TIIE OMAIIA 1)A1LT 1IEE: SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1902. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Roord Prioe 8iBM the Oifil War Made in July Oats at 8eTitj-Tw. CCTIERAL MARKET DULL AND LISTLESS earlsk Fnetors Art Plentlfnl aad Other Cereal Llaea Are Depress rrtTiilini Are Active aad Irregular. CHICAGO. July 25 Grain trader" beheld Ihe odd spectacle -flxlay of oata selling higher than bo'.h wheat? and corn and yet the phenomenon caused hardly a ripple In the aull and uninteresting business routine. July new oatn sold at &X' when a few hnrii wanton th atuiT. Cash oata were absorbed by the bull leaders at an high as Flc In order to keep them irom the snort. VYhile oats were senlng in crib lot at these fancy figures September wheat was around Slc and the hitherto fancy July corn at something under 67c. In general, however, it may be said the July corners were rent ing. Shorts In wheat, corn and oats In that month seemed penned. In by the big .imt The other markets were doing it tie because of Jalr weather, good crop reports and othrr bearish Influences, whicn In turn, howr vr, had little effect because of the fears . July manipulation. In the nd Heptemli . wheat closed VffMrO down, Beptemocr corn J.c lower, Juiy corn lc lower, September oats NivVtc lower and July oats -c higher, provisions were very Irreirljiar ami plowed 1!A1 UP to 17t40 lower. Wheat worked lower on the influence of lower cnbles. good westher and a tiun truae. rrmi aiti'tii continued favorable and re ceipts bore out the reports as to quantity, itnniieh rradlnr waa very good, as of late. The foreign market weakened", together OYItn tne excellent country pruiii, E?emed to undermine the coiifld-nce of luc olders. The strike of telegraph mesrengers, wNch iprt-ad to the floor of the exchange, inter fered with the business and had its modi cum of bearish Influence, July showed it self very sensitive to any supply or demand nd shorts were as usual vlctorloua. ' The price hung around 77c and closed kc down at iKc. Beptember was offered freely. Opening 4rv to a shade lower at "tiSt Viw that option dipped to 71c and closed weak, Hifo lower at 714c. Local receipts fere 2"o cars, 1 of contract grade; Mlnne ipolls and Duluth reported 202 cars, making a total for the three points of 407 cars, against 424 a week ago and 857 lavt year. Prlmarv receipts were I,ai6,u00 bushele, com pared to I.Ohi.'OuO bushels last year. Sea board clearances In wheat and flour equaled ' 149.000 bushel. Argentine shipments were W.OiO bushels for the week, against 296,000 uhels last year. Corn was even more dull than wheat. The wheat weakness, together with good crop reports, had a depressing Influence in the Born pit and very free offerings by a lead ing house brrite September prices lc. Trade '- ' Jl, M small and prices held near tiro Until shortly before the close, when a little offering and no inclination on the part of tt shorts to absorb broke the price to a (-k close at 6uHc. There was a momen tary support In September, but the effect was hardly noticed. September sold from lc down to 6014c and cloned wreak, Tc lower tt tWAC. There waa a feeling that July was f ilmpiy slumbering before it burst forth nto a volcano-like eruption. Receipts, 241 oars, 61 of contract grade. Oats ruled lower In the deferred options In -sympathy with other grains and on not unfavorable weather. July shorta who did not settle yesterday were frightened by the rumor thru, because they would not settle at 70c the prices were to be pushed still higher. In consequence of their bids for several "ffVes" July new sold at 72e, the record price since the civil war. This waa I the only feature. Trade otherwise was dull, offerings In new deliveries were freer snd prices dipped. After the early advance July dipped back and closed only He up at flute. September sold between 34'(tc and I3?c and closed weak, HftHo down at 34 H4ie. Receipts were 140 cars. Provisions were very Irregular, although not particularly active. Early advances in the yard hog market and a good support by brokers caused a brisk advance. Lard especially shot up, September lard once more selling at 111. The early hlah nrlcea. powever, seemed to be a ruse by the pack sra, who at once unloaded on the little fellows, depressing prices badly. Lard alone held up. Late trade lapsed Into dull ness. September pork sold from S17.67H to (17.70. dipped to $11.25 and closed 17ye down at I17.37U. September lard closed 121A0 1111 it S10.92H and September ribs, after selling from tio.624 to 810.40, closed weak, 60 lower It 310.&0.- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 190 cars; corn, 266 cars; oata, 190 cars; hogs. The leading; futures ranged as follows Artlclcs.l Open. I High. Low. Close.l Yea'y, Wheat V'heat I July f Sept. I 72i Dee. f ; J 7fiVI 77 7H 71H1 7H 71V 76 Sept, Dee. 72ft W ilVii 71 I1H Corn I July fiCHiffffl 87 61 4fii 8(it4 604 67 Sept. fiVil 04 46 43(4 61U Dec. 46M,inV. 4 43'i CO 70 30 46 May 43 5114 72 "Oats 3 July !8ept. Sept, Deo. May Pork i Sept. ' Oct. Jan. Oct. Jan. Ribs Sepl Oct. Jan. 1 Bl 72 6014' 70 90M, 53 70 80H S4 80 33 1 B4 32 2:S24riVi 33 4 3314I&S 33 17 65 16 55 17 25 10W 10 65 106 10 0 10 85 17 70 17 75 17 25 11 00 17 25 17 30 17 rn 17 40 16 07Vi 17 50 17 52H 16 175 16 07Vi 10 80 10 40 10 92H' 10 80 10 45 8 00 10 62 iu ot 8 96 IV 10 621. 10 S7V 8 2Vi 10 40 I 10 53 10 2?H 10 25 10 56 10 26 32Vi a S2Hl 8 82 8 SZttl 8 87H a Old. b New. No. t, Cash quotations were as follows; F1A)UR Firm: winter ns tents. 8S.g!MI3.?lt Winter straights, t3.20fS60; winter clears 83.0oi3.40: spring SDeclala. 24.30: SDrlnv net. ants, 33.503.85; aprlng straights, 33.0OS3.35. WHEAT No. 2 aprlng, 76g'77c; No. 8 ' CORN No. 2. 65irtiWc. OATS No. 2, 6oVUilHc; No. I white. 65 RTE No. I, 6c. D A RLE Y Good feeding. 63c: fair to cnoice malting, oc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.46; No 1 north western. 11.52: prime timothy. 85.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 117.30 tP17.35. Lard, jier 100 Iba., $10.67H(S!10.80. r-liort ribs sides (loose), 110.401 10.50. Dry aalted shoulders (boxed). 19.S7H'fiD.50. Short clesr sides (boxed), 3U 7V4i!j .11. So. wtusivi-on tne basis of nigh wine. 11.31. . The following are the receipts and shlp- xnents: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12.000 14.000 Wheat, bu 1:13.00 39.)0 Corn, bu 216,000 2O2.000 CU, bu 223.000 114,000 Rye, bu 6.000 parley, bu t,0u0 1 On tha Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creamerlea, 17'ri2o4c; dalrlea, 15fl l&c. Cheese, steady, 104jlOo. tggs, steady; fresh, l&c. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (notations of the Day On Vnrlons Conisaodltles. NEW YORK, July 25 -FIX)T'R-Recelpts, 17.152 bbls.; exports, 30,T18 bbls.; market Waa dull and easy; winter patents, 83.7.X(J 6 00; winter straights, 13 .504(3.60; Minne sota patents, 83.904.10; winter extras, $3.30 b3.35; winter low grades, 82. 9nfr3. 15; Min nesota bakers, 83.163.35. Rye hour, quiet; sales, 5"0 bbls.; fair to good, 83.251.46; Choice to fancy, 83.553.63. CORNMEAL Easy; yellow western, 81 81; City, II.:; Krandywine, 33.4f3o. RYE Steady: No. 2 weetern. MSic, f. o. b. I ifloat; state, 63(uWc, e. 1. f. New York car ots. BARLEY Nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 60.050 bu. Spot, essy; jvo. 1 red, 16c. elevator: No. 2 red. 74,i 8'c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dttluth, 82o, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, H--.C f. o. b., afloat. Affected by heavy winter wheat receipts, talk of a large visible aupply Increase, easier cablea and moderate unloading, wheat was dull and easy all day. Kxuurtere did little In auite f the weakness. Iaat prices showed Vf So net decline. May, 7S1i 78 11-loc, closed .1 Ts i... - fiilv li im it at k, . U.l.l.h.. TrtH'S'TiC, closed st 76Sc; December, 76 11-li 4yTe c. closed at 7c. CORN Receipts. 5&.0O bu.; exports. $.913 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2. I'fo, elevator, and 71 4C f o. b. Option market waa dull and wruk all day. Influenced by the whrat de cline, favorable weather and liquidation. closing heavy at fee decline. May, 4?' kc. closed at 47'c; July. 7Wig'7oV elosed at (one; Beuieniber. wfiMiac, closed at SA)e; iieceniuer ciosea at 01c, ts . ma t. 4 " ' V" r .TtS 1 bu. Soot, firm: No. 2. 64o4ic: No. I. C3Uc- ISio. $ white. 6c: No. 3 white. 66c; track mixed western. C4c; track white western, i'e; track white atate, 6.nj7uc. Option tnarket waa strung for a time on new July at C hicago, but weak otherwise owing to better wrnther. HAY rlrmer; spring. K4tlQc; good to cnoice, mrivto. HOPS Finn: state, crime to choice. itll crop. litV2Sc, lSOt, Kc; olds, l.itc; elate, cumiuun lo chosoa, I3ul crop, 82u.; 1WX olds "ftine: Pacific coast, 101 crop. 2"oi!4c; 1S).' 1,'alSc; olds. 7310e. I lr.A 1 M K It f?teany J aCln. Z4?l,aKT, 1 I'HOVIHKINS Heef. quiet; family, 816 00 I 6 16.50; mess. 313.50; beef hams, W 4j :s '; mrkri. 114 nii4jlj.tio: cltv extra India mesa, 1 J2.iiKf24.(p. Cut meats, steady; pickled liel- lies. 11 sutfVl oil- plrkled shoulders, 19 Oi'tf bo; pickled hams. 12 0"a 12. 5. Lsrd. steady ; I western steamed, u.iu: juiy nuw ll.lf. nominal; refined, steady; South America, 12; compound, H60; continent. ll.2ft. Pork, quiet; family, tTn.u 21.00; short clear. 19 2.i(i21.75; mess, l.ii(Ka 18.87. 11IDKH Steari : Ualveitton. 20 to 25 Ins., IKc; Cailfornln. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. YVCMJL Quiet ; domestic fleece, Tv-w. TALIXJW-FIrm; city ($2 per pkg.t, c; 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. country (pkgs. free!, 1ff5',(ic. 4?'lHc. IH EESE Receipt a, 3,242 pkgs.; large firm, mail nuiAi- fanrv Inrse. colored. fc: white, -$9r; fancy, email, new, state, full cream, colored. 10c; white, vc. EGGS Receipts, 8.1M pkga.; ateaoy; state and Pennsylvania, 2ijZVic; western can dled, 18iil9VjC. xirT . a p-airirm- K Orleans. UfMle. METALS Markets were dull and lacking In feature today. Particularly was this so in the case of copper, which ruled flat, with rinilnlnff tunrionnlps noted. Standard spot to August closed at tll.&Vll.), lake SU.M64) It b I , .nl..H . tl 1 7 1 1 k. nnrt CABtlnff nroved sllchtlv. both soot and futures gaining Is 3d. Spot closed at 52 lis 3d and futures at 52 15s. Ixmdon tin eased off 5s odiiv in suite of the sharo break yester- day, closing with spot at twii ana iu- A'.f.I.h .,m 'e.n.n. .frVmilS lowered 2s 6d to 18 17. English Iron prices declined. Glasgow closed at 56s 7d and Mld rileshnroiiah at 51s 3d. The New York mar- ket closed quiet and steady without change. warrants nominal. o. 1 rounary, nonn i in imh-K Mi - tin i fnumlrv northern SfViaw? fondroutnVrn? :3 0O; No. 1 foundry, aouthern.aoft. 22.0O ern V 23 24.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE ' MARKETS. Condition of Trade and notatlona on Staple and Fancy Prod ace. EGGS Candled stock. 16o. LIVE POULTRY Hens. flUifMOc: roost era. according to age. 44iAc: turkeys, 8310c; I ducks and geese, buc; aprlng chickens, per ih . incise. BL'I lt.K 1'aCKing SI oca., lir; Glioma dairy. In tubs, 17c; separator. 2fXJ21e. rlng.fcf Plcri" fc; pSC FRESH CAUGHT FISH-Trout. 10c: her- whlteflsh, luc; catnsh, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c: red snapper, loc; lobsters. boiled, per lb., 27c: lobsters, green, per id,. Wjc; DUiineaaa, juc. CORN wc. OATS-6c. AHA N Per ton. I1K. HAY Prlcea Quoted by Omnha Wholesale Hay Dealcra association: cnoice nay, mo. upland. 88; No. 1 medium, 87.50; No. 1 1 coarse, 17. Rye atraw, .50. xnese prices I are for hay of good color and quality. De- mand fair. Receipts llghf. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doa. 50000. NEW LlililSKI-ivaiamaaoo, avc. Tt i r a r( ih s now. ryer rut. Aitr.. , i GREEN ONIONS Per do.. according to -i - i . it,Tn size ui uuiiv.111., '-". 1 L'rtrs irD rrr lu.( o. . BEETS Per basket, 40c . ' . GREEN CORN Per do., 10c. J CUCUMBERS Per do., 2530c. LETTUCE Per dosen bunches, 250. PARSLEY Per dos.. 80(&35e. RADIBHES Per dos., xip.-n. WAX BEANS Home fcruwn, per market basket, aotitte; atrlng beana, per market basket, fi Jtc. . i CABfaAGE California or home grown, nTv-TL1S" .iifrni. t. ..w. V'l' AV S r Vuw "( nsas,., IT I 1W NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.16. vritit. ...'. I TtPkrX3Va ral1fr,inla &.VfiflM 1T.1. I , ... . j-hakat orate If! nae A-haiakat tl bl . PLUMS California, per e-Dasaat crates, hnpv. II lMll H. PRUNES Per dox, 11.10'gi.za. PEARS California, per box. 82.25. APPLES Summer varieties, per bbl.. $3.00. CANTALOUPBi xexas. per -crate, szi nor basket, 76o. , - WATHKMULUIVB rrr iw, ii .vwnrM.w, TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida. td 86 count. KANANAH-rn ouncn. accoruina to sixe, 82.254'2.76. UKANUJvB vaiencias, m. idioo.w; jaeai- terranean sweeta. i.utim.o. , LEMONS Fancy, 85; choloe, $4.10; 'Mn- sinaa. 84.60g6.00. ' . , uiBtubbAi.uu3. , ririrn-N.w York, tx.75. ' - HIDES No. 1 green, 64c; No. .8 green, 51,4c; No. 1 salted, 7e; No. I salted. e: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to Vii lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 Iba., 6c: dry hides.- 8212c; sheep pelts. 7ic; norse niaes, i.ouiui.ou. I'UrvUitw rfr 10., oc; snviieu, do. Nl'TS Walnut. NS. 1 sort sneu. per id.. .n.. I I .1 1. Ik 111., Un a. lie; nnru siieii, Livr .u., , .-.v. ivn shell. 10c; No. i hard shell, c; Braxlla, per KltB r irin: Domestic, lair 10 estrs, 171a m , -! - Vic- Japanese 4.',i'i4c EOQ8 Steady; fresh nearbyk ISc, loss off; lti'TTEK-Rerelpts, 4.(140 pkgs.! weak; fresh western "He, loss oft; fresh south- creBmery, Imitation. 1S'818Hc; factory, lo wtstern, 18c. loss oft; fresh southern, lb SV.n" . n n,r t icKth 'H 4il The for- n, hoc; jo. 1 nonnern, 10c; u. a nonu- ine inaustnaia and the low-pricea rauroaa el Ten nr'lci of lead declined Is 3d to 112 6d ocks played only a small part In the whnePa there was Tno change from FLOUR-Bteady; first patents, I3.904.00; market, the high-priced standard stocks vie Snelte? was nule and firm at New second patents, 33.7XK&4J M: first clears, $3.W traversing all portions of the country be- V;.i. Mi,,.,Ji lonHnn .,.. tor was &3.10; second clears. 32.45. , Ing In the van of all the day's movements. lb., J4c; niDerts, per 10., itc; aimonaa, soitixacoma hell. 16c: hard shell. 15c: pecans, large, per I BnoWn ID., lC; SwlHll, ivn;, wjuuttim i, rci uu.. wu, til. If HEilALD-A. AS. AIUCIII UUUWI IDt following prices: Iron, country mixed, .per tun, .iv. w, o.t k-- f". ;" copper, per lb., 8Hc; brass, heavy, per lb., 8acV brass, light, per lb.. Ac; lead, per lb., 6Vic; lne. per lb.. 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. St. Lonls Grain nnd Provisions. BT. LOUIS, July 25. WHEAT Lower No. 8 red. cash, elevator. 68-Vo: track. t&5 IDIUa r. ... . 11.. nM Tlllv CKlkA' Ha-.. mha " - , 1 ' " , . , u.ywu.m.,, c; December, 70Hc; No. 8 hard, new, fc; oio, (oc. CORN Lower: No. 8 cash, 62c track. 4c; juiy, tuiio; eeptemoer, ftic; uecemoer, sue. ..'.. . OATS-Lowtr; iso. x casn, nominal; iracg, new, 4ic; 01a, 00c; juiy, tic; oepiemoer, 8sHc; No. 8 white, 4c. niB-wo. . -.v v. . . . j , . " . . . . . . ents, $3.3oii3.45; extra fancy and straight, HWUJ.20; 01a or do in 10a per oou nigner; 01a liem, .cmu4.w. SEED Timothy, steady, 4.804.90. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.15. BRAN Firm: sacked. 80c. HAY Strong; timothy, $.00S15.G0; pral rte, , .iu.w. WHISKY-Steady, $1.81 IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.0. BAGGING Steady. 6M,4Wo. k HEMP TWINE Steady. c. PKOVisiUiNB i-ora, lower; joDoing. 01a, u.jo, new an. 1 j. m, iiuiuiuauy ignrr, 110.6b. L'ry sail meats, steaay; doxsh. ex- cleara. 811.37H- Bacon, ateady; boxid, ex- I tra snorts. ii.iv; ciear noa, u; gnon clear, Ilia. . -- UfTlIU 1 Mm rt firm UffnidTim Hn.1. ter. firm at 85.06. POL'LTRY Steady: chickens. lOHc: springs, 14e; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 7c; geese, . .... BUTTER -Bteaay; creamery. "W3c; dairy. UmlSHe. EUGS-Bteaay, 100. loss orr a.vv.p.D. Vi..1lui;ili'. F.r-. b. a'' Y nCtL UUa .oa.vw w.uw Corn, bu 91.000 ,o0o Oats, DU .uw e.uw Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL July 2S.-WHEAT-Srot. steady; No. 1 northern, 6s 3d; No. 1 Cali fornia, dull, es 4a; futures quiet; juiy, nominal; September, 6e Id; December, 6a d. CORN Spot, American mixed, steady; 5a lld; futures, steady; September. 6s 3d; Octt-ber, Va 714a. , PKOVISIONS Heer. strong; extra India mess, 107a 6d. I'ork, firm; prime mess west ern. 82s J. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.. quiet, 6us. Bacon, nrra; Cumberland cut, 26 to St) Iba., quiet, 56a; short ribs. II to 20 lbs., quiet, 59s M; long clear middles, llaat. 28 to 34 Iba.. quiet. 59s: knx clear midtllea, hesvy, 36 to 40 lbs., quiet, 58s td; short clear barks, 14 to 28 Iba., quiet, 5KatVl; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 6211. Shoulders, aquare cut, 11 to 13 Iba., quiet. 47a. Lard, ateady; prime weetern. In tlercea, ateaay, teaa; American rennea, in palls, steady, 54a 3d. CHEE8E Steady; American finest white, steady, 45s; American finest colored, ateady, 49a. TALIJW-Prlme city, steady. 28s 4d; Australian, In London, dull. 33a. KIXJUK St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 8a M. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm. 5" 5 10s. PITTKr. Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady. 6d. po.lnta nf .h.,( 4irtn f 1 - tfcrCS daya 48U.O0O centals, Including J50.0UO Amer ican. - No receipts of American corn during last three oays. Kansas City Grain and Provlalona. KANSAS CITT, July 25 WHE AT Sep tember 4T4c; December. 6c: cash. No. 3 hard, 9n7oc; No. 8, abautCi No. 3 red, 6c: No. 3. 3 3t7c. ; CORN September, 4Tc; December, 870 87He; cash, No. I mixed, 62c; jy0. I wnue, 1 Hc; No. 8, oWc n I o Jo. a wnue, mu, ew. I R V E No. 2. 62V4io3 I HAY Choice timothy, SHMOIJllw; cnoice nralrle. 6.75a7.flO. I B UTTL R I'rea mery, lV4c; dairy, fancy, jgc. KGGR Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan- I sas stoca, lo per ooi., loss on, curs re- turned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 24.8.i0 7U.4H0 Corn, bu.... 9.800 18.4DO Oats, bu m.w i,ow . ,. . , . . Philadelphia. 1'rodaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 25. -BUTTER Quiet and steady; extra western creamery, ltic. loss off. CHEESE Firm; New York full creame, prime small, New York full creams, fair to good, H4f'10c Toledo Grain aad eed. TOLEDO. O.. July 25. WHEAT Quiet I and lower; cash and July, 73Vc; Septem-I .l'10!. .c'mD.er' . . CORN Moderately active ann lower; casn 1 and July, 65Vic; September, 6o'c; Decem ter, 45V4c. ' oat LH111: casn ana juiy, owe; Beptem ber, 30ttc; new July, 60c; new Beptember, RJfhr-w5: z SEED Clover, dull; October. K12H. Mlaaeapolla Wheat, Flear and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Julv 25. WHEAT-July. "Vic; September. 6Hc: on track. No. Ll Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 25. WHEAT Mar easier; jno. 1 nortnern, iwo'.nc; no. 1 rorthern TfZSHc; Bomber. 7H.71c Kiady; NoT WOc; .am- ket easier; No. 1 northern, 75'794c; No. 2 coiVi oepiemoer, oo. Peoria Market. I PEORIA. IU.. July 25. CORN-Easler No. J. (II Uc: No. 8. Mo. OATS Firm; No. 1 white, ISc; No. 1 WHisif v 1 in the nasia or 11. xi Tor nn- 1 Ished goods. Dalntk Grain Market. I TMfT Tl'l1 IT T . . I K WUTT A T" 1'a.H lUn "u""' "! " """'r-" ""i. I Wo; 8oPtenler' v V,!;.: OAT S September, 33c. .... . - . WEEKLY CLEARIRO BOTJSB TABLE. Aggregate of Bn.lnea. Traa.-eted r the Associated Banks. , w f I 911. n w a a , ur- r. r.B.hV nrlnll VJ.f - NEW TORK. July 26. The following!,,,,. nnllu infl,i.nc and waa therefore table. comDlIrd bv urartstreet. shows thai, b"nk clearing a at the principal dttea for cnuou uijr T..m f"--- i lncreaae and decrease aa compared I Clearings.) Ino, CITIES. Doc t- $1,532,912,094 01 r,w .............. 157,013.334 131,463,153 111,272,472 6.7 i:"" ' Hoaton 2.0 18.4 19 Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg 41.2248) 44,702,003 21.567,3s0 4.2 Baltimore San Francisco.... 6.61 21.484. 6.i4 9.4 8.1 I Cincinnati 19,808,700 19,8,98 15.556.639 11,763,8651 11,650,233 9,890,6541 8.892,2381 10,130,119 f;,?" J-"'" 16.4 88.8 i. n,.,. gew, rl e n' Louisville".'."! 49.3 8-91 6.9 16.4 f J l m -. I m 6.221,60) "i'.i 3. Snf.k-l' Milwaukee 8.376. 492 7,121,719 4.994.698 6,544,722 8,867,794 4.0!2.131 23.9 Buffalo I St. Paul 22.5 "i'.t, 'si'.il 28 1 aK"a BU Jiwuu i ......a...... lutiinionu 8.899,790 5.0 I SV . , X.V I Bait Lake City 2.8H6.123 2.377,948 6.4 Albany 3,060,300 7.6 Los Angeles 4.614,078 70.9 . a i mompnis 2.093.359 8.7 Fort Worth.. ...1 8,077,830 48.9. loeaine $,6'J5,567 8.1H2.7S3 2,62,014 85.1 I Washington 64.S 12.9 "it. i 27.4 Hartford 1.890,530 3.698.783 2,247.136 2,059.557 1,642,098 1.771,062; 12.41 luiruu I Portland, Ore nocneater 10.9! 18.9 i Atlanta Des Moines 42.1 New Haven 1.721.170 1.658,450 1,462,763 1,5n8,S6) 1474.6f,9! 27.6 18.6 j Worcester ... 1 Nashville .... 12.2 I Springfield, . Maaa.... 80.4 Nonoig Grand Raplda 12. 1.166,7001 82.0 . '"i'.i . 61.4 . 18.6 . Bcranton 1.2,419 6-8 ifortiana, me.. 1.296.B96 1 oioux tjiiy 1.447.t 1 Auausta 775,114 I r. 1.001.831 til 1 Dyrauuao ........... Dayton, O 1497.762 30.51. 26.9 . 14.0 . "ifiTi . 17.9 . 1,23.9151 1.4,o:io 1.015,502 1,004.671 1,121,614 1,143,306 I XOpCaa .... 47.6 rt.v.nlMrt Wilmington, Del Kvanavuie .... Birmingham . -11 River? . .'con ........ 87.8'., 809.878 48.6 818.607 31.0) 458.001 8 9 Little Rock... 614,0701 30.8 I Helen. ... Knoxville Lowell ... 6t1,8t7 822.748 4P3.144 3.7 43.2 "n'.r 2.6 a a v- Akron 717.WXW A. I .... L I. . wicmii ...... Springfield, 111 657.6 723 934 72.91 Lexington ... New Bedford tu7.629 4HJ.419 21.892 55.63 2.4 25.7 21.6 25.5 38.2 .... Chattanooga lioungatown ...a. I Kalamaioo . 610,338! SM7,6)5 1 pargo 60.0 Binghamton 883.2TO 2.2 Rockford 882,031 16.6 31.3 I CHnlun jackaonvllle, Fla,... 876.0 0 824.837 0. Springfield. O . 862.462 436 6 01 13.1 ' 66.4 Chester IQulncy Blcomlngton Sioux Falls 310.721 259.690 231.113 152.8K8' 123.907 8.61 3.6 Jackaonvllle, 111,... Frtmont Houston Galverton Columbus, O US 26 10,44O.li2i 4.Z49.0XO 57.3 8S.6 8.636.3101 83.8 6i8.75( 10.0 Wheeling .. I wilkes Barre. 620,8341 363.1761 259.8M) 1.962.8741 1ST 1 aageaumont I necstnr III 1 t.,.i tt ... 82,291.141.09l 8.0 1 n,,ti,i New York 758,1118,336 8.0 I ' CANADA. MontreBi 3 19.459.2321 1 12.1 13,oi.364l 33.9 8.229.f4'J 73 6 1.644.053 8.4 1,019.122 18.8 818.79 27.0 864.211 6.6 6H4.546 35 1,448.8681 1,994.476 . t . 3 43.039,1871 18.8 IToronto w,nnlpeg .... Halifax Vancouver, B. C... rUm tnn John. N. B, Victoria, B. C... Quebeo Ottawa Totals, Canada. Not Included m totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because of no comparison for last year. sponsion toelc Market. LONDON, July 25.-4 p. m.-Closlnr: Conaola tor money.... KHjNorfolk ft Western., OO ArtgiiiH J ii Anaconda tVOnterlo ft Waatara., . 14 Atrhleoo rannarlanla do pfd Kaaaios . 4 Baltimore ft Ohio. .,.1111 do lat pfd 44 . 41 . 40 . Canadian Paclnc 141141 do Id ptd f'keeeoeake ft Ohio... UV Southern Br ChlcA.e U. w nxi aa pid Chlcaso, M. ft St. P.1H Southern PaelAc... . to . 4.1 . t; . ii Denver ft K. u e, union reeine do ptd I do pfd Eria V. g. Steal do lat pfd 101 do pfd do Id ptd 44 iWahaah Illlaola Cantral Ill I do pfd . 44 . II Lou lev Die ft Naah....lM ISnanlah Mlaaourl. g. ft T.... 11 Hand Mlnea do pfd as iLMBaara (def.l New York Central. .. .14111 BAR SILVER-Steady at 24 7-16d ounce. . U . 11 per MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of dis count In tha open market for short bills la JH'ot 7-ls per cent and ror three-months bills 8 7-16u2Vt per cent. Foreign Plnaolal. IjONDON, July 25. Oold premiums at IJabon. 23: at Rome. 117: at lieunos A.yres, 130.70; at Madrid. 37.06. Ratra for money and niacounis were fairly easy today. Husineas on the Stock exchange waa de- preeaed. Kafflra were fiat, operators being engaged In tha carry-over and feeling ap prebenslvn. ss to tha outcome. The labor lirobiwro la largely responaible for the de Cliae in Kamxa. taa ,aluiua4. anarcllw of native labor having a retarding eneci anu preventing the employment of white labor. vi mo tn"" 1111 ' ......... solrileie st 6s M has proved unworkable. uonsni.' were dull. Americans open-a wesa In response to New York, and became Ir- regular on either side of psrlty. There was some hardening later. The features were Ht. Pauls and Iulsvilcs. prices closed sies'iy. mo lintos nardenea ai nmi, du eased, later. PARIS, Julv 25. Three per cent rentei. icof 4, for the account. Spanish 4a, 8I.0&. Huslness opened unsatisfactory on the bourse today, but improved on the re- purchase of rentes. In the last hour thry reacted materially, hut the general market I'M1 V"-1,1.";- J"' m"rK't S.lo8'd Spanish 4s finished aker. Turka sd- . 1. 1 1 v. . ... ,nuupiiiKin n ri r in . . receded on unfavorable New York advlcea. Kaffirs commenced weak on reported forced sales in London, but Improved later. kkhi.in. julv 25. Hume funds and in vestments were firm on the bourse today, Turks were harder on Parle advices. Mlns relapsed on unsatisfactory reports from the manufacturing districts. Exchange on Lon don, 20m 4Xpfgs tot checks. Ulscount rate for short bills, l4 per cent; lor tnres months' hills lu n.r r.nt , KGW YORK STOCKS AKD BONDS. Large Volants of Dealings Expert eared In lllgh-Prlced Stoeka. NEW YORK. Julv 26. Violent price movement and heavy dealings In some of tne nign-pricea stocks were tne cnarac teristica of today's stock market. There waa large realizing at Intervals, both In the stock, which mnv ..nw.rd todav and In others which had prevToualy advanced. The grangers, the Pacifies, the southern trunk lines and the eastern trunk lines all had their Innings In the day's transactions. The effective factors In the day's deal Ir.ga were rumors of great financial opera tions looking to the harmonising and con solidation concentrating control of greet tallroad systems. All these were more or less vague, and none or tnem were ac corded open or official sanction. That reaardinr Rock Island waa the most clearly detlned, and it waa noticeable that that stock, with something like explicit Information to go on, fell out of the fore front of the trading and failed to maintain all of yeeterday'a advance. There waa authoritative Information also that an- otner larae rauroaa system is i iw a-u- sorpea. tne prevailing Denei pointing 10 St. Louis A San Francisco. Assertions that Atchison was to be taken over were I aI.,aI v nn 4.. Tl . . .. -- ..t1n,i, thlnlr 11 . . . . . concerning tst. 1'aui. tne one assigning 11 but without any authentic countenance the.unlon Pacino being most persistent, The southern trunk line consolidation story and the eastern trunk line readjust- ,hll -toclt mark-t without receiving any formal authorisation. Even the supposed Id.'w.. mide to do service by the bulls Ion the theory that the defeat of the Penn- hull -it tnr that rrnnn nf aenuritles. wjille It waa alleged that the Pennsylvania interests were Duying to coniroi aiciunb wltn a view to the tranafer of the trana- continental system In retaliation for the Gould action In Pennsylvania territory- An Incident of the day was tne nerce raid ton Western Union which' forced tt down over three points by half-point drops. The stock closed at a rally of a point. Than la nr.. mine of a gain In cash reserves of over 31,000,000 by the banks now In spite of the week's exports or goia, tne oai ance from the Interior and the excess of disbursements by the subtreasury having been more than offset by the exports. , The I Item of loans, however, Is beyond power of computation. The margei ciosea very Irregular, but witn a tew siocaa i toi. ttnnAm verm firm tnfliv. Total gales, par value, 322.906.000. United States 4s, regis tered, advanced Pf cent n tn lMt call. . . . The follrrwing are ine closing pnuvs the New York Stock exchange: Atchlaoa ' '"4 St. ram pre do &i tM Bo. Parma Bal. Ohio no Bo. Railway do pffl "V a '4 fj Canadlaa Partflo ....lMti Texas Psolfk...;.. 4 Canada Bo l ITolaoo. "t. U, w. w , I nL av R.18M. I At. ntA . ........ M ?jU Chicago. lad. 4k T fWabaak tM, do pfd IW do sfa....... Chloaso A B. III. ...'.214 iWbaeL U J Chlcasu a O. W..A. tl ) do M pfd V. a nrn ..... ii an DlU.e.aeeesoeseae m do Jrt pfd, ..!. t7HWl. cantral n a. J, a A" I ALtl. An n(d S0 do sf d . . ......... t Chlcaso A N. W....M4 Adaois Ex C. R. I. A P 4H Amarlcan Ex Iinitsd BUtaa Ex. .151 .lit Chicago Tar. at it... ii do pfd v iftt C. C. C A Bt. L....1M Walla-rarso Ex.., ..111 Amal. Copper Amor. Car tt F.. Colorado 80 I3H do lat pfd 71 do id pfd 4 do pfd Amor. Lin. Oil... do pfd A mar. 8. 4k R... do pfd A nan. Mining Co Hraokfrn R. T... .. i Det tt Hudaoa V Del. L. W 171 .. SI .. 44 "lM$ Dearer A R. 0 44K do pfd Erie Ms do lat pfd....- aeatcolorado Fual tt I... HH do 3d pid . K9AkirA. ll.l IJ. Oraat Nor. pfd... .Ml Cont. Tobaoco pfd.. .1114 Hocklns Vallar t MVilOen. ElacU-ls 1 Illinois Can'tri"...!.lM Hocaini 01 Int., Panar ....... .. 30 Iowa Central do pta 'n do pfd 86 -LAClvaa ifaa Lake Brie tt W 65 National Blacvll .... National Lead do pfd 118 " IV A. XI No. Amarteaa w Manhattan L...... Mat, Bt. Rr Uav. Cntral .... PArlfta Coaaa. ........ 71 Paclao Mall 40H People's Gas 1MH . to I Max. National .. . MVs ri.n.iirt S. Car 41 Winn. A 8U L.. Mo. Paclflo M., K. tt T do pfd... N. J. Cantral .. U V rAn.nl . .111 do pfd.. ........ .. . . 37 .117H . 10 . 1V Pullman P. car Republic Steal 184 do SIO n AM ftuaar Ml .1614 .. ik Tans. Coal 4k I Norfolk tt W.... Union Baa ak P...... 14' do Dfd .. 94 do pfd av Ontario A W.... . 11X4 U. g. LMtbar 11 '4 rannaylvania ... .lo do Pfd "A 1 Readlna . C7 . 7 U. g. Rubber 14 I a. , ,A do Pfd M do td Dfd V. 8. Bteel nit Bt. l. ft . r.. do pfd. do lat pfd.... Weetai-n Union k do Id pfd . T7'i Am-r. Loeomotlvs., , It. 1. Boutnw.. do pfd K. C Southern ... do pfd 1 do Pfd Bt. Paul ..18.14' Offered. Hew York Money Market. kitw tork. Julv 25. MONET On call steady, 2H"&3 per cent; closing bid and asked, 2ii per cent; prime mercantile paper, 46 per cent. BTERLINCf EXCHANaB-8teady. with actual buslnesa In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand and at 34 85 for sixty days; noated rates. 34. 8644. 88; commercial bills. M.M.'(14.Mv. i' en.VFRRr. E3c! Mexican dollars. 41Ho. t BONDS Government, firmer; state, Inao- I tlve; railroad, firm. The c osing quotauons on doiiub are as follows: V. g. ref. is, ng..,.10T U ft K. ant. 4s.... ..11 do coupon . 1 u i - jtax. to aa..... ..106411 do la Ino .. el do is. rag do coupon ...... do new 4a. rag. do coupon do old 4a, rag.. do coupon do aa, rag do coupon .. 11 ..! Minn, ft Bt. U 4s ..los ..100 ...Ill M.. X. ft T. ...Ill do Is ...10a N. T. Cantral Is.. ...10A do sen. IS ...101VN. J. C. gan. ae.. ...lot INo. Paclfto 4s ...104 do la ... tf'N. ft W. eon. 4a. ...lei Reading gea. 4a.. .. I ..141 ..10 ..1M ..104 Atchison gen. 4s. .. Te do adl. 4a ..101 .. M Bal. ft Ohio 4a... do la 6dt V, ft I M . M. ..11 do conv. 4a 110Bt. U. ft 8 P. 4s, .. M Canada. Bo. la. ..io vat. i b. w. u. Cantral of OA. M....ltl do la do la Ine. 8. A. ft A. P. ni. Av Ohio 4e...iaaA So. Pacldo 4s. ... Chloaio ft A. Ia... .Bo. Hallway is. C, B. ft 4. a. a... M C, M. ft B. P. g. 4a.. 114 Taxaa ft Pacini Is. ..He T., Bt. U. ft W. C ft H. W. . IB....1M C. R. I. ft P. 4a.. ..110 C C C ft Bt 1, f. 4a. 101 Cnloa Paclfta ..104 do conv. 4a. ..lie ..111 Wabaah Is , Chlraa-o Ter. 4e asst do la , do dab. B Weat snort 4a W heal, ft U B. 4a Wla. 'Ceaaral 4a.... ..HI ... Tf Colorado Bo. 4a Mie Denver ft R. O. 4s. .101 113 4 rKrle prior Hen 4s....lM do aensral 41 K 12 P. W. ft D. C. la. ..Ill Van. Tobacco 4s.... Hocking Vl. 4a....lin Boston gtoek notatloaa. BOSTON, July 25. Call loans. 3i94 per cent: time loans, 4fn4V4 per cent, umciai closing of Btocks and bonds Atrhleoo 4s Adventure Oaa la M Alloaas Mel. Cantral 4a.. .. IIV AmAlAAmAte4 .... .. 44 iBIiiehaa .. fli rallimat ek Hecla ..lOl Centennial ..HI ICoppar Hangs ... ,.M0 IDomloloa Coal .. .. 4 'Franklin ft ....174 .... II .... 7H ...1S4 .. 11 .... 14 .... 44 .... Hi .... .... 1.H ....! ::: .... M .. 11 .... 111. .... 10 .... 0 .... 44 .... U .... at N. E. O. C... Atrhleoa ao pt4 Boetoa A Albany tloeloa 4e R..Alna Elevated N. V.. N. H. tt H. tll PHrhhura pfd 144 lela Rojralo Mohawk t nloa ParlBo Ion 01a uominioa ... Meilcaa Central .... r Oeraola Amer. Suer I" Parrot ao afa nW Qviincr Am.rl.aa T. A T....144VeaU Fo Copper Dominion 1. A ...- el Tamarack Gen. Elortrte Ul kfaae. Eletclic 41 do pfo tt1, N. B. O. A C 44 lulled Pn.it IU. I rilled roppef U. 8. Steal lata J S-i v Trliuountala . Trinity rmio4 stAtea t'tak victoria Winona ....... Woleaiiao .... naif Wej ... Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Julv 26. Bank clearings today, 81.134.569.14; corresponding day last year,; Increase, 18.341. ROSTON, July 25. Clearings, 321.091.S39; balancea. 81.8M.561. . HALTIMuRE. July 28. Clearinga. 83.416. 243: balancea. 3433,127; money, 4H per cent. CHICAGO. July 35Clearlngs. IM.Oei.O; lie 'e nrea gtUaVaVaVt Now yAVB airheni-- le premium; foreign exchange, 84. Wi for sixty days, 84.89 for demand. PHILADELPHIA. Julv 25. Clearings. (18,646.432; balances, 82,775,628 money, i'ik per cent. NEW TORK, July 2S. -Clearings, 827L 211.356; balances. tll.67S.HA HT. LOL 13. July 25. Clearings, i,.m,i,,?i; balances. 81,n83.40; money, steady, 6itj6 per cent; New York exchange, par. CINCINNATI, July . Clearings, 550; -money, 8Hi6 per cent; New York ex change, par to loo premium. New York Mining; (Isolations. NEW YORK. July 25.-The following aie the closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Cos.. Allre .. TS chief II .. .. M .. T .. I ..115 ..100 ..in .. .. I Ontario Orihir M HO Arnarlrk On.... I'hneslx Coraatock Twin!., fan. Cl. Va... Ieadwood Tarra .. Horn flllvar Iron 8ltrr ........ LMavllla Cos Potnul 10 I 17 Sarasa Starrs Nerada ytmall Hopva . Standard . Condition of the Treasnrjr. WASHINGTON. July 25. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division 'of redemption, shews: Available cash balance, lta,S75, 1S; gold, 99. 469,548. Wool Market. BOSTON, July 26. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will Bay In tomorrow's re port on the wool trade of the United States: "The market is still highly active, with a free demand from the big combine and outside mills. Well nigh every grade of domeattc wool has figured In the sales and at steadily advancing prices. The rec ord has been broken by a sale of fine me dium Montana staple at 20c, to cost 63o clean. Another high price was 20c for a line of high H-blood Texas of strictly twelve mcnths' growth. Scoured Colorado wool of 1901 clip has been cleaned out of the market. Dealers as well as mills are buy ing In Roston. Reports from Buenos Ayres state that for the first time in ten years there Is no wool on that market The re ceipts of wool In Boston since January 1, 1902. have been 169.867.107 Iba.. againdt 130.- 843.293 lbs. for the same period in lwi. 1 ne Boston shipments to date are 150.801,115 lbfl., agalnat ahlpments of 140,212,799 Iba. for the same period in 1901. The stock on hand In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77.340, 4fil lbs.; the total stock teday Is 96,406.455 lbs. The stock on hand July 27. 1901, was 67.153,026 Iba." LONDON. July 25. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction salea today, numbered 11 044 halea. Comnetltlon waa keen and prices were firm. Merinos were tn good demand. Cross-breds were steady. Follow ing are the sales in detail: New Boutn Wales, 1,000 bales; scoured, 7Ud(1s 8Vid; greasy, SdWls lHd. Queensland, 300 bales; scoured, lOdiWls 8Vtd; greasy, SdfTls. Vlc- . , n. . I 1 . E 1 , ..- C 1 Aunts, A,OUV liniCB, KUUiril, W74'V 1 " .lu, greasy, 3d(fjns 2d. South Australia, 706 ales; scoured, nawis Vrti; greasy, i'iw lia. Tasmania, jkai Dates; scoureo, oym a-resjrv. Sdfflls. New Zealand. 6.500 bales scoured, Migis 4Hd; greasy, 34910d. Cape of Oood. Hope and Natal, 200 bales; scoured. MtdiSrla: greasy. Sd. Funta Arenas. 200 bales; greasy, 4Qd. Spain, 100 bales; leasv. 3eiHd. nosiVlrJ. Julv 25. WOOD Territory wools are gelling; freely, with consid erable new wool being taken as well as old; prices are very strong; fine staple territories, Wfjozc; etnctiy, omaic; nne ana fine medium. 48&49c: medium, 4143c. The supply of Texas wool Is reported to be ceeaingiy small, wnue mere is a guuu for the finer grades. Fine staple haa sold at a good deal above 65c, with even 68a mentioned as an asking price. Fine wools are firmer, following the firmness abroad and the position of fine domestic wools In the country, unio ana Pennsylvania aaa, nominal at 80 31c; XX and abovs, 2829c; X, 2rva27c; Michigan X. U&26c. Delaine and fine combing wools are In a very firm position, with the tendency upwsrd. Ohio flne delaine, 29H31c; Michigan, 2728c; No. 1 washed combing, 2R4T29c; No 2. 27(fr28c; coarse, 232c.. For this market Australian wools are very nrm ana pretty tnorougniy sold; quotations are very firm; combing, ohotce, scoured basis, 757Sc; good, 72374c; average, 70g72c. ST. LOUIS, July 28. WOOD Steady; me dium grades andcomblng, 1518c; light, fine, litfl&cheavy flne, 103il3c; tub-washed, ltVS26c Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 28 COTTON-Futures opened weak; July, 8.17c; August, 8.05c; Beptember,' 7.75c: October, 7.70o; November and December, T.60c: January, 7.62c; Febru ary and March, 7.63c. Spot, quiet; middling uplands, to; miuanng gun, c: saies, 04,401 bales. Futures closed very steady; July, 8 40c; August, 8.22c; September, 7.81c;. Octo- . - --.". - V... T- V. T . n . . n and February, 1.68c; March, T.7e. uvERyuuu juiy s-witun-bpoi, moderate business; prlcea Hd lower; Ameri can middling, 4 27-32d. DA. AjUUIO, Ul J IU., Uir, , middling, 8"c; sales, 13 bales; receipts, 223 bales; shipments, 240 bales; stock, 17,770 bales. GALVESTON, July 85. COTTON (JUlet at 8e. LlvitRTOOij, juiy z&. ctriTuif opoi, moderate business; prices Hd lower; Amer ican middling fair. 6 8-lod; good middling. 4 1t16d; middling. 4 27-32d; low middling. 44id; aood ordinary. 4"d: ordinary. 44d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 1,000 bales were for speculation ana export and Included 7,400 American. Re ceipts, 1,000 bales, all American. Futures cpenea easy ana cipsea very steaay; junor lean miaaiing, g. o. u., wuiy. r-oiu, uuy ers; July and August, 4 40-4fT4 41-4d ; Au gust and September, 4 34-4(&4 35-Md. buy ers; September and October, 4 ZS-fUfc 24-64d, sellers; uctODer ana noranuer, innw, buyers; November and December, 4 14-64d, sellers-. December and January. 4 12-840 41S-e4d. buyers; January and February. 4 13-64104 13-84X1. sellers; r eoruary ana March, 412-64d, buyers; March and April, 412-4d. sellers. NEW OKUSANB, juiy a.-4jui luiN Futures, quiet and ateady; July, 8.7658 79o: Aua-unt. 8.84Mi41.87c: September. 7.86'&7.87c; October. 7.62a7.63c; November,; December, 7.lW.wj January, 7.02a'(').V. Spot, quiet; Bales, zia Dales; orainary, cwu; ' -. TU,. I.a nldillllll ItLn. middling, 813-l(c; good middling. 9e; mid dling fair, tto; receipts, 1,803 balea; stock, m.Xii bales. Oil nnd Rosin. OTT. CTTT. Pa.. July 25. OIL Credit bal- ances, 31.22; certificates, no bid: shipments, 108.268 bbls.; average, 80,244 bbls.; runs, 84.482 bbls.; aversge, 80,421 bbls. TOLEDO, o., juiy . 4il uncnangea. rHART.F.8TON 8. C. July 26.-011- Turpentine and rosin unchanged. SAVANNAH, Ul., juiy z. 4JI1 lurpon. tine, firm, 44Hc. Rosin, firm; A, B and C, 81.10; r, l.lb; 12, i.a; r , !.; .. i.3u; H, $1.70; I, 12.05; K. 12 68; M. 33.05; 1, 3.40; W. O., $3 50; W. W.( 33.70. NEW YORK, July 25. OIL Cottonseed, quiet. Petroleum, ateady. Rosin, steady. Tnrnentlne. oulet. LIVERPOOL. July . OIL-Splrltg of turpentine, quiet, B4S. LONDON, July 25. OIL Linseed, 80b. Turpentine spirits, 83a 3d. Rosin, American trained, 4s va. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. July 25. COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7, invoice, 6c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 88ilV4c. Futurea opened steady. with nriees uncnanaeo. ana aunng ine aay. r. a small way, followed an Irregular course, at one time being 6 points net higher on active general demand, led by shorts and the clique, and then later losing the Improvement and easing off 6 polnta further before the close, which waa ateady and net unchanged to 6 points lower. Bales amounted to 78.500 bags. Including i.iiv mt Kki6.36c: August. 6.2S6.35c; Sep tember. .KiiS.3So: October. 620c; Novem- k.. livnb: December. 6.2(ft.30c: Janu ary', 1.25c; March, 6.803fi.40c; May, 6.400 5 46c; June, Q4PQ. Evapornted Apples and Dried Frnlts, NEW TORK, July 25. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continuea quiet, with spot valuea largely nominal; common to good are quoted at 8 10c; prime, lo Vtl lic ; li.HL.- fanrv. Iltj4n'12c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes for future delivery are fairly active, with kniA.n inclined to ask a slight advance. particularly on Santa Claras. Spota are firm at prlcea ranging from S4(564c for all grades. Apricots are In moderate request, with prices unchsnged at 1oV(i14c in boxes and lOviafltc In baga. Peachea are firm, but without apeclal feature. Peeled . peaches are quoted at from Uo to 16o and unpeeled at P4 Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK, July 25.-DRY GOODS-VThe market today haa ruled quiet In all de partments, the demand beliiat barely up to the average of the previous week daya. wim clotha are Inactive at previous prices. t.lnens ruled quiet and unchanged. Bur. lapa are dull and slightly lowe than last week. MANCHESTER. July 26 DRY GOODS Dull, with a limited Inquiry. Yarns, quiet and uncnangeu. Sstar Market. NEW YORK. July 25 BI'OAR Raw firm; fair renning, ceninrugai, w teat ikr' miilfmri auaar. 2Sc: refined, firm. NEW ORLEANS. July 25.-810A R Mar. ket strong; open kettle, 3Hi3 3-16c;.epen kettle centrifugal. Italic: centrifugal yel low, 8HO'4c; seconoa. l'aAio.wo. Muiasaea, 4uUi oauitrlfugaL fcala OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Vtrj Few Cattle ea tale, bnt Beef Steen Wer aUthtr Blow. HOG MARKET ADVANCED ANOTHER DIME Sheen aasl l.atnbs Contlnnet( In Good Demand at Knlly Meady Prices and l.nmba Mold nt the High eat Prlra of the Year. SOUTH OMAHA, July 26. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tueauay Official Vednesdav .... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. i.2Sti 6.413 3.1K3 .. 4.173 10.631 .. 1 6.-0 t.jit ,. 1,4!9 6.444 .. 664 4.510 Oftlcial Thursday OlMclal Friday Five days this week .10.178 83,540 27,370 Same days last week. .. .14.294 21.2'JO 22,7rl Sme week before 11.7H9 22,776 l.3i2 Pi.me three weeks ago.. 7.2'W o.mi 17,044 Same four weeks ago.... 3.3m& 49.414 18.4nJ Bume days last year. ...11,761 4o,013 37,242 RKCE1PT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, wltli comparisons with last year: 1302. 1901. Ine. Deo. Cattle 4C.424 86. SSI 33,043 Hogs l,4.a.',t7 1.4(.81 72,371 Sheep ool.tlutj 57k. 430 77.8J3 The following table shows the Average price or hoga sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with lormer years: Date. 1902. 1S01.100.1K.1S96.1897.1SM. July 1.. July 1.. July 3.. July 4.. July ....( 7 HHf juiy ... July v. Jugy 8... Juiy ... July 10.. July 11.. July 12.. July 13.. July 14.. July 15.. July 16.. July 17.. July 18... July 19.. July 20.. July 21.. July 22.. July 23.. July 24.. July 25.. 8 821 8 35 3 38 t 97 7 62W 7 41 HI 8, 2 97 2 79i 3 27! 2 68 7 32ftl 5 71 5 15 7 411 a 701 6 .161 4 261 821 3 zr z n 3 361 3 92 1 S3 7 631 6 74 ' t 4 81 3 8! Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Roads. Cattle. Hoas. Bh'D. U'ses. u., m. Ht. f. 1-ty Wabaah Ry .. Missouri Paclflo Ry.. Union Pacific system 4 C. & N. W. Ry F...E. & M. V. R. R... 12 C. St. P.. M. & O.... B. & M. Ry 1 7 8441 6 81 I 8 781 8 81! I 181 I 86 I 4 t S3 4 82 I 3 61 3 14 1 1 J 3 6 74 i 01 3 781 I 3 211 3 to ee I a a I ao I a I aa 6 78 I 081 3 78 I 86f f 6 71 6 161 3 831 3 661 S 231 I 87 7 75 11 3 81 3 76 3 28 3 T 62 (83 3868 81 8 82 304 Sxu 6 83 8 13 8 78 3 Si 3 M 7 83HS86tl3t0 2 28 2 7 7 7 5 9a5O483 70 24 7 77Vi I 5 I 02 4 OtJ 8 73 8 IS 8868 13 403 82 3 14 3 7 IT'S 6 08 4 116 8 77 8 15 8 00 7 7 V 77 8 99 3 77 3 17 8 06 7 12 6 64 t 02 8 82 3 20 3 07 7 72 6564944 01 8 25 1 7 7 7374. 6 68 4 87 4 16 3 82 3 98 T t. 1 A A DAI A OC a OOl O Ml O wv-m w v. a ,ii a o a o-'i m - 6 69 4 9SI 4 181 8 86 8 35 5 07 4 21 3 81 ? 681 I 4 34 . , . . 7 10 t 23 'i' Y. 9 4 44) X 1 ' 65 U "i C, B. & Q. Ry K.. c at Bt, J. Ky C, R. I. A P., east.. .. Illinois Central Ry , mm, Totals 28 The dlDoslt'on of the day's receipts wag as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot need inencatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 899 968 Hi Swirt and Company....... 30 Cudahy Packing Co 67 Armour & Co 58 Omaha P. Co.. K. C 127 968 1.129 1,040 il764 1.250 R. Becker & Dgan 6 Hammond ... Hill & Hutslnger Livingstone & Schaller.... 1 620 Hamilton 4k Rothschild.... 8 Otter buyers 11 162 Totals 700 y. 4.616 8,278 CATTLE There wag an extremely light run of cattle here today, and In fact there were so few that if one packer had bought them a it there would have been no more than enough ror a good killing. That being tha caae, buyers were rather Indifferent and the market was not what would be called active. The supply for the week shows a Blight decrease as compared with last week, but there Is not much change aa compared with the same days of last year. The beet steer trade In particular waa very alow and sellers had a hard time to get steady prices. There were some cattle good enough to bring 37.85. but aside from those the quality was Just fair. Trading waa very slow from start to finish, and in some caaea salea looked a little lower than the same kinds sold for yesterday. The best that could be said of the market la that It was slow but nearly steady. The cow market did not ghow much change from yesterday. Buyers took hold In fairly good ahape and bought up what was offered in good season at just about steady prices. As there were only a few on sale It did not take long to clear the pen. Bulls, veal calves nrf stags also aold In Just about the same notches they did yes terday. There were only a few gtoekers and feeders on Bale, and as la generally the caae at the close of the week, not many were wanted. There waa a good demand from the country yesterday, however, so that the few good bunches that were of. fered for sale today brought Just about steady prices. Common kinds, though. were very slow sale, 'ine lew western cat tle that arrived today met with ready sale at just about steady prices. They con sisted mostly of cows and where they were at all good thsv sold In good season at steady prices. Representative gales 1 BEEF BTEERS. tie. Av. Pr. No. Ay rr. 1 dtv 1 a . ei. 4a s ao 3 1046 I M 41 114 t 0 K IM ID 1 -....14 t 10 II DO ID 46 V....1U4 t W U 1140 4 M STEERS AND HEIFER. W W I 70 u w a. f T7I 3 36 10 Kl IN 1 1140 3 10 ' . 1 f I t 1040 II. 1110 I lo 4 twl I ft 1 ...10M 4 00 1 166 3 00 BULLS. 1 IH IH 1 100 3 Tl 1 1IU 3 70 a 1140 ( Sf, 1 MM 3 7 1 11M 8 10 HtSllTlSKB. 3 an 1 00 4 .. Kl 3 48 1..-. , to 4 00 STOCK CALVES. 110 I 00 1 W 4 78 S40 I 76 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. , 71U 1 74 NEBRASKA. 92 COWB..... 897 3 25 6 COWS 860 I 00 1 COWS XZ5 IBS SCOWS 11X1 m W 11 cr.w.. ' .1060 3 36 8 feeders. .1084 4 50 HOGS There was a light run of hoga Vir mdav. ao that sellers took advantage of the oppbrtunlty to force prices a little higher. The market openeo rainy active and about a dime higher than yesterosy. Later In the day trading oecame etui more active and as there were none too many hnii to meet tne requirements or local packers the market got a little atronger and the clone waa a big dime higher. The nualltv of the onerings was notning extra, as there seemed to be more packing sows snd lens good, fat hogs. Tha bulk of the hogs of guoa quality soia rrom (t oo to 41 nu and from mat up to ai.im. ine duik o the Decking grades sold from 37.60 down. . Today's advance carries the market ahnnt back to where It waa on Monday, but as comparea witn a weea ago tooay there Is a decline 01 iuuy ik. nepresenta' tlve sales: No. 73... 71... 41... 11... 74... 7... 74... 41.., 14... 47... 44... 40... 7... 41. ., tl.., at. Bh. Pr. No. 41... 44... 14.... 41... ' 41... 61... 41... 44... At. Sh. Ir. .146 40 1 46 . 110 1 14 .161 140. 1 44 .141 ... 1 64 .12 ... 1 16 .T ... 1 41 .111 140 1 4 .Iftl ... 1 44 .124 ... 1 44 .mo 40 1 46 .It 110 T ao .214 40 1 47 .tut ... 1 47V .160 SO 1 40 .111 40 1 M .114 110 1 W .14 ... 110 .14T SO 1 40 .114 44 1 40 .167 U0 1 40 .160 .A. 1 40 .111 140 t 44 rzl lio 1 40 141 110 1 45 Ill ... 164 161 40 7 66 161 114 1 66 Ill tvO 1 44 134 40 1 66 ta 40 1 46 140 40 1 46 124 140 1 66 It 41 44 44 41 .la 40 1 44 Tl 161 40 1 46 .136 140 1 44 116 110 1 44 144 120 1 6 166 1M 1 64 241 ... 1l74j 71 8W 74 M4 40 t 40 41 74 (1 71 Tl TO 44... 14 40 Tl Tl TT ..110 tOO 1 40 ..Ki4 40 1 40 ..111 40 1 44 ,.t4 N I U ..111 140 1 US ..tit ... til" ..141 114 1 ..111 ... 1 f-2'4 ..ill 114 1 &', ..1S4 44 1 ll'l ..tM 140 t ..HI M 1 i:4 ..a ei ? m a .... a. .tea lee t it .It4 40 1 IT 44 IkO 40 1 SO 41 VI 40 1 40 41 171 114 1 40 11 ta ... 1 40 64 140 40 1 40 61 1.11 ... 140 44 174 44 1 4!4j 64 !4 40 1 10 10 114 ... 1 10 41 ttl ... Ill II suff-P There were about ten cars Of .1 . - , mm sheep and lambs here today, so that the supply for the weeg la neavier tnan 10 tha earns daya of last week, and about tin Bums aa for the same days of last year Packers were all anxloua tor auppiica, an aa a result a good ateady. active marke was experienced. Wethers and yeeriiivg miinl a,, lit aa hlrh aa tl. and a Strln; m,t laanb ec" k teVIS whicli ta tne Alehs price paid so far this year. They were better bunch of lam hs, however, than h.s been here before this 'year. A goo.l part of the receipts waa sold to arrive, so that trie actual numn. r on aaie waa not very large, and everything waa disposed of In good season. Feeders continued In goon demand at fully steady prices, with the supply very light. Uuotatlons for clipped stock: Good to choice yearlings, l4.fxi-ij4.7o; fair to good, 14 o)4.oli; good to choice wethers, 34.10i4.36; lair to gooa wether. 83.ti44.1o; good to choice ewes, 33. inu4.tl: fslr to good ewes, 3.1 IMi 3 76 ; good to choice spring lambs, 3A00 vs.z; fair to goon spring lambs. ..7htf-W'; leedet wethers. 33.0O4i3.25: feeder yearl'ngs. t-t.lo443.50: feeder lambs. 33ona390: feeder ewes, il.ij'a'.-'A. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 112 Nrbriska sheep 61 I,i6l Idaho ewea and wethers... 88 8 6! 4 25 4 4 40 15 15 20 Idaho yearling wethers S9 Idaho yearling wethers...... 85 7 64 68 327 Idaho spring lambs 814 Idaho spring lambs CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady, Hogs Higher and Sweep nnd Lambs Lower. CHtrinn ti k r'AT-rttr T.ir,ts 3. b"0 head, including 2,000 Texans; market steariy; good to orime steers, nominal. $7.8&4j8.70; poor to medium, 34.60if7.80: stock., era and feeders 82.(0 6 26; cows, 81.60i96 50; neiters K.2ryB 6"; fanners. l.60tf2 60; buns t2.264i6.25; calves. 32.504is.E0: Texas fed steers, 34.0Oj6.00; western Bteer. IB 60. 11UV4B Kceipta, t.W) head; catlmatnq tomorrow, 8,0u0; left over. 2.600: market S-iilOo higher; mixed butchers, 37.2tlt7.0; good to choice heavy, 37.7rMf7.82yk; rough heavy, 87.2.MI7.60; light, 86.75'7.70; bulk of salea, 7 46j7.70. . SHEEP AND LAMPS ReceipU. 8,000 head; aheep lower and dull, lambs lower; good to choice wethers, 34.0OT4.76; fair to choice mixed, 82.75(4.00; weetern sheep, 32.504.75; native lambs, 33.607.00. Official yesterday: , Receipts. Shipments. Cattle, 8.273 8.008 Hogs 10.655 2.' a Sheep 19,020 694 Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. K ANSA 8 CITY. July 25 CATTLE Re ceipts, kuO heed natives, 600 head quaran tine, 130 head quarantine calves, 40 head native calves; natives, nominally steady; quarantine steady; stockera and feeders, steady to lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. 37.50 00; fair to good. 33 Vp 7.65; stockers and feeders, 32.252M. 90; west ern fed steers, 34.0Ofi.OO; Texas and Indian steers, 33.lrXa4.26; Texas cows, $2.80(83.00; native cows, $l.7xfr6.06: native heifers, 32.80 fcA.00; canners, Sl.26e4.76; bulla, 33.lOtT4.00; calves, 3.ao6.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,350 head; market Mf 10c higher, cloning firm; top. 37.76; bulk of sale. S7.SMr7.0; heavy, $7i7Hf?7.7!ri mixed packers. 37 .mrfM; light. 9Tk7.47H; york er.37.8r"S'7.47; pigs, I6.6ti.90. feHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 630 head; market firm; lambs, lower: native lamha, S4.4MpS.30; western lamba. 8S.2iVff6.00; native wethers. 84-3)6.16: western wethers, 33 f. 4.76; fed ewes, V1.66jH.0; Texas clipped yearlings, 33.75(94.66; Texas clipped sheep, 33.404(3.(5; Blockers and feeders, I2.8O93.20. New York Live (took Market. . NEW YORK, July to. BEEVES Re ceipts, 8,673 head; steers firm and log-loo lower; bulls and cows dull: steers, 36.009 7.00: no strictly prime here; bulls, 33.fwvffR.00; cows, 82.0Oig4.40; fat heifers, 85.0CA&S.26. Cablea quoted live cattle lower at 14H9 16Vc, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, steady at 1313Hc; ahlpments, 810 head cattle and 2.K) quarters of beef; estimated tomorrow, 600 head cattle and 4,608 quarters of beef. ..9AYE8TRece,Pt"' 107 fc'0: A""! u, 4.6(VS'7.50; choice, ,7.76. HOGS-Recelpts, 1,898 head; state, 88; mixed western, 87.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,221 head; 10 cars on Bale; sheep, firmer; Iambs, t. Lonls Live Stock Mnrket. jST. LOTJI8, July 25 CATTL15 Receipts, 2.000 head. Including 1.700 bead Texas; mar ket dull, steady; native shipping and ex port steers, - 88 00417.50, with extra fancy worm up to s.ft; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.50iSi7.25i steers under 1,000 Ibg., 83.00 P-26; stockers and feeders, S3.2wtf6.00; cows and heifers, 12.25(.50; canners, 11.752 86: Skiillai BVI eye rfsA t . . 1 . . n,a aa..a a, A mJM uiAi.ai, mm. iuhi.uu; caAivea, ao.ouq,ou; iexag and Indian steers, S3.00ig6.76; cow aad heifers, S1403.60. HOGS Receipts 2.000 head; market lOo hlaher; pigs and lights, 37.30(7.o. packers. 37.5XM.70: butchers, 37.6R(ff8.0o7 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1200 head; market steady; native muttons, 84.00 &264.76rab' M-7646J eul1" n1 bticka. St. Joseph Live Iteek Market. file TOOPOU Tt. . . win. w w. celpts, 611 head; steady; natives, 34.503 8.26' rowa anrl Vi f-a ei rjuft a w. 1 - S2.6O.O0; balls and stags, 2.60a43.25'; stock- era ana reeaers, fz.tn mya. 10. huus Keceipts, 2,896 Lead; 10c higher; llo-Vi arA llvh, mlvul ecT an. and heavy, S7.4&87.76; pigs,' 4.1iig.U bulk, S7.4Gi37.70. BHKEP Receipts, 684 bead; steady. Sloan City Live Steck Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. la.. July 25. (Sneelal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; market steady; beeves, 36.60iQ7.25; cows, bulls snd mixed, 82.605.00; stockers and feeders, 32 50 64.60; yearlings and calves; $2.6Off4.00. HOGS Receipts, 2,000; market 10o higher: selling,, I7.204f7.60; bulk, 2.3&0j7.45. took In Sight. The following table shows the racatnta nf cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets for July 26: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 4 4.610 3.18 Chicago 3. M0 9,000 Kansas City l.ro 2.350 St. Louis 2,C 2,000 Bt. Joseph. SIX 8.896 Totals 5.J45 20,755 18.447 Visible Snpply of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. July 28.-8ecretarv Hester's statement of the world's visible upply of cotton shows the total visible SB 1.909.288 bales, of which 1,188,286 bales are American cotton. ., Deadlock In Texaa District. DUBLIN. Tex.. July 26. The democratic congressional convention for the Twelfth district In session here has taken 8,500 bal lots without cnoice. The balloting pro ceeds with good humor on all sides, but there Is an absolute deadlock between the three candidates. THIS REALTY MARKET, INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday, juiy : Warranty Deeds. Mary C. Thaw to Presbyterian Theo- logicay seminary, undivio-11 lots l ana 4. block H. Omaha I 1 H. J. Grove and wife to A. H. Msrman, lots 11 and 12, diock 2S, Benson add.... xw Q. C, Todd and wife to Benson Land Syndicate, lot 20 block 18, Henson.... 1 P. E. Nelson and wife to Charleston Realty company, lota 21 and 22, block 8. Mlrsourl avenue park lot) Charleston Reglty company to H. C. Hiulnn, same sun llt Clnlna Deeds. J. ta Welsh and wife to J. R. Webster, lot 0, biocg luz, ununi 1 Total amount of transfers, .3608 GOVERNMENT XOTICSS, f HTEIP QUARTERMASTER'S OrFTCE. Omaha, Neb.. July 23, '.Sealed pro poxate. In triplicate, will l reeslved at this omce, ana ei unn. , idih,..,., w. Fort Reno, Okie., until 10 a. tn., tantral time, August 12. 1902, for furnishing 226,0u0 pounds oata at Port Reno, Okla. Proposals lOr OrUVVI fc uww, vvum m,.t. vv r ,,,,. - Lined U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all propoaals. or any part thereof. Information fumlnhed on applica tion here, or 10 quartermaster at po named. Envelopes containing proposals ahould be marked "Proposals for Oats." addreeaed to undersigned or to Quartermaa- ter Port Reno, Okla. C. Q. M. I-Jy24-25-2-28-A8-9 OFFICE CON8TRITCTINO QUARTER MASTER. Observatory Office Building, Deg Molnea. Iowa, July 26. 19 2. Sealed pro poaala. In triplicate, v. I'.I be received here until t p. m., Auguat 2o. 19ii2, for construo Ing. plumbing electrlo wiring, steam heat ing and gaa piping at Fort Dea Moines, Iowa. 1 field officers' quartera. 3 double se's officers' quarters, 2 double seta non-eom-mlaaloned (ifncers1 quarters, 1 double cav alry barrack. 8 cavalry atables, 1 guard bouse, 1 administration building. 1 hospital, I hipiil auward'g quartera. 1 h'-7 ahed. 1 granary, 1 magaslne, 1 oil house. Inform, stlon furnished on sppllcatlon here or at Depot Quartermaster a Offlcea In Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo., Omaha, Neb., and bt. Paul, Minn. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all propoaals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing propoaals ahould be endorsed, Propoaals for ' raed R. B. Turner, Q M. July t n AO BMt