TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1002. The omaiia Daily Bee B. R08EV7ATER, EDITOR. rUBUSHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Bee (without Sunday), On, Tear. 14 00 Lieuy and bundnf. On Vear. ....... .'0 liluxlralrd Bee, One tear t-W Sunday Be, Una iear J.' Saturday Be,, una Year l.M twentieth Century farmer. One, lear.. 1.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... c laily Bee (without bunuayj, per weeK....Uc Daily bee (Including tiunclay. per week..liO Sunday Bee, per copy so i-venlng Bee (wltnout HumJay), par week.luc Juvenlng Um (including bunuay), per week Complalnta of Irregularities In delivery Should be addressed to wity Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Haii Building, Twen ty-htth and M Streets. Council BlulTa lu jearl Street. , Chicago lftto L'nlty Building. Ix'ew 1 ork Temple Court. Washington oel Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to liewa and dltorlal matter ' should b aaaressed; Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letter, and remittance, ahouid be addrecaed; Xhe Bee publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to Th Bee Puuilnhlng company. Only 3-cent stamps accepted in payment of mall accounts. Personal checaa, except ou Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. IllE BEE PCBLldHliNU COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stats of Nebraska, Douglas Couaty, as.: Oeorge B. TmcnuiSt. secretary of in. Be Fubtisning Company, being ouly ,worn, say, thai the actual number ok full and complete copies of Tbs Dally, Morning, Evening and Hunuay Be, printed during Ui, mouth of June, 1302, was as follows: -l.-.j. !i iin la 2U.44IO I ' ,.. ...... !H1 lull XU.4KSO 4 STO.670 t KU,6UU ' t .29,610 U 3TO,7M ID 89,740 20 29,000 a ho,oto T 29,570 82 29,000 tS 29,680 ., 31,830 25 29,000 U 9,0O 27 29,elO tt ,. .29,540 29,5 OO SO 29,010 8 29,900 29,540 10 29,010 U ..2!),CBO 12 29.S10 U 29.080 14 29,000 ,li 29,0ttO Total SenjUO Less unsold and returned copies.... 0.OO2 Net total sales 879,009 Net dally average 29318 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presenco and sworn to before me tills tdta day of June, A. D., IDOL , (Seat) M. B. H UNGATE, ' Notary Public. i Are not these dally rehearsals of the coronation procession likely to wear the newness out of the performance? Like the candidate for office, the pro fessional prize fighter Is always confl uent of winning up to the very eve of the battle. The Bee will be pleased to .welcome President Burt of the Union Foclflc Into the editorial profession as soon as he launches his promised paper. Now that the drouth In Texas has been (broken we may expect the Texans to go back to raising the same old brand which has made them famous. A messenger boys' strike has stag nated the business of the telegraph com panies at Chicago. The Imitative bump is well developed In the American youth. It Is only fair to assume that when Oyster Bay was given its name the founders had no idea that it would ever become even the temporary abiding . plac of a president v The announcement has been made that a truce has been patched up be tween ex-Senator Allen and Edgar How ard. The shade of Jefferson may now rest In quiet during Its summer vaca tion. Our Dave pretends to be still waiting for his committee to tell blm what to do, while the committee cannot move until our nonresident congressman gives the word. The deadlock between Mr. Mercer and his committee Is certainly wonderful to behold. Another revision of the railway map of this section of the country by absorp tion and merger Is predicted. The rail way revolution baa only taken a start, and not even those most familiar with the situation are willing to hazard opin ions as to where It will stop. Mr. Bryan's Intimation In his Boston speech that there Is room In this coun try for only two permanent national po litical parties must be discouraging to the populist allies unless they can de lude themselves Into the belief that the populist party Is to be the permanent party and the democratic party soon to vanish from the earth. The grand assessment roll for Ne braska, as complied by the State Board of Equalization, shows an Increase in assessed valuation of more than $3.000,. 000. The assessments of the railroad property, however, do not contribute to tbu increase. But the railroad tax bureau keeps right on trying to persuade the people that the railroads of Ne braska are overtaxed. , ' Of the $3,000,000 added to the assessed property valuations In Nebraska subject to taxation for 1002 as com Dared with 1001, $3,000,000 comes from Pouglaa county, and Douglas county will pay nearly a seventh of the entire taxes 'raised by the state. Yet when Douela county appears before the legislature with any measure that relates exclu sively r even chiefly to its Interests it will be treated as if it were a foreign colony. Colonel Bryan now divides the demo crats who refused to follow his leader hip In 181)0 luto two classes those who bolted out of Ignorance and those who bolted kuowlugly. The Ignorant voters he would like to welcome back on con dition that they acknowledge their In feriority, wbil on the other hand be wll) bolt the door against the intelligent voters who knew what they were doing .when they bolted. If this logic does not prodaos) the much-desired democratic Jiarcjgnj what will! BCsiXKts inert on thk folic hoard. The Massachusetts editor of the de funct Omnha Republican made himself famous by prefacing his sugnr-contod sawdust pie editorials with the declara tion, "and we desire It distinctly under stood that we do not wish to be under stood." That Is precisely the present position of the World Herald, which de sires It distinctly understood flint It Is for home rule In the government of the police, but rejoices over the 'decision which takes away borne rule from Omaha and transfers the government of the Are and police to the state house at Lincoln. When the air Is cleared of the sawdust and sand and the true In wardness of the movement for another change of police boards is disclosed, the business men of Omaha will discover that they have been imposed oa by schemers who have no other object In view than to use the police commission to promote their ends In politics. The original object .of the creation of a lire and police board appointed by the governor was to make a strictly non partisan body free from local partisan influences that would divorce the fire and police departments altogether from politics. The first board appointed by Governor Thayer chosen from among his personal friends was so intended to be. The board consisted of Chris nart- man, L. M. Bennett, George Gilbert 'and Howard B. Smith, two nonpartisan democrats and two strictly nonpartisan republicans. The board sought to keep out of politics, but In spite of all its ef forts was accused by the opposition press with being In politics. When Mr. Bennett dropped out Wil liam Coburn was substituted, but that did not seem to make the board less offensive. When James E. Boyd became governor the democratic organ raised the howl of politics and insisted upon a change. In response to this clamor Governor Boyd tried to displace Chris Hartman by Con Gallagher, a non partisan business man whose principal business was politics, and to oust two of the other members will his own favorites. Governor Boyd's nonpartisan board failed to connect, however, by reason of supreme court Interference, which was denounced by the World Herald as the most rank exhibition of judicial partisanship. Two years later Governor Crounse in jected Attorney V. O. Strickler luto the board in place of Mr. Gilbert. This ap pointment was made expressly for the benefit of the World-Herald, which then, as now, pretended to be In favor of bus iness' men on the board. Governor Holcomb's appointees to the police board were Charles 11. Brown and D. Clem Deaver, to serve with Strickler and Smith. This board was eventually ousted by special legislation that trans ferred the appointing power from the populist governor to the republican land commissioner and attorney general. Their successors, the Churchill-Russell board, were business men out of politics who were always active iu politics. namely, W. J. Broatch, A. C. Toster and Pflul Vandervoort. This trio, although decidedly in politics, appeared to be em inently satisfactory to the World-Hqiald ond Its political backers, and they found no fault when Broatch was succeeded by another business man out of politics In the person of . Captain II.- E: Palmer, 6V when, a year later, P. 1 W,' Birkhauser took the place of Vandervoort. When these nonpartisan business men were displaced during Governor Hol comb's second term . by such business men as Lee Herdmau, Dr. J. U. Pea- body, Attorney D. D. Gregory and W. C. Bullard the change brought on no re sentment from the nonpartisan organ. The Herdman board succumbed to the home rule decision originally rendered by Judge C. B. Scott and confirmed by the supreme court, placing the appoint ing power in the bands of the mayor and council. The only really offensive partisan board, then, is that appointed by Mayor Moores, constituted in the first Instance of the late Charles J. Karbach, Dr. V. II. Coffman, M. IL Collins and P. W. Birkhauser, who bad also been a mem ber of a former board. In what respect Dr. Coffman differed from Dr. Peabody from the standpoint of business or poli tics and how far Mr. Karbach differed from Captain Talmer or Mr. Collins from Lee Herdman as political factors will scarcely be discernible to anybody. The present police board, including, besides Mr. Collins, F. A. Kennedy, George A. Mead and P. C. Ileafey, cer tainly has as good business standing outside of politics as any of its preae cessors. The objection to It is not that its members do not belong to the Com merclal club or associate with ojther business men, but because they have not ground political grist opon the popo cratlc mill. They have offended not by what they hove done politically, but what they have failed to do. The fire and police departments of Omaha are surely as well administered today as they were under the two Gallaghers. The board and the departments under it certainly Jiave not been as perniciously active in politics under home rule as they had been under the model business man's boards made up of Broatch, Palmer, Herdman, Vandervoort and Foster, when everything went "Just lovely" in the eyes of the sham reform organ. Order Is well maintained, prop erty is secure from destruction by tire, Internal dissension baa been banished from fire and police forces. The World Herald Is clamoring frantically for a change simply because It expects to reap a political advantage. TBK FAKAUA XKUVJtATlOSS. The treaty between the United State and Colombia' la regard to the canal will probably not be signed before Hep teiuber and perhaps later. The delicate question respecting sovereignty over the territory to bo ceded for the canal is still to be determined and may con sume some time. In the meanwhile the American officials will go to Paris to look Into the various legal questions connected with the transfer of the ia nal property to tie United States. The counsel to tha. Panama, coieptm is sew- on his wsy to Taris to assist In the In vestigation of the matter of title and he hns expressed no doubt that the re sult will be entirely satisfactory to our government, an opinion acquiesced In by some of the ablest lawyers In con gress. Tlio question will undoubtedly be speedily settled after the American officials get to Paris and with this dis posed of in the way expected an agree ment with the Colombian government will promptly follow. It appears that Nicaragua and Costa Rica are still hopeful of some hitch in the negotiations that will give them a chance. The ministers of those coun tries at Washington profess to believe that the United States will not be able to make satisfactory arrangements for the construction of a canal at Panama and will therefore in the end revert to the Nicaragua route. This Is of course possible, but as now appears not at all likely. THE DK MOCHA TIC "HA B M OA T" MEET IRQ The meeting at Nantaskct under the auspices of the New England Demo cratic league, with a view to promoting party harmony, contributed nothing to the attainment of that object, if in deed it shall not have the effect to ag gravate democratic discord and division. The conciliatory talk of Edward M. Shepard of New York was neutralized by the utterances of W. J. Bryan. The former would have the differences of the past forgotten and all democrats united on the questions of the present Mr. Bryan declines to forget the past and he refuses to harmonize with those democrats who did not accept the Chicago-Kansas City platform and support him. He still believes that the doc trines upon which he made his two presidential campaigns are the true principles of democracy and be proposes to adhere to them. Mr. Bryan divides into two classes the men who did not support him in 1800 those who understood the issue pre sented and those who did not under stand the real nature of the contest Of the former be declared that until they "are completely changed in their sympathies they cannot return to the party without Injuring it" The refer-'' ence Is to that large body of democrats, Including the ablest men in the party, who rejected the free silver heresy and who still believe in sound money. This element Mr. Bryan proposes shall not be recognized as democrats and shall not be permitted to have anything to say In regard to democratic principles and policies unless they repudiate what they did six years ago and confess they were wrong In not supporting Bryanlsm. The inference is that If they are ad mitted to the councils of the party Mr. Bryan will refuse to associate with them. Thus democratic "harmony" has been given another slap and it remains to be seen what the effect will be. Be yond this the speech of Mr. Bryan at Nantasket Is inconsequential. He said nothing that ho had not uttered many times before. The country has been long familiar with his demagogic class appeals and they can exert no Influence now upon the intelligent stnd discern ing. They had some potency when the country was under a pall of industrial and commercial depression and millions of people were idle, but they carry no weight now when prosperity abounds and the demand for labor In portions of the country Is in excess of the sup ply. When the people are in distress. as they were a few years ago under the operation of democratic policy, theJ demagogue has his opportunity, but his voice is not heeded when all the peo ple are prosperous, . The opinions, the doctrines and the predictions of W. J. Bryan during the past six years have been utterly discredited by events. No Dolltlclan in our history was ever more completely wrong than bo has been. IWs latest deliverance shows that he has not gained in wisdom and therefore has not Improved bis claim to popular con fidence. CUBA IS THAAQCIU According to trustworthy advices there is no substantial foundation for the reports of possible disturbances in Cuba. Havana correspondents say that the Cubans realize that the eyes of the world are upon them as well as the United States and their pride is at stake. They know that the life or death of the republic depends upon their behav ing themselves and they are determined to conduct themselves aright The most radical leaders, it is stated, Impress this upon the people, and it is safe to say that their counsel will prevail, for they bave a pride in their republic and are determined to give it a fair trial It appears that there is a bitter feel ing on the part of the anti-annexation-ists toward the annexationists, but It is not likely to lead to any serious trouble, because there is an impression that if any grave disturbance should occur in the island, anything threaten ing a revolution, the United States would at once interpose and perhaps take permanent control of the island. Doubtless our government would offer the Cuban government assistance If it should appear necessary to preserve peace and order In Cuba, but only In the event of the inability of the Cuban authorities to pat down an uprising would the Un.ed States intervene. Meanwhile affairs in the new republic seem to be moving along without any great difficulty. The financial situation Is not quite satisfactory and the gov eminent is not getting as much revenue aa could be desired, which prevents pub lic improvements that would give em ployment to the people and better the situation. Yet less complaint is heard. the people as a whole seem to be fairly well contented and there is a very gen eral disposition to keep the flag of tho republic flying. The Lincoln Journal persists that the recent refunding of the Douglas county bonds which had five years to run at 0 per cent into twenty-year bonds at 8 per cent unloaded by the bond brok rs oa Ux tut school fund on a 8 par cent basis, Is a good bargain. There Is no question whatever but that it is a good bargain for the bond brokers and the bond holders, but the taxpayers of Douglas county, who will be losers by at least $14,000 by the transaction, fall to see where It Is a good bargain for them. So far as the Investment of the school fund Is concerned. It Is neither a good bargain nor a bad bargain, because the school fund could have had tho bonds af the same terms by direct pur chase any time they might have been refunded by the county. In the interval the complication over the release of the old bonds and the delivery of the new ones threatens to make It a still worse bargain for Douglas county taxpayers. To appreciate the nonpartisan charac ter of the movement for a new police board made up exclusively of business men out of politics one need only look behind the litigation that has brought out the latest police commission de cision. The suit was first Instituted os tensibly to shield Fire Chief Bedell, for whom that notoriously nonpartisan bus iness man. Captain II. E. Palmer, stood as bead sponsor. This suit led to the petition for a writ of mandamus against the governor, applied for In the name of that nonpartisan business man. At torney C. C. Wright for whom those twin apostles of duplex partisanship, Frank Ransom and W. F. Gurley, ap peared as special pleaders. But of course there was no politics In It Tho story about the national organiza tion of millers planning to Invade the congressional district of Speaker Hen derson for the purpose of defeating the speaker in retaliation for his opposition to a measure In which they were in terested Is denied as only another po litical fake. The millers unquestion ably have a right to support or oppose any candidates they see fit but we may be sure that their fealty to the repub lican policy of protection will keep them from going over in a body to the de mocracy, or to democratic candidates. They know they could not help them selves by electing free trade democrats to congress. When President Burt starts his paper to drive the existing newspapers out of Omaha he will find that running a newspoper is very different from run ning a railroad. Wbat Has Become of Adlatf Baltimore American. It is observed that the Hon. Adlal Stev enson refrains from mingling In the demo cratic Donnybrook. New Designation for the "Peerless." Washington Post. It is Impossible tor Mr. Bryan to travel without leaving a trail ot vociferation in his resr. He Is the human sprinkling cart. Which Coat, Is the Rah. St Paul Dispatch. . "Every democrat should take off his coat and get to work to elect democratic con gressmen," says .an organ ot that party. But which coat? The Bryan coat or the Cleveland? Morals of the Uragg Incident. Boston Transcript. One moral of the General Bragg incident Is that a public man should not write pri vate letters. Another moral is that a busi ness man Is a better selection for the posi tion of consul general at a port with which we have large dealings than a veteran of war and politics, of peppery temper and but little acquainted with commerce. Americans Ahead In South Africa. Philadelphia Ledger. The trade commission sent out from England to inquire Into the beet methods of pushing British trade In South Africs was disgusted to And a number of restless Americans already Installed there and pushing business without watting for any commission to Instruct them. They had chosen their own methods, and the com mission was obliged to report that they were meeting with the same success in South Africa aa In tb rest of the world. Under the circumstances. It would seem that the best recommendation the com mission could make to its constituents would be to study the methods of the Americans and follow them as closely as possible. PERSONAL. AND GENERAL. The school board of Newport, R. I., has elected a colored woman aa teacher In the public schools. She is the first negress to be so honored In the New England states. A wonderful beard Is worn by Jean Co- non of Montlucon, France. It Is 10 feet 10W Inches in length and nearly 5 feet ot it, when he stands erect, rests on the floor. The ends ot bis mustache bang below his waist. Senator Depew Is said to be consulting several famous Parisian physicians with a view to his son's studying for the medical profession. The young man will probably be given a private laboratory In the Pas teur Institute. The king of Italy la a great eater of sweet cakes and fancy bread ot every de scription and his cook has a reputation for bis confections. The king rarely touches wine, his chief table drink being two Aus trian mineral waters. The total emigration of Sweden to Amer ica during the last fifty years has exceeded 150,000. while about 150,000 Swedes have gone to other countries. Of the emigrants to the United Slates only I per cent have returned to their native country. The latest reports of ths British regis trar general shows that the natural Increase in population in the United Kingdom during the three months ended in March 11 laat was 95.011. ,The dea'.b rate during that quarter was 18.1 per 1,000, and the birth rate li t Ras Makennon, the Abyssinian general who has been visiting Paris, surprised the French people by his lmperturballty. The magnificence of a military display at Long champs did not move htm to enthusiasm and he almost yawned at the fireworks dis played la his honor. He found ths weather depressing and, altogether, seemed to vote the entire place a bore. Charles de Lesseps, son ot the late Fer dlnand de Lessep, the projector of the French Panama Canal company, expresses the opinion that the United States will be able to complete the enterprise within six years. He gives the amount expended. by the French company on the work as $2SZ 000,000. All its rights are to be acquired by the United Elates for 140,000.000. Michael i. hennessy of Wvikiitcr, M:s . baa allowed twenty-one pieces of akla to be cut from his legs to be grafted upon tnoae ot Francis Earl, an 1-year-old boy who was recently badly burned and Is now undergoing treatment la the West Penn sylvania hospital, PkUburg. Hennessy was taken to the hospital for wounds r. celved la a railway acoident and became iniarattei ia tha taa ot arL A REMAHKABLD IND19TRY. mechanical Appliances for Cultivating the Soli. Philadelphia tdger. Tbs extent to which machinery Is applied to agricultural operations in the United Slates la one of the wonders of the time. A complete revolution In farming methods has taken place wltbln a lifetime In much lees than an average lifetime in many direc tionsowing to the introduction of the in genious devices which have supplanted the primitive tools with which the husbandman gathered his crops and prepared thera for market The manufacture of agricultural implements baa long since become a great American industry, furnishing an Important contribution to our export trade,, while it remains, and Is likely to remain, in execu tive possession of the home market For a decade the paltry sum ot $108 represented, so far as the treasury reports show, tbe value of the agricultural machinery im ported Into the United States from 1891 to 1900, inclusive. The menu I activity and In genuity exerted in the Invention of agri cultural appliances Is Indicated by the cen sus statement that 42.674 patents have been Issued for various devices from the organi sation ot the patent office to January 1, 1902. The value of the agricultural machinery manufactured and sold for home us In a single year (1900) was 185.101,279. The special census report on agricultural Implements for 1900 says that before 1850 the manufacture of said implement was little more than a hand trade, and In no sense a factory Industry In the modern cense. The Industry before that year was conducted, for the most part, in small shops, and the output was sold in the Immediate neighborhood. There were many more es tablishments in operation in 1830 (1,833) than In 1900 (T17). The development of the industry is best exhibited by tbe Increased capital invested. In 1850 it was $3,564,282; In 1900, $157,707,951. The special census report graphically il lustrates the time and labor-saving value of agricultural machines In practical opera tion on the farms. Contrasting conditions In 1830 with those of 1896, the report says that the amount of human labor now re quired to produce a bushel of wheat Is on an average ten minutes. In 1830 the time required was three hours and three min utes. The cost of the human labor required to produce a bushel of wheat fell in the sixty-six years' interval from 17 cents to 3H cents. Similarly striking examples are given with respect to corn cultivation and hay making. Taking tbe country over, "In the case of the crop of corn the money mea sure of the saving of human labor required to produce it in 1899, in the most available economic manner, was $523,276,642; wheat, $79,194,867; oats. $52,866,200; rye, $1,408,950; barley, $7,323,480; white potatoes, $7,866,820; hay, $10,034,868. "The total saving in tho coBt of human labor for these seven crops In 1899, owing to the possible utilization of the Implements, machines and methods of the present time, in place of the old-time manner of produc tion, reaches the stupendous amount of $681,471,827 for this one year." The development of agricultural ma chinery is not complete. Tbe probable use of the automobile In farm operations Is one of the Interesting predictions made by the census report which closes with this ob servation: "It seems safe to predict, in view ot the development of the automobile, that within the next decade the feature of modern In vention will have found an additional ap plication ss a motive force In connection with agricultural Implements of tillage, planting and harvesting." NEBRASKA'S R11KS. Philosophies nomination on the Good Crops Always Following Disaster. Chicago Inter Ocean. One of the strange things about agri culture In Nebraska is the fact that, while the crops are ruined there many times every growing .season, the harvests are almost invariably bountiful.' This statement of course will call to mind the somewhat similar conditions which prevail annually throughout the peach district of Michigan. However, there is a difference. The Michigan peach crop Is ruined ss a rule by a late frost, and only once every spring, whereas the Ne braska corn, wheat, oat, rye and barley crops are ruined frequently every summer by drouth, floods, hot winds and hall storms. Travelers through the parts of Nebraska which have been desolated most frequently are surprised to find them thickly inhabited by a happy and prosperous people. In those counties where the drouths, floods, hot winds and bail storms lay waste thou sands of acres of growing grain every sea son may he seen from a railway car window handsome farm houses, fine barns, fields of golden corn, herds of fat cattle and other evidences of the bounteous blessings which nature bestows upon aa Industrious people. Nobody but a complete stranger to the way of Nebraska, however, will permit this apparent contradiction to trouble htm. The traveler familiar with the vagaries of agri culture In this tranamlssourl common wealth will simply contlnne to look out of the car window and say nothing. The crops of Nebraska had already been ruined three times this season when the following dispatch reached the latsr Ooeaa from Hastings: 'A terrific hall storm prevailed over a considerable part of the farming country In this county this afternoon. Chunks ot 1c weighing nearly a quarter of a pound fell for fifteen minutes. Chickens were killed and young stock Injured. Oats and corn were driven into the ground." That the oats and corn should be driven into the ground by chunks of ice weighing nearly a quarter of a pound will surprise nobody. Neither does It seem strange that such hailstones should kill chickens and Injure young live stock. The strange thing is that there should be anybody or anything left In or near Hastings to tell the tale. Perhaps these quarter-of-a-pound chunks ot ice fell with the soft side down la most cases, or perhaps they fell with force ouly on the tassels and heads of ths corn and oats. How far the stalks were driven Into the ground the dispatch leaves ua to con jecture and we are equally at a loss to know whether they can be pulled back again In time to break a corner on the Board of Trade. But we presume they can. Torpid Liver When your complexion is allow, and you are troubled with Constipation, Malaria, fciick Headache and other Liv er Complaints, take Horsford9 Acid Phosphate It stimulates healthy liver activity, increases the now of bile, improves appetite, pro motes digestion, enriches the blood, and improves the whole system. OTHER I.AXDS TIIAS OCR. The coming general election In Japan will be ot probably greater Interest and Importance than any which has preceded It, because In It more than In any other definite party lines .will be drawn. Ever since the establishment of the constitu tion, Japan has been moving toward party government on somewhat the same lines as the free countries of the western world. Various circumstances have retarded the process now and then, but at the present time party development has reached a point where It may be said to be crys tallzlng Into permanent form. Neverthe less, Japanese psrtles are still a puxzl, to most people outside of that empire, ap pearing to be organized upon entirely different bases" from parties of similar names In other lands. Thus a Toklo cor respondent points out (hat Intelligent ob servers have In successive Interviews re garded tbe same Japanese statesman as an ultra conservative, a moderate liberal and an extreme radical. The key to the puzzle lies in the fact that Marquis ho. the con servative or constitutional leader, is a conservative In politics because he Is a radical in social reforms,' while Count Okuma, the radical or progressive leader, la a radical in politics because he Is a conservative in social matters. One of the dangers of the telephone where the service is In the hands of the government has been curiously Illustrated in Germany. An association, of which a well-known German "captain of Industry" is a member, recently found It necessary to ask him by telegraph If he was satisfied with a certain resolution passed by the society. The telegram was forwarded to Cologne by means of the telephone, and on Its way the word resolution became revolution. This was enough to make the operators at the Cologne central turn over the dispatch to the secret police. With their customary wisdom, the latter saw In the message plain proof of a widespread anarchist conspiracy to overturn the gov ernment particularly aa It was signed by an, organized body. Forthwith two detec tives rushed to tbe hotel and arrested the captain of Industry oa sight Since the latter's name Is known throughout Ger many, he found It easy to prove his inno cence and to explain the message. But what would have become of htm had he been a foreigner, or an lnconnpicuous per son from a far-off village, is something about which tbe knowing prefer to remain silent and look wise. Before the present year closes the great Transslberian railroad, the longest con tinuous line in the world, will be open for traffic, and Russia can well claim posses sion of the most wonderful line of trans portation in existence. The new road will extend for a distance of over 6,300 miles and connect with the old Russian road from Moscow to the Ural mountains, thus forming a continuous line from Moscow to rort Arthur or Vladtvostock; the passage will occupy about 'Sixteen days. The road has cost the Russian empire 750,000,000 rubles, or $375,000,000 a vast sum of money, but one that will no doubt he re paid with ample Interest within a very few years. It is one of the grandest works un dertaken by the government of the czar, and it premises to Increase the wealth of his dominions almost Immeasurably by bringing China Into direct commercial communication with Russia. An official return of Incomes subject to taxation in Prussia shows that In the last ten years the number of persons with in comes ranging from 800 marks ($225) to 8,000 marks ($750) has Increased by 62 per cent, while the number of incomes over 8, POO marks has Increased by 87 per cent Tue rise from Incomes below to incomes above 900 marks has been proportionately much greater than from incomes below to Incomes above 8,000 marks. The number ot persons enjoying Incomes from 900 to 1,000 marks has always been six or seven times ss great as those with 3,000 marka or mcr,, but the aggregate Income of the former class has not been much larger than that of the latter, and Its Income tax contribu tion has been much less. This would seem to show that the burden ot the tax falls on the shoulders of those best able to bear It Persons enjoying Incomes ot 900 to 1,000 marks, with the members of their fatally, formed in 1901 $0.44 per cent of the popu lation ot Prussia, while persons with In comes above 3,000 marks formed, on a similar calculation, 4.81 per cent. Canada la gratified to observe that Us export trade has nearly doubled In nine years; in 1893 it amounted to $102,000,000, and In 1903 to $196,000,000. It is especially flattering to Canada to observe that Us manufactured exports much more than doubled In the nine years. Of ths total Increase of $94,000,000, $29,000,000 Is In ths product of the mines. Ths ratio of In crease is nearly sevenfold; in no other 1? WW7 EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS In and about our store make it necessary to dispose of as much of our merchant dise as possible, for we rather sacrifice prices now than to hold the articles subx ject to dust and dirt, 25 and 50 Per Cent Discount Wash Suits, 11.25, Discount off Makea rrice .05 Wash Buits, fl.BO, Discount off Makea Price f 1.15 Wash Buits, f 2.00, Discount off Makea Trice tl-50 CHILD'S WOOL SUITS From $3.50. to $8.50, 25 per cent off. BOYS' OR SMALL MEN'S BUITS From $7.50 to $15.00, 25 per cent off. One Table of CHILD'S SUITS AND KNEE PANTS 50 per cent off BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS 50 per cent discount. 50c nats 25c, $1.00 llata 50c. Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. ( XL 3. Wilcox, Manftcer. W Close Saturday at 9 p. m. brsnch of exports has the ratio beea nearly so great. The Increase In the exports , from the fisheries Is $6,000,000; this Item did not double; tho forests furnished aa Increase of $8,000,000, which IS less thsa 2' per cent; animal products Increased $28,000,000; this Is not very far short of I doubling; agricultural products Increased ' $15,000,000, or about two-thirds. Msnufac- j tured exports were $7,693,957 In 1803 and . $18,462,90 in 1902. This Increase in manu- ! factured exports Is the more notable be cause tbe population of the Dominion has not Increased rapidly; tbe results ot ths last census were much below wbat It was hoped and expected that they would show. SIMMER SMILES. Bomcrvtlle Journal: Alice (proudly) I mad, this walKt myself. Maude Tes, I knew It Somervllle Journal: It is seldom wise to play a practical Joke on the man who Lies the amount of your salary. Chicago News! 'Tut not your trust In riches, said the clerical-looking man In the runty coat In'livM0 i'" JfX,eA the Prosperous-looking .... my nones in iruns. Smart Set: "It IS your plain fluty, and--..n.SI'i.'T."' n? ,h"1 whRt makea It so -hJii fct,ve' we once In a !!i!i 5Ve , du,v " ornamental thnt It would be a pleasure to contemplate It." v-n5!I! Statesman: Patlence-That Mr, Np.r1oelw7aTthow,TPOP"ly d,'0't hJ?-M ln CUS'1 P". nd do you kncwf his trousers just matched the cu,- wa,nton BtTt "Tou mu-t forget tnat you owe your country something." JLh 1 -nT """wered e'naf- frfph"nV. . B mr country, I am happy ,,"y'J" n cr"r. and I am too worry me." phllo,Ph8r l " debts .Sity!Z1,a Standard: "T have been toM." l.i ,he n1w Patient "that you are the hl.f".t.autnorlt'r on aPIen11oltls." ..,r ,ltno,r-" Tepll-d the eminent lion1 ' char9 w00) Pr opera- . V"lT: H Tou know Tom married me for my money. f,,B.h?Ke1.1- I m r,a1 you K'vs me credit Tor not being an utter foot. nTh Il"r,in. S,nri "po"'t trust too fsr '?,,J,2b 00, 'n,er"""." ld Uncle Khen, In .17.". y" h,f,5 ,kl11 baC " O0Ol Intentions F;.tlne, de raan what hns m. muslcC" -u"itlon of a heap o' choir A Ditty of Finance. Washington Star. Little drops of water Sprinkled through the stock Leave the Wall street lambkins Hopelessly In hock, THE GIRLS OP LO.Q AGO. Leslie Griswold in Los Angeles Times. Ob, the dear old-fashioned girl that I knew lng years ago, When the world, the girl and I, were In Our prime; Bhe was dear as early snowdrops amid the springtime snow. Bhe was sweet as the wild rose of sum mertime. And she knew Just how to mako round and sponge and ginger cake! bhe could spin and weave and knit the summer through, "d the butter, cheese and cream I Why, I think I have a dream Of our driving home the cows through starlit dew! Oh, these vaunted modern days! Nothing In them can compare To the husking bees and spelling schools of old; Nothing sets my heart a-dance as the musio on the air, MCrjr J'"1111 of slelghbelis In the cold. , Oh, those days of long ago, tt AV1?en .the winters frost and snow Held, In close embrace the woodland vale and pool: Wrapped in robos and blankets warm What cared we for wind and storm. When we gathered at the weekly singing . . school! Oh, the old-time singing school, my heart ' a-thought the faster , Beats, at the mem'ry of those days of long ago; It keeps the very time of the dear old singing-master, Unconsciously I'm humming some tune I used to know! And in memory once more At the old red schoolhouse door Pm waiting for "ye maid" of olden times, And I feel her fingers small Lightly on my coat sleeve fait. While our hearts are beating to the sleigh bells' chimesl Oh, the dear old-fashioned girls havS with time grown calm and stately! For I sometimes meet them In the street or store, They nod their pretty heads, smiling at me most sedately With a flash of eye or dimple as of yore. And the gentle tones, the while. Of those days we talk and smile. When we all were happy boys and girts to gether! And the happiest of our themes Like the dearest of our dreams Are the singing schools we went to all to gether I On, those days of long ago! Oh, the boys I Used to know! Oh, the girls who made life's sunshine . bright and fair! When we've crossed the "great divide," Passed on the other side. We shall meet them, know them, greet tnem, over ttutrei