Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
THE' OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, 'JULY "28," 1002". 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertfaemeats for thee eolaaaa will b likra til 18 at. far ta vealaaT 'edition aad til 8:110 B. aa. lor Boratig aad l4tr 4Mtloa. Rates. 1 l-2e a word grst laaertlaa, I a word thereafter. Retklaa; taken for less thaa SB for the Brat later tloa. Three adverttaeaseata aaaat bo aa eoaaeeatlvely. Advertlaere, r reaeatlaaj a a a saw fcrrrd cheek, caa have aaawera aa dreaaed to a aabered letter la ear of The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered o aroaeata.Ua af tM keels aalr. WASTED POSITION. rV'ANTnD. a position aa bookkeeper by a iroung man of good habits, bjslnss col ege graduate and good recommendations. Address 8. H. Ellison, Box 1, St. Kdward, Neb. A-M423 29 1 STENOGRAPHER When you want one call the Remington Typewriter bfflce, lbl Farnam street. Telephone 1573. A-M4SS AM WASTED HALU HELP. 35 FOR HALF A DAT S WORK, .t you live In tha cuuimy or In u small town and have a gjud acquaintance imonf the farmers ana stock raiser in the neighborhood you can make V5 easily by tour or Dve hours worn, Write ua and wa will send you our proposition. The bee Fublisntng Co., Solicitors llt., Omaha, Neb. fa Mils WANTED," a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth . Century farmer. Our agents make uooU wages everywhere. Kelerences required. Address 'I wentielh Century h at nn;r, t Omaha. Neb, B-titf WANTED, Insurance men of experience; can offer you a good thing. Call at 9 a. m,. 48 Board ol Trade Blug. B '&1 When You Write to Advertisers .: feraembet It wniy takes u extra atroke or two of the pen to mention the (act that you saw the ad In The Bee. vVANTED, bench men; steady work. Ap ply H. Ehrllch at Sons' factory, bt. Joseph. Mo. B MU1 2S WANTED LABORERS. FOR steam shovel work. Night , or day gang. One and one-half nines east of Woadway motor, council Bluffs. Hall Grading tt Contract company. B-M420 29 EXPERIENCED male stenographer who operates Remington typewriter. F 2. Bee.. B M460 A24 TRUSTWORTHY person In each county to manage business; old established house; solid financial standing; straight bonatlde weekly cash salary; 18 paid by check each Wednesoay, with all expenses, direct from headquarters; monty ad vanced for expenses. Manager, 3-9 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. B-M477 2& HOSTLERS, teamsters and canvas men for Campbell Bros, shows; ship August 1; free fare. Sweeney's Employment, 109 8. 12th St., Omaha. B M479 28 TIMBER and bridge carpenters, 12.50 per day, for Soulh Dakota; free fare. Sweeney's Employment, Still S. 121 h at, Omaha. B M41S 2 ARE YOU a Catholic and unemployed? See me. Hixenbaugh, 600 Ware block. B M473 W" ANTED, men to learn best paying trade . In existence for poor man; short time; little expense; positions guaranteed; wages Saturdays; special Inducements to applicants from distance. Call or write. Muler Barber College, lti Farnam St. B-9 Al EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WANTED, coal miners and machine run ' ners, Wyoming; bridge men, surface gang . ana extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska; coal shovelers, Colorado division B. & M. ; --4-oai snoveiers ana. laborers, .U. i'. K. rl. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 810 So. 11th. 4KB 'SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN for latest advertising noveltv. Phenomenal success wherever shown. Sal ' ary or commission. Kevins, 2441 11th ave.. .new xura. AHi jta- WANTED Salesman to aell grocers' spe cialties to the retail grocery trade In vjnirtiiu. mm vu'imiy lur a i.iucbko nouse. ' Experienced man or grocery clerk pre ferred. Address, 8 18, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. 6w A-2 WANTED FEUALU HELP. .WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room IM, Bee Bldg- C 230 100 Girls. Call Canadian office. 16th Dodge, c l WANTED Lady cook, rant. Mot Cass St. Eureka Rentau- C M830 WANTED, bookkeeper and stenographer. Aaaress n ot. cee. c aui WANTED, a girl for general housework. small family. Mrs. Hall, 2216 Sherman . ave. u ut WANTED, a competent girt for housework. Mrs. M. E. Dumont, Lafayette Ave. . . C-234 WANTED, an experienced lady demonatra. tor for city work. ' l, JUee. C-M473 28 QIRL for general housework; references required. Mrs. u. w. Bhrlver. 2m Span- . cer ot. c 4 Y A WIDOWER, a competent lady for general housework; modern conveniences no washing; give age, references and wages expected. F 41, Bee. C M6J0 28 FOR RENT HU18ES. VANS and baggagu wagons. Tel. 1186. U 2i2 JlUUOCOif. Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btorage Co.; oUioe luiiV farnam. or Teu. 15j-ii. SEE PAYNE, BOSTW1CK at CO.. tor choice houses, sui-s x. s. ute eiug. loi. ioia. D-2SS MAOGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. H'". D-2S1 HOUoEa, etc F. D. Wead. lo24 U 2S8 IH7 43PENCER ST.. 10-room house with, - gas, bath, furnace and barn; nice loca tion: rent tM. Wm. K. Potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 3ut Brown block. dhss J020 BURT ST., rooms, modern 130; S18 Farnam, i rooms, modem ana barn, . iU08 Mason, 8 rooms, modern; 156 N. Suth, 4 rooms, 810. Others. Kliigwalt. Broa. Barker Blk. u W HOUSES and flats. Rtngwelt, Barker block. FOR RENT, large l-room bouse, city wnter, llbOu; wionao. 7-roora -uae, iocs in ild; 115.00. Tba Omaha Realty Co , ll Douglas st. D-6TI room houae, 4-room naL TUard, iiO N tad. D GOOD modern 8-roora house. 1501 Biondo D M31J HOUSES, stores. Bemia, Ft xton block. 1111 N. ITH ST.. T rooms, bath. gas. barn rent t2K Wm. K. Potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 8uS Urowa blocK . til. Win. K. Potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 303 Brown bio.-a. MODERN houee, I rooms. XTJi Jackson St. Wheeler t Wheeler, Uuuglas ana ttn a Tel. 1ML Ma8 l-ROOM. all modern house, t2t1 Sherman ava., a fine one, I -"7. ml l-rooin, all modern, l-ol N. 29th St., another flue one, lv.uii. U. t. Turkington. Boa FOR REJIT-HOVSES. rURNITVRE for sale, house for rent. Call mornings, wis Douglas Bt. I 344 FOR RENT. STcellent six-room cottar. I2d and California streets, In good repair Chnloe neighborhood; 123. Including water rent. Inaulra at 7 K. 19(h street nr Ml N. T. Life Bldg. D 19$ I When You Write to Advertisers remember It umy takes an extra, stroke or two of the pea to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. each nine rooms and laundry; 36. IB and i South 2&ih Ave., facing park: on street car nne; price, sw.inquire 01 J. M. men ards, 1116 Ho. 32d street. D M3S8 FOR RENT, 10-room modern house, large lawn, stable room, one horce and buggy In good condition. J. I. Purcuplle, 1!W8 capitot avenue. i 4( 2a FOR RENT, elegant brick, modem resi dence, 26th ave., near St. Mary's ave., cneap. urennan-Love Co., mi a. I3tn at. D M143 30 FOR RENT, 10-room brick, modern resi dence, only a few blocks from postofnee: lust the thing for a first-class hoarding rouse. h& a montn. iirennan-iov co., II a. 13th St. D M444 30 FOR RENT. 12-room, stone, modern residence, 2421 Cass St., $50. t-rnom modern brick residence, 2007 Pacific St., 135. . S-room modern residence, 1128 So. 21st St., 130. 9-room modern residence and barn, Blnney St.. 125. 8-mom modern residence, 113 So. 29th Ave., i-u - S-room modern brick residence, Ml N. 19th St., M. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 109 So. 13th St. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest' location In the city. uh capitol Ave. Hi Jas LARGE front room, also small front room, togetbor or separately, iuia Uougias. DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. PER WEEK, 422 8. 18th St. one blnok south ot court nouse. a. tai FURNISHED, cool rooms, modern, 2011 narney. E 777 A8 ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam. MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished; walking distance, zwi Hurt. twi NICELY furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. 2310 Douglas St, K 486-31 NICE room, modern, large lawn, close In; quiet home for any gentleman wno ae- ires sucn. f -a, nee. mttn tsr FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1814 Webster. E M614 Ai FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. ROOMS snd board. The Albany. 2101 Douglas. F-M158 A24 NICE front room, modern, walking dls- 11UIU ivvjiii, IIJ,nn:i ... tunre handv to nil cars. 1919 Burt st, F M472 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-567 A! THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-2462. F 268 26 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, 86 per month) ground1 floor room in ins aee nuuuing. lacing Farnam atreet; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, k. c. raters a co.. rental agents, Hea building. u lis TWO nice front, one rear room for light housekeeping, or will furnish for roomers. 17l 8. luin. J 2 it- FOR RENT-STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu- piea by ine lee at i 1'arnam oi. 11 has four stories, and a basement which waa formerly uaed aa Tha Bee Dress room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1 401 FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply xt. c. reters Co.. ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1-266 FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable for merchandise Droner or party doing DUBiness in wnoiesaie aisinci. in aulra Hens & Co.. 916 Farnam Bt. 1-M224 T AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to souclt subscriptions to THia TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily SuO to 810O ner month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee bunaing, unaiu. a SOMETHING NEW I ! Just out Send for sample, comnuiation uoor tvnoo ana atu No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about. No spring to wind. Noth ing to get out of order. Own your owa hll No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell abaolutely guaranteed. Send $1 60 for sample. Agenta wanted. Wfc.HTU.KN ELECTRICAL COMPANY. 1213 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. J if ulTirrnTlT ent for Iowa field. Hlx. I enbaugh at Co.. too ware oiocg. j-mhi AOENTS wanted In everv city In Nebraska for a new idea in accident insurance, i- to H current rates, uoerai commission and exclusive territory to the right man. Progressive Mutual Accident association, 834 New York Lite oiag., umana. J-646 29 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, 8 to 8-room house, good loca. tion. by first-class tenant. t to 8-room house, furnished, located in the West Farnam street district, by tne 1st W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam SU WANTED, room and board for man and wire, In well located, modern; private family preferred; references. Ad- dreas F 42. Bee. K-M621 2 11' 1 WnT . . A 1 ft wnAM e,,n.1aV.& 11 Aill CiV. Ill IC111 l-O-IUWUI 1UI IMOIISU. I modern house, for summer or longer, 3 grown persons, responsible party. Ad dress F 48, Bee. K M64S 28 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED. 1,000 old feather beds highest cash prices paid. Aadress A. a. Mscg, general delivery, omaba. Mall orders at tended to. Mtsl Al WANTED, to buy, bakery, 11.000 to $1,500. AddresJ F 43. Hee. N MH14 2S FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodae. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangea. u zito FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, BT1. 1 TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetons, other top ana open buggies, rremer, mjj ieaven- wortn. rzisM as REMEMBER Harry Frost puts tires on and axoa vehicles, itta ana Lea ven wort n. 4f M4-1 FOR SALE, driving horse, harness and buggy. Price reasonable. Call evenings or address Wm. r. Lehner, 2110 N. St. South Omaha, Neb. P 608 80 FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust: season checked oak tlm- baia, cheap; hog leuce, elu. ia4 Lougiaa. 4 FOR SALE Phonographs; ajiperlor to any other inuatcal Instrument; 86 up. The Wlllioaa Co., lta ternam. Q2i NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1118 Far- gam. 4 xw 108 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Lodge, Omaha. t au INDIAN goods and relics. .1118 Farnam. Vue FOR BALE MICF.LLA"EOT'S. I VIM puncture-pioof tires, S4.8S and Sl.fO per pair, umana tsicyci tjo., lain ana . m ct(i sts. (-MSlS 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. nth. 2DIIAND safe cheap, fsrlctl, mi Farnam. FOR gas fixtures see Bam'l Burns. U m as L. M, E. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q M854 EDISON phonographs, 110, $20 and 3.10; moulded records, 60c each, or 15 per dos.; new wheels, 315 up. 2d hand 38 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., loth and Chicago sts. j MCI FOR BALE, S00 cattle, consisting of year- lings, z-yesr-oias, cows and cows ana calves: all healthy and In fine condition. For prices and full description address me in. utn et., c m ana. w ton . FOR BALE Three litters Scotch Collie pups. H. Brown, 1806 8 St., South Omaha. Alibi Sl- CONCE88IONB at M. W. A. log-rolling as sociation plcnlo at valley, neb., August l. Address Jos. Anderson, vaney. U mhii zr CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. a MME. QYLMER. Omaha's celebrated paimlat, has returned ' to the rlty after an extended journey tnrougnout tne country, and Is now at the present ad dress, 818 Bo. 15th St., Granite block. B 433 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N li, 2d floor. R. 1 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, R. 7. t u Aia VERY desirable large south room, with board. 2U2 N. 18th bU T MH15 31 PKRSOIAL. HE SIGHED, uhe sighed, and then they sighed side by side down by tne river aide. He Had forgotten his STOECKER CIGARS. The onty kind she would let him smoke. HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chirop- ouy, lor tauiea oniy, in connection, wiia The Bathery, US-tin Bee Bldg. U 813 PRIVATE hosDltal. before and during con- nnement; oauiee aaopieu. uue urani eu Mrs. Uardels. Tel. F-1182. U 318 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 aays; sena ior circular, u. a. nirau, m. v., fUl XMew xorg l-ne uiag., cmana, xncd. u ai4 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment, iiooaiet iree. i oe .mug.. Omaha. . u ai ORAMOPHONEfl and sUDDlIes. wholesale and retail, couins nano u., jk uoug- las. U Sle CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The tfatnery, rooms zia-zau, m rmg. Tel. lila. . ui SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 26o, In I. connection with The Bathery, U.6-2X), Bee building. Tel. 1716. U-817 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4, Frenxer block, chronic diseases a specialty; con sultation free. vux TEL. 780. for L. M. E. messengers, U-M86S ELITE PARLORS, 616 So. 16th St., 2d floor. MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 16. Sd floor, R x. TWO handsome baby boys for adoption. 1808 California Bt. U tw ai When You Write to Advertisers ,, remember It ouly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tne aa in ine juee. MOLLIS Don't grab a skyrocket. Page 80, July 'What to Jtat ueorge. U-M653 28 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. MONEY to lean on improved Omaha real estate. rennan-Love co., u a. utn. W Si4 ttt PER CENT on business property. S per cent on residence property. Options to pay wnole or part any time. W. 15th St. , W 83 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam umitn co., mm jrarnam sc FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, K irst is at. xtana Diog. l ei. ibu. . w ua WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, ic c. tr etera at to., am Farnam sc. iiee mag. f - . w Mi LOW RATES. Private money. fAXMci IHVUitlllatNi.' WKfAKI, Main Floor Now York Life Bldg. W-M32I i PER CENT loans. Garvla Broa. 1804 iJaxnam. W 830 PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. $100 UP; low rate. Prlchard, 1712 Farnam. W MiSi PRIVATE nTbney. Sherwood, 837 N, Y. L. w io If, u money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 31 PRIVATE money to loan oa farm lands and city property. Aaaress n m, nee. W 203 SO MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WONET loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to saiariea people, jroiey iaa sua. to Dua areen. S liarker aioca. X-eul LOANS, household furniture, pianos and an ginas OI cnsttei security j terms to suit; no publicity: goods remain in your I possession. American ioaa v-o., now, Paxton block. - jie-eie MONEY We have It to loan in amounts from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, warehouse re ceipts, live stock, etc. We also noaks SALARY LOANS without mortgage or Indorser to person who have a Dwrmanent position. We give you tho full amount of the loan in caao ana we aa not cnarge tor raarnog papers or filing mortagea. With ua you have the option of Keeping tne money for one month or six. or longer, and you need not tav for It looser than vou kaeo it We nope typhis advertlaement to have you give us a trial and we expect to re tain your patronage by fair treatment. The motto of our orllce is "Try to Please." OMAHA MUKTUAUBi 1XJAM CO.. ill board of Trade Bldg. Tel. K2S& (Lstabllsbad ltftf.) 308 S. 16th St. X816 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY UXrl" Loans to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTB. No mortgage. Indorser or publicity. These loaua made quickly and yulctly. Room 8us. Third Floor. Paxtoa Block. -i76 LARGEST BCBINEPS IN LOANS TO salaried rtofuii, maronanta, team aters, boarding bouses, etc, without curlty; easiest terms; 40 offices in prln Bldg. X U4 Chattel and Salary Loans, PHOENIX CRKOIT CO.. Buccesaos- to J. W. Tayloe. TeL tO. 631 Paxton Block. X Mo) MONEY loaned on piano, furnitui. lew airy, none, cows, etc. i;. iteea, sit b ia X MS MONEY loaner. on plain note to salaried people; aiiainasa conn lentlal: lnwcat raiea. 614 paxton block. The . nuttoit co. it- BLSINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, giwl loca tion and good trade; falling health la rea son for aelluig; new bilck even. Addreaa Bug 876, Geneva. Neb. T-M-ii BISIKES9 CHAJtCES. TO GET In or obi of bujilneee call oa Wil liams, Room 111. Mccaguo juuliuing. I ell A RITSrNtfSS MAN CAN acquire controlling Interest in a ppoflN aoe ana rapiaiy increasing leguimaie manufacturing business. Capital reoulred ii.doO to l,U"C This Is worth Investigat ing. J. H. Johnson. N. T. Ute. a Bl WHEN you want to buy, sell r exchange your business or progeny quica, see i. ee a, T-MJV) II. Johnson, la M. x ure. TO BUT, sell or exchange a business, call on C, 4. canan. x. a, uu carnam ci. I-UHl When You Write to Advertisers remember It ooiy takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad la The Bee BAKERY FOR SALE. A fine bakery, nicely located, doing a good paying business, large retail traae. it will pay you to investigate this. Address B 61. Bee. T- MAN with I3.000. Interest given fn a splen- dia business proposition. Aaaress f zt, care Bee. X-4KS tl A STOCK of harness for sale In one of the best towns In eastern Nebraska. For particulars address, F 84, Bee, x eo zs FOR SALE, meat market doing 81,800 worth or business per montn; reason lor selling, old age and want to retire. Address Box 208, Council Bluffs, la. Y M6i2 A2 IS.8O0 GENERAL dry goods sfwk, nice. clean, up-to-date, saleable goods, all re cently bought, no fixtures: owner will exchange for about one-fourth cash, will taxe real estate for balance, prefers un improved land; would assume a mortgage on arooa Dronertv: stock will nava to be removed from present location; owner will give good deal. Address to Brown A Co., 401 New York Life bldg.. Kansas City, Mo., describing fully what ,you have to exchange. - Y M646 30 HARDWARE stock, 83,500 to 84,600. Ad- dresa w. j. lieertng, Carroll, la. AS" roXmcHAscK. EXCHANGE General merchandise, Inrolce ii.mtf, - tor land or rancn; other stocks; list yottr property with me. T. M. -Cline, u il, uncom, rieD. . J6 Mint a CORNSHELI,KR, nearly new; also'a good mm, cos i uui; no use ior it; wnat nave you to excnangeT Jt' 45, Bee. z Mn3v 29 A GOOD lot In Bouth Omaha, clear, for team oi worn norse.- Lot faces Rail road avenue. T 4ft, Bee. Z (33 28 A NEW fdur-room house in Honth Omaha 9tm. want gooa lamny norse and surry ior part payment, this is a cash price, good barn, chicken house, etc.; plane cost si.axj. d' 44, nee, a MB32 a IMPROVED farm, In central Nebraska, to exenange ior insiae acre property, or several contiguous vacant lots, near car line. In Omaha. Call on or write "Owner." 604 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. Telephone, 1MZ. . 21 M642 Hi FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW DAYS OF PKOrEKTl NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. $1,600 Practically new house; good east front lot. No 314 N. Zoth St., 3 blocks south of Crelahton College, on car line. 1 11.8006-room house and fine lot on paved street. 82,000 For small house and fine lot, south west corner 2&tn and Chicago Sts. $676 each for two fine building lots on 22d St.. blocks north of High school. Psving and all special taxes paid la full on au i no aoove. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St RE 89 81 FOR BALE. 7-room cottage, near High school; part cash, balance at 6"4 per cent; price $2,200. t or 6-room cottage, north part city, city water, gas, turnaoe; price si.sw. J. II. SHERWOOD, 837 ,N. Y: LIFE. . . "J" RE-M616 28 A 8NAP1 Elegant modern t-room brick dwelling, ' Kountie Places 83,799, worth $6,uuu. franklin w. urinen. tu n. y. Life ' RE M627 A28 IF YOU want one of .the nicest S-room homes in Hanscom Place I will give you a Dargain. iswner iit cuy. .-nuat sell. T 1-1 UKWAut Q9T XT -V 1 T31 RJK M1S3 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for oholea bargains. vji xm. x. Lire Bldg. Tel. 101a, RE 847 UI! I lAMCON CHARLE8 E., 1208 v iwini'.wwii FarnAm street. RE 348 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lanas, Tne O. t , Davis CO.. Room 663, Bea buimiBg. - RE 845 A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room nouse. li. ca.. jMattinger. inone 4fig. RE M6S8 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, morU gage, rentals, insurance, urown block. RK84t RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa cini ueaaquarters, umana, mod. RE-344 WHY PAT RENTT OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial Home Company ot America, lieet plan on eartni umce Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. R. M. Wilde, manager. . , RE-M237 All 240 ACRES. Ift miles northwest of Irving ton, an under cultivation and nrst-ciass land. - Prlre. SSS an acre. If you are look ing for a farm don't fail to let ua show you this. The Byron Reed Co. (Sole Agent), ZU S. 14th St. RE M42u HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also ore insurance. nemiM, i-axton block. RE-34 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage ana dead animals at reduces prices, gJl N. 14 Tel. int. in SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANTS school. ; 717 N. Y. Life, iiia BOYI.ES collage, court reporter principal. rc i. uisi. NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd' Tneaier. s BRASS FOCNDRY. BRA8S and aluminum casting, nickel slat lag ana nruaning. especially j&ig. Co., u n. aiain oi., council cium. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly aitenuea to. J. i. ucnutree, xutn au cae sueeta. tut ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice cream soda, one price, 6c; one quality, the best, S. W. cor. 24th Ames ava. lis Alt FIR DRESSING. R. GILBERT CO.. Unnera, 1424 8. 18th, 6ol LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Win., 1406 Howard. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN PRICS. 23 U. S. N l Bk. Bid. IS NEB. CoUectloa Co., 806 N. Y. Life BMg. hs Air- STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. FAWN BROKERS. EAGLE Ijoan Omee. reliable, aocommodat Uig; all huaioaaa unfidautlaL lJulDouglaa TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efficient, durable. Simplest, easiest to learn, use and care for. BUILT FOR BUSINESS. Let us show you. Sent on approval. MONROE it CO., tU North 18th St Omaha, 24a WK BEG TO ANNOUNCE that having suo- eeeued me L nuea 'lypewrtter and sup plies company we will remain In the same location and carry In connection with the Mew Century a fuil line of Invincible sup plies for all machines. We shall be glad to have your patronage and we assure the most courteous and prompt attention to all orders. American Writing Machine Co., 41a South lath BU 'Bhona 12tk 3M MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in aiaeases oi women in umana, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodation before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1613 Dodge, Omaba. 44 LAUNDRr. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars. ic; cutis, 4c itw jueavenwortn. lei. A-ivsa. , 350 BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 206. M351 OSTEOPATHY. GID, E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. suite 616, xx. x. liis uiag. Tel. i&4. DR. A. T. HUNT, 618 McCague Bldg. Tel. Una. GRACE DEEGAN, 638 Bee-building. Tel. Za. 1V4 A14 MANUFACTURING. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma chinist. M358 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty oi ore escapes, anutters, aoors ana sates, u. Anareen, rrop.. iu a. loin au JH. jrt'KK. ALPIRN buys all kind of scrap Iron and metais. via uougias hi. tsi. ni. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 3080. 6U south Thirteenth street. M367 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phono 1717. 606 8. 16th. L. M. E. hauls trunks. TeL 780. M856 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co.. 1511ft Farn. Tels. 1659-863. PATENTS. PATENTS Sues dt Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no lee unless successiut; aaviue, irea. m Sept 19 FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. TeL U6A. eeua ior price ust, cut Dowers ana plants. MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017. -MW AUgZl AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght'a, ilia rarntni aireec BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North lth. HMO NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., .Bee Bldg. TeL 8538. 70 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., IS 4s Jackson. Tel. 2846, PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON. 2S10 Farnam. Tel. 1861. 77s A8 LOST. GOLD cuff button with red get Return to xiee office. . Lost 776 REWARD for railroad ' Red Book No. 829734. lost Saturday On 16th. Farnam or Cuming sts. G. F. C. Houghton, Her Grand notei. lrfst M664 3a GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE. rials, plumbing and elaotrloal Supplies, hardware, etc. 0. 8. Indian School, Genoa, iNeo., juiy za, iwm. eea lea proponaia en dorsed "Pronosala for Bulldlna- Materials. etc.," and addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Neb., will be received at the Indian School until two o clock p. m. Of August 13, 1802. for furnishing and delivering at the school, aa required during the fiscal year ending June 80, 1D03. a quantity of lumner, tin roonng, builders' Hardware, mlllwork, paints, lime, sand, cement, slate, a boiler and radiation, plpo and fittings, pipe coverings, electrical supplies, plumb ing, etc., etc., a full list and specifications being obtainable at the schooi. Bidders will please state apecllically the proposed price of each article to be offered under contract; all articles so offered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to teiuot any and all bids or any part of any bid if deemed for the best in terests of the servloe. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank, made payable to tha order o( the commissioner of Indian affaire, for at least five uer cent of tha amount of the proposal, which check or draft shall- be forfeited to the United States la ease a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not be considered. For further information appiy to w. 11. winsiow, Buperintendent. j-tt-a-u-t-m CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb.. July 23, 18u2. Sealed pro posala, in triplicate, will be received at this oince, ana si urate oi quartermaster ai , VI .... . , 1 1 If. . r ui uiiiii ,v . lit., vfTinini time, Auguat 12, 1802, for furnishing 226.000 founda oats at f ort Keno, Okla. proposals or delivery at other points will be enter. talned. U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here, or to quartermaster at post named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Oats." addressed to undersigned or to Quartermas ter ort Keno, oaia. jino. w. PULLMAN, C. Q. M. L Jy24-Z6-36-2a-A8-8 FORT RILEY, KANSAS, JULY 26. 1902 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock a. m.. August 26. 1V02. and then opened, for the construction of the following buildings, in cluding plumbing, heating and electric wiring, where sama la apecined. and for ovens and bread-making machinery la plaoe - in bakery. Construction of one double Cavalry Barracks, one Artlller Barracks, one Gun Shed, one Artlller Htabie, one cavairy eiabie, three Field Officers' Quarters, two Double Line Offlcera' Quarters, two Double N. C. Staff Quarters and one uaaery at r on niiey, banana. run inaiructiona to Dinners ana Plan forma of urouoeal will be furnished udo aDnllcation to thla ofhoe. Plana and SDecltl ctiens may be seen here, also In offices of Depot Quartermasters at Chicago. 111., 6c Louis, Mo., aud Omaha, Neb. Unites GOVERNMENT NOTICE. States reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Knvelopra to be endorsed Proposals for i-iinuc timiaint", ann aaarrssea, ci--TAIN G. O. CRESS, Constructing Quarter master." J-28-d-4-t-A-33-34-m OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Observatory OflVe Building, ! Molnee, Iown, July 8. lyot. Sealed pro poealn, In triplicate, will be received here ntu I p. m., August 36. i2. for construo- ng. plumbing, electric wiring, steam heat ing and gn piping at Fort ta Moines, owa, 1 neld omcers quarters, 3 double sets officers' quarters, 2 double sets non-commissioned officers' quarters, 1 double cav alry barracks, 8 cavalry stables, 1 guard house, 1 administration building, 1 hospital. hospital steward s quarters, l nay a hen, granary, 1 magaslne, 1 oil house. Inform. atlon furnished on application here or at nrpot Quartermaster s omces In Chicago, III., St. Louts, Mo., Omaha, Neb., and St. Paul, Minn. U. 8, reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelope containing proposals houtd be endorsed. "Proposals for .' addressed R..B. Turner, Q. M. JUly 26 33 SU AXZ Z3.M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. , To Whom It May Notice la here by given that the Board of Commissioners of Rock county, Nebraska will, on the mh day of August, 1902, and until noon of that day, receive bids at Bassett, Nebraska, for the construction of a bridge crosalng the Nlobra-a rIVer at a point on or near the half-section- line dividing section 80, north and south. In township 32, range 19, which bridge shall be ot the following gen eral character: Of sufficient length to span said river from bank to bank,' Including Island, and about 6H0 feet; pile and 'stringer, under truss, wooa priage; wnue oak piling, n feet, 13 Inches at butt and driven at least 24 feet into the ground; bents 88 feet apart. 4 piles to the bent: bents protected by piling Ice breaks, with railroad Iron protec tion, ana cents or pues unaer same pro tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string ers ot Oregon fir, 4x13 Inches, laid 16 inches irom center to center it-ioo,. roaaway, two and one-half-inch white oak plank; trussea not lesa than one Inch in diameter, 4 truss 'rods to each span; railing 8 feot high, substantial, hard pine, caps on piles white oak, 12xl; bridge to be 6 feet above low water -mark, and to be painted. AU material to ne nrsi-ciass oi Kino, niraea. Plans and specifications In county clerk's office. All bids must be accompanied by plans ana specincations. ana aiso oona as re quired by law, and no bid will bo considered unless accompaniea by bona. Right reserved to reject any or an bids. By order of the Board of Commissioners Ot Rock county. Dated July 8, 1902. U. A. HiuuiUKii, county cierk. July lid30t M LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSAL8 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MASONRY WATER DAM FOR CHEY ENNE, (WTO.) WATERWORKS. Office of the City Clerk, Cheyenne, Wyo., July 21, lau. Beaiea proposals win oe received by the city clerk of Cheyenne, Wyo., at his office In said city until noon of Thursday, August 21. lswz, ior tne construction of a masonry dam on the Middle Fork of Crow Creek. . Plans and specifications for the proposed work may be seen at the offices of the city clerk or the city engineer, and blank forms of proposals will be furnished by the city clerk. Each bid must be enclosed In a sealed envelope, and must be accompanied by a certified check for 81.000.00 as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into contract. Bidders must furnish satisfactory evi dence of their ability to do the class of work required. Bids will be opened at a special meeting of the cltv council of said cltv of Chev- enne, Wyo., to be held on Thursday, August u. una, at s o cjock p. m. j. Im Muiuur, Mayor. E. A. ABRY, City Clerk. -Jy24EOD13t RAILWAY TIMR CAHO. UNION STATION MrTH AND MARCY. Chicago, nock Island A PaolSo. Lev. Arrive, ' EAST. Chicago Daylight Ltm- itta ....A : am a 1:46 am Chicago Daylight.. ......a 1:00 am a 8:36 pro Chicago Express bll:l am . 6:06 pm Lies Moines iaci ..a t.M pm buJ am Chicago Fast Express... a 8:06 pm a 1:2a pm vv oi. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 6:60 am 4:65 am Lancoin, coio. (springs, uinvflr. . fuemo . ana West a 1:30 cm a 6:42 nm Colo., Texas. Cel. aV Ukianoma r iyer.. a :ro pm au:40 pm Isloa Faelfle. Overland Limited.. a 8:40 am a 1:30 nm Fast Mall ......a 8:60 am a 1:25 pm uaiuoruia aiiih,,,. .o pm Paclfia Express.. ..ail:W pm Eastern Express.... a 4:36 pm a am Atlantic Express.... 7:10 am Chicago tipocia..... Llncoio, L trice 8:40 am and Wabash. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a :& pm a 8:20 am Bt. 1.0 uis juocai. council Biutis a s:ir am Stromsbura Ex b 4:06 Dm al0:80 pm bl3:60 pm Grand Island Local.. ...b 6:30 pm d . pm Chleagfo at Northweatera. -The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago... a 8 40 am a 7:00 am Mail a b:uo pm Local Sioux City .a 6:lu am a 8:30 am a 3:50 pm a!0:25 pm aU:20 um Daylight St Paul a 1:3. an. Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Local cnicago Local Carroll , .al0:65 am a 6:30 pm .a ai6a pm al0:00 am Fast Chicago.-. a 4:63 pm Limited Chicago a 7: to pm a :uo pm a 8:20 am a 8:60 am a 3:40 pm Fast St. Paul a 7:m pm Fast Mall Local tuotix city '. o s:w pm oiu:uu i Illtaiols CeatraL Chicago Express ........a 7:10 am a 6:10 pm Chlcag". Minneapolis 4k SL i'aul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis as Bt. Paul Express o i:zu sm blO:S5 pm alO:8S pm Chicago Express Miaaoart PaolSo. SL Louis Express.. a 10:00 am a :25 pm K. C. & St. ju K utiMt pm a 0:16 am Chicago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul, Chicago Limited a 1 .00 pm a 3:05 am Chicago at Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm BURLINGTON STATION lOTH MASON Borllngtoa Mlasostrl River. - Leave. Arrive. Wvmora. Beatrice and Lincoln a b:b am du:o6 am Nebraska Expreas a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 6:46 i-m Black HlUs and Puget Sound fexprees au:iu pm a :iu cm Colorado 1 Veattbulsa Flyer a s:io pm Lincoln Fast Mall. b 3:10 pm a 8:11 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth 8:20 pm bll:08 am Bellevnue 4V Pacific Jet. a 7:fo pm a 8:32 am Bellevue ft Paclfia Jet.. a 8:08 am Kaataaa City, St. Joacpai Ceanell Blags. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 3:30 am a 6:06 pm Hl Iiuls Flyer ..a 6:10 iim all:15 am Kansas City Night ix..lo:xO pm a 6:16 am .'..II. K riallw a rdi n t fiitnilaw M Sun day only, a Laiiy except Saturday. Dally except Monday. Chloagr. Borllagtoa Jt Hataey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special am a rS pm Chicago Veatibuled Ex a4:uopin a 7:30 am Chicago Local a 8:20 am all:oO pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:30 am Fast Mall a :o pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH WEBSTER FreaaOHC khora Mlsaaarl VaUey. Laava. Arrive. Hot Springs a tXs) pm a 1:00 pm Douglas ,. d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Hastings, lorn, un Exeter and Seward. .rb 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont h 7:80 am 'bl0:23 am Fremont Local a ! sua Chicago, St. Paal. . Mlaaoaaolls A Oanaha Twin City Passenger. ...a t M am a pm Bloux City Paasauger...a 20 pm all:.v am Emerson Local b 6.0 piu b 8:4a am Mlaaoarl Pacta. Weeping Water b 4 06 pm aK:26 am Faat Tim ea the Waksts, Commencing Sunday, Ju!y 11, tba St Louts Express will leave Omaha Colon tta tloa at 6:5S p. m., arrive St. Louis 7 a. Wabash aw city offlcs, 1601 Fameiii treat PLAN TO I1ARNESS THE SUN Building Inspeoter OsrUr Finds Inrtnttra Loss; Lost Drawinr;. WOULD MAKE OLD SOL PUMP FOR FIELDS Bla la Abaadoned Elevator Yields ReeorM of Idea Whlrk ftae Beea Developed la Aaether Form. Sines Building Inspector Carter began his crusade against ramshackle structures he has come across many curious articles tncked away between Joists or studding. or bidden In cubbyholes or closets, and evi dently long since forgotten by persons who once cherished them. Love letters, tied with faded ribbon are turned up by the bale. Rusty cutlery, dtmantled firearms snd dog-eared books make up tha bulk of this flotsam of the rookeries, though occasion ally be chances upon such articles of In trinsic value as old coins and ones a dust covered mantel yielded a certificate of di vorce. It Is possible that the certificate: was the sequel of the love letters, though thla cannot be proved, as Mr. Carter does not keep S collection. Saturday ho found something tn S bin ot the old elevator at Eleventh street and Union Pacific tracks that Interests him al most ks much as would a pita cf human bones, or a chart showing tha location of a cached treasure. It Is a drawing and de scription of a device for utilising the snn's rays In operating a pump for Irrigation purposes. Such a device la already In use, but tha machine which is now irrigating the orange groves of southern California differs very materially from that portrayed In the draw ings. Moreover, tho drawings must have been made long befor the California ma chine was built, or perhaps ever thought of. They are mildewed, faded and In some places rotten with age. Thrust away In a niche of the great gully-like bin, a quan tity ot different kinds ot grain rattled out of the sheets as they were removed, show ing that they must have been there tor a long time before the elevator was aban doned, which was nearly ten years ago. Prlaelal af the Machine. The California sun pump utilizes the principle of reflected heat, mirrors being used to converge the rays upon a boiler. This machine uses double convex lenses instead ot mirrors, and refracts the heat Instead ot reflecting 1L It the drawings are any criterion the machine contemplated by the unknown Inventor is much more compact, concise and simple than the one now in use. The principal feature of It la three su perposed convex lenses. The lower one Is Immovably fixed a few feet above the boiler, upon which It focuses the sun's rays; the two upper ones are fitted with bearings which permit them to follow the sun In Its flight across the heavens, a movement which, on the part of the lenses, is accomplished automatically, without the use of clockwork. Each of the top lenses gathers the rays and bends tbem upon the lens beneath, but does not focus them, ss the discs are placed too close together to admit of that a precaution taken, no doubt, to prevent the melting cf the gins. The device for keeping the top lens faced toward the sun Is ingenious. The bearings in which it swings are fitted with soft lead bars about the size of lead pencils, which project horizontally Into the shaft. The moment the rays touch a elde of the shaft (a tact which Indicates that the top lens is no longer In a correct position In rela tion to the sun and the lenses beneath It) a small portion ot the lead point is melUd away, the lens resumes Its proper plans snd the errpr is corrected. . , . Notatloa ot laveator. , ' The following notation appears on one of the sheets ot drawing paper: Plan of device for generating steam for operating a pump for irrigating purposes. Should be useful in case or aroutn, wnen for weeks no clouds appear In tho sky and the sun shines continuously. Will save its cost In fuel In a short tlm. 'The machine may not work," said Mr. Carter, "but the principle seems sound, and I believe it can be made to work. No, I don't think I shall go to the expense of having a model made, but I'm going to show these drawings to a practical me chanic I have In mind and see what be thinks of them." If the drawings ever bore the name ot the Inventor it has been obliterated by time. A WELL KNOWS ALBATtT MAJt Recommends Cbaaaberlala'e Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. About eighteen months ago Mr; W. B. Manning of Albany, N. Y., widely known la trade circles as the representative of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a protracted attack ot diarrhoea. ' "I tried Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained Immediate relief. . I cheerfully recommend this medi cine to those similarly afflicted." TOWN WITHOUT POSTOFFICE Patnaatr f Spring Valley, So at a Daksta, Decamps, Taklag Offic with Him. EIOUX FALLS, B. D.. July 27. (Special.) For the first time In a quarter ot a cen tury Spring Valley, Turner county, Is without a postofflce, due to the removal without notice of the government property and the departure of Postmaster Lovett. Lovett left for Kansas. His bondsmen may decide to Institute aq action against him tor his peculiar method of abandoning and removing the mail and fixtures of tha post office. He took what mall was la the of fice, together with tha government prop, erty, to Hurley, where he requested Post master Mansfield of that place to' take charge ot and receipt for It. This the Hurley postmaster refused to do, whea Lovett left the mall and property la the Hurley office and departed oa tha first southbound trala. K Tlm to Fool Away. Coughs, colds and lung troubles' demand prompt treatment with Dr. King' New Discovery. No cure, no pay. 60c, 31. STEAMSHIPS. Summir Tour en like E!cfc!gan thk:vSamVh, mauitou fs Mimi TlcM!ilTlr SMkMthr tlllasa oa for krMfcfWt. fv,li MarVtr Syrtae, Car Vlew,"tlia, aWrVlaa lala.a. a. aeatu tor Oatratl, BaSala aJ all Iniw lata. 6SAVES CHICAOO AS POLLOWSl Teas a.m. 1'kara. lSa.ka. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., QPUCt DOCKS, lush anS N. ttatat Its Ckksga. K0LLAKD-&HER1CA LKIE N Vorli-Kuttardam. via. Uoulof oa. B. H. Aew l v la-bcre w s. s. or ts.uuu urns regit-er T x p. rc w SiatsndaHl Bteewer Aug. S. 19 A. &L Aug. 9. 10 A. M Tarln-Borew Bteaiuer Twin-Borew Potsdam Ryndam bieamer Ang. 16, 10 A. 31 Auulv to Harry Mooreo, lwU Farnam street; J. H. McNeil. U2S Farnam street; 11. 8. Jones, liM Farnam street; Louts Wees. First National bank, Omaha. ,