Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1902, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Sent Free
to Men.
he U a charter member. For thlt reason
when "Snowball" heard the bartender In
the saloon at 903 Capitol avenue make a
remark last nlubt which he construed Into
"JW Bvgtem of Ohtckina: Telephone "",tion that the bartender could lick
Uporators Kakti TronbH, . hurt And orealon
of hit resentment he store In the entire
V T.t.i -... . I MISTAKES ANn DTI AYS HIT IN ON PV "" 'root of the saloon. And then "Tone
. "J"'" f,417T. ln 1 " mt with the- old wagon to take Boston
I over where ho could curl up against the
Dissatisfaction Over Working ( man I bam In the old corner. and go to sleep.
Ceases Talk f tnloa Avon the
Enanloyea at tne Loral
Central Station. I Behednle Flnallr Arranged and I.ait
overy Mailed to Every Man
ocnuing name and Ada re
Quickly Restored Strength
and Vigor.
re trial parka res of a moat remark.
Jbla ram,! m being mailed to all wha
vtt- th Stat Medical Iaetltute. They
trod aa manjr man who had battled lor
Aanonneement of Promoters
la Made.
The "Joker system" la causing dissatis
faction among the young women operators
at tns leiepnone excnange. ur ma iuu gina i it took two railroad officials and a com
employed there. It la said that not more mlttee from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to
than ten have been In the service of the flnallr arrange the schedule for the special
company more than a year, while a majority I train which leaves Omaha for Deadwood
of them are "new," their names having I Tuesday evening, and the work was not
been added to the payrolls within the last ended until late In the afternoon Saturday
few weeks. This explains the somewhat er- I and the schedule made ready for the
I ratio service noticed of late. The operators (printer.
I are Inexperienced. ' I Before the schedule waa arranged It was
The "Joker system" ts a system of esplon- decided to make up a train of sleepers, there
ge by Which the company "keeps tab" n being two tourist sleepers and two stand
Its operators and regulates their pay ac- ard sleepers In the train. The rate for
cording to the errors made. One young tourlat sleepers will be $5 for the round trip
woman is designated as the "detective." 1 and for the standard sleepers $10. A nura-
VL't K a.Mn.wMtH In kinil ihi mm Kn fnr I v.. ..111 K I I. ., .
fc . m I . a. B.wir- f.n.u aw wuv h . w w.ut vi WUI-H n III MMFUIllBUI luril HUB
m w nniicna M n r wm u ajt I ti . j . i . ..... ..... i
wm m. v, v. inmini nin. i board whim la connected with the switcn- l bands, and if a sufflclent number are se-
ty fP h mental and physical suf- j boards of the operators. The Instant a sub-1 cured one car will be set aside for men ac
fc-aVldedti d T At the time the
kei to aa who write. It la a home treat- (starts her stop-watch. If more than three schedule was completed the number of
.Jm . 1 ' ,m " w h u , .TT'i0 , " 1i I seconds elapse before the operator answers I names of excursionists reported to Trees
fruitful folly, premature loaa of alrenrtu l notation or. mis laci is maae on me op-i urer penroia aggregatea eignty-nve, leaving
and hierftory. weak back, varloocole. or I orator's te rlln and her aalarr is reduced hut fifteen tickets tn he sold tn make un
atpaf? W b proportion to the number of notations. the party as first planned. It Is now an
nas a vecuiiavir vraierui er- nut me aeiecims; oi urar bobwctb boi nouncea mai persons ao noi nave o noia
fVooMonSTTna' t ith1alvj tn oB,y DUln of tlT. She also memberships In any of the organisations
iuat whaa M is 'vMod. It marks the operators on the following lapses: uniting for the excursion, but anyone may
- rT . ... . j I ... ... . .... I . . ... ...
li's ana vrouQies mac comt Ftuurt to aisconnect tne -pnone wimin i purchase tickets and take advantage or tne
beoniui abMluia eucAeVs In tnre " after the subscriber has trip especially arranged by the promoters
m to the Wat Medlnal ceased speaklni
Few Pita of th City TrMnrr Worki Lika
t, Charm..
Dellaqaeata Peraoaal Aeesaat
Klek, bat Get Credit for the
' Asnooat Dae the City
Jaat the "ante.
n.l. atntia
i . i r T
T ri4 1'
riuaaf to the Htata
r l . . . . j .... . -. . t. . i - i -
(hli iti JhM? ber' citing oft before the subscriber has for the money expended. Tickets may be
kagea will Ta com pi;
ptmr.tiJr1Tha Inatltuta la deal
n""l&s! Tnat rretit olaaa of men who are
speaking, the giving of wrong num- to secure the moat sightseeing and pleasure
i piled with ceased speaking, "plugging In," or switching procured from H. J. Penfold or from any
diWIreue of I on a connection before the subscriber has I member of the Ak-Sar-Ben hustling com-
lb e"V Wr&Sr l.t0 aV2 e4 -P-kto. re to repeat the num- mlttee.
f h4 fra fjunpia will enabta tham to see I ber, Interrupting a conversation, being un- Following Is the time card as finally ar-
fT!. I H" . oTa ( Pua4 wee a- unneceaiarr talk, failure to teat nn.eH- Tv. Ih. Wehater street deoot
m. m nen in. rirn..F mitimi i am am. I ' ' i - c - - - - -
natituXe piakoj no reatrto- connections to see If lines are still In use, Omaha, at 9 p. m. Tuesday, July 29; arrive
haTt no
Uona. Any tnaA who wrlua will fee seat I u.ln. the word "helloo." uslnsr the term ini pine 7 a. m. Wednnulav. Julv 20. cen
ear of embaraasmeot or nubllcnty. ReiAi
ra.jr5Auol4 U.wriu without. daiy.
all right."
bows Up In tbe Par Roll
tral time; leave Long Pine at 7 a. m., moun
tain time; arrive Alnsworth 7:22, leave 7:87;
. I . tndn.t.wn T'KK l.iv 0 -1 ft Arrive
It will bo seen from the foregoing that v,ientlrH ,.ls leave '9:30. .rrlv.' Gordon
12:30, leave 12:86; arrive RusUvllle 1:10,
Buffalo Gap 4:65, leave 6:05; arrive Hot
. .. . ... .. m,r"c ! Sorlnr. 6:46. leave 12:01 Thursday, July 81,
can get tnrougn wits tne momn wimout i - , - .... ...,.
...4 . .t.. h.U ..n iVl-. -.
against her, which Is another way of say-
there are an even dosen ways in which an
operator can bo derelict In her duty, and ; x
the "Joker system" is so cunningly devised 1. arrlv; chadron
that It 11 little short of a miracle it a girl
Sturgls 9:25, leave 10:10; arrive Whltewood
10:25, leave 10:60; arrive Deadwood 11:30 a.
m.,' leave 1:80 m. Friday, August 1.
The schedule of the return trip will be:
Arrive Hot Springs 6:00 p. m., leave 12 mid
night; arrive Alliance 9 a. m. Saturday,
lng that a girl seldom draws her full quota
of pay 136,
"We never know until tbe end of the
month whether we are to draw (36 or $25
... . -.. . .. ..... i
tig ..m en. 77. 1 J. "This August 2, Usvo 8 a.m.; arrive Hyannl. 9:36
$16 said one of the opantori. This I nMtofA .00 noon ver, ".".leave 12:12; arrive Broken Bow 2:30, leave
to such a pass that a gtr won t atay there J MM 8 6g ,eave 4.10.'.rrlv,
,:Z. v". v.' . " - ..t,i- ii.. i Mason 4:23 leave 4:33; arrive UltcBneld
intiro nee m.. , ah 4:50. leave 6:00; arrive Ravannft 6:29, leave
last week or so of organising a union. All ' , ' " . , . . .... ....
.h- .1,1. h... re. hw h. en.r.tor. at l "-ve Grnd l8land ,-49' le"e 7 25'
r .u v.. arrive Omaha 11:45 p. m. Saturday
1 Cl. I". 1 n A AA 1 UVm nUlUDI WVH WB" UBUl. Muu Ham
pi. ri, ub I ... .. . . I
a juinneapous Minn i.hj inu miu eiu tiKrai.ttuui, m if irimrncccT t Ulh-S I HI1I1M I
il)-Ik Mlnnetonka 10 26 I ment originated with the girls who have I oAtNutnrLO I HI KiCOl rum l
ir"Si",n,7Vu:-;u.-;- 4-2 others or brothers who are member, of
11 taivcs iiiini ai ii.ii. a.Aanv a luuaa uv I . . . . . . .
(ttwaseca. Minn. 7.W labor organisations, ana tnese say mat we
(1) Duluth,-Minn. .a 18.80 I could organise under the protection of
11; w innifx.sT, AiHniiouat
r-1 . n . TaIt. Taw. B t
Spirit Lake, Iowaim!!I!!!!i!Illl!!'.l!i!. 8.00 way things look now nothing will come of
(2) Waupaca, Wis 20.96 It. The trouble is there are so msay new
"h-?1 wauaee. v ur , alrls that we don't dare make the move
(2)--Port Huron!'Mich.'..!!".'.'."i;!!!!!." S2!o6 went general, because we don't know p,ace ,t weBt point August 8, 9 and 10,
2)-Burralo, N, Y 41.60 whom we can trust. - We are afraid that wln be tne m0Bt notable event of this de-
W) uuuuque. lowa ju.iu i vr"w -"..- . I orasaa. uominw rauimiiitti
Rates above named are for round trlD I aaer with tbe tale;- I.. nn the nmmm tar several weeks
U?,k?.. ..I., a ..- .,, .-.o.. "About a year ago there was dlssatlsr Dait. ,nd as a result they have secured
' 1-ioth, lncl. Return, Oct. lat ' On' other vnnt tbe girls . over an- tn ,Q,iUlon to the Llederkrans of West
nays in juiy ana August rate win do one I omer mauer, ana we . taiaea oi I p0nt the following named singing societies
Nebraska Sinking Roeletles Expect
Reeord-BreaklosT Time at
Their Meeting;.
The approaching saengerfeat of the Ne
braska Singing societies, which will take
someone whcn wln tak0 part: Orpheus, Omaha;
fare plus 83.00.
.n. . . . . . . ..I.. .It r. . . Ava 1- n.
tuVrTKSt Slat "" tipped it off and the manager made us Llederkrans. Orand Island; Maennerchor.
(3) Dates of sale: August 8-7th, inclusive. a speech, tn which he threatened to die-1 Schuyler; Oermania, Stanton; Llederkranz,
Aiao circuit tours vm jjuium or inicago miss any gin wno took any part in u or l Scrlbner and Mannerchor, Madison, foi
:;nmtat talked . bout it. This scared them Iowln8 ;r. th. principal soloists: Mis.
Minnesota, Wisconsin North Dakota and nd the matter wasn t
eastern Dolnts.
Write us where you are going and we
will be alad to Rive you full Information.
.Let us make your Sleeping Car or Steamer
reservations in advance.
Call at Illinois Central City Ticket Office,
P. O. J403 arnam nireei, or a area,
' Diet Pass. Agt., 111. Cent. R. R.,
Omaha, Neb.
mentioned after- I Electa Otltord, prima donna soprano, with
ward. I hardly think It could be carried I both European and American reputation
Miss Carrie Bridewell of the Metropolitan
Opera company, one of America's greatest
to a successful Issue now.1
What tbe Company Wants.
.-.!... TL'llllam A TYnwlAnit Well
Vance Lane, general manager of the com I " ,.',.- Qn Prnf wmiam
H. Sherwood, piano soloist.
joaer sysiem. ' i estaoiianea it myseu 1 . ,, ,,.. v.. a .,,
'Joker system
a few months ago,
said he, "and I under-
Fort Crook, the West Point band and the
There 'i better war than
medicine to rid your face ot
those untightlj blotches
It opens the poret of the
(Un, enabling them to throw
off the impurities of the body.
DmiCTiONi. Soap the
face well, rinse with hot
water, then with cold. Dry
Three aim taoadry, teet
beta ka4 toilet, C aval
toilet, 5C
The Cudaht Paccimo Co.
Omaha.. .Unw Oty.
stand that it la working admirably. W Cadet . wlll furnlsh tne ln8trumental
music. Excursions wlll be run on Sunday,
August 10, from Omaha, Fremont and Nor
folk. The Omaha excursion will leave Bun
day morning, returning Sunday evening and
course some of the young women find it
objectionable, but they are the drones and
Incompetents. The really competent ones
do not object to it, because It does not af
fect them. The purpose of It is to Improve h rat0 $1 M for the roun(1 trp.
the service. , We want a ''three aecond I
service,' and. while we haven't reached COULDN'T DODGE THE RAIN
I T .. " "
Succeed. n... v-tmtm R.Ahanare Brlnai Off fta
Postpoaed Plcale la Am
other Shower
Memories of tbo Terrible Slanooa of
1804 CoBtraateeV with Exist,
las; Conditions.
Is a com Dan Ion ana can
delight la, It Is bubbling and sparUlnl.
Contains all tna qualities ol tha pur
Kca of grapes aaturafly Icrtnartts4l
s ittcacy ol fUvor tussqualUa.
The members of tbe Real Estate ex
change who went to Arlington Thursday
of last week and tried to have a picnic
and who came home with enough moisture
If there bo any man In Nebraska who on . them to make Kansas a wet state,
feels dissatisfied with tbe eondlttons that finished up their plcnlo In another rain
prevail this morning, let htm, for comfort, storm Saturday afternoon at Courtland
look back to the condition that prevailed I Beach. Over luo maae tne secona attempt,
on the morning of this day olght years I and though It was too wet to have the
ago the morning after the hot wind that I scheduled ball game, the afternoon was
made July 28, 1834, a memorable day In I enjoyably spent In races, winding up last
Nebraska history. night with dance. These won prizes:
Where bow. prevails a verdant condi- Mrs. W. H. Gates, egg race for women;
tloa that amounts to luxurlancs. there wss Miss Ruth Johnson, girls egg race; W
then a parched waste, awful In its portent. I F. Johnson, gentlemen's egg race; Richard
All animal life was literally prostrate and Allen, boys' egg race. In the toot races
panting from, the effects of a wind that I these were successful: rs. u. u. Doom,
had blown fiercely for fortr-elcht hours. Mabel Shrlver, Roy George, Kicnara Alien
while the mercury mounted from 90 to I In the potato races these won: Mrs. W.
10S deareaa above aero, and would not TP. Johnson. L. P. Bostwlck, Roy Allen. A
down. Blasts from 4he furnace ot the lunch was served In tbe pavilion.
Inferno could not have seemed more ter- I
. . . .... . . , . , . . I UIBilfi
rime, (m vuu . ui vuv uiuruiug iuivu
as cromlslng fields of eorn as ths eve of
... .,.. v. .... I vf T'T.VTHTT.T. John P.. aaed. 44 years.
. . . .. . . ., r uurni luuiiunt . yuii . a v .ww . ....
morning uersaiter iigntea a scene or from f,mlly regwience, 1111 fl. 8th St., to
devastation that filled with fear and dread St. Philomena church.. Interment, Holy
the soul of every man and woman old Bepucher cemetery.
; v .. v a -.v.. . I SPEKD-Marv. daughter of E. W. and
r"V ; , iw . a iv a . ii I Mary Spencer Sped. aged 9 years, from
The dead stalks and withered foliage au- appendicitis, on Friday, July 26, 1902.
rured the day of want that waa not long! Funeral from home of family. 1633 Park
tvenue, nunoay, juiy ii, ivu. oervic
vate. Interment at Forest Lawn.
la coming.
practically a failure and with this sudden
blasting of hopes for a second time the
state that is now ths most favored of all
was forced to the embarrassments of
charity. Ths country weeklies ot other
states religiously circulated tbe tales of
Nebraska farmers who were following
plows In ether people's wornout . dress
suits and magaslne writers sombtned tacts
with fancies to make tales that branded
as desperate and dangerous a people whose
honest pride had already suffered quite
... . t . . v .V A ..A .1..
.... - .... w n.. .-a I All taav ae tn.u buw uu uu
n ..: !Pm ,h- heel 3 abiA vou ot ths ruin remains, but the day live, in
vv hail on. Plain or pleated I mamarv and la a causa for thanksgiving. It
bosoma all colors ana tne una me
tit perfectly.
The plan recently adopted ot deducting
personal taxes from warrants Issued to
those having salaries or claims coming
from the city Is working like a charm, al
though In some Instances It Jars the holder
of a warrant pretty hard.
There was an Instance yesterday at the
treasurer's office which caused a laugh. A
claimant applied to tbe clerk for his war
rant, which called for $12. When the
warrant was presented to the treasurer
the personal tax book waa scanned and a
little figuring showed that the claimant
had Just 7 cents coming to him. There
was another case a Utile later on in the
day, where a claimant had (IS coming.
When the personal tax was looked up It
was found thst the holder of this warrant
owed $94, and so tbe authorities just
confiscated the warrant and applied It on
the tlx account.
Since this plan went Into effect quite a
sum has been collected on account ot
personal taxes and more will be col.
lected as soon aa tbe council allows some
more bills. One thing the order has done,
end that is to cause every employe of
the city to pay up personal taxes. ;
In some cases employes have neglected
to pay taxes while drawing a monthly
salary from the city. In addition to the
collecting of personal taxes In this way
the treasurer is sending out notices to
those who. are delinquent, and If no at
tention Is paid to these within a reason
able time a collector will be appointed
to go after tbe delinquents. As a general
thing taxes are being paid In this year
In much better shape than for a number
of years past.
Meet Sadden Death.
Herbert Jodett and Joseph Seykbra met
death yesterday afternoon while digging
a cesspool on the premises ot John Henry
Loechner at Twenty-first and 8 streeta.
According to the directions from- Mr,
Loechner, the men commenced to dig a
new cesspool within two feet ot the old
one, which was full. When the well had
been sunk about fourteen feet there was
a cave-In, letting In about six feet ot
refuse from the old cesspool. The two
men were at the bottom of the well at
the time and were overcome by noxious
gases and drowned aa well. It was some
little time before those In the neighbor
hood discovered the accident, as the dirt
oaved in so suddenly that the two men
at the bottom of the pit had no time to
cry for help.
As soon as the discovery was made
neighbors went to work to rescue, the
bodies. Undertaker Brewer removed the
bodies to the morgue end notified Coroner
Bralley. The coroner wlll make an In
vestigation and decide today whether an
Inquest wlll be necessary.
Jodelt waa formerly a member, of the
police force, while Seykora last year was
janitor at the Brown Park school build
ing. . . '
New Steel Bridge.
The steel viaduct across the tracks at
Thirty-sixth street, being constructed by
the Elkhorn railroad, la nearly completed
Three of the five spans are now in place
and It is expected that the other two spans
wlll be In position within thirty days. Two
of the spans are 106 feet in length, one is
ninety-four feet long and two others sev
enty feet In length. . The bridge, when com
pletad, will be. Including approaches, over
1.000 feet long and will have a width 'of
twenty-two feet i
Work was commenced on this bridge a out
a year ago. Tbe piers are set on concrete
and are built of stone and steeL This
bridge will span the tracks from a point
Just south of A street1 to .the north line of
D street. Work Is also progressing rapidly
on the boulevard viaduct, but the Thirty
sixth street bridge wlll be completed first
as ths material for its construction is all
on the ground. '
Bids for Paving.
Bids for the repairing of Twenty-fourth
street with asphalt wlll be received by the
city clerk up to noon on Monday. It Is
estimated' that the work wlll cost about
12,000. For a number ot years past an
Omaha company has secured the contract
tor this work, but this year there may be
a change. '
An agent tor an eastern concern was in
the city yesterday looking over the street
and making Inquiries -about the specifics
tlons. It Is understood that this agent will
submit a bid on Monday with a view to In
troducing a new process of asphalt paving
tn this section of tbe country. As the'ro is
money on hand to pay for the work aa soon
as completed tbe council will doubtless let
the contract on Monday sight In order that
the street msy be placed tn a passable con
dition as soon as possible.
Memorial Services.
On Monday evening Phil Kearney poet No.
I, Grand Army of the Republic, wlll hold
memorial services in honor ot the comrades
who have died within the last year. All
old soldiers and sailors and famillea and
friends of deceased comrades are invited to
attend these services. Captain Etter wlll
have charge.
Anthracite Scarce.
Local coal dealera say that it la lmpossl
bis to procure chestnut hard coal. There
seems to be plenty of the range and furnace
coal, but small slses are not being shipped
west at all; Very (ew of the dealera here
have any stock to amount to anything on
hand and they are watching the result of
the strike In the east with a great deal of
Mnale Cltr Gossip.
Paul R. Btrge is on the sick list.
Frank Reynolds Is visiting relatives in
Rev. L. Lane will deliver a' temperance
j sermon at the Christian church at 11 o'clock
, today.
Mrs. Frans of Pes Moines Is the guest
of Mrs. II. L. Smith.
Mrs. J. W. Cress baa gone to Red Oak,
la., to visit relatives.
F. O. Eokleen Is building two cottages
at Fifteenth and M streets.
Colonel and Mrs, J. B. Welkins are horns
from a trip to the Pacific coast.
Mrs. I. J. Smith and daughter, Gertrude,
are visiting friends In eastern Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Martin returned
yesterday from an extended western trip.
F. Nelhua Is In the western part of the
state locking after his property Interests.
Miss May Carlln of the city hall force
has gone east to spend a two Weeks' va
cation. '
Judge and Mrs. Jacob Levy are enter
taining I. Lorlg. a wealthy planter of
Costa Rica.
Mrs. Fred Rlark and Miss Ames Klley
have Just returned from a ten days' visit
In eastern Iowa.
Mrs. Ed Cahow, IMS M street, enter
tained the Presbyterian Kings' Daughters
Friday afternoon.
H. B. Flehartr will have charge of the
Epworth league services at the Methc list
church this evening.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. wT J. Hewitt, Twnty-stth and
Washington streeta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dennis of Lancaster,
Pa., are here visiting their son, Frank
Dennis, 2408 I street.
Rev. M. A. Head writes to friends hers
that he Is enjoying his vacation In the
mountains of Colorado.
Teddy Shanahan, receiving telter at the
Packers' National bank, returned from a
trip around the lakes.
Shirley McGtll of the South Omaha Na
tional bank la home - from a two weeks'
vacation spent In Colorado.
Pork Butchers' union No. S3 will give a
Elcnlc at Kibbler's park. Forty-fourth and
cavenworth streets, tMay.
The ladles' circle of the Methodist church
wlll meet with Mrs. George Chaa Twenty
second and G streets, on Thursday after
A session of the Woman's Home and
Forelan Mlssslonarr society will be held
at the First Presbyterian church on Thurs
day -evening. 1 A XT. Tl ' .
1 1 ... v 1 1 ium o . . .js m, i( i j i i iviiv.i ,
will give a lawn social at the home of
Theodore Vols, Twenty-third and I streets.
on mursoay evening, juiy u.
Conclusion ot Two .Beat Estate Men
Who Went to north Dakota
to Invest.
Joseph A. Conner and A. P. Tukey hare
returned from a trip to North Dakota, where
they went to Invest In cheap lands. From
the reports they bring ot ths country it Is
hardly probable . that persons having a
knowledge of the character of the soli will
leave Iowa and Nebraska farms for the new
"The land was bought from the Northern
Pacific railroad by the present owners at
$1 per acre," said Mr. Conner, "and they
are selling it at 14.(0 and 110 per acre. From
the car window the land looks fine anrt one
not familiar with the soil of the west might
easily be fooled, for tbe soil Is covered
thickly with grass, but when that grass Is
examined It Is found to be wire-grass, and
when I saw that I began to get under (he
grass roots. There I found what I ex
pected, a soli composed almost entirely of
sand and gravel, worse, if anything than
that found on the poorest Nebraska soli
west of North Platte. Where land has been
broken the farmers ot Kidder county can
fence their farms with tbe rock collected In
the fields. We went from Jamestown to
Dawson and over the whole country saw no
farms worthy the name. In every town
there are hundreds of people trying to un
load their land upon persons who have had
no opportunity to examine tbe country, and
tbo people are not at all satisfied with 'the
"They do what is cajled 'light,, summer
farming in that country, the farmers simply
cultivating the soil and making little pre-
tense to developing the land permanently.
Neither Mr. Tukey nor myself Invested and
I do not think it any place for a farmer
who has land In any other place.
"One thing I was Impressed with at St.
Paul is their excellent parks. Neither
trouble nor expense is spared to render
them attractive. The street car companies
of Minneapolis and St. Paul have adopted a
suburban system which has resulted In the
cltlxens moving Into the country. All along
the suburban lines country homes ot from
ten to forty acres-are found, the owners
transacting business In the city. As a re
sult land In the suburbs Is In demand, and
the same result would follow In Douglas
county could we get the suburban lines ot
Directors Dlscnss Flans and Name
Saperintenelenta for Comlag
The hoard ot directors ot the Douglas
County Agricultural society met at' the
county courthouse Saturday afternoon and
appointed' a number of officers to take
charge of the exhibits at the fair thlt fall.
E. H. Walker of Florence was appointed
general superintendent. The following as
slstants were named:
J.. Root, superintendent elass 1, horses;
C. H. Gllssmann, class 1, cattle; J. 0. Mc
Ardle, class 4, swine; George Dirks, classes
S and 6, poultry and dairy; 0. W. Kerrey,
class 7, bees and honey; George Drexel,
class 8, farm produce; Frank P. Brown
class , green fruits; Louis Hondersoo,
class 10, flowers; Mrs. O. H. Devereaux,
class 11, pickles, preserves ' and canned
goodt; Mrt. S. E. Morse, class IS, textile
The appointment of a superintendent tor
class S, sheep, was deterred until the next
meeting of the board.
A. 8. McCatl of Lincoln ts at the Millard
G. F. Salisbury of Boaton is a guest at
the Millard.
Ja'mes Rogers snd wife of Fremont are
at the MllUrd.
M. Nalry and family ot Red Oak, la., are
at the Millard.
H. Rowher, once city engineer of Omaha
and now chief enrineer of the Gould south.
western system, is In Omaha visiting. He
la ataylng at the Millard.
Mr. Carl Relter waa In Omaha yester
day on his return from a visit at his for
mer haunts in and aoout nan rranciaco.
Todav ha will spend In Bt Joseph and
tomorrow wlll return to superintend the
rejuvenating ol tne urpneum meaier.
Let Us Shirt-You
If-hey Make Shine.
ot a source ot comforting thoughts.
Old Mas) Takes VIsToroos Steps to
Resent Aspersions Asalnst
Deputy Stats Vetertnarlaa
Food Inspector.
II. L. RJmiCC.OTTI, D. V. S.
Offlos and Infirmary, Kth and Maaoa pt. I regard them friends and equals and to
d,.ha. N.h Telechona MX I look the statlua as a clubhouse ot which
Ths serial jag ot old Boston Green of
the Third ward, of which he gt out a
new edition almost dally, has (brought him
In such long continued sad close connec
tion with the police that he has come to
Keep Your Insides Cool !
Here's a man wRo thinks he has heart disease, and is scared half to death.
His face is all drawn out of shape from fear and agony. Erery time he eats,
his heart "palpitates" that simply means that his stomach is swelled up
with gases from fermenting undigested food, and his heart thumps against,
his diaphragm. Nothing the matter with his heart. In the summer time,
this gas distention is much worse, his whole body and blood get over-heated,
and his heart and lungs get so crowded for room, that he gasps for breath.
There he is, look at him I Every minute he expects to drop dead. As a
matter of fact, all he needs is to stop that souring and gas forming in his
stomach and bowels, help his digestion along, and keep cool inside. You '
all know that whenever something rots or decays', heat develops. Same
in the body. Keep cool inside I Take a candy cathartic CASCARET
every night at bed-time. It will work while you sleep, clean up and cool
your inide, give you a regular, comfortable movement in the morning,
and you'll be feeling fine all day every day. Heart Disease 1 Fudge I
Beat far the Bowels. All dracctsU, lec, sjc, see. Never aeid la bulk. The
aeeulne tablet stamped C C. C. Ouaraateed to care or yeur meaty back.
Bple aae eeoatet free. ASdrees
oieruag staaaeajf wo., bawago or new tots.
V rr o ri r o
Tl Tl fKTHYrt?'
-2L V J! mL .UL sLL JLisi JUL J JLLIX .Jy
rv use
JYl assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, for
preserving, purifying;, and beautifying the skin, for
cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the
stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and
soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes,
itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying
irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive per
spiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
and , many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily
suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. CUTICURA
SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from
CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of
cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower
odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to
be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beauti
fying the skin, scalp, hair, and handL No other foreign
or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be com
pared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and
nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE
PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the
BEST toilet and baby soap in the world.
. . Consisting of Ctrr
aTVi A X a v wMi and scales and sol
. and cleanse ths b
Complete external and Internal Treatment for Every Humour,
Consisting or tyTTTinuBA BUAr( w cipbdh inn hid oi crunw
ana tones us uiiRBsnen coucie; uuTHJU-nnTer
tantly allay Itching, Inflammation, and Irritation, and
l, anauuTii uM. 'ji,vkjvt i ill. (nc.1, j ddui
. htfwwl. A Rmnr. ftrr I. nften iiflUlent te eiire.
Jh) Jfet 81 Uis most torturing, dlsflrurtnc. ltrhlac, burnlns, and scaly sktn,
, and blood bumonrs, wlUi lots ot hair, when all else Tails. Bold throughout tbe
x. Paris. POTTEB Dmoo AMD CUBM1CAL CoBrOKaTlOM, Sole Props, Boston, U.S. A.
Concuai Rasotviirr r'rtteVChoeolate Coated) ares oev, tutsleas odonrlees, eeooomteal
Put op In
dcriCDBA Pills are alterative, anttaeptla, tools, sod dliestive, and
set. sweetest, moei sueeeearu.
Iwuawtir oarss, sad toaiasdl(ssUvss yes sojufoaaded.
eabeUlute lor the etlebrated liquid Ccticdba Kssolvbmt, aa well aa for all otber bkwd part bars
and honour earea. KacB pill la
, serew.cnpped pocket vlais,
jtssnLvasT, pnea aae. vutiluu ru i. hhtm.w.mww..wh w. mi..i u
beyond qneeUoa fM poreat, aweeveat, moei suaeeaenu eaa ooonmniwai bmiw sua s. in BwiueTB,
If You Want the Best
In looklui at offlces In different buildings, tbe greatest pralss ths owner or
rental agent caa five an office Is to say that It Is "as good as an office In Tbs Pes
Building." It may be In soms respects, but It can not be In every respect
Tne Bee Building Is ons ot tbe only two absolutely fireproof offlos buildings la
Omaha. The Bee Building Is the only building having all night and all day Sunday
elevator service. The Bee Building furnishes electric light and . water without ad
ditional cost, Tbs Bee Building Is kept elean, not soma ot ths. Urns, but all of the
time. 1
Xeep these points In mind when looking for an offlcr, and you will take one of
those ileted below. If you are wise.
List of vacant rooms in
1 11x5 IJro OUimlii
Ground Floor.
r ' Rtntal '
Per Month.
ROOM Hi Ux43 feet. Faces Seventeenth street and has windows along, the
alley. InlS is a large, ugnt room, ana tne rental price includes nr.i,
light, water and janitor aervlce. It has an entrance both on Tbe Bee
Building Court and Seventeenth street Price SS.Pe
First Floor.
CITE 101 1 There Is no finer office suits In Omaha than this one. It ts located
Just on tne ngnt nana or. tne great marDie stairway, ana naa unusuauv
arge windows looking upon the front entrance wy of the building. It
Ironts on Farnam street. One room ts lTxl and tbe other 8x18. It lias a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be,
frescoed to suit tenant Price I7S.0O
ROOM 104i Thla room Is just at the head of tbe main stairway on the first floor.
It wouia De a very aeairaoie ouiee tur sums real eeiate man ur cun--trastor.
The floor space la 16xls feet Price WM
Third Floor.
ROOM &08: This room Is 11x8 feet and Is very conveniently located near ths
elevator. A sign on the door can bs reaany seen in stepping on tne ele
vator Price $14.M
ROOM 338: This room Is 17x82 feet and will .be divided to suit the tenant ,
y This room ts particularly aaapiea ior some concern needing large Door .
space and Is a decidedly handsome office, having an entrance facing the
court and windows looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very
large kurglar-proof vault, hard wood floora and Is one of ths choicest offi
ces In the building Price $50.00
Fourth Floor.
etOOM 401: UxlS feet. This room Is next to the elevator and faces court. It
has a large burglar-proof vault and Is well ventilated. lias good light,
and for the pries furnishes first-class accommodations Price
Fifth Floor.
VITB gl: This Is a very large room, 17x43 feet. It faces west, but Is very
light and well ventilated. : It Is very seldom that space of this slxe la of
fered In The Bee Building. It could bo used to advantage by some Arm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor apace a .
wholeaale jeweler, or manufacturer a agent, who would like to be In a
fireproof building, or It will be divided to eult the tenant Price 150.09
ROOM 014 1 : This room faces the court and ts 18x14 feet. It has a burglar-proof
vault, and aa It Is near the telegraph office and on the same floor with a
number of grain firms, it would be a particular good room for a grain
firm desiring first-class accommodation Price $30.00
Sixth Floor.
IITB S)10: This consists of two rooms, hoth lHxllVi. Each of them has a
large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two $SI.0s
Rental Arents.
Ground Floor
Bee Building
(-t A NO MON
iAX X.h; !mK
UP J sy ear nils SKtse
' OR8.TH
MONEY TILL CURED. 28 uu tsuausstg.
sa seatsaU a JUS sags Irsalut at reea. ratals sag Sliaatas tf the
east aaj. areauieea saaaiei at waaara Of tea taeaseasa ceraj
k. awae aa4 a caal tiicereS s tkrir aaaes ea aavtkallM.
ORNTON t MINOR, IZOS Oak St, Sana .a City. S
vwsiHea a