phillley of Fort Wayne and Florence Mc- i MUlan of Chicago. On Tuesday Rev. J. E. . t i . . i. . r .1,1 .. . . i . i. v 1 1 fv i " L n iuuuiur,' .An, - , I uu 1 1 1 u Baptist Young People's union sacred litera ture course, louowed by ttev. ta. H. Kwett of Elkhart. Ind., on "Growth in Religious Life."-, Other speakers during the week' will ba Rev. J. K. Conant and Prof. Ira . M. Price. Hundreda of Bantlsta havs al ready arrived for the convention and many mors are expected.. More Gold, for Uarope. NEW YORK. July 28.-Oold bars to ths amount of $3,000,000 hsve been engaged at the assay office for shipment to Europe this week, or tnis sum the National City . bank will ship about $2,000,000. Lasard Freres will ship the other $1,000,000. It Is reported that other engagements are being considered. The City bank shipment goes to Berlin and that of Lasurd Freres to Paris. uoiuman, eacns st to. nas maaa s provisional engagement ot $776,000, , Seasonable Fashions. . S7S1 Gi rl's Bloust Drsss, 4 to 12 years. Girls' Blouss Dress, No. 3761 To be wads with or without the fitted lining and wora with or without a gulmpe. Ths simple lit tle frock that can be worn with or with out a gulmpe makes one of ths best poestbls models both for light wool and wasbsbla mstsrlsls. Ths prettly model shown la msds from mercerised nisdras in shades of dull blus snd is trimmed with needlework insertion and edging, but all cotton stuffs are suitable, as are cashmere, yelling, alba tross and ths like. , The skirt it straight, finished with a hem at ths lower edge and srrsnged la gathers at tha waist, where It Is joined to ths belt. Ths waist is sim plicity itself. Both backs and fronts srs gathered at ths upper and lower edges. ths fitted lining being, used or not as prs. ferred. Around ths pompadour-shaped, seek is a fist, squsrs eollar that is eminently becoming sad which, at ths asms time cai be laundered with csss. Ths lower sdr ' of ths waist is attsched to ths uppsr edg ot the belt snd ths estlrs gowg closes f ths center back. The short sleeves sr gathered la puffs snd finished with strsly bands. To cut this frock for a gtrl of I years i sgs ysrds of material tt Inches wide,' 4S4 yards 8 inches wlds or i ysrds 44 inches wlds will bs required. Ths psttsrn No. 3751 Is cut in siisg for girls of 4, , S. 10 and 12 years of sgs. Far ths accomaaodsUoa of Tha Baa read, srs, tbess patterns, which usually retail s from 26 to (0 esnts, will ba furslshed at a emlssl price, 10 cents, which covers gl expense, Ia order to get a patters ag1 close 10 cents, give sum ber sad ssass si patters wasted snd bust measure.