Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17

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Fcon noxn. Weak: extra short, $11 M4:
clear ribs, 612; short clear, $11 15
HAT Steady; timothy, $9.0ttltt0; prairie,
$7 (Htj ((.
WHISKY-Steady, 11.81.
1KU.N MOTION TlfcS-Fteady, I1.06.
HEMP TWINE Steady. c.
MKTAL9-l4, firm at 8J.744.00. Spel
ter. Arm at to 01.
FEW CHANGES IN RULING QUOTATIONS UtTtetTtwkeyi"i3e; .'"c: gewei
HT'TTFW Steady; cre.n;ery, lSTjacj
dairy. i7184c
1:.uub iorr at ic, io' on.
' Receipts. Shipment.
Ihuinetg Unninally Brisk for Kid-Summer
aid BtUtr Than a Ytar iga.
Traepeete far the Fetara War Wever
Oaed ana Jabber, nasi Retall-
ra Aft Making Preparation
(or Their Fall Trade.
Flour, bbls,
Whet. bu...
Ct.rn, tu
Otta, bu
... S7.00
... Hoco
Omaha Jobbera and manufacturer en-
ioyad a very nice trade last week In all
no of seasonable goods. The exception
ally prosperous conditions which exiit In
the entire territory tributary to this mar
ket la thought to be the cause for the un
usually heavy consuming demand for this
time of the year. Not only the necessities
ef life, but luxuries as well are In greater
femand than ever before and the prospects
or the future are etlll better. Wholesalers
now think that it will take something out
4f the vrdlnary to prevent them from male-
Ing an enormous gain over their last fall a
trade. Traveling men who have lately
Come in from their territories say they
Jul; OaU Plnnf! Bliadly ta Fify-fira, but
Immediately lounoa Up.
Otker Cereala Have rear Day, Wheat
Rating; Weak aad Cara Lower,
While Prevtalana Alaa
Drap OaT.
4.00: winter stratKhts. l3.WaQ.H0: Minne
sota patenta, yt; winter extras, n.m
f3.36; winter low grades, t2.B04t3.16; Min
nesota DBKers, .t ir. fiii.ji. nye nour, auu;
fair to good, $3.&a3.4o; choice to fancy, $3.0
lORNMEAb- steady; yellow western.
K 45U3.SO.
664c, f. o. b..
York car
2.i. . , - , , 1 LUIS,
win pui western Rimers in a more inue- i rtARl.FY Quiet feed Ins- "e
pendent and prosperous condition than has ifx?,i.iiaa'tM. Boot.
;vV." 5n""- ?"'i.18.,":i! lS.?l weak; N6. 1 red. 784c. elevator; No. 2 fedj
. win --". uu .mail Biaiii. ' 7v. t n h . afloat: No. 1 northern Dnlnth
notations at the Day aa Yarleae
NEW YORK. Jul MFLftTTTt Repel nts.
20.MU bbls.: exunrfs. !:.(! hhla market 1 f r..m a rumor that tha Patten deal In July
1 and easier Influenced bv the nntiom hjd bvan settled, and from the
break in wheat: winter patents, fe.7sJ ! almost Immediate contradiction of the game
CHICAGO. July 16 Wild and Jagged
fluctuations In new July oats held specula
tors on 'change spellbound today. in
twenty minutes the cornered option siumped
164c, and In as many minutes more thtre
a a rally of uc. ine gyrations reauueoj
never saw anything like the confidence in .135. "A",': tixT Brandy wine KM'
future business that exists out through the HT& Quiet ro 2 western' 664
country. They say it Is because of the ,notateY t364o c I I New
prospect of a bumper crop of corn which fotg ' l eJOtwo, c. 1. 1. isew
turned out well and besides that all kinds
S:rc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba,
a a. . . , . , . . I o.l ,U
t "ve stoca is wringing more money tnan o.i7 r k ',n.. r-, . .i. h..i
t?r f",yJ.e,?:: fr?d'2l!cLm.a bulll8h weather and cable news
kinds "eellK than ver before. from El,Band, but subsequent active un-
jl!-..i,r'"Ult.'n01ey-i will soon be Pouring loa(1n, ,.froyed the advances. Heavy
ir.v.'.h J thev wlH n Vr.'hefr '!h.b,V new wlteat receipts at St Louis, indications
lieve tha they will come In for their share. , . ,,.. vimhi mmlv Increime and favor.
in comparing their future business with I ..1. .r.i. .l ..n,.,..
' - 'J.'", loeal Jobb" ,et -i"g "t ' we. kn.M. Closed Veak and Vflc net
cnanre. Nenrlv vrv cuttnmpr who hai at... , .1 -. -.2-.
r'.!.,rf V?,0 IBrJ;a? 'J?"","!?1 closed at 0c; September, 7tfVt.'976'4c. closed
f th!. "d,by. fnrali. hu.n?,red d''"r- at 7c: December. 76V.1r.7c. closed at 74Vc.
li-,h'.t r"nu5" throuahout the season it COlW-Receipts. 75,1-i bu.; exports, 52
VL.'r .r. - "J""- uu, spot, weuker; no. 2, iuc. elevator, ana
I5cen n lhe toi' .5mou.1t P'J?000!? eoJd out 71e, f. o. b , afloat. Option market opened
Sl?mKh8i .Be8lde J.1" Omaha houses iteadler witn wheat, but later gave way
have the increase to figure on from their I ,,h., ii,,,,i,intin in.nir.rt hv r.vnrhi.
new customers and also from the hundreds rrnn new. Tha rinse was weak at K.r,ir
of opening stocks that have been sold and! r, -tiin m.v i7-w.s jur- i-nmn it.-
w'll "J') ' the next two months. Tak- Beptember, 6f dc, closed at 63c; Decern
ing everything Into consideration local Job- bf,f 6,K-6ie, cloned at (VH-.
berti think they have good cauae for flgur- OATS-Recelpts. 4,StW bu-; exports, ao
ing on a big fall trade. bu. SDOt market nominal On Seutember:
The markets have been unusually aultt ..i,.; . k un..- m ni:
the past week so far as fluctuation of No. 0 white. 6-A.c: No. 'l white. 66c:' track
price are concerned, with very tew ex- mixed western. 64c: track white western.
ceptiona atapie gooda are aeiiing in the Si4rinc: track white state. 66M70C. Options
ame notcnes they were a week ago and opened ateady and then eased off with
tlnued firm market for some time to come. HAY Firm; shipping, 570c;
Collections are In very satisfactory shape I choice 96fiH.0v.
ana wnoiesaier report very few bad ac- HOPS-f lrm; stite, prime to choice, im
good to
Oraeerle About Steady.
crop. WVtiftaiVtc: 19u0. 10c: olds. 6fic: state,
common to choice, 1901 crop, 22(g2Hc; JsfO, 17
fl8c; olds, 7fHV; Peclfto coast, 1W1 crop, 21
S-244c; IHflO, I7(&n(!c; olds, H2bc.
LEATHEK-swaoy acta. ztiRzac.
PHOVI8ION8 Heef, steady; family, I1609
wnoiesaie grocer report trad a being
ery liberal for this time of the year and
av that aalfia ll. rnnnlncr rnrulrlcra Klu
hhead of last year. Bo far us the market C16.60; mess. 113.60; beef ham's, t'22.0023.60;
la concerned there Is but little to be said, packet. 14.6015.00; city extra India meas,
Buaar 1 selllna in tha same notches It was I ! Mvhii no nm main atsuriv? nli'kl4 Kl.
h week ago and tha demand la fairly lies, Jll.6o12.W- pickled rhoulders, t.0OD
liberal. .B0; pickled hams, $12.0050. Iard, easy;
The bean market took another upward western steamed, $11.06; July closed at 111 10,
lump last week, the advance amounting to nominal; refined, quiet; South America, 112;
lfi'15 cent per buahel.- Oatmeal Is also compound, J8.12Hf8 50; continent, $11. 2d.
tiinci, in mimci Deing quotea 10 cen
per bushel higher than It waa a week ago
' In canned aoodn there la nothinv new to
be said, a practically all lines are in the
cent Pork, quiet; family, $JO.or..21.00; short clear,
HV Wiv-i la; mess, 1jN.iDtr1y.1a.
same position they were a week ago. To- I 24 to 30 lbs.', 14c.
HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 28 lb..
lftc; California. 21 to 25 lb., 19c; Texas dry,
rnatoes are still attracting considerable at
tention, put no new development have
Lnei iruit are still quiet, with price
WOOL Quiet: domestic fleece. 2630c.
TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg.). 6fce:
country (pkgs. free), 6H67c.
RICE Firm; domestic, lair to extra, 4Viy
..nv... n, l 1 1 t. . . . 1 1
uiiuu.hbcui 1UB10 bibu iitciiHnae in ineific japane&d, 4vtfoC.
yrup market. The lame may be said of BIJTTER Rerelpta, 8,787 rfj weaker;
both coffee and tea. In fact, the grocery creamery, 17Htf21c; factory, 16i&lV4c; reno
ntarket a a whole may be summed un bv I vhi.h lr.ii-siio- imitation rrmnarv i:i
quoting it active but steady.
Hoase Trade Increaslag-
1fiU.o .1.1. rinlrv 1?ff-?rV
CH'eesE Rece'lcts. 67 tikff".: firm: ne
state, full cream, small colored, f.-.ncy, 10c;
For this early In the season dry good I small white, !c'; large colored! ic; large
e ti
some time past that fall buyer would ar- I state and Pennsylvania. 2u4j2iV4c; western
Jobber enloved a very ntna hnuaa trmeim I m-hlte. 9Vit?Se.
laat week. They have been predicting for I KQGS Receipts,.' 4,879 pkgs.; irregular;
rive unusually early and the past ten day candled, 18$! If Vic; Western uncandlcd. 15'
have born out their predictions. Mer- I7M,c.
chant are arriving not only from nearby I MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
points, out irom tne tar west, from the I kettle, gooo to cnoice, Jjiy-iic.
Dakota and even from point .well up into POULTRY Alive and dressed: Steady
Minnesota. Everything now Dolnta tn an I and unchanged.
enormous house trade for the next six or I METALS The market .was quiet and
eight weeks, but Jobbers are prepared. I without noteworthy feature today, in line
Thev have their fall atnrka In ihin. mH I witn tha dullness which has characterised
have sent out their invitations to their cus- it throughout the weak. Consumers are
tomer to come in and make their aeleo- taking Just enough to meet actual need
tlons. Owing to the big trade expected and the demand therefore drag. Tin waa
wholesaler nave increased their forcea in quiet and unchanged, with spot quoted at
very department, so aa to be well equipped 128.06 28.40. Quotation for copper were as
.11 iwkiii unci 1 1117 w M II I II u 1 (neir I innuwo, DiBiiunm oyui w ""l""'i fu.nui
natron. I 11. 60: lake. Sll.Sufcll.&i: electrolytic. tll.76(
Mall ordera are also rnmlnar In un 11. NE: rastlna-. tll.65iiili.76. Lead waa du
freely. owing nrobablv to the warm but steady at M.Si'i and spelter quiet an
weather of the last few day. It I re- firm at $5.17H. Iron price were steady
foriea mat' retauera are now cleaning up and unchanged
11r1r iioru ji wiiu gooaa ana otner tnin
good which moved so slowly earlier in the
year. In most cases, however, thev do not
get as good prices as they did a short time
Advance orders are now belne- shinned
out at a rapid rate and most houses are
Working their men overtime. Retailers
want their fall gooda unusually earlv. au
Condition af Trade aad notations oa
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Candled stock. 16c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, sHWc; roost
-n.if'J .hmi. . yed "nd attract. th ere, according to age. 4j'6c; turkeys. S10c;
Roth th2.S?nr-Ci r"i - a du nd ". Prlng chlckensT per
Both the cotton and woolen gooda mar- iD i-,i6c '
week'-ao",,n,0nii V'IS BUTTER Packing atock, 14c; choice
lh!i .S3 t ti -mi 1 tain?'" 2".Jh? dal'V. In tubs. 17c; separator. 20fi21c.
line and It la atlll being predicted that LH'i-au CAIIOHT FISH Trout lor- her.
ome advancea in cotton annda will .u. . . Rt-p" Vuuf? 1 A?f?. i0"1! A"0 n'r!
1 rinff. tic: picKerei. c: piko. sc; percn. oc:
plao before the seaon comes to a close.
Hardware Aetlva and Isehasgea I. . . . . , ,. nauoui, 110; buiiuuii, IK, n.tuuo
mere is a good demand for all lines of codfish 12c: red snapper, loc;
leasonablo hardware and wholesalers re- rn-d Ber lb 27c- lobster ireen
ort their sale. being much heavier than &c'l lPhJad.Mlc i0bBle" ,r
hey were a year ago at this time. There roRN-sTto
buffalo, dressed 7c; sunllsh, tc; blueflna, Ac;
whfteflsh, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, Uc;
halibut, llo; salmon, 16c; haddock, lie;
per io
Is no peclaf. feature to the trade, but OATS-ttic '
oimpiy an active demand for all staple BRAN Per ton. 818
goons. HAY Prices Quoted bv Omaha Wholesale
" . iiio.. mrj umnicrauni Hiy Dealers' association: Choice nay. no
owing to the lack of fluctuations either up 1 upland, i: No. 1 medium, I7.64; No. 1
r down. In fact the market ha held o coarao, $7. Rye straw, 85.60. These prices
steady of late that Jobbers have not laaued tr for hay of good color and quality. De.
Half a many chanae sheets as usual and fi- vtsi,i iirrht
mnuu ...... U .r.'.-.
the few changes that they did make were
of minor importance. A steady market,
however, is what both wholesalers and re
tailers like, for they can antlcpate their
wants without fear of being caught on a
downward market. When goods are as
hard to obtain as thev are now It is neren.
sary for Jobbers in particular to look iar
Into the future, ao that they are well satls-
nea to navs the market hold steady.
Ke Change tn Leather Good.
Leather good men are still busv shlnnlnv
out their advance orders. They are getting
a good start on them, but their sales are
CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do.
50& Sue. ULi.tiii-iviiamiiiao. wo..
POTATOES New, pr bu.. fcc.
GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to
Blxe of bunenxs, ISflJjc.
TURNIPS Per DU., 30c.
BEKr8 Per basket, 40o.
GREEN CORN Per dos., 10c.
CUCUMBER-Per dos., 25;&30c.
LETTUCE Per dosen bunches, JSo.
the orders all filled up to date. Traveling
men are still meeting with good success on
" roaa ano very tew complaints regard
ing the general situation are heard. There
Was o.ulte a mall order business laat week.
(or, whllo the orders were small, they were
The rubber goods trade was not as rood
laat week as It was up to that time, The bertas per tb
trequent rains-kept footwear as well aa Ite 1150
clothing moving out unusually well - for i.t i kis Ca"
midsummer, bjt the dryer and warmer
weather has cut the demand down mate
rially. Fall business, though, is In very
pftiwiauiury cuiiuiuon.
Fralte aad Produce.
There waa a : a i demand last week for
fX '!ta and vegeiablts. - r?lcrta nw,.hs are
k.ill the most DODular i...J a. ir. li ii
they are selling very freely, block Is now
arriving from Arkansas and la pronounced
as blng even better than that from Texas.
Four-basket crates are selling at 11.00 and
Six-basket crates at $1.50. Berries are now
practically out of the market Watermelons
ar In big demand and the stock now on
the market la unusually good for this time
Of the year.
In vegetables there ha been very little
change. Potatoes are atlll arriving very
freely am) good stock la quoted at 35c per
The receipts of poultry have not been
very heavy and the market has held firm
all the week. The quotations will be found
in another column.
The butter market on the contrary ha
aaad off a little owing to heavy recelnta.
Dealer say they never saw so much butler
at this time of the year and think it 1
oaused by the good condition of pastures.
The esg market held up In pretty good
shape all the week. Receipts were not
heavy and the loss off, was greater than It
ha been up to this time. Commlsdlon men
say, though, that It will be atlll worse if
the weather coulinues aa warm as It was
last wsek.
St. Lasts Grata aad Provlsleas.
ST. LOUIS. July J.-WHEAT-Lower;
No. I red. cash, elevator, 6T,c; trark. new,
;Hjic; July, 6TSic; September. 6;S'i"i"Vc;
December, IWVitJ tSic ; No. 8 bard, nvw, i'.'o
CORN Lower: No. 1 cash, nominal: tra-k.
84c; July, (3c; September, sic; Decemoer,
OATS Lower and nominal: track, new
ttci Peptember, t:c; No. while, old, b'.u
RYE-Firm at 64o. f
FLOUR Weak, unsettled; new red win
ter patents. $3)3ii; extra fancy and
straight. nn3.1; ile-ir, $Z.7:S; old :j
16c higher.
br,ti Tiraotny, nominal, l 8.0UO bid
lor August deuvery.
CORN ME ALr Steady, 83.18.
BRAN Firm, in demand; sacked, cast
track, .
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing old,
817 rVei sw, $17.:v. Lard, lower at $I0.4?W
Dry salt meats (boxed), weak; extra shorts,
(Hi tlba, lU.LiV; short clear, $U.S.',.
5s 114d. Futures: Nominal; Beptember. I and activity ef Americans, which was at
6s d; October. 6s Ud. 'tended by some irregularity. Atchlsnne,
f kuv isiuist ueer, strong: extra inaia
torv. nredicted heavy receipt lor next
week In all gralna, but especially in oats,
had much to do with the bearish sentiment
hat was prevalent on the lloor Delore tne
break started. The depression spread Into
the other pits and although trader were
all at sea as to the rea. position of the
manipulated July options In ail three pits,
yet at tn end 01 traae price were 111
tether bearlshly demoralized. July oat
loat xUe. SrDtember oat l'aivtc. July wheat
2c, Siptembcr wheat lVMisC Juiy corn
2Vc and eptemher corn lc. Provision
closed 7H$16o lower.
HlackDcara or tne oay s wor in
the oats pit looked very sensational, yet
be actual nustness in tne pu was noming
unusual. Excitement naturally ran high
nd this pit was the cen'.er ot attraction
to the board following. At the start there
was some weskness In both July and Sep
tember options, Influenced by better re
ceipts, fair weather, or at least weather
fairer than the peneral conditions cf late,
and expectations were that a heavy general
movement of oats to thia Center would
begin next week. It took only du. to
knock July down lc, end In fluctuations
of 2o and 8c at a time at that. The slump
came aa a great surprise to all the pit
crowd. Some had It that James Patten had
settled his contracts of about l.wu.ouu du.
with the shorts st snrm thing near Too.
Others said that cash houses had big con
signments dua here next week and were
selling at the fancy price against them.
Still others said the little shorts were in
and that the light selling was simply a
feeler by the Patten clique wouio ce on
the market and on the shorts. It Is con
ceded that the big shorts did not settle
anything In the open market. Gossip had
It, nowever, mat nearly an 10 anuria
covered. Mr. Patten said he had made r.o
settlements. Natural conditions were such
s to warrant a good break In prices once
the Ju.y deal was out of the way. Crop
reports were exceptionally favorable. Natu
rally all the deferred months felt the in
fluence of the see-saw. July opened Ho
ud at 71c on a little bidding. Prices sagged
to 69c at once on offerings, but did not
begin Its big slump until about midsession,
.hen July fell to 66c. The close was weak.
3Hc under, at 7o. Beptember opened a
shade up to a snaae nown at mw&wt, prose
to 8240 and closed lifrlHc down at 33c. Re
ceipts today were more liberal than for
some time at 224 cars, 49 of contract grade.
Wheat ruled weak. Light contract grad
ing h a-her cables and rams in tne Me.
braska harvest fields had only a temporary
hraclnar effect. Larae recelnta in the south
west started selling ana closing out a goua
long 11ns of July stuff caused a big drop In
that option. The bearish sentiment spread
Into other months and selling was general
and heavy. At no time was there good
support to the railing marxec xne mar
ket's depression, both in oats and corn,
wa additional cause for weakness and a
weak close was the result. At no time
after the start was the crowd Inclined to
follow the only real bullish Incentive low
grading. This was too heavily offset by
the movement to maraei ana oy tne De
moralised condition of the market for low
grade stuff. St. Louis sd ever 800,000 bu.
iniliv and Kansas City about 300.000. The
latter point expects over auv.vjw ou. Monuay,
rt 1 -tm 1 1 r.noricn aiuu. on 1 lie irvca; un
sold. July opened He down at 76o and
rinsed to lower at 744c. September opened
Uffi'Ue. un on the tarly bullish news, slut'.ped
to 7140 ana ciosea weu, wtwsc aown, hi
714&714C Local receipts were 231 ears,
eight' of contract grade. Minneapolis and
rtnlnth ranorted 23 J cars, making a total
for the tnree points 01 u cars, against
last week ana a year ago. x-nmury
receipts were . 1,108.000 bu., compared to
$60,000 bu. a year ago. 1 Seaboard clearances
In wheat and flour eauaied 671. wo du.
Corn prices melted away ana ruiea lower
all day. it was tint so mucn a maner 01
news as of no support that caused the
decline. Aside from the fact that July
options eaaed materially at the start there
were bearish advices that depressed the
other months. The pit ruled decidedly
heavy. With the manipulation of the mar
kets so much In evidence as today It was
needles to look outside for the explanation
of the decline. July opened e down at
S5V4C sold at 654o and closed weak. 24c
down, at 68c. The decline stopped on the
buying of a few "Ovea." Altogether the
trading in July aid not amount 10 more
than inn OTA bu. September opened 4ft Vio
up at 6040604c. sold down to otsc ana
closed weak, la down, at 69Vic. Receipts
were 278 cars.
Provisions, after a steady opening on a
firm hog market, weakened on general sell
ing and lack of support. The grain Jumble
had some enect. 1 raxie-. waa noi large.
Uttla Interest waa shown In this Dlt. gen.
tember pork closed 74c down at tl7.30,
September lard 16c down at $10,774 and
Beptember ribs iua on at iu.o.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
840 cars; corni 190 cars; oats, 295 cars; hogs,
26000 head.
The leadlnir futures ranged as rouowsj
mess. 107s d. Pork, firm; prime sness west'
ern. 82s 6d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 Ins ,
quiet, s. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut.
it to 30 lbs., quiet. &s; short ribs, 11
to 14 lbs, quiet, fits 6d; long clear middles,
light, 28 to 84 lbs., quiet. 69s; Inng clear
middles, heavy, fi to 40 lbs., quiet, 66 d;
short clear backs, It to 20 Ins., steady,
tn: clear billies, 14 to 16 lbs., etesrty,
62s 61. Shoulders, square cut, 11 to 13 lbs.,
steady, 47s Ad. Lard, Arm. prime western,
tn tierces, 66s; American refined, tn palls,
64a M
CHEESE Steady American finest white,
steady, 4Sa d; American nnest colored,
etesdv, 49s 6d.
TALLOW Prime city, steady. 28s 8d;
Australian, In London, dull, 83s.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm,
to d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm,
BUTTER Nominal.
PEAS Canadian, quiet, 6s 84d.
Philadelphia Predaee Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 214c; ex
tra nearby prints, 22c.
EOGS lc higher: fresh nearby, 1841'c,
loss off; fresh western, 194c; fresh south
western, 18c; fresh southern, 161?.
. 1 r 1-1 ifl- TTM . XT a ...II -
tnLUKi-Tlini, 1 I'l 1 lull iianif,
prim small, 10ii104c: New York full
creams, fair to good, 94610c.
. 11
.-tntee Grata Market.
ket easier; No. 1 northern, 79c; No. 2 north
ern, 7Sc; September, 714c. ,
RYE Steady; No. 1, 61c
BARLEY Dull ; No. 2, 68c; sample. 6SJI
CORN September, 89Hc
Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. ) Close. Yes y,
PARSLEY Per dos.. S04i3dc,
RADISHES Per dos.. iuiilf-
an mi. oh h....c .7.... ..... . . W AJW DHAi-g-ouiiic ruw... yor
Z ' , ' V . IT TJ " basket, Koiuiuc; string beans, per marke
be some time yet before they will have vI!,,' 3(7;m
CABBAGE caurornia or noma grown,
naw. lu'il 1VC
ONIONS New California, Ir. sacks, per
lb., lc-
n'-i vl . Trwa Tv m.rlr.t hnslrat 11
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 33.16.
PEACHES California. 83c; Arkansas El
basket crate, $1; per t-banket
l'ornla. per 4-basket crates,
linrv. Sl.15frl.23. ,
PRUNE Per box, 81.US1.2S.
PARS--CailltDrnia. per box. 32.25.
AfPLE-Summer varieues. per bbl
ti i at
CANTALOUPE Texas, per crate, 82; per
basket. iCc.
WA TERMELONS Per 100. 31 7.0045 25.00.
I'lNEAPPLES Florida, 80 to 36 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according to
ORANUb.t vaiencias( . .u'tt.w; eai
terrnnean sweets. $4.ilu4i4.2o.
LEMONS Fancy, la; choice, it. W: Mes-
Etna. H-ti'U w.
CIDER New York, $3.75.
111DLS-No. 1 art en. 6'ci No. S green.
64c; No. 1 salteit, 7VM No. t salted. tu;
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124Jbs., tc: No. 8 veal
calf, 12 to lb lbs., tc: dry hides. SftUc; aheep
pens, 7 be; norse mass, ti.t"0-i'U.
lurtun.. rer iu., cr biiciicu, c.
NUTS Walnuts Ne. I soft shell, per lb..
UV; bard sholi. per lb, 114c; No. 2 soft
shell luc; No. 3 nara bneu, so; tiraxns, per
lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
nht.ll 16c: hurJ shell, l&c: uecans. larae. uer
lb., 12c; small. 10c; cocoanuta. per dux., Sue.
Ul.JJ MLIA1.B a. D. Aipern quotes ins
following price; Iron, country mixed, pr
ton, tlO.uo; Iron, stove plate, per on. $7.60;
copper, per lb.. 8Vc; bras. heavy, per lb.,
6'c: braaa, light, per 'b. , (c; lead, per lb.,
&4c! sine, per lb., 2c; rJbotr, per lb., tc.
TOLEDO. O. July 26 WHEAT-Dull,
lower; cash, 72Sc: July, 72'c; September,
2Sc: December, 73VJc.
CORX-lA)wer; cash and Ju'y, 634c; Sep
tember, 5!4N December, c.
OATS Dull, lower; July, old 4lc; new,
51c; tpimber. old. 29c; new, 234c
RYE Qu'vt; No. I,
SEED Qover, dull; October, $5.15.
Pearla Market.
PEORIA. III., fuly 2. CORN Easier;
No. . 6u4c.
OATS Irregular; No. 8 white. 52c, billed
WiiioXY Gu lue basis uf $ii fur fin
ished gooaa.
Ualath Urala Market.
DULUTH. July 2t. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hatd. 7; 4c; .No. 8 northern, 73c; No. 1
northern, 71'c; July, 7oc; hsptentber, 71c;
Dcrtmotr, ,e.
gAlaWweptember, Uo.
b July
a Sept.
b Sept.
b Dec.
Oct. ,
76 76
714r72 72
714fr'.4 711.
65 V.
17 40
17 3741
16 13
10 924
10 &-'4'
8 924
10 60
10 15
17 45
17 3741
It u
10 9241
10 S21.
8 92V
10 824
10 is
744 744
704 7oij4 :
3 63
6SH 694
' 45 45
43 434
444 ' 444
86 67
2H W
324 83
31S 3
82H tS
17 20 17 30
17 30 17 824
It 074 It 074
10 674 10 774
10 31 10 46
8 774 8 80
19 324 10 40
10 15 10 15
8 25
60 Vi
43 Vi
17 374
17 40
18 074
10 ?4
10 65
8 96
10 62
10 25
8 $24
Specalators Indisposed and Market
Mas Declining; Tendency.
NEW YORK. July !6. There were Vari
ous points of strength In the stock market
he first hour ot trding. snowing mucn
the same character aa the week Just clos
ing. The demand, however, was languid
and the selling induced by the atatemnnt
of the condition of the banks was not well
enough absorbed to prevent a declining
As a result the Closing was easy ana rep
resented net losses In the majority ot casts.
Rock Island waa affected anew by the plan
for the conversion of Its securities and the
notable strength of the St. Louis San
Frsnclsco stocks, Kansas City, Fort Scott
b Memphis and Chicago & Eastern Illinois
was cue tc nope tnat tnose properties
would be included in the new project.
The definite formation or tnis plan gave
fresh credence to rumors of many other
financial projects which have fallen out of
public attention for some time after active
discussion, but the lack of active interest
in the market incident to the short session
and the absence in the country ot many
active operators left these factors Ineffec
tive to hold up prices.
The bank statement showed a gain In
cash reserves of 82.644.200. which I nearly
$1,000,000 in excess of each relation, but
with the loan expansion of js.W7.2W. result.
I.. Im - l.n.a... m ilann.lfa Sit 4IU VI
I, in ! ...VICBDa . . ucjiviiii, v. ,n.iui0-n.
which Increases the requirement of legal
reserve by $2,881,215. The Increase of cash
falls short of this by $208,875. tha surplus
Is encroached upon to that extent.
The disclosure that the needs ef tne
active speculation are absorbing the In
crease In available resources and the pros
pect tnat turuier eo o win go out next
week, while the government revenues have
begun to take, up a dally surplus, caused
some unesslness over the course ef the
money market with a continuance of the
Except for the convertible and specula
tive bonds the market has been quiet and
rather Irregular. United States old 4s,
registered, declined 4; old 4s, coupon, ;
new 4s. registered, 4; new is, coupon, 4,
and the 2a 4 per cent, ss compared with
the closing call of last week.
The following are tne closing prloes oa
the New York Stock exchange:
Erie and Union raclfics were below parity.
The rieallna were mostly professional.
Price closed firm. Gilt-edged securities
were steadv. Foni home rail narneneo.
Kaffir were rather firmer, but there were
fw riallnira tlnld nremf'jms are quoted
at Bueno Ayres, 130.70; Msdrld, 37.05; Lis
bon, 20: Rome. 1.17.
PARIS, July 2 8 p. m. Three per rem
rentes, liof 47c for the account. Excnange
on London, 2if 16c for checks. Spanish 4s,
80.97. Business on the bourse today was
generally Inactive, but It had a fairly good
tendency, especially Kaffirs, on London ad
vices. Parquet stocks wet well supported.
Wltlt tne exception ot npantsn s. remr
were undecided. There were a few repur
chases. The private rate of discount was
2H per cent.
BERLIN, July 26. Internationals were
firm on the bourse today, on account of the
abundance of money, but business was ex
tremely quiet and had a tendency down
ward. There were sharp decllnea In Iron
shares. Exchange on London, 2Sm 48 pfga.
for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 14
per cent; three months' bills, 14 per cent.
The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank
of Germany shows the following changes:
casn in nana, increased iii,oi,iim; treas
ury notes, Increased 700,00tm; other securi
ties, decreased 24.0SO.Oim; notes In circula
tion, decreased 61.840,000m.
njaatAai ....h Oatjffnttnne.
BO8TON, Ju'.y 26-Call loans, 3h4 per
cent; time loans, 4(ff5 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
.1094 AdTsetur n
. H Alloui 14
. 114 AmilHSiW4 M
. (a pintim (44
II Cllum-t a HCI...GI
Week Clasea with Frioas Well laatained ta
Higher n EttrjUiinc.
nn at Hags Is Fairly Liberal, bat
Effort af Packer ta roast
Price Hav Proved at
Little Avail.
Receipt were:
Official Monday
umcim Tueauay
Gflloial Wednesday ,
Official Thursday....
Official Friday
Official Saturday
Total this week 10.865 t'.BTO
Week ending July 19 16.. 00 39.714
Week ending July 12 12.21 38 M4
Week ending July 6 s.171 ,t
Week ending June 28 8,63 E6.2
Bame week last year 12.451 tu,4
Atrhltoa 4s
Gas is
Max. Central 4s..
N. K. O. A C....
do pi
Boston A Albany
Boston A Ma....
Rnstnn Elavsted
N. T., N. H. H..HI
rttthburs pfd H4
. .1CIV1 r.ntannl.l
..1614 Censor Ranao .
..M0 Dominion Coal
.AU Franklin
Union Parlna I" Old Dominion
Mencan I antral mi iisijr waaa...
A mer. Susar
do pfd
American T. A T.
Dominion 1. A I.
Oan. Electrle ,
Mass. Kletcrtc ....
do pfd
H E. O. C
t'sltsd Fruit
U. 8. Rtaol
do pfd
1114 parrot
.Ill's Qulncy
.164v Santa Fa Coppar.
. 44 iTamarark
.M Trimoiintaln
. 41 Trlnltr
. i7il"nKd State ...
. 4il'tah
.Ill1 I Victoria
. 4v (Winona
. (0 WolTortn
... U
... I4H
... 44
... 14
... 11
... 174
... I
... M
... IStt
... 114
... to
... 44
... i4
TtV.CEIPTa mnu THR ykar Til riATR
rt.. ,i-. i ...i. .k,. th. inu I lo the demand, and as a result prices have
of cattle, ho., and aheen at South Omaha advanced considerably. There were mora
for th. v..p nar. with enmnarlsons puyers tnan sellers all the week, and sellers
with laat Var Thad very little iilitlculty In
Kctv York Mining tanotattons.
NEW YORK, July 26. The following ar
the closing prices on mining stocas:
Adams Can
Alios -
Breeca .
Brunswick Con....
Comatock Tunnel..
Con. Cal. A Vs....
Doadwood Tarra ...
Horn tllsor
Iron stlrar
UadrlUa COB
.. 40
.. M
.. t
.. 14
.. II
.. t -
I.tttls Chief II
Ontario 7
Ophir lis
Potoal 10
RarafS 1
Sierra Nevada II
Small Hopes W
Standard H0
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, July 26. Bank clearings for ths
week aa compared with th corresponding
week last year:
Monday $1,104,131.70
Tuesday 1,064,429.17
Wednesday 1.048.682.03
Thursday l,120.3i1.63
Friday 1,134,659.1
Saturday 973,216.85
.. lH
Atchison S4(St. Paul ptd
do Did loaPso. Facino
Bl. a Ohio 1104 80. Railway
do r de pfd
Canadian Paclflo US'ilTsiaa A Pacific.
Canada 80 11 (Toledo. St. L. A W. lit;
Ch-s. A Ohio (44 do pfd '. I'Ta
Chicago A Altoa 41't Union PaolOo W
do pfd 77 do pfd
Chicago. Ind. A l... 7 Wabash lost
do ptd 74 do pfd 404
Chicago A K. III. ...1144 Whaallng A L. E.... 134
inicaso u. w aitsi 00 ja pro
do 1st ptd si 'Wis. Central ....
do 3d pfd 4t I do pfd
Chicago A N. W t4l4'Adama gx tno
C-. R. I. A P ItsVs Amarlcan Ex 131
Chicago Tar. A Tr... II iVnlted Btatos Ex Ill
- do ' pta wn -wans-rargo ux Ill
C. C. C. A St. 107 Araal. Cooper 444
Colorado So 4 Amor. Car A P i
.... 71 do pfd li
.... 44Amar. Un. Oil II
....lists "O ptd
....Ill A mar. g. A It....
.... 4444 do pfd
.... nVAnac. Mining Co.
.... U UBnoklTS R. T....
WVilColo. Fual A I...
... H
.... M
... II
.... 48
.... 154
.... Si
.... 30
.... 114
... .UT4
.... 114
.... s
.... 1S
.... II
.... ia4
.... 4
.... 144a
Con. Oaa
fCont. Tsbacce ptd.
uaa. Kisctrio
Hocking Coal
Inter. Tapor ......
do pta
Lacleds Oas
National Illacult ..
National Lead ....
No. American ....
Paclflo Coast
Pacific Mall
People's Gas
Proased B. Car....
do ptd
Pullman P. Car...
Republic Btael ...
do pfd
Tenn. Coal I....
Union Bag A P...
as pta
U. 8. Leather ....
do pfd
U. g. Rubber
do ptd..
. as
. 74
. 414
. IT
. 174
. so
. 71
. n
. 474
. 114
. 71
. 4i4
. 474
. 87 V
. 164
.. H
. 144,
. so
,. II
. 144
.. 144
. st
"SI 1
71 IU. g. Stool
7IT4I do pfd S4
7'i 1 western union s'i
Amer. Locomotive.... 124
do pfd 13
K. C. Southern ti
so pia so
... 87
a Old. b New. No. 8.
Cash quotatlona were as follows:
FLOUR Steadv: winter patents. tJAVft
8 75; winter straights. $3.2oJ13.G0; clears, $3.00
tr3.40; springs. $4.30; patents, $3.6033.So;
strslehts. $3.ir3 30.
W1IRAT No. 2 spring, 75c; No. t spring,
76c; No. 2 red, 744c
OATS No. 2. 44(i00c; No. 1 white, e:;365c;
No. 3 white, 44flti0c.
RYT5 No. 2, 694f6flc.
8EKDS0. 1 flax.; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.63; prime timothy, 85.75; clover, con
tract grade, $
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $17.28
t?17 0. Lard, per 100 lhe.. $10 6TiufTin.70. Short
J r'bs sides (loose), $li.3i7jl0.40; short clear
i-r --Mixeat, iii.i:u.j.
WHISKY On the basis ot high wines.
$1.31. .
The following are th receipts ana snip-
Flour, bbls....
Wheat, bu....
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye. du
uariey, ou.
Receipts. 8hltme-
...... ll.txiO 7.000
186,000 ,0U0
191.000 79tniO
223.000 184.000
7.0U0 2,000
de let pit
de M ptd
Del. A Hudson.. ,
Pol, U A W
Denser A R. 0..
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Great Nor. pfd..,
Hocking Valley .
do pfd
Illinois Central .,
Iowa Cestril ....
do pfri.
La ke Eric
do pfd
L. A N
Msnhattan L
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central ....
Meg. National ...
Minn. A 81. L..
Mo. Pacific
M.. K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central ....
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk A W
do td
Ontario A W....
Pennaylvanla ....
Reading ,
do 1st pfd.....
do Id pfd ,
it. L. A 8 F...
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd... a.
St. L. South w...
9 p'd., ,
t. Paul
neve York Money Market.
NEW YORK. July 26-MONEY-On call.
nominal; no loans today; prime mercantile
paper. 44i5 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $l7:.
for demand and at $4.a61i for sixty days;
posted rates. $4.86 and 84.884; commercial
puis, n.tH4'gi.o'v
SILVER Bar. 53c: Mexican dollars. 14c.
liONDS Government bonds, steady; state
bonds, inactive; railroad bonds, steady
Government bonda clcaed a follows: He
funding 2s registered and coupon, 10714; 3s
registered, 105; coupon, 1064; new 4s, reg
istered. 132; coupon. 1334; old 4s reg'stered.
106; coupon, lot; 6s registered, 103; cou
pon, 106.
The closing quotation on bund ar as
V. S. ret. Is. rag. ...174 L. A N. unl. 4s 1014.
do coupon 10" '-i Mex. Control 4s -'.
do ta, rag iiu-v ao is ins
do coupon ..lt4 Minn. A St. L. 4S...1U4
do now 4s. rog 131 iM., K. A T. 4s 1
do coupon 1314! de Is
do old 4s. reg 10 N. T. Control Is I014
do coupon .lot-' do gen. 14s 1044
do be, reg l-X N. J. U. gen. is UC
do eouDon lob 1N0. Paclno sa Iu4
Atchison gen. 4a 14 do ta 754
do adj. 4a 6 N. A W. eon. 4a 10141
Bal. A Ohio 4s 103'., Reading gen. 4s 14
do 14s '- L A I at . la lit
do eons. 4s ll'" St. U A 8 F. 4s...
Canada. So. la 1014 8t L. S. W. Is Ml
Central of Ca. is l"'i do Is Hi
do is Ine 14 g. A. A A. P. is.... s4
Chea. A Oblo 44a...l4 8n PacIRo 4o 13
Chicago A A. 14s... M o. Railway to 1114
C, B. A Q. a. 4s... st iTaxas A ParlBo Is... Ill'
C, M. A 8. P. g. 4s.. 114 fT., St. L W. 4a.. 11
C. A N. W. s. la. ...134 I Union Paclflo 4s IM4
C, R. I. A P. 4s....ll04 do eons. 4s lv'
c c c a st u ss.iuit wasaan is 11s
Chicago Ter. 4a SS4 do la Ill
Colorado 80. 4a MV do deb. B ,.. TI
It-: ver & H. O. weet Shore 4s. ...... .1144
Erls prior Hon 4s....)uu Wheel. A L. E. 4s.. 144
do guiursl 4a S6 Wla, Central 4s 124
r. W a u. c. is. ..113 Cons. Tobacco 4a 474
nocsias vai. sss....ivi
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy; creameries, 17'(J2oc;
dairies, 154190. Choese, steady, 10liHaC
Eggs, steady; fresh, loc.
Kansas City Grain aad Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, July 2t.-WHEAT-8ep-tember.
tVstitilVio: J-ecember, 6o4'i'64o;
rash, No. 3 hard, old, ot.ioc; No. 8, alidtuc;
No. 2 red. bvj; fio. I, Mc.
Receipts of wheat, 247 cars.
CORN September, 44ti4c; December,
304tloti4ac; cash. No. 3 mixed, i4u--.4c;
No. 3 white, 6o4c: No. 3, 644c
OATS No. 2 white, no sales.
RYE No. 2, 49c asked.
HAY Choice timothy, tlO.OOQU.OO; choic
prairie. 6 764j7.0O.
BUTTER Creamery, 18Hc; fancy dairy,
EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 14c per dos., los off, cases re
turned. Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 26' 97. as)
Corn, bu .J0 28 .)
Cat, bu. . ei.uwi ss.uiA
Liverpool Urala and Previsions.
No. 1 northern spring, steady, is S4d; No.
1 California, dull, ea 4d. Futurea; Quiet;
July, nominal, September, ta lV,d; Decem
ber, 6 d i
CO&N-Hpou Steady Amtrlcan ntUad,
Lea a an Steel Market.
LONDON, July 2. 4 p. ra.-ClosIng:
Consols tor mousy.. SS 1-14 Norfolk A V asters...
da SC4I do pfd
Anaconda W Ontario A Western. ..
Atchison SoS Fesnaylyanla
do Pfd 10
Baltimore A Ohio.. .JtlVi
Canadian Facile nil,
Choaapoako A Ohio... 64
Chicago O. W. ........ Ilia
Chicago, M. m SM. r.tsa
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Southern Railway.
do pfd
Southera Pacific...
. si
. 1441
. M4
. 44 'J
'. 404!
Denver A R. 0 444 Union Pacing
do d s.,t ca pfd so
En 14 Lolled Btatos Stool... 41
so 1st pfd 1141 do pfd !!
so so pis s istaoaan 11
tlllnola Central 1714' do pfd 4
Louisville A Nah....u:, spanlak 4a II
Missouri, a- A T ... 114 kand Mlsas 11
so pfd U iDckeors Idsf.) XX
New York Coatral... .11141
BAR SILVER Quiet at (4 7-1 td per ounce.
monk. 1 2824 per cent. Tne rate or dis
count In the open market for short bills ii
7-liKj24 per cent and for three-months'
bills IV per cenL
Fuaclava Financial
LONDON, July 2t Money hardened
today on lessened supplies, though the de
ftiuiu aiackei.ed. Discounts were fairly
firm. Business on the Stock exchange wa
more cheerful, but extremely quiet. The
anxiety regarding expected troubles In th
Karnra' section waa somewhat allayed. Th
chief fsatur waa tha renewed ixeujtU
Total 86.433.199.71 $6,934,987.81
Increase. $4&8. 21141.
puii.iPn.PHIA. Julv 26. Clearing,
815.68t.280; balance, $3,060,531. For th weeki
Clearings, 8109.968.63o; balance, $18,964,271.
Money, 4(p44 per cent. ,
NEW YORK, July 26 Clearing, $27..
187.865; balance. 818,472,132. .
BALTIMORE. July Clearings,
o- hs lances. 8485.074: money. 44 per cent.
For the week: Clearings, $20,820,315; bat.
nxaa X7K los.
cndiroKT T,,1v 'OS n.irln.i t31.620.T4X:
balance. tLU&.fSoO. M
rHieina Jnlv 26. Clearlna-. 322.079.878
balance, $3,640,892; posted exchange. $4 854
for sixty day ana on aemana; mew
York -exchange, 60c premium.
RT. IX5UIS. July 26. Clearings. 88.691,(36;
balance. $1,029,524; money, steady, Wi per
cent; New York exchange, par.
Weekly Bank Statement.
MTCW YORK. July 26. The weekly state
ment of the sssoclated banks show,: Loans,
$918,294,600, Increase $9,967,200; deposits s52,
097 200. lrcrease 811.(08,800: circulation, 831,-
87,700, Increase io.i'w; legal tenocrs is,
son irl Increase 31.676.300: specie $174,136,100.
Increase iwx.sw; reserve, n, mcrinee
$2,644,200; reserve required $238,024,300, In
crease $2,851,076; surplus $16,502,4)0, decrease
' Condition ot the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. July 2t Today'e state
mint nf the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In tne division ot reaempuon,
shows: Available cash balance, $ins,s0,ii
gold, $98,979,149.
Cotton Market.
.tnvr VOSV tt,l OS tTi, ,,1 v.. nn.n.t
1 VY A V 1 . I V I J J- .u.u.w vvi.wv.
teady at tne aeenne; juiy. s.sic: august
vember, 7.63c; December, 7.67c; January
.65c; March. T.tHc.
Futures closed steady: July. 8.50c; Au
a-nat. .8e: September. 7.98e: October. Nc
vember, December, January and February,
T.67c; March, 7.66c. ... .
Spot, steady; nuaaiing upianas, i-ioc
mlddllna- eulf. 81-16c: sales. 1 bales.
..... . 1 O.V1 nl... .vln.M 1Ln mrtA
. . n . I j 111 o. . I J .ll I
ordinary,; iow mmunng, otiv, iiiiuuuhk,
lo-lbc; gooa minunns:, vy&: iimiuiiiia iir,
ir- rerelnts. t.031 bales: stock. tl.t69 bales,
Futures, steady; Juiy, 8:76i!ijs8c; August,
41x0,0.410; oeptemuer, i.cvo'u i.bic, uiiuun
.2'fi7.64o; November, 7.53'&7.55c; December,
&3'i7.b4c: January, i.iwrti.osc.
ST. I.OriS. July 26. COTTON Qult
middling, 84e: sales. 100 bales; no receipt
hlnments. oZs Dales: SIOCK. 11.44 Dates.
stesdy at 8 13-loc.
dull. The sales of the day were 5.000 bales
of which 600 were for speculation ana ex-
port, and Included 4,bw American, no re
relots. Prices l-16d higher. American mid
dllng fair, 64d; good middling. 6d; middling,
4 59-32(1: low mlddllnsT. 4 13-lea gooa oral-
nary, 411-16d; ordinary, 4 7-16d. Futures
opened easy and closed stesdy: American
middling, g. o. c, juiy, s 40-040.. ouyern
Julv-Aucrust. ( 43-6ld buyers: Augut-3ep
tember. 4 36-64d. value: September-October,
24-64d. buvera: October-Novemoer. 4 17-bt(t
18-64d. buyers: November-December. 4 14-64
A4 16-64d. sellers: Decembe'-January, 4 13-ti4
ft 4 l4-64d. sellers; January-February, 4 j3-na
nuyers; r eoruary-jnarcn, s 10-04U, vaiuc
March-April, 4 13-wa, sellers.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. s.tttt .41 S.l
3) J
t M
40 I 40
I It
13 ' IM 110
II H0 SO I o
I 171 100 t 40
14 131 ... 1 10
IS 1.1 1 M jM
IT Ill SO 4 bo
T7 11 111 40
0 .
44 .
.US ... t 61
H0 ... IK
...3.1 I4i) t M
..17 110 7 t
.,..! ... 7 SO
... io in Ik
... 13 ISO T 40
....M ... 7 as
....ia io t m
.'. 110 1 re
1.0 ... I 4JV
144 SO i a;i,
.....SHI 110 1 H
shep was light
To in 4 f so.
T7 110 IN 1 40
41 !.; M 110
SHEEP The run of
lodiy. (he reeelp-a consisting of three loads
most of which w-re Idaho t-sves and weth
ers that sold readily at good, strong prices.
The supply of sh" p lor this week baa
been considerably heavlrr than It ass last
week, but there Is not much chanise an
compared with the same week of last year.
The market, however, haa been In very good
shape and prleea have Improved all around..
Each day's offerings wer- bought up as soen
as offered, and as compared with the clos
of last week th general market could be
quoted 2.v?i40c higher on ilestrub:e grades.
The common kinis are, of courae, m gl ctcd
to some extent, and htxe not advnnped
quite as much ss the choice grades. Kwes
have oold exceptionally well and have prob.
ably advanced more than either aheep or
The lamb market has also bei-n In good
shape and supplies have been very llttht.
ana in inci on some oavs no test nr tne
I1.M4 market whs made. On Krldav somt' lamb
19.43 sold as high as $6.15, which is the highest
27,247 price of the year to ditc.
1 he supply of feeders has not been
verv little ilillcnltv In ri nnoslns- of
1902 1901 InC Dec. I " oat mry una ac very satisiaciory prices.
4111 111 aKx log 91 sir 1 wuotations tor cnppen stock: uoofl to
1,484,768 1,416 997
1-1 A E-sMt -J - A
aa 8jrvi,jvi iwv.suv
Th following table how lh iverag choice ewes. .7;4.0O; fair to good ewfi,
21 91S . . Wuotatlons for clipped stock: uood to
77'7B1 ' Choice yesrilngs, 34.6"Vt.75; fair to good,
77 7fifi l4.00ji-4.oO; good to choice wethers, 84.10(u4.36;
' ' Talr to good wethers, 33. 81141 4. In; good to
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the laat aeveral day, witn com
parlsons with former years:
Date. I 1902. 1301.lO0.U99.1898.1897.18t.
July 1.... 1 4H4 I 8 (73
July 7 644 $ 63 4
July 8.... 1 63 6 74 6 01 8 78
July 4.... o oo
July 6. ...f I 84V4 I 73 i 081 3 TS
July t.... I 78 8 If I 83
July 7.... T 75 6 11 $ 81
Jusy 8.... f 834 I 88 I 8t
July 9.... 7 804 6 83 8 13
July 10... T834l86IUt0
July 11... T 7W 6 92 6 04 3 96
July 13... T 774 8 96 (02 4 04
July IS... 6 86 6 131 4 "9
July 14... 7 724 I 08 4 05
July 15... f 76 6 77 3 99
July 16... T 724 6 64 I 02
July 17... 7 71 8 It 4 94 4 01
July 18... T 737 1 68 4 87 4 Ml
July 19... 7 64 8 62 4 99 4 28;
July 20... s ( 69 4 98 4 19
July 21... T 524 8 07 4 21i
July 22... 7 414 8 88 4 84
July 8... 1 3241 I 71 I IS
July 24... 7 4H.l b 70 6 16 4 86
July 28... 7 63, ( 74 i 06 4 81
July 26... 788 189 6 02 4 27
I 18 f i
3 21 1 $ 94
$3 lsf.S3.75; good to choice spring lambs. $6.00
j3f; fair to good spring lambs, $5.;ra4Q0;
ieeoer wetners. i.isi3.2s; feeder yearling.
83.lvoj3.6ii; feeder lambs, $3.003.9O; feeder
ewes, $1.2C4ji.2i. Representative sales;
8 western ewe
1 cull lamb
t'S Idiho ewes and wethers....
western lambs
A v.
8 0 -4
8 00
Indicate Sunday. Holiday.
8 661 3 281 1 r
.1 aa
- I a. .. .. . . . .
I 17 v",llw oirmy niii nigsse-ffnrep
.M I Dnll and Lamb Lower.
197 CHICAGO. July 26. CATTLE Receipts,
1 00 10,000 head. Including SOU Texan. Market
3 06 steady; good to prime steers, nominal at
I 07 I t7.5f.fiS.70: nnnr tn meillum ti 4.i,-7 fin-
3 97 I stockera and fearlera 12 (Uiifi; . ti .'1
s; neners. .'.2riii.ou; canncrs, $i.&iji
- 2.00J bulls, $2.2o!-86.2.i; calves, $2.o0fit.6o;
a si .in Ten aieeri. sa nurnn isi- it.rn it.uri
2 97 IS nutiAM)
3 79. 3 27! 2 68 T-tr it 1S4 p...ini. 1 rvi h... ..tim.i.s
l 1 M Monday. 25.000. Market strons- to 6c hlaher:
mixea ana Butchers, 17.201j17.9n; good to
. choice heavyj $7.70ji'S.OO; rough heavy, $7.25
A-m. 1 1 v. mka.i:i. ....11. t . . - 1 -
...iv, nam, eo.iivl,vi uula vi qiico, fi.aoir
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 2,500
neaa; sneen, auu; inmhs, lower; good to
8 87
8 36
S 87
Receipts. Shipment.
.... 2.919 1,918
7,955 2,309
St. Lonl Live Stock Market.
Th. fnllnwlne !! tha numhaF of I ChotCO Wethers. $4.00l4.75 : fair tO choice
. " ! ' t-. . . "I Mlv. . ' .-.f.l A.1 . . . . -n V, M CAtJ l.
car ot feeders anippel to tne country jn. iu.u, eiV3-- iT -."u-i.'m,
teraay and their destination: e...uuvi.w.
Car. omciai yesteraay;
A. M. Lawson, Oakland, la. B. 1 1 L..
C. P. Ijirson. Shelby. Ia. R. I i 1 Cattle
T.1,1. Btr.h.n t. W.h . 1 HOg I
M I. Hackatt. KMn.v Ia. .. ' I Sheep 12,238
C. D. Huston, Tecumseh, Neb. B. A M . 3
The official number of car of stock
brought in today by each road waa:
Jtioaa. cattle, giogs. oa p. a ses.
C, M A St. P 5 6
Missouri Pacific 7 1
TJnlon FaciQo (
c. n. w a
F., E. A M. V 12 23
S. O. AV P
B. 4. M.- R
C, B. A Q
K. C A St. J 7
C, R. I A P., east
Illlnoa Central
Total receipts 26
The dlsposlt'on of the day' receipts wss
as iouows, eacn ouyer purcnasing tne num
por ot neaa inaicatea:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
ST. LOUIS. July 26. CATTLE Receipts.
1,600 head, including 1,250 head Texans: mar
ket dull, quiet and steady; native shipping
nd export steers, 85.Oteff7.50; dressed beef
and butcher steers, $4.60a6.50; steers under
1 noo 1 . - 1 1 oittvtnn. .iArV..a anA r..i..
$2.756.26; cows and! heifers, $2.2ofi5.50; can
jj ners $1.7oJr2.85; bulls. $2.604i5.50; calves. $..00
I S7.00; Texas and Indian steers, $.'.i.oflj,76;
VUWB BIIU I1V1III9, o-1!.' o.oo.
HOG 3 Receipts, 1,000 head; market
steady; pigs and lights, $7.40fj7.t5; packers,
87.6ti'7.86: butchers, $7.R58.06.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. K1hend:
H I market dull; native muttons, $3.6'j!-4.0;
ii lamns, 4.orpo. ,o; cuus ana ducks, ii.b'JOjt.ou;
" 1 ....I,.-. .1 AOJW4 OA
ivvevvi, e..wiy.vv.
Omaha Packing Co.....
Swift and Company.. f.
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour et co ,
Omaha, from K. C...
Cudahy, from K. C...
Mew York Live Stock Market.
new York. Juiv im reeves r.
499 .... I oelpts, 76 head, all consigned direct; a car
874 i'l of native ateers sold at $ 50, Cables quoted
1,101 603 American steers at 14415V4o, dressed
1.242 .... I weight; refrigerator beef at 1311134c; ex.
1,079 .... I porta tooay, partly estimated, buu head
Total ..
831 4.895
292 at rUaU ni.orloss srat KaaAfF
W" V scs. WSvw uuns iig vi gwjsr i ,
CALVr.B Receipt, 3 head; no business.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta 8 813
.17 1 head; good sheen steady, others slow:.
CATTLE A la renerallv the case on jmbs. lower; top grades suffering the
offered fc
however, there has been a fairly liberal "iVXa S.' i ir'i, .
run. recelpta being about th same aa for . .f,oa5r3ece.lPt-. I1.20 hea1; none h aal
the corresponding week of laat year. As auve, nominally reaqy.
comDarod with laat week, however, thera I .
is quite a decrease. The exact figure I Sioux City Live gtock Market.
win uo seen in mo i.uic ui reccipis given 1 ctativ Tcnr T. T..i oe ,e .1
i?2y---.0K. .5? th-e. grtm.lATTLlBwilnts
un 1 vi imai iwuKcii, 1 11c iciiueiicy ot 1 . . A 1 ' . -
prices on all desirable grades haa been up- tfdbJr"v I8.60tj7.50; cow, bulls and
ward. mixed, $2.00fj5.00; stockera snd feeders. 2.75 .
The proportion of cornfed steers to th I 1'L anacaive. (z.tointoo.
torm reeelpt haa not been very heavy this ."'UB1;,TC '" Jvl : t rnarket shad
weeK, wnue tne aemana on tne part ot I u'B" t acmns, si.ovm i.ou; uuin, ai.ivtono.
the packer na been noerai, and as a 1
result price on all desirable grades have I Stock in Sigrht.
advanced considerably. Thursday nroverl I
to be the high day of the week, when the I The following table shows the receipts of
pretty good cattle were selling all the way cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal
irom zoc to sue nigncr tnan iney were me tnarxetg xor juiy o;
Oil and Rosin.
Oil. CITY. Pa.. Julv 56. OIL Credit bal
ances. $1.22: certificates, no bid; shipments,
93.061 bbls.; average, 80.757 bbls.; runs, 68,864
bbls.: average. ddis.
NEW YORK, July 28. OIL cottonseed
nil; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow
43Vo. Petroleum, steady: refined. New
York, Tim; fnuaaeipnin ana Baltimore
$7.15: Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk
$4.60. Rosin, steady; strained, enmmon to
aood. 11 574. Turpentine, dull. 47W4i4C
LIVERPOOL. July 26. OIL Turpentine
spirits, quiet, 33s 9d. Linseed, dull. 32s.
Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, dull, 25s 3d,
Petroleum, rennea, auu, B'-a. nosin, com
Illl'll. Ill v..
LONDON, July 28. OILe-Calcutta linseed
spot 60 td. Linseed, 80s. Sperm oil. 50.
Petroleum. American refined, 613-16d;
spirits, 74d. Turpentlneispirlts, 33s. Rosin,
American strainea, 4S via; nne. ss oa.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. July 38. OIL Turoen
tine. firm. 434c. Rosin, firm: A. B. C. 81.15
D. $120; E. $125: F. $1.80: G, $1.35: H $1.50
I. $2.05; K, $2.25; M, 83.25; N, 83.40; VG$J.60
WW, ti.IV.
Inspart and Experts.
NEW YORK. July t The Import of
dry goods and merchandise at the port of
New York tnta week were vaiuea at tio.4?),.
(H8. Exports of specie aggregated $4I0,S5S
sliver and $2,657,124 gold. The import of
peel were $113,028 gold and $41,517 silver.
Kansas City Live Stook Market.
ceipts, 150 head. Market nominal; choice
export and dressed beef steers, 87.60I&8.00;
fair to good. $3 3007.55; stocker and feed
ers, $2.2CM.90; western fed steers, (4.0V9
6 00; Texas and Indian ateers, $1. 1544 25:
Texaa cow. $2 8ntf?3 TO; native cow. $1. "Wit
8.05; native heifers, $:.antie00; ranners, 81.78
6-2.75; bulls, II.1W-4.00; calves, 83.2&?i5.0; re
ceipts for the week, 41.000 cattle, , 6,000
HOGS Receipts, 1.000 head. Market
strong; top. $7.75; bulk of sales, 87 307 60;
heavy. 87.5741f7.76; mixed packers. $7.S3.
7.65; Ite-ht. M iMtj7.47H; Yorkers, $7.35457.474:
pigs, 86.50434.(0; receipts for the week, 23,400
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, (00
bead. Market strong; native lamba, 84.45
t)t 30; western lamba. $3.2tY6 00; native
wethers. $4 ( western wethers, $3 t5-ft
4.75; fed ewes 83 8b4 40; Texas clipped
yearlings, $1.7.fp4 5i; Texas clipped sheep,
$3.40tit.76; Blockers and feeders, $2.80iU3.20;
receipts for the week. 14,000 head.
M. i-mwm LI'- Ktk Magket.
ST .-OSEPH, July 2t. CATTLE Re
ceipts. Hi head; mgrket steady.
HOGS Re-el-vs. 2.726 head; market
steadv to uron.T light and light mixed,
$7.4if7.85; mixed and heavy, 87.5.S7 75; pigs.
84 607.00; bulk. $7 6jr7 70.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt , son;
market steady.
week before. Even choice cattle were a
little higher, though f perhaps the advance South Omaha....
was not as great as on (trades aelllna-I t-hicaan
around 36.75S7.2o. The commoner cattle I Kansas City
w.r. inm.lhal nairlAfran ann lmnv-nvA.1 I e. t i
very little, if any, In prices. The top price at Joaenh "
of the year ia still fc.15. On Friday re- J""p"
ceipts were very ngnt ana packers aid not
take noia witn aa mucn me as tney c:d
the day before, so that the week did not
close quite us good as the high time on
Thursday. It is very evident that packers
want the cattle showing weight, flesh and
Quality and do not care tor Dart fat and
common stuff.
Tha cow market was also In stood ahana
the greater part of laat week and prleea
Improved fully aa much aa on steers.
Thursday and Friday the market was at
the high point of the week and aa oom
pared with the close of the previous week
an advance of 25c to 40c could be quoted
on desirable grades. The bulk of the re
ceipts or course consistea ot grass stun;,
very few cornfeds belna- offered. It Is to
be noticed, however, that the advene of
25640c applies only to the better grades, as
me common grasser uia not improve at
most over 15(3260.
Bull may also be quoted a little stronger
for the week, though they did not advance
as much as cows and steers, for the reason
that they did not decline aa sharply th
week before. Veal calve and stags ar
aiso nigner wner tn quality la satistac
There haa been a very light run of atock
era and feeders most of ths week snd
owing to the very liberal demand from the
country prices advanced on heavy feedera
with good flesh and quality, fully 26 to 40c.
Prime yearlings have also advanced nearly
a much, but when It came to the cattle
lacking In Quality, and especially the light
weight cattle, the market wa alow and
prices are very little higher than they were
a week ago. The country doe not seem to
want that class of cattle and as a result
they sold at a low figure aa compared with
tnose ot Better weignt ana quality.
this week, and In fact the first few day
Cattle. Horn. B.heep.
... lis
... l,Sv
... 20
1 000
.12.357 14,255 4,037
17. Farnam Smith
& Co.
Omaha First Mortgages.
City aDd County Warrants.
IViinl. b .1 Cf... n.M4a
, Stock of
Union Btook Yards, South Omaha.
Omaha Street Railway.
Lincoln Land Co.
Omaha Banks.
And other stocks of all kinds.
For immediate and future delivery.
2013 Farnam St. Tel. 1064
18 Board of Trade Baildlna;.
Investment Securities Bought A Sold.'
Omaha Stock Yards Stock. Sioux Cltr
ran- cattle aVrlveS oulta freelv P,ork 'd 8,ock- Omaha Street Ry Stock,
rfnf.fii'e.Vv?uii Nebraaka Telephone Co. Stock Bank
HI II T STTla, esVIllJ 111 ttmtja, (.nfj inns, irn U nl 3 8J ti. As,.U. y ' i a 'a-v .
of the week they made up th bulk of the t?n m?,h' J er i:0-Jion?."' m,i'
receipt. Packera took hold of them In t' toV.8 ?ck,' maa Oa Bonds.
pretty good shape and a high as $6.10 was Per cent Oold Bonds. V .
paid for beef steers. Buyer claim, how- ' g, mmwm am. s x. a a
New York Grain and Stocks bought and
ever, that the cattle are atlll rather soft
and are not killing out any too well. CiTws
also met with ready sale at good, strong
HOGS There waa a light run of hoga
here today and the market opened at
prices a shade stronger, with compara
tive! v brisk trade, so that a food many
hogs had changed handa at an early hour. I aold for cash or on margin.
Later in tne oay ratner umavoraoi re
port were received from other point, the
packer became bearish arid little trading
waa done for some time, with most of the
bid at a downward tendency. In a ahort
time, however, the market picked up a
little and a good clearance wa made com
paratively early at generally steady prices.
Tel. lOUtt.
Good hog sold at steady price, ranging
from $7.65 to $7.60 and as high as $7.70 was
paid for a rather choice load. The bulk of
packing grade sold from $7.50 down.
The receipt for th week , have been
llaht. orobably on account of th discourag
ing slump In the market for the first three
i day. Wednesday, which proved to be th
. , , . 1 1 . ar. . .
low oay, liwwru m uc-i.mia ui uv Hum jKluiie
day and ooc irom in same oay ot tne
nrevloua week. The advance of th last
few daya brings the market about back
where it was on anunaay, out aooui too
lowsr than it wa a ween ago toaay. Rep
resentative sales:
At. to. Pr.
7 M
1 44
T 4
1 W
f 4ft
4 t Oft
1 4ft
1 4
in M i a
in loo 1 414
t0 114 t 474
li ... 1 474
in ... t o
...S.llt B t 474
Tl 107 10 V41
As. 8b. Pr.
.M0 ... 1114
..JM) I f 414
..14 10 1 HV.
..isi io 1 t:vi
..Ml ... 1 It i
..S2S isv 1 et.
. l- SO 1 ft
N til
..11 ... 1 U
..141 40 T fti
Ti 14 110 1 14
M t ft
... 1 SO
0 1 SO
. 4 t ftO
ST I2t 10 t 10
4........JV 0 t ft
144 140 1 U
....HI a 114
... Ml f ft
....14 ... It
....141 ISO 1 U
....114 12 t ftt
....U4 144 14
....1st la 1 U
... tf.1 ... 1 ftt
....!! ... 1 It
...14 40 t it
..,.3U W I ftt
UUUULUU 1100.00 lnvMted la Orslo or
ansnnsnsnnnnBsssns Blocks br oar "Safety Valv
Plan" should result io a profit of 8500.00 to
liuoo.00 within 80 day. Writ for particular
ad send for our free book "Meaara Method
far Sal Investment."
M. B. PLOWE CO., Banker aad Brokers.
Cklcsg Heck Eatthaag Bid,.. Chltsga
IS Board ( Trsuta Ualidlagr.
Reprereatlng t. H. PK1MCE.
Grain, Provision., 8tcks, Bonds.
Direct prlvat wire to Chicago and Nca-
York. Bend for dally market letter.
Up-to-date mining paper contain
ing all the latest news from fa
mous gold camps. Including
U. B. Mining Journal, 108 Fulton st., N. Y.
IITinCII Every speculator In atock and
Ills) grain should read this Inter-
Iestlng book. Mailed free on application.
New York Stock Newa bureau, Hudson
Building, Nsy I org. ,