Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1902, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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ftitpbdow m-m.
W los Saturdays at 1 p.
. TISSUES Here is a chance
of the ftoason at greatly reduced
All of our
25c Egyptian Tissues,
25c Embroidered Pineapple
30c Rt. Gaul Tissues,
35c Lace Thread Tissues,
40c and 45c Imported Lace
Other Wash Goods bargains for Monday:
25c Zephyr Ginghams,
25c Irish Dimities,
30c Lace Leno,
20c Batistes,
18c Batistes,
20c Dimities,
At 5c Wash Goods Counter
ever. e don t sell trash. " ,
Embroidery Special
On lot of our flu Swiss embrolderiee to be sold Monday morning at greatly
reduced prlcei.
Tho lot comprises whits Swiss smbroidery edgings and inssrtings and a faw all
vers and black-and-white 8wls edgings and insertlngs and the balance of our linen
batiite embroideries.
They will be aorted aa follow,: '
One lot that were from 50c to 85a a yard
lard "
One lot that were from 6So to ft. 50 a
a vard
One lot that were from $1.00 to $2 00
a yard '.
One lot that were from $1.75 to $4.25 a
yard : '.
Special Sale Black Nun's Veiling
Nothing- weara better or, looks handaomer than a good black Nun'e Veiling.
New fabrlca come and go, but thla la the one fabrlo that It alwaya good any teaion ot
the 'year. Thla fabrlo baa never lold for leaa than 75o a yard. ' Special prlo Mon-
alaw H n a -ft,. - -
Special Fur Coats
There la little more than a week. In. which you' can order your fur eoat at
the apeclal prtca. ,Seal coats at $200.00, $250.00, $300.00, $350.00. A aavlng now of
$25.00 to $50.00.
uiwr mil-mint oi me Tery nneat
now ot $20.00. '
Aatrachan coata of flat or moire Ast
Thohpsoh, Beldejh &.Co.
reienra. from $232,881 to $283,186; Individ
ual depoalta, from $2,480,249 to $2,470,64$.
The comptroller haa extended the eor-
TlArAta avlatanea Af tha lkf Afghan
ttonal bank of Omaha until the close of
k..uUB .. T..I- nna
UUIIUVra UU efUlJ tj, Vtrs
, , The United State National bank of
, Omaha haa ben approved aa reierv agent
fur the Flrat National bank ot Humphrey,
Francia O. Craven baa been appointed
clerk In the poatofflce at Maaoa City, la.
General Order la ISaaed by General
Miles Maktaa- th Aa
aoincrnitiL . WASHINGTON,' July 28. A general or
der haJ been ieeued by General Mile, com
manding the army, announolng the award
' ot medal of honor and certificate of merit
to officer and enlisted men for meritorloua
The awarda cover a period beginning
with the civil war and extending to laat
mlal lap at ml at i aa ailltlAa , ILm ...
ananas a a MV mt m I aWUUIVH W SS, IV JWV-
liahed two 'year ago. when the Drat
awarda were announced..
. It the preaeat Hat are the namea of Gen
eral Horace Porter and Colonel Albert L.
Mill, auperintendent of the military acad
emy, both ot whom are given medale for
aota ot bravery, the former at Atlanta
and the latter at Santiago.
The medal or honor list in urt
follow: '
William E. Berkhelmer. major, artillery
i corpe, U. 8. A.; William C. Bryan, hoe
.pltal ateward, V. 8. A.; Bernard A. Byrne,
major, Thirteenth Infantry; Robert O. Car
ter, first lieutenant, U. S. A. (retired);
Robert Temple Emmet, first lieutenant.
Ninth cavalry: Frederick Funston, briga
dier general, U. 8 A.; Jame Kephart, pri
vate. Company C. Flrat battalion. Thir
teenth Infantry; John A. Logan, major.
Thirty-third Infantry, tT. 8. A. (deceaaed);
William H. Sage, captain Twenty-third In
fantry; George K. Stewart, flrat lieutenant.
Fifteenth Infantry. U. 0. A.; George W.
Wallace, first lieutenant. Ninth Infantry.
Havr Department Decide to Eaatp
Flghtl. thlpa with It
aa experiment. ,
WABHINOTON, July M The Navy de
partment having decided to equip the fight
ing ihlpa of the American navy with a
wireless ayatem of telegraphy, within a
few daya a board eonalating probably ot Ave
Btembera will be appointed to Inveatlgate
the whole aubject. to decide upon the aya
tem to be Installed and to work Out plana
for the education and training of men to
operate It aboard the ships. Lieutenant
Hudglna, who waa sent abroad several
month ago to examine the, variou wire
lea eyitema In use in Europe and to bring
back with htm apparatus for working them,
la expected, to return ahortly and will give
the proposed board the benefit of his Inves
tigations. It I quitsly likely that he him
self will be made a member of the board.
The department hag already taken time
by the forelock and a number ot enlisted
men with a knot ledge of electricity have
V . -. . . i . a m . a . . .
tloa with tb operation ot thii tyitcm of
la the lolna.
Nervouaoaaa, unrafreahinf alasp, deapoa
4Q7y. .
II la time you were doing aomethlng.
Tim kiuuera were ancienuy oaildl UM
reint In your case they are holding the
rein and drlvlnj you into serious trouble
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Acta with tha moot direct, benefit-la) a fleet
on Uw kidneys. It eocualua tna beat and
safest suostaocealvr ourrvcuuf aod loulug
bm Juir rr, iw..
m. during July sad Aagust.
Wash Goods
to get the most desirable goods
All go at .
Tissues, Per Yard
All co at
Per Yard
you'll find better bargains than
to co at
yard to at
a yard go at
yard go at
American utter, at (145.00. A saving
rachan at $60.00. A aavlng now of $15.00.
. ' ' - ' v
W j. I
Eatarning Governor' Eu Much to Say
Oonoarninar Condition There,
Iavestla-attaaa Dlacloae Better Bal
aeaa, Better Health aa4 Better
Froapeeta Thaa prevailed
Year or Two Ao.
NEW YORK, July U. Governor William
Hunt arrived from Porto Rioo today. Gov
ernor Hunt will join bi family at Cada
novla, N. Y. Governor Tiunt will return
to Porto Rico In September.
Governor Hunt aald la relation to Porto
Rico: '
General Miles landed In Porto Rico four
years ago today. Great changea have taken
place and the Island has much to be thank
ful for since our flag waa raised. The close
of the fiscal year showed better bualnesa,
better health and better prospect than
ever. The insular treaaury balance on
July waa 8314,000. against $239,000 a year
bu. iiib iuiai exports ior last year ag
gregated 812,889,826, ahowtng an increase In
export to foreign countrlea of M T-10 per
cent over the prevloua year, and -io per
cent of exports to the United States. The
Increase la prmelnally In augar. clgare and
cigarette, atraw hats and coffee. V aent
jut.tuu worm or. straw hats alone to tne
I'ntted States last veir Amarlfun mer
chants would do well to Ktudy Porto Rico
imports from- Europa. wHh a view of en
larging home trade.. Porto Rico bought
over alflO.Ouo worth of Nova Bcotla codfish
laat year and over 3160,000 worth of foreign
oapa. Spain aent ua rice valued at more
than 390,000 and over 3500,000 for potatoes.
Thla business ahould go to our own mar
kets and with larger development in the
inland Ha future commerce must be kept
closer at home. The Porto Rlcan coffee
continues 10 go to Europe, -to France.
T "i""'' """y. America teoa
only $29,M worh laat year, while Europe
took over 33.0u0.uM worth. Tha tuixrinriiii
of the coffee la juch that we cannot under-
tana me insigrancant aamand for It In
hew York.
Fruit growing la receiving more atten
tion and with quicker transportation will
invite investment. . improvement ta noted
In all' dlrectlona. The people welcome
achoola. Tha insular aovernment cannn
aupply enough, being limited to $600,000 per
ilium iui cuucaiHiR. xsut we are teacn
Ing nearly W.Oiio children and expeot to
Onrn tWO Industrial arhnnl. In rh. u
Adiiita want to learn and In some Instances
children are teaching their parents. There
waa an extraordinary decteaee In the num
ber of deaths last year, U.ooO fewer than
the year before. ,
There Is much leaa inifmli than
merly. People look healthier, live better
nu ias.e ceiier care or themselves. All
pMuuun naa improvta
Porto RU-ana are ambitious for closer
latlons with the T'nlted fltat (
serve all encouragement. In my residence
t mcr iwu years m me island i lound
tnem generoua, warm-neartea, good people
Thev are Impressionable, but gentle and
Haytlea Towa la Dasgtf ml Attack
by Ftraalalat Araay aad Ex-
eltemeat Frovalla.
PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl. July 88. The
provisional government of Haytl has d
clared M. Flrmln. the former Hartlan mi.
later at Parle, who waa recently proclaimed
president by the Inhabitant of tha Pa
partment of Artlbinote and other portion
of the country, to be an outlaw.
The Flrminiat army la reported to be
one daya march from Port Aa Prince, the
capital ot the republic. Several prominent
army officers who are la sympathy with
M. Flrmla have realgnad.
The Haytlea gunboat Crete-a-Pterret haa
arrived at tbla port. .Great excitement
prevail here.
Take wMsT at Moaey.
Burarlara entered th tina a VT r. T
H. Smart, IKS Churning sl.eet, soma time
yesterday afternoon between the hours of
3 so and i. while the family waa absent.
Entrance waa gained through an unlocked
rear door and the house thoroughly ran
arked. It waa at flrat thought that noth
ing had been taken, but when William
liiffman. who rooraa In the houae. re
turned home late from work he diarovered
that $t6 were missing from hla trunk.
Comlihmnn Bheda Teart In Deny in j that
Fight Wm Faka.
All Others COaeeraed la Faglllatle
Coateat Aaaert that Flarht Was
Fair Ml that fhe Beat
Man Wei.
FAN FRANCI8CO. Jury 28. The result ot
the championship battle fought here laat
night between Jame Jeffrie and Robert
Flttalmmona I prolific of widespread dis
cussion. The atory circulated to the effeot
that tha fight wag a pre-arranged affair
hat enraged the champion and fremled
ritirflmmons to the point of bursting Into
teara and fainting away. It any proof ot
a fake can be offered, eaya Fltzslmmonf,
be will forfeit hla winnings and hla last
dollar in tha world. Jeffrie 1 equally
vehement In hla denial and both are
courting a full Inveatlgatlon. Mayor
Schmlti ta weighing the alleged evidence
In the ease and Intimating that he will
end priseflghtlng her If he find the cir
cumstance bear out the charge that the
fight waa a fake. Fltaalmmona Is badly
hurt. The terrific body blowa that he re
ceived laat night have unquestionably af
fected his heart. Great welta atand out
on hla back and aide, and only today
while being rubbed down he fainted. When
Coming out of tha faint he imagined be
waa In the ring once more and hla at
tendanta had a busy time of It controlling
him. "I waa beat fairly and am badly
hurt," aald Fltistmmon to an Associated
Preta ' representative today. "The atory
that I engaged In a fake la a lie."
Flttslmmons' right thumb la dislocated
and two knuckles of hla left hand, are
badly out of place. He la bow tinder tha
cars of a physician. '
Those who claim that the outcome of the
fight waa pre-arranged bate their allega
tion principally on tb tact that FItislm
mona, after waging a masterful and telling
battle, dropped hla guard, leaving an open
ing which Jeffries took advantage of. Fits
Simmons Insists, however, that this waa
not done Intentionally. He was fighting all
the time and the very punishment he had
borne up under told on him at last. De
laney, Egan, George Biler, Lou House
man, Aleo Greggalna, Sam Thall and others
are loud In their denunclationa of the
story that the battle was a fake. They
say that the prophesying of the result and
final round In a sealed note to the mayor
waa a coincidence and that hundreds ot
anonymous letters suggesting parallel out
comes are extant.
Story Told by Fltaalasmoas.
Flttslmmons said today:
Its a shame to call it a fake. I fought
the greatest fight of my lite and here I
have been branded as a cur. There I was
winning all the time but 1 could not have
won anyway. Both hands were gone. I've
fought 328 battlea and have been defeated
twice, both times by Jeffries. That ahowa
he la the better man, doean't it T I have
had twenty-five years of hard fighting and
my hands have gone back on me. If they
had been all right Jeffries would not have
lasted six rounas, dui i ve got no excuse.
As Qod is my Judge, I did my best.
Fitiaimmons cried as he aald thla and
looked regretfully at hia crippled hands,
I know some woman had written to
Naughton that I waa to lay down In the
eighth. I was told of It yesterday -After
noon. Naughton waa to judge ty tne ngnt
whether there waa any truth tn the atory
and now he cornea out and aays It waa a
take. When I got In distress in the eighth
last night I thought of tha letter and tried
to stau on tne end, dui i couta not aa it.
I remember that aa I went down I said
or tried to say "I'm gone," but I guss it
was not any more than a gasp. He knocked
ail the wind out of my body. I did not say
"that waa a peacn. ana ir t smtiea, as
thev sav I did. that must have been a
smfle of pain. I tried to laat, but I could
not. I got what i gave many a gooa man.
only It waa a little to one side, but it did
the business. '
Some time during the fight Jeffries got
In one that caugnt me unuer tne neart. .
did not feel it much then, but this morn
ing about 1 o'clock it caught me good, and
I thought i waa going to die. i can t raiae
m v left hand now.
My handa went back on me. In tho laat
two rounds i put my giovea into mm race,
but there waa no force to the blowa. 1
waa whipped fair and square. The atory
that I laid down Is a damned, malicious lie.
Bariing my hands I was never In better
condition In my life. Where ie there a
man or my weight ana age wno could do
what I did laat nigmr
A moment lator he said: "And thsy say
I was fairing. I call on the American pub'
He to Judge." He cred again as he said
"Why," he ssld, with childish frankness,
"I prayed to win thla tight. It was tha
first time I ever prayed to win. I lay in
that room there" he pointed to the ad
joining apartment "and prayed, 'God, give
me atrength to win thia battle, and I will
be thankful. Amen.' Do you think I waa
faking after that. If I wanted to fake I
could do It better than any on in the
world becauss I'm not afraid of a punch. I
would have gone up and taken one that
would bav stretched me out. I hsve been
offered hundreds of thousands of dollars
to throw fights, but I always fought on ths
squsre. I did my best. I could do no mors.
Now, I'm going to rstlre.. I'm don for
Jeffries Makes Dealal
When Jeffries was seen his face was a
sight. His eyes were puffed out and dla
colored' and his checks cut and bruised
"Do I look 'like a faker?" he facetiously
rsmarked, aa he looked at himself. In a
glaas. "If I was going to be a party to a
taks I would not hava stopped all those
blows with this faco of mine. Apybody
who says that fight waa crooked la a liar,
and they can break me if they can bring a
bit of evidence. It there had been a fake
would have been the man to hit the floor,
for I waa on the long end of tha betting.
Mayor Schmlts made the following atat
meat In regard to the fight
I saw the exhibition and ud to tha tlm
the blow that aettled the fight waa struck
It seemed to be a fair and creditable per
formance, but at the time the blow waa
delivered by Jeffries, Fltaalmmona appeared
to be entirely oft hla guard.
Perhana ao much stresa would not ba
placed on thla fact were It not for the
information given to me on the night be
fore the exhibition that the contest would
end, and in favor of Jeffries, in tha eighth
I am loth to believe that the promoters of
thla exhibition were In a conspiracy to
dvrraua tne puouc ana oeneve that they
knew nothing at all of a prearranged affair.
Secretary Harrington of the San Fran
claco Athletic club haa made the following
financial statement or the fight:
Total receipts for sale of tickets. 3SI. 8S0.
Brventy per cent to contestanta, 322, 3!(.
Blxty per cent of 70 per cent to Jeftrlea,
Forty per cent of 70 per cent to Fits.
Simmons, 18 Ki.
Revenue of club from thia source, 39,5m.
All money waa paid over by Sam Thall.
who acted aa treasurer, at an early hour
thla morning,
Trainer William Delaney .thla afternoon
Issued the following statement la behalf
of Jeffries:
The flcht Is over. Jeffries won. but n
without a struggle. I am frea to admit
that Ittslmmoita gave ua a aurprlae.
never did like Fltxslmmons, but his action
laat nlsht won me over. I admire him a
a fighter and sympartilx with him that he
should have been subjected to the mean
accusation ot faking. Taking hla age and
weight Into conalderatlon. he made a
marvelou ahowii.f. If he is a faker we are
willing to admit ouraelvea to be in hla clas,
for It Is the kind of faking that wtna glory
and chaanplonahlp. K that fight waa a
fake, we were a imrtv to it.
1 nave been before the public for a
uarter of a century, and have never been
accused of tartlclpatlng In a dishonest i!n
ceuuat, and 1 am perfectly willing to let
the people Judge for themselves relative to
laat nlaht s fight I like a coursgeou man
or animal, and when I aee a man who
tons ht aa F:iilmmon fousht last night
accused of throwing hla frlenda I am com
pelled to do aomethlng I have never dona
oenire r'len Into print In oerense ot tne
honesty of a fleht I was connected with.
To defend Fltaalmmona from the accusa
tion is to defend a principal In the greatest
puailistlo encounter the world has ever
I think tha atorv la tha brlahtaat feather
In IHulmmnrii wing. It haa had the ef
fect of making me a warm supporter of a
man whom I never liked, and I venture to
say it will bave tha aame effect on thou
sands of others. Even the spectators, did
not know what a bed fix Jeffries was In.
His cheek bone waa laid open and he had a
bleeding broken nose, the blood from which
ran down hla throat, preventing hla breath
lhg. These were not tha thlnaa we feared
most. One of hla eyea was cut between tbe
eyeorow ano tne eyeiaen, ana we were
afraid that tha flan of hla eve would fall
and blind him. Hla other eye was "blown
out" for a moment. I think Jeftrlea demon
strated ne oould take aa much as he could
give. People near the ring will agree with
iib ill una. I
I eaaerlv watched for some slrn of
weakening In Fltxslmmons. It came In the
fifth round. I then told Jeffrlee to keep
close to him and not let him recover. Jef-
rrier followed imrtructlons and landed the
punch in the eighth.
In conclusion, I will say that It waa tha
gameat fight between the earnest men the
wuiiu-nii over Known, ona tne uea i man
Regarding the letter In the bands of Mayor
Schmlts, saying that tho contest would com
to an and In the eighth round, Delaney said:
We received hundreds nf anonymous let
ters predicting something for every round.
That one should have hit tt ts a fact so
trivial that l don't believe Mayor Srhmlts
will heed it. I know nothing of It beyond
what Is rumored. , .
Itaatloa la ' Tarts Over Closing; of
t'aaathorlsed Sehoola ia .
PARIS, July 18. The serving of official
notices closing the unauthorized ' religious
schools began this morning and was car
ried but So fat- ss . Parts was concerned
without ny disturbance. At Mauavux, de
partment of du Nord, the expulsl6fj of the
sisters led to a riot. In which twenty per
son .were arrested. .A. police commissary
and ' ten rioters were Injured. '
The resistance to the official decree tn
the capital Is developing Into a farce. The
government allows the sisters in ths Rue
Salneuve to remain because an orphango
and a bome for the aged are attached to
their school. On ths other hand lbs sisters-
In' another street who were ordered by
their mother Superior to leave ware pre
vented from1 complying by a band of fifty
enthusiasta; who surrounded them snd sBut
them up 1ft the schoolhous'e. The police
are holding' off from expelling them by
The situation In the provinces Is mors
grave. Telegrams containing petitions tor
clemency and delay ars pouring In on
President Loubet from all quarters, and a
telegram from Brest says the outlook in
several ot the neighboring towns Is Serious.
Opposition to the authorities wss offerdd,
but no casualties hive been reported. '
At Lyons there was bo disturbance. Ths
schools there have been closed and the
doors sealed.
A meeting convened for the purpose ot
protesting against the official decree or
dering the closing of the congrsgatlonlat
schools as held In Parts tonight, presided
over by ' Jules 'Le Maltre, the llterateur.
Addresses were made by Francois Coppee,
the author and poet, and other members
ot tha Chsmber of Deputies and municipal
counselors. Tbe breaking up of the as
semblage wag " followed by disorderly
scenes. Crowds crying, "Vive la Hberte,"
gathered and the police were Obliged to use
severe measures to dlspsrs them. Several
arrests were madey ' among " th ' persons
taken Into ctts'tyTy being a priest. .
Counter demonstrations were organised
in trie streets, those taking part In thm
singing political songs and denouncing the
nationalists. Up to thia hour 11:16 p. m
however, nothing.: vary serious has oc
I'aprecedeated Kasnfeer '. of 8eaadlaa
vlaaa lanaalsrrat Booaaso ol Hard
Tlsaea la FatherlaadV
COPENHAGEN, Denmark,. July M.e-Tho
transport lines, here are coping with the
greatest rush of Scandinavian, . emigration
to the United States Since thai' '80s. Every
outgoing vessel, Scandinavian or American,
la crowded.
Oscar II ot ths Scandinavian-American
Una la latrine. 1 nnn emte-ranta on each trio.
Its sister ships will be hurried toward .com
pletion In order to handle th traffic.
' The cause of this rush Is' ths uuprece
dented hard times throughout Scandinavia,
aa well as th mora stringent conscription
laws in Sweden.
Tha emigrants are mostly of aa excellent
claaa and are. bound chiefly to ths weatern
atatea. where they will aettl on agricul
tural lands.
Tbe total number of emigrants which left
this port for the United 8tate during ths
nine months ending with March, 1802, la:
Denmark, 8,388; Norway; 8,949, and Sweden,
i S . . a a aaisS It
. .
taetlon CoatlaaeS to Absorb All tbo
. . Atteatloa ot the Vattcaa
. Jast How. '
ROME, July 28. Ths question of a suc
cessor to tha late Cardinal JLedowskl, as
prefect of the congregation of propaganda,
continues to abaorb all the attention of ths
Vatican. Against tha candidature of Car
dlnal Vincenso Vannuttl la urged the fact
that bis brother. Cardinal Seraflno Van
nuttl, Is tbe great plenipotentiary of the
church, so ths two highest positions In
Catholicism would bs centered la the same
family. Agalnat Cardinal . 8atolll, who
aeems to be the candidate preferred by the
pope, the objection la ralaed that be would
be apt to prove a revolutionist, la Intro
ducing modern methode and progressive
idess and In turning everything upside
down. One cardinal said tt Cardinal 8a
toll! were chosen It would mean tha Amer-
Icanliatlon of th propaganda. These ar
guments. In th eyea ot the ablest gad
most far-seeing clerrfy. are additional en
dorsements of Cardinal SatollL
Agreal Baneror of Aaatrta Co-ataatly
Glvoa Voice to His PreSeatl
. meats.
(Copyright 1902, by Preaa Publishing Co.)
PARIS. July 1$. (New. York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A pathetic
little Incident la related of the pretest I
ments of death wblch haunt the emperor
of Austria. Francia Joseph was preaeat
a few days ago at th Inauguration of a
new boepttal erected at Maner-Ocbllng.
After the ceremony the old smparor, turn
ing toward M. Gerenyl, director ot th s
tabllahment, pronounced th following
words: "Many auperb establishments ara
about to be constructed now, but I shall not
live to aae them completed. I feel that I
shall not live much longer." Much moved
by these words of bis sovereign, M. Ger
enyl looked steadily at tb smperor and
said: "I ahall pray tha All Powerful to
preserve the daya of your majesty to the
good of your people." The emperor atad
bo other response than a gesture of sad
ness and walked away.
Grand President MclTeil of'
Union on ths Btrika,
Ha4 of tho Order Says the Mea Do
Sot Ask I'areasoaablo Wares
and atea Pay oa Other
'This strike Is merely an incident. The
Union Faclflo Is as certain to loss aa that
there la a atrlke. I must have skilled
mechanlca and can get them nowhere ex
cept In the unions. That simply means
that eventually ths company will be forced
to remploy its old mea, and In order to do
Ibis It will hav to accede to the terms ot
these tnso."
Thla Is the way In which John McNeil of
Kansaa City, grand president and organiser
of the Brotherhood ot Boilermakers and
Iron Shipbuilders views the strike on the
Union Pacific. President McNeil arrived In
Omaha late last night and will be here for
a day or two In connection with tha striks.
"I sm highly gratified with the progress
ot the strike from tbe boilermakers' stand
point and the management of It and I Will
assume to make no changea In the direction
of affairs, My chief purposs in coming at
this tlms Is to see what financial means
ths boilermakers require and how their
funds are being distributed," said Mr. Mc
Neil. Mr. McNeil has Just come from ths Santa
Fs system, where the boilermakers bave
been at outs with the company for some
time over a black list proposition. Hs feels
that things ar betng brought to a settle
ment favorable to the boilermakers and
thinks ths sad is not far off.
Wares f Boilermakers.
"I am deeply Impressed with the Justice
and fairness ot th Union Pacific boiler
makers' demsnds," aald he. . "To show you
aomethlng of their conditions aa compared
with other boilermakers let me quote these
facta and figures: On ths Illinois Central
railroad tbe boilermakers get 82 cents so
hour in tbe city ot Chicago; 85 cents In
Nw Orleans and in all other places 81
cents: on tb . Northwestern they get 82
cents an hour In Chicago and 81 in other
places; on the Missouri Pacific 82 centa; in
the city of Pittaburg at the foundrlea they
get 85 cents an hour and $1 a day extra for
what, we call dirt work, that is, repair
work; In Nsw York and Brooklyn, 87 an
hour, with double tlm for overtime, treble
tlm for Sunday and are allowed twenty
seven hours for a night; In Buffalo they
get 88 1-8 cents In contract shops and 31 on
the railroads; In Birmingham contract
work pays 85 cents and railroads 81; In
Florida on tb Plant system and others
they get 85 and we have Just settled on a
scale in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth,
the maximum of which Is 85 cents an hour.
Now, In th New England statea the price
drops to 80 cents an hour, with tlms and
a balf for overtime, but you must remem
ber that living expenses In that section are
very 16w.
'The boilermakers on tbe Union Pacific
struck because ths company would not
grant their demand for a scale ot 33 in
Omaha, Ksnsas City and Council Bluffs,
rsnglng up to - 8? In western - Wyoming.
This would bring the scale up to a cent
and a half or two cents and a balf more
tban tbey were, getting. In comparison
with wagss paid la other localities by other
rallroada. and the. living expenses, of the
various- place; these demands are perfectly
Coaoeralagc Piecework.
... . .... i . .
"Now" as Id piecework, there la no rep
resentative . railroad In . ths country that
presume, to use that ayatem for new en
gine work, except the Pennsylvania and
Burlington, and thsy don't uae It for re
pair work. 8o you aee, it is obsolete as
far as repair work ia concerned. This
brings sp another point to bs considered,
namely, that th Union Pacific doea prac
tically nothing but repair work on engines.
It baa ceased making lta own engines, so
that If It adopted tb . piecework system
for repair work. It would atand alone in
that respect.
"When the boilermakers bad their fight
on the Erie, wblch endured from Decern
bar, 1900, until December, 1901, they were
put to an sxpense ot 137,000, but ' they
finally won, -and they will cheerfully ex
pehd $50,000 to win the fight with the
Union - Pacific If need ba. We succeeded
in having piecework abolished on ths Erie,
as w ' did also on ths Burlington, Cedar
Rapids tt Northsrn in our little fight of
three months, and w will attain the
sams results on the Union Pacific. The
systsm la wrong, and It must be abolished
President McNeil will meet with the
boilermakers at Labor temple this after
noon. Asksd If he would meet any of
th Unloo'.pacinc officials while here,' he
said: "Not a bit of it. I have ho time
to throw away talking' 'with officials."
Cnloa Paelfla Coofercaee. '
Every master mechanic and division u
psrWehdent on the Union Pacific met
with W. R. McKeen. Jr., auperintendent of
motive power and. machinery, at the lat
ter's office yesterday afternoon ' tor the
purpose of making a . thorough report and
considering fully the conditions snd seeds
ot th system. Thoss at the meeting
were: Superintendent McKeen, M. P. Bar
num, master ' mechanic of tbe Nebraska
division; A. Stewart.' Z. T. Bprlgga and
J. O. Brlnkerhoff, master mechanics of the
Wyoming, Colorado and Kansas division
respectively; R. W. Baxter, W. L. Park,
W. A. Deuel and Jamea Roberts, superin
tendent of th division of Nebraska,
Wyoming, Colorado and Kansaa respec
' After the confsrsncs Superintendent Mc
Keen said:
"All our man reported t their . respective
divisions In first-class ' shapa; motlvs
power, which U tbe most important thing
normal and far above the average in
Some instances. The Kansas and Colo
rado divisions report larger forces In the
shops than before the strike. The men
bad all made very thorough Investigations
and their statements and reports were an
aolutely reliable and accurate."
Ia connection with tbe condition over
the road General Manager Dickinson, who
has returned, from a tour within the last
two days, said; "Our affairs sr in gooa
order and tbe" strike baa not affected
them at all. Trains ars running on tims,
both freight and passenger, and the en-
ginea are hauling aa much and In some
cstes mors tonnage than before tne airise
W have all the mea we really need."
Piecework at Arasstroatr.
The statement waa made by Superintend
ent McKean that at Armstrong ths car
buHders were making on aa aversgs of 82
cents a day mors undsr the piecework eys
tern tbaa before tb atrlke and were highly
pleased wita tneir 101.
Notices ot partial piecework prices wers
posted yesterday in the Omaha ahopa and
It la aald that the company has informed
the present forces -that they will hav to
pay their own board beginning tomorrow.
Thla report la aot authentic. Regarding
th Introduction of piecework at these
Shops Mr. McKeen aaid It would be done
gradually, but could net h don at - one.
For instsace, some characters or classes
of 'work that could ba don -y th place
would b aa done, hut there might not. b
enough of tbla sort of work to keep tb
man busy for a day and consequently be
would worV the remainder of tb day at
the wage scale. Owing to certain unavoid
able complications Mr. McKeen saya It will
require yeara to effect a perfect Introduc
tion of piecework over the entire system.
Stand of th Mahlalsts.
Secretary Grace of the machinists ssld
Isst night thst when President O'Connell
of the International machinists' order re
turned to his hesdqusrtcrs at Washington
greater Impetus would ba given to th
strike. He says the grsnd lodges . bave
heartily approved It and given It their
most ardent support. He anticipates that
all the vice presidents qf the machinists'
union will be sent to this field to advanc
tbe Intereata of the strikers.
Mr. Orsce claima that during the week
Just closed a total of eighty nonunion nvn
deserted th compsny In the various shops
Over the line and he and other predict a
wholesale defection by Mondsy morning,
as they claim the nonunion men have teen
Impressed that th company's Intention Is
to enforce th piecework system by that
time and they claim they cannot earn a
living at It. . ..
Fifty Mea Arrested In. Peaaaylraala
Town, bat Majority Mako
Their Escape. '
TAMAQUA. " Pa., July 28. Thla evening
about fifty strikers captured William Ea-
gan, a Lehigh Coal and Navigation com
pany brakeman, and made an attempt to
march him out ot the region. When they
reached a point near Mauch Chunk they
were met by about twenty deputlea, armed
With Winchester rifles. At tbe point ot
their guns ths officers marched tbe men
to a train which waa tn watting and took
them to Lansford. When they arrived
there a large crowd of strikers gathered
about the train and made a demonstra
tion. .Ths deputies, surrounded the pris
oners and, keeping tbe crowd back by
leveling their guna at them, took up the
march to tha Jail. About 8 o'clock tbe
deputlea made an effort to .take the pris
oners to ths office ot a Justice ot ths
peace. When they reached the principal
part of the town the crowd pressed In
and th prisoner msde a dash for liberty,
sll but seventeen of them making their
escape. At present the town is In a atats
of turmoil and serious rioting is feared.
Fnll-Fleda-ed Rlaln. A.alaat Landed
Proprietors In Progreaa In
East Gallcla.
LONDON. July 26. A special dispatch
from Vienna asserts that over 100,000 ag
ricultural laborers in East Gallcla, most
of them Russians, are now on strike snd
that a full-fledged rising agalnat the landed
proprietors Is progressing. Near Lemberg
extensive stores were burned down yes
terday, while excesses are reported to
have been committed in other localities.
Ths landlords applied to the government
for troops to maintain order, but tbe au
thorities recommended that an attempt at
reconciliation be made by Increasing tho
wages. The peasants of Gallcla, according
to thla dispatch, are Joining the move
Parle Grand Opera Will Not Relax
. Rule Re-alrlngr Ereslag
(Copyright 1902.- by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 28.(New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A rumor, has
been current Some time that during tbe
summer season M. GalthSrd, the director' ot
the grand opera in Parts, was going to per
mit a slight Infringement ot the rules of
evening costume and permit gentlemen to
wear straw bate. Tbla waa hailed by ths
men as a delightful innovation, for many
times tliey would be tempted to drop into
the opera after a dinner it they were not
obliged to go borne to chsnge the straw bat
for a silk one.
But this rumor was false. M. Gaithard
declarea clearly and. firmly, in a leter to
the newspapers that no strawhats will be
admitted within the sacred precincts of the
opera, for be Intends to maintain the repu
tation for elegance and good form that the
opera holds sbove every other theater In
the world. '
Americans Monopolising; All the Ac
commodations at gwltser
laad Raaorta.
(Copyright 1902, by Peea Publishing Co.)
PAWS, Jill j 2. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Senator
Chauucey.,M., Depaw and hla wife hav
gone to Lucerne. Redman Wannamaker Is
there, too, together 'With a large part of the
Wannamaker family. Americana returning
say Swltserland haa never before been so
crowded with their compatriots. Ths re
sorts along Lake Geneva are especially
popular, v Interlaken accommodations ars
sec ore 4 by cable to such an extent and ao
long In advance that th English, German
and French patrons find It almost Impos
sible tojget there this year. New and com
fortable' cheap hotels have been opened at
many -bltherto Ignored mountain villages In
ths Bernese 'Oberland Alps, where whole
colonies of Americans ars spending ths
summer In preference . to going to the
'smart" places.
Said to' Have Fallen Deeply, ta Love
with Maad Gonne, the Irish
i- Acltator
(Copyright 1803, by Press Publishing Co.)
'LONDON, July 88. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) An extra
ordinary' romance In Lord Kitchener's llfs
la published hare. It Is related that when
he was returning from Egypt tea yesrs
ago 'he met In Parte that fair Fenian,
Maude Gon ae. and that a fortnight's ac
quaintance waa followed by a proposal, but
that the beautiful Irish rebel refused to
wed ber soldier lover, except on her own
terms. Thoss were inflexible, and as they
Involved his laying aside hla uniform and
Joining ber Id the Irish crusade, he re
malna a bachelor.
rapid Active at Mullen.
MULLEN, Neb.. July 2. (Special.)
This town haa experienced a quartet of
weddings the last two dsys, as follows: Mr.
W. Rector and Miss Josls Bouks, Mr.
Walter Wild and Mlaa Ethel Temple,
Mr. Robert McBrlds and Miss Mabel Tem
ple, Mr. Carl Osborne and Mlsa Amanda
Jonea. This leavea th village short oa
f'oajew rcll-Peteraoa.
HURON, S. D.. July 28. (Special. )
Thursdsy evening Orlsndo C. Cogswell, a
well known Chicago A Northwestern rail
way employe, and Miss Anna M. Peterson,
both of this city, were married by Rev.
R. A. Vanderlaa of the Presbyterian church.
Bryan la toanootlent.
MKRIDEV. Conn.. July M-Wllllsm
Jeni-ua bryan arrived here today from
Maine. After luncheon at the Hotel Wln
thrnp he dcllvced an address at Hanover
Important Penooagss Gather at Sagamora
Hill on Basin sis.
Rooaevelt and Friends Oo Or Cor.
tnln Matters, that Are Soon to
Be Disposed ot by the
OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. July 28. A distin
guished party asssmbled around tho presi
dent's board at luncheon la hla 8agam6r
Hill home today. Aside from the members
of tbe house party there were Secretary
Moody, Attorney. General Knox. Senator
Spooner of Wisconsin, William M. Byrne,
United States district attorney of Dei
wafe, and John C. Davles, attornsy general
Of New York state.
It waa neither, quite by accident nor yet
quit by design that all the members of
the psrty should hav com together at
Sagamore Hill at the same time. Attorney
General Knox waa expected this morning,
but - arrived earlier, bringing Senator
Spooner with htm. During, the afternoon
the visitors discussed with ths president
and Secretary Moody some of the details
of the Investigation that la to be conducted
by the Department of Justice Into the
ability of the new Panama Canal company
to pass a clsar title to lta property to lb
United 8tatea. It Is expected that In a
few weeks the Investigation will be In full
progress. Thus far Mr. Knox Is making
only the preliminary arrangements for It.
It Is understood thst the beet trust in
quiry waa adverted to briefly and In tbla
phase of th discussion Attorney General
Davlea participated. He was particularly
Interested, because hs Instituted, some time
ago, an action against the representatlvss
ot th so-called "beef trust" In New York
state. Th president and Mr. Davtea alao
discussed th political situation in New
York, with special reference to the prospsct
of Mr. Dsvles getting th nomination tor
supreme court Justice In tb Fifth district.
He thinks be will secure ths nomination.
In the event of hia failure to be nominated,
however, tt la quite likely th president will
name him to succeed Judge Alfred G. Cox
as United States district Judge ot the north
ern district of New York, Judge Coxa hav
ing been advanced by the president to tb
United States circuit court bench. Should
Mr. Davles obtain the nomination It ,1a
understood to be tbe Intention of th presi
dent to appoint Representative James Sher
man ot New York to th existing vacancy
on the dlatrtct bench.
Thla evening the prealdent entertained
at dinner, bealdea Secretary Moody, Engen
A. rhllbin, former diatrlot attorney of. New
York City; Frank C. Travera ot this village)
and Rev. Father John L. Belford of St.
Peter'a and St. Paul'a church in Brooklyn.
The three gentlemen last named ar very
prominent Catholics and met the president
and Secretary Moody to discuss the ques
tions in connection with the administra
tion demand for the withdrawal ot tha
friars from the Philippines.
After dinner tonight Colonel John W.
Vroo'nan of New York and Wtl'jiani L. Swan,
whO'e summer residence Is near that of
Mr. Roosevelt's, called to pay their re
Gnarda aid Rifles Gettlaar Ready to
Give Pnbllo Entertalasaent
r. . at Ballpark.
..The local military companies. ar getting
Id shape for th battle ot San-Juan Del
Monte Bridge, to be fought at Vinton Street
park, August 12 to 18.- Ths proceeds from
the sale ot tickets will go toward assisting
the 8100 allowed them by th stats toward
paying their rent each year. It Is expected
that tbe sham battle thla year will be on a
larger scale than aver before. Msny spe
cial features not Introduced laat year will
be presented. A complete Philippine seen
covering the entire outfield Is now betng
painted by the Orpheum artist and will
show the rlc fields, pslm trees snd every
thing Just as It occurred on the day of the
battle. In the foreground will be erected tha
bridge from which the battle took Its name.
The companlea are drilling each night and
will present a creditable entertainment.
John T. MalvehUl.
Joha P. Mulvehill, for twenty-four yeara
In the employ of the Union Pacific audi
Burlington railroad eompaalea, died at th
St. Joseph hospital Saturday morning ot
cancer of the stomach. Of hla Immediate
family he leaves a widow and four chil
dren, who reside at 1118 South - Eighth
street. Th deceased was alao a brother-in-law
of J. C. Brennaa, democratlo candi
date for land commissioner. At ths tlm
of bis death Mr. Mulvehill was employed
ss switchman by the Burlington Railroad
eompany. He was 44 years of ags and
cams to Omaha from New Jersey twenty
four years ago. The funeral will occur
Marr!cg Licensee.
Marriage licenses were Issued Saturday
aa follows:
XT a m mnA R.lM.NM
... M
... U
... 28
ThAma. V I . r 1 H t ( ) m K . .. ...
Margaret lilnright, Omaha
Dean F. Gregg, Omaha
Anna rivhrbera. Omaha
.... tl
Il'llll.n. I I.nru p,vn. At1lnta Nh
.. IS
.. 21
Lillle B. Smith, Omaha '.
F-nrnl of Mrs. Speed.
The funeral ofMary, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. "E. W. Speed, will be held today at
12:80 at the residence, 1S33 Park avenue.
Interment will be at Forest Lawn. The
funeral at the houae will ba private.
Yoa Can Tblak When tbo Foe'
Hakea Yoar Brala Work.
Tha mind does not work properly ualesa
th riant kind of food is furnished.. A
young man studying telegraphy said that
his progreaa waa very aiow. it aaamaa
tmnoaslbls for blm to pick up ths art and
understand It.
Ha suffered continually with stomaeU
troubls and could not digest his food prop
erly and he finally got so be could do but
little work and was temptea to give up ats
studies altogether.
About that time someone told blm about
the brain food, Grspe-Nuts, and he, went
i- . ii in a short time a very remark
able change took plac. Hla atomach re
covered and a Decam ire iron neaa
aches. Hia band waa do longer nervous
and trembling when be used the key and the
whole myatery of telegraphy ' untangled
Itself, for, aa he aaya, "I had tbe mental
power to maater it, and tb understand
ing cam easy whea the mind was la poise
and strong."
Ha la bow holding a responsible position
a an operator.
Thla la but one of the maey liiustratlsng
of the advantage of ualng food purpoaely
manufactured for rebuilding the broken
down gray matter tn the brala and aerv
centers throughout ths body. - Ths facta
sr there and eaa b prove to anyone soak
ing ths trial. -
Don't overlook tha recta book, la each
package of Grape-Nuts.