Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1902, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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la the Fint One Erler, as Usual, it a Hoodoo
for the Leaden.
Knocks Ont a Home Itnn Willi Two
Mea vat Ban, bat that la Hot
Enoaah I Wl the
DENVER, July it. (Special Telegrams
Had It not been for the home run of Stone
In the second game today Omaha would
hare drawn eighteen horsecollars. Stone's
circular In the sixth brought In two men,
thus making a total of three runa for the
leaders, but try aa they would, Whlterldgn
would not atand for any more run-getting.
Denver won both' games, through the su
perb form of both pitchers and the Inabil
ity of the Omaha players to connect with
the lightning-like twisters of Eyler.
iio pitched the first game, and Whlterldge,
who was In the box In the second.
The first game resulted In clean shut
out of Omaha by a score of t to 0, but It
was anybody's game up to the ninth Inning.
The second waa won by the Grizzlies by
a score of I to 3. The home team had no
difficulty In solving the benders of Owen
In the Brut game. He appeared trifle
nervous and was touched up for total of
. eight hits, while Eyler held Omaha down
to four measley tips. Graham was knocked
out for ten hits In the second game, while
'the leaders found Whltrldge tor (We hits.
Denver scored one run In the first Inning,
.when Frisk brought In Jones on a single.
t Jones again galloped home In the seventh
'on a hit by Dundon. In the second game
'Denver started the fireworks by sending
Jones and Preston over the rubber In the
first. Dundon secured a run In the second
'on a hit by Frisk. Two men again crossed
, the rubber for the locals In the third and
: eighth Innings,
Delehanty and Jones did the star hitting
- for the locals in the first. Frisk came in
for.the hitting honors In the secopd, ewlp
' lng the sphere for four safe ones. The
three runs for Omaha were brought In by
' Carter, Genlns and Stone on the latter's
home run. The regular umpire was taken
Ick In the second Inning of the first game
and a local man was substituted in bis
' AH. R. H. O. A.
... t 0 2 8 8
out having a man left on base, probably a
world s rernrd. Attendance, 8,flot. Bcore:
PlTTBIIt'RO. ST. Loins.
Hart.. It.... I
Banmnnt. rf t
Mlrh.i, Jh . t
Tannehlll. rf. S
flran.f M, lb 1
pmke, lb ... I
ronroy, m... 1
O'f ennor, c.
Lnnr, p.... e
Delahanty, 2b.
I'reaton, cf....
Jones, If
Frisk, rf
Dundon, lb....
Latham, lb....
Hadcl'fTe, as...
Wilson, o
ISyler. p
HO. A. El
I 1 OtNlrhMi. lb
ItS Siamn1, rf.... 6
114 l IUrHT. If... 1
4 e u imnnrftn, rf S
1 II 1 Starred, Hi...
lit s'Knut'r, m. .. 0
1 t i Mailman. Ib.
1 4 1 J TNrll. e.
S 1 0 Verke. p
- . ,nraaiiear .. a
I II 17 II ,M. O'Nell ..
It.H O.A.E.
111 1 1
TnUla ... 1 mil I
Patted for YerVes In the ninth.
Hatted for J. O Nell In the ninth.
Pittsburg 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 8 6
Bt. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Famed runs: Pittsburg, 4. Two-haw
hits: Hltrhey, I.eever. Burke. SaorlMce
hit: Fesumoni. wounie piays: rsrren io
Nlrhols (2), Kruger to Farrell to Nichols.
Wild pitches: lx-ever (2). Bases on balls:
Off Yerkes, 3; off Iever, 2. Btrurk out:
Rv Verges. 1: tiv I.eever. s. on n:
Pittsburg, 7. Time: 1:37. Umpire: Brown.
Poole Ontpllehes Taylor.
C1IICAOO, . July M. Poole outpltched
Veteran Taylor today and won hie own
game In the lent inning by butting In the
winning run. Attendance, 7,0). Score:
balls! Off Moore, I; off Bernhardt, 1. Struck
out: Py Moore. 4. PaFSed bell: Yeager.
I eft on bases: Baltimore. 12: Cleveland, 9.
Ime: 2:30. umpire: jonnsione.
Rnlloa Brail Detroit.
BOSTON. July 28 Dlneen pitched grand
all today after the sernnfl inning. 1 ne
ome team scored on bunrhed hits In the
econd and on errors by Hleaaon and Har-
ley In the fourth. President Ban Jonnson
witnessed the game. Attendance, 7,163.
Score :
It I 0 H.rl.T. If.... S 111
o Riherreia. as. a
nlllna, IB...
Stahl. rf
Freeman, rf.. 1
Tarrnt, aa... I
Larh'ee, lb.. 1
Ferris, lb.
Warner, a.
Dlaaea, p..
R.H O A. E
nohba. If
nrkiT. !
Crawford, rf.
Seymour, cr. S
rieta, ib 1
Corcoran, aa. S
Slelnrdt, Ib.
Poole, p 1
Bergea, .... 0
I 1
1 II
R.H. O.A.E.
Slide. If.... 1 1 I 1
William, rf. 4
Ixr, 2b SIS
rbanea, lb... 11
neater. Cf.... 1 I
Klona, a t I
Tinker, aa.... 1 1 1
Srbaefer. Ib. SIS
liTaylor, p....
Tofala ... i 19 17 II I Tola 1 1 ... t 17 14
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 18
Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 08
ijeiT. on panes: mciiuiau, , i nn.n. ...
Tn.h hit! Rereren. Sacrifice hits:
Willlnma. Taylor. Lowe. Corcoran. Stolen
bases: Slagle, Lowe, Tinker. Seymour.
Double plays: Schaefer to Chance, stein
felrtt to Ueckley. Struck out: By Taylor,
hv Pnnle. 8. Raaea on balls: Off Taylor,
1; off Poole, 8. Hit with ball: By Chance,
8. Time: 1:45. Umpire: uuiy.
Philadelphia Shnta Oat Boston
BOSTON, July 26. Willis went to the bad
In the third Inning today and four hits
vn Phllarlelnhla all the run in the game.
Kraser merely toyed with Boston, allowing
but two hits, one of which should have been
an easy out. Attendance, 1,600. Score:
Thomas, cf ..
Wolr't n. Ib.
Ilarrr. rf
Jeonlnci, lb.
Dnoin, e
Itouglan, If.
Krua, aa
Chllda, lb....
Praaar, p
0Cooley. If.... 0
I Tenner, lb...
alperaoiit, lb.. 0
olfarley, rf....
OiUrrm'ger, lb.
OlLong, an 0
0LUrih, cf 0
0;Moran, e.t... 0
OlWUlla, p
Carter, rf
Genlns, cf ........
Stone, If
polan, sr
Stewart. 2b
Pears, 8b
Thomas, lb
Ootidlng, o
Owen, p
28 t
AB. R.
8 27
, 1 0
, 0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
u o
Totala ... 4 in 1 I Totala ... in 15
Philadelphia 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0-4
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Karned runs: Philadelphia, 4. Double
play: Wolverton (unassisted). First base
on balls: Off Fraser. 2; off Willis, 2. Hit
by pitched ball: Jennings, Tenney. Struck
out: By Fraser, 8; by Willis, t. iime:
1:40. Umpire: Power.
Hew York Loses to Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN. July 26. The local team de
feated New York today. McQraw tried
McQinnity in the box. but he waa lneftec
tlve. Donovan pitched an excellent game.
Attendance, lb,6u0. Score:
Kheekard, If. 0
Healer, rf.,..
Dolan, cf.... 0
Pahlen, si... 1
Farrell, c...
MrCrMry, lb. 1
Irwin, lb.... 0
Flood, lb.... 1
Donoran, p.. 1
t 11
Jonea, It. ...
McQraw, aa., s
McGann, lb.. 0
Brodli, cf... 0
Lauder, Ib... 0
Smith, lb....
0Punn, rf 9
S'Breanahan, c 0
OiMcGlnnltir. p. 0
Totala ... I 10 17 11 ol Totals ... 1 14 II
Brooklyn 08000011 5
New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Earned runs: Brooklyn, 2; New York, 1,
rwo-Dase nits: HhecKard, irwln, 'iood
Two-base hits Jonea. First base on baJls:
Off Owen, 6. Struck out: By Eyler, ;
by Owen, 1. Stolen bases: Delahanty,
Jones (2), Radcllffe. Oonding. Timet 1:30.
Umpires: Walton and Davis.
Second game:
AB. R.
Jones (2). Three-base hit: Dahlcn. Left
on basea: Brooklyn, 6; New York, 4.
Stolen base: Jones. Double nlavs: Mc
Ginnity to Smith, Flood to McCreery. Sac-
rince nit: uonov&n. irateiaae on nans
0 00 Off McGinnlty, 1; off Donovan, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By McQinnity, 1; by Dono
van, i. Btruck out: ay McUlnnlty, z
by Donovan, & Time: 1:48. Umpire
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
Felehanty, 2b
reston, cf
Jones, If
Frisk, rf ..
' pundon, 2b
Latham, lb
Kadcliffe, aa
Wnson, c..
Whltrldge, p..
Total 81
I Carter, rf.....
I Genlns, cf....
Stone, If ,
.Dolan, as
'Stewart, 2b...
pears, 3b
; Thomas, lb...
Oonding, o....
i Graham, p....
H. O, A. E.
12 2 0
0 10 0
8 110
4 1 0.0
o i a o
0 10 0 0
17 10
1 0 0 0'
10 27 12
H. O. A. E.
2 4 0 1
0 10 0
2 0 0 0
0 1 4 0
0 S 1 0
0 2 10
0 8 0 0
16 10
0 0 2 0
1 1 1
0 110 8
Totala 28 8
Denver I 1 t 0
Omaha 0 0 0 0
Stolen base: Delenanty. Hit by pitched
balls: Dundon, Wilson, Pears. Home run:
Stone. Bases on balls: Off Whltrldge, 2;
off Graham, . Struck out: By Whilridge,
i; by Graham, 4. Double plays: Radcllffe
to Latham, Jones to Dundon to Delehanty.
Time: 2:U0. Umplra: Davis.
Postponed Gantea.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Peoria gam
postponed; rain.
At Kansaa City Kanaaa Clty-Bt Joseph
game postponed: rain.
At Colorado Springs Colorado Springs
Des Motnea postponed on account of rain.
Pittsburg 78 61 IS .763
Brooklyn X5 49 34 .&
Boston 75 89 36 E:0
Chicago 79 40 39 .608
Cincinnati 77 34 43 .442
St. Louis 77 83 44 .429
Philadelphia 82 84 48 .41
New York 78 27 61 ,f46
Games today: Cincinnati at Chicago,
Plttaburg at bt. Louis.
St. tionla Narrowly Averts av Shntout
Throngh Superb Pitching;
of WaddelL
PHIT.ADTTT.PHTA Julv ttt T nnla nr.
Vowly escaped a shutout today, the visitors'
only run being scored In the last inning.
roe game was a pitcners' battle, with th
odds favoring Waddell, though Sudhoft
pitched in tine form. Attendance, 12,464.
score: .
StnndtaaKOf the Teams.
Plavad. Won. Dost
82 4 28
80 84
Kanaaa City
St. Joseph ,
Colorado Springs
Des Moines
Peoria 76
Games today: Omaha
Hartaal, 11... S 1 1 0
Fulta, cf 1 1 S 0
Datta. lb.... 1 S 0
L. Croaa. lb. 1 1 I 0
S.rbold, rf.. 0 1 1 S
Murphy, lb.. 0 I 8 I 0
M. Croaa, all I I t
Srhrark, a... 0 I 0 0
Waddill, p... S 4 8 0
Burkitt,' If... 0 0 10
Hemphill, cf. 1 I I 1
Friel, rf 0
Andmon, lb 0 11 S
Wallace, la.. 1 1 4
McCur'k. lb.. 0 I I
faddin, lb... 0 I 1
Kahot, e 0 0 1
Sudhoft, p... tilt
Joseph at Kanaaa City, Peoria at Milwau
kee, xea Moines at Colorado springs.
Mllwankeo earea Adklna.
MILWAUKEE. July 26.-Merle Adklns,
ho recently pitched for the Boston Ameri
can league club, was today signed by H'jgh
Duffy to play In the Milwaukee Western
league team.
Manager Duffy tonight signed Harry
Vaughn to play In the outfield. Vaughn
recently played with the Peoria team.
leaver Pitches Klne Ball and Pitts,
hargr Takes Gam fro as at.
Loala with Est.
, BT. LOUIS, July 2S.-St. Louis lost today's
game to the Plttsburgs, Leaver letting the
home team down with one hit. The St.
Louie team went through the game with-
c'aeey. lb....
Itarrett, cf...
He-, Ib
MoAre'r,- rf,
(Mrmoa, lb.,
Mctiulre, c.
Slerer, p
0 II
Totala ... 4 I 17 11 0 Totala ... 1 I 14 1 I
Boston 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4
Detroit .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Karned runs: Host on, i; jeirou, i. moien
bases: Casey, Dougherty, tlarley. Double
plays: Barrett to Oleaaon to Mruuire,
Oleaaon to Elberfeld to Heck. Gleiteon to
Herk. First base on balls: urt inneen, z;
ff Slever, 2. Struck out: My LMneen. i: ny
Slever, 1. Pasaed ball: McGuire. Time:
:33. umpire- eneruian.
t'hlcaaro Wins In Tenth.
WASHINGTON. July 26. After Warhlng-
on had tied the score In the ninth Inning
by a single and two home runx Chicago, on
an error, a aacrince ana a nn, was per
mitted to win today's game in the tenth
Inning. Attendance, 4,03i. Score:
R.H.O.A.E! R.H.O.A.E.
18 11 OIRran. cf I I I 0 s
o norle, io.... a
0 Itolrh'tr. If..
lKeliter, rf... 1
0 t'oushlin. Ib. 0
0 raraj, lb.... 0
J. B. lUhra and . B. Kimball Hade Good
Showing in Tournament
Straus, lb..,
Jonea. cf....,
Green, rf....,
Dana, aa....,
Mrrtea. If...,
labell, lb...
air, zd....,
Sulliraa, a..
Piatt, p ,
Griffith, p...
I 17
0 Drill. ...
0 Pattan, p.
Lee, p....
1 II
Totala ...10 II M 10 ll Totala ... 14 M 11 4
Chicago 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 0 110
Wsshlngton 2 0400000809
Kamed runs: Chicago, f: vvasnington, 7.
Two-baae hits: Coughlln (2), Krister,
Ryan, Delehanty. Three-base hits: Doyle,
Kelster. Home runs: Kynn. ieienanty.
rjtrang, Davis. Stolen bases: Davis,
Mertes. Sacrince nits: Kiy, uavis. uoume
plays: Daly to Davis to label), Daly to
Davis, Jones tb Isbell. Bases on balls: Off
Piatt, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Patten,
BtrucK out: By fatten, z; by riatt. i:
by Griffith. 1. Left on bases: Chicago, 6;
Washington, 6. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Con
nolly and Carruthers.
Standlnit of the Teams.
Plaved. Won.
Philadelphia '. 74 44
Chicago 75 44
Boston l 46
St. Louis 77 40
Washington 80 38
Cleveland 81 .?8
Baltimore 8 81
Detroit 75 29
No games today.
Indianapolis Wins Doable Header
from Minneapolis with Per
fect Ease.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 28. Indianapolis
won a doubie-heaaer rrom Minneapolis
today, playing all around the locale. The
first game was a good exhibition up to the
seventh, when the visitors won by timely
hitting and two bases on balls. Sporer was
knocked out oi me dox in me nrst inning
of the second game, seven runs being
scored. The locals fielded very poorly. At
tendance, z.aoo. rjcore:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H. OA
Hoartarir, rf I
Kuhna. If.... 0
Woodruff. Ib. 0
10 0
0 10
1 14 0
0 I '4
1 1 1
0 0 1
OiLyncli, cf..
0 inr. If...
0' Phyla, 3b
Brari, e...
Qulllln. aa.
0 (Irant, lb..
0 Katoll. p...
0 14
0 0 1
0 0 1
rf... 0 0 1
lb.. 0 0 11
0 11
0 0 1
Klhm, lb.
O'Brien, aa..
Coulter, cf...
Km, lb
Haydon, o. ...
Wllllama, p..
Totals ...4 T 17 14 1 Totala ...1 17 11,0
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0-ht
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-baae hitr: Quillln (2). Bases on
balls: Off Katoll, S; off Williams, 4. Struck
out: By Katoll,. 1; by Williams, 1. . Sacri
fice hit: Woodruff. Stolen base: Fox.
Double plays: Lelly to Byeas, O Brien to
Fox to Klhm. Left on bases: Indianapolis,
o; Minneapolis, 7. Time: 1:36. Umpire:
r.l 1110 1
1 Lallr. If
1 Phyla, lb..
Kuhna. If.... 1
Woodruff, lb. I
Klhm, lb.... 1
O'Brlaa. as... I
Coulter, cf... 8
Fox. Ib 1
Matthawa, a. 1
guthoff, p.... 0, ,
If 1 I t 0 0 Lyneh,
1 I
1 1
I 11
Total! ...II 11 17 11 I
Wllmot, rf..
Warden, lb.
Byara, e
Qulllln, aa..
(irant, 2b...
Sporer, p,..
Crtbblns, p.
1 II
Totala ... 8 I 17 10 0 Totala ... 1 I 14 IT
Philadelphia 00004300-
St Louis 00000000 1
Earned runs: St Louis, 1: PhlladelpMi,
Two-base hits: Wallace, Fulls, Davis.
Bacnnce hit: M. Cross. Stolen bases: Bud
nnrc, nurkett. Lrt on bases: Bt. Louis.
Philadelphia, 7. First base on balls: Off
rjucinorc, z; on waodell, i. Hit by pitched
ball: l Cross. Struck out: By Sudhoff, 2;
by Waddell, 6. Wild pitches: By Sudlioff
laajarlna- Match at Baltimore.
BALTIMORE, July 26. Baltimore de
feated Cleveland today in the tenth Inning,
after a moat exciting contest. It was a
veritable slugging match, thirty-five "hits
for a total of forty-nine bases being tallied
Bernhardt replaced Moore In the ninth In
ning. Both teams fielded well. Attendance.
8,628. Score: '
lilt OIBay, cf
lit Brad lay. lb.. 1 I
0 110 Lalole. lb.... 1 1
110 0 Hkkman, lb. I I
It O.FIlck, rf
t I 1 1 McCarthy, If. 1 4
t II 0 Cocba'er. aa.. 1 1
0 11 0;V,ood. e 4
14 0 Moon, p 0
I Barn hard, p. 0 0
w n 1 1
ToUla ... I lln 1 1
Two out when winning run waa scored.
Baltimore 003080201 1
Cleveland 10022080008
Sacrifice hits: Arndt, Bay, Flick. Tvo.
base hits: Bradley, g-'lback. Flick. Smith,
Lajole. Howell, Hickman, McCarthy, Wood,
Gilbert, Arndt. Homo run: Arndu Stolen
bases: McFarland, Howell. First base on
Gilbert, aa
gel bach. If... t
Wllllama. lb. I
McFarland. of 1
Howell, tb... 1
Arndt. rf I
Bmith, lb....
Yeacar, a....
Shtilda. p....
ToUla ... 8 14 1
Indianapolis 7 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 13
Minneapolis 0 0100000 12
Earned runs: Indianapolis, 4. Two-base
hit: Klhm. Bases on balls: Off Sporer, 2;
off Crlbbins. 1: off Suthoff. 1. Struck out:
By Suthoff. 1. Stolen bases: O'Brien,
Coulter. Wllmot. Left on bases: Indian
spoils. 5: Minneapolis. 10. Double plays:
Grant to Werden, Phyle to Grant to Wer-
den. Balk: Butuon. Time: 1:40. umpire
St. Paul Beat Louisville.
ST. PAUL. July 26,-The locals hit Fla
herty hard today ana won rrom ixjuis-
vllle. Attendance, 1,147. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. I RH. O.A.E,
Oelar, as 1 t I t 0 Kirwln. rf... 1 C
Shannon, cf.. 1 I I 0 Bonner, aa-lb 18 10 1
Lumlry. rf... 1 0 I 0 Odill, cf 1 1 8
Hurley, rf... 0 0 0 Flournoy. If. 0 1 10 0
Dlllard, lb... 1 4 0 1 Oannon. Jb .O 1 II '0
Huaalna. lb. 0410 gchaub. Ib-aa I t 1
Chech, If 0 1 l Schtirar, aa.. 1
Keller, lb... 1 8 16 OlClymar, lb... 018
Pierce, I 1 Spin, e 3 8
Firsuaoa, p.. 0 I Flaherty, p.. 1 3
ToUla ... 8 II 87 II 1 ToUla ... 3 1 14 10
Bt. Paul 3000011 0 -6
Louisville 00000000 22
Earned runs: Bt. Paul, 2; Louisville, 1.
Two-base hits: Dlllard. Pierce. Three-
base hits: Kelley. Flaherty. Sacrifice hits:
i.umiey, rweuey, f erguson. cstoien Dases:
Ferguson, Kerwln. First base on . balls
Off Ferguson, 1. First base on errors:
St. Paul, 1. Left on bases: St. Paul, 11;
Louisville, 4. Struck out: 'By Ferguson,
1. Double plays: Hugglns to Geler to
Kelley, Spies to Gannon. Time: 1:35. Urn
pire: mggemier.
Postponed Games.
At Kansas City Kansas City-Toledo
n me rtoatooned: rain.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Columbus came
postponed; run.
Beaeflts that Com from Competition
with the Experts laelndo Maeh
that la Appreciated by
tho Local Men.
J. B. Rahm and R. R. Kimball are still
receiving the congratulations of their
friends and are still being talked of by golf
enthusiasts for the very creditable show
Ing made at the National Amateur Golf as
soclatlon meeting at Glenvlew, 111., last
week. While both of these men talk very
little of what they did, and both say they
attended to have an opportunity to see
some crack players, without any Intention
of making any records themselves, both
materially increased the respect of tb east
for western players and both got In the
crack list.
One hundred and fifty-three entries were
made, and of these sixty-four qualified In
the preliminaries, Mr. Rahm being fifty
seven, making the same score that nln
others did, and Mr. Kimball coming out
thirty-six. Many of those who did not
qualify were among the best amateurs In
the country, and to qualify meant some ex
cellent playing. Take Into consideration
the fact that the Omaha men had never
before played on the links except In the
practice before the preliminary, and that
their opponents were both Chicago men,
who knew every foot of the links, gives
one some Idea of the difficulties under
which the Omaha men played, and It dent'
onstrates that they played go'f.
Pitted Against Cracks.
Mr. Rahm was pitted against John A,
Holabird, ' considered one of the crack
young amateurs of Chicago. They had
contest of eighteen holes. On the first nine
Rahm had him one down. From, then on It
was nip and tuck and give and take, until
by extraordinary playing Holabird won by
two up and one to play.
Kimball played against Phelps B. Hoyt
Chlcngo crack player, tho champion of
the Western Golf association. He defeated
Kimball four up and two to play. It is
said that If Kimball and Rahm had been
blessed with a little luck each would have
won. Both men express themselves as more
than pleased with the treatment accorded
them and go Into ecstasies over th won
derful exhibition of playing that was given
In discussing Byers, who defeated Travis,
Mr. Rahm grows more than enthusiastle.
Of blm ha said: "To appreciate the playing
of Byers one must see him. He is certainly
a wonder and one can have no Idea what he
can do, until he sees him. There Is nothing
In the west that can touch him. Ho eer
talnly plays crack gam and he will be
hard to bead off."
Between Bast and Wast.
In speaking of the players of the east and
the west Mr. Rahm said: "The east Is put
ting out a great many more players than
the wesi and better players, but the reason
they are better Is not difficult to find. The
eastern players practice; they practice all
the time; they go at It like they do bust
ness, and to play golf a man must practice:
one can't play a gamo this week and then
rest up a week and expect to do any good
be s got to keep everlastingly at It, good
and hard all the time. It takes the practice
to make the player. Chicago has many good
players, but the real cracks eome from
the way down east.. Ther they don't seem
to do anything but plsy. I am certainly
glad I attended the tournament and had
the opportunity to see the cracks. They
were some of tho beat In the country and I
believe that I learned considerable about
the sport. It was a treat to me.
"But the west Is coming to the front,"
continued Mr. Rahm, "and there are some
young players at the Field club that will
make a good showing some of these days.
They are playing good golf and are keeping
at it.
Interest In golf In the west Is growing,
which means that the west will turn out
some good players and a large number of
players. Some time this fall, probably the
latter part of September, the transmlssls-
slppl golf tournament will be held In Omaha
and the west will have an opportunity to
show up some mighty fine players and the
west will do It, This tournament was held
In Kansas City last year and Includes
everything between the Mississippi and the
Rockies. This tournament will be held on
the grounds of the Omaha Country club,
and I believe that much talent will be
brought to the front at this meeting."
until the last eighth was reached, when he
went to a breaa.
2:18 class, trottlnar. nurse 81.600. three In
The Roman, b. g., by McKlnney.
wenfla (Heneon) 7 1 1 1
General Johnson, blk. g. (James).. 17 18
Kernalria, blk. m. (French! 4 2 3 3
Doctor Strong, g. g. (Gahaaan) 2 6 8 7
Millard Banders, b. a. iMerrine d). 4 11 12 1
Sybil H, rh. m. (McLaughlin) 3 3 11 12
Baron Bell, b. h. (Hudson) 8 6 4 8
Silver Heir, b. h. (K.rwln) 6 4 8 11
Hall Fry, blk. g. (Foote) II 1ft 10 4
Oneonta. ch. tn. (Olnev) 10 6 6 10
Joe Stelner, ch. g. (Nuckolls) It 8 7 6
Charles D. Jacobs, ch. g. (Strsder) 8 12 6 8
Time: 2:12. i:12, 3:124. 3:11.
2:08 class, narlna-. nurse 81.600. two in
Martha Marshall, b. m., by Grand
Marshal, dam by Ashland Clay
The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic and astrinsr
ent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes
or any external or local application, isjust as unreasonable
and senseless as would be kindling a fire on top of the pot
to make it boil. True, these give temporary relief, but the
cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes
almost immediately fill up again with mucus.
Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it
check perspiration, rd the poisonous acids and vapors,
which should pass off through the skin, are thrown back
upon the mucous membrane or inner skin, producing inflam
mation and excessive flow of mucus, much of which is
absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation 'reaches every part of
the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other parts of the body. When
the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blind
ing headacht. are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing
in the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh.
S. S. S. expels from the circulation all offensive effete matter, and when rich.
L 1 . . ... .
yuiv uiuou is again coursing tnrougn tne Doay tne
mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active,
all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disappear, and
a permanent, tnoiouxn cure is viievtcd. S. a. S. Lcuig
a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derancre the
Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve
tinder its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice
,(ic. Book oa Uood and skin diseases sent on application.
TMX SWirT PaCCiriC CO.. Atlanta Cs.
zs yzs
Standing ot th Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
Louisville 62 67 25 .616
Indianapolis 81 66 2)1 .603
Bt. Paul S2 45 37 .649
Kansas City 82 40 42 .4f8
Milwaukee 'it 3S 41 .41
Columbus 83 38 45 .468
Minneapolis 81 29 62 .358
Toledo 63 " 26 67 .313
Oames today: LoulsvllJe at St. Paul,
Indianapolis at Minneapolis, Toledo at
Kansas City, Columbus at Milwaukee.
3 1
1 2
4 2
6 ro
three in
Sphynx 8, ch. g. (Spear)
1011 Het. b. m. (Erwln)
Chestnut, ch. g. (Brown)
The B'shop, b. g. (Wilson)
j r w, dik. n.. (uerrity)
lime: z:ut. z:w, z:iu, jciav
2:21 class, pacing, curse 81.000.
Sylvlaone, g. m., by Alery-
ono, dam by Alcyone
Dsndy Chimes, b. h
King Charles ,ch. g. (Ma
Funston. ro. m. (Snow)
Orrln B, b. g. (Nuckols)...
Willie Osborne, b. h. (Pen
nock) 11
Orasahopper, b. g. (Cooper) 6
Aiusiara, o. m. (f rench).... 8
Jamlml. ch. m. (Crist) 4
Kiiey McKeen, ch. h. (Mc
Csrthy) 10 10 dr
Dick Wilson, br. h. (Wil
son) :. 8ds
TTncle John. b. a. ( Welch).. ds
Bister (Klrby).ds
Time: 2:06V. 2:08. J:11U. z:13U. 2:18. 1:13U.
Class 2:26. trotting, ourse 81.000. two In
Betsy Tell. blk. m.. by Axtell-Betay
Braun (McCarthy) 1
The Queetor (Beers) 2
Poteen, b. h. (French) 5
Mies Johnson, b. m. (Benson) 8
M ill Tell, b. g. (Wilson) 4
Daisy Direct, br. m. (Wills) 7
May Monday, b. m. (Clement) C
Time: 2:16, 2:16.
5 da
changes of trade conditions or rules,
chsrter would be revoked.
The application for the revocation of the
charter of the National Vnlon of Brewery
Workmen wsa Isld' over for further con
The application of the Order of Railway
Clerks for a charter was unanimously
The application ot the solicitors of Insur
ance companies for a charter was denied.
Will Xnt Permit Constituent to Be
Railroaded to Death If He
Can Help II.
CLEVELAND. July 26. Senator llanna
has sent another telegram to Washington In
regard to Dr. Russell Wilson, who Is about
to be tried by court martial In Nicaragua
tor participating In a filibustering expedi
tion. Dispatches from Nicaragua state that Dr.
vl wi'.son la seriously compromised, as he was
suspected cf having participated In an ex
pedition in one of the provinces of Nica
ragua In 1899.
"I have discovered," said Senator Hanna,
that Dr. Wilson was a student In the medl-
Werld's Record la Broken.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. July 26-In
the one-quarter-mile unpaced professional
race at the Salt Palace saucer track, W.
O. Furman of Los Angeles, F. J. Hoffman
of Los Angeles, Joe Chapman of Atlanta,
Oa., and E. W. Samuelson of Salt Lake
City have crossed the tape In 24 4-5 seconds,
breaking the world's record of 25 seconds
held by Major Taylor.
Speed Races at Nashua.
NASHUA, la., July 26. (Special.) The
races under the auspices of the Nashua
Driving club begin next Tuesday. There
are three days of sport outlined and a
string of forty-flve horses entered. The
club has a purse of 2.2oO up In purses
ranging from 8100 to 3300.
Price of July Option Takes a Drop
C Sixteen Cents In Twenty
CHICAGO, July 26. Great excitement
ruled In the oats pit today. Prices fluc
tuated so widely and wildly that specula
tors were almost panic-stricken.
In twenty minutes July new oats dropped
from 71 cents to 66 cents, a loss of 16 cents
from the opening of trade. In half an hour
mors the price advanced to 67 cents, the
closing quotation.
The cause of the pandemonium was the
rumor that James Patten, who Is supposed
to control the contracts for about 1,600,000
bushels of long stuff, which shorts cannot
deliver, bad made his unfortunate oppo
nent settle at 70 cents. No support was
given to the market tor some time.
Receipts of oats, which have not been
liberal for some time, were much Improved
today, at 224 cars. A liberal movement was
estimated for next week. Fair weather has
been drying out the over-wet fields to some
extent and other conditions favored a
natural decline In prices.
With the Patten contracts out ot the
way, the crowd started o let the market
take Its course and thresh out the infla
tion In values. July new oats, which
opened firm at 71 cents, floundered to 55
cents before any support came. Then the
small shorts heard that the settlement
had been made, the few speculators who
sold unguardedly rushed back to cover and
with a whoop September Jumped to 67
cents. v
Trade was not particularly heavy, but
fluctuations were very ragged. Quotations
were S cents apart many times. Other
grains felt the depressing Influence of the
stampede, especially options.
The net loss In July oats was 8H cents,
July wheat . closed 2 cents down at 74V4
cents and July corn 2tt cents lower at 63
Fifth Round of Chess Contest.
HANOVER, July 26 The contestants en
gaged In the International chess musters
tournament were thU morning paired for
the fifth round of the contest acordlng to
the eight rule of the Berger schedule. In
the following order: Wolf against Atkins,
Marshall against Napier. Olland against
Bardeleban. Mleses agatnat Janowskl,
PoplW against Plllsbury, Swlcierski against
Tsehlgorin, Mason, against Ooldrechal, Levn,
agtilnxt Conn. Suething against Uunsburg.
At the first recess of the tour
nament, which was taken at 1
o'clock this afternoon,v only one rant
had been decided, that between the plsytrs
engaged on ths last board. In which Ouns.
berg resigned to Suething. While Pills
bury hsd a decided advantage on the fifth
board against Poplel, it could be said that
the rest of the games were left in even
Collins Wins, Finals.
CHICAGO. July 26-Kriegh Collins won
the finals In singles of the Western Ten
nis tournament by defeating L. H. Wald
ner in three straight sets. 6-2, 6-2. 6-0.
In the seml-Anals in doubles. Little and
Alexander won from Emerson and Dlehl.
6-4 8-6, 6-4.
Waldner and Collins defeated T. Emer
son and Miller, 6-4, 6-2. 66-3.
The championship round In singles be
tween H. D. Little and Collins will be
played next Tuesday, while the champion
ship In doubles will be on Monday.
Australia Wins Teat Crleket.
LONDON, July 26. Austrslla won the
test cricket match with Allen Gland In
three ruuiiua. The finirth was the moat
sensational ever witnessed In England. This
rrornlng the Auatralians were dismissed
for thirty-six rounds in their second In
nings and the Englishmen set about the
task of making up the 13 runs which were
required to make them winners, but thay
baiely failed to accomplish tills, owing to
a rain-sodden wlckst.
tree' Railway Men Forced to Run
Their Aannnl Outlngr In Two
The Omaha Street railway trainmen bavs
postponed their annual picnic Jrom yester
day afternoon until next Saturday. The
brakes were put on because of the rain
and after a large crowd had gathered and
the game had been played. Many went to
Krug park, where the plcnlo waa to hav
been pulled off as early as I o'cloek Sat
urday, and these had several hours of en
joyment before the rain. A special train
took out the ball teams and a band at 12
o'clock and others went as fast as they
were relieved from thetr duties. The ball
gams was a hotly contested affair between
the Ames avenue team and the Walnut Hill
boys. The score was 12 to 10 In favor of
the Walnut Hill brigade. Th line-up was
as follows:
Walnut Hill.
Brewster ...
Ballham ....
Ames Avenue.
.... Short Doyle
Kltxoatrlck Third Boyle
Wagenen Right Blackwell
Bolan Center ;. Vomvig
Stltta Left Bail
Cloalna- Day of Grand Circuit Char,
actcrlscd by Desperate and Long;
Drawn-Out Straggle.
July 26. The closing day
or the best race meeting Cleveland
ever known- was chsracterlsed by a des
perate and long-drawn-out atrujgle for
supremacy In the 2:21 Dace. Dandy Chimes
from the Geers stable, was the favorite
and began his loslna in the second heat.
when the driver was caught napping at the
wire. King Charles managed to last sn
ot her heat and then Sylvlaone came to the
front. Dandy Chimes was freshest for the
nttn neat, but was outraced by HylviaOn
n tne succeeding trips. The winner was a
12 to 1 shot when the race began. The
Roman kept up his winning streak, started
early In the season, and had no trouble In
taking the 2:18 trot when th time came
lie was an odils-on favorite.
Martha Marshall, never tsken seriously
In the betting, landed the split-up race.
Sphynx 8 waa the pick and lost by a break
a few feet from the rinlah. Martha Mar
shall showed sliced the entire trip, but
showed badly In getting away In the third
and fourth heats, and ins manner In which
she overhauled the leaders was one of tb
peat enoria or the week.
The play In the fourth race waa niada on
ine vueation, while Belay Tell waa en
tirely overlooked. UrCarihr did not have
to drive hard to win either heat, while The
Queetor could only contend in th opening
Poteen was dangerous la th first beat
csl department of the Ohio unlvetsity In
18!9 and he did not graduate from that in
stitution until 1900. .
There Is no truth In th charge that he
participated in the revolution of 1809. I
have wired to J. J. Hill, asalstant secretary
of state, requesting him to notify our min
is r to Nicaragua and see that Dr. Wilson
Is accorded a full and fair trial for his life.
WASHINGTON. July 26. Senor Corea,
the Nlcarsguan minister, today Informed
Acting Secretary of State Hill that his gov
ernment has accepted the minister's rec
oramedatlon relative to the postponement
of any final measures In the case of Dr,
Russrll Wilson, the American captured
with a filibustering party near Blueflelds,
until all the rights be has under th law
hav been Invoked. Furthermore, Presi
dent Zelaya showed the confidence h felt
In his minister here by Indicating his
purpose to be bound in the flnsl disposition
of Wilson's case by th minister's recom
mendation. Spanish-American Veteraa.
FHILACELFHIA, July 2.-It waa an
nounced here today that the third annual
encampment of the Spanish-American War
Veterans win be held In Indlnnapolls on
September 22. 23 and 24. President R?:
veft has written that he expects to attend,
the encampment on September 28.
Stearns7 Electric
Kat and Boach Paste
and die out of th bouse On Ingredient
dries tip their bodies, leaving no odor.
It is a safe and sure exterminator also of Mice,
Water Bugs, Croton Bugs, Cockroaches and all other
vermin, it has been in general use in houses, stores,
hotels, factories, offices, public buildings, etc, tor
twenty-five years. Absolutely guaranteed.
etai it I r"MVI a Substitute and Imttetlwi ar worthless.
CAUTION. UiM sa 6TCAXNS' ELECTRIC; Ukt sstala (Is.
ts oonts a box at DrurelsU "n Grocers or sent direct by Express prepaid.
lets Uant a
Miner May Sek to Impeach
Jackson of West
' Virginia.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. July 2. The
United Mine Workers may try to obtain
th Impeachment ot Federal Judge Jackson
of West Virginia, who restrained them
from holding meetings to indue men to
quit work and imprisoned a number of the
organisers for violating an injunction.
The plan of action is not definitely out
lined, but It Is probable that the Impeach
ment proceedings will b begun soon, if
Judge Jackson after a final hearing refuses
to dissolve th Injunction.
Secretary Wilson admitted that the min
ers contemplate this course and that a
complete transcript ot the case. Including
tb complaints and Judge Jackson's de
cision, will be prepared tor submission to
President Roosevelt and the senate. The
miners also intend to give to the public
the evidence in the case.
Wilson says that the miners will not
ask President Roosevelt to interfere with
the injunction, as be says they realize the
president is without power ss to in
junctions, but if the habeas corpus pro
ceedings fall to release the organisers th
president will be asked to pardon them.
The habeas corpus proceedings will be
begun as soon as the papers can be made
Reeemmenals Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
About eighteen months ago Mr. W. S.
Manning ot Albany, N. Y., widely Known in
trade circles as the representative of the
Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a
protracted attack of diarrhoea. "I tried
Cbamberiajn's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy," he says, "and obtained Immediate
relief. I cheerfully recommend this medi
cine to tho similarly afflicted."
Get one that has an identity, Cohimbus
Buggy Co., Watertown Carriage Co., Ra
cine Wagon and Carriage Co, and Moon
Bros' work will give you style and service
and you know what you are buying.
We have the largest stocK and variety
ot Automobibes in the Middle West.
The leaders in Bicycles and have the
largest stock of Phonographs and Records to
choose from in Omaha.
15th and Capitol Avenue, Omaha.
A night cap
A. night cap is all right If U s Uo.d Top,
Bottled Beer. It means sound sleep and
pleasant dreams. Drink It freely-you'U
never li&ve a headache In the morning.
South Omaha, Neb. 'Pljon 8.
Omaha Office, "Phone 1642.
Wholesale Dealer, 101S Main Street,
Council Bluffs. "Phone 80.
Exeentlv Conncll ( Amerleaa Fed
eration f Lab.r Take
Action on Bnhjert.
BAN FRANCISCO. July 26. The execu
tlve council of the American Federation of
Labor, in session here, has adopted a reso
lution supporting any legislation havlug for
its purpose th abolition of child labor lu
states where such laws do not now exist.
In the matter of the request for the
revocation cf the charter of the Amalga
mated Society of Engineers, the council
decided to notify the latter body that un
less, by October 1, it concedes full I fade
Jurisdiction to th organisations named in
lb matter of trades disputes, such as
iacreas of wages, threatened reductions or
DR. McGREW (Ags 53)
Diseases sal iMas.M"s -t Main Walr.
g Tears amrrlenc. 1 Tears In
saiest and moat ualural that Umm yet been
elscavered. No pain whatever, no cutting
sad doe not Interisrs wlta work or tuai
j,ea. Treatment at office or at aom sea
ytirms" " cur g uaxaaiMd.
Hot Springs Treatment (or Syphilis
And all Blood Dlseafces. No "BRhiAKlNQ
OUT" on tiie akin or lace and ail external
aiana of tne disease duutpir at onoe. A
treatment lna la snore aMMtui sua far
uore aaOatavelory lhn tne "old form of
trelTnJenT and at '.. tuun HALF TMsS
COST. A cur that I guaranteed to U
permanent for life. i
i :..(. J 1 !.flcase cured of .nervous
UVUl aUiUUUu.oJUty, loss at vitauty
... eti uiuiauuiai weaknesses of eoea,
BHriolure, tiitet, Kidney anil iiladder lim-
UyAMMieie. Ouretl itermatneoiiy.
(jtsAJtUKa LuW, SMIU A'tIM r'HKla.
Treatment by mlL P; O- Boa Ttc
Ortloe vr 118 k Hth WW" '
ana tnww .
'Solid Comfort
Mir -jj.
fl mHali.irtt
i uiui'Mi una
e c m
Ensajlr sf yr naareat Cstlraa! '
, Ticket Ajeat ar writ
Oen'l Wee tern Peee'r Ages
103 Adams Street, Chicago