THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1902. eMTIT Music Dept. Thirty Phones Ring up 137 We carry a complete line of all popular and classic music, sold at 40 and 50 per cent discount from publish ers' price. Musical instruc tion books. If we haven't it we'll get It. Second Floor. I'6I2 cV HARNEY, STS. 4 rnrmnnw HEADING at 3 ENNETT'S 'he present is a critical and interesting time, especially, in merchandising. Buyers feel that they are coming to the parting of the ways, and over all there is a consuming eagerness of expectancy for unparalleled FALL business. Our summer stocks must speedily be swept out. Our up-to-date business policy Impels drastic measures for the securing of needed space for needed goods. You have still something like 60 days ahead for summer wearables. We haven't over 20 days for the getting rid of them. Our clothing, dry joods and women's cloak departments are teeming with late-summer bargains. Secure them. It's here and now where the very best can be bought for the very least. IT TT IT Trs TTN CO 11 Mil 1 LJI 11 - J I HOT I ij 1 iw Dry Goods Departments We never learned the old fogy idea of holding goods until we get our once for them. "Every season - must take care of itself" is our motto. ' The end of our summer dry goods season is drawing near and the dry goods must go. Women's Summer Waists Fancy Hose Our low prices on waists were cut in two long ago. Now comes our bet ter ones. We had by far the larg est and handsomest lot of women's summer waists ever shown In Oma ha. Our entire stock from $2.00 up is divided into three prices and these prices do not represent the work of making if ' Sd69:.!"5.... U Foulard Silk Dresses Every one of them is marked at less than cost price. Wash Suits and Skirts Every one of them is marked at less than cost price. Women's Gloves Plain and lace lisle, colors white, gray, mode and tan worth 35c to 50c H&if In all colors, figures and striped, also dropped stitch, double soles and hicrh snliced ankle, worth from 50c to $1.00 on sale Monday, ' at 45c Women's Vests Lisle thread lace yokes, ribbon trim med in white, pink ' and blue regular 45c quality, at Boys' Wash Waists Blouse shirt and Mother's Friend styles all colors A splendid quality, CjL. at Women's Collars The soft little ones in white linen and rancy. uur entire stock worth up to 75c at 19 cents; 10 cents, and " Price 10 Cents. Fine Summer Dress Goods 5c Wool Dress Goods Gaze ,de soie, colors pink, white, cream, black, lavender, royalresedl green, red and gray a bargain at 50c, Monday i, lUTaifirncui 30c Fifty pieces of cheviots, henrietta, Venetians, canvas, granites and fancies, worth from 75c ' to fl.00. all at Women's Stockings Fast' black lisle, high spliced heels, and double soles in plain and dropped stitch the regular 35c quality Monday Fancy Lisle Hose In plain and dropped stitch, double sole and toe the 35c -d quality Special B A'y (3 3.1 6 48c it yiu.ii! auu 23c Dimities, Lawns and Fancy Wash Goods All that' we were selling at 15c to 20c on Monday . 10c Imported Swisses Sheer stripes and fancy yY figures worth 50c, I 7 at Percales The best quality made full wide. Sold everywhere at 15c Monday for yard 8c Bargains at every turn, in the Dry Goods Department Sporting Goods at Cut Down Prices Hammer Guns, up from... 8.25 Single Barrel Guns up from 5.00 Colt's Revolvers, Ammunition, Uunting Clothing, Gun Implements, Tents, Wagon Covers, Tackle, Base Ball . Everything for the hunter and the athlete, Millinery Tomorrow we open an advance showing of fall styles. This should interest every lover of pretty head gear who has an intelli gent "eye" on the future. Come and see it. A pretty short back Fedora Hat, called the Knowl- ton hat, comes in. black, stone and tan, nnH hns two color bindings. It is an ele m - C3 gantly fine felt hat and it's worth a . bit more money. $3.50, and $2.75 rri 30 PHONES RINQ UP 137 ir Bennett Sells Pianos Some Real Live Monday Facts About Ben nett's Pianos and Organs. A Mason & Hamlin Organ for $15.00 A Mason & Hamlin Organ for $25.00 A Whitney and Holmes Organ for $35.00 A Chicago Cottage Organ, good as new for. . $42.00 One United Makers Square Grand Piano for $45.00 One Sample Piano Mahogany Case for. . . . .$127.00 u L We have a number of returned from rental and concert used Pianos we'll sell them at a ionf-$2l0, $200, $193, $184 and $168 Our Ttrletles embrace all the low priced GOOD PIANOS of the day up to tbe fine old standard! The EVERETT, lvers ft Fond, Starr, Smith Barnes, Llndeman and Jewett, etc., etc. Our strictly one price plan necessitates the proper grading of Pianos, also the lowest possible prices on each grade. This means that every advantage Is offered every customer and 'the same price Is ab solute to the unknowing as well as to the expert. Have you heard the wonderful Chase ft Baker Piano Player? Tou 'haven't full knowledge till you've heard this entrancing device. On $5.00 monthly payment plan It desired. . Value received or money refunded. A reputation to sustainnot one to make. I Thundering Jewelry Reductions Watch the bargain table tomorrow. New Shirt Waist Sets, dozen designs to pick from, only.. 22c Sterling Silver Thimbles, cut down to 25c 14 k gold filled link Buttons, worth $1.60, tomorrow 59j New, fresh designs in fancy'. etone and enameled Hat Pins, our every-day price 48c, Monday's cut 25c Solid Nickel Silver Teaspoons, just about half price.. 48c Solid Nickel Silver Table poons, price cut In two 98 J Examine our line or Bona Gold Jewelry. Look at the prices. They are less than you'll find In the state. Mala Floor. LULU Woodenware Dept. ment. Folding Step-Ladder Chair 98c Eight-drawer Spice Cabinet 50c Large size Willow Clothes Basket. 68c Wood Lemon Squeezer. 6c Feather Duster. 8c. Fancy Clothes Hamper 98c Special Low Prices on Our Refrigerators. Trunk Department Ma&or Special Bargain In This De partment (or Monday. , Steel bound Trunk, SS-incn size, covered tray and leather straps, extra dress tray, a very strong trunk for $4.98 Fancy metal covered Trunk. S 1.68 Press Suit Case ,..$1.48 Trunk Straps, I ft and 9 ft.... 35c Csnvss Telescopes, up from... -20c No better line of fine leather goods to be found In Omaha. . Our prices are always the lowest.. Some Desirables from the Drug Dept. We are showing some special lines In Brushes for the bath. . They make you feel the cooler to look at them. LINER'S PATENT CURVED BACK BRUSHES, two rows bristles, for..6Sc Liner's Patent Wide Curved Back, three r ows bristles 75a Liner's Pstent Wide Curved Back, tour rows bristles, $1.00 Loofaha Sponges, unmounted, 10c mounted t 'J5t BATH SPONGES, Medlteransan Bleached Wools, Genuine Msndrukss. POTTER S SPONGES AND SILK TOILET SPONGES. ALL AT LOWER PRICES THAN YOU WILL FIND ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. Sea Salt. SPECIAL TEN-POUND SACKS, TWENTY CENTS A handful of this In your bath will bring the glories of Atlantic City to your Imagination. HI Y V .It' V?. :vS' 132 Ctexr. ?l Reductions ) 4) we want to make Monday one or our very biggest shoe bargain clays. Here are the goods you want. Here are the prices much less than you'd willingly pay. We have the right kind of summer footwear. Our $3.50 Patent Leather Oxfords at $2.80 Our $3.50 velour calf, bright stitch, Oxfords at $2.80 Our $3.00 Box Calf Oxfords at .' . $2.40 Our ?3.00 Vici Kid Oxfords at , . . $2.40 Our' $2.50 Southern Tie Oxfords, welt sole $2.00 Our $2.00 Plain Toe Oxfords $1.60 Men's Ideal Kid Shoes, hand welt sole, dull kid top, very dressy, guaranteed to be as good as any $6.00 shoe our price $4.00 Men's Fine Kid Shoes, welt sole with medium extension, in straight or swing last, cheap at $4.00, only k $3.50 Men's Fatent Colt Shoe light weight, welt sole, up-to-date last $3.00 Men's Franklin Vici Kid Shoes, in light or heavy weight sole $2.50 Men's Strong Calf Shoes, made for rough wear, guaranteed in every respect, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and ...$1.00 Main Floor. Crockery Dept... Second Floor. A raid-summer bargain boom in Ball Bros.' machine made Mason Fruit Jafs. Now is the time to lay in your store of jars for pre serving. "' " " ' '"' ' , ' Pints, per dozen, 40 cents. Quarts, per dozen, 50 cents. ' Half-Gallons, per dozen, 70 Cents. Seasonable Summer Sale Semi-Porcelain Water Pitchers 1- quart 10c 2- quart...: 15c 3 quart 20c Assortment of Plain and Fancy Pitchers.. 9c Special Drive-Old Blue Flemish Water Coolers, choice of 2-gal., S-gal. or4-gal., $1.50 I'K ? y y y.iy A Furniture A y ' n; r-, At This handsome Lawn and Veranda Rocker, ex actly like cut, . in natural or color finishes, double woven cane seat, made very strong and durable, on sale Monday and Tuesday at 1.95 COUCH Elegant massive, -solid oak frame, carved claw legs, extra wide, covered in fine grade of velour, guaranteed steel con struction, ' on sale Monday and Tuesday 9.85 Grocery Specials A Big Honey Special Monday Two thousand frames of honey, somewhat sugar ed. but of Cue quallt y. Nothing better for cakes or hot biscuits Is buyable. As lot) i as the supply It JC 9c holds out, 10c a frame. Defiance Starch, per package A sleeve or shirt waist ironing board with three packages. Teas and Coffees. Teas your choice, pound 1... Coffees, fresh roasted, good drink, pound. ,38c 12c Candy Special Caramels 8c lb. y) 1 6 H AR N EY. Sl2 0 F4 AH A On Monday we place on sale several hundred ponndaof Wrapped Caramels, fresh made 8c per pound. Stationery Dept. Writing Tsblets. containing a .itra Bee grade of satin and linen , flntaa paper, our regular price lOo each, special for Monday only DC 4c Crape Paper, assorted colors, a regular lOo roll spsclal tot Monday only, I rolls for 10o each Mala Fleer. i