Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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    TIIE D3IA1TA X)ArCf BE"S: STODAV, JULY 2T, 1902.
i 1
AtvertUemeMts f eolassae
rill ta lakft natll IS SB. far
vealasr edition mm4 ! 8:30 9.
lor marata aa Bandar eemioaw
Rate. 1 war flrat laeertleat,
la a wora thereafter. Nothlaa taken
(r 8ese aaa Ida far the Brs laser.
tlaa. These ad vertlaesaeate as eat aa
taa eoaseeatlvely.
Advertisers, fcy rMtilltf
krf thrrk, caa nave aaawara -elreaaed
a aarakrrcd letter la aara
al Tka Baa. Aaawara aa addressed will
ka delivered aa raaaata4laa at tka
est air.
rVANTED. a position aa bookkeeper by a
yonng man of rood habits, bjslness col
lege graduate and gooil recommendations.
Address 8. H. Ellison, Box 3, St. KdwHrd.
Neb. A-ia 29
1 STENOGRAPHER When you want one
call Ihe Remington Typewriter oRlce, 16i
Farnam street. Telephone 16,4.
A-M469 A24
tlTCATION wanted by experienced lndy
stenographer. F 13, Bee.
A il
ti you live la we country or In a small
I town and have a good acquaintance
I among the farmers and stock raisers In
( the neighborhood you can nuke $6 eaally
: bv tobr or live hours work. Write us
' and wa ' will send you our proposition.
The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors iwpl.,
Omaha. Neb. B Mill
ANTED, a good man In every county tp
take subscriptions tor 'ine iwentietn
Century Farmer. Our agents make gooa
wag everywhere. Reterencea required.
Address Twentieth Century Farmer,
: Omaha. Neb.
WV ANTED, Insurance men of experience;
can offer you a good thing. Call al 8 a. m.
431 Board of Trade Blug. BSU
When You Write
1 to Advertisers
remember il nly lake an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that
you aaw the ad in The Bee.
eVANTED. bench men: steady work. Ap-
51y H. Ehrllch & Sons' factory, ot.
oseph, Mo. B M421 28
FOR steam shSvel work. Night or day
gang. One and one-half nines east of
Broadway motor. Council Bluffs. Hail
Uradlng & contract company.
B M420 29
EXPERIENCED male stenographer who I
typewriter. F 28,
WANTED for U. S. Army; Able-bodied un
married men between ages of 21 and Aa,
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who - can
speak, read ana write Engllsn. For infor
mation apply to Recruiting Officers, lrith
and Dodgq St., Omaha, and postoffice
building, Lincoln, Nebraska. B
IRUSTWORTHY person in each county
to. manage business; old established
house; solid financial standing; straight
bona fide weekly cash salary; f 18 paid by
I check each Wednesday, with all expenses,
direct from headquarters; money ad
' : vanced for expenses. Manager, 3a9 Caxlon
Bldg., Chicago. B M477 2S
HOSTLERS, teamsters and canvas men for
Camnbell Bros, shows: shin August 1;
1 free fare. Sweeney's Employment, 309
S. 12h St., Omaha. B M479 28
TIMBER and bridge carpenters $2.50 per
day, for Houtn Dakota; tree tare.
,' Sweeney's Employment, 309 8. 12th St.,
, Omaha. B M418 28
IARE YOU a Catholto nnd unemployed?
See me. Hixenbaugh, 600 ware block.
i , B-M173
lAD WRITING. Illustrating, proofreading.
journalism, Dcwmierpiiig or ueiiuBrai'iiy
taught by mall free; pay no tuition until
we secure permanent employment: gradu
ates guaranteed positions; write for free
tuition contract, mentioning subject you
wish to study. Correspondence Institute
of America, B240, Scranton, Pa.
B M468 26
ANTED, a good, sober man that under
stands house moving and likes the work;
will alve aood waars: will mre by aay.
r month Tr year. Address I. A. Murphy,
Bioux r ana, b. u. u baa it
blUSTLERS. get our 32-page catalogue of
' fastest selling articles; each one up to I
1 date. A Stamp brings it. western Manu-
. lecturing Co., ori uoage, ia.
Ix-EARK proofreading: situations secured;
u to 26 week sr. Home Correspondence
j School; Philadelphia. B
fW. F. Stlmpaon Co., Mfrs., Detroit, ch.
.WANTED, men who are weak or diseased
to write for free booklet edited by the
leadlna and most successful specialist In
the United States. Address J. Newton
. Hathaway, M. D., 82 Commercial Block.
i Btoux City, la. B
of appointments to be made; examina
tion soon in every state; nunoreaa pre
bared by us have been anDolnted: circu
lar 161; giving full particulars aa to posi
tions, salaries, datea and placea of exam
inations, etc., mailed free. Nat l Corre
spondence lust., Washington, u. c a
'TRAVELING salesman to handle Boiler
t Compound as aide line; large commissions.
Niagara Chemical Co., Mutual Life Bldg.,
Buffalo, N. Y. B-477 37
.YOUNG man to travel; teo month and ex
penses; experience unneccsxary; send ref
erences. Williams Co., Chamber Com.,
Detroit, Mich, B-636 27
DEPARTMENT or carpet and house fur
nishing trade: salesman calllna on either
city or country can secure valuable side
line. "Mats." P. O. Box 1371, New York.
It 673 27
WANTED, eoatmakcr. married, Swede or
U-rinan preferred; good place fog good
man; permanent. Address at once.'twlng
t Biepnens, viiusca, ia. - -4i II
.WANTED, men to learn best paying trade
In existence for poor man; short time;
little expense;- positions guaranteed;
Wages Saturdays; special Inducements to
applicants from distance. Call or write.
Moler Barber College, 1623 Farnam St.
' B-669 At v
SALESMAN, experienced, acquainted with
i the dry goods trade, to handle a line of
pettlcoata In Nebraska and Iowa; line
especially strong in popular priced skirts;
also to handle child s waist. Apply with
references and full i particulars. The
Worth bUg. Co.. Elyrla. O. B 647 17
, WANTED-. Everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, dlBtrlDuie circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 66 27
V1WANTED, man to travel In portion Ne-
prim.; yuuna man over 21 preierrea;
distribute, advertise, collect; permanent:
advancement. Salary, la.(X weekly ana
. expenses; references. Address, Manager,
, Ji Ponliac Bldg., Chicago. B 4SW 27
WANTED, two good strong boys. Omaha
Box Co., East Omaha. H 4.-8 7
DETECTIVE 8hrewd. reliable man wanted
In every localitf for profitable secret
Aervice." Exierleice unnecevsary. Write.
v 'American Detective Association, Indlno
apolia, lad. B 611 27
111 WEEKLY copying letters at home,
1 either sex. Send stump for particulars.
King Mfg. , Co., 24s Warren Ave . Chicago.
j B-6u9-2T
WANTED, young men to attend Omaha
'- College of Pharmacy. Bend for catalogue.
B 1 17
WANTED, solicitor for responsible con-
' cern; nvlther books or Insurance; salary
, and commission; splendid chance for rtfht
man with clean record. Call between 10 1
and 13, ml-O t tr.d i, M1'ly. Room
' Paxton block. - B 696 Z7
OIL stock salesmen wanted: good pay to
rlhl rr tie; company just formed; stock
sold on easy payments. For particulars
art dross Texaa-Ontario Oil Co.. Detroit.
Mich. B 17
BOOKKKEPEW8. clerks, solicitors snd of
fice helo, consult the Commercial Bu
reau of Information, suite 7. Maurer bldg..
Council Bluffs, or 426
Pextort block.
Boyles College
opens its
Fall Term.
Horace Mann: 1
If father wishes to give his son a legacy
that will end j re while life lasts, let him
send him to an Institution where ha can
obtain a general, practical education, and
he will have the satisfaction of knowing
that he has given him what la better
than houses, lands and farms, or even
gold and silver. These things may sud
denly take wings and fly away, but this
knowledge will last while Ufa and reason
I.n the Lead
BOYLES COLLEGE educates young men
and women for responsible positions In
the business world. 'For a number of
years past this college haa been stand
ing In the front as a progressive educa
tional Institution, and It Is now recog
nized as. the head of commercial schools
of Nebraska.
Apply for Illustrated Catalogue.
B 624 27
YOUNG men wanted, any distance, copy
lettera home evenings and return to us;
we pay $10 per l.flou; send addressed en
velope for particulars and copy. F. M.
C, Dept. 4, Box 1411, .Philadelphia.
B 616 27
MANAGER wanted, every large county;
"Game o Skill" nickel slot machine lor
drinks and cigars; strictly lawful, takes
place of forbidden slot machines, thereby
filling a long-felt want; rented or sold on
easy payments. Bells at sight; forty
thousand now In use. Conrad Jackson
Desk Co., Cincinnati, O. B 6SS 27
SOBER, honest men who desire to enter the
street railway service as conductors or
motormen address H. C. 8nider, 817 N.
6th St., St. Louis, Mo. Inclose six 2-cent
stamps and one reference quick. Passes
given to all who are employed.
B 628 27
WANTED, coal miners and machine run-
ners. Wyoming: bridge men. surface gnng
I - and extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska
coal snovelers, Colorado division B. M.j
coal shovelera and laborers, U. P. R. R.
Western R, K. Labor Agncy, 810 So. 11th.
SALESMEN for latest advertising novelty.
Phenomenal success wherever shown. Sal
ary or commission. Nevlns, 2441 11th ave..
New York. M424 28
Fact No. 1 That Gregg Shorthand Is tatrght In a larger number of schools than
are using any other system.
Fact No. S That certain school proprietors, having failed to secure a monopoly
in teaching Gregg Shorthand "In Its purity," are now trying to foist on the public
a clumsy Imitation of It which they can control absolutely.
Fact No. 8 That they will succeed In maintaining a monopoly over the adulter
ated Gregg Shorthand for the leasjm that no one will want to teach ltt
Fact No. 4 That at the recent convention of the Gregg Shorthand Association a
young man of 21, wrote on new matter 225 words' a minute; and this was accom
plished, like all the other high speed records In the system, by Gregg Shorthand
"in Its purity."
Fact No. 5 That any so-called "Improvements" of Gregg Shorthand which in
troduce vertical strokes and large hooka manifestly violate the fundamental prin
ciples of the system and are hopelessly Inefficient beyond a certain point.
Fact No. 6 That the latest and most Improved Gregg Shorthand Is found In
the "Revised Edition," published two weeks ago, by John Robert Gregg, which is
the most complete and beautiful text book on shorthand ever issued. This book
has printed oa the cover In gold lettera "GREGG SHORTHAND REVISED
: '
Fact No. 7 That you cannot afford to waate time and money over an untried
and worthless Imitation by a "Professor" who never had even a good theoretical
knowledge of Gregg Shorthand and did not(hold a teacher' certificate.
Fact No. 8 That there are many good business schools In Nebraaka where
Gregg Shorthand la taught by competent teachers In Its purity from the Revised
EdIUon and where students have the magaalne and ail the other reading and writ
ing matter in the system at their disposal.
Fact No. That wa Intend to continue giving facts' m this column and that In
teresting printed matter will be sent to any one on receipt of postal card.
WANTED, by manufacturer of perfumes,
toilet articles, flavoring extracts; three
experienced salesmen; no scheme; good
position. Address F 26, Bee. -664 27
SALE8MEN to sell toilet soap to dealers;
3100 per month aalary and expenses; ex
perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED, salesmen by manufacturers of
grocers' specialties; give experience fully;
Eood salary to hard workera. Address
ox 517, Chicago, III.
BEST quick selling side line; small coat
pocket sample; one nounr wont pays
your dally expenses. 34-201 Clark St.,
Chisago. 634 27
WANTED, salesman to carry manufac
turer a line of glovea in Kansas, Ne
braska or the Dakotas. For terms ad
dress F W, Bee. -649 27
SALESMAN, specialty, experienced travel
ing, to fill vacancy; best proposition ever
presented; standard line; leading manu
facturer; "crackerjack" advertising plan;
Insures orders nearly every town; com
mission advanced ; averages t.f on each
order. Box 41, Minneapolis, Minn.
-648 27
TRAVELING salesman wanted by estab
lished hojae; no technical , knowledge
necessary, but simply all-around hustler
of good appearance and address; first
class Una; liberal contract; entire time
required; reierences. not in. uetroit,
Mich. -644 27
SALESMAN WANTED Hustling salesman
for Nebraska by well established whole
sale house; high commission contract,
with 326 weekly advance while traveling.
Jess H. Smlih Co., Detroit, Mich.
-646 27
SALESMAN wsnted. experienced specialty
man of ability who is worth 3J0O per
month and expenses; position permanent;
good refereneea required: personal Inter
view If satisfactory. Write F 34, Bee.
-644 27
TOUNG MAN, TRAVEL-450 month and
expenses; experience unnecessary. en
close self-sddrersed envelope. Manager
Perkins, Manhattan Bldg., Chlcaso.
WANTED Salesmsn to sell grocers' spe
cialties to the retail gTocery trade In
Omaha and vicinity for a Chicago houae.
Experienced man or grocery clerk pre
f ei 1 Address. S 14. care Lord A
Thomaa, Chicago. 6e A-t
WE PAT $30 a week and expenses to men
with riga to Introduce our Poultry Com
pound: send stamp. Javelle Mfg. Co.,
Dept. 30. Para oii, Kan. -6iJ0 37
WANTED, experienced traveling salesmen
of gooa appearance ana addresa to place
our line with the genaral merchandise
trade; references and bond required. Pox
(os. St Louis, Mo, -447 37
Boyd Building, Omaha.
A. C. Ong, A. M., LL. B., President.
Established Ten Years.
We Succeed Because Our Students Succeed.
The New Golden Oak Furniture Is Here. ,
Nothing I.Ike It In the West.
Two Entire Floors are now being Elegantly Furnished.
Yale lxckhox Desks for Shorthand Department.
Roll Top Desks and Flemish Oak Banking Fixtures for the Commercial Depart
Prof. A. J. Lowry. the best known and considered to be the most popular and effi
cient commercial teacher and accountant In the west, has been secured for next year.
Thin information will be gladly received by the scores of young people who contem
plate a business education next year.
Prof. A. O. Outhriflge Is the only Shorthand and Typewriter Instructor In Omaha
who has attended the Gregg School for teachers and received a diploma. For an en
tire term he was under the author of Gregg Shorthand and learned the methods of
the most noted author of Shorthand In America.
This Is the only college In Omaha that makes a specialty of teaching Gregg Short
hand as set forth by the author In his "Revised Edition." We do not and we would
not teach any "crude and Imperfect" modifications of It. Any experienced steno
grapher can tell the beginner how dangerous a thing It Is to attempt learning a ays
tem that haa been changed. You want the purest, the best. We teach It.
We now have the largest attendance In tne history of the school. You want the
best; we have the best. Come and visit us and you'll say It's the best. Send for our
catalogue, free a work of art.
HOME work, J60 monthly copying letters.
eitner sex; sena two stamps ror particu
lars. Hick'a Supply Co., 6004 Ilalatead St.,
Chicago. 653 17
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi
ropody and scientific massage. Call or
write Room 220. Bee Bldg. C 230
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge.
C 2U
WANTED Lady cook. Eureka Restau
rant, lt04 Caas St. v C M830
WANTED, bookkeeper and stenographer.
Address E 67, Bee. C 201
WANTED, a girl for general housework.
. small family. Mrs. Hall, 2216 Sherman
ave. c 216
WANTED, a competent girl for housework.
Mrs. M. E. Dumont, 3642 Lafayette Ave.
O 234'
WANTED, finisher on shirts and coats;
also machine operator on overalls, shirts
and duck clothing. Apply Byrne & Ham
mer Factory, 12th and Howard Sts.
C 405 27
WANTED, an experienced lady demonstra
tor for city work. F 81, Bee.
O-M475 28
LEARN proofreading: sltuatlona secured;
116 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence
School, Philadelphia. C
WOMEN to do sewing and binding on spe
cialties; (4 per loo; can make six an hour;
material sent free prepaid; send ad
dressed reply envelope for full particulars.
Universal Co., Dept. A, Walnut St.. Phila
delphia. Pa. C 679 27
DON'T MISS THIS If you want govern
ment tfppolntment prepare now for ex
aminatlon. Sure method. Quick and In
expensive. Write Field's Civil Service
Correspondence Institute, Washington,
D. C. C Mtt-ZJ'
GIRL for general housework; references
riQuired. Mrs. H. W. ghrlver, Spsn-
cer St. ij a
FEW ladlea to do copying at home; no
canvassing; good salary; enclose stamp.
Warren Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich.
I C-6U8 27
LADIES, copy letters at home; 310 per
1,000. Send stampea envelope lor applica
tion. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. si,
Chicago. C tJO z
ACTIVE Catholic lady to work at home:
tit paid for 12 days trial; permanent If
satisfactory. John Engwall. Lakeside
Bldg., Chicago. C 604 27
LADY wanted to travel and collect In Ne
braska; $c0 monthly bona Ada guaranteed.
Salary and expenses; trustworthy posi
tion; references required. Send self
addressed envelope for reply. James Mc
Brody, Star Bldg., Chicago. C-6ol 27
BRIGHT, capable young lady stenographer
for office work; must have manaRing
ability and willing to accept responsibility;
permanent position to right party. Ad
dress F 39, Bee. C 634 27
YOUNG tadles wanted, any distance, copy
lettera home evenings and return to us;
we pay $10 per T.ouu; send addressed en
velope for particulars and copy. F. M.
C, Dept. 4. Box 1411, Philadelphia.
C-615 37
$10 PER 1.000 copying letters to be sent to
us; paper free; two stamps with applica
tion. Illinois Industrial Union, Dek K,
Chicago. C 614 37
LADIE8 to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materlula and pay from
$7 to $13 weekly: send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chlcngo.
C-6i0 27
89 TO $15 Weekly, no canvassing. If now
employed an hour or two evenings will
add $6 to $6 to your weekly Income; en
cle stamp; work mailed on application.
30th Century Mfg. Co., Toledo, O.
C 591 27
LADIES copy letters at home during spare
time: we pay $1000 per thousand. Enclose
stamp tor particulars. C W. Mig Co.,
Toledo. U C fcJ 27
"Absolute Thorough."
BY A WIDOWER, a competent lady for
general housework; modern conveniences;
no wanning; , give age, reierences and
wages expected. F 41, Bee.
C M630 28
WE have a large list of houses and
flats for rent Call and get list v
Ground Floor, Bee Bldg.
D 619 27
VANS and baggage wagon. Tel. lus.
unilCCC In all parts of city. The O.
liwujwr. Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg.
TO MOVE lirht sret Omaha Van Stores
Co.; office 1611ft Farnam, or Tela. I6i9-xi3. I
D 284
SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK As CO., for choice
houses, eui-a a. x. laid mug. Tel. low.
HAGGARD Van ft Storage Co.
Tel. 1496.
D 2S7
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas.
D 2S8
2107 SPENCER ST., 10-room house with,
gas. Dam, iurnace ana Darn; nice loca
tion: rent 3a0. Wm. K. Potter, receiver.
Oroaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Brown
oiock. u aa
MODERN 8-roora furnished house, August
and Beptember; references jrequlred. 2901
Hickory St. D 47 37
2020 BURT ST., rooms, modern. 330; 4318
f arnam, s rooms, modern and barn, -5;
wm Mason, a rooms, modern; lbbg w. zotn,
4 rooms, 110. Others. Rlngwalt Bros.,
marker aiK. 17699
Desirable double flat. No. 2402-4 Cuming
Third floor flat. No. 1716 Nicholas street.
Real Estate, Loan, Rental and General
insurance Agents,
209 Ffrst National Bank Building.
D 606 27
HOUSES and flats.
Rlngwalt, Barker block.
FOR RENT, large 9-room house, city water.
fja.uo; cxrt Kionao. i-room nouse, ltuu in.
22d, $15.00. The Omaha Realty Co., 1301
uougiaa st. u-tY(
UN EQUALLED, central,
ill modern. 7-
room bouse, 4-room nau
Tlxard, 220 N.
GOOD modern 8-room house.
2504 Blondo.
HOUSES, stores.
Bemls, Paxton block.
1J 231
rent $20. Wm. K. Potter, receiver. Omaha
loan and irust Co., aua urown oiock.
199 rTT A RT.ra fnnr.rnnm itnlt...! Mn
ill. wm. K. i-otter, receiver, umun
Loan and Triut Co.. 303 Brown block.
MODERN house, 8 rooms, 2723 Jackson St.
wneeier at Wheeler, uougiaa and lotn su
Tel. IBB. v M&os
4-ROOM, all modern house, 2207 Sherman
ave.. a fine nna. 127.00,
T-rdom, all modern, 1001 N. 2th St., another
fine one, $20.00, ti. E. Turklngton, 606 Bee.
V on oot
FURNITURE for sale, house for rent. Call
mornings. 2016 Douglas. St.
FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage, iZA
and California atreets, in gooa repair
Choice neighborhood : 322. Including water
rent. Inquire at 607 N. 19th street or W7 I
Pi. x. Ufe Bldg. . .
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takes an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention ute iac taat
yu amw iai u m iui
TWO modern brick houses, nearly new;
each nine rooms and laundry; 3639 and 41
South 23th Ave., facing park; on atreet
car line; price, $40.1nqulre of J. M. Rich
ards, 1116 So. 82d street. u-aa
4011 SEWARD ST., 7-room modern except
furnace; good barn, umy Ku.
924 N. 42d at-, 7-room, all modern. $20.
Large 16-room houae, suitable for hotel or
fumllv hoardina hollKA.
Inquire Payne investment Co., Main Floor
jn. x. lAia Diog. - u atwt ti
FOR RENT, 10-room modern house, large
lawn, stable room, one horse and buggy
In good condition, i. L Purcupile, 198
Capitol avenue. D47 29
FOR RENT, elea-ant brick, modern resi
dence, 2oth ave., near SL Mary's ave..
.cheap. urennan-lxve CO., au a. in at.
FOR RENT. 10-room brick, modern resi
dence, only a few blocka from pos toffies;
just the thing for a flrst-clasa boarding
house. $45 a month. Brennan-Love Co.,
S. 13lh St. " , D M444 30
12-room. stone, modern residence, 2423 Cass
St., b0.
3-roum modern brick residence, 3007 Pacific
St., Ko.
8-rooni modern residence, 1128 So. list St.
9-room modern residence and barn. 19X4
Binney St.. 826.
8-rom modern residence, 113 So. 29th Ave.,
8-room modern brick residence, 861 N. 89th
Bt., au.
BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. u915o. 13th Bt.
D 407 31
FOR RENT, desirable cottage, 6 rooms.
modern, furnace, lawn. t r. zotn st.
D-M463 27
FOR RENT Modern cottage with barn.
421 Capitol Ave.. Dundee: rent, $18. In
quire 4h24 Webster. D 46427"
207 So. 24lh, 16 rooms, modern, suitable for
roomers and boarders, aood neighborhood,
3S69 Franklin, 8 rooms, city water, cistern.
gas lor stove, nice lawn ana snane.
Dodge, 8 rooms, modern, 3-T50.
Ili4 bo. 9(h, 7 rooms, city water, $16.50.
lm Corby. rooms, city water, $13 00.
3tI so. kvh, t rooms, cliy taster, Is.uo.
1604 Farnam St. Com. Nat'L Bank Bldg.
D697 17
FOR RENT, 310 8. Win, 10 rooms, steam
heal. 0.
iMdm. ft rooma. modem. 830.
3719 Marcy, 10 rooms, barn, fine place. $37.60.
JJ. V. tMUL.t.B t VJ-.
Tal 12a. 810 N. T. Life.
D Mi-8 37
WE ARE building an attractive 8-room
Colonial house on cor. Burt and 39th sts.
It will be ready for occupancy Sept 1.
Do you want It?
Ground Floor, Bee Bldg.
D 1S 27
That very commodious and comfortable
east front dwelling. No. Si South ithtn
street, pi.ved street, large barn, 76 feet
Knu'Asn vEMwrnT a son.
Real Estate, loan. Rental and General
Insurance Agents,
S09 First National Bank Building.
D-W7 27
4 LARGE rooms and large hall, $12; large
rooms and large hall, ; in gooa condi
tion; Just north of U. P. depot. Bmls,
Paxton block.
FURNISHED and unfurnished houses and
rooms for sale or to rent by the com
mercial Bureau of Information. Suite 7,
over 620 Broadway, Council Bluffs, or 425
Paxton block, Omaha. D-649 27
ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the
city, isvs capuoi Ave. av .mb
LARGE front room, alao small front room,
together or separately. ai uougias.
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
ft PER WEEK, 423 S, 18th St., one bl-ok
south of court house. & mi
cool, rooms.
modern, 20U
E 777 AS
ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam.
MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished-
walking distance, zuoi Hurt. tuon
BACK parlor, to ladles only; references
required, bii is. itn hl ej 1 i-
NICELY furnished front rooms for light
housekeeping. 2310 Douglas bi.
NICE room, modern, large lawn, close In;
quiet home tor any gentleman wno ao-
slres such. F , Bee. . i '
PLEASANT southeast room.
2213 Dodge.
E 68 27
FIVE rooms furnished for housekeeping.
$4.00 per week. Suitable for four persona.
214 Bo, Z9th St. mo-m
FOR RENT, two nice south rooms. 1923
Dodge St. E 640 27
FURNISHED rooms for rent 1814 Webster.
E M644 A2
Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. St.
F 283
ROOM8 and
board. The
Albany. 2101
F M466 A24
THE STEWART Rooms and board, 170S
Chicago. jr 4 zc
NICE front room, modern, walking dls-
tanoe, handy to all cars. 1919 Burt st.
r rati
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St.
F 657 A28
FURNISHED roomi, with board. 2109
Dougtaa. w i
THE ALBIESG, 111 S. 17th at., furnished
rooms, with board; good accommodations
for transients. i
DESK room space, 36 per month; ground
floor room in ine Bee ouuaing, lacing
Farnam street; no expense for light, heat
or janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co.,
rental agents. Bee building. G 116
FOR RENT The bulldlna formerly occu
rued by me Bee at sis varnam at. it
has four stories, and a basement which
was formerly used as The Bee press room.
This win oe rentea very reasouaoiy. u
Interested apply at once to C. C Rosa
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
. 1 i 40A
FOR RENT Store in first-class location:
rent reasonable. Apply it, meters at
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. i m
FOR RENT Desk room or large space
suitable for merchandise Droxer or party
doing business In wholesale district. In
quire liene oc o., sis rarnam ou
i A JUa
Patterson block. 17th and Farnam, two
large rooms fronting Farnam, Zj.uu; two
rooms, 17th front, $20.00; single rooms. 38, ix.&o.
I . .TTt:?"
r" TA fTj.iS' TxiV VTA ,. rw..
Nl A
n t"mn, "iu ' """
cltv water. 316.60.
214 So. 15th street, choice location.
UAKV1XN iou lAiutAin ni.
1-696 27
Dealrahla store room In brick building. No.
2413 Cuming street,
I trnwipn wtrWMTmv A IKW.
Estate. Loan, Rental and General
insurance Agents,
209 First National Bank Building.
I 6"5 27
WANTED Canvassing agents In every
county to solicit suDscripuons to 11111,
TWENTIETH! ClilMiuiti rAiman.
Rteaxlv amDloyment with assured good in
come. Agents in the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily $00 to $10u per month. Ad
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building, umana.
1 SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Bend tor
1 sample. comDinaiion war jvqud iiu avi.
p,Q CU1.11HS v UlllUlBi v. U V . . A V .
any door in a moment. No batteries to
worry about. No springs to wind. Noth
ing to get out of order. Own your own
i.Ti Kn lunrilnrit ta trouble. Price and
Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send 1.60
for ssrople. Agents wanted. WESTEHN
Street. Omaha. lNeo. jtim
I MEDICOLQQT agents for Iom-a field. Htx-
enbaugb tt Co., 600 Ware block. J M471
AGENTS, don't work for others: learn a
profession in ten aays msi wuj .v ..v
to $26 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmer. Ne
vada, Mo. J"
AGENTS, new household Invention: pat.
Feb.. 1902: 26.OJ0 sola in Mliwauaoe; a
winnar- hia- nroflta: exclusive territory;
free sample. J. L. Edgren, Loan at Trust
Bldg., Milwaukee.- wis.
aniTNTH wanted to handle latest lm
proved aeir-neaung inai ui.i irun, v
stack, but a aouoie arau; uihm iui
provements. American Hardware Mfg.
Co., 23 Park Row. New York. J-681 37
WANTED, manager In every city, county
to handle best paying eusmese unu.u,
legitimate; new: exciuaive control. 1110a
nix Co.. 16 W. 28th St., New Yorlc
WB PAY $23 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce fouury compojna.
International Mlg. co., rarsons. Rn.
J 676 27
AGENTS can make 32.000 to $4,000 the next
three montns nanaung a newiy paicuieu
article; absolute neceasitv In every
k....m)i.,M and business. Demand enor
mous: experience not necessary; exclu
sive territory alven. Household Novelty
Co.. Manufacturers, 66 West Sith St., New
York City. J 6(i6 27
NATIONAL Automatic Window Cleaner
doea away Wltn oucaet, taaaer, oruen,
ii.ih anil aloD. Acents wanted. Sample
75c. Bnyler-Carey Mfg. Co.. Hulbert
block, Cincinnati, O. J 6b 37
I AGENTS' headquarters for street fair car
nival and celebration a-ooda. street work
era neddler supplies canes, confetti, fly
ing snake; foxy grandpas, new goods
every day. Write for catalogue. Wentern
Merchandise Co., 264 E. Madison St., Chi
cago. jvjv ti-
STOP RUNAWAYS Pocket hitching posts
hitch horses solid instantly; carry in
aivht ael er: a rents wanted.
Pocket Hitching Post Co.. Richmond.
lnd. J-&U6-3T
AGENTS $126.00 monthly; metal bread
boards; new premium plan insure sales
every house; work hard, but icb.uo sure.
I'laps and samples free. Forahee Mfg
Co., B. 4U, Cincinnati, O. J-84 37
Sewing Machines Cheap
White, five drawer, drop head......
Standard, five drawer, drop head....
Davis, five drawer, drop head
Household, five drawer, drop head, good as nevv-
New Home, five drawer, drop head
Wilcox & Gibbs, box top
Singer, tailoring
Standard, drop head
Wheeler & Wilson, No. 2
These machines are all in perfect condition, and the latest thing the ,
ractories produce, and such machines as the usual agents sell for new.
Box top machines, all standard makes, with the latest
plete, with attachments, from
$1.00 to $15
We rent machines at 75c per week or 2.00 per month,
and sell parts for any machine manufactured.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. Cor. 15th and Harney.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
612 N. 24th St, South Omaha, Neb.
AGENTS, men or women, to sell new
household article; every one buys. Sells
Itself. Quick Sales; 35 to $7 dally. Write
today. C. E. Partee, Burlington, Wis.
i . J -627 27 .
capacity equals over 18 feet of line; nick
eled holders; retails 7c. Quick sellers.
Big money. Write Standard Mfg. Co.,
Auburn, lnd. J 630 27
AQENTS In every city and town to solicit
DUKineee nrms; gooa pay to good men.
Address, Charles Kelly, Room 6"9, Cham
ber of Commerce, Cleveland, O.
J 628 27
AQENTS, the book of the age just out,
"The UnTKd States of the World," pro
fusely Illustrated In beautiful colors; his
tory of man's evolution through the ages
and of the law destined to rule the fed
erated nations under one universal gov
ernment; the great book of the year;
everyone will 'want to read It; complete
copy In vellum de lux cloth, richly
stamped In colors, with terms and In
structions, sent express paid, for 60 cents,
Iust to cover cost; money back and you
:eep the book If not satisfactory; send
today. W. M, Ooldthwaite, 221 6th Ave.,
Chicago. 111. J-625 27
WHIP salesmen wanted on commission or
salary. If they have an established trade;
good men can make nrst-claas pay; posi
tions open until August 20. United States
Whip Co., Westneld. Mass. J 621 27
WANTED, good representatives In each
city and town to handle our line of gas
mantles and supplies; permanent. Mod
ern Light Co., Station C, Detroit, Mich.
J-618 27
WE WILL pay any honest man $85.00 per
montn ana an traveling expenses to taae
orders for the greatest portrait concern In
the United States; your salary will be
guaranteed and position permanent. Ad
dress World's Art Exchange, Dent. 476,
Chicago, III. , J-613 27
AGENTS wanted In every city In Nebraska
for a new idea in accident insurance, 1-1
to Vi current rates, liberal commission
and exclusive territory to the right man.
Progressive Mutual Accident association,
934 New York Life bldg., Omaha.
J-46 29
WANTED, 8 to 9-room houae, good loca
tion, by first-class tenant.
$ to 9-room house, furnished, located In the
West Farnam street district, oy tne 1st
of Rentember. bv best of Parties.
W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St.
iv zl
WANTED by man, well furnished room
close In. Address r 40, nee. k o-jb i-
WANTED, room and board -for man and
wife, in well located, modern house;
private family preferred; references. Ad
dress F 42, Bee. K-Mt21 2S ,
WANTED, to rent, a 7-8-room furnished.
modern house, tor summer or longer, t
grown persons, responsible party. Ad
dress F 48, Bee. K MA43 2R
1 "
WANTED, 1.000 old feather beds highest
cash prices paid. Address A. 11. Marx,
general delivery, Omaha. Mall orders at
tended to. M4l Al
WANTED, to buy, bakery, $l,ono to $1,500.
Address F 43, Bee. -mii zb
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020. New and secondhand, oougm, soia,
exchanged. O 296
HOUSEHOLD furniture and a fine upright
piano, call at Z21Z wirt St. u i3 zi-
2 TOP CARRIAGES. 4 phaelons, other top
and open buggies, rreiner, zo.v Leaven
worth. ' P-M626A9
FOR SALE, a young- Shetland pony, very
small and genua, at sue weDsier tit.
P 432 27
REMEMBER Harry Frost puts tires on
and nx!S venicies, inn ana leavenworm.
TWO stallions for sale cheap or trade, one
a black Percheron, one a bay trotter,
both money makers; reason for selling,
other business. Apply Bowse & Green's
barn. Council Bluffs, Ia. P 44 27
FOR SALE, driving horse, harness and
buggy. Price reasonaDie. can evenings
or address Wm. F. Lehner, 2410 N. St.,
South Omaha, Neb. P-403 $0
CARLOAD of horses. Baumley & John
son, Omaha Stables, 417 So. 141 n Bt.v
, P-6S3 27
WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim
bers, encap; nog leuce, etc. sua ajuuiju,
Q U4
FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any
other musical inirunieiu, aa up. mi
W Ittman Co., ItU amain. Q 2l
NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Far.
nam. w
luO STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher
man at McDonnell jrug vv., ajdiu iou
LoUge. Omaha. Q M
INDIAN goods and relics.
1119 Farnam.
Q 4
VIM puncture-proof tires. $4.98 and $7 00 per
pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., Jam and Chl
iigo sta. Q-M6l
2D HAND safe cheap. Schwartl, 114 8. 13th.
ZDHAND aafs cheap.
Ptr'.stC, 1111 Farnam.
FOR gas fixtures sea Rami Burns.
Q 720 AS
L M. E. always hurry. Tel. 796.
Q M364
EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30;
mniildful r.nirili. 6uc each, or 15 Der doa. :
new wheels, $16 up. 2d hand $6 up. Omaha
Bicycle Co.. lain ana inicago sis.
Q M222
FOR SALE, pictures and mouldings, sepa
rate or together, oa account ot leaving
city. Star Art Co., 2403 Leavenworth.
Q-M427 27
mti HAT.F5 600 rattle, consisting of year
Unas. 1-year-olds, cows and cows and
calvasi a'l healthy and In fine condition.
For prices snd full description address
m n. ut a o, umuu. w
We repair
Q 481 27
FOR SALE, a young Durham cow, very
gentle, just fresh; a good milker, at STC26
Webster St. Q-431 17
FOR BA LB Three litters Scotch Collla
pups. H. Brown, 1806 8 St,, South Omaha.
Q M461 31
FOR SALE, a handmade, open surrey,
newly painted and upholstered. 811 m l -Flnlayson,
213 So. 13th St. Q 493 27
CONCESSIONS at M. W. A. log-rolling as
sociation plcnlo at Valley, Neb., August
14. Address Jos. Anderson, Valley.
Q M811 28
Gylmer j
Cmaha's Famous Palmist
has Just returned from an extended trip
throughout the country and Is In an ex- 1
cellent state of health and mind. Her"
trip was one of recreation and pleasure
and waa sorely needed after 6 conseouttva ,
years of continuous and ardent labor.
The madam Is glad to be home again and
states that she will resume her i work
with a renewed vigor and will put forth
every eJTort to accommodate all of her
applicants. For the benefit of strangers
It might be well to state that aa a scien
tific palmist Mme. Gylmer stands alone.
She is recognised as the leader of her
"profession. She la pre-eminently the
freatest life reader In the country today,
f you are In need of advice concerning
any phase of life .don't fall to consult
this wonderful woman. She can give ac
curate and beneficial Information. Par
lora of Palmistry. 315 S. 16th St., In
Granite Blk., 2d floor. Take elevator.
8-610 27
The noted trance medium, clairvoyant and
palmist, guarantees to her visitors com- '
plete satisfaction or no charge. All af
fairs of life. If there Is anything you
wish to know, any desire of your heart
ungratlfled, consult this gifted woman, v
whose power has mystified the most
skeptical. What she has done for other
she can do for you. Your life will be
made brighter, happier and a path
marked out that will lead you to success.
Independent slate and letter writings.
Mediums developed. Persons living at a
distance may write In perfect conudenca,
109 bo. 17th St., near Dodge St.
Lecture and spirit messages Sunday, 7:30
p. m., at Woodmen hall, cor. 16th St., and
Capitol Ave. Names in full, descriptions
and delineations. All are welcome. Coma
early to get a seat S 4J8 2i
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant.
1614 Caas St.
S 309
MME. GYLMER, Omaha's celebrated
palmist, has returned to the city after
an extended Journey throughout - the
country, and ia now at the present ad
dresa, 315 80. 16th St., Granite block.
t 1
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N lo, 2d floor. R. a.
T M, 4 Aa
MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, R. 7.
T-168 A13
VERY deHlrable large south room, with
board. 2o3 N. 18th s(- T M615 31
I AM of good appearance, well educated,
m.uule used, ve.y weaituy, and 1 want
to marry an Intelligent, practical, sym
pathetic lady, no matter wuat her clrcuni-
- stance or station in life; more attention
ia paid to hunting golu tnan a true com
panion, hence tne number of unhappy
marriages, so wny not go about It In a
business-like manner. It is of no conse
quence how people become acquainted.
'Ine paramount inlng la the inaivlduala,
and I huve set aslue custom aa tne happi
ness ot a lifetime is of more moment, ue
llcving there la aomewhure In this broad
land a genuine woman wnom 1 can love
ami wliu whom 1 can share my vast for
tune, if she will aet aside ner scruples, as
1 have mine, long enouga to auureas, Mr.
WeiKr, Keal Eatate Board Bldg.. chlcagit.
U 69 'it
HE SIGHED, she sighed, and then they
sighed aids by siae aown by toe river
lue. .
He cad forgotten his
The only kind sue would let him smoke.
HAIRDRE6SINO, manicuring and chirop
ody, for lauies omy, in connection wua
TUa Balhery, AiS-iM Bee Bldg. U ill
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con
finement; bauiee aoopiea. ove urant eu
Mrs. Gardaia. Tet.F-lUd. U ill
RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to tt
days; sena tor circular, vj. o. vvuou, aa. aa,
sal isew erkLU Bldg., Omana. Neb.
VIAVA, woman's way to health. Horn
treatment. Booklet free. M Bee bldg.,
Omaha. Ul
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
ana retail, .oiuns x iuim vu., isja Asoug
las. U al
CHIROFODV .1 specialty. In connection
with f'tiK IMiUiery, rooms 216-220, Bee Bldg.
Tel. 111. U-4US
SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 26c, la
connection with The Bathery, l6-2A, Re
building. Tel. 1714. U-4U7
Is Nature' highway to health, strength
and beauty. There la no beauty, strength
or health without activity. 1 teach a
scientific method of home training that
gives one that superb power that only .
accompanies a high degree ot health.
Sam J. Fox, room 2, 1404 Farnam.
U-604 n
HANDSOME, Intelligent American lady,
worth $i6,ika, will marry Immediately auii
assist kind husband financially. Address,
Bella. 134 Vwiburtu St., Chicago.
U-iU 27
RRrfRKD merchant, middle aged, worth
tao.uuU, seeks at once poor but faithful
wife. Address. Mr, Hamilton, 4ul Omaha
Bldg., Cbigo. " U 610 tt
DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenser
block, obronlo diaeaaes & specialty; con
saltation tree. U ill
TEL. 78 for L. M. E. Beasengera.
ELITE PARLORS, 40 80, lth St.. 2d floor..
C U7 All