12 TUN CFMAllA DATb I lEt! SATt'MOAt, JOhY 1002. SUCCESS AS A COLLECTOR Smooth Van from Chicago Gathsrt Light Harvest in Omaha. r DEFRAUDS TWO WHOLESALE HOUSES Represents nimself a. Aent of Col lect la Firm, Cfte Fee. la Ad vaaee and Disappear, with Proceed of Enterprise. " h , A' well-dressed good-looking stranger, who (truck the city some tlma ago and re toalned two weeks, succeeded la working several wholesale dealers out of various turn of money aggregating several hundred dollars. The stranger, who did business under the name of Charles H. Maaon, rep resented that ha was an agent for the Con solidated Adjustment company of Chicago, Which company la rated well In Bradatreet's. Tbls morning two letters in answer to let ters of Inquiry sent by . wholesale dealers hers to the firm stated that Charles H. Mason was never In the employ of the Arm aod that the dealers had been worked by a forger. Mason stated that It was hla business to maks contracts for the firm to collect bad debts. His work was the same in each case. At one wholesale liquor house he made a contract to collect f 1,236.82. lis hsd Us work down so fine that In a short time he figured that It wonld cost $62.24 to col lect tbls amount, providing that be was given three years In which to do It The firm was to stand half this expenae and the collecting agency the other half. The local firm was to pay Its half in advance. In each Instance the firm did so. To make himself strong with the local dealers, Mason showed them a number of letters from various firms throughout the county which had been written to hla firm In regard to business done with the agency. He also carried with him letter signed by the secretary of the collecting agency, authorising him to make contracts for the Arm and endorse checks made payable to the firm. Wm Here Two Week. To the firm that gave Mason accounts aggregating $1,235.82 he agreed to collect $130.33 of the amount or refund the 'part of the expenae account which It had ad vanced. Mason remained two weeks, dur ing which time each of the firms upon which he had made contracts received a lettor from the agency acknowledging the receipt of the contract made by Mason and duplicates of the accounta given to him. Theae letters were written on the station ery upon which was .the name of the firm and the officers and to which the name of the secretary, K. E. Qourley, had been signed. Several days ago the dealers thought that something waa wrong, not hearing from their accounts, and wrote to the firm. The inswer came yesterday morning, denouncing Mason aa a fraud, and saying tbat the firm had received no contracts from the dealers here. The collecting agency wrote that It would do all it could to bring about the man's arrest and would prosecute him to the full extent of the law. Mason haa disappeared. ' If you have no appetite for your meals something Is wrong with your digestion, liver or bowels. Prickly Ash Bitter cleanses and strengthens the stomach, purifies the bowels and ereates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness. KF.LI.RY, STIGF.lt CO. Women's aad Children's Hosiery a ad laderwear Specials f.r Saturday. STORE OPEN UNTIL 9:80 SATURDAY EVENING. Special values for Saturday evening. Just received a large assortment of women's lacs hosiery, black, black and white, white and black embroidered, etc. Women's lisle thread snd cotton hosiery, Hermsdorf black, lace, drop stitch and plain, a regular 3Re hose for 26c. M Imps' fine ribbed fast black lisle and cotton hose, maco soles; also a very pretty line of fancy lace stockings, all slses; special valuea for Saturday, 25c. Women's black lisle bose, drop stitch and plain, for Saturday, 15c, S for 25c. Women's vest richelleu ribbed, low neck snd sleeveless, nicely finished with tape, special price for Saturday, 10c. Women's fine lisle thread vest, low neck, sleeveless, silk tape, wide and narrow ribbed, ' fancy lace pattern, and umbrella drawers, with deep lace trimmings, Satur day, 25c. Woman's Munslng anion suits, low neck, sleeveless, finished with tape, knee length, for Saturday, 60c a suit. Imported vest, fancy lace trimming and hand crochet yokes, wide and narrow ribbed; also plated silk vest In cream and white, for Saturday, 60c. Woman's umbrella drawers, with wide lace trimmings; also lisle thread tights, 35c and EOc. White allk parasols, with two and four silk ruffles, plain and hemstitched; na tural stick handle and plain white han dles, for Saturday, $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75. KELLEY, STIGER CO., Corner Farnam and 15th Sta. Store open till 9:30 p. m. Saturday. Nebraska State Fair Races. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 LABOR DAY. Special Free-for-all trot or pace for Lincoln Roadster club.....' $400 2:36 pacing class 400 Running, hslf-mlle and repeat 75 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. Trotting, 2:45 class S00 Pacing, 2:17 class 400 Running, 14 -mile dash 75 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I. Pacing, 2:12 Class 400 Trotting, 2:30 class 400 Running, one tnlle and repeat 100 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4. Trotting, 2:23 class 400 Trotting, 2:40 clas 300 Running i. 75 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Trotting, 2:18 class 400 Pacing. 2:22 claiS 400 Running, one mile dash 100 Entries in all purse races to close Au gust 10, 1902. . ' ROBERT W. FTJRNA3, Secretary, Brownvllle, Neb. Hat bargains for hot weather that's what you'll get at the' Big Store of Hayden Bros. Read about them on page 7. Shampooing and hatrdreaslng, 25o, at the Batbery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. IrH'T's'M ' Ll'.'M I tJ n H I J rill ii I Keller. tlar A Co. - ' SPECIAL. 8HIRT BALE. 89C. Vatnrday morning we placs on sals 10 dossn regular $1.60 negligee shirts at 89o each. SPECIAL UNDERWEAR SALE. 46C. Also on sale Saturday morning 10 dosen men's underwear at 45o a garment. This lot Is composed of broken lines of fl.00 and 76o values, for only 45o. Men's Half Hose New lines of men's fancy half hose, Just rscelved, 25o, 85o and tOe a pair. Summer Nightshirts Men's lightweight nightshirts, good value, full slse, at 50o each. Others at 76c and $1.00. Neckwear We have the latest In ties the narrow string, 25c. Full assortment four-in-hands, all styles, 60c. KELLEY. STIGER CO.. ' Corner Farnam and 15th Sts. Store open till 9:30 p. m. Saturday. Notice. The special round trip excursion tickets announced from Chicago to New York City, Atlantic City and other New Jersey sea coast reaorta on July list, August 7th and 14th, 1902, via the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Co., under the headings of "$18.00 to New York City and Atlantic City and Return," and "New York and Atlantic City at $18.00 for the Round Trip," by the Nickel Plate road. July 17th and 81at and August 7th and 14th, with return limits of 12 days. Is hereby with eVawn and the rates abrogated. jjfjJMMMUSSi Daaee Toalght. Jolly Eight club's lively ball this even ing, Washington hall, 18th and Harney atreets. Fine orchestra. A grand, good time for you. Gents' 25c. Welcome. Forty nUaatee Faster Time Omaha to St. Louis Via the Wabash. The WABASH St. Louis Express leaves Omaha Union station 6:66 p. m.; arrives St. Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITY 'OFFICE, 101 Farnam street. Arriving continually, new Jewelry, holm. Ed- The big store Is the place for genuine bargains Hayden Bros. rut Tim oat the Wabash. Commencing Bunday, July IS, the St. Louis Express will leave Omaha Union sta tion at 6:65 p. nv, arrive 8t. Louis 7 a. m. Wabash new city offloe, 1601 Farnam street. ' You'll miss it it you fall to read our ad. oa page 7 Hayden Bros. I Sterling teaapoona, $3.00. Edholm. Kzearsloa. Abandoned. Excursions to New York City, Atlantic City and Montreal, advertised by the Wa bash tor July $1, August 7 and 14, have been abandoned. Cuckoo clocks. Edholm, jeweler, opp. P. O. Nearer St. Loals Tits Before. The Wabash 8t. Louis Express leaves Omaha Union station 6:55 p. m.i arrives BU Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITY OFFICE, 1601 Farnam street. Coat of mall purses. Edholm, Jeweler. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly 3ea. Telephone 238. ' Firsnissi Abaadea.4. Excursions to New York City, Atlantic City and Montreal, advertised by the Wa bash tor July 31, Auguat T and 14 have been abandoned. SCHOOL SHOES, -w I ( VJ " ' W,,t kk Saturday-Coys' Day Nearly everybody In Omaha knows ths value of our boys' $1.50 shoes but It your boy has never worn a pair bring him to tmr store any time Saturday and let us show them to you. We caa fit any boy no matter how small or how big he Is Just so he Is a boy with these $1.60 shoes They're made from good solid leather from sole to top and will stand more hard knocks than many a shoe that you would psy twice as much for. We have the same shoe In light calf or heavy kid for girls. Droxol Shoo Go., Omaha's Up-to-date Shoo Hoase, 141 FARNAM ITBBKT, It Kills Fleas Our "DOO SHAMPOO" will KILL every FLEA ON TOUR POO and It will leave the coat clean and glossy. It never falls. Price, 25c per bottle. Kennel else, $1.00. WRITE FOR BOOK ABOUT DOGS. Improved Mange Cure 50o St. Vitus Dance Tablets 60c Areca Nut Worm Tablets 50c Dog Shampoo (kills every flea) 25o Tonic and Condition Tablets 60c (Give these to your dog If be Is out of sorts and won't eat.) Distemper Powders, box ; 60c Pedigree Blanks, for dogs, each 6c Write for catalougue of drugs and rub ber goods. Sherman & McGonheli Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodce Sts., Omaha. rnfn IV M. Clearing Sale of Men's Clothing. Costs snd values are totally disregarded In our efforts to dispose of our large stocks of men's spring and summer clothing. We Include everythingno line, no matter how staple It may be this fall, has been spared. You'll find these price hlts lrtereptlng: Men's $!0, $12.50 and $15 Suits at $5.00 yrFWm -fife n V a-i .'II II , .1 , Jt U" .11 1 ; a - All Our $16 and $18 -Men's Suits THE men's suits we are now selling for $5 were formerly priced as high as $15 The major portion are suits that have been sell ing for $9.98. There is hnrdly any limit to the t.lety of patterns and fabrics. The aults are all made in the neweat styles and combine quality and elegance In appearance the price we offer them at should Induce many men to get a ault whether they have any Immediate need of one or not. It's certainly a great saving opportunity. Suits of such character are very seldom sold for so little money. A fine lot of men's outing suits are also Included In this lot at $5.00. Are now on sale for $8. 75. This simple statement - means considerable. means that you can buy the highest grade of ready-to-wear clothing at half the values You can choose from the best fabrics and patterna all sizes . It 8.75 A carload of wet carpets and rugs will be placed on sale Monday, at about one-fourth the regular prices. These carpets and rugs became wet In a washout some goods on the bottom of the car becoming quite wet, some piece only wet on the edges, and a large portion simply dampened. They are all high grade carpets and fine rugs. We mention below two of the bargains; . - ' $1.00 Velvet Carpet. 25c yard. ; $5.00 Moquette Rujs, $1 59 Tearing Up, Moving Settling Down Again Has brought to light much merchandise that must be sold) now. While there are yet many weeks of hot weather to endure. For Saturday, ' and all ' next week, the following prices will prevail: BOYS' $125 and $1.00 blouses, 75c. Straw Hats, 33 1-8 per cent off. Flannel and homspun aults, 20 per cet off. Wash Suits, 83 1-3 per cent off. GIRLS' Shirt "Waist, Suits. $7.60 and $8.60 values, $4.50 Wash Dresses, 'colored and white, t to 14 years, 20 per cent off. 1 REMEMBER THE NEW LOCATION AND THAT THESE GOODS ARE SEASON ABLE AND NEW. 1515 DOUGLAS SREET. Try Them On! We want you to try on our shoes try them on at our store take them home and try them on. We want them to fit you and we'll see that they do fit you. Men's "Onimod" $3.50 and $2.50 Shoes You don't regret putting aside your slippers when you have such easy shoes as these. They'll wear, too. Ilaydsa Bros. ad. Is on page T. PEE Maurice, aged 6 months snd 12 days, ouiiMi son of Kdward J. and Minnie K. Funeral Saturday, July M, at I p. m. from family reiinoa, bo. lit-h street, to &L eemewry. iCSCOFIELD .UDimuiTca lSlO DdkIii St. Our annual SHIRT WAIST SALE SATURDAY. Our fine stock of ladles' Colored Shirt Waists will be offered Saturday In three lots at a deep cut In prices. 1st Lot Choice 60c. 2d Lot Choice $1.00. Sd Lot Choice $1.75. Don't miss this best bargain giving sals of tbs season of Shirt Waists that are clean and fresh, representing this season's most approved styles. The 60c lot Includes waists that sold at $1 and $1.25; the $1 lot Includes those that sold up to $2, and the $1.76 lot take U all our Sscst colored waists that sold up to $125. ln.(.SC0FIELD 11 IXasiiasi'iTca 1 l4l lta BtnmS. m Ss3TTBr Cat 203 South 15th St. What .loses Says In Printers Ink. "The Cutter (mesnlng the druggist who cuts prices) Is an element In trade that occasions an endless chain of annoyances that no concern, however shrewd, has been sble to eliminate. The world Is. holding Its breath to shout Itself hoarse at the OFNIL'ri who shall solve cne problxm of price cutting. The retailers have- tried It, the wholesalers have tried it, . the manu facturers have tried it, and all together have tried It, but price cutting giea on from bad to worse, and the end cannot be Been with a telescope." Thus he adds: 'The strange paradoxical feature of the situation ia this: Any IGNoHAMl'S can build up a big trade II he cuta prices lower than anybody else, but it takes a SMART MAN to veil goods at a profit In the fare of the cutter's op position, and yet the LOGICAL lONO KAMl'S Is not an Ignoramus at all, for he is making money, while the 8MAKT MEN are finding their trade slipping away, and the dear puMtc Is gelling the benefit. ' Btt: auw 'iiibi love i,B! SCHAEFER'S SKSros, Tel. TT. B. W. Cor. lata aaa Ckla. II I PLJ J fcl U, Uaid VK4 Balsam ruiuotcs iua growth of the tuUr and gives it the lustre audallklra-JStol youth. When the hair la gray or taoed It BBINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL - COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair (ailing and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. WRRENNETTC0. I Is lis U I6?& Harney cm ah a Don't Forget That BENNETT'S MEAT MARKET Is the One Place in Town FOR SUNDAY DINNER SUPPLIES. MEAT. MUTTON, PORK In all their varied dishes. FRESH DRESSED CHICK ENS AND FIVE VEOETA- . ' BLES. Quality Supreme and Never a Question About Prices Being Right. w SPECIAL NOTICE E have too many straw hats, The season has been very backward. We must reduce stock immediately. Saturday all day, your unrestricted choice of any Straw Hat in the house Some are worth $1.75, Some are worth $1.50, Some are worth $125, Some are worth $1.00, Remember that the best hats go first, so come early if you can. Sale starts at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. $1.00 and $1.50 Waists, Saturday for 50c Saturday we place on sale our entire stock of $1.00 and $1.50 wash waists for 50c. Made of - imported ginghams, madras cloths, plain chambrays and white sheer lawns, they are handsomely trimmed with tucking, cord ing and hemstitching. They nre our $1.00 and $1.50 wash waists reduced to 50 G Malt Marrow Ths finest serins and summer tonic mad., When you lel run-down, played out and exhausted by aummar heat, a few bottle. ot Walt Marrow will brace you up. It n especially good for weak women a pmt ant beverage, healthful and invigorating-. It Is the pioneer of all malt tonics made by the McAvoy Brewing Co.. of Chicago. Price. .per dosen quarts 12. U0 We have also some bargains In wins: Rhine Wine, a good quality, quart ... ISO Fort Wine, worth more money .....ic Rherrv. a good tible wine iic Fine Claret, quarts Claret, while It lasts, for table use for only, per gallon SSo Don't forget our Old Maryland Rye WhUkey. Jackdaw, for only fl.& a quart CfiCKLEY BROS., Fine Wines and Table Liquors. Oostte r. O. rkaasa IMS. mmim mm I (Isauad Under Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska) Statement Showing the Vagaries in Taxation in 1AWS0N , COUNTY, NEB. i.- And ths Extraordinary Results Developed by a Comparison with the Census Reports of 1900 Statement showing the Tarlatlons in rallies of principal articles in Dawson County, between 1893 and 1900: f REPORTED FOR ASSESSMENT IN 189J. Value. .4K6,167 . 131,275 . 87.CW8 . 60.3S7 . 12,884 . 16,460 . 361,271 IS?, OPS acres improved land 266.365 acres unimproved land 11.691 Horses 18.962 Cattle 21.S56 Hog. Implements snd machinery Railroad and telegraph All other property Per Unit-. 1.91 1.24 7.45 2.52 .V) REPORTED FOR ASSESSMENT IN 1W0. Units. 822,658 246.W1 in,45 28.6S2 22,61 Value, f 473,867 m.xt 44,649 s 70,678 11,416' 10,342 509, 249.4J2 Per Unit. 1.46 1.24 4.26 2.47 .60 Total assessment tl. 911,131 In 1900 the census reports the Talus ot farm property as follows in Dawson County: 11,678,339 Farm lands Fsrm Imp and mach-.. Live stock Value of products not fed to live stock.... Val. Farm Acres. Val. Farms. Buildings. , 661,698 S6,121,10 Sl.164,620 17.276,410 404.940 1.949,620 1,624,568 Percentage of land value's returned per census 10 7-10 Percentage of agricultural machinery returned per cen.. 2 S-10 Percentage of live stock returned per census -10 While the foregoing figures are suTtctent td prove the extraordinary inconsistency In assessment in that count, wa flnA f that during the past two years $549,497 haa been paid for farm property in that county which hag been reported for taxation at dui soi.zoi ror ine present year. . s - Some Remarkable Examples Are Given Below. Statement riven as example of consideration received and values reported by assessors In Dawson County: "2 o e E W I5 i PART. Date of Bala. ... . . . H N. W. E. w.VsAlr.: N. W. N. W. N. W. S. E. N. E. H--... W. H N. W, 8. E. 14 S. E. N. E. I. S. E. 14 E. 14 L'.'.'. H E. 14.. . 7 11 24 .12 21 . 1 11 19 . S3 11 25 .24 11 23 .. 24 9 24 ,.31 9 2S .. 2 10 19 .32 9 23 . 34 10 20 . 13 . 10 23 . 20 10 20 . 10 23 . 16 10 22 . 27 11 22 r. 10 9 23 , 19 11 23 ,. 10 21 Maroh Jan. Oct. April Feb. Mar. Jan. July Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. April Nov. April 3, 1900 29, 10 3. 19ii0 13, 1901 24, im 17. 1S7 25. 191 10, 18. 1901 20, 1902 21. 190J 29. 19"2 4. 1!'2 16. 19i0 19. 1901 Nov. Feb. April 4, 1901 XI, 19ii2 6. Iu2 2 g c f E.3O0 2,u0 2.400 2,800 2.700 4.700 2.600 7.6X0 2.700 e.ono 2.6I0 6.5fiO 2.200 4.100 ' 8,000 11.000 7,800 4.&U0 : t : c : t 140 80 175 122 140 160 175 163 4i0 140 140 78 ' 272 660 710 621 260 To show to what extent the school depend on railroads 'in Dawson County, "we give a table showing the school districts through which ths U. P. R. R. main line passes. Including th towns of Oothenburg Lexington, Cosad and Overton, and th percentage of school tax paid In ach district: School Total Valuation Per Centof Amount of District Valuation of of Railroad In Railroad to School Taxes No. District. District. Total Value. Paid by R. R. 1 ,.. $102,458 42,630 26 1 2.344 65 2 64.67 21,11(10 68 627.20 48,560 11.360 65 m.(0 77.623 44,100 67 1.33.00 6 82,118 15,6.1 49 78 40 11 80991 31,300 39 l,58.0O 12 36.379 19.992 66 , . 8i4 16 64.343 42.4.(4 66 84N ul 17 41.4' 1&.6K0 3 235.20 19 43.706 21.5HO 49 474 32 20 104.735 48.020 ' 46 2.6U 10 21 ZH.m 90 35 l6.n0 22 371 . 15.6M0 41 20.88 27 26.2M 15.6M) 60 2 20 29 40,4x6 16,h0 .. 39 292 00 28 11.1-8 4M 46 122 60 40 SS.TaS 9 n ' 43 ft 00 47 26.465 16.170 64 80.65 48 ; 20,541. 9,800 '48 196 90 ' Totals $960,226 J441.6M 46 212,603.82 It will be seen that the Union Paclflc Railroad Company oars over 112 500 In achnol taxes on its main linn i. n.-.nn County, and pays an average of 46 per cent of the entire school tsxes of the school districts which it runs through, and yet it uaa uwn cuargeu mai mo uisiriuuuoa oi rairoaa valuations Is a bunco game. , The Union Pacific paid $675.69 per mil. tax on mala line in Dawaoa County in 1901. - ' Average tax per mile on all railroads west of the Mississippi river, 1171.45. The railroads paid S34.0S0.8g taxes In Dawson County in 1901. The railroads paid 129.103. 0 taxes in Dawson Coubty in 1893. Dawson 'County gained 14,947.88 in" railroad taxes over 1891 , It Is the Money Paid that Counts, Not the Assessed Valuation. tw CHicHcargss (nsusn , fff a-- Hiui 4U. la . r it Diw aMSJiiw. iur; aHrucigeti. Dtt.i, BfeaT4.;tntAiD rntC Tiuif, Feuof ruyai; not, ft luct f!luri longmtt. frwilut imm rliv4 Att ft nity-i l ftiaUaeVa. A McCOsaJMii wVt -VBllla, VOMENg K OMAHA Ooa of th. best equipped of tie Kealey syrtsm of tnstltatas, Os pri 17V cnly Keeiey Iastitot. la Nebraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cars CCLUT Drug Usera. booklet tree. Address all letters to 724 aV litis. INSTITUTE Homa Treatment for Tobacco Habit. cot 89 I BUSINESS STIMULATORS