Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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the nonunion men at Armitronf are fam
ing 82 centi more a day under the piece
work system than the old ten got before
the strike under the wsge scale. He Inaliti
that many of the men are not making over
ft dollar a day and that none are going 03
fond the wage scale.
The Vnlon Paciflo yesterday brought into
Omaha thirty-two .nonunion men, ten of
bom are said to have deeerted ehortiy
after their arrival. Several of thli number
were around Labor Temple during the dar.
Th men came In from Chicago.' No whole
tale defection In the ranka occurred yes
terday, as was predicted by some of the
strikers, who claimed that the men would
II quit when asked to do piecework and
pay their own board, which conditions are
aid to become effective today. Three non
union men were brought In from North
riatte yesterday, after having worked there
for the company and were to go to work In
the local shops, but Joined the strikers
when they reached the city.
The machinists expect Vice President T.
U Wilson back In the city early this week.
He baa about concluded his tour of thi
western end of the Una.
(Continued from First Page.)
deeded Innovation, but their appearance Is
made at the request of President Roose
velt, who take: the grcund that the coun
try haa right to know from ita highest
officials Just what is being done by the
various departments, and he believes that
the heads of these departments are better
qualified to Impart the Information than
the ordinary campaign orator.
Fight to Retain Brats.
Senator Harris of Kensas and Senator
Keltfcld of Idaho are making hard fight
to re lata their seats. Thoy are populists
nd striking figures In the senste. Each
Is ft specialist In legislation. Harris knows
more about the Pacific railroads and leg
islation affecting them than any man In
eongreaa. Heltfeld la recognised aa an au
thority on all those i practical questions
fthlch pertain to the growth and develop
ment of a new country.- If a new reserva
tion Is to be opened to settlement the sen
ator from Idaho knows how much the set
tlers ought to pay for it and how to keop
the government from being "goug-d" In
the transaction. Before he bad any politi
cal ambition Heltfeld had been developed
through every experience which ceuld come
to ft fanner and business man. Including
drouth - and Kansas grasshoppers. He had
developed a farm In Kansas, rented school
tand, ' homesteaded quarter section In
Vashlngton, bought an improved farm In
Idaho, "walloped" the rallroada of his atate
Into submission as a leader of the Farm
ers' alliance and acquired ft competency be
fore be ever thought of doing more than
serve, his constituents- In the legislature.
Wnen he Anally came to- the United States
senate he had .very little experience In th
publlo service, but was rich In worldly wia
lom. Heltfeld is physically the biggest
man In the senate. Mason of Illinois has
more stomach, but be is squatty. Heltfeld
Is big all over. He Is sis feet and one Inch
and weighs 250 pounds. He wears a
bat and ft No. 10 ahoe. He has a wider
range of friends than any senator in Wash
ington and more kinds of people like him
Chan are ever acquainted with other sena
tors. Senator Harris' fight J recognised as
in uphill one. Kansaa is more prosperous
than It haa ever been before and the people
are enthusiastic over President Roosevelt.
There is little doubt that the senator will
be succeeded by a republican.
Chan la ralferina.
The change In the uniforms of officers and
men In the army directed. by an order of the
vi jubi iRBuea, win do maae
this fall. ; Members of the board that se
lected .the new uniform say misunder
standing has gone abroad as to the change1
, in k mtrfa mnA th. k. k 1 1 .. i .
card the familiar blue and put on ft green.
10 the public the soldiers will still be the
"boys In blue." Every soldier, private or
officer" will have two uniforms, ine' of the
blue and the other of the new "olive drsb-"
The soldiers and officers while in garrison
or on drjss parade will atlll wear the old
blue uniform, and only when In the Held
will the green, or olive drab, uniform be
worn. '
All the officers are' now giving orders for
(he new uniform, for the order Issued puts
the nnlform in effect "at once, at the con
venience of the officers," but It will be com
sulsory by Jsnusry 1 next. The first oc
casion wheq the officers will wesr their gor
geous new full dress uniforms will bo at the
prealdent'a New Year reception.
The board selected olive drab with the
idea -of getting natural color which would
protect the soldiers under fire. Blue, It Is
laid, makes an excellent target for a sharp
Ihooter, while olive drb la said to be hardly
ftUtlnguIshahle at any great distance. The
Woolen uniforms will be of the olive drab,
but the cotton ones will be of the usual
khaki color, while the dress and garrison
uniforms will be of the old-time blue.
Dr. Eugene Grliiooi, Eminent Alien.
1st and Leetarer. lesia Ballet
Tarennh His Brain.
WASHINGTON, : July 27. Dr. Eugene
Grlssom, once well known an alienist
and neurologist, committed suicide here to
day at his eon's boms, 122 O street N. E.,
by sending a bullet through his brain. Dr.
Crlssom bad been dejected and morose tor
Several weeks and bad become physically
and mentally weakened from the use ot
strong narcotics.
He waa native of Granville, N. C
served, on the confederate side until
rounded during the civil war and afterward
was ft member of the state legislature. For
twenty-one years he wss superintendent ot
the North Carolina insane asylum at Ra
telgh and gained ft vide reputation aa an
alienist and lecturer.
' Before the American Medical society he
delivered ft lecture entitled "The Border
land of Insanity," that attracted great at.
tentlon. He was the author of "True and
False Experts," a work devoted to showing
the alleged Inaccuracies of the expert tea
tlmony In Insanity casea.
Dr. Grlssom was one time first vice pres
ident of the American Pedlcal aoclety, pre
siding officer ot the Association ot Supertn.
tendests of American Insaue Asylums. Hs
wss the president of the convention of 1881
He was a Mason of high degree. He was 71
rear of sge.
.' Dr. Grkuom'at on time practiced his
profession In Denver, Colo.
, Declares Ames Will Be en Hand.
MINNEAPOLIS. July IT-rnder Indict
muni that have fallej of service for mors
than two aerks Police Superintendent Kred
Y. Ames wss today seen here. A friend
shock hands with him In a railway station
ft. I'awl this morning snd later the su
perintendent waa seen in Minneapolis in
tarrlase with bis Drivais secretary. K. W.
tVheeluck. Hut up to midnight he hr.d not
been located. 6ar h, for him waa futile
and those who believed to know of his
V. hereabouts declined to tslfc. His wife de
clared, however, that h would be on haul
tomorrow, ready to accept service under
any warrant mat may o pending egalna
After Dinner
'. . To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too bear lily,
to prevent constipation, take
Joozl'o PHIo
Btdd everywhere. S3 cents.
Anti-ImperialieU Boors Actions of United
Butei Soldien in tit Philippine.
loit Root's CsnmealitlsB t'a.
dnctton of War tare ana Alienee
Good, aa at the Ceaatry
Is Impllentea-
LAKB GEORGE. N. T July I?. At ft
meeting of representative antl-imperlellstj
held In. New York last spring ft commutes
ftftt appointed to Investigate army condi
tions In the Philippines. That committee
has since been prosecuting Its Inquiries.
President Roosevelt's recent review of the
court-martial of General Jacob H. Smith
seemed to the committee to demand some
reply and at ft meeting Just held at Lake
George an open letter to the president was
adopted. The letter waa signed by Charles
Francis .Adams, chairman ; Carl Sohurs,
Edwin Burrttt Smith, Moorfteld Storey and
Herbert Welch. It ays: , , '
We desire to express trie gratification
afforded us by your "review" of the 14th
Inst., as commander-in-chief, of the find
ings of the court-martial in the case of ,
General J. H. Smith. Taken In connection
with the previous memorandum of April
16 that review will, provided It be followed
by corresponding general action. In our
opinion, do much toward the re-establlsh-ment
of the national prestige and the
restoration ot the morale of the army.
Commends President's Reminder.
Especially opportune In oar Judgment Is
your very commendable reminder to offi
cers in high snd responsible positions that
In a warfare as that recently waged by
us In the east. It behooves alt ouch of
ficers to "be particularly careful In their
bearing and conduct as to toeep a moral
check over any acts of an Improper char
acter by their subordinates."
The level here reached Is lofty and In
healthy contrast with that spirit far too
prevalent which seeks excuse, if not Jus
tification, for the excess of the present.
In every Instance, of Inhumanity which
can possibly be exhumed either from colo
nial history or for the regrettable records
of our Indian warfare.
While thus, however, expressing out1 sense
of obligation, we wish most respectfully
to call your attention to certain conclusions
which we have in the course of our own
Inquiries found ourselves compelled to
- Says Demoralisation, la General,
Coming directly to the point and speak
ing historically, our Investigations have led
us to conclude that the demoralisation of
the officers and soldiers of our army In
the Philippines, Including all branches of
the service and all grades of rank, was
far more general as well as pronounced as
might be inferred from your review of the
court-martial findings In the case of Gen
eral Smith. The defense urged In this
case, we believe we have reason to say,
were rather notorious than exceptional.
Demoralising Influences, very prejudicial to
any high standard of military morals, were
under the circumstances Inevitable. This
led to lamentable results, calling for the
firm hand and atern correction found and
most fortunately applied In your orders of
April 15 and July 14.
Meanwhile, we would respectfully submit
that the good of the army and the future
of our eastern dependencies demand that
Investigation should not stop at this point
or with the results already reached.
Believe Other Calprlts Exist.
The Inquiries we, as a committee, have
m-de, necessarily Imperfect, have yet h-en
sutftclent to satisfy us that General Smith
and Major Waller werx nut the sole cul
prits, nor should they suffice in the cheiao
ter of scapegoats.
In your revtt-r of July 14 yo say that
these caaea were exceptional. Your means
of Information on this point should be
Infinitely better than ours. Meanwhile It
Is always to be borne In mind that one
side only of this painful Story has been
heard and that aloe in part. tne testimony
of representative Filipinos has been Jeal
ously and systematically suppressed. Judi
cial and Impartial examination on the spot
has been denied or pronounced imprac
ticable. In the present ease occasionally
and by accident merely, have fragments of
Information come to general knowledge.
broken glimpses only have been permitted
to reacn tne pumic eye. to our minne tney
Indicate a condition of great and general
demoralisation. The findings of the court-
martial referred to show concualve evl-
denes,' as do the published reports of com.
mandlng - officers and the reports of pro
vincial governors. .
One-Third of Population Ferlsh.
As the not unnatural result of military
operations so Inspired, an official teport
Indicates that out ol a total population In
single district 01 aw.wu not less than
100.0DO perished. '
wntre inquiry revealed tne syetemauc
use of torture by subordinates, the officer
In responsible command is pronounced free
from blame, on the ground that his praise.
worthy absorption in other 'duties of his
position was so complete that such trivial
Incidents failed to attract his notice. Such
finding Is certainly suggestive.
Finally, every severity known to the
state of war, practices which have excited
the special reprobation of the American
people, were reported as features of the
hostilities In Cuba under the SDanlsh
regime, or In South Africa during the Boer
war, have been of undisputed and frequent
occurrence In the Philippines. From the
early beginning of operations there It has
been the general practice it not actually
the order to mil tnose wounaed in conflict.
In like manner aa respects concentration
camps. These as a feature In recent Span
ish and South African operations excited
in us as a people tne deepest indignation,
coupled with the utmost sympathy for
those so unmercifully dealt With. When
resorted to by our officers In the Philip
pines inese sympainies are represented
aa a species or recreation grounds into
which the Inhabitants of large districts are
enjoined to be drawn, and from which
they departed with sorrow. . Reports to
which we ran, on the other hand, refer
f:!ve of them accounts not essentially dif
erent from the accounts received ot similar
camps established elsewhere.
. Scores Host's Cammenda tlens.
"The war In the FhlltoDlnes has been con
ducted by the American army with- scrup
ulous regard lor ine rules oi civilised war
fare, for civil and genuine consideration
for the prisoner and the noncombatants.
with self-restraint and" with humanity
never surpassed, If ever equalled, in any
conmci. wormy omy or praise, and reflect
ine credit upon the American people."
These words of sweeping commendation
and of unqualified endorsement were writ
ten by the honorable secretary when all the
enentlal facts since brought to light were
within his official cognisance. Ion have
given publlo ass j ranee that the secretary la
rrore desirous than yourself even. If that
be possible, to probe to the bottom every
responsible allegation or outrage and tor
ture to the end that nothlner be concealed
and no man be for any reason favored or
The draft on our credulity thus presented
is large, tu we accept your assurance.
Meanwhile permit ua to point out that
such, very sweeping and somewhat un-ca!led.-for
commendation and approval, so
far aa we are advised, are altuaether un
precedented In character, coming directly
and In the m 1,1 at of active Derations from
the fountain head or military activity, is
scarcely calculated "to keep a moral check
over acta of an improper cnaracter by
It Is charitable to assjms that the pres.
sure of ottictal business at the time of the
communication referred to waa such that
the secretary failed to recall what corre
spondence had been brought to his notice
or luliy to aovise nimseii ss to wnai me
flies of his department might have to dis
close. Such are certain of the conclusions
reached by us from as careful study as It
haa been In our power to make ot facts
thus far procurable. We have endeavored
to supplement and perfect the evldouce
out our efforts to mat ena nave encoun
ttred obstnettve embarrassments.
The allegations we make are grave,
the condition of affairs we describe sen,
ous. As a national record It Is discredit
able. The good name of the country Is
Implicated, aa Is also tha professional char
actvr of oinc-rs of the army, soms of them
retired: manv still In blah command. W
stand ready to co-operate directly and In
utmost good faith to the end that all of'
fenders may be urouaht to Justice and In
guilty put lulled. In this communication
we have made references, the uersoiial ap
plication ot which la obvious, and of rec
To those thus referred to, courts of
military Inquiry are open; and. If de
manded. would doubtless be by you a
once accorded, IWfore such coirts. if
once convened, we wt:l ho!d ourselves pre.
pared to substantiate any or all charges
hero advanced.
Ulavrvdlta Statement ef Exemplary
We And ourslves. though with deep re
gret, compelled to tske Usue with yot en
una iirponant poini.
' v.. or evlew of July It, you say: Al
most universally the lilirher officers hsve
so borne themselves as to supply the
nerestary check over acts of an Improper
naracter ny their subordinates.
We on the contrary have found our
selves Impelled to the belief that the acts
referred to were far more general, the
emorallsatlon more all pervasive. We
old ourselves ready to direct your at
tention to concrete rat is the Investiga
tion of which we would demonstrate the
ollowlna- criminal acts, contrary to all
r-wognlsed rules and ass pre of war on the
part or ameers and soldiers ot the united
1. Kidnaping and murder, under clrcum-
nnoes or aggravated brutality.
2. Robbery.
t. Torture, both of men and women and
Criminal asssult of the Istter.
4. The Infliction of death on other par
ties, on the strength ot evidence elicited
through torture.
atlenal Convention of American
Federation Will Be Held
In Cnleaaro.
CINCINNATI. O.. July 17. National Sec
retary Anthony Metre of the American
Federation of Cathollo societies, reports
the program complete for the second na
tional convention In Chicago August B,
and 7, and the Indications are that the con
vention will be the most representative
gathering ot Catholics ever held la this
The convention will be opened with
pontifical high maaa at Holy Name ca
thedral with Right Rev. P. J. Muldoon ae
celebrant and Bishops Measmer, McFsul
nd other prominent church dignitaries In
the sanctuary. All the priests of Chlcsgo
have been Invited to participate In the
church services and general Invitation
bas been sent to all the clergy in the United
Statee to represent their parishes at the
At 1:30 p. m. Tuesday, August E, the
business sessions of the convention will
be formerly opened at the association
hall, 153 La Salle street, where addresses
of welcome will be delivered by the gov
ernor ot Illinois and the mayor of Chi
cago and responses will be made by promi
nent officials of the federation. In the
evening of the eame date great mass
meeting will be held at the convention
hall, to which the general public Is In
vited. The business sessions Wednesday and
Thursday will be held at ft. m. and 2
m. and will be presided over by Hon.
, B. Mlnahan of Columbus, O.
The Chicago committee, beaded toy Hon.
M. B. Glrten, has selected the Great North
ern hotel as headquarters, where a bureau
ot information will also be opened for
the accommodation of the delegates. The
national executive board, composed of Right
Rev. Bishops S. G. Measmer, James MeFaul
ot Trenton, N. J., Hon. T. B. Mlnahan,
L. 1. Kaufman of New York. T. H. Can
non of Chicago, Hon. D. Duffy ot Potta
vllle. P., H. J. Frlea of Erie, Pa.. Anthony
Metre of Cincinnati, M. P. Mooney of Cleve
land, "N. Gonner of Dubuque, la., E. D.
Reardon of Anderson, Ind., G. W. Gibbons
ot Philadelphia, P. H. McGutre ot Pittsburg,
Franchere of Chicago, U Fabacher of
New Orleana and C. O'Brien ot Chicago, will
meet In executive eesslon with the supreme
officers ot the various national organize
tlons at the Great Northern Monday even
ing. August 4.
At this meeting of, the address of the
German, French, Polish . and .Bohemian
federations will also be in attendance and
a plan adopted on which all agree to unite.
The federation has received letters, of
approbation from several archbishops and
twenty blsbopa and the blessing of Pope
Leo XIII.- These letters will be read at
the convention.
Secretary Metre concludes:
In many sections it la believed the feder-
rhlstaken. The objects ot the federation ae
mistake. The objects of the Federation aa
outlined by the constitution adopted at the
Cincinnati convention ere the cementing
of the bonds of fraternal union among tne
'atholle societies of the United States; the
fostering and protecting of catnollo Inter,
ests and works of religion, education and
charity: the study of conditions In our
social life and the dissemination of the
truth. In furtherlnit these objects . the
federation does not interfere In the least
with the government of any society.
President Receives No Official Visi
tors and Mall la Not
OYSTER BAT. N. Y.. July 27. President
Roosevelt passed ft quiet Sunday at Saga
more bill. In the morning, accompanied
by Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Emlln Roosevelt,
Lieutenant Ferguson, formerly ft "member
ot the Rough Riders, and four of the
younger children, he attended services at
Christ Episcopal church. He passed the
afternoon with Secretary Moody, who will
be ble guest until tomorrow. No visitors ot
an official character were received.
The poetofOce at Oyster Bay was' opened
for an hour today for the first time on
Sunday In the history of the village. The
prealdent did not avail himself of the op
portunity ot having ble mall taken to blnv
Tha .opening ot the office created a com.
motion among eome of the people ot the
village, and the Rev. Alexander G. Russell,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
sharply criticised those who - Inaugurated
the movement which resulted In the Sunday
opening. ' -
Senator Thomas C. Piatt will arrive at
Oyster Bay next Wednesday evening on
board the yacht Mayflower, which will be
sent to New York for him. The senator will
be accompanied by Colonel Oeorge W. Dunn,
chairman of the republican state committee
of New York.
Daatrnetlva Bias at Jacksonville.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. July 7. Fire to
night destroyed the Clyde pier and ware
house used by the Boston line ef steam
ship. Lose on warehouse and contents,
$50,000. ,
Boy Killed In n DneL
PORTLAND, Ore.. July S7.-Frank Carl.
son and George Baldwin, each It years eld
Quarreled over two eiris. to whom bntn
were paying attention, carison challenged
Ba'dwlr. to flsht. The fleht took place
with bsr knuckle and waa apparently of
two rounds, lasting altogether about twenty
minutes. At the end of that time Carlson
received a blow In the stomach which
killed htm almost InMeutly. Baldwin Is In
Every family in Omaha la receiving an
envelope-like parksge, bearing on the face
of it the word "Per-fo. We wish to say
to our readera that It will pay well to take
special note of this package, for it contains
an article of highest value to the welfare
of each family. A long slip la found with
each package of Per-fo, which telle how to
use It.
We wish oar readers to know thet thie
all-purpose food, Per-fo, le not prepared
like moat so-called breakfaet foode having
In them bran and other indigestible sub.
stances, but in Per-fo Is found nothing
but the nutritive portion of the nine dlt
fcreat grains, vegetables and nutei whjok
go to mske the food. It is prepared le the
most careful manner, and therefore phy
siclans everywhere recommend the use o
it. It is baked three times under 400 d
greee of beat before it le put up, and
therefore It can be eaten with aafety right
from tha package. It makes a most de
llclous pie end pudding, also salmon and
veal loaf. In hot weather nothing is more
wholesoms than ft dish of Per-fo and milk.
Gueral Consolidation of Oreamiry and
Dairy Interests Affect Food Commission,
1 .
Farmer t see Rand Machine Now
adays Instead ( Taklntr His
' Milk tn n Separating?
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 17. (Special.) The gen
eral consolidation of the creamery and dairy
Interests of Nebraska has deprived the
State Food commission of a large source ot
revenue. One of the Intentions of the
framers of the pure food law waa to make
the commission self-supporting, and with
this object In view scale of fees for an-
ual permlta was provided, ranging from
11 for skimming stations to $10 for manu
facturers of imitation products.
Not only have the small creameries snd
alrles consolidated, but the skimming eta-
tions are being rapidly discontinued. The
small creameries and dairies give way to
the modern central plants and the Skim
ming stations bow in submission to ths
hand separator. The farmer. Instead of
Uklng his milk te station, separates It
ith a bsnd machine.
The Beatrice Creamery company Is
churning here In Lincoln more butter than
waa formerly "churned In thirty creameries,"
said Commissioner Bsssett. "The one plant
as taken the place of all the others. The
organization ef tha Nebraska-Iowa company
at Omaha means that thirteen creameries
ave been closed to mske room for one big
one. A year ago. the Beatrice creamery
company had "seventy-one skimming sta
tions In ths state; today it has thirty-nine
and still Its output is greater than ever.
During the month of June the Beatrice com
pany manufactured and shipped 760,000
pounds ot butter, making the biggest output
tor one month In the history of the plant."
The fees required are: Skimming eta
tlons, SI; creamery, $10; manufacturer ef
ladle butter, manufacturer or wholesale
dealer In cider vinegar, $15; manufacturer
or wholesale dealer In grain, wine 6r fruit
vinegar. $50; manufacturer or wholesale
dealer In adulterated vinegar, $50; retail
dealer In imitation butter or cheese, $25;
wholesale dealer in imitation butter or
cheese, $50; manufacturer of Imitation but
ter or cheeae, $100.
Prepare for Reunion.
The department officials of the' Grand
Army of the Republlo are busily engaged
preparing for the next annual reunion.
which will be held in Hastings from Sep,
tember 8 to 13, Inclusive, the week follow,
Ing the state fair. Among the men' ex,
pected to take part in the speaking pro
gram are: Governor Cummins and Depart'
ment Commander John Llndt of Iowa
Chaplain Jesse Cole, Marshalltown, la.; E.
R. Hutchlns, Des Molnee; John M. January,
Dell Rapida, S. D.; Governor Savage, J. H
Mickey and all member of the Nebraska
congressional delegation. One day will be
named In honor of the governor and gu
bernatorial candidate, tor both Governor
Cummin and Governor Savage, with the
republican candidate in Nebraska and Kan
sas, Mickey and Bailey, will be present on
the same day. . There will also be a con
gressionftT day, on which the prominent
place on the program will be filled by .sen
ators and congressmen. '
One pf the most notable men on the pro
gram Is John W. January, who haa the die
tinctlon of having: amputated both 111 feet
while confined la, Anderson villa -prison. He
did this to check, a, disease contracted while
held as ft prisoner. . ! . .
Assistant Adjutant General Howe says
that on two day, last year the attendance
at the reunion In Hasting was fully 80,
000, and be expects the same mark te be
reached this year.
Rain Interferes with Attendance nt
Teenmseh, but Program la
Carried. Ont.
TEOUMSEH. Neb.. July 87 (Special
Telegram.) Rain Interfered with the at
tendance at the Chautauqua somewhat to
day, but the program waa carried out ft
advertised and was heard by many.
A union Sunday school was held this
morning, conducted by A. B. Allen, In
which all the schools of the city partic
ipated. Tha first thing- this afternoon was an
address by Mrs. Calla Scott Wlllard ot
Bethany, on "How to Teach the Bible."
Thla waa followed by ft temperance lec
ture, "Shun the Corduroy Road Through
inebriation," by Hon. A. 8. Zook cf In
diana. Prof. L. O. Krau of Madlson.Wis.,
ha charge ot the choru and Is doing
good work.
This evening the military Dana gave
concert and the . chorus eang. The man
dolin club gave two selection and Mrs.
S. S. English rendered solo. Chaplain
F. 0- Bruner ot Beardston, 111., was the
speaker snd he deivered a powerful ad
dress on "A Romance Religion." Con
sidering the disagreeable weather the first
day ot the assembly exceeded the expecta
tion of all.
Fremont Man Bnstnln Injnrle Dsi.
, In Seattle Which Mny
Prave gerlone.
FREMONT, Neb.. July 87. (Special.)-
Peter Edwards of thla city fell ever ft
hitching post on Broad etreet last evening
and sustslned serious injuries. He was
engsged in a friendly scuffle with ft couple
of friends in front of the Eno hotel end
turning to leave them ran ftgalnst the
post, ft piece of gasplpe about three feet
above the walk. It struck him at the base
of the stomach, doubling him up so that
hs wss unabls to move. He was taken
home and physician summoned, who
found him suffering from convulsion.
While his lujurlee are very severe and
painful tt i thought be will recover.
Corn Prospects Pine.
fim-i.TflV. Nh.. July 87. fSneclal.l
Another rain of an men nae raiien ana n
I still raining. During the past week
quite a great deal of shock threshing was
j. hut th rsln will aaaln aton tha work.
a It na eeen impoeaiDie 10 gei macawes
into some fields, the ground being too soft.
TCsrlv oata are all In shock and late oat
are coming on faat. ' Some fields ere shorn-
in. rn.t hut tha e-enaral yield will re
mmr-m w Tha nroanactB for core art.
the best ever known in Buffalo county.
Many Seine are aireaay earing .aa me
moisture in the ground now will Insure ft
Heavy crop.'-.-
- Chsks Wilt Prahatea.
WEST POINT. Neb., July 87. (Special.)
The will of the late Father Choka, vicar
general of the Omaha dlocess. has been
filed for probate In the county court of
Cuming' county. The will disposes of all
ths real and personal property ef the ss-
eeaead and naraee Fathsr Joseph Ruoilag
ef Weet Point as sole executor.
Hemarkahlr Wheat Yield.
FREMONT. Neb., July XT. (Special.)
The farmers who were so fortunate ft to
get their wheat harvested without Injury
from the ralna report remarkable ytsld.
One forty-acre tract northwest of the city
went thirty-six bushels to the acre. An
other smaller field, near Dodge, thirty
eight, and many ethrrs from twenty-Ove
to thirty. Oats are coming out much bet
ter than farmers feared, but will not be t
full crop.
New Balldlaars for West Point.
WEST POINT. Neb.. July 87. (Special.)
County Attorney Fred D. Hunker Is
about to commence the erection of two-
story brick office building on Grovo street.
A number ot brick business buildings are
now In course ot trertlon In thie city, be
sides a number of high-class frame dwell
Ing houses, among which Is a large modern
residence for John T. Bsumann, assistant
cashier of the West Point National bank.
New Telephone Company.
WEST POINT. Neb.. July 27. (Bpeclal.)
Articles ot Incorporation of the Bad
croft Independent Telephone company
were filed with the county clerk this week.
The incorporators are W. H. Watson, F.
T. Rice, W. F. Sinclair and E. H. Morgan.
The authorised capital stock Is $15,000 In
shares ot $25 each. Thla is the second In
dependent telephone eompany te organUe
In this county. '
Heavy Bain at Bed Clond.
RED CLOUD, Neb.. July 87. (Special.)
The heaviest rainfall of the season came
last night, about three and a half Inches at
this place and southeast ot the city it is
reported from seven to ten Inches fell.
Great damage ha been done to bridges,
fence and crop. The rain are o fre
quent that it is almost Impossible to thresh
or stack the wheat and much ot It is spoil
ing In the shock.
Falls City May Have Park.
FALLS CITT. Neb., July 87. (Special. )
It ,1a thought that Fall City will finally
fcave ft park. It le something that the town
has always needed. Last week J. A. Llppold
purchased what is known as the Slocum
plsce, Just at the west edge ot town within
the city limits, of twenty-seven acres. Ths
last twelve acres will be laid out as a psrk
st once.
Open Bnptlet Chnrcn.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July ST. (Special.)
The Mount Olive Baptist church in this
city was opened this afternoon with appro
priate services. Rev. E. D. Wilson, the
pastor, was assisted by Rev. Cluck, pastor
Of the Mount Morlah church In Omaha;
Revs. Giles and Payne of Council Bluffs and
Chance I'lenle Dates.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. July 87. (Special.)
The dates of the union fraternal picnic have
been changed to Tuesday and Wednesday,
August 88 and 87. The first datee named
conflicted with the Humboldt etreet fair.
Absorption af Louisville Nashville
Thoagrht to Be Practically
BALTIMORE, July 87. It Is Impossible
to obtain an authoritative expression of
opinion on the report that negotiations are
pending looking to the absorption by the
Atlantic Coast . Line of the Louisville &
Nashville railroad, which is controlled by
J. P. Morgan A Co.
In financial circles here the general Im
pression prevails that the report I well
"I think Mr. Morgan ha already practi
cally turned the road over to the Coast
Line." said a member of one of the lead
ing banking firm. ' "The two road do not
parallel anywhere and have a physical con
nection at Augusta, Ga., through the Geor
gia railroad, which runs from Atlanta to
Agusta, and la leased Jointly by them.
"Such ft deal would eliminate that hos
tility In Tennessee and Kentucky which has
been aroused by the rumor that the Louis
ville A Nashville will be merged with the
Southern Railway.
"These roada parallel and are competi
tor In both states, and following the report
Governor McMlllla ot Tennessee has threat
ened to call a special session ot the legis
lature to pass a law that would prevent a
merger. It la thought that when Mr. Mor
gan purchased the Louisville ft Nashville
he had In view Its transfer to the Coaet
Morgan V Co. manage the Southern Rail
way and have been working In complete
harmony with the Coast Line. The absorp
tion of the Louisville it Nashville would
give the Cosst Line control of the railroad
situation in the south east of the Missis
sippi river."
The outstanding stock of the Louisville
Nashville amounts to $60,000,000, end It
the plan of Morgan tt Co. to psy $160 a
share for it Is carried out $90,000,000 will
be required to complete the deal.
In round number the combined mileage
of the Coast Line system and the Louisville
Nashville Is 8,600. Henry Walters and
Michael Jenkins, who control the affairs ot
the Coast Line, are out of the city. Mr.
Walters is thought to be In New York and
would likely conduct the negotiations with
Mr. Morgan or his representative.
Mr. Jenkins left Baltimore Thursday with
hi family for the White mountain. Mr.
Walter is vice president of the Coast Line
Railroad company and president of the par.
ent company. Mr. Jenkins le president of
the former and vice president of the latter.
Walter Newcomer, another Coast Line offi
cial. Is away on hi vacation. ,
Aapl Mam Mart Dice In las Fran
cisco, Having; Lived One Han
dree ana Thirty Tears.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 87. Aupl Mam
Mart, native of India, who has resided In
this city a far back a the memory of the
white man run, 1 dead at the age of 130
Aupl Mam Marl had ft most romsntlc ca
reer. According to the story of hi life.
told several year ago before hi mind be
came clouded, he waa the son of an Indian
prince and waa kidnaped when child and
taken to the Hawaiian Islands. There he
lived for some years, slave to ft Chtness
planter, and finally came to California a
a fugitive. Finally on ft sailing vessel be
learned that his fsther and brothers had
wasted years In trying to trace him and
finally met death la reslstancs to British
rule In their own country.
Falls ta Death Inner Tr-tln.
ST. LOUIS. July 87.-Ben1amln Keys.
giving bis address ss 12M Hellefontaine
avenue, inaianapoiis. reu irom an iron
Mountain train tonight near the city
limits and both legs were cut off. He can
not recover. He was on his way to Little
Rock, Ark.
Brcwcd la s plant as clean u the
your Inspection 5 8
L 1 '"1 1i III BllsntnCBxaa ' VI 'U I1 ill ..Wg?:
tr -. a
mwm j
Nebraska ' Sen-.tor Talks en Cuban Affairs
tod His Eluding with Fretioeat
Believe that President Itoosevelt
Mas as Favorable to BUI Intro
placed by Illrn as Any
HASTINGS. Neb.. July 87. (Special.)
In an Interview yesterday with the editor
ot the Hastings Tribune, Senator Dietrich
explained hie position on reciprocity with
Cuba snd hie standing with President
Roosevelt. Senator Dietrich said:
The president has no more loyal sup
porter and men who were more unsellUh.
In the cause of Cuban reciprocity than the
so-called beet sugar Insurgents. The bill
which psssed the house by nearly a unani
mous vote of all members, irrespective of
party, providing for a 20 per cent reduc
tion, was killed In the senate committee by
i ho Influence of the sugar trust and other
large lund holders of sugar and tobacco
properties In Cuba. Their opposition to
the bill wss because the bill also provided
that Cuba should enact and put into force
Immigration and Chinese restriction laws,
and also a ricl of the differential upon
refined sugar. Evidence has disclosed that
the suasr trust and those Interested par.
ties absolutely own and control the com
mercial snd political affairs of Cuba, and
it would be detrimental to their Interests
to have such labor laws enacted and en
forced. The repesl of the differential would
have mad; It possible to have created coin
petition to the sugar trust, whfch now has
sn absolute monopoly ot the Importing,
refining and sel.lng ot the sugars consumed
In the United States. Should not the labor
of Cuba be protected the same as labor In
the United States, Porto Rico, Hawaii and
the Philippine Islands? The bulwark of any
nation must depend upon the great middle
classes, and the only way to change the
conditions In Cuba snd make it strong and
prosperous is to protect the labor. The
Inhabitants of Cuba today consist of princes
and paupers; there le no middle cuiss to
depend uiion.
Cuba hss a population of 1.80O.OCO people,
consisting of princes and paupers, and the
consumption and wants of such a people
would not smount to that of 3CO.00) Ameri
cans. In other words, the amount tht
we would expect to sell to Cuba would
never be great with lte present standing of
civilization. When an American Is engaged
in producing sugar and tobacco in tne
Vnlted States all that he consumes Is taken
from the American farm or factory. A
Cuban engaged In the eame bualness would
not consume 6 per cent of goods or mer
chandise from the United States. In other
words, a man employed in the United
States producing sugar-or tobacco will
consume from 95 to 98 per cent more of
products from the. American farm and fac
tory than will a man so employed In Cuba.
From a standpoint of business reciprocity
with Cuba ts a sham, end the only excuse
for reciprocity with Cuba can only bo con
sidered from a sentimental and charitable
standpoint. That sentiment was created by
the enormous expenditures of moneys out
of the Cuban treasury, sugar trust nnd
other Cuban Interests. If It be so profitable
to produce sugar from sugar beets, as
ssserted by the friends of the sugar trust,
so that a 60 pet cent reduction could be
made without Injury, why does not Have
meyer, the president of the sugar trust,
his associates and other American capital
ists Invest their money in sugar beet lands
snd factories in the United States, In place
of Investing many millions In the sugar
lands ot cuoa. wnere tney claim It is lin-
ftosslble to produce sugar except at a great
oss? The fact that they are now Investing
In Cuba brands as a falsehood all the as
sertions and representations that have been
made to congress and the American peoole.
Nearly every .so-called insurgent was
willing to vote for the house bill as passed.
and they also expressed a desire to vote
for the bill which was introduced by my
self, which demanded Immigration law
ana tne repeal or the ainrerentinl. with a
like amount, added to the unrefined sugar
scneouie, ana a la per cent reduction given
to Cuba. This bill would have Increased
the protection of the Amerlc in producers
t per jent against Germany, France, Bel
gium and other sugar producing countries
that are paying their exporters largo export-
bount'es. It would have- added at
least tronv 86,000,000 to $10,000,000 additional
revenue to the United States, because there
would have been Imported into the Unfed
States refined sugars which are now pro
hibited, as well aa the raw sugar. It would
also put Cuba in a position to refine sugar
and sell refined augar to the American
consumers directly, In place of being
obliged to sell it raw sugar to the sugar
trust. ,
The. Summary of the bill which I Intro
duced would have accomplished the follow.
Ing results: It wou'.d have given Cuba a
25 pee cent reduction and an opportunity
to refine and sell Its reflqed sugar direct
to the American consumer. It would have
given the American producers of sugar nn
additional protection of 6 per cent upon
raw sugar against all nations except Cuba.
Thla would partially compensate them for
their loss of protection s gainst Cuba.
The question resolves Itself to this solu
tion: Does th republican party and tha
American people prefer to protect and per
petuate the sugar trust, or stand by the
American producer In the future as it has
done In the past?
In conclusion, I wish to state that Presi
dent Rooaevelt waa as favorable, and I be.
Ileve even more so. to the passage of the
bill which was Introduced by me than he
was for any other proposed bill. The presi
dent's record Is too well known and estab
lished in standing for the Interests ot
American producers for the consumers, ss
against importers and gigantic trusts, such
ss the sugar trust and other against
whom he has taken action.
And, I would further state, that all bills
favoring Cuban reciprocity were killed in
the committee by the friends of the sugar
trust, ana otner influences that were afraid
to have any bill reported for fear of an
attack and a general change of the tariff
schedule, and In order to blind the Ameri
can people; their power and Influence is
directed ftgalnst the eo-called beet sugar
Discovery Maaa Which May Lead
to Capture ef Trnln
SARATOGA. Wyo.. July 87. (Special.)
A startling discovery waa made yesterday
in the denee woods on the head of Cow
creek by employe of the Grand Encamp
ment-Battle Lake tramway, which may
throw some light on the Tipton trsln rob
bery and possibly lead to the capture t
the bandits.
While Edward Rankin, son of J. O. Uan
kin, th pioneer resident of Carbon county,
and some companion were walking
through the wood from one tower to an
other on the aerial tramway they eat down
on ft log to rest. Young Rankla was sit
ting near one end of the fallen tree and
observed five canvas money bags lying on
the ground.
The men examined the aacka and found
them to be the kind used by banks. They
had been sealed with wax and the seals
were broken. They were marked "$5,000
and $10,000, gold." and the letters "CH.
The tacks were badly bleached and looked
as though they had laid where found for
two or three years. Some ef the mark
were very dim. the ink having been
waahed out by storms.
The sack were brought to town an4
will bo sent to th officials ot th Union
Pacific at either Denver or , Omaha for
The Tipton train robbery occurred early
in the summer of 1100. when a westbound
clesnest horns kitchen slwoys open to
,9 7 1 visitors last year.
express train waa held up In the Rel
Desert, west c-f Rawlins, by five masked
iic:i. The baggage car and malt cars wars
cut of? from the balance of tbo train and
run ahead distance ot five ml Irs to a
lonely spot in the desert. Here the rob
brrs drnamlted the express car and trees
ure safe. It was never known Just how
much money was secured, at the officials
would not give out the figures. It le
known, however, that the robbers secured
several sacks of gold, aa tralumrn aavr
them carrying ths money away. On sack
was cut open In the express car and some
Of the goldpleces were scattered about.
Th bandit escaped to th mountain In
the vicinity ot Battle Lake end It I pre
umed they met In the forest and divided
the spoils at the spot where the empty
money bags were found yesterday.
Ervay, Wyo m In a, Men Engage In
Lcaral Battle Over Ownership
of Properly.
CASCER, Wyo., July 87. (Special.)
John Landon of Ervay has entered protest
against the final proof: ot John Trout,
Eugene Brown and Lewis Woods. Laudon
claims that the land settled on by the de
fendants nro oil bearing and that ho lo
cated same some time ago.- He altegea
that oil flows from aprlnga on the tracts
and oil appears on the surface of water in
the streams flowing through, the land.
This Is the first conflict between ell and
agricultural filings that has so far de
veloped and the outcome will be watched
with Interest.
Special Agent Campllu ot the lutrrir.r
department recently examined tho land In
controversy and has filed bis report.
I'nlon Pacific Will Not Likely Remove
. Shops from Wyoming;
. Capital.
CHEYENNFI. Wyo., July 87. (Special.)
It Is announced now that assurances have
been given that the Union Pacific will
maintain Its shops and officers at thla
point and In the near future enlarge the
machine shops, establish ft central powar
and heating plant and operate coach ahopa,
all of which will necessitate the employ
ment of more men than ever before, sev
eral capitalists and business men will put
up two new houses and other leading men .
have announced that they will do like,
A Prime Favorite
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Backed by quality
that ha alwaya ex
celled, thla beer ha
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V Merit
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(Non-Intoxicant) Tonic Druggists
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141S Deaglsi St. Tel. 1081.
S5.00 A TilOfJTEl
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STH.ICrUB.E2 oured with a new Home
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11 S. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Nab.
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Used by people of refinement
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My Jl antaf m nl Usrried mr sua men Intendlng
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moil vuk ns-rn unci kut puwat ru-fred. tuu-4
SU-'rfu.a n MoCoasvIl lirug C., Omsha, t.
Excursion Steamer
The Union Excursion Compuny'e
Steamer Henrietta
snakes regular trips from foot of Doug-las
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Hours for Waving: i, 4 and I p. raw.
daily. Round crip . children 1-xa. K
admission to Park.
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Moderate Itatca 4ce-,a!bla
Extensive Library . Itselnsfv
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Ail rare fumm -,, fetnj.lre
Send for anscriptlv liooklet,
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10 minutes from heart of elty. No dirt
and dust. Hilostod on boulevard and lake,
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U a uil bookie!
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