Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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j BW a .'LUU UH il-Mj,ljj-(r.if1MJIIMr-.JHaBrilllll i l.-JX ,
Aiy Straw Mat
Aatltai Mothers Ottjeet to the Mean
Aged Omeatn.Appeali to Fren te ExJiom
Daughter's, Husband.
Fed tho Elaht-Mont as-Old
nachatelaer Brian.
Crowds' Throng County Clerk's OSos Taking
Them Up.
in tho
Write fbat Thills D. Watklns Mas
Worse Record Than Police Be
ported and that Mend's
Dancer la Great.
To add to the distress, already acute, of
Henry Bhonfeld and family of 2212 Wirt
street, there haa lust been received by
them a letter from a Boston banker, mho
writes: "For Ood'a rake, and aa you love
her, recover your daughter from that man,
rhlllp D. Watklna. I know something of
hie record and you cannot act too aoon."
With hla. letter he enrloaed a clipping from
a Boston paper which told of the sudden
marriage of Mlsa Maude Ehonfeld to Wat
The Ninth ward boasts an 8-months-old
taby who eats meat, bread, gravy and po
tatoes and drlnka coffee, to the total ex-
elusion of milk, pap and other forma of In-
faut food. That la, a part of the ward
boasts of K; the other part complains that
the child Is being abused, though that this
mite of humanity thrives upon the diet of a
day laborer cannot be gainsaid. Hla name
Is Emmanuel Dachstelner and be la the aon
of Carl Dachstelner, 3007 Chicago street.
Three women of the nelghorbood called on
Health Commissioner-Ralph yesterday to
ee If something could not be done toward
regulating matters in the Dachstelner home.
He ia an old man," they said, "about 7f
years old, and this child la by his second
wife, who has been In the hospital almost
sines the day of its birth. He can't keep a
gtrl for aome reason so he has to take care
of the child himself. We did what we could
Court Expense! Jorors' Fees aad
Other Bach Bills Are lacladed
la the La rare A
sortmeat. .
In Saturday evening's Issue The Bee an
nounced that 6.000 of the county's general
fund warranta would be ready Monday.
morning and the reault ia that since a very
early hour the county clerk's office force
has been aa busy aa so many haymakers
waiting on a crowd that lines the long
counter with few gaps. Clerks Frsnk
Dewey and Dan Butler have taken oaths
enough to supply a steamboat captain for
a full week, If properly misapplied.
These warrants tell a tale of finance.
It will be remembered that about a week ' lh" hY "J". They show what become, of the taxes that
- h. nm.h. n.n.r. tM V. .fnrv which "d ' Blilk to Bet na hoW to et U J"" .v. ' . v..-.! i.- ...
ago the Omaha papers told the story, which
la in substance that Mies Shonfeld, while
on her way to visit her sister, Mrs. A. L.
Bell, In Ogdm, Utah, met on the train the
man named Watklns, a blonde, of fine figure
and in a way attractive. 80 skillful was
his pleading that when Ogden was
reached, the girl, educated, but not In the
.wiles of the world, consented to an Imme
diate marriage and th ceremony was per
formed and the couple on board 'the train
again before Miss Shonfeld's alster In Og
den knew what was brewing. Then she re
ceived a letter from Maude, describing the
escapade, announcing that they were on
their way to California and atatlng that
bar husband waa receiving an Income of
1250 per month, waa dealing in fruit for
the right temperature and all thai, but he
.said It made the baby sick. One day,' con
tlnued the spokesman, "1 waa there about
dinner time. He waa lust ready to alt down
to the table and the baby waa crying with
the colto and spitting Ha milk out and the
Old man waa mad. He shook the poor little
thing and slammed It into the high chair at
the table and said:
'Here, you! Eat rat I eat or tie!'
'Ever alnc then he'a been feeding It
the county board levlea for, ths county
treaaurer aBks for and special collectors
finally have to go gunning for. ,
In this batch of 6,000 are aome to cover
part of the court expenses that have plied
up since July of last year.
For Instance, for the October term of
district court -the feea of the petit jurors
amounted to $7,735, and for the talesmen
$272, making total of $8,007. For the
February term the tetlt Jurors coat $7,-
mashed potatoe. and beefeteak and stuff jxlron 61 or , tota, of 7863.2o. For the
like that.'
'How does the baby stand UT" asked the
health commlaaloner,
May term, which hasn't been considered
by the board and will not bt. for some
time, there is entered $4,144.10 for petit
"Ths child looks all right. It doesn't cry K;,, and m fof tale(,mGn, or a total of
aa much aa It used to, hut surely It can't
exportation and was wealthy. She wrote that klnd of tooi Tery ,ons
to her people In Omaha, too, and they, sus
pecting Watklns was a crook, consulted
with Chief Donahue and discovered that ha
la wanted at San Diego for a $400 swindle,
In Boston for forgery and at either points
for similar crimes, although he has a home
and respectable parenta In Mt Claire, N. J
Sonant to nmch Girl.
The commissioner assured the delegation
that the city had no right to Interfere in
the case, whereupon the women began to
speculate upon the advisability of filing a
complaint of cruelty to children.
$4,258.10. These three totals make tho
grand totals for Jury service through three
terms of court $20,128.30 aiv there must
be added to this sum thlt year a total of
$2,065.60 for the aervlcea of the grand
Jurors. This makes the great grand total
for district court Jurors look like $22,-
193.90, and the purae of the taxpayer looks
like It had been hard hit.
Other Minor Fonda.
To this might be added the fees for the
county court Jurors and the coroner's Jurors,
but the former amount to practically noth
Fairy Tales 1 of the Western Range,"
Rex M'a" (E. O. Mayfleld) new book. At
Megeath', for children and grown folk,
When their fears were confirmed the other $1. Talk of the town.
membere of the Shonfeld famllv. Inrlnri in I
the aged and distressed parents, tried to Eienralons Abandoned.
get In touch with the endangered girl. They Excursions to New Tork City, Atlantlo I ing and the latter to too little to be wor-
hsve written a halt dozen letters and many City and Montreal, advertised by the Wa- ried over.
telegrams, but now cornea a brief letter bash for July $1, August 7 and 14 have been
from her atatlng that they are going to New abandoned,
York and begging to know why no one has
written her. No address la given and the
whole circumstance leada the relatives to I Commencing Sunday, . July 13, the St
Fast Tints on the Wabash.
believe that Watklns is holding her mall Louis Express will leave Omaha Union eta- I yet allowed, $1,001.10, or a total of $4,801.90.
Witnesses cost some money, too. Those
In district court during the October term
have a bill against the county for $1,837.90;
thoae called during the February term for
$1,962.90, and those of the May term, not
from her and perhapa manipulating that of I tlon at 6:55 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7 a. m.
hera which she tries to send here. I Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam street.
Mr. Shonfeld Is now redoubling hla efforts
and appeals to The Bee and to all news- SIXTEEN MORE MAY, GET ON
papers to give tne wiqest possible publicity
to the real facts in the case, aa that seems
the only means f overtaking Watklna and
resoulng the gtrl. ilie father aaks that
wherever she be found hla daughter be held
In safety until he can be notified. He will
come to her at once and will reward anyone
tor whatever expenses may be Incurred.
List for the Black Hills Trip
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben la
Abont CloseU
Add to t hie $1,676.10 for witnesses called be
fore the grand Jury and the total rises to
$6,478, still exclusive of county court and
coroner obligations. For five Justice courts
the total of witness fees is given as $235.40,
the first bill being dated November.
The county, however, doea not pay these
sums In full, as many who serve as wit
nesses or Jurors owe the county for taxes,
and this Indebtedness Is always subtracted
from the face of the warrant Issued. The
county gains Immensely by this and Its offl
When the ousting committee of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben held Its final meet
Ing at noon It was found that out of 100 I clals marvel that the city doea not adopt
places to be told for the Deadwood excur- the same system
aion hut sixteen remained" to be dlsDosed I Justice Altstadt nut In a claim for $121.70
vn me nuiwiises nauway. o( an(1 u w$ fled to limit the sale on and baa been allowed $83.70; Bryce Craw
For a short or a long vacation this beau- the special train to that number, so that ford, $57.75; Justice Foster, $41.75, and
tlful lake offers the most economical yet persons desiring; to Join . the Ak-Sar-Ben Justice Baldwin $17.20, making a total of
delightful outing that is available for party will have to secure places early. $43580 for the Justice courts, if there ha
Omaha people. It waa found that negotiations for the Included the $235.40 for witness fees.
Quickly and easily reached from Omaha Twenty-second Regiment band had been The coroner, serving from January to
via the Milwaukee railway, altitude al- unsuccessful and a committee will visit July, puts In fifty-eight payrolls, totaling
most 1,000 feet, air always cool and in- Fort Crook to see if the commander of the $773 for wltneases and jurors, ana a Din 01
vlgoratlng. A beautiful, clear, deep lake regiment will not release the band for the $435.75 tor himself, or a total of $1,206.75.
writh high shores, picturesquely timbered excursion. The . band is already engaged
with hardwood trees. Excellent fishing, for the Elks' excursion to Salt Lake and
boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but this Is understood to be reason why It Is
good hotels. This Is a list of advantages found difficult to secure It for the Dead
Dot to be equaled. Full Information cheer- I wood trip. - I
Aside from the thirty-one 1 persons who
will go from South Omaha and whose namea
have not been given to the local committee.
those who will go On ths excursion are:
S. J. Potter, C. 8. Elgutter four from Wil
llama' Shoe company, E. T. Tates, M. A.
, fully furnished at tho Milwaukee Railway
City Office, 1604 Farnam atreet
F. A. NASH. Genera? Western Agent.
' Tiffany wedding rings. Zdholm.
Peterson, O. W. Tlernsy. I. Kahn. C. S.
Iteport of Treasurer Stnrsrls Showing
the Condition of the Associa
tion's Excheqaer.
T. F. flturgls, treasurer of the Labor Tern,
Hayward, two from M. X. Smith ft Co.,
Frank Copletzer, E. F. Pearse, M. F. Funk-
houser, E. D. Van Court, Thomas Kendall,
W. Stelnmets. M. Wulpl, George West,
" " ' ..I 1 George H. Lee. A. C. King. Frank Haller,
pie association, has made his report of the . - Kr. Oeorae W Sues N P GurVert condition of that 1n.Htn.lnn f, h J J' 8' Krage. George w. Hues, N. F, Quckert,
term ending July 1. According to the rev
port the association la now In. debt In the
Expense for Insane Cases.
Insanity cases are another considerable
drain upon the county funds. Ths consta
ble and witness fees are recorded aa only
$39, but the total to be paid out of this laat
appropriation Us $2,346.10. This ' Includes
three bills of Dr. George Tllden, filed Oc
tober 17, February 6 and March 18, for a
total of $747.50; two bills of J. L. Kaley
for a total of $393, and a total of $1,166.60
for Frank A. Broadwell, clerk ot the dis
trict court. He tiled a bill aa commissioner
March 28 for $276.80, one tor $260.90 and
another for $334.70 on April 15, and to this
total of $872.40 as Insanity commissioner
and clerk ot the board he adds $294.20 for
fees In Insanity cases. 1
one from uninger ft Metcair company,
Frank Dunlop, F. B. Woodson, H. O. Wind-
helm, D. J. O'Brien, F. P. Klrkendall, David
Cole, F. M. Bliah, L. 11 Kountxe, two from
Hwma A Wamme lfmnan W VI D.nn.
Thl. money wa. advanced at the time the a Weeri Ed A1Ieili w j Welahans!
a. a.niatl AN SM.fwj4 Osa nila4sM nmm T I
sum of $1,613.16, of whit h sura $1,150 Is due
the labor unions which Sleet In the building.
association moved Its quarters from the Pat
terson building to lta preaent location. The
two from .Wright ft Wilhelmy's, 8. A. Or
K. rA TTonrv RnhlfT Pjtta P.t.r.nn T
. . ,V L..H,, . .... u. . , . , -- v.v.vvw, VI
of which sum all has been paid except s
comparatively, small amount due for ma
terial. Including the cost of preparing the
sew hall the operating expenses ot the a
ociatlon during the aix months have been
-$3,760.29 which Includes money paid on the
Onr Llle-SavtnsT Stations.
Since the organization ot the life-saving
service in 1871, over $100,000,000 worth of
property has been saved, and almost 100,-
000 persons rescued. This is certainly
convincing proof of the importance of these
statlona. There Is also convincing proof
in the wonderful record of cures behind
the famoua ' Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
the medicine that positively cures heart
burn. Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation,
blllousneaa and malaria, fever and ague.
It you have never tried It, do so today.
Recommends Chamberlain's Colie,!
Cholera and Luarrhoea Remedy.
About eighteen months ago MV. W. S.
Jdebt of the association at the beginning of Manning of Albany, N. Y., widely known in
lae term. trade ctrclea as the representative ot the
The total receipts. Including the loan from Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a
the unions, was $3,827.11. leaving a deficit protracted attack ot diarrhoea. "I . tried
fer the. period of $423.16. and a debt In ex- Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea
cess of cash oa hand ot $689.L Ths state- Remedy," he aaya. "and obtained Immediate
men! of receipts and expenditure for the relief. I cheerfully recommend this medl
urn, six menins 01 me year is vary satis- cine to those similarly afflicted.
factory to the omcers, aa It includes con
Forty Mlnntea Faster Time Omaha to
at. Lonls Via the Wabash.
The WABASH St Louis Express leaves
Omaha Union station 6:55 p. m.; arrives
St. Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITY
OFFICE, 1601 Farnam street.
A Carload of Wet
Carpets and Rugs
On Sale Today at 1-4 of Regular Prices
During a recent railroad washout a carload of fine carpets and rugs eon
signed to a western wholesale carpet house became damaged by water. The'
railroad company accepted our cash offer and we are selling them now at
unheard ot prlcea. The goods on the bottom ot ths car were quite wet,
other rolls ot carpets wet only on t he edges and a large portion are practi
cally perfect, aa the only injury th ey Buffered waa being In a damp car. The
prices at which we offer this lot o f carpeta and rugs created the greatest ex
citement Monday; it was one of the most successful carpet aales ver held .
In Omaha. Today will be a con tlnuatlon ot this great carpet ' sale with
bargains greater than ever. j
$1,25 Carpets for 39c a Yard $2.00 Carpets for 69c a yard
At S9o a yard, we will sell all the best
grades of velvet and Bruasela car
pet, most of them are absolutely
perfect in every respect. They come
with and without borders. In all the
newest - designs for parlor, sleeping
room, hall and stairs.
These are the $1.25 J7 C
qualities, on sale at, yd
$1.00 Carpets for 25c a yard
Velvet and Brussels Carpets of the
best grade. Some of these carpets
are slightly damaged on the selvage
" and some have been quite wet if
perfect they would retail for $1.00
a yard. We offer you p
This lot comprises all the finest -car.
pets manufactured. Including Smith's
extra Axmlnstera, French Souven
irres and Moquettes practically the
cream of this Immense shipment
- the patterns are the very newest,
and all are absolutely perfect.
Carpets that sell for up
to $2.00 a yard
on sals at
$50 Wilton Rujs for $19.98
This lot Includes Royal Wilton, fine
seamless velvet and elegant Smith's
Axminster and Moquette rugs, also
the finest wool Smyrnas all are slxe
9x12 feet The patterns are extreme
ly beautiful nearly all are absolute
ly perfect your Tv y-v
choice of the en- I vJ vJ F
tire lot for X
$19 Rug-son sale for $9.98
We will sell all the large room alia
rugs that are the leaat bit water
stained or mussed for $9.98. You
will find many fine Brussels rugs
and Smyrna rugs In
tnis lot. They are
srlendld bargains
the choice of these at,
per yard
$25 Rufs on sale for $12.98
This lot Includes the best grades of 10
wire Brussels rugs, fine velvet, Ax
minster and beautiful Smyrna rugs,
all room sixes majority of these
rugs are sound and
perfect on sale
today at
Velvet and Moquette Rugs
It vards long.
When fringed they make s )
very neat looking rugs. jJ, J
. On sale today at.... .A...
Unf ringed Ingrain Carpet Rugs
A very large quantity will mwf
be placed on sale today at I r4
2 Oc Laces at 3c a yard
A New York Importers surplus stock and sample pieces of fine laces ever 10,-
000 yards on sale at to a yard. This Is an extraordinary lace bargain and
every woman should take advantage of It. All kinds and styles of laces and
lnsertlngs are In the lot. Including French vols, Normandy vals, English
vala. Net Top Orientals, Chantllly laces. Point de Esprit and scores s
ot Cher styles, in various widths and patterns 20o
values all at, per yard
$5.00 Rugs for 59c
Smith's elegant Moquette rugs. In all
the latest designs and colors sixes
86x72 damaged edges
on' sale today,
Kevr Issne Offered stockholders atnd
Pnbllo br'.l4on Paclflo
ConsMji .
Officials of the Union Pacific have received
formal notification from New. York con
firming the recently publiahed reports of
the new bond Issued by the Oregon Short
Line. The Oregon Short Line company
haa created an Issue of 4 per cent and par
ticipating twenty-five-year gold bonds, to
be secured by the pledge and deposits with
the Equitable Trust company of New York
aa trustee, subject to the provisions ot a
trust indenture, of ten share of the atock
of the Northern Securities company for
every $1,003 face value of the bonds Issued.
These bonds carry interest at 4 per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually in Feb
ruary and August and are also entitled for
each year, beginning with the year 1908, aa
provided In the trust Indenture, to an
amount equal to any dividends and an
Interest which may be paid la cash during
the year upon the depoalted collateral In
excess of 4 per cent upon the amount of
the outstanding bonds.
All or any ot the bonds may he re
deemed at the option- of the Oregon 6hort
Line company at a premium ot 1 per
cent and accrued interest and dividend
payments on any Interest day upon at
least three months' published notice. The
bonds will be coupon bonds of $1,000 each
with the usual provisions for registration
and txchanga for fully registered bonds.
Pursuant to the action of the board ot
directors of the Union Pacific Railroad
company, which has acquired these
bonds, holders of Its preferred and com
mon stock of record at the closing of ths
transfer books, August 1, are offered tbv
privilege of subscribing at 90 and accrued
Interest to a face amount of the bonds
equal to 15 per cent of the par amount
ot their stock.
Arrangements have been completed for
the aale ot so many ot the $31,000,000 worth
of these bonds as are not subscribed for by
the stockholders of the Union Paclflo upon
wis onering.
That awful Cold,
And Its terrible cough can soon be cured
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Try It, No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.
New link buttons. Edholm. Jeweler.
School Board Decides Not to Chance
Location of Muamoath
Parle School.
The committee of ths Board of Education
which visited the site of the Monmeuth
Park school Saturday afternoon has decided
to report adversely to the purchase of an
other traot ot land for the proposed house.
President Barnard, who Is a member ot ths
committee, said:
"There is no necessity for more ground at
that school. The grounds are large enough
at present, and it ia bad policy to have the
front of a school house facing the street
ear tracks, as It would if we were to build
with a south front upon ths site proposed.
There is room enough to make an east front
to the new house on the preaent site, and
that is the course which will be pursued.
IS Jeweled watches. Edholm, Jeweler.
atderable extraordinary expense. Incident to
moving, ahowlng that under the preaent con
ditions the debt on the temple will be wiped
jout In a short time
Exearaivns Abandoned.
Excursions to Nsw York City, Atlantlo
City and Montreal, advertised by. the Wa-
Th7 furniture of ih. building Is Insured J0' Auu't 7 nd 14 to bMn
.1 tiu 1 AAA I. ....I.J . .1 I "..
lor fi,wvu, .uu v,vw . i.itti ujma pRrii I
tlons and fixtures. The salary ot ths super
intendent has been Increased from $80 perl
sr.r;s:r.r,: life of a modern farmer
Large plain lockets. Edholm, Jeweler.
' and Asthma
Stay at home, work, eat, sleep and
Stand exposure without sufitrinp.
References all over the world.
61,000 patients. Examination free
by mail. Out-constitutional treat
meat Is a lasting CURE, not
Just a" relief." It is vitally differ
ent In principle aad effect from all
smokes, sprays and specifics. It
eradicates the constitutional cause
of Hay Fever and Asthma. Write ,
at once for the valuable new BooC
No. 75 FREE.
P. Harold Haves, Buffalo, N.Y.
sf h sn I iiiiii naiiit
Kmm ! mm B7 lm 4 lata nSaa
Ills Consolidation of City Coavsat
" teaees and Conntrr Comforts
la Ideal.
Building Inspector R. B. Carter, with
Councilman Fred Hoye, A. C. Powers, Fred
Anderson and Ed Morris drove about thirty
miles out into the country Sundsy and
atopped for dinner at the home of Dan
McLaln, one and one-half miles south ot
' "It won't be very long." said Mr. Carter,
"before the people who live In the city
will eeaae to have aa edge over those who
live In the country. Take McLaln. for in
stance. The plans lor bis house Were
drawn by the best firm of architects in '
Omaha; his mall la delivered every da.
rain or ahlne; In the hall there la a tele
phone, the grass on ths front lawn is cut
with a lawn mowevr. there Is a hammock
on the plassa and the hired gtrl gathers
fresh vegetables from the garden before
every meal. How Is that?"
(iff ' CtuPk
Attention, Mnslelaas.
All musicians of the Omaha Musteline
association local. No. TO, are hereby noti
fied to report for roll call at headouartera
with Instruments, Tuesday, July Si. at S:S0
a. m... to participate In Union Paclflo strik
ers- paraas. jul THIEUS, Secretary.
Wearer at. Lenta Tkaa rtefore.
The Wabash 6L Louis Express leaves
Omaha Union station 5:65 p. m.i arrives
Bu Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITT
OFFICE. H01 Farnam street.
Publish yeur legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 138.
Xfeere's fci Cbe SUuieocshar. Ha nrioi.J
( j0lSvistouiiQ Parti H j j
sf y f r,'.al 1 v ) J f j J I
Spiclal Dcurilon Um$ Omahi Tuisdiy, bj. 6s j I I I
' X Writ for folder-fREC . j J
. NXj J. FRANCIS, Qtn'IPau. Agtnt,
otise, 45c
The greatest hat sale erer attempted is now goLng on In
our hat department. In order to sell our entire 6tock of
Btraw hats in two days we will give you YOUR UNRE
HOUSE FOR 45c The season is pretty weU advanced and
we still have a good many line hats in stock. At the prices
named on them early in the season they were wonderful
values, so we hardly know what words to use in telling you
what exceptional bargains they are at the big reductions
we have made.
The best hats are sold first st come early.
0 OO.rn
PARTS 1 to 20
The Li y ing
Animals of
the World
- At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents
Pocket Soda Fountain
By the use of the
"Sparklet" bottle car
bonated beverages may
be had at any time In
your own home. Essen-
tlal features are a strong
bottle covered with
with syphon metal top,
adjusting by screw fit
ting. . Bottle to be filled
with liquid to be car
bonated. Carbonlo acid
gas contained In small
metal "bullet" or cap
sule which Is placed In
top of stopper, and
punctured by turning
metal fitting at top, al
lowing gaa to eacape
Into the bottle where it
Impregnates fluid. Made
In following sixes:
Pint Wickers, covered J2.00
Quart Wickers, (globular) 3.00
LPtnt, metal covered (carapace) 1.75
Quart, all metal, no glass 1. 00
"Bullets" or "Capsules containing gas:
bozea of ten; size for pint bottle.... 25c
Same else for quart bottle 40c
Write for catalogue of Drugs and Rubber
Goods at cut prices. i
Sherman &McConnsll Drue Go.
- e v
t? a
t f
dissolved a pearl and drank it In order to
show her luxuriance of taste. Our beer
would gratify the most exquisite tas'3,
being a pure product of barley, malt and
hops. Made under moat favorable condi
tions, in accordance with the moat ap-
f roved methods. 'Tie, In a word, perfec
Ion in brewing. Unexcelled as a tonio
and possesses highly nutrlUve qualities. A
beer that elves cheer and health and the
social charm. Try a case.
Mctz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tea, la, Oausksw
Or Jacob Neumayer, Art., oare Nsumaye
Hotel. Council Bluff, laws.
Men's Oxfords $3,50
As a general rule 13.60 oxfords are
not the up-to-date shoe a man wants
to wear. But here you find a line
at $3.60 that combines style, wear and
comfort The patent calf oxford we
sold last year gave such universal
satisfaction that we have bought the
same quality leather In the sew
styles styles that you will not find
In any other store unless you pay
15.00 and even tt.00 for them. Tour
money back If you are not satisfied.
Catalogue . sent FREE: for ths
asking. .
Droxol Shoo Go.,
Omaha's I's-to-date lhas Henae,
10 Conto
ia the price we ask for our ADULT BTXT3
ICE CKEAM SODAS and if you w'4
compare them with others we believe you
will be satisfied that we give you 10 CENTS
WORTH. Just compare our 6c Juvenile Ice
(.ream Sodas with the loo onea you get
25o Iaxacola 20o
fr)c Mull's Grape Tonic fro
tl Whitney's Nerve and Fleah Builder.. 7e
13.60 Marvel niriina epray Dynngo....i ..
$1.00 Fanner's Kidney Cure.
25c KnpP's Baby's Friend..
11.00 reruns
II. W .fierce a nemeciies....,
ii no Plnkham'a Comwiund
$1 00 Cramer's Klduey Cure.
$1.00 Temptation Tonic
11. uu liei Biaii- v iii.aer
i quart Old Crow 41. OJ
Il.flo Bromo Beltxer I o
85o aenulne C'aatorta ,
tho Mennen'a Talcum Powder lio
tlli HorUck's Malted Milk ,..$2.GS
r f 4T. . W. Ce. Okies.
You are uot paring for CHKOMOS. SCUEMEb, kttEK DBAX3, ETC, fcul
IVJLJUCA fgipAWTniB '"Tft OQ Maf,j It Uu I'alM Ka4e.